Practical No.8 RC time constant
Practical No.8 RC time constant
Practical No.8 RC time constant
II. Apparatus:
DC power supply, DMM, capacitor, resistance, dual switch, stop watch, and
banana plug wires.
III. Theory
A. Charging
The RC circuit in figure 1 below consists of a capacitor C and a resistance R
connected in series to a voltage source ε, at time zero the capacitor is uncharged,
this means that Q0=0 at t=0. When the switch S1 is closed, charge will start
accumulating on the capacitor hence C starts charging.
By applying Kirchhoff’s voltage loop KVL, the charge Q(t) as a function of time on
the capacitor is given by
Q(t ) C (1 e RC
) 1
Since the voltage on the capacitor is related to the charge on it by V=Q/C, thus;
V (t ) (1 e RC
) 2
Let us consider the case when the time t=RC, this is called the time constant τ of the
circuit, substituting this in equation 2, we get;
V (t RC ) (1 e1 ) (1 ) 0.63 3
Therefore the time constant τ=RC of the circuit is the time needed for the
potential difference across the capacitor V(t) to reach 0.63 of the maximum voltage
(the maximum voltage is ε ).
B. Discharging
In this part of the experiment we will consider the charged capacitor C with an
initial potential difference ε0 at the time we turn the switch S1 off and turn the
switch 2 S2 on so the initial charge will be Q0=C ε0 (Figure 2). When S2 is on the
initially charged capacitor C starts to discharge through the resistance according to
the relation
t t
Q(t ) Q0 e RC
Let us also consider the case when the time t=RC equals to the time constant τ of
the circuit, by substituting this in equation 5, we get;
V (t RC ) e 1 0.37 6
Therefore the time constant τ of this circuit is the time needed for the potential
difference across the capacitor V(t) to drop to 0.37 of its maximum voltage (ε0).
2- Use the DMM to measure the values of the resistance and the Capacitor and
calculate the time constant τ
R = …………………..Ohm C = ……..……………Farad
τ =RC= ...............................second
3- Connect the circuit Figure 1 without turning the power supply on, pay attention
to the polarity of the capacitor!
4- Set the power supply voltage ε to about 5 Volts (or as instructed) then Turn on
voltage to about and start taking the voltages for the charging case as a function
of time and fill in the charging part of Table 1 below. Wait enough time up to
your DMM reading is very close to the power supply reading ε.
Measure ε=..................Volts.
5- Plot the charging time as a function the voltage across the capacitor V(t).
Plot time versus
V (t )
6- Plot time t versus ln and deduce the time constant τ.
τ =............................
7- Compare the deduced time constant from the plot to the calculated τ in step 2
above and calculate the error.
B. Capacitor discharging
1- Write down the maximum charging voltage ε0 of the capacitor ε0=...................
2- Turn switch1 S1 off and switch2 S2 on and start taking the voltages for the
discharging case as a function of time and fill them in Table 1 below. Wait
enough time up to your DMM reading is very close zero volts.
3- Plot the discharging time as a function the voltage across the capacitor V(t).
V (t )
4- Plot time t versus ln and deduce the time constant τ.
τ =.......................
5- Compare the deduced time constant τ from the plot to the calculated τ in step 2
above and calculate the error.
0 ε0 =
ε0 =
Table 1