PII: S0927-7757(17)31000-2
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.colsurfa.2017.11.011
Reference: COLSUA 22058
Please cite this article as: Mohan K.R.Konduri, Pedram Fatehi, Designing anionic lignin
based dispersant for kaolin suspensions, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and
Engineering Aspects https://doi.org/10.1016/j.colsurfa.2017.11.011
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Designing anionic lignin based dispersant for kaolin suspensions
Lakehead University,
Graphical abstract
To generate effective dispersants for kaolin suspensions, it is important to study how the properties
of dispersants affect their performance in suspensions. In this work, kraft lignin was modified via
oxidation with nitric acid under varied conditions to produce oxidized lignin (OL) with different
charge densities and molecular weights. The effects of anionic charge density and molecular
weight of the lignin based products on the dispersion and sedimentation of kaolin particles were
studied fundamentally. The adsorption of OLs on particles as well as the changes in the zeta
potential, relative turbidity, hydrodynamic diameter and sedimentation of particles under static
studies suggested that both charge density and molecular weight had great impacts on the stability
of kaolin particles. Sample OL8 with the charge density of -3.6 meq/g and molecular weight (Mw)
of 30,243 g/mol was the most effective dispersant for kaolin suspension. The hydrophilicity of
OLs were similar and thus did not affect the dispersion analysis.
Keywords: oxidized lignin, dispersion, charge density, colloid, polymer adsorption, molecular
1. Introduction
Kaolin suspensions have been studied widely as raw materials for ceramic, paper and other
chemical industries [1,2] Also, kaolin suspensions (0.2-25 wt.%) have been used in health care
formulations and pharmaceutical applications [3-6]. In these suspensions, the fluidity of kaolin
particles without settling is crucial to produce final products with acceptable properties while
maintaining the production and energy costs low [7]. The stability of kaolin suspensions depends
on the size and interaction between the kaolin particles [8]. The fluidity of kaolin suspensions can
be enhanced by using dispersants [9]. When a charged dispersant is added to aqueous suspensions,
it adsorbs on particles and changes the overall surface charge density of particles inducing
electrostatic or steric repulsion among particles. To develop an efficient dispersant for the kaolin
Numerous synthetic polymers have been proposed as dispersants for kaolin suspensions [11,12].
However, their non-biodegradability and toxic nature are their main barriers for practical uses [13].
Alternatively, the use of natural or semi-natural polymers have been proposed to address this
challenge [7,14]. In one study, the use (0.2 wt.%) of an anionic lignin-based product produced via
chemical modification of hardwood kraft lignin improved their dispersion by 10% [15]. In another
work, carboxymethylated lignin produced via treatment of wheat straw alkali lignin with
chloroacetic acid was applied as a dispersant for graphite aqueous suspensions [16]. Calcium
lignosulfonate (1.0 wt.%) obtained from sulfite pulping process of pine wood improved the
only by 50% [17]. In this work, hardwood kraft lignin was oxidized with nitric acid under various
reaction conditions to produce anionic lignin products with varied molecular weights and charge
Kaolin particles tend to aggregate due to interactions between positively charged edges and
negatively charged basal plane over a wide pH range [18]. The dispersion of colloidal suspensions
is a complex process, and is influenced by the adsorption of polymers and the characteristics of
adsorbed polymers [18-24]. The characteristics of polymers, such as charge density and molecular
weight, are known to affect their adsorption [7,25]. It was reported that the adsorption behaviour
of polymers depends on the amount of accessible charges associated with the polymers, which is
affected by their hydrodynamic sizes and molecular weights [25]. In a study on the stabilization of
TiO2 suspensions, an increase in the molecular weight of lignosulfonates from 1000 to 30,000
g/mol improved the dispersion stability of the suspension by 50 % [7]. In another study on the
molecular weight from 35,000 to 125,000 g/mol decreased the turbidity of kaolin suspension by
50 % [26]. Poly (acrylic acid-co-maleic acid) with a high carboxylate group exhibited superior
dispersion performance in lead zirconate titanate aqueous suspensions (60 wt.%) [9]. However,
the relationship between the chemical properties of oxidized kraft lignin and its performance as a
dispersant for colloidal suspensions has not been studied yet [27]. In this work, the correlation
between the molecular weight and charge density of oxidized lignin and its performance as a
dispersant for kaolin suspensions was studied under both dynamic and static conditions. The
primary novelty of this work is the investigation on the influence of charge density and molecular
2. Experimental
2.1. Materials
Mixed hardwood lignin was supplied by FPInnovations from its pilot plant facilities located in
Thunder Bay, ON [28]. Sodium nitrate (99 %), potassium nitrate (99.99 %), kaolin, potassium
hydroxide (> 85 wt.%), sodium hydroxide and para hydroxybenzoic acid (PHBA) were obtained
from Sigma Aldrich Company and used as received. Nitric acid was obtained from Sigma Aldrich
company and diluted to 30 wt.% prior to use. Standard hydrochloric acid (HCl) solution (30-35
wt.%) was obtained from Fluka analytical and used as received. Sulphuric acid (95-98 %) was
obtained from Sigma Aldrich Company and diluted to 0.1 M prior to use. Cellulose acetate dialysis
membrane (molecular weight cut off of 1,000 g/mol) was obtained from Spectrum Labs. Inc, USA.
Company and diluted to 0.005 M prior to use. Potassium polyvinyl sulfate (PVSK) was obtained
from Wako Pure Chemical Industries Ltd., Japan and diluted to 0.005 M prior to use.
2.2. Oxidation
The oxidation of kraft lignin was performed as described previously [29]. A 5 g sample of
hardwood lignin was treated with nitric acid at different temperatures for different time intervals
as shown in Table 1. After the reaction, the mixture was cooled to room temperature and its pH
was adjusted to 7 using 0.1 M NaOH. Unreacted nitric acid was separated using the dialysis
membrane, while changing water every 12 h for two days. The dialyzed samples were oven dried
The charge density of unmodified lignin (UL) and oxidized lignin samples (OL1 to OL 10) was
determined using a Particle Charge Detector (Mutek, PCD 04, Germany). The samples were
initially dried at 105 °C overnight to remove moisture. A 0.2 g sample of oxidized lignin samples
was dissolved in 20 mL of deionized water and incubated for 2 h at 30 °C in a water bath shaker
(Classic C76, New Brunswick Scientific, Edison, NJ, USA) at 150 rpm. After the incubation, the
samples were centrifuged at 1000 rpm for 10 min and supernatants were collected for the charge
density analysis.
To determine the surface charge density of particles, 0.2 g of kaolin was suspended in 50 mL of
PDADMAC (0.005M) solution and the suspension was incubated at 30 °C for 2 h at 150 rpm.
After the incubation, the samples were filtered using Whatman#1 filter papers and the filtrates
were titrated against PVSK (0.0055 M) solution with the titrator. Similarly, the titration analysis
was conducted for control sample (i.e., PDADMAC solution before mixing with kaolin) and the
difference was considered for quantifying the surface charge density of kaolin particles.
The surface area of kaolin particles was determined by using Quantachrome surface area analyzer,
Nova 2200e, instrument. In this set of experiments, the samples were initially dried in an oven at
105 °C overnight and approximately 0.05 g of sample was pretreated for 4 h at 250 °C prior to
analysis. The specific surface area of the samples was then analyzed according to Branuer-
Emmett-Teller (BET) method via adsorption-desorption isotherms using nitrogen gas at -180 °C
The aqueous conductometric titration method was used to measure the amount of carboxylate
titrator, Metrohm, 785 DMP Titrino, Switzerland. In this set of experiments, a 0.06 g sample was
beaker and stirred at 500 rpm for 10 min. To this mixture, 4 mL of 0.5 wt.% PHBA solution was
added as an internal standard and titrated against a standard 0.1 M hydrochloric acid solution. The
volume of HCl consumed to decrease the pH of the sample solution to specific end points are noted
as V2Ꞌ (pH 7) and V3Ꞌ (pH 3) and their corresponding end points for blank solutions (without sample)
are noted as V2 and V3, while V1Ꞌ and V1 correspond to volume of HCl consumed to decrease the
pH of sample to 10 for sample and control solutions. The carboxylate group content of the samples
where Ws is the weight of the sample (0.06 g), CHCl is the concentration of the HCl (0.1 M), V is
the volume of the titrant (mL) consumed to reach the end points of titration. Three replicates were
To determine the molecular weight of the samples, they were first dried in an oven at 105 °C.
and filtered with a nylon 0.2 µm filter (13 mm diameter). The filtered solutions were used for the
molecular weight analysis. The molecular weight of unmodified lignin (UL) and oxidized lignin
(OL) samples were assessed using a gel permeation chromatograph instrument (Malvern GPCmax
VE2001 Module + Viscotek TDA305) equipped with refractive index and viscometer detectors.
PolyAnalytic columns, PAA206 and PAA203, were used at the column temperature of 35 °C.
Polyethylene oxide was used as standards. 0.1 mol/L NaNO3 solution was used as solvent and
2.7. Elemental analysis
The elemental analysis of UL or OL samples was carried out using an elemental analyzer, CHNS
Elemental Vario EL, via combustion method. The samples were oven dried at 102 °C prior to
analysis. Approximately, 0.02 g was weighed and transferred into carousel chamber of elemental
analyzer. The combustion of the samples was carried out at 1200 °C and the gases were reduced
A static light scattering instrument (Brookhaven Instruments, BI-200SM, USA) equipped with a
laser light at a wavelength of 637 nm was used to determine the hydrodynamic diameter of UL
and OL samples [32]. All samples were oven dried at 105 °C overnight to remove moisture prior
to analysis. In this set of experiments, 0.1 g of samples was dissolved in 100 mL of deionized water
at pH 7 and incubated in water bath shaker at 30 °C for 2 h and 150 rpm. Subsequently, 3.2 mL of
potassium nitrate (0.4 M) solution was added to the samples and stabilized for 24 h. 20 mL of each
sample was prepared by filtering with 0.45 µm disposable syringe filters and measured at 90°
scattering angle for 2 min and 25 °C. Three replicates were performed for each experiment and
An optical tensiometer instrument, Theta lite (Biolin Scientific, Finland) equipped with camera
was used to determine the wettability of glass slides coated with OL samples. All samples (OL1-
OL10) including UL were oven dried, and a 0.2 g of each sample was dissolved in 20 mL of
deionized water (10 g/L) and incubated in water bath for 2 h at 30 °C. After incubation, 2 mL of
sample was loaded onto microscopic glass slides and allowed to dry using a spin coater, WS-650
(Laurell Technologies Corp) under vacuum with 60 Psi pressure, 250 rpm for 60 s. The contact
angle of water on the glass slides coated with OL or UL samples was determined using the sessile
drop method, by fitting the data to young laplace equation (Eq 2) [33].
where γlv, γsv and γsl represent the interfacial tensions of liquid vapour, solid vapour and solid liquid
in mN/m, respectively, and θY is the contact angle of water in degrees (°) with OL sample coated
on a glass slide. Approximately, 5 µL of water droplets were placed on the coated slides and the
contact angles of the droplets and the slides were determined using an optical tensiometer. Three
replicates were performed for each experiment and average values were reported.
The adsorption of UL or OL samples onto kaolin particles was studied as a function of OL dosage.
In this experiment, UL or OL with 2 to 256 mg/L concentrations were prepared in 250 mL glass
flasks containing 50 mL of a kaolin suspension (2 g/L) and incubated at 30 °C for 1 h and 150
rpm. After the incubation, the mixture was centrifuged at 2500 rpm (475.2 G) for 10 min to
separate kaolin particles from the suspensions. The concentration of UL or OL samples in the
205 nm [34]. The interference of kaolin particles in UV test was also considered. A blank sample
described above and its supernatant was used for determining any interference from kaolin
particles with the UV analysis. The absorbance value for this black sample was deducted from that
The zeta potential analysis of kaolin suspensions was performed using a NanoBrook Zeta PALS
(Brookhaven Instruments Corp, USA). In this study, 2 g of kaolin suspension (100 g/L) was added
to 100 mL of deionized water and stirred at 150 rpm for 1 h at room temperature. After mixing, 1
mL of sample was used for zeta potential analysis. Similarly, the zeta potential of kaolin particles
in the presence of UL or OLs was measured at different polymer dosages (2 to 256 mg/L) under
the same conditions as described above. The experiments were carried out three times and the
In this study, 2 mL of kaolin suspension (100 g/L) was added to 100 mL of deionized water and
incubated in water bath shaker at 30 °C and 150 rpm. After the incubation, the samples were
analyzed by a MasterSizer 2000 particle size analyzer (Malvern Instruments) equipped with a light
scattering detector to measure the particle size distribution of the kaolin particles. Similarly, the
particle size analysis of kaolin suspensions was carried out as a function of UL or OL dosage from
2 to 256 mg/L under the conditions described above. All the measurements were carried out at
room temperature. Three measurements were carried out for each sample and average values were
The dispersion affinity of OL samples in kaolin suspensions was studied using a photometric
dispersion analyzer (PDA 3000, Rank Brothers Ltd) that was connected to a dynamic drainage jar
(DDJ) fitted with a 70 mm mesh screen [35]. The degree of dispersion or flocculation of the kaolin
suspension was presented by relative turbidity, τr, which was quantified from the variation in the
direct current (DC) voltage signals of the PDA instrument [36]. In this set of experiments, 500 mL
of deionised water was transferred into the DDJ container and allowed to circulate from the DDJ
to the PDA through a 3 mm plastic tube until a steady state flow rate of 20 mL/min was achieved
using a peristaltic pump. Then, 10 mL of a 100 g/L kaolin suspension was added into DDJ (2 g/L
kaolin concentration) at a constant stirring rate of 300 rpm and allowed to circulate through PDA.
A decrease in the initial base DC voltage (V0) to a new DC voltage (Vi) was recorded. Different
amounts of UL or OL (10 g/L) were added to the suspension mixture to make from 2 to 256 mg/L
concentrations of UL or OL in the DDJ, and the increase or decrease in DC voltage was represented
as the DC voltage (Vf) of the final suspension. The pH of the kaolin suspensions was maintained
at 7 during the experiments. The relative turbidity of the kaolin suspension, 𝜏𝑟 , was measured
where τf is denoted as the final suspension turbidity, and τi is denoted as initial suspension turbidity.
The stability of the kaolin suspension in the presence OLs was investigated using a Turbiscan Lab
Expert, Formulaction, France. This analysis was conducted in the past to study the stability of
emulsion and concentrated colloidal dispersions. In this set of experiments, kaolin suspensions (2
g/L) in the presence of OLs at varying concentrations (2-256 mg/L) were prepared and changes in
the suspension stability was analyzed for 1 h (single scans were collected every 2 sec) by the
instrument at 30 ºC. Based on obtained data, the destabilization index was determined using
Turbisoft 2.1 software by comparing the transmittance signals generated by the sample with those
generated by the standard silicon oil, which is used as a calibration chemical for the instrument
[38]. These transmittance signals were recorded as a percentage of transmittance signals in regard
Equations 4 [39] presents the procedure used for determining the destabilization index of the
Ʃℎ |𝑠𝑐𝑎𝑛 (ℎ)− 𝑠𝑐𝑎𝑛
𝑖 𝑖−1 (ℎ)|
DSI = Ʃi (4)
where scani (h) and scani-1 (h) are the transmission signals for two consecutive time intervals at a
The size of clay particles in the suspended state (i.e., not settled) and their volume fractions can be
obtained based on the backscattering data collected in this test. Based on the Mie theory [40], the
backscattering data measured by the instrument can be expressed as a function of photo transport
In addition, the photo transport mean free path, I*, could be obtained via following equation 6
I* (d, 𝜃) = 3𝜃 (1−𝑔)𝑄 (6)
Where d is the particle diameter (µm), θ is the particle volume fraction (%), g and Qs are the
scattering efficiency factors, which depend on the particle diameter (d), wavelength of light (λ),
refractive index of dispersed kaolin particles (np) and the refractive index of continuous phase (nf).
In this work, the refractive indices of kaolin particles and water were considered to be 1.54 and
1.33, respectively, and the size of particles was determined following this equation using
3. Results & Discussion
Kaolin was found to have a surface area and particle size of 25.65 m2/g and 7.2 µm, respectively.
The surface charge density of kaolin particles was -6.3 μmol/g, which is probably due to the
presence of oxide anions on its surface [41]. The oxidation of lignin with nitric acid and possible
side reactions were shown in Figure 1. The oxidation reaction of lignin with nitric acid produces
low molecular weight lignin compounds containing carboxylate groups and other products, such
as 4-hydroxy-3-methyl benzaldehyde (Figure 1a) [29]. Furthermore, nitro lignin could be produced
a OH O O
OH OH R = H (or) OH (or) OCH3
Figure 1. Reaction of lignin with nitric acid a) oxidation scheme and b) nitration scheme
The properties of oxidized lignin samples produced via nitric acid treatment of kraft lignin under
different conditions are listed in Table 1. The reaction was carried out at high temperatures and
Table 1. Reaction conditions and properties of produced anionic lignin polymers and kaolin
The OLs were all soluble in water at 10 g/L concentration, but UL had a limited solubility of 0.2
g/L at this concentration. The OL1 to OL5 had a similar molecular weight of 26,000 g/mol, but
altered charge densities. The OL6 to OL10 had a similar charge density of 3.6 meq/g, but varied
molecular weights. The carboxylate group content of the OL samples followed the same trend as
their charge densities. As expected, this phenomenon describes that the main source of anionic
charge density of OLs was carboxylate group. Previously, an increase in the carboxylate group
was well associated with the increase in the charge density of softwood kraft lignin treated with
nitric acid [29]. The hydrodynamic diameter (hy) of OL1-OL5 was approximately 3.6 nm, while
that of OL6-OL10 was in the range of 2.2-7.3 nm. A comparison between the contact angles of
water droplet on the glass slides coated with OLs samples reveals that 1) the contact angle of water
droplet was significantly small (4 °) for OL samples compared with that for UL (28 °) confirming
the hydrophilicity of the OL samples, 2) the contact angles of all OL samples were similar
content, while all OLs contained 4.4 and 4.9 wt.%, nitrogen (Table 1), which suggests that lignin
was nitrated with possible incorporation of nitro group into the aromatic ring via nitric acid
treatment, as shown in Figure 1b [45]. Previously, Grushnikov and Shorygina also reported nitro
lignin formation during treatment of a model lignin compound, guaiacylethylcarbinol, with nitric
acid [42].
Figures 2a and 2b present the adsorption of OLs on kaolin as a function of OL dosage. Although
kaolin particles exhibit an overall negative charge density, the basal surface of kaolin carries
positive charges [17]. Thus, the adsorption of OLs on the kaolin surface occurs via electrostatic
interaction between the cationic sites present on the surface of kaolin particles and carboxylate
groups of OLs [21]. Upon adsorbing OLs, the surface charge density of kaolin particles was
enhanced, which improved the repulsion of particles [9]. In a similar work, Wisniewska and his
co-authors reported that the aluminium oxide suspension was electrostatically stabilized by
aluminium oxide surface [46]. As shown in Figure 2a, the higher concentration of OLs led to their
higher adsorption on kaolin surface. However, the higher the charge density (i.e., the more negative
charges) of OL, the more the OL adsorbed on kaolin particles [47]. This increase in the adsorption
of OLs on kaolin particles can be attributed to the improvement in the hydrophilicity of OL samples
(Table 1). On the other hand, the molecular weight of OLs showed an insignificant influence on
the adsorption of OLs on kaolin particles (Figure 2b). OL6 with the charge density of 3.6 meq/g
and molecular weight of 11,654 g/mol exhibited the maximum adsorption of 0.81 mg/g.
Based on the amount of UL or OLs adsorbed on kaolin particles (Figure 2a and 2b) and the charge
density of UL and OLs (Table 1), the surface charge density of kaolin can be theoretically
calculated. Figures 2c and 2d depict the impact of adsorbed UL or OLs on the theoretical surface
charge density of kaolin particles. In these figures, the surface charge density of unmodified kaolin
was experimentally determined as described in the Methodology section, but it was not possible
to experimentally measure the surface charge density of kaolin particles after OLs adsorption. As
expected, the negative surface charge density of kaolin particles was increased with the increase
in adsorption of OLs. This increase induced kaolin particles with a more negative surface charge
density, while increasing the molecular weight of OLs had a marginal impact on the surface charge
Amount adsorbed, mg/g
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Concentration of polymer at equilibrium, mg/L
Amount adsorbed, mg/g
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Concentration of polymer at equilibrium, mg/L
Surface charge of clay particles, μeq/g
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
Amount of adsorbed lignin, mg/g
Surface charge of clay particles, μeq/g
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
Amount of adsorbed lignin, mg/g
Figure 2. Adsorption isotherms of OLs on kaolin particles when a) OLs with the molecular weight
of 26,000 g/mol but with different charge densities, b) OLs with a charge density of 3.6 meq/g but
with different molecular weights were used. Theoretical surface charge density of kaolin particles
as a function of adsorbed amounts of c) OLs with a molecular weight of 26,000 g/mol but with
different charge densities, d) OLs with a charge density of 3.6 meq/g but with different molecular
weights were used (other conditions were 30 °C, pH 7 and 2 g/L kaolin dosage).
Figures 3a and 3b present the effect of adsorbed amount of UL/OLs on the zeta potential of kaolin
particles. The zeta potential of kaolin suspension was reduced as the adsorption of OL was
increased in the suspensions. The effect of UL was found to be insignificant on the zeta potential
of the suspensions. OL6 with the charge density of 3.6 meq/g and molecular weight of 11,654
g/mol caused the maximum decrease in the zeta potential of kaolin particles from -22 to -56 mV.
This behavior is due to its maximum adsorption on the kaolin surface. An increase in the charge
density of OLs resulted in a significant decrease in zeta potential. OLs have more carboxylate
group when their charge density was higher (Table 1) causing them to introduce more negative
charges on kaolin surface. In the past, Boisvert and co-authors reported that the reduction in the
zeta potential of titanium dioxide particles was attributed to the increased adsorption of sodium
polyacrylate on titanium dioxide particles [48]. In another study on the stabilization of raw
porcelain suspensions using acrylic copolymers, the zeta potential of the suspension was reduced
to -60 mV with an increase in dispersant dosage from 1 to 250 mg/L [4]. As expected, OLs with
different molecular weights did not alter the zeta potential of the suspensions (Figure 3b) as their
-20 OL1 OL2 OL3 OL4 OL5 UL
Zeta potential, mV
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Amount adsorbed, mg/g
Zeta potential, mV
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Amount adsorbed, mg/g
Figure 3. Zeta potential of kaolin suspension as a function of adsorbed amount of a) OLs with
varied charge densities but with a 26,000 g/mol molecular weight, b) OLs with varied molecular
weights but with 3.6 meq/g charge density (other conditions were 30 °C, pH 7 and 2 g/L kaolin
To understand if the zeta potential of kaolin particles was affected by the charges of particles or
by diffused OL layer surrounding the particles in the suspension, the zeta potential of kaolin
suspension was plotted against the theoretical surface charge of kaolin particles in Figure 4. The
zeta potential of kaolin particles was -24 mV when its surface charge density was -6 μeq/g (kaolin
particles with no OLs adsorption). With decreasing the surface charge density of kaolin particles,
the zeta potential of kaolin particles was decreased as a result of more OL adsorption. on the
positive sites of kaolin surface. OL with a more negative charge density decreased the zeta
potential of particles to a greater extent, as it adsorbed more (Figure 2). However, OL with different
molecular weights impacted the zeta potential and theoretical charge density of particles similarly.
The results depict that the charge density and molecular weight of OLs minimally affected the
surface charge-zeta potential correlation, but the OL adsorption had a greater influence on the
surface charge density and zeta potential of kaolin particles. Furthermore, points “s” on Figure 4a
and 4b represents the conditions for saturation levels of adsorption. Based on the results, the zeta
potential of kaolin particles depends on surface charge introduced by the adsorbed amount of OLs,
and not by the unadsorbed OLs that were present in the suspension. This indicates that both zeta
potential and surface charge density of kaolin particles were interrelated and only dependent on he
-20 a
Zeta potential, mV
-45 s
-55 s
-6 -7 -8 -9 -10
Theoretical surface charge density of kaolin, μeq/g
-55 s
-60 s
-5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10
Theoretical surface charge density of kaolin, μeq/g
Figure 4. Zeta potential of kaolin suspensions as a function of theoretical surface charge density
of kaolin particles in the presence of a) OLs with varied charge densities but molecular weight of
26000 g/mol, and b) OLs with varied molecular weights but a charge density of 3.6 meq/g (other
3.4. Dispersion under Dynamic Conditions
Figure 5 presents the relative turbidity of kaolin suspensions as a function of OL adsorbed amount.
The relative turbidity of the kaolin suspension was improved as the charge density of OL increased
(Figure 5a). Kaolin suspensions containing OL5 exhibited the maximum relative turbidity of 1.3.
This is because OL5 with a high charge density induced more electrostatic repulsion between the
kaolin particles by adsorbing more on the kaolin particles. Figure 5a also depicts that low charged
OLs (e.g., OL2) needed a higher dosage to improve the relative turbidity. Jiang and co-authors
also stated that sodium poly(acrylic acid-co-maleic anhydride-co-itaconic acid) with a higher
charge density (-6.6 meq/g) produced a more stable ceramic dispersion [49].
In Figure 5b, the increase in adsorption of OL6, OL7, and OL8 amplified the relative turbidity of
kaolin suspensions to 1.28, 1.3 and 1.31, respectively. This is possibly due to an increase in steric
repulsion between the particles as they adsorbed on kaolin particles. In one study, the dispersibility
of TiO2 suspensions was increased with an increase in the molecular weight of sodium
lignosulfonate (4 g/L) to 30,000 g/mol [7]. Interestingly, OLs with a higher molecular weight (e.g.,
OL9 and OL10) increased the relative turbidity at low adsorption amounts, but the improvement
was hampered at higher adsorption amounts. As these OLs had relatively higher hydrodynamic
sizes (Table 1), they could interact with more than one kaolin particles via bridging. The higher
adsorption of these OLs improved the possibilities for this bridging effect. Therefore, the less
improvement in relative turbidity at higher adsorption amounts of these OLs is most likely due to
the bridging and thus flocculation affinity of these OLs on kaolin particles. A similar phenomenon
was observed on the dispersion of coal water slurries (CWS) using sodium polystyrene sulphonate
(SPS), where the maximum stability was obtained for SPS at a concentration of 64 mg/L [50].
These results suggest that charge density, molecular weight and concentration of OLs significantly
affected the relative turbidity and thus the dispersibility of OLs in kaolin suspensions.
1.35 a
Relative turbidity
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Amount adsorbed, mg/g
Relative turbidity
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
Amount adsorbed, mg/g
OLs with varied charge densities and 26,000 g/mol molecular weight and b) OLs with varied
molecular weights and 3.6 meq/g charge density were used (other conditions were 30 °C, pH 7
Figure 6 present the relative turbidity of the kaolin suspension as a function of theoretical surface
charge density of particles. As seen in Figure 6a, the decrease in surface charge density of kaolin
particles led to an increase in the relative turbidity. At the same surface charge density, the OL
with the higher charge density improved the relative turbidity of the suspension more greatly. As
the theoretical surface charge density of kaolin particles increased, more repulsion was introduced
In Figure 6, OLs with a similar charge density but varied molecular weights modified the surface
charge density of the particles in a similar fashion, which resulted in a similar relative turbidity
behavior. This is a confirmation that the change in the surface charge density of particles was
indeed a crucial factor in the relative turbidity change. However, for OLs with a high molecular
weights (and thus a large hy), the increase in the relative turbidity of the particles was hampered
when the dosage of OL was higher than 0.7 mg/g. This indicates that the larger OLs may also
These results indicate that the performance of OL9 and OL10 was dosage dependent. At the
adsorbed amount of 0.7 mg/g, the amount of these OL polymers on kaolin particles was sufficiently
high to bridge kaolin particles due to their large hydrodynamic size (Table 1). The last points on
each curve show the relative turbidity of kaolin suspensions when the maximum adsorption
amount (i.e., saturation adsorption) was achieved (Figure 2). For these points (point s on Figure 5a
and 5b), the total adsorption amount was similar, but the amounts of unadsorbed OLs remained in
the suspensions were different. These results confirm that, the amount of adsorbed OLs (and not
the amount of unadsorbed OLs in suspensions) played a major role in the relative turbidity of
kaolin suspension.
Relative turbidity
1.25 s
1.05 s
-6 -6.5 -7 -7.5 -8 -8.5 -9 -9.5
Theoretical surface charge density of clay, µeq/g
b s s
Relative turbidity
1.2 s
1.15 s
-6 -6.5 -7 -7.5 -8 -8.5 -9 -9.5
Theoretical surface charge density of clay, µeq/g
Figure 6. Relative turbidity of kaolin suspension as a function of adsorbed amount of lignin when
a) OLs with varied charge densities and a molecular weight of 26,000 g/mol and b) OLs with
varied molecular weights and a charge density of 3.6 meq/g were used (other conditions were 30
To further determine the mechanism of OLs in dispersing kaolin suspensions, the relative turbidity
of kaolin suspension was studied as a function of zeta potential in Figure 7. For OLs with different
charge densities (Figure 6a), the relative turbidity of the kaolin suspensions was found to increase
continuously with the reduction in zeta potential of kaolin suspension, which indicates that these
OLs dispersed kaolin particles via charge repulsion mechanism. A similar trend was observed for
OL6, OL7 and OL8 with different molecular weights (Figure 7b). In case of OL9 and OL10, the
increase in the zeta potential change did not improve the relative turbidity. This means that the
increase in the repulsion between particles was not sufficiently high to overcome the bridging
effect of OL9 and OL10. Therefore, within the range studied, both charge density and molecular
weight play significant roles in dispersion of kaolin suspensions. The charge density seemed to
always play a significant role, but molecular weight play a role at a high adsorption level.
1.3 a
Relative turbidity
-20 -25 -30 -35 -40 -45 -50 -55 -60
Zeta potential, mV
OL6 OL7 OL8 OL9 OL10
Relative turbidity
-20 -30 -40 -50 -60
Zeta potential, mV
Figure 7. Relative turbidity of kaolin suspension as a function of zeta potential when a) OLs with
varied charge densities and a molecular weight of 26,000 g/mol, and b) OLs with varied molecular
weights and a charge density of 3.6 meq/g were used (other conditions were 30 °C, pH 7 and 2 g/L
kaolin dosage).
Figure 8 shows the destabilization index of clay suspension in the presence of OLs. The increase
in the charge density of OL improved the stability of clay particles, which was evident from the
drop in the destabilization index (Figure 8a). OL5 with a high charge density exhibited the
maximum reduction in the destabilization index at the 16 mg/L dosage. As can be seen, OLs with
a low charge density need a higher dosage to increase the stability of the clay particles. UL has no
effect on the stability of clay particles, because of its low charge density. Previously, anionic
polyacrylamide (APAM), with a high charge density (-4.2 meq/g) stabilized kaolin particles better
than APAM with a low charge density (-1.8 meq/g), which was attributed to the maximum
Figure 8b presents the influence of molecular weight of OLs on the destabilization index. All OLs
(OL6-OL10) exhibited an increase in the stability of clay particles with dosage. Increasing
molecular weights stabilized the clay particles more effectively for OL6, OL7 and OL8. In case of
high molecular weight OLs (OL9 and OL10), the destabilization index is lower than OL8 at 8
(increase in destabilization index to 2.5 and 3.3 for OL9 and OL10, respectively). A similar trend
was also observed under dynamic conditions with decreased relative turbidity of clay suspensions
at higher dosages of OL9 and OL10. Lentz and co-authors demonstrated that the efficiency of clay
particles stabilization decreased with increasing the molecular weight of anionic polyacrylamide
(10 mg/L) [51]. These results suggest that both molecular weight and charge density of OLs has a
14 a
Destabilization index
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Amount adsorbed, mg/g
OL6 OL7 OL8 OL9 OL10
14 b
Destabilization index
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Amount adsorbed, mg/g
when a) OLs with varied charge densities and a similar molecular weight and b) OLs with varied
molecular weights and a similar charge density were used (other conditions were 30 °C, pH 7 and
3.6. Impact on the Size of Kaolin Particles under Dynamic and Static Conditions
The addition of dispersants to colloidal solutions causes a decrease in the size of particles by
minimizing the aggregation of particles [52]. Analysis of kaolin particle size in the suspensions is
crucial at determining the dispersability of colloidal suspensions. Figure 9 shows the impact of
charge density and molecular weight of OLs on the size of kaolin particles under dynamic and
static conditions. It is seen that the size of kaolin particles was reduced with an increase in adsorbed
amount of OL. The increase in the charge density of OLs caused a significant reduction in the size
of kaolin particles (Figure 9a). The size of particles dropped the most via adding OL with the
highest charge density of 3.6 meq/g (OL5). This trend may provide evidence for improvement in
the dispersion of kaolin particles. Furthermore, the reduction in the size of kaolin particles
followed a similar trend under both dynamic and static conditions indicating that OLs are effective
as dispersants under both static and dynamic conditions. However, UL with negligible charges
exhibited insignificant reduction in the particle size. In one study, the dispersion of red kaolin
based ceramic suspensions decreased with increasing the starch dosage from 0.1 to 0.8 wt.% as
evident by particle size changes from 2.8 to 1.5 μm at pH 7 [53]. Studies by Li and co-authors also
confirmed that the charge of the polycarboxylate copolymer is significant in contributing to the
Figure 8b presents the influence of OLs molecular weight on the size of kaolin particles under both
dynamic and static conditions with an increase in adsorbed amount of OLs. Interestingly, an
adsorbed amount of 0.7 mg/g OL was sufficient to reduce the size of particles under both dynamic
and static conditions, and a higher adsorption amount (specially for OL9 and OL10) had a negative
impact on the size of particles. This increase provides evidence for the aggregation of particles by
the configuration of large size polymers at solid/liquid interface [55]. OL8 with charge density of
3.6 meq/g and molecular weight of 30,000 g/mol reduced the size of the kaolin particles the most.
These results also support the trend observed in the relative turbidity (Figure 5) and destabilization
index analysis (Figure 8). In a study on the stabilization of kaolin suspensions using polyacrylic
acid (PAA), PAA with the molecular weight of 1800 g/mol was effective in dispersing particles
Particle size under dynamic
conditions, µm
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Particle size under static conditions, µm
conditions, µm
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Particle size under static conditions, µm
Figure 9.a) Correlation between the sizes of particles under dynamic and static conditions when
OLs having a similar molecular weight of 26,000 g/mol but with different charge densities and b)
OLs having a similar charge density of 3.6 meq/g but with different molecular weights were used
To further understand the effect of charge density and molecular weight of OLs on the dispersion
of kaolin particles, the kaolin particle size was studied in the presence of OLs under static
conditions in Figure 10. The kaolin suspension exhibited insignificant decrease in kaolin particle
size as time elapsed to 60 min in the presence of UL. All the three OLs (OL1, OL5 and OL 10)
reduced the particle size with time extension up to 60 min. OL1 reduced the particle size from 8
μm to 5.4 µm, while OL5 and OL10 reduced the particle size to 0.3 and 2.4 µm, respectively, with
time extension up to 60 min. Upon adsorbing on kaolin particles, OLs tended to introduce negative
charges on particles (as discussed in section 3.3), causing them to repel each other and thereby
separating aggregated particles and reducing the size of kaolin aggregates [52]. The minimal
decrease in kaolin particle size by OL1 with time is due to its low charge density. On the other
hand, OL5 with a high charge density enhanced the dispersion of kaolin particles by introducing
more negative charges on kaolin as time progressed. The time extension may help expose more
charges of OLs via reconfiguring on the particle surface. In case of OL 10, even though the size of
kaolin particles reduced with time, the overall reduction in size is less than that made by OL5. This
is because OL10 possesses a larger hydrodynamic size (Table 1). Increased adsorption with time
results in the entanglement of long polymer chains in the suspension, and the possible bridging
Partcile size, μm
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Time, min
Figure 10. Effect of molecular weight and charge density of OLs on kaolin particle size as a
function of time.
4. Conclusions
dispersant for kaolin suspension. A kraft lignin-based dispersant with excellent properties was
introduced for the first time in this work. The adsorption of OLs on kaolin particles was influenced
by their charge density. OL6 having the charge density of 3.6 meq/g and molecular weight of
11,000 g/mol showed the maximum adsorption of 0.81 mg/g on kaolin surface at 32 mg/g OL
concentration. The adsorbed OL affected the zeta potential and relative turbidity of kaolin
suspensions. The zeta potential of kaolin particles is directly affected by the charge density of OLs,
while molecular weight has an insignificant effect. Both charge density and molecular weight of
OLs affected the relative turbidity and size of kaolin particles under dynamic conditions. Sample
OL8 with the charge density of -3.6 meq/g and molecular weight of 30,243 g/mol was the most
effective dispersant for kaolin suspensions. Dispersion studies under static conditions also proved
that the stability of kaolin particles was affected by both charge density and molecular weight of
OLs. Kinetic studies suggested that OLs improved the dispersion of kaolin particles quickly and
charge density and molecular weight had strong impacts on the stabilization of particles. To design
oxidized lignin in different suspension and solution systems should be studied in future.
The authors would like to thank NSERC-Canada, Canada Foundation for Innovation, Onrtario
Research Fund, Canada Research Chairs and Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation
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