Ir Sensor
Ir Sensor
Ir Sensor
IR Sensor
Version 1.1
May 2010
Cytron Technologies Sdn. Bhd.
Information contained in this publication regarding device applications and the like is intended through suggestion only and may be superseded by updates. It is your responsibility to ensure that your application meets with your specifications. No representation or warranty is given and no liability is assumed by Cytron Technologies Incorporated with respect to the accuracy or use of such information or infringement of patents or other intellectual property rights arising from such use or otherwise. Use of Cytron Technologies products as critical components in life support systems is not authorized except with express written approval by Cytron Technologies. No licenses are conveyed, implicitly or otherwise, under any intellectual property rights.
This document describes the development of Cytron Technologies DIY (Do It Yourself) Project PR4 (IR Sensor). The objective of this project is to introduce the working principle of IR sensor. Circuit schematic is provided.
IR SENSOR Input voltage: 5VDC Sensing Range: 5cm Output signal: analog voltage Emitting element: Infrared LED
Created by Cytron Technologies Sdn. Bhd. All Rights Reserved
IR (Infrared) is the typical light source being used in the sensor for robot to detect opaque object. In this project, no programming, microcontroller and soldering are required.
Figure 1 A LM324 consists of 4 comparators in an chip. It is used to compare voltage pairs. Each comparator has Vref+ and Vref-. Depending on the applications, user may either connect a fixed reference voltage to Vref+ or Vref-.. In this example, the output voltage from voltage divider (IR Receiver) is connected to Vref- and a preset (variable resistor) is being used to generate voltage for Vref+. Vref+ is considered as the threshold voltage for comparator output to change. If Vref- is greater than Vref+, Vout will be low (0V) and vice versa. Hence, the voltage generated by comparator output of LM324 can provide digital logic to microcontroller and in this project it is being use to drive LED.
This project will require following hardware: a. b. c. d. e. IR Receiver IR Emitter LM324 Breadboard Other necessary components
IR receiver User can obtain the hardware set for this project (PR4) either by online purchase ( or get it from Cytron Technologies Shop. No PIC microcontroller, programming and soldering required in this project. 1. Once user has the hardware set, user may start plug in the electronic components on the protoboard. Protoboard is a fundamental tool for beginner to develop their mini project, where no soldering is required. Plug the electronic components on breadboard according to the schematic. Voltage regulator 7805 is used to generate 5V from a 9V battery as power source for the circuit. Schematic is provided in Cytron website. When plug the electronic components on breadboard, ensure the components value and polarity is correct. Figure 2 shows the circuit connection on a breadboard for this project. Power indicator LED Infrared Light emitted White paper
IR transmitter
Figure 3
Figure 4
may capture the infrared light emitted by using a digital camera or a mobile phone with camera since the infrared is beyond human vision range. There should be a pink color light source in the center of the transmitter as shown in Figure 4 if it is working. If the transmitter is working but still the result is failed, please check the other parts of circuit connection.
No warranty will be provided as this is DIY project. Thus, user is advice to check the polarity of each electronic component before mount it onto board and powering up.
Prepared by Cytron Technologies Sdn. Bhd. 19, Jalan Kebudayaan 1A, Taman Universiti, 81300 Skudai, Johor, Malaysia.
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