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ALS- Alternative Learning System

Disciplines and Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences
2ND Semester School Year 2024-2025

STUDENT: DATE: January 6 – January 31, 2025

○ Social Sciences ○ Applied Social Sciences ○ Counseling ○ Founding Fathers


 Is made of several disciplines and these include history, political science, sociology, psychology,
economics, geography, demography.
 Study of society and the manner in which people behave and influence the world around us.
 It provides vital information for governments, nongovernmental organizations, andothers.

Social Science and applied Social Science are basically the same thing. Social Science is about people how
they interact with others in their society and how societies interact with each other. It seeks to explain
interactions forms hypothesis test them and suggest potential actions. While, applied social science is about
putting theories in to practice and interfacing directly with the public. This doesn’t mean an applied social
society practitioner i.e. a social worker is isolated from the body of practice far from it they give feedback on the
various strategies developed and identify areas where further research could be focused (Jones (2018).


 To answer different questions and problems about the society and human condition on how to improve
 Provides a substantive insight to the understanding of society and of the relationship of individual
members and groups within society (Luminarias, 2018)
Social Science may be divided into:
1.Anthropology The study of what makes us human. The scientific study of humans and human
behavior and societies in the past and present.
Anthropologist are trained in the different areas:
a. Cultural -studies the development of human culture based on ethnologic, linguistic, social,
anthropology and psychological data analysis. It explains how people in other societies live and
affects their environments to their lives.
b. Physical - studies human biological nature, particularly its beginning, evolution, and variation
anthropology in prehistory.
C. Archeology - studies human life in the past through the examination of things left behind by the
2. History Systematic study of human past events in order to understand the meaning,
dynamics, and relationship of the cause and effects of events
in the development of societies.
3.Economics Studies the allocation of scarce resources and the production and exchange of
goods and services in society.
Economics has different subfields:
a. Environmental - studies the allocation of natural resources
b. Labor economics -focuses on the study of the decision- making and behaviors of employees and
C. Business the relationships between employers and their employees.
economics - examines the behavior of companies and firms by studying the factors that
d. Monetary result in profit maximization, price setting, production goals, and the role of
economics incentives.
-on the other hand, studies the nation’s production, inflation, income, interest
rates, and monetary policies.
4. Geography The study of places and the relationships between people and their environments.
5. Linguistics The scientific study of language and its structure. It involves analyzing language
form, language meaning and language in context.
6. Psychology The scientific study of the mind and behavior. It is a multifaceted discipline and
includes many sub-fields of study such areas as human development, sports, health,
clinical, social behavior and cognitive Processes.
7. Sociology Sociology is the study of human social relationships and institutions. Sociology’s
subject matter is diverse, ranging from crime to religion, from the family to the state,
from the divisions of race and social class to the shared beliefs of a common culture,
and from social stability to radical change in whole societies.
8.Demography The study of a population based on factors such as age, race and sex.
Governments, corporations and nongovernment organizations use demographics to
learn more about a population's characteristics for many purposes, including policy
development and economic market research.
9.Political Science Is the study of political systems, government and international relations.
Applied Social The study that uses the knowledge-based theories, principles, and methods of
Science interdisciplinary disciplines of basic social science to understand the society and to
help address or solve a social problem or practical problem in society.
1. Counseling Empowers diverse individuals, families, and groups to accomplish mental health,
wellness, education, and career goals.
-It involves helping people make needed changes in ways of thinking, feeling, and
2. Social Work It focuses on social change, problem-solving in human relationships
and the empowerment and liberation of people to enhance social justice
3Communication Focuses on how humans use verbal and nonverbal messages to create meaning in
various contexts across cultures using a variety of channels and media.


Counseling comes from the Latin word "Consilium" meaning plan, council, wisdom and advice. Counseling is
a profession and a helping relationship that facilitates the development of individuals, groups and families that
are based on the principle of empowerment that helps achieve personal, social, educational and career
development. This is contrary to our shared definition of counseling which focused advice giving, but it more of
a process which helps the client (counselee) clarify and address problems.

A list of professionals who used counseling in their work are the following: Counseling / Clinical
Psychologists, Welfare Workers, Teachers, Nurses, Health visitors, and midwives, Occupational and
speech therapists, social workers * Physiotherapists Ministers of Religion * Voluntary and Youth
workers. Goals of Counseling Different individuals have various issues and concerns in life. Their reason for
consulting a Counselor or a Counseling Psychologist differs based on their problems and concerns.


A. Facilitate change of counseling has specific goals; this specific goal will help both of the client and the
behavior counselor understand what specific change of behavior is desired.
B. Promote decision this enables individual make critical decisions but not to decide which decisions
making the clients should make to acquire understanding not only of their abilities,
opportunities, and interests but also their emotions, behavior, and attitudes that
could interfere their choices and decisions.
C. Enhance coping There are a lot of pressures in life that a person will face in his/her lifetime. It is
skills and adjustment the goal of counseling to empower individuals that can enhance coping skills and
adjustment to be able to adapt and survive in this complex society we are living.
D. Improve relationship Many people go to a counselor because of poor self-esteem or inadequate social
skills skills, some of them might be bullied by classmates, and it is the goal of
counseling to help the client improve the quality of life by becoming more
effective in teaching life skills and interpersonal skills to improve relationships.
E. Facilitate counselee one of the counseling goals is to help an individual maximizes his freedom and
or client potential seek individual's effectiveness by giving him or her control over his environment
and/or overcome.
F. Counselors are working with people with excessive smoking, depression, and aggression they help them
to take care better of their clients holistically: physical, psychological and spiritual.
In summary, it is the ultimate goal of counseling to help individuals realize their full potential or become self-
actualized, maintain an adequate level of development and encourage them to verbalize an unexpressed
Principles of Counseling
A. Listening This is the number one skill that a counselor should always consider in a counseling
skills process. When listening attentively to the client to show that we are interested and we
respect him/her whatever situation he/she has right now. This will result in emphatic
understanding and can exploit develop a positive and healthy interaction with the client.
B. Resistance human behavior is very complex, and people respond to things differently. It is important
for counselors not to take client's resistance personally since some resistance to
therapeutic change is natural.

C. Respect Counselor should have respect for his/her client no matter how weird, strange, peculiar,
different the customer is with you. A counselor should be neutral and must be objective
no matter what. There are times that the counselor does not like the customer, in that
case, a counselor must put away personal feelings and treat the client with respect. A
counselor should always see him/herself on the client's situation, trying to put his shoe on
the shoes of his/her client.
D. Empathy or This is based on the writings of Carl Rogers; these two principles go along with particular
Unconditional and effective listening skills. Empathy requires listening and understanding client's feeling
Positive and their perspective. This principle should be part of the counselor's characteristics since
Regard the success of counselee-counselor relationship will depend on the quality of rapport built
along the process.
E. Clarification, These principles are techniques of therapeutic intervention that are advanced.
confrontation, Clarification is an attempt by the therapist to restate what the client is either saying or
and feeling so the client may learn something or understand the issue better. Confrontation is
interpretation a skill that can assist clients to increase their self-awareness that can be used to highlight
discrepancies that clients have been previously unaware of. While interpretation is when
the counselor tries to interpret the client's, situation based on noting and reflection of their
Transference a process somewhat related to projection. It is important to understand transference
and Counter- reactions for this help the client gain more understanding of important aspects of their
transference emotional life. Counter-transference refers to the emotional and perceptional reactions
the counselor has towards the client.

Founding Fathers
1. Charles Darwin (1809–1882) is best known for his theory of evolution by natural selection, which he
presented in his 1859 book On the Origin of Species.
2. Herbert Spencer coined the phrase "survival of the fittest" or the theory of evolution
(27 April 1820 – 8 December 1903) into society. He explained that society evolved similarly to living
organisms. Spencer stated that similar to species, society would
evolve from a simple form and progress to a complex form.

3. David Émile Durkheim the ‘father of modern sociology’ utilized scientific methods to
(1858—1917) approach the study of society and social groups. His work influenced
the school of anthropology known as functionalism. Durkheim believed
that individuals should be considered within the context of the society
in which they live.
4. Edward Burnett Tylor ‘Father of the study of culture’ was a pioneer of cultural
(2 October 1832 – 2 January 1917) anthropology in Britain. Tylor gave one of the first anthropological
definitions of culture in his book Primitive Culture (1871).
5. Max Weber (1864- 1920) one of the ‘founders of modern sociological thought’. In The
Protestant Work Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, his most famous
work, Weber explored the influence of ethics and religion on the
development of capitalism.
6.Bronisław Kasper Malinowski one of the most important anthropologists of the 20th century who is
widely recognized as a ‘founder of social anthropology’ and
(April 7, 1884 – May 16, 1942) principally associated with field studies of the peoples of Oceania.
7. Karl Marx (1818-1883) ‘Known as the father of communism’ developed a theory that
human societies progress though a struggle between two distinct
social classes. The proletariat, the workers, are the lower class. They
perform the labor, but the upper-class managers, bosses, and rulers,
called the bourgeoisie, get the profits.
8. Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) is best known for developing the theory of psychoanalysis, which is a
way to understand the mind and treat mental distress. He is also
known as the "father of psychoanalysis" and "father of modern
Don't give up on your dreams!
Noted by: Prepared
Teacher/Trainer Head Teacher III



 You have 1 MONTH to finish and pass all your week 1- week 4 activities, kindly meet the set deadline.
However, passing one activity weekly is highly encouraged.
 Please be reminded that copying or duplicating your classmates answer in any form will invalidate your


o Directions: Read and understand carefully.Encircle the letter that corresponds to the correct answer.
o SOCIAL SCIENCES | 4 ITEMS | 5 points Each

Question 1/4 (refer to the social sciences on the right) SCIENCES

Anthropology is a branch of social science focuses on the study of human The goal of social sciences
societies, their cultures, and their development over time and Economics is a is to answer different
branch of social science examining the distribution and consumption of goods questions and problems
and services in society. Psychology is also a field of social science that explores about the society and
the behavior and mental processes of individuals. Which of the following is the human condition on how to
best definition of social sciences that also explains its goal? improve it and provides a
substantive insight to the
a. Social science is the study of society and the manner in which understanding of society
people behave and influence the world around us. and of the relationship of
b. The study of human culture, including beliefs, customs, and individual members and
traditions. groups within society.
c. Studies the allocation of scarce resources and the production and
exchange of goods and services in society
d. The scientific study of the mind and behavior. It is a multifaceted
discipline and includes many sub-fields of study such areas as
human development, sports, health, clinical, social behavior and
cognitive Processes.
Question 2/2 (refer to the Archeology on the right)
Archaeology is the study of
Archaeologists might study the million-year-old fossils of our earliest human human history and culture
ancestors in Africa. Or they might study 20th-century buildings in present-day through the analysis of
New York City. Which of the following describes an Archeologist? material remains, such as
tools, buildings, and human
A) A scientist who studies ancient art remain, these fascinated
B) A researcher who studies Earth's geology Ana to become an
C) An expert in ancient languages Archeologist someday.
D) A professional who studies human history through material remains.

Question 2/2 (refer to the Demography on the right)
Demography is the social
According to the 2020 Census of Population and Housing (CPH), the population science that studies the
of the Philippines was 109,033,245 people as of May 1, 2020. This number does size, composition, and
not include Filipinos living in Philippine embassies, consulates, or missions distribution of the human
abroad. Which of the following explained the main importance of Demography? population of a given area
at a specific point in time,
A. Helps people understand the characteristics of a population and how it might the changes in population
change in the future, size and composition.
B. it gives valuable information that can be used to make good decisions in
business, government, and social services,
C. help address global problems that have current or potential impacts on the
D. All of the above.
ITEM #4 Psychology
Question 4/4 (refer to the Psychology on the right) is the scientific study of the
both conscious and
Psychologist are studying why different people react differently to the same unconscious phenomena. It
situation, what makes people laugh in different countries around the world and covers a wide range of
the impact of a new drug on activity in the human brain. What does psychology topics, including mental
study? processes, how people and
animals behave, and how
a. people and things these behaviors are shaped
b. emotions and beliefs by interactions with others
c. perception and religion and development or
d. mind and behavior how behavior changes over
a person's lifetime, including
cognitive abilities.


o Directions : Explain the following to the best of your knowledge

1. In the space provided below, you are to answer the following five questions in paragraph form. One
paragraph each question. Each paragraph must contain not less than 100 words.
2. Your performance will be graded using the attached rubrics for individual Work.
3. 5% of the total score will be automatically deducted if your essay is less than 100 words.

ITEM #1 Question 1/3

Explain clearly the differences and similarities between the social sciences and applied social sciences?

ITEM #2 Question 2/3

Which among the branches of Applied Social Sciences do you find interesting? Explain why?

ITEM #3 Question 3/3

Select an essay topic from some example questions for an applied social science essay below. It is
advised that you choose a topic that you are already somewhat familiar with, and then explain it using
your own opinions and views.

 How can we use information from individuals to make the best decisions?
 How can we be prepared for rare events with extreme consequences?
 Why do female workers often earn less than male workers?
2 2 4 2
Well written and very Clear and concise Excellent effort and Demonstrates a
organized. Excellent statements presentation with detail thorough understanding
grammar mechanics of the topic

o Direction: After the chapter study. Read each statement carefully. Place a check mark (V) if you agree with
the statement and cross (X) if you do not agree.
o COUNSELING | 10 ITEMS | 2 points Each
Statements X/V
1. It is not important to know counseling because it helps people navigate difficult life situations.
2. Listening skills is the number one skill that a counselor should always Consider in a counseling process.
3. Facilitate change of behavior to the client is one of the goals of counseling.
4. Individual and Family Counseling are considered as the scopes of counseling.
5. Counselling is a process which helps the client clarify and address problems.
6. Linguistics is the scientific study of language and its structure.
7. Psychology is a study of the past, principally how it relates to humans.
8. History refers to the study of humans.
9. Applied social sciences applies social scientific theories and knowledge from sciences to the physical
social environment or society.
10. Social science is defined as a branch of science which deals with the study of society and the
relationship of individuals to their environment.


o Direction: Identify what is the principle and goal of counseling that is being asked in the following sentences
o COUNSELING | 7 ITEMS | 2 points Each
1. the number one skill that a counselor should always consider in a counseling process.
This will result in emphatic understanding and a positive and healthy interaction w/ clients
2. refers to the emotional and perceptional reactions the counselor has towards the client.
3.It is important for counselors not to take client's resistance personally since some
resistance to therapeutic change is natural.

4. an attempt by the therapist to restate what the client is either saying or feeling so the
client may learn something or understand the issue better
5. a skill that can assist clients to increase their self-awareness that can be used to
highlight discrepancies that clients have been previously unaware of
6. A counselor should always see him/herself on the client's situation, trying to put his shoe
on the shoes of his/her client.
7. the goal of counseling to help the client improve the quality of life by becoming more
effective in teaching life skills and interpersonal skills to improve relationships
o Direction: Determine which social studies founding father is mentioned in each
number. Write the complete name.
o FOUNDING FATHERS | 8 ITEMS | 2 points Each

1. "father of psychoanalysis" and "father of modern psychology"
2. ‘Known as the father of communism’
3. ‘founder of social anthropology’
4. founders of modern sociological thought’
5. ‘Father of the study of culture’
6. ‘father of modern sociology’
7. "survival of the fittest"
8. Author of 1859 book the Origin of Species
D. ACTIVITY 4b art work A4b SCORE:
o Direction: Select 4 founding fathers, then print or adhere their images to a single
piece of long bond paper.
o FOUNDING FATHERS | 4 ITEMS | 5 points Each

Don't give up on your dreams!

Noted by: Prepared
Teacher/Trainer Head Teacher III

Sources: DEPED MODULES l DIASS l GR.11 End

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