Math G6 Learning Outcomes
Math G6 Learning Outcomes
Math G6 Learning Outcomes
3-4-4-1-1 Collecting and inter- 1. Collecting data from the environment and organ-
preting data from the environment izing it into multiple categories using frequency
by organizing it and representing tables.
it using bar graphs, symbols, and 2. Representing data with vertical and horizontal bar
points. graphs, symbols, and points.
Mathematics (4) - sixth grade (6)
Learning Outcomes Iindicators
6-4-1-1-2 Understanding the con- 1. Identifying fractions, representing them using
cepts of ordinary fractions, mixed various models, diagrams, and number lines, and
numbers, and improper frac- reading and writing them.
tions, representing them through 2. Finding equivalent fractions and converting them
mathematical notation, accurately to their simplest form, rounding them to the near-
reading and writing them, com- est whole, half, or one.
3. Distinguishing mixed numbers, representing them
paring and ordering them, and
by using models, diagrams, and number lines,
applying rounding to estimate
reading and writing them.
4. Converting improper fractions to mixed numbers
and vice versa.
5. Comparing and ordering fractions and mixed
numbers in ascending and descending order.
6-4-1-1-3 Identifying and repre- 1. Identifying decimal fractions, representing them
senting decimals, recognizing the through forms, graphs, and a number line, de-
place value of a digit in a decimal, termining place value of a decimal fraction, and
reading, writing ,comparing and rounding it to the nearest whole number or speci-
arranging them, and rounding fied place value.
decimals to a specified place. 2. Reading and writing decimal numbers in standard,
Converting between decimals, verbal, and analytical forms.
3. Comparing and arranging decimal numbers in
fractions, and mixed numbers.
ascending or descending order.
4. Converting between decimal fractions, standard
fractions, and mixed numbers.
learning outcomes document for national assessment in the areas of:
Reading - Mathematics – Sciences
Mathematics (4) - sixth grade (6)
Learning Outcomes Iindicators
6-4-1-2-4 Describing ratio, rate, 1. Understanding ratio, rate and distinguishing be-
percentage, and proportion, rep- tween them, representing them through models
resenting, expressing and rec- and diagrams, finding them, converting them to
ognizing them, and finding them, fractional form and comparing quantities.
and using it to solve mathematical 2. Recognizing percentage, representing it through
problems. models and diagrams, finding and expressing it as
a decimal or fraction.
3. Describing proportions, representing it through
models and diagrams, determining proportional
quantities, and solving proportions.
4. Solving real-life mathematical problems that
involve ratio, rate, percentage, and proportion and
explaining their solutions.
6-4-1-2-5 Performing the four 1. Implementing addition and subtraction of like and
operations on fractions and mixed unlike fractions.
numbers and using them to solve 2. Adding mixed numbers and subtracting them by
mathematical problems. converting them to improper fractions.
3. Multiplying and dividing fractions.
4. Multiplying mixed numbers and dividing them into
improper fractions.
5. Solving mathematical problems up to three steps
that include real life applications on the four
operations on fractions and mixed numbers and
explaining their solutions.
6-4-1-2-6 Adding, subtracting, 1. Adding and subtracting decimals up to thou-
multiplying, and dividing decimals, sandths place.
and using them to solve mathe- 2. Multiplying and dividing decimals up to hun-
matical problems. dredths place.
learning outcomes document for national assessment in the areas of:
Reading - Mathematics – Sciences
Mathematics (4) - sixth grade (6)
Learning Outcomes Iindicators
2- Algebra and analysis
learning outcomes document for national assessment in the areas of:
Reading - Mathematics – Sciences
Mathematics (4) - sixth grade (6)
Learning Outcomes Iindicators
3-2 Identifying 2D and 3D geometric shapes, classifying them based on their element’s
properties, and creating accurate drawings of them.
6-4-3-2-1 Distinguishing the char- 1. Identifying polygons and circles, classifying them
acteristics of two-dimensional by their elements.
and three-dimensional geometric 2. Distinguishing and classifying triangles based on
shapes, identifying their elements, the lengths of sides and measures of angles.
and classifying them. 3. Recognizing and classifying quadrilaterals (paral-
lelograms, rectangles, rhombuses, squares, trap-
ezoids) based on the properties of their sides and
4. Identifying vertices, edges, faces, and bases of
triangular, quadrilateral, and cubic prisms.
5. Finding the measures of unknown angles by using
the sum of angles of triangles and quadrilaterals.
3-3 Coordinates and Geometric Transformations
6-4-3-3-1 Using coordinates 1. Designating points in the first quadrant of the
plane to designate locations and coordinate plane using ordered pairs and mapping
describing geometric transforma- their locations.
tions. 2. Drawing geometric shapes and polygons in the
first quadrant of the coordinate plane based on the
given coordinates of their vertices.
3. Describing and performing translations to draw
an image of a shape in the first quadrant of the
coordinate plane.
4. Describing and performing reflections over an
axis to draw an image of a shape in the first quad-
rant of the coordinate plane.
5. Describing and performing rotations about a point
to graph a shape in the first quadrant of the coor-
dinate plane.
learning outcomes document for national assessment in the areas of:
Reading - Mathematics – Sciences
Mathematics (4) - sixth grade (6)
Learning Outcomes Iindicators
6-4-3-4-3 Describing volume and 1. Describing volume, distinguishing the appropri-
surface area, distinguishing their ate units and their relationships (cubic millimeter,
formulas and units, and using cubic centimeter, cubic meter), and converting
them in solving mathematical between them.
problems. 2. Identifying the formula for the volume of a right
prism, and using it to calculate its volume.
3. Identifying the formula for the surface area of a
right prism, and using it to estimate and calculate
the surface area.
4. Solving real-life mathematical problems by calcu-
lating the volume and surface area of a right prism
and explaining the solution.
4- Statistics and probabilities
4-1 Statistics and graphic representations
6-4-4-1-1 Organizing and repre- 1. Gathering realistic quantitative and qualitative
senting realistic quantitative and data, arranging it, and presenting it through scatter
qualitative data through points, plots, bar charts, histograms, and pie charts.
graphs, columns, and pie sectors, 2. Interpreting and analyzing data depicted in scatter
and interpreting the resulting plots, bar charts, histograms, and pie charts.
representations 3 Evaluating and selecting the most fitting rep-
resentation for the given data by comparing vari-
ous data presentations.
4-2 Data analysis and interpretation
6-4-4-2-1 Describing the meas- 1. Calculating the mean, median, mode, and range of
ures of central tendency and individual values and interpreting them in context.
range, finding them, interpreting 2. Finding the mean, median, mode, and range for
them, and choosing the most ap- represented data by points and columns.
propriate measure from them. 3. Determining the most appropriate measure of
central tendency or range to describe a set of data
based on comparison.