chemistry of materials sem 2 syllubus
chemistry of materials sem 2 syllubus
chemistry of materials sem 2 syllubus
3 0 0 3
Course outcomes: After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:
UNIT- I 10 Lectures
Electrode potential, determination of single electrode potential-Nernst equation; Reference
electrodes - hydrogen and calomel electrodes; Electrochemical series and its applications;
Primary cell - dry or Leclanche cell, Weston Cadmium Cell; Secondary cell - lead acid
storage cell, nickel-cadmium cell, lithium ion batteries; Fuel cell, hydrogen-oxygen fuel
cell (AFC); Solar energy- photovoltaic cell and applications.
Learning outcomes:
1. apply standard reduction potential data to calculate the standard cell potential. (L3)
2. apply redox principles for construction of batteries and fuel cells. (L3)
3. illustrate the construction and working of a pv cell. (L3)
UNIT- II 10 Lectures
Learning outcomes
Introduction –Hard and Soft water, Estimation of hardness by EDTA Method; Boiler troubles
- scaling and sludge-priming and foaming; specifications for drinking water - Bureau of Indian Standards
(BIS) and World Health Organization (WHO) standards; Industrial water treatment – zeolite and ion-
exchange processes; desalination of brackish water - reverse osmosis (RO) and electrodialysis.
Learning outcomes:
UNIT- IV 12 Lectures
Cement: Portland cement, constituents, Manufacture of Portland Cement, chemistry of setting and
hardening of cement (hydration, hydrolysis, equations).
Lubricants- Introduction, functions of lubrication, mechanism of lubrication, types of lubricants and
Polymers: Introduction, Types and mechanism of polymerization, differences between
thermoplastic and thermosetting plastics, Preparation, properties and uses of polystyrene
and Nylon 6,6.
Refractories-Definition, Classification, Characteristics and failures of refractories.
Learning outcomes:
UNIT- V 8 Lectures
Nano Materials: Introduction to Nanomaterials - nanoclusters, fullerenes, carbon
nanotubes (CNT) and nanowires; Sol-gel synthesis of nanomaterials: Reverse micellar
method; Applications of nanomaterials in wastewater treatment, lubricants and engines.
Smart Materials: Introduction – Types of smart materials-self healing materials-shape
memory alloys and Uses of smart materials.
Learning outcomes:
Text Books:
1. P.C. Jain and M. Jain, Engineering Chemistry, 15th edition, Dhanpat Rai & Sons, Delhi, 2014.
2. B.S Murthy and P. Shankar, A Text Book of NanoScience and NanoTechnology, University Press,
Reference Books:
1. O.G.Palanna, Engineering Chemistry, Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt Ltd, 2009.
2. Sashi Chawla, A Textbook of Engineering Chemistry, Dhanapath Rai and sons, 2003.
3. S.S. Dara, A Textbook of Engineering Chemistry, S.Chand & Co, 2010.