Automated Door Opener
Automated Door Opener
Automated Door Opener
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Overview Components
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Working Applications
• In the Automatic Door Opening System, the main component or hardware is the sensor which detects the persons. For
this purpose, we will be using the PIR Motion Detector Sensor.
• When there is movement in front of the sensor, like a human or a cat:
The movement is interpreted by one of the slots first and the differential output between the two slots becomes
As the person moves away, the second slot detects the movement and the differential output will become
negative. Based these output pulses, a motion is detected.
• For the purpose of demonstration, we have used a CD Tray to replicate the door. Whenever the PIR Sensor detects a
motion, the CD Tray opens and then closes after some time. In order to control the 5V DC motor in the CD Tray,
We’ve used the L298N Motor Driver Module.
Circuit Diagram of Automatic Door
Opener System
Components Required
• Arduino UNO
• Breadboard
• Connecting Wires
• Power Supply
Arduino UNO
• In this project, Arduino UNO acts as the
main controlling part. It reads the data
from the PIR Sensor and activates the
L298N Motor Driver based on the data
from the PIR Sensor.
PIR Sensor
• PIR Sensors are complicated than most other sensors. PIR
Motion Sensor may seem simple when implemented as all you
need to do is check for a HIGH signal on the Digital Out Pin of
the Sensor whenever motion is detected.
• The actual PIR Sensor i.e. the one which is covered with a lens,
consists of two slots and both these slots are made up of IR
Sensitive materials. Under normal condition where there is no
movement in front of the sensor, both the slots in the Sensor
detect same amount of infrared radiation.
L298N Motor Driver Module
• A DC Motor is the simplest of motors that beginners and hobbyists
encounter. It is very simple to operate: connect the two leads of the motor
to the two terminals of a battery and voila! Your motor starts rotating.
• If you switch the leads i.e. reverse the polarity, the motor will rotate in
Working of Automated Door Opener
• The working of the Automatic Door Opener System using Arduino and PIR Sensor is very simple. This project can
be considered as an extension of Arduino PIR Sensor Tutorial and Arduino L298N DC Motor Control Tutorial.
• When the PIR Sensor detects any motion of a person, its Data OUT Pin will become HIGH. As this pin is
connected to the Arduino, it will detect this HIGH Signal and understands that there is person approaching the door.
• Arduino then immediately activates the L298N Motor Driver module to open the door. After some time (about 2 to
5 seconds in this project), the Arduino will once again activate the Motor Drive to close the door.
• Arduino based Automatic Door Opener System is a very useful project as it enables you to understand the concept
• These systems are already being used in many places like malls, theatres and hospitals.
• You can implement this Arduino based project at you home in Home or Garage Door Openers, etc.
Thank You!
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