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Akamai & ISPs

Patrick W. Gilmore, Chief Network Architect

April 18, 2013

1. Disclaimer
2. Rules
3. What is a CDN, types of CDNs
4. Akamai’s topology
5. Peering, from both sides
6. Mapping

Akamai, Faster Forward ©2013Akamai


I was asked to give a talk about Akamai’s CDN, not CDNs in general

While some of the information may be general enough to apply to all

CDNs, I made no effort to generalize the information

In Other Words: Your Mileage May Vary

Akamai, Faster Forward ©2013Akamai

A Few Simple Rules

1. There are exceptions to every rule

When I say “X == Y”, please hear “except for these few corner cases” even if I do not
say it

2. This is very high level

We only have 30 minutes, I need to gloss over some details

3. Questions are welcome & encouraged

This is for you, be sure you get the most out of it

Akamai, Faster Forward ©2013Akamai

What is a Content Distribution Network?

The RFCs and Internet Drafts define a Content Distribution Network,

“CDN”, as:

Content Delivery Network or Content

Distribution Network. A type of CONTENT
ELEMENTS are arranged for more effective
delivery of CONTENT to CLIENTS.

Akamai, Faster Forward ©2013Akamai

What is a CDN - In English? (Or at least American?)

A CDN is an overlay network, designed to deliver content from the

optimal location

Very Generally: Users in Tokyo go to a server in Tokyo, users in Frankfurt

go to a server in Frankfurt

This obviously over-simplifies things, as “optimal” is frequently not

equivalent to “geographically close” – topology matters
• Obviously serving users in Beijing from Johannesburg is unlikely to be optimal for a
global CDN no matter the topology

Akamai, Faster Forward ©2013Akamai

To Network Or Not To Network

Some CDNs have a network (i.e. backbone)

• E.g. Level 3, Limelight
• Typically CDNs owned by a network will have a network (shocker)

Some CDNs do not

• E.g. Akamai, EdgeCast, CloudFlare

Network-based CDNs have most of their servers in their own CDN

Non-Network CDNs can place servers directly in other ASNs

• Which means you cannot find their traffic with NetFlow

Akamai, Faster Forward ©2013Akamai

Akamai’s CDN (Requisite Marketing Slide)

Akamai is the largest CDN in the world

• 3rd party estimates show Akamai’s traffic equal to or greater than all other CDNs

The Akamai EdgePlatform:

130,000+ ~2,200 ~1,200 800+ 81

Servers POPs Networks Cities Countries

30+ million hits / second
1.7+ trillion hits / day
Double-digit Tbps

Akamai, Faster Forward ©2013Akamai

Akamai’s CDN

Akamai’s CDN is comprised of distinct, geographically & topologically

disparate nodes

We believe having lots of nodes in lots of places gives us better

performance than a few large sites
London New York Tokyo


Akamai, Faster Forward ©2013Akamai

No Backbone

It is important to realize there is no network between Akamai nodes

London New York Tokyo


Akamai, Faster Forward ©2013Akamai

No Backbone

It is important to realize there is no network between Akamai

Even if they are in the same city

Telehouse Redbus HEX8/9


Akamai, Faster Forward ©2013Akamai

No Backbone

It is important to realize there is no network between Akamai

Even if they are in the same city

In fact, Akamai nodes in the same building do not share traffic

THN floor 3 THN floor 4 THN floor N


Akamai, Faster Forward ©2013Akamai

Origin GETs

Since each node is an island, there is no way for Akamai to deliver

content to a node ourselves

Origin GET ?

Origin Server

Akamai, Faster Forward ©2013Akamai

Origin GETs

Since each node is an island, there is no way for Akamai to deliver

content to a node ourselves

Akamai’s “backbone” is the Internet

• Also used for log delivery, SSH’ing to servers, etc.

Origin GET
Origin Server

Akamai, Faster Forward ©2013Akamai

Origin GETs

Since each node is an island, there is no way for Akamai to deliver

content to a node ourselves

Akamai’s “backbone” is the Internet

• Also used for log delivery, SSH’ing to servers, etc.

Each node goes back to the origin independently

Origin GET
Origin Server

Akamai, Faster Forward ©2013Akamai

Large Akamai Nodes, up close & personal

Large nodes have a mix of content types

Some servers will serve Flash streaming, others serve HTTP, etc.

Different content types typically require separate physical machines

• Flash works best on Windows (ugh), HTTP runs on unix (yay), etc.
• But also because different software requires different hardware, does not play
well with others, etc.

HTTP Flash

Akamai, Faster Forward ©2013Akamai

Small Akamai Nodes, up close & personal

Small nodes have a single server type (HTTP)

Each content type requires a minimum number of machines (usually

3-5), ruling out multiple content types on some nodes

Even nodes with enough machines may only serve HTTP


Akamai, Faster Forward ©2013Akamai

Small Akamai Nodes, up close & personal (2)

In addition to only serving HTTP, small nodes cannot serve all HTTP

The fact there are only a few servers limits the amount of storage,
meaning not all content can be cached

Because very few networks have enough traffic to require nodes

large enough to carry all content types and all customers, it is
important to peer with Akamai even if you have an on-net node

Akamai, Faster Forward ©2013Akamai

Why Akamai peers with ISPs - performance

The first and foremost reason to peer is improved performance

• Since Akamai’s entire reason for existence is to improve performance, peering
directly with networks (over non-congested links) obviously helps

Traffic served over peering typically performs better than over transit
• Sometimes there is no difference or (rarely) peering is worse, but no one here is
like that, right?

Removing intermediate AS hops allows higher peak traffic for the

majority of end user Ases
• I cannot prove why this is true, but we have hard data showing it is
• Anyone have ideas? (I have a few, but would like to hear yours)

Akamai, Faster Forward ©2013Akamai

Why Akamai peers with ISPs (2)

Lots of other reasons:

• Redundancy
• Burstability
• Network Intelligence
• Backup for on-net servers
• Serving additional content types

While all those are important, they really all are related to

So the real second reason to peer is cost (duh)

Akamai, Faster Forward ©2013Akamai

Why you should peer with Akamai

Why not?
• CDNs and ISPs are in the same business, just on different sides - we both want to
serve end users as quickly and reliably as possible

Cost Reduction
• Transit savings
• Possible backbone / backhaul savings

Because you are nice

• Doesn’t everyone want to be nice?

Akamai, Faster Forward ©2013Akamai

Akamai at IXPs

Remember each node is an island

Peer Network [...] Peer Network

1. The CDN uses transit to pull content

into the servers
2. Content is then served to peers over
the IX

This is designed specifically to appear

exactly like any other peer

Origin Server

Akamai, Faster Forward ©2013Akamai

Akamai & Private Peering

Private peering is just the degenerate

Peer Network case of an IXP – i.e. an IX with one peer



Origin Server

Akamai, Faster Forward ©2013Akamai

Akamai & Private Peering

Private peering is just the degenerate

Peer Network Peer Network case of an IXP – i.e. an IX with one peer

Of course, Akamai usually sets up more

than one peer per node to get economies
of scale
Peer Network

Akamai, Faster Forward ©2013Akamai

Akamai’s traffic control

Akamai also has (IMHO) amazing control over our traffic

This is an actual graph of an Akamai IX port over a week

• Time for an upgrade maybe?

Akamai, Faster Forward ©2013Akamai


Most people think of Akamai as a caching company

Caching objects is something Akamai does, but the Akamai’s core

business is Mapping the Internet

Akamai makes these decisions in near-real time, adjusting to

performance changes in 10-30 seconds

Deciding which end users should go to which web (streaming,

whatever) servers is hard

Akamai, Faster Forward ©2013Akamai

Mapping & DNS

Akamai maps end users through DNS

Specifically, querying the same hostname from different locations will

return different A records

Traffic is still routed to the end user directly

• No transparent caching
• No HTTP redirects
• Etc.

Akamai, Faster Forward ©2013Akamai

Mapping Decision Steps

Akamai’s Mapping has a few steps:

1. User types into browser

2. User’s machine goes to ISP’s recursive name server
3. ISP’s RNS goes to [roots, GTLDs] customer’s NS and asks for A record
4. Akamai responds with CNAM to
5. ISP’s RNS goes to [roots, GTLDs] Akamai’s NS and asks for
6. Akamai responds with a delegation for
7. ISP’s RNS asks Akamai’s second level NS for
8. Akamai responds with at least two IP addresses
9. ISP’s RNS answers user’s machine

Akamai, Faster Forward ©2013Akamai

Akamai’s DNS mapping visual aid

TLNS == Top Level NS

• I.e. IP address handed out by
the GTLDs

LLNS == Low Level NS

• I.e. IP address delegated by the

“Ghosts” (should be
“GHost”) is Akamai’s code
name for our web servers:
“Global Host”

Akamai, Faster Forward ©2013Akamai

Users vs. Name Servers

Note at no time during the Mapping decision, did the Akamai name
server ever speak directly to the user

Even if we wanted to map by user IP address, we could not as we do

not have it when we make the Mapping decision

Moreover, even if we did, the ISP’s RNS caches the answer and
hands the same IP address to the next end user without asking
Akamai again

Akamai, Faster Forward ©2013Akamai

Users vs. Name Servers (2)

This means if a user configures an off-net name server Akamai will

map the user where the name server is, not where the user is

If you dig an Akamai hostname against a name server in Tokyo or

San Jose from a machine, you will get an Akamai server in Tokyo or
San Jose
• Ignoring the fact there shouldn’t be any open recursive name servers…

The most obvious examples of this are OpenDNS and Google DNS
• Yes, we are working on fixes, but they will not work for all ISPs
• Easier just to assure your users are configured with a local name server

Akamai, Faster Forward ©2013Akamai

Example of Mapping

Example of CDN mapping

• Notice the different A records for different locations:

[London]% host CNAME A A

[Boston]% host CNAME A A

Akamai, Faster Forward ©2013Akamai

Mapping Selection Criteria

Akamai uses many metrics for Mapping, including the standard

latency, packet loss, throughput

Akamai also includes things like CPU load, available storage, network
utilization, where content is already cached, etc.

Geography still counts

• That whole speed-of-light thing
• 100G Ethernet solves that, right … ?

Akamai, Faster Forward ©2013Akamai

Example of bad Mapping

Tracing from IAD to

pgilmore@prod-unix-shell01:~> nsh mtr -d

HOST: a72-246-30-12.deploy.akamai Loss% Snt Last Avg Best Wrst StDev
1. a72-246-30-1.deploy.akamaite 0.0% 10 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.5 0.1
2. 0.0% 10 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.5 0.1
3. 0.0% 10 16.9 3.0 0.5 16.9 5.5
4. 0.0% 10 80.0 82.9 78.0 89.3 3.3
5. 0.0% 10 82.8 87.2 82.6 127.2 14.0
6. 0.0% 10 82.1 81.9 81.7 82.1 0.1
7. 0.0% 10 72.4 72.9 72.4 76.7 1.3

Akamai, Faster Forward ©2013Akamai

Example of bad Mapping

Tracing from SJC to

pgilmore@prod-unix-shell01:~> nsh mtr -d

HOST: a173-223-232-110.deploy.aka Loss% Snt Last Avg Best Wrst StDev
1. a72-246-53-1.deploy.akamaite 0.0% 10 4.3 3.3 0.4 9.7 3.8
2. 0.0% 10 0.2 4.7 0.2 45.3 14.3
3. 0.0% 10 0.4 5.0 0.4 44.8 14.0
4. 0.0% 10 78.6 76.5 76.2 78.6 0.8
5. 0.0% 10 76.1 77.7 76.1 91.9 5.0
6. 0.0% 10 78.5 78.5 78.4 78.6 0.1
7. 0.0% 10 76.3 76.4 76.3 77.0 0.2

Akamai, Faster Forward ©2013Akamai

Example of good Mapping

Tracing from SJC to

pgilmore@prod-unix-shell01:~> nsh mtr -d

HOST: a173-223-232-110.deploy.aka Loss% Snt Last Avg Best Wrst StDev
1. a173-223-232-105.deploy.akam 0.0% 10 0.1 0.2 0.1 1.6 0.5

OK ,that was cheating 

Akamai, Faster Forward ©2013Akamai

Example of good Mapping

Tracing from a server in ORD to

inv2824# traceroute

traceroute: Warning: has multiple addresses; using
traceroute to (, 64 hops max, 40 byte packets
1 ( 0.629 ms 0.535 ms 0.661 ms
2 ( 21.738 ms 1.778 ms 0.513 ms
3 ( 0.282 ms 0.389 ms 0.292 ms
4 ( 12.214 ms ( 0.517 ms ( 16.753 ms
5 ( 0.699 ms ( 1.000 ms ( 1.203 ms
6 ( 0.687 ms 0.710 ms ( 0.514 ms
Akamai, Faster Forward ©2013Akamai

Akamai, Faster Forward ©2013Akamai

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