Directions for questions 1 to 25: Select the correct alterna- bandwidth. The maximum possible signaling rate in
tive from the given choices. symbol/sec is
1. B8ZS line code used (A) 3400 Hz (B) 6800 Hz
(A) in AMI. (C) 4000 Hz (D) 5250 Hz
(B) to provide proper synchronization when a long 9. Intermediate frequency in superheterodyne receiver is
string of 0’s has to transmit. chosen 455 KHz because
(C) in bipolar NRZ. (A) To reject image signal
(D) All of the above (B) For adjacent channel selectivity
2. Aperture effect occurs in (C) For easy tracking
(A) Flat Top sampling. (D) All of the above
(B) Natural sampling. 10. If a delta modulator is operating at 64k samples/sec
(C) Instantaneous sampling. then the minimum step size required to avoid the slope
(D) None of these overload error is, if x(t) = 200[r(t) – r(t – 1)]
3. Statements on Natural sampling (A) 2–9 (B) 2–7
(1) Practically feasible method (C) 2 –8
(D) 28
(2) Noise interference is minimum 11. Match the list I & list II
(3) Sampling rate tends to infinity List I List II
(4) Aperture effect occurs
NRZ (i) Bandwidth requirement
True statements is/are is less
(A) 1 & 2 (B) 1, 2 & 3
RZ (ii) Zero DC component
(C) 2 & 3 (D) 1 & 4
Split phase Manchester (iii) Less synchronization
4. Bit stuffing is used
Polar Quaternary NRZ format (iv) Pulse energy is more
(A) to tailor the requirement of synchronization.
(B) to accommodate small variations in the input data (A) a – iv, b – iii, c – ii, d – i
rates. (B) a – iii, b – iv, c – i, d – ii
(C) to raise the bit rate of incoming digital signal to (C) a – ii, b – iv, c – iii, d – i
equal that of a locally generated clock. (D) a – i, b – ii, c – iii, d – iv
(D) All of above
12. If the input signal x(t) is rectangular pulse of amplitude
5. Due to the dispersive nature of channel one phenomena A with duration T, then the SNR for integrate & dump
occurs and that is filter receiver is where E is the energy
(A) Raised cosine spectrum E 2E
(B) Inter symbol interference (A) N (B)
0 N0
(C) Aperture effect
(D) All of the above 4E 8E
(C) (D) N0
6. 3 messages band limited to W, W and 3W, respec- N0
tively are of be multiplexing using synchronous 13. Output of a matched filter is proportional to
Time Division multiplexing. The minimum band- (A) shifted version of the autocorrelation function of
width required for transmission of this TDM the input signal to which the filter is matched .
signal is (B) shifted version of the input itself .
(A) 9W (B) 18W (C) input pulse.
(C) 6W (D) 12W (D) None of these
7. An analog voltage in the range 0 to 6 V is divided in 10 14. A communication channel of bandwidth 90KHz is
equal intervals for conversion of 4 bits digital output. required to transmit binary data at a rate of 0.1 Mb/s
The maximum quantization error is _____ using raised cosine spectrum. The roll off factor
(A) 0.6 V (B) 0.3 V a is
(C) 0.03 V (D) 0.06 V (A) 0.9 (B) 0.1
8. In a digital baseband communication system fre- (C) 0.5 (D) 0.8
quencies up to 3400Hz are used for signaling. Raised 15. If the required SNR for PCM having sampling rate
cosine spectrum is used for zero ISI with 100% excess 8000 samples/sec is 30dB and message signal having
Communications Test 4 | 3.225
spectral component from 300 Hz to 3400 Hz then the (A) 250 × 10–3V (B) 125 × 10–3V
minimum number of bits/sample needed are (C) 500 × 10–3V (D) 100 × 10–3V
(A) 5 bits. (B) 4 bits. 23. A superheterodyne radio receiver with intermediate
(C) 3 bits. (D) 2 bits. frequency of 455 KHz is turned to a station operating
16. A input signal 10cos(2π500t) + 4cos2π (1000t) is sam- 1500 KHz. The image frequency will be at
pled at a rate of 58000 samples/sec for DM system. (A) 910 kHz (B) 1045 kHz
The minimum value of step size which will avoid slope (C) 2410 kHz (D) 590 kHz
overload distortion is 24. A signal x(t) given in figure is applied at the input of
(A) 0.97V. (B) 0.54V. matched filter with impulse response h(t). The h(t) is
(C) 0.43V. (D) None of these non zero in the internal 0 – 5 sec. The slope of h(t) in
17. For one sample transmission channel bandwidth is high the internal 2 < t < 3 sec is
in x(t)
(A) PCM system. (B) DM system.
(C) DPCM system. (D) Adaptive DM system. 1
18. Four analog signal having bandwidths 2400Hz,
1200Hz, 900Hz and 600Hz are sampled at the rate of t
0 1 2 3 4 5
4800Hz, encoded with 12 bits word and time division
multiplexed. The bit rate for the time division multi-
plexed signal is
(A) 232.4 k bits/sec. (B) 122.4 k bit/sec. (A) 1 (B) 0
(C) 230.4 k bit/sec. (D) 120.4 k. bit/sec (C) –1 (D) None
19. In a PCM system, the signal m(t) = 4 sin (200 πt + 25. A signal x(t) is applied at the input of the matched filter.
3cos200πt) is sample at Nyquist rate. The samples are The output of matched filter will be
following by a uniform quantizer with step size of 0.5V.
The minimum data rate of the PCM system in bits/sec
(A) 100 bits/sec (B) 200 bits/sec 1
(C) 1 k bits/sec (D) 500 k bits/sec t
20. The Nyquist sampling rate for the signal S(t) = sinc200t 0 T
sinc700t is given by
(A) 1200Hz (B) 900Hz
y(t) y(t)
(C) 600Hz (D) 500Hz
21. A voice signal band limited to 3.5 kHz and peak volt- T
age between +3V to –3V, is sampled at the Nyquist rate.
Each sample is quantized and represented by 6 bits (A) (B)
0 T 2T t –T 0 + t
The SNR at quantizer O/P is ________
(A) 12dB (B) 37.76dB
(C) 48dB (D) 60dB y(t)
Answer Keys
1. D 2. A 3. A 4. D 5. B 6. A 7. B 8. A 9. D 10. C
11. A 12. B 13. A 14. D 15. A 16. B 17. A 18. C 19. C 20. B
21. B 22. B 23. C 24. B 25. A
5. When the data is transmitted with the dispersive kind of 12. Energy E = (t )dx
channel then each received pulse is affected some what −∞
by adjacent pulses this form of interference is called
∫ A dt
Inter. symbol interference. Choice (B) E=
6. fs1 = 2 × w = 2w So SNR at the output of integrate & dump tilter
fs2 = 2 × w = 2w receiver is
fs3 = 2 × 3w = 6w 2E
Because synchronous TDM is used so = = . Choice (B)
N 0 N0 / 2 N0
(B.W)min B = n × N × 2fm/2
18 13. Impulse response of matched filter
=3×1×2×3= W. = 9W Choice (A) 2k
H(t) = N x(T – t)
Vmax − Vmin 6 0
S 0.6 2k +∞
∫ | x( f ) | .e j 2 p f ( t −T ) df
Maximum quantization error = = x0(T) = N
2 2 0
= 0.3V. Choice (B) +∞
∫ | Ψ( f ) e
− j 2 p f ( t −T )
8. We know that (1 + a) Rb = 2W x0(t) = N df
Here a = 1
So 2Rb = 2W 2k
Rb = W x0(t) = N R(t – T). Choice (A)
Rb = 3400Hz. Choice (A)
9. Intermediate frequency 455 KHz in superheterodyne 14. Tb = × 10–6 = 10–5 sec
receiver is a compromise between two conflicting 0.1
factors- We know that 1 + a = 2 FBTb
(1) adjacent channel selectivity and easy tracking for = 2 × 90 × 103 × 10–5 = 180 × 10–2; 1 + a = 1.8
which IF should be low ⇒ a = 0.8. Choice (D)
(2) Image signal rejection for which IF should be S
high. Choice (D) 15. = 1.76 + 20 log q ≥ 30
N odB
10. To avoid slope overload error
S d Log q ≥ (30 – 1.76) = 1.412
≥ x(t) 20
Ts dt
q ≥ 25.82
S × 64 × 1024 ≥ 200 so minimum no. of quantization levels are 26
200 n = [log2q] = [log226]
64 × 1024 = 4.7 = 5 bits/sample. Choice (A)
Communications Test 4 | 3.227
16. m(t) = 10 cos(2π500t) + 4 cos (2π1000t) = m1(t) + m2(t) 22. We know that
dm1 (t ) (SNR)dB = 1.761 + 6.02N
To avoid slope overload ≥ D1fs 33.5 = 1.761 + 6.02N ⇒ 6.02N = 31.739
dt max
N = 5.27
Where D1 = step size N≈6
fs = sampling frequency
V −V
10 × 2p × 500 10p S = max 6 min
D1 ≥ = = 0.54V 2
58000 58
dm2 (t ) = 6 = 125 × 10-3. Choice (B)
dt max 8000p p
Now D2 = = = = 0.43V 23. We know that
f 58000 58 Fsi = fs + 2IF = 1500 + 2 × 455 = 1500 + 910
Hence larger step size out of two will be the required = 2410 kHZ Choice (C)
step size = 0.54V. Choice (B) 24.
17. PCM system have very maximum transmission chan- x (–t)
nel bandwidth for one sample
⇒ In DM uses only one bit/sample
⇒ DPCM uses difference of two sample bits used in
PCM –5 –3 –2 –1 0
⇒ Adaptive DM is also using one bit/sample.
Choice (A)
h(t) = x (5 – t)
18. All the four signals are sampled at 4800Hz
x (5 – t)
So fs = 4800 × 4 = 19200Hz
Bit rate Rb = nfs 1
= 12 × 19200 = 230400Hz
= 230.4 k bits/sec. Choice (C) 0 1 2 3 4 5
19. m(t) = 4 sin 200πt + 3cos 200πt
Peak amplitude of m(t) = 25 = 5
V −V So slope of h(t) in the internal 2 to 3 sec is zero.
D = max n min = Vpp/2n Choice (B)
10V 25.
⇒ 0.5 = n x(t) x (T – t) = h(t)
⇒ 2n = = 20 1 1
⇒ n = 4.3
So n ~ 5 0 T t 0 T t
Rb = nfs
Rb = 5 × 200 = 1000 bits/sec = 1 k bits/sec. y(t) = x(t) ⊗ h(t)
Choice (C) d
y1(t) = x(t) ⊗ h(t)
1 2sin 200pt sin 700pt dt
20. S(t) =
2 p2t 2 = x(t) ⊗ [d(t) – d(t – T)]
1 = x(t) – x(t – T)
= [cos(500πt) – cos(900πt)] y(t) = ∫ y'(t ) dt
2p 2 t 2
maximum frequency component so y’ (t) = y(t)
900p y’ (t) y(t)
fm = = 450Hz
2p 1 T
Nyquist sampling rate
Fsmin = 2fm = 900Hz. Choice (B) t
0 T 2T t 0 T 2T
21. (SNR)dB ≈ 6N + 1.76
N = 6 bits
SNR = 6 × 6 +1.76 = 37.76 dB. Choice (B) Choice (A)