Antidiabetic and thrombolytic activities of medicinal plants
Clot lysis; Streptokinase; Background: Type-2 diabetes (T2D) is a hypercoagulable and hypofibrinolytic condition
Thrombolytic agents; Type that predisposes to cardiovascular and thrombotic complications. We screened three
medicinal plants (Albizzia chevalieri, Newbouldia laevis and Leptadenia hastate) for their
2 Diabetes mellitus
antidiabetic and thrombolytic activities.
Methods: T2D was induced with high fat diet and dexamethasone. Following induction,
rats were grouped into 6 (n=8 rats); control, untreated, treated (500mg/kg body weight
(BW) metformin only) or treated (300mg/kg BW leaf extracts). The rats were treated for
two weeks and euthanized. About 2ml of the collected blood was used for thrombolytic
* Address for Correspondence: activity assay while the rest was processed, and the recovered serum utilised for
biochemical and hormonal assays.
Email: Results: Rats treated with extracts had significantly (p<0.05) lowered concentrations of
serum glucose, TG, LDL-cholesterol, VLDL-cholesterol and increased HDL-cholesterol
compared to untreated rats. Extracts also lowered (p<0.05) the serum insulin concentration
on day 14 compared to untreated rats. Albizzia chevalieri, Newbouldia laevis and
Leptadenia hastata showed 48.90%, 39.20% and 37.69% clot lysis activities respectively
Received: 3 October 2023 which was significantly higher (p<0.001) than distilled water, while streptokinase
produced a substantial clot lysis of 93.70%.
Revised: 13 November 2023 Conclusions: The leaf extracts of Albizzia chevalieri, Newbouldia laevis and Leptadenia
hastata have antidiabetic and thrombolytic activities in type-2 diabetic rats and thus, can
Accepted: 3 December 2023
be potentially used as combined antidiabetic and thrombolytic agents with in vivo effects
in type-2 diabetic patients.
All articles published in this journal are licensed under the Creative Commons
Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license.
Antidiabetic and thrombolytic activities of medicinal plants
Wistar rats (n=50) of both sexes that weighed The treatments were constituted in distilled water
between 170-180g and aged between 10-12 and administered once daily via oral gavage for 2
weeks were used for this study. The rats housed weeks. FBG was measured on days 0, 7 and 14.
in steel cages were acquired from the Department The weights of the rats were recorded twice
of Biological Sciences, UDUS, Nigeria. Prior to weekly to ensure their wellbeing and any impact
experimentation, rats were transferred and the treatments may have on their body weights.
allowed to habituate for seven days at the animal Following an overnight fast (12 hr), the rats were
house, Department of Biochemistry and euthanized using chloroform inhalation. Blood
Molecular Biology, UDUS. The rats were samples were collected through cardiac puncture
maintained at room temperature with 12 hr light using a 21G needle. About 2ml of the collected
cycle, adequate ventilation, fed normal rat chow blood sample was transferred into plain blood
with ad libitum access to clean drinking water. collecting tubes for clot lysis determination. The
According to the manufacturers label (Vital remaining blood samples were subsequently
feeds, Jos, Nigeria), diet composition provides 54 transferred into plain tubes and left to stand for
% carbohydrates, 13 % fat, 10 % proteins, 20 % approximately 30 minutes and then centrifuged at
fibre, 2 % normal supplement (calcium, 3000rpm for 15 minutes. Thereafter, serum was
phosphorus, ash & moisture) and 1% vitamin. harvested and transferred into labelled micro
tubes and stored in a freezer at -20˚C for
2.5. Study Design downstream biochemical analysis.
Like previously reported, T2DM was induced in
apparently healthy rats using high fat diet (58% 2.6. Determination of Blood Glucose
animal fat, 25% protein-soya beans and 17% Concentration
carbohydrates-maize) for 21 days and daily
3.2. Impact of Methanol leaf extracts on body Table 2 highlights the effect of methanol leaf
mass changes of type 2 diabetic rats extracts on serial fasting blood glucose
concentrations of high fat diet and
Table 1 shows the changes in body mass of rats dexamethasone induced type-2 diabetic rats. For
at several time points following the all treatments, there was a reduction of blood
administration of methanol extract of Albizzia glucose concentration as time progressed. At day
chevalieri, Newbouldia laevis and Leptadenia zero (0), normal control recorded 5.41 mmol/l,
hastata and Metformin for two weeks. The diabetic control was 14.64mmol/l, metformin
untreated diabetic rats showed significantly 14.92mmol/l, Albizzia chevalieri, Newbouldia
(p<0.001) decreased body weight when laevis and Leptadenia hastate, 13.87mmol/l,
compared with normal control rats. This weight 14.79mmol/l and 14.84mmol/l respectively. On
difference was present at all the time points the the 7th day, the following values were recorded;
rats were weighed. Treatment with methanol normal control (4.57mmol/l), diabetic control
extract of Albizzia chevalieri, Newbouldia laevis (16.48mmol/l), metformin (9.78mmol/l),
and Leptadenia hastata for two weeks resulted in Albizzia chevalieri (9.47mmol/l), Newbouldia
increased body weight in the first and second laevis (10.71mmol/l) and Leptadenia hastata
weeks of extract/drug administration as (11.04mmol/l). By day 14, relatively stable
compared to diabetic control rats. levels were observed in the normal control
(6.95mmol/l) but a progressive decrease was
recorded in all treated groups compared to the
Table 1: Effect of treatments on weight across high resting values of diabetic controls
the experimental period. (13.97mmol/l). However, the blood glucose
concentration of the rats determined after 14
Treatment Body mass Day Daywith metformin,Day
days of treatment Albizzia
(Per Kg BM) before 0 chevalieri, Newbouldia
7 laevis and14
dexamethasone hastata were within the same range (7.1 - 8.4
injection mmol/l).
Control (distilled water) 173.4±2.73 178.8±1.96 179.4±1.57 183.0±1.64
3.4. Effect of treatment with leaf extracts on the
a a a
Diabetic (Untreated) 175.0±1.84 166.6±1.44
fasting blood160.6±1.08 156.4±1.21
glucose concentration, insulin
Metformin (500mg) 171.6±2.48 concentration167.2±1.72
164.2±1.92 and HOMA-IR* of 171.4±1.44
diabetic rats**
The results of the FBG, insulin levels and
A. chevalieri (300mg) 170.2±2.58 164.4±1.81 167.4±1.72of* type-2173.0±1.79
computed HOMA-IR **
diabetic rats
N. laevis (300mg) 170.6±2.87 treated
163.8±2.69 with methanol
167.0±2.63 * extract of Albizzia
172.2±2.22 **
chevalieri, Newbouldia laevis and Leptadenia
L. hastate (300mg) 173.0±3.11 166.0±2.78 169.2±2.35
hastata are presented in **
Table 3.173.6±2.02 ***
The diabetic
*= p<0.05, **= p<0.01, *** = p<0.001 compared to untreated rats had significantly higher FBG
diabetic controls, a = P<0.001 from normal controls. (P<0.05), insulin concentration (P<0.05) and
Data analysed using repeated measures ANOVA HOMA-IR (p<0.05) when compared to the
followed by Bonferroni post hoc test and expressed controls. However, the administration of
as mean ± Standard deviation (SD), n= 7-8 rats. methanol extracts of Albizzia chevalieri,
Newbouldia laevis and Leptadenia hastata and
3.3. Effect of Methanol Extract of Albizzia metformin significantly reduced the FBG
chevalieri, Newbouldia laevis and Leptadenia (P<0.05), insulin concentration (P<0.05) and
hastata on serial fasting blood glucose levels of HOMA-IR (p<0.05) compared to the diabetic
type 2 diabetic rats untreated group.
(Per Kg BW) 0 7 14
*= p<0.05, **= p<0.01, *** = p<0.001 compared to diabetic controls, a = P<0.001 from normal controls. Data
analysed using repeated measures ANOVA followed by Bonferroni post hoc test and expressed as mean ± Standard
deviation (SD), n= 7-8 rats.
Table 3: Fasting Blood Glucose Concentration, Insulin Concentration and HOMA-IR Following Oral
Administration of Methanol Extract of Albizzia chevalieri, Newbouldia laevis and Leptadenia hastata in
Diabetic Rats
Glucose Insulin
(mmol/l) (µU/ml)
3.5. The impact methanol leaf extract of Albizzia concentration of HDL- cholesterol was decreased
chevalieri, Newbouldia laevis and Leptadenia in the diabetic controls. Following the
hastata on serum lipid profiles of type 2 diabetic administration of Albizzia chevalieri,
rats Newbouldia laevis and Leptadenia hastata and
the standard metformin, we observed
Table 4 shows the serum lipid profile of type-2 significantly (P<0.05) decreased levels of TC,
diabetic rats treated with methanol extract of TG, LDL- cholesterol and VLDL-cholesterol.
Albizzia chevalieri, Newbouldia laevis and These treatments also increased levels of HDL-
Leptadenia hastate. The diabetic untreated group cholesterol as compared with diabetic control.
had significantly higher (P<0.05) concentrations The atherogenic index of the rats administered
of total cholesterol (TC), triglycerides (TG), low with metformin (p<0.01) and Albizzia chevalieri
density lipoprotein (LDL)- cholesterol and very (P<0.001) were significantly lower than that of
low density lipoprotein (VLDL)-cholesterol the diabetic control.
compared with normal control. Conversely, the
Table 4: Serum Lipid Profile (mg/dl) of High Fat Diet and Dexamethasone Induced Type-2 Diabetic Rats
Treated with Methanol Extract of Albizzia chevalieri, Newbouldia laevis and Leptadenia hastata
Abbreviations: TC-total cholesterol; TG-triacylglycerol; HDL-C-high density lipoprotein cholesterol; LDL-C- low
density lipoprotein cholesterol; VLDL-C- very low density lipoprotein cholesterol; AI-atherogenic Index. *=
p<0.05, **= p<0.01, *** = p<0.001 compared to diabetic controls, a = P<0.001 from normal controls. Data analysed
using one way ANOVA followed by Bonferroni post hoc test and expressed as mean ± Standard deviation (SD), n=
7-8 rats.
3.6. Thrombolytic effects of Albizzia chevalieri, lipid disorders. Thus, agents that ameliorate IR
Newbouldia laevis and Leptadenia hastate in can potentially mitigate against the development
type 2 diabetic rats of T2DM and related conditions. Compared to
current antidiabetic agents, natural herbs can
The thrombolytic activity of diabetic rats impart lesser side effects. Among the potentially
administered Albizzia chevalieri, Newbouldia antidiabetic plants, leaf extracts of Albizzia
laevis and Leptadenia hastate is shown in figure chevalieri demonstrated significant ameliorative
1. Treatment of the clot with streptokinase effect on type-1 diabetes (Saidu et al., 2010).
produced the maximum clot lysis (93.70%)). Newbouldia laevis (Eneh et al., 2018) and
Whereas treatments with A chevalieri, N laevis Leptadenia hastate (Bello et al., 2011) have also
and L hastate triggered 48.90%, 39.02% and shown anti-hyperglycaemic activity in T1DM
37.69% clot lysis, respectively, distilled water rats. In this study, untreated diabetic rats showed
produced only 4.83% clot lysis. All the plant significantly lowered insulin sensitivity, as
extracts produced significantly greater (p<0.001) indicated by HOMA-IR. This was an indication
thrombolytic activity when compared to distilled of successfully induced the pathogenesis that can
water and significantly lower (p<0.001) activity lead to T2DM.
compared to streptokinase.
Weight loss seriously impacts the management of
diabetes mellitus (Brown et al., 2019; Magkos et
al., 2020). It may be due to degeneration in
adipocytes or muscle tissues, which could be in
compensation for the energy lost with frequent
micturition and/or the excess conversion of
glycogen to glucose. Our data showed marked
differences between the body weight of normal
and diabetic rats. Though both diabetic untreated
and treated rats lost weight throughout the study,
it was less severe in the treated rats. Individuals
with diabetes mellitus may face alteration in body
weight; for T1DM this comes as sudden weight
loss but this scenario is seldom the case with
Figure 1: Thrombolytic potential of Albizzia T2DM. Over time, T2DM only triggers
chevalieri, Newbouldia laevis and Leptadenia hastate significant weight loss if left undiagnosed and
Leaf extracts. a,b,c,d= significantly different at untreated (Mbara et al., 2022). In this study,
p<0.001.Data analysed using one-way ANOVA, n=3 dexamethasone, and exposure to high fat diet for
replicates. 21 days resulted in reduced body weight. A
previous study by Shalam et al. (2006) also
4. Discussion showed a similar finding of reduced body weight.
In the current study, we investigated some Interestingly, methanol extracts of Albizzia
selected medicinal plants for their antidiabetic chevalieri, Newbouldia laevis and Leptadenia
and thrombolytic activities of in type 2 diabetic hastata reversed this progressive loss in body
rats. Following a successful induction of T2DM, weight caused by dexamethasone and high fat
treatment with the leaf extracts lowered the blood diet.
glucose level of type 2 diabetic rats. Interestingly, An initial increase in glucose and then circulating
the leaf extracts also showed a substantial degree insulin levels can indicate a greater degree of
thrombolytic activities in vitro. insulin resistance. After treatment with
The combination of HFD and dexamethasone dexamethasone and high fat diet, rats developed
used in this study successfully induced T2DM hyperglycaemia and reduced insulin sensitivity as
and insulin resistance (IR) in the rats. IR is determined by the HOMA-IR. However, our
observed in conditions like T2DM, obesity and treatments of T2D rats with Albizzia chivalieri,
Newbouldia laevis and Leptadenia hastata leaf diabetogenic diet and increased the HDL-
extracts restored the glucose concentration cholesterol level compared to the untreated
towards normal and improved insulin sensitivity. diabetic rats. These findings emphasize the
This is comparable to results obtained for prospective role of plants in the prevention and
Albizzia chivalieri (Saidu et al., 2010), treatment of cardiovascular disease. The extracts'
Newbouldia laevis (Eneh et al., 2018) and potential to lower not only blood glucose but also
leptadenia hastata (Bello et al., 2011) when they total cholesterol and triglycerides may thus be of
were administered to alloxan-induced type-1 great benefit.
diabetic rats. To our knowledge, there is currently
no report on the potential of methanol extract of Various medicinal plants have been shown to
Albizzia chevalieri, Newbouldia laevis and possess anti-diabetic potential in T1DM and mild
Leptadenia hastate to exert antidiabetic activity thrombolytic actions (Kianian et al., 2021; Yadav
in an animal model of T2DM, thus, making our et al., 2022). To compare the clot lysis effects of
findings novel. The antidiabetic activity our selected plant leaf extracts, we used
demonstrated by the leaf extracts could be a result Streptokinase, a novel thrombolytic drug, as a
of their action on the B cells of the pancreas positive control. The novelty of this study lies in
causing both an increased insulin secretion and the fact that the thrombolytic activity of these
enhanced sensitization of the insulin receptors plants, Albizzia chevalieri, Newbouldia laevis
(Semwal et al., 2021). Alternatively, this may be and Leptadenia hastata, has not been previously
explained by enhanced blood glucose delivery to reported. T2DM increases the risk of building-up
peripheral tissues or an inhibition of the action of plaques in arteries. This can trigger harmful blood
alpha-glucosidase (Bhatia et al., 2019). Thus, the clots as a result of pro-thrombotic changes and
methanol leaf extracts of Albizzia chivalieri, contributes to the high incidence of thrombotic
Newbouldia laevis and Leptadenia hastata events in type 2 diabetic individuals. The
possess potent hypoglycaemic activity. activities exhibited by Albizzia chevalieri,
Newbouldia laevis and Leptadenia hastata may
Dexamethasone stimulates lipolysis, which result in the stimulation of insulin sensitivity
results in the production of free fatty acids, which receptors and stimulation of pancreatic B-cells to
then compete with glucose for intracellular produce enough insulin with additional benefit of
oxidation (Olivas-Aguirre et al., 2023). This lysing blood clots (thrombolytic activity).
leads to the development of IR via the fatty acid Therefore, if these results are validated then the
cycle (Lee et al., 2022). Dexamethasone also plants extracts might prove useful as therapy for
increases triglyceride levels, causing a disordered insulin resistance and artery-thrombotic events in
lipid metabolism that triggers hyperlipidaemia type-2 diabetic patients.
(Dzinyela et al., 2021). In diabetes, free fatty
acids are increasingly mobilised from peripheral 5. Conclusion
fat depots because of the inability of insulin to
inhibit hormone-sensitive lipase (Tella et al., In this study, we showed that methanol leaf
2019). As a result, the severe hyperlipidaemia extracts of the selected medicinal plants have
that precedes diabetes may be seen as a side effect anti-diabetic effects in high fat diet and
of unrestrained lipolytic hormone activities on fat dexamethasone induced model of type-2
depots. When compared to normal control, 21 diabetes. The extracts produced almost similar
days of a high fat diet and dexamethasone decrease in blood glucose concentration as the
resulted in increased triglyceride, increased total, standard drug, metformin. This could be the
LDL- and VLDL-cholesterol but decreased explanation for the use of these plants to treat
HDL-cholesterol. Interestingly, Shalam et al. diabetes mellitus in some societies. Additionally,
(2006) had previously reported similar findings. the extracts of Albizzia chevalieri, Newbouldia
However, the administration of the leaf extracts laevis and Leptadenia hastata have shown a great
in our study reversed the effects of the potential for blood clots lysis (thrombolytic)
activity in vitro. Future studies to demonstrate in components responsible for clot lysis should be
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