JULY 2001
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The calculation of failure rates is an important metric in assessing the reliability performance of a
product or process. This data can be used as a benchmark for future performance or an
assessment of past performance, which might signal a need for product or process improvement.
Reliability data are expressed in numerous units of measurement. This document uses the units
of FITs (Failures-In-Time), where one FIT is equal to one failure occurring in 109 device-hours.
These methods are assembled here to provide a reference to the way failure rates are calculated in
Most of these methods only apply to constant failure rates. They assume that a χ distribution is
a reasonable approximation of the failure distribution over time. The examples given use failures
that exhibit an Arrhenius behavior. Other failure models can also be applied to these methods,
but care must be used for those models that do not simulate a constant failure rate.
Please note that the methods described in this document represent simplified ways of calculating
failure rates using various forms of data. More detailed methods exist in other publications, such
as EIA/JESD63 Standard Method for Calculating the Electromigration Model Parameters for
Current Density and Temperature and JESD37 Standard for Lognormal Analysis of Uncensored
Data and of Singly Right-Censored Data Using the Persson and Rootzen Method.
JEDEC Standard No. 85
JEDEC Standard No. JESD85
Page 1
(From JEDEC Board Ballot JCB-01-02, formulated under the cognizance of the JC-14.3
Subcommittee on Silicon Devices Reliability Qualification and Monitoring.)
1 Scope
The methods described in this document apply to failure modes and mechanisms whose failures
exhibit a constant failure rate, e.g., an Arrhenius behavior characterized by an activation energy
for failure. If data on the distributions of failure with time exist, these activation energies can be
assumed from prior knowledge or failure analysis signatures. If the default activation energies
are not known or can't be determined, an activation energy can be used as a default. Refer to
JEP122 Activation Energies for Failure Mechanisms to obtain initial estimates.
The purpose of this method is to provide a reference to the way failure rates are calculated in
probability density function of the time-to-failure; mortality function [f(t)]: The probability
of failure at a given instant of time t. F(t)dt is the probability of failure in the interval t to t + dt.
cumulative reliability function [R(t)]: The probability that a device will function at time t or
the fraction of units surviving to time t. R(t) = 1 – F(t)
instantaneous (or hazard) failure rate [h(t)]: The rate at which devices are failing referenced
to the survivors. h(t) = f(t) / R(t)
FIT (failure in time): The number of failures per 109 device-hours. Typically used to express the
failure rate. Similarly, it can be defined as 1 PPM per 1000 hours of operation or one failure per
1000 devices run for one million hours of operation.
bathtub curve: A plot of hazard rate versus time that exhibits three phases of life: infant
mortality (initially decreasing failure rate with time), intrinsic or useful life (relatively constant
failure rate) and wearout (increasing failure rate with time).
acceleration factor (AF): A multiplier relating failure times during an accelerated life test
versus those during useful life application conditions, assuming the same cumulative percent
failures and sigma for the two different stress conditions.
activation energy (EA): The excess free energy over the ground state that must be acquired by
an atomic or molecular system in order that a particular process can occur. Examples are the
energy needed by the molecule to take part in a chemical reaction, by an electron to reach the
conduction band in a semiconductor, or by a lattice defect to move to a neighboring site.
apparent activation energy (EA’): Activation energy that is calculated using the principles of
the physical relationship between stress and failure rate but is not directly related to a basic
change in physical processes. It may be based on too many possible physical “effects” that, when
stressed as a unit, produce a cumulative effect. It is similar to the concept of activation energy
but measures the probability of not exceeding some measurable attribute. A plot of the
reciprocal or absolute temperature (1/T(K)) versus the log of percent failed is linear.
The methods detailed below are arranged in an order such that an increasing amount of detail
regarding the failure data is available for each successive model
3.1 Case I: Single activation energy procedure for constant failure rate distributions
This method assumes knowledge of the number of failures in a known sample size from a life
test with a single stress temperature and single end point test. The failures have not been
segregated or analyzed to determine the applicable failure mechanism, so an apparent activation
energy is assumed for all failures.
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3.1 Case I: Single activation energy procedure for constant failure rate distributions
Using the Arrhenius equation (1), calculate the acceleration factor for the failures at the given
stress and use temperatures.
E 1 1
AF = exp A ⋅ − (1)
0.7eV 1 1
= exp −5 ⋅ −
8.6 ⋅ 10 eV / K (55 + 273)° K (125 + 273)° K
= 78.6
Usually devices draw power during life test. Junction temperature can be derived from the
ambient temperature, power dissipation and the thermal impedance, and should be used for
accurate estimation of the acceleration factor. The self-heating in a device is package-dependent.
The thermal dissipation property of a package (Theta ja, θja) determines the amount of self-
heating for the package. θja is a function of the air velocity around the package body. A good rule
of thumb is that θja is reduced by as much as 30% for moving air compared to still air. As an
example, if we were to assume that θja were 60 °C/watt, the power dissipation were 0.1 watt at
125 °C, and 0.12 watts at 55 °C, then there would be 7.2 °C (60*0.12) difference between
junction temperature and ambient at 55 °C and 6 °C (60*0.1) difference at 125 °C. Thus, the
acceleration factor would be calculated based on 131 °C as stress temperature vs. 62.2 °C as the
actual use temperature. The net effect of the self-heating would reduce acceleration factor to
62.5, compared to 78.6 calculated earlier without a self -heating consideration.
Some mechanisms such as oxide and inter-layer dielectrics may also be accelerated due to the
applied electric fields. Appropriate models may be used to calculate acceleration due to voltage
applied. Refer to JEP122 for the most commonly used models.
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3.1 Case I: Single activation energy procedure for constant failure rate distributions
f ⋅ 10 9
t ⋅ ss ⋅ AF
15 ⋅ 10 9
2000h ⋅ 500 ⋅ 78.6
χ 2 % CL, 2 f +2 ⋅ 109
λCL =
2 ⋅ t ⋅ ss ⋅ AF
33.4 ⋅ 10 9
λ60% CL = χ2 for 15 failures is 33.4 for 60% confidence)
2 ⋅ 2000h ⋅ 500 ⋅ 78.6
42.6 ⋅ 10 9
λ90% CL = χ2 for 15 failures is 42.6 for 90% confidence)
2 ⋅ 2000h ⋅ 500 ⋅ 78.6
3.2 Case II: multiple activation energy procedure for constant failure rate distributions
For this method, the data set is the same as in section 5.1, but now it is known that the devices
failed due to several different failure mechanisms to which can be assigned the appropriate
activation energies.
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3.2 Case II: Multiple activation energy procedure for constant failure rate distributions
Total # of failures = 15
Calculate the acceleration factors for each failure mechanism (known activation energy) at the
given stress and use temperatures using the Arrhenius equation (1)
Calculate the point estimate of the failure rate for each failure mechanism and add to obtain the
point estimate of the total failure rate.
f ⋅ 10 9
t ⋅ ss ⋅ AF
3 ⋅ 10 9
λ FM #1 = (0.5 eV)
2000h ⋅ 500 ⋅ 22.6
5 ⋅ 10 9
λ FM # 2 = (0.7 eV)
2000h ⋅ 500 ⋅ 78.6
7 ⋅ 10 9
λ FM #3 = (1.0 eV)
2000h ⋅ 500 ⋅ 510
3.2 Case II: Multiple activation energy procedure for constant failure rate distributions
3.2.4 Calculate the upper confidence bound of the total failure rate
χ%2 CL , 2 f +2
210 ⋅ 33.4
λTOTAL, 60% CL =
210 ⋅ 42.6
λTOTAL ,90% CL =
3.3 Case III: Multiple activation energy procedure for constant failure rate distributions
with known test interval
For this method, the data set is the same as in sections 5.1 and 5.2, but the stress was now
performed using different test intervals to determine when each of the failures occurred. This
type of detail enables a calculation of the average failure rate within a given time interval. The
early life, or nonconstant failure rate, segment can be calculated using a Weibull distribution
(m < 1). Make an assumption about where the constant or steady state failure rate time interval
begins. This time interval should be with respect to the use conditions, not the test time, since
different failure mechanisms exist in the failures. Note that, if the failure mechanisms were
unknown, a steady state time interval for the constant failure rate in terms of the stress time could
be used. The time period before the beginning of the time interval is assumed to represent a
nonconstant failure rate (e.g., infant mortality-type failures) and can be represented by a Weibull
distribution (m < 1). For this example, we assume our application displays a breakpoint between
early life and inherent life at 10,000 hours use time.
0hr < tUSE,WEIBULL < 10,000 h nonconstant failure rate (infant mortality)
It is assumed that this particular life test does not stress the devices to the wearout portion of their
lifetime. If the data shows a nonconstant (increasing) failure rate before the end of the stress
time, then the failure rate for that segment can be calculated using the method described below
for a Weibull distribution (m > 1).
3.3 Case III: Multiple activation energy procedure for constant failure rate distributions
with known test interval (cont’d)
3.3.2 Separate the data into early life and inherent life periods
The field equivalent hours of 10,000 (depending on the application, different times may also be
used) is used to find the equivalent time for each mechanism as follows:
This means that the first two read points of 48 and 168 hours for the 0.5 eV belongs in the early
life period. The first read point of 48 hours read point for the 0.7 eV group also belongs in the
early life period while all the rest of the read points will belong to the inherent life group (the
constant or steady state failure rate). The early life data points are highlighted in the table in
3.3.1. This data is rearranged separating the early life portion from the inherent life for ease of
For the use condition time interval between 0 and 10,000 hours, assume a Weibull distribution
with a declining failure rate to reflect the infant mortality portion of the lifetime bathtub curve
(m < 1). Calculate a failure rate for a given stress time interval inside the nonconstant failure rate
Since there is only one failure in the early life period, the Weibull distribution can not be applied
to this data set. Also, calculating the failure rates based on more then two read points minimize
the error in estimate. However, with very few failures and large sample sizes, we may use the
exponential model to estimate the early life failure rate.
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3.3 Case III: Multiple activation energy procedure for constant failure rate distributions
with known test interval (cont’d)
0.6 ⋅ 10 9
λ FM #1 = (0.5 eV) (for zero failure, substitute .6 for 50% confidence)
168h ⋅ 500 ⋅ 22.6
1 ⋅ 10 9
λ FM # 2 = (0.7 eV)
48h ⋅ 500 ⋅ 78.6
Consider a test where the activation energy for the observed failure mechanism and test
conditions result in an acceleration factor of 100. The test started with a sample of 500 pieces
and one failure occurred at 48 hours. The remaining sample was continued to 96 hours wherein
one additional failure occurred.
The basic Weibull parameters are "m," the shape parameter and "c," the characteristic life. m
is defined as follows:
ln(c) = 10.076
m = 1.001446
For t = 1 hour,
With very few failures, and m closer to 1, the Weibull distribution reduces to the exponential
form and is a better estimate for failure rates.
2 ⋅ 10 9
λ =
96h ⋅ 500 ⋅ 100
Since 11,300 hours is greater then 10,000 hours for the early life period with one failure and that
there was no failure at the 3797 read point, we do not know if this failure occurred within the
early life period or beyond. Therefore, the failure rate would be averaged beyond the early life
period of 3797. If we assume a constant failure rate between 3797 and 11,300 hours, the
likelihood of the one failure occurring after the early life breakpoint of 10,000 hours is:
JEDEC Standard No. JESD85
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11,300 − 10,000
a= = 017
11,300 − 3797
and f = 2+.17= 2.17
f ⋅ 109
3 ⋅ 109 2.17 ⋅ 10 9
λ0.5eV = λ0.5eV =
500 ⋅ ( 45200 − 11300) to 500 ⋅ (45200 − 10000)
In the case with 0.7 eV, there are no failures beyond early life and the first read point in inherent
life, thus the failure rate (4 fails) will be averaged between 13,205 and 157,200 hours.
4 ⋅ 10 9
λ0.7 eV =
500 ⋅ (157200 − 13205)
In the case with 1.0 eV, there are 2 failures that could have occurred during early life or inherent
life. Since the inherent life period is assumed to have a constant failure rate and we have more
than one data point in this region to use, the first two failures (shaded in the table above) can be
ignored. Thus the failure rate (5 fails) will be averaged between 24,480 and 1,020,000 hours.
5 ⋅ 10 9
λ1.0eV = = 10.05 ~10 FITs
500 ⋅ (1020000 − 24480)
The total failure rate in the constant failure rate time interval is the sum of all individual failure
The upper confidence bounds can be obtained using the same procedure shown in the previous
methods. A comparison of the results of the first three cases using the same data set can be
found in Annex 3.
This method is used when dealing with censored (OR Type II) data, which is data that is obtained
after a truncation of a test either after a given number of failures or after a certain period of time.
Other types of censoring include interval (data recorded only during certain intervals) and
suspended (functioning parts removed during life test) censoring. The latter requires the use of
the Kaplan-Meier method of data treatment by collecting the relative (vs. absolute) failures. This
will be illustrated in the following example.
Here, there are three more sets of data with different rates and occurrences of failures, and
stressed at different temperatures so as to produce different accelerations. Thus, different
termination times are produced when calculated for use times. For simplicity, we assume in the
example below the same activation energy (0.7 eV) for all the failures.
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There are four sampling of 500 devices each. The default activation energy for all failures is
assumed to be 0.7 eV. Failures after each read-point for each stress temperature are shown
below. An "x" indicates that a read-point was not taken for that sampling.
Using the Arrhenius equation (0.7 eV for activation energy), convert the stress times to
equivalent use times (use temperature of 55 °C) as summarized in the table below. The numbers
in parentheses ( ) below are the ordering of the use hours from shortest to longest.
If we make the optimistic assumption that the failures occurred at the end of the test interval, we
obtain the following failure distribution extrapolated to useful life conditions. The "-" indicates
no reading taken at that equivalent use time.
An “x” indicates that there were no more components from a specific sample in the test.
NOTE For sampling # 1, the last read point was 20,000; for sampling # 2, the last read point
was 157,200; for sampling # 3, the last read point was 39,300 and for sampling # 4, the last
read point was 526,000 (indicated by shading in the appropriate field).
Refer to Annex 1 for sample calculation of cum failures.
[ ]
na = na −1 − ns − ∑ f s − f a −1 (3)
Where: a = row number and s = sampling column
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Assuming, as in 5.3, that the early life failure rate time interval is in the range between 0 and
10,000 hours of use condition, there are 10 cumulative failures from the four sampling:
∑ f ⋅ 10 9
10 ⋅ 109
2000 ⋅ 10000
= 500 FITs
The upper confidence bounds can be obtained using the same procedure shown in the previous
The average failure rate above 10,000 hours (or intrinsic failure rate) under use conditions
has 43 cumulative failures and 10 of these occurred at 10,000 hours or before:
∑ f ⋅ 10 9
∑ ss ⋅ (t )
a STRESS ,a − t ELFR
33 ⋅ 109
497 ⋅ (157200 − 10000) + 498 ⋅ ( 39300 − 10000) + 500 ⋅ ( 526000 − 10000) + 495 ⋅ ( 20000 − 10000)
Using the Nelson or Stolze methods and preparing the data using the Kaplan-Meier
method (decreasing sample size during the test, see appendix-II for example) we recalculate the
cum % failing (CDF) with the adjusted sample size as indicated in the table below:
H survival p R F% # F = # Failed
use hours: f=total ss f/ss p =1-f/ss ∏ (p)
1-∏ CDF100*(1-R) CDF *ss Integer
1 960 2 2000 0.00100 0.999000 0.999000 0.10 2.0 2
2 3360 1 1998 0.00050 0.999499 0.998500 0.15 3.0 3
3 3773 5 1997 0.00250 0.997496 0.996000 0.40 8.0 8
4 10000 2 1992 0.00100 0.998996 0.995000 0.50 10.0 10
5 12624 4 1990 0.00201 0.997990 0.993000 0.70 13.9 14
6 13205 4 1986 0.00201 0.997986 0.991000 0.90 17.9 18
7 20000 2 1982 0.00101 0.998991 0.990000 1.00 19.8 20
8 39300 5 1487 0.00336 0.996638 0.986671 1.33 19.8 20
9 40000 0 989 0.00000 1.000000 0.986671 1.33 13.2 13
10 44184 3 989 0.00303 0.996967 0.983678 1.63 16.1 16
11 78600 3 986 0.00304 0.996957 0.980685 1.93 19.0 19
12 131,500 2 983 0.00203 0.997965 0.978690 2.13 20.9 21
13 157,200 5 981 0.00510 0.994903 0.973702 2.63 25.8 26
14 263,000 3 491 0.00611 0.993890 0.967752 3.22 15.8 16
15 526,000 2 488 0.00410 0.995902 0.963786 3.62 17.7 18
The cum F% vs. tUSE values can then be fitted onto a log-log or log-normal plot using linear
regression. The resultant regression analysis will give the slope and intercept parameters. Care
should be taken in applying these methods as very large values of T50 may result from a poor fit
to the data. The data table is further simplified by eliminating the 40,000 read-point as there were
no failures. A useful tool is to find the saturation point of failure in time (linear plot of %f vs
time, in this case fsat~4%) and then normalizing the cum failures to this value. This type of
analysis identifies the defective sub-population from the main distribution.
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lo g n o rmal p lo t Data A
2 0 .0 0
y = 4 .3 1 0 6 x + 2 0 .1 4 2
ln (field time in hr)
R 2 = 0 .9 4 4 1 5 .0 0
1 0 .0 0
la rg e s ig m a s u g g e s ts
m u ltip le p o p u la tio n s 5 .0 0
0 .0 0
-4 .0 0 -3 .0 0 -2 .0 0 -1 .0 0 0 .0 0
Inv CDF (c um e %)
In the log-normal plot of cum defective versus log time, we obtain a straight line with reasonable
fit as indicated by the R2 of 0.944 from the regression analysis. However, the large sigma of 4.31
indicates that there are multiple mechanisms present. The same data, when normalized to a
saturated cum failure rate of 4% (saturation point from linear plot of CDF vs time) will also yield
a straight line and a more reasonable values of sigma and T50.
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If we use only the defective subpopulation in plotting ln t vs. def sub pop inv CDF:
y = 1.8321x + 11.006 14.00
ln (time in field hr)
R = 0.9729 12.00
Note the sigma is now
a reasonable 1.83, w here
6.00 value of 1-2 means def ects,
4.00 w hile ~0.5 means w earout
-3.0 -2.0 -1.0 0.0 1.0 2.0
Inv CDF (cume %)
In this graph, the R2 value (0.973) indicates a better fit then before (0.944) with more reasonable
values of sigma (1.83) and T50 [Exp(11.006)]. The T50 values are 6x104 (for defective sub-
population) compares to 5.6x108 (normal plot). Also note that a sigma of 1 to 2 usually indicates
defective sub-population while a sigma of less then 1 indicates a wear-out phenomenon.
4 References
2. JESD63, Standard Method for Calculating the Electromigration Model Parameters for
Current Density and Temperature
3. James R. King, (1981), Probability Charts for Decision Making, 2nd Printing, TEAM,
Tamworth, New Hampshire
4. Paul A. Tobias and Dave Trindade, (1986), Applied Reliability, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New
JEDEC Standard No. JESD85
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Annex A
NOTE 1 Line 14-8 in above table reduced the cum failures to 18 (cell J14). The figure below illustrates
the formula used to calculate the cum failure. There were 20 cum failure at prior read point to which 5
new failures are added (E14+F14). Since group 1 has ended the stress test, the cum failures for this group
(D7+D8+D10+D13) are removed from the cum count (=20-7+5=18).
Similarly, the figure below illustrates the total sample size (cell O14) reduced by sample size
from group-1 (493) and by the failure encountered in immediate prior read point (2).
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Annex B
7 ⋅109 5 ⋅ 109
λFM #3 = λ1.0 eV =
2000hr ⋅ 500 ⋅ 510
(1.0 ev) 500 ⋅ (1,020,000 − 24,480)
= 10.05 FITs
= 13.7 FITs
n λTOTAL, POINT = ∑ λFM #
λTOTAL,POINT = ∑ λFM # 1
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