“Teaching as a Vocation is a call.
Teaching as a Mission is a Task assigned.
The Teaching Profession plays a crucial role in shaping individuals and
society by imparting knowledge, skills, and values.
Educational Structure
Teacher Qualifications
Professional Development
7. Impact on Society
Royal Decree No. 1765, issued in 1886, aimed to enhance the educational
system in the Philippines by establishing a "One Maestro" (One Teacher)
policy. This decree was significant in promoting basic education,
particularly in rural areas.
Act 74 of 1901
Global and glocal teacher education refers to the approaches and practices in
training educators that take into account both global standards and local
This dual approach can lead to more effective, responsive, and culturally
aware educators who can navigate both local and global educational
✓ global awareness
✓ Communication
✓ Creativity and innovation
✓ Media literacy
Glocal Teacher
A glocal teacher:
• Excellence
• Responsiveness
• Ecological sensitivity
• Nationalism/filipinonism
❑ Learner-centered
❑ ICT-Oriented
❑ Integrated/interdisciplinary
❑ Demand-driven
❑ Skillful in ICT
Teacher Quality: are defined by the standards set for the profession
validated by learning outcomes.
➢ The end of Education is to discover and open the talents which are
hidden like a treasure within every person.
• Evolution: The PPST builds upon the foundations laid by the NCBTS,
updating and expanding its framework to address contemporary
educational challenges.
• Additional Focus: The PPST includes a specific focus on the diversity
of learners, reflecting the need for inclusive education.
• Alignment with Global Standards: The PPST is designed to align with
international standards, ensuring that Filipino teachers meet global
Progressivism John Dewey Develop skills through
hands-on learning
Value change as the only
constant in life
Prepare students for
real-world challenges in
Make students learn
actively through
Teachers become
facilitators of learning.
√ critical thinking
√ creativity
√ collaboration
√ communication
● Cool ● Traditional
- go with the flow - they stick to their own
● Strict norms like glue
- maintain standard - they always compare their
inside and outside school time
● Friendly ● Talkative
- smiling in and - they like talking a lot
outside school ● Weird
● Modern - they are hard to understand
- fond of technology & - They have their in own
advancement world
√ RA 7836
√ PD No. 223
√ RA 4670
√ child protection
√ no corporal punishment
● Mobile Teachers
√ outside classroom
√ (Mother Tongue-Based
Multi-Learning Education)
R.A. No. 7836, otherwise known as the Philippine Teachers Professionalization
Act of 1994
P.D. No. 223, as amended, the Board for Professional Teachers hereby adopt
the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers.
Section 1: Preamble
States the importance of teachers in nation-building and the ethical
responsibilities that come with the profession.
REPUBLIC ACT NO. 4670 JUNE 18, 1966
The Magna Carta for Public School Teachers, officially known as Republic Act
No. 4670, was enacted on June 18, 1966, in the Philippines. This law aims to
promote and protect the rights and welfare of public school teachers.
Section 21: Salary Increases
Discusses provisions for regular salary increases.
DEVELOPMENT “Not just about what we teach,
but about how we inspire minds to explore,
question, and grow."
Role of the Teacher: Teachers are not only implementers of the curriculum
but also active participants in its development. They bring insights from
their classroom experiences, helping to shape content that meets the
diverse needs of students.
The term "curriculum" originates from the Latin word currere, meaning "to
run." In a modern context, it refers to a structured course of study that
encompasses the learning experiences students encounter in school. Common
definitions of curriculum include:
Traditionalist Perspective
For traditionalists, the curriculum encompasses:
✓ The “what” of education, focusing on content.
✓ A structured set of outcomes and subjects to be learned.
✓ The sequence of courses and educational rudiments grounded in
philosophical, historical, psychological, and social foundations.
✓ A combination of domains of knowledge alongside research theories and
✓ Written documents or plans for achieving educational goals.
Key Figures:
Progressivist Perspective
For progressivists, the curriculum is viewed as:
The total learning experience of the learner.
All learning that is planned and guided by schools and teachers.
Key Figure:
John Dewey viewed books as tools rather than authorities, advocating for a
student-centered curriculum that fosters democracy and collaborative
planning. He defined the curriculum as the sum of all educative experiences.
6. Written Curriculum: The officially sanctioned curriculum that
translates broad educational goals into specific learning outcomes. It
includes the rationale, goals, objectives, and types of learning
1. Planner
The teacher plans daily, monthly, and yearly curricula, and this document
serves as guides in the curriculum’s implementation.
2. Writer
The teacher writes curriculum plans, supportive instructional materials, and
assessments in accordance with curriculum plans and standards.
3. Knower
The teacher must be knowledgeable about the subject matter. The mastery of
the teacher assists in the quality implementation of the curriculum.
4. Initiator
The teacher implements the curriculum with the full belief that the
curriculum he/she is initiating will enhance learning.
5. Innovator
The teacher makes adaptations in the whenever he/she sees fit.
6. Implementer
The teacher gives life to the curriculum. The implementation of the
curriculum showcases the teacher’s facilitating and managing skills.
7. Evaluator
The teacher evaluates whether the curriculum achieves the intended outcomes.
He/she also assesses whether the implementation of the curriculum is
according to what the institution intended it to be.
1. Adaptable
A good curriculum is flexible in order to cater to the specific and current
needs of every learner, but must also be resilient to change.
2. Collaborative
A good curriculum is a product of various minds. As a curriculum caters to a
variety of learning styles and intelligences, so too must it be the
collective output of multi-sectoral and interdisciplinary planning.
3. High Quality
A good curriculum is of premium value; its conceptualization, design and
implementation must undergo rigorous processes that are endorsed by
curriculum experts and are validated by curriculum implementers.
4. Relevant
A good curriculum is up-to-date and is tailored to suit the current demands
or learning. It must also be of significance and utility to the learners.
5. Responsive
A good curriculum is built on its projected social value. It must address
specific social needs including answers to problems that have yet to be asked
or identified.
Elementary Level
Secondary Level
Tertiary Level
III. Goals – Vision and Mission of DepEd
a. DepEd Vision
We dream of Filipinos
who passionately love their country
and whose values and competencies
enable them to realize their full potential
and contribute meaningfully to building the nation.
As a learner-centered public institution,
the Department of Education
continuously improves itself
to better serve its stakeholders.
b. DepEd Mission
IV. Institutional Objectives
a. Vision Statement – the vision of the school embodies its desired state
in the future
b. Mission Statement – the mission of the school states how they plan to
achieve their institutional vision.
The Department of Education was established through the Education Decree of
1863 as the Superior Commission of Primary Instruction under a Chairman.
Underwent many reorganization efforts in the 20th century in order to better
define its purpose vis a vis the changing administrations and charters. The
present day Department of Education was eventually mandated through Republic
Act 9155, otherwise known as the Governance of Basic Education act of 2001
which establishes the mandate of this agency.
2. Comprehension – “refers to a type of understanding or apprehension such
that the individual knows what is being communicated and can make use
of the material or idea being communicated without necessarily relating
it to other material or seeing its fullest implications.”
The domain levels were changed from nouns to verbs, and the last two
levels were interchanged to clarify that the “Create” level is higher
than the other thinking levels.
1. Reflex Movements
Definition: Automatic, involuntary reactions to stimuli.
Key Verbs: Flex, stretch, relax.
Observable Behavior: Instinctive physical responses.
2. Fundamental Movements
Definition: Basic movement patterns formed by combining reflex movements;
foundational for more complex skills.
Key Verbs: Crawl, walk, jump, grasp.
Observable Behavior: Coordinated movements while changing location.
3. Perceptual Abilities
Definition: Interpretation of stimuli leading to adjustments in response;
involves cognitive and psychomotor skills.
Key Verbs: Catch, balance, distinguish, explore.
Observable Behavior: Discriminates and responds to visual, auditory, and
tactile stimuli.
4. Physical Abilities
Definition: Require endurance, strength, and agility for efficient bodily
Key Verbs: Endure, improve, move precisely.
Observable Behavior: Performs tasks demonstrating endurance and quick
5. Skilled Movements
Definition: Efficient execution of complex tasks; high level of skill
acquired through practice.
Key Verbs: Type, juggle, skate, dive.
Observable Behavior: Modifies basic movements to perform tasks with
6. Non-discursive Communication
Definition: Expressive bodily movements that convey emotions or meanings.
Key Verbs: Gesture, express, dance skillfully.
Observable Behavior: Communicates through body language, dance, or
1. Imitation
Definition: Learning by observing and copying others. Performance may be low
Key Verbs: Attempt, copy, mimic.
Example Objective: Copy a work of art or perform a skill while observing a
2. Manipulation
Definition: Performing tasks from memory or following instructions;
recognizable performance.
Key Verbs: Produce, execute, complete.
Example Objective: Build a model after following instructions or perform a
skill independently.
3. Precision
Definition: Performing tasks independently and accurately, demonstrating
Key Verbs: Excel, perform masterfully, calibrate.
Example Objective: Perform a skill without assistance or demonstrate a task
to a beginner.
4. Articulation
Definition: Adapting and integrating multiple actions to meet new
requirements; combines skills harmoniously.
Key Verbs: Adapt, create, modify.
Example Objective: Produce a video combining music and drama or integrate
skills for a new task.
5. Naturalization
Definition: Performing skills automatically and intuitively; actions become
second nature.
Key Verbs: Create, manage, invent.
Example Objective: Parallel park a car or play the piano competently.
This taxonomy captures the progression of motor skill development,
highlighting increasing levels of competence.
1. Self-Sufficiency
Definition: Aim to help learners achieve maximum independence in learning
Key Idea: Provide opportunities for experimentation and field study,
encouraging independent learning. Suggests implementing weekly independent
learning activities.
2. Significance
Definition: Content should develop skills, processes, attitudes, and the
three domains of learning (cognitive, affective, psychomotor).
Key Idea: Content must be culturally sensitive and aligned with curriculum
goals, catering to diverse backgrounds.
3. Validity
Definition: Ensure the authenticity and relevance of the content.
Key Idea: Regularly update curriculum to include current and relevant topics,
avoiding outdated subjects.
4. Interest
Definition: Content should engage students and make learning meaningful.
Key Idea: A learner-centered curriculum fosters interest; a subject-centered
approach may lead to disengagement.
5. Utility
Definition: Content must be perceived as useful by students.
Key Idea: If students view certain subjects as irrelevant, they are less
likely to engage with them.
6. Learnability
Definition: Content should align with learners' existing knowledge and
Key Idea: Use educational psychology to present and organize subjects
effectively for optimal learning.
7. Feasibility
Definition: Ensure the practical implementation of the content based on
available resources and time constraints.
Key Idea: Avoid assigning topics that are unrealistic to complete within the
given context.
These criteria emphasize the importance of relevance, engagement, and
practicality in selecting educational content.
1. Balance
Definition: Fair distribution of curriculum content across a learning area.
Key Idea: While competencies may vary by grading period, they are
appropriately budgeted based on teaching days, ensuring a balanced
2. Articulation
Definition: Smooth connections between subject matters.
Key Idea: Subject areas in the curriculum are interconnected, encouraging
review to deepen understanding and relevance for students.
3. Sequence
Definition: Logical arrangement of subject matters.
Key Idea: Content is organized from easy to difficult and basic to complex,
helping students relate topics to their experiences.
4. Integration
Definition: Horizontal connections across subject areas.
Key Idea: Encourages the integration of concepts, such as values in all
subjects or connections between Science and Math in English or Filipino.
5. Continuity
Definition: Constant repetition, review, and reinforcement of learning.
Key Idea: Learning should extend beyond evaluations through ongoing review,
ensuring that knowledge is applicable in daily life.
These components emphasize a cohesive, relevant, and reinforcing approach to
curriculum design.
I. Approach
Definition: A set of underlying assumptions about teaching and learning,
grounded in theory.
Characteristics: Axiomatic and based on evident truths.
II. Method
Definition: The procedures teachers use to deliver content.
a. Step-by-step
b. Procedural
c. Mechanical and systematic
Examples: Direct-Deductive Method (teacher-centered) and Indirect Inductive
Method (learner-centered).
III. Strategy
Definition: The techniques or styles employed by teachers to deliver content.
a. Stylized
b. Flexible
c. Varied
Examples: Collaborative learning, differentiation, scaffolding.
IV. Technique
Definition: Personalized styles of executing a specific method or strategy.
a. Implementational, often related to specific activities.
Examples: Specific questioning techniques, use of multimedia, or hands-on
This framework helps clarify how each component plays a role in effective
teaching and curriculum design.
Collaborative Learning
Key Features:
Students work in groups (two or more).
Focus on mutual exploration of understanding, solutions, or product creation.
Inquiry-Based Learning
Definition: An active learning approach that encourages students to ask
questions and explore new ideas.
Key Features:
Develops critical thinking, problem-solving, and research skills.
Engages students in conducting research to find answers.
Key Features:
Projects are centered around real-world challenges and problems.
Students apply what they learn in practical, meaningful contexts.
Key Features:
Involves five phases: Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype, and Test.
Effective for tackling complex, poorly defined problems.
Philosophical Foundations
d. Philosophy reflects one's background and experiences.
1. Perennialism
Definition: Based on idealism and realism; emphasizes universal truths and
the common nature of humanity.
Key Features:
Education should focus on enduring knowledge from "great books."
Curriculum includes significant subjects taught separately (e.g., history,
literature, philosophy).
Stresses intellectual development and reason.
2. Essentialism
Definition: Focuses on core academic knowledge and character development.
Key Features:
Emphasizes the "essentials" like reading, writing, and arithmetic (the three
Prioritizes mastery of traditional academic subjects (English, science,
Curriculum is subject-centered, with teachers as authoritative figures in
their fields.
3. Existentialism
Definition: Centers on individual freedom and personal responsibility.
Key Features:
Reality is subjective; values are chosen by individuals.
Education should accommodate the unique experiences and choices of each
Encourages personal exploration and self-directed learning.
4. Progressivism
Definition: Derived from pragmatism; focuses on learner-centered education.
Key Features:
Curriculum based on students' interests, needs, and abilities.
Promotes democratic schooling and social living.
Emphasizes flexible, individualized instruction and collaborative planning
between teachers and students.
5. Constructivism
Definition: Learning is relative to students' experiences; emphasizes
metacognition and learning strategies.
Key Features:
Focuses on how students construct knowledge based on their interactions and
6. Reconstructionism
Definition: Advocates for using education to improve and reconstruct society.
Key Features:
Centers on contemporary social issues and aims for social reform.
Seeks rational discussion and critical analysis rather than indoctrination.
Involves multiple stakeholders in curriculum planning, emphasizing community
and social relevance.
Symbolic Interactionism:
Focuses on how people create meaning through language and symbols.
Pre-Spanish Period:
Informal education emphasizing customs and practical knowledge; teachers were
local shamans.
Spanish Period:
Focus on religion; introduction of formal education by friars; bilingual
education due to cultural diversity.
American Period:
Established public school system; focus on democracy and English instruction.
Japanese Period:
Emphasis on Asian pride and vocational education; discouraged Western
Contemporary Period:
Focus on globalization; implementation of K-12 curriculum to prepare students
for various future paths.
Involve learners, teachers, administrators, parents, and community agencies.
Subject-Centered Structures:
Subject Design: Focus on specific subjects.
Discipline Design: Emphasizes broader disciplines.
Correlation Design: Integrates subjects while maintaining identity.
Broad-field Design: Combines related subjects into new ones.
Learner-Centered Structures:
Child-Centered Design: Tailored to individual needs.
Experienced-Centered Design: Focuses on planned learning experiences.
Humanistic Design: Enriches curriculum with values and practical
9. Problem-Centered Structures:
10. Life Situations Design: Addresses individual needs.
11. Core Design: Focused on societal needs.
Types of Changes:
1. Substitution: Complete replacement of the curriculum.
2. Alteration: Minor modifications.
3. Restructuring: Major changes.
4. Perturbation: Rapid changes.
5. Value Orientation: Adjusting to shifts in vision/mission.
Program Evaluation:
Overall assessment of the curriculum.
Component Evaluation:
Focus on specific aspects or components of the curriculum.
This comprehensive overview highlights the interplay between sociology and
curriculum development, showcasing how societal influences shape educational
practices and the evolution of curricula throughout Philippine history.
“Development proceeds through different phases which exhibit typical
patterns. It shows typical capabilities, patterns of behavior, and
characteristic modes of functioning as well as typical challenges and events
in life”
Child and adolescent development is a complex and dynamic process that spans
from infancy through the teenage years. This period is marked by significant
physical, cognitive, emotional, and social changes, each influenced by a
combination of biological factors and environmental contexts. Understanding
these developmental stages is crucial, as they lay the foundation for
lifelong learning, behavior, and well-being.
Comprehensive framework for understanding how individuals grow and evolve
throughout life.
Language Development
Brain Development
2. The Law of Awareness. You must know yourself to grow yourself. Awareness
is the first step so that one can change.
3. The Law of the Mirror. You must see value in yourself to add value to
yourself. You must not compare yourself to others and limit talking
negatively about yourself.
8. The Law of Pain. Good management of bad experiences leads to great growth.
9. The Law of the Ladder. Character growth determines the height of your
personal growth.
10. The Law of the Rubber Band. Growth stops when you lose the tension
between where you are and where you could be.
13. The Law of Modeling. It's hard to improve when you have no one but
yourself to follow.
15. The Law of Contribution. Growing yourself enables you to grow others.
3. There are variations between individuals in the rate of their development
and progression from one stage to another.
1. Foundation age
3. New born baby can acquire survival instinct such as breathing, sucking
(breast or alternative food), and discharging body wastes.
1. The child becomes more mobile and able to widen the sphere of her/his
activities beyond family.
3. The child learns the rules of appropriate social behavior and develops
mental abilities that prepare
4. Middle childhood/
Late childhood 6-12 years old
5. Adolescence Puberty to 18 years old
1. Rapid growth spurt happens at about 11-13 years old The transition
period from childhood to adulthood
5. Process of slow decline with the aging process, reaction time, muscle
body strength, and capacity of sense organs reaches its peak
2. Old people have to cope with other challenges like declining physical
fitness, ill health, and death of family and friends.
3. Body metabolism changes and there is wear and tear of body parts and
1. Drugs:
o Prescription: Certain antibiotics and medications can have
teratogenic effects.
o Nonprescription: Diet pills, aspirin, and high caffeine intake
may pose risks.
2. Psychoactive Substances:
o Nicotine, caffeine, and illicit drugs (e.g., marijuana, cocaine,
heroin) can harm fetal development and lead to complications.
3. Environmental Hazards:
o Exposure to radiation (e.g., from jobs, X-rays), pollutants,
toxic waste, and excessive heat (e.g., from saunas) can affect
fetal health.
4. Maternal Factors:
o Infections (e.g., Rubella, syphilis, genital herpes, HIV/AIDS),
nutritional deficiencies, high stress or anxiety levels, and
maternal age (too young or too old) can all influence
5. Paternal Factors:
o The father's exposure to environmental toxins (like lead,
radiation, pesticides) can impact sperm quality, potentially
leading to miscarriages or congenital disorders in offspring.
This organized format helps clarify the information and highlights the
critical factors influencing prenatal development.
Sensory motor stage is typically takes place within the first two years of a
child's life. It is marked by the child discovering the difference between
themselves and their environment. At that point, they will use their senses
to learn things about both themselves and their environment. It is the first
stage of Jean Piaget's Theory of cognitive development. Jean Piaget Divided
it into six sub-stages.
Occurs in the first two years, where infants learn through their senses and
Preschooler’s Artistic Development
1. Unoccupied Play:
Exploration without a specific agenda.
Lays the groundwork for later manipulation and understanding.
2. Solitary Play:
Independent exploration and problem-solving.
Prepares children for social play.
3. Onlooker Play:
Watching others play.
Learning through observation.
4. Parallel Play:
Playing beside others without interaction.
Encourages gradual social engagement.
5. Associative Play:
Focus shifts to interaction with peers.
Application of social skills in play.
6. Cooperative Play:
Working together towards a common goal.
Develops teamwork, communication, and problem-solving skills.
Small lumps from May also have swelling on
behind the nipple may their chest but tends to go
occur, which sometime could away within a year or two
be painful but eventually,
the pain goes away.
Hair Growth
Hair will start to grow in the New hair will also grow in the
armpits and pubic areas. armpits and pubic area around a
May start developing chest and
facial hair
Hair will start to grow and
become thicker.
At this stage, children may become very concerned about their physical
appearance. Girls especially, may become concerned about their weight and
decide to eat less. Boy may become aware of their stature and muscle size and
strength. That is why, children must be given opportunities to engage
themselves in worthwhile activities that
Physical Activity
Emotional Development
Peer Relationships
Physical Changes
Cognitive Development
• In girls, estrogen secretion triggers the beginning of breast
enlargement, appearance of pubic hair, widening of the hips, or
menarche or first menstruation.
• Secular Trend: Physical maturation rates in adolescents have increased
due to genetic and environmental factors, improved healthcare, living
conditions, and better nutrition.
• Sexual Identity: Adolescence involves exploring and integrating
sexuality into identity, often leading to confusion, though most
develop a mature sexual identity.
• Self-Esteem: Self-esteem is vital during adolescence, influencing
identity formation. Lack of romantic success can lower self-esteem,
with girls more likely to experience depression and boys at higher risk
of suicide.
• Implications for Care and Education: Parents should foster open
communication, while educators must support students facing self-esteem
challenges related to academics and social relationships.
• Nutrition: Adequate intake of vitamins and minerals is essential for
adolescents. Poor eating habits, like skipping meals and consuming fast
food, are common.
• Body Image: Adolescents are highly aware of body image, which includes
not just appearance but also hygiene, grooming, and overall
By understanding these developmental trends and occupational preferences,
parents and educators can better support adolescents in navigating this
transformative stage of life, ultimately aiding in their character and
personality formation.
Human emotions are complex responses to both internal and external stimuli,
involving physiological changes and behavioral reactions. These emotions are
often characterized by:
1. Sympathetic Nervous System: Activates and prepares the body for action.
2. Parasympathetic Nervous System: Calms the body and reduces arousal.
Social emotions like envy, embarrassment, shame, guilt, and pride typically
develop in early childhood. Adolescents often remember emotionally charged
experiences better than neutral ones. Gender differences also emerge:
• Positive self-value
• Openness to authority
• Academic orientation
• Control over anxiety
John Holland’s theory identifies personality types that align with job
preferences, including:
Human Emotions: Emotions, both positive (interest, joy) and negative (anger,
fear), are essential to adolescent development. Social emotions like envy and
pride emerge early, with girls typically displaying better emotional
regulation but higher anxiety levels.
"Teaching is not just about imparting knowledge;
it’s about igniting curiosity and
inspiring a lifelong love of learning"
Types of Knowledge
1. Content Knowledge:
o This refers to a deep understanding of the subject matter.
Teachers must not only know their content but also be able to
translate complex concepts into forms that are accessible and
engaging for students. Effective teaching requires teachers to
frame content in ways that students can relate to and understand.
2. Pedagogical Knowledge:
o This knowledge is rooted in research-based insights that
illuminate the connections between teaching practices and
learning outcomes. It encompasses strategies for effective
instruction, understanding learning theories, and applying
different teaching methods that cater to diverse learning styles.
3. Knowledge of Students:
o Understanding the diverse backgrounds, learning needs, and
motivations of students is crucial. This knowledge enables
teachers to tailor their approaches to meet the specific needs of
their learners, thereby facilitating a more inclusive and
effective learning environment.
4. Strategies:
o These are research-based plans for action that guide teaching
practices. Strategies include a variety of instructional
techniques designed to engage students and enhance their learning
1. Lesson Clarity:
o Teachers must communicate their ideas clearly and ensure that
students can follow along. This involves breaking down complex
topics into understandable parts and using examples and analogies
to enhance comprehension. Additionally, teachers should strive to
make their verbal delivery clear and free from distracting
mannerisms, ensuring that students remain focused on the content.
2. Instructional Variety:
o Effective teachers utilize a mix of instructional methods to
cater to different learning styles and keep students engaged.
This includes varying the use of learning materials, integrating
technology, and employing different questioning techniques to
stimulate critical thinking. Flexibility in delivery enhances
student interest and promotes a deeper understanding of the
subject matter.
3. Teacher Task Orientation:
o A successful classroom environment is one where the teacher
maximizes instructional time dedicated to teaching academic
subjects. This involves creating a classroom culture that
prioritizes intellectual engagement and fosters an atmosphere
conducive to learning. Teachers should set clear instructional
goals and develop assessments that measure student progress
toward these goals.
4. Engagement in Learning:
o Engagement refers to the active participation of students in the
learning process. This includes the time students spend on tasks,
their involvement with instructional materials, and their
interaction with peers. High engagement rates are linked to
improved learning outcomes, so teachers should design activities
that motivate students to actively participate and invest in
their learning.
5. Student Success Rate:
o The success rate measures how well students understand and
complete assignments. This metric is closely tied to effective
task orientation and student engagement. Teachers should aim to
create instructional plans that yield moderate to high success
rates while also challenging students to think critically and
extend their understanding.
• Centers on the Child: The learner is the focal point of the educational
• Is Well-Planned: Lessons should have clear objectives and a structured
approach to achieving them.
• Makes Learners Aware of Goals: Students should understand what they are
expected to learn and achieve.
• Provides Meaningful Experiences: Learning experiences should be
relevant and stimulating.
• Addresses Individual Differences: Instruction should be differentiated
to meet the varying needs of students.
• Utilizes Past Experiences: Teachers should connect new content to
students' prior knowledge.
• Stimulates Critical Thinking: Learning should encourage students to
think deeply and reason effectively.
• Is Governed by Democratic Principles: Classrooms should promote a
democratic environment where every voice is valued.
• Incorporates Multiple Methods: A variety of instructional strategies
should be employed.
• Integrates Evaluation: Assessment should be woven into the learning
• Includes Drill and Review: Regular practice should reinforce learning
and retention.
1. Principle of Context:
o Use appropriate materials and settings for lessons. This includes
leveraging textbooks alongside supplemental materials and real-
world experiences.
2. Principle of Focus:
o Ensure that lessons have a clear subject matter emphasis, moving
from general concepts to specific skills and knowledge.
3. Principle of Socialization:
o Foster a social learning environment that encourages
collaboration and peer interaction.
Level I – Submission
Level II – Contribution
Level III – Cooperation and Collaboration
4. Principle of Individualization:
o Tailor learning experiences to individual student needs,
providing options for different learning pathways.
5. Principle of Sequence:
o Structure learning tasks logically, ensuring that each lesson
builds on prior knowledge and prepares students for future
6. Principle of Evaluation:
o Implement ongoing assessment that is aligned with learning
objectives, allowing for adjustments to teaching as needed.
Taxonomy of Objectives
Original Taxonomy
Revised Taxonomy
Subskills: Recognizing, Recalling.
The Original Taxonomy was more static, and primarily verb-based, while the
Revised Taxonomy uses more actionable verbs to highlight the dynamic
nature of cognitive processes. Additionally, "Synthesis" has been replaced
by "Create" and moved to the highest level, emphasizing that creating
something new is a complex cognitive skill that requires integration of
lower-level skills.
3. Application vs. Apply
This domain encompasses attitudes, feelings, and values that learners are
expected to develop, including awareness, participation, and commitment to
a. Receiving – willingness to be aware and pay attention to stimulus or
b. Responding – reaching to an event through participation
c. Valuing – evaluating beliefs in the form of acceptance, preference,
d. Organization – organizing the values in relation to each other
e. Characterization – acts in accordance with the accepted value and becomes
part of the personality
Teacher-Centered Approaches
1. Direct Instruction:
o Characteristics: The teacher is the primary authority, delivering
content through lectures or demonstrations.
o Applications: Effective for introducing new concepts, especially
in subjects requiring foundational knowledge (e.g., mathematics).
2. Deductive Method:
o Process: Starts with a general principle or rule, then applies it
to specific instances.
o Example: In mathematics, a teacher might explain the Pythagorean
theorem before applying it to solve problems.
3. Demonstration:
o Learning Style: Students learn by watching the teacher perform
tasks or experiments.
o Example: Science classes often use demonstrations to show
chemical reactions or physical principles.
4. Lecture Method:
o Structure: Teachers present information in a structured format,
often using slides or visual aids.
o Pros and Cons: While efficient for covering content, it may limit
student engagement unless interactive elements are included.
Learner-Centered Approaches
1. Concept Development:
o Focus: Encourages students to explore and understand abstract
ideas through examples and discussions.
o Example: In history, students might analyze various events to
develop a concept of "revolution."
2. Discovery Method:
o Engagement: Students work collaboratively to discover principles
through guided inquiry.
o Example: In a biology class, students might observe plant growth
under different conditions and draw conclusions.
3. Inductive Method:
o Learning Process: Students examine specific examples and identify
underlying rules or patterns.
o Example: In language learning, students may encounter sentences
to infer grammar rules.
4. Laboratory Method:
o Application: Hands-on experiments allow students to test
hypotheses and see real-world applications of concepts.
o Example: Chemistry labs where students conduct experiments to
understand reactions and properties.
5. Problem-Solving Method:
o Critical Thinking: Students are presented with real-life problems
and encouraged to find solutions, promoting critical thinking.
o Example: Engineering challenges that require students to design a
bridge within certain constraints.
6. Project Method:
o Learning by Doing: Students engage in long-term projects that
integrate multiple subjects and real-world scenarios.
o Example: A community service project that involves research,
planning, and execution.
1. Brainstorming:
o Collaborative Idea Generation: Encourages open discussion to
generate diverse ideas without immediate criticism.
o Application: Useful at the start of a unit to assess prior
knowledge and interest.
2. Constructivist Teaching:
o Philosophy: Learning is an active, contextualized process where
students construct knowledge through experiences.
o Implementation: Teachers create rich learning environments that
promote exploration and inquiry.
3. Cooperative Learning:
o Group Dynamics: Students work in heterogeneous groups to complete
tasks, enhancing social and academic skills.
o Example: Jigsaw activities where each student becomes an "expert"
on one part of a topic and teaches it to their peers.
4. Distance Learning:
o Accessibility: Provides flexible learning opportunities for
students unable to attend traditional classes.
o Tools: Utilizes online platforms, video conferencing, and digital
5. Dale’s Cone of Experience:
o Visual Model: Ranks different types of experiences from concrete
to abstract, emphasizing the effectiveness of active learning.
o Usage: Helps educators choose appropriate methods to enhance
retention and understanding.
6. Field Trips:
o Experiential Learning: Students gain firsthand experience and can
connect classroom knowledge to the real world.
o Example: Visiting a museum or historical site relevant to the
7. Metacognitive Teaching:
o Self-Regulation: Encourages students to think about their own
thinking processes, enhancing self-awareness and strategy use.
o Example: Teaching students to reflect on their problem-solving
methods after completing a task.
8. Multiple Intelligences:
o Diverse Learning Styles: Acknowledges that students learn in
various ways, suggesting tailored teaching approaches.
o Application: Activities that cater to different intelligences,
like music, movement, or logical reasoning.
9. Panel Discussions:
o Interactive Dialogue: Experts or peers discuss a topic, allowing
audience participation and questioning.
o Implementation: Engaging students in academic discourse enhances
critical thinking.
10. Peer Tutoring:
o Mutual Learning: Students teach and learn from each other,
reinforcing their understanding.
o Example: Advanced students tutoring peers in challenging
11. Problem-Based Learning (PBL):
o Real-World Relevance: Students engage with complex, real-world
problems, developing critical thinking and collaboration skills.
o Implementation: Projects that require research, teamwork, and
practical application.
12. Reflective Teaching:
o Continuous Improvement: Teachers analyze their own practices and
experiences to enhance their teaching effectiveness.
o Example: Keeping a reflective journal to document classroom
experiences and outcomes.
13. Role Playing:
o Active Engagement: Students act out scenarios to explore
different perspectives and practice skills.
o Example: Simulating a historical event to deepen understanding of
its impact.
14. Simulation:
o Realistic Practice: Creates immersive experiences that mimic
real-life situations.
o Example: Flight simulators in pilot training programs.
15. Small-Group Instruction:
o Personalized Attention: Facilitates more tailored teaching and
allows students to learn at their own pace.
o Example: Rotating stations where groups tackle different
16. Socratic Method:
o Questioning Technique: Uses probing questions to stimulate
critical thinking and illuminate ideas.
o Example: Engaging students in a dialogue about ethical dilemmas.
17. Symposium:
o Formal Discussion: Experts present on a topic, fostering in-depth
discussion and audience engagement.
o Example: Academic events where researchers share findings.
• Components:
o Objectives: Clear learning goals for the lesson.
o Activities: Detailed steps for instruction, including group work,
discussions, and assessments.
o Materials: List of resources needed for the lesson.
o Assessment: How understanding will be measured (quizzes,
projects, etc.).
Facilitating learner-centered teaching is an educational approach that
prioritizes the needs, interests, and experiences of students in the learning
process. Instead of a traditional model where the teacher is the main
authority and source of knowledge, learner-centered teaching shifts the focus
to students, encouraging them to take an active role in their education.
Core Principles
Lifelong Learning: Fostering a love for learning that extends beyond the
classroom, preparing students for future challenges.
Metacognition, often summarized as "thinking about thinking," encompasses the
awareness and understanding of one’s own thought processes. It allows
individuals to regulate their learning through self-reflection and
1. Person Variables:
o Self-Awareness: Understanding personal learning styles,
strengths, and weaknesses.
o Cognitive Awareness: Recognizing how you learn best and
identifying the most effective strategies for yourself.
o Emotional Awareness: Being aware of how emotions impact your
learning process.
2. Task Variables:
o Nature of the Task: Understanding the specific demands of a task,
such as complexity and the skills required.
o Processing Requirements: Knowing how much cognitive effort is
needed and what strategies may be effective for different types
of tasks.
3. Strategy Variables:
o Application of Strategies: Familiarity with various strategies to
enhance learning and problem-solving.
o Flexibility: Adapting strategies to fit different contexts, such
as summarizing, questioning, or using mnemonic devices.
o Examples: Techniques like activating prior knowledge before
studying, using a glossary for unfamiliar terms, or revisiting
material for better comprehension.
1. Self-Monitoring:
o Encourage students to keep track of their progress and reflect on
their learning. This can be through journals, checklists, or
self-assessment quizzes.
2. Teaching Study Strategies:
o TQLR: A strategy for younger learners that includes:
▪ Tune In: Getting mentally prepared to learn.
▪ Question: Formulating questions about the material.
▪ Listen: Actively engaging during the learning process.
▪ Remember: Using strategies to retain information.
o PQ4R: For older students, this strategy includes:
▪ Preview: Scanning the material first.
▪ Question: Generating questions about the content.
▪ Read: Engaging deeply with the text.
▪ Recite: Verbalizing or summarizing what was learned.
▪ Review: Going back over key points.
▪ Reflect: Considering how new knowledge fits with existing
3. Predictive Thinking:
o Have students make predictions about upcoming content based on
their existing knowledge. This primes their thinking and engages
them actively in learning.
4. Relating Ideas:
o Encourage students to connect new information to what they
already know, facilitating deeper understanding and retention.
5. Question Development:
o Teach students to formulate their own questions, promoting
curiosity and engagement with the material.
6. Seeking Help:
o Guide students on when and how to ask for help, reinforcing that
seeking assistance is a part of the learning process.
7. Knowledge Transfer:
o Show students how to apply skills learned in one context to
different tasks or subjects, enhancing their versatility as
Understanding the distinctions between novice and expert learners can inform
teaching practices:
Limited, often
Knowledge Deep, interconnected understanding
fragmented knowledge
Problem Thorough exploration, creating mental
engagement, quick to
Solving models of problems
provide answers
Learning Use rigid, often Adapt and design new strategies for
Strategies unsuitable methods tasks
14 Learner-Centered Principles
3. Construction of Knowledge
Learners effectively link new information to their existing knowledge,
broadening and deepening their understanding through continuous connections.
4. Strategic Thinking
Effective learners utilize a range of thinking and reasoning strategies to
achieve complex learning objectives, employing problem-solving and conceptual
6. Context of Learning
Learning is shaped by environmental factors such as culture, technology, and
instructional practices, influencing the overall learning experience.
The MOTIVATIONAL AND AFFECTIVE FACTORS highlight how internal and emotional
elements impact learning.
The INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES FACTOR focuses on the unique attributes and needs
of learners, emphasizing the importance of recognizing and accommodating
these differences.
Sigmund Freud
Components of Personality
Erik Erikson
Jean Piaget
Lawrence Kohlberg
Lev Vygotsky
Key Concepts
• Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD): The gap between what a learner can
do independently and what they can achieve with guidance.
Urie Bronfenbrenner
Lawrence Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Development
Level I: Pre-Conventional
• Socio-economic status.
• Learning styles (visual, auditory, tactile, kinesthetic).
• Exceptionalities (special needs).
Benefits of Diversity
• Enhances self-awareness.
• Contributes to cognitive development through varied perspectives.
• Prepares students for social responsibilities.
• Promotes harmony and understanding.
Learning Styles
• Auditory Learners: Learn through listening and discussion.
• Tactile/Kinesthetic Learners: Learn best through hands-on experiences.
• Learning Basis: This stage marks the emergence of language and symbolic
thinking, yet children’s reasoning is still intuitive and egocentric.
• Key Characteristics:
o Egocentrism: Children view the world primarily from their own
perspective, making it difficult to understand others' viewpoints
(e.g., a child may think everyone sees what they see).
o Irreversibility: Difficulty in understanding that actions can be
reversed, leading to confusion in concepts such as conservation
(e.g., believing a flattened ball of clay is less than the
o Symbolic Function: The ability to use symbols, such as words or
images, to represent objects and events, which facilitates
imaginative play.
o Centration: The tendency to focus on one aspect of a situation
while ignoring others (e.g., focusing only on the height of
liquid in a glass and not its width).
o Animism: The attribution of human-like qualities to inanimate
objects (e.g., believing that toys can feel sad).
o Transductive Reasoning: A flawed type of reasoning where children
assume that if two events occur together, one causes the other
(e.g., believing that the sun goes down because it is bedtime).
o Decentering: The ability to consider multiple aspects of a
situation, leading to a more balanced understanding (e.g.,
recognizing different dimensions in problem-solving).
o Seriation: The ability to arrange objects in a logical order
(e.g., organizing sticks by length).
Level I: Pre-Conventional
Key Concepts
1. Independent Tasks: Tasks that the learner can perform without help.
2. Assisted Tasks: Tasks that fall within the learner's ZPD and require
support from an MKO.
3. Beyond Reach: Tasks that are too advanced for the learner, even with
Layers of Environment
1. Microsystem
2. Mesosystem
3. Exosystem
4. Macrosystem
5. Chronosystem
• Definition: The dimension of time as it relates to a child’s
environments, including life transitions and historical events.
• Influences: Changes over time, such as moving to a new city or changes
in societal values, can significantly impact development.
Benefits of Diversity
Learning Styles
1. Naturalistic Intelligence
Strength in understanding nature, nurturing plants/animals, and noticing
environmental changes.
Careers: Ecology, agriculture, wildlife management.
2. Musical Intelligence
Sensitivity to rhythm, pitch, and tone; skilled in musical performance or
Careers: Music therapy, teaching, performance.
3. Logical-Mathematical Intelligence
Excellent reasoning, problem-solving, and recognizing patterns.
Careers: Engineering, computer science, finance.
4. Existential Intelligence
Deep thinking about life’s big questions and exploring philosophical ideas.
Careers: Philosophy, theology, psychology.
5. Interpersonal Intelligence
Ability to understand and connect with others; skilled in empathy and social
Careers: Teaching, counseling, leadership roles.
6. Linguistic Intelligence
Talent for words, writing, reading, and speaking effectively.
Careers: Writing, journalism, public speaking.
7. Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence
Strong physical coordination and expression through movement.
Careers: Sports, dance, performing arts.
8. Intrapersonal Intelligence
Deep self-awareness and understanding of personal emotions and motivations.
Careers: Psychology, coaching, writing.
9. Spatial Intelligence
Ability to visualize and manipulate objects in space; often linked to
Careers: Architecture, design, navigation.
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) ensures that students
with disabilities receive a Free Appropriate Public Education tailored to
their needs.
• Physical Disabilities: Conditions impairing physical functioning, such
as orthopedic or neuro-motor issues.
• Health Impairments: Chronic conditions like asthma or epilepsy
affecting learning.
• Sensory Impairments: Visual and hearing impairments that affect
educational performance.
Behaviorism Overview
Key Concepts
Key Components
Cognitive Perspective
1. Gestalt Psychology
Key Figures
Gestalt Principles
Key Concepts
Types of Knowledge
Stages of Memory
Forgetting Mechanisms
3. Gagne’s Conditions of Learning
Advance Organizers
Discovery Learning
Constructivism posits that individuals actively construct their own knowledge
based on experiences.
Constructivism in Education
Principles of Constructivism
1. Knowledge is Constructed:
o Learning builds on what students already know. Each learner
integrates new information with their previous knowledge, leading
to unique understandings. This principle underscores the
importance of personal experiences, insights, and beliefs in
shaping one’s knowledge.
2. Learning to Learn:
o As students engage in the learning process, they not only acquire
new knowledge but also develop metacognitive skills. For
instance, when studying historical events, students learn about
chronology and historical analysis simultaneously, enhancing
their overall understanding of different subjects.
3. Active Learning:
o Learning is an active, engaging process. Students must
participate through discussions, hands-on activities, and
problem-solving to construct meaning. Passive reception of
information does not lead to deep understanding.
4. Social Nature of Learning:
o Learning occurs within social contexts. Interactions with
teachers, peers, and the community significantly influence
knowledge construction. Collaborative learning environments
enhance understanding as students learn from each other.
5. Contextual Learning:
o Knowledge is not learned in isolation; it is connected to real-
world experiences and existing knowledge. Contextual relevance
helps students remember and apply what they learn.
6. Personal Knowledge:
o Each learner’s background shapes their understanding. Knowledge
becomes personal, and learners’ prior experiences and beliefs
inform their interpretations of new information.
7. Mental Engagement:
o Effective learning involves cognitive processes, not just
physical actions. Engaging the mind is essential for
comprehension and retention of knowledge.
1. Cognitive Constructivism:
o Based on Jean Piaget’s theories, this approach focuses on the
individual learner’s cognitive development. It emphasizes the
importance of connecting new information to existing cognitive
structures, facilitating understanding and retention.
2. Social Constructivism:
o Developed by Lev Vygotsky, this type emphasizes the collaborative
nature of learning. Knowledge is constructed through social
interactions, cultural influences, and peer collaboration,
highlighting the importance of community in the learning process.
3. Radical Constructivism:
o Proposed by Ernst von Glasersfeld, this approach argues that
knowledge is not discovered but invented. Each individual’s
understanding is shaped by their experiences, leading to
subjective interpretations rather than objective truths.
Transfer of Learning
1. Positive Transfer:
o Skills learned in one context facilitate learning in another. For
example, mastering multiplication can help in understanding
2. Negative Transfer:
o Previous learning hinders the acquisition of new knowledge. For
instance, using familiar but incorrect methods in a new task can
create confusion.
3. Neutral Transfer:
o Learning in one context has no effect on another, meaning the
skills or knowledge do not aid or hinder new learning.
1. Intrinsic Motivation:
o Driven by personal interest and enjoyment in the task. Learners
engage in activities because they find them rewarding in
2. Extrinsic Motivation:
o Influenced by external rewards or pressures, such as grades or
approval from others. While important, it is often less effective
than intrinsic motivation for long-term engagement.
Theories on Motivation
1. Attribution Theory:
o Explains how students attribute their successes or failures to
various factors (internal or external). Understanding these
attributions helps teachers guide students in developing a growth
2. Self-Efficacy Theory:
o Emphasizes the belief in one’s capabilities to succeed. Higher
self-efficacy leads to greater motivation and persistence.
Educators can enhance self-efficacy by providing positive
feedback and opportunities for success.
3. Self-Determination Theory:
o Focuses on the need for autonomy and self-regulation. When
students feel they have control over their learning, they are
more likely to be motivated and engaged.
4. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs:
o Suggests that basic needs (physiological and safety) must be met
before higher-order needs (belonging, esteem) can be addressed.
Educators should be aware of these needs in their students.
5. Goal Theory:
o Differentiates between learning goals (mastery) and performance
goals (grades). Fostering mastery-focused goals encourages deeper
learning and intrinsic motivation.
• Caring: Teachers who show genuine concern for their students’ well-
being create a supportive atmosphere, making students feel valued and
• Fairness and Respect: When teachers treat all students equitably, it
fosters trust and a sense of safety in the classroom.
• Social Interaction: Building strong relationships through social
engagement helps students feel connected and more invested in their
• Enthusiasm for Learning: A teacher’s passion can be infectious,
inspiring students to develop their own enthusiasm for the subject
• Positive Attitude: A teacher’s belief in the importance of education
and their role enhances their effectiveness and motivates students.
• Positive Expectations: By believing in students’ potential, teachers
can encourage students to aspire to high standards.
• Reflective Practice: Effective teachers regularly assess their own
practices and adapt, showing a commitment to continuous improvement.
• Impact of Bullying: Bullying creates a hostile environment, impeding
students’ ability to learn and thrive. It is crucial to implement
strategies that eliminate bullying to foster a safe and inclusive
classroom culture.
"The best assessment is one that helps
students learn, not just one that
measures what they have learned."
Best Practices
Basic Concepts
1. Test
o An instrument designed to measure characteristics, qualities,
abilities, knowledge, or skills. Tests include various items
relevant to the area being assessed.
2. Measurement
o The process of quantifying how much an individual possesses a
particular trait, quality, or characteristic. This often involves
assigning numerical values to attributes.
3. Assessment
o A systematic process of gathering and organizing data—either
quantitative or qualitative—into an interpretable format.
Assessment provides the foundational information necessary for
evaluation and decision-making.
4. Evaluation
o The systematic interpretation, analysis, and appraisal of
organized data to assess its worth, guiding decisions about
students' educational progress and needs.
Types of Assessment
1. Traditional Assessment
o Primarily involves pen-and-paper tests that focus on objective
measures of knowledge and skills. Examples include multiple-
choice questions, true/false questions, and matching exercises.
2. Alternative Assessment
o Encompasses a range of methods beyond traditional tests. These
▪ Performance Tests: Assessing actual skills through tasks
(e.g., presentations, demonstrations).
▪ Projects and Portfolios: Collecting student work over time
to showcase learning and development.
▪ Journals: Reflective writing that captures learning
experiences and insights.
3. Authentic Assessment
o Involves tasks that reflect real-life situations and challenges.
This type of assessment can include project-based learning or
assessments that require students to apply skills in practical
2. Developing Assessment Tools:
o Creating assessments that effectively measure student
3. Administering and Scoring Assessments:
o Effectively implementing assessments and interpreting results to
inform instruction.
4. Using Assessment Results:
o Applying data from assessments to make informed decisions about
teaching practices and curriculum development.
5. Developing Grading Procedures:
o Creating valid and fair grading systems based on assessment
6. Communicating Results:
o Effectively conveying assessment findings to students, parents,
and other stakeholders.
7. Recognizing Ethical Assessment Practices:
o Understanding the importance of integrity in assessment and
avoiding biased or unethical practices.
By adhering to these principles and understanding the various types and
purposes of assessment, educators can create a more effective and inclusive
learning environment that supports student achievement and growth.
1. Demonstration-Type Tasks:
o Description: Tasks that require no physical product, focusing
instead on the demonstration of a skill or process.
o Examples: Constructing a building, cooking demonstrations,
teamwork presentations, or guiding tourists.
2. Creation-Type Tasks:
o Description: Tasks that require the production of tangible
products, allowing students to apply their knowledge creatively.
o Examples: Project plans, research papers, or marketing flyers.
Types of Portfolios
1. Set Goals: Define clear objectives for what the portfolio should
2. Collect Evidence: Gather a variety of artifacts that demonstrate
3. Select Items: Choose the most representative work to include.
4. Organize: Arrange the selected items in a coherent manner.
5. Reflect: Encourage students to articulate their learning process and
6. Evaluate: Use rubrics to assess the collected work.
7. Confer/Exhibit: Present the portfolio to peers or educators for
Types of Rubrics
Type Description Advantages Disadvantages
"True understanding emerges
not just from answers, but from
the questions we dare to explore."
Purposes of Tests
1. Instructional Uses
2. Guidance Uses
3. Administrative Uses
Classification of Tests
Based on Format
1. Standardized Tests
2. Teacher-Made Tests
Other Classifications
5. Field Testing: Conduct a second round of testing for further
C. Matching Type
1. Homogeneous Material:
o Use similar items within a single matching exercise to maintain
2. Equal Number of Responses and Premises:
o Maintain balance between the number of items and responses,
indicating whether responses can be reused.
3. Brief Lists:
o Keep lists concise, with shorter responses positioned on the
right for easier matching.
4. Logical Arrangement:
o Organize responses in a logical order to aid in comprehension.
5. Clear Matching Instructions:
o Provide explicit directions for how to match items correctly.
D. Multiple Choice
E. Essay Type
1. Restrict Use:
o Limit essay questions to those outcomes that cannot be
effectively measured through objective items.
2. Clear Phrasing:
o Phrase questions so that tasks are clearly defined, directing
students on what is expected.
3. Avoid Optional Questions:
o Eliminate options in essay questions to maintain focus on the
required responses.
4. Time Limits and Point Allocation:
o Specify time limits and point values for each question to guide
students’ responses.
5. Prepare Scoring Rubric:
o Develop a clear rubric outlining expectations for responses and
grading criteria.
• Validity: Measures whether the test accurately assesses the intended
learning outcomes.
• Reliability: Consistency of results across different instances of the
same test.
• Administrability: Ease of administration, with clear instructions for
• Scorability: Clarity in scoring guidelines to ensure consistent
• Interpretability: Ability to easily interpret test scores relative to
learning objectives.
• Economy: Efficient use of time and resources for administration and
1. Test Length: Longer tests generally yield more reliable results due to
better sampling of knowledge.
2. Diverse Abilities: A heterogeneous group can provide a wider range of
scores, enhancing reliability.
3. Moderate Difficulty: Use items of moderate difficulty to improve test
4. Discriminating Items: Include items that effectively differentiate
between levels of understanding.
5. Appropriate Time Limits: Apply time limits judiciously to ensure they
enhance rather than hinder performance.
Descriptive Statistics
1. Central Tendency: Measures like mean, median, and mode provide insight
into average performance.
2. Variability: Measures like range and standard deviation describe score
3. Relationship Measures: Correlation coefficients indicate relationships
between variables (e.g., academic performance and motivation).
• Stanines: Categorize scores into segments for easier interpretation.
• T-scores: Standardized scores for comparison across different tests.
Grading Practices
1. Prepare in Advance: Set clear goals and objectives for the conference.
2. Start Positively: Begin with positive remarks about the student’s
3. Highlight Strengths Before Areas for Improvement: Present strong
performance areas first to establish a positive tone.
4. Encourage Parental Participation: Invite parents to share their
insights and concerns.
5. Collaborate on Action Plans: Discuss specific strategies for addressing
challenges together.
6. Use Specific Examples: Provide concrete examples of student work and
behavior to illustrate points.
7. Keep Focused on the Student: Center the discussion on the student’s
growth and needs.
8. Document Key Points: Take notes on the discussion and agreed-upon
action steps for follow-up.
9. End on a Positive Note: Reaffirm positive attributes of the student and
express optimism about their growth.
The teaching profession is not a job but a calling, a mission and a form of
great service. Teaching is not easy as you think because it requires
dedication and most especially passion to teach. Being an educator is the
noblest job in the entire world, they mold someone to be the one of the
prominent engineers, doctors, teachers and so on. Teachers play a very big
role in a children's life aside from their families.
The teaching profession is viewed not only as a career but as a vocation that
requires a high level of dedication, adaptability, and continuous self-
improvement. The presentation portrays teachers as central to societal
progress, emphasizing their role in fostering inclusive, equitable, and
quality education for all.
Education nowadays has a many transitions and you need to be updated for you
to teach effectively and it is called 21st-century learning. In this era,
learning is not memorization or recitation but critical thinking, creativity,
and collaboration. It is about preparing students for the real world, not
just for a test. It is becoming increasingly clear that 21st-century learning
is essential for students to be successful in an ever-changing global
economy. Students need to be actively engaged in their learning and have
opportunities to apply what they are learning to real-world situations.
Students must be ready to take risk in life because they are well-trained at
school and teachers has a great impact to this.
Having all this, I have learned that teaching is not just simply a walk in
the park. Every day could be different, daily challenges that needs to be
address, situations maybe different. Teaching is also a relationship that you
need to build between your students, to understand them individually.
Teaching is also about planning your next move. From planning your lesson to
planning on how you deliver to activities that students do engage. Teaching
needs to evaluate; evaluating the progress of you own students. Teaching is
also about collaboration with your fellow teachers, to staffs, to parents and
the most important your students.
A pride.
A satisfying moment when you see your students achieve. A satisfying and
joyful emotional reward for oneself.
I have learned that Teachers are not only implementers of the curriculum but
also active participants in its development. They bring insights from their
classroom experiences, helping to shape content that meets the diverse needs
of students. Teachers must also understand the students’ needs. Teachers must
provide valuable feedback on student interests, learning styles, and areas of
difficulty, ensuring that the curriculum is relevant and engaging. Teachers
should be familiar with key principles of curriculum design, including
alignment with educational standards, flexibility to accommodate different
learning paces, and integration of interdisciplinary approaches.
This taught me that learner diversity and multiple intelligences are also
discussed, with guidance on how teachers can adapt methods to meet students'
unique needs and learning styles, enhancing inclusivity and promoting a
richer classroom environment. By fostering a learning environment that
considers these diverse theories and approaches, educators can help students
develop critical thinking skills, apply knowledge practically, and become
lifelong learners.
I have learned the difference between teaching style, strategy, method and
techniques. Practicesn that a teacher would relate. Guiding principles in the
appropriate arrangement or organization of selected information. How can we
know new information be made interesting to the eyes of the students.
Components in the instructional framework for learning strategies that
working together with the students on a skill or task.
Ultimately, the lesson I have learned is that effective teaching is not just
about delivering content but about creating a supportive, responsive, and
adaptive learning environment. By understanding and meeting the diverse needs
of learners, you empower them to become active, motivated, and resilient
lifelong learners.
Part 1 & 2
As a future educator, I must ensure that students and parents understand how
their learning will be measured and how the results will be used to improve
teaching and learning. Open communication helps build trust and promotes a
positive learning environment.
Education in the Philippines has changed a lot over the years. Before
colonization, informal learning focused on traditions and life skills.
Spanish colonizers introduced formal education centered on religion. When
Americans arrived, they set up public schools and started teaching in
English. After gaining independence, the country worked on making education
accessible and improving its quality. The K-12 curriculum, which adds two
extra years of study, is a recent reform aimed at preparing students for
global opportunities.
Teachers do much more than just teach lessons. They also guide students,
communicate with parents, and engage with the community. Despite low pay and
large workloads, many teachers stay committed to helping their students
Teachers’ Responsibilities
Teachers plan and deliver lessons, assess student progress, and create a safe
space for learning. Beyond this, they participate in educational programs
that benefit the community. Teachers are also expected to follow a code of
ethics, showing integrity and respect in their work.
Curriculum Development
21st-Century Skills
Child and Adolescent Development
Understanding how children and teens grow is key to being a good teacher.
Different stages of development—such as infancy, early childhood, middle
childhood, and adolescence—come with unique physical, emotional, and
intellectual changes. Teachers who understand these stages can better support
their students.
Challenges in Education
While the education system in the Philippines has made progress, it still
faces issues like overcrowded classrooms, lack of resources, and high teacher
workloads. These challenges require creative solutions, such as using
technology, strengthening teacher training, and involving communities in
This portfolio shows that education is not just about teaching lessons—it is
about shaping lives and building a better society. The history of Philippine
education highlights how the system has adapted to meet the country’s needs.
The teaching profession shows the importance of dedication, ethics, and
continuous growth. Curriculum development proves that learning must be
relevant, engaging, and inclusive.
The document also stresses how understanding child and adolescent development
can improve teaching methods, ensuring every learner gets the support they
need. Modern education calls for preparing students for a fast-changing,
globalized world while valuing local culture and identity.