X-RAY Generators
X-RAY Generators
X-RAY Generators
X-RAY generators
• The major components of an X-ray generator are the tube, the
high voltage generator, the control console (contro unit), and
the cooling system.
• X-rays are generated by directing a stream of high speed
electrons at a target material such as tungsten , which has a
high atomic number .
• When the electrons are slowed or stopped by the interaction
with the atomic particles of the target, X-radiation is produced.
• This is accomplished in an X-ray tube.
• The X-ray tube is one of the components of an X-ray generator
and tubes come a variety of shapes and sizes.
High Voltage Power Supply
• A high voltage power supply is an important
component of an X-ray generation system.
• The filament uses a relatively small voltage supply
to cause small currents (mV) in the filament, while
the anode of the tube requires a large voltage
supply to maintain a high positive charge for
acceleration of the electrons.
• A transformer supplies voltages to the filament (low
voltage to the filament ) and anode (high voltage to
the anode).
• Transformers are electromagnetic devices that allow a
voltage of alternating current to be changed; the voltage
may be increased or decreased.
• Two common types of transformers which are of
importance to X-ray generation are step-up and step-down.
• Transformers are comprised of two sets of windings (coiled
conductors) that are electrically isolated from each other.
• One set of windings is connected to a power supply and is
known as the primaries.
• The other set of windings is connected to a load (in this case
the X-ray tube) and is referred to as the secondary windings.
• The tube cathode (filament) is heated with a low-voltage current of a few
• The filament heats up and the electrons in the wire become loosely held.
• A large electrical potential is created between the cathode and the anode
by the high-voltage generator.
• Many types of x-ray tubes have existed. Electrons that break free of the
cathode are strongly attracted to the anode target. The stream of electrons
between the cathode and the anode is the tube current. The tube current
• is measured in milliamps and is controlled by regulating the low-voltage,
heating current applied to the cathode
• . the higher the temperature of the filament, the larger the number of
electrons that leave the cathode and travel to the anode. The milliamp or
current setting on the control console regulates the filament temperature,
which relates to the intensity of the X-ray output.
• The high-voltage between the cathode and the anode
• affects the speed at which the electrons travel and strike the anode.
• The higher the kilovoltage, the more speed and, therefore, energy
the electrons have when they strike the anode.
• Electrons striking with more energy results in X-rays with more
penetrating power.
• The high-voltage potential is measured in kilovolts, and this is
controlled with the voltage or kilovoltage control on the control
• An increase in the kilovoltage will also result in an increase in the
intensity of the radiation
• .
The Control Unit
• The third essential component to a standard
X-ray system is the control unit, which controls
the energy and intensity of the radiation being
• There are three principle controls to a
standard X-ray system, which are the current
(mA) control, the voltage (kV) control, and a
control console
• Consoles typically have a keyed lock to prevent
unauthorized use of the system. They will have a
button to start the generation of X-rays and a
button to manually stop the generation of X-rays.
• The three main adjustable controls regulate the
tube voltage in kilovolts, the tube amperage in
milliamps, and the exposure time in minutes and
• Some systems also have a switch to change the
focal spot size of the tube.
Current Control
• current control
The current control on an X-ray system commonly includes some type of a panel meter or digital display with units
of miliampers (mA). The control is a rheostat connected to the circuit that allows adjustment of the current in the
filament of the X-ray tube. Adjusting the current being applied to the filament results in variations in the radiation
intensity. Remember that the filament provides the electrons for interaction with the target . When the tube
current is varied, the number of electrons being supplied to the anode (target) varies.
• Voltage Control
• The voltage control on an X-ray system is similar to the current control in that it includes some type of metered
display and a rheostat in the circuit. The units of the meter are usually kilovolts and the control is often labeled
kV. This voltage is the electrical potential between the anode and the cathode of the tube and is referred to as
the tube voltage . Variations in the tube voltage affects the energy of the radiation ; penetrating power varies
with the voltage. Increasing the tube voltage increases the speed of the electrons interacting with the target.
Remember from our previous discussions that the energy of radiation is a function of the wavelength .
Increasing the energy results in a shorter wavelength X-ray photon, which has greater penetrating power.
• Time Control
• It may be an analog or digital display of some sort. The function of the timer is simply to control the duration of
the exposure, in other words, how much time the tube is generating radiation. it is, however, connected to the
circuits of the system. When the time has elapsed, the system shuts down and no more radiation will be
produced until the system is reset