Unit-1: Prospect of recent trend in National and Global Scenario of Horticulture Development,
Classification of horticultural crops on the basis of agro-climatic conditions, nutritional
values, botanical plant parts used, medicinal uses. Present status of cultivation and
export potential of horticultural crops. Contribution of Horticultural Research Centres
in development of horticulture. Concept of 'Golden Revolution' and future thrust.
Concepts of 'National Horticulture Mission' and its programme. Role of NHB, APEDA,
ICAR, NMPB, State and Central Govt. Horticulture Development Agencies and
Societies in Development of Horticulture.
Unit-2: Prospect of improve cultivation of fruits, vegetables, medicinal and aromatic plants,
spices, floriculture & landscaping, plantation crops, orchids, post harvest technology
and handling, Principles and importance of protected cultivation, precision farming,
organic farming, green house/glass house cultivation, net house, bio-dynamic farming.
Principles of modern nursery establishment and management principles and methods of
propagation. Role of root-stocks in production of quality planting materials Methods of
propagation and multiplication of important horticultural crops, tissue culture, mist
house, bottom heat, hot bed, hybrid seed production, methods of quality seed
production, breeding methods of important fruits, vegetables and flowers & spices.
Unit-3: Recent advances, importance & improve production technology for cultivation
commercial and potential fruits, vegetables, ornamental plants, spices, flowers, orchids,
plantation crops, medicinal & aromatic plants and their management practices for
production of quality produce, plant protection measures, nutrients and water
management practices determination of maturity indices and harvesting technology,
storage, marketing and post-harvest management practices, methods of minimising
post-harvest losses, and development of post-harvest and processing technology.
Growth and development, dormancy, chilling requirement, pollination, fertilization,
parthenocarpy, seedlessness parathenogenesis sterility unfruitfulness, problems in,
fruit/seed setting, biochemical changes during maturation and ripening.
Unit-5: Principles of high density orcharding, meadow orcharding, planting systems, multi-tier
inter cropping systems, canopy management. Principles of pruning & training and
methods of training rejuvenation and top working management of wasteland, watershed
and dry land. Integrated nutrients and pest/disease management, water management/
water harvesting and micro-irrigation systems, fertigation, methods of fertilizers
application and foliar feeding of nutrients. Principles and elements of landscaping,
garden features and adornments, principles and important features of different types of
gardens, bonsai cultivation, indoor garden and arrangements of indoor plants, flower
arrangement, packaging, storage and transportation of different types of cut flowers,
principles of turf grass management and planting techniques, different types of special
Unit-6: Prospect of value addition, National and Global scenario, production and export women
empowerment through value added products making supply chain management.
Problems of pre and post-harvest losses, cool chain, zero-energy cool system,
refrigerated system, quality certification food and labelling and marketing system,
enhancing life of perishable horticultural produce of fruits, vegetables, flowers,
medicinal & aromatic crops, methods of post-harvest handling, storage.
Unit-7: Export and import of Horticultural produce, value addition of horticultural produce, agri
export zone for Horticultural Crop (AEZ). Problems and prospects of Development of
Horticultural Industry. Role of Horticulture in National Development.
Unit-8: Role of remote sensing in Horticultural Crops, Bio-diversity and Conservation issues
and goals centres of origin of Horticultural Crops. Role of bio-technology in production
of horticultural crops major establishment of bio-diversity zones and distribution of
plant genetic resources and methods of their conservation, principles of herbal garden,
gene garden, gene bank, bio-technical garden, plantorium and Bio-park.
Unit-9: Food safety standard and food laws. Horticultural produce waste management.
Principles and methods of preservation, by heat, chemical, radiation, dehydration,
freezing, fermentation, preparation of different quality produce and quality of control
mechanism, modern storage system, precooling, low temperature modified atmosphere