Desigb by Nature
Desigb by Nature
Desigb by Nature
designed by nature
inspired by
ho needs inspiration? Scientists,
technologists, engineers, math-
ematicians, inventors, artists,
teachers, politicians…almost
everyone needs inspiration at some point. People
need inspiration to help them create products,
design solutions, and solve problems.
loops of his pants. Using this discovery and working with a fabric tunnels resulted in loud and annoying sounds that disturbed
weaver, de Mestral was able to design a hook-and-loop fastener people in the vicinity. The chief engineer was also a bird
system made from cotton—and later nylon—and the rest is his- watcher. He looked to nature for a solution, and he found it in
tory. Today, Velcro® hook-and-loop fasteners permeate all kinds the kingfisher, a bird known to dive from its perch in order to
of products and industries by serving as an incredibly reliable and catch fish. The kingfisher’s long, pointed bill caused very little
convenient fastening system that every child is certain to know disturbance in the water, and this shape became the inspira-
well. tion for a redesigned train nose that led to a quieter, more
energy efficient, and faster train (Biomimicry 3.8 Institute,
Thanks to the work of Benyus and many of her colleagues, there 2012).
is an abundance of interesting stories of how biomimicry has
transformed our designed world that are readily available today. • Beautiful butterflies and lovely lotus leaves have both been
When designers and engineers look to nature for inspiration on aesthetic inspirations for artists. But, lotus leaves and but-
how to solve a problem, they can often find truly remarkable ideas terflies have also inspired designers and engineers because
and examples that can be imitated and reproduced with suc- of their unique ability to shed dirt and water. Biomimics have
cess. Below are just some of the many examples described at learned that the butterfly’s wings and lotus leaf are micro-
the Biomimicry 3.8 website (Biomimicry 3.8 Institute, 2012) or Ask scopically rough. They contain millions of tiny nanoscale
Nature website (Biomimicry 3.8 Institute, 2008-2013), collabora- structures that trap air and allow water droplets to gently roll
tive projects with which Benyus is affiliated today. off of them, taking dirt particles with them. This finding led
to the development of new paint, glass, and fabric finishes
• Engineers studying humpback whales applied what they that are easier to keep clean (Biomimicry 3.8 Institute, 2012,
learned about the whales’ fins to the design of more aerody- 2008-2013). In fact, the National Aeronautics and Space
namic wind turbine blades. It turns out that humpback whales’ Administration (NASA) is also looking at this nature-inspired
flippers have irregular bumps on their leading edges that help technology as a way to keep lunar dust from adhering to
them to maneuver through water with great dexterity and less space materials and equipment (NASA, 2007).
turbulence (Biomimicry 3.8 Institute, 2012).
• Autumn leaves create an interesting and appealing pattern on
• A Japanese bullet train that travels 200 miles per hour had a the forest floor. Despite the fact that the leaves have hap-
noise problem. Air pressure changes when traveling through hazardly fallen into place, the random leaf pattern still looks