Livelihood (TVL)
ICT - Computer Systems
Quarter 1 - Week 3
Technical-Vocational Livelihood – Grade 11
Self-Learning Module
1st Semester-Quarter 1: Module 3: Week 3
First Edition, 2020
Republic Act 8293 section 176 states that: No copyright shall subsist in
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agency of office may, among other things. Impose as a condition the
payment of royalties.
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This learning resource hopes to engage the learners into guided and
independent learning activities at their own pace and time. Furthermore,
this also aims to help learners acquire the needed 21st century skills while
taking into consideration their needs and circumstances.
The hand is one of the most symbolized part of the human body. It is
often used to depict skill, action and purpose. Through our hands we may
learn, create and accomplish. Hence, the hand in this learning resource
signifies that you as a learner is capable and empowered to successfully
achieve the relevant competencies and skills at your own pace and time.
Your academic success lies in your own hands!
This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful
opportunities for guided and independent learning at your own pace and
time. You will be enabled to process the contents of the learning resource
while being an active learner.
The following are some reminders in using this module:
Lesson 2 - Input Data into the Computer
Pre-Test 2.0
Let us determine how much you already know about inputting data
into the computer. Take this test.
1. What type of software allows you to attain specific tasks like creating
documents and presentations?
Directions: Identify what is being asked in each number. Write your answer
in your quiz notebook.
What’s In
This is a brief drill or review to help you link the current lesson with the
previous one.
What’s New
TIn this portion, the new lesson will be introduced to you in various ways; a
story, a song, a poem, a problem opener, an activity or a situation.
In the puzzle shown below, what word did you see first? What does
this word mean to you?
Utility programs
Generic programs
Integrated programs
Specific software
Bespoke software
Word processing software
Desktop publishing software
Spreadsheet software
Database software
Presentation software
Internet Browsers
Email Programs
Graphic Programs (Pixel based)
Graphic Programs (vector based)
Communication software: Communication through audio, video
or chat based means
If the pen is mightier than the sword, the word processor is even
better. Word processors create text based documents. This set of software
tools is most flexible and widely used. Word processors are used for creating
memos, faxes and letters. Word processors are also used to create reports
and personalized pages on the Web.The top 3 word processing softwares are:
Microsoft Word, Lotus Word Pro and Corel WordPerfect.
There are inbuilt spelling and grammar checkers which make it easy
to locate words with spelling issues or capitalization, sentence structure or
punctuation problems.
1.3 Spreadsheets
Slides are used for electronic presentation and there are layout,
normal and slide show views. You can choose color schemes, slide layouts,
special effects, animation, transitions and builds.
Just like there are positive softwares, there are also negative forms of
application software used for nefarious purposes. Applications software can
carry the following hidden programs or utilities:
Adware and Spyware: Adware and spyware are other common types
of software. Adware includes sponsored freeware available when you
register. Sometimes, adware tracks internet surfing habits to become
intrusive and change into spyware. It then keeps a record of all the sites you
have surfed and comes up with ads which it feels are relevant to you. Unlike
adware, spyware has a negative connotation.
Nagware: This refers to software that comes in the form of pop ups
asking users to register for a product or purchase an app
Dribble ware: Software which has too many updates and patches.
Answer the following questions to check what you have learned in this
1. What is software?
2. What are the different types of software?
3. What are some examples of the different types of software? Write as many
as you can.
Self-Check 2.0
Column A Column B
Existing files can be saved directly but this process does not allow a user to
change any settings to the file creation process.
Each of these approaches will save the file directly, allowing no intervention
on the part the user. If the file has been newly created, the program will
automatically launch the Save As... dialog asking the user for a file name and other
configuration options for the file.
Users wishing to save an existing file to a new file must select the Save As...
option. The Save As... dialog can be brought up at any time to save the current
workbook to a new file with either a different name or a different file format type.
This dialog is automatically launched when a user attempts to use one of the
methods described above to save a workbook or a document which does not already
have an existing file.
The Save As... dialog asks the user to provide a name for the file to be
created, to select a folder in which to place the new file, and to select a file format
type for the file.
The steps required to save a file to a standard location are the following:
This area is used to give the file its name. This is a standard text entry area
allowing all the basic editing commands. The cursor can be moved left or right
using the keyboard arrow keys. The cursor can be placed anywhere in the text by
placing the mouse pointer where the cursor should go and clicking with the
primary mouse button. The mouse can also select part or all of the text with a click
and drag. The keyboard shortcuts for copying, Ctrl+c, cutting, Ctrl+x, or pasting,
Ctrl+v, all work. The dialog uses filename matching to guess file names based on
the files already in the parent folder.
This area provides a drop down list of previously selected folders including
the standard folders and the folders which have been bookmarked by the user. The
area will be disabled if area D has been selected to expand the dialog.
The desired folder can be selected by moving the mouse pointer over the
button, clicking and holding the primary mouse button, dragging the mouse
pointer onto the name of the desired folder and releasing the mouse button. The
new folder name will appear on as the name on the button.
This area provides a drop down list of all the file formats provided by the
current program itself and by all the currently active plugins.
This area will alter the dialog to expand or collapse it. When expanded the
dialog provides a way to select any folder accessible on the system, to create new
folders and to add and remove bookmark folders from the user's bookmark folder
list. When the dialog is expanded, the small arrow will point downward, the areas
showing in Figure 14-7 will appear and area B will be disabled.
This area provides two buttons, the Cancel and the Save buttons. Clicking
the Cancel button will dismiss the dialog and return the user to the worksheet.
Clicking the Save button will cause a file to be created with the currently selected
Answer the following question to check what you have learned in this lesson:
1. What are the steps to follow in saving a file?
2. What are some examples of file formats?
3. Why do you need to save a file that you just have created?
This includes questions or blank sentence / paragraph to be filled in
to process what you have learned from the lesson.
Name the file. Open the folder containing the desired file.
_______ 9. Users wishing to save an existing file to a new file must select the Save
As... option.
_______11. In order to save a file in a folder other than that provided by default, it is
not necessary to change the default folder.
_______12. Clicking the Save button will cause a file to be created with the currently
selected name, parent folder and format.
_______13. Any file can also be saved in a different storage media like in a flash
drive and in a cloud storage.
_______14. The file format of Microsoft Excel Office Open XML is .xlsx.
_______15. Existing files can be saved directly but this process does not allow a
user to change any settings to the file creation process
Refer to Answer Key
Additional Activities
In this portion, another activity will be given to you to enrich your
knowledge or skill of the lesson learned. This also tends retention of
learned concepts.
Select application software that you use most of the time. Observe how it works
and write down the steps on how you open that software and save any file or
changes you have made out from that application.
What Is It
This section provides a brief discussion of the lesson. This aims to
help you discover and understand new concepts and skills.
Anyone who uses a computer for prolonged periods — whether on the job, at
school or at home for enjoyment — is at risk for headaches, burning eyes, red eyes,
These tips are designed to reduce the risk of stress, physical injury and
computer eye strain from prolonged computer use.
1. Sit so your head and neck are upright and in-line with your torso, not bent down
or tilted back.
2. Face your computer screen directly. Avoid viewing your screen with your head
turned or your back twisted.
3. Keep your elbows comfortably close to your body.
4. Use a chair that provides support for your lower back and has a cushioned seat
with a contoured front edge.
5. Keep your mouse close to your keyboard so you don't have to reach for it.
6. Position your computer display so the top of the screen is at or slightly below eye
level. This will allow you to view the screen without bending your neck.
7. Adjust the position of your display to prevent reflections of overhead and outdoor
lighting appearing on your screen.
8. Put your monitor close enough to your eyes so you can comfortably read text on
the screen without leaning forward.
9. When working with print documents, use a document holder that positions them
at the same height and distance as your computer screen.
10. Use a hands-free headset when talking on the phone while working at your
Your upper arms are perpendicular to the floor, not stretched forward or angled
Your forearms, wrists and hands form a 90-degree angle with your upper arms
Answer the following question to check what you have learned in this lesson:
1. In your own words, what is computer ergonomics?
2. What do you feel after using the computer the whole day?
3. How do practice computer ergonomics to prevent any injury from prolonged
computer use?
A. Direction: Read each question carefully. Write your answer in your quiz notebook.
1. How do you reduce the risk of stress, physical injury and computer eye strain
from prolonged computer use?
Imagine you are working in an office. What is a typical workstation for you?
Express your answer through an illustration.
Learning Material