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Designing a

Positive Future
FY24 IMPACT REPORT Introduction Planet People About this Report

Introduction Planet People About this report

2 CEO’s Statement 30 
Climate Action 59  Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion 118 About this Report
5 About Us 39 Circularity 71  Digital Inclusivity 120 Data
7 Our Approach to Sustainability 48 Biodiversity 79  Talent Attraction and Development 128 Glossary and Acronyms
9 Design for Sustainability 51 Water 89  Safety, Health, and Well-being 130 Endnotes
24 Social Impact 54 Targeted Substances 94  Ethics
25 Materiality Assessment 99  Privacy and Security
27 Stakeholder Engagement 102 Supplier Development
109 Human and Labor Rights
113 Responsible Sourcing of Minerals
FY24 IMPACT REPORT Introduction Planet People About this Report

2 CEO’s Statement
5 About Us
7 Our Approach to Sustainability
9 Design for Sustainability
24 Social Impact
25 Materiality Assessment
27 Stakeholder Engagement

FY24 IMPACT REPORT Introduction Planet People About this Report

Designing a
Positive Future
We have long challenged the norms of We foster a collaborative Our Journey
the past to shape a more sustainable environment where everyone at We have long challenged the norms of the past
and equitable world. We have ensured to shape a more sustainable and equitable world.
this is rooted in our Company culture,
Logitech is motivated to embed
We have ensured this is rooted in our Company
through our values of Environment sustainability into their daily culture, through our values of Environment and
and Equality. It is also expressed in operations and decision-making.” Equality. It is also expressed in our new mission
our new mission – to extend human – to extend human potential in work and play.
In my first six months as Logitech’s CEO, I embarked
potential in work and play. With the motivation for change firmly embedded
on a journey of discovery. Every aspect of the
at the Company, we focus our strategic priorities
Company became my classroom, from operations
on key areas of influence and impact: designing
and product development to design and customer
for sustainability, innovation for a circular economy,
service. It wasn’t just about understanding our
inclusive and diverse communities, and fostering
processes but about connecting with our people,
a culture of trust and respect. We have ambitious
partners, and customers.
goals, including our near-term carbon reduction
One key insight I have come away with is the commitment of a 50% reduction in our Scope 3
dedicated and pioneering work Logitech has led emissions by 2030.
to address climate change and reduce inequalities.
Global frameworks shape our path forward.
It is work I am familiar with, and passionate about,
The sustainability standards outlined in the
from my previous roles. I strongly believe we can all
Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) Code of Conduct
“do well by doing good.” I am pleased to share our
have guided us for over a decade. We hold ourselves
latest Impact Report, encapsulating where we are
to the industry’s highest environmental, social, and
on our sustainability journey and pointing to the
governance standards with our objectives aligned
long and important road ahead.
with the Science-Based Target Initiative (SBTi)
and the 1.5°C Paris Agreement. This year, SBTi
Hanneke Faber, validated our greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction
CEO targets. As a proud signatory to the United Nations
Global Compact (UNGC), we are dedicated to

FY24 IMPACT REPORT Introduction Planet People About this Report

CEO’s Statement

the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We believe Logitech’s size is an advantage. We are People are our Heart and Soul
We reiterate our commitment to the Ten Principles small enough to be agile and fast in taking action;
of the United Nations Global Compact covering but we are large enough to create real impact and Logitech has successfully achieved gender parity at
the top of the Company. Our Leadership Team has We foster a company ethos that
Human Rights, Labor, Environment, and Anti- influence other industry partners. Prioritizing
Corruption. This Impact Report details our ongoing sustainable design allows us to find hidden impacts a 50:50 male-to-female ratio, and is led by a female champions inclusive leaders and
CEO. Moreover, our Board of Directors posts 40%
efforts to enhance the integration of the Global fast. Across our entire portfolio, 73% of products use encourages a work culture that
Compact and its principles into our business strategy, Next Life Plastics (recycled plastic) instead of virgin female representation, including a female Board
Chair. These strides towards gender equality reflect focuses on fair representation and
culture, and daily operations. plastic. Lower-impact components and materials like
optimized printed circuit boards and low-carbon our commitment to diversity and inclusion across opportunities for growth at all levels.”
Designing for Sustainability aluminum are used in 66 product lines. Responsibly all organizational levels. We are also working towards
sourced, FSC™-certified paper packaging is now narrowing the gender gap in the tech industry at
Our actions are deliberate because time is of the
utilized in 19% of products, with 73% of new product large, through our work with Girls Who Code and
essence. Strengthening and scaling our competencies
launches using this paper alternative over single-use our Women Who Master series.
in designing for sustainability prioritizes absolute
carbon reductions. plastic packaging. Minor modifications at the The innovative spirit of Logitech’s people inspires
individual product level amount to big changes across us to drive more progress. By making psychological
We aspire to design each new generation of products our portfolio and operations, a total of 138,797 tons safety an integral part of our DEI efforts, we foster
with a lower carbon footprint than the previous one CO2e this year alone. a company ethos that champions inclusive leaders
and are seeing success. Designing with less means
By transitioning our portfolio to a lower product and encourages a work culture that focuses on
using fewer resources and eliminating unnecessary
carbon footprint we are delighting consumers and fair representation and opportunities for growth
materials. Designing smarter means finding ways
helping our enterprise customers deliver on their at all levels.
to improve performance with the innovation of
alternative processes and materials. Designing for own sustainability roadmaps. Sixty-six percent of By creating safe and inclusive digitally accessible
progress means reducing negative impacts and all Logitech products now have a Product Carbon environments, we aim to make digital spaces and
elevating social impacts to improve the products Footprint (PCF) study complete, making it easier the opportunities they present available to everyone.
customers already love. Since 2019, we have reduced for enterprise technology buyers to make informed Examples include our partnerships with AbleGamers
our carbon footprint (Scope 1 and 2) by 58% and decisions about – and report on – the scope of their and the Adaptive Esports League, GLAAD’s Social
reduced our value chain (Scope 3) emissions by 24%, impact when outfitting personal workstations and Media Safety program, and Pensole Lewis College.
compared to 2021. Designing for Sustainability, along conference rooms.
with using renewable energy sources, is how we’ll
continue to drive our footprint down.

FY24 IMPACT REPORT Introduction Planet People About this Report

CEO’s Statement
Awards and

A Recognition of our Actions

We continue to be listed on The Dow Jones
Sustainability™ Europe Index and the EcoVadis
Platinum rating, which ranks us in the top 1% of DJSI Europe Index FTSE4Good MSCI
sustainability-rated companies. The CDP recognized Listed Listed AAA rated1
Logitech for leadership in corporate transparency
and performance on climate change with an A- score
and we also achieved Supplier Engagement Leader
status with the CDP for the third year in a row.
We continue to be rated “AAA” by MSCI representing
the top 9% in the global technology, hardware, Swiss Exchange Sustainalytics Ecovadis
Listed “Top-rated” Company Platinum rated
and peripherals industry.

We deeply understand the influence of our actions on

the planet and its people. This inspires us to embrace
responsibility and take accountability for our actions.
We foster a collaborative environment where everyone
at Logitech is motivated to embed sustainability ISS ESG Gender Fair CDP
Prime Status Certified Supplier Engagement
into their daily operations and decision-making. Leader
It all starts with the simple, bold mission of extending
human potential and results in scaling actions that
allow us to “do well by doing good.” We can grow Production Facility Certifications
and be a successful company by doing things that
benefit both people and the planet. I invite you
to share comments or suggestions by emailing
Hanneke Faber, ISO ISO ISO RBA VAP
CEO 14001 145001 9001 Silver

FY24 IMPACT REPORT Introduction Planet People About this Report

About Us
Logitech designs software-enabled Approximately 40% of production takes place at our Logitech International S.A.
hardware solutions that help businesses Suzhou production facility where we focus primarily
thrive and bring people together when on final assembly and testing. The remainder of our
production is outsourced to Contract Manufacturers
working, creating, gaming, and streaming. Cork Shanghai
and Original Design Manufacturers, primarily in Asia. Shenzhen
As a point of connection between people Our worldwide operations group manages both Nijmegen
and the digital world, our mission is to in-house and outsourced manufacturing, distribution San Jose
extend human potential in work and play, centers, and supply chain and logistics networks. Milpitas Munich

in a way that is good for people and the

Our Major Suppliers2 are located around the world,
planet. We sell our products through in China, Taiwan, Malaysia, Switzerland, Vietnam,
a number of brands, including Logitech, Mexico, and Thailand for example. We collaborate
Logitech G and others. with our Tier 13 suppliers to ensure they adhere to
our standards as well as to the RBA Code of Conduct.
Our diverse portfolio includes Gaming, Keyboards
We work with our suppliers to ensure products and
and Combos, Pointing Devices, Video Collaboration,
manufacturing processes reflect our commitment
Webcams, Tablet Accessories, and Headsets.
to quality, sustainability, and compliance.
Our Supply Chain
Our Global Reach Hautemorges
Logitech has a hybrid operations capability that
We sell our products to a broad network of Camas
combines in-house manufacturing (including a wholly
international customers, in the Americas, Europe, West Lake
owned production facility in Suzhou, China) with
the Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) and Asia Pacific. Irvine
third-party contract manufacturers (principally in Tokyo
This includes direct sales to retailers, e-tailers, Lausanne
Asia). This allows us to effectively respond to rapidly
enterprise customers and end user consumers
changing demand, leverage economies of scale, Chennai
through our e-commerce platform, and indirect
protect intellectual property, and offer high-quality
sales to end customers through distributors.
production in even the most sophisticated
of products. Registered Office and Holding Company
Hong Kong
Major Office4 Singapore
Logitech Production Facility

FY24 IMPACT REPORT Introduction Planet People About this Report

Logitech’s Values

Logitech’s size and agility allows every individual to take the initiative
and to drive change. Our extensive portfolio and reach enable these
actions to create a global impact.


Prioritize Equality Are Open Are Humble Collaborate Decide

and Environment: and Ourselves: but Hungry: but Challenge: and Do:
We provide opportunities for everyone, We aspire to create an environment We view humility as an integral part Working together enables us to We are a Company of people who decide
irrespective of gender, race, religion, where everyone can be their authentic of our ongoing learning. We constantly accomplish more. As part of this based on data/facts/good thinking
or sexual orientation. We strive to create selves without any pretense or learn from experience and embrace we actively seek and work with and communicate the how and why
equitable opportunities internally and to restrictions. We treat one another both successes and failures as fuel different perspectives to challenge to key stakeholders. We turn decisions
support the rights of underrepresented fairly and respectfully and foster open for development. Our eagerness for the status quo and for the benefit into action. We don’t philosophize or
groups externally. We challenge discussions. Our focus lies in doing continuous improvement and to of the wider Logitech community. pontificate. We believe no one in Logitech
systemic hurdles and advocate for what is ethically right and in maintaining achieve more, better sets us apart is a pure “boss” or “executive”. We avoid
the environment by designing for integrity, which includes addressing from the competition. creating job roles that aren’t hands on
sustainability and working towards any issues by speaking out. roles because they are suggestive of those
minimizing environmental impact. people who tell other people to do things,
rather than engaging alongside them in
the sometimes messy and granular work
of getting things done.

FY24 IMPACT REPORT Introduction Planet People About this Report

Our Approach to Sustainability

We are deeply conscious of the effects Our Management Approach At least once a year, we review and analyze the broad Enterprise Risk Management
our activities have on both the planet and Our global Sustainability Team, under the leadership landscape of sustainability mega-trends, and macro- Our multidisciplinary, company-wide Enterprise Risk
on people, and we encourage employees of our COO, and our global Social Impact Team, led developments that could impact our sector and Management (ERM) process provides the Board and
activities. We identify opportunities for growth
to integrate sustainability into their daily by our Head of People and Culture, work together its Audit Committee with a comprehensive view of
to raise awareness and to empower employees to and program evolution for the coming year and the risks facing our business, including those relating
tasks and decision-making processes. we update our policy framework based on emerging
promote sustainability. The teams regularly review to sustainability.
Our approach to sustainability is a developments and opportunities for improvement,
sustainability proposals to assess their purpose, scope,
reflection of our values. and to strategically evaluate whether new policies Top-down and bottom-up ERM assessments are
and alignment with external factors, Company-wide
are necessary to establish new programs and conducted across business areas, divisions, and
Board Oversight commitments, and values. They also oversee the
strengthen our management approach. functions with the aim of identifying risks and
implementation of sustainability and social impact
We believe that full board oversight is important opportunities. Risks are assessed in terms of the
initiatives across all aspects of our business. To ascertain the effectiveness of our programs,
to ensure sustainability is part of, and aligned with, likelihood and magnitude of their potential impact
The effectiveness and impact of each of our we report on performance using established Key
our overall Company strategy. Our Board oversees on our reputation, financial situation, or capacity to
key sustainability and social impact programs Performance Indicators and commission third-party
our sustainability programs, reviews and guides meet our commitments. Risk mitigation measures
is managed by program managers and cross- audits to confirm that our management practices
strategy, oversees and guides the development of are planned, implemented, and monitored on an
functional teams from across the business. and performance adhere to our core commitments
corporate targets, with our Chief Executive Officer ongoing basis to ensure performance and alignment
(CEO). Sustainability is a topic at Board meetings, Our Sustainability Forum is an inclusive, cross- and to auditable standards including ISO 14001, with our strategy and business goals. The results of
during which the Chief Operating Officer (COO) functional platform where team members and ISO 45001 and ISO 9001. We also regularly these assessments are presented to the Board and
and Head of People and Culture present updates colleagues can share knowledge and insight and benchmark our performance against industry its Audit Committee.
and recommendations. develop internal expertise on sustainability topics. peers and actively engage with rating agencies
We encourage employees to identify sustainability to gather insights and feedback regarding how our
In 2022, we introduced a sustainability scorecard performance is perceived. This information informs
opportunities which can then be directed to this
as part of our Group Management Team’s annual our understanding of the effectiveness of our efforts
forum for further deliberation.
bonus incentive plan, amounting to 10% of the and our plans for the following year.
overall bonus. This team includes our CEO, Chief
Financial Officer, COO, and Chief Legal Officer. Our
FY24 scorecard consisted of three measures: reducing
carbon emissions, labeling products for carbon
impact and implementing sustainable design.

FY24 IMPACT REPORT Introduction Planet People About this Report

Our Approach to Sustainability

Our Strategic Commitments

We encourage employees to collaborate in
incorporating sustainability into their daily
activities and decision-making processes.
Committed to following recognized reporting
practices, we aim to make sustainability pervasive
across all our business activities. On this page we United Nations Sustainable United Nations Global Compact The RBA Code of Conduct (RBA)
list the globally recognized voluntary frameworks Development Goals Logitech has signed the United Nations Global Logitech joined the RBA in 2007, aligning with its
that guide our sustainability strategy. Logitech supports the advancement of the United Compact (UNGC) which focuses on human rights, Code of Conduct which is tailored for the electronics
Nations Sustainable Development Goals (U.N. SDGs) labor, environment, and anti-corruption. We pledge industry. The Code focuses on sector priorities
and collaborates with partners to drive sustainable to integrate the UNGCs ten principles into our and emerging issues and reflects global norms
progress. Our Materiality Assessment process helps strategy and actively deliver on the SDGs. In March and practices. It undergoes annual reviews with
us to identify the key areas of material importance 2024 we signed up to the UNGC Faster Forward stakeholder input to promote forward-thinking
to our business and stakeholders and where we need initiative. This initiative aims to address slow progress and continuous improvement. We implement these
to report. Each of the material aspects that we report and commit companies to moving forward faster in standards at our own production facility and in our
on has linkages to the SDG goals. Please refer to the five key areas: Gender Equality, Climate Action, Living supply chain through our policies, contractual
About this Report section for the SDG Content Index. Wage, Water Resilience, and Finance and Investment. agreements and audits. This commitment drives both
After reviewing the SDGs and aligning them with We volunteered to focus on Gender Equality and our business and sustainability strategies and informs
our own sustainability programs, we have identified Climate Action. Our UNGC Commitment Letter decision-making processes. Read more in our RBA
11 goals we contribute to. is available on our website. Commitment Statement.

FY24 IMPACT REPORT Introduction Planet People About this Report

Design for Sustainability

Commitment to Design Our commitment to DfS extends to every stage of
product development and supply chain design across
for Sustainability (DfS) our business. Its scope ranges from minimizing the
Our deployment of DfS integrates impact of materials, components, and product
sustainability as a key deliverable into every design to rethinking our business models for lower
impact and circular approaches.
aspect of our business. What we mean by
this is that we define DfS as being equally DfS is pervasive across the Company. Our DfS
as important as the technical performance, approach and responsibility for it are collectively
user experience, and business viability of shared. Every function is involved, from design
through engineering to product marketing.
our products and services giving a central
We develop tools and conduct DfS training
consideration to environmental and
workshops to further enhance and spread DfS
social impacts. capabilities across the business. Our aim is to
encourage cross-functional collaboration and to
empower and equip teams with the right tools and
knowledge to innovate. Our ambition is to create
a Company-wide capability that is integral to how
Sustainable Development Goals we think and act.
We are contributing to the following DfS is a continuous process that drives design rigor
UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): and transformative innovation and we are fully
committed to the normalization of it in our business.

FY24 IMPACT REPORT Introduction Planet People About this Report

Design for Sustainability

DfS Principles
Our DfS Principles act as both “levers” and points
of inspiration that help us transform Logitech’s Design products that last Create emotional durability Grant right to repair Close the loop Go beyond hardware
DfS vision into practical product innovations and Durable, high-quality products Products and experiences that Empowering consumers to Supporting the take-back of Exploring new and innovative
features. They also serve as catalysts for broader avoid the technical obsolescence hold their emotional value for extend the life of a product old devices and the reuse of service models around software,
change across our business, our supply chain, that forces a product to be longer are more likely to be by simple repair subassemblies, components, servicing, leasing, and upgrade
and our industry. discarded and replaced passed on, resold or repaired and materials in new designs

The application of these DfS Principles within

Logitech involves a complex process that goes
beyond surface-level considerations and
incorporates multi-stakeholder collaboration Chemical control Enable recyclability Choose lower Optimize architecture Choose better materials
and ideation based on Life-Cycle Assessment Eliminating targeted substances Choosing materials and impact components Designing for optimal Using lower impact materials
(LCA) and credible data impact insights. which are harmful to health and components that are easily Selecting high efficiency technical performance from recycled and renewable
the environment separated and commonly components, batteries and with reduced weight sources, which are commonly
This principle-based approach, supported by our recycled PCBs with minimized weight recycled
comprehensive and advanced LCA data, helps and impact
us make better design decisions by helping us
understand the environmental impacts of our
products, technologies, and business models
and how to minimize them.
Use clean and efficient Use efficient Design low-impact Enable efficient use Make a positive
Space is created for designers, engineers,
manufacturing distribution packaging Maximizing the energy efficiency contribution
and other stakeholders across Logitech to of our products for consumers
Favoring efficient manufacturing Optimizing product and Responsibly sourced and Focusing on products that enable
tap into diverse perspectives, deep thinking, with renewable energy packaging weight and efficient, with non-plastic and joyful, inclusive experiences and
and considerable research insight. avoiding air shipment commonly recycled materials positively influence behaviors
and attitudes

FY24 IMPACT REPORT Introduction Planet People About this Report

Life-Cycle Assessment

Life-Cycle Assessment is a methodology for the In the results of an LCA model, impacts can be Much of our recent impact research has focused
systematic analysis of the potential environmental categorized by key environmental indicators such on developing our LCA modeling capabilities.
impacts associated with a product through all stages as carbon (climate change), human toxicity, and These capabilities are continually evolving as we
water depletion. We have also developed internal gain more comprehensive and sophisticated data
of its life cycle. The product life cycle is divided into
tools that help us to baseline and assess the design insights and expand our capabilities.
four stages for analysis: of our products with respect to circularity and are
developing Social LCA capability. We adopt this
holistic approach to ensure: We use a rigorous methodology to provide a
Sourcing and Transportation calculated estimate of each product group’s
– our design decisions are informed by
Manufacturing and Storage
measurement of impacts that have social carbon footprint. We seek third-party
and environmental implications; verification of carbon footprints at the product
– we are elevating our consideration of planetary group level (groups are subsets of a product
boundaries in how we choose and deploy our category, where the products in a group all
knowledge; and have a similar carbon footprint). Our approach
provides more transparency using verification
Product Life Cycle – we understand and can avoid any unintended
of an overall process footprint. Our LCA and
negative consequences that might manifest if
we were to focus on only one indicator. research efforts rely on a mix of primary data
from our supply chain, secondary research from
We use LCAs to make sustainable design decisions, previous studies, and advanced LCA modeling
and to understand the environmental impacts of techniques. The findings from these studies
those decisions. Internally, the LCAs guide our guide our technology advancements and design
End-of-life Use decision-making towards better choices and to for sustainability choices.
drive innovation across products, technologies
and business models. Externally, we use LCAs to
aid transparency in sharing the carbon impacts of
our products so that our consumers and customers
can take climate action through informed choices.
We also aim to use our LCA process and results
to inspire our industry peers to join us to empower
informed consumer choice.

FY24 IMPACT REPORT Introduction Planet People About this Report

Design for Sustainability Industry-leading LCA Capability
Supporting our DfS framework and Carbon Labeling

When no protocol or regulation exists to guide carbon We are enhancing our organization’s capability in
footprints, we establish a Product Category Rule this area by sharing a variety of tools, expertise, and 2016 2018 2019
based on ISO 14000-series best practices and knowledge across teams. We have created internal First adoption First product LCAs Adoption of specialist LCA
validated by a third-party. We make these rules guidelines, tools, and calculators to assist decision- of LCA software produced by Logitech tool for packaging
available to help others increase transparency making by designers, engineers, product managers, Logitech team Partnered with suppliers to
regarding their carbon footprint. In order to ensure and other stakeholders throughout the design established develop bespoke LCA tool
the accuracy of our carbon calculations and meet process. We have consistently improved our LCA for printed circuit boards
the ISO 14067 and ISO 14044 best practice standards, processes and conducted our own cutting-edge Metamodel for scaling our LCA
we collaborated with iPoint Group, an independent research on components, materials, and processes capability and carbon labeling
third-party expert, to develop our Product Carbon crucial to consumer electronics, as highlighted below. in accordance with product
Footprint (PCF) methodology. Each product’s PCF We maintain collaborations with globally renowned category rules
study also undergoes an independent critical review LCA leaders to advance our capabilities by:
by DEKRA. We provide an overview of our calculation – creating specialized models for materials or
methodology and more details on our Carbon Clarity components, enabling us to access high-quality 2022 2021 2020
webpage, and we encourage other brands to adopt assessments of specific aspects of our products;
Bespoke LCA tool for cables Bespoke LCA tool Bespoke LCA tool
this approach. – examining particular focus areas to quickly and and batteries for cables, batteries for Integrated
reliably evaluate the environmental impact of Circuits
Partnered with suppliers to
emerging technologies for which LCA data might
develop new insights and primary
not be available; data for steel and magnets
– establishing protocols for better management
of LCA data obtained from our supply chain; and
– continuously refining our product life-cycle
modeling approach to increase the efficiency
of our LCA capabilities. 2023 2024
LCAs and consumer insight studies AI and Machine Learning
to gain new insight and primary (ML)-enabled rapid LCA
data for consumer use phase
of B2B equipment

FY24 IMPACT REPORT Introduction Planet People About this Report

Design for Sustainability

DfS Framework To do this we focus on three main areas: Our Framework for Action
Existing Portfolio: Our existing portfolio of products
The design phase is when the key decisions on
represents the majority of our impact, so we review
the products and experiences are made, and so it
and refresh these products to incorporate new
presents the most significant opportunities to reduce
innovations at scale.
environmental impact. To capitalize on this, DfS is New Product
deeply integrated in our new product development New Product Introductions: DfS is a catalyst for Existing Portfolio Introductions New Frontiers
process. We have expanded our DfS thinking across innovation across the Company and we allocate We refresh our existing designs, DfS principles and goals are an We earmark specific time and
our entire existing and future portfolio to accelerate significant resources and innovative thinking materials and manufacturing integral part of the development resources to tackle new frontiers
impact reductions at scale. DfS is a key lens in towards our new product introductions. methods to implement new process for new product of breakthrough innovation.
innovations at scale and address introductions. We work to ensure We accelerate the development
designing new products, re-interrogating existing New Frontiers: With programs such as our the environmental impact sustainability is not an afterthought of new and innovative designs,
ones to continually lower their impact, and innovating Future Positive Challenge, we are creating space of top-selling models — it is an integral part of every materials, processes, and
new frontiers to create future solutions that reduce for sustainability thought leaders and innovators and portfolios design decision business models, with large-scale
impact even further. to anticipate and overcome future challenges application potential
and drive breakthrough innovation.
Perhaps the most important aspect of our approach
to sustainability is that we do not regard it as a
competitive advantage. We believe that it is a shared Capability Building
We have expanded our DfS thinking responsibility and critical to the survival and health
of our planet. We want to help other organizations
across our entire existing and future
reduce their impacts and are offering to share our
portfolio to accelerate impact DfS principles and the lessons we have learned.
reductions at scale.” We believe working towards more responsible and Carbon Circularity Social Impact
better-designed products, and sharing our learnings
Robert O’Mahony, in a competitive market, will catalyze our industry’s
Head of Sustainability ability to scale and innovate. Together, we can move
our industry forward.

FY24 IMPACT REPORT Introduction Planet People About this Report

Design for Sustainability

Sustainability is Tracked
Opportunity to reduce
at Project Gates carbon impact decreases
At the start of each project, we set sustainability
goals based on our DfS Principles. We track
these principles at each critical milestone, Gate 0 Gate 1 Gate 2 Gate 3
or “gate”, of the design process. Progress
against defined sustainability goals is reviewed
and reported at the gates of the product
development process, along with cost,
schedule, and experience. Concept Product
Exploration Commercialization
Development Development

FY24 IMPACT REPORT Introduction Planet People About this Report

DfS Features
Empowering product teams with DfS
Principles often leads to visible DfS
Features that benefit customers and Clean Manufacturing Recycled Fabrics Recycled Plastics Recycled Aluminum
our community at large. These features
Manufacturing by factories that Using recycled fabric where Made with post-consumer recycled Using recycled aluminum
are just a small part of the broader purchase renewable electricity and possible, in our newest designs plastic from end-of-life electronics, to reduce our carbon impact
DfS sustainability philosophy and operate in accordance with a code to give plastics a second life
mindset that we are endeavoring of conduct, to avoid adverse impacts Low carbon aluminum
to instill across our Company. on people and the planet and Using aluminum produced
ensure responsible management with renewable energy,
of resources and waste for lower carbon impact

Responsible Packaging PVC-free Cables Optimized PCB Smart Battery Efficiency

Avoiding single-use plastic and Eliminating PVC cables, Optimizing the shape and size Incorporating smart features
using recycled content and to transition to better materials of the PCB, to reduce carbon to lower battery consumption
recyclable materials, with footprint. Exploring recycled and optimize product use
responsible sourcing of paper copper and gold and additive

© Nicolas Thomas
FY24 IMPACT REPORT Introduction Planet People About this Report

Building Capabilities in DfS

DfS is at the core of Logitech’s values and business DfS Playbook

and we want our DfS Principles to influence everything DfS Product Development Toolkit
We have developed a playbook that gives equal
we do. During FY24 we initiated a number of We have developed a “hands-on” DfS product
consideration to sustainable design alongside cost,
projects and activities to build DfS capabilities development toolkit that aims to re-create
user experience, and schedule to market when
and propagate this growth. the dynamics of DfS decision-making in
transforming or building a concept or workstream
To share DfS expertise and best practice, we are product development.
in the Company. We focus on designing a better
creating an internal resource to support product It is an immersive learning tool that takes the version of what we have, whether it’s a product,
development functions in integrating DfS best form of a challenge. Participants are split into process, service, capability, or supply chain.
practices. The intention is to create centralized, two teams. Each team assigns each participant DfS extends beyond this and is, therefore, integral
simple, and actionable information that our design, a particular product development role, such as to building capabilities across each aspect of
engineering, and marketing teams can use to drive a designer. the business.
DfS advancements at a product level. The content
includes DfS FAQs and case studies as well as carbon The activity is split into two phases: DfS in Action
footprint and circular design estimation tools. 1. The teams are educated on how a computer
From climate action to circularity to packaging
mouse’s carbon footprint is distributed across
We have also developed several internal tools built to end-of-life, our DfS principles and ways
various components and life-cycle phases.
on DfS Principles such as a Circularity Assessment Tool of working are delivering outcomes across
2. The teams are each challenged to reduce a spectrum of environmental and social topics.
that scores the circularity of our products by evaluating
the carbon footprint of the existing design
their circular design attributes. Our Carbon Impact Throughout the next few pages and remainder
by implementing various DfS features.
Calculator provides teams with an early estimate of of this report, we have provided case studies
the carbon impact of competing design directions and The teams that implement specific DfS features and examples of DfS action.
can be used at any point in the design development are rewarded positively. This toolkit has proven
process. It enables design teams to quickly assess to be a powerful DfS educational tool and has
product architectures and make decisions that been used by the product development teams
enhance a product’s environmental performance. and other business functions.

FY24 IMPACT REPORT Introduction Planet People About this Report

CASE STUDY Emissions reduction

Carbon Reduction

Wave Keys 37%

carbon footprint reduction6
310 tCO₂e
avoided per 100k units6
Wireless ergonomic keyboard
Wave Keys is part of the Ergo Series
of products. A wireless ergonomic Design for Sustainability
keyboard with a cushioned palm  etter materials: plastic parts
rest, for natural, feel-good typing made with post-consumer recycled
plastic — 61% for graphite, 46% for
throughout the day.
 ower impact components:
the design of the PCB layout was
modified to reduce the overall size
by 50% with an associated
reduction in manufacturing waste
potential and carbon impact.
Optimized architecture: compact
DfS Features design to achieve a weight
reduction of c. 320g.6
Clean manufacturing
 ow-impact packaging: paper
packaging is responsibly sourced
Recycled plastics
from FSC™-certified forests and
other controlled sources.
Responsible packaging  lean and efficient
manufacturing: we purchase
renewable electricity to match
Optimized PCB the electricity footprint of our
own production facility and we
help our biggest suppliers to do
the same.

FY24 IMPACT REPORT Introduction Planet People About this Report

Carbon Reduction

Zone 11.1 tCO₂e

Wireless 2
avoided per 100k units7

Design for Sustainability

AI-powered headset for
 etter materials: plastic parts
two-way noise-free calls
made with post-consumer
recycled plastic — 20% for graphite,
off-white and rose.5 PVC-free
cables. Low carbon aluminum
manufactured with renewable energy.
Products that last: get more life
out of Zone Wireless 2 with a
replaceable battery and earpads.

DfS Features

Clean manufacturing
  lean and efficient
manufacturing: we purchase
Recycled plastics renewable electricity certificates
to match the electricity
footprint of our own production
Responsible packaging facility and we help our biggest
suppliers to do the same.
  ow-impact packaging: paper
PVC-free cables packaging is responsibly
sourced from FSC™-certified
forests and other controlled
Low-carbon aluminum

FY24 IMPACT REPORT Introduction Planet People About this Report

CASE STUDY Emissions reduction

Carbon Reduction

Casa 34% 517 tCO₂e

Pop-Up Desk
carbon footprint reduction8 avoided per 100k units8

Design for Sustainability

Foldaway kit with laptop stand,  ptimized architecture: optimized
O  ow impact
keyboard, touchpad and storage for rigidity and weight, to reduce packaging:
the carbon impact of the design.8 – Single-piece, front-opening pizza
Casa has all you need to work from  etter materials: plastic parts
B box design with innovative wraps
home in one compact kit, with a made with post-consumer recycled applied in critical areas to deliver a
wireless keyboard, wireless touchpad plastics — 82% for the touchpad, friction-free structure and pleasant
unboxing experience.
and a book-like case that transforms 62% for the keyboard and 49%
for the book.5 – Near-zero plastic packaging.10
into a laptop stand.
 fficient distribution:
E – Paper-based tissue wrap of optimal
lightweighting enables more energy thickness to eliminate the need for
efficient distribution. a tray, while still ensuring safe and
DfS Features reliable shipping.
– Pallet optimization: the elimination
of the tray and the pizza box design
Clean manufacturing
allowed for 20% more product
per pallet, compared to the
Recycled plastics unassembled/tray version.
– Overall: 25% reduction in carbon
impact (compared to using the
Responsible packaging unassembled/tray version).
– Paper packaging is responsibly
sourced from FSC™-certified forests
and other controlled sources.

FY24 IMPACT REPORT Introduction Planet People About this Report

CASE STUDY Emissions reduction

Carbon Reduction

Lift ↓20%
reduction in carbon footprint11
53 tCO₂e
avoided carbon per 100k units8
Vertical ergonomic mouse
Making a positive contribution
Designed in the Logi Ergo Lab, Design for Sustainability
for comfort and well-being at the desk.  etter materials: plastic parts
A left-handed version and thoughtful made with post-consumer recycled
plastic — 70% for graphite and 54%
consideration of product size, button
for off-white and rose.12
placement, and color address the
 ower impact components:
needs of underserved audiences. PCB optimization to reduce the
A vertical design puts the user’s overall size of the main PCB by an
wrist in a more natural position estimated 32%, with associated
(e.g. “handshake-like” position). reductions in manufacturing waste
potential and carbon impact.

DfS Features

 ow-impact packaging:
Clean manufacturing
near-zero plastic packaging
to enable curb-side recycling.13
Recycled plastics Paper packaging is responsibly
sourced from FSCTM–certified
forests and other controlled
Responsible packaging sources.
 lean and efficient
manufacturing: we purchase
Optimized PCB
renewable electricity to match
the electricity footprint of our
own production facility and
we help our biggest suppliers
to do the same.
FY24 IMPACT REPORT Introduction Planet People About this Report

Carbon Reduction

Logitech G 18.5 tCO₂e

Yeti Orb
avoided per 100k units7

DfS Improvement and Impact

Premium gaming microphone
 Better materials: plastic parts
Our DfS efforts have resulted in the made with post-consumer recycled
plastic — 74% for black, 61% for
creation of a product with significantly
off-white.14 This includes 100%
lower impacts across its life cycle.
post-consumer recycled fabric.
This product is PVC-free.

DfS Features
Low-impact packaging:
pulp-paper protection instead
Clean manufacturing of traditional materials like
styrofoam. Paper packaging
is responsibly sourced from
Recycled plastics FSC™-certified forests and
other controlled sources.
Responsible packaging Clean and efficient
manufacturing: we purchase
renewable electricity to match
Recycled fabrics the electricity footprint of our
own production facility and
we help our biggest suppliers
PVC-free cables to do the same.

FY24 IMPACT REPORT Introduction Planet People About this Report


Then Now
– Plastic parts (hardware): – Plastic parts (hardware) made from
100% virgin plastic 54% post-consumer recycled plastic15
– Acoustics module with small PCB – Redesign of our acoustics module to replace
on the driver the PCB terminal with metal plates to reduce
– Virgin plastic packaging the need for additional PCB components

– Traditional, complex clamshell design – Simpler paper box design with 31% reduction
with six components and significant in overall size
void space – Near-zero plastic to enable curbside recycling13
– Virgin paper – FSCTM-certified paper packaging

kg CO2 e
kg CO2 e

H390 Headset
USB computer headset
FY24 IMPACT REPORT Introduction Planet People About this Report


Pebble Before After

Keys 2 1

Keyboard packaging
With a new and innovative design,
we eliminated the need for a traditional
protective plastic bag solution and
developed a paper-based alternative
wrap, which uplevels the unboxing
experience for the consumer,
while also driving forward with
our single-use plastics policy. 2
This packaging was received well by 3
consumers and is a fitting companion 4
for the Pebble Keys keyboard itself, 5
which has plastic parts with 64%
recycled plastic.16 2

1. PE Plastic Bag 1. Paper wrap 5. Number of packaging

2. Corrugated Insert 2. FSC™-certified components: 2

3. Number of packaging components: 3 3. Soy ink printing 6. Reduced weight

4. No insert 7. Near-zero plastic

FY24 IMPACT REPORT Introduction Planet People About this Report

Social Impact Our Social Impact Strategy

Together we can drive big change. We enable people
to design more fulfilling lives and a better planet.

Our Social Impact strategy is based

on three key pillars: Culture, Community,
and Customer.
We encourage collaborative discussions between
our teams, to foster engagement and innovation
on Social Impact topics. These range from functional
and leadership sessions to cross-business group
forums. Our mission is to be a model for an inclusive
culture and to join together with others to drive
big change.

To guide our decisions about where we take a

public stance on social issues, we have an internal
engagement framework. This helps us to determine
whether we speak publicly and give our support to
a social issue, whether we take business action on it,
whether we encourage employees to donate to it, or
© Jason Goodman
whether we engage our partners to address the issue.

Our Social Impact program is managed by the

Community and Advocacy group, a diverse, global
Culture Community Customer
team of experts specializing in diversity, equity, and Cultivating a company culture that Enabling and supporting our underrepresented Changing the way we do business.
inclusion (DEI) and Community Relations. This team promotes inclusive leaders and ensures team employees and communities by fostering Continuously reviewing and improving
collaborates closely with DEI champions, employee collaboration, innovation, and excellence visibility, capability, community and access Logitech processes/programs to better
resource groups (ERGs), and various functional teams through promoting an environment where for people who come from underserved connect with stakeholders (customers,
throughout the organization to ensure alignment with employees feel like they belong. Empowering backgrounds and communities. Creating employees, and partners) and be more
our values and purpose, to encourage cooperation, our culture by contributing to the causes opportunities to join with other Logitech inclusive in serving a wide range of people.
and to facilitate visibility and reporting of our impact. we have personal passions for. people to give back to the communities Leveraging the skills and products that
where we live and work. our people and Company have to offer.

FY24 IMPACT REPORT Introduction Planet People About this Report

Materiality Assessment
We focus on the sustainability issues that To progress our DMA, we evaluated the potential Environmental and Social Assessment
really matter. Our materiality assessment impact and relevance of various environmental and
process helps us prioritize reporting on the social dimensions, using the European Sustainability ESRS TOPIC/SUBTOPIC MATERIALITY ASSESSMENT OUR APPROACH
Reporting Standards (ESRS). We also assessed
topics that represent our most significant Climate change In Logitech’s industry, manufacturing processes consume a significant H Climate Action
financial risks and opportunities associated with
impacts on people and the planet. environmental and social factors that are relevant to
mitigation and energy amount of energy from fossil fuels, leading to the creation of
greenhouse gasses.
In FY24, we carried out our first double materiality our business. The results of our DMA are summarized Use of electronic products by end users consumes a low to moderate
assessment (DMA). DMA expands the traditional in the following tables. amount of energy, partly in the form of fossil fuels, leading to the
creation of greenhouse gasses.
understanding of materiality in sustainability
reporting by considering a company’s impacts Water withdrawal Withdrawal: Logitech’s industry typically demands significant water H Water
on people and the planet (“inside-out environmental and discharge usage during the manufacturing phase and in the supply chain.
and social impacts”) and the external environmental By embracing the principle of Discharge: Logitech’s industry typically creates large amounts
of industrial wastewater potentially containing heavy metals.
and social factors that influence a company double materiality, we believe we
(“outside-in financial risks and opportunities”). Circular economy Resource inflows: Electronic products have high material inflow M Circularity
The DMA framework was introduced to recognize can better assess and disclose both compared to product lifespan and may contain critical raw materials
the reciprocal relationship between companies and our impacts on the external world and can produce e-waste.

their external environment and acknowledge the fact

and the impacts of the external Plastics (including Plastic is commonly used in electronic products. If disposed of M Circularity
that a company’s sustainability performance and microplastics) incorrectly, it can cause plastic pollution around disposal sites.
management of external environmental and social world on our operations.”
Pollution of water Electronic products become e-waste at end-of-life and, if disposed M Circularity
risks can significantly affect its financial performance,
and soil (e-waste) incorrectly, can pollute water, soil and living organisms. Water
reputation, and resilience. By embracing the principle
of double materiality, we believe we can better assess Pollution: substances Certain regulated substances of concern are found in electronic M Targeted
and disclose both our impacts on the external world of concern products and, if not managed correctly, can cause environmental Substances
and the impacts of the external world on pollution.

our operations. Biodiversity Logitech’s industry can be associated with impact drivers M Biodiversity
of biodiversity loss, including climate change, pollution and
land-use change.

FY24 IMPACT REPORT Introduction Planet People About this Report

Materiality Assessment

Environmental and Social Assessment continued Financial Assessment


Work-related rights: Logitech’s industry faces challenges in relation to these issues M Human Rights Business conduct If our representatives or key individuals display or tolerate unethical or Ethics
child labor, forced labor, due to the nature and typical location of industry supply chains. and Labor illegal behavior, including corrupt practices, this could have legal and
working time, adequate financial implications and could lead to material reputational damage.
wages, social dialogue,
freedom of association, Privacy and security Data breaches, cyberattacks, third-party vulnerabilities or other threats Privacy
collective bargaining leading to disruption of operations, loss of confidentiality and customer and Security
trust, as well as potential regulatory fines, financial losses, and
Health and safety Logitech’s industry faces challenges in relation to these issues M Safety, Health, reputational damage.
due to the nature and typical location of industry supply chains. and Well-being
Diverse talent Failure to attract and retain a diverse range of talent could diminish Diversity, Equity,
Equal treatment and Logitech’s industry faces challenges in relation to gender and other M Diversity, Equity, our potential to understand the perspective of our diverse customer and Inclusion
opportunity for all: diversity factors. and Inclusion base and create inclusive products. Digital Inclusivity
training and skills Talent Attraction
development, gender and Retention
equality and equal pay, Climate change Operating expense risks could arise, including increased costs associated Climate Action
diversity. with transitioning to renewable energy sources and low-carbon or more Design for
circular materials, technologies, and ways of working. Sustainability
Social inclusion Logitech’s industry faces challenges in relation to access to products M Digital Inclusivity Circularity
and services.
Natural resources Water scarcity or pollution of natural resources affects production Water
Information-related Appropriate management of information or data by Logitech’s industry M Privacy processes and causes supply chain disruptions from shortages or Biodiversity
impacts could lead to impacts for consumers and end users. and Security price fluctuations.

Personal safety Certain regulated substances of concern are found in electronic M Targeted Sustainability A decrease in demand for products and services could occur due Climate Action
products and, if not managed correctly, could impact consumer Substances commitments to consumers becoming increasingly averse to negative impacts, Our Strategic
and end user safety. lack of progress, or inauthentic sustainability efforts. Commitments

Business conduct: Logitech’s industry faces challenges in relation to these issues M Ethics
protection of whistle- due to the nature and typical location of industry supply chains.
blowers, supplier
corruption and bribery

FY24 IMPACT REPORT Introduction Planet People About this Report

Stakeholder Engagement
We believe business success begins Transparency and engagement in all aspects of Who We Engage – Shareholders: We value open and meaningful
with collaborative relationships inside business align with our Company culture of being engagement with our shareholders. We also
open and ourselves, and collaborative in our way For the purpose of reporting, we cluster our
and outside Logitech. Collaboration is stakeholders into six broadly recognized stakeholder
engage with rating agencies and advisors
of working. We foster working environments where who work on behalf of existing and potential
key to creating shared value that builds groups. These groups comprise groups and individuals
perspectives, experiences, and insights can be shared, shareholders because they offer valuable
a more inclusive and equitable society. to help us understand stakeholder needs and that meet one or more of the above attributes and
insight into the views of the investor
We engage openly with our stakeholders continually evolve and improve. We gain valuable can reasonably be expected to be impacted by our
community more broadly.
and work to anticipate and respond to insight through regular engagement with stakeholders. activities, products, and services, or to take actions
that affect our ability to implement strategy and – Special Interest Groups: Special interest
stakeholder needs. These engagements build our collective understanding groups may include nonprofits, nongovernmental
of the challenges facing people and the planet, achieve objectives successfully.
organizations (NGOs), and other groups with
as well as helping us to identify and prioritize our – Customers: Our direct and indirect customers
a particular interest in certain aspects of
material issues and provide insights into emerging include retailers, e-tailers, and end consumers
sustainability performance. These groups help to
opportunities. through our e-commerce platform and indirect
define good practice standards and communicate
sales to end customers (end users) through
stakeholder expectations for our industry. Their
distributors. Deep engagement with customers
input can catalyze and inform decision-making.
and consumers is critical to understanding and
anticipating stakeholder needs and executing – Our Industry: We work closely with suppliers to
on our Company mission. innovate in manufacturing, develop new designs,
and establish and advocate for responsible supply
– Employees: Our employees develop and
chains. Many of our sustainability programs and
implement sustainability programs and are the
targets rely on supplier innovation and support.
driving force behind our innovation and success.
We also consider peer companies as part of this
– Regulators and Policy Makers: Many aspects of
group. We engage with peer companies to share
our activities and business are regulated worldwide.
thought leadership and advocate for positive
We engage with regulators on regulatory matters
change and sustainability action across our
and when fulfilling our regulatory reporting
industry. Other business partners and value
obligations. As part of this stakeholder group,
chain partners are also considered part of this
we also consider public policy makers.
stakeholder group. For programs like circularity
and climate action, full value chain activation
and engagement are needed.

FY24 IMPACT REPORT Introduction Planet People About this Report

Stakeholder Engagement

Stakeholder Interests Employees Regulators and Policy-makers

From our discussions with stakeholders, we – C ompany strategy and priorities; vision and values – Ecodesign
recognize the following sustainability topics – Company commitment to social and – Environmental claims, greenwashing, and product
of interest for each of our stakeholder groups. environmental issues sustainability information
– Development opportunities and career – Regulatory reporting
advancement – Circular economy, repairability, and recycling
Customers – Well-being (work/life balance) information
– Product performance and technical features – Corporate and employee philanthropy and – Conflict minerals
– Logitech’s unique selling points, with respect volunteering – Hazardous substances (RoHS, REACH)
to sustainability – Employee benefit and compensation offerings
– Product sustainability (design features)
– Packaging sustainability (materials) Our Industry
– Hazardous materials compliance (RoHS, REACH)
– E-waste
– Conflict minerals – Financial performance
– Supply chain management
– Climate action and carbon targets – Preparedness for upcoming reporting regulations
– Innovation and co-development of solutions
– E-waste recycling and trade-in for reuse – Corporate governance, including supply chain
management – Hazardous substances (RoHS, REACH)
– Supply chain transparency and responsible
– Greenhouse gas reporting – Product take-back and circular supply chains
– Durability, repairability, and spare parts – Talent attraction and retention
– Product energy efficiency and carbon footprint
– Diversity, equity, and inclusion
Special Interest Groups
– Human rights due diligence
– Supply chain management
– Sustainability performance at our
production facility
– Digital inclusion
– Worker safety, health, and well-being

FY24 IMPACT REPORT Introduction Planet People About this Report

Climate Action
39 Circularity
48 Biodiversity
51 Water
54 Targeted Substances

FY24 IMPACT REPORT Introduction Planet People About this Report

Climate change caused by human
activity is one of the biggest challenges
of our generation. The scale of change
demands collective action. In our 2019
Climate Pledge, we pledged to support
the Paris Agreement’s goal of limiting
global warming to 1.5°C well before 2050.

In 2023, our science-based targets

were validated by the Science Based
Targets initiative (SBTi).

Sustainable Development Goals

© Markus Spiske
FY24 IMPACT REPORT Introduction Planet People About this Report

Climate Action

Our Science-based Targets

Near-term Targets FY24 Progress

85 % reduction of Scope 1 and 2 emissions 58 % of target

by 2030 compared to a 2019 base year.

100 % renewable electricity (RE) in our own 94 % of target

business by 2030 by purchasing renewable
electricity to match our electricity demand.

>50 % reduction in our Scope 3 emissions by 2030 24 % of target

compared to a 2021 base year.

Long-term Net Zero Target18 FY24 Progress

>90 % reduction of our Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions by 2047 24 % of target

compared to a 2021 base year, with the removal of any
residual emissions to achieve net zero.

© Shayd Johnson
FY24 IMPACT REPORT Introduction Planet People About this Report

Climate Action
Management Approach

To achieve our Climate Pledge and carbon We believe that carbon should be treated like calorie
reduction targets, we Design for Sustainability awareness, and that everyone should be aware of
and prioritize absolute carbon reduction what they're consuming. We accept responsibility
for the full life-cycle impact of our products and
across our business and operations.
advocate for consumer and industry action to
Over the past few years, we have intensified our recognize carbon impact and the effects of climate
carbon reduction programs expanding our efforts change. Being transparent about our carbon impact
across our Company and portfolio. Our goal is to encourages better design decisions within our teams,
design each new generation of products with a and informed purchasing decisions among our
lower carbon footprint than the previous one. consumers. We work to support greater carbon
transparency across our industry by sharing our
Where we cannot achieve absolute reductions in
knowledge, empowering others to take similar
carbon impact, we’re transitioning our manufacturing
steps towards carbon clarity and encouraging
and supply chain to use renewable energy sources.
other companies to join us in our approach.
This includes energizing our value chain by developing
on-site renewables, partnering with utilities providers, Our business models will continue to evolve as
and obtaining Energy Attribute Certificates. we work to eliminate waste and to extend the life
of products by embracing recycled materials,
and creating new low-carbon consumer offerings.

kg CO2 e

FY24 IMPACT REPORT Introduction Planet People About this Report

Climate Action
Key Programs

Our Own Operations Our own manufacturing operations comprise

one production facility in Suzhou China, where Solar Power at Our Production Facility in Suzhou, China
Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
quantify the carbon impact of a company's own approximately 40% of our products are assembled In 2023, we partnered with a green utility vendor – The installation includes a dashboard that
operations. For Logitech, this means our production and tested. Our current facility was established in to install 1,200 solar panels across the roof of can be used to monitor the energy demand
facility and offices. Our Scope 1 and 2 emissions 2005 and has achieved ISO 14001 certification year the main building at Logitechʼs factory in Suzhou, and consumption of individual devices in the
constitute less than 1% of our corporate carbon on year since 1999. We’re committed to continually China. These panels became operational in system in real time, verify the daily, monthly
footprint. Despite this small percentage we actively improving our environmental performance with November 2023. and cumulative power generation, and
address these emissions to demonstrate leadership a strong focus on energy efficiency and have identify opportunities to drive improved
implemented several energy efficiency programs Impact:
and accountability, meet stakeholder expectations, energy management
over the years. – The installed capacity of the solar panels is
manage risk, and foster innovation. – For the remainder of power used at our
680 kW (maximum peak power) and the panels
Our target is to achieve 100% renewable electricity production facility, we purchase renewable
have the potential to generate 700 MW/year
(RE) in our production facility and Major Offices4 by electricity certificates to match our electricity
– equivalent to 3-5% of the electricity demand
2030. In 2023, a number of our Major Offices had consumption since renewable electricity utility
Our Carbon Footprint of the main building
green utility contracts or used electricity certificates contracts are not yet available in the region
– Over the 20-year design life expectancy, the
for their electricity demand. We addressed our average annual carbon saving of the panels
Scope 1 and 2 Major Offices19, except Taiwan. Due to the limited
< 1% is estimated to be 398 tCO2 per annum21
and costly supply of renewable electricity in Taiwan,
we didn’t make purchases there and are waiting
Scope 3 for a more accessible and cost effective solution.
> 99 % In other office locations, we have achieved our
RE goals and addressed our impact.

Across the globe, we have matched 94% of

our electricity footprint20 with direct and indirect
We continue to be recognized as a Green Power
renewable electricity purchases.
Partner by the United States Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) for matching the
electricity footprint of our largest offices in the
U.S. with renewable electricity purchases.

FY24 IMPACT REPORT Introduction Planet People About this Report

Climate Action
Key Programs

Beyond Our Operations simulation devices, and room video conferencing Our Greenhouse Gas Footprint,
Scope 3 GHG emissions quantify the carbon impact equipment. We have evolved our model to reflect beyond our Operations (Scope 3 emissions)
of a company’s entire value chain, including material the new insights from these studies
sourcing, supply chain manufacturing, distribution, – We refined our methodology for modeling the carbon Other
impact of our refurbished second-life products 2. Capital goods
consumer use, end-of-life product treatment, and 6. Business travel
ancillary activities. More than 99% of our corporate – We updated our distribution model to reflect the 7. Employee commuting
carbon footprint comprises Scope 3 GHG emissions. latest emission factors from the Global Logistics
We have SBTi-validated targets to reduce those Emissions Council (GLEC)
emissions by half, by 2030.
The majority of our Scope 3 emissions come from the
As a products company, we’re acutely aware of the sourcing and manufacture of materials, components End-of-life 4%
life-cycle impact of our products. The majority of and Logitech products (59%). Other important 12. End-of-life treatment
of sold products
our Scope 3 emissions come from the four life-cycle sources of impact include the emissions associated
stages of our products, which correspond to eight with the Consumer Use phase (26%). Distribution (6%)
of the 14 Greenhouse Gas Protocol categories, and End-of-life (4%).
Consumer Use 26%
as shown on the graphic on the right.
11. Use of sold products Sourcing and
We maintain a live and dynamic model of our carbon We continually evaluate our carbon model and Manufacturing
impact and our model is updated regularly with new reduction pathways. We are conscious of our 1. Purchased good and
information and insights as they arise. For example, contribution to climate action and the evolving services
in the last year, new insights in the following areas role of the voluntary carbon market. For CY23, 2. Capital Goods
6% 3. Fuel and energy related
have significantly changed how we model and we purchased carbon offsets and removals to
Distribution activities (not included
understand the carbon impact of our products. neutralize the Scope 1, 2, and 3 GHG emissions 4. Upstream transportation in Scopes 1 or 2)
– We conducted several life-cycle assessments and that we could not otherwise address through DfS and distribution 5. Waste generated
9. Downstream transportation in operations
user engagements to thoroughly examine the and the use of renewable energy. As we continue
and distribution
use phase of our headsets, webcams, gaming to expand our DfS capabilities, we regularly
simulation devices, and room video conferencing review how to accelerate our efforts to deliver
equipment. We have evolved our model to reflect even broader reductions that complement
the new insights from these studies science-based strategies and cross-industry
– We conducted several life-cycle assessments and collective momentum towards 2030 absolute
user engagements to thoroughly examine the reduction targets and net zero.
use phase of our headsets, webcams, gaming

FY24 IMPACT REPORT Introduction Planet People About this Report

Climate Action CASE STUDY

Key Programs
MX Brio and
MX Brio 705
We have a mature Design for Sustainability program Low-carbon Aluminum
that explores and accelerates our transition to low- Manufacturing aluminum is a carbon-intensive for Business
carbon alternative materials and designs, aiming process because most smelters use traditional fossil
to avoid and reduce the absolute carbon impact fuels and require large quantities of heat and energy.
of our products and portfolio. To reduce this impact, low-carbon aluminum is
produced in smelters using renewable energy such
Next Life Plastics
as hydropower. As of March 2024, we are using low-
We have incorporated post-consumer recycled plastic
carbon aluminum in 66 product lines.23 We estimate
into a wide range of our products, giving end-of-life
this has eliminated more than 13,000 tCO2.22
plastic a second life and helping to reduce their
carbon footprint. Our capability has grown rapidly Our longer-term goal is to completely eliminate
through partnerships with resin suppliers and molders traditional virgin aluminum from our portfolio by
to explore and develop new, stronger resins in a range expanding our use of low-carbon aluminum, post-
of colors and grades. This has expanded our supply consumer recycled (PCR) aluminum, and exploring
chain as well as refining molding processes. Recycled near zero24 and post-industrial recycled (PIR) Design For Sustainability Carbon Reduction

148 tCO₂e
plastic is now used at scale across Logitech, and is aluminum options. Material scientists and supply  etter materials: low carbon
contributing meaningfully to our carbon reduction chain specialists across Logitech are collaborating aluminum made from renewable
efforts. In 2023, we estimate that our use of Next with our suppliers to discover, explore, and evaluate energy with plastic parts made
Life Plastics eliminated over 25,000 tCO2.30 For more the best ways to achieve this goal. from recycled plastic — 82% for black avoided per 100k units8
information on this program, see Next Life Plastics. and graphite and 75% for pale grey.5
In FY24, Logitech joined the First Movers PVC-free cables. 65% recycled
Coalition Aluminum Working Group, aluminum heat sink.
a UNGC initiative.  ow impact packaging:
paper packaging from FSC™-certified
forests and other controlled sources.

 lean manufacturing:
we purchase renewable electricity
certificates to match the electricity
footprint of our own production
facility and we help our biggest
suppliers to do the same.
FY24 IMPACT REPORT Introduction Planet People About this Report

Climate Action
Key Programs Our low-carbon aluminum products include:

Low-carbon Keyboards Tablet Accessories Racing Wheels

Using low-carbon aluminum at
scale to lower our carbon impact.

The current Logitech line up includes:

66 product lines
Gaming Personal Workspace Personal Workspace Gaming
G913 Lightspeed Signature Slim K950 Combo Touch Slim Folio G920
G815 MX Keys Mini Logitech Crayon G923
with low-carbon aluminum23 G413 MX Mechanical Mini
G413 TKL K835 TKL Mechanical
G813 Ergo K860 Headsets Conference cams and webcams
These low-carbon aluminum products saved:

13,000+ tCO2e G713

in calendar year 2023

Gaming B2B Personal

Pro X Gaming Headset Sight Workspace
A10 MX Brio 705 for Business MX Brio
Rally Bar Huddle
FY24 IMPACT REPORT Introduction Planet People About this Report

Climate Action
Key Programs

Printed Circuit Board Optimization Activating our Suppliers Carbon Clarity

Printed circuit boards are a critical technology for us,
Carbon Savings in CY2322 We collaborate with our suppliers to carry out annual We believe that carbon is the new calorie; everyone
but their manufacturing process is energy-intensive, surveys, allowing us to understand and evaluate should know what they're consuming. Like nutritional
making them an environmental hotspot. their electricity usage. We also share methodologies labels on food packaging, Carbon Impact Labels help
Towards the end of 2020, we initiated a study to
evaluate the carbon impact of our PCB panel designs. 25,066 tCO2e for modeling carbon impact. We offer our suppliers
awareness-raising sessions, information blasts,
and FAQs to encourage them to join the Renewable
consumers make informed purchasing decisions by
considering the carbon impact of their purchases.
These labels also help us remain accountable to our
We developed a carbon model using primary data Next Life Plastics
from our PCB suppliers. This helped us to explore Electricity Buyers Club. Through this club, suppliers climate action goals and reduce the footprint of our
opportunities for carbon reduction and to modify can access high-quality, third-party certified product portfolio through Design for Sustainability.
our designs to achieve these reductions.

The relevant changes were implemented during

13,049 tCO2e renewable electricity instruments to reduce their
Scope 2 emissions. In 2023, suppliers and Logitech
purchased renewable electricity instruments to
We believe we have initiated an industry-first
Carbon Clarity commitment by pledging to provide
2021 and 2022, and the knowledge gained is now Low Carbon Aluminum a Carbon Impact Label across our entire portfolio
address almost 80,000 tCO2 of supply chain
incorporated into updated PCB design guidelines. by 2025. Our goal is to form an alliance of brands
GHG emissions.

2,647 tCO2e
These updates helped us eliminate more than to standardize carbon labeling, allowing for better
2,600 tCO2 in 2023.22 product comparisons and making impact reduction
a competitive factor in our industry.
Other Design Changes PCB Optimization
In the last year, a number of other design changes
and improvements have been implemented across As of March 2024, 66% of Logitech products
new product introductions as we scale up our DfS Supplier Engagement Leader had a third-party reviewed Product Carbon
capabilities across the company. We continue to For two years in a row, Logitech Europe S.A. Footprint study and we are on track to
develop our modeling techniques to capture the was named by CDP as a Supplier Engagement achieve our 2025 goal.25
carbon impact of these changes and enable Leader for our actions and strategies to reduce
reporting in the future. emissions in our supply chain.

FY24 IMPACT REPORT Introduction Planet People About this Report

Climate Action
Key Programs

Product Carbon
A carbon footprint is measured in kilograms
of CO2e. To fully measure a product’s impact
you need to consider the whole lifecycle
from the moment raw materials are sourced
right through to the end-of-life of a product.

of our product portfolio has completed

a Product Carbon Footprint study25

FY21 FY22 FY23

4% 17% 42%
FY24 IMPACT REPORT Introduction Planet People About this Report

Our ambition is to reduce waste and to
extend the life of products, components,
and materials. We want to empower
consumers with simple and convenient
ways to give products, components, and
materials a next life, and to contribute
to a more circular world. We believe
more needs to be done by brands and by
broader value chains to make circularity
a core business imperative.

Sustainable Development Goals

FY24 IMPACT REPORT Introduction Planet People About this Report

Management Approach

We adopt a full life-cycle approach and Reducing Waste Extending Life

consider how we can reduce waste and We want to reduce waste at every stage of the We are exploring and developing new business
extend the life of our products, from design, product development process. To achieve this, models to support the extended lifetime of electronic
sourcing, and manufacture, through to we’re focusing on the following strategies: products, components, and materials. To achieve
second life and other circular solutions. – Circular design: This approach involves designing this, we’re focusing on the following strategies:
products with their entire life cycle in mind, – Offering software and services: We provide
Circular Design ensuring that they can be easily disassembled, software and services that enhance both
User repaired, or recycled, thereby extending their our hardware and our customer experiences,
usability and minimizing waste ensuring prolonged usability and value
Circular – Circular materials: We prioritize the use of – Extending product life: We design durable,
Sales renewable26 and recycled materials that can be energy-efficient products and offer repair services,
reintroduced into the production cycle, reducing secondary market sales, and product donation
the need for virgin resources and lowering programs to maximize product longevity
environmental impact – Recovering and recycling products: Through

it y

i r, D u r a b i – Circular manufacturing: This method aims to trade-in programs, we refurbish returned Logitech
Circular optimize manufacturing processes to minimize products to “like-new” condition for warranty
Manufacturing waste, energy use, and emissions. It promotes support and resale. We also explore opportunities
environmentally friendly practices, advanced to recover and reuse components from these
technologies, and responsible labor management products. Products and parts that cannot be
Pr to create a sustainable and efficient refurbished are sent for recycling to recover
od n t
manufacturing system raw materials and avoid landfill waste
R ef u r b is h me
Circular In the last year, we have intensified our efforts to
Materials identify opportunities and execute pilot programs
m po ery across our strategy.
n e nt R e c ov

e r i a l s R e c yc l i n g
Reduce Waste
Extend Life

FY24 IMPACT REPORT Introduction Planet People About this Report

Key Programs

Reducing Waste Circular Materials Weight of materials

Circular Design At Logitech, our material selection process considers in our product portfolio
Circular design focuses on developing longer-lasting, environmental impact in addition to traditional
energy-efficient products by emphasizing repair, factors like cost, technical performance, and user
reuse, and recycling. experience. The chart opposite illustrates the primary
components and materials used in our portfolio
To support more informed design decisions, we last year.27 Other materials 28 4%
created an in-house Circularity Assessment Tool that Batteries 3%
measures the comparative circularity of our product Our primary materials are plastic, paper packaging,
designs. This tool has evolved to include legal trends, and metals. Understanding this has driven the Metal parts 5%
best practice standards like IEEE 1680.1 and ECMA 341, development of strategic programs to create
Blue Angel and EPEAT, and our experience of more sustainable alternatives for these categories: Cables 3%
incorporating circularity into our designs. Next Life Plastic, FSC™-certified paper packaging, Printed circuit board (PCB) 2%
and low-carbon aluminum. Details on those
Our tool uses a semi-quantitative scoring system programs are provided in the following sections. Plastic packaging 3%
to evaluate factors like longevity, reuse, and Plastic parts 39%
recyclability. It informs our teams about the impacts
of their design choices and helps us identify priority
areas for improvement, guiding us toward better
alternatives for our products.

Paper packaging 41%

FY24 IMPACT REPORT Introduction Planet People About this Report

Circularity Key Programs

Innovating with
Next Life Plastics
We use recycled plastic (“Next Life Plastics”) at
scale to repurpose end-of-life plastic, reduce our

recycled plastic
carbon footprint, and shift from virgin resources to
more circular materials. 73% of Logitech products
incorporate Next Life Plastics29, offering a wide
variety of products with recycled plastic across
major business groups.
Using recycled plastic at scale to reduce
carbon footprint and embrace circularity
We have partnered with resin suppliers and molders
to develop stronger resins in various colors and
grades, expanded our supply chain, and refined
our molding processes. We ensure not only that
new product developments use this material,
but also that we refresh existing product lines.

73% of Logitech 25,000+ More Designs,

products tCO2e More Colors
Transitioning away from single-use plastic
packaging and virgin plastic in hardware is not
just a responsible choice for our planet but a
critical step towards a more circular future.
At Logitech, we are committed to leading this
are made with Next Life Carbon reduction due No compromise on quality
change, reducing our environmental footprint, Plastics29 to give a second to Next Life Plastics30
and setting new standards for our industry's life to end-of-life electronics
use of plastics.”
Prakash Arunkundrum,
Chief Operating Officer, Logitech

FY24 IMPACT REPORT Introduction Planet People About this Report

Circularity Key Programs

Our FSC ™ Breakdown of Logitech products FSC™-certified Paper Packaging

using FSC™-certified packaging31 We continue to expand our commitment to
responsible sourcing of paper through our FSC™-

73 % o certified packaging program. The Forest Stewardship
f ne Council (FSC™) is a global, nonprofit organization
wp that promotes the responsible management of
du forests worldwide. We have adopted a Single-use
Supporting responsible sourcing of 19 % o Plastics Policy aimed at eliminating single-use plastic
fa packaging from our products and use FSC™-certified

renewable materials and responsible
ll p paper as a renewable and more circular alternative

management of the worldʼs forests.
r to virgin paper.


To obtain FSC™ certification, a forestry owner must
Percentage of products using

demonstrate responsible forest management,

FSC™-certified packaging31 including no illegal logging, respect for local

communities, and no damage to areas of high

FY24 19%
biodiversity. Packaging suppliers can achieve FSC™

FY23 11% certification if they can demonstrate that they only
source materials from FSC™-certified forests and
FY22 8%
other controlled sources. Sourcing paper packaging
FY21 3% materials from FSC™-certified suppliers overtly
supports responsible forest management, ensuring
no net negative impact on forestry and biodiversity.
More than half of the products we introduced in FY24
Examples of Logitech products used FSC™-certified packaging, and 19% of Logitech
with FSC™-certified packaging products now use FSC™-certified packaging.34

Wave Keys for Business Lift

Keyboard Ergonomic Mouse
FY24 IMPACT REPORT Introduction Planet People About this Report

Key Programs

Circular Manufacturing Extending Life Repair

Waste at our production facility is limited to food Refurbished Products We have partnered with iFixit to make Original
waste, paper, packaging materials (e.g. paper/ Over the last 12 months, we have continued Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) Logitech parts more
cardboard and timber), printed circuit boards (PCBs), to develop our refurbished product offering. accessible, and enable DIY repair in the United States.
and small amounts of other waste (e.g. oils, solvents, Collaborating with our partners we have developed User-friendly Repair Guides are now available for
and light bulbs). We adhere to the waste hierarchy of a comprehensive process for receiving, inspecting, customers for a variety of products on the Logitech
reduce, reuse, and recycle, aiming always to minimize testing for functionality, and refurbishing returned – iFixit Repair Hub. We continue to expand the scope
waste production, encourage reuse, and prioritize devices to “like-new” condition. These devices are and variety of products that are supported on the
recycling over disposal. Waste is monitored and used as warranty replacements and for sale on Repair Hub and over the coming year, we will be
internally reported annually. our e-commerce platforms and other distribution expanding beyond the United States to support
channels. Over the next year, our focus will be on DIY repair in a variety of other countries.
The EHS team conducts thorough due diligence
before contracting third-party waste management extending the reach of our in-house refurbishment In the last year, we have piloted repair events to raise
suppliers, verifying licenses and permits, and operations. We also aim to strengthen collaboration staff awareness and to develop an engaging format
performing routine and annual checks. Licensed with our key partners to advance their refurbishment for participants.
contractors and facilities manage hazardous waste, initiatives and objectives within our product range.
To mark Earth Day and highlight the importance
with sample checks and tracking of end-of-life
of repair and sustainability, the team partnered
treatment. Recycling and disposal sites are visited
with iFixit to co-host a Repair Café.
as necessary.
At the event, iFixit experts discussed the importance
In our supply chain, we promote good waste
of repair in waste reduction and prolonging product
management practices through RBA Code of
lifespan. They drew comparisons with previous
Conduct auditing and supplier development.
generations who repaired items out of necessity.
Suppliers are required to systematically identify,
A live teardown of a number of products showcased
manage, reduce, and responsibly treat waste.
design features that make repairs easier. Attendees
They must conserve natural resources like water,
gained practical knowledge and skills for basic
fossil fuels, minerals, and products from virgin forests
repairs, underscoring Logitech’s commitment
by making adjustments to production processes,
to sustainability and product longevity.
substituting materials, reusing items, conservation,
or recycling materials.

FY24 IMPACT REPORT Introduction Planet People About this Report

Key Programs Europe
E-waste recycling via E-waste recycling via municipal
municipal recycling centers recycling centers and our partners
and Producer Responsibility (Der Grüne Punkt, El-Kretsen, ERP,
Organizations GRS Stibat, Stichting Afvalfonds
Responsible Recycling
We work with Producer Responsibility Organizations
Global Recycling Verpakkingen, Stichting OPEN) Rest of World

(PROs), distribution partners, and retailers to ensure Programs Take-back for recycling schemes
where available, operated by local
Logitech products are responsibly recycled across recycling authorities
various touchpoints and channels.

Recyclers working with Logitech must follow our

Sustainability Due Diligence Process and adhere
to our Recycling Standard which sets out best
practices and ongoing reporting obligations.
Recyclers are required to carry out periodic
due diligence activities, including independent
third-party audits to verify adherence.
We have developed a number of voluntary recycling
schemes worldwide, concentrating on regions with New Zealand
Partnership with Best Buy to recycle
limited or underdeveloped regulatory frameworks and save at Best Buy stores E-waste recycling
at major population
or infrastructure for recycling. Collect and Recycle Program, centers across the
to promote recycling of country with our
For more information on our recycling activities, business devices partner TechCollect NZ
please check out our Recycling Webpage on
Free mailback for consumers
logitech.com. for recycling services offered China
by our partner MRM E-waste recycling
E-waste recycling via municipal at Logitech
recycling centers and Producer warranty centers
Responsibility Organizations

Hong Kong
E-waste recycling
at Logitech retail
outlets with our
 Operated or Financed by Logitech partner V-cycle
 Operated or Financed by Distributors Taiwan
on Our Behalf Municipal and regulatory
 No Recycling Infrastructure or Regulatory schemes for certain
Schemes for Logitech Product Categories product categories

FY24 IMPACT REPORT Introduction Planet People About this Report

Key Programs

B2B Points
Collect and Recycle
aging and disposing of retired
In FY24, we launched our B2B Collect and Recycle
pilot in Europe and North America. This initiative
Our Collect and Recycle program
offers our B2B Select customers simple and

pment is effortful and takes

convenient options to recycle their end-of-life
offers customers a simple and
video conferencing room equipment ensuring full
convenient solution to ensure they
transparency in responsible recycling processes.

e. are responsibly recycling their

B2B Select customers can now contact Logitech
to arrange the recycling of any brand of electronic
end-of-life electronics. By arranging
equipment, including non-Logitech brands. Our team
will then coordinate a collection customized to the pick-up and proper recycling, we are
customer’s specific needs.
actively addressing the critical issue

also hard to know where to turn

Currently, the process is bespoke and manual. of e-waste and promoting a more
The insights we’re gaining from these customer
interactions are helping us to understand customer circular supply chain where valuable

the impact recycling is making.

pain points, and to move towards a more automated materials are recovered.”
and software-enabled solution. This will empower
Philippe Depallans,
customers to independently select and arrange
General Manager, B2B Services
the services they need.

FY24 IMPACT REPORT Introduction Planet People About this Report

Key Programs

Recycling with our Retailer Partners

In FY24, we continued our Recycle and Save program
with Best Buy, encouraging and rewarding shoppers
for recycling their old electronic devices at retail
partner stores. We also joined with Staples to
support their “Free Tech Take Back” program, which
incentivizes consumers to drop off any brand of
end-of-life electronics at Staples stores for recycling.
Participants receive a discount voucher, which can
be used to purchase a new Logitech device.

FY24 IMPACT REPORT Introduction Planet People About this Report

At Logitech, we recognize the need However, our commitment to sustainability goes
to safeguard biodiversity because it is beyond reducing our carbon footprint. We strive to
crucial for both human development consider the full life-cycle impact of our operations,
actively working to minimize negative impacts on
and effective climate action. Nearly
biodiversity and foster positive change.
20% of global greenhouse gas emissions
are linked to deforestation33, making Our goal is to support global efforts to halt and
the conservation of our forests vital reverse deforestation and better understand
biodiversity impacts. We aim to develop and
in combating climate change.
implement innovative programs that protect
our planet’s rich diversity for future generations.

Sustainable Development Goals

Safeguarding biodiversity is not
just an environmental obligation;
it's a fundamental cornerstone
for effective climate action and
sustainable human development.”
Robert O’Mahony,
Head of Sustainability

FY24 IMPACT REPORT Introduction Planet People About this Report

Management Approach Key Programs

We have begun to analyze nature-related Biodiversity Risk Assessment In FY24, we expanded the scope of our biodiversity
risks and opportunities associated with In FY23, we mapped the location of our production studies to date. We analyzed our sector’s dependency
the lifecycle of our products and the global facility, offices and suppliers, relative to protected and impact on nature using insights and data from
footprint of our business and value chain areas, such as U.N. World Heritage Sites, Wetlands UNEP’s Exploring Natural Capital Opportunities, Risks
and Exposures (ENCORE) tool and the World Wildlife
in a systematic way. of International Importance as defined by the Ramsar
Convention and U.N. Environment Program of Fund’s Biodiversity Risk Filter. The insights from these
We are following the recommendations of the Task Biodiversity Hotspots. The analysis showed that studies will be published in the coming year and are
Force on Nature-Related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) our production facility is not in, or adjacent to, any helping us to develop a management approach that
and the LEAP framework for the identification and of these areas. Our offices have low potential for aligns with the recommendations of the Taskforce
assessment of nature-related issues: nature-based impacts since they are typically small on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD).
leased spaces in urban areas used for administrative Responsible Sourcing
Locate Logitech’s functions such as design, operations management,
L interface with nature sales, marketing, etc. Over the coming year, we
Our responsible sourcing programs include efforts
to reduce our dependency on natural resources
will be surveying the supplier facilities to better
Evaluate Logitech’s dependencies and by embracing the use of renewable and recycled
E impacts on nature
understand their potential for nature-based
materials. For example, our use of Next Life Plastics
impacts and ensure they have appropriate
at scale is reducing our need for virgin plastic in our
Assess Logitech’s nature-related risks mitigation strategies in place.
A and opportunities
product lines and reducing associated impacts on the
In previous years, we have also used LCA data from natural environment. Similarly, our Single-use Plastic
Prepare to disclose insights and our product carbon footprint studies to understand Packaging Policy is transitioning us away from virgin
P information to relevant stakeholders direct land use change impacts of our products. plastic to embrace paper packaging at scale and we
Analysis of our product carbon footprint studies mitigate the potential impact of that transition by
indicate direct land use change contributes less prioritizing the use of recycled paper and FSC™-
than 0.15% of our products' total carbon footprint. certified paper packaging. For more information on
The impacts that arise are typically associated with our efforts to move away from virgin materials and
our use of paper-based materials in our packaging, embrace recycled and renewable materials, please
for example. refer to the Circularity section of this report.

FY24 IMPACT REPORT Introduction Planet People About this Report

Key Programs

Restoring climate-impacted Financing Community-based

forestry and ecosystems Forestry
Over the last number of years, we have financed a ForestNation partners with companies to
number of nature-based projects that offset or engage people in tree planting in areas of

remove carbon. Many of these projects are forestry need in the developing world. For example,
projects with co-benefits for biodiversity and climate- from 2016 to 2018, illegal logging deforested
impacted communities. To find projects to finance, large areas around Kwekanga Village in
we partner with reputable organizations with a Tanzania. This devastation severely impacted
local biodiversity and the livelihoods of low-
trees financed by
history of best practice and select high-quality
projects that are certified to established third-party income communities dependent on forestry. Logitech to date
verification standards. We verify the credentials of In response, ForestNation collaborated with
each project before investing and disclose our project local communities to establish a plantation
investments on our Climate Action webpage. and partnered with companies to finance
tree planting.

In 2020, we engaged employees in online

games to raise sustainability awareness and
fund tree planting in a 16-hectare area within
the plantation. Our partnership and funding
have expanded year-on-year since 2020 and
in FY24, Logitech for Business expanded the
give-back initiative to deepen customer
engagement. In addition to inviting customers
to accept tree donations, we rolled out a
sustainability quiz, providing participants with
the opportunity to “earn” additional trees for
successful answers. With Logitech’s support,
more than 31,443 tree seedlings have been
planted and cultivated by local community
groups working in ForestNation’s nursery
to date.

FY24 IMPACT REPORT Introduction Planet People About this Report

Water is a vital resource and is used in Effective water management practices are needed,
various stages of hardware manufacturing, to ensure water resources are used efficiently, and to
from cleaning components to cooling minimize waste and reduce environmental footprint.
machinery. Water use at our own production Moreover, when factories implement measures such
as water recycling and reuse systems, they not only
facility is not material because we are
conserve water but also contribute to the preservation
primarily engaged in assembly and testing,
of local ecosystems and communities. Efficient
however use of water in certain areas of our water management is crucial for the long-term
supply chain can be significant and we are sustainability of our supply chain operations amid
committed to addressing that impact. growing global water scarcity concerns.

Management Approach
To understand potential supply chain impacts,
we focused on two key strategies in the last year:
Sustainable Development Goals
– Water Management in Manufacturing: Driving
responsible consumption and production at our
own production facility and supplier facilities
– Analysis of Product Life-Cycle Water Impacts:
Using LCA and other established risk assessment
tools and processes to understand the water
footprint of our products and identify hotspots
and areas of dependency and impact on water

FY24 IMPACT REPORT Introduction Planet People About this Report

Key Programs

Water Management in Manufacturing Our commitment to lean manufacturing drives

Our production facility is located in Jiangsu province, ongoing efforts to identify water-saving initiatives
China. This area has high baseline water stress, which of benefit for the environment and our workforce.
is forecasted to remain high over the next 20 years. Over the last four years, we have implemented
Conscious of this environmental context, we manage a number of water-saving initiatives in our
water consumption in accordance with the RBA Code production facility.
of Conduct and relevant local legal requirements and – Installation of water monitoring meters, to monitor
good practice standards. We also maintain an ISO the daily water use
14001-certified Management System, which includes
– Installation of infrared flush-control devices for
effective provisions for optimizing and continuously
toilets and renovation of water-intensive toilets
improving resource management.
– Proactive and preventative maintenance to prevent
Approximately 95% of the water that is used at our water leaks, as well as prompt repair of any leaks
production facility is obtained from a public mains that occur
supply connection provided by the local authorities – Upgrade of more than 100 meters of underground
(low risk of water impacts), is not significantly used valves and water supply pipes to minimize
in production (low volume of water consumption), water leakage
and is primarily used for welfare facilities (high
priority for water use). Work activities at our In our supply chain, we drive good practice water
production facility are not water-intensive. The water management with our RBA Code of Conduct
that we consume is primarily used for drinking water, auditing and supplier development activities.
catering, showers, washrooms, and other welfare Suppliers are required to implement water
facilities. When on-site production increases, management programs that characterize water
the size of our workforce increases, leading to and wastewater sources, use and discharge, seek
increased demand for drinking water and the use of opportunities to conserve water and eliminate
welfare facilities. We have an established Resource potential pollution at source. They are also required
Management Procedure, but the scale of opportunity to control potential channels of contamination and
associated with water-saving initiatives is small. implement appropriate monitoring and treatment
systems (where required by local permitting
requirements), to prevent pollution, optimize
resource use and ensure regulatory compliance.

© Juliana Chyzhova
FY24 IMPACT REPORT Introduction Planet People About this Report

Key Programs

Analysis of Life Cycle Water Impacts These insights are helping us to develop a
In FY24, we completed several studies to assess management approach that aligns with the
and understand our potential impact on water recommendations of the TNFD. The results of our
across our value chain and product life-cycles. assessments will be published in the coming year.
– We mapped and completed a preliminary
risk assessment for our Major Offices and our Partnership with Scripps
production facility using the Aqueduct Water Institution of Oceanography
Risk Atlas tool The Scripps Institution of Oceanography is a
– We assessed our dependency and potential global center for earth science research and
impacts on water using the UNEP ENCORE education and research leaders in climate
tool and WWF Biodiversity Risk Filter change impacts, biodiversity, oceans, and
– We surveyed our Major Suppliers to identify water- human health. Since 2021, we have supported
intensive manufacturing hotspots in our supply delegations of Scripps students and postdoctoral
chain and the maturity of supplier programs researchers attending the annual sessions of the
United Nations Framework Convention on
– We assessed the life-cycle water footprint of five
Climate Change.
of our top-selling products by assessing water-
related LCA impact categories for water scarcity Scripps students are climate heroes.
and water consumption: They are working hard to understand and
° manufacture of batteries, plastics, metals, protect the planet by researching solutions to
printed circuit boards and paper packaging; our most pressing environmental challenges.
° painting of products to create decorative We are honored to support their ongoing
finishes; and learning of the dynamics of policy-making
at a global scale so they can both educate
° the water consumption associated with
electricity production for the consumer our leaders on the issues affecting our oceans
use phase. and help to build a positive future for all.”
Prakash Arunkundrum,

Prakash Arunkundrum, Logitech COO, and Margaret Leinen, Director of Scripps, at the Ocean Pavilion, COP28

FY24 IMPACT REPORT Introduction Planet People About this Report

The production of electronic goods
necessitates a wide variety of materials,
substances, components, and parts.
As a conscientious organization, we take
into account the complete life-cycle effects
of our products and materials. We have rigid
processes and standards in place to examine
material specifications and assess product
components in collaboration with our
suppliers to prevent potential hazards
to human health and the environment.

Sustainable Development Goals

FY24 IMPACT REPORT Introduction Planet People About this Report

Targeted substances
Management Approach

We monitor global regulatory developments Global General Specification Since its inception, our GSE standards have evolved to
and adopt proactive policies based on the for the Environment (GSE) encompass changing legal requirements, regulatory
precautionary principle. This involves taking In 2002, we established our Global Specification trends, peer company benchmarking, stakeholder
concerns review, and international best practices,
preventative measures to eliminate, for the Environment (GSE) or “Green Procurement‟
standards, which define the substances that are including IEC 62474 and the RBA Code of Conduct.
manage, and control the use of targeted
prohibited, restricted, or require declarations, as well
substances in manufacturing processes
as our labeling requirements. Abiding by our GSE is a
and products. We evaluate published
mandatory requirement in our supplier agreements.
lists of concerning substances, customer
preferences, emerging regulations, and
reliable scientific analysis related to
potential effects on human health and the
environment. This method also enhances
product circularity by promoting reusability
and recyclability.

Standards Governance Requirements Policies Regulations

Establishing standards for Supported by monitoring Communicating With related policies Ensuring that materials/
suppliers and procurement processes for verifying requirements for test for specific substances products comply with
e.g. test methods, hazardous implementation of the GSE reports, warning statements, and materials e.g. PVC, relevant regulations
materials (hazmat) limits supplier notifications, etc RoHS, REACH
and reporting thresholds


Product Substances Workplace

Recycling Packaging
and Materials Emissions

FY24 IMPACT REPORT Introduction Planet People About this Report

Targeted substances
Management Approach

Beyond Compliance Targeted Substances Reduction

We remain wholly committed to using safer materials
to design safer products and we strive to go above
and beyond in our efforts to source and deploy viable
2002 2003 2007 2008
alternatives to harmful substances. We believe we
Banned asbestos, restricted Banned PVC in rigid plastic Introduced restrictions for Banned PVC in packaging
are fully compliant with applicable regulations and
ozone – depleting substances, Voluntary REACH and RoHS substances Voluntary
we also voluntarily eliminate targeted substances,
organic tin, AZO compounds, Legal developments:
and will continue to do so. We have run our own Cd, Pb, Hg, Cr6+, PBB, PBDE EU REACH, China RoHS
programs to prohibit or limit the use of a wide Legal developments: EU RoHS
range of harmful substances for more than 15 years
and have expanded the scope of these across our
portfolio and through our supply chain. So far, we
have removed or significantly reduced our use of
PVC, Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), and 2018 2014 2009
certain PFAS chemicals, and have gone beyond Introduced Prop 65 Restrictions and Introduced Restriction Policy Restricted formaldehyde
regulations by voluntarily restricting the use of expanded the transition to PVC free to for PolyAromatic in composite wood
external parts (cables, extenders, chargers) Hydrocarbons (PAHs) Legal developments: ATCM
ten phthalates.
Legal developments: Voluntary Restriction of PVC in
California Proposition 65 external parts of New
Product Introductions

2020 2022 2023

Introduced Transition Introduced Persistent Organic Introduced Per- and polyfluorinated
to water based paint Pollutants (POPs) restrictions alkyl substances (PFAS) restrictions
and VOC reductions Legal developments: Legal Developments: Mineral oil,
Voluntary POPs Regulation Phenol, isopropylated phosphate
(PIP 3:1), and Per/poly-fluoroalkylated
substances (PFAS)

FY24 IMPACT REPORT Introduction Planet People About this Report

Targeted substances
Key Programs

Testing and Auditing We phase out targeted substances of concern, Evolution of our Zero PVC
Both our own and supplier manufacturing facilities such as PVC, phthalates, and associated flame PVC-Free Policy
retardants as viable alternatives become available. Logitech product categories, which are PVC-free:
have a well-established testing program that
regularly samples our products, components, Through systematic testing, corrective actions, and
collaboration with suppliers, we have significantly 2003
and manufacturing consumables to ensure
reduced our usage of these targeted substances Commitment to
compliance with GSE requirements. We test
over the years. PVC-free rigid plastic 100 % 100 %
products and components using good laboratory Gaming Digital
practice methods, such as x-ray fluorescence (XRF) 2008
PVC-Free Program Headsets Pencils
and chemical analysis, allowing us to verify single Commitment to
We have phased our PVC in rigid plastics and
component traceability and legal compliance. PVC-free packaging
packaging and we are now expanding our voluntary
We also conduct periodic supplier surveys, particularly commitment to do even more. Our current 2018
when significant changes are expected to come
into effect, such as REACH Substances of Very High
PVC-Free Policy covers all feasible external parts of
new products (e.g. cables, adapters and chargers)
Commitment to PVC-free
external cables in new
100 % 100 %
Concern (SVHCs) Candidate List, POPs regulation, product introductions Earbuds Presenters
and our goal is to achieve Zero PVC by 2030.
REACH Annex XVII, CA Prop 65, etc. Our robust 2019
Hazardous Materials
supplier audit and validation program checks
At our production facility, we use small quantities Disclosed our PVC-free
compliance with the RBA Code of Conduct, hazmat Policy and 2030 Goal
of hazardous materials such as lubricant oils, glue,
legislation, and green procurement standards.
and cleaning solvents for final assembly activities. 2022
As part of product testing and facility auditing,
Where these materials are used, we manage their 100 % 100 %
we verify the supplier’s ability to conduct on-site Disclosed Zero PVC
use in accordance with the RBA Code of Conduct Streamcams Streaming
hazardous substance testing and tracing, as well products (external and
and applicable legal regulations governing usage Lights
as implementing a corrective action reporting internal parts PVC-free)
and handling.
and remedy process, in alignment with RBA
best practices. We identify and handle any substances that may
2030 Goal: PVC-free
impact human health or the environment, ensuring
their safe management and disposal. Safety Data progress to FY24 100 % 100 %
Sheets (SDSs) are maintained, displayed on employee 43% of products Security Handheld
notice boards, and reviewed by auditors to ensure are PVC-free Cameras Consoles
compliance with the RBA Code of Conduct.

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59 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
71 Digital Inclusivity
79 Talent Attraction and Development
89 Safety, Health, and Well-being
94 Ethics
99 Privacy and Security
Supplier Development
Human and Labor Rights
Responsible Sourcing of Minerals

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Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Our definition of diversity is simple; it is We believe that diversity drives innovation and
an appreciation of all the ways in which enables a high-performing and engaged workforce
we differ. We believe that reflecting the where everyone feels valued, experiences equal
opportunities, and can bring their whole selves
diverse world in which we live provides us
to work.
with the foundation we need to establish
an inclusive and psychologically safe We appreciate all individuals irrespective of their
culture that strives for fair representation, gender identity, race, ethnicity, age, disability, sexual
orientation, or other attributes. We believe that this
inclusive access, and opportunity for
approach provides us with the rich foundation we
advancement at all levels. need to develop exceptional inclusive products
and experiences.

Diversity within our own teams enables us to better

serve our diverse customer base and to connect
Sustainable Development Goals with underrepresented communities and provide
them the opportunity to pursue their passions.

We also work hard to build and support a diverse

supplier network and to support businesses owned
by historically marginalized groups to promote
fairness in the market. In August 2020, we initiated
our Supplier Diversity Pledge to support minority-
owned, woman-owned, or diversity-owned suppliers
and partners. We will continue working to improve
the resilience and adaptability of our supply chain.

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Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Management Approach

Embracing and Promoting Diversity Employee Resource Groups (ERGs)

We believe that an inclusive culture Our ERGs are a fundamental component of our
fosters an innovative and collaborative DEI strategy. These employee-led teams strive to
cultivate an inclusive work environment by promoting
work setting. This strengthens our ability
unity, fostering allyship, and acknowledging all
to identify and serve an increasingly
identities. Our ERGs also play a crucial role as a
diverse customer base, and creates feedback mechanism, highlighting the challenges
an environment where employees faced by underrepresented groups. Our DEI team
feel valued and engaged and have actively engages with our ERGs to identify
a true sense of belonging. and address barriers that could impede the full
participation and success of individuals from
A crucial way to support underrepresented employees underrepresented backgrounds.
is to foster inclusive, welcoming, and psychologically
safe workplaces. We want all our employees to feel Our ERGs include:
safe, and to know that they will not face punishment – LogiPride creates a secure and supportive
or humiliation for expressing ideas, questions, environment for LGBTQIA+ employees and
or concerns, or for admitting mistakes. their allies
Transparency and accountability are central to – LogiWomen fosters the success, well-being,
our efforts to promote representation. We believe and self-assurance of women at Logitech
that fostering psychological safety and inclusion – LogiBE brings together Black Employees and
is essential to the effectiveness of any team or allies globally to celebrate Black excellence
relationship, and these principles remain priorities – LogiNeuro empowers Logitech individuals
in all of our social impact initiatives. with neurodivergent characteristics
– LogiAmigos focuses on raising awareness
about the Hispanic and Latino community 1,500+ Our LogiNeuro ERG has partnered with a
psychological consultancy specializing in
within Logitech members across Logitech ERGs. neurodiversity to conduct workshops and
– LogiAsians provides support and a sense of training. This ERG has also established tailored
belonging to members of the Asian & Pacific career development, peer mentoring, and access
Islander (AAPI) community to neurodiversity diagnostic analysis to support
our neurodiverse employees.

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Employee Spotlight: Our Inclusion Champions

Pontus Wahlgren
Global Head of Giselle Sturdevant Sergio Benavent
Grace Lokako
Creative and Design Gaming DEI Lead, Senior Manager,
Product Marketing
for DEI, and Interim and Senior Creator Consumer Insights
Head of Consumer Marketing Manager
Design Research

Grace leads the MX Women Who Master movement At Logitech, Pontus is responsible for redefining Giselle leads initiatives such as #Creators4BIPOC Sergio leads initiatives such as the Women Who
that addresses the gender gap in STEM fields. design to be inclusive across all dimensions of campaign and the Logitech G Creator Master “What (And Who) Is Holding Women Back
diversity for Logitech’s global creative and Spotlight streams. In Tech?” Industry report.
Three areas of focus:
design teams.
– Spotlighting impactful role models to inspire #Creators4BIPOC
My career has helped me develop empathy
Building new foundations for how products and The #Creators4BIPOC movement harnesses the
young girls and understanding for how it feels to be part of
solutions are developed and how creative teams creator community to work collectively to help
– Enabling wide and early access to tech skills by a minority. Gathering consumer insights to help
integrate inclusivity into every step of their process. address barriers disproportionately faced by Black,
supporting relevant initiatives Logitech address the gender imbalance in tech
Developing key public partnerships for Logitech to Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) creators.
– Engaging with key stakeholders to challenge the is my passion.”
advance representation and inclusivity in design As of 2024, #Creators4BIPOC will have committed
status quo, rethink the system, and inspire action
within the industry. over $700,000 to organizations addressing
I grew up in a family of women, a single mother racial inequality.
I hold the deep belief that design plays
raising five girls in a society that expected her Creator Spotlight Streams
a key role in helping to improve life.”
to fail. It’s safe to say she proved them wrong. A monthly stream series that showcases diverse
Together with my fantastic team, we work talent on the Logitech G Twitch channel while raising
with passion and integrity to make Logitech an awareness for DEI topics and cultural moments
impactful advocate for gender equality in STEM.” (Black History Month, Women’s History Month,
AAPI History Month, PRIDE, etc).
Beyond delivering exceptional gaming gear;
our aspiration is to move the industry towards
a culture of greater empathy and inclusivity.
By celebrating diverse gamers and creators,
we show gaming can be for everyone.”
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Employee Spotlight: Our Inclusion Champions

Sacni Leon
Head of DTX
Itu Otu
Operations, Inventory
Head of Global
Control, Reverse
Supplier Diversity
Logistics and
Circularity Operations

Itu leads Logitech’s supplier diversity program, which Sacni leads initiatives such as our Open-Box Product
seeks to drive value to the business by leveraging the donation program.
ecosystem of diverse suppliers in the accomplishment
of our business objectives. I currently lead Reverse Logistics and Circularity
Operations, focusing on developing sustainable
At Logitech, diversity means business. I believe and circular business models around returned
that diversity is at the heart of everything that we products. This led to the creation of our impactful
do, be it in our products, our employees, Open-Box donation program, which extends
leadership, and supply chain. the lifecycle of gently used products by
Supplier diversity gives us the unique opportunity donating them to schools and children in
to live out our corporate Diversity, Equity, and underserved communities.
Inclusion values by building and embracing a This initiative embodies Logitech’s core values
supply base that is reflective of our community of inclusion and innovation, opening up new
and consumer base, while harnessing business opportunities for children who might not otherwise
value associated with a diverse and inclusive have access to technology, empowering them
supply chain. to learn and grow.”
I am proud of our accomplishments given the
short history of the program at Logitech.
We outperformed our industry average, and
were recently recognized as one of the nation’s
champions of supplier diversity.”

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Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Management Approach

Pay Equity Marketing Our initial focus is on the U.S., where advocacy groups
Our Supplier Diversity Pledge are best established, allowing us to track our impact
We are dedicated to ensuring fair and equitable Logitech collaborates with various third-party
We Will Support Suppliers and Partners more effectively, and make a positive difference
compensation. To facilitate discussion and initiatives organizations to ensure that our marketing strategy
That Are Black, Women, and Minority Owned. more rapidly.
regarding pay equity, we conduct an annual global promotes a robust identity that reflects our core
To actualize this pledge, we have established
review of remuneration to ensure equitable pay values across all our brands.
three priority goals:
and to eliminate gender, racial, and other forms As part of our Supplier Diversity Second-Tier
of discrimination. During this assessment, the Products
Increase spending Initiative, we encourage our own suppliers to
Leadership Team receives an analysis of Logitech’s Ensuring product inclusivity is a fundamental aspect $ with diverse suppliers allocate a portion of their contracts to diversely-
pay position based on gender (globally) and of our Design for Sustainability (DfS) principles and owned suppliers.
ethnicity (where data are available). philosophy. Our products are designed to be inclusive
and to create the best possible user experience. Increase the percentage of diverse With this approach, our suppliers not only
During our annual review process, we implement
To reflect this, Logitech G has been pursuing suppliers in our supply base support Logitech’s supplier diversity objectives,
salary adjustments as needed to ensure that wages but also have a broader impact in promoting
its mission to Promote Play for Everyone by
are competitive in the market and equitable. Expand outreach to diverse diversity, equity and inclusion in the broader
concentrating on a new gender-inclusive
In countries such as Ireland and Switzerland, business communities business community.
gaming range.
where legislation mandates pay equity analysis
and reporting, we actively engage and disclose Read more in the Digital Inclusivity section
our findings in compliance with the applicable of this report.
reporting regulations.
Supplier Diversity
Talent Attraction and Retention We are building a diverse and inclusive supplier base
Our dedication to fostering an inclusive culture that reflects our global communities and consumers.
extends across our recruitment process. We are Expanding our supplier pool and promoting
strengthening the capabilities of our talent acquisition competition within it also enhances our supply
and hiring team to minimize bias and developing a chain’s resilience and agility.
comprehensive inclusive hiring strategy with a specific We support minority and diverse-owned businesses
focus on encouraging individuals from nontraditional to help them gain fair market share and nurture
backgrounds to apply. a diverse business environment with practices such
Please read more in the Talent Attraction as shortening payment terms and collaborating with
and Development section of this report. advocacy groups.

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Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Management Approach

Representation at Logitech Below, we present representation data for the – STEM: STEM positions relate to science, technology,
Having diverse groups within our Company enables specified categories: engineering, and mathematics. Logitech’s P&C
us to build a business that serves everyone and – Leadership Team: Logitech’s Chief Executive team defines these positions, which include
empowers ALL individuals to pursue their passions. Officer (CEO) and the CEO’s direct reports. engineers, data scientists, and others
In FY24, we continued our efforts to enhance A limited number of additional defined – Revenue-generating roles: positions in sales
representation across our workforce, including within individuals may also be included, where or with any type of sales commission e.g. some
our Leadership Teams, better reflect the communities requested by Logitech’s Chief Executive Officer of Logitech’s Customer Support Group and
within which we operate, and ensure that a wider – Extended Leadership: Director-level and above, Design and Marketing Group may be included
range of voices are heard. with the exception of individuals who are on the
We also refer to the following three regions, where our
Leadership Team
As of March 31, 2024, we employed approximately workforce is located:
– People Managers: an individual who manages a
6,500 people encompassing direct employees and – Americas: North and South America
minimum of one employee and is not a member
those engaged through contingent workforce. – EMEA: Europe, Middle East and Africa
of the Leadership Team or Extended Leadership
– Asia-Pacific: All Other Countries
– Other Employees: all other employees not included
in the categories above

Board-Level Representation Age Gender Race

As of March 31, 2024, our Board consisted 100% 100% 100%
of ten members, with a female Chairperson. 10%
More information about our Board members 36% 33%
75% 75% 75%
can be found here. Similarly, we have seen
improvements in female representation at Board 82% 75% 70% 75% 60%
level from 36% to 40% since FY22. 50% 50% 50%

64% 67%
25% 25% 25%

25% 30% 25% 30%

18% 18%
0% 0% 0%
FY22 FY23 FY24 FY22 FY23 FY24 FY22 FY23 FY24

<30 30–50 51+ Male Female N/A Declined to state Asian White N/A Declined to state
or not specified or not specified

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Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Management Approach

Race and Ethnic Diversity Racial and Ethnic Diversity – All Permanent U.S. Employees
We gather and report race and ethnicity data 100%
6% 4% 4% 2%
for our U.S. permanent employees only. 6% 5%
7% 3%
1% 1% 1% 1%
1% 2% 1% 1%
Over the last three years of disclosing our diversity 1%
data, we have seen broad improvements in
minority representation has increased overall
by 2%, including a rise from 15% to 17% in
management positions held by minority women,
49% 48% 48%
and a notable increase from 40% to 45% in 48%
management roles occupied by minorities. 71% 59%
We have seen improvements in Hispanic
and Latino employee representation, most
significantly at extended leadership and people 50%

manager levels (3%-5%, and 5%-8% respectively)

and remain committed to driving similar 5% 9% 8% 9%
5% 8%

improvement for other underrepresented 4%

3% 2%
5% 6% 3% 6%
groups to achieve fair, equitable representation. 3% 4%
25% 6%

34% 35% 36% 34%

32% 32% 32% 32%
24% 25%

Leadership Extended People All Other Leadership Extended People All Other Leadership Extended People All Other
Team Leadership Manager Employees Team Leadership Manager Employees Team Leadership Manager Employees
Team Team Team

FY22 FY23 FY24

Asian Black or African American Hispanic or Latino White Indigenous or Native American Native Hawaiian other or Pacific island N/A – declined to state or not specified

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Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Management Approach

Gender Diversity Gender Diversity – All Employees35

We recognize the challenges of the tech and 100%

design industry, and promoting gender equity has

become a cornerstone of our DEI endeavors. Since
introducing our gender metrics into this report, we
have seen a positive shift in female representation 32% 34% 32% 34%
36% 36% 38% 38% 38%
across Logitech (37%-38%), notably within 39%

our extended Leadership Team (29%-32%). 75% 50%

Our Leadership Team has now achieved gender
parity (an increase from 36%-50%) inclusive of a
female CEO.

Enhancing representation in STEM and revenue-

generating roles presents key opportunities and 50%
our commitment to achieving equity at Logitech
remains steadfast. We are dedicated to
addressing gender imbalance within our industry.
In FY24, 21% of STEM roles were held by women. 71%
68% 68%
64% 64% 66% 66%
62% 63% 62% 61%

25% 50%

Our Leadership Team has now achieved

gender parity (an increase of 36%-50%)
inclusive of a female CEO.

Leadership Extended People All Other Leadership Extended People All Other Leadership Extended People All Other
Team Leadership Manager Employees Team Leadership Manager Employees Team Leadership Manager Employees
Team Team Team

FY22 FY23 FY24

Male Female

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Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Management Approach

Age Diversity Age Diversity – All Employees35

In the 51+ age band we saw increases across 100%

our leadership and extended Leadership Teams 8% 8% 9%

of 56%-71% and 33%-40% respectively, 15% 17% 18%
as well as our people manager teams of
15%-18%. Across all our other employees, 33%
the age representation of the under 30 age 40%
band has decreased from 28% to 26%. 75%

64% 63%


81% 80%

67% 65%

28% 29% 29% 26%

0% 3% 2% 2%
Leadership Extended People All Other Leadership Extended People All Other Leadership Extended People All Other
Team Leadership Manager Employees Team Leadership Manager Employees Team Leadership Manager Employees
Team Team Team

FY22 FY23 FY24

<30 30–50 51+

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Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Key Programs

Fostering a Culture Based Awareness Building LogiTalk Speaker Series

on Psychological Safety and Training Sessions LogiNeuro Speaker Series
In FY24, as part of our LogiTalks Speaker Series and
We are passionate advocates for neurodiversity
Psychological safety refers to the confidence We encourage people from diverse backgrounds to employee resource groups (ERGs), we organized
and inclusion. Our LogiNeuro Speaker Series
that we will not face punishment or humiliation share their experiences. We have multiple initiatives numerous global conversations with external speakers
raises awareness and educates everyone on the
for voicing ideas, questions, concerns, or mistakes. intended to drive a more inclusive culture; these about DEI subjects. These discussions are aimed to
importance, and challenges, of neurodiversity
It gives permission for candor. It is fundamental include celebrations of international days/months educate employees, promote diverse leadership,
at work.
to team effectiveness. such as International Women’s Day, and LGBTQIA+ and to promote an appreciation of the valuable
Pride Month. contributions diverse groups make to our culture Theo Smith
Psychological safety continues to be a cornerstone of Theo is a leading advocate, speaker and author
and community.
our internal DEI initiatives. We conducted workshops We continually evolve learning opportunities and in neurodiversity. He is passionate about raising
with our executive and functional Leadership Teams, offer manager development programs including awareness about neurodiversity and founded
and we plan to extend this approach to other groups professional coaching services. Additionally, we have Neurodiversity At Work LTD to advocate its
within Logitech to cultivate a sense of belonging, an “inclusion tips” document that aligns with our importance in the workplace.
encourage team and individual learning, and to foster LogiPulse engagement survey.
trust and openness. In FY25, we will expand on this Theo has dyslexia and ADHD himself and
The LogiPulse survey results confirmed talent is also a parent to a child with dyslexia.
foundation by introducing an inclusive behavior and
development as a key area of focus for our employees
leadership program. – Dyslexia Talk – dyslexia affects approximately
and for the Company. In response to this, we will
1 in 10 of us. As part of Global Literacy Day
continue to develop and broaden our offerings for
we invited Theo to come and talk to us
both professional development and personal growth.
about dyslexia
We will also evolve to cater to different learning styles
– Neurodiversity at Work Panel – Theo led
and preferences by offering more flexible learning
this event which we held to raise awareness
options including self-paced, modular, and
and educate about neurodiversity, its
shorter courses.
importance, and how best to support it
The Design and Creative teams provide an innovative within the workplace
and inclusive leadership program for groups.
This involves a VTS discussion about a work of art,
followed by a guided deep reflection on the
experience and how it relates to work.

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Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Key Programs

Inspire Speaker Series

Our Inspire Speaker Series is an internal program of
panel discussions where employees are encouraged
to speak about their DEI experiences.

Logitech MX #WomenWhoMaster
Logitech Master Series (MX) strives to equip individuals
with the tools needed for optimal performance
and success. Visualizing oneself in a specific role
is vital for success. Logitech MX launched the
#WomenWhoMaster initiative to share inspiring
Yuko Nagakura, Student,
stories and offer valuable career advice for girls and
Fighting for Feminism
women striving to overcome professional challenges.
Yuko Nagakura is part of our #WomenWhoMaster
The program aims to ignite a widespread movement We are unlocking a world of
campaign. At only 17 years old, Yuko has built
addressing gender inequalities and unequal access unlimited possibilities for these
two global communities that invite more girls
to opportunities in the technology and IT sectors.
Our objective is to acknowledge, promote, and
into tech and challenge gender inequality in the girls. They are inspired to take on
industry. Upon returning to Japan after living in
support the advancement of exceptional women
the U.S. for several years, Yuko noticed the lack
STEAM careers and are confident to
in STEM fields.
of opportunities for girls in her home country. use a computer: we want to equip
In 2023, we published a report revealing that 92% She co-created World Coding Club to provide them with relevant skills so they
of women working in tech and IT say the ability quality, hands-on technology education for
to make a meaningful contribution to society is young people. Initially, the project targeted feel confident and comfortable
a primary factor in their career development. young people in Japan, but the most recent to tap into the global economy
hackathon attracted participants from over
straight from their home.
30 countries. In addition to World Coding Club,
Yuko is also the founder of SHEQUALITY, Kavya Krishna,
an online platform where women writers Student and Founder:
from around the world publish articles Society of Women Coders
about feminism from a global lens.

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Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Key Programs

Inclusive Climate Index In 2021, we adopted Gender Fair’s Assessment

We conduct a regular employee engagement Methodology, reflecting the UN Women’s
survey, LogiPulse. The Inclusive Climate Index Empowerment Principles and providing a
within LogiPulse reflects Logitech’s commitment mechanism for continuous improvement.
to promoting psychological safety, and assessing Our Major Suppliers employ millions of people across
employees’ perceptions of inclusivity within the numerous countries. We are determined to leverage
Company. We have taken measures to improve the weight of our significant spend with them to
employees’ sense of belonging at Logitech and improve Gender Fairness. We conduct annual
in response to feedback from the Inclusive Climate assessments of our high-impact suppliers, as well as
Index, we have expanded the Psychological any new suppliers, to ensure gender fairness. We also
Safety Program. request Gender Fair Progress Plans for continuous
Please see the section on Employee Engagement improvement. We continue to advocate for other
and Giving to learn more. organizations to join the coalition.

Our Supplier Diversity Academy

Increasing Equity and
Diversity in our Supply Base Our Supplier Diversity Academy (SDA) is a training
event for potential diverse suppliers who meet our
Gender Fairness Initiative
procurement standards. These suppliers interact
In June 2022, we allied with Gender Fair to cofound
with Logitech executives, gain insights into our
the Coalition for Gender Fair Procurement. Together
sourcing strategies, discover emerging business
we aim to promote gender fairness based on the
opportunities, and learn how to collaborate with
UN Women’s Empowerment Principles. By leveraging
Logitech. We are honored to be recognized as one
corporate procurement, we aim to catalyze an
of those invited to co-chair the Supplier Diversity
industry-wide transformation in procurement
Championship program organized by the U.S. Pan
practices. This involves organizations evaluating
Asian American Chamber of Commerce. This was
their high-impact suppliers for gender fairness,
an acknowledgment of Logitech’s commitment to
and encouraging their suppliers to report on and
supporting diverse business communities.
improve gender equality annually.

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Inclusivity and equity are at the heart
of everything we do. We are dedicated
to promoting and facilitating a digital
environment that is more equitable,
accessible, and inclusive.

Sustainable Development Goals

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Digital Inclusivity
Management Approach

We enable digital inclusion via two We foster digital inclusion through our charitable
primary pathways: work by:
– supporting secure, inclusive, and easily accessible
– Design for Sustainability (DfS) through
digital areas;
our products; and
– encouraging education in the fields of science,
– increasing digital access through technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics
charitable programs. (STEAM); and
– empowering and giving voice to a diverse range
DfS is our primary driver for innovation. The DfS
of creators.
Principle of “Making a Positive Contribution”
is centered on digital inclusion and the creation
of products “that enable joyful and inclusive MAKE A POSITIVE
experiences” for everyone. CONTRIBUTION
By applying our DfS principles we reevaluate and Focusing on products that enable joyful,
inclusive experiences and positively
improve traditional product development methods, influence behaviors and attitudes.
constantly striving to make our products more
accessible and inclusive. We are actively building
DfS capabilities across the Company to facilitate
the development of digitally inclusive products.

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Digital Inclusivity
Key Programs

Creating Safe and Inclusive

Digital Accessible Spaces Logitech G Adaptive GLAAD Social Media Supporting STEAM
ESports Tournament Safety Program (SMSP) education
We aim to make online spaces and
communities inclusive and accessible to
everyone, including those with disabilities We partnered with Mount Sinai, the AbleGamers Logitech has partnered with GLAAD to support their Logitech supports STEAM education, an interdisciplinary
and those who have been historically Charity, and Adaptive Action Sports organizations SMSP, a pioneering initiative to protect LGBTQIA+ approach which encourages gender-inclusive learning
underserved. A noteworthy example of to provide gamers with disabilities a professional individuals on social media. The program’s Social and serves to guide student inquiry, creativity, and
this is our Adaptive ESports Tournament. series of esports tournaments featuring high stakes, Media Safety Index (SMSI) establishes a standard problem-solving. In collaboration with organizations
bragging rights, and over $50,000 in cash and prizes. for addressing online hate and intolerance while like Team4Tech, Girls Who Code, Pensole Lewis
enhancing safety for LGBTQIA+ users across major College, and the Royal College of Arts we strive
Together, the adaptive esports partners have helped
social media platforms, thus creating spaces that to address exclusion and create pathways from
Persons with Disability through peer counselling,
foster community and affirmation for LGBTQIA+ secondary education to higher learning platforms.
provided individuals with assisted tech grants and
individuals. The partnership also supports GLAAD In FY24, our efforts focused on supporting STEAM-
had more than 1000 interactions that resulted in
Gaming, which promotes equity and acceptance centered educational programs for historically
reduced barriers to play.
in the gaming industry by focusing on creating safe underrepresented communities in technology, such
and inclusive environments for LGBTQIA+ users. as girls and women, as well as the BIPOC community.
The development of the GLAAD gaming report was
modeled after the SMSI to encourage industry-wide
changes in content policy across gaming platforms.

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Digital Inclusivity
Key Programs

Bridging the Digital Equity Pensole Lewis Girls Who

Gap in Education in Asia College Code

Team4Tech is a nonprofit impact accelerator creating Pensole Lewis College (PLC) is an historically Black We collaborate with Girls Who Code on their Summer
inclusion opportunities for learners in under-resourced college/university (HBCU). In a newly established Immersive Program (SIP) and Self Paced Program
communities around the world and bridging partnership, Logitech joins PLC in their ambition (SPP) to advance their mission of closing the gender
the digital equity gap in education. The Road To to revolutionize the next generation of design gap in tech and reshaping the perception of
Livelihood (RTL) program in Asia aims to empower and designer by: programmers. In FY24, the program hosted
a generation of students to become confident – donating a variety of advanced technology participants from 76 countries including Bangladesh,
individuals equipped with the skills and guidance tools to further design creativity; Belize, Ghana, Honduras, India, Nepal, Nigeria,
needed to succeed in a competitive world, on a par – assisting in co-creating spaces for students Pakistan, Peru, Rwanda, and Vietnam:
with their peers. to ideate and collaborate; – across all summer programs: 8,501 students from
– developing a joint design curriculum aimed all 50 U.S. states and worldwide; and
In FY24 we provided ten volunteers with expertise to
develop an app for the Learning Links Foundation at developing and enhancing design skills – SPP: 4,276 students worldwide
(LLF) that holds a repository of career pathway and creativity; – 8,501 summer program students worldwide
resources for students. The app enables students – connecting students with a network of Logitech
to identify their career interests, and ultimately design professionals both as a resource and for
to make informed decisions that lead toward long- mentoring; and When I discovered computers
term employability. It is anticipated that the app – investigating potential future and saw how the tech world
will support 40k users worldwide. internship opportunities.
works, I realized that instead
With the help of Logitech volunteers, Logitech is the official sponsor and has donated
LLF now has: the tech for the PLC PodCasting studio and gaming
of fixing all of Kenya’s systems,
– a mobile application platform to pilot; PlaySpaces due to open in 2024. which would be really expensive,
– initial feedback from students, teachers, we can tap into one existing
and parents through survey data; and
system – the digital economy.”
– a vision for how integrating the application into
RTL programming will improve learner outcomes. Nelly Cheboi, Founder: TechLit Africa

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Digital Inclusivity
Key Programs

Supporting Scholarships
Our Scholarship Programme at The Royal College
of Art (RCA), London provides support towards full Beyond the academic realm, the
fee scholarships for postgraduate students from
Logitech Scholarship Programme
underrepresented communities.
has allowed me to grow as an
Our aim is to enable increasing numbers of
underrepresented students to learn the craft and individual. It has instilled in me
science of creation and design. Logitech Scholarships a deep sense of gratitude and
help early career creatives at a pivotal stage and
a commitment to giving back
allows the RCA to continue nurturing talented
students. The program directly reflects our to society. I am determined to
commitment to diversity and inclusion, and our make a positive impact by sharing
belief that bringing together people with different
perspectives, skills, and ideas drives innovation.
my findings with others and
inspiring the next generation of
mathematicians and scientists.”
Naireeta Paul, Student
Through your belief in my potential,
you have empowered me to pursue
my dreams and make a meaningful
contribution to society through art.”
Kenechukwu (Ken) Nwadiogbu, Student

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Digital Inclusivity
Key Programs

Aurora In FY23, Logitech G introduced a new gender-inclusive

collection. The Aurora Collection is centered on
Amplifying Diverse Creators
Logitech is committed to amplifying diverse creators, Digital Inclusion through

Collection comfort, approachability, and playfulness, and

reflects our dedication to bringing the joy of play to
artists, entrepreneurs, advocates, and changemakers.
We collaborate with organizations like the Jaquel
our Products
We are creating digitally inclusive products
everyone. A team of women gamers led the design Knight Foundation and WeXL to promote diversity with a focus on accessibility and user-friendly
process, focusing primarily on the needs of female and equity. design for individuals of all abilities,
gamers and created an award-winning collection backgrounds, and needs.
that transcends stereotypes and appeals to a wide Logitech G’s #CreatorSpotlight streams on Twitch to
gaming audience. showcase creators around specific DEI topics, and to
raise money for charity. In FY24, we highlighted more
DEI topics, added more charities, and celebrated over
80+ diverse voices on their social channels.
Through Aurora, we were
Read more in the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
really able to create a section of this report.
design language where
people felt seen and
identified. That was the USD700k
Since 2020, Logitech and the #Creators4BIPOC
most impactful thing campaign has donated over USD700k
for us to see in the to organizations specifically focusing on
BIPOC communities.
product’s reception.”
Tania Alvarez Moreno,
Head of UX at Logitech G

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Digital Inclusivity
Key Programs


Equity in the
Meeting Room
Our video conferencing devices promote – High-quality audio features such as beamforming
equitable representation in meeting microphones and noise suppression – ensure clear
rooms by using advanced technologies sound for all voices
and AI to ensure everyone can be seen – Seamless device integration with major
and heard clearly: conferencing platforms such as Zoom and
Microsoft Teams – optimizes their features to
– RightSight technology – automatically adjusts the maintain equitable representation
camera to include everyone, and modes such as – Flexible setup options – ensure optimal placement
Group View and Grid View ensure equal visibility for different room sizes and layouts, reduce
for all participants technical distractions, and promote a more
– Speaker tracking technology – highlights the inclusive meeting environment
active speaker, improving the flow of conversation – Simplified meeting management – is facilitated
for remote attendees by devices such as Tap Scheduler and Tap IP

This combination of Logitech technologies ensures

productive hybrid meetings where all participants,
whether they are remote or in-room, are equally
represented and engaged.

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Digital Inclusivity
Key Programs


Gaming Kit
We teamed with Sony to release an
Adaptive Gaming Kit controller for
gamers with accessibility needs.
The controller offers various swappable buttons
and stick caps allowing players to customize layouts
to suit their unique strength, range of motion, and
physical needs.

The Logitech G Switch Kit enhances the Sony Access

Controller providing gamers with accessibility needs
various buttons, triggers and flexible configurability
options through four 3.5mm AUX ports. It offers
a simple, flexible, and robust solution to expand
gaming possibilities for users.

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Talent Attraction
and Development
At Logitech, we are deeply committed to We believe that our success stems from the passion,
attracting top talent, fostering employee skills, and dedication of our diverse workforce, and we
development, and enhancing engagement strive to create a nurturing and inclusive environment
where everyone can thrive. By investing in our people
across our organization.
and providing them with the resources and support
they need to excel, we create a vibrant and dynamic
workplace where everyone can contribute to our
collective success. Guided by our core pillars of
Sustainable Development Goals Culture, Community, and Customer, we are
dedicated to enabling our employees to strengthen
their connections with their local communities and to
provide the best they can for our customers, ensuring
that both our employees and our customers are well
taken care of.

We believe that our success stems

from the passion, skills, and
dedication of our diverse workforce.”

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Talent Attraction and Development

Management Approach

Talent Attraction Our talent acquisition process aligns with our values include Kappa Alpha Psi and Alpha Kappa Alpha, We work hard to reduce bias at each stage of our
To attract the best talent, we focus on building a and includes a bias-reducing recruitment approach providing access to African American leaders at recruitment process:
strong employer brand that showcases our innovative from the outset with a particular emphasis on the university level. – Intake: we use a globally uniform process to ensure
culture, values, and the exciting opportunities encouraging individuals with nontraditional a bias-free job advertisement and job description,
Affinity sites include the following:
we offer. We actively promote our open roles in backgrounds to apply. We aim to bring out the and to adjust manager expectations. We have
– prodivnet.com, providing access to talented
locations that foster diversity and inclusion worldwide. best in our candidates, valuing their character, a structured intake procedure and discuss team
diverse professionals;
We showcase our Company as an excellent workplace life experience, and professional background. equity at the start of the recruiting process.
We utilize technology and processes to minimize bias, – military2career.com, offering access to unique The hiring manager is engaged throughout the
for everyone through local events, emails, and social
including a bias-reducing process for job openings military skills; search in the efforts to reduce bias and introduce
media posts.
and software to ensure inclusive and unbiased – abilitycareers.com, facilitating access to diverse candidates
job descriptions. disabled professionals; – Assessment: we are developing a bias-free
– womenscareerchannel.com, providing access candidate feedback system within our applicant
To attract diverse talent, we actively advertise open
for skilled female professionals; tracking system to ensure that every applicant
positions on platforms and sites promoting diversity
– blackcareernetwork.com, offering access interviewed is reviewed on their own merits,
and inclusion. We prioritize events targeting
to African American professionals; and compared to the job description rather than
underrepresented professionals and future
professionals. As part of our organizational and talent – lgbtqcareernetwork.com, providing access to other candidates. A pilot scheme with our
assessments, every member of our Leadership Team for talented LGBTQIA+ professionals; and internship hires is proving very successful. Bias-free
establishes their DEI commitments, which are – ihispano.com, offering access for talented assessments are important to ensure our final
reviewed annually to ensure accountability. We Hispanic professionals. candidate selection includes all the qualified
cultivate our talent through inclusive and equitable candidates we have introduced
We partner with Disability Solutions (DS) on a global
practices centered on career progression, professional – Offer: we use the same offer approval request
scale to access disabled professionals. DS not only
development, and retention, including a focus on document globally to ensure that we take equity
shares our roles with their global disability community,
mentorship and sponsorship. into consideration at this stage of the process.
they also provide training across Logitech on working
Our offer document is a comprehensive
Our efforts to engage diverse candidate pools are with individuals with disabilities. In their evaluation of
complement to our intake form. We are also
extensive and have a global reach. We connect our careers website, DS ranked us higher than most
piloting a new process in which we introduce
with thousands of potential employees through tech companies, and confirmed that professionals
an equitable offer amount (based on company
partnerships and, in the U.S., we leverage affinity with disabilities can apply for our positions without
and team equity) prior to the introduction of
sites. We also indirectly partner with groups such encountering barriers.
as the NAACP, Urban League, Tech Latino, Veterans
Exchange, and Ebony. Our university partnerships

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Talent Attraction and Development

Management Approach

Talent Development bite-sized learning paths which allow learners to

We want our leaders to be able to perform at their engage with content at their own pace over a
best. To identify our core Leadership Principles, 4-6-week period. This is a shift from the multiple,
we used global focus groups, interviews, research, multi-hour workshops we have provided previously.
and analysis of Logitech’s future vision. We believe Employee Engagement and Giving
that as leaders we are at our best when we:
Employee engagement is a key priority, and
– inspire through vision;
we continually strive to create a positive and
– take and create accountability; supportive work environment. We encourage open
– lead through coaching; communication, collaboration, and feedback at all
– communicate effectively; and levels of the organization, and ensure that every voice
– appreciate and include the whole person. is heard and valued. Through regular team-building
activities, recognition programs, our annual LogiPulse
Our talent development initiatives are designed to
employee engagement survey, and employee well-
empower employees to reach their full potential.
being initiatives, we aim to cultivate a strong sense
We invest in comprehensive training programs,
of belonging and camaraderie among our
mentorship opportunities, and career development
team members.
resources to help our team members grow both
personally and professionally. By equipping our By collaborating with others and dedicating
people with the tools and knowledge they need to resources, we can create a positive social impact,
succeed, we foster a culture of continuous learning foster flourishing communities, and minimize our
and improvement. environmental footprint. Our Logitech Cares fund
is a donor-advised fund (DAF)37 hosted at the Tides
Our approach to training and development is
Foundation—a progressive organization focused on
continuously evolving and always takes account of
accelerating social change and collaborating with
employee feedback. This year, we made extra efforts
innovative partners to address society’s challenges.
to be sure that our employees are receiving relevant
Guided by the fund, Logitech Cares continues to
training at meaningful points in their career
empower employees and to deepen relationships
progression journey. Post-pandemic, Logitech
with the communities they impact. We have
employees voiced their desire for more on-demand
observed consistent growth, with increasing
training resources that are shorter by session, and
employee donations and volunteer hours.
self paced over time. As a result, we now provide

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Talent Attraction and Development

Key Programs

Talent Attraction Talent Development We want learning to become a natural part of an

Internship and Apprentice Programs
We offer local and community-based internships and
We offer relevant training opportunities to support
employee’s work flow rather than a stand alone
activity they have to make time for. Based on the
70-20-10 approach to learning, we recommend to all unique internship projects hosted
apprenticeship programs globally to attract new employee goals. Collaborating closely with leaders
employees that we spend 70% of their development annually in Silicon Valley.
talent. In Lausanne, we run apprenticeship programs across the organization, we customize training
biannually, in Silicon Valley Campus (SVC) we host options to meet the specific needs of each time focused on “On-The-Job” activities, 20% on
around 30 unique internship projects annually, and in department. This approach has resulted in a wide “Social Learning” and 10% on “Formal Training”.
Hsinchu, we collaborate with top universities for two range of courses and development opportunities To successfully develop a new capability, it is essential
internship seasons. We advertise these opportunities for our employees across Logitech. for employees to have time to actively engage with
broadly to attract a diverse group of interns and the content, seek interactions with others, and find
Our business groups also develop their own programs practical applications for their learning.
often hire from this talent pool. The 2023 SVC
to acquaint employees with Logitech’s policies
Summer Intern Program welcomed 23 interns from
and practices and may utilize external resources
18 colleges and universities from across nine different
to promote development within their teams.
states. The interns worked on complex and intriguing
The Operations organization provides a Program and
projects from AI tools to executing campaigns and
Project Management Essentials program for example,
media strategy the Logitech way.
which focuses on project management processes and
Attracting Diverse Talent priorities. Our Learning Library is an internal resource
Our commitment to inclusion extends to the through which employees can access training courses
companies we partner with for talent acquisition. provided by external coaches. Last year, courses were
We prioritize partner companies owned and offered on a wide variety of topics such as inclusive
operated by underrepresented groups, as defined communication and productivity.
by our Supplier Diversity team, to extend our
connections with diverse networks.

Read more in the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

section of the report.

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Talent Attraction and Development

Key Programs

Coursera® and LogiLearn Logitech’s Learning Portfolio consists of a wide range LogiLearn powered by Coursera®36
In FY24, we significantly evolved Logitech’s learning of training content to help enhance leader skills.
culture. With the implementation of LogiLearn Some details on Feature Skills training is This course was very interactive
powered by Coursera®, we now provide all employees provided below:
and motivating for me. All the topics
with access to over 10,000 courses. These courses Storytelling courses
incorporate personal development as well as skill- – Storytelling and influencing: Communicate with
are very interesting and helped me
related topics, and use a variety of engagement impact: helps develop effective communication to improve the current marketing
methods including short-form content and more and persuasion skills communications strategy
hands-on learning.
We track participant attendance, learning hours,
– Data Storytelling Basics: a short video on
building data narratives and using storytelling
I am building for my company. 853
ethnicity, and gender metrics for training sessions to persuade stakeholders The explanations in the videos were Courses Completed
that are conducted by the talent development team. – The Art of Leadership: Storytelling Made Simple: very clear, the interview with the
This data helps prioritize future training initiatives.

focuses on the importance of storytelling as experts, the lectures and, of course,
The following are examples of Logitech learning paths a skill and techniques for incorporating it into
everyday tasks the Teacher Eda Sayin, were the
that have been revised to be “on demand”, or to be
bite-sized session lengths that can be taken Collaboration courses combination of knowledge Learning Hours
over time: – Cross-Functional Collaboration: teaching and inspiration.”
– Personal Development Topics such as LogiLeader strategies for effective collaboration across
Logitech Employee
Essentials different functional areas
– Compensation Philosophy Training for Managers – High Performance Collaboration: Leadership,
– TEAM – Psychological Safety Program Teamwork, and Negotiation: covers essential skills
for leadership, teamwork and negotiation

– Creativity Toolkit: Creative Collaboration:

educates on how to design pitches for innovative
ideas, evaluate others’ pitches, and foster effective
collaboration for innovation

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Talent Attraction and Development

Key Programs

LogiLeader Essentials Our LogiLeadership Principles serve as a foundation

Whether we manage others or not, leadership LogiLeader Essentials is our introductory workshop for for how we lead when “we are at our best”.
can happen at every level, in every role – and managers to help them quickly adapt to their roles by
Our program goals:
whether we are influencing down, up, or across, grounding them in Logitech leadership principles and
we should be striving to emulate these core – Reinforce the Logitech Leadership Principles
people cycles. This two-session, facilitator-led, and
principles (as well as our values) at all times. interactive workshop equips managers with the – Practice potential business scenarios
skills and insights they need to effectively manage – Collaborate with and learn from other managers
their Logitech teams. The first session focuses on – Review Logitech’s business and people cycles
LogiLeadership Principles, and the second reviews – Learn Logitech’s business cycle and the associated
business, people, and fiscal cycles. This year we leadership responsibilities in each quarter
plan to roll out training content on compensation
and including the
for managers.
whole person
25% of our leader population has now completed the
LogiLeader Essentials training and the feedback has
Inspire been overwhelmingly positive. We want to expand
Communicate the program to reach more managers and to include
Our Core effectively it as part of the people manager onboarding process.

Appreciate the structure of

the course and the content
Take and associate information.
accountability Presented in a well-thought-out
manner and style.”
Galen Lee, Talent Acquisition

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Talent Attraction and Development

Key Programs

Leader Huddles We believe that every employee is accountable for

Leader Huddles are an essential part of equipping their impact in their current role and development,
our managers with the necessary information and and should understand how their individual
The Company, followed Team members set
resources to lead effectively. The Leader Huddle series contributions lead to both personal and
by Business Groups, individual priorities and
runs quarterly and unites our leadership community. team success.
Functions and Teams, goals, monitor their
They are an opportunity to exchange knowledge,
We view our activities aligned with the LogiImpact sets priorities and goals progress and seek
enhance cross-functional leadership and to equip
framework as continuous conversation, adapting feedback
our leaders with the particular resources they need at
to the specific business/project cycle of each team
set points during the year. Huddles are accessible to
or individual.
any employee with a minimum of one direct report.
In FY24, our huddles covered a range of topics We have globally redesigned and relaunched our
including a guide to promotions and ways to action Personal Development program to accommodate
the LogiPulse employee engagement survey results. remote and hybrid work. The program aims to Team members learn Team members build a
Other topics included conducting development strengthen our development initiatives and share from each other and Personal Development
discussions and establishing team objectives. a common methodology for career development other teams, and Plan, develop and
among new joiners. complete reviews experiment new skills
Growing with Us
We believe that our success lies with our people, We use facilitator-led, interactive workshops in the
and we invest in their continuous growth. Personal Development @Logi program to encourage
employees to reflect on their careers and create
LogiImpact is our framework for performance
engaging personal development plans. Managers are
management, including goal setting, action planning,
also trained in Effective Development Conversations
personal and professional development, and fostering
to empower their teams. Available both in-person
connections. It consists of four performance
and virtually at regional and site levels, we held over
dimensions – Align, Act, Develop, and Connect –
18 sessions of our Personal Development program
and is aimed at enhancing individual impact within
in FY24.
the Company.

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Talent Attraction and Development

Key Programs

LogiLearning Networks
T-SHAPE PEOPLE for initiatives in FY24 Employees in Asia Pacific highlighted their Logitech’s Learning Networks offer opportunities for
T-SHAPE PEOPLE is an employee-led program within Logitech’s Operations organization interest in more English language learning individuals to learn from one another through tools
aimed at fostering closer relationships and expanding knowledge of various functions within opportunities. In response our Asia Pacific region such as cross-functional feedback, 360-degree
operations. We believe that by better understanding who your colleagues are and what they and T-Shape Team developed: assessments, coaching, and mentoring. It focuses
do, collaboration on business challenges and projects becomes more effective. The group is – a 21-hour English Public Presentation course on individual development, or intrapersonal growth,
structured around four pillars. Each pillar is led by two leaders who guide their global teams in Taiwan to help build employees’ confidence rather than interpersonal evaluation. Our coaching
through enjoyable, engaging initiatives and content. when presenting to global audiences in and 360-degree assessments are available in multiple
English; and languages, and we have world-class coaches situated
A summary of some FY24 initiatives is below:
– a Business English program, offering training worldwide to address various development needs.
Networking Training and sessions on small talk, meetings, emails, and
and Knowledge Professional other important topics for conducting business
Onboarding Sharing Personal Growth Development in English.
LogiPal Speed Networking Reading Club Business English
Since the program started in 2022 hundreds
“Buddying up” new Connecting people Employees were What training and
of employees across our Asia-Pacific region
hires with existing virtually across encouraged to development topics
have participated in these programs. Further
employees from a Logitech. Employees participate in reading Logitech offers has
employee opportunities are planned for the
different department are paired for challenges such evolved to include
next fiscal year.
to help them settle 8-minute sessions with as reading a book more complex topics
into Logitech. icebreaker questions. on an unfamiliar such as formal vs
Rotation means topic or re-reading informal English,
everyone meets a favorite one. business expressions,
someone new. and persuasion and
negotiation techniques.

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Talent Attraction and Development

Key Programs

Employee Engagement and Giving Our areas of focus have remained consistent,
LogiPulse Survey reiterating the importance of development, LOGITECH COMPANY INSIGHTS
Logitech offers employees the chance to give hybrid working and collaboration across Logitech.
feedback on performance management and They include talent development, hybrid working, and
development through the biannual LogiPulse survey. collaboration. In response to the LogiPulse results we
Score Range Interpretation
This anonymous survey uses a Net Promoter Score have already developed a four-episode video series

75 67 74
to address some areas highlighted by the survey: 90-100 Exceptional
(NPS) methodology, with each item scored out of 100.
1. “I am able to detach from work during 80-90 Excellent
Scores above 70 are considered good, while those
above 80 are very good. Items scoring below 65 non-work time” 70-80 Good
typically require attention. 2. “Decisions that affect me are made in a fair 60-70 Average
and unbiased manner” Inclusive
In December 2023, some notable LogiPulse items Happiness Retention Below 60 Needs Attention
3. “My work utilizes my skills and talents well” Climate
and scores included:
4. “I believe there are good development
The survey asks our employees questions about opportunities for me at Logitech” INCREASE since last cycle NO CHANGE since last cycle DECREASE since last cycle
job satisfaction, sense of purpose, well-being, and
happiness. Across the Happiness and Inclusive Talent development has been another consistent
Climate Indexes we saw consistent scores of 74+ area of focus in our survey results, and in response Company Strengths
and our Retention Index has also remained stable we will continue to reinforce and evolve the offerings
I am able to use my When I am with The norms on my
available to meet these needs. 79 78 79
with an overall score of 67. personal initiative my co-workers team are supportive
or judgment in I feel included as of my personal or family
carrying out my work. part of the team. responsibilities.

Focus Areas
I believe there are Promotion or Decisions that effect
64 60 68
good development advancement is me are made in a fair
opportunities for equally accessible to and unbiased manner.
me at Logitech. everyone at Logitech.

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Talent Attraction and Development

Key Programs

Our LogiCares Ambassadors, a group of exceptionally We empower and encourage our employees to
dedicated employee volunteers, lead our volunteering contribute towards causes they are passionate
activities and initiatives and work relentlessly to about and support them in the following ways:
involve their colleagues in meaningful volunteer
experiences. In FY24, we took part in numerous Donations Logitech matches our
skills-based volunteering programs, enabling our Matching employee’s charitable
employees to utilize their unique expertise to assist contribution up to USD500
nonprofit organizations in problem-solving and per employee per year to
capacity enhancement. charities of their choice.

Dollars Logitech turns approved

For Doers employee volunteer hours into
dollars that the employee can
then designate to a charity of
their choice.
Our LogiCares program helps to foster a culture Volunteer Logitech employee can take
of giving among our employees, helping them Time Off (Vto) up to four paid days off work
to strengthen their relationships with their local to volunteer at local charities
communities and to give back. LogiCares of their choosing.
optimizes our impact. We have three pillars:
Speak Up Logitech employees can take
– Empowering our People – we contribute to
Speak Out up to one full day off work for
the causes we have personal passions for
Day advocacy work and other
– Giving Back to Our Communities – we create activities that support the
opportunities to join with other Logitech people causes they care about.
to give back to the communities in which we live
and work
– Leveraging Our Skills and Products – we leverage
the skills and products that our people and
Company have to offer, to better the lives and
futures of others

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Health, and
Our progress is fueled by creative,
resourceful, and innovative people
worldwide, both within Logitech, and in
our supply chain. Prioritizing the safety,
health, and welfare of all our people is
critical to us.
We recognize that the health, happiness, and overall
well-being of our employees is crucial to our success.
Our goal is to create a safe and healthy environment
for all employees and workers in our supply chain,
while also fostering a positive workplace atmosphere
and supporting our team members’ personal and
professional growth.

Sustainable Development Goals

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Safety, Health, and Well-being

Management Approach

Logitech’s Global Health, Safety, and Security maintain compliance, good practice, and Well-being
performance improvement. We have consistently Healthy Working Program Plus
Policy Statement is a fundamental policy Employee well-being is essential to our success.
maintained our Health and Safety certifications We have evolved our Healthy Working Plus
that applies to all aspects of the business. We prioritize creating a flexible, supportive, and
and achieved a “low risk” SAQ score in the RBA Program to include links to “Smart Habits”,
It reflects the dedication of our executive Logitech’s internal resource designed to help
inclusive work environment. By promoting work-life
Validated Audit Process (VAP). Please refer to the balance, open communication, and providing access
management team to employee protection Data section of this report for key health and safety employees develop healthy working habits, such
to wellness resources and development opportunities,
and to compliance with legislative performance data. as managing computer time breaks and staying
we aim to ensure that our employees thrive both
requirements. hydrated. The e-learning format enables our
Our Offices personally and professionally. Below we provide an
employees to work comfortably and safely,
Our Production Facility overview of the range of resources and programs
Our worldwide collection of offices range from small, regardless of where they are (remote, office-
we offer to support overall health.
We ensure the safety, health, and well-being of our leased, serviced spaces to more extensive, self- based, hybrid, etc.). The program includes
production facility workforce by adhering to the managed regional and country hubs. In our smaller ergonomic training tailored to the individual’s Our Certifications
Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) Code of Conduct offices, health and safety services are usually specific situation and working experience, which
and implementing an integrated Environmental, provided by the landlord. In larger, self-managed helps our employees to manage themselves
Health, and Safety (EHS) management system. offices, we implement and manage our health and efficiently and to keep well during their working
Our EHS Management System comprises EHS Policy, safety programs to ensure compliance and maintain day. It is now mandatory for Logitech employees OHSAS 18001 45001

procedures, and programs that guide the identification, a safe, secure, and comfortable environment for to complete the ergonomic training. SINCE 2004 SINCE 2020

assessment, and evaluation of health and safety our employees.

performance in accordance with legal requirements, Our Supply Chain
In our larger offices, employees engage in voluntary
and industry best practices. The system is certified
health and safety roles such as committee members, Our standards mandate that suppliers must maintain
under ISO 45001 since July 2020, and includes
first aiders, and emergency response team members. legal compliance, foster continuous improvement,
programs for continuous improvement.
These local initiatives and training programs are address the key risks associated with our industry,
Internal auditors regularly assess work areas under supported by broader Company initiatives and and implement a health and safety management
the EHS Committee’s guidance, while an independent programs, executed virtually and in-person with system in accordance with ISO 45001. Adherence
third-party audits compliance annually. This oversight specialist third-party assistance. In FY25, we aim to the RBA Code of Conduct and our Global Health,
ensures the proactive identification of potential to increase the number of Safety, Health, and Safety, and Security Policy Statement is a prerequisite
hazards, risks, and control measures. Various health Well-being reps we have across all of our sites. for conducting business with Logitech.
and safety initiatives are carried out annually to

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Safety, Health, and Well-being

Key Programs

Health and Safety Business Continuity We maintain a strong engagement with International We also engage International SOS as a consultancy
Each year we implement numerous health Our Global Business Continuity Program (BCP) was SOS, a pioneer and leader in International Health and resource to help us identify and analyze potential
and safety initiatives aimed at maintaining established in 2019 in response to the COVID-19 Security Management. This means our employees risks and to form mitigation, emergency response,
regulatory compliance, adhering to best practices, pandemic. Since then we have evolved it into a have support when they travel whether it is for a lost and business recovery plans.
and continuously improving health and safety program focused on business crisis survival. As part passport, advice on handling a specific situation, or
During FY25, we plan to empower business unit
performance at our production facility. These of this we continuously assess the potential impact of in the event of a worst-case emergency evacuation.
“owners” to take on responsibility for their BCPs, and
initiatives include: disruptive events (either natural or caused by humans) to engage our Leadership Team in minimum viable
– employee health monitoring and third-party on our facilities, and on our business. Our Business scenarios, and critical process analysis and planning.
testing of work areas to ensure compliance Resumption Plans prioritize the health and safety of
with occupational health standards; our personnel, outline communication channels for
– annual safety training for contractors to affected stakeholders, and include detail on resuming
understand hazards, high-risk work, and controlled operations. The plans are primed for any
authorization requirements; emergency. We conduct regular refresher training
and desktop crisis simulations for all staff.
– risk assessments of equipment and technology
to identify opportunities for improvement; and We continuously monitor political, global, and other
– emergency response drills and tests for various potential risk scenarios. In FY24, we have been poised
hazards (fire, first aid emergencies, spills, etc.) to respond to the impact of the Middle East crisis
to enhance employee awareness and provide beyond geographical boundaries and also to severe
refresher training. weather warnings, for example. We have a Logitech
team working in Ukraine and a dedicated crisis team
We have also increased our Safety and Health
in place who meet with them regularly to support
E-learning opportunities, in particular at the
and provide any necessary assistance.
onboarding stage, and have developed site-specific
programs to further support our employees.

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Safety, Health, and Well-being

Key Programs

Well-being Wellness Reimbursement: a program supporting Mental Wellness Program: a global program The wellness reimbursement is super simple
We are committed to the well-being of our employees’ health and fitness by reimbursing providing 1:1 coaching sessions with certified mental to use and it gives me the freedom to find the
employees. In support of this we have implemented expenses related to wellness activities. Over 76% of health coaches and licensed clinical therapists, and health resources that work the best for me.”
a range of well-being initiatives and programs: our employees participated in this program in 2023. unlimited group support, chat, and text options. Logitech Respondent,
Reimbursable items include gym memberships, The program also provides a library of guided Well-being Survey, November 2023
Flexible Working Arrangements: support for flexible fitness classes (virtual or in-person), fitness and sports meditations and self-paced courses, available to
working, allowing employees to build their workdays equipment, sports participation/usage fees, and both Logitech employees and their family members.
to suit their needs. Offices are designed and equipped other wellness programs such as weight loss/nutrition, From October 2022 to October 2023, 186 members The service helps me to discover my hidden
to be spaces for creativity, innovation, and smoking cessation, and wellness app subscription engaged in 1:1 care, 100 members participated in thinking and hidden needs. Then, I can learn
collaboration. A global work-from-home equipment fees. On January 1, 2024 we outsourced the therapy, and an above average number of members to see things on the other perspective and
contribution is available for remote work. administration of our wellness reimbursement used the digital content. find the right way to work towards my goal.”
LogiWellness, Benefits and Time Off Programs: program to Forma, a modernized platform and app Logitech Employee and Modern Health
Responses to Modern Health’s monthly well-being
core benefits and wellness programs to support that offers employees easy access to the Forma Therapy Member
assessment indicate our employees had a Workforce
employees’ well-being, including medical insurance, store and an improved experience when making
Well-being Index of 65 in 2023, which exceeds the
retirement savings, life insurance, paid time off, discounted purchases in addition to claiming
average index of 55 achieved by Modern Health’s
and leave/disability protections. reimbursements. I’m taking a practical approach to real life
other clients in the same period. The Workplace
situations to help me manage things in a more
Employee Assistance Program (EAP): a voluntary Well-being Platform: a platform offering Well-Being Index is an indicator of our organization’s
balanced way. I feel I am gaining valuable life
work-based program offering confidential and free customizable tools and resources related to well- overall well-being. It is determined by aggregating
lessons and enjoy that.”
counseling and resources on various topics for being, including courses, training, and articles on individual scores across clinically validated measures
topics like mindfulness, resilience, yoga, stress of well-being, such as depression, anxiety, and burnout. Logitech Employee and Modern Health
employees and their family members. Coaching Member
reduction, and sleep.

I was able to develop my physical strength

by receiving support for fitness fees, and it
led to an increase in my work concentration.”
Logitech Respondent,
Well-being Survey, November 2023

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Safety, Health, and Well-being

Key Programs

Benefits Bereavement Leave: bereaved employees can ESPP: an Employee Share Purchase Plan (ESPP)
At Logitech we provide: take up to 5 days of paid leave for the death of an allowing eligible employees to purchase Logitech
immediate family member. This runs concurrently shares through payroll deductions at a discounted
Health Care Coverage: globally, we provide
with any applicable statutory entitlements for market price. Currently, our ESPP program is offered
competitive and consistent benefits packages that
bereavement leave. to 98% of regular full-time and part-time employees.
include statutory and core benefits such as medical,
savings/retirement, life insurance, and leave/disability. LogiThanks Days: we offer extra paid leave days to Service Award Program: celebrating employees’
In some locations, additional benefits such as all employees worldwide, to allow them to disconnect career milestones by recognizing their contributions
medical, dental, vision, telehealth, and health and recharge when they need it. During FY23, we and achievements at 5-year intervals.
reimbursement plans may also be offered. Full-time extended the LogiThanks days to provide four long
Employee Well-being Survey: logitech conducts
employees in the U.S. receive up to USD10,000 weekends each year (back-to-back LogiThanks days
a biannual employee survey called “LogiPulse”.
per year per employee for meal, lodging, and on a Friday and Monday to give a long weekend of
These comprehensive surveys allow employees to give
transportation expenses when traveling out of paid leave). With everyone off at the same time, the
weighted input on various factors such as happiness
state to access pregnancy termination services. whole company has a real opportunity to disconnect
and retention. We utilize a “Happiness Index Metric”
and recharge.
Parental Leave: we now offer a minimum of 18 weeks’ to gauge employee satisfaction. Happy employees
fully paid leave within the two years of a child’s life are those who on balance feel positive about being
for parents welcoming a new child through birth, at work, view their organization as an excellent work
surrogacy, or adoption. We extended this period environment, are deeply engaged and enthusiastic
by 12 months in December 2023, in response to LogiThanks Days are most about their tasks, and have a solid connection to
feedback from our people and to allow for greater their company. Our objective is to maintain a score
certainly a unique company
flexibility. Our parental leave is available to all birth above 70.
and non-birth parents – regardless of their gender, benefit for work-life balance
sexual orientation, or length of service. and very much appreciated.”
Logitech Respondent,
Well-being Survey, November 2023

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Conducting our business with purpose
and integrity is at the heart of our culture.
We comply with all relevant legislation
and uphold the highest ethical standards,
emphasizing integrity, respect, and fairness
in all interactions. We help our employees
and business partners understand our
ethical obligations and reinforce what
we stand for as a company.
Our commitment to the Logitech Code of Conduct
drives us to look beyond minimum compliance
requirements, and to actively identify, mitigate,
and manage operational risks. We seek to amplify
and embody our values across our business, and
our relationships, and we leverage our extensive
reach and influence to drive progress across our
supplier base.

Sustainable Development Goals

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Management Approach

Ethical conduct and global compliance is a Board Our commitment to ethical values runs throughout Training concerns. Our Internal Audit team investigates
priority and is integrated into the strategic planning the Company and is supported by comprehensive Logitech offers compliance training for employees, allegations arising from internal audits and certain
process. We commit to upholding the highest training, effective internal and external with additional training on thematic subjects like Ethics Hotline submissions. Audit findings and
standards of integrity in our business and in our communication, strict adherence to specific policies, anti-corruption, antitrust, and anti-harassment. remediation actions are reported to the Audit
business interactions, with zero tolerance for any and robust governance. For specific regions and high-risk groups, further Committee quarterly.
and all forms of bribery, corruption, extortion, applicable training is available and we deliver
Further information is available online on the In FY24, we had no legal actions pending or
and embezzlement. additional training on a regional basis in response
Governance page or our website, including members completed regarding corruption, anti-competitive
We have four Board-level committees (Audit, of the Board, committees, charters, and our to employee feedback and to various requirements. behavior, violations of antitrust or monopoly
Compensation, Nominating and Governance, Corporate Governance Principles. legislation. We also had no significant noncompliance

98 %
and Technology and Innovation). Every member with environmental laws and regulations. For more
of the Board of Directors is required to sign and information on compliance, please refer to the
acknowledge our Code of Conduct. of our employees, encompassing senior leaders, Data section of this report.
successfully completed the Code of Conduct
Board of Directors training in FY24.
The Board of Directors is responsible for the governance of ethics and compliance issues at Logitech.
Wendy Becker is the Chairperson of the Board. All members are independent directors.
Ethics Hotline
Audit Committee All employees have the right and responsibility to
This Board-level committee provides non-executive insights on ethics and compliance matters and report any observations, concerns, grievances, or
reviews reports on general compliance, cybersecurity compliance, privacy compliance, and compliance issues related to our Code of Conduct. We have
training quarterly. established an Ethics Hotline, hosted by Navex
(“EthicsPoint”) as a whistleblowing mechanism for
Executive Leadership Team employees and non-employees to confidentially and
Comprised of Logitech’s Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Operating Officer, anonymously report any identified or observed issues.
and Chief Legal Officer.
Any hotline reports are investigated and managed
Regularly meets and reviews compliance-related issues and communications, and reports directly according to specific procedures, overseen by
to the Audit Committee on compliance-related topics. our Legal, People and Culture, and Internal
Our Chief Compliance Officer oversees ethical matters across our global Company. Primary duties Audit functions, as well as our Board-level Audit
involve oversight of the ethical framework, and creating and overseeing processes to prevent, Committee. We enforce a no retaliation policy,
mitigate, and address any associated business impacts. and protect the identities of those who report

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Management Approach

Ethical Framework
Our Ethical Framework: Code of Conduct At Logitech, we are committed to a culture that
Leadership and
The Logitech Code of Conduct (the Code) serves as instills the instinct to do the right thing. Our Anti-
our framework for business ethics and we require all Corruption Policy sets out clearly that we do business The Logitech Code of Conduct
employees and all our suppliers to comply with it. the right way; we approach everything we do with
ethics and integrity. Our Anti-Corruption Policy makes
is not just another set of rules.
We have ensured that the Code is easily accessible, it clear that there is no right way to do the wrong It is a road map to success Board of Directors
and that it reflects our geographically diverse thing; Logitech does not tolerate corruption in any
workforce. It is easy to read and understand, is that reflects the values and Board-Level Committees
form. In FY24, we amended the Code to ensure that Management Team
available in multiple languages, and is communicated the non-discrimination and anti-harassment stance ethics of us as individuals
across the globe to all employees as part of induction explicitly covers Protected Groups. and as an organization
training and annual refresher training.
We continuously explore new concepts, standards, as a whole.” Policy Framework
The Code governs our global operations and all and tools for corporate compliance and ethics,
our business relationships, including new suppliers. Farschad Farzan,
leveraging external resources such as our outside
All suppliers are contracted to adhere to the Code, Chief Compliance Officer
counsel, seminars, peer discussions, and regular RBA Code of Conduct Anti-Corruption Policy–
and we audit their compliance. benchmarking surveys. We also monitor development Logitech Code of Conduct Insider Trader Policy
in compliance law, management best practices, Corporate Governance Information Systems
and diagnostics. Regular evaluation of our ethical Principles Acceptable Use Policy
framework ensures that the Code continuously All Relevant Legislation
evolves and improves to meet our demands and
align with global best practices.
Supporting Processes
and Tools

Training Periodic Review and

Auditing Benchmarking
Communicating Performance Reporting
Whistleblowing Hotline

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Management Approach

Anti-Corruption Policy and Other Policies The risk assessment results are presented to our Board Reporting and Investing Concerns When an allegation or concern is received through
Corruption undermines fair competition and of Directors, and the Internal Audit annual audit plan All employees and non-employees are able to ask our reporting channels, an initial evaluation and
contradicts Logitech’s values. We have zero tolerance receives approval from the Audit Committee. questions and report ethics concerns through a review are conducted by the Chief Compliance
for any form of corrupt behavior, including bribery third-party compliance platform, EthicsPoint, which Officer, People and Culture team, and Head of
We regularly conduct internal evaluations of
and kickbacks. Our Anti-Corruption Policy and offers various communication channels such as a Internal Audit. If the issue is determined to be related
corruption-related risks within our global operations,
compliance program mandate that our employees, 24/7 globally accessible online form, toll-free phone to an employee, the investigation is assigned to the
assessing perceived risks across various aspects of our
partners, and suppliers adhere to all relevant national lines, by mail, and in-person. Where permitted by law, appropriate team. During the investigation process,
business. This involves in-depth examination of all
laws and regulations, and that they may never give or we provide the choice for anonymous reporting. the individual who raised the concern might be
Company policies and procedures that are applicable
receive any bribe, payoff, or other corrupt incentive. Employees can also seek guidance from their contacted for additional details. If the concern was
to all business units and functions globally.
manager, other leaders, internal ethics and reported anonymously, further information may be
Logitech also has Corporate Governance Principles Additionally, we engage external experts at periodic
compliance experts, or consult Legal, Internal Audit, requested through the case management system.
and policies such as Information Systems intervals to evaluate our anti-corruption policies and
or the People and Culture team at any time. We have Once the investigation is completed, a confidential
Acceptable Use Policy, Insider Trading Policy, and initiatives. We compare our methods with those of
a strict policy against any form of retaliation towards report outlining proposed recommendations is
an Anti-Harassment and Non-Discrimination Policy, other companies, to adopt industry best practices
individuals who raise concerns or ask questions. prepared. The individual who raised the concern
which address more specific aspects of ethical in operational protocols, employee training, and
is notified of the investigation’s conclusion, and
performance. For both employees and third-parties, our monitoring of suppliers and partners. Any suspected breach of integrity at Logitech appropriate action is taken if deemed necessary.
noncompliance with any of the above policies may We also conduct routine audits that focus on undermines trust in our organization. We treat all The timeline for investigating concerns depends
result in disciplinary action, including termination uncovering potential corruption risks in our operations reported violations with seriousness, ensure a prompt on the nature of the allegation and its complexity.
of employment or business relationship. and supply chain. These audits involve comprehensive response, and take disciplinary or corrective measures
as necessary. This may include coaching, verbal, Investigations are carried out by representatives from
reviews and testing of compliance policies and
Risk Assessment and Audits on or written warnings, or termination. our Legal, Internal Audit, and People and Culture
procedures from start to finish. If a risk is identified,
Ethics Issues teams. This will include dedicated employee relations
we may take appropriate actions to mitigate or
We conduct an Annual Risk Assessment that investigators from the People and Culture team
eliminate it, such as terminating partner contracts
considers country-level risks and risks related to as necessary. We are continuously improving our
or implementing special measures.
different functional responsibilities within Logitech. investigation procedures, resources, and technology
This assessment process is managed by our Internal to ensure concerns are addressed as promptly as
Audit team and contributes to the creation of possible and internal investigations are conducted
an Annual Audit Plan for operational audits efficiently. Moreover, our global case management
and Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) Assessments. tool identifies any emerging patterns in ethics
violations, allowing us to assess the need for
additional controls.

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Management Approach

Political Contributions Philanthropic Contributions Voluntary Sustainability Product Features and Programs
We do not support or fund political parties, Logitech provides philanthropic contributions to Claims and Communications
candidates, or any groups that promote party support positive social impact initiatives. To ensure When reporting product sustainability performance Recycled plastics
interests. Our employees may offer support and proper governance, Logitech has established to customers and consumers, our goal is to inspire Made with post-consumer recycled
contributions to political groups in a personal a Donor Advised Fund (DAF)37 with the Tides others to join us on our collective journey towards plastic from end-of-life electronics,
capacity, based on their local election rules but no Foundation, which ensures that charitable giving a more sustainable future. We openly share our to give plastics a second life.
political contributions were made on behalf of is overseen by an independent, third-party charity. thought leadership, insights, and approach.
Logitech in FY24. We are members of various industry This partnership helps maintain a robust due
We believe consumers should be empowered
trade associations and industry bodies which provide diligence process and ensures that all philanthropic Responsible packaging
with readily-accessible and easy-to-understand
information, insights, and diverse perspectives contributions align with Logitech’s values and Paper packaging is responsibly
information about the environmental performance
on developing policy frameworks and regulatory Code of Conduct. sourced from certified forests
of products. Consumer understanding of sustainability
changes around the world. Our membership of these and other controlled sources.
organizations is to promote public policies and Regulatory Product Labeling concepts sometimes limits the extent to which
industry standards that advance competition, and Marketing consumers can make informed purchasing decisions
to support more sustainable brands and manage
research, and innovation worldwide, without a focus 100% of our Major Product Lines are regulated by Carbon Clarity
their personal impact. With this thinking in mind,
on any political stance. Any spend is limited to laws on Restrictions on Hazardous Substances (RoHS) We believe carbon is the new
we communicate key attributes of product
standard membership fees and we participate in and Waste Electronic and Electrical Equipment calorie. Everyone should know
performance on our website product pages and
these memberships in a manner that reflects our (WEEE). All relevant products are marked with the what they are consuming.
boxes, so that consumers can review this information
values and in accordance with our Code of Conduct. required regulatory labels and safe use information.
prior to purchasing a Logitech product. Prior to
We communicate the meaning of all our
communicating any sustainability information or Low-Carbon Aluminum
regulatory and voluntary recycling labels on our
claims, we carry out a robust due diligence process Aluminum produced with
Recycling Page on logitech.com, to promote
to ensure our claims are meaningful, accurate, and hydropower (renewable energy)
consumer understanding and awareness of the
specific, and we obtain third-party certifications, for lower carbon impact.
variety of different labels that we apply. In FY24,
where available. Over the last year, the following
we did not have any fines with penalties, or
logos and information has become more and more
regulatory warnings for regulatory noncompliance
available to consumers as we work to raise consumer
in relation to product and service information or
awareness of the programs that we have established.
labeling, or marketing communications (including
advertising, promotion, and sponsorship).

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and Security
We are committed to preserving privacy
and security as we handle an increasing
volume of data. Through maintaining
robust privacy and security systems,
we instill trust in Logitech’s systems,
products, services, and stakeholders.

Sustainable Development Goals

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Privacy and Security

Management Approach

The Privacy Program and the Cybersecurity Program Our cybersecurity team, led by our Chief Information Our acceptable use principles for the use of AI tools
are presented to, and reviewed by, the Audit Security Officer (CISO), leads the security strategy by the Logitech workforce has now been rolled out Logitech’s Chief Information Security Officer,
Committee biannually and reported to the Board and collaborates frequently with the privacy and and we will continue to evolve policy in parallel with Ms. Dubel, received a Swiss CISO award and
of Directors on an annual basis. product security teams. Our security operations the development of this fast-paced domain. was named on The Global CISO 100, 2023
team reports to the CISO and consistently monitors and 2024 list.
Our privacy team, led by our Global Head of Privacy Our Board of Directors’ Technology and Innovation
potential security threats and proactively maintains
and AI Governance, sits within our wider legal teams Committee is responsible for overseeing our product
our systems. We rigorously test our incident response
and is responsible for overseeing our global privacy security risk management framework. Our Product Logitech’s Global Head of Privacy and AI
process, and playbooks are activated if we detect
strategy, for managing AI risks and for compliance Security Review Board (PSRB) sets best practice Governance, Ms. De Leeuw-Goggin, was
suspicious activity. Business continuity plans minimize
with applicable laws. This team develops and directs policies and initiatives that all our product teams awarded as the 2023 PICASSO European
any disruption. Regular internal audits of our security
data and privacy governance, notice and consent, must follow. Privacy Executive of the Year.
practice privacy policy ensure compliance and we
vendor risk management, data protection, privacy-
work constantly to improve processes and tools to
by-design initiatives, age-appropriate design,
keep pace with the evolving threat landscape.
international data transfer contracts, processing
Our cybersecurity framework provides guidance for
of data rights requests, and training and awareness
the organization, governance, and implementation
programs. Cross-functional teams manage our
of information security across the Company.
privacy program which encompasses all business
groups, functional teams, and personal data AI opens new opportunities for Logitech as we are
processed by Logitech. positioned as the point of connection between the
human and the digital worlds. This position comes
with significant responsibility, new risks, and new
regulatory requirements. It is critical that these
technologies are developed and used responsibly.
To this end we have created an AI Governance
function within the legal team. The team is led by
the Global Head of Privacy and AI Governance and
is responsible for managing AI risks and compliance
with related laws and regulations such as the
European AI Act. We conduct annual Company-wide
training on the responsible and lawful use and
development of AI, and provide department-specific
guidance and training.

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Privacy and Security

Key Programs

Privacy Organization for Standardization (ISO). The certification developed to address these risks and vulnerabilities,
For customers, we maintain our Privacy Policy for audit was performed by an accredited independent and integrated into the evolving product design.
Products and Services, which provides detailed We champion privacy as a core third-party. Depending on the product data and network access
information on Logitech’s data processing practices, requirements, this could involve implementing
value that drives responsible We employ technical and organizational measures
encryption, digital signatures, robust authentication
how personal data are shared and disclosed, and that encompass our use of data centers, networks,
how individuals can invoke their data rights. innovation. By recognizing endpoints, systems, applications, and cloud
and authorization, and network security.

Our employees and contractors are required to that innovation and privacy are environments. Both physical and logical access We conduct security testing before product launches,
adhere to Logitech’s data-handling guidelines, data complementary, we create a points are controlled and regularly assessed to and the Product Security Review Board (PSRB)
and record classification, and data retention policies. ensure that only authorized users have access. Chairperson has the authority to stop the launch
future where technology does of any product or service that does not meet
They receive privacy training through our workforce Our employees receive ongoing training and
management system and additional resources and not just connect us, but also communications about key information security
security standards. The PSRB reviews and grants
final approval for the security design of new products
information are available on a dedicated privacy protects and respects us.” risks and best practices to follow. The requirement
page on our intranet. We also provide special training in development.
for security-risk knowledge and training and best
for specific teams who deal with personal data Emerald de Leeuw-Goggin,
practice extends to our partners and vendors, We encourage reports from independent researchers,
and create technologies for data collection Global Head of Privacy and AI Governance
who must comply with our cybersecurity standards industry organizations, vendors, customers, and
(e.g. engineering, design, human resources, vendor as a prerequisite for doing business with us. Our other relevant stakeholders and sources after the
management, legal compliance, and/or marketing Cybersecurity requirements and expectations are explicitly outlined product launch. To facilitate this, we have a public
teams). Our Acceptable Use Policy defines privacy Compliance with internationally recognized standards in vendor agreements, and adherence to these Vulnerability Disclosure and Bug Bounty program
requirements and other controls governing access is a priority for Logitech and is evidence of our agreements is verified and assessed as part of and accept reports through our HackerOne platform.
to Logitech devices. commitment to information security at every level of our vendor due diligence and continuous contract The responsible security team members review
We regularly review and update our privacy policies our organization. Our infrastructure is in accordance management process. all submissions to this platform and conduct
to ensure that they accurately represent Logitech’s with industry-leading best practices, and our further investigations as necessary to determine
cybersecurity framework offers guidance on the Product Security a suitable remedy. A fitting reward is given to the
processing of personal data and remain compliant
organization, governance, and use of information We define a security vulnerability as an unintentional respective reporter.
with the evolving regulatory environment. During
throughout the Company. flaw in a product or service that could allow
the reporting period, Logitech did not receive any
a malicious actor to compromise its integrity,
substantiated complaints regarding customer privacy We are proud that in 2023 Logitech and its
availability, or confidentiality. We employ a life-cycle
breaches, and no incidents of customer data leaks, infrastructure was certified for compliance with
approach to managing this risk. Our established risk
thefts, or losses were identified. ISO/IEC 27001. This achievement recognizes our
assessment process helps identify security risks early
adherence to the Information Security Management
in the design phase. Suitable security measures are
System standards published by the International

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Supplier Development
Our relationships with our suppliers and Through open and transparent collaboration,
supplier development are critical to our continuous improvement, and capability-building
shared success. We work to build lasting initiatives, we nurture supplier development, and
we work together to ensure that our products are
supplier relationships that are founded
manufactured in compliance with all applicable legal
on shared ethics, best practice, and requirements, while also guaranteeing adherence to
a commitment to both the United good practice sustainability and quality standards.
Nations Global Compact (UNGC) and
the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA)
Code of Conduct.

Sustainable Development Goals

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Supplier Development
Management Approach

Our Supplier Development Program Our supplier development program comprises the following key elements:
Key Elements and Guiding Principles
Clear Performance Standards Supplier Innovation
We establish clear performance standards and Creative solutions, inputs, and ideas from suppliers often
expectations for suppliers to ensure that they meet fuel the Logitech innovation engine. We always value
our requirements. These standards are communicated supplier feedback and new thought. Our CIP Awards
clearly to suppliers and regularly reviewed to ensure and Future Positive Challenge reach within and beyond
they are being met. Our RBA membership and use Logitech by incentivizing and encouraging innovation,
Supplier Continuous Performance of the RBA Code of Conduct helps us ensure that and inspiring individuals to rethink traditional ways
Innovation Standards our approach is consistent with our industry peers of working.
and magnifies the opportunity for suppliers to understand
the importance and relevance of best practices both
for and beyond Logitech. Comprehensive Supplier Auditing
We conduct regular supplier due diligence audits using
RBA auditing tools and auditors who understand local and
Training and Education cultural sensitivities, as well as the risk profile and business
We provide training to enable suppliers to meet our environment within which our suppliers are working.
requirements and to develop further, and encourage them
to leverage accessible RBA training programs
Supplier Training and and materials appropriate for our industry. We also Fostering Culture
Auditing Education develop our own capability-building programs to address We establish enduring relationships with our suppliers,
specific needs and to supplement industry-wide training. emphasizing open and transparent communication
and collaboration to promote a culture of ongoing
Fo improvement. We work with our suppliers to encourage
eri en transparency about performance challenges, and
ng e m
aC prov we actively share our own experience and insight.
ultur m
e of Continuous I To us this approach is vital for delivering positive and
transformative change over time.

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Supplier Development
Management Approach

Performance Standards or commission third-party, independent VAP audits In addition to carrying out audits, we support the We also analyze trends in audit findings to identify
The RBA has an established Code of Conduct by RBA’s preferred vendor to enhance in-house implementation of effective corrective action plans supplier performance hot spots, which helps us
(the RBA Code), which is reflective of international audit capability. (CAPs). Factories appoint a designated individual develop training programs and design future audit
norms and good practice, including the Universal to oversee the CAP, assessing their qualifications plans. An overview of the top ten categories of audit
Our in-house auditing team comprises highly
Declaration of Human Rights, ILO International and providing assistance as needed. We guide and finding in CY23 is provided below. A corrective action
experienced auditors who replicate the RBA’s VAP
Labor Standards, OECD Guidelines for Multinational support the process as necessary. We may involve plan is developed for every finding and we work
using RBA-endorsed audit protocol and tools. We
Enterprises, ISO 45001, ISO 14001, and SA 8000. local authorities for clarification on regulatory with suppliers to address the underlying root cause
carry out on-site inspections of supplier factories.
We have adopted the RBA Code in full, as indicated procedures and to share pertinent information with of these findings through deep engagement and
Our audit teams meet with supplier management, sharing of insights.
in our RBA Code Commitment Statement. our suppliers in areas such as obtaining fire safety
examine the facility, review documents, and conduct
It’s fully reflected in our internal policy framework approval for new buildings. We also share applicable
private, confidential interviews. On occasion, we use
and is our framework for supplier management and industry best practices.
independent, third-party auditors, to supplement
environment, health and safety, labor, human rights, our in-house capability. During COVID-19 for
and ethical good practice. We have also established example, we used external auditors for supplier
supplementary policies to the RBA Commitment qualification audits in India due to visa restrictions. Top 10 RBA Categories of Findings for CY23
Statement and standards around specific supply 100
Our approach is to:
chain management topics of particular importance,
– audit 100% of Major Suppliers;
which can be found on our website.
– audit 100% of Joint Design Manufacturers;
Supplier Auditing – audit 100% of new suppliers against Priority 75
The RBA has established protocols, tools, and Aspects38 of the RBA Code and legal requirements;
expertise for auditors working across our industry to and

All findings
assess key risks relevant to our industry. This process – enforce RBA Code compliance, as well as supply 50

is known as the Validated Audit Process (VAP) and chain management in accordance with the RBA 46 45
allows for like-for-like comparison across companies Code, as a contractual requirement of doing
and supply chains and a common understanding business with Logitech. 25 32 30
of RBA Code requirements and audit procedures.
The audit includes a full process for supplier 20 18 18 18 17
engagement, shared learnings, corrective actions,
tracking, and reporting. RBA members commit to Working Emergency Wages and Occupational Freely Supplier Industrial Hazardous Disclosure Occupational
building in-house audit capability to follow the VAP Hours Preparedness Benefits Safety Chosen Responsibility Hygiene Substances of Information Injury and
C3 B2 A4 A1 Employment E12 B4 C3 D3 Illness
A1 B3

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Supplier Development
Management Approach

Quarterly Business Review Our suppliers have access to e-learning courses on

various sustainability topics, including forced labor,
Top 10 RBA Training Courses Accessed by Logitech Suppliers
Our Quarterly Business Review (QBR) process considers
sustainability performance as a key aspect of supplier recruitment, migrant workers, ethics, human rights, 1,500 1,500

performance. This involves conducting a desk-based discrimination, worker voice, worker participation,
audit to assess six key categories: engineering, grievance management, supply chain management,
sustainability, quality, demand/supply capability, working hours, and young workers.
new product introduction, and commercial aspects.
Addressing Challenges 1,000

Training Sessions (#)


Engineering performance has a 25% weight in the of a Post-COVID World

Time (hours)
quantitative scoring, while other categories, including During the pandemic, Logitech auditors were unable
sustainability, each hold a 15% weight. The QBR to perform on-site audits of supplier facilities and
process also considers qualitative factors such were more reliant on desk-based assessments. When 500 500
as a supplier’s adherence to our sustainability returning to on-site auditing post-COVID, we
commitments, policies, goals, and objectives. observed an increase in the non-conformance rate of
“Preferred” suppliers with high QBR scores receive several suppliers, compared to other years. In
additional development opportunities and potential response, we have introduced new policies to increase 0 0
business expansion. Those with low scores face the frequency of unannounced audits, our supplier Forced Supply Chain Chemical Environment Tracker Emergency Ethics Training Management Recruitment
Labor Management Feedback, Preparedness and System
increased auditing and commercial restrictions, requirements for hosting third-party audits, and the Participation Communication

possibly leading to termination if improvements introduction of specific penalties for inaccurate

Time (hours) Training Sessions (#)
are not made within agreed-upon timelines. reporting during audit.

Supplier Training and Education During FY24, we increased the number of tests during
factory visits. These tests now consider local laws
We organize and facilitate supplier training
and RBA requirements, and enable us to better
events where we discuss Logitech’s sustainability
understand the effectiveness of supplier training
expectations and standards, and international best
programs. We plan to continue this approach and
practices. We have created forums for suppliers to
to compare data from factories in the same country
share their experiences. In addition, we promote
to pinpoint trends and disparities that we can use
supplier participation in capability-building sessions,
to inform improvements to our supplier training and
encouraging their involvement in training initiatives
education initiatives.
and assigning specific e-learning courses to enhance
awareness and education.

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Supplier Development
Management Approach

Supplier Innovation Our Continuous Improvement

We encourage our Major Suppliers to explore Process (CIP) Award
innovative approaches to our business and Our Continuous Improvement Process (CIP) Awards
manufacturing processes, and how we can enhance are held twice a year. Employees and some of our
our products, services, and operations. We aim to Major Suppliers are invited to participate. Entrants
speed up technology implementation across our are incentivized to find ways to innovate our business
value chain. We look for suppliers, hold meetings and manufacturing processes, and to look at how
to understand their technology, and host initiatives we can make our products, services, and operations
like the Future Positive Challenge to accelerate more sustainable.
the innovation process.
The awards are facilitated by Logitech’s Quality team
We challenge our suppliers by asking them the and partner various teams across Logitech with
question, “What can you do differently or better?” suppliers to consolidate and report improvement
This allows them to propose innovative solutions projects that have been implemented in our supply
to problems, leading to collaborative brainstorming chains. Each entry is assessed by a committee of
sessions and resulting in breakthrough progress technical specialists within Logitech. Benefits for the
in supply innovation. By engaging our suppliers business are evaluated in terms of financial savings,
in this way, Logitech is able to drive continuous quality or efficiency improvements, carbon and
improvement and stay at the forefront of toxicity reductions, circularity benefits, social benefits,
the industry. and innovation.

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Supplier Development
Key Programs

In FY24, we expanded the number of application

categories from four to six, by including categories
for IC and business model optimization.

Printed Circuit Boards Batteries Integrated Circuits

The Future Positive Challenge was initiated We’re looking for new solutions Have an answer to safer, Do you have a way to reduce
to foster collaboration with our supply that use lower-impact materials scalable, cost-effective the environmental impact
chain and external parties, assessing and energy-efficient processes electronics for high-capacity of Integrated Circuits (IC)
and investigating the scalability of in the design and production batteries and power throughout their lifecycle?
sustainability innovations that could of circuit boards, which have management? We’re looking for Share how you are improving the
be applied to our business. traditionally taken a toll on solutions featuring alternative wafer manufacturing process or
the environment. materials to lithium or cobalt and improving on production yields.
In our Future Positive Challenge we prioritize techniques for battery recycling.
technologies that are fundamental to advancing
breakthrough innovations within the consumer
electronics industry while also contributing Materials Packaging Business Models
significantly to economic development and job Our goal is to minimize energy Share your packaging solutions Business model innovation
creation. Led by Logitech’s Sustainability team, use and reduce environmental that aim to protect products but means reimagining how
the program aims to involve disruptive companies, impact while maximizing supply minimize environmental impact. processes create value for all.
startups, and pioneering engineers who drive chains. We want to hear from We’re looking for moldable Share your ideas for better
sustainable changes in consumer electronics and you if you have a material materials, renewable and structuring supply chains, or
related supply chains. We seek supplier innovations alternative that reduces weight, recyclable materials, and programs that encourage the
that align with Logitech’s Design for Sustainability increases strength, reduces alternatives to foil printing. circular economy or collaborative
principles, with participants able to submit carbon footprint, and is bio- economy specific to the
applications through Logitech’s Tech Tour Portal. based/biodegradable or technology device industry.

FY24 IMPACT REPORT Introduction Planet Governance
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Supplier Development
Key Programs

Future Positive
Challenge 2023
Winners Elephantech Inc,
Nagoya, Japan
Highpower Technology Co. Ltd,
Shenzhen, China
Ole Wolff Elektronik A/S,
Soroe, Denmark
We encourage challenge winners to collaborate Big idea: Big idea: Big idea:
with Logitech, progressing from proof of concept Elephantech’s recent innovation is a new sustainable Highpower Technology supplies rechargeable Ole Wolff’s “Reduced Environmental Impact (REI)
to possible implementation of their innovations. manufacturing method for printed circuit boards batteries. They are building a carbon model and drivers” are a new range of headphone drivers
We provide our interest, expertise, and brand called Pure Additive™, which combines metal inkjet recycled cobalt supply chain to recycle end-of- developed to reduce environmental impact through a
support to aid their scaling efforts while printing and copper plating. Whether it’s a device life cobalt and supply lithium-ion batteries with series of sustainable initiatives without compromising
maintaining a realistic outlook about each that silently monitors vitals or a smartphone with recycled cobalt. acoustic performance.
offering’s potential. Our aim is that the Future an endless stream of notifications, most devices
contain a printed circuit board at the heart Potential impact: Potential impact:
Positive Challenge will be an idea-generating
platform that identifies technologies that will of their design. – Reduces waste and use of virgin materials – Optimizes design to completely remove
allow for scaling of innovation. Examples of – Reduces the carbon impact of lithium-ion batteries energy-intensive parts and reduce plastic usage
Potential impact: – Reduces usage of Neodymium by 30-40%,
some of the winners from last year’s challenge – Contributes to the circular economy
are listed here: – Could reduce the carbon impact of PCB a rare earth element that is also very
manufacturing methods by 50+%, compared Our role: energy-intensive to mine. Neodymium mining
to traditional manufacturing We are working with Highpower Technology to qualify requires large volumes of chemicals and is
– Contributes to the circular economy as it advances lithium ion batteries with recycled cobalt. associated with environmental degradation
the reusability of power devices at the end of their
service life Our role:
– Helps to overcome existing manufacturing issues Logitech is working with Ole Wolff to support the
development of a proof of concept.
Our role:
We are collaborating with Elephantech to develop
a proof of concept.

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Human and Labor Rights

We believe that every worker deserves We follow the RBA Code of Conduct and the
respect and compassion. We collaborate United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) in our
with other companies in our industry to management of human rights and labor at our
production facility and throughout our supply chain.
raise awareness of human rights issues in
These frameworks are based on international norms
supply chains and to uphold established and standards such as the Universal Declaration of
human rights standards respecting the Human Rights, ILO International Labor Standards,
rights of all individuals. OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises,
the UNGC Guiding Principles on Business and
Human Rights, and relevant ISO and SAI standards.
Our commitment to human rights and labor is
Sustainable Development Goals demonstrated in the Logitech Code of Conduct
which is applicable both to our own production
facility and to our entire supply chain.

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Human and Labor Rights

Management Approach

We conduct due diligence procedures to evaluate Our Human Rights

social performance and risks, including human and Labor Program
rights compliance. We use RBA’s Self-Assessment Freely chosen
Questionnaire (SAQ) and Risk Assessment Tool to employment
evaluate and communicate our performance.
Our production facility undergoes periodic third-party
audits conducted by RBA-approved auditors, to
ensure adherence to the RBA Code, encompassing
human rights and labor management criteria. Working Responsible
Audit findings are reviewed and validated by an hours sourcing of metals
independent consulting firm, and Logitech must
implement Corrective Action Plans (CAPs) to address
and rectify issues. We prioritize the investigation and Health and Young
resolution of potential, perceived, or actual human safety workers
rights violations.

Wages and Human Rights Welfare

benefits arrangements
and Labor

Labor relations, Humane treatment,

engagement, and equality, and freedom
consultation from discrimination

Whistle-blowing Freedom of
mechanism association

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Human and Labor Rights

Key Programs

Freely Chosen Employment Young Workers Working Hours Wages and Benefits
To reflect our commitment to freely chosen Our major suppliers are primarily located in countries Our Company aims to eliminate excessive working We ensure compliance with all applicable local wage
employment and compliance with the California such as China, Malaysia, Taiwan, Switzerland, hours and recognizes the challenges this poses for laws, including those relating to minimum wages,
Transparency in Supply Chains Act, we release an Vietnam, Mexico, and Thailand, most of which are our industry. We understand the importance of overtime hours, and legally mandated benefits.
annual Zero Tolerance Statement on Slavery and classified as having an “enhanced” risk for child labor addressing these issues for workers’ welfare and We pay compensation at rates higher than the
Human Trafficking. Our statement outlines measures according to the UNICEF Children’s Rights Index. well-being. In our supply chain, managing working regular hourly rate for overtime work, and prohibit
to eliminate the risk of slavery and human trafficking hours is an ongoing challenge. We encourage the use of wage deductions as a disciplinary measure.
We maintain a zero-tolerance policy for child labor
and meets the requirements of the UK and Australian suppliers to participate in RBA training on working Wage statements are provided and worker interviews
in our business and supply chain. Our policies and
Modern Slavery Acts. Our Board of Directors reviews hours and we raise awareness and build capability are conducted to verify accurate compensation.
control measures reflect our commitment to good
and approves the statement annually. to effectively manage and control this critical issue. Although there have been no findings on this topic
practice standards, including:
for the last three years in third-party VAP audits,
Our Freely Chosen Employment requirements include – ILO Conventions C138 and C182 internal audits indicate managing this issue remains
zero tolerance for forced, involuntary, or exploitative – ILO-IOE Child Labor Guidance Tool for Business a challenge for the business.
labor. In August 2022, we established a public-facing
– OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible
Responsible Recruitment Policy. We prohibit
Business Conduct
withholding employee documents, charge no
– UN Guiding Principles on Business and
recruitment fees, retain no wages, and ensure social
Human Rights
insurance is paid. Workers have the right to a written
employment agreement, can resign whenever they We’re committed to protecting workers under 18 from
wish, and are given reasonable notice for termination. hazardous jobs, night shifts, or excessive overtime.
We hire apprentices, interns, and student workers, all
At our production facility we collaborate with
of whom are employed in line with our Responsible
Dispatch Agencies for workforce management,
Recruitment Policy. Through our internal and
subject to our supplier prequalification process and
supplier audit programs, we regularly verify worker
annual audits. Dispatch Agencies must sign a
identification and interview employees to confirm
commitment letter to uphold the RBA Code of
their age. We also encourage suppliers to attend
Conduct in addition to our standard contractual
e-learning and training on relevant topics, such as
provisions for supply chain sustainability
Young Workers and Responsible Recruitment, and
management. For more information, refer to
routinely enroll them in appropriate courses.
the Supplier Development section of our report.

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Human and Labor Rights

Key Programs

Humane Treatment, Equality No issues related to forced labor or mistreatment Whistleblowing Responsible Sourcing of Minerals
and Freedom From Discrimination of workers have been identified in third-party VAP Every employee has the right and responsibility Managing human rights risks associated with mineral
Our Company is dedicated to creating a safe and audits and internal audits conducted over the past to report any observations, concerns, grievances, and metal sourcing is a crucial part of our human
inclusive workplace, protecting workers from abuse three years. We remain vigilant and committed or issues relevant to our Code of Conduct. We have rights program. For more information on our
and discrimination, and implementing policies to continuous improvement, striving to foster an an established Ethics Hotline, which is hosted by sustainability performance in this area, please
and disciplinary procedures to address these risks. environment that respects the rights and dignity of all EthicsPoint, which can be used by employees as refer to our Responsible Sourcing of Minerals Policy
Our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion workers in our organization and global supply chain. a whistleblowing mechanism to confidentially and the Responsible Sourcing of Minerals section of
(DEI) covers both our internal operations and supply No issues related to forced labor or mistreatment of and anonymously report any issues they identify or this report.
chain, prioritizing fairness and nondiscrimination in workers have been identified in third-party VAP audits observe. For more about our whistleblowing platform,
recruitment and employment practices. EthicsPoint, please read the Ethics section. Safety, Health, and Well-being
and internal audits conducted over the past three
years. We remain vigilant and committed to Please read more about our commitment to
We perform thorough audits and assessments of Freedom of Association occupational safety in the Safety, Health, and
our facilities and suppliers, examining security and continuous improvement, striving to foster an
environment that respects the rights and dignity of all In accordance with local laws, we respect the Well-being section.
medical personnel practices, reviewing procedures
workers in our organization and global supply chain. rights of all workers to form and join trade unions
and records, and conducting confidential employee
of their choice, engage in collective bargaining,
interviews. We also analyze wages, rewards, and Labor Relations, Engagement and participate in peaceful assembly. We also
training records to detect any discriminatory and Consultation acknowledge the right of workers to abstain from
practices, ensuring transparency and accountability
We promote open, two-way communication between such activities. Workers and/or their representatives
throughout our supply chain.
managers and employees to build supportive, are free to openly communicate and discuss their
Our due diligence process has been strengthened honest, and trusting relationships. This approach is ideas and concerns about working conditions and
in response to concerns regarding the treatment part of employee induction and orientation. At our management practices without fear of discrimination,
of minorities in China and associated allegations of production facility, we hold regular team meetings, retaliation, intimidation, or harassment.
forced labor, by collaborating with industry experts to share updates through a mobile application for We uphold an open-door policy, allowing workers
review problem areas and raise awareness. We have employees in local languages, conduct periodic to openly communicate and express their ideas
also implemented internal processes, like our Change worker interviews, and provide suggestion boxes and concerns to management regarding working
Control Management Procedure, to manage factory and an anonymous whistleblowing mechanism conditions and management practices without
locations and changes effectively. for employees to submit confidential feedback. any fear of discrimination, reprisal, intimidation,
or harassment.

FY24 IMPACT REPORT Introduction Planet Governance
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of Minerals
We are committed to sourcing components
and materials from companies that align
with our values regarding human rights,
ethics, and environmental responsibility.
We use industry-leading, best-practice
tools and processes to promote responsible
sourcing of minerals throughout our global
supply chain.

Sustainable Development Goals

FY24 IMPACT REPORT Introduction Planet Governance
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Responsible Sourcing of Minerals

Management Approach

Our Responsible Sourcing of Minerals Program aligns We have developed risk management plans at SOR Use of Metals and Minerals in Logitech Products
with all relevant legal requirements and industry and supplier levels to mitigate or remediate identified
best practices, including the OECD Due Diligence Material
risks from minerals in Covered Countries and
Guidance for Responsible Supply Chain of Minerals CAHRAs, and we validate all SOR using the RMAP Tantalum, Tin,
from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas or equivalent programs39, and RMI Reasonable Tungsten, Gold (3TG) Cobalt Mica
(CAHRAs). We continue to promote mineral Country of Origin Inquiry (RCOI) data. Use in Our – Solder – Lithium ion batteries – Paint
sourcing transparency across our supply chain. Products and – Gold plating – Magnet – Ink
Additionally, we require suppliers who reported SORs Supply Chain – Capacitors – Plastics
Since 2013, we have worked with our suppliers and not yet participating in an independent third-party – Integrated circuits
other RBA members to exert the full influence of our audit program, to provide a Smelter Action Plan (SAP) – Cables
industry on smelters or refiners (collectively known aimed at 100% participation of SORs in a third-party – Other electronic parts
as “SORs”) and to ensure SORs participate in credible audit program either by removing those Smelters Countries – DRC or adjoining countries – DRC – India
certification programs like the Responsible Minerals from their supply chain or encouraging the SOR of Concern – Madagascar
Assurance Process (RMAP). We leverage the best to participate.
practice tools and processes of the Responsible We are proactive and directly engage with particular
Minerals Initiative (RMI), including the Conflict We also monitor SOR SAP progress monthly.
Smelters that may be at risk of nonconformance
Minerals Reporting Template (CMRT) for 3TG, and Where possible we engage an independent third-
to ensure their consistent participation in the
the Extended Minerals Reporting Template (EMRT) party to assess disclosed SORs, conduct Smelter
RMAP program.
for cobalt and mica, to ensure responsible sourcing of RCOI, and identify risks in Smelters that have not
metals and avoid conflict minerals entering our supply yet undergone the RMAP or that have lost their We will keep evolving our Responsible Sourcing of
chain. We also report on our due diligence measures RMAP conformant status. Minerals program to consider emerging legal and
and results to the U.S. Securities Exchange Commission, best practice requirements, including due diligence
We support the RMI Responsible Minerals Assurance
as required by the Dodd-Frank Act of 2010. obligations associated with the new EU regulations.
Process, and require relevant In-Scope Suppliers in
Our annual analysis systematically surveys and our supply chain to encourage the facilities in their
evaluates all information relating to smelters and respective supply chain to participate in the RMAP.
refiners in our supply chain. We use this information As a RMI member, we also support the refinement
to help identify potential risks to our mineral supply and expansion of the RMAP Conformant Smelters
chain. We also provide refresher training material and Refiners list of participating Smelters through
to all related suppliers and work closely with those its membership in the RMI, as well as the Smelter
not meeting our requirements, assisting them in engagement efforts in the RMI working group.
developing Smelter Actions Plans and directing
them towards credible certification programs.

©Brian Wangenheim
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Responsible Sourcing of Minerals

Key Programs and Due Diligence Results

Tin, Tantalum, Tungsten and Gold (3TG)

Tin, tantalum, tungsten, and gold (3TG) are commonly
found in solder, gold plating, capacitors, integrated
3TG Smelters in our supply chain, with 100%
circuits, cables, and other electronic parts, and are in meeting our responsible sourcing requirements.
Logitech products. Each year we conduct a review of
our product portfolio and suppliers to identify Tier 1
Suppliers providing 3TG, engaging them to ensure
their understanding of our due diligence and Logitech uses cobalt as a component of lithium ion
reporting criteria. We require these Tier 1 suppliers batteries and magnets. In 2023, we surveyed 50
to identify and report 3TG smelters in their supply Cobalt Suppliers who then participated in training
chain using the RMI’s CMRT. and due diligence initiatives to identify Cobalt
refiners in Logitech supply chains. To achieve 100%
We assess the Smelter information that is submitted responsible cobalt sourcing, we directly engage
by the suppliers to identify Smelters in Covered with cobalt refiners and encourage their participation
Countries, and in 2022, we expanded our validation in the RMAP.
efforts to include CAHRAs. If a Smelter was located
in the Covered Countries or CAHRA list, we worked In FY23, our supplier survey data identified 47
to validate their involvement in third-party assured cobalt refiners as the source of cobalt for Logitech
responsible minerals programs such as the RMAP products. Of these, 96% (45 of 47) are now actively
or equivalent initiatives. We conduct the validation participating in RMAP or equivalent third-party
task using the RMI’s RMAP Conformant Smelter and audit programs and an additional 2% (1 of 47) were
Refiner List, and RCOI data. validated by a third-party assessment and RCOI.
The remaining cobalt refiner was not yet participating
In 2023, for the fourth consecutive year, 100% of our in RMAP, but has committed to participating in the
3TG SOR participated in a third-party audit program RMAP assessment in Q3 2024. We will continue to
fulfilling our supply chain 3TG sourcing requirements. collaborate with suppliers to monitor the status closely.
More information can be found on our Conflict
Minerals Report on the Reporting Page of
our website.
Cobalt Refiners in our supply chain, with 98%
meeting our responsible sourcing requirements.
©Jean Philippe Delberghe

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Responsible Sourcing of Minerals

Key Programs and Due Diligence Results

Mica 2023 Due Diligence Results

While mica is not classified as a “conflict mineral” 100
under the Dodd-Frank Act, concerns about human
rights violations are linked to its extraction in
countries like India and Madagascar. Reports
have highlighted issues such as child labor, illegal
operations, and unsafe working conditions in the
mica industry. In 2020, we made efforts to address 75
these issues, including conducting risk assessments,
identifying mica use in products, and collaborating
with paint suppliers to promote responsible

Number of Smelters
sourcing practices.

In 2023, out of 46 mica in-scope suppliers we 1

identified four mica processors in our supply chain. 100 1
On reviewing the information submitted by these
suppliers regarding the mica processing facilities
in their supply chain, we found that 100% of the 68
reported processors are engaged with the RMAP.

34 32
Mica processors in our supply chain, with 100%
meeting our responsible sourcing requirements.

0 4
Tantalum Tin Tungsten Gold Cobalt Mica

Participating in a third-party audit program Not yet participating in a third-party audit program

Do not source from the Countries of Concern or CAHRAs

FY24 IMPACT REPORT Introduction Planet People About this Report

this Report
118 About this Report
120 Data
128 Glossary and Acronyms
130 Endnotes

FY24 IMPACT REPORT Introduction Planet People About this Report

About this Report

Sustainability Reporting Reporting Governance Contact Us

For us, the terms SER (social, environmental, responsibility) and This Impact Report was compiled by Logitech’s worldwide Sustainability For any queries in relation to this report please contact
ESG (environment, social, and governance) are synonymous with team, incorporating contributions from essential functions throughout sustainability@logitech.com
sustainability. SER is the term used by the Responsible Business Alliance the Company and under the supervision and endorsement of
(RBA). ESG is a term used by some investors, legislators, regulators, Logitech’s leadership. Corrections or Restatements of Information
and other stakeholders. Our sustainability programs, as described in this None.
This Impact Report has developed in consideration of the following good
report, address all material aspects of sustainability, both SER and ESG.
practice reporting standards:
Organizational Scope and – The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Sustainability Reporting Standards
– United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) Communication on
Reporting Period For this Report Progress Guidelines
This Impact Report covers Logitech International S.A. and its subsidiaries.

The reporting period for this Impact Report is FY24 (i.e. April 01, 2023
to March 31, 2024), except where otherwise noted. In some cases, data
in this report relate to CY23 (i.e. January 01, 2023 to December 31, 2023)
to align with the reporting period of the industry initiative in which we
are participating.

We follow an annual reporting cycle. Please access Impact Reports for

previous years here.

FY24 IMPACT REPORT Introduction Planet People About this Report

UNGC Index
United Nations Global Compact (UNGC)

Our UNGC Commitment Letter is available on our UNGC Content Index

website. The scope of this Impact Report recognizes COMMUNICATION ON PROGRESS (COP) REQUIREMENTS REPORT SECTION
the Ten Principles of the UNGC as material aspects Statement by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) expressing continued support for the Global Compact and Statement from our CEO
of our performance and provides our Communication renewing the Company’s ongoing commitment to the initiative and its principles.

on Progress (COP) with respect to each principle, as A description of practical actions that the Company has taken to implement the Global Compact principles in Various sections of the report as indicated below.
each of the four issue areas (human rights, labor, environment, anti-corruption).
shown in the contents index on the following page.
A measurement of outcomes Various sections of the report as indicated below.
In the table on the following page, we have also
mapped the UNGC Ten Principles to the RBA Code
of Conduct, to show how the two management TEN PRINCIPLES RBA CODE REQUIREMENTS REPORT SECTION

frameworks are aligned. Our Communication on Human Rights Labor standards including the following: The Human Rights and Labor section of this report provides an overview
Principle 1: Businesses should support and respect the protection of – Working hours of the program and practical actions that we take at our production
Progress (COP) with respect to each principle can internationally proclaimed human rights; and facility to ensure implementation of, and alignment with, the principles
– Wages and benefits of the UNGC and the standards of the RBA Code of Conduct.
be found on the UNGC website here. Principle 2: make sure that they are not complicit in human rights – Humane treatment The Supplier Development section of this report provides an overview of
the program and practical actions that we take within our supply chain to
Labor Labor standards including the following: ensure implementation of, and alignment with, the principles of the
UNGC and the standards of the RBA Code of Conduct.
Principle 3: Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and – Freedom of association
the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining; The Responsible Sourcing of Minerals section of this report provides an
– Freely chosen employment
overview of the program and the initiatives we are implementing to
Principle 4: the elimination of all forms of forced and – Young workers ensure the responsible procurement of minerals.
compulsory labor;
– Non-discrimination
Principle 5: the effective abolition of child labor; and
Principle 6: the elimination of discrimination in respect of
employment and occupation.
Environment Environmental standards including the following: The Targeted Substances section of this report provides an overview of our
Principle 7: Businesses should support a precautionary approach to – Environmental permits and – Air emissions approach to the management of hazardous substances, being cognizant
environmental challenges; reporting of the precautionary principle.
– Material restrictions
Principle 8: undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental – Pollution prevention and resource The Design for Sustainability section, Climate Action section, and
– Water management Circularity section of this report describes key programs from the last
responsibility; and reduction
– Energy consumption and year, to promote greater environmental responsibility and encourage the
Principle 9: encourage the development and diffusion of – Hazardous substances greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies.
environmentally friendly technologies. – Solid waste – Management systems
Anti-Corruption Ethics standards including the following: The Ethics section of this report describes our commitment, policies, and
Principle 10: Businesses should work against corruption in all its – Business integrity – Fair business, advertising and actions to work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and
forms, including extortion and bribery. competition bribery.
– No improper advantage
– Disclosure of information – Protection of identity and
– Intellectual property
– Responsible sourcing of minerals
and privacy

FY24 IMPACT REPORT Introduction Planet People About this Report

ERM Certification and Verification Services Limited (ERM CVS) provided limited assurance on whether
this Report is fairly presented in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards and selected
key performance indicators. See the ERM CVS independent assurance report published on our website
(Reporting webpage) for further information.

For further information on how each of the following metrics are calculated, please refer to the Basis of
Reporting document on our website (Reporting webpage).

Climate Action
TABLE 1 Fuel, Refrigerant, and Electricity Consumption at our Production Facility
Units CY23

Petrol L 8145

Diesel L 2,350

HCFC-22 kg 62

HFC-134a kg 89

R-410a kg 13

Electricity kWh 18,852,779

TABLE 2 Our Scope 1 and 2 Emissions/Carbon Footprint

Units CY23

Total Scope 1 GHG emissions tCO2e 342

Total Scope 2 GHG emissions (location-based) tCO2e 13,040

Total Scope 2 GHG emissions (market-based) tCO2e 837

Total Scope 1 and 2 emissions40 tCO2e 1,179

Reduction in Scope 1 and 241 GHG emissions from base year 201942 % 58

FY24 IMPACT REPORT Introduction Planet People About this Report


TABLE 3 Renewable and Non-Renewable Electricity TABLE 5 Scope 3 Inventory

Units CY23 Units CY23

Total electricity consumption MWh 24,709 Total Scope 3 GHG emissions tCO2e 1,239,203

Total renewable electricity MWh 23,201 Purchased goods and services tCO2e 726,024

Total non-renewable electricity MWh 1,508 Capital goods tCO2e 38,399

Percentage renewable electricity43 % 94 Fuel- and energy-related activities (not included in Scope 1 or 2) tCO2e 3,322

Upstream transportation and distribution tCO2e 45,654

Waste generated in operations tCO2e 37

TABLE 4 Carbon Reduction Programs
Business travel tCO2e 8,545

Units CY23 Employee commuting tCO2e 10,528

Renewable Electricity Buyers Club for suppliers44 tCO2e 79,267 Upstream leased assets tCO2e 905

Use of post-consumer recycled plastic tCO2e 25,066 Downstream transportation and distribution tCO2e 28,499

Use of low-carbon aluminum tCO2e 13,049 Processing of sold products tCO2e 300

Renewable electricity for our production facility44 tCO2e 10,729 Use of sold products tCO2e 322,086

Optimized printed circuit boards (PCB) tCO2e 2,647 End-of-life treatment of sold products tCO2e 54,904

Steel plate removal tCO2e 1,623 Downstream leased assets tCO2e Not relevant

Renewable electricity for our offices 44

tCO2e 1,474 Franchises tCO2e Not relevant

Other reductions tCO2e 4,942 Investments tCO2e Not reported

TOTAL tCO2e 138,797 Reduction in Scope 3 emissions from base year 2021 45
% 24

FY24 IMPACT REPORT Introduction Planet People About this Report


TABLE 6 Water Withdrawal

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Units CY23
Board of Diversity
Total water withdrawal46 at our production facility t 284,780
TABLE 9 Gender Diversity of the Board of Directors

Design for Sustainability

Units FY22 FY23 FY24

Percentage of the Board of Directors who are male % 64 67 60

TABLE 7 Design for Sustainability Percentage of the Board of Directors who are female % 36 33 40

Percentage of the Board of Directors who declined to state or not specified % 0 0 0

Units FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 FY24

Percentage of products with a Product Carbon Footprint study47 % 0 4 17 42 66

Percentage of products with FSC™-certified paper packaging % 1 3 8 11 19 TABLE 10 Age Diversity of the Board of Directors

Percentage of New Product Introductions with FSC™-certified packaging49 % N/R50 N/R N/R 51 73
Units FY22 FY23 FY24
Percentage of products with Next Life Plastics51 % 2 17 56 67 73
Percentage of the Board of Directors who are <30 % 0 0 0
Percentage of products that are PVC-free52 % 28 32 39 40 43
Percentage of the Board of Directors who are 30-50 % 18 25 30

Percentage of the Board of Directors who are 51+ % 82 75 70

TABLE 8 Materials TABLE 11 Racial Diversity of the Board of Directors58
Units CY23 Units FY22 FY23 FY24

Total weight of materials used in products and packaging 53

t 95,116 Percentage of the Board of Directors who are Asian % 18 25 30

Total weight of materials with recycled content54 used in products and packaging t 30,845 Percentage of the Board of Directors who are Black or African American % 0 0 0

Percentage of materials used in products and packaging, which have recycled content % 32 Percentage of the Board of Directors who are Hispanic or Latino % 0 0 0

Total weight of natural materials used in products and packaging 55

t 38,746 Percentage of the Board of Directors who are White % 82 75 60

Weight of natural and renewable materials used in products and packaging

t 24,574 Percentage of the Board of Directors who are Indigenous or Native American % 0 0 0

Weight of natural and non-renewable materials57 used in products and packaging t 14,172 Percentage of the Board of Directors who are Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander % 0 0 0

Percentage of natural materials used in products and packaging, which are considered renewable % 63 Percentage of the Board of Directors who declined to state or not specified % 0 0 10

FY24 IMPACT REPORT Introduction Planet People About this Report


TABLE 15 Racial Diversity of all Employees58

All Employees
Units FY22 FY23 FY24
TABLE 12 Total Number of Employees
Percentage of all employees who are Asian % 34 32 33

Units FY24 Percentage of all employees who are Black or African American % 4 5 5

Total number of employees # 6,500 Percentage of all employees who are Hispanic or Latino % 5 8 9

Percentage of all employees who are White % 49 50 49

Percentage of all employees who are Indigenous or Native American % 0 0 0

TABLE 13 Gender Diversity of all Employees
Percentage of all employees who are Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander % 2 1 1

Units FY22 FY23 FY24 Percentage of all employees who declined to state or not specified % 6 4 4

Percentage of all employees who are male % 63 63 62

Percentage of all employees who are female % 37 37 38

Percentage of employees who declined to state or not specified % 0 0 0

TABLE 16 Regional Diversity of all Employees
Units FY22 FY23 FY24

Percentage of all employees who are based in EMEA % 17 17 17

TABLE 14 Age Diversity of all Employees Percentage of all employees who are based in Americas % 24 22 21

Percentage of all employees who are based in Asia Pacific % 58 60 62

Units FY22 FY23 FY24

Percentage of all employees who are <30 % 31 31 22

Percentage of all employees who are 30-50 % 61 61 67

TABLE 17 Gender Diversity in Roles
Percentage of all employees who are 51+ % 8 9 12
Units FY21 FY22 FY23 FY24

Percentage of women in all management positions 59

% 32 34 34 34

Percentage of women in junior management positions 60

% 35 36 34 34

Percentage of women in top management positions 61

% 26 29 32 33

Percentage of women managers in revenue-generating positions 62

% 7 7 8 8

Percentage of women in STEM-related positions63 % 19 21 21 21

FY24 IMPACT REPORT Introduction Planet People About this Report


TABLE 18 Gender Diversity by Contract Type64

Breakdown by Employee Level
Total Male Female N/A – Declined to state
or not specified We capture data on racial diversity for our U.S. employees as of 31 March each year. All other data in the
Permanent 6,500 4,031 2,469 0 following table is for all employees globally.
Temporary 1,134 803 331 0
Leadership Team
Logitech’s CEO and the CEO’s direct reports. A limited number of additional defined individuals may also be
TABLE 19 Regional Diversity by Contract Type
included, where requested by Logitech’s CEO.
Total EMEA Americas Asia-Pacific
TABLE 21 Gender Diversity of the Leadership Team
Permanent 6,500 1125 1,348 4,027

Temporary 1,134 115 6 1,013 Units FY22 FY23 FY24

Percentage of the Leadership Team who are male % 64 63 50

Percentage of the Leadership Team who are female % 36 38 50

TABLE 20 Gender Diversity by Employment Type66 Percentage of the Leadership Team who declined to state or not specified % 0 0 0

Male Female N/A – Declined to state

or not specified

Full-time 2,956 1,848 0 TABLE 22 Year on Year Diversity of the Leadership Team61
Part-time 36 49 0
Units FY22 FY23 FY24


Percentage of the Leadership Team who are <30 % 0 0 0

Percentage of the Leadership Team who are 30-50 % 44 38 29

Percentage of the Leadership Team who are 51+ % 56 63 71


Percentage of the Leadership Team who are Asian % 24 20 25

Percentage of the Leadership Team who are Black or African American % 6 0 0

Percentage of the Leadership Team who are Hispanic or Latino % 0 0 0

Percentage of the Leadership Team who are White % 71 80 75

Percentage of the Leadership Team who are Indigenous or Native American % 0 0 0

Percentage of the Leadership Team who are Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander % 0 0 0

Percentage of the Leadership Team who declined to state or not specified % 0 0 0

FY24 IMPACT REPORT Introduction Planet People About this Report


Extended Leadership People Managers

Our Extended Leadership comprises those directly employed by us at the Director level or above, not included Individuals directly employed by us who have direct reports.
in the Leadership Team category.
TABLE 24 Year on Year Diversity of our People Managers60
TABLE 23 Year on Year Diversity of Extended Leadership
Units FY22 FY23 FY24

Units FY22 FY23 FY24 GENDER

GENDER Percentage of our People Managers who are male % 64 66 66

Percentage of the Extended Leadership Team who are male % 71 68 68 Percentage of our People Managers who are female % 36 34 34

Percentage of the Extended Leadership Team who are female % 29 32 32 Percentage of our People Managers who declined to state or not specified % 0 0 0

Percentage of the Extended Leadership Team who declined to state or not specified % 0 0 0 AGE

AGE Percentage of our People Managers who are <30 % 3 2 2

Percentage of the Extended Leadership Team who are <30 % 0 0 0 Percentage of our People Managers who are 30-50 % 81 81 80

Percentage of the Extended Leadership Team who are 30-50 % 67 65 60 Percentage of our People Managers who are 51+ % 15 17 18

Percentage of the Extended Leadership Team who are 51+ % 33 35 40 RACE 58

RACE 58 Percentage of our People Managers who are Asian % 34 35 34

Percentage of the Extended Leadership Team who are Asian % 28 32 36 Percentage of our People Managers who are Black or African American % 4 3 3

Percentage of the Extended Leadership Team who are Black or African American % 4 4 2 Percentage of our People Managers who are Hispanic or Latino % 5 8 8

Percentage of the Extended Leadership Team who are Hispanic or Latino % 3 4 5 Percentage of our People Managers who are White % 49 49 47

Percentage of the Extended Leadership Team who are White % 59 56 54 Percentage of our People Managers who are Indigenous or Native American % 0 0 1

Percentage of the Extended Leadership Team who are Indigenous or Native American % 1 1 0 Percentage of our People Managers who are Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander % 2 1 1

Percentage of the Extended Leadership Team who are Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander % 0 1 1 Percentage of our People Managers who declined to state or not specified % 6 4 7

Percentage of the Extended Leadership Team who declined to state or not specified % 6 3 2

FY24 IMPACT REPORT Introduction Planet People About this Report


All Other Employees Health And Safety

All remaining individuals directly employed by us worldwide. TABLE 26 Health and Safety Metrics for our Production Facility
TABLE 25 Year on Year Diversity of all Other Employees Units Category CY23

Number of fatalities, due to work-related injury # cases Direct contract 67

0 0
Units FY22 FY23 FY24
Indirect contract68
Number of fatalities, due to work-related ill-health # cases Direct contract 0 0
Percentage of all other employees who are male % 62 62 61
Indirect contract 0
Percentage of all other employees who are female % 38 38 39
Number of high-consequence work-related injuries # cases Direct contract 0 0
Percentage of all other employees who are declined to state or not specified % 0 0 0
Indirect contract 0
Number of recordable work-related injuries 69
# cases Direct contract 1 1
Percentage of all other employees who are <30 % 28 29 26
Indirect contract 0
Percentage of all other employees who are 30-50 % 64 63 65
Number of recordable work-related ill health cases # cases Direct contract 0 0
Percentage of all other employees who are 51+ % 8 8 9
Indirect contract 0
Total recordable incident rate70
# cases Direct contract 0.03 0.03
Percentage of all other employees who are Asian % 32 32 32
Indirect contract 0
Percentage of all other employees who are Black or African American % 5 6 6

Percentage of all other employees who are Hispanic or Latino % 9 9 9

Hours of health and safety training provided # hours Direct contract 28,824 114,480
Percentage of all other employees who are White % 48 48 48
Indirect contract 85,656
Percentage of all other employees who are Indigenous or Native American % 0 0 0
Percentage of workers covered by the health and safety management system % Direct and Indirect contract 100%
Percentage of all other employees who are Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander % 1 1 1

Percentage of other employees who declined to state or not specified % 5 4 3

FY24 IMPACT REPORT Introduction Planet People About this Report


Governance TABLE 28 Privacy And Security

Units FY21 FY22 FY23 FY24
TABLE 27 Ethics and Compliance
Number of substantiated complaints concerning breaches of customer privacy # 0 0 0 0
Units FY21 FY22 FY23 FY24 Number of identified leaks, thefts, or losses of customer data # 0 0 0 0
Number of noncompliances with product health and safety regulations resulting in a fine or # 0 0 0 0
penalty or regulatory warning

Number of confirmed incidents71 of corruption

Number of confirmed incidents of corruption or bribery in which employees were dismissed or






RBA Code Compliance
TABLE 29 Supplier Development Activities
Number of confirmed incidents where contracts with business partners were terminated or not # 0 0 173 0
renewed due to violations related to corruption Units CY20 CY21 CY22 CY23
Number of legal cases brought against the organization or our employees for organizational # 0 0 0 0 MAJOR SUPPLIERS
Number of Major Supplier Facilities # 57 57 60 58
Number of significant fines74 and non-monetary sanctions for noncompliance with environmental # 0 0 0 0
laws and/or regulations in the last four years Percentage of Major Supplier Facilities audited % 100 100 100 100

Number of incidents of noncompliance with regulations concerning the health and safety impacts # 0 0 0 0 NEW SUPPLIERS
of products and services resulting in a fine or penalty or regulatory warning in the last four years Number of New Supplier Facilities # 59 41 25 30
Number of incidents of non-compliance with regulations concerning products and service # 0 0 0 0 Percentage of New Supplier Facilities audited % 100 100 100% 100
information and labeling resulting in a fine or penalty or regulatory warning.
Number of incidents of non-compliance with regulations concerning marketing communications, # 0 0 0 0
including advertising, promotion, and sponsorship resulting in a fine or penalty or regulatory TOTAL NUMBER OF AUDITS COMPLETED # 290 229 265 239

Legal actions (pending or completed) regarding anti-competitive behavior and violations of # 0 0 0 0

antitrust and monopoly legislation in which the organization has been identified as a participant TABLE 30 Responsible Sourcing Of Minerals
Units CY20 CY21 CY22 CY23

Supplier participation in our program 75

% 100 100 100 100

FY24 IMPACT REPORT Introduction Planet People About this Report

Glossary and Acronyms

Glossary and Acronyms


1.5 Degree Pledge This is our commitment to the Paris Agreement to take the necessary steps to reduce our corporate carbon footprint Global Reporting An international independent standards organization that helps businesses, governments, and other organizations
and to address any residuals in a manner that achieves net zero well before 2050, to limit global warming to 1.5°C. Initiative (GRI) understand and communicate their impacts on issues, such as climate change, human rights, and corruption.
Bill of Materials A Bill of Materials is a list of the raw materials, assemblies, subassemblies, parts and components, as well as the Impact Report An annual report of Logitech’s sustainability impact, progress, and commitments.
quantities of each needed to manufacture a product.
Joint Design We work with Joint Design Manufacturers (JDM) to supplement Logitech manufacturing capacity and to reduce
Carbon Clarity This Logitech program is our commitment to put Carbon Impact Labels on our products by 2025. We commit to doing Manufacturers volatility in production volumes. Our local and international teams maintain oversight of all supplier production
this across our entire portfolio to help consumers make informed choices about the environmental impact of the activities, manufacturing know-how, quality process controls, social and environmental responsibilities, and intellectual
products they choose to purchase. property protection.
Carbon Footprint The total GHG emissions associated with a product, activity, or company due to the use of fossil fuels. Land-Use Change Anthropogenic changes in land use and natural environments to create human dominated environments, such as
settlements, semi-natural and agricultural areas, leading to biodiversity change and loss.
Carbon Impact In Logitech, Carbon Impact Labels are a means of communicating the total carbon impact of a product over its full life
Labels cycle. We provide Carbon Impact Labels for consumers on packaging and on our website. The LCA studies that support LCA Study A full Life-Cycle Assessment (LCA) Study is an assessment of the environmental impact, including the carbon impact,
each Carbon Impact Label are carried out in partnership with third-party specialist consultants and are subject to an associated with the life cycle of a product or process, from cradle to grave. LCA studies conducted to international ISO
independent critical review. standards consider the following life-cycle phases: sourcing and manufacturing, distribution, use, and end-of-life.
Child Labor Child labor is defined (by the RBA Code of Conduct) as any work done by individuals below the age of 15, below the age Low-Carbon Low-carbon aluminum is aluminum produced using renewable energy sources and reduces carbon impact by up to 80%
of compulsory education completion in their home country, or below the minimum employment age of their home Aluminum compared to traditionally produced grades of aluminum.
country (whichever is higher).
Major Offices Major Offices are the offices that account for 80% of Logitech’s floorspace of owned and leased offices in the
Circular Materials In Logitech, circular materials are Renewable Materials and recycled materials. calendar year.
Circularity In Logitech, circularity is the operationalization of a capability that empowers partners and consumers with simple and Major Product Line Major Product Lines are the product lines that account for 80% of Logitech’s revenue in the last calendar year.
convenient ways to eliminate waste and contribute to a more circular world by giving products, components, and
materials a next life, effectively converting waste to raw materials. Major Suppliers Major Suppliers are the suppliers who account for 80% of Logitech’s direct spend in the calendar year.

Component Suppliers Component Suppliers provide components to our production facility in Suzhou, China. Net Zero Net zero is achieved when the carbon footprint of a company (Scope 1 GHG emissions, Scope 2 GHG emissions and
Scope 3 GHG emissions) is reduced by at least 90% and the Company purchases high-quality carbon removals to
Conflict-Affected Conflict-affected and high-risk areas are identified by the presence of armed conflict, widespread violence or other address any residual carbon impact and remove more carbon than they create.
and High-Risk Areas risks of harm to people. Armed conflict may take a variety of forms, such as a conflict of international or non-
international character, which may involve two or more states, or may consist of wars of liberation, or insurgencies, civil Next Life Plastics Next Life Plastics is post-consumer recycled plastic that is made from items that consumers submit for recycling every
wars, etc. High-risk areas may include areas of political instability or repression, institutional weakness, insecurity, the day. The recycled plastic used in Logitech products typically comes from end-of-use consumer electronics, which could
collapse of civil infrastructure, and widespread violence. Such areas are often characterized by widespread human have otherwise ended up in landfill. Logitech uses Next Life Plastics to give a second life to this material.
rights abuses and violations of national or international law (OECD, 2016) Ocean-Bound Plastic Ocean-bound plastic is plastic waste that is deemed to be at risk of leaking to waterways and the ocean.
Covered Countries The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and adjoining countries, as defined by “Section 1502 of the Dodd-Frank Act”. Product Carbon The sum of GHG emissions and removals in a product system, expressed as CO2 equivalents and based on a Life-Cycle
Design for We believe products, companies, and business models should be designed for sustainability. We apply sustainable Footprint (PCF) Assessment (LCA Study) using the single impact category of climate change.
Sustainability design thinking to our development processes and consider the full life-cycle impact of a product or process during the Psychological Safety The belief that one will not be punished or humiliated for speaking up with ideas, questions, concerns, or mistakes.
design process. Our goal is to design out adverse impacts on people and the environment and design in net positive
environmental and social impact. RBA Code of Conduct The RBA Code of Conduct is maintained by the Responsible Business Alliance, in collaboration with its members to
define best practice standards for the management of labor, ethics, environment, health and safety, and management
Direct Suppliers See Tier 1 Suppliers. systems. The RBA Code of Conduct focuses on priority issues for the RBA membership, including emerging issues that
Dispatch Agencies Dispatch Agencies hire and manage workers on behalf of a business. The workers (known as “Dispatch Workers”) have are not well understood. It is reflective of international norms and good practice, including the Universal Declaration
an employment contract with the Dispatch Agency and the Dispatch Agency has a contractual agreement with the of Human Rights (UDHR), the International Labor Organization (ILO)’s International Labor Standards, the Organisation
business. Dispatch Agencies tend to be highly specialized and are often used to supplement in-house capability to hire for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, Occupational Health
and manage a workforce. and Safety Assessment Standard (OHSAS) 18001, International Organization for Standardization, ISO 14001,
and Social Accountability International, SA8000.
Do Nothing Design “Do nothing design scenario” refers to a theoretical equivalent design, which did not apply our Design for Sustainability
Scenario (DfS) principles and thought leadership approach.

FY24 IMPACT REPORT Introduction Planet People About this Report

Glossary and Acronyms

Glossary and Acronyms continued


Recycled Materials In Logitech, recycled materials are materials that have independently certified recycled content. Those materials are AI Artificial Intelligence PCB Printed Circuit Board
typically made from post-consumer, end-of-life products.
AMR North and South America PCF Product Carbon Footprint
Renewable Materials Renewable materials are natural materials that can be replenished quickly and are recyclable at end-of-life. We
recognize FSC™-certified paper and paper with high recycled content as a renewable material.
AP Asia Pacific RBA Responsible Business Alliance
Scope 1 GHG GHG emissions associated with use of fossil fuels and refrigerants at our production facility and offices.
emissions CAHRA Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas RCOI Reasonable Country of Origin Inquiry

CMRT Conflict Minerals Report Template RMAP Responsible Minerals Assurance Process (RMAP)
Scope 2 GHG GHG emissions associated with use of electricity at our production facility and offices.
emissions CY Calendar Year RMI Responsible Minerals Initiative
Scope 3 GHG GHG emissions associated with our value chain. These emissions are not under our direct control but we can influence our (In Logitech, this equates to 1 January to
emissions suppliers, downstream distributors, and customers. 31 December) SAI Social Accounting International

Smelters Smelters and Refiners are collectively referred to as “Smelters” in the Responsible Sourcing of Minerals section of this DfS Design for Sustainability SAP Smelter Action Plans
DRC The Democratic Republic of the Congo STEAM Science, Technology, Engineering, Art,
Sustainability We are often asked what we mean by sustainability at Logitech. Sustainability can mean different things to different Mathematics
people, depending on an individual’s priorities, experience, and perspective. Within Logitech, the terms SER (social,
environmental, responsibility) and ESG (environment, social, and governance) are synonymous with sustainability. SER is a EMEA Europe, the Middle East and Africa
STEM Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics
term used by the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA). ESG is a term used by some investors, legislators, regulators, and
other stakeholders. Our Sustainability programs, as described in this report, address all material aspects of sustainability, EMRT Extended Minerals Reporting Template
UNGC United Nations Global Compact
SER and ESG. Our Social Impact programs are a crucial element of our sustainability agenda and address social
challenges and injustice in culture, communities, and in wider society. FY Financial Year
(In Logitech, this equates to 1 April to 31 March) U.S. United States
Stakeholder Stakeholders are those groups who affect and/or could be affected by an organization’s activities, products, or services
and associated performance. This does not include all those who may have knowledge of, or views about, an GHG Greenhouse gasses
organization. Organizations will have many stakeholders, each with distinct types and levels of involvement, and often
with diverse and sometimes conflicting interests and concerns. ILO International Labor Organization
(AA1000 Stakeholder Engagement Standard)
IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
Stakeholder Stakeholder engagement is the process used by an organization to engage relevant stakeholders for a purpose to achieve
Engagement agreed outcomes. ISO International Organization for Standardization
(AA1000 Stakeholder Engagement Standard)
LCA Life-Cycle Assessment
Targeted Substances Hazardous and non-hazardous substances that are regulated by law or subject to Logitech preventative measures to
eliminate, manage, and control their use in our manufacturing process and products. LGBTQIA+ Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer
Tier 1 Suppliers Suppliers that have a direct contractual relationship with Logitech. or questioning, intersex, asexual and more

MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet

NPI New Product Introduction

OBP Ocean-Bound Plastic

OECD Organization for Economic Co-operation

and Development

FY24 IMPACT REPORT Introduction Planet People About this Report

1. The use by Logitech of any MSCI ESG Research LLC or its Affiliates 14. Excludes electrical and electronic components, cables, capsule 26. Renewable materials are natural materials that can be replenished
(MSCI) data, and the use of MSCI logos, Trademarks, Service Marks, or and packaging. as quickly as they are used and are recyclable at end-of-life.
Index Names Herein, do not constitute a sponsorship, endorsement, 15. Graphite model. Excludes Electronic Components, cables, PWA We recognize FSC™-certified paper and paper with high recycled
recommendation for promotion of Logitech by MSCI. MSCI Services and packaging. content as a renewable material.
and data are the property of MSCI or its information provided, and are 27. Modeled as the weight of materials placed on market from
16. Excludes printed circuit board plastics, and packaging.
provided “‘As-Is”’ and without warranty. MSCI names and logos are 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2023, using ex-Factory shipping
trademarks or service marks or MSCI. 17. More than 98% non-plastic packaging.
records of the number of product units placed on market during this
2. Tier 1 suppliers that account for 80% of our direct spend. 18. Our Net Zero Target is also recognized under the UNGC Forward period and bill of materials data, which is collected as inputs for
Faster Initiative as a science-based net zero emissions target in line third-party reviewed Life-Cycle Assessments and internal Life-Cycle
3. Suppliers that have a direct contractual relationship with Logitech.
with a 1.5°C pathway. Assessments for a selection of products, and extrapolated to the full
4. The offices that account for more than 80% of floorspace,
19. The offices that account for more than 80% of floorspace, worldwide, portfolio of products, using a proxy approach. Product-to-product
worldwide, excluding our production facility.
excluding our production facility. data variation may affect chart accuracy.
5. Excludes printed wiring assembly, cables, and packaging.
20. Scope 2 GHG emissions from our production facility and Major Offices. 28. Other materials include acoustic modules, composite packaging,
6. Modelled based on a pre-production sample compared to the connectors, consumables, electronic components, foams, glass,
21. Emission factor: 0.5691 kgCO2e/kWh (IEA 2023 database).
Logitech K350 Wave Keyboard (1st gen). magnets, pallets, polyurethane, rubbers, tapes, glues, textiles,
22. Carbon saving associated with units shipped from 1 January 2023
7. Modelled based on a black pre-production sample and compared to and wood.
to 31 December 2023.
a “do nothing design scenario”. 29. Measured as the percentage of units shipped from 1 March 2024 to
23. Measured as the number of product lines shipped from 1 March 2024
8. Modelled on a pre-production sample compared to a “do nothing 31 March 2024, which incorporate post-consumer recycled plastic.
to 31 March 2024, which had low-carbon aluminum. Carbon saving is
design scenario”. 30. Measured as the carbon reduction achieved, compared to virgin
measured as the carbon saving from the use of low-carbon aluminum
9. Graphite keyboard and touchpad with classic chic book. Excludes in units shipped from 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2023. plastic alternatives, for units shipped from 1 January 2023 to
plastic in printed wiring assembly and packaging. 31 December 2023.
24. Aluminum with a footprint of <3 tCO2/t. Research by the First Movers
10 More than 98% non-plastic packaging. Coalition indicates the production of near-zero primary aluminum 31. Measured as the percentage of units shipped from 1 March 2024 to
11. Modelled to evaluate a pre-production sample compared to the “do at this threshold will require the adoption of at least one of many 31 March 2024, for which paper-based consumer packaging was
nothing design scenario”. 20% is the minimum reduction achieved. breakthrough technologies in the aluminum production process. FSC™-certified.

12. Excludes plastic in receiver, battery, printed wiring assembly, 25. Measured as the percentage of units shipped from 1 March 2024 to 32. Measured as the percentage of New Product Introductions shipped
and FFC cable. 31 March 2024, for which Logitech had a third-party reviewed Product from 1 March 2024 to 31 March 2024, for which paper-based consumer
Carbon Footprint. packaging was FSC™-certified. A New Product Introduction is a
13. More than 98% paper packaging to enable curb-side recycling where
Logitech product line that is launched within the boundaries of the
facilities exist.
financial year reporting period.

FY24 IMPACT REPORT Introduction Planet People About this Report


33. WWF (2009) Zero Net Deforestation 2020 – A WWF Briefing Paper. 41. Market-based Scope 2 emissions. 51. Measured as the percentage of units shipped from 1 March 2024
34. Measured as the percentage of units shipped from 1 March 2024 42. Our baseline emissions for 2019 were 895 tCO2e (Scope 1) and to 31 March 2024, which incorporate post-consumer recycled plastic.
to 31 March 2024, for which paper-based consumer packaging was 1,955 tCO2e (Scope 2) market-based. 52. Measured as the percentage of product lines shipped from
FSC™-certified. A New Product Introduction is a Logitech product 43. The renewable electricity footprint of our production facility and 01 March 2024 to 31 March 2024, which have no detectable
line that is launched within the boundaries of the financial year Major Offices, as a percentage of total electricity footprint of those presence of polyvinyl chloride e.g. in cables or component parts.
reporting period. facilities, rounded to the nearest 1%. Our Major Offices are the We test for the presence of chlorine at concentrations of greater
35. Data represents all permanent employees. Percentages may not add offices that account for 80% of floor space. than 2,200 ppm.
up to 100% due to rounding. 44. Including green tariffs and Energy Attribute Certificates. 53. The weight of materials used in Logitech products and packaging is
36. Measured from April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024 ascertained by reviewing bill of materials (BOM) data. A variety of
45. In our baseline year (2021), total Scope 3 GHG emissions were
data sources are used, including BOM data that forms part of third-
37. A Donor Advised Fund is a philanthropic giving vehicle sponsored by a 1,634,424 tCO2e.
party reviewed Life Cycle Assessments and commercial/shipping
public charity, permitting donors to contribute to the fund and 46. Withdrawal is the sum of all water drawn from surface water, records. By the end of March 2024, we had third-party validated
recommend grants. groundwater, seawater, or a third party, for any use. BOM data for 66% of units shipped. For the remainder of the
38. The RBA term “Priority Aspects” is a nonconformance which has 47. Measured as the percentage of units shipped from 1 March 2024 portfolio, we used a proxy approach and insights from comparable
significant and immediate impact. RBA quotes the following to 31 March 2024, for which Logitech had a third-party reviewed LCAs from similar product categories. Product-to-product data
examples: “Health and safety issues that can cause immediate Product Carbon Footprint. variation may affect data accuracy. The resulting product data is
danger to life or serious injury; environmental issues that can result in multiplied by the number of units shipped ex-Factory between
48. Measured as the percentage of units shipped from 1 March 2024
serious and immediate harm to the local environment or community. 01 January 2023 to 31 December 2023, using ex-Factory shipping
to 31 March 2024, for which all paper-based consumer packaging
39. On a case-by-case basis, we may accept a supplier’s use of an was FSC™-certified. records of the number of product units placed on market during
“equivalent program”, if the program is deemed to be credible and this period and the bill of materials.
49. Measured as the percentage of New Product Introduction units
reputable, taking into account the specific materials and suppliers 54. Modeled as the weight of post-consumer recycled plastic shipped
shipped from 1 March 2024 to 31 March 2024, for which all paper-
of interest (a number of other schemes are used and advocated ex-Factory in Logitech products from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024.
based consumer packaging was FSC™-certified. A New Product
by other RBA members, e.g. London Bullion Market Association, All other materials are assumed to have zero recycled content for
Introduction is a Logitech product line that is launched within the
Responsible Jewellery Council), Responsible Jewellery Council now, in the absence of validated data stating otherwise. Therefore,
boundaries of the financial year reporting period i.e. 1 April 2023 to
(the “RJC”) Chain-of-Custody Certification Program, The Copper these data represent a very conservative estimate.
31 March 2024.
Mark Assurance Framework.
50. N/R: Not reported as Data was not available at the time 55. Natural materials are materials that are generated by ecological
40. The renewable electricity footprint of our production facility and processes e.g. paper; not plastic.
of reporting.
Major Offices, as a percentage of total electricity footprint of those
facilities, rounded to the nearest 1%. Our Major Offices are the
offices that account for 80% of floor space.

FY24 IMPACT REPORT Introduction Planet People About this Report


56. Renewable materials are natural materials that can be replenished 63. STEM positions are positions that relate to science, technology, 72. We conducted a comprehensive investigation based on an
quickly and are recyclable at end-of-life. We recognize FSC™- engineering, and mathematics. Logitech’s People and Culture team anonymous tip, and the investigation found that an employee was
certified paper as a renewable material, as well as the paper define these positions, which include engineers, data scientists, and receiving personal payments from one of Logitech’s sellers. There
packaging used in our master shipper boxes. others. The number of women in STEM positions is calculated as a was no wrongdoing by any other Logitech employee or Logitech as a
57. Non-renewable materials are natural materials that cannot be percentage of the total number of individuals in STEM positions. company. This was a Code of Conduct violation, and the employee
replenished quickly or are not recyclable at end-of-life. 64. Includes permanent and temporary direct and indirect workers from was terminated and our relationship with the seller was not renewed.

58. Data is available for U.S. employees only. Individuals may choose to all regions worldwide. 73. This is the same incident that is described in the previous end note.
disclose their racial/ethnicity in accordance with the categories and 65. Includes permanent and temporary direct and indirect workers from 74. A fine of more than USD10,000.
requirements of the U.S Equal Employment Opportunity Commission all regions worldwide. 75. Percentage of relevant suppliers that participated in our Responsible
EE-01 Component Reporting rules. Individuals who choose not to 66. Includes direct and indirect workers from all regions worldwide. Sourcing Program, where “relevant suppliers” are defined as the
identify are classified as N/A – declined to state or not specified. Assembly line workers in our production facility are excluded. suppliers that manufacture products or components with tin,
59. Women in the Logitech “People Managers” category, “Extended 67. Direct contract: Individuals with a direct employment contract with tantalum, tungsten, gold, mica or cobalt.
Leadership” category, and “Leadership Team” category, as a Logitech.
percentage of all individuals in those categories.
68. Indirect contract: Workers who do not have a direct employment
60. Women in the Logitech “People Managers” category, as a contract with Logitech but their routine work and or workplace is
percentage of all individuals in that category. controlled by Logitech. This includes but is not limited to Dispatch
61. Women in the Logitech “Extended Leadership” category and Workers and Temporary Workers (Intern/Student Workers and
“Leadership Team” category, as a percentage of all individuals in Fixed Term).
these two categories. 69. Incident categories comprised slip/trip/fall and hit/cut/bruise due to
62. Revenue-generating positions are positions in sales or with any type manual handling of materials, equipment or tools.
of sales commission; for example, some of Logitech’s Customer 70. Total number of recordable injuries and illness cases per 200,000
Support Group and Design and Marketing Group may be included. hours worked.
The percentage of women managers in revenue-generating positions
71. A confirmed incident is a substantiated case.
is calculated as the number of women managers in revenue-
generating positions divided by the total number of managers in
revenue-generating positions.


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