Petrus Romanus The Book

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Petrus Romanus- new book, old lies

Christians beware! We know that Peter was not a first Pope!


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Intro Synopsis Timeline of deception What they say Links



I had an occasion to listen to the radio show about the last pope who is to be the antichrist. Surprisingly what they were saying [cos the book is unreleased yet] is based on false prophecies of Fatima, dictated by demonic entity called Mary, and catholic mystics, Jesuit works! Thats a great surprise. Over 400 years took Jesuits to not only penetrate the ranks of Protestants, but also to convict some to their theology. We know that at least from the time of Reformation, all preachers called Papacy and Roman Catholic institution- the Antichrist. Today, instead on relying on the Bible and the revelation, prophecies given by the Holy Spirit, folks turn to myths, pagan sources, old prophecies and mystics! Please read the following pages, and judge yourself. See on what side you are. Is the Bible valid, or the heretics, persecuting in the name of God were right. Some, being at the time of Reformation would oppose the Bible. How about ya?



During 4 hour program, they touched on many topics, some interesting, some reasoning taken out of context. The topics were: Nostradamus Fatima and demonic apparitions rd Messages of Fatima and especially 3 secret of Fatima Catholicism False prophets Papacy Malachi Martin[they often call him father] Prophecy of the popes Saint Malachi Ecumenism Hidden truths Power struggle in the Vatican, as if it was something new Final pope Ancient catholic prophesy Catholic prophets[too bad they did not see idolatry and heresy they were part of] Mafia in the Vatican Windswept House book Enthronement of Lucifer ceremony in the Vatican Horus ceremony Etc.


Timeline of deception
Person/ What happened Saint Malachy

Date 1094-1148


Nostradamus claimed to base his published predictions on judicial astrology the astrological 'judgement', or assessment, of the 'quality' (and thus potential) of events such as births, weddings coronations etcWikipedia Martin Luther posted his 95 theses Martin Luther John Calvin Huldrych Zwingli William Tyndale Geneva Bible The Bishops Bible The King James Bible Pentecostalism started Revised Version American Standard Version Charismatic Movement Second Vatican Council Secrets of Fatima David du Plessis strayed and started ecumenical efforts with Papacy World Council of Churches heresy Malachi Martin, unsaved priest of Rome. Start of ecumenical movement Philip Shaff- ecumenical prophet

1517 1483-1546 1509-1564 1484-1531 1492-1536 1560 1568 1611 1901 1885 1901 1960 1962-1965 1917 1950 1948 1921-1999 1910 1819-1893


What they say

Steve Quayle[SQ] Tom Horn[TH] Cris Putnam[CP] Im gonna use these abbreviation to indicate who is speaking what. Steve Quayle teaches heresies like:

Besides brother Omegaman, there were 3 people present on the show:

Pre- adamic races based on one scripture that does not say so and mythologies. Demons as disembodied spirits of Giants, another never find in the Bible doctrine. Giants are mentioned in Gen 6, what happened to them- Bible stay silent about it. Author often base his research on mythologies, not realizing that all of them were made to deceive folks to not to find the true God. All things are twisted and there is no truth in them except for maybe the names of demons. His friend was Derek Prince. Brother Prince had many good books, however he followed 2 destructive doctrines: shepherding movement, and Catholicism as a part of the Christian church. He also consulted unsaved Catholics, when it came to publish the books. Derek Prince present his stance on Catholicism: I really deeply appreciate our Catholic brothers in the Charismatic movement and its a great honor to me that the Catholic Charismatic movement published the book simultaneously co-published it with Christian Growth Ministries. I think thats historic. Really, its one of the honours I feel God has conferred upon me because the theme of the book is

the just shall live by faith. That was the very text that started the reformation. When Catholics and Protestants can publish a book together on that theme we have come a long way! But what I want to say I want to say tactfully and carefully. When I submitted the original draft of the book to my Catholic brothers because they wouldnt publish something that was out of line with what they believed the thing they questioned was the teaching of abundance. Its rather remarkable. I made some adjustments in the material which I feel has improved the book so Im grateful for the questions that they asked. Why to mention it? Well, maybe to give some background, and to understand the views of brother Quayle. I dont know if he understand what toll brought shepherding system to the lives of many believers. So what? Well who is gonna answer for broken marriages, burn-out people attending the Popes of Protestantism? Oh, sure, you were not there, and you did not have to undergo what they had to, so you wont understand, attacking all who dare to mention something about Derek Prince. I think, finally all of the fantastic four denounced movement. Speak with Charismatic Catholics and they will tell you how: demons squeal hearing the sound of rosary and Mother Marys name. Ask them about their theology and how they cast out demons. They should be called ordo Maria instead! They will teach you how to do idolatry! Thats for shure! Ok, lets check what was said on the show: [SQ] Catholic believers. Yeah, but in what? [SQ]Protestants dont understand the significance of the 3rd secret of Fatima. Third secret of Fatima is real but it was not only so prophetic but apocalyptic

Paul was brave to state But though WE, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.. And he weighed his words, knowing that he places curse upon himself had he preaches false prophecy and doctrine! [My comment]- Its like- Israelites did not understand the Philistines secrets! [CP]Im skeptical about the 3rd secret of Fatima in one way. I dont believe that Mary is getting messages. I think there is a level of deception going on [TH]Youd better be careful with non- canonical writings occultic forces can make very accurate predictionsGod uses unsaved peoplewas it with the secrets of Fatima? How accurate the prophecy of pope is?... This catholic prophecy Oh? Well, you all use it all the time! Authors quote as examples such folks as Nebuchadnezzar or Balaam. Nebuchadnezzar was pagan king, who had visions from God directly! He did not get it from some demons! As a disobedience and lack of repentance he was punished. Balaam, was TRUE prophet of God, we see how the Holy Spirit fell upon him. It was not so with the children of Fatima. As we know Balaam went witch, and seeked for gain, and was the reason of further sins of Israel.

Should we however listen to what the demons have channeled in order to understand the prophecies of the Bible? [SQ]Whats the deal with saint Malachy and his prophecy? [CP]We cannot say that only certain ordained prophets have the futureThere is a Biblical precedent for prophecies coming from strange sourcesThis is kinda dubious, its catholic prophecy, not Biblical. Im gonna to discredit myselfPart of it is a forgery [TH]Some people believe that Nostradamus is the author of the prophecy of the popes. Nica,ha? If it was of God- He would tell them to come out of idolatry and deception! God has not made popes at all! Why should he give something about made up, fairy tale folks? BTW. Steve Quayle has an following attitude- Ye all know nothing at all, and ignorants, but we have the knowledge. But dare to disagree and we put: shame on you or God smite ye! Prophecy was kept for 400 years. Popes wanted to wait till proper time to help demons look credible and deceive further groups. [TH] Whether it was [st]Malachyor Nostradamus [SQ] Let me interrupt you guys. This is all good stuff and necessary stuffhere is one thing people dont understand, even people that are close to me dont get this[somebody wrote] Why do you give these people credentials? Although the woman with Python spirit has spoken the truth, Paul was not following her and study her doctrines or teachings but rebuked the demon in her. There es a HUUGE difference to ask demon for a name and study demonic doctrines, building theology upon them!

[SQ]The book of EnochThe book of Jasher I admire the Catholics because they stand up against the abortionThere are believers in Jesus in all the denominations Wow! What about sexual abuse of children? What about cases of infants being dumped under the convents, according to the testimony of Alberto Rivera? Dont you know that all Satanists must build credibility, so they are active and proper, influential citizens! How blind? Just cos they do something? Since when Catholicism is DENOMINATION of CHRISTIANITY? [TH]Some very powerful people in the Roman curia do believe in it So what? Catholics believe in all heresies accumulated down the centuries? What does this prove? Who are they to say? They are not even saved to see the truth. They dont believe in the Biblical Jesus, otherwise they would have left the harlot long time ago. Instead, they follow Marian demon. Catholicism is Marian cult, not Christianity. There are very powerful people who do believe this prophecy. Does the power n the world made them credible? Zoharhebrew caballahdate 2012[appearance of antichrist]. Prophecy in Zohar sounds almost identical to prophecy of the popes900 year old catholic prophecy and 700 year old Jewish prophecy, both of them saying that false prophet and antichrist are arriving in 2012 Mayan calendar ends in 2012Aztec calendar ends in 2012Cherokee calendar ends in 2012Kali Yuga calendar ends in 2012and the list goes on and on Well, those calendars and prophecies kept devotees of false religions for thousands of years in deception. Well how about 1600 hundred years of doing unbloody sacrifice of the mass. Does it make it credible and historical?

[CP]Highly praised Jesuit priestwhat he had to say about coming of the final pope Before we proceed further, I would ask readers to answer and think about some questions: Where does God tell us to follow demonic revelations? 2. Nowhere in the Bible God used evil spirits to reveal His future! Check out! 3. Can Jesuit, who led by Mother Mary demon and viciously, mercilessly persecuted Protestants become some sort of info on the last days? 4. Are we to look for demons to reveal the future for us? 5. If Vatican accepts something, does it mean this is credible? Why? 6. When Noah built an ark, how many folks who followed demonic teaching of pre flood civilizations knew what would happen very soon? 7. Are not pagan systems created by the devil to deceive the whole world? 8. Unsaved catholic mystics become for some reliable source of information. They rejected the Bible, but are somehow mouthpieces of God in this case? 9. Was not Popery deemed Antichrist from at least the time of Reformation? What new is this book to present?[ 21 Protestant reformers of the middle ages believed the Pope was the antichrist] 10. Can demonic apparition tell the truth to the world? Some divining, ha? Playing Sauls? Remember the witch saw apparitions and Saul ended in death curse that landed on him, his crew and family! 11. Should we check unsaved folks instead of seeking God and studying prayerfully the Bible?
1. 11

12. To pagans, their myths and prophecies lead them not to true God but kept them well and warm in deception. 13. Is Nostradamus the prophet of God? 14. Where are now Mayans, American Indians, and Aztecs? Where is the glory of their kingdoms, knowledge and religions? 15. Demonized catholic people killed millions of innocent folks and now we have researchers studying Catholic prophecies [one has lived it to see it?] to find out the truth? Have you noticed that people dont want to learn from the history? 16. Are those folks who rejected the Bible and follow false traditions of men, that was absorbed from pagan sources- reliable sources of info? 17. If 2012 prophecy goes booey, what would you do with the book? Another Harold Camping? We can notice Agabus, who was real prophet: And there stood up one of them named Agabus, and signified by the spirit that there should be great dearth throughout all the world: which came to pass in the days of Claudius Caesar.Acts 11:28 John saw the Revelation without turning to any sources! Elijah prophesied like crazy and all that without turning to secrets of Ahab, Jezebel or Philistines! Oh, how come? Hey, how about asking the Lord? God still gives prophecies. Ask for this gift, it may help you avoid embarrassment and deception. I wonder whence that fascination of some Protestants with catholic harlot come from? Ecumenism, Jesuitic interpretation of the Bible and now, obsession with Marian apparitions and treating it as a valid and important so called prophesy? Do you hear the right voice? What inspiration is behind? I assure you, there are many ex Protestants now kneeling to Mummy Mary and bowing down to idols!

John, seeing the Great harlot was almost deceived and mesmerized! Demonic power was emanating from her. Jesus told us that in last days there will be such deception to ensnare, if thats possible the very elect! For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. Mt 24:24 Are mythologies to help us to understand the passages from the Bible? Where does God tell us the exact date of the arrival of the Antichrist? Or Second Coming of Jesus? There are thousands of books in the market, but which can say: Thus sayeth the Lord? Assumptions, insinuations, concoctions, suggestions or prophecy? Are we to walk in the Spirit of God or ask Mary? You cannot distance yourself from the SOURCE OF SECRETS! Who DICTATED them?


Popes deceived their followers, and they went to hell throughout the ages. Waiting for the system that is already here? Would you ask Kali for her insight? Maybe she can really see something? Go and see some Hindu who would channel this devil and tell us, enlighten us!

Trances of Kali Mother Mary is not telling the Catholics to repent, but to trust HER instead of Jesus. She became the door to Messiah for Catholics! Devil wants to prepare the world for the antichrist, not to WARN them! [TH]Jesuits adopted the methodology of Catholic mystics [SQ]Catholic Brethren you need to pray for discernment. The battle that IS COMING to the Catholic Church How about getting saved and leave the deception? What battle? [TH] The cover-up [of] 3rd secret of Fatima. You have some catholic prophets that are telling us Vatican withheld an important part of Fatima revelation. Catholic prophet believes All popes and Catholicism are under the sway of the devil already, long time ago deception encroached ! Are Catholics departing

from unsaved state? They go to hell anyway! From fire to the frying pan? They may become Hindu, but their spiritual state has not changed! Maybe the devil uses it to attack the conversion to Biblical faith? [SQ] [Vatican] Symbol of the at least major part of Christianity must be destroyed [TH] How mankind could be evangelized in contact with spiritual aliensastronomers in Vatican Well, they already are! Marian demon is evangelizing hard, and deceiving folks. Unfortunately both authors of the coming book and Steve Quayle have no idea of the Bible or history. To me they just research instead of praying and asking God to show it to them! If thats what the book is all about, many Protestants may be deceived. Catholics are already deceived, so it really does not matter if they follow u.f.o or Pope! Jesus cries out:

[SQ]Its so mindblowing Well, actually it is! Instead of looking to the Bible folks pick in some rubbish and are fascinated by mystics, Jesuits. How unbelievers are to get saved if they are not told the truth?

[TH]Dragon with his tail sweeping third part of the clergy[stars] Catholic seers predicting that Rome will go into apostasy. It will be the seat of the antichristMany catholic prophecies say the same thingRome, the church will be in crisis, Rome will lose the faith Here is what father Cramer prophesiesRev 12papal election Thats obvious pervertion and false prophecy! Well, if they leave wood and stone, they may get saved finally ! Bro Omegaman, dont get carried away with this heresy. We know the Vatican is already the beast and their heresies grow even more and more till that very day!

And Jesus answering said unto them, Do ye not therefore err, because ye know not the scriptures, neither the power of God?Mk 12:24



Following links will tell the truth about apparitions and Mary of Catholicism Messages from Heaven movie Series of sermons done by bro. G Craig Lewis on Vatican and catholic church: Part Part Part Part Part Part Part Part Part Part Part 1a 1b 2- Inclusion 8-On tattoos 9-Many Antichrists 11-Man of Sin 12-The Papal Beast 13-1260 days 14-The mother of all whores 16- Synagogue of satan 17- Covering lies

Besides there are 2 very good sermons of Win Worley: The Harlot Church [mp3] The fiendish forward march of the Fatima [dvd]

And interesting article, quoting Win Worley There are free books to read in pdf format on Marian apparitions: Queen of all Messages from Heaven

Do not be deceived, brothers and sisters in Christ! I think the book will bring confusion to many people. On the show there was no pointing out, that Roman Catholics need to repent and come out of this demonic deception. Tell all to be watchful.Devil works cause he knows his time is short. Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Abstain from all appearance of evil 1 Thes 5:21-22


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