Paediatric surgery qp open
Paediatric surgery qp open
Paediatric surgery qp open
1.Determine compatibility. {
= Hematocolpos:-> Collection of blood in the uterus
= Hematochezia:->Bleeding from the lower digestive tract =-> Bleeding from the upper
digestive tract
=-> Collection of blood in the abdominal cavity
2. Determine compatibility.
= Middle cyst of the neck arises:->From obliteration of the thyroglossal duct = Lateral cysts of
the neck arise:->From the second bronchial arch
=->From the first bronchial arch
=->From the third bronchial arch
=->As a result of malformation of the sublingual bone
3. Determine compatibility. {
=Lung abscess:-> Inflammatory infiltrative area and purulent exudate in the lung.
=Pneumotocele:->A thin-walled air cavity in the lung
=-> Collection of air and pus in the pleural cavity
=-> Collection of purulent exudate in the pleural cavity
=-> Total purulent infiltration of the lobe of the lung }
4. Determine radiological evidence for bacterial destruction of the lungs. {
=Purulent lobitis:-> Total darkening of lung lobe and reactive pleurisy.
=Pulmonary abscess:-> A round shape, with clear boundaries, sometimes with a fluid level and
air above it.
=->Darkening in the damaged half of the chest with displacement of the septum to the opposite
side, failure to distinguish the dome of the diaphragm and the pleural sinus.
=->Thin-walled air spaces of various sizes with clear borders in the altered lung tissue.
=->The presence of air above the horizontal fluid level in the pleural cavity, the displacement of
the cardiac shadow to the opposite side.
5. Determine compatibility. {
= Hypoplasia of the lung:-> Underdevelopment of the respiratory areas of the lung against the
background of numerous cystic expansions.
= Aplasia of lung:-> Presence of rudimentary main bronchus, absence of lung.
=-> One of the lobes of the lung grows sharply and increases the ventilation.
=-> Absence of lung and main bronchus.
=->A part of the lung is isolated from the bronchial system fed by an anomalous vessel, with
cystic changes
6. Determine radiological compliance.
=Congenital duodenal obstruction:-> Two fluid levels and no gas in the intestines. = Congenital
obstruction of the small intestine:-> Presence of several fluid levels and no gas below these
=-> Two fluid levels and weak gas filling of intestines, upper and medial location of cecum on
contrast X-ray examination.
=-> Presence of multiple fluid levels in dilated bowel loops.
=-> Delay of contrast medium in dilated stomach from 3 to 24 hours.
7. Determine compatibility.
=Ureterocele:-> Expansion of the intramural part of the ureter in cystic form. = Megaureter:->
Total dilation of the urethra.
=-> Absence of the external opening as a result of the defect of the distal part of the urethra =-
> Complete or incomplete defect of the front wall of the urethra.
=->Retrocaval location of the ureter
8. Determine compliance.
=Meckel's diverticulum:-> It is caused by the violation of the process of obliteration of the
proximal part of the yolk-intestinal duct.
=Complete fistula of the umbilicus:-> It is caused by the violation of the complete obliteration
process of the yolk-intestinal flow.
=->Egg yolk-intestine is caused by the disruption of the obliteration process of the distal part of
the intestine
=-> Egg yolk is caused by the disruption of the obliteration process of the middle part of the
=-> It is caused by vascular accidents of the small intestine.
9. Determine compatibility. {
9. Determine compatibility. {
=Achalasia:-> Narrowing of the cardiac part of the esophagus. = Pylorostenosis:-> Narrowing of
the pyloric part of the stomach.
=-> Deficiency of the cardiac parts of the esophagus
=-> Atresia of the pyloric part of the stomach.
=-> Diaphragm esophageal hiatal hernia }
10. Determine compliance.
=Meckel's diverticulum is characteristic:-> Bleeding from the digestive system. = characteristic
of Urachus fistula:-> Constant wetting of the navel.
=-> Bloody urine.
=-> Faecal discharge from the navel.
=->Blood vomiting
=What is the part separated from the parent bone and necrotic during chronic hematogenous
osteomyelitis called:- ˃Sequestration
=What is the name of the part when the parent bone undergoes complete necrosis during
chronic hematogenous osteomyelitis:-˃Total sequestration
=-˃Central sequestration =-˃Aseptic necrosis =-˃Brody abscess
19. Define compliance. {
=Surgical treatment of chronic hematogenous osteomyelitis:- ˃Sequestrectomy =Early surgical
intervention in acute hematogenous osteomyelitis:- ˃ Osteoperforation =-˃Osteotomy
=-˃Decompressive trepanation
=-˃Plastic of bone defect
20. Define compliance. {
=Deformation related to the developmental defects of the coccyx:- ˃"Gift-like" =One of the
forms related to the breastbone deformities:- ˃ =-˃Flat
=-˃Kyphosis }
21. Define compliance. {
=The most common parasitic cysts of the lungs:- ˃Echinococcus cyst =Congenital lung cysts:-
˃Bronchogenic cyst =-˃Enterocystoma
=-˃Wilms tumor
=-˃Dermoid cyst }
22. Define compatibility. {
= Duct that provides nutrition to the fetus:- ˃Ductus omphaloentericus ˃Uraxus
=-˃Ductus spermaticus =-˃Rectovesical fistula =-˃Wolff body
23. Define compliance. {
=Fetal urethra:-
=Symptom of hypertrophic congenital pylorostenosis:- ˃ "Fountain" vomiting =Pylorospasm:-
˃Frequent vomiting of small amounts
=-˃Blood vomiting
=-˃Central flare vomiting
=-˃"Empty" vomiting }
24. Determine compatibility.
=Treatment of Pylorostenosis:- ˃Frede-Ramstedt operation
=Treatment of pylorospasm:- ˃Antispasmolytic treatment =-˃Bianchi operation
=-˃Does not require treatment
=-˃Duhamel operation
25. Define compatibility.
=If the second stage of rotation is disturbed in embryogenesis:- ˃Ladd syndrome
=If the third stage of rotation in embryogenesis is disturbed:- ˃ "Internal fashion" =-˃Embryonic
=-˃Littre fashion
=-˃Diaphragmatic fashion
26. Define compliance.
=Diagnostic X-ray method of intussusception:- ˃Irrigography
=Diagnostic X-ray method of anus and rectal atresia :- ˃Wangenst method =-˃Excretory
=-˃Isotope scintigraphy
27. Define compatibility.
=Hirschsprung's disease:- ˃Congenital agangliosis of the colon
= Payr's disease:- ˃ Prolapse of the transverse colon =- ˃ Congenital long colon
=-˃Secondary enlargement of the rectum
=-˃Hypomotor dyskinesia of the colon
37. Define compatibility.
=An inertogram is performed in Wanginsten's case:- ˃In rectal atresias without fistula
=Fistulography is performed:- ˃In rectal atresias with fistulas =-˃In teratomas of the umbilical
=-˃In atresias of the small intestine
=-˃In meconium impermeability
38. Define compatibility.
=Inguinal prolapse:- ˃Non-closure of the bed protrusion of the peritoneum
=Unrelated hydrocele:- ˃Non-closure of the distal part of the peritoneal bed protrusion =-˃Non-
closure of the middle part of the peritoneal bed protrusion
=-˃Unclosure of Urakhus
=-˃Non-closure of the proximal part of the urachus
39. Define compliance.
= Intussusception causes:- ˃ Peyerts-Egers syndrome
=Obturation causes:- ˃Phyto and trichobezoars =-˃Internal tears