Measurement noise is a random fluctuation in electrical signals that can interfere with the accuracy of measurements in electronic circuits. It can arise from various sources, including mechanical and electrical interference, and can be categorized into series mode and common mode noise. Effective design aims to minimize noise, but signal processing is often required to handle residual noise, with the signal-to-noise ratio being a key metric for assessing the impact of noise on measurement accuracy.
Measurement noise is a random fluctuation in electrical signals that can interfere with the accuracy of measurements in electronic circuits. It can arise from various sources, including mechanical and electrical interference, and can be categorized into series mode and common mode noise. Effective design aims to minimize noise, but signal processing is often required to handle residual noise, with the signal-to-noise ratio being a key metric for assessing the impact of noise on measurement accuracy.
Measurement noise is a random fluctuation in electrical signals that can interfere with the accuracy of measurements in electronic circuits. It can arise from various sources, including mechanical and electrical interference, and can be categorized into series mode and common mode noise. Effective design aims to minimize noise, but signal processing is often required to handle residual noise, with the signal-to-noise ratio being a key metric for assessing the impact of noise on measurement accuracy.
Measurement noise is a random fluctuation in electrical signals that can interfere with the accuracy of measurements in electronic circuits. It can arise from various sources, including mechanical and electrical interference, and can be categorized into series mode and common mode noise. Effective design aims to minimize noise, but signal processing is often required to handle residual noise, with the signal-to-noise ratio being a key metric for assessing the impact of noise on measurement accuracy.
signal and is a characteristic of all electronic circuits. It can be an interruption or interference of a wanted signal from an unwanted signal. • Errors are often created in measurement systems when electrical signals from measurement sensors and transducers are corrupted by induced noise. • This induced noise arises both within the measurement circuit itself and also during the transmission of measurement signals to remote points. • The aim when designing measurement systems is always to reduce such induced noise voltage levels as far as possible. However, it is usually not possible to eliminate all such noise, and signal processing has to be applied to deal with any noise that remains. Causes of Measurement Noise • Mechanical interference • Electrical interference • Fluctuations in the electromagnetic field • Fluctuations in electron movement. • How can these causes be limited? Major sources of Noise • Noise voltages can exist either in serial mode or common mode forms • Serial mode noise voltages act in series with the output voltage from a measurement sensor or transducer, which can cause very significant errors in the output measurement signal. • Common mode noise voltages are less serious, because they cause the potential of both sides of a signal circuit to be raised by the same level, and thus the level of the output measurement signal is unchanged.
• However, common mode voltages do have to
be considered carefully, since they can be converted into series mode voltages in certain circumstances. • The extent to which series mode noise corrupts measurement signals is measured by a quantity known as the signal-to-noise ratio. This is defined as: • Signal-to-noise ratio = 20log10(Vs/Vn) • where Vs is the mean voltage level of the signal and Vn is the mean voltage level of the noise. • In the case of a.c. noise voltages, the root- mean squared value is used as the mean. • Noise can be generated from sources both external and internal to the measurement system. • Induced noise from external sources arises in measurement systems for a number of reasons that include: • proximity to mains-powered equipment and cables (causing noise at the mains frequency) • proximity to fluorescent lighting circuits (causing noise at twice the mains frequency), • Proximity to equipment operating at audio and radio frequencies (causing noise at corresponding frequency) • Switching of nearby d.c. and a.c. circuits • Corona discharge (both of the latter causing induced spikes and transients). Note: • Internal noise includes thermoelectric potentials, shot noise and potentials due to electrochemical action. Forms of electronic noise • Inductive coupling • Capacitive (electrostatic) coupling • Electrochemical potentials • Shot noise • Noise due to multiple earths • Thermoelectric potentials Inductive coupling • The primary mechanism by which external devices such as mains cables and equipment, fluorescent lighting and circuits operating at audio or radio frequencies generate noise is through inductive coupling. • If signal-carrying cables are close to such external cables or equipment, a significant mutual inductance M can exist between them, and this can generate a series mode noise voltage of several millivolts given by Vn=MI where I is the rate of change of current in the mains circuit Capacitive (electrostatic) coupling • Capacitive coupling, also known as electrostatic coupling, can also occur between the signal wires in a measurement circuit and a nearby mains-carrying conductor • The magnitude of the capacitance between each signal wire and the mains conductor is represented by the quantities C1 and C2 Electrochemical potentials • These are potentials that arise within measurement systems due to electrochemical action. • Poorly soldered joints are a common source. Shot noise • Shot noise occurs in transistors, integrated circuits and other semiconductor devices. • It consists of random fluctuations in the rate of transfer of carriers across junctions within such devices. Noise due to multiple earths • As far as possible, measurement signal circuits are isolated from earth. • However, leakage paths often exist between measurement circuit signal wires and earth at both the source (sensor) end of the circuit and also the load (measuring instrument) end. • This does not cause a problem as long as the earth potential at both ends is the same. • However, it is common to find that other machinery and equipment carrying large currents is connected to the same earth plane. • This can cause the potential to vary between different points on the earth plane. • This situation, which is known as multiple earths, can cause a series mode noise voltage in the measurement circuit. Thermoelectric potentials • Whenever metals of two different types are connected together, a thermoelectric potential (sometimes called a thermal e.m.f.) is generated according to the temperature of the joint. • This is known as the thermoelectric effect and is the physical principle on which temperature-measuring thermocouples operate. • Such thermoelectric potentials are only a few millivolts in magnitude and so the effect is only significant when typical voltage output signals of a measurement system are of a similar low magnitude. Noise in the form of voltage transients • When motors and other electrical equipment (both a.c. and d.c.) are switched on and off, large changes of power consumption suddenly occur in the electricity supply system. • This can cause voltage transients (‘spikes’) in measurement circuits connected to the same power supply. Such noise voltages are of large magnitude but short time duration. • Corona discharge can also cause voltage transients on the mains power supply. This occurs when the air in the vicinity of high voltage d.c. circuits becomes ionized and discharges to earth at random times.