Kiro Yan Partners
Kiro Yan Partners
Kiro Yan Partners
About Us
We are a research-based public affairs and strategic
communications consulting firm that aspires to build
strong reputations and solve challenges between
businesses and their stakeholders by applying
ethical, responsible communications practices.
Through a comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach, we
help our clients fully grasp stakeholder expectations and
societal concerns to develop narratives and communication
strategies designed to foster support from stakeholders and the
Vision Mission
To become a leader To provide workable
in the active business solutions that
adhere to good
promotion of corporate governance
sustainable business and corporate social
practices in responsibility principles
Indonesia. as well as provide a
cultural bridge between
Indonesia and the
international business
Our Values
RESPONSIBILITY All of our clients and It is essential for our firm, Throughout all our By constantly working to
We always conduct business stakeholders are treated with team members, and business operations, no matter how enhance our team members’
according to a strict code of personal integrity and fairness partners to trust one another. big or small, we treat knowledge and skills, we are
ethics and social – it’s the least we can do. Without trust, we cannot everyone with respect. able to deliver maximum
responsibility. address our clients’ needs value to our clients.
Our Commitment
Kiroyan Partners is a signatory member of the UN Global Compact (UNGC) since 2008.
We advance those principles within our sphere of influence, and commit to making the
Global Compact and its principles part of our strategy, culture, and day-to-day operations
of our company. We support public accountability and transparency, and undertake to
make a clear statement of this commitment – both to our employees, partners, clients and
to the public.
Our latest Sustainability Report is publicly available at the Global Compact website and
can be downloaded here. We welcome feedback on its contents.
25 40 + 400 + 500
Our Services
Communications Strategy ● ● Political and Policy Forecasting
Communications Campaign ● ● Macro-Environment Scanning
Reputation Building ● ● Investment Due Diligence
Reputation and Perception Audit ● ● Executive Counsel
Communications Audit ●
Stakeholder Engagement Strategy ●
Our Team
Our consulting team consists of local talents with global and
intercultural experience, blending a multitude of professional
and personal backgrounds in every work we do.
Lead Consultant Stakeholder Communicatio ns Specialist Media Public Affairs Senior
NOKE KIROYAN Management ns Specialist Specialist & Specialist Consultant &
Executive Chairman & Specialist Senior Writer Media Analyst
Chief Consultant
Our Team
We have a team of advisors that provides valuable
insights as well as extensive experience and
expertise in public affairs issues.
RADYATI Senior Expert on Senior Expert on Healthcare DARUSMAN HIKAM YOOST F. MENGKO (ret.) CHAPPY HAKIM
Chairwoman, Senior Political Affairs & Digital Transformation Chairman
Expert on Sustainability
Senior Expert on
Our Clients
Our clients consist of national & international
companies operating in various branches of industry,
as well as government & international organizations.
Kiroyan Partners launched a number of researches to verify facts The client’s issue was resolved, as the company was able to
and analyze the situation related to the oil spill incident through remove itself by selling its ownership while keeping its reputation
environmental scanning and social impact assessment. The field unharmed and good relations with the government and its
research found that the allegations were not true: locals reported domestic business partners in the project intact.
that no oil spill reached the shores, while seaweed farmers and
coral reef ecosystems appeared to be largely unaffected.
On the crisis communications side, we extensively provided
advisory to the spokesperson and formulated a messaging
strategy. We also carried out media relations activities to explain
the facts to influential media outlets. These activities resulted in
more balanced coverage of the incident and mitigated negative
impacts on the client’s reputation.
Over three years, Kiroyan Partners managed to understand the
local socio-political context and identified the stakeholders. Based
on this identification, the company benefited from detailed
recommendations outlining the priority level of stakeholders and
possible courses of action to engage with them.
The world’s leading organization in nature conservation was led A foreign-owned fish farming company underwent negative media
into a crisis as Indonesian government decided to terminate their exposure and accusations of water pollution. Although studies had
forestry cooperation agreement. The termination was said to be suggested that the company did not cause any contamination,
influenced by the difficult relationship that exists, nonetheless the criticisms remained and escalated, which brought high risks to the
exact reason was unclear. Hence, the organization wanted to get a company’s reputation and operations.
clearer idea of the reason behind the termination to better
strategize their communication response. APPROACH
Kiroyan Partners combined proactive and pre-emptive
APPROACH approaches through stakeholder mapping, communication
The crisis communication advisory was constructed based on strategy formulation, and media training. In addition to these, we
information garnered through intelligence gathering to fully assisted the company by providing advisory assistance in
comprehend the background and motivation of the cooperation implementing the strategy and facilitating meetings with key
termination. Findings sent across the counter helped guide stakeholders such as local government officials and local media.
positioning, communication and engagement moving forward.
RESULT The company improved its internal and external communications
After the rigorous process of issue mapping and analysis, Kiroyan capabilities and increased its readiness to deal with the problem
Partners was able to deliver strategic counsel and sound strategically. The company also established positive relationships
recommendation to be able to employ communication strategy with the local community in the area and explored opportunities
and assist the organization during crisis. for stakeholder partnerships to secure its social license to operate.
The media attention increased, and many publications have
resulted from the engagement efforts. Furthermore, the company
could maintain its reputation among the customers and in the
marketplace despite the legal cases.
Having existed in Indonesia for over 40 years, a leading German An international donor organization provides a grant for three
adhesive manufacturer was hardly recognized as a prominent governmental institutions to improve their internal and external
player in the industry. With that being said, the company sought to communication on anti-corruption. Communications skills and
strengthen its reputation and become a thought leader in the strategy are crucial for the success and sustainability of these anti-
industry. corruption initiatives.
Kiroyan Partners developed a grand communication strategy that Kiroyan Partners assessed the existing communication strategy
matched the company’s business objective. This strategy was later and programs, including communication materials and channels.
translated into a practical plan that best met the company’s need We found several key areas to improve and develop an effective
to soar its reputation in Indonesia’s national and local media and strategy tailored for each institution from the assessment results.
among key industry players.
Through the advisory component of the service, we also helped RESULT
the company to better understand the unique media landscape The government institution had, for the first time, the government
and dynamics in Indonesia. The counsel given has equipped the institution had a one-year communication strategy that enables
company with practical knowledge when encountering media effective and consistent communication with internal and external
inquiry, and more importantly, it managed more sustainable stakeholders.
relations with national and local media.
The company had received greater media exposure to its
technology portfolio and forged a closer relationship with national
and local news outlets in Indonesia. We helped the company
secure in-depth interview coverage of the newly appointed CEO at
prominent national paper TEMPO, and other media including
Kontan, Bisnis Indonesia, Republika, and numerous national and
local media (online and print). As part of the services, we also
provided communication collaterals, assisted the company on
stakeholder engagement, secured an op-ed at national media,
and responded to media queries.
The company gained positive exposure from Indonesian media,
established itself as a thought leader and built its public reputation
as a company with a long-term commitment to Indonesia. We
pitched several op-eds successfully published at national media,
namely, The Jakarta Post, Kontan, and Investor Daily. We also
assisted the company with media relations during product
launching or events, resulting in significant local and national
media coverage.
A logistics company offering end-to-end logistics solutions from Kiroyan Partners was commissioned by PayPal, a global payments
warehousing and fulfilment to transport distribution has worked provider, to help with their recent survey findings launch. PayPal
with thousands of businesses of all sizes across Indonesia. Due to was facing problems connecting with their target audience in the
COVID-19, digital transformation in logistics chain is becoming region as most of their communications material were research-
increasingly important for businesses to maintain their operational centric and content heavy. PayPal was also challenged in
efficiency and transparency. However, the pandemic situation also highlighting its report’s relevance for Indonesian media.
made some limitations for the company to engage media in
certain traditional engagements. APPROACH
Kiroyan Partners assisted PayPal in conducting Indonesian media
APPROACH activation surrounding its Global Freelancer Survey launch. Our
Kiroyan Partners built a thought leadership through media support focused on providing local insight for PayPal taking into
relations engagements composed of op-ed and feature article account social, political and economic context to ensure its
placements, online media visits, online interviews with executives, report’s relevance to Indonesian media and audience. In addition,
speaking opportunities, online media gatherings, and media we assisted the development and localization of communication
monitoring analysis to place the company in a more favourable materials, material dissemination and media pitching for the
public position, The activities also intended to showcase the report.
company’s support for National Logistics Ecosystem initiated by
the government. RESULT
Kiroyan Partners provided PayPal a guide to Indonesian media.
RESULT The report launch’s media activities generated positive and in-
The resulting media activities supported the company to reach depth coverage from top-tier general and business media.
desirable amount of exposure which also help the company to
build its reputation among key stakeholders as a leading player in
its sector. This is an ongoing project.
A new established joint-venture company developing a A leading polyester manufacturer encountered difficulties
sustainable natural rubber production is facing challenges in obtaining government approval of its debt restructuring. The
securing support from stakeholders particularly from the local company’s plans were hampered by the poor reputation of former
communities due to rampant encroachment. In this respect, the owners, whose tenure had tarnished the company in the eyes of
company understands that the media plays a strategic role in government officials. The company decided to change its name
shaping the perceptions of key stakeholders, including the local and logo. Communication assistance of the change to key
community, civil society, government, and the public. stakeholders was needed.
Kiroyan Partners conducted media mapping of national and local Kiroyan Partners assisted the company by conducting
media in provinces where the company operates. The study was comprehensive research and stakeholder analysis. Building on the
complemented through intensive content analysis from the media stakeholder analysis, a communication strategy was developed to
monitoring to better understand how the company was being assist the communication effort.
portrayed in the media.
RESULT The company was able to communicate the change well to key
The study on media mapping and media content analysis have stakeholders.
provided fundamental inputs in determining priority media,
developing key messages to be conveyed to the media, as well as
designing appropriate media engagement tactics for each priority
Akamai Technologies, a global content delivery network, Sea Group, a global consumer internet company, was planning to
cybersecurity, and cloud service company, providing web and raise its profile in Indonesia as the parent company of Garena and
Internet security services, aimed to introduce stakeholders in Shopee, while highlighting their contribution in empowering SMEs
Indonesia a platform to understand and explore the latest trends in Southeast Asia.
and offerings in cloud content delivery, web and mobile
experiences and cyber security. APPROACH
Kiroyan Partners organized a media roundtable, in collaboration
APPROACH with CSIS Indonesia, around the Sea Group Report Launch, a
Kiroyan Partners supported Akamai in conducting media briefing collaborative research with Bain & Company, Google and Tan Sri
related to Akamai Tech Day in Indonesia. Our media relations Rebecca that outlines steps that Indonesia and other ASEAN
support focused on raising brand awareness in Indonesia, members can take to accelerate the path to digital integration.
sustaining local media relations and position Akamai as an expert
in cloud content delivery and cyber security. On the technical side, RESULT
we facilitated media brief activity, communication materials The event resulted in attendance and positive coverage from 9
development and media engagement. top-tier media in Indonesia.
The company gained positive exposure from top-tier Indonesian
media and established key media contacts from the event.
*Name of client withheld as Kiroyan Partners is bound by a Non-disclosure Agreement.
An international top-ranking university had opened its branch in
Indonesia and looked to establish its brand in Indonesia. With
numerous existing reputable competitors, the client needed to
showcase its uniqueness and expertise among the Indonesian
Collaborating with the client’s headquarter, Kiroyan Partners
developed a communication strategy and provided strategic
counsel, where our insights ensured that the client’s messages
take into account the local context and trend in order to meet
targeted audience interest. Our strategic communication advisory
and assistance targeted the conventional and digital media front.
The client benefitted from an 18-month strategic communication
plan, which served as the guideline for communication activities
implementation, as well as its measurement and evaluation tool.
Our media relations support included advisory, liaison, and
pitching activity facilitation according to the agreed plan. During
the beginning of our service, we managed to assist our client in
securing one op-ed article at a leading English publication, The
Jakarta Post (organic effort).
On the digital front, we provided digital communication content
development support. The client also benefited from a regular
social media calendar plan, as well as supporting materials such as
infographics, feature stories, etc.
The company’s positive reputation increases internally and As a brand challenger, the event succeeded in creating positive
externally, increasing its readiness to deal with problems associations with expected keywords in the public's eyes.
strategically. The company also began to gain public trust and
eventually changed the perception of the Indonesian people in
general regarding the role and importance of the company.
An Australian company operating in Indonesia at that time was The issue of climate fund usually fall under the auspice of the
developing its business in the logistics services sector with mining government institution that oversee the environment and the
companies in Indonesia. To expedite this agenda, the company greenery (forest). What if the task of communicating the climate
builds a good reputation through corporate social responsibility fund befall to a government institution specialized in fiscal issue?
(CSR) programs and harmonious relationships with stakeholders. Stakeholders definitely will have doubt on the capability of the
institution in managing the climate issue as well as the utilization of
APPROACH the fund itself. Can the institution make the issue more attractive to
Kiroyan Partners offers its services in three areas, namely the stakeholders as well as to the media?
government and public affairs, stakeholder engagement and crisis
management. Of the three areas, Kiroyan Partners carries out APPROACH
various activities, such as mapping stakeholders, both government Kiroyan Partners assisted the government institution in developing
and community organizations; provide recommendations for the engagement strategy to reach the stakeholders that have the
stakeholder engagement; review company crisis management interest and potential in accessing the climate fund. In addition,
documents. Kiroyan Partners assisted the government institution in media
relation activities as well as provided media training for the key
RESULT staff of the government institution to enable to communicate the
After the implementation of these services, the company at the climate fund issue better to the media.
end of the project succeeded in building a good reputation and
was able to successfully maintain the sustainability of the RESULT
company's business. The engagement strategy has been adopted by the government
institution as the guidance to implement the outreach campaign
until 2021. The climate fund issue also has been more recognized
by the mainstream media.
*Name of client withheld as Kiroyan Partners is bound by a Non-disclosure Agreement. A foreign investor acquired a prominent Indonesian bank, which
raised public concern about the risks associated with foreign
ownership of domestic banks, among others related to
CHALLENGE reputational risk, stakeholder pressure, policy changes, and
A state-owned infrastructure financing agency needed to potential unrest within foreign and domestic units.
implement its communication strategy and programs with five
proposed approaches to be utilized, namely awareness building,
stakeholder engagement, advocacy, internal communication
Kiroyan Partners helped the client assess strategic issues, conduct
system development, crisis and media handling.
a stakeholder analysis, and build a list of recommendations for
dealing with various potential challenges. We also helped the
APPROACH client develop an internal and external communications strategy to
Kiroyan Partners helped the agency assist its communication help handle future issues.
program and stakeholder engagement to various targeted parties,
including its key stakeholder and prominent national media.
Prior to the recommendations, we conducted extensive The client benefited from a complete mapping of stakeholders
stakeholder mapping and analysis research, which later became and issues and recommendations that helped them make the best
the foundation to develop new policies, strategies, and decision. The client then adopted a slow transition process where
communication programs for the agency. This service also the banks merged after a few years without any significant issues.
included training for crisis and media handling for selected
representatives and spokespersons from the agency.
The agency gathered a comprehensive understanding of the
strengths and weaknesses of its communication performance, as
well as stakeholder perception. The communication strategy and
programs that we have implemented significantly impacted the
agency’s reputation, which was also considered a highly
appreciated achievement by the agency.
A company that operates in the infrastructure sector, carried out A major domestic bank spun off its sharia unit in order to comply
communication, stakeholder engagement, and advocacy activities with central banking regulations, in turn leaving the unit to its own
to build government and public trust in an ongoing project. In this devices. In its new state of independence, the unit struggled to
regard, the Company also needs to build good relations with the manage public relations and management issues.
media. To develop their capacity in interacting with the media, the
Company requires media handling training. APPROACH
Kiroyan Partners helped the client develop public relations
APPROACH acumen through mentoring and organizing press campaigns, as
Kiroyan Partners conducted a media handling training that well as media training, monitoring, and visits.
combined theoretical presentation with interview and press
conference simulations. The training was also facilitated by a RESULT
senior figure from an Indonesian media who represented media After just one year, the unit was fully equipped to handle public
perspective. affairs in a modern business environment.
After the training, participants gained an understanding in strong
messages, how to deliver them effectively with the appropriate
techniques, and be able to differentiate interviews that
successfully conveyed messages to target audiences with those
that did not.
*Name of client withheld as Kiroyan Partners is bound by a Non-disclosure Agreement.
*Name of client withheld as Kiroyan Partners is bound by a Non-disclosure Agreement.
In disseminating information related to legal cases, the client is
bound by regulations, however, they are obligated to uphold CHALLENGE
public transparency. Leaders in these legal institutions are A company in the production and distribution of packaged
required to have the ability to communicate appropriately with beverages required a better understanding of the strategic
stakeholders and the media, not only in accordance with functions of corporate communications before developing a
regulations, but also to be able to convey a strong message to Communication Plan.
uphold the integrity, transparency, and accountability of the
judicial system. APPROACH
Kiroyan Partners conducted a corporate communications training
APPROACH covering subjects of reputation management and public affairs,
Kiroyan Partners helped develop the communication skills of the media handling, internal communication, CSR communications,
leaders of these legal institutions by developing modules and and stakeholder analysis. The training was carried out in a
conducting training on public speaking, effective presentations, as participatory manner, emphasizing the participants'
well as media communication and handling. understanding of the concept and practice.
The training participants expressed high satisfaction with the At the end of the training session, participants provided positive
presented material and facilitators. Through this training, legal feedback. The results of the post-training evaluation showed an
institution leaders are equipped with better communication and increase in understanding and knowledge of corporate
media handling skills. communication.
A diversified mining and metals company wanted to improve its In the globalization era and rapid flow of information, public
understanding of CSR in order to plan and implement programs relations plays a strategic role for companies, especially on how to
that followed ethical business practices and ensured sustainable deliver messages to target audiences at the right time and place.
growth through stakeholder engagement.
APPROACH Kiroyan Partners was the expert speaker to a subsidiary company
Kiroyan Partners helped the client educate and train senior staff in to Indonesia’s electricity distribution company. We shared
each business unit on CSR development, implementation, and experiences on strategic communication planning to gain the
communication. Topics included stakeholder management, from support of stakeholders through communication and public
identification to engagement, issues specifically affecting the relations efforts.
company’s industry of mining, sustainability reporting, and social
responsibility standards. RESULT
Through theoretical exposure and sharing experiences with
RESULT experts from Kiroyan Partners, the workshop participants gained a
The company’s staff improved its skills and knowledge of CSR, and deeper understanding of the strategic functions of public relations
was able to more constructively interact with stakeholders. to support the achievement of the company's business goals.
*Name of client withheld as Kiroyan Partners is bound by a Non-disclosure Agreement.
The world’s largest energy company from the United States
appointed Kiroyan Partners to assist the company in increasing
understanding of CSR issues and stakeholder engagement.
With knowledge and experience in CSR issues and stakeholder
engagement in theory and practice, Kiroyan Partners provided a
comprehensive two-day workshop involving competent facilitators
in this field.
The client has gained a thorough understanding of CSR issues and
stakeholder engagement from the workshops provided by Kiroyan
Partners. They can apply the good practices during the workshop
in their future work.
A British organization specializing in cultural relations and As part of its commitment to corporate social responsibility, a well-
educational opportunities conducted an educational campaign known mining company from Indonesia would like to conduct a
throughout Indonesia to advocate better linguistic standards. After perception study to identify key issues, expectations, and concerns
one year of its implementation, the organization wanted to of key stakeholders and the general public.
evaluate the effectiveness of the public campaign and how the
organization is perceived by its stakeholders. APPROACH
Kiroyan Partners conducted a stakeholder perception study
APPROACH through a combination of qualitative and quantitative approaches,
Kiroyan Partners has developed a combination of qualitative and which was carried out in stages to provide a benchmark on how
quantitative research based on our own adaptation of two the company was perceived. A qualitative study was conducted to
internationally-acknowledged evaluation standards for obtain an initial picture of stakeholder perceptions of the
communication and reputation. An online survey with incentives company. To support these results, a quantitative study was
distributed through the organization’s social media was conducted carried out to confirm the perceptions of each stakeholder group
to accommodate the client’s limited budget. and the general public regarding the company and its operations.
More than 300 respondents from various regions in Indonesia This study was the starting point for the company in collecting and
participated in the online survey. This study provided relevant studying the perceptions of stakeholders and the general public.
insights into campaign effectiveness and organizational Through this study, the company gained insight into key issues
reputation. In addition, this study will also serve as a reference for and the level of significance of the study target's concerns, which
organizations to improve their campaign performance in the can be considered in the future in developing a communication
future. strategy targeting stakeholder groups and communities.
*Name of client withheld as Kiroyan Partners is bound by a Non-disclosure Agreement.
A not-for-profit organization that aims to contribute towards the
creation of sound and ethical business practices in the country was
considering pivoting its advocacy to suit the market’s demand.
Kiroyan Partners developed an online survey based on an
internationally acknowledged reputation measurement standard.
Targeting the organization’s former, current, and potential
partners, the survey was designed to evaluate the reputation of the
organization’s performance, governance, and relevance.
The study had served as an evaluation of the organization’s overall
performance and relevance in the eyes of its main stakeholders.
The client appreciated the result and was said to be very
informative for their decision-making.
This activity resulted in a joint business position paper in 2012,
that consists of business advice to the both governments on what
the business communities’ judge the primary trade, investment,
and economic cooperation objectives should be.
In 2016, governments of both countries restated their support for
a bilateral agreement, We helped the IA-BPG in producing
updates on the joint business positions that presented the features
that the IA-BPG is advocating for the IA-CEPA and became an
important reference for the bilateral trade and investment
negotiations, which is currently under finalization by the two
An Australian-based international gold mining company caused An application provider with a global presence was looking to
concern in Indonesia’s 2014 political year as the country wrapped strengthen its relationship with government stakeholders in a bid
up legislative elections and prepared to hold its presidential to resolve operational issues and advocate for an innovation-
election. With elections fast approaching, the company realized friendly regulatory environment across regions in Indonesia.
that its stature could be dramatically affected by new political
configurations, policy trends, and power distribution in the wake APPROACH
of a new president, cabinet, and supporting political parties in the Kiroyan Partners started with horizon scanning and mapping key
House of Representatives. stakeholders to set an essential groundwork for more strategic
engagement with policymakers. In addition to forging government
APPROACH relations and providing advisory for engagement, we also
Kiroyan Partners conducted a political mapping study to identify developed advocacy activities where they could engage with third
stakeholder significance and roles in the post-election political parties that were influential in supporting their advocacy.
climate. Our team also mapped each person and institution that
could potentially have decision-making power in the new RESULT
government, particularly regarding the mining sector. Our mapping helped them recognize the country’s unique
regulatory landscapes, priority issues, and how they can engage
RESULT key government stakeholders more strategically.
The company gained an in-depth insight into the post-election
climate and formed a concrete plan for targeting specific
stakeholders to maintain sustainability.
A prominent food and beverages company wants to improve their A European carmaker that produces luxury automobiles and
understanding on the Indonesian socio-political and regulatory motorcycles wants to improve its understanding of the Indonesian
issues. They have concerns that relevant changes on socio-political socio-political and regulatory issues relevant to the automotive
climate and policies may affect the company’s operation in industry. They have concern that relevant changes in socio-
Indonesia. political climate and policies may affect the company’s operation
in Indonesia.
Kiroyan Partners provided monthly analysis and updates on APPROACH
ongoing socio-political and regulatory issues in Indonesia. We also Kiroyan Partners provides monthly analysis, alerts, and updates on
provided continuous advisory for client to handle any arising Indonesia's ongoing socio-political and regulatory issues. We help
issues in a strategic manner. the client better understand the regulatory and social dynamics
that occur and provide continuous advisory for the client to handle
RESULT any arising issues strategically.
The company has received continuous reports and analyses as
well as strategic recommendations in accordance with RESULT
developments in regulations and policies, market conditions, and The client benefits from monthly analysis of updates and strategic
other socio-political issues. These supports enabled the company recommendations, as well as alerts from our team to navigate the
to easily determine a direction that fits the current conditions and various public affairs issues they face.
In order to promote expansion in the international market for its To support a market re-entry to Indonesia, a US based mining
country’s businesses, a trade and investment development agency company is seeking information on the dynamic of socio-political
sought to obtain a comprehensive understanding on oil and gas situation in a province where it plan to invest in the mining sector.
industry in Indonesia.
APPROACH Kiroyan Partners conducted a stakeholders mapping in a province
Kiroyan Partners conducted a market intelligence research in Kalimantan that map out the actors in the political and social
consisting of ongoing projects in Indonesia as well as business sphere as well as provided analysis on the latest political situation
opportunities in oil and gas sector for explorers, producers, in relation with the simultaneous regional election.
exporters, and service providers in the industry. The service also
included insights on Indonesian regulatory system and framework RESULT
for procurement in oil and gas sector. The socio-political analysis and stakeholders mapping provided
the company with valuable information to avoid the non-market
RESULT risk in its investment plan.
A thorough report on the Indonesian oil and gas market was
presented to the Client. It served as a reliable source of
information for business players in the oil and gas industry, in
particular the explorers as well as equipment, technology and
service providers in Indonesia’s oil and gas industry.
The company adopted the proposed streamlining of programs
and strategic approaches. The client then re-launched its
community investment programs that are now better aligned with
issues in insurance, stakeholder expectations and the SDGs.
A foreign tourism agency launched a global tourism brand for 2 Rapid development in the financial technology sector in Indonesia
years as part of its marketing effort. Although the Indonesian comes with a lot of new challenges, from illegal fintech companies,
market had recognized the brand, the survey showed that the low financial literacy, to data privacy and security. In this
brand messages had not come across well among the Indonesian case, industry players need to be adaptive and innovative to keep
audience. The agency struggled to develop a PR campaign that up with the trends and development challenges. As a financial
better resonates with the Indonesian audience. technology association, our client would like to retain its position
as a thought leader in the sector by increasing its awareness and
APPROACH presence in communicating the sector's most pressing issues and
Kiroyan Partners developed a communication strategy that aimed building stronger engagement with its internal and external
to promote the country as a compelling travel destination by stakeholders.
taking local context and trends into account. We helped the APPROACH
agency to enhance its relations with local and national media
through various media engagement events that entail developing Kiroyan Partners developed a communications strategy aimed to
and executing event concepts, providing talking points for events, raise awareness and visibility of the client as the thought leader in
as well as liaising with the agency’s spokesperson during media its sector by facilitating the client with various media engagement
rendezvous. activities and developing strategic partnerships with potential
partners. We also helped the client to build stronger engagement
On a daily basis, we assisted the client in localizing and pitching with its company members and increase its presence in digital
numerous press releases, providing media monitoring to help the platforms through digital marketing strategies.
agency stay ahead of competitors, managing the agency’s
relationship with KOLs, and providing ongoing strategic counsel.
The client managed to increase its presence in conventional and
RESULT social media, shown through the number of coverages on press
The client managed to stay ahead of competitors on media release distribution and engagements on published infographic
relations, particularly shown through the number of media and social media posts. Media's enthusiasm was also shown
coverage both on national and local media, such as KOMPAS, during the client's regular events and webinar series , generating a
Jawa Pos, and Bazaar Indonesia, among others, including digital high number of media attendance during the events, particularly
media. A rise in social media engagement is also seen through from top-tier national media, such as ANTARA,, CNN
more localized content and selections of both national and local Indonesia, and Katadata, as well as from international news agency
KOLs. such as Bernama.
More about us in
Menara Karya 10th Floor Suite H
Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Blok X-5 Kav. 1-2
Jakarta 12950 – INDONESIA
Phone: +6221 5794 4594