Impotence and Sterility

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Aberrations of the Sexual Function





Formerly Professor of the Surgical Diseases of the Genito-Urinary Organs and

Syphilology in the Medical Department of the State University of Illinois,

Member of the American Urological Association, Fellow of

the American Medical Association, Member of the

Society of Authors, London, England, etc.



Copyright 1917 G. Frank Lydston, M.D.
















MY belief that there is room for still another monograph on diseases and aberrations of the sex function is sufficient explanation for this volume. The advisability of presenting in permanent form my hormone theory of aberrations of sex development and function and my researches and observations in the field of sexgland implantation, will be sufficiently obvious to those laborers in the vineyard of science who have learned to their cost that the medical press alone cannot be relied upon to perpetuate, protect and give lasting credit for original work. It is hoped that the legal profession may find in the chapters on Sterility, Sex Aberrations and Sterilization, material of forensic value.

G. Frank Lydston

25 E. Washington St. Chicago


Aberrant and Imperfect Differentiation of Sex.


The relation of physical deformities of congenital origin involving the sexual organs to abnormalities and imperfections of the sexual function is most important. The subjects of physically aberrant sexual differentiation are more numerous than is generally believed ; fortunately, however, the majority of cases are either slightly marked or of but little practical importance as regards their physiologic and social status.

Certain marked cases of physical aberr^ilion of sexual structure always have been of vital importance to medical jurists. Hermaphroditism, so-called, has received considerable attention from authorities on medical jurisprudence. In England, where the law of primogeniture prevails, the male is relatively so important a

factor in the body social that the legal traditions upon the subject of hermaphroditism have been much more enduring and important than elsewhere.

As our knowledge of physiology and morphology has advanced, however, the so-called hermaphrodite not only has decreased in frequency in all social systems, but is a much less important factor in jurisprudence. The most important features of such cases at the present time are the questions of : 1. Impotence and sterility in both sexes. 2. Sexual perversion and inversion, or other psychopathies of a sexual type.

That the evils resulting from aberrations of structure of tlic sexual organs produce mechanic and functional obstacles to procreation is not at all remarkable and is sufficient!}- well understood.

The psychosexual aspect of the question is not, however, so fully and intelligently comprehended as it should be. The term


hermaphroditism has been apphed in a loose and unscientific fashion, the physical conformation of the subjects being accepted as the chief factor in diagnosis. Hermaphroditism literally implies a mingling of the physical and functional qualities of both sexes. The crucial test as now accepted is the existence of a more or less perfectly formed testicle and ovary in the same individual. Even from this stand-point, the existence of true hermaphroditism is open to serious question. If hermaphroditism be accepted as implying the performance of the male or female function at will, such a condition cannot possibly exist in view of the fact that the sexual function does not begin and end with the act of sexual congress, ])rocreation being necessary to its complete fulfillment. The socalled hermaphrodite is sterile fortunately for society and, so

far as procreation is concerned, cannot functionate as either male or female. The author is of opinion that, while pseudohermaphroditism is by no means rare, true hermaphroditism does not, and from biologic reasoning, cannot exist.

Although in most cases of pseudohermaphroditism it is possible to classify the subject as either male or female with greater or less ease, it must, nevertheless, be acknowledged that cases occasionally occur in which the differential diagnosis demands the highest degree of diagnostic skill. A case coming under the observation successively of Guyon and Fournier pointedly illustrates

this. These distinguished gentlemen rendered lengthy and diametrically-opposed opinions as to the sex of the subject.

Cases occasionally occur in which a differential diagnosis is impossible until the age of puberty, when certain sexual attributes menstruation, the growth of beard, changing voice, etc., as the decide the question of sex. In very rare instances

case may be

the sex cannot be decided during life.

In some of the cases of alleged hermaphroditism the subject not only does not present what can justly be termed an admixture of male and female organs, but is ]:)ractically a neuter, being without desire or cajiacity to perform the functions of either sex. When, however, the subject of general and local malformation also is the subject of sexual perversion, observation of the case may indicate an apparent commingling of the functional capacity. A case coming under the author's observation aptly illustrates this. The subject was a mulatto cook to whose case the author's attention was


Aherrant p-yciKj>c"xvial (lifferciuialion with iiniierfect physical (hffcreiitiatif)]!. vScxual organs of normal form. Init undeveloped.

called by .some of the lads of the neighborh(XJ(l. who came for relief from typic gonorrhea, which they claimed they had contracted from him. Investigation proved the truth of tlie hoys' story. This hypospadiac male had contracted the disease in the normal manner from a female and, subsequently, performing the passive role in the sexual act. had given the disease to the lads.


A case illustrating the difficulties of diagnosis in so-called hermaphroditism is re])orted by Dr. (}. ]v. Green :


A liousemaid. aged 24, had symptoms which seemed to point to

retained menses. She was five feet seven inches in height, of dark complexion, and anemic in appearance, i^'or several years she had been in domestic

service, and was well known to the doctor personally. On examination, the external genitals appeared to be those of a woman ; in keeping with this was the arrangement of the pubic hair, while there was in addition considerable mammary devel()])ment. There was an oval body, freely movable, in the right labium and a similar one in the left. On separating the labia a clitoris was found, rather larger than usual, llelow this was a small opening", wdiich apparently led to a narrow and contracted vagina. Subsequent examination, however, under ether, revealed a very different state of things. The "swellings" in the labia proved to be testes ; the labia w^ere formed by a splitting of the scrotum into two halves. At the I)ottom of the "split" the "clitoris" was clearly the ])enis. with its glans only developed, and without the corpus spongiosimi. Upon its tmder surface there was a groove which led backward to a urethral orifice, into wdiich a silver female catheter easily passed into the bladder. The sex of this "housemaid" was cvidenth', therefore, male, and the ([uestion arose what was to be done tmder the circumstances. The patient was anxious to continue being a woman, but the law does not allow a man to masquerade in woman's c!oth('s. Dr. (ireen determined that the difficulty would be met if he were to remove the testicles from the "labia." This was accordingly successftdK' done, and now. in his tmse.xed condition, the man has restmied his ordinary occtipation of that of a "housemaid."

-Aberrant sextial differentiation may not involve any physical defects of the sexttal organs ; it may be ptirely ])svchic, and de])endent u])on im])erfection dilferentiation of sexttal affinity. 'J'hat there is an essential defect in the psvchosexital centers of the cere-

bral cortex is probable; l)tU, if such defect exists, it is too occult for detection by an}- known method of research. Cases of psychically defective sexttal diflerentiation ])resent themselves under three forms: 1. Cases with normal develo])ment of physical sexttal t}])e, both general and local. These constitttte the class of cases in which sexual ])erversion is least likely to be stispected. 2. Cases of normal general ])hysi(|tie, but defective or aberrant develo])ment of the genitals. 3. Cases in the male in which the genitals are im])erfecll}- develo])ed and the general ])h\-si(|tte effeminate.

The same classification a])])lies to both male and female. The atuhor has. howe\-er, observed homosextialit\- oftcner among netiro])athic temales ot an tiltrafeminine t\-])e than in those of mas-



culine anrilnuc'>. It is admitted that this probably is an exceptional experience.

Sextial affinitx' has been held to be a form of hun.^'er which, traced to its sotn'ce. is mereh' chemic or at least, bio-chemic

affinitv. \i this be true, as the author believes it to be. imperfect differentiation of sexualitx' >honld be exi)ected to lead to rever>ional ]ieculiarities manifested 1)}' >extial perversions of \-ariotis

['-(. lul'ilK-nnaiiiirnditi-iii (;il)errain L;x-iiit> iscxual (litYc-rentiatii )n I, -liMwinLi- totes, which were rctaiiK-d within ilie jielvis. Suhject wa- a male.

fornir^. This ])oint will be more ftill\- disctissed in the next chapter. The ])oint that the atithor desiro to make here is that pederasts. tn-nin_^s, a term a])])Iied 1)\- Ca<])ar to individuals haviui.;- "the and some other sextial

l)o('_\' of a man and the >otil ot a woman.""

])erverts ( invert> e>])eciall_\ ) are closel}' akin to h\-pos])a(liacs and ei)ispadiacs so-called herma])hro(liies. Psychic herma])hroditism

or psettdoherma])hroditi<m ma_\' be (jtiite as readih' acce])te(l as a ])os<il)ilit_\- a< ma_\- the i)h\'-ical t\-pe. The stibjects of im])erfect

11 -


or aberranl sexual differentiation may be specially classified as follows :

1. Imperfect differeii- ^Pederasts, urnings, subjects of bestiality and intiation of sexual type verts; ;. c, individuals with a sexual affinity

(affinity) without phys- <^ for their own sex

homosexuality. The latter

ical defect, either general ] is called in the female gynandry, and, in the

or local. 1^ male, androgyny. This class is not numerous.

2. Defective

/. c, imdif-

])erfect or aberrant

ferentiation of structure.

( (/ ) The simi)lest variety. Genital defects partaking of more or less of the attributes of

the opposite sex, with normal sexual appetite.

(/') Genital defects of similarly atypic conformation, associated with perverted sexual appetite.

(( ) -Aberrations of general ])liysiquc only

''. c a

physi(|ue a])])roxim;iting tliat of the opposite sex associated witli perversion of sexual ap-

petite. Most cases of homosexuality belong to this class.

((/) .Aberrations of general physiciue with associated genital defects anrl perverted sexual appetite.

In class 2

(/, />, d

are embraced e|)is])adias and bv])osi)adias

;md rudimentary develo])ment or c'lbsence of uterus, ovary, testicle, and ])enis.

Mucb of tlie rtibbisb that has l)een ])0])tilarl_\- acce])ted on the (|t:estion of herma])hro(litism has been jjromtili^ated b\' men about

town and ])h_\sicians who are ii^norant of se.xual niorpholoi^x'. ( )n several occasions the atuhor has been invited by physicians to inspect a wonderftil herma])hro(lite, which, on examination. ])r()ved to be a male of by no means extraordinai-ily-defective tv])e. These cases on in\-esti,<4ation ])roved to be alUiclics of disrei)Utable houses in which the alleged femininit\- of the stibjecl was beinu' devoted to ])rohtable mercantile desii^ns. In one case which -was claimed to be a

male i)er\ert -the sttbject afterward confessed that his ])erversion was for rex'entie onl\-, his sextial a])])etitc beini;" o'ratilied only in the normrd manner. This was borne otU 1)\- the testimony of some ot hi> intimate associates.


(ki}-, one of the older writers on medical jurisprudence, classified cases of genital malformation as follows:

1. Male individuals with .-uch unusual formations of the generative organs as in many respects to resemble

tlie female.

1. F c male individuals with such unusual formations of the same organs as to resemble the male.

,1, W'liere a mixture of the sexual organs of l)oth sexes is cxliibited without either being entire.

It is obvious that there are certain acijttired conditions which wotild fall tinder the above classification, yet wottld not be trtte cases of aberrant sexual diflerentiation : ('. (j.. a ])rola])sed and hyj)ertro])hied uterus has l)een mistaken for a rudimentar}- i)enis. and females thus affected have been known to copttlate

w i t li other females. An h\i)ertr()])hicd clitoris ma\' be nn'staken for a rudimentary ])enis and ma\' ])erform the male ])art in co])ttlation. The im])ortance of caution in deciding the sex in cases of genital malformation is a])tl_\' illtist rated l)y a celebrated case occtirring in Chi-

Al)errant genito-exual differentiatinn ( hypospadiac). Alale txpe, ])sycliosexually ; general ])hy-i(|ue of female type.

cago. In this ca>e socielx' was electrified

the discoverv that


a supposed young lady who had been visiting about and sleeping with bona fide young lady friends was a boy. The first intimation of the truth was the development of a pronounced beard with a bass vocal accompaniment.

The assertion that certain cases of sexual perve-rsion are akin to epispadias and hypospadias and the result of imperfect differentiation, may seem a trifle far-fetched, but the author nevertheless holds the o])inion that, even when the differentiation of sex is complete from a gross physical standpoint it still is possible that the receptive and generative centers of sexual sensibility may fail to become perfectly differentiated. The result, under such circumstances, might be, on the one hand, sexual apathy, and, upon the other, an approximation to the male or female type according to the circumstances of the case. Such a failure of development and im])erfect differentiation of structure necessarily would be too occult for detection from physical character by any means of investigation at our command. It is, however, only too well

recognized l)y its results and is often responsible for disgusting cases of sexual perversion that society is prone to attribute to moral de])ravity. This point, and the relation of reversion of type to sexual ])erversion, will be more fully discussed in the next chapter. That failure of differentiation and development is equally res])onsible for certain cases of sexual perversion and instances of hvpos])adias and e])is])adias is the ])rincipal ])oint to be remembered at this juncture.

Cases of gross ])hysical aberration of genital structure are not difficult to account for, so far as the uiodits operandi of their formation is concerned ; l)ut their cause is not so readily explicable.

There evidently is an exhaustion of formative energy before the occurrence of com])lete fusion of the two lateral segments, of which tlie embryo is ])ractically com])ose(l. Defective genital formation bears the same relation to exhaustion of formative energy as do crania bifida. sp>ina bifida, etc. It is ol)vious that the degree of deformit}- (lei)en(ls entirely u])on the ])eriod at which develo])mental ])rogrcssi()n ceases. vSo far as a])])earances go. one would naturally conclude that dilTerentiation does not cease at a very early ])eriod in the life-history of the fetus, else what is ordinarily acce])ted as true hei-niaphroditism would not only occur in reality. hut would be fre(|uent.

-^ 14 -


Geoflrov St. Jliliarc, one of the older writers, niapjjed out a verv elal)orate ])lan in explanation of liernia])hro(litism in a work cspecialK' devoted to that subject, lie divided the ,^-enerative a])])aratus into a series of ])ortions or segments, three in each lateral division. The n])])er set coni])rise(l the testes and ovaries : the middle the wonil). jjrostate. and seminal vesicles: the lower the i)enis.

I '-cudDlie-niiaiilirodilisni ( alicrraiU .^cii it o sexual dilTcTtnliulion j , sli<)\\-iiit4- \nl\a. pscinliiN asiina, and absence of uterus. Sul)ject \\";i- a male.

scrotum, clitoris, and vulva. Accordino" to him, therefore, there nu'ght occur any number of varieties of herma])hroditism, accordins2; to the combination of faulty structures. 'Phis scheme was de-

fective because of the fact that, in spite of all appearances to the contrary, differentiation ])ractically never falls (|uite short of determinini^- one or the other sex.

The simjdest ])lan for the explanation of i^enital deformities and anomalies is to remember that the fetus ])ractica]ly develops in two lateral segments and that any failure of union at the genital furrow will result in a greater or less degree of aberration of genital



ccjufoniiation. The view that hyposj)adias and epispadias are tlie result of atresia and ru])ture of the fetal m-ethra apparently is untenable in view of the generally-defective ])hysique found in most cases of the kind.

The relation of aberrations of genital formation to sterility and im])Otence is vcr}' important. Jmpotenxe does not exist in the female unless there be atresia or complete absence of the vagina. Almost any aberration of the structure of the ovary, tubes or uterus may, however, produce sterility. In the male impotence is more

likely to result than sterility, as serious deformity may ])revent either erection or sufficient develo])ment of the organ to permit intromission. No matter how great the deformity, however, the individual may be fruitful if circumstances be favorable, so long as the testicles ;u"e functionally ])erfect.

llic author is of opinion llial pcn'crsion of llie qiiaHly or Icsscuiiuj of the qiiantitx of iJic sex Jioniionc formed in llie glands llial produced llic parental (jcnn cell or sperm cell or hath is

tJie biologic foioidation of lH)tIi psycliic and pJiysical aberrations of sex differentiation. As to what causes the defective or vicious hormone sup])ly in the ])arent, this also nuist be theoretic. It possibly is a defect in the su])rarenals or in the anterior lobe of the ])ituitary body with defective sex gland development. The author believes that an}- general or local condition which impairs the integrity of the bioplasm of the hormone-|)r()ducing cells in the sex glands may be res])onsible for ])hysio-sexual and psycho-sexual aberrations. Sexual excesses. s\])hilis or other general infections

might reasonably be considered as ])ossible general causes.

Physical or psychic maternal shock probably may bring about hormone disturbance and consequent maldeveloi)ment. This ma\explain certain so-called "maternal impressions.""

It certainly is true that vitiated blood is poor material for the

elaboration of normal hormone by the sex glands and, without healthy and ])r()i)er hormone su])])ly, it is reasonable to suppose that the ovule and spermatozoa will lack the nutritive "])unch" necessar}- to com])lete and ])erfect deve]o])ment. If the author's 77'^7.' be correct, sexual peri'ersion and iwi'ersion out phxsicid al'crratiotis 7eith or ccilh'

are purely biocheinic in orii^i)!, and, if

taken early, susceptil'le of cure by implantation of sc.v glands, thereby adding to the economy during the period of sex develop-

16 -


meiif, a certain quantity of a nczv and better quality of sex-hormone. The author is convinced, moreover, that there is great advantage in the fact tJiat the added hormone usually is an alien strain. So logical does the foregoing seem to the author, that he believes that a certain proportion of cases of perversion and inversion, if treated prior to adult age, are hopeful cases for the procedure.

What could be more logical than the treatment of masculinity in the female and of femininity in the male, by large and constant doses of sex hormone of the corresponding sex through the medium

of implanted glands during the period of sex-development and differentiation? That the acquired type of aberrant physio-sexual differentiation frequently is susceptible of cure by implantation seems probable. Later on, the author will relate a case that is decidedly in point. (Case 6, Chapter XL)

Licompatibility of the sex hormones due to biologically unfit mating may have much to do with teratologic sex aberrations. This is occult, it is true, but possibly is an important factor in eugenics.

That a primary defect in the quantity and quality of the sex hormone is essentially the cause of certain aberrant types of physio-sexual development sexual aberrations and incidentally of their attendant pschyo-

is fairly conclusively proven by the facts that :

1st., Loss of the ovaries in previously normal young females is followed by the development of masculine secondary sex characteristics. 2nd., The same principle holds good in the loss of the testes in the male, secondary female sex characteristics developing. 3rd., Successful administration of the appropriate sex hormone is followed in greater or less degree by a return to the normal secondary sex characteristics.*

The author believes that the sex hormone aberration theory of sex maldevelopment is not incompatible with the theory of the influence of pituitary and adrenal cortex hormone on the primary

development of the sexual organs. Normal sex hormone probably is primarily essential to the. development of the ovum, the other hormones coming into play only after the embryonic development of the pituitary body and adrenals is completed, after which the endocrine nutritive cycle is established and the hormones work in harmony for the purposes of nutrition, differentiation and development.

*As will be seen later, this has been proved by the author's work in sex gland implantation.



Curiously enough, the sex hormone theory suggested by the author is not inharmonious with certain theories of the Neo-Darwinian school of biologists, notably Weismann's. According to the latter, the theory of germinal selection can be applied to the degeneration of organs.

The germ (or the chromatic matter in the nucleus of the germ) is composed of tiny particles called determinants, each of which has its cell, or

group of cells, to form in the growing organism. These determinants themselves feed and grow in the ovary and are subject to a kind of struggle for food. Some obtain more than their normal share of nourishment, and this leads to increased size or efficiency of the parts of the organism which they construct. But others obtain less than their normal quantity, and the parts of the organism which they build are of diminished strength.

If we accept as the underlying determinant principle of nutrition 1. the parental individual sex hormone and si)ermatozoa modifying the ovule

2. the combined hormones in the fructified ovule

/. e., the ovum. 3. the maternal hormones furnished by the ovary and especially by the corpus luteum of pregnancy, the possible relation of perversions of the sex hormone to aberrations of sex development and differentiation would seem to have excellent biologic support.

In determining the sex of alleged hermaphrodites the following points require consideration :

1. The character of the voice.

2. The development of the mammae.

3. The growth or absence of beard.

4. The form of the shoulders, hips, and waist.

5. The ]:)reseiice or otherwise of the menses or vicarious discharges.

6. The character of sexual desire. In respect to this point the occasional co-existence of sexual perversion with genital deformity should be given its due meed of consideration. Thus, in a case in which difficulty of diagnosis existed, a perverted sexual affinity for the same sex might mislead the physician.

7. The presence or absence of rudimentary (or perfect) testes or ovaries.

8. Tlie form of the sup])osed clitoris or ])enis, the method of attachment of its prepuce, and the absence or presence of perforation in its glans.

* ). The presence or absence of the hymen (rudimentary),



nymphae, labia majora, or bifid scrotum, as the case may be. In cases of doubt it is safest to regard the individual as a female until time and pubescence have settled the question.

The cases of imperfect or aberrant sexual differentiation included under the head of sexual perversion obviously are more difficult to study than those in which the aberration is of a purely physical character. This is especially true regarding sapphic love, or sexual affinity of female for female. That such cases are frequent is certain, but they are extremely difficult to trace. The confessional of the family physician doubtless might offer evidence of a clinical character, but he is very chary of airing the shortcomings of his patients in this particular direction.

The existence of this abnormal sexuality can be explained only by aberrant psychosexual differentiation. In the case of the male, instances are so common that the subject is decidedly trite. It is not only charity, but a sense of justice and a desire to lessen the stigma upon human nature, that impels the author to include typic cases of sexual perversion under the head of aberrant sexual differentiation, and to attribute the condition to perverted or imperfect evolutionary development, on the one hand, and a reversion of type, on the other. To understand such problems it is necessary to consider the sex life of the primordial cell and the prehuman

ancestral hermaphroditic type of all animal life. Sex differentiation came relatively late in the operations of biogenic law. Until the male principle appeared there zvas no sex, but merely se.vually undifferentiated bioplasm 7vhich multiplied after its kind.


Hypospadias and Epispadias.

These comprise practically all of the congenital deformities of the urethra, save the rare cases in which diverticula or duplicate channels exist. These conditions quite generally have been attributed to a failure of development in intrauterine life. The embryo being practically laid down primarily in two longitudinal sections which subsequently became fused together in a perfect anatomic entity it is obvious that failure of fusion at any particular point

may produce congenital deformity. The deformity necessarily varies in kind according to the location of developmental failure,



and its degree is, of course, modified by the extent of such defect in fusion. It seems logical to infer that the deformities under consideration are the results of failure of fusion of the genital furrow. It is the normal fusion of this furrow which eventually dififerentiates the sexes. A failure of development results in an approximation to the male or female according to the degree of perfection to which embryonic development has arrived at the time it is interfered with. The various forms of failure of differentiation have led in many instances to confusion in the determination of sex. The subjects of hypospadias and epispadias especially the former

therefore, are very closely associated with so-called hermaphroditism in its various phases. Failure of fusion of the scrotum, associated with cryptorchidism, rudimentary development of the penis, and hypospadias, represents the most frequent type of pseudo-hermaphroditism the type that most often masquerades as true her-

maphroditism. As will be seen later on, the subject of sexual perversion is very intimately blended with urethral deformities.

Failure of embryonic development as the cause of urethral deformities recently has been disputed. Thiersch, for example, and others have claimed that these deformities are due, not to imperfect embryonic development, but to atresia of the urethra, with subsequent rupture behind the point of obstruction. Numerous arguments have been advanced in supi)ort of this view by various investigators ; dilation of the ureter and pelvis of the kidney, such as is

often found in hydronephrosis, and the presence of cicatricial tissue being the chief points.

The author cannot accept the foregoing theory ; there are too many analogous conditions that almost necessarily must develop along the same lines as urethral deformities and which cannot be explained u])on a simple mechanic basis. The principal argument against the theory is the general defective development associated with urethral deformities, there being not only a failure of physical, but also of psychosexual differentiation in a large proportion of cases. It is not necessary to resort to a mechanic ex])lanation of the intimate association of congenital diseases of the kidney and ureter found coincidentaly with all urethral deformities. The same aberration and failure of embryonic development are sufficiently explanatory in both.

]I^ l'OS^AI)lAS.

In this condition the deficiency of development



is situated alon,^' the Hoor of the urethra, and is associated witli

a defective penile development proportionate to the degree of the hypospadias. The tn-ethra may open at any ])oint from the frcnwin prcpiitii to the ])erinenm ; the farther hack the opening, the greater the failure of physical ditl'erentiation of sex. In the majority of instances the deformit}' is >light. the urethra opening just behind or at the side of the frenum. Ca>es in which the opening is located posterior to the peno-scrotal angle are relativel}' rare. In the sinipler varietv there is. as a rule, no great inconvenience resulting froiu the conditi(jn. soiling of the clothing with urine and sterility being the principal features of annoyance. 'i'hese disagreeable results increase in degree ])r(i])orti()nate to the extent (jf the deformity.


l^pispadias is rarer than hypos])adias, is most

often fotnid in the female, and generally is associated with exstrophy of the bladder. It sometimes is associated with congenital absence of the sym])hysis ptibis. and so often is coml)ined with ectopia I'csiccc that its consideration ])roperly falls inider the head of congenital deformities of the bladder. There are some rare cases in which there is a simple epis])adias without exstrophy.

The (operative management of urethral deformities does not come within the scope of this work. It is r)bvious. however, that in so far as a given deformity interferes with ])otency or fertility, operation is indicated. The author has had the good fortune to successfully o])erate on a ntimber of cases of this kind.

.\c<jriRi;i) 1 )i;i'()KM i rii:s.

Ac(|viired tirethral deformities and traumatic accidents to the l)eni> and tirethra. or to the tirethra alone, are occasional causes of impotence. Cases of nnuilation of the penis b\' jeaalous women are more fre([tient than generally is su])])osed. The aiuhor ha^ met with several cases of c()iu])lete amputation. Otiite recentlv also, a ca<e of mutilation of the testes ])roduced through a sinn'lar agenc\' came tmder his observation.

The ])S_\chol()gy of cases of genital injur\- 1)\- criminal assaults varies. As originallv frjrnudated 1)\' the author,* thev are:


Sini])le jealotis}-. Women sometimes injtire, not onlv tlu'

offending mate, bitt also the female ri\-al. making the genitals the

* New V(irk ^r. .l. .jMur.. l-'d.. :;. liOi'.


object of assault. The male often makes the genital organs the objective i)oint of assault U])on a rival. 'J'he dominant idea in most

cases simply is revenge.


The desire to deprive a rival of what seems to the jealous

person the chief ])t)int of interest to the rival.


A desire to punish the one at whose hands the assailant

has suffered iniiu-v.

C'a^c i)f amputation of [icnis 1)y a jealous wife.


A "dog in the manger'' sentiment. I-)Oth women and men

have been known to commit sex nmtilation on persons in whom they no longer were interested.


The desire to protect oneself from future encroachment

on one's sexual rights. A comparatively recent famous Western case is in ])oint.


Insane impulse.


Reversionary instinct, resulting in sadism. Apro])OS of

this i)oint. the attack of the female spider and of the female Mantis rclif/iosa U])on the male after copulation are illustrations.


X, referred to the ruithor ])y tlie late Dr. H. F. Stcerc, of Chicago.

.\ti honest, Iiard workint;. decent llolieniian incurred tlic jealousy of In's wife,

22 - -


through what she chose to believe was indifference due to attentions to other women. So far as the author was able to determine, the woman was abnormally developed sexually and the "indifference" of the unfortunate victim of her jealousy and vindictiveness was due merely to the physical fatigue incidental to his occupation, which was that of a laborer.

About 3 o'clock on the night of October 15, 1911, while X was sleeping soundly, Mrs. X procured a razor and completely amputated his penis, about an inch from the pubic cymphysis. The hemorrhage was very profuse, and as Dr. Steere, who was called to attend the case, did not arrive on the scene for about forty minutes, he found the patient in semi-syncope and almost exsanguinated. The amputated organ was found hanging by a narrow strip

of integument.

After severing the skin and removing the injured member, the doctor trimmed the stump, leaving the urethra longer than the stump. He then split the "cuff" of the urethra and stitched it partly over the stump to form a pseudo-meatus. A small, soft rubber catheter No. 17 F. was left in the bladder.'^ Healing was prompt, and the author was privileged to exhibit the case at his clinic three weeks later.

Deformity of the penis due to chronic inflammation of the corpora cavernosa not infrequently produces impotence. The author so often has observed this condition in conjunction with arteriosclerosis, that he has come to believe that this condition of the blood vessels frequently is of etiologic importance.

Precocious Sexuautv.

In. rare instances young children exhibit sexual precocity both as to physical-sexual and psycho-sexual development. These cases are easy of recognition but difficult to explain. The sex syndrome consists of ]:rematurely enlarged sexual organs and development of pttbic hair and, in the male, excessive general hair growth with corresponding voice change, precocious sexual desire in both sexes, notably in the male, and abnormally early menstruation in the female. Associated with these sex manifestations are pre-

cociously mature thought and speech habit, and general bodily overgrowth, a child of five or six years of age presenting the physical ap])earance of one of eleven or twelve.

The cause of sexual precocity is obsctu'e, but has been asserted to be an impairment of the functions of the pineal gland, the hormone of which, it is claimed, normallv inhibits sextial growth until

* The retained catheter slipped into the bladder. The author found it with the cy.stoscope six weeks later and removed it with a lithotrite per urethram.



puberty. This theory is based upon cases of tumor of the pineal gland in which the syndrome described existed. Inasmuch, however, as feeding pineal gland to young animals produces a similar syndrome, the only explanation of the phenomena seems to the author to be a derangement of the equilibrium of the endocrine nutritive cycle, which may be produced by, 1st, increase, 2nd,

diminution, 3rd, vitiation of the pineal endocrine secretion. In any event, the administration of pineal substance at present must stand on purely tentative and empirical ground.

That a pernicious heredity neuro-degeneracy will be disputed.

involving especially syphilis and

possibly may underlie sexual precocity hardly


CHAPTER II. Diseases of the Sexual Function and Instinct.

General Considerations.

The sexual function is animated

by the most vital of all animal instincts. When made to subserve its real purpose procreation sexual desire fundamentally is the

most disinterested of the purely animal appetites. Granting that it is a mere differentiation of its ancestral instinct, hunger, its ultimate object is higher than that of the parent appetite. The ultimate object of hunger is the preservation of the life of the individual, while that of the sexual passion is the preservation of the species.

The fact that the individual derives pleasure from the sexual act detracts not at all from the unselfishness of its object, so far as its relation to the grand scheme of Nature is concerned. The sexual passion is no more open to impeachment on the ground of selfishness than is the fundamental instinct of hunger. Both are alike productive of pleasure in their gratification ; both are alike subject to abuse by those who pursue the pleasure of gratification of the animal appetites with a total disregard of their natural objects. There are relatively few who "eat to live ;" those who live to eat are legion. The proportion of human beings who copulate for procreative purposes is very small as compared with those for whom the sexual act is the axis upon which the world revolves.

As regards his sexual ethics, man probably has retrograded from the primal stock from which he descended or ascended, ac-

cording to the point of view. Those of the lower animals that modern human society pretends to imitate the monogamous types

are vastly superior to man from the sexual stand-point. The pairing of animals, even though it be for a limited period only, means something. The unwritten law is unbroken. With human beings, the contract involved in the pairing system legitimatized in monogamous social organizations, means much or little, according to the moral bent and sexual capacity of the individual.

The sexual immorality and perverted sexual physiology of the

human race generally is discussed from the stand-point of morals,



with a total disregard for common sense, to say nothing of natural law. It does not seem to occur to the moralist and would-be social reformer that there is an organic basis for sexual infractions of moral and physiologic law still less is it understood that the moral

code is a relative matter, devised to subserve some selfish motive or other, with a total disregard for natural law.

The question of the relative social value and safety of monogamy and polygamy is too broad for discussion here. That monogamy, from a sociologic stand-point, irrespective of arbitrary moral codes, is best adapted to our own social necessities, is admitted. That it is in conformity with natural law so far as the human race is concerned, the author does not believe. Man, by nature, instinct, and physiologic demand and incidentally, as a cog in is a polygamous animal.

the machinery of biologic "economics"

Monogamy, like many other social customs, is a sacrifice of natural law to personal and social selfishness and expediency. The sexual

immorality and perverted sexual physiology of man own moral code as the standard social with natural man.

taking our

are the result of the battle of

If man basically is a monogamous animal, nature builds poorly and is an unreliable physiologic conservator. It is evident that, inasmuch as the object of the sexual function is the preservation of the species, the act of copulation should be performed only at such times and under such circumstances as subserve that object. In the lower monogamous animals copulation and desire apparently both cease with impregnation. This does not hold good with the human species. Even with polygamous animals the beginning of l)reeding heralds the cessation of copulation. The domestic fowl whose polygamy, by the way, originally was acquired through forced adaptation to the commercial demands of its human proprietors presents a shining example of the relative decency of polygamy so far as the female is concerned.

To even hint that the female of the human species was originally designed for a monogamous animal perhaps is dangerous, after expressing tlie opinion that the male is polygamous by nature, yet the author unhesitatingly affirms that view. A certain proportion of females experience sexual desire even during gestation, but the fact remains that desire is relatively feeble in women, as a rule, and normally coittis should be repugnant to the female during gesta-



tion. Where it is not, there simply is hereditarily perverted sexual physiology due to the unphysiologic approaches of the male practiced from time immemorial, or local irritation from disease. Socially it is not well that there should be "one law for the man and another for the woman," but such, apparently, was Nature's original intention, however much it has been subverted to social demands and individual selfishness. That nature designed the sexual function of the human male to lie latent during the pregnancy and parturition of a given mate is a reflection on the efficiency of biologic law.

While in no sense desiring to apologize for the sexual immorality and perverted sexual physiology of the human race, the author firmly believes that much of it is explicable upon the foregoing grounds. And, the sooner we face the issue the more intelligently will we be able to meet sex problems. This view is especially pertinent with respect to the etiology of sexual excess. Alan and woman alike have suffered from abrogation of natural law. It is, of course, admitted that polygamy as practiced in the harems

of the Orient is likewise productive of perverted sexual physiology ; but the basic sexual instinct of the human male is not at all responsible for his abuse of the sexual function.

Ignorance of sexual physiology is one of the fundamental causes of disease of the sexual function, and especially of those produced by masturbation. Society imposes certain sexual restrictions upon the human race, while at the same time discountenancing the acquirement of knowledge of the sexual function and its object. Society also furnishes the w^orst possible environment for its own moral ends. The natural desires, especially of the male, are excited by various impressions to which he is exposed until sexual irritability inevitably results. The individual is then asked to be chaste and virtuous, notwithstanding the fact that society furnishes him with an environment that would lead one to infer that virtue is an unknown quantity. Society has not changed its moral law or unwritten written

pari passu with its advancing wickedness. It is not

so many years since such books, pictures, and plays as are tolerated to-day were tabooed. The movies are "censored" by long haired men and short haired women, whilst the uncensored burlesque show presents "attractions" that would shock the sensibilities of a tenderloin parrot. Latter-day art, literature, and stage furnish an atmosphere of sexual immorality to which, sooner or later, every




male or female

is inevitably exposed. Tabooed books

and pictures are not very dangerous ; the person who indulges in them knows full well that such things are evil. Trilby, the fad, did more damage to the sexual morale of society than all the tabooed obscene books ever written. Clandestine vice, known to be under the ban, is honest enough, to say the least. Vice thinly veiled, or gilded over by the mawkish sentiment engendered by Trilby pink teas and yellow breakfasts and apologized for by social faddists, is insidious and deadly. A Magdalen repentant has ever been a lesson in morality, but the naive admission of Trilby that she had had a certain limited number of lovers hardly can be admitted to Magdalenic literature.

The example often set by celebrities in their private (sic) lives, tolerated as it is by society, is a very dangerous factor in the promulgation of sexual immorality. Society proclaims from the housetops : "Thou shalt not," and then whispers softly in the ear of the favored ones : "Of course, I don't mean geniuses like you." And the favored and talented few go on and on, even exploiting their sexual derelictions for advertising purposes.

The public press must come in for its share of blame in the promulgation of pernicious sexual impulses among the young. Sexual immorality is either condoned or discussed in a tone of flippancy that amounts to condonation. To the minds of the young and inexperienced, sexual license would seem to be the unwritten code of modern society.

Is it fair that society should demand that the young should remain in ignorance of the physiologic side of sexual matters, while its vicious aspects are paraded in all their nakedness? How difficult the task of the mother who endeavors to inculcate purity in the minds of her daughters ! And how much more difficult the task of the father who endeavors to keep his son ofif the rocks and shoals, not by teaching cipline ! often not by example but by dis-

The sum-total of results is that the growing lad comes to regard sexual ])urity as something to be ashamed of, and female virtue as extremely out of fashion. Young girls, too, are likely to regard with tolerant eyes those moral lapses which are common to social, literary, and stage lions. The resultant evils are sufficiently obvious.



Inasmuch as society practically has thrown down all but the traditional theoretic barriers between sexual purity and impurity, it would seem that abuses of sexual physiology can be combated only upon purely physical grounds. In a certain sense, too, the selfishness of the individual must be appealed to. Young lads should be taught that masturbation is dangerous to their physical wellbeing that they never can become as perfect men, morally, phys-

ically, or intellectually, if they indulge prematurely in any sort of exercise of the sexual function as they will if they remain continent. The young lad's instinct of self-preservation will accomplish much more than lessons in morality that momentarily are being contradicted by scenes, persons, and incidents about him. A most profound impression may often be made by stating that early indulgence blunts sexual sensibility, and thus to a certain degree deprives the individual of the legitimate pleasures of his later matrimonial life. And this statement is by no means exaggerated. It is probable that no man who has indulged in sexual congress or masturbation to any degree prior to full maturity is ever possessed of normal sexual sensibility in later life.

The psychic effect of early sexual indulgence and masturbation is even more deleterious than the purely physical. Youth is imaginative, as well as hyperesthetic, and its pleasures are consequently relatively keen. The sexual experiences of youth so mold the psychosexual centers that a standard is set for all future sexual experiences. The adult life of the individual is often devoted to the pursuit of a sexual ideal that exists only in his brain an ideal

that is but a memory of his younger and more Impressionable days. This ideal is the will-o'-the-wisp that leads many men into sexual immorality and excess.

In brief, while preaching morality to youth, it were well to give it "a reason." Wise counsel and intelligent instruction of young lads in sexual matters might do more for the morals of society than any amount of preaching.

Much has been said of the evils of quack literature in polluting the minds of the young, still more has been said of the harpylike proclivities of the quack. There is, however, something to be said on the other side of the question. There is a "soul of good in things evil." Many lads would go on in their evil ways indefinitely did they not stumble upon quack literature, which, while exaggerat-



ing the evils of masturbation and sexual excess, none the less sounds the first note of warning they ever have received. The profession largely is responsible for this, by crying down any attempt on the part of scientific men to impart knowledge of sexual matters to the laity. Why the profession should join the ignorant public in tabooing sexual knowledge is a mystery, quite as much so as a great deal of other cant and hypocrisy that has pervaded the medical profession from time immemorial. So-called medical ethics has done more to foster quackery than to prevent it. And the public smiles derisively at a profession which, after years of travail, will tolerate "practice limited to diseases of women" on professional cards ; yet would roll up its eyes like a dying rabbit should it perchance run across a card inscribed, "diseases of men only." Precisely what phase of sentiment elevates a woman with a leucorrhea to a higher plane than that which a man with spermatorrhea occupies is one of the things which, as Dundreary says, "no fellow can find out." Irrespective of cause, it is a deplorable fact that the regular profession is woefully ignorant and culpably negligent regarding the sexual ailments of its clientele.

The respectable physician still is laughing at the complaints

of men who consider themselves impotent, on the one hand, and prescribing virgins for broken-down roues and sexual wrecks, on the other. The fact that the virgins are to be sacrificed on Hymen's altar satisfies the medical imbecile who, like the ostrich, has his head in the sand, and the sacrifice at the same time conforms with social demand. The impotent man should receive intelligent advice from the general practitioner. The man who is unable to copulate is face to face with a grim reality. Whether psychic or not, his impotence is a material fact of which he is only too keenly conscious. As for the virgins who daily are prescribed as placebos or panaceas, it is high time they were represented at court. The remedy lies with the profession. The sexual organs and functions are the noblest attributes of man, and their diseases are quite as worthy of intelligent study and considerate treatment as aflfections of other organs. False modesty and mawkish sentiment have no place in scientific medicine. At present, the ignorance and mock prudery of a large proportion of the profession is absolutely sickening. But matters are improving. One can write upon sex hygiene nowadays, without running the risk of professional ostracism.



Sexual Perversion and Inversion.

The subject of sexual perversion. dung,

Contrdre Sexuale Bmpfin-

although a disagreeable one for discussion, demands the at-

tention of the scientific physician, and is of great importance in its social, medical, and legal relations. J. G. Kiernan, in discussing the hypothetic dependence of the Whitechapel murders upon perversions, says :

The subject may seem to trench on the "prurient," which in medicine does not exist, since "science, like fire, purifies everything," and what Macaulay calls "the mightiest of human instincts" is too intimately related to the physical basis of human weal and woe for any physician prudishly to ignore any of its phases.

Until a comparatively recent date the subject has been studied solely from the standpoint of the moralist, and, from the indisposition of the scientific physician to study them, the unfortunate class of individuals who are characterized by perverted sexuality have been viewed in the light of their moral responsibility rather than as victims of a physical, and incidentally of a psychic, defect. It certainly is much less humiliating to us as atoms of the social fabric to be able to attribute the degradation of these poor unfortunates to a physical cause than to a willful viciousness over

which they have, or ought to have, volitional control. Even to the moralist, there should be much satisfaction in the thought that a large class of sexual perverts are physically abnormal rather than morally leprous. It often is difficult to draw the line of demarkation between physical and moral perversion. Indeed, the one so often is dependent upon the other that it is doubtful whether it were wise to attempt the distinction in many instances. But this does not afifect the cogency of the argument that the sexual pervert is generally a physical aberration a htsns natnrcc.

KrafiPt-Ebing expresses himself upon this point as follows:

In former years I considered contrdre Sexuale Empflndung as a result of

neuropsychic degeneration, and I believe that this view is warranted by more



recent investigations. As we study into the abnormal and diseased conditions from which this malady results, the ideas of horror and criminality connected with it disappear, and there arises in our minds the sense of duty

to investigate what at first sight seems so repulsive, and to distinguish, if may be, between a perversion of natural instincts which is the result of disease and the criminal offences of a perverted mind against the laws of morality and social decency. By so doing the investigations of science will become the means of rescuing the honor and re-establishing the social position (sic) of many an unfortunate whom unthinking prejudice and ignorance would class among depraved criminals. It would not be the first time that science has rendered a service to justice and to society by teaching that what seem to be immoral conditions and actions are but the results of disease.

In every community of any size there is a colony of male sexual perverts ; they are usually known to each other, and are likely to congregate together. At times they operate in accordance with some definite and concerted plan in quest of subjects wherewith to gratify their obnormal sexual impulses. Often they are characterized by effeminacy of voice, dress, and manner. In a general way, their physique is likely to be inferior a defective physical

make-up being quite general among them, although exceptions to this rule are numerous.

Sexual perversion is more frequent in the male ; women usually fall into perverted sexual habits for the purpose of pandering to the depraved tastes of their patrons rather than from instinctive impulse. Exceptions to this rule occasionally are seen. For example, the instance of a woman of perfect physique, who is not a pro-

fessional prostitute, but moves in good society, who has a fondness for women, never being attracted to men for the purpose of ordinary sexual indulgence, but for perverted methods. The physician rarely has his attention called to these things and, when evidence of their existence is placed before him, he is likely to receive it with skepticism. He regards the subject as something verging on Miinchausenism, or, if the matter seem at all credible, he sets it aside as something unholy with which he is not or should not be concerned. It is, indeed, not to be wondered at that the physician, who so often views with pessimistic eyes the human animal, should be reluctant to add to his store of contempt. The man about town very often is an fait in these matters and can give very valuable information. Indeed, witnesses enough can be found to convince the tnost skeptical.



Sexual i)tr\ersioii may best be defined, in a eneral way, as the possession of impulses to sexual gratification in an abnormal manner, with a partial or complete apathy toward the normal method.

The affection presents itself in several forms, which may be tabulated as follows:

I. Congenital and perhaps hereditary sex- : ual perversion.

II. Acquired sexual per-, version.

(a) Sexual perversion, i. c, imperfect psychosexual dififerentiation, without defect of structure of sexual organs.

(b) Sexual perversion with defect of genital structure : e. g., hermaphroditism.

(c) Sexual perversion with obvious defect of

cerebral development : e. g., idiocy.

(o) Sexual perversion from pregnancy, the menopause, ovarian disease, hysteria, etc.

{b) Sexual perversion from acquired cerebral disease, with or without recognized insanity.

(c) Sexual perversion (?) from vice.

{d) Sexual perversion from overstimulation of the nerves of sexual sensibility and the receptive sexual centers incidental to sexual excesses and masturbation.

When the author's classification as above presented first appeared, it was by no means cordially received, its practicality being overlooked. Its adoption by Havelock Ellis, who asserts its superiority to KrafFt-Ebing's classification, was extremely gratifying.

As regards the clinical manifestations of the disease, sexual perverts may be classified as: (a) those having a predilection (affinity) for their own sex homosexuality ; {h) those having

a predilection for abnormal methods of gratification with the opposite sex; (c) those affected with bestiality. Instances of all these different varieties have been observed.

It hardly is necessary to say that the sexual pervert is by no means a modern institution. Sexually-perverted conduct evidently characterized some of the ancient orgies. It is certain that sexual perversion w'as prevalent in the time of Nero. The author is not aware that attention has hitherto been called to the Scriptural evidence of its ancient existence. If, however, Scriptural chronology



be correct, it was recognized at least as early as a. d. 60. Positive proof of this is seen in the Epistle of Paul to the Romans: Chapter I ; 24, 26, 27, and 28 verses. The text reads :

Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonor their own bodies between themselves.

Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshiped and served

the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.

For this cause God gave them up unto vile afifections ; for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature; and likewise also the men leaving the natural use of the women, burned in their lust one toward another ; men and men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet.

And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient.

The Scriptural authority thus quoted may not add any particular scientific weight to the subject of sexual perversion, but it certainly is of interest as showing the early lay recognition of this peculiar morbid state.

The precise causes of sexual perversion are obscure.* Abnormal conditions of the anterior lobe of the pituitary body perhaps may be a causal factor. The explanation of the phenomenon is, in a general way, much more definite. Just as we may have . variations of physical form and of mental attributes in general, so we may have variations and perversion of that intangible entity, sexual affinity. In some cases, perhaps, sexual differentiation has been psychically imperfect, and there is a reversion of type ; as Kiernan

remarks :

The original bisexuality of the ancestors of the race, shown in the rudimentary organs of the male, could not fail to occasion functional, if not organic, reversions when mental or physical manifestations were interfered with by disease or congenital defect. The inhibitions on excessive action to accomplish a given purpose, which the race has acquired through centuries of evolution, being removed, the animal in man springs to the surface. Removal of these inhibitions produces, among other results, sexual perversion.

It has been asserted by the type of observers who wear leather goggles, that sexual perversion cannot be reversionary, because the lower animals are free from it. Any one who has intelligently studied the habits of dogs, cattle, horses, fowls and other domesti-

* The possible relation of defective hormone supply to sexual perversion already has been expatiated upon.



cated animals well knows that certain manifestations of perversion are, to use a paradox, normal among them. The author has noted typic examples of perversion among fowls. In two instances of a normal laying and breeding hen who possessed masculine secon-

dary characteristics, such as well developed spurs and the crowing habit the female bird immediately took charge of the walk when-

ever the male bird was removed, and devoted herself most assiduously to treading the other hens.*

Reasoning back to cell-life, we see many variations in sexual affinity and the function of reproduction between the primal fusion and subsequent segmentation of cells tive action the lowest type of procrea-

and that complete and perfect differentiation of the

sexes which requires a definite act of sexual congress as a manifestation of the acme of sexual affinity and for the purpose of reproduction. The variations in the methods of sexual gratification attribute it to instinct, of perpetuating the species or, to

which are pre-

sented to the student of natural history are numerous and striking. It is not the author's intention, however, to give this matter more than passing notice. The method of sexual gratification tion i. e., procrea-

of fishes is a curious phenomenon. It is difficult to appre-

ciate the sexual gratification involved in the deposition of the milt of the male fish upon the spawn of the female, yet that the so-

called instinctive act of the male is unattended by gratification is improbable. Indeed, it is an argument as applicable to the lower animals as to man, that, were the act of procreation divested of its pleasurable features, the species speedily would become extinct ; for the act of procreation per sc is possessed of no features of attractiveness, but of many that are repulsive and in themselves productive of discomfort.

It is puzzling to the healthy man and woman to understand how the practices of the sexual pervert can afi^ord gratification. If considered in the light of reversion of type, however, the subject is much less perplexing. That maldevelopment, or arrested development, of the sexual organs should be associated with sexual perversion i- not at all surprising; and the more nearly the individual ap])r()ximates tlie t_\pe of fetal development which exists prior to

The author el:il)r)rateil the theory of reversion as explanatory of sexual perversion in the Pliiladelphia Medical & Surgical Reporter, Sept. 7, 1SS9.



the commencement of sexual differentiation, the more marked is the aberrance of sexuaHty, of which more anon.

There is one element in the study of sexual perversion that deserves especial attention. It is probable that few bodily attributes are more readily transmitted to posterity than peculiarities of sexual physiology. The offspring of the abnormally-carnal individual is likely to be possessed of the same inordinate sexual appetite that characterizes the parent. The child of vice has within it in many instances, the germ of vicious impulse, and no purifying influence can save it from following its own inherent inclinations. Men and women who seek, from mere satiety, variations of the normal method of sexual gratification, stamp their nervous systems with a malign influence which in the next generation may present itself as true sexual perversion. Acquired sexual perversion in one generation may be a true constitutional and irradicable vice in the next, and this independently of gross physical aberrations. Carelessness on the part of parents is responsible for some cases of acquired sexual perversion. Boys who are allowed to associate intimately are likely to turn their inventive genius to account by inventing novel means of sexual stimulation, with the result of ever after diminishing the natural sexual appetite. Any powerful impression made upon the sexual system at or near puberty,

when the sexual apparatus is just maturing and very active, although as yet weak and impressionable, may leave an imprint in the form of sexual peculiarities that will haunt the patient throughout his after-life. Sexual congress at an early period often leaves its impression in a similar manner. ]\Iany an individual has had reason to regret the indulgences of his youth because of its moral effect upon his after-life. The impression made upon him in the height of his youthful sensibility never is eradicated, but remains in his memory as his ideal of sexual matters, for there is a physical as well as a psychic memory. Variations of early impressions may determine sexual perversion rather than abormally-powerful desire. Let the physician who has the confidence of his patients inquire into this matter, and he will be surprised at the result. Only a short time since, one of the author's patients, a man of exceptional intellect, volunteered a similar explanation for his own excesses. Satiety may bring in its train a deterioration of normal sexual sensibility, with an increase, if anything, in the sexual appetite. As a result,



the deluded and unfortunate beinj:;" seeks for new and varied means

of gratification, often degradin,;,^ in the extreme. Add to this condition intemperance or disease, and the individual may become the lowest type of sexual pervert. As Ilammond concisely puts it, regarding one of the most disgusting forms of sexual perversion :

Pederasty is generally a vice resorted to by debauchees who exhaust the resources of the normal stimulus of the sexual act, and who for awhile find in this new procedure the pleasure which they can no longer obtain from intercourse with women.

As shown in the preceding chapter, even when the differentiation of sex is complete from a gross physical stand-point, the receptive and generative centers of sexual sensibility may fail to become perfectly differentiated. The result under such circumstances might be, upon the one hand, sexual apathy, and, upon the other, an approximation to the female or male type, as the case may be. Such a failure of development and imperfect differentiation of structure necessarily would be too occult for discovery by any physical means at our command. It is, however, only too readily recognizable by its results.

There exists in every great city so large a number of sexual perverts that seemingly their depraved tastes have been commercially appreciated by the demi-monde. This has resulted in the formation of establishments whose principal business it is to cater

to the perverted sexual tastes of a numerous class of patrons. Were the names and social positions of these patrons made public in the case of most of our large cities, society would be regaled with something fully as disgusting, and coming much nearer home, than the old time Pall Mall Gazette exposures.

The individuals alluded to undoubtedly would resent the appellation of "sexual pervert ;" but, nevertheless, in many instances they present the disease in its most inexcusable form : that from vicious impulse. Personally, the author cannot appreciate any difference, from a moral stand-point, between the individual who is gratified sexually only by perverted manipulations performed by the opposite sex and those tnifortunate mortals whose passions can be gratified only by performing the active role in the same disgusting performance. One is to be pitied for his constitutional fault ; the other to be despised for his deliberately-acquired debasement. The professional prostitute who panders to the depraved sexual



tastes of certain male specimens of the genus homo has, at least,

the questionable excuse of commercial instinct, and in some cases the more valid one of essential sexual perversion. These excuses the majority of her patrons certainly do not have.

An interesting theory, bearing upon the question of sexual perversion in its relations to evolutionary reversion, is advanced by Clevenger :

A paper on "Researches into the Life-history of the Monads," by W. H. Dallinger, F.R.M.S., and J. Drysdale, M.D., was read before the Royal Microscopical Society, on December 3, 1873, wherein fission of the monad was described as being preceded by the absorption of one form by another. One monad would fix on the sarcode of another, and the substance of the lesser or under one would pass into the upper one. In about two hours the merest trace of the lower one was left, and in four hours fission and multiplication of the larger monad began. Professor Leidy has asserted that the ameba is a cannibal. Michels calls attention to Dallinger and Drysdale's contribution, and draws therefrom the inference that each cannibalistic act of the ameba is a reproductive or copulative one, if the term is admissible.

At first glance such a suggestion seems ludicrous enough ; but a little consideration will show that, in thus fusing two desires, we still have to get at the meaning and derivation of the primary one desire for food. The

cannibalistic ameba may, as Dallinger's monad certainly does, impregnate

itself by eating one of its own kind, and we have innumerable instances, among algse and protozoa, of this sexual fusion's appearing very much Hke ingestion. Crabs have been seen to confuse the two desires by actually eating portions of each other while copulating; and, in a recent number of the Scientific American, a writer details the Mantis religiosa female eating off the head of the male mantis during conjugation. Some of the female arachnidc find it necessary to finish the marital repast by devouring the male, who tries to scamper away from his fate. The bitings and even the embrace of the higher animals appears to have reference to this derivation. It is a physiologic fact that association often transfers an instinct in an apparently outrageous manner. With quadrupeds it is most clearly olfaction that is most related to sexual desire and its reflexes ; but not so in man. Ferrier diligently and vainly searched the region of the temporal lobe near its connection with the olfactory nerve for the seat of sexuality; but, with the diminished importance of the smelling sense in man, the faculty of sight has grown to vicariate olfaction; certainly the "lust of the eyes" is greater than that of other special sense-organs among bimana.*

In all animal life multiplication proceeds from growth, and until a certain stage of growth, puberty, is reached, reproduction does not occur. The complementary nature of growth and reproduction is observable in the

*The "lust" of olfaction is stronger than Clevenger seems to think. Often

it is dominant.



large size attained by some animals after castration. Could we stop the division of an ameba, a comparable increase in size would be effected. The grotesqueness of these views is due to their novelty, not to their being unjustifiable. While it must thus seem apparent that a primeval origin for both ingestive and sexual desire existed, and that each is a true hunger, the one being repressible and in higher animal life being subjected to more control than the other, the question then presents itself: What is hunger? It requires but little reflection to convince us of its potency in determining the destiny of nations and individuals and what a stimulus it is in animated creation. It seems likely that it has its origin in the atomic affinities of inanimate nature, a view monistic enough to please Haeckel and Tyndall.

Spitzka, in commenting on the foregoing, says : There are some observations made by alienists which strongly tend to confirm Clevenger's theory. It is well known that, under pathologic circumstances, relations, obliterated in higher development and absent in health, return and simulate conditions found in lower, and even in primitive,

forms. An instance of this is the pica, or morbid appetite of pregnant women and hysteric girls for chalk, slate-pencils, and other articles of an earthy nature. To some extent this has been claimed to constitute a sort of reversion to the oviparous ancestry, which, like the birds of our day, sought the calcareous material required for the shell-structure in their food. There are forms of mental perversion properly classed under the head of the degenerative mental states in which a close relation between the hunger appetite and sexual appetite becomes manifest.

Under the heading "Wollnst, Mordlust, AntJiropophagie," Krafft-Ebing describes a form of sexual perversion where the sufferer fails to find gratification unless he or she can bite, eat, murder, or mutilate the mate sadism. He refers to the old Hindoo myth,

Civa and Durga, as showing that such observations in the sexual sphere were not unknown to the ancient races. He gives an instance where, after the act, the ravisher butchered his victim and would have eaten a piece of the viscera ; another where the criminal drank the blood and ate the heart ; still another, where certain parts of the body were cooked and eaten. Nature (London), commenting on Kiernan's article, quotes Ovid : "MiiUeres in coitii nonnemque genas cervicemque maris mordunt."

Illustrations of the varying types of sexual perversion are, of late years, finding their way into literature. A very interesting series of cases of inverted sexuality is reported by Krafift-Ebing,

which vividly demonstrate the psychic ]^eculiarities of their class. The following is a fair type, save in the fact that the condition was



in no way betrayed by femininity of physique. This is not usual, but by no means rare :

Case 1.

Mr. X., merchant, residing at the time in America, 38 years

old, said to be of a family sound in mind and body, affected since youth with neurasthenic complaints, otherwise sound, wrote me in the fall of 1882 a long letter, the most important parts of which are here transcribed :

"I have read your article in the Zeitschrift fur Psychiatrie. By it I and thousands of others are rehabilitated in the eyes of every thinking and halfway-fairminded man, and I give you my heartiest thanks. I well understand that science has taken hold of this matter so recently that, in the eyes of one whose mind is sound and who is unversed in the nature of this disease, it appears as a horrible and unnatural crime. Ulrich has not overestimated the prevalence of this disease. In my own city (13,000 inhabitants) I personally know of fourteen cases, and in a city of 60,000 people I know of


"I will take the liberty of encroaching on your time by giving a short sketch of my life, and shall do so with all frankness. It will perhaps furnish you with data for your critical studies of this malady. You may make such use of these statements as you see fit so long as my name is suppressed.

"Music and literature were always my hobbies. My whole disposition is feminine. I hate all noise, disturbance, and obscenity. As a child, I associated constantly with girls and played with their dolls and toy-kitchens. I liked to dress in girls' clothes and so earned the nickname of 'girl-lover' {'mddchen-schmecker'). Afterward, when I became a student and took part in turning and gymnastics, it was still my delight to help my mother in her household duties. At the age of thirteen I arrived at puberty, that

is, I acquired a fondness for another being; but it was for one of my own sex. At school I always had my lover and was horribly jealous of any young girl or school-mate toward whom he showed any preference. My delight was to kiss him, while ni}' sense of propriety overcame my sexual desires, though to gratify them was the very goal of my wishes. You will be surprised to learn that until I was twenty-eight years of age I never had a seminal emission, either through involuntary emissions, onanism, or by performing a perverted sexual act.

"While still a young man I had a serious love-affair with a sophomore. He returned my love in a way, but only with the enthusiastic friendship of

a boy. Once, when we happened to be sleeping together he naively asked me if I took him for a girl. In the manner of youths we raved over poetry and literature. Our parting was for me almost heart-breaking. The young ladies in the house of my master where I lived had no effect upon me. J associated with them in a friendly, but entirely dispassionate, manner.

"New, but entirely Platonic, love-affairs with young men followed ; but although the outward appearances were most agreeable, there often came over me the depressing thought you are not like other men and this

troubled me most when I was in a circle of laughing, joking comrades who were full of animal spirits and sometimes indulged in licentious pleasures.



I did not know whether I should laugh or cry. It was an almost unbearable condition, and I was forced constantly to throw sand in the eyes of others and to act contrary to my inclinations. I was out of this dilemma only when in the society of those like myself; it was therefore necessary for me to seek the society of those whom it would have been more advisable for me to have avoided. I never found in the society of beautiful women that invigoration of the mental powers which is commonly the case, but did find it

among fascinating young men. I prefer to associate with married women or entirely innocent and ingenuous young ladies. Every attempt to draw me into the matrimonial net disgusts me, and on the question of marriage I am sensitive to a ridiculous degree.

"Until I was twenty-eight years old I had no suspicion that there were

others constituted like myself. One evening in the castle-garden at X ,

where, as I subsequently found, those constituted like myself were accustomed to seek and find each other. With that I lost my better manhood and cainc often to the park and sought similar places in other cities.

"You will readily conceive that with the knowledge thus acquired there came a sort of comfort the satisfaction of association and the sense of no

longer being alone and singular. The oppressive thought, that I was not as others were, left me. The love-affairs which now followed gave my life a certain zest which I had never known before. But I was only hurrying to my fate. I had formed an intimate acquaintance with a young man. He was eccentric, romantic, and frivolous in the extreme and without means. He obtained complete control over me and held me as if I were his legal wife. I was obliged to take him into business. Scenes of jealousy which are scarcely conceivable took place in my house. He repeatedly made attempts at suicide with poison and it was with difficulty that I saved his life. I suffered terribly by reason of his jealousy, tyranny, obstinacy, and

brutality. When jealous he would beat me and threaten to betray my secret to the authorities. I was kept in constant suspense lest he should do so. Again and again I was obliged to rid my house of this openly insane lover by making large pecuniary sacrifices. His passion for me and his shameless avarice drove him back to me. I was often in utter despair and yet could confide my troubles to no one. After he had cost me 10,000 francs, and a new attempt at extortion had failed, he denounced me to the police. I was arrested and was promptly condemned to imprisonment. My social position was totally destroyed, my family brought to sorrow and shame, and the friends who had heretofore held mc in high esteem now abandoned me with horror and disgust. That was a terrible time ! And yet I had to say to myself: 'You have sinned yes, grievously sinned against the com-

mon ideas of morality, but not against Nature.' A thousand times no ! A part of the blame at least should fall upon the antiquated law which would confound with depraved criminals those who are forced by nature to follow the inclinations of a diseased and perverted instinct.

"You may get an idea of how natural and spontaneous our actions are from the following incident : ~



"About two years ago I was with a friend in a company of jovial acquaintances. A bright, fun-loving young lady whom I might well have a passion for, but who, as a woman, made no impression whatever upon me, dressed herself in the uniform of an officer with moustache, etc. From the minute when she entered the room in this metamorphosis I felt sexual passion toward her.

"A friend once advised me to marry and dress my wife in male attire. I know of a case in Geneva where an admirable attachment between two men like myself has existed for seven years. If it were possible to have a pledge of such a love they might well make pretensions to marriage, but in the absence of that the proposal of Ulrich seems laughable indeed. One thing is true. Our loves bear as fair and noble flowers, incite to as praiseworthy efforts as does the love of any man for the woman of his affections. There are the same sacrifices, the same joy in abnegation even to the laying down of life, the same pain, the same joy, sorrow, happiness, as with men of ordinary natures.

"I will add that, so far as I can judge, I am of perfect physical build, and that there is nothing remarkable as regards my sexual organs. My walk and voice are masculine, and one would never suspect me to be what I have described, while many of my class betray themselves by their expression, downcast eyes, gait, posture, bending of the body, manner of sitting, or dress.

"In consequence of the disgrace that came upon me in my fatherland I am obliged to reside in America. Even now I am in constant anxiety lest what befell me at home should be discovered here and thus deprive me of the respect of my fellow-men.

"May the time soon come when science shall educate the people so that they shall rightly judge our unfortunate class; but before that time can come there will be many victims."

A case of quite similar type came under the author's observation :

A man thirty-five years of age sought a cure for sexual inversion. The subject was a college and technical graduate, and filled the position of chief chemist of a pharmaceutical manufacturing concern. He had noticed at about the age of puberty that he was homosexually inclined. He never had indulged in perverted practices. Seeking an explanation of his condition he had read widely on the subject of psychopathia sexualis and had all the literature almost at his command. He recognized the psychic element in his case and, endeavoring to cure himself, had become engaged to an estimable young woman. The engagement lasted for a year, during which time he never experienced the slightest normal sexual attraction save on one occasion, when the young woman in a frolicsome mood dressed herself in her brother's clothes. Subsequently the patient deliberately became

intoxicated and while in that condition succeeded in sustaining sexual relations with a prostitute. The engagement finally was broken off and the patient practically had given up all hope of cure until the idea that

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hypnotism might succeed suggested itself to him and he consulted the author. This case passed from under observation, and the subsequent history is unknown to the author. A remarkable feature of the patient's case was the statement that he was going to will his brain to the author for study. Said he : "I don't believe you will find any pathology, but it will do no harm to investigate."

The deplorable case of Oscar Wilde was a pertinent example of the association of perversion with the highest culture and a most artistic temperament.

The following case of Krafft-Ebing's is an excellent illustration of inverted sexuality in the female. It is a type that is quite familiar to all students of the psychology of sex :

Case 2.

Miss X, 38 years old, consulted me in the fall of 1881 regarding

severe spinal irritation and chronic insomnia, for which she had extensively used chloral and morphine.

Her mother was of a nervous organization ; the rest of the family apparently healthy. Her sufferings dated from a fall upon the back received in 1872, which caused the patient a severe shock. In connection therewith there developed neurasthenic and hysteric symptoms with severe spinal irritation and insomnia. Episodically there was hysteric paraplegia of eight months' duration and instances of hysteric hallucinatory delirium with convulsions. In addition there were symptoms of morphinism. A stay of several months in the clinic removed these and also materially alleviated the neurasthenic condition. These gratifying results were in great part accomplished by general faradism.

At her first appearance the patient attracted attention by her clothing, features, man's hat, short hair, spectacles, gentleman's cravat and a sort of coat of male cut covering her woman's dress. She had coarse male features, a rough and rather deep voice, and with the exception of the bosom and female contour of the pelvis, looked more like a man in woman's clothing than like a woman. During all the time I had her under observation there were no signs of eroticism. When I spoke about her clothing she said she wore it because it was convenient.

I incidentally discovered that as a child she had a fondness for horses

And masculine pastimes, but never took any interest in feminine occupations. She later developed a taste for literature and sought to fit herself for a teacher. She never enjoyed dancing, and the ballet had no interest for hef. Her highest enjoyment was to go to the circus. Up to the time of her sickness in 1872 she had no particular fondness for persons of either sex. After this there developed in her an attachment toward women, especially young women. She was never passionately aroused in her intimacy with them, but her friendship and self-sacrifices toward those she loved were boundless, while from that time on she had abhorrence for men and male society. Her relatives informed me that the patient had an offer of marriage in 1872, but refused it. She took a trip to a watering-place and re-

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turned entirely changed sexually, and made use of expressions which implied that she did not consider herself to be a woman. Since then she would only associate with women, had love-afifairs with them, and let fall insinuations that she was a man. Her passion for women showed itself in tears, fits, jealousy, etc. While she was at the baths in 1874 a young woman fell in love with her, thinking she was a man in woman's clothing. When this young lady afterward married, Miss X became very melancholy

and complained of faithlessness. Her friends noticed that after her sickness she evinced a decided preference for male clothing and a masculine appearance, while before her illness she had been in nowise other than a womanly character, at least as regarded her sexual feelings.

Further investigations showed that the patient was carrying on a purely Platonic love-afifair with a young woman and wrote her tender love-letters.

The foregoing case is a type that is very frequently met with in women. It is by no means necessary that the female should be masculine in physique, however. In such relatively-mild cases she often is not. Nor is it necessary that physical indulgence of a perverted character should occur ; it often does not go beyond the psychic phase. Favoring circumstances will inevitably produce the extreme result, however. Parents, sociologic students, physicians, and educators should understand this.

The medico-legal importance of a recognition of such cases was shown by the Mitchell-Ward murder at Memphis some years since.

Tardieu chronicles the following interesting points with regard to one form of sexual perversion :

I do not pretend to explain that which is incomprehensible, and thus to

penetrate into the causes of pederasty. We can nevertheless ask if there is not something else in this vice than a moral perversion, than one of the forms of psychopathia sexualis, of which Kaan has traced the history. Unbridled debauchery, exhausted sensuality, can alone account for pederastic habits as they exist in married men and fathers of families, and reconcile with the desire for women the existence of these impulses to unnatural acts. We can form some idea on the subject from a perusal of the writings of pederasts containing the expression of their depraved passions. Casper had in his possession a journal in which a man, member of an old family, had recorded, day by day, and for several years, his adventures, his passions, and his feelings. In this diary he had, with unexampled cynicism, avowed his shameful habits, which had extended through more than thirty years, and which had succeeded to an ardent love for the other sex. He had been initiated into these new pleasures by a procuress, and the description which he gives of his feelings is startling in its intensity. The pen refuses to write of the orgies depicted in this journal, or to repeat the names which he gave to the objects of his love.



I have had frequent occasion to read the correspondence of known

pederasts and have found them applying to each other under the forms of the most passionate language, idealistic names which legitimately belong to the diction of the truest and most ardent love. But it is difficult not to admit the existence in some cases of a real pathologic alteration of the moral faculties. When we witness the profound degradation, the revolting salacity of the individuals who seek for and admit to their disgusting favors men who are gifted with education and fortune, we might well be tempted to think that their sensations and reason are altered ; but we can entertain no doubt on the subject when we call to mind facts such as those I have had related to me by a magistrate, who has displayed both ability and energy in the pursuit of pederasts. One of these men, who had fallen from a high position to one of the lowest depravity, gathered about him the dirty children of the streets, knelt before them and kissed their feet with passionate submission before asking them to yield themselves to his infamous propositions. Another experienced singularly voluptuous sensations by having a vile wretch infiict violent kicks on his gluteal region. What other idea can we entertain of such horrors than that those guilty of them are actuated by the most pitiable and shameful insanity?

Some of the manifestations of sexual perversion, quoted by various authorities, are very extraordinary, and it is difficult to associate them with titillations of sexual sensibility. Perhaps the most familiar of these cases is that of Sprague, who was committed in Brooklyn many years ago for highway robbery. It is unnecessary to present this case in detail, but an outline of it may prove inter-

esting. Sprague was arrested immediately after having assaulted a young lady by throwing her down, violently removing one of her shoes and running away with it. He made no attempt to steal anything else, although she wore valuable jewelry. When the trial came on, insanity was alleged as a defence. Numerous witnesses, the principal of whom was the father of the defendant, a clergyman of the highest respectability, testified to the erratic conduct of the prisoner. A family history was elicited which bore most pertinently upon Sprague's case, his grandfather, grandmother, greatgrandmother, three great-aunts, and a cousin having been insane. He had himself in his youth received numerous blows and falls upon the head, and within a year from the last head-injury he had developed severe headaches, associated with which his friends noted a bulging of the eyes. About this time the prisoner developed a fondness for stealing and hiding the shoes of females about the house, and it was found necessary by his relatives and the female domestics to carefully conceal or lock up their shoes to prevent his



abstracting them. Upon investigation it was discovered that the act of

steaHng or handling the shoes produced in him sexual gratification. The so-called "Jack the Clipper" psychopaths, who assault women apparently for the purpose of stealing their hair, in most instances are sexual perverts of the Sprague type.

Wharton some years ago chronicled a most peculiar case of sexual perversion. In this instance, the morbid sexual desire impelled the individual to assault young girls upon the streets of Leipzig by grasping them and plunging a small lancet into their arms above the elbow. The fact was developed after his arrest that these peculiar acts of assault were accompanied by seminal emissions. This authenic case gives a vivid coloring to the rational hypothesis that the notorious Whitechapel assassin was a sexual pervert.

Many cases of sexual perversion manifest themselves only under the influence of disease or drunkenness. Ovarian irritation and those obscure cases of hysteria in women which we are unable to trace to a definite physical cause frequently are associated with sexual perversion. The physiologic ( ?) disturbance incidental to pregnancy is, in certain neurotic patients, productive of similar aberration. Whether the influence of liquor obtunds the moral faculties or develops an inherent defect of sexual physiology in any given case is, of course, difficult to determine. The author knows of an individual who conducts himself with perfect propriety when sober, and who is a man of exceptional intellect, but who, when

under the influence of alcohol, is too low for consort with the human species.

Some of the cases of sexual perversion that have come under the author's observation have been as unique as that of Sprague's or the case related by Wharton. In one instance a man who frequented houses of ill fame found it impossible to qualify sexually until a chicken had been decapitated. The sight of the struggling, bleeding fowl was eminently aphrodisiac in his case. Under no other circumstances was it possible for him to secure an erection. In another case the pervert was in the habit of renting a full set of regal robes, crown and all. These he would put upon the object of his attention. Having seated the woman upon an improvised throne, he would besiege ( ?) his ready-made queen until his object was attained. Egomania evidently was a dominant phase of the sexual psychopathy of this particular case.

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Heredity, on the one hand, and acquired disease or injury, on the other, sometimes bear a very important relation to sexual

psychopathy. A very interesting case bearing on both these etiologic factors was reported by Urquhart :


Young man, 26 years of age, of medium height and weight and

fairly robust development, was sentenced to one year's imprisonment at hard labor as a punishment for immoral practices. The judge in passing sentence remarked that while it might not be the logical course of treatment, it was the only thing to do, for he was not legally insane, and if set at liberty would only go on with his vicious practices. The heredity in this case was exceptionally bad. The father was a drunkard and roue. He was syphilitic and died young. The mother was also syphilitic infected by the

father during her pregnancy. Subject's only sister was a prostitute, but his only brother was decent and respectable. When a small boy, subject fell over a staircase, striking on his head and injuring his skull. He became unconscious, with bleeding at the ears. His mother noticed thereafter a great change in his conduct. At school he soon became a confirmed masturbator, and showed a marked amorous preference for male children. It was finally discovered that it was unsafe to permit other boys to be in his company. His sexuality toward the opposite sex was perverted, and women in general disgusted him. His habits toward his own sex finally attracted the attention of the police, because of which he attempted to kill himself. He was finally apprehended, tried, and sentenced to prison.

A peculiar case was reported to the Chicago Medical Society

by A. R. Reynolds, of a man who had a love-affair with a woman whose right lower extremity had been amputated at the thigh, and became so much attached to her that he afterward was impotent with perfectly-formed women, it being necessary for him to secure females who had undergone mutilation similar to that of his former attachment in order that he might be sexually gratified.

A peculiar phase of sexual perversion is occasionally seen among masturbators, male and female. The individuals suffering from this have a peculiar predilection for titillating the sexual organs in various outlandish fashions. Such patients in many instances are particularly fond of introducing foreign bodies of various kinds into the urethra and thus gratifying their sexual desires. Such cases occur even among persons who have opportunities for normal gratification. Thus, an interesting case is reported by Poulet of a married woman, the mother of three children, who failed to receive gratification from ordinary intercourse, and practiced masturbation with a blunt piece of wood fastened to a wire.



Her unfortunate failing was exposed through the sHpping of the foreign body from her grasp into the bladder. Kiernan reports a somewhat similar case of an insane girl who was admitted into his service at the Cook County Insane Asylum. In this instance the physical appearance of the sexual organs and anus led to a suspicion of pederasty, which was confirmed upon investigation.

A case of the author's was quite remarkable :

A married man, 40 years of age, was wont to insert a wire ten-penny nail into the urethra for masturbatory purposes. The nail slipped from his fingers one day, and disappeared in the urethra. After some hours of fruitless attempts to extract the foreign body, the family physician brought the patient to the author. The nail was found with the point embedded in the membranous urethra and the head lying just within the vesical orifice. The author removed it by perineal section.

There are several types of sexual perverts that infest the streets, alleys and public buildings of our large cities and should receive the attention of the police who are well aware of the ex-

istence of such defectives, but nevertheless maintain an apathetic attitude toward them. Certain male perverts are wont to mingle with street throngs and under the cover of the crowd ofifer women physical indignities of one kind or another. Crowded elevators and street cars are favorite haunts for such depraved persons. An-

other class, "exhibitionists," is quite numerous. These degraded specimens of humanity stealthily expose their persons, whenever the conditions of opportunity and apparent safety from punishment present themselves. The police are thoroughly cognizant of the existence of such psychopathies, but do not trouble themselves with efforts to capture them.


the opposite of sadism

is one of the most pecu-

liar manifestations of sexual perversion. In this psychopathy, the subject derives sexual gratification through submission to the infliction of pain, usually by one of the opposite sex. In some cases the sex by which the pain is inflicted is a matter of indifference, as witness the "flagellants," who titillated their genito-spinal centers by flogging each other.

Necrophilism, or perverted sexual manipulation of the dead body, is so clearly a manifestation of insanity that it requires only mere mention here.


obscene writing and drawing, as seen on fences is a

and the walls of public buildings and public conveniences



manifestation of perverted psycho-sexuality. Young lads who are given to this practice do not come under this classification, but adult offenders invariably do. The attention of the police authorities is herewith called to this point as suggesting that adult pornographists are more dangerous to the community than the mere fact of their obscene writings and pictures would imply.

In passing, it is worthy of note that while young lads of well bred families often are given to pornography in the belief that it indicates "smartness," manliness and worldly wisdom, the adult pornogra})hcr usually is a degenerate of low type.

The physician

or jurist

should not fall into the error of

believing that the victims of sexual psychopathy usually belong to the uneducated and tmrefined classes. In the author's experience, the reverse is true. Sex degeneracy is one of the penalties exacted by nature for the refinements of civilization. When races begin to degenerate they begin at "the top" and neuro-psychic degeneracies of all kinds and especially those of a sexual type

increasingly develop. There is a question in the author's mind as to whether the present frightful European war may not act as a social alterative in this direction. War involves a reversion of

humanity toward the primitive animal, who is free from the degenerative effects of "higher civilization."

The most shining recent example of the combination of artistic and literary genius with inversion was Oscar Wilde. His Ballad of Reading Gaol is one of the finest productions of modern English literature. Wilde was the product of a bad heredity plus the evil influence of certain English educational institutions. His sex view-point is well illustrated by the following quotation from his "confessions" :

"Don't talk to me of the other sex. First of all, in beauty there is no comparison between a boy and a girl. Think of the enormous, fat hips which every sculptor has to tone down, and make lighter, and the great udder breasts which the artist has to make small and round and firm, and then picture the exquisite slim lines of a boy's figure. Xo one who loves beauty can hesitate for a moment. The Greeks knew that ; they had the sense of plastic beauty, and they understood that there is no comparison. The boy is far more beautiful. It is the sex-instinct, the sinful sex-instinct which prevents worshipping- the higher form of beauty. Height



and length of limb give distinction ; slightness gives grace ; women are squat. The boy's figure is more beautiful ; the appeal it makes far higher, more spiritual."

The association of sexual perversion with malformations of the sexual organs with or without associated close approximation to the general physique of the opposite sex, male or female, as the case may be, certainly is not surprising. The author has met with some most peculiar instances of this form of sexual perversion. The relation of both physical and psychic defects of sexual differentiation to sexual perversion has been expatiated upon in the preceding chapter.


The treatment of sexual perversion has in the

past been highly unsatisfactory, largely from the fact that the abnormality of sexual instinct is due to defective sexual differentiation psychic or organic, or both. To the average pervert, his

or her condition seems normal. The victim recognizes the fact that he differs from the usual standard of sexual normality, but he is absolutely incapable of reasoning out his defect from any other stand-point. He often desires to be cured of his abnormal sexuality only, however, by the substitution of the instinct which seems

comnion to those about him. There is no innate repugnance to his own condition, which is as normal to his own mind as is a confusion of colors to the color-blind. He knows his abnormal sexuality only from study and comparison of normal individuals. He regrets his social ostracism, while really seeing nothing wrong in the condition that has brought it about. Taking into consideration the congenital character of most cases, the difficulty of cure is selfevident. Where there is physically imperfect dift'erentiation of sex, the case is absolutely hopeless. Perversion from impressions of an abnormal psychosexual character made while the sexual function is, so to S]:)eak, in its plastic, formative stage, ])erversions due to functional neuropathic disturbances, and perversions from vice, are often susceptible of cure. Therapeutic suggestion is of paramount importance in most cases. Psychotherapy often is the keynote of treatment. As ]\iernan so tersely says:

Insistence on the morhidity of (he ])ervert ideas, and prohibition of sexual literature as in the sexual neurasthenic, together with allied psychic therapy and anaphrodisiac methods cannot but benefit. These patients, like tlie hysteric, will not "will" to be cured while they are subjects of sympathy.

The author already has expressed his belief that in his owri



method of sex-gland implantation we have a therapeutic resource sex hormone therapy which, under favorable conditions, may offer

hope of cure of sexual perversions and inversion.

It has long been the author's belief that a large proportion of both boys and girls may be easily converted into sexual perverts by unnatural sexual impressions at or about the age of puberty, when the centers of sexual receptivity and impulse are in a plastic state. It is strange that physicians did not discover this earlier. The sexual dangers of boarding-schools long ago were pointed out by a French novelist, Adolph Belot. (^Vldlle. Giraud, Ma Femme). A word of warning, therefore, may not be out of place.*

To emphasize the necessity of school supervision in the matter of exposure of children to evil sex influences, the author will cite three cases of young girls who became enceinte while attending a fashionable boarding school for girls, and two cases of gonorrhea occurring in girl pupils of a similar institution. Cases of boys corrupted and infected in boarding schools are too numerous to mention. In passing, the author desires to express his advocacy of the establishment by law of an age of consent for boys. xA.s mat-

ters now stand, the debauchery of young girls is a crime, whilst that of boys is taken for granted and carries with it no responsibility. The extent to which young lads are inculcated into sexual immorality by lewd women is far greater than some of our "lopsided"' reformers suspect. y

A most striking illustration of the sex dangers to which school children are exposed came under the author's observation. A selfconfessed sexual pervert asked for advice in the matter of accepting the superintendency of a certain school for delinquent boys which had been tendered him. He had been for four years principal of a hi!^li scliool. The tenor of the author's advice to this particular psychopath may be imagined. Suffice it to say that, at last accounts, the teacher of youth had left the country for parts unknown.

For the insane pervert the asylum is the only recourse. In rare instances of perversion, castration, oophorectomy, and clitoridectomy are worth consideration. Sterilization should he practiced in all cases. No sexual pervert should be allowed to procreate.

* The terrible arraignment of the English schools by Frank Harris in his Life of Oscar Wilde should be suggestive to educators.

t The author thus far has vainly endeavored to interest legislators in this subject.



Satyriasis, Sexual Erethism and Nymphomania.

Satyriasis is a disease that occurs in the male, with or without insanity, the principal manifestation of which is an abnormallyexcessive and unreasonable, and uncontrollable sexual desire. It is not a frequent disease as brought to the attention of the physician, probably because the opportunities for gratification of the male are relatively numerous. The disease consists of constant desire, attended with vigorous, often painful, erections, which in some instances no amount of sexual intercourse will relieve. It has been termed "erotic delirium," and it may or may not be due to coarse disease of the brain. In the worst cases the unfortunate individual may be the subject of mania and delirium of a violent form. Acton relates the case of an old man, suffering from satyriasis, whose desire was so extreme that he would masturbate whenever he was brought into the presence of women. After his death a small tumor was found in the pons Varolii. Shock and injuries involving the cerebellum are peculiarly likely to be followed by persistent erec-

tions. This phenomenon has been noticed in subjects killed by hanging. Injuries of the spinal cord, although in the majority of instances inhibiting the sexual function by producing complete paralysis of that portion of the cord which seems to bear an intimate relation to sexual sensibility the genito-spinal center pro-

duce in some instances, from irritation of the same nervous structure, persistent erection. Cases of this kind are related by Lallemand. The following case is one that has been very frequently quoted :


The subject was a soldier, who, climbing over the walls of the

garrison, fell upon his sacrum. Following this injury he became paraplegic and suffered with persistent priapism. This lasted for some time, and could not be relieved by intercourse. All pleasurable sensations and the power of ejaculation were destroyel, although sexual desire was very ardent. During



sleep, however, the unfortunate subject had lascivious dreams, accompanied by slight sensation and ejaculation.

The causes of satyriasis, as enumerated by different authorities, are : masturbation ; disease of the brain, particularly those affecting the cerebellum ; injuries and diseases of the spinal cord, sexual excesses, and the administration of poisonous doses of cantharides. Prolonged continence is another rare and dubious cause to which satyriasis has been ascribed. Blandet describes a case of this kind :


The patient was an earnest, hard-working, and zealous mis-

sionary. He was unfortunate in the possession of an intensely passionate nature, although he had not gratified himself in a vicious manner. So intense was his excitement in the presence of women that it became necessary to seclude himself from them so far as possible. This plan proved a failure, for he became so much worse that he suffered from satyriasis in an extreme degree. A cure was finally accomplished by the normal indulgence of his passion.

The mild form of excessive sexual activity called priapism may be due to local irritation. In some instances irritation will produce severe priapism without sexual desire. The author once had under treatment a gentleman who was suffering in this manner:


The patient was 50 years of age, had been somewhat dissipated

and a high liver, as a consequence of which he had gout in an extreme degree. He had sufifered for several years from vesical irritation, attributed

by him to stricture of long standing. The urethra on examination presented no abnormality ; the urine was highly concentrated and strongly acid. As soon as the patient retired for the night he began to be troubled with severe erections that were so vigorous as to be quite painful and which persisted during the entire night. Sexual intercourse gave no relief.

Such cases can be attributed only to sexual hyperesthesia incidental to long-continued gout and irritation of the genito-urinary tract. This does not manifest itself during the day-time, but during the night, when, as is well known, the spinal cord is relatively hyperemic and in a condition of increased functional activity. The same explanation holds good here as in nocturnal emissions, which will be discussed later.

In another case of the author's, no cause save a slight deep linear stricture could be found. Vasectomy, perineal section and cerebro-spinal sedatives failed to more than temporarily relieve this case.

vSatyriasis of greater or less severity not infrequently is met



with in elderly men suffering from prostatic disease. Such cases usually are relieved by prostatectomy. Annoying and perhaps persistent priapism often is noted in patients afflicted with vesical calculus, especially in young children. Children sometimes suffer from frequent and obstinate priapism due to irritations beneath the prepuce. Obviously, operation for stone in the one class and circumcision in the other is indicated. The author is a persistent and strenuous advocate of routine circumcision in male children.

Tumors of the brain

notably of the spinal cord, and traumaespecially those involving the genito-

tisms of the brain and cord

spinal center, may cause priapism or satyriasis. Death by hanging often is accompanied by priapism and emission.

Priapism sometimes is severe and associated with perversions. Dr. Wm. H. Dukeman reports a highly interesting case of priapism in which there was no desire for the normal sexual act, but an almost maniacal desire for unnatural indulgence:*


A tall muscular Englishman, thirty-four years of age. Ap-

pearance suggested mental depression. His features looked haggard, and anemic. Penis was found in a rigid state of erection, which had persisted for four months. This had occurred at frequent intervals for years,

lasting for two or three months at a time. The organ measured eight inches in length on the dorsum, twelve inches from the bulb, and seven inches in circumference ; and was tattooed in various designs such as serpents' heads, coats of arms, anchors, etc.

No history could be elicited suggesting the cause of the trouble. He would not permit any surgical treatment. Antispasmodics and anaphrodisiacs were prescribed. The next day his father, an officer in the English army, related the following history: While stationed at the Solomon Islands in the South Sea, his son at seven years of age was stolen by the natives and was not recovered until he was eleven. The natives used the boy as an idol, and practiced on him sexual perversion. The young man developed abnormal desire, with frequent and continuous priapism with intense pain lasting several days. His only relief from this miserable condition was passive perversion.

He was married at sixteen and had four children. During his married life he enjoyed good health and was comparatively free from the attacks. After death of his wife, about nine years ago, his malady returned with more violence than ever and for nine years he has been growing worse. The old perverted passion returned with overwhelming acuteness, and during these times he would develop priapism and fall into a hysterical or trance-like state which would last several hours. He is called a spiritual medium of unusual attainments, and has given seances in various places

* Pacific Med. Jour., Aug., 1889.



along the coast. It was found that he could be hypnotized by placing one hand on the nape of his neck and the other over his eyes. Hypnosis was induced and he remained in this condition for one hour, during which time the penis was as rigid as before. While in this state he would talk of the natives of the islands where he was taken captive and of their peculiar habits.

He was under observation for six weeks. Various remedies were tried with no benefit. His trance-like attacks grew more frequent, and he refused further treatment. He stated that sexual intercourse only aggravated his trouble, his only relief from pain being his old perverted habit. The priapism remained as persistent as ever. No spinal lesion was discoverable. He was able to work. In conversation he used intelligent language but there was some aberration of the mental faculties.

This patient died of pulmonary tuberculosis some months later. This may explain the obstinate priapism.

ExcEssivK LiBiDixousxEss

Sexual ErEThism.

Excessive sexual desire bordering on satyriasis not infrequently is met with at all adult ages. Cases observed before puberty are, of course, classed as precocious sexuality. The phenomenon is noted very frequently in elderly men, in whom the sexual impulse naturally should be expected to have decreased crease. Prostatic irritation and continually to de-

with or without a gouty foundation

or prostatic enlargement perhaps is the most frequent obvious cause. R. W. Taylor reported a case in an adult due to vesical calculus. Possibly the prostatic congestion and irritation result in aberration of both prostatic and testicular hormones, which in turn produces irritation of the psycho-sexual and genito-spinal sex centers. The element of reflex irritation is obvious.

Elderly and middle age roues frequently present a characteristic psychic predilection for very young females. This is due to : 1st. Pursuit of youthful memories, 2nd. To the increasing development of the paternal instinct and its confusion with the sexual instinct, with advancing age. The only saving grace on the part of nature often is the waning of sexual capacity as age progresses. The youth often begins by falling in love with a woman old enough

to be his mother, she with him because the instinct of the female is to "mother" the male. "^Mothering" a poodle or a cat merely is vicarious sexuality. There is an element of pathos in it all and, in a general way, it perhaps serves to aid in the maintenance of iex psychology equilibrium.



The element of novelty is a most powerful psycho-sexual stimulant and explains much unethical and immoral sex conduct. In the author's opinion it is normal and a much more powerful factor in sexual phenomena than Darwin's so-called sexual selection, if, indeed, it does not controvert it and tend rather to support Wallace's idea of hypernutrition of the male as an all-sufficient explanation in certain species. The author has proved by experiments with fowls that, in them, at least, brilliant secondary male sex characteristics have no bearing on the attraction of the male for the female. A number of hens were confined in a yard in company with a cock of brilliant plumage. At the end of four weeks the author selected the most outlandish looking young mongrel cockerel he could find, denuded him of all feathers save those of

the wings and tail, so that he resembled the fowls hanging in a meat market, and put him in with the thoroughbreds. The hens immediately deserted the splendid lord of the harem and flocked to the weird looking stranger, who kept the master of the harem exceedingly busy in protecting his rights until, several days later, the doughty old warrior succeeded in cornering and killing the interloper.


Nymphomania (erotomania, furor uterinus) is a disease, analogous to satyriasis, in the male, occvirring in the female. It is characterized by excessive and inordinate sexual desire, and very often by most pronounced lewdness and vulgarity of speech and action. In the severe forms it is likely to be associated with, and dependent upon, other forms of insanity, with or without gross brain disease. The delusions of the female insane frequently are sexualizcd. In some instances the disease is a reflex manifestation of irritative afifections of the sexual apparatus. Thus, ovarian and uterine diseases are likely to be associated with it. Any irritation of the external genital organs in females of hysteric temperament may produce the aflfection, all that is necessary being a nervous and excitable state of the nervous system, a passionate temperament, and local irritation of the sensitive sexual apparatus. Some of the recorded cases of nymphomania are very pitiful. It has been known

to be associated with the cerebral disturbance incidental to pulmonary consumption. Thus, a case has been recorded of a woman



in the last stages of this disease who exhibited the most inordinate sexual desire, and a short time before her death importuned her husband to have intercourse with her. The association of hysteria with this unfortunate psychosexual condition is one with which nearly every gynecologist of experience is perfectly familiar.

Nymphomania also is known to occur as a result of masturbation and sexual excess. In women of a highly erethistic temperament it has developed as a consequence of sudden cessation of the normal method of sexual indulgence.

Knowledge or experience in sexual matters is by no means necessary to the development of nymphomania, for it has been known to occur in individuals who had neither masturbated nor indulged in sexual intercourse. Some of the most painful cases of the disease have occurred during pregnancy. The principal astonish-

ing feature of such unfortunate cases is the acquirement of lewd actions and expressions on the part of women previously and naturally pure-minded and refined. Such women may use expressions and indulge in actions that lead the physician to wonder where they possibly could have acquired a knowledge of them.

The author recently removed the clitoris and labia from a young girl masturbator fifteen years of age who as early as seven or eight years of age showed such lasciviousness that she was excluded from every school in which she was placed. There was a sexually bad heredity on the maternal side. In this case it is too early as yet to determine the result.

The gynecologist is compelled to be on his guard with reference to a not-infrequent form of nymphomania, but one which is little suspected by those surrounding the patient, in which the woman develops a fondness for gynecologic manipulations. The subterfuges and devices of such patients to induce handling of the sexual organs by the physician often are remarkable. One of the most freqvient forms of this malingering is the pretense of retention of urine, although every disease that they ever heard of may be complained of by such patients in their insane endeavors to obtain manipulations at the hands of the physician.

Howe relates an interesting case of this kind occurring under

his observation at Bellevue Hospital:


A girl, aged 18, was admitted, supposed to be suffering from

retention of urine. She was thin ; her eyes were deep-set, but bright and


staring, and were found filled with tears. Her statement was that she had passed no water for three days; that she was subject to these attacks and was treated by having her water drawn off. I introduced the catheter, and found only a few ounces of urine in her bladder, not enough, indeed, to corroborate her history. The next morning, as she had not urinated during the night, I drew off the urine again. While doing so I noticed by a peculiar convulsive movement that she was under the influence of strong excitement. Further examination showed that the labia minora, clitoris, and adjacent parts were red and swelled and bathed in a profuse mucous secretion. I then remembered that on the previous evening she had shown a somewhat similar state of excitement, and gave the nurse orders to watch her closely all day. In the evening the nurse informed me that the patient kept up a constant friction of the genitals when she supposed no one was watching, and even when eyes were on her she endeavored by uneasy movements in the bed to continue the titillation. Knowing then what I had to deal with, the patient was given a sedative and told that she must empty

her bladder without assistance. For thirty-six hours subsequently she obstinately insisted on her inability to urinate. When she was told no catheter would be employed again there was no further retention. Soon after she left the hospital I learned that a physician friend of mine was treating her for uterine disorder, but, he, too, soon found out the true nature of the case, and advised her to get married.*

An appalling number of cases of a similar nature come under the physician's observation, both in hospital experience and private practice.

It is the author's belief that both satyriasis and nymphomania primarily are due to a defective structure or disturbed function or both of the special hormone-producing cells of the testis and

ovary. The secretion may be lessened in quantity or vitiated in quality. This aberration of the hormone may be disastrous in several ways, viz: 1st. Defective general development (congenital), 2. Defective physio-sexual development and differentiation (congenital), 3rd. Defective psycho-sexual development and differentiation (congenital), 4th. Excessive psycho-sexual development and activity (congenital), 5th. Hyperesthesia of previously normal psycho-sexual and genito-spinal centers (acquired). It is readily understood that with a loss of equilibrium between general and psycho-sexual differentiation and development would be associated a faulty development of the brain, resulting in defective

will and perversion of the moral faculties.

Reversing the abominable custom of prescribing virgins for the cure of disease in the male.



Treatment of satyriasis and nymphomania consists chiefly in the removal of irritation of the sexual apparatus, the administration of anaphrodisiac remedies, to be hereafter considered, and attempts to restrain sexual excesses, or to break the habit of masturbation, as the case may be. Where there is actual organic disease the case is likely to be found to be incurable in the majority of instances, particularly if the structural disease involves the nervous centers. In women, extirpation of the ovaries or the procedure of Air. Baker Brown clitoridectomy sometimes with excision of the

nym])ha?, may be performed. Howe recommends the application of the actual cautery to the back of the neck. Basing this treatment upon the theory that the disease takes its origin in oversex-

citation of the nerve-fibres of the cerebellum or some of the ganglia in the neighborhood, he also suggests blisters and setons as answering the same purpose. Dry cupping to the nucha also is serviceable. Means to restore the general health always are indicated. In the severe cases of the maniacal form of excessive sexual desire the asylum usually is our only recourse, though castration occasionally is effective. Castration, liowever, is a remedy to be suggested with the greatest caution. There recently has been a tendency to recommend this operation in various conditions without duly weighing the responsibility involved.

The obvious query at once suggests itself ; "Why does not castration or oophorectomy always cure cases of nymphomania and satyriasis due to perverted hormone supply?" The answer is: Simply because : a, In the congenital cases, the defective or vitiated hormone supply has resulted in nutritive disturbance with resultant vicious development of neurons, b. In the acquired cases vicious nerve and brain habit have been established.

It may be ren.-iarked tliat, in other nervous disturbances primarily due to reflex irritation e. t^., neuralgias of reflex origin removal

of the cause does not necessarily result in cure. Nutritional changes in the reflexly irritated nerve may cause a persistence of symptoms.

Satyriasis and nymphomania sometimes may be relieved by

removal of sources of the reflex sexual irritation which has caused a perversion of hormone production, this being, in the author's opinion, the chief determining factor in such cases.

In all intractable cases of sexual psychosis in both sexes sterilization should be practiced. It also should be practiced on the milder



types where physical degeneracy is determined as an underlying cause. Even in cases in the male in which the protection of posterity is not in question, sterilization is the logical indication and vasectomy may prove effective by lessening hyperemia and hyperesthesia of the seat of sexual desire in the prostatic urethra lus seminalis the collicn-

and, secondarily, of the genito-spinal center.

If the author's theory of the causation of satyriasis and nymphomania is correct, the application of hormone therapy seems logical. The administration of normal sex hormone may act beneficially by, 1st. improving the nutrition of, and stimulating normal hormone production by, the patient's own glands, 2nd. by improv-

ing the nutrition of the psycho-sexual centers and thereby correcting the evil effects of vitiated hormone action, 3rd. by improving general nutrition and as a corollary the general health, 4th. by improving the nutrition of the brain and thereby improving the will power and the receptive capacity for moral and ethical impressions.

Attempts at hormone medication by the internal administration of various sex gland extracts are not as promising as some would have us believe. The testicular substances in particular are disappointing. In the treatment of the female, the corpus luteum substance apparently is more reliable than the testicular preparations are in the sexual disturbances of the male. It is to be hoped that experimental organo-therapy eventually will produce more reliable preparations than many of those at present in vogue. The author's method of sex gland implantation seemingly at present is the only reliable method of administering the hormone. This later will receive extended discussion.

It is claimed by Von der Kolk, that the sexual excitement which sometimes complicates mania is due to changes in the medulla. Here, sedation alone offers a prospect of relief.


CHAPTER V. Masturbation, Sexual Excess and Unphysiologic Coitus.



often erroneously styled onanism

consists in

the production of the venereal orgasm by some mechanic means other than normal sexual congress usually by manual friction. Per-

verted methods of sexual contact properly come under a different head.

The habit of masturbation is very common, especially in the male. The larger proportion of young lads become addicted to it, sooner or later, to a greater or less degree, and it is far more common in adult life than is generally believed. The habit sometimes persists after marriage, even where the individual is potent. A number of cases of this kind have come under the author's observation. Regarding the prevalence of the practice, it is probable that few boys escape it ; indeed, competent authorities have asserted that the man who can truthfully say that he has never mastvu^bated is a rara avis.

Fortunately for the comparative reputation of the human species for intelligence and decency, masturbation is met with in the lower anin]als. Bulls, dogs, cats, monkeys and domestic fowls have been known to practice it. Howe claims that in such instances the animals have received pernicious training from degraded human beings, but students of natural history are not likely to agree with this view.

As in human beings, accidental stimulation of the sexual organs sometimes is responsible for the inculcation of the habit in the lower animals. What would have been Howe's opinion of the case of a young heifer who allowed the approach of the bull at any and all times, in season and out of season? Or of the actions of heifers out of the rutting season, who never have come in contact with any but their own sex?

^lasturbation is a vice especially of civilized humanity. Precocious passions, incidental to an immoral and sexually-exciting en-



vironment, associated with a defective will-power and degenerate nerve-constitution follow in the wake of civilization. The restrictions put upon sexual indulgence in civilized social systems are such that the fear of consequences deter both sexes especially the female

from sexual indulgence. There is no restriction of op-

portunities and no social penalties for masturbation, hence the individual deems himself privileged to indulge as he sees fit. The influences to which boys especially are subjected are of the worst sort. Erotic books, pictures, newspaper nastiness, vile plays and the counsel and example of depraved associates often of adult age

tend to keep the sexual organs in a perpetual condition of excitement. Curiosity often is a factor in the etiology of masturbation. Accidental friction of the genitals develops the interesting fact that pleasurable sensations are thereby elicited. The result is obvious.

Many boys are led into the habit by the teachings of depraved adults zvho convey the impression to the easily influenced mind of the susceptible and curious boy that the seminal discharge, however produced, is necessary to the preservation of meanly health.

It is claimed that very young children breast

even infants at the

have been known to masturbate. In such cases the term

masturbation hardly is applicable. Very young children, precociously developed subjects excepted, do not experience the venereal orgasm and emission, and mere titillation of the genitalia cannot fairly

be pronounced masturbation. Irritation of the genitalia often impels children to rub the parts in the endeavor to obtain relief. In some instances the hands are used and in others the thighs are spasmodically rubbed together. The sensation thereby elicited probably is pleasurable to a degree, corresponding, perhaps, to that experienced by scratching or rubbing areas aiTected by pruritus in any location. That pleasurable sensations may be elicited by genital friction when the parts are presumably in a normal condition is shown by the fact that vicious nurses not infrequently deliberately handle the genitals for the purpose of quieting the crying child.

The influence of genital irritation in imj)elling children to handle the genitals is well shown in vesical calculus. The elongated prepuce resulting from boys with vesical calculus tugging at the penis in a vain efi^ort to obtain relief from reflex penile pain is sufficiently familiar.



The great danger of genital irritation in children is that the friction induced for its relief may be continued until a precocious sexual

sensibility is developed, which prolongs the habit of genital titillation until puberty arrives and true masturbation supervenes. A fact not generally recognized is the ])recocious development of puberty as a consequence of the frequent and long-continued stimulation of the ])arts. Here there is a reflex stimulation of sex hormone production with resultant premature sex development.

The sources of irritation that serve to direct the child's attention to its genitals may be direct or reflex. Among the direct causes are such conditions as intertrigo, eczema, phimosis, balanitis, and the contact of highly-acid urine. Phimosis, and the consecjuent retention of irritating secretions, is the most potent and frequent direct source of irritation. A long prepuce, even when not phimosed, is also a fertile source of trouble. The principal reflex causes of genital irritation in children are vesical calculus and ascarides recti.

As the subject approaches puberty, pseudo-emissions finally characterize infantile attempts at masturbation. The discharge at first is composed only of urethral and prostatic mucus combined with the secretion of the glands of Cowper. This discharge is attended by a more or less typic orgasm. After puberty is established whetlicr j)recociously or not properties of seminal fluid the discharge gradually assumes the imperfectly elaborated, it is true, yet

containing the characteristic s])ermatozoa. If the habit be persisted in, the semen never is perfectly elaborated, but is thin, watery, and

contains relatively few spermatozoa.

The prevalent custom of allowing children to sleep together often is responsible for the inculcation of vicious habits ; this is especially true when great disparity of ages exists, for a precocious or vicious boy or girl approaching puberty is sure to contaminate the morals of every child with whom he or she is brought in intimate contact. vSexual perversion sometimes is thus produced. Parents should he taught to regard every intimate attachment of their ofi^spring for other children as worthy of distrust, and this warning is especially justifiable in cities. Country children, with their excellent j)hysifiue and many opportunities for the diversion of their superflous animal spirits, are proportionately less likely to become vicious ; then, too, they are not likely to be taught vice by lewd persons of more advanced years.

63 ~


Primary sexual precocity constitutes a foundation for many cases of masturbation. This sexual precocity may be due (1) to heredity and (2) to the causes of local irritation already men-

tioned. Persons of an extraordinarily amative disposition, who indulge excessively in sexual intercourse, are likely to procreate children who are not only feeble in physique and intellect, but possessed of premature sexual desire. It has been claimed that children of illegitimate parentage are very likely to develop sexual precocity. This probably is not true if illegitimacy is not associated with a vicious environment. Premature sexual desire is sometimes associated with a precocious development of the sexual organs. Mr. South, an English surgeon, some years ago reported a case of a child, 20 months old, in whom the penis was larger than the average adult organ, the pubes being covered with hair. This extraordinary freak was addicted to masturbation. Excessive pituitary and sex hormone activity probably explains this remarkable case.

Female children may, through uncleanliness, become confirmed masturbators. This should be impressed upon the minds of mothers whenever the opportunity offers. Filth is quite likely to accumulate about the female genitals, and with the addition of highly acid, or, perhaps, decomposed, urine may produce great irritation. Rubbing the genitals is natural under such circumstances, with the usual lamentable results. The amount of titillation necessary to produce an orgasm in some highly erethistic females is often surprisingly slight. The author has met with several cases that demonstrate this. One, a single woman of 23, had only to will that an orgasm

occur, in order to perform masturbation, and the slightest touch upon the genitals when she was sexually excited produced the desired result. Another subject, a girl of 17, masturbated several times a day by simply rubbing the thighs together. Still another young woman has an orgasm whenever she attempts to run a sewing machine. The use of this appliance is especially likely to produce uterine congestion and irritation, with coincident sexual excitement, as every competent gynecologist knows. In many cases of masturbation among women, pelvic disease is directly responsible for the vice ; hence some cases must be regarded in a more than charitable light.

It is unf(jrtunate that we have so few opportunities for de-



teniiining the frequency of masturbation among women and female children, for, although the female sex is much less vicious than the male, the vice probably often is responsible for nervous and local gynic disease. Women resent any allusion to their sexual functions, and mothers usually will hate the physician most cordially

if he so much as suggests the possibility of their children's masturbating. They usually will believe what is said of other children, but as to their own, that is quite a different matter. A short time since a lady brought a young relative to the author regarding some painful trouble with the sexual organs. The child was only eight years of age, yet it was precociously developed, and hair had already appeared upon the pubes and labia majora. The ostium vaginje was dilated, the hymen pouched inward ; the nymphae enlarger, reddened, and bathed with mucus and the clitoris larger than in most women. The slightest touch upon the parts caused the clitoris to become erect, and the involuntary movements of the child's limbs showed plainly the nature of the trouble. To say that the mother resented the diagnosis would be putting it mildly. Neither false modesty nor the fear of resentment on the part of parents should deter the physician from his plain duty in these delicate matters. It is a discouraging fact that it is difhcult to impress these points upon parents. Whether this be due to their cerebral density or to an oversensitive recollection of their own evil ways is a question difficult to answer.

Young girls

and, upon the average, adult females

are natur-

ally much purer minded than the male sex, and their associations are not likely to be such as tend to lower the moral tone. Wh'en the female becomes corrupted, it is usually through the efforts of the opposite sex, and not through the influence of members of their

own, although the corrupt woman is especially dangerous to her chaster sisters. There are, of course, many exceptions to the rule, especially in boarding-schools, which are sources of especial danger to both sexes. The female sexual organs are less exposed than the male, and in the performance of the natural function of urination are not handled, as is necessary with the male. Females are consequently less likely to discover accidentally that pleasurable sensations may be excited by manipulation of these organs, and thus be led into masturbation. After the age of puberty the female is protected from sexual desire to a certain extent by the periodic



relief afforded to the generative apparatus through the physiologie function of menstruation. The sexual excitement attendant upon the beginning of menstruation usually is speedily relieved by the normal flow; even if it is not, it is obvious that manipulation of the organs is not likely to be practiced at that time. When the flow ceases, spontaneous sexual excitement usually has disappeared, and does not again recur until the next menstrual epoch. This point should be taken into special consideration. In the case of the

male the organs are not only handled during micturition, but they are wont to obtrude themselves at times when the mind is entirely free from sexual thoughts. For example, the distension of the bladder with the urine accumulated during the night is likely to produce vigorous erections in the morning. Such erections, although not primarily dependent upon sexual excitement, divert the mind in the direction of sexual matters, and so tempt to manipulation.

In a general way it may be asserted that girls who masturbate are degenerates, bearing the same relation to normally constituted girls that nymphomaniacs do to normal adults.

Certain kinds of gymnastic exercise are productive of voluptuous sensations that may lead to masturbation. Howe says :

These exercises are common in gymnasiums and school-grounds. My attention was first called to this subject by the history of a masturbator. He entered school at the age of seven. The next day he visited the schoolgymnasium. Noticing the swinging pole, he took hold with the rest of the boys, swinging himself around the circle for some time. In a few minutes he had such peculiar sensations about the genitals that he had to stop and rest. Again and again he svv^ung himself around, with the same effect, the sensations becoming more positive and intense. The tingling sensations finally terminated in an orgasm. This led him to a closer examination of his organs and new methods of excitement, until he became a confirmed


ICxercises involving climbing, swinging, and sliding are especially pernicious ; yet healthy boys may indulge moderately in them without evil results. A robust boy is not likely thus to injure himself, as might a lad of less animal vigor and muscular strength. A cardinal point in training boys should be to avoid perineal strain and friction and swinging exercises that produce vertigo and heighten cerebellar sensibility, until the muscles generally have been well trained, and then to indulge in such exercises with great moderation at first. Many boys experience voluptuous sensations while



climbint,^, but they are usually delicate lads. The author has known a boy to fall from a tree and experience a broken arm because of an orgasm while climbing.

Both young and old subjects with ])rostatic irritation often have an orgasm while riding horseback. CJne of the author's patients cannot ride a trotting horse on this account. This man has been a

masturbator, and latterly experienced gonorrheal prostatitis that left the seat of sexual sensibility very hyperesthctic.

!)Oys of studious and retiring habits are most likely to be masturbators and to suffer severely from its effects. Sedentary and intellectual pursuits foster an hyjjeresthctic condition of general, as well as sexual, sensibility. The active, i-obust boy who indulges in out-of-door athletic sports, hunting and so on, has an outlet for what has been aj)tly termed the "effusive cussedness" of boy-nature, and is not disposed to study his sexual ap])aratus. Again, if he acquires the habit, he breaks it off sooner by virtue of his greater willpower, and it is less likely to do him ]:)ermanent injury than his more delicate and intellectual brother. The "mother's boy," of all others, requires watching.

Obviously, the damage produced by masturbation is more marked in the male than in the female. IMuch vitality is consumed in the frequently recurring calls for a restoration of a highly-elaborated and complex secretion like the semen. In the female the act produces merely a succession of nervous shocks, the injury produced being modified by the nervous resistance of the individual. A.s the function of the female in thic sexual act is comparatively passive, we are not likely to be consulted regarding its eft'ects in after-life. The author recalls a case, however, of a married woman who had been a masturbator, wlio claimed that she had never had

a natural orgasm, the excitement stopping just short of culmination.

The sexual orgasm lias been likened to an epilc])tic attack, which, in trutli, it greatly resembles, both in its phenomena and effects, 'i'he n;cr.tal hebetude and p^liysical prostration following the discluirge of "pcrve-force'' characteristic of an epileptic attack are well recognized. Tlie sexual orgasm is analogous to ej)ilepsy in that it a;)i;ears to be attended by an expenditure of nerve-force, followed temporaril}- by a certain degree of nervous prostration w'l]! disinclinc'ition to mental exertion, and iihvsical lassitude. Lai-


lemand states the self-evident fact that in children and women the effects that in the adult male are termed spermatorrhea are not due to a loss of semen, but to the impression made by the orgasm upon the nervous system. This he terms ehranlement nerveux epileptiforme. This is similar to the nervous exhaustion produced by mental excitement or convulsions, the latter being especially marked in young susceptible children. Tickling produces a similar effect. He relates a case in which a fatal result was produced by the effects of repeated convulsive shocks upon the brain, similar to those

received by sensitive subjects from tickling the soles of the feet.

The venereal orgasm, therefore, is not merely local, involving pleasurable sensations and the evacuation of the seminal vesicles, but profoundly affects the whole nervous system. So important is the relation of the sexual act to the general nervous system that it is only mature individuals who can bear even infrequent acts of copulation without more or less injury. In young persons all the vital powers should be conserved for growth and development.

In some animals the epileptiform character of the sexual orgasm is very prominent. Writers have called especial attention to the conduct of the male rabbit, who, after each act of copulation, falls over upon his side, the whites of the eyes being turned up, and the limbs in a condition of clonic spasm. Similar phenomena occur in some other animals, and are due to the eflfect on the spinal cord of" the discharge of nerve-force. The severity of the impression or shock upon the nervous system in the case of the human subject has been aptly illustrated in those occasional instances of sudden death during or after copulation. Apoplexy, paralysis, and fatal cardiac syncope have been known to result in individuals predisposed to these conditions, as a consequence of the sexual orgasm. The relation of hormone perturbation to the evil effects of masturbation will be discussed later in connection with sexual excess.

The seat of sexual sensibility has been a matter of some dispute. vSome writers claim that it resides principally in the glans penis. Acton, howcvtT, (jucstions the accuracy of this theory, relating a rase that aiiparently coiUradicts it, as follows:

Some time apjo I attended an officer on his rctiuMi from India who had lost the wliole of the ti'lans penis. This patient completely recovered his health, llie i)arls healed, and a considcrahle ])ortion of the body of the penis


was left. He found, to his surprise, that the sexual act was not only possible, but that the same amount of pleasure as formerly was still experienced. He assured me, indeed, that the sexual act differed in no respect he could detect from what it had been before the mutilation. so far as

It would be interesting to know the final result in this case of Acton's. Is it not analogous to those cases in which, after amputation of the arm or leg. the patient is haunted for a time by the "ghost-hand" or foot?

That sexual sensibility is not limited to the glans penis it

proved by certain masturbators who, failing to find gratification from ordinary manipulation, cause the orgasm by titillating the urethra. In Acton's case it is possible that the patient was not perfectly normal sexually before the mutilation.

It is probable that through external impressions transmitted by the eye, ear, and toitch, the sympathetic system assumes a special sexual function. It is incredible that sexual impressions are transmitted altogether through the ordinary sensory nerve-filaments. It is well known that emotional excitement produces a profound impression upon the sympathetic nervous system. The nervous filaments of the sympathetic supplied to the generative apparatus, and particularly to the prostatic sinus, are, in all probability, the principal seat of sexual sensibility. It is possible that through their influence reflex impressions heighten the ordinary sensibility of the part, the secretory function of the testes, and the sensibility of the prostatic sinus, but this is effected also through the sensitive nerves distributed to the delicate mucous membrane of the glans penis. Acton says :

Accumulation of blood always causes a gradual augmentation of sensibility; but in this case the glans penis, in passing from a non-erect state to complete turgescence, becomes the seat of a completely new and specific sensibility, up to this moment dormant. All the attendant phenomena react on the nervous centers. From this it appears that, in addition to the

nerves of general sensibility, which fulfill their functions in a state of repose, and also during erection, although in a dififerent manner, there must be, in the glans penis, special nerves of pleasure the particular state of which does not take place except under the indispensable condition of a state of erethism of the glans. When this is over, the nerves return to their inaction and remain unaffected under all ulterior excitement. They are, then, in the same condition as the remainder of the generative apparatus; their irritability ceases with the consummation of the act, and together with this irritabilit}^ the venereal appetite ceases, only to be repeated, with the same resultant phenomena, at each new excitation.



Symptoms of Masturbation.

The alleged characteristic ap-

pearance of the masturbator has been overestimated by certain authorities, as well as by the quack. In extreme cases, associated with other causes of debility, the masturbator may have an unmistakable appearance, but in the majority of cases in boys, and nearly always in girls, there is nothing to be learned from the physiognomy. Of the exceptional cases that seem to present certain peculiarities, the author recognizes two classes, viz. : ( 1 ) the overgrown, clown-

ish, but robust lad, with sheepish expression and heavy, almost stupid intellect; and (2) the slender, delicate, and intellectual lad of refined ways and sensitive nervous temperament. The first has inevitably a greasy skin, with plentiful acne, but excellent color ; the second, a sallow or pale complexion and sunken eyes, with heavy circles about them. The clownish lad rarely acknowledges his fault, but the more refined lad is quite likely to hint at it involuntarily in a round-about fashion, especially if he already feels the bad eflfects of the vicious practice. Unfortunately, many youths will consult the doctor on some trivial pretext, and become discouraged because he does not intuitively detect the real difficulty. Young lads often so express themselves when finally confronted with a direct accusation.

Acton expresses himself on the efifects of masturbation as follows :

The habit causes the worst physical consequences. At first there is little urethral irritation. Pain may occur in making water, with a frequent desire to micturate; the meatus is frequently red; and ejaculation previously excited only by much friction, now takes place immediately ; the secretion is watery, even slightly sanguinolent, and emission is spasmodic. A sense of weight is felt in the prostate, perineum, or rectum, and often anomalous pains in the testes. Nocturnal emissions become frequent, and easily excited by erotic dreams. These at first are pleasurable, but later the patient

is only made aware of ejaculation by the condition of his linen. In other instances the semen does not pass away in jets, but flows away imperceptibly. In some cases it makes its way back into the bladder. Other patients will tell you that emissions have ceased, but on going to stool, with the last drops of urine, a quantity of viscid fluid, varying from a drop to a teaspoonful, dribbles from the end of the penis, perhaps containing spermatozoa in greater or less number.

The vicious habit of the patient

having impaired the growth, health, and intellect ceases often to be voluntarily indulged in, because no longer

pleasurable. The drain on the system during defecation or micturition, however, continues, and what depended at first on artificial excitement, is



kept lip by irritation or inHamniation of the urethra, vesicuke seminales, and spermatic ducts. Too frc(iuent irritation of the testes causes badly-formed semen to be secreted, which is at once emitted. The mucous membrane is more sensitive than usual, acquiring an irritability like that often seen in the bladder, and which irritability appears more or less general. Pleasurable sensations seldom attend the expulsion of ill-conditioned semen, overuse of

the sensations probably causing them to become blunted. The patient is now frequently reduced to complete bodily and mental impotence.

The majority of scientific surgeons will hardly accept this description of the effects of masttirhation as applying to any but exceptional cases. Obviotisly, it often is difficult to determine the precise relation of certain symptoms to masturbation. While the quack from purely mercenary motives has overdrawn the evils of the habit, respectable medical men have been, too mtich inclined to go to the other extreme, and either ignore the subject entirely or pass it by as a matter of trivial importance. jNIr. Acton is a notable exception to the rule, but has, perhaps, presented the subject more forcibly than it deserves.

Admitting that serious effects of masturbation are relatively rare, its restilts are none the less worthy of attention :

The first effect in confirmed cases is a general lack of tone in the generative apparatus. The penis and testes are relaxed and flabby, and the scrotum pendulous ; varicocele often exists. Great sensitiveness of the urethra, and especially of the prostatic sinus are usual, and this in many cases is a source of pseudo-impotence by producing premature ejaculation. According to Lallemand, thickening, degeneration, and often atrophy of the ejaculatory dticts, seminal vesicles, and seminal tubules sometimes are seen. Such condi-

tions are rare, but occasionally are to be observed in some cases of "Alasturbatory insanity." Prostatic sensibility is generally increased, and confirmed masturbators are likely to develop prostatitis, seminal vesiculitis, cystitis, or epididymitis, during an attack of gonorrhea.

The symptoms of masttirhation in children and youths are by no means so clear as some authors would have us believe. Thus Lallemand remarks as follows :

However young children may be, they get thin, pale, and irritable, and their features become haggard. We notice the sunken eye, the long, cadaverous-looking countenance, the downcast look which seems to arise from a consciousness in the boy that his habits are suspected, and, at a later period, from the ascertained fact that his virility is lost. Habitual mas-



turbators have a damp, moist, cold hand, very characteristic of great exhaustion ; their sleep is short, and most complete marasmus comes on ; they may gradually waste away if the evil passion is not got the better of ; nervous

symptoms set in, such as spasmodic contraction, or partial or entire convulsive movements, together with epilepsy, eclampsia, and a species of paralysis accompanied with contractions of the limbs.

When a child whp has once shown signs of a great memory and of considerable intelligence, is found to evince diflficulty in retaining or comprehending what he is taught, we may be sure then it does not depend upon indisposition, as he states, or idleness, as is generally supposed. Moreover, the progressive derangement in his health and falling off in his activity and application depend upon the same cause, the intellectual functions becoming enfeebled in the most marked manner.

While there is some consistency in Lallemand's overdrawn account of the appearance and physical condition of the masturbator, the cases that it will fit are few and far between. As a matter of fact, in a great majority of instances of masturbation the objective effects are not suf^ciently marked to attract attention. Even in these oases, however, a permanent impression may be made upon the constitution of the individual by virtue of which he is less strongly organized, more susceptible to disease, and less capable of entering upon the battle for existence than boys who have masturbated but little, if at all. Sexual capacity and enjoyment in afterlife may be considerably impaired as a consequence of masturbation in youth, although the habit may have made no physical impression sufficiently pronounced to attract attention.

Hyperesthesia of the nerves of sexual sensibility, with relaxation of the mouths of the ejaculatory ducts, colliculitis and dilation and hypersecretion of the urethral and prostate follicles are frequent results of masturbation. It would seem that the overstimulation and frequent emptying of the seminal vesicles incidental to the vicious habit causes them to acquire intolerance of their contents ; this results in nocturnal emissions and premature ejaculation during normal intercourse. These effects, however, in the majority of instances, disappear as the individual grows older, if the habit be discontinued, although it is probable that sexual pleasure in most instances is permanently impaired. In a number of cases, far larger than has been supposed, chronic, persistent inflammation of the seminal vesicles results, with incidental sexual derangements and neurasthenia.



As regards the prognosis in children, Lallemand remarks as follows : -

In respect to the evil habit in children, it is easy to re-establish the health, if we can prevent the patient's masturbating himself, for at this period the resources of Nature are great ; not so, however, when masturbation occurs after puberty.

In the female masturbator enlargement and hypersensitiveness of the clitoris and labia minora, with a reddened, hypersecreting condition of the mucous membrane, are usual. So sensitive may the parts become that the most careful examination may produce orgasm.

The mind usually is disturbed in both sexes, but more from a sense of shame and a fear of possible results than from physical cerebral disturbance. The frequent discharge of nervous force and the perturbation of the quantity and quality of the sex hormone, naturally produce more or less debility and nervous irritability : i. e., neurasthenia.

The assertion may be safely made that every man who has ever masturbated to any extent has forever lost, to a greater or less degree, his capacity for sexual enjoyment, and the same is true of women. ]\Iuch of matrimonial unhappiness is due to this fact, and the divorce-court speaks volumes in evidence of it. Failing to secure the anticipated pleasure, and not recognizing the source of the fault, the individual is likely to stray into forbidden paths in quest

of that which, like the ignis fatiiits, ever eludes the grasp. Persistent local irritation is a factor in this.

The importance of insanity and imbecility in their relations to masturbation has been greatly exaggerated, and authorities are divided as to the causal relation of the vice to mental disease. Very often the physician confounds the propter with the post; indeed it is probable that no healthy boy ever was made insane by masturbation alone. Given, however, a feeble frame, unstable cerebral equilibrium, structural disease of the brain, faulty environment, or hereditary predisposition, and masturbation may prove a powerful element in the determination of insanity and imbecility. [Masturbation produced by actual brain disease as in senile dementia, or associated with sexual perversi(Mi does not concern us here. Phthisis, epilepsy, cardiac disease, neurasthenia, Inpochondria, nymphomania. satyriasis, etc.. arc the principal remaining disturbances alleged to



be produced by masturbation. The author holds very much the same position regarding them as in relation to insanity, with the

exception of functional cardiac disturbance, neurasthenia, and hypochondria. These conditions may result from any cause that produces a morbid impression upon the mind and nervous system, and are, therefore, frequent results of masturbation.

With the premise that some peculiarity of physical structure, hereditary or acquired, exists as a predisposing factor, it must be admitted that masturbation is an occasional cause of insanity. The intimate relation between the functions of the central nervous system and the sexual organs is sufficient to suggest the possibility of insanity arising from abuse of the sexual powers, under physical circumstances favoring mental derangement.

From a priori considerations, involving the immediate effects of sexual excitement and indulgence upon the brain and spinal cord, we might naturally expect insanity to be a frequent result of masturbation and excessive venery. It is to be remembered, however, that there is a special provision of nature for the restoration of nerve-force after sexual indulgence. This protects the majority of individu.als who abuse their sexual apparatus from immediate and serious results involving the cerebro-spinal functions. Even in the young and growing child, and in the youth at the period of puberty, the vital powers are so active, and the circumstances promoting tissue-building and repair of nerve-waste so favorable, that the nervous structures are protected for a long time. Between

the sexual acts there is a rapid building up, which prevents immediately serious results. When sexual abuse is discontinued, whether such abuse consists in masturbation or overindulgence in sexual intercourse, recuperation is extraordinarily rapid. No matter how seriously disturbed the functions of the cerebro-spinal axis may appear to be primarily, the restoration of function and power usually speedily occurs when the cause of excitation and irritability has been removed, actual structural change in the nervous system being very rare in these cases. When, on the other hand, there exists a condition of unstable nervous equilibrium incidental to faulty and imperfect nervous structure, whether due to heredity, congenital defect, or arquired disease, the conditions are entirely different. I'ndcr these circumstances, actual structural alteration of nerve]ii)^'rs aiKJ cells and the vessels of the brain, with coincidental psycho-



pathic phenomena, are naturally to be expected as occasional results of the severe and repeated shocks to the susceptible nervous system produced by the sexual orgasm. The immediate effect of sexual desire upon the brain even in individuals considered per-

fectly sound from both a physical and mental stand-point

is some-

times very marked. In certain individuals, in whom the amorous propensity is very pronounced, the reason, will, and, indeed, all of the hii^her faculties of the mind are inhibited for the time being under the influence of sexual passion, leaving the individual to be swayed entirely by his animal impulses. While in this condition of furor sexiialis the most extravagant and unreasonable acts of sexual immorality and crime often are committed by individuals who, in their sober senses, would abhor such viciousness. It is safe to assume that very few individuals of a passionate disposition can be said to be perfectly balanced mentally when under the influence of powerful sexual desire. If, then, the sexual passion is capable of obtunding the moral sensibility, reason, and judgment of individuals who are structurally sound, what is to be expected of persons of a primarily feeble intellect and faulty nervous structure? There seems to exist in some cases, in which the intellect is comparatively feeble, a surprising degree of sexuality. As expressed by Deslands, "the generative sensibility is often augmented in proportion as the intellect becomes enfeebled."

It is unfortunate that those who have had most opportunities for the study of masturbatory lunatics have not made a more careful analysis, not only of the relation of masturbation to the deplorable mental condition of their patients, but of the relation of hereditary and acquired predisposing causes, to both the acquirement of

the habit and its results upon the brain.

Some very eminent writers tend to exaggerate the importance of the relation of masturbation to insanity. Esquirol has made much of the habit as the primary cause of mental maladies. Ritchie says :

As might be expected, these cases chiefly occur in members of families of strict religious education. Experience supports this expectation; and facts also show that those who from this cause become insane have generally been of strictly inoral life, and recognized as persons who have paid much attention to the forms of religion. It is also frequently observed, especially in the acute attack resulting from this cause, that religion forms a noted subject of conversation or delusion.

75 --


This opinion, so far as it goes, really is a substantiation of what already has been said regarding the necessity of some primary predisposing condition in the majority of cases of so-called masturbatory insanity. It is hardly conceivable that religion per se ever is

a cause of mental disease. That prolonged fasting and other religious exercises, in combination with the various emotions to which religious ceremonies are prone to give rise, may produce mental disturbance in certain individuals of primarily feeble nervous structure and unstable nervous equilibrium is unquestionable.

It hardly can be said that the masturbatory lunatic presents a characteristic form of psychopathia. Such patients, however, in some instances develop transitory maniacal excitement, alternating with periods of depression and melancholic delusion. In many cases there is a tendency to monomania of a religious cast. In occasional cases the melancholia terminates in attempts at suicide or self-mutilation.

It is ])robable that epilepsy bears about the same relation to masturbation as does insanity, in that a primary predisposition is necessary in order that the cause may be operative in its production. That individuals subject to epilepsy are likely to have an attack when under the influence of sexual excitement is well known. It is related of the first Napoleon ject to epilepsy who, as is well known, was sub-

that he experienced a paroxysm every time he at-

tempted copulation.

Phthisis, as a result of masturbation and sexual excess, has been dwelt upon mainly by quacks, but to a certain extent the sub-

ject has received attention from reputable and scientific physicians. The causal relation of sexual abuse and excess to tuberculosis has been overrated. Instead of tuberculosis being a frequent result of masturbation, it is probable that the peculiar nervous organization of the phthisically-disposed very often is a predisposing cause of sexual excess and masturbation. Satyriasis and nymphomania occasionally are observed as phenomena in the clinical history of j)hthisis. A case already has been mentioned of a woman in the last stages of consumption who continually im|)ortuned her husband to have intercourse with her, the sexual impulse being particularly strong a short time before death. In a general way, it may be acce])tcd that the relation of masturbation and sexual excess to pulmonary consumption is precisely the same as that of any other



condition involving nervous waste and vital depression. Anything that will lower resisting power predisposes to phthisis. The fact that quite a proportion of consumptive males are masturbators is a very weak argument, for the reason that the majority of males masturbate more or less at some period of their lives.

That sexual excess often is due to constimption is questionable. As a rule, phthisis, like all debilitating diseases, lessens both sexual desire and power.

The efifects of masturbation and sexual excess upon the heart are very similar to those produced by mental excitement, overstudy, nervous shock, liquor, and the excessive use of tobacco. Palpitation and breathlessness are the most frequent manifestations of sexual errors. It has been alleged that cardiac hypertrophy and dilation may result from overuse of the sexual apparatus. This, however, is open to question ; the capacity for experiencing the orgasm probably becomes exhausted long before such results can occur.

Some writers, following Lallemand, have dwelt much upon a cold, clammy feel of the palms as characteristic of the masturbator, but this sign is fallacious. Its only claim to accuracy probably lies in the fact that, inasmuch as most boys masturbate, it is safe to assume that the boy with the moist and clammy hand-clasp is addicted to the practice like his fellows. That the assumption is likely to prove correct in the majority of cases is no proof of the accuracy of the sign. It would be as logical to assume that a boy masturbates because, forsooth, he is a boy the way. a very safe rule, by

The peculiar mentality of some adult masturbators is well illustrated by the confessions of Rousseau. This unfortunate individual, although one of the most renowned litterateurs and philosophers of his day, not only tacitly confesses in his writings that he habitually practiced masturbation, but delineates in a most impressive and striking manner the influences that contributed to the excitation of his sexual passions, and shows in an all too vivid manner the attractiveness that the imagination of youth finds in the disgusting habit. In the words of an eminent writer upon the subject:

Rousseau seemed to be utterly unaware that the miserable mental and bodily condition, which he goes on to describe and to deplore, was in any way the natural consequence of the habit. This, perhaps, is not to be won-



dered at, since the very medical men he consulted did not attribute his maladies to the real cause. Modern experience, however, and the confessions of recent patients who have sinned and suffered only too clear an explanation of his ailments. as Rousseau did give

In the case of Rousseau the habit of masturbation undoubtedly was due primarily to sexual precocity. His description of his mental condition is most masterly.

The intellectual brilliancy displayed by this celebrated victim of masturbation certainly is paradoxic, if the elaborate descriptions given by some writers of the mental hebetude and stupidity resulting from the vice are to be believed. The explanation, however, probably lies in the fact that Rosseau, being a man of extraordinary sex development and intellectual power, was not affected as the average individual would be. The mental vagaries, inaptitude for mental concentration, sluggishness of thought, shrinking from society, hypersensitiveness, disturbed emotional equilibrium, and morbid introspection described by him are matters of every-day experience to individuals who have indulged in masturbation to any great extent. These are, moreover, phenomena which, if the truth were known, have been experienced even by those who have succeeded in breaking off the habit, and apparently have suffered no permanent evil results from it.

se;xuaIv excess.

Any form of sexual indulgence, however infrequently indulged, is fairly to be classed as an abuse of the function of procreation in

subjects who are not yet fully matured. Conformity with natural law would seem to demand that all organisms shall have arrived at full bodily development before undertaking the most important function of organic life the perpetuation of the species.

Very early marriage, as physicians know, often is fraught with danger to both parents and offspring. If only one parent is overyoung, the infltience of the parent who is fully matured may, however, counteract the influence of the other. The children of such marriages may be healthy, sound and well developed. When both parents are over-yotmg, however, disaster to the offspring is almost inevitable. In either case the result to the immature parent himself can only be harmful.

- 78


YoutJis and xaiouj lads, hozccvcr, should be tauijJii to understand that sexual indulgenceof any kind ventional unnatural, illicit or con-

before the period of full maturity is injurious, and that

the price of sound sexual health and a good physique in later life is sexual continence during boyhood and youth. Continence, per se,

probably never is harmful. The non-elimination of the seminal secretion from the testes often is prodvictive of great bodily and mental vigor. The old notion that reabsorption of secretion occurs is hardly tenable, but lack of eVunination is attended by retention within the organism of the elements zvhich go to make up the secretion. This, with conservation of nervous energy, is accountable for the tonic and reconstructive effect of sexual continence where other conditions are normal.

The so-called "iriternal secretion" of the testes, doubtless is independent of the seminal secretion. It enters into consideration here, because of the fact that early abuse of the sexual function produces defective development, thus lessening the quantity and perverting the quality of the internal secretion. Fertility depends, not only on the quantity and quality of the seminal secretion, but also on the integrity of the hormone of the internal secretion. Virility depends mainly on the quantity and quality of the internal sex secretion hormone which enters the blood. Take away or pervert this secretion and the principal physical and mental attributes of manhood are lost to a greater or less degree. Great vigor of mind and body do not usually accompany poorly developed testes, although, so long as even a small part of a single testicle performs its function, the subject is benefited more or less by the internal testicular secretion and may be virile possibly even fertile.

Whatever be the explanation, continence, during the period of growth, is favorable to normal development and the highest degree of bodily and mental vigor. After physical development is complete, the rational performance of the sexual function in the marital state is natural, and compatible with the best possible physical and mental condition. Normal performance of the function stimulates the secretion of sex hormone in both sexes and its absorption into the blood.

Stock breeders long ago learned the lesson that breeding from very young stock was as detrimental to quality as breeding from that which was very old. 'J'he author, however, has observed that, from



a procreative standpoint, moderately young blood is corrective of old, and that more mature blood is corrective of that which is over-young.

In a general way, sexual excess bears the same relation to physical and mental disturbances as masturbation. The results

differ chiefly in degree, and physical impairment from sexual excess is more frequent than is generally supposed. Rarely, indeed, is our attention called to such serious consequences as may result from masturbation, but there are numerous reasons that satisfactorily explain this. The general belief is that the extent of sexual indulgence is to be limited only by physical capacity, and that, unlike masturbation, it is harmless under all circumstances. The author ventures to assert, however, that sexual excess is the most prolific cause of that most civilized and fashionable of all hydraheaded diseases, neiu-asthenia.

Excessive sexual indulgence is, of course, relatively infrequent ; opportunities are not so favorable and frequent as for masturbation. The habit of sexual excess is, to a certain extent, self -regulating, because of the fact that satiety, exhaustion of desire, and perhaps power, sometimes occurs before serious physical injury has been done, and the individual must stop for the time being. The age at which sexual excess is likely to occur generally is far enough advanced to escape the marked depression produced by masturbation upon the susceptible youth. Continued excess will, however, produce effects similar to those of masturbation.

The psychic harmony experienced during normal intercourse undoubtedly protects the individual to a certain extent, and numerous patients have stated that intercourse with some females is

extremely exhausting to them, while wnth others they are not debilitated by much more liberal indulgence. That this harmony, however, protects the reckless roue in pursuit of variety is questionable.

It must be remembered that frequency of coitus is not a reliable criterion of sexual excess. Frequent indulgence may be tolerated by some individuals, whilst others may be injured by very infrequent indulgence.

The extent to which cohabitation may be indulged in with impunity necessarily varies with the individual, but, on the average, it may be said that there are few who are not injured by indulgence SEXUAL EXCESS

oftener than twice or thrice weekly. One of the author's patients expressed a view that was hardly in accordance with this, in the statement that he was "now very moderate" and could "get along very well with a single nightly indulgence." Another subject claims to have achieved a record of thirty-two separate and perfect acts of copulation, with orgasm, within thirty-six hours, and does not consider the exploit remarkable which cannot be said of his story.

Much of the nervous derangement met with in both men and women is })robably due to excessive sexual indulgence, and it is certain that many local diseases of women are either produced or

enhanced by sexual excess. Very little consideration is shown by the average man toward his wife; indeed, her welfare is usually a secondary consideration in sexual matters. X'oluntary sexual excess on the part of women is rare and, where they are especially im]iortunate. there usually is some physical or psychic defect to account for it. With men sexual excess is voluntary, in and out of matrimony. It is the misfortune of many men to believe that their existence revolves around the penis and testicles ; indeed, a large proportion of masculine humanity is imbued with the fatuous idea that man's principal mission in life is pandering to his own animal appetites.

The importance of the relation of sexual excess and masturbation to the welfare of the human race is obvious. We have but to review our ancient history a little to observe the deterioration of races resulting from unbridled licentiousness. It would be well for both men and women to understand that if they desire to perpetuate their families with good healthy stock they must be moderate in sexual indulgence. Every stock-breeder understands this principle, and we may as well learn to apply it to the human species, ^larriage at a premature age bears the same relation to the quality of the progeny as docs sexual excess in more mature life. It has been found that breeding very young animals is unprofitable, for the reason that the progeny are poorly develo])ed and weak. In a general way it may be said that in the case of the human subject

the progeny of vcr}' \oung matings almost invariably are unfit for ih.e struggle for existence. The result, in manv instances, is verv similar to that of consanguinity.

Kxf)eriments l)y Cioddard years ago showed that in animals fre([uent copulation impairs the quality and quantity of the semen.



Examination of the sperm ejaculated by stallions at different acts of copulation during the same day showed that the spermatic fluid, although dense, opalescent, and of a yellowish or amber color at the first cover, became thinner and clearer ; so that after about the fourth act of copulation it was almost like water, the spermatozoids being very few in number. The experimenter concluded that the spermatic fluid ejaculated at the first act of copulation in the morning would be quite certain to fecundate, while that of later acts would frequently fail. It therefore is better for a stallion to be allowed to cover only one mare per day, the result being mvich better than where the animal is obliged to cover four or five.

Individuals who indulge excessively in coitus notice that the orgasm after numerous acts of intercourse is attended by the expulsion of little or no semen. The fluid that attends ejaculation after repeated orgasm is composed mainly of secretion from the prostate, Cowper's glands, and urethral follicles. This shows conclusively that the individual who copulates most is likely to procreate the least, and z'icc versa.

The most frequent results of sexual excess met with in practice are premature failure of sexual power, impairment of vigor, premature ejaculation, partial and complete impotence. These conditions will receive attention later on. Sexual perversion , in its various forms is one of the rarer results of masturbation and sexual excess. Neurasthenia is an almost constant result.

Too much stress cannot be laid upon inflammation of the verii niontaniirti or colliculus /. c, colliculitis in the male as a result

of abuse of the sexual function. A large proportion of the cases of impotence and premature ejaculations with which we meet are due to hyperesthesia of an inflamed colliculus.

The author believes that normal nutrition and function of the various cell structures of the body largely depend upon normal quantity and quality of sex hormone supply. Sexual excess all unphysiologic use of the sexual function indeed,

produces aberration

of this exceedingly vital principle, either as to (luantity or quality, or both. If this view be correct, the various ])henomena which we term neurasthenia may l)e readily understood in a large proportion of cases. In view of the hormone theory, it is rather difficult to believe that either frequent masturbation or sexual excess can be harmless. W'hen we consider the importance to the growing



youth of a proper nutrition, which depends so largely on proper sex hormone supply, the habit of masturbation assumes rather more serious importance than usually is attributed to it. A lack of proper sex hormone sup})ly in the female is particularly disastrous in its effects upon the nervous system. Incidentally, the elTect on her pro.^;en_\- is a matter for very serious consideration. The abundant supply of hormone provided by the normal corpus lutemn of pregnancy is not without its uses in fetal development is it without its lessons for both profession and laity. neither

In the author's opinion the evil general effects of sexual excess are due to several factors, siz. : 1st. Exhaustion of sex hormone

supply. 2nd. Vitiation of sex hormone supply due to imperfect elaboration and possibly to emotional perversion of sex gland chemism. 3rd. The perversion of bodily nutrition in general as a secop.dary effect of the defective supply and perverted quality of the sex hormone. 4th. Perversion of cell chemism that of the secretory gland cells especially

by excessive emotional excitation.

The author believes that the sex gland hormone is the most important of all in the nutritive hormone cycle i. e., that it is the

keystone of the "nutritive arch," being the most poz^'erful of all cell foods and stimulants of organic functional activity, this being especially true of the cerebrospinal and sympathetic systems. If this view be correct, neurasthenia, with its attendant mental and physical exhaustion, may be, after all, in many cases, in its last analysis, merely a sympton of aberration of sex gland hormone production. Where the psychic conditions attending the sexual act are not favorable, a still more marked aberration of the sex hormone naturally is to be expected. This probably explains the wide variation in the effects of the performance of the sexual function ef-

fects varying from what may be termed normal temporary lassitude to immediate profound, and subsequently long continued, physical and mental exhaustion.

The sexual irritability and extreme desire sometimes observed in tubercular subjects both male and female at first sight would

seem to controvert the view that the effects of exhausting diseases in the production of impotence are due to perversion of the quality and quantity of sex hormone. The answer probably is that the toxins of the tubercular process not only are not so characteristically depressing as are those of other infections, but are more or less



excitant to the nervous centers and especially to the psycho-sexual centers. Possibly, too, for some occult reason, sex hormone production either is not especially interfered with or is not deleteriously affected by the toxins formed in the tubercular process. Where tuberculosis apparently has the same effect as other exhausting toxemias the superadded mixed infection is the probable explanation.


Any method of producing the orgasm by contact of the sexes save the normal one is unphysiologic, and therefore injurious. Onanism, or premature withdrav^^al for the purpose of avoiding pregnancy, is a common practice, and one against which the laity should

be warned. Its injurious effects are, in general, similar to those of masturbation and sexual excess. Coitus intcrruptus often is injurious. It is a common practice for the prevention of pregnancy. In the author's opinion it is to a certain degree responsible for enlarged prostate in advanced life. It at least often lays the foundation for that distressing condition. Prostatic hyperemia and hyperesthesia and inflammation of the colliculus seminalis with resultant premature ejaculations and vesical irritability are produced by coitus interruptus more often than by any one cause that could be mentioned, save gonorrheal infection.


The management of masturbation and sexual excess is largely of a moral character, and chiefly prophylactic rather than curative.

The first step in the cure or prevention of the vice of masturbation and, incidentally, of sexual excess, is to improve the moral tone and strengthen the intellectual power of the patient. The more perfect the mental discipline, the easier it will be to improve the morale of the individual. One of the first steps should be the interdiction of all literature, classic or otherwise, that tends to foster sexual impulses. Any work that treats of sexual matters in a manner suggestive of condonation of indulgence is injurious, no matter how gilded the phraseology may be. Strange as it may seem,

there is a certain amount of innate depravity in the human mind which impels growing lads, and sometimes girls, to seek for pruri-



cncy in everything they read. Ivven the Bible is not unimpeachable regarding its effects upon the young ; indeed, there are few books from which a child can obtain more pernicious ideas of sexual matters than from the Old Testament. Oftentimes a natural and ])ardona1)le curiosity impels a child to seek for information upon a subject toward which he instinctively turns, but in regard to which he always has been kept in ignorance.

There is one point in sexual physiology that always should be imi)ressed upon our patients. The impression prevails among young men that exercise of the sexual function is an absolute physical necessity, irrespective of the method of its accomplishment. Indeed, it is probable that some physicians, who certainly ought to know better, foster this idea by ill-weighed and injudicious counsel. This idea is most pernicious in its effects and it becomes our duty to correct it. Although no adult man or woman under exist-

ing social conditions is physiologically well-balanced in a state of celibacy, one may be perfectly healthy and physically vigorous while leading a life of absolute continence, if the mind be properly disciplined and the body made completely subservient to the will. The excuse of physical necessity too often is a subterfuge to justify fornication and even masturbation. That such an excuse ever should be offered is striking testimony regarding the prevalent ignorance of sexual physiology. A better education in the ethical and physiologic aspects of the sexual function is a crying necessity, one which the profession of late has been trying to meet.''''

The patient should be impressed with the idea that sexual indulgence is less than a secondary consideration in the physical life of the individual ; indeed, the average man would be better off without it so far as his mere physical welfare is concerned. It is unnecessary to existence, and its performance may be held in abeyance for very long periods, even for life, without necessarily producing physical injury. When thus held in abeyance the generative function may be called into action at any time and present no evidences of deterioration from the compulsory rest assuming that the

])hysical has been held imder the control of the moral nature. If the mind be disturbed by sexuality, as it is prone to be in our present state of society, enforced sexual rest is often productive of evil

* The author has embodied his views on this subject in his work, "Sex llygiene for tlie Male and What to Say to the Boy."



effects. When, in the struggle between the moral and physical natures, the will is triumphant, the result never is detrimental.

The old maxim that "idleness is the mother of mischief" is especially applicable to the sexually depraved, which naturally leads to the corollary that proper mental and physical training and exercise are a potent antidote to sexuality of both thought and action. The individual who exercises both mind and body to the extent of reasonable fatigue has little desire for sexual indulgence. There is no better anaphrodisiac than an hour in the gymnasium, followed by a cold shower and a vigorous rub. The lad wlio takes pride in his physique and is attracted to athletic sports is seldom addicted to masturbation as compared with his fellows. The practice of athletics necessitates sexual abstinence or moderation, as is well known to trainers ; indeed, every athlete knows that after a

few weeks' training the desire for sexual indulgence is, in a measure, lost.

Physical exercise, in addition to diverting the superfluous nervous energy from the sexual organs, is also beneficial by lessening the activity of secretion of semen, and, inasmuch as distension of the tnbuli seuiiniferi and seminal vesicles by semen acts reflexly in producing sexual desire, anything that inhibits the seminal secretion necessarily is beneficial. IMuscular exercise that involves a certain amount of attention and mental application, such as boxing, fencing, cricket, hand-ball, etc., are particularly beneficial, as tending to divert the mind from sexual matters. The effect of the mind upon secretion is illustrated not only by the effect of mental emotion upon the sexual organs, but upon the lacteal, gastric, and salivary secretions. It is possible for an individual to indulge immoderately in physical exercise and yet have the mind constantly occupied by sexual affairs. The exercises mentioned therefore are more likely to secure the desired result than are those that merely involve physical labor.

With reference to continence in youth, Acton says:

The argument in favor of the Rreat mental, moral, and physical advantage of early continence does not want for high secular authority and countenance, as the recollection of the least-learned reader will suggest in

a moment. Let us be content here with the v/ise Greek, who, to the question when men should love, answered: "A young man, not yet; an old man. not at all;" and with the still-wiser Englishman, who thus writes:



"You may observe that among the great and worthy persons (whereof the memory remaineth, either ancient or recent) there is not one that hath been transported to the mad degree of love which shows that great spirits and

great business do keep out this weak passion. . . . By how much the more ought men to beware of this passion, which loseth not only other things, but itself. As for the other losses, the poet's relation doth well figure amorous affection, for he quitteth both riches and wisdom. . . . They do rest, who, if they cannot but admit love, yet make it keep quarter."

The social habits of the young require close supervision. Evil associates are easily found in any community, however respectable. It is not unusual to observe a cluster of boys admiringly listening to the lewd tales of some stable-boy or man-of-all-work, and the instruction in vice received at the hands of his elders is most pernicious in its effects upon a lad whose highest ambition is to be


and he is quite prone to mistake the depravity of his

teacher for manliness.

Late hoitrs, the dance, liquor, tobacco, high living, and the society of females of questionable virtue and free manners foster sexual excitability and must be avoided. Suggestive and immoral plays have much to do with the vitiated sexual tone of our social system and should be interdicted. When the general health is impaired tonic treatment should be instituted. It often is the case that the morale of the patient does not appreciably improve until his general physical condition has changed for the better.

The importance of careful attention to dietetic regimen in controlling the tendency to masturbation and sexual excess can scarcely be overrated. The relation of a stimtilating and highly nutritious diet to sexual desire and capacity was well understood by the ancients. The old maxim "Sine Baccho et Cerere friget Venus"

is as pertinent as it is classic. In the lives of many individuals Bacchus and Venus go hand in hand as dominating powers. With some persons excessive sexual desire is directly dependent upon high living. Gouty conditions of the blood incidental to the latter are especially likely to be associated with irritation of the genitourinary tract, and particularly of the nerves of the sexual sensibility. If one would remain continent he inust not only abjure all mental sources of sexual excitement, but he also must abstain

from stimulants, tobacco, highly-seasoned food

in short, all

articles of diet that tend to induce nervous irritability. It is probable that a strictly vegetarian regimen is the best that can be advised for



an individual who desires to remain continent both in mind and body. With our present pernicious social customs the unaided efforts of the will are not always successful in conquering the lusts of the flesh.

When local diseases exist, whether the subject be male or female, their cure is essential, for, so long as there exists any source of sexual irritation, moral persuasion will be of little avail. Circumcision is a valuable measure, as it relieves existing phimosis and, by uncovering the glans finally results in a loss of sensibility of that structure to a certain degree, and makes the act of masturbation less attractive. In extreme cases in the female amputation of the clitoris has been known to cure ; this, however, is an operation to be very cautiously advised. Baker Brown, of London, the originator of the operation, performed it for all sorts of nervous troubles and received severe censure for his pains ; indeed, he was well-nigh

ostracized by his professional brethren justice upon their part.

with more sentiment than


removal of the i)repuce

originated in re-

mote ages as a religious rite. It still is so practiced by some peoples, notably by the Jews and Mohammedans. The aborigines of Australia also practice it. On this account, it has been asserted by some ethnologists that the native Australians are descendants of one of the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel. This theory is as interesting as it probably is untrue. Like some of the native tribes of Africa, who also practice circumcision, the Australians show vestiges of phallism or sex worship, of which circumcision is a ceremonial part.

The routine practice of circumcision would be most commendable. Whatever religious views one may hold, it must be conceded that iMoses, or whoever devised the operation for Jewish observance, was a hygienist of no mean pretentions. The Jews are social hygienists in many ways, some of which might well be imitated by the Gentiles, but none of their religious customs is quite so sensible as the rite of circumcision.

Circumcision jiromotes cleanliness, ])revents disease, and by reducing over-sensitiveness of the parts tends to relieve sexual irritability, thus correcting any tendency which may exist to improper

manipulations of the genital organs and the consequent acquirement of evil sexual habits, such as masturbation.



Last, but not least, earl_v circiuncision insures proper development of the parts. It is a matter of common observation among physicians that the Jew, upon the average, is less frequently sexually mal-developed than is the Gentile. The admirable custom of circumcision may have much to do with the extraordinary virility and endtirance of the Jewish race. It is strange that, with the experience and example of this great race before him, the Gentile has not generally adopted as a hygienic custom the operation of circumcision. It is the author's opinion that parents zvho do not have an early circumcision performed upon their boys are almost criminally negligent.

The prepuce is a structure the function of which evolution of the race has made obsolete. It once was urgently necessary for the protection of the sensitive member of which it forms a covering. Clothing, however, has relieved us of the necessity of a means of

protection which primitive man and his prehuman ancestors found very essential.

Phimosis, or tight prepuce, is often met with in uncircumcised persons. This condition renders cleanliness impossible and favors infection and inflammation. The irritation produced by a tight prepuce may produce retarded growth, extreme nervousness and irritability, chorea, simple convulsions, or even periodic attacks resembling epilepsy. The author has met with cases of glycosuria due to phimosis. The fretfulness and crying of young children is often due to preputial irritation so often that the examination

of young children never is complete until the prepuce has been inspected.

Circumcision is imperatively demanded in all cases of children with nervous diseases. Circumcision should be performed early, the advice of the family physician being the safest guide as to the time of operation. Circumcision often is necessary in adults for the cure of venereal or other disease of the sexual organs. Many complications arise in venereal infections which would have been avoided if circumcision had been performed in early life.

In passing the author would suggest that circumcision often is improperly performed. All adhesions should be broken up and a normal contour of the corona glandis secured. This important

point frequently is overlooked.


Suggestion therapy perhaps is the most important of all features of the treatment of sexual irregularities. Appealing to the selfishness of the subject i. e., to his instinct of self-preservarather than

tion and desire for personal and social efficiency

moral suasion, is the logical line of least resistance. Quacks have been of some service by frightening youth into abandonment of evil sexual practices. Reputable physicians, from far different motives, may warn the young person against the evils of sexual abuses, whilst assuring the individual subject that no serious harm thus far has resulted. The physician never should ignore, still less ridicule the patient's symptoms. He should give them the most careful consideration and scrupulous attention, thus giving weight to his expressed opinion of their slight importance and favorable prognosis. The opposite line of management is likely to drive the patient into the hands of the predatory quack.

Children who are mentally defective should be carefully watched, for once the habit is commenced a cure is almost impossible. The masturbatory lunatic is rarely cured of his masturbation. The

penis has been blistered from glans to root, in such cases, without interfering with the habit. The straight- jacket might perhaps be of service temporarily, but immediately he is liberated the poor unfortunate invariably begins his vicious practices again. In a recent case of the author's, internal and external urethrotomy was performed in a young man of 24. Beginning on the third night after the operation he was repeatedly caught in the act of masturbation. In obstinate cases, which means the majority, the author unhesitatingly advocates castration. Vasectomy or ligation of the vasa deferentia may, however, be tried first.

Masturbators sometimes perform the act during sleep, hence some of them require very careful watching.

In the primary defectives, suprarenal substance, apophyseal pituitary extract or substance (anterior lobe) or, where hypo-

thyroidism is suspected, thyroid extract may be of service. Epiphysis pineal gland substance has been recommended for defectives

in general.

The prognosis in the majority of vicitims of masturbation is good, but occasionally all means fail and the patient becomes a mental and i)hysical wreck. The average boy or girl discovers the



perniciousness of the practice rvile

thanks to quack Hterature, as a

before arriving at adult age, and stops it, with little apparent

physical disturbance resulting from the habit later on. Many are permanently injured and present conditions in which the real cause is overlooked.

Marriage as a remedy for masturbation is not to be thought of unless the subject is perfectly sound, mentally and physically at least practically so and of suitable age. Under any circum^'or

stances the physician should give the matter most serious consideration before assuming the responsibility of advising matrimony. There is a wider latitude in the case of women than men in this respect, as a woman is seldom impotent. Married masturbators are by no means rare.

In a general way the vices of sexual excess and unphysiologic coitus require the same management as masturbation. Fortunately the patients who indulge in venery to excess are older and possessed of more powerful wills than the subjects of masturbation and are more easily influenced by argument, especially if their selfishness

be appealed to.


CHAPTER VL Sterilization and Asexualization.

In a work of this kind, it would hardly be consistent to consider in detail, from a sociologic point of view, the subject of sterilization, which now is on the topmost wave of public interest. Then, too, the author elsewhere has fully expressed his views. Med. Journal, April 6, 1912.) (N. Y.

For the purposes of this volume the surgical aspects of sterilization chiefly require consideration, the social therapy phase of the process being" merely incidental.

Re;se;ction and Anastomosis of the Vasa Defurentia. (Mechanic sterilization and re-fertilization.)

These methods of regulating fertility demand special considera-

tion :

Vasectomy (sterilization in the male) : If a practical, easy, safe and fairly certain method of anastomosis is available, temporary occlusion of the r-asa dcfcrentia by resection or ligation is a logical indication in some of the most important conditions with which the svn-geon has to deal. The author believes that the operation which he devised fulfills these indications. He has performed it in a number of cases and with successful results in all in which the conditions were favorable. Due allowance, of course, should be made for cases which have drifted away from observation soon after operation and in which the result is unknown. With his present perfected tcchni(|ue the author believes that a large majority of the cases o])erated should be successful. With even a fairly successful method of anastomosis at hand, one may, in the author's opinion, legitimately employ resection of the vasa deferentia for the relief of numerous conditions.



Although the indications for this procedure arc given in the

appropriate portion of the text of this work, they here demand brief tabtilation :

L Stirgical injuries or trattmatisms of the vas.

2. Stricture of the vas.

3. Benign neoplasm involving the vas.

4. Incipient prostatic enlargement and occasionally where prostatectomy is refused.

5. Obstinate cases of irritability of the vesical neck.

6. Intractable chronic prostatitis.

7 . Intractable seminal vesiculitis.

8. Doubtful ttimors of the testes in which we desire to protect the urinary way from possible infection.

9. Suspected tuberculosis of the testes, in which operation on the testicle itself is refused.

10. Cases of true spermatorrhea.

11. Cases of spermatophobia, in which the mental condition practically is a psychopathy.

12. Certain rare cases in which involuntary seminal emissions are frequent and intractable. (The author has met with a number of cases of married men afflicted in this way.)

13. Obstinate cases of prostatorrhea.

14. Prevention of propagation of the socially unfit and inefficient from any and all causes.

15. In confirmed masttirbators.

In some cases the occlusion of the vas should be permanent, e. g., in a large class of syphilitics, subjects of ttiberculosis, insane, epileptics, habitual criminals, imbeciles, perverts, etc., and also in some local pathologic conditions. \Miere the objective is permanent sterilization, the entire available portion of the duct shotild be removed to prevent a possible restoration of continttity by 0])eration.

Laying aside all theoretic speculation as to the efl^ects of resection of the vasa dcfcrentia, this much is certain, viz., that the

operation affords rest to the seminal vesicles and prostate and lessens their blood supply. The effect upon congestive and inflammatory conditions is obvious. In certain psychopathic subjects notably those with prostatorrhea the cessation of visible



discharge often secured by the operation has a profound beneficial efifect. One of the favorable points of double anastomosis of the vasa deferentia is that the continuity of only one duct is sufficient for fertility, and this doubles the chances of success from the operation. The length of time that should be allowed to elapse after resection before anastomosis is performed, of necessity varies with the case.

Technique: After careful shaving and asepsis of the scrotum, the vas is isolated sub-scrotally with needle pointed forceps* above and below the point of election and exposed by an incision one-half an inch to two inches in length. Where temporary sterilization is desired, the shorter incision should be employed. The sheath of the cord next is carefully incised and the edges of the sheath wound

caught with snap forceps. The vas now is separated carefully from its fascial envelopments and divided and the requisite portion excised. In the author's resections, where anastomosis at some future time is anticipated, the vas merely is severed, ligated, and joined, so that the ends overlap. This prevents re-establishment of continuity granting this to be possible, and enables the

surgeon readily to find the two ends when he desires later to make a true anastomosis. Care should be taken in such cases, not to strip the vas more than is necessary to resect it. Its sheath really should be preserved, so far as possible, to prevent atrophy of the distal portion. The operation is concluded by stitching with horse hair interrupted or with fine catgut continuous and cover-

ing the wound with bismuth sub-iodide, gauze and collodion.

Anastomosis of the vasa deferentia: This is demanded under three conditions, viz. :

1. Accidental severing of the duct, either from traumatism or during the performance of surgical operations.

2. After resection for the relief of stricture of the vas or for the removal of new growths.

3. Where the vas has been resected on one or both sides for therapeutic purposes and, the object of the resection having been accomplished,

restoration of the continuity of the duct is desired.

The vas is exposed as in resection, using a longer incision than in temporary sterilization. Where previous resection has been performed according to the author's method, a small nodule is

Suggested by Dr. W. T. Belfield.



found and excised at the junction of the severed ends of the vas. Both ends of the vas now are probed with a fine fiHform bougie, or a bit of silkworm gut, the latter suggested by Dr. Emil Ries

to determine whether the lumen of the vas is patent. The duct is now bent at about a right angle and a sharp-pointed probe or smooth broach, or a long, round, fine needle passed through the wall of the vas about 1^ inches from the cut proximal end. A straight strand of the largest sized silkworm gut now is passed into the lumen of the proximal end of the vas and made to emerge at the

opening made by the broach or needle. A hypodermic needle may be used and the gut passed through it. The gut is drawn through the puncture in the wall of the vas until about three inches of it portrudes. The other end of the strand of gut is threaded into the distal portion of the vas and the two ends of the severed duct brought together over the "coupling" thereby formed.

A fine catgut stitch now is inserted in the vas at the line of the anastomosis and tied securely. A second stitch is placed directly opposite the first. In the author's opinion these stitches really are made unnecessary by the next step of the operation, although they make assurance doubly sure in maintaining apposition of ends of the duct. The edge of the fascia of the cord next is stitched upon itself so as to enwrap the vas in a distinct sheath. The opposite edge of the fascia finally is stitched over the cord to the sheath just made for the vas. The vas for about an inch or more beyond the line of union of the duct is thus enveloped in a snugly fitting sheath of fascia that securely holds the ends of the tube and prevents them from slipping apart, protecting, in addition, the line of junction.

The free strand of silkworm gut is passed through a small puncture in the skin just above the upper angle of the wound. It is not wise to use a needle for this purpose, lest the portion of the silkworm gut that occupies the lumen of the vas be disturbed. If

desired, the strand of gut also may be made to emerge from the distal portion of the duct wall and the corresponding portion of the scrotum.

The skin wound now is sutured in the usual manner, with fine catgut or horse-hair, and the ordinary dressings applied. On the tenth day the strand of silkworm gut is withdrawn. A very fine

95 ~


whalebone filiform bougie may be used instead of silkworm gut for coupling the vas. The author also has used silver wire.

The advantages claimed for the foregoing briefly are: 1, Accurate anastomosis, not to be secured in any other way ; 2, immobility of the anastomosed vas, so necessary to union ; 3, maintenance of patency of the vas, which is not insured by any other method ; 4, simplicity, ease and rapidity of performance.

The earlier anastomosis is performed after resection of the vas, the better, for, despite careful manipulation during resection,

atrophy of the distal portion possibly may follow resection and make subsequent anastomosis impossible.

In the female, the correlative of vasectomy is resection of the Fallopian tubes. This is a more logical method of preventing procreation than is sterilization of the husband. For example, sterilization of the husband for the purpose of preventing conception by a wife who is permanently unfit to bear children, is as unfair as it is illogical, ]:)resupposing-. as it does : a, that a perfectly normal male should be put out of the running sexually because his present mate is inherently and permanently unfit for maternity ; b, that operation for restoration of the fertility in the male is infallible.

Conditions may be such that both parents should be sterilized, for either may marry again.

From reading most of the dissertations hitherto published on sterilization as a remedy for social ills, one might conclude that criminals are' monosexual. It must be remembered, however, that the sterilization of the male criminal does not complete the task of social defense via sex mutilations. The female criminal also should be sterilized by removal of the Fallopian tubes. The ovaries should be preserved. Care should be taken to make the resection of the tubes complete, lest regeneration occur. The uterine tubal stump should be cauterized with pure carbolic acid to insure its

obliteration. In many instances in married life, the female, not the male, should be sterilized to prevent conception. TJic healthy husband never should be sicriliced to save a degenerate or diseased wife from child-bearing, for, zvhile subsequent anastomosis of the vas is likely to be successful, it cannot be guaranteed, and the capacity for fatherhood under more favorable circumstances possibly might be lost.


CHAPTER VII. Sterility and Impotence.

Gkneral Considerations.

As a result of certain organic or

functional disturbances of the sexual organs the procreative function may fail of its object. To the sexual perturbations that are responsible for inability to propagate the species the terms impotence and sterility are applied. These conditions may be found in both male and female.

As a preliminary to the consideration of the diseases afifecting the mechanics of the procreative act some consideration of its physiologic phenomena is essential.

Erection: During normal erection the penis becomes firm and erect, from engorgement with blood active hyperemia. The

erectile tissue of the corpora cavernosa and the corpus spongiosum is peculiarly adapted to this transformation of the organ, being composed of relatively large spaces inclosed in trabecule of connective and plain muscle tissue which support an abundance of arterioles the so-called erectile tissue. It is generally agreed that the

work of Eckhard demonstrated the essential facts in the mechanics of erection.* He showed by experiment on the dog, that stimulation of the nervi crigentes causes erection. These nerves are composed of autonomic hbers arising from the sacral portion of the spinal cord. They arise from the first to the third sacral nerves on each side and help to form the pelvic plexus. They contain vasodilator fibers to the penis, as well as to the rectum and anus. When these fibers are stimulated there is a large dilatation of the arterioles in the erectile tissue of the penis and a greatly augmented blood-fiow to the organ. If the erectile tissue is cut or the dorsal vein opened, the blood-flow under usual conditions is a slow stream,

* Howell, Text Book of Physiology.



but when the nerviis erigens is stimulated the outflow is very greatly increased, eight to fifteen times more blood flowing out of the organ. Erection therefore is due essentially to a vascular dilatation of the small arteries whereby the cavernous spaces become filled with blood under considerable pressure, the cavernous tissue being distended to the limits permitted by their tough, fibrous walls. It seems probable that the turgidity or rigidity of the congested organ is completed by a partial obstruction of the venous outflow, which is effected by a compression of the efferent vein by means of the intrinsic muscles (ischio- and bulbocavernosus) and possibly by the intrinsic musculature as well. This compression does not occlude the blood flow completely, but greatly increases the venous pressure. Commenting on the foregoing, Hovv^ell says : "This explanation of the act of erection, while no doubt correct, so far as it goes, leaves undetermined the means by which the dilation of the small arteries is produced. Vasodilator nerve fibers in general are assumed to produce a dilation by inhibiting the peripheral tonicity of the arterial walls. If this explanation is applied to the case under consideration it forces us to believe that, throughout life, except for the very occasional acts of erection, the arteries of the penis are

kept in a constant condition of active tone. Moreover, on this view we should expect that section of the vaso-constrictor fibers to the penis, by abolishing the tone of the arteries, also would cause erection. These constrictor fibers arise from the second to the fifth lumbar spinal nerves, and reach the organ by way of the hypogastric nerve and plexus and the pudic nerve. No such result of their section is reported, and it seems that, in the matter of erection, the actual mechanism of the great dilatation caused by the nervi erigentes still contains some points that need investigation."

The Reflex Apparatus of Erection and Hjacnlation: The dilation of the arteries of the penis during erection normally is a reflex act, effected through a center in the lumbar cord. This center may be acted upon by impulses arising in some part of the genital tract from the testes themselves. Mechanic stimulation of the

glans leads to erection, and Eckhard showed in dogs that section of the pudic nerve prevents this reflex from occurring, proving, therefore, that the sensory fibers concerned run in the pudic nerve. Stimulation of these latter fibers leads also to erotic sensations and




eventually to the completion of the sexual orgasm. This latter aci brings about the forcible ejection of the sperm through the urethra. It is initiated by contraction of the musculature of the z'asa deferentia, ejaculatory duct, the seminal vesicles, and the prostatic gland, which force the spermatozoa, together with the secretions of the vesicles and prostate gland, into the urethra, whence they are expelled in the culminating stage of the orgasm by the rhythmical contractions of the ischiocavernosiis and biilhocavernosus muscles, together with the constrictor urethra. The immediate center for this complex reflex is assumed to lie in the lumbar cord, since, according to the experiments of Goltz, mechanic stimulation of the glans in dogs causes erection and seminal emission after the lumbar cord is severed from the rest of the central nervous system. Under ordinary conditions the act is accompanied by strong psychical reactions which indicate that the cortical region of the cerebrum is involved. It is interesting in this connection to find that electrical stimulation of a definite region in the cortex of dogs may cause erection and ejaculation. It is evident from the foregoing that either mechanic or psychic causes, or both, may interfere with erection, as indeed is clearly shown by the varying clinical conditions met with in the study of impotence. It further is evident that any condition, mechanic or psychic, that disturbs the equilibrium of the circulation of the erectile tissue may cause impotence. It seems logical to infer that either interference with the penile blood intake or ex-

cessive outflow may impair the erectile power.

Impotence implies inability to consummate the sexual act. This inability may be due to organic or psychic causes, or, as it is usually expressed, may be real or imaginary in either sex. Irrespective of the underlying cause, the material result so far as copulation is concerned is of a purely mechanic nature. The male fails to penetrate the vagina of the female because of failure, imperfection, or transitory nature of erection, or penile deformities acquired congenital or

that make intromission impossible. The condition is rare

in the female, for the reason that, so long as she presents a more or less suitable recc[)tacle for the male organ, she does not usually consider h('i>c]f impotent. Impotence in the female usually implies eitlicr some deformity or disease that produces atresia of the vagina or some local inflammatory affection acute or chronic that



gives rise to vaginismus ; /. e., pain and spasm dvn-ing attempts at copulation. In neurotic or hysteric subjects this condition may occur independently of local inflammation or atresia.

Sterility practically implies incapacity for fecundation. Copulation and even orgasm may be perfect, yet fecundation cannot occur because of organic defect in one or both parties to the sexual act. These defects are several, and, broadly speaking, are of two kinds: (a) mechanic and (b) nutritive. In the first category are (1) conditions in which, although copulation is normal, and both ovule and sperm-cell are healthy, certain local conditions prevent them from meeting at the proper time; (2) the germ-cell and sperm-cell having met, their blending is prevented; or (3) the ovule having been fecundated, certain local conditions prevent the development of the ovum.

In the second category are various more or less obscure conditions that affect the vitality of the ovule and the vitality and activity of the spermatozoa. Independently of constitutional weakness of either ovule or spermatozoon, or both, there probably is a lack of affinity between them in some cases that either prevents them from blending or, if blending occurs, makes the union unproductive. This lack of affinity heretofore has been regarded as "mysterious." The author believes that his application of the hormone theory in great measure solves the ])roblem. That certain vitiated conditions of ovule or spermatozoa may make the one deadly to the other is j)robable in the light of the hormone theory.

The author's theory of hormone incompatibility reduces the problem of infertility to a purely bio-chemical basis in many otherwise inexplicable cases. This later will be fully exj^atiated upon. Suffice it to say here that this lack of affinity may be primary or secondary :* /. e., inherent to the cell determinants, or acquired by certain extraneous conditions, c. s^.:

f Consanguinity

J Individual incompatability ( Physical Inherent conditions '\ ,- ^ ^u { v u-

I'vxtreme youth ( Psychic


III tlio matter of sex airmities in general, Goethe's iio\cl. "Eleetivo Airinities," will be recalled.



Fear of consequences, notably of pregnane}- or of contracting disease.

Aversion for the sexual act

Disgust for the partner in the act

Painful conjugation (in the female)



Psychic shock, before, during or soon after conjugation

Acquired conditions

a. Psychic

b. Tox

Anemias and Cachexias



Toxemia from disease

In breeding domestic animals, notably fowls, the author has noted the greatest variation in fertility in crossing different strains, as well as a lack of uniformity in the resttlts shown in the progeny

of different strains of the same pure-blooded variety. Prior to the discovery of internal secretions, the author was wont to explain stich phenomena by the inharmoniotis blending of some subtle bio-cheinical blood principle, by virtue of which the blood of certain strains when mingled "precipitated," so to s]^eak, various qualities bad good or

which do not appear when these strains are crossed with

others of the same variety. Sports and type reversions perhaps may thus be explained.

One of the experiences related by certain breeders of blooded stock, for which no logical explanation hitherto has been offered, is the apparent permanent "tainting" of the female purposes for breeding

that has been claimed to result from a mongrel cross.

Some extensive and careftil breeders are so convinced of this that they no longer tise for breeding purposes a thoroughbred female that ever has been impregnated by a mongrel, because of the alleged fact that, even when subsequently bred constantly to thoroitghbred males, a "throw back" of the progeny to the characteristics of the ill bred previous sire at any time may occtir. Instances have been reported of human females wdio have procreated children presenting the characteristics of the male parent of children born in a previous marriage.

(".ranting that these incidents human beings

in both the lower animals and

are atithentic, may they not be explained by a



more or less enduring effect of the combined sex hormones of the previous mating upon the ovary of the female?

The theory of a psychic impression cause hardly would do in the case of the lower animals, and in the case of the human being would act, if at all, by modifying for a time the hormone production of the female sex glands. This would be more logical than the popular maternal impression theory.

There are, to be sure, several possible sources of error in the alleged clinical observations such as accidental new sources of

undesirable paternity in the case of the lower animals, and both autoand hetero-suggestion in the case of the human female.

The author is free to say that he has had no opportunity of verifying the alleged facts involved in the foregoing, and that, in extensively breeding pure bred fowls where accidental contaminations have occurred, he never has observed such phenomena. An-

other point worthy of consideration is the ever present possibility that the sire, or dam, or both, may have an inherited "cold" strain which crops out under the combined sex hormone influences of certain matings, and results in what the author unconventionally has termed a "precipitation" of the objectionable ancestral characteristics.

A moment's reflection will show that both male and female may be potentially fertile, although practically sterile. It also may be seen that, although sterile with one person of the opposite sex, either male or female may be fertile with others. Incompatibility of otherwise normal hormones is the author's explanation of this.

Sterility and impotence may or may not be combined. Thus, as a consequence of removal of the testes the male may be entirely shorn of sexual desire, and is necessarily at the same time made incapable of producing the germinal material necessary for fecundating the ovule. On the other hand, the testes may be removed in some cases, and yet for a greater or less length of time the potency of the individual remains unimpaired. Stallions that are gelded late are likely to retain their sexual desire and power; if, however, castration be performed when they are young, they are rendered both impotent and sterile. It is nothing unusual for owners of stock to keep on hand a horse that has been gelded late in life, for the




purpose of gratifying the marcs during the period of horsing. In horses of this kind emissions occur of a character somewhat resembhng normal semen, although spermatozoa are necessarily absent. The secretion emitted under such circumstances is furnished by the mucous glands of the urethra, the prostatic follicles, and Cowper's glands. The possibility of retention of the power of copulation after castration is so well recognized in the harems of the East that eunuchs from whom both testes and penis have been removed bring a much higher price in the market than those who have been merely castrated. Individuals who are absolutely incapable of emitting true semen may be perfectly potent. Such cases are an illustration of potency combined with sterility.

The explanation of the continuance of mechanic sex capacity after castration or loss of the testes, probably is the fact of perfect development of the genito-spinal and cerebral sex centers and sympathic nerve supply, which continue to act for a greater or less length of time after loss of the secreting organs. Possible vicarious

action of other hormones in the endocrine cycle is worthy of consideration. The author would suggest that there is a prostatic hormone which is more or less essential to sexual activity and which acts vicariously until such time as the prostate atrophies prostate is likely to do as the normal

after castration. Much depends on the disuse is detrimental and on

continuance of the sexual habit

the psychic effect of loss of the testes.

A very important source of error in the case of the oriental eunuch and castrated animals, and of human males who have lost the testes as a result of accident or disease, is that a certain amount of testicular tissue may escape removal or destruction, a very small amount being effective in perpetuating virility. A peculiar case has been related of an oriental chief eunuch, who proved to be the father of a number of infants presented to a certain polygamous patriarch by the ladies of the harem. It transpired that, when the eunuch was "castrated" as a young lad, the scrotum only was removed, the testes being temporarily retained cryptorchidism

only to descend later, with embarrassing results. The person of the chief eunuch being sacred, he was exiled in an iron box by

sea. The box "accidentally" was lost overboard in a convenient gale.



When cither animal or man is completely castrated prior to the completion of se.v development, im.potence invariably results. That sterility always follows castration in either sex at any age is self-evident.

Sterility sometimes is due to disparity of development of the sexual organs in husband and wife. The author has met with several cases of such physio-sexual "misfits."

Individuals in whom the testes are intact, the penis having been removed, necessarily are impotent, although vmder favorable circumstances they hardly could be said to be sterile. They might be termed potentially fertile and dynamically sterile. If it were practicable to bring the semen of such individuals in contact with the healthy ovule, fecundation would be as likely to occur as in individuals possessing perfect virile power. The same holds true of men whose epididymes vasa deferentia, or ejaculatory ducts have been occluded by injury or disease. In time the testes may fail to elaborate fertile semen, but at first it certainly is formed. Individuals who from various causes are unable to secure or maintain an erection, nevertheless may be capable of impregnating the

female, for such persons are likely to have emissions and the ejaculated fluid may be capable of fecundating the ovule. It is not even necessary that the semen thus ejaculated should be thrown into the vagina, as has been shown in instances in which contact and emissions without penetration have been permitted by the female, with resulting pregnancy. It appears to be possible for pregnancy to occur when the semen is deposited only upon the external female genitals, although in some instances the recorded evidence is somewhat dubious.

Stivriuty in THE Male.

Sterility in the male has been sadly neglected by the profession. When consulted with reference to unfruitfulness in married life, the medical man, as a matter of routine, usually attributes the difficulty to some inherent incapacity or acquired morbid condition of the female. It is probable that much of the effort that is directed to the cure of sterility in women is misapplied, the husband and not the wife being at fault. If the direct and remote results of gonorrheal infection in both male and female be given due consideration, the



responsibility of the male sex in the matter of sterility will at once be seen to be considerable. It has been stated by eminent gynecologists with reason and great moderation that at least one-sixth

of the cases of sterility that are brought to the attention of the physician, are due, not to difficulties in the female, but to morbid conditions in the male.*


Sterility in the male is due to: I. Some morbid

condition that perverts the vitality of the seminal fluid and renders it incapable of fecundating the ovum. 2. Conditions obstructing the escape of the semen from the ejaculatory ducts. 3. Conditions preventing the proper deposition of the semen in the vagina. 4. Defective development of the testes is likely to give rise to sterility on account of the functional inactivity of the imperfect organs. 5. Cryptorchidism. 6. Defective or perverted quality or insufficient supply of sex hormone due to conditions 4 and 5 or to acquired local general conditions which disturb sex hormone production.

.\ccording to Kehrer, the cause of childless marriages is to be sought much oftener on the side of the man than heretofore has been the custom. This statement is based upon investigations of the semen. Kehrer investigated ninctv-six cases :

In 3.12 per cent, there existed inability to copulate; in all such cases tliere hail been prececHni;- masturbation. t Tlio men suffered from frequent pollutions, or the ejaculations were premature and the penis could not be inserted into the vagina. In these cases Kehrer claims, impregnation may result, if before the attempt at coitus a speculum be introduced into the vagina. In several cases conception was obtained by this maneuver. In 31.21 per cent, azoospermia absence of sperm.atozoa existed. In most of these

cases gonorrhea, with unilateral or bilateral orchitis, had preceded. The author lays particular stress upon occlusion of the ejaculatory ducts through gonorrheal prostatitis. But azoospermia was also found where no disease of the sexual organs had occurred, and where nothing abnormal in the genital organs could be demonstrated. Oligospermia deficient quantity of semen

was demonstrated in 11.45 per cent. Several times masturbation was confessed, or else gonorrhea with orchitis, or syphilis, had preceded. But. in addition. Kehrer thinks tliat the diseases of the female sexual apparatus that may cause sterility arc considered too lightly.

*The g'ynecf)lojiic (-stimaU' above f|uritecl is, in the author's opinion, far .short of the marlv.

^Considei'ing the pix-valence of masturlialion, tliis oli.sei'\ation is of no special valuf.



Utero-vaginal catarrh under certain circumstances leads to sterility, and Kehrer also thinks that bacteria may exert a destructive influence upon the ovule. It is questionable whether these bacteria produce inflammation of the mucous membrane or only find in the latter suitable conditions for further development. Noeggerath found eight sterile marriages in a series of fourteen to be the fault of the male. Gross, in a table comprising one hundred and ninetytwo cases, shows that the male was deficient in one out of every six.

Sterility in the male may be due to any of the following conditions :

(a) Non-secretion of semen eased testes).

aspermia (defective or dis-

{h) The semen may not contain spermatozoa


(c) The spermatozoa may be few in number, motionless, or their movements ephemeral oligospertma. This may be due to

aberration of the male sex hormone.

{d) Obstruction to the passage of active spermatozoa to the deep urethra and seminal vesicles.

{e) Obstruction to the escape of semen from the meatus as in stricture.

(/) Escape of the semen at some point between the deep urethra and meatus, thus preventing its proper deposition in the vagina as seen in hypospadias and extensive urethral fistula. The

Australian aborigines had an ingenious custom of slitting the floor of the urethra Gown to the penoscrotal angle in a certain proportion of males, thus forming an artificial hypospadias, to prevent conception.

{g) The vitiation of hormone production already mentioned.

Cryptorchids, in whom the testes are not only retained, but also are in an embryonal and imperfectly-developed condition, are usually, if not invariably, sterile. This does not apply to monorchids. Cryptorchids are, however, often potent to a high degree. A cryptorchid gonorrheic under the author's care is sexually extremely vigorous. Individuals from whom both testicles have been removed

necessarily are sterile. When both organs have sustained serious injuries, sterility may result, either from destruction of the


JTi C. I- - . -, -'i 1^ o ^


secreting structure of the organs or from traumatic occlusion of the efferent ducts. The semen may be secreted in proper quantity and of a healthy quality, yet it may be prevented in some manner from reaching the mouths of the ejaculatory ducts. This condition is more frequent than generally is supposed, it being difficult of detection on account of the fact that impotence is not necessarily associated with it, the sexual orgasm being attended by the ejaculation of secretions from various portions of the sexual tract that collectively resemble semen, and which under normal circumstances

form an important and considerable component part of that fluid.

As already stated, the relation of gonorrhea or urethritis to sterility is a very important one. Epididymitis is attended by the exudation of inflammatory lymph in and about the epididymis. This may be speedily absorbed, or may become organized into connective tissue that subsequently contracts and completely obliterates the tubes of the epididymis a condition which most effectu-

ally prevents the escape of semen from the testis into the vas deferens. When consulted regarding matrimonial unfruitfulness the physician should carefully inquire of the husband as to a gonorrheal history, and especially as to the occurrence at some previous time of double epididymitis. The explanation of the apparent sterility of the wife may not be satisfactorily determined until after a microscopic examination of the semen of the husband has been made.

A low grade of chronic inflammation of one or both epididymes may occur without sufficient pain or swelling to especially attract the patient's attention, hence examination may reveal thickened and indurated epididymes in the absence of a history of epididymitis. It should be remembered also, that the ejaculatory ducts, vasa dcferentia, or vesicles, may be infected, with resultant occlusion, without either history or objective symptoms of epididymal involvement.



and infection with subsequent

atrophy of the testes proper may occur from various causes and produce sterility or impotence or both. Orchitis secondary to

parotiditis is a frequent cause. Any syste:mic infection may result similarly. Thus the author has met with a case in which one testicle was lost from trauma and the other some years later from



some unknown infection. In another case, one testis was atrophied from infection secondary to vaccination, and the other from no apparent cause some time later. This and the preceding rare case are oddly suggestive of a similarity to the so-called sympathetic ophthalmia in which one eye is destroyed by one cause or another notably by foreign bodies and the remaining eye subsequently is

lost without immediate exciting cause, after an interval, perhaps, of some months or even years. The author recently had under observation an operative case of his own in which unilateral orchitis with loss of the testicle followed a few weeks after supra-pubic section for removal of vesical carcinoma.

The imminent danger of atrophy and loss of function of the testis from true orchitis, suggests the imperative duty of operative relief of tension in all cases, even of the traumatic variety. The old idea that a hematoma of the testis or cord should not be operated, is, in the author's opinion, responsible for numerous cases of testicle destruction.

Injuries to the prostatic urethra incident to operations upon urethral stricture or stone in the bladder may produce occlusion of the mouths of the ejaculatory ducts and consequent sterility. Cauterization of the prostatic sinus may result in a similar condition. A well-known French writer observed, regarding the use of the portc-causiique by Lallemand, that by its use many men had been unsexed, causing "more eunuchs than had all the harems of the east." It is to be remembered that sterility in the male may be attended by absolutely no symptoms that will lead to a satisfactory diagnosis without resort to the microscope. Both seminal ducts may be occluded, so that the semen cannot by any possibility pass through the ejaculatory ducts, yet, if the testes are well developed and firm and in a perfectly normal condition, sexual desire, power of erection and pleasurable sensations are normal. When these phenomena are normal, yet spermatozoa are not emitted, it usuallv is safe to infer that there is mechanic obstruction to the escape of semen from the testes, rather than a secretory ])erturbation, even

though these organs and their ducts i)rescnt no evidences of disease.

The gross uppenrancc of the fluid ejaculated during the sexual orgasm in a/()(">sperniia may be almost precisely similar in ap])earance to normal semen, the absence of spermatozoa alone constituting



its principal clinical feature. As a rule, however, the fluid is thin and watery.

Men who are suffering from pronounced stricture of the urethra are likely to be sterile, as a consequence of interference with ejaculation of the semen. In cases of stricture of long duration, sterility may persist for some time after the urethral obstruction has been removed. This is due to the fact that the obstruction to ejaculation has resulted in the semen being habitually forced backward into the bladder past the vent montanitm, or colUculus scminalis, the function of which is to prevent such backward passage under ordinary pressure and to facilitate the extrusion of the spermatic fluid from the urethra. It is said that there exists in Paris a

certain class of prostitutes who prevent concej^tion by passing the index finger into the rectum of the male during intercourse, and pressing upon the membranous urethra just in front of the prostate at the moment of ejaculation. This ingenious and disgusting practice causes the semen to be forced back into the male bladder by overcoming the resistance of the colUculus. If this performance be indulged in frequently, the function of this erectile structure may be permanently destroyed, the individual ever after ejaculating his semen into his own bladder. In most cases of pronounced stricture the semen is retained in the urethra until erection subsides, when it slowly dribbles away. In hypospadias and epispadias the deformity of the urethra may be such as to prevent the extrusion of the semen far enough into the vagina to accomplish impregnation. Individuals thus affected practically are sterile.

A further and excellent illustration of potency conjoined with sterility is a case that the author elsewhere has described as illustrative of the effects of pathologic changes in the epididymis. A tuberculous testicle was removed from this patient, and in a few months chronic inflammation and induration occurred in the remaining organ. As a consequence, while the patient found that his sexual desire and power were very much stronger than prior to the operation, he stated that after the appearance of disease in the remaining organ he no longer had emissions, the orgasm being apparently perfectly normal with the exception of the absence of seminal dis-


It sometimes is very difficult accurately to determine the causes of a lack of fecundating power in the semen. Thus, the sperma-



tozoa may be absent from the seminal fluid in cases in which there is no history of inflammatory trouble with the testicle or other causes that would prevent its formation or discharge.

In some instances, probably from constitutional depression or cachexia, the elaborated semen is perverted in quality and deficient in quantity, the vitalizing element being either absent entirely or of such degenerate constitution that it is incapable of impregnating the ovule. Spermatozoa may be present at one time, and absent at another in certain instances, according to the constitutional condition of the patient at the time. In one case of a professional man of the author's acquaintance, sterility had existed for a number of years ; the semen, being examined at various times, was found to contain no spermatozoa, yet they finally appeared in the seminal discharge

and the patient succeeded in impregnating his wife.

In connection with the subject of sterility the varying vitality of both ovule and spermatozoa must be taken into consideration. As is well known, there is no constant relation between the performance of the sexual act and the discharge of the ovule. It therefore is necessary, in order that impregnation may be facilitated, that both the male and the female elements be capable of retaining their vitality for a certain length of time. Obviously, if this were not the case, it would be necessary for copulation and ovulation to occur simultaneously. By a wise provision of nature, however, both ovule and spermatozoa retain their vitality for a considerable time. It has been claimed by some physiologists that their vitality is preserved for a week or ten days, or even longer. If, during the persistence of this vitality, the male and female elements are brought in contact, impregnation is likely to occur. Anything that lessens the period during which the elements necessary to conception retain their vitality tends to produce sterility. In some females it is necessary for copulation to take place either just before or shortly after menstruation, in order that conception may occur. The mid-period necessarily is least favorable to conception, for at this time the ovule has reached its minimum degree of vitality, if, indeed, it has not already become disintegrated. Between this period and the next ovulation a sufficient time will have elapsed to impair, or perhaps destroy, the vitality of the spermatozoa. The sources of fallacy

in taking this fact as a basis for precautions against pregnancy are the varying vitality of the ovule and spermatozoa and the fact that



ovulation probably is not necessarily coincident with menstruation. Indeed, ovulation probably may occur at the time of the sexual act as a result of extreme sexual excitement. These physiologic facts are worthy of consideration in the management of some cases of sterility. For example, if copulation be permitted only just before and after menstruation, the sexual energies of both parties to the act are conserved and made more active. The se^fual passion is stronger in the female at this time, and, if the male is abstinent at other times, he, too, is likely to be more passionate and vigorous. By taking this precaution the ovum and spermatozoa will be brought in contact at the time when the vitality of both is at its maximum.

Leaving the question of impotence out of consideration, it is a well-known fact that sterile marriages occasionally are observed where both husband and wife are perfectly capable of procreation, yet for some peculiar reason the elements necessary for conception

apparently have no affinity for each other, and this independently of the question of sexual passion. The truth of this assertion is shown by the fact that in many instances individuals who have been childless in a first marriage have married again, and have reared large families. The physiologic question involved under these circumstances is well recognized by stock-breeders, who find, for example, that certain mares cannot be fecundated by a stallion that perhaps is distinguished by the multiplicity of his progeny, but are readily impregnated when covered by another and even inferior stallion.

It is conceivable that varying states of vitality of the spermatozoa may result from morbid conditions affecting the general health. Perfection of elaboration of the various secretions of the body depends greatly on the condition of the individual. It is well known that the secretions of the salivary, mammary, and gastro-intestinal glands are greatly modified by mental emotions, and by various pathologic conditions affecting the system at large, and why may not this be equally true as regards the semen? It is probable that the condition of the emotional faculties at the time of copulation have much to do with fertility in the human subject. This is one of the possible explanations of the infrequency of conceptions in prostitutes, in whom, however, the results of infection usually sooner or later are an all-sufficient explanation.

Abuse of the sexual apparatus, either through masturbation or



sexual excess, next to inflammatory troubles of the testicle is probably the most frequent cause of sterility. Prolonged overstimulation of the secreting structures of the testes finally results in exhaustion and relaxation of the organs, the semen being imperfectly elaborated, even though its quantity and consistency may be apparently the same. Again, the frequent shocks to the nervous system involved in the oft-recurring orgasm, in combination with the drain afforded by the excessive loss of seminal secretion, results in constitutional debility ; and this again, reacting upon the semen, devitalizes it. The important relation that the bodily condition bears to the number and constitution of the spermatozoids can hardly be overestimated. Other things being equal, the activity and potency of the spermatic cells is in direct proportion to the strength and vigor of the general system.

The author's theory of the physiologic relation of the supply and constitution of the sex hormone to the procreative act, and therefore

to both sterility and impotence, will receive special attention later on.


The diagnosis of sterility in the male can be made

only by examination of the ejaculated discharge. When the spermatozoids are found to be absent, feeble, imperfectly formed, or few in number, the source of the infecundity of the individual is at once apparent. Defective hormone supply may in part explain such conditions. Careful physical examination of the testicles and spermatic cords, with exploration of the urethra, may demonstrate the fact that the trouble is not defective elaboration of semen, but obstructive, the semen being prevented from escaping into or from the urethra. This is the only logical inference if the testes are firm and hard and of the proper size, the spermatic cords being also apparently healthy. Relative sterility, due to hormone perversion or incompatibility, with numerous and active spermatozoa, necessarily is too occult for detection.

Prophylaxis of sterility in both sexes largely consists in careful treatment of gonorrhea and its complications. It is obvious that successful treatment in the male in a large measure protects both sexes from sterility. Competence and thoroughness on the part of the genito-urinary surgeon stands between the public and much sterility. Not the least of his functions is to prevent, if possible, uncured gonorrheics from marrying. The management of epididymitis is especially important in its bearing on possible sterility



in the male. After critical observation and experience extending over a ])eriod of some nine years epididymotomy in 1906 following Hagner's work in

the author has arrived at the conclusion

that e])ididymitis invariably should be treated by radical operative measures. Although the surgery of acute inflammation of the epididymis is not new, the disease almost universally has been "mollycoddled." Physician and patient alike have failed to com])rehend the seriousness of the condition as regards its menace to the comfort, efficiency and especially the fertility of the affected individual.

Following epididymitis in the large majority of cases t^e testis of the affected side is "put out of business." i. c, while still potentially fertile, it is dynamically sterile by virtue of permanent occlusion of the infected and inflamed epididymis or vas, or both. In that rare condition, simultaneously double epididymitis, or that frequent accident, an epididymitis subsequently occurring upon the opposite side. Sixty-five per cent, of the subjects are made sterile.

Aside from the danger of sterility, recurrent epididymitis and reinfection of the posterior urethra from an infective focus remaining in the epididymis often are a source of serious crippling. Then, too. the probability of certain obscure cases of rheumatism being due to latent infection in the epididymis is worthy of consideration. It also will be noted that the analogy between pus tubes and the infected epididymis is by no means far fetched.

In considering the surgical aspects of epididymitis the character of the infection is of no moment excluding, of course, the tuber-

cular form. Gonococcus, colon bacillus and staphylococcus are alike, so far as the surgical management of the inflamed epididymis is concerned. The benefits of epididymotomy are due to

1st. Relief of tension.

2nd. Depletion.

3rd. Drainage.

It is the author's opinion that the tension of the epididymal walls is accountable in a measure for permanent occlusion of the tubuli. The acute tension due to the thickening of the epididymis and more or less internal exudate, impairs the integrity of the

tubular structures as well as occludes them. When closely pressed together the tubuli are more likely to become distorted, kinked and



glued shut, than when there is no abnormal pressure from within and without the epididymis. Here, then, is the cue for prevention of a large number of cases of sterility in the male : Relieve tension in the epididymitis by multiple incisions or punctures of the dense zvalls of the affected part.


The treatment of sterility in the male unfor-

tunately is unsuccessful in a large proportion of cases. Chronic inflammatory conditions of the epididymis sometimes may be removed by measures that will be suggested later in the consideration of diseases of the testicle. Electricity is perhaps the most rehable remedy at our command for these conditions. Tonics, proper food, and attention to sexual hygiene occasionally may accomplish the desired result. It must be confessed that there are many cases in which, however faithfully we may seek for the cause of sterihty, it escapes observation, and the case consequently is absolutely in-

curable. Some of the conditions that obstruct the passage of the semen from the urethra may be removed, stricture being the morbid state that is especially amenable to treatment.

Obstructions in the vas sometimes are removable by resection followed by the author's method of anastomosis. When they are close to the epididymis and both vasa defer entia are involved, the vas may be anastomosed with the epididymis as suggested by Edward Martin. This operation as described by its originator is as follows :

"The vas lies behind the spermatic artery, which sends its main branches forward to the inner side of the epididymis, anastomosing freely at this point with the artery of the vas. The epididymis is approached from its outer side. A portion of the head is picked up in toothed forceps and excised. If the excision is made on the testicular side of the obstruction there will ooze from the wound semen which contains motile spermatozoa. The lumen of the vas is opened by a longitudinal cut one-quarter of an inch long. Into the wound of the epididymis the vas is implanted by means of four fine silver-wire sutures, carried on small face needles from the outer surface of the vas into its lumen ; thence from the cut surface of the opening made into the epididymis through its fibrous tunic. Because of the smallncss of the structures involved, the operation is tedious rather than difficult. Aside from the ordinary

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surgical instruments, there will be needed a sharp-pointed pair of scissors, a slender bistoury and a grooved director, such as are used by ophthalmologists."

Lespinasse has ingeniously suggested the formation of an artificial sac or reservoir for the semen in connection with the epididymis in obseructive sterility in the male.* The semen is to be withdrawn by aspiration from the husband as required and injected into the uterus of the wife.

Although not potentially sterile, hypospadiacs and subjects with urethral fistula may be dynamically sterile because the semen is not discharged so that it reaches the vicinity of the cervix. These cases may be curable by operation. Disproportionate size of the penis sometimes is a cause of sterility. This condition is hopeless. Artificial fecundation is the only recourse.

Sterility is sometimes due to syphilis which may produce

chronic inflammation, although gross lesions are not perceptible.

Sterility due to syphilis sometimes is curable by the ordinary therapevitic routine.

Conformably with his views of the intimate relation of the proper formation of sex hormone to fertility, the author believes that his method of sex gland implantation may have a considerable range of usefulness in both sexes as a remedy for sterility. This subject later will be more fully discussed.

Impotenck IX THE Male.

In the majority of cases of impotence there apparently is a normal, or, at most, merely a debilitated and flaccid condition of the generative apparatus, yet the patient is unable to obtain an erection. The lack of power varies in degree from a condition in which there is absolutely no manifestation of the physiologic function of erection to cases in which the erection is partial, but insufficient for copulation. In some instances erection is perfect, but of a transitory character, ejaculation occurring prematurely. Care should be taken to dififerentiate the cases, else treatment is not likely to be successful. Clinically it will be found that cases of impotence may be divided into :

1. Those in which virility is impaired by general constitutional

Trans. American Urological Assoc, 1914.


lmpotkncp: and sterility

debility or exhaustion of nervous force supply being one element

impairment of hormone

the lack of sexual vigor being functional

and secondary to the general disturbance. These cases may depend upon : a. sexual excess or masturbation, which produce both local and general debility, or /;. general diseases of an exhausting character, c. Profound psychic impressions, d. Shock from trauma. They may or may not be associated with spermatorrhea, nocturnal emissions, etc.

2. Cases in which the lack of power is entirely due to adverse psychic impressions.

3. Those in which the patient is strong and vigorous, his testes secreting actively, and his vesicnlcc seminales being overdistended as a consequence of infrequent indulgence. In these cases premature

ejaculation and a transitory character of erection are the principal features.

4. Those in which, as a consequence of masturbation or sexual excess, there is hyperesthesia of the floor of the prostatic urethra, or colliculitis. Imperfect secretion and premature ejaculation characterize these cases.

5. Cases in which there is some pathologic condition of the sexual apparatus that acts by distvu^bing innervation and producing mental depression, chiefly from the moral efifect of the condition.

6. Those in which deformity or acquired disease interferes with erection, completely or partially preventing it.

7. Those in which congenital malformations, injury, disease, or surgical operation have impaired or destroyed the structure of the sexual apparatus to an extent sufficient to prevent copulation.

8. Cases due to toxemia other drugs.

from disease or from alcoholics or

Some of these conditions are amenable to treatment, while others, unfortunately, are beyond the reach of medical art.

Impotence is divided for description into the false and true varieties.


False impotence is the form that is most

frequently seen, and usually is dependent upon causes of a purely mental or moral character, the sexual organs, so far as can be determined by examination, being perfectly healthy. Individuals suffering from this form of impotence usually are of a highly impressionable nervous temperament primarily, or have become so



as a consequence of masturbation or sexual excesses. Some men who apparently are perfectly healthy find themselves unable to perform the act of copulation as a consequence of a lack of confidence due to a recollection of early indiscretions and an exaggerated estimate of their effects. Ignorance of sexual physiology often is the foundation for this form of im])otence. Failure to accomplish the act of sexual intercourse sometimes is due may seem paradoxic as it

to extraordinary vigor and secretory activity of the

sexual apparatus. Individuals who have masturbated but little, or

perhaps not at all, and who never have attempted sexual intercourse until they have attained their majority, frequently are troubled in this manner. The author recalls several cases of this kind :


A j-oung professional man 30 years of age, a fine healthy-ap-

pearing subject as could be imagined. He had masturbated but little as a boy, and after attaining adult age became very fond of the society of women and acquired the reputation of being something of a i-ouc, yet he assured the author that he never had been able to accomplish the act of copulation, premature ejaculation having attended every attempt such attempts having

been made at very infrequent intervals. He seemed to think that there was some organic disease, either of the sexual organs or "of the blood," that inhibited his sexual pcnvers. Examination showed that the sexual organs were perfectly healthy. On careful interrogation he said that he never had attempted intercourse twice consecutively, but had Iiecome thoroughly disgusted by his first failure on each occasion. It seemed that intercourse always had been attempted under circumstances involving not only extreme sexual excitement, but more or less uneasiness as regards the possibility of detection. All possible means were tried to convince this patient that he was perfectly sound and sexually potent, but without result. He still entertains the opinion that he is impotent, and nothing but success in copulation, which certainly will be achieved if the act is ever attempted under proper circumstances, ever will convince him to the contrary. Overdistension of the seminal vesicles, in combination with overexcitement and consequent

hyperesthesia of the prostatic sinus existing at the time of attempted copulation, is the explanation of tlie pseudo-impotence of this individual.


.\ similar case that came under our observation was much more

tractable. This patient stated that he never had masturbated and never had attempted intercourse until past the age of 25. fie was of an exceedingly passionate temperament, and has found that he never had been able to accomplish the act at a first or even a second attempt, but that if he attempted the act repeatedly with a person with whom he had the opportunity of associating for several days at a time, he finally succeeded, and thereafter was in a perfectly normal condition. He finally happily married and has several



children. The persistency of this individual is all that saved him from the same despairing frame of mind as that which exists in the previous case.

The form of impotence born of excessive and uncontrolled desire has been familiar from time immemorial. Three centuries ago Montaigne dilated upon it in his philosophic essays as follows :

Neither is it in the height and greatest fury of the fit that we are in a condition ... to sally into courtship, the soul being at that time overburthened and laboring with profound thoughts, and the body dejected and languishing with desire ; and hence it is that sometimes proceed those accidental impotencies that so unreasonably surprise the willing lover, and that frigidity which by the force of an immoderate ardor so unhappily seizes him in the very lap of fruition ; for all passions that suffer themselves to be relished and digested are but moderate.

The surgeon not infrequently is called upon for relief for just such impotencies as Montaigne so clearly describes. That the remedy is better psychic control goes without saying.

Continence as a cause of true impotence has been admitted by some writers. Howe relates two interesting cases that apparently were due to this cause :

Case 1.

In the winter of 1876 an undertaker of this city was ad-

mitted to St. Francis Hospital, suffering from prolapse of the rectum. He was 45 years old and his general health was good. After recovering from the prolapse he informed me that he was impotent, and likewise was subject to nocturnal emissions. During the whole course of his life he had refrained from any gratification of his passions, and had never attempted sexual intercourse until within the past year. Twelve months previous to his admission he had m.arried, and without expecting anything of the kind found

himself impotent and unable to consummate the marriage. Every attempt at intromission failed, through weak erections and rapid emissions. He denied masturbation, and the condition of the genitals seemed to confirm his statement. From the age of 25 he had emissions once a fortnight and frequent erections, but the erections were feeble, and lasted only a few moments. Since his marriage the emissions had increased in frequency, and there seemed to be much relaxation and apparent elongation of the penis. The patient did not seem to be depressed by the fact of his impotence. He attributed it all to total abstinence, and hoped that, in the course of time, Nature would effect a cure.

The author does not believe that continence per se ever causes true impotence. The cases in which it apparently does so usually are either masturbators or congenitally weak, or both.

A few cases are recorded by Lallemand and others where rectal disease caused temporary impotence, but the patients were not con-



tinent, and they recovered from the spermatorrhea and impotence

when the prolapse was cured. In the patient whose history has just been given the prolapse of the rectum may have added to the genital weakness, but it probably was not the cause of it.

Howe records a second interesting case of impotence from continence, unaccompanied by spermatorrhea :

Case 2.

The patient was 38 years old, and a broker by occupation.

His general health was excellent, and he was constantly and actively employed in a flourishing business. He commenced to masturbate a little when a boy of 12, and occasionally was guilty of the habit until he reached the age of 16, at which time he discontinued it altogether. At twenty he had intercourse in a natural way, and without any difficulty whatever. For six months subsequently he cohabited at intervals of two weeks, and never at any time indulged to excess. A period of eight years then elapsed without any opportunity for sexual congress. At the termination of that period he again attempted to renew his sexual relations with his former partner, but, to his great annoyance, failed. Though he subsequently made frequent trials, the result was the same. He finally gave up all hope, firmly believing that his impotence was beyond the reach of therapeutic agents. He attributed his loss of virility to continence, and not to any dissipation or bad habits in early life. A period of ten years elapsed, during which interval he tried sexual congress but once, and was unsuccessful. He had few emissions, and few erections. For twelve months previous to calling at my office he had had only three emissions, and no erections of any degree of permanence.

He thought his desire for sexual pleasures had not diminished, but, the knowledge of his impotence being ever present, would prevent him from attempting it again. This mental state necessarily complicated his case, and added to the difficulty of a cure. On making an examination of his genital organs I found the penis and testicles somewhat smaller than natural. The left testicle was smaller than the right, and more than ordinarily sensitive to pressure. Otherwise the parts were unchanged. Knowing that the patient's habits were excellent, and that his general health was good, I made a favorable prognosis, and put him under treatment. He continued under treatment for three months, improving slowly. His erections were more frequent and natural, and his hopes of final recovery revived. He suddenly, without any notification, ceased his visits at the office. The summer following he consulted me for gonorrhea, and informed me that a few days after he had ceased calling he renewed his attempt at intercourse, and succeeded, and had kept well in that respect ever since.

The author has seen so many cases similar to those reported by Howe, that he feels warranted in the belief that prolonged continence in exceptional cases bears a definite etiologic relation to impotence. As already stated, however, he does not believe that continence alone ever causes true impotence. Oftentimes the impotence is


purely psychic, resulting from the fear of non-success. The patient's confidence sometimes is shaken by the popular notion that prolonged continence necessarily results disastrously. In some cases the patient's statements regarding masturbation should be discounted. It is nothing unusual for patients to assert that they have practiced the vice "but a few times," etc., when, as a matter of fact, they not only have practiced it very frequently, but are not yet rid of the habit. In a general way, however, men who abstain from sexual intercourse up to thirty years of age often are impaired in their sexual power pseudo-impotence even though they have not

masturbated. Disuse is detrimental to the vigor of all organs, and it is not surprising that a certain degree of inhibition of sexual activity should result in such cases. Where they have masturbated, especially if the habit has not been broken, impotence is common. When men of thirty or over deny both masturbation and normal sexual indulgence, a primary lack of sexual activity may be suspected. On the other hand, sexual repression continued for years may seriously inhibit primarily active sexual impulses.

It should be remembered, in considering the subject of pseudoimpotence, that the sexual passion varies in intensity in different individuals. Many persons are of frigid temperament and are likely to exhibit more or less sexual indifference. This usually is associated with a relative sluggishness of the sexual apparatus, which, however, is perfectly natural to the particular individual.

Very slight mental disturbances at the time of attempted intercourse may result in temporary impotence. Anxiety or mental worry of any kind may cause it. Individuals who have labored mentally or physically to the extent of producing exhaustion are likely to experience temporary inhibition of sexual activity and desire. This physiologic phenomenon may be, as already has been suggested, taken advantage of in the treatment of sexual disorders. Emotional influences that are capable of making a powerful impression upon the nervous system especially tend to inhibit sexual desire, the more particularly as they tend to check the secretion of semen. The influences that tend to produce activity of secretion of the testes are chiefly emotional, and, conversely, diverse mental influences may check the secretion. Carter outlined this fact as follows :

The glands liable to emotional congestion are those which, by forming



their products in larger quantity, subserve to the gratification of the excited

feeling. Thus, blood is directed to the mamma: by the maternal emotions, to the^ testes by the sexual and to the salivary glands by the influence of appetizing odors ; while in either case the sudden demand may produce an exsanguine condition of other organs, and may check some function which was being actively performed, as, for instance, the digestive.

Lack of secretion has a mechanic bearing on sexual desire and impotence. When the secretions of the testes and seminal vesicles are abimdant, the vesicles become distended and directly and reflexly excite desire by mere pressure. The individual whose vesicles quickly refill after emptying, soon experiences another erection with accompanying sexual desire. Activity of secretion, therefore, is an important factor in analyzing the causes and treatment of impotence. This explains the service sometimes rendered by pilocarpin. It must be remembered, however, that there is interaction between sexual passion and the distention of the seminal vesicles. While the vesicles become more or less rapidly distended even where no sexual desire exists, they fill under the influence of sexual passion with a rapidity that is in direct ratio to the degree and duration of the stimulation. It is obvious that exhausting diseases act in several ways, viz.: 1. by diminishing secretion, 2. by disturbing sexual innervation, 3. by diminution and perturbation of hormone formation, 4. by toxemia, 5. by reducing general bodily vigor.

The emotion of fright or the condition of mind produced by

the fear of detection or of the results of copulation invariably will inhibit the sexual power. Disgust, indiiTerence, or antipathy for the party of the second part often has a similar efifect.

The practical physician does not usually put much faith in the theory of affinity as existing between the sexes, but the author is of opinion that in many instances failure to consummate the marital act is due to a lack of harmony between the contracting parties. An apparent instance of this is the following:


A man 31 years of age, perfectly healthy, the sexual organs be-

ing perfectly formed and apparently in a normal condition, came to the author for relief of impotence. He was a man of very highly-wrought nervous organization, and had never been anything of a roue. The only possible exception that could be taken to his physical condition was the fact that he was somewhat inclined to corpulence. He stated that he had not experienced an erection for some months. During this time, however, he had been working very hard, and had not allowed his mind to dwell on sexual matters, and he himself was inclined to attribute the absence of erections to

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this fact. As he contemplated matrimony, however, he desired a course of treatment. On inquiry he stated that he had on several occasions failed in accomplishing intercourse, but that he had found that with certain females he was perfectly potent, while with others he was absolutely impotent. He was assured that there was no physical impediment to matrimony, and a course of local faradization was advised. He improved very rapidly, and in a few months the sexual function became so active that the bougie electrode could not be passed because the slightest contact with the urethra produced vigorous erection. He stated that when he took a Turkish bath, as per advice, he was considerably embarrassed by the occurrence of erections so soon as the attendant attempted to rub him. Under these circumstances the author felt perfectly justified in advising matrimony. The result was unfortunately not what had been expected, for a year after marriage he had not yet succeeded in accomplishing intercourse. There was evidently in this casej some inhibitory cause of a mental character, as shown by the fact that after marriage he still had vigorous erections and nocturnal emissions with dreams. As soon as the idea of attempting intercourse entered his mind he found it absolutely impossible to secure an erection. The author finally succeeded in curing this case by the exercise of a little ingenuity. The wife was sent away for three months, the husband being meanwhile treated with electricity. On the day of the wife's home-coming the patient was provided with a rectal suppository containing a little belladonna, opium, and camphor. He was instructed to insert this on going to bed and was assured that the wonderful suppository never failed. The treatment was a

brilliant success and there was no future trouble, the wife becoming pregnant within a few weeks.

A sensitive sexual organization is part of the price man has paid for civiHzation. The more refined the organization of the human rule, the more likely he is to suffer from impotence due to psychic impressions. Laying aside organic causes, the savage and the lower animals do not experience impotence. The human male who can perform the sexual act under any and all environmental conditions probably is an example of atavism, where exceptionally

it does not prove neuro-psychic degeneracy. The commission of rape, in the author's opinion, is sure evidence of atavism.

The male sex is not alone in paying the price of civilization. The female also has been sexually penalized for her upward progress from the social-primitive to the civilized type. Among the penalties are, frigidity in many, frequent sexual neuro-degeneracy evidenced by nymphomania as

relative or complete infertility, and an

artificially created, so-called normal desire persisting during uterogestation in a certain proportion of women. Repression of sexual desire, through religious and other social inhibitions, has had a very



powerful influence on civilized woman. With many, sexual passion develops only in response to the demands of the male. It is probable that the sex habits of our pre-human ancestors, the female of which experienced sexual desire the breeding instinct only at certain

stated periods, would have persisted in their human descendants if social environmental influences had not been brought to bear. It is probable that any sexual desire on the part of the female manifested at any time other than shortly before, during and after the menstrual period, has been acquired in response to the sex demands of the male. Certain it is, also, that nature never intended that the female of any species should either cohabit during pregnancy, or experience sexual desire at such a time. Once pregnancy has occurred, the function for which the sexual act was intended has been subserved so far as the female is concerned.

Society's attitude towards the matrimonial cjuestion is based largely upon mawkish sentiment, ignorance of biologic law, and the impracticability of its application in every-day life. The average moralist, accepting marriage as a divine institution instead of what it really is a conventionalized regulation of sex love via a civil, sees nothing in the problem save

business and social contract

conformity or non-conformity to divine law. Quite naturally he

cannot conceive of such a thing as divine error and consequently is dominated entirely by the "Tied you are, and tied you must stay" dogma. From this point of view there can be no such thing as marital mistakes to be rectified. In certain quarters, therefore, infallibility of matrimonial selection primarily is taken for granted and invariably demanded. It is noteworthy that marriage is the only human act in which anybody ever expects infallibility of judgment.

Unfortunately, however, marriage in real life is a strictly human institution in which the contracting parties are not demigods, but fallible human beings, fundamentally jwssessed of certain animal traits which are a rather heavy handicap to the intellectual attributes that are distinctively human. ]\Iarriage necessarily is experimental. As a rule, neither of the contracting parties has any means of knowing the true character of the other. The young man who goes courting dons his best behavior with his best clothes. The young woman courted, not to be outdone at woman's own game, lays even greater stress upon externals. She puts on her prettiest



gown and "company manners" and does her best to conceal, not only her physical defects, but her mental and moral flaws. Her mission in life is to catch a husband honestly if she can, but to

catch him. If either one is inexperienced, the game is an easy going one, and the end assured ; propinquity assists the fraud. Rarely is there a critical study of character on either side. When love dominates, the loved one is beyond criticism and there is no incentive to character study.

After marriage both parties to the arrangement sooner or later become more critical. Marriage is a steady and intimate association which only compatibles can face without disaster. The rose tints of the pre-marital ideal become rather murky when incompatibility once becomes manifest.

Compatibility involves several elements that only intimate association can discover. Broadly speaking, these may be either physical or psychic, the qualities that attract or repel being sometimes blended so that it is difficult to determine where the one terminates and the other begins. Psychic impressions modify the physical and vice versa. The resulting complex, modified by the couple's imaginations, may or may not correspond to their premarital ideals. That such ideals should be so often shattered is not astonishing. Ideals based entirely upon externals, and the super-

structure of which is built up from an imagination dominated by psycho-sexual erethism, are greatly handicapped in their contest with the psychic and physical realities of life.

Under natural conditions, the physical is far more important than the psychic in the question of mating. Sex attraction is a purely animal attribute which, invest it as we may with a halo of sentiment and romance, is none the less a primitive biologic instinct that is common to all species. Civilization and its attendant refinements have added the psycho-sexual to the purely animal, but as yet the former by no means dominates matrimonial selection, nor would the best interests of the race be conserved by its domination. The unlike attracts and the like repels, here as elsewhere. If the large, powerful man usually selected a woman built upon similar lines, and the small man the small woman, we in time would have two races side by side one of dwarfs and the other of giants.

Should intellectual persons always gravitate together, procreation finally would cease and the race would run out, dying at the top,



after passing through all the degrees of physical and mental degeneration. As a n^.atter of fact, the natural tendency of human beings to select mates of opposite characteristics has been conservative, and has tended to maintain a certain racially healthful physical and mental average.

It is true that the tendency to rise superior to the purely physical in matrimonial selection is increasing, pari passu with the progress of civilization and the increasing complexity of human life but

so is the business of the divorce courts, and so, also, is degeneracy. ]^Ien and women are growing more and more selfish and exacting. The family is coming to be less their concern, hence the qualifications of the given member of the opposite sex for parenthood are of diminishing importance. The demand for congenial companionship is greater and, as the test can be made only after marriage, mental incompatibility necessarily has become more prominent in matrimony. The psychic element primarily is purely artificial, and therefore less stable than the purely physical. The savage does not prate of incompatibility. With him the question is altogether a physical one. The physical element, however nnich modified by civilization, still being dominant in matrimony, the proportion of marital disharmonies is as yet relatively small, although it is steadily growing.

Purely physical incompatibility probably is the exception, yet, as all physicians know, is more frequent than is generally supposed.

It is not manifest in frigidity alone, for in many instances there is an instinctive repugnance to physical contact, yet there really is no frigidity, and psychic conditions apparently are ideal.

Reduced to its biologic ultimate, sex attraction requires no more psychic explanation than does chemical affinity, and yet the fact remains that many human beings go through life without meeting their sex "complement." Some know what they have missed ; the majority, fortunately, do not. "Ignorance is bliss."

The author is well aware that ideals of all kinds usually are assigned to the realm of spiritual things, and is willing to acknowledge that the hyperesthetic psycho-sexuality of civilized races has much to do with the construction of sex ideals, but he nevertheless is convinced that the question of physical affinity is to be given serious consideration. It is here that the author would take issitc with the purely spiritual conception of the ideal. The instance of childless couples who have been divorced and remarried, each



taking the partner of the other, with resultant f ruitfulness, certainly has a biologic explanation that is well worth consideration. When a beautiful, refined, and intellectual woman, surrounded by every luxury, runs away with a coarse, unattractive stable-hand, the spiritual ideal is a dubious explanation.

Where the physical conditions of married persons are absolutely harmonious, mental incompatibility is unusual. Where one or the other is a high-strung, neurotic individual, however, the psychic element is likely to be discordant. Should both be neurotic, compatibility is almost impossible. Sentiment gradually is submerged until there is left a physical reality that contains no suggestion of the ideal.

In most cases of marital infelicity, it is safe to say that the husband is at fault. There is a very cogent reason for this. He usually has in mind a physical standard based upon previous experiences. While the glamour of early married life lasts, he is satisfied with the situation. The inexperience of the wife primarily is a decided novelty. When, however, satiety arrives, as it usually does sooner or later, he recalls memories of past experiences in the light of which the physical charms of the wife begin to pale. He soon discovers [)hysical incompatibility, and resumes the pursuit of elusive past sexual impressions that his marriage temporarily interrupted. His relations with his wife perhaps began practically with

legalized rape, that served to make permanent and incurable any qualities of frigidity which she primarily may have possessed. For her, the marital relation is only a painful and disgusting memory inspiring her with abhorrence.

In many cases moral degeneracy on one or both sides is the cause of infelicity. The anti-social instincts of the degenerate are as manifest in the matrimonial relation as they are elsewhere.

The undue familiarity usually existing between husband and wife is a feeder of psycho-sexual aberrations. Once the halo of sex mystery is dispelled, romance often fades completely. The author is firmly convinced that a less intimate association of husband and wife would be better for both health and morals. The less knowledge they have of each other's physiology, the better for sentiment. Privacy is an individual right, in or out of matrimony. Familiarity breeds satiety. Satiety is the parent of sexual discontent. The satiated, discontented man often browses in queer pastures

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in search of new thrills for his exhausted psycho-sexual centers Often he is unable to find them save in debasement that would astonish his intimates, but is not at all remarkable to the student of sex psychology. Granting that the foregoing premises are sound, they should go far in showing that, in many cases of impotence and sterility, the divorce court and a matrimonial "rearrangement" must be the final recourse. Every man and woman of experience and, above all, every physician, knows this, but nobody apparently has had the courage to openly state the facts. Meanwhile, the divorce mills grind merrily on and students of social questions continue to use only economic and moral explanations for certain biologic phenomena of matrimony, whilst physicians daily are asked to perform impossible therapeutic feats.

That certain individuals of highly-sensitive nervous organization are impotent respecting some women, while with others they are perfectly potent, is a well-known fact. Individuals of this sort very often are convinced that they are impotent, by failure in experimenting with prostitutes for the purpose of determining whether or not they are justified in assuming the matrimonial state. The fact that they are impotent under such circumstances is highly complimentary to their moral tone. The environment that surrounds the average prostitute, in conjunction with the purely mercantile character of the transaction, is not likely to inspire with sexual passion an individual possessed of the average amount of decency

and self-respect. It is not unusual for individuals to state that, excepting when under the influence of liquor, they are absolutely impotent with prostitutes. Considerable and forcible argument may be necessary to convince patients who have applied what they consider the crucial test of attempting intercourse with prostitutes, and have failed, that they are not impotent.

Roubaud records a case which, although it has become so extensively quoted by writers upon the subject that it has been worn almost threadbare, is nevertheless very pertinent as applied to patients who are psychically impotent with some women, while perfectly potent with others :


M. X., son of a general of the First Empire, was brought up at

his father's country-seat, which he did not leave until he was eighteen years of age, when he went to the military school. During his long period of isolation in the country he had been initiated, at the age of fourteen, into an



experience of the pleasures of love, by a young lady, a friend of the family.

This lady, then twenty-one years old, was a blonde ; wore her hair in the English style, that is to say, in corkscrew curls ; and in order to lessen the liability of detection in her amorous intrigue, she never had intercourse with her young lover except when clothed in her day attire, ing gaiter-boots, corsets, and a silk gown. that is to say, wear-

All these details I mention purposely, for they had great influence, not only over the degree of excitability of the genital function, but over its very existence in the case of M. X.

The young lady was of strong passions, and, as it appeared, exhausted the strength of the young neophyte, and the severe regimen of the military school was no more than sufficient to restore to the genital organs the energy which had been seriously affected by too early and too frequent indulgence.

But when, the period of his study having passed, he was sent to a garrison, and was disposed to enjoy the rights which nature had restored, he perceived that sexual desire was only provoked by certain women and with the concurrence of certain circumstances. Thus, a brunette did not produce in him the slightest emotion, and a woman in her night-dress was sufficient to extinguish and freeze every amorous transport.

In order that he might experience the venereal desire, it was necessary that the woman should be blonde, should wear gaiter-boots, should be laced

in a corset, wear a silk gown, and, in a word fulfill all the requirements of the lady who had first caused M. X. to experience the sexual orgasm.

And this was not by reason of any sentimental love, the magic power of which lasts through a life-time. In his early sexual relations M. X. had only been actuated by animal desire. His heart had never been touched, and after twenty-five years, in consulting me for his singular infirmity, he declared that he had loved with his heart but one woman, and to her he had never been able to render homage, for, by a perverse coincidence, she was a brunette.

His fortune, his name, his social position, made it the duty of M. X. to marry, but he had always resisted the solicitations of his family and friends, knowing that he would be incapable of availing himself of his marital rights, with a wife arrayed in the costume of the nuptial bed. Yet he was in good health, was of the sanguino-choleric temperament, was above the medium height, and was of so strong a constitution that for fifteen years he had been an officer in a regiment of heavy cavalry.

Evidently his impotence was relative only, for, when the woman was blonde and when the other conditions specified existed, he accomplished the sexual act with all the ardor of a healthy man of amorous disposition.

Roiibaiid finally cured this patient by suggestion, in conjunction with the use of alcoholic stimulants to the point of mild intoxication.

The spell once broken, there was no further trouble.

vSuch psycho-sexual inhibitions as the case related by Roubaud

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arc more frequent than is generally supposed. Prolonged sexual relations with an individual of a certain type not infrequently makes such a profound psychic impression that other types of women are unattractive. Especially is this true of men of tine nervous organization who happen to consort with women of decided blonde or brunette type. Prolonged association with one type by no means rarely makes the other unattractive, sometimes even repellent. This, of course, is not always a matter merely of physique. Certain intellectual attributes in the woman may have much to do with the psycho-sexual impression she produces.

Cases have been noted in which pseudo-impotence was relieved by the affected individual's picturing in his imagination the person of some woman other than the one with whom he was attempting to cohabit. In certain impressionable individuals impotence may

result from a lack of affinity between the parties to the act, actual antipathy on the part of either being unnecessary to its causation, Goethe took advantage of this physiologic fact in his "Elective Affinities." In this tale is described the mutual enjoyment obtained by an estranged couple through the medium of their imaginations, each party to the act imagining the other to be the individual for whom an affinity was felt. Goethe carries the theory of affinity still further, and describes the child that was born as the fruit of this particular conjugal act as in no way resembling its parents, but presenting a strong resemblance to both individuals for whom the parents respectively felt an affinity, and who were present in imagination at the time of conception.

Hammond relates a Ccipe that is aptly illustrative of the manner in which certain mental conditions will produce temporary impotence :


A married gentleman, who before entering into the matrimonial

state, had been excessively given to sexual intercourse, but vi^ho had no reason to think that his powers were exhausted, or even materially weakened, found himself on his wedding-night and for some days thereafter absolutely incapable of consummating the marriage. His wife was a highly-educated, intelligent, refined, and beautiful woman ; he was devotedly attached to her, and on marrying at once and for all gave up the evil associations of his younger days. His passions were strong, but as soon as he attempted inter-

course the desire he had previously entertained vanished at the thought that it was a profanation for a man like him to subject so beautiful and pure a woman to such an animal relation as sexual intercourse. "She is too good



for me," he would say to himself ; "I ought to have married a woman used to this sort of thing, or, better still, have remained single and gone on in the old way." This happened several times, and then, in disgust with himself, he paid a visit to one of his former female associates, and soon satisfied himself that his powers were as good as ever. Again he essayed the act with his wife, and again he met with disappointment.

He had now been married a week, and the marriage was still unconsummated.

A case like this presented very little difficulty : I reminded him of the fact that in all probability, however pure and noble his wife might be, there was no profanation in sexual intercourse, chastely undertaken; that she had sexual organs which were intended for the performance of certain function ; that these functions were all connected with the propagation of the

human species ; that there was but one way that I knew of by which the species could be propagated ; that she had selected him as the man who was to put her in the way of fulfilling her office in the grand scheme of Nature, and that my advice to him was to lower his estimate of her angelic character, and to look upon her in the not less worthy light of a woman to be treated as other women are treated under like circumstances. He left, promised to be less exalted in appreciation, but the next morning returned with the information that it was no use ; he had tried his best, his erections were strong and repeated, but as soon as he went further toward the object he had in view his desire became utterl}' extinguished. She was "too good, too delicate, for a mere animal like him ; he could not desecrate her beautiful body by any such vile act," etc.

With the sensible co-operation of the wife, Hammond had no difficulty in curing this case by suggestion.

Sexual perversion may cause impotence. It is obvious that individuals for whom the natural method of performance of the sexual act has no attraction are likely to fail should they attempt it. Impotence of a transitory character may be due to the psychic effect of satiety as well as to the debilitating influence of sexual excess. This is the form of impotence most freqttently seen in married men. Through resulting psychic perturbation, a lack of responsiveness on the part of the female is an occasional cause of pseudo-impotence in the male. This is especially likely to arise in

married men and probably in the majority of instances is primarily their own fault.

The proper ftmctioning of the sex glands, probably is more dependent on environmental conditions than are the secretions of any of the other important organs of the body. The functions of the digestive organs, salivary glands, liver and mammary glands are pertitrbed through disturbances of the nervous and sympathetic




by such emotions as jealousy, worry, anger, disgust or

fright. The perversion or suppression of the lacteal secretion through adverse and their increased activity from favorable

psychic influences is especially suggestive. The disastrous effect upon the child produced by toxins developed in the mother's milk by fright, anger, jealousy and grief are familiar to every practitioner of experience. Even the cow which certainly cannot be suffers

accused of a highly refined psycho-emotional organization from diminution or perversion or both

of milk supply from

disturbing influences. In this connection the important physiologic

relation of the mammary glands and sexual organs is very suggestive.

Why, then, should we expect the sexual organs, which are still more actively dominated by emotional influences via the sympathetic than are other organs, to be less sensitive to such impressions than they ?

In direct ratio to the degree to which potency and fertility are determined by the proper performance of the function of the testis and ovary, and upon the innervation and vascular supply of erectile tissue, will be the evil effect of adverse psychic influences. The shrew, the termagant, the virago and the indifferent female will please take notice.

With respect to the sexual act per sc, adverse psychic conditions are not so serious in their effects upon the female as upon the male, merely because they do not throw any mechanical obstacles in the way of coitus. The indifferent female can conceal her aversion to the sexual act. Not so the male, for with aversion or frigidity on his part comes the impossibility of its performance. The same may be said of such influences as fear, worry, etc. On the other hand, in the matter of fertility and sexual passion, adverse psychic influences have an important bearing on the sexual function of the female.

In searching for the causes of impotence and sterility in married life, the i)hysician should carefully seek for possible psycho-sexual disharmony of various kinds and degree. No method of treatment of impotence can succeed v/here pronounced marital disharmony exists and cannot be removed. To be sure, domestic quarrels may be followed by exaltation of sexual desire, but these instances are the exception and besides, there really may be no sexual dis-

131 -^


harmony or aversion in such cases. Then, too, the easily aroused temper is Hkely to be associated with an ardent sex temperament, to the fire of which "making up" domestic quarrels merely adds fuel.

When the wife ridicules her husband's sexual disability, expresses disgust or dissatisfaction with the sexual act, accuses the husband of infidelity as an explanation of his marital sexual inefficiency, exhibits indifiference to the act, or complains of pain in coitus, relative impotence in the husband develops sooner or later and, so long as the adverse psychic conditions prevail, the condition

is irremediable.

The man or woman whose attitude is that of the man who, having caught the street car, ceases to "run after it," is on dangerous ground. Couples who, after marriage, take everything for granted and cease to exert themselves to perpetuate mutual sex attraction, always are on thin ice.

The thinking physician, knowing the inside history of matrimonial mesalliances, is likely to be astonished, not at the frequency of marital-sexual disharmony, but that there is not even more of it.

The author recalls a number of very interesting cases bearing on the problem of the relation of marital disharmony to impotence. One of the most typic was the following:

Case :

A professional man, thirty-five years of age, had been gradually

developing impotence for four or live years until now it was complete. He had been married for ten years and had had no extra-marital experiences. Beginning after a prolonged period of overwork and business worries, the trouble finally had impelled him to seek medical counsel. He showed no organic disease and physically was more powerful than the average man of his age. He stated that he had moderately vigorous erections but little desire, and that erection always failed him. He denied domestic infelicity, but in such wise that the author was suspicious that his denial savored

more strongly of gallantry than truthfulness. After some months of treatment, without success, resection of the vena dorsalis penis was suggested and performed, with excellent results, so far as frequency and vigor of erections was concerned. He still, however, was impotent. Several months later tlie wife called upon the author and interrogated him regarding her husband's condition. The author found that the patient's failure to recover his potency was easily explained. The wife was an exacting, shrewish person and suspicious of her husband's fidelity. By her unfounded accusations, fault finding and ridicule begun at the time the husband's virility was impaired she finally succeeded in permanently inhibiting

by .sheer physical exhaustion

both liis power and desire. Tlie author bluntly stated the facts to both parties nnd did his l)cst to liarmonize their widely divergent psychic attitudes, but



without result. A divorce was the sequence, about a year later. Two years subsequently, the patient married again and since has been perfectly normal.

Certain phases of the matrimonial problem are of vital interest to the physician who is interested in problems involving the sexual function. Society bungles the matrimonial qtiestion, and if there

ever is to be any progress, it necessarily will be largely through the educational efforts of the physician-sociologist.

The author is of opinion that production of impotence by psychic influences is in a measure explicable by the hormone theory. Worry, aversion and other adverse sex psychic elements may, by disturbing the nutrition of the glands, pervert or inhibit sex hormone supply. Absolutely normal sexual relations demand certain favorable conditions. Love, with normal environment, and a normal ovary and testis, are great stimulants to the proper formation of the sex hormones.

True Impotenck.

True impotence is rare in both male and

female ; extremely so in the latter. The function of the male in the act of copulation is an active one, and erection of the sexual member is necessary ; w-hereas in the case of the female no preparation is necessary for the sexual act, her function being comparatively passive. The necessary element in the case of the male is a sufficient degree of firmness of erection to permit the introduction of the penis into the vagina, and any individual who is possessed of this amount of capacity cannot justly be said to be afflicted with true impotence. It is unnecessary to potency that the individual should experience either desire for, or pleasure in the performance of, the act of copulation. In certain conditions perfect erection and even ejaculation are possible, although the individual does not experience either desire

or pleasure. Some of the diseases affecting the spinal medulla produce this phenomenon. In certain cases of aspermatism a similar state of affairs is noted. Severe priapism due to cantharidal poisoning is not usually attended by sexual desire, and intercourse under such circumstances may be absolutely devoid of pleasure.

The term impotence in the case of the male should be restricted to those cases in which there exists some actual physical impediment to the performance of the act of copulation. Such impediment may, however, be temporary or permanent.


The causes of true impotence may be classified as

(a) congenital; (b) acquired.



(a) Congenital Causes.

1. Marked hypospadias or epispa-

dias. In some cases of the former the penis is curved or otherwise deformed. In the latter condition exstrophy of the bladder may coexist. The author has met with one case of impotence due to a congenital lateral curvature of the penis.

2. Imperfect development of the penis and testes, the former being too small and too flaccid for copulation. Oftentimes the penis seems overlarge, yet the erectile tissue is not well developed, and erection is consequently imperfect.

3. Congenitally-excessive development of the penis (?). This form of impotence may be only a relative affair, the real cause being a disproportionate smallness of the vagina of the individual with whom intercourse is attempted. In the absence of tumors it is probable that the cases in which the penis is too large to permit of copulation are extremely rare, if, indeed, they ever occur.

4. Cryptorchidism or monorchidism, with imperfect development of the penis.

5. Excessive redundancy of the prepuce, with phimosis.

6. Congenital tumors of the organ.

(b) Acquired Causes. glans.

1. Tumors of the penis, prepuce, or

2. Inflammatory thickening of the prepuce, with phimosis, incidental to balanitis, gonorrhea, or chancroid.

3. Large venereal vegetations.

4. Excessive obesity. This cause is frequent, but is sometimes overcome by the ingenuity of the patient in reversing the relative positions of the male and female during copulation ; an expedient as old as the Decameron. Obesity also lessens desire.

5. Ankylosis of both hips may prevent copulation in the normal manner, although by appropriate posturing the act may be accomplished, at least by the male.

6. Tumors of the scrotum or testes, such as hydrocele, sarcocele, hematocele, cancer, and elephantiasis. The two latter conditions may involve the penis.

7. Chancre or chancroid of the penis of sufficient size and irritability to interfere with copulation by the pain the act produces.

8. Gonorrheal or simple urethritis.



9. Acute or chronic chordee. 'J'he former condition occurs in gonorrhea ; the latter may resuh from frequent and severe attacks of ureth.ritis, or from stricture, and may occasionally arise as a consequence of urethrotomy.

10. Inflammation of the deep urethra, prostate, and seminal vesicles.

11. Circumscribed inflammation of the corpora cavernosa. In these cases calcareous plates sometimes form.

12. Cicatrices from wounds of the penis or urethra, interfering with erection.

13. Removal of the penis and testes. If the operation be performed early in life removal of the latter only is necessary.

14. The habit of masturbation, spermatorrhea from whatever cause, nervous shock, and in some instances organic disease of the brain and spinal cord may produce a complete and permanent loss of power of erection by exhaustion or inhibition of the nervous stimulus to the parts.

15. Temporary and symptomatic impotence sometimes is the result of constitutional diseases, such as fevers. Debilitating and prostrating acute or chronic disease, and neurasthenia from overwork or worry, may produce it.

For several years the author's attention from time to time has been directed to a form of inipotentia coeundi which, so far as its etiology and pathology are concerned, hitherto has escaped observation. Cavernositis chronica pora cavernosa -sclerosing inflammation of the cor-

is sufficiently familiar to the genito-urinary

surgeon, at least, but the dependence of the alTection on a general systemic condition apparently is not recognized. The patient, usually above middle age, presents himself complaining of curvature of the penis during erection, which in effect is a chronic chordee. This often has progressed until coitus is impossible before the surgeon is consulted. Syphilis, alcohol, rheumatism and gout are the chief etiologic factors to which the condition is attributed. The possible causal relation of these etiologic factors to the local condition is logical enough, but it is not easy to explain why the pathologic process should localize itself in the erectile tissue of the penis, especially where the process is more or less diffuse. Where the condition is quite circumscribed, what the author has to say regarding a general arterial disturbance is not so pertinent. Old-time



injury, perhaps long forgotten, and infections of various kinds, gonorrhea, especially, may have been the determining cause, especially in the last mentioned class of cases. In the diffuse variety, and probably also in many cases of the circumscribed, the author is confident that something more than a local disease exists. In brief, whatever the primary etiologic factors, local and general, may be, the penile process is merely the local expression of general arterial disease.

This in no wise lessens the importance of the etiologic factors usually assigned to chronic cavernositis for, as is well known, they bear a most important relation to the general condition. Experience has taught the author to look for evidences of general arteriosclerosis in such cases. So often is it found that its existence may be suspected even when the accessible arteries are but little, if at all, involved. In gouty "high livers," who are not far advanced in life, incipient arteriosclerosis may exist, yet no cardiac or superficial changes be evident as yet. Errors in diagnosis by internists are frequent because of this fact.

In "type" cases of the condition under consideration, cardiovascular changes are found. Arciis senilis may be present. Time levels symptomatic distinctions between the man of forty-five or fifty years of age, in whom there is perhaps nothing but slight hyper-vascular tension ; and the man of sixty or above, with pipestem radials and temporals, cardiac changes and arciis senilis.

The prognosis of cavernositis is in general unfavorable so far as disappearance of the deformity is concerned. The condition fortunately is painless and not dangerous to life. Occasional cases are met with, usually of the circumscribed variety, in which the sclerotic plaques disappear, whether despite or because of treatment, the author does not venture to say. Radium is promising but little that is definite can as yet be said about it. In the form associated with general arteriosclerosis thiosinamin sometimes seems to be useful.

Certain local conditions occasionally are attended by symptomatic impotence. Thus, inflammation of the testicles, varicocele, and tumors of the testes or scrotum, other than those that are capable of interfering mechanically with the act of copulation, may produce complete impotence. In some instances this is due to reflex inhibition of the sexual power, while in others the condition is a purely



mental one, resulting from the moral effect of the knowledge of the existence of pathologic conditions of the sexual apparatus. In varicocele, particularly, both elements in the causation of impotence deserve consideration. There is a lack of tone in fact, a marked and

debility of the generative apparatus in many instances

associated with this enervation there is profound mental disturbance, resulting from the consciousness that the sexual organs are not healthy. Syphilitic orchitis in a similar manner may produce impotence, and, as already seen, sterility. If this condition be not speedily relieved, permanent impotence and sterility may result as a consequence of changes in the secretory structure of the testes incidental to the pressure of the syphilitic neoplasm.

Indulgence in alcohol may cause impotence. Various other drugs have been said to have a special action in producing impotence ; but a certain amount of skepticism is pardonable in this connection. It certainly must require large doses of the various sedative and alterative drugs to bring about this condition. Arsenic, antimony, lead, iodin, camphor, and hasheesh are among the drugs

that are said to produce impotence. Iodin has been accredited with the power of producing atrophy of the testes. The author does not believe, however, that a single authentic case can be produced in which such atrophy is justly attributable to the use of this drug. One explanation for the popular idea that the potassium iodid is capable of producing atrophy of the testes is that certain cases of syphilitic orchitis have been insufficiently treated with the drug, or treated too late. Atrophy of the testicle has resulted, not from the drug, but from pressure-innutrition produced by syphilitic neoplasm that large and long-continued doses of iodid might have removed in time to save the testis. The carbonated waters taken in excess are said to produce impotence. The author regards this as a pleasing delusion on the part of "men about town." In general, the truth probably is that: 1st, narcotics may inhibit sexual power: 2d, any powerful drug which is given freely enough to injure the general health ma\- produce impotence.

Vecki claims tliat a severe cold produces impotence by inhibiting olfaction. The author admits the clinical fact, but believes the teml)orary impotence to be due to the constitutional effect toxemia

of the cold. It occurs where the naso-})harynx is not involved and tlie sense of smell is perfect.



There probably is, however, some association between the olfactory and sexual function. That perfumes and personal odors may attract or repel is well known. Where olfactory impressions have a powerful influence over sexual desire, atavism probably is a sufficient explanation.

In many cases of impotence it is impossible to attribute the condition to any particular cause.

Since the advent of the X Ray, a special cause of impotence has been noted in the disastrous effect of the ray upon the structure and function of the testes. Careless operators have produced impotence in both their patients and themselves. A peculiar effect of the X Ray occasionally met with in persons exposed to its action frequently and for prolonged periods is profound anemia. This may be a factor in producing impotence, but the directly destructive atrophy-producing action of the ray upon the secretory cells of the sex glands is the logical explanation. Sterility may result without impotence. Similarly, the female may be sterilized by the X Ray. Obviously, the interstitial or hormone producing cells Leydig cells of

share with the spermatic secretory epithehum the deleteri-

ous results of the ray. This is an important factor in both the sterility and impotence that result. Proper screening of the sexual organs and filtering of the ray will prevent injury from the X Ray. If the action has not been too severe and prolonged and further exposure is avoided, the structure and function of the testes possibly may be restored to a greater or less degree. It has been asserted that radium will restore the integrity of gland tissue impaired by the X Ray. The method certainly is worth a trial. Sex gland implantation quite likely would be of service.


The treatment of impotence may be divided

into (a) moral, (b) medicinal and surgical. The latter may be subdivided into: (1) general, (2) local.

The mainstay of treatment in false or nervous impotence consists of psychotherapy. In fact, there is no form of impotence in Vvhich a psychic element tliat requires correction cannot be found. The principal requirement is the restoration of the patient's selfconfidence. The greatest delicacy and judgment are necessary in tlie management of these cases. The patient should feel that his physician sym])athizes with him in his apparent affliction. It will not do to laugh at his ailment, or to treat it lightly, even though



assured that his impotence is imaginary rather than real. The patient usually is comparatively strong and healthy, but has masturbated to a certain extent and has experienced nocturnal emissions with greater or less frequency. Morning erections often are strong and vigorous, and apparently perfectly normal. Sexual desire is felt and may be present in an exaggerated form. When such a ])atient attempts intercourse, erection either does not occur at all or takes place in a spiritless way that is not at all encouraging to his mind. When he reflects that he has masturbated, and that he has experienced an occasional nocturnal emission, with perhaps other little symptoms that coincide with the description of spermatorrhea outlined in some quack treatise or other, he becomes completely demoralized. So careful do these patients study quack literature, and so firmly convinced of their impotence do they become, that it often is absolutely impossible to gain their confidence or to benefit them in any way whatever. A symptom that greatly depresses the patient's mind is the escape of prostatic fluid and urethral mucus during prolonged and vigorous erection.

An efifort shotdd be made to obtain the fullest confidence of such individuals, and they should be given instruction in the rudi-

ments of sexual physiology. In the majority of cases they may be reasoned out of their perverted and pernicious notions regarding their physical condition. ]\Iany times we are compelled to be somewhat disingenuous in our management of the case, for, the patient's confidence once gained, some comparatively trivial local or general measure may cure the case, providing the patient himself believes in the potency of the treatment. Above all, the patient should be assured that his sexual apparatus is in an exceptionally strong and healthy condition. Alarriage should be recommended where practicable. Regarding this point, however, marriage should never be advised unless the occurrence of strong and vigorous erections ]:)rovcs copulation to be possible. Even under these circumstances, an occasional unfavorable result will ensue, because of persistent psychic inhibition of erectile power at the time copulation is essayed. In cases dependent itpon moral or mental causes prevailing when copulation is attempted, removal of the circtmi stances that produce mental depression is. of course, necessary. The elements of sexual indifiference due to mental worry, nervous shock,



fear and excessive passion may be amenable to correction. Disgust with the partner in the sexual act causes impotence which is irremediable when the unfavorable conditions are continued. It may prevail even when intercourse with a new partner is attempted. Sooner or later, however, the case usually recovers if a satisfactory sexual "rearrangement" is consummated.

In those cases of married men in which lack of affinity is the principal cause of impotence, medical measures are likely to be unsuccessful, although some form of local stimulation of the sexual organs possibly may be efficacious. The divorce-court, however, is a better and more logical remedy if the circumstances imperatively demand a cure.

In many instances of purely nervous impotence, irritability of the prostatic urethra exists. This may be removed in the majority of instances by the occasional passage of a cold steel sound. If the case be obstinate, astringent applications may be made by means of the cupped sound or deep urethral syringe. The prostate or seminal vesicles sometimes are congested or chronically inflamed. Massage of these parts relieves this condition. The psychrophor or cooling sound sometimes is serviceable.

In cases of premature ejaculation success often may be attained by a second attempt at copulation. The patient should be

advised to avoid excitement during intercourse. Very often he may succeed in delaying orgasm by thinking of something else beside sexual intercourse at the time of its performance. Patients who are apprehensive of failure should be advised to refrain from intercourse during the night, and to attempt it only in the early hours of the morning.

It is well for newly married men affected with nervous impotence to confide in their wives and explain their temporary debility. The patient should be informed that, sooner or later, he will have a vigorous erection as soon, at least, as the novelty of the situa-

tion has worn off and his timidity has been allayed. He should be instructed to immediately take advantage of the situation, when an erection does occur, and ] perform the marital act.

Measures of a general and hygienic character are requisite, especially in tlie management of cases in which actual structural disease does not exist. These general measures involve proper exercise, diet, baths, ])ropcr hours of sleep, temperance, or, better,



tola! abstinence in the matter of alcoholics ar.d tobacco, and freedom from care and worry so far as possible. Such measures apply also to the treatment of spermatorrhea, a condition with which impotence very often is associated.

Cases in which impotence is due to an exhausted condition of the sexual apparatus and incidentally of the general nervous system, with in some instances impairment of nutrition, primarily require complete sexual rest. Occasional or so-called moderate indulgence is not to be thought of in these cases. Perfect continence must be insisted upon for the time being, the length of time varying with the gravity of the case. It is unfortunate that the majority of patients, and particularly voluptuaries, are loath to accept such advice, believing, as they do, that by means of aphrodisiacs their virile powers should be restored without interfering with the indulgences that are responsible for their condition.

Hammond's remarks upon this point certainly are judicious. He says :

I have generally found that in those cases in which an erection sufficient for intromission does not take place, sexual repose for about a year is necessary. Again, the age of the patient and the length of time during which the condition has existed are factors to be considered in determining

the question. In persons over forty, and in wliom the condition has lasted six months, no attempt should be made for even a longer period than a year. With every unsuccessful effort, even though no emission occurs, the nervous excitability is still further lessened, and the morale materially lowered. Generally in these extreme cases there is no difficulty in securing the requisite quiescence. The patient is fully aware of his inability, and is in no mood to undertake what he knows will result in failure. It sometimes happens, however, that masturbation, with the erection almost nil and the orgasm imperfect, is practiced, when the individual finds that intercourse is impossible. It is in this respect that the requirement of rest must be strictly enjoined.

Cases in which the principal trouble consists of premature ejaculation and feeble erection unquestionably require rest for a time ; but the patient is likely to disregard the instruction of his medical adviser because still retaining a certain degree of potency and able to copulate after a fashion sufficiently well, at least, to

make the indulgence pleasurable. In cases of this kind the patient should be informed that it is absolutely impossible to benefit his condition iniless he will consent to at least six months' continence.



The moral tone and mental condition of the patient deserve special consideration. The remarks that have been made in connection with the subject of masturbation and sexual excess are pertinent in these cases. Exercise, intellectual occupation, and avoidance of all sources of sexual stimulation must be insisted upon. Where practicable, the patient should be advised to take a change of scene ; in short, to cease associations that tend to excite his sexual passion. Traveling voyage is excellent for these cases. and particularly a sea-

Cold shower-baths or plunge-baths are excellent adjuvants to the general treatment. Delicate patients should begin by a course of sponge-bathing. Cold sitz-baths or hot and cold water in alternation are useful. Whatever form of bath be selected, it should be followed by brisk rubbing with a towel or flesh-brush. Local douches with hot and cold water alternately are very stimulating to the parts. The Turkish bath taken in moderation and followed by the cold plunge constitutes one of the best of general tonics.

The diet requires some attention. It should consist of an abundance of easily digestible and nutritious food, a preponderance of nitrogenous elements being essential. The various preparations of malt and codliver oil are excellent means of improving nutrition.

An abundance of good rich milk and cream is demanded. Meats should be eaten rare and should contain considerable fat. A moderate amount of stimulants is often useful. Claret, port, sherry of good quality, or Dublin stout may be taken with the meals. The patient should be advised to sleep upon a hard mattress with light covering, this measure being particularly essential if nocturnal emissions are a feature of the case.

Certain internal remedies are useful. Contrary to the general belief, however, not only are there no specifics for impotence i. e., no drugs that can be depended upon to so stimulate the sexual apparatus as to immediately render copulation possible but there

is no drug known to science that can be relied upon for the restoration of the abused and maltreated procreative organs. All drugs and systems of treatment advertised are arrant humbugs and swindles. Treatment of impotence by mail is a delusion and a snare set for the credulous and ignorant by quacks. Nearly if not quite all of the aphrodisiac remedies that are likely to be useful in impotence, with the possible exception of cantharides, act rather



as general restorers of nervous energy than by a special predilection for, and stinnilation of, the sexual apparatus. Much of the reputation of various drugs depends upon the moral effect of their administration in cases of pseudo-impotence. Nearly all the celebrated nostrums and quack remedies recommended as specifics for impotence have become celebrated through their influence upon the minds of the patients. An individual who is impotent because of lack of confidence in his virility, is likely to be relieved by a trituration of milk-sugar, providing he has confidence in the efficacy of the placebo. If some alleged aphrodisiac be given, it is likely to acquire an undeserved reputation for efiicacy. The best remedy for a lack of tone in the generative apparatus probably is iron. The tincture of the chlorid may be given in doses of from 15 to 20 drops in water, three times daily, after meals. The pyrophosphate of iron perhaps is a more eligible preparation and equally efficacious. It should be administered in doses of from 5 to 10 grains thrice daily. It may be advantageously combined with strychnia.

The following is a favorite prescription of the author's:

IJ Ferri pyrophos gr. v.

Strychnine sulph gr. Voo

Sodii arsenit gr. Voo

M Ft. Caps.

Sig. Three times a day after meals.

Nux vomica, or its alkaloid, strychnia, has an excellent reputation in the condition under consideration. Phosphid of zinc and nux vomica may be given in combination. The following is an excellent formula :

IJ Zinci phosphidi gr. v.

Ext. nucis vomicae gr. xx.

M Ft. pil. No. xl.

Sig. : One three times a day, after meals.

Phosphorus is the most reliable remedy in these cases. It may be given in solution, as a tincture, in combination with zinc as in the formula just given, or in its pure state.

A pill composed of '/^o grain of phosphorus and ^ / ^ grain of nux vomica is an excellent combination. The principal objection

to the use of phosphorus is the offensive eructations and gastric disturbance it sometimes produces. The mineral acids such as



dilute phosphoric, muriatic, and nitric

are all of service. Hypo-

dermic injections of strychnia often are useful, a single daily injection of ^/ei grain of the sulphate of strychnia being more efficacious than much larger and more frequent doses taken per orem.

Opium, the bromids, ergot, digitalis, gelsemium, and alcoholics all have their uses in nervous impotence.

Cantharides exhibits a more marked and direct immediate action upon the generative apparatus than any other aphrodisiac. It should be given cautiously, however, for in large doses it may produce inflammation of the bladder and, coincidently, severe strangury. So severe are its effects in some cases that obstinate priapism and insatiable sexual desire may occur, perhaps with inflammation and sloughing of the penis and vesical mucosa. Deaths from the drug have been frequently observed. In impotence

the tonic efi^ect of the drug should be aimed at. It may be given in from 10 to 15 drops three times daily. In occasional cases a gradual and cautious increase of the dose is warrantable. Thus, 10 to 15 drops three times a day may be given to commence with, the dose being increased 1 drop each day until slight strangury is produced, when it should be discontinued. If there has been no benefit to the impotence by this time, further administration of the drug is useless. Damiana is a much-vaunted remedy for impotence that is useful to a certain degree as a tonic. The dose is 1 or 2 drams of the fluid extract three or four times daily. Both damiana and cantharides will be reverted to in a subsequent chapter.

Ergot often is a valuable remedy in impotence, particularly in those cases in which there seems to be a lack of tone in the vascular supply of the penis. It may be given in doses of 10 to 20 drops, three or four times daily. Certain cases of impotence have been attributed to a lack of tone in the dorsal vein of the penis, this condition resulting in too rapid removal of the blood from the part during erection. Injections of ergotin in the course of the vein have been recommended for this condition. Ligation or resection of the vein may be of great service. According to Bartholow, jaborandi, or its alkaloid, pilocarpin, is an active aphrodisiac, being indicated in cases characterized by debility. He claims that it is more efficacious than any other agent. The dose should be 30

minims of the fluid extract, night and morning, or from ^/r, to ^/g



grain of the muriate of pilocarpin thrice daily. The author beheves that pilocarpin is of some vahie. It probably acts by increasing testicular, prostatic and seminal vesicle secretion. Cimicifuga also is recommended by the same authority, particularly in those cases of impotence accompanied by spermatorrhea of long standing, with excessive nervousness and anxiety and diminished sexual desire.

In cases in which premature ejaculation from sexual hyperesthesia and active secretion of semen are noied, regular intercourse, with moderate frequency, and the administration of such remedies as potassium bromid, chloral-hydrate, gelsemium, and ergot often will relieve the condition. Potassium bromid is the most popular sedative for sexual hyperesthesia or excessive desire, so often attended by partial impotence. Its efficacy has, however, been disputed by some authors. In explaining the sources of fallacy of those who disi)ute the anaphrodisiac effects of the bromids Bartholow speaks as follows :

1. The physiologic eflfects of potassium bromid are not very decided, and are readily modified by any local disturbance.

2. Its therapeutic action is still more decidedly influenced by local morbid processes.

3. It is indicated where a sedative to the nervous system is required : c. g., in insomnia, too great reflex excitability, nervous and spasmodic affections of the larynx and bronchi, sexual excitement, and irritable states of the sexual organs.

4. It will be effectual in the foregoing conditions, in proportion to the degree in which structural lesions are absent, or, in other words, in proportion to the degree in which these morbid states are functional rather than organic.

5. These conclusions, the result of observation and experiment, afford us a satisfactory solution of the cause of failure in the use of the bromid of potassium. Sexual excitement in mania is due, as shown by Schroeder von der Kolk, to structural alteration in the medulla oblongata, the center, according to this author, of the sexual impulse. The bromid of potassium can have no influence over these structural alterations, and hence cannot control manifestations of sexual excitement depending upon them.

With increasing exj)erience in endoscopy, we have come to assign more and more importance to morbid conditions of the colliculus seminalis as the underlying cause of perturbations of the sexual function.

Where the colliculus is inflamed, endoscopic application of nitrate of silver is essential.



The local and general application of electricity in its various forms is very useful in impotence. It is especially useful in the form of the general faradic bath, the current being applied while the patient is in a tub of hot water. Its application should be followed by a cold shower- or sponge-bath, and the application of static electricity or the high frequency current to the spine, particularly over the lumbo-sacral region. It sometimes is beneficial to apply the latter form of electricity to the perineum, penis, and testes. Hammond claimed that he had succeeded by means of the static apparatus in restoring sensibility to the glans penis and adjacent tissues when galvanism and faradism had failed. While in-

clined to take some of this gentleman's clinical observations cum grano sails, the application of the static or high frequency current in this manner seems rational enough. The stimulating effect of static electricity upon the nervous system often is remarkable ; some patients say that it acts like a glass of champagne.

The faradic current in moderate strength is a powerful stimulant to the sexual organs. The ordinary sponge electrodes may be used, the positive pole being applied to the lower part of the spine and the negative to the penis and testes. More benefit, however, sometimes is to be derived by applying the negative electrode to the genitals and the positive to the inner aspect of the thighs. A wire brush electrode may be used instead of a sponge, this being attached to the negative pole and passed up and down the spinal column. The positive pole may be placed first upon the nucha and afterward upon the lower portion of the spine, the wire brush being passed over the genitals. More or less pain is caused if the current be at all strong, but considerable benefit will be derived from its use. The circulation and nutrition of the spinal medulla is greatly improved, and the vigor of the sexual nerves is necessarily increased. The application of the wire brush to the genitalia is es])ecially serviceable in cases of impotence that appear to depend chiefly upon anesthesia of the nervous su])ply of the glans penis. The galvanic current often is useful, either alone or in combination with the faradic current on alternate days.

The high frequency current has proved very useful in the author's hands. It may be applied with a glass electrode directly to the ])rostatic urethra.

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One of the best stimulants for the sexual organs is the faradic current applied directly to the prostate. /\n insulated sound or bougie is attached to the negative ])ole of the faradic battery and passed down to the prostatic urethra. The positive electrode may be applied to the spine, thighs, hypogastrium, or genitals. It is best applied by means of a large flat sponge electrode to the lumbar region. The prostate may be faradized by a rectal electrode attached to the negative pole. The galvanic current may be used in a similar manner. In cases in which the trouble appears to depend chiefly upon h3'peresthesia of the prostatic sinus much benefit often may be derived from the application of the positive pole of the galvanic battery to the prostatic urethra. A local electric bath may be given by suspending the penis and testicles in a receptacle of warm water, the negative electrode being placed

therein, and the positive held in the patient's hand. In applying electricity directly to the prostate care shovdd be taken to avoid too powerful currents and too long continuance of their application. Inflammation of the neck of the bladder, and even prostatitis, are possible sequences of carelessness in this regard.

In the milder types of impotence the local aj)plication of electricity by the insulated sound in combination with psychotherapy and the general measures that have been suggested rarely will fail to restore the vigor of the sexual apparatus, providing the patient is faithful in his treatment and devotes sufficient time to it. It is not well to make promises regarding the length of time necessary, and the patient should be told that the period necessary for treatment can be determined only by the progress of the case, some cases yielding in a short time, while others require a protracted course of treatment.

Prostatic and vesicular massage are very frequently necessary in the treatment of impotence, especially in post-infective cases.

It should be remembered that, to achieve permanency of result, it is necessary for the patient to continue treatment, and to abstain from sexual indulgence for little time after his capacity apparently has been restored.

In cases of premature ejaculation and failure of erection due to extreme sensitiveness of the glans penis, circumcision usually is necessary, as most of these cases are afifected with redundancy and



phimosis. The daily application of cold water to the glans is an excellent adjuvant to circumcision. The application of electricity by the galvanic brush or the high frequency current, is a very valuable recourse. Daily applications of a solution of tannic acid in alcohol, or of aluminum acetate, are serviceable in allaying hyperesthesia.

The application of stimulating embrocations to the penis has been recommended for impotence. As a general rule, they are worse than useless. Sinapisms, however, as recommended by Roubaud, may be of temporary service in some instances, by temporarily exciting erectile power and affording a permanent cure by the psychic efTect of the erection. The irritation produced by mustard is sufficient to reflexly excite an erection in the majority of instances.Care should be taken not to prolong the application, lest serious

inflammation result. Cases of impotence secondary to cerebral or spinal disease should not be subjected to much special treatment. All therapeutic efforts should be directed to the cure or improvement of the primary condition. As improvement of the condition of the brain and cord occurs, a corresponding improvement in sexual vigor is noted. Some remedies for impotence are injurious in cases dependent upon spinal disease. For example, spinal excitants, such as phosphorus and strychnia, should not be given in locomotor ataxia, as they are likely to aggravate the organic disease, and will in no way benefit the impotence. In some extreme cases of sexual hyperesthesia, the application of silver nitrate to the deep urethra by means of the deep urethral syringe is of benefit.

As a temporary expedient and in psychic impotence, the application of very hot water to the penis and testes just prior to copulation often is efficacious.

Most of the deformities of the sexual apparatus that produce impotence are not amenable to treatment. Diagonal section of the roof of the contracted urethra may benefit some cases of curvature of the penis. Epispadias, hypospadias, and certain tumors of the penis, scrotum, and testicles are amenable to treatment by the knife.

The author has had some very interesting cases showing what sometimes can be done for impotence due to hypospadias. The

following is of especial interest :


A youth of seventeen with hypospadias and marked curvature

of the penis. Erections deformed and intromission a physical impossibility.


i Soil



Subject otherwise normal. The pseudo-meatus was located at about the

middle of the penis


Operation : 1st stage. The urethra (corpus spongiosum) was dissected away from the body of the penis and implanted posteriorly, the new location of the meatus being the penoscrotal angle. All connective tissue bands and fibrous contractures were divided and the penis straightened. After healing was complete, several months later, a new penile urethra was made from a flap taken from the scrotum. A practically perfect result was secured. The author assured the father of the boy that there was one especially favorable element in the boy's condition, viz., that he could not contract gonorrhea, because of the fact that his entire penile urethra was composed of skin, which was not susceptible to gonococcal infection. To the astonishment of all parties concerned, the boy did contract a severe gonorrhea within a year after the operation. Several years later he married and had a normal child. He still is sexually normal.

Resection of the Vena Dorsalis Penis: Like all other surgical innovations, ligation and resection of the dorsal vein of the penis for the cure of impotence became a fad. The "commercial" surgeon hailed the new operation with delight, and the conservative and conscientious surgeon, who was ready to grasp at any straw which offered hope of relief for the most annoying class of cases that come under our observation, welcomed the operation as a friend in need. As is usual with new methods of treatment, the surgical fraternity speedily divided into two camps, viz. : those who pro-

claimed from the house-tops the infallibility of the method, and those who proclaimed quite as vociferously its utter worthlessness. The gap between a certain prominent American surgeon, whose patients had a vigorous priapism, coming on before they left the operating table, and demanding ice-packs for its relief, and those who condemned the operation as worthless, was a wide one. There was, however, something so seductive about the reports of the surgeon with the priapism patients, especially in view of the fact that the procedure was extremely simple, requiring only a few minutes under local anesthesia, that one was loth to give ear to the adverse critics. Still more entrancing was the simpler "improved" operation of "subcutaneous ligation of the dorsal vein."

The first point which the author's experience has settled to his own satisfaction is that the wide variation in results of the method obtained by different operators largely is explicable by a wide difference of technique. As the object aimed at is purely mechanic



and psychic, the average of results should be the same, provided the

contemplated mechanic obstruction in the vein is accomplished by it.

The operation is not so simple nor so easily performed as its more sanguine adherents have claimed. The rapid operation and the subcutaneous ligation consist in most cases of anything but ligation or resection of the vena dorsalis penis.

The dorsal vein proper lies beneath the fascia propria fascia


and cannot be accurately or safely ligated or resected with-

out careful and painstaking dissection. Subcutaneous ligation of the vein is a conception of anatomic ignorance. Ligation of the superficial penile veins, however large and prominent they may be, and essential though it often is to a thorough operation, is not ligation of the vena dorsalis penis. Granting that this vessel can be ligated without an oi)en operation, it can be accomplished only by wounding or including in the loop of the ligature other important vascular and nerve structures.

The relatively prompt effect of properly performed resection of the vena dorsalis penis in demonstrating dynamic sexual capacity, through purely mechanic circulatory agencies, necessarily must be a powerful factor in the result. Add to this the fact that the mechanic conditions secured by the operation practically are permanent in quite a proportion of cases, and we have excellent reasons for faith in the efficacy of the operation. Admitting, for the sake

of argument, that its eiTect upon the circulation of the penis is merely transitory, this would not count against the operation in purely psychic cases, still less in those with a lesser degree of psychic aberration. The suggestion of dynamic capacity has done its work long before the effect of the operation disappears.

If the argument that the effect of the operation is purely psychic, and that it consequently is not warrantable in the treatment of impotence, is permitted to liave much weight, the majority of j^atients would be discriminated against. Cases of impotence in which true organic ctiologic factors dominate are relatively infrec[uent, and in many of those of an organic type, there are certain factors which minimize the importance of impotence per se in certain cases of hypospadias, epispadias, etc. e. g.,

In presenting the claims of the operation to patients, a full and frank statement of i)()ssibilitics and ])robabilities of a successful



result should be made, with due and thorough consideration of the

individual merits of the given case. With the psychic element in mind, the patient should be encouraged as much as is consistent.

A careful and exhaustive inquiry always should be made into the circumstances under which the erectile power is wanting, with especial reference to the psychic influences dominating at the time of failure.

As to whether the results of the operation substantiate the claim that defective erection is due in a large proportion of instances to the too rapid emptying of the blood from the dorsal vein of the penis, the author is unable to say. This appears, however, to be a by no means inconsiderable factor in the etiology of impotence, and consequently in the results obtained by resection of the vena dorsalis penis. It must be remembered, however, that, in its mechanic results, a sluggishness of arterial supply would in efifect be precisely the same as a too rapid return of the venous blood from the part. Defective arterial supply probably is a logical explanation of quite a proportion of cases of impotence, and consequently of the benefits derived from operation.

From the author's experience his conclusions in brief are :

1. Resection of the vena dorsalis penis in the treatment of impotence is an operation requiring accurate anatomic knowledge.

It cannot be done subctitaneously without serious injury to important parts or total failure of the operation.

2. The operation, while not essentially dangerous, is neither so simple nor so easily performed as some have claimed.

3. The ligation of the superficial penile veins often has been performed by those who claimed that they had ligated the dorsal vein proper. This operation upon the superficial veins often is essential to a complete operation, but when performed alone is futile.

4. The location of the dorsal vein is such that careful and jxiinstaking dissection is necessary for its ligation or resection.

0. The operation is beneficial in very many cases on strictly psychic grounds, but this does not militate against the advisability of its performance. The important thing for the patient is a restoration of function.

6. In some cases of impotence of organic origin the operation

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is not to be thought of, but in quite a wide range of cases of the kind the operation is successful, firstly, because of its mechanic effect ; secondly, because of its psychic effect.

7. One of the most important elements in the cure of impotence by a properly performed resection of the vena dorsalis penis is the demonstration to the patient of dynamic sexual capacity through purely mechanic circulatory agencies.

8. Normal erection largely revolves around the maintenance of equilibrium between the efferent and the afferent blood flow in the erectible tissue. Inefficient intake, or excessive outflow, is equally detrimental to erection. Resection of the dorsal vein of the penis aids in restoration of the equilibrium.

9. The mechanic conditions secured by the operation are permanent in quite a large proportion of cases.

10. In cases of complete impotence which are not dependent upon irremediable local causes of functional disturbances of innervation, the operation apparently is successful in about 50 per cent of the cases, and beneficial in probably one-half of the remainder.

11. In by far the majority of cases of impotence that come under the observation of the surgeon, a trial of this operation is justifiable.

The cases of impotence that are most trying to the physician are those met with in individuals at about middle age who have for many years indulged excessively in sexual intercourse. Patients of this sort consult the physician in the hope of receiving a remedy that will enable them to go on with their excesses, and, as a rule, they do not attribute their condition to its true cause. It is hard to convince such patients that they are paying for their early indulgence, and that they ought not to expect to perform the sexual act so often and so indiscriminately as when they were young. Such an opinion seldom satisfies them. The physician is consulted by many middle-aged rones who complain of real or imaginary sexual exhaustion, spermatorrhea, premature old age, etc., and these cases certainly are difficult to manage. If the patient cannot be made to understand the physiologic conditions involved in his case, and the importance of resting sexually in order that the organs involved may recuperate their exhausted vitality, very little success can be obtained by treatment. There is a vulgar notion among the laity to the effect that a man is capable of just so many acts of sexual indulgence



during his life-time, and that he may either distribute these acts at proper intervals throughout a great number of years or may perform them within a few years early in life. There is much of truth in this, for it is a cardinal rule that overexcitement of any function will cause loss of power. The man that copulates with moderation is the one best fitted for procreation, because he is, from a sexual point of view, the most energetic. It is a well-known fact that the male population of the Orient become impotent at a very early age, earlier than any other race of men, on account of free indulgence of their sexual appetites. For that matter, among all nations men and women alike sufifer from premature old age when excessive sexual indulgence is conjoined with a life of indolence and ease. The man who indulges in sexual intercourse most frequently in his youth is the one w'ho is most likely to become impotent or sterile when he reaches middle age. It is said that quite a proportion of Oriental males become impotent at the age of from 30 to 40 years.

^Moderation in sexual intercourse is not only conducive to prolonged virility, but to longevity. It is certain that many cases of neurasthenia in both male and female are due to sexual excess.

The treatment of the class of cases under consideration depends

for its sticcess mainly upon careful instruction of the patient in sexual physiology. The cause of his disability should be explained to him, and he should be assured that the only hope of restoration of virility and of its perpetuation lies in complete rest of the sexual function for a prolonged period, with moderate indulgence for the rest of his life, after his capacity has returned. In conjunction with these moral means for restoration, the remedies and local measures already recommended may be employed as the case demands. Care should be exercised in advising prolonged rest of the sexual function in old men. Obstinence sometimes is followed by permanent sexual disability.

Where impotence depends upon one or more of the organic conditions enumerated in connection wuth etiology, the cause should be dealt with upon its surgical merits.


The term "aspermism," or aspermia, has been applied to some cases in which, although erections are normal and copulation is



performed with facility, there is no ejaculation of semen. There may or may not be sexual desire. A peculiar feature of these cases is that the patient, although unable to have an emission during normal intercourse, invariably acknowledges the occurrence of voluptuous dreams attended by pleasurable sensations and emission of semen. On examination the urethra will be found to possess the usual amount of sensitiveness in all parts, excepting the prostatic sinus, where there apparently is complete anesthesia.

The author has observed several cases in which aspermism was the f ovmdation of sterility. Two of these are of particular interest :

Case 1.

A healthy man, 35 years of age, who had never had any ail-

ment or injury, sought advice regarding failure of emission. The patient stated that he had been sexually normal until within a year, since which time he had found it impossible to have either orgasm or emission. Sexual desire still was normal and erection perfect, but no amount of duration of effort in copulation was sufficient to bring about an orgasm. Sexual intercourse never had been indulged in to any great extent, even before any abnormality was noticeable. Erotic dreams and nocturnal emissions were quite troublesome. This case finally yielded to faradism of the prostatic urethra. The treatment was directed to the relief of the evident anesthesia of this part, which apparently was the cause of the aspermia.

Another very interesting case recently came under the author's observation :

Case 2.

A young man, 30 years of age, with the following history:

He had masturbated for some years, beginning at the age of fifteen. For the last ten or twelve years he had had intercourse at frequent intervals, latterly two or three times weekly. He never had been able, either by masturbation or during sexual intercourse, to have an ejaculation of semen. The act, he said, was pleasurable, but absolutely unattended by anything like orgasm or seminal emission. On inquiry he stated that he had tired himself out in the attempt repeatedly, but without success. He was aware that it was not the fault of secretion, as he stated that he frequently after intercourse had lascivious dreams with copious emissions.

On examination the sexual organs were found to be normal, with the exception tliat there was absolute anesthesia of the prostatic sinus, in which nothing was found on endoscopy. Sounds produced no sensation whatever, nor was a strong faradic current more successful. The patient in all other respects was perfectly normal indeed, he was an exceptionally

robust man. He stated that during strong sexual excitement there escaped from the meatus a small quantity of fluid, which, from his description, unquestionably was prostatic secretion.

Sexual desire was marked, which made his condition particularly dis-

tressing. He stated, however, that copulation was not entirely vmattended with gratification, else he would not have had intercourse so frequently.



Under prostatic massage and faradisni of the prostatic urethra, this case improved so that scanty emissions occurred during copulation, but he never fully recovered.

Ultzmann related some very typic illustrations of aspermia.

Roubaud advanced the theory that aspermia depends upon spasmodic contraction of the muscular fibers about the mouths of the ejaculatory ducts, preventing the escape of the semen into the prostatic sinus. This view hardly is in accordance with the physiology of the part. Keyes says, anent this point:

Were there desire and pleasure, prostatic mucus would be secreted in excess and would be thrown out by ejaculation, while the semen proper would collect and distend the seminal vesicles and ducts below the ejaculatory orifices, and would escape and flow away from the meatus with the re-

laxation of spasm brought about by the fatigue following prolonged sexual intercourse, but this is not the case ; the fault is evidently in the nerves. There is no pleasurable sensation, no call for secretion of prostatic mucus, nor for a supply of spermatic fluid. There is anesthesia of the prostatic sinus, and although the power of having an orgasm and ejaculation remains, as proved by dreams, yet there is some connecting link missing in the chain which transforms friction of the glans into pleasure at the prostate, and finally into secretion in the testicle.

There probably is not only anesthesia of the floor of the prostatic urethra, but a lack of the special sensibility of the nerves of the glans penis that normally is acquired during erection. It is possible, too, that, although the nerves of the prostatic sinus are normally sensitive, the nerves of the glans fail to appreciate and transmit pleasurable sensations. The function of the latter nerves perhaps is inhibited by the consciousness of the patient of the lack of sensibility in the glans. During sleep inhibition does not occur, and the subconscious memory of normal copulation, of which the patient once was capable, is sufficient to impart a pleasurable sensation and reflexly produce an orgasm.

Defective secretion is, in the author's opinion, an important factor in some cases. Perturbation of hormone supply may be an element in these cases, ^^'ith increasing faith in the physiologic importance of the sex hormone, the author inclines to the belief that in

many cases both of primary and secondary impotence, defective hormone is an important factor. In some cases, it alone may be the cause of the condition. Variation in sex hormone quality probably is the explanation of the wide variation in primary sexual capacity.




The treatment of this condition generally is re-

garded as very unsatisfactory. Roubaud reports a case in which blistering the perineum, with subsequent application of powdered morphin, produced a cure. He recommends antispasmodics, in accordance with his theory of the pathology of the disease. Electricity in the form of the static and faradic currents applied to the spine and genitalia -especially to the prostatic urethra would appear to

be the most rational form of treatment, and has been moderately successful in the author's hands.

Faradism is to be recommended for both its moral and physical effects. A strong faradic current applied to the prostate sinus, daily if possible, thrice weekly at least in combination with

mildly irritant injections into the prostate from time to time, appears

to be the rational indication. Prostatic massage also seems to be a logical measure.

It seems to the author that in some of these cases there may exist at the time of copulation some peculiar inhibitory mental influence that prevents culmination of the sexual act. Mental influences sometimes have this effect in perfectly healthy individuals. Once let the sexual act be naturally performed in these cases of aspermism and the "spell" is likely to be broken. When once the sexual act is co-ordinated with the mental elements necessary to the proper performance of the sexual function, not only will ejaculation occur, but the impression is likely to be a permanent one, the necessary sensibility being subsequently called forth in a normal manner on all proper occasions. The prognosis in these cases usually is not promising.

The question of matrimony is important in cases of aspermia. As the matter of sterility so far as the male is concerned is of relatively little importance, provided he be capable of performing the sexual act, the author can see no reason why the patient should not marry, particularly as marriage is likely to afford the mental condition and the environment necessary to awaken the more or less dormant sexual sensibility. A frank statement of conditions of course should be made to the prospective wife.

Roubaud's suggestion of the use of antispasmodics, on the theory of the dependence of the disease upon muscular contraction, seems a little fanciful. Inasmuch, however, as antispasmodics usu-



ally are sedative, success might be obtained by their administration through their effect upon the brain, and incidentally the production of mental calm where unfavorable circumstances of disquietude exist at the time of copulation.

It generally is supposed that it is necessary for the semen to distend the prostatic sinus in order that orgasm may occur. This may be true of individuals who never have had an emission of semen, but that it is not true in general is shown by the fact that aspermics /. c, individuals who expel no semen whatever

sometimes have an orgasm as keenly pleasurable as that of a healthy individual. Thus, in one of the author's cases in which he removed a tuberculous testicle, the remaining epididymis subsequently became occluded from epididymitis and chronic thickening. There was, however, a restoration of i)reviously impaired power, the

patient having intercourse regularly and experiencing the normal amount of pleasure therein. Never since the involvement of the remaining epididymis, however, has he had an emission, even of prostatic fluid.

Duration of the Procrkativl; Power.

The period of endurance of procreative vigor varies with the individual. It sometimes is preserved to very old age. It begins at puberty, growing more and more vigorous as time goes on, until maturity, when, if the subject has not indulged in vicious habits, the procreative power is at its height. It remains more or less stationary until middle life, when a gradual decline is noticed. From this time on, under physiologic conditions, the activity of the procreative power gradually wanes along with that of all the other bodily functions. Fertility probably wanes faster than physical capacity.

In normal women, physical capacity is coeval with life. Fertility begins with menstruation and ceases w'ith the menopause.

The author recalls a very peculiar case occurring in the New York Charity Hospital showing that sexual congress may sometimes be carried on by the female under extreme difficulties :


A woman, 20 years of age, with complete atresia vaginae, w-ho,

strange to saj-, nevertheless led the life of a public prostitute. The external parts were perfectly developed, but there was no opening whatever corresponding to the normal situation of the vagina. The case differed, too, from



ordinary atresia, inasmuch as there was no thickened fibrous cord between the bladder and rectum such as is ordinarily met with in occlusion of the vagina, and which represents the walls of the canal that have become fused together. When the index finger of each hand was introduced into the bladder and rectum respectively nothing could be felt between them but the walls of these viscera. Neither uterus nor ovaries could be detected. How this woman copulated is a mystery. There was no evidence of pederasty. Whatever the circumstances may have been, the woman certainly was not aware of her condition, but supposed that she had been performing the act of copulation like other women. The urethra was very commodious, and it is possible that it had been utilized as a sexual way. Such cases have been reported.

It is safe to formulate the following cardinal principles for the laity, viz. :

1. Conservation of bodily vigor conserves procreative vigor. The better the care of the body, the better the likelihood of the procreative capacity being carried into the later years of life and the better the quality of children born.

2. Certain persons primarily are more virile than others. The standard must be individual.

3. Men of middle age or over, who expect as much of their procreative function as in early manhood, merely display their ignorance of physiology.

4. Men who have abused or excessively used their procreative function in youth and early manhood may expect to "pay the fiddler" at middle life. One cannot "eat his cake and have it."

5. The man who indulges to excess in alcoholics also may expect to "pay the price" sooner or later.

6. Persons who have had deep-seated gonorrhea or severe syphilis may expect early waning or absolute destruction of the procreative power.



Sterility and Impotence in the Female.


For the purposes of this volume the process

of fertihzation may be reduced to very simple terms. The conditions necessary are: 1st. 'J^he ])roduction of spermatozoa by the male and of an ovvile by the female. 2nd. The discharge of the one from the testis and of the other from the ovary. 3rd. The contact in the female sexual tract of a single spermatozoon with an ovule ; this probably usually occurs in the uterine end of the Fallopian tube. 4th. The chromosomes of both ovum and spermatozoon must be healthy. 5th. There must be no essential primary incompatibility of the ovule and the spermatozoon. 6th. The tubal and uterine mucosa must be normal, meaning that there must be no secretion of the membrane that is deleterious to the vitality of either ovum or spermatozoa, and no condition of the mucosa that will prevent lodgment and growth of the ovum.

It is evident that there are numerous conditions which may : 1st. Impair the primary vitality of the ovule and spermatozoon. 2nd. Prevent the meeting of the two elements at the proper time and place. 3rd. Impair the fitness of the soil in which the two elements meet.

It is obvious that nutritive perversion of the parental chromosomes and obstacles to their meeting may occur in either party to the sexual act.

Statistics show that about one in eight marriages are unproductive. As already seen, a portion of the responsibility for sterility must be borne by the male. Most of it, however, justly or unjustly, unjustly, of course, where the fault is due to gonorrhea confalls upon the female.

tracted from the husband


The causes of sterility in the female are very nu-

merous. In general, they are as follows :

1. Inability to receive the semen. (Impotence from various causes.)



2. Destruction of spermatozoa by morbid secretions of the female sexual tract.

3. Inherent or acquired resistancy to impregnation.

4. Failure to ovulate.

5. Inability to develop the ovum after fecundation. Sterility in the female may be classified as :


Intrinsic or "facultative."


Relative, e. g., one child steril-



Artificial, t. e., incidental to I

a. b. c.

Surgical operation. Religious ceremony. Removal for social protection. 4. Accidental, i. e., from disease or accident.

Etiology in detail :

Impotence, i. c, mechanic obstruction to coitus. Idiopathic vaginismus. Inflammation of the sexual tract.

Uterine myoma ; uterine prolapse, flexions and versions ; lacerations, indurations and new growths and strictures of the cervix ; congenital or acquired atresia and new growths of the vagina ; imperforate hymen ; infantile uterus, and undeveloped ovaries ; dysmenorrhea ; ovarian and pelvic tumors ; stenosis of the Fallopian tubes ; vulvar tumors and traumatisms ; anchylosis of the hip joints.

These are the principal mechanic causes of sterility in women. Parotiditis with secondary infective inflammation and atrophy of the ovaries is an occasional cause inhibiting the production of the ovule.

Gonorrhea acts in the production of sterility in numerous ways,

viz.: 1. Producing an unhealthy state of the mucosa of the vagina, uterus and tubes, which renders the soil unfit for the growth of the ovum. 2. Producing a toxic secretion which impairs the vitality of the ovule and spermatozoa or kills them completely. 3. Producing mechanic obstacles to coitus. 4. Producing mechanic obstruction within the utero-vaginal-tubal tract, thus preventing the downward passage of the oviun and the upward passage of the spermatozoa. 5. Producing pelvic peritonitis with adhesions which displace the ovary, tube or uterus one or all or constrict the tube. 6. Infect-

ing and damaging the ovary.

The vitality of the ovule is impaired {i. c, the quality and quantity of sex hormone produced in the ovary and supplied to the



ovule are injuriously altered) by numerous constitutional conditions, such as primary lack of vitality on the part of the female, anemia and debility from any cause, and various toxemias, such as those produced by malaria, lead poisoning, mixed infection from tuberculosis, fevers, alcoholism and, most important of all, syphilis.

Obesity produces debility as well as a mechanic obstacle to fertilization. Cross breeding, as of negro and white, lessens fertility and produces relative sterility. Consanguineous marriage is likely to have a similar effect, merely because of the fact that selective mating is not practiced. It is obvious that perverted hormone production may be secondary to any local disease of the sexual organs.

In some women the cause of sterility probably is a primary inherent incapacity for fertilization. It is to be remembered, however, that sterility in such cases may be only apparent, not real. Proper mating might correct it. That sterility may be hereditary seems at first sight to be something of an "Irish bull." Relative sterility, however, may be transmitted and eventually end in complete sterility.

The female most often fails to receive the semen from default ujion her own part. Various local conditions may prevent her from having coitus. These conditions comprise such congenital or acquired malformations or imperfections of development as prevent penile intromission. In these rare cases the female is impotent as well as sterile. Impotence in the female may be due to incapacity for the complete performance of the sexual act. She may, however, nevertheless be capable both of insemination and impregnation.


/. c, absence of sexual desire or aversion to its per-


and absence of orgasm constitute one variety of female

"impotence." Many women never experience the slightest degree of voluptuous excitement during cohabitation, yet they are fruitful and bear children. It has been held that the erectile structures of the genital organs become turgid even in this class of cases, just as it occurs in the male, without orgasm; but this is doubtful. Orgasm is necessary to the normal performance of the sexual act in the female as well as in the male, and, while conception may occur without it, it is the exception rather than the rule, be the orgasm ever so slight. The orgasm in the female must subserve some physiologic purpose, which puri)ose must be the correlative of the orgasm in the male. The male orgasm being of an expulsive character, it follows



that the female orgasm nmst be for the purpose of furthering the reception of the semen possibly by favoring the formation and

expulsion onto the surface of the cervical mucosa, of a secretion which favors vitality and activity of the spermatozoa.

Certain observers have described the peculiar behavior of

the uterus during orgasm. The organ appears to assume a more perpendicular position, and sinks lower in the pelvis ; the os uteri becomes softer ; the "labia" of the uterus alternately project and retract in such a manner as to produce a "suction" effect. These phenomena are accompanied by the emission of a clear, sticky mucus. Granting the occurrence of these phenomena in the cases observed, they should occur in all cases where there is a normal orgasm and also to a greater or less degree in all females to whom sexual congress is in any degree pleasurable.

That more or less softening of the cervix and a flow of mucus occurs the author believes, beyond this he is skeptical.

Acton states that it is his belief that the majority of women do not experience sexual desire. He expresses his opinion as follows:

I should say that the majority of women (happily for society) are not very much troubled with sexual feeling of any kind. What men are habitually, women are only exceptionally. It is too true, I admit, as the divorcecourts show, that there are some few women who have sexual desires so strong that they surpass those of men, and shock public feeling by their consequences. I admit, of course, the existence of sexual excitement terminating even in nymphomania, a form of insanity that those accustomed to visit lunatic acylums are fully conversant with ; but, with these sad exceptions, there can be no doubt that sexual feeling in the female is, in the majority

of cases, in abeyance, and that it requires positive and considerable excitement to arouse it at all ; and even if aroused (which in many instances it can never be) it is very moderate compared with that of the male. Many persons, and particularly young men, form their ideas of women's sensual feelings from what they notice early in life among loose, or, at least, low and vulgar women. There is always a certain number of females who, though not obtensibly in the ranks of prostitutes, make a kind of trade of a pretty face. They are fond of admiration, they like to attract the attention of those immediately above them. Any susceptible boj' is easily lead to believe, whether he is altogether overcome by the siren or not, that she, and therefore all women, must have at least as strong passions as himself. Such women, however, give a very false idea of the condition of female sexual feeling in general. Association with the loose women of the London streets in casinos and other immoral haunts (who, if they have not sexual feeling, counterfeit it so well that the novice does not suspect but that it is genuine) seems to corroborate such an impression, and, as I have stated, it is from



these erroneous notions that so many unmarried men think that the marital duties they will have to undertake are beyond their exhausted strength,

and for this reason dread and avoid marriage.

Married men, medical men. or married women themselves would, if appealed to. tell a very dififerent tale, and vindicate female nature from the vile aspersions cast on it by the abandoned conduct and ungoverned lusts of a few of its worst examples.

One would infer from Acton's opinion that frigidity is the normal and ])hysiologic condition of the woman. \\'hile ready to ac<:e\A the statement that a large proportion of married women do not exiperience sexual desire, the author does not behevc that their frigidity is natural, but holds that it usually is due to mistreatment on the ])art of the husband. The average man when entering upon the matrimonial state gives very little consideration to the question of reci])rocal pleasure. A virtuous woman primarily entertains an aversion for sexual intercourse, which is both unesthetic and painful in the beginning, and shrinks from it with becoming modesty and physical fear. This condition of mind usually is by no means improved by the conduct of the husband, whose sole idea is to obtain gratification, irrespective of the feelings of his wife. For a time he is perfectly satisfied with his matrimonial relations because of their novelty. As soon as this wears off. however, he begins to recall past experiences, and finds fault with his wife for her lack of reciprocity. By this time, unfortunately, the disgust and dread of the marital act that have been inspired by the brutality of the

husband have become a ])art of the woman's very existence, and she usually is ever afterward absolutely frigid. Having become satiated and disgusted with the marriage-relation the husband is likely to seek elsewhere for that of which he has been deprived through his own mismanagement. It is the author's opinion that in most instances of frigidity in married women the difficulty would have been obviated and the woman would have become, after a time, ]:)erfecth- nattiral in respect to the sexual ftinction if the husband had been more intelligent and considerate. It is by no means the cx-roitc alone who is open to impeachment. The inexperienced man often is more at fault, through ignorance, than the man of the world who, perhaps, has done more than his share in educating women in sexual love.

The old adage that "familiarity breeds contempt" is an excellent one as applied to matrimonial infelicity. The divorce-cotirts speak



volumes with respect to inharmonious sexual relations of married persons. Ignorance on the part of the woman, brutality or igno-

rance on the part of the husband, and perhaps in some instances excessive indulgence on the part of both satiety and physical ills in its train this latter bringing

are responsible for many of

the cases that are brought all too prominently before the gaze of a patient and long-suffering public.

The prevalent custom of married people occupying the same bed is the cause of more instances of lack of harmony in sexual matters, and incidentally of more cases of sexual excess, than anything that could be mentioned. It certainly tends in many instances to lessen the mutual respect of married couples, and to pall the attractiveness of the matrimonial state. If married persons occupied separate apartments the novelty of matrimony would not be likely to wear away, and our divorce-courts would be shorn of a large proportion of their cases.

As already indicated, certain mental conditions modify the sexual passion in women. It certainly would be too much to expect a refined woman to be possessed of sufficient animal propensities to be able to display a genuine passion for one for whom she has an aversion. Once let a woman however passionate naturally

experience a feeling of disgvist or hatred for her husband, and it is probable that she could not exhibit genuine sexual passion if she would. It certainly is true that some women are extraordinarily passionate with certain individuals, while absolutely frigid with

others. This is well illustrated in the case of the average prostitute, whose passion in her strictly-business relations is more often assumed than real, but who nevertheless usually has a favorite lover who certainly has no cause for complaint.

Apropos of inharmonious conjugal relations there is another circumstance that often explains the frigidity exhibited by married women. Many women are allowed to become mere household drudges, and become so exhausted physically that it is hardly fair for their husbands to expect any reciprocity upon their part. That the tendency of hard labor is to divert the nervous energies from the sexual apparatus is as true of the female as of the male.

Many women are restrained from the exhibition of sexual passion by the fear of conception, their apprehensions being aug-



mented by the popular and to a certain extent justifiable notion that the danger of impregnation is proportionate to the amount of passion exhibited by the woman.

We have seen that, in order that impregnation may occur, it is necessary that Hving spermatozoa should come in contact with a mature healthy ovule at some point above the uterine cervicocorporeal junction, and further that there are many local conditions that prevent this meeting, even though the sexual act be normal. It must be understood that, while women under such circumstances are dynamically sterile, they are not potentially so.

The conditions that interfere with the normal development of the ovule are a terra incognita to science. It is probable that many immature ovules escape prematurely from healthy Graafian follicles from one cause or another. On the other hand, they may be devitalized by disease. In either event they are incapable of impregnation.

Defective or vitiated hormone supply may have much to do with primarily imperfect development of the ovule.

It is not necessary that the ovaries should be healthy, however, in order that conception may occur. Women with extensively diseased ovaries sometimes conceive and bear healthy children. If a single Graafian follicle be healthy and there is nothing to prevent the ovule and spermatozoa coming together, conception may occur. On the other hand, a healthy mature ovule may be formed, and many healthy ovules be discharged from the ovary from time to

time, but fail to reach the uterine cavity. Inflammatory affections of the ovary involving thickening of the walls of the Graafian follicles may prevent healthy ovules from leaving. A healthy ovary may be so bound down by surrounding inflammation that the ovules cannot escape. Other conditions that are especially fatal to the physiologic purpose of the ovule are diseases of the Fallopian tubes, adhesions of the fimbriae to the ovary, and uterine disease producing closure of the uterine extremities of the tubes.

Granting that conception has occurred, the uterus may be so diseased that it can not furnish a suitable nidus for the reception, attachment, and subsequent development of the ovum. The corporeal endometrium is a highly organized structure and often the seat of pathologic conditions. Gestation demands that it be healthy. Intra-uterine disease is so frequent, however, that good authorities consider it to be the cause of sterility. Women thus



diseased are perfectly capable of conception; but, the uterine mucous membrane being unfitted for the attachment and develop-

ment of the ovum, they practically are sterile.

Endometritis, the most common of intra-uterine diseases, bears a very important relation to sterility. It not only interferes with gestation, but the dense, glairy discharge it produces may, by plugging the cervical canal, not only obstruct the entrance of spermatozoa, but by its toxicity destroy or inhibit their vitality. Catarrhal states of the Fallopian tube often result from endometritis. The mucus it produces may so coat the ovule in its downward passage that the permatozoa either cannot penetrate it or else they are killed by its toxic properties.

There are numerous other etiologic conditions, some of which are symptomatically associated with those already mentioned. In 408 cases of sterility studied by Kammerer dysmenorrhea was observed in 69 ; menorrhagia and metrorrhagia in 57, scanty menstruation in 41, amenorrhea in 2, delayed menstruation in 8, hysteria in 16, nervous headache in 3, intercostal neuralgia in 1. Some of these derangements probably had no causal relation to the sterility, but depended on the same conditions as the latter.

A profuse uterine discharge, of whatever kind, may wash away the ovule before or after impregnation. Dysmenorrhea undoubtedly is a frequent cause of sterility. In the membranous form sterility is a matter of course. Dysmenorrhea is due to uterine or ovarian

disease or to some obstruction to the free escape of the menses. It is attended, moreover, by spasmodic uterine contractions that may persist as a matter of habit, and cause the expulsion of the fecundated ovum. The same conditions that produce dysmenorrhea also prevent the spermatozoa from entering the uterus or destroy them after they have entered.

As already repeatedly indicated in this volume, the author believes that sterility in both sexes and impotence in the male are largely dependent upon aberrations of sex hormone secretion. This is im])ortant in the consideration of treatment.

This will be again referred to later.

Following Marion Sims, the profession in general, until comparatively recently, held that sterility in the female was almost entirely due to some cause of a mechanic nature intrinsic to the individual case, such as is induced by uterine displacement. Out of



this fallacy grew two methods of treatment, viz., first, the Sims method of artificial fertilization which never became popular, but

recently has been revived in certain quarters, and, second, indiscriminate surgical tinkering with the uterus and its adnexa.

Increasing knowledge of the effects of gonorrhea have greatly modified our views of sterility. Especially have we found that morbidity of utero-vaginal secretions often is deadly to the healthiest spermatozoon. Acidity and, in general, toxicity of the secretions of the female sexual tract is very important in this regard.

In an excellent presentation of his method of diagnosis of sterility, Huhner says :

Treatment: It of course is pre-supposed that, in seeking the causes of sterility, the possible responsibility of the husband also has been investigated thoroughly. The treatment of sterility in the female demands: 1st. The surgical correction of any mechanical obstacles to fecundation. 2d. Attention to such constitutional conditions as apparently are contributory to the sterility. 3d. Such local measures as may be demanded for the cure of infections and the inflammatory conditions produced by infections. 4th. The removal or neutralization of any utero-vaginal discharges that may toxically impair the vitality of the spermatozoa or mechanically obstruct their upward passage. 5th. Attention to the time relative to the

menstrual period

at which coitus takes place. 6th. Correction

of any untoward conditions that might impair fertility. 7th. Last, but not the least, the questions of: (a) Inherent incapacity for fecundation, (b) ^Marital physical incompatibility, must receive due attention.

Briefly, obstntctions to intercourse or to the upward passage of the spermatozoa must be corrected. Infections gonorrhea notably and

should receive careful attention. Here, vaccines often are of great service.

especially auto-vaccines

The consideration of the various surgical measures of correcting pathologic conditions of the female genitalia is not within the province of this volume. So, too, with the treatment of gonorrhea and its results. Hiihner's suggestion of coitus after modification of the utero-vaginal secretions has been accomplished by an alkaline douche is an excellent one, and has the merit of simplicity and safety.

Limitation of intercourse to the periods immediately preceding and following menstruation often overcomes apparent sterility.

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Uterine stimulation by simple dilation of the cervix sometimes is effective.

Intercourse after prolonged marital separation not infrequently results in impregnation.

Where sterility apparently is due to inherent incapacity for fertilization, or to sources of constitutional depravity and exhaustion, the sex gland hormone may be of value. Corpus luteum substance logically is indicated and possibly may be of service, especially if combined in debilitated conditions with tonics, such as arsenic, iron, quinine, strychnia and phosphorus. Where anemia is evident, arsenic and iron especially are indicated. The primary condition which lies behind the debility or cachexia, of course requires correction.

In conformity with his view that sterility revolves largely around aberrations of sex hormone supply, the author believes that, in the inherent form and that due to constitutional debility from non-malignant disease, or due to causes which are not incurable per se, sex gland implantation possibly may have a very important field. It is unnecessary to repeat here what already has been said of the relation of the sex hormone to fertility, or to forestall much

that will be exhaustively considered in the next chapter.

Physical abuse

especially physical sexual abuse

may cause

a permanent inhibition of sex hormone formation in women, with resultant permanent frigidity and perhaps sterility. It is true that such women may conceive, merely because there still may be enough hormone and its quality may be good enough to maintain the nutrition of the ovule and make conception possible. Here would be a direct indication for the administration of sex hormone, in the form of corpus luteum at least, if not by implantation of sex glands.

After conception, the psychic and circulatory stimulus afforded to maternal sex hormone supply, by the ovule itself, may be sufficient to insure the nutrition of the fetus. In many instances, however, hormone secretion might be so perverted that abortion would occur, or a defective child be born.

In connection with what seems to the author to be a very interesting field for speculation as to the importance of the nutritive role of the sex hormone, some important questions suggest themselves, viz. : 1. Is it not possible that the sex hormone of one sex may by



implantation determine the sex of the progeny, if successfully administered before conception or, perhaps, even later? 2. Might not fertility be induced in the infertile by sex gland implantation? The birth of an heir may be of vital importance. 3. Alight not alien hormone, administered via implantation early in pregnancy, possibly determine the development and birth of a normal instead of a stillborn, or of a degenerate child? 4. Might not an implantation in one or both parents, by the action of the alien sex hormone, correct the evils of consanguineous marriage? 5. ]\Iight not derangement of a hereditary neuro-degenerate type be corrected during early life by implantation of alien sex glands? 6. Apropos of query No. 5, might not the influence of alien sex glands be even greater from a racial "cross," c. ,([., of Aryan sex glands upon Semitic stock, or of Anglo-vSaxon upon the Latin? That the principle might be too radically applied e. g., by cross implantation between negro and

Caucasian ^ is suggested by the known deleterious results of cross breeding of white and black, and yet the sex hormone of the very fertile black, might add just the right element to the blood of the relatively infertile white, when administered by implantation.

The interest of the profession in the method of artificial impregnation first suggested by Marion Sims, recently has been

revived in certain quarters. Sims was almost ostracized by the profession for suggesting the collection of the semen from the vagina of the wife immediately after intercourse and its injection into the uterus, thus overcoming the obstruction which, in Sims' day, was supposed to underlie most cases of sterility. Latterly it has been suggested that, where the husband's semen is infertile, a fresh condom specimen from extra-domestic sources should be used, where there are urgent reasons for child bearing. Needless to say that esthetic objections to the method often would be entertained to this, although it might be overruled in certain instances. It is obvious that the person donating the semen should be perfectly healthy. A series of Wassermann examinations and tests of the prostato-urethral secretions for gonococci are very essential. It is important, also, that the vitality of the spermatozoa should not be impaired when the specimen is delivered. Keeping the condom of semen in a water bath at blood temperature will protect the spermatozoa from inipairment for some hours.


CHAPTER IX. Spermatorrhea.

Fkw subjects in medical literature have been treated in so confusing a manner as has spermatorrhea by the few authors who have deigned to give it attention. The special treatises upon the subject by American writers have been limited in number, and authors in general have well-nigh ignored it. The subject formerly was so obnoxious, because of the treatises of quacks and impostors, that reputable physicians showed a somewhat excusable, but illogical, tendency to ignore it altogether. It is a remarkable fact that, until recent years, nearly all of our knowledge of the subject had been handed down from the classic, yet overdrawn, treatise of Lallemand : a work that has been extensively quoted both the original and

the English translation. Excellent monographs have, however, been written by Milton, Acton, Howe, Hammond, and Bartholow, the latter being devoted to spermatorrhea alone. Alore recently have appeared works by Taylor, Ultzmann, Vecki, Cooper and others, and numerous articles in text books and the medical press.

It is unfortunate that the reputable general practitioner knows so little of the pathology and treatment of the various phases of aberration of the sexual function included under the term spermatorrhea. As a rule, the physician takes little interest in the subject, probably because of the disrepute into which it has been brought by impostors and quacks ; and, as a consequence, cases of this kind either consult the charlatan primarily or are driven to him by the indifference and repugnance exhibited by most reputable physicians.

This course is not only unjust to the patient, but unworthy of the physician. No function of the body is more intimately associated with the welfare and happiness of the human race than that of the ^exual organs, and the physician is no more justified in ignoring its

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disturbances or refusing to treat patients suffering from them than in the case of aberrations of structure and function of the stomach, hver, or kidneys. It is not at all remarkable that "spermatopathic" quacks flourish and wax fat, when the reputable physician by his neglect of a plain duty to humanity actually drives patients into their toils. It is unfortunately true, moreover, that a course of quackery usually produces a psychopathic condition that makes the patient insusceptible to either moral persuasion or medical treatment, should he finally fall into the hands of a scientific physician who is competent and willing to advise him.

The definition of spermatorrhea has given rise to considerable discussion. The majority of scientific authorities are not inclined to accept as spermatorrhea any case in which the loss of semen is

attended by erection and ejaculation. Spermatorrhea as a steady flow of semen probably does not occur, as was formerly supposed. The seminal loss occurs only at intervals and under special conditions, largely mechanic in character.

It is evident that spermatorrhea was recognized by the ancients. Thus, under the name of tabes dorsalis, Hippocrates describes a condition that evidently is spermatorrhea, as follows :

This disease proceeds from the spinal cord. It is frequently met with among newly-married people and libertines. There is no fever, the appetite is preserved, but the body falls away. If you interrogate the patients, they will tell you that they feel as if ants were crawling down along the spine. In making water or going to stool they pass semen. If they have connection the congress is fruitless. They lose semen in bed, whether they are troubled with lascivious dreams or not they lose it on horseback or in

walking. To epitomize, they find their breathing difficult ; they fall into a state of feebleness, and suffer from weight in the head and a singing in the ears. If, in this condition, they become attacked with a strong fever, they die, with cold extremities.

Acton defines the disease as follows :

The condition or ailment which we characterize as spermatorrhea is a state of enervation produced, at least primarily, by the loss of semen. This

term, I admit, has many objections, but its general acceptance would render it inconvenient to alter it or to employ any other.

According to Bartholow, the term spermatorrhea should be restricted to that condition in which involuntary seminal losses occur with sufficient frequency to produce a definite morbid state.



Many surgeons regard spermatorrhea as a loss of semen independently of intercourse or masturbation : i. e., involuntary losses of all kinds. This interpretation of the term is objectionable because of its comprehensiveness. It necessarily embraces certain conditions in which involuntary emission of semen occurs as a perfectly physiologic phenomenon. Some authorities will not accept as spermatorrhea any case in which the discharge from the urethra does not contain spermatozoa, as demonstrated by microscopic examination. This is too sweeping, for in severe cases the formation of the seminal elements may finally cease, the other ingredients of the seminal secretion being normal or nearly so. According to the author's views, the term spermatorrhea should be applied to all

involuntary seminal discharges that occur without orgasm.

Seminal losses with orgasm are most conveniently styled pseudospermatorrhea. The frequency of involuntary losses is no diagnostic criterion, for, while robust individuals might not be injured by two or three discharges weekly, delicate patients might be powerfully affected by a single weekly emission. In estimating the importance of involuntary emissions due consideration should be given to their effect upon the mind of the patient. For example, a patient who is ignorant of sexual physiology and has read quack literature extensively may be greatly depressed and worried by an emission occurring once in three or four weeks, while another less impressionable individual, who knows something of sexual physiology and has not had his mind poisoned by fallacious treatises, will bear several emissions weekly without apparent ill effects. The assertion has been made that nocturnal emissions are no more injurious in their effects upon the nervous system than similarly frequent acts of normal intercourse. The author does not believe this to be true. Whether or not the depression resulting in many patients from an occasional emission is altogether due to the moral impression produced by it is open to question, but certain it is that intelligent individuals with a knowledge of sexual physiology claim that such emissions are much more enervating than normal intercourse. They confessedly lack the physiologic stimulation and mental satisfaction of normal coitus. The lack of normal sex

hormone production in the absence of proper psycho-sexual stimulus may be a factor in this.

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Lallemand's theory of the pathology of sperma-

torrhea inipHes the existence of irritation of the prostatic urethra and seminal ducts produced by various influences. He admits as causes of the disease gouty and rheumatic conditions of the sexual apparatus, gonorrhea and stricture, phimosis and accumulation of smegma preputii, masturbation and sexual excess, the excessive use of such drugs as cantharides, ergot and various diuretics, intemperance, excessive drinking of coffee and tea, constipation, irritation of the rectum from ascarides, hemorrhoids, fistula, prolapsus ani, etc. He claimed that in severe cases he had demonstrated upon autopsy inflammation and thickening, with sometimes ulceration of the vesicuUe seminales, ejaculatory ducts, and prostatic urethra. Recent investigations in the patholog}^ of the seminal vesicles especially of the colliciihis seminalis certain degree. vindicate Lallemand to a and

The author regards the essential condition in spermatorrhea as hyperesthesia and exhaustion "irritable weakness" of the

general nervous supply of the genitalia, the special areas of sexual sensibility in the genitalia, the afferent nerves of sexual sensibility, the genito-spinal center, and the psycho-sexual centers in the brain. Hyperesthesia of the caput gallinaginis is a most important element, both in true and false spermatorrhea. There certainly is exhaustion and irritability of the nervous system, probably occurring in the following order: 1. Of the nerve-supply of the area of special sexual sensibility on the floor of the prostatic urethra. 2. Of the afferent nerves of sexual sensibility. 3. Of the transmitting fibers of the spinal cord. 4. Of the receiving centers of the brain. The final result is a greater or less loss of general nerve-tone ; i. e., neurasthenia. The author does not wish to imply that these effects are not more or less simultaneous, but that the serious results are likely to be manifested in the order named. Inasmuch as spermatorrhea in the majority of instances is the result of sexual excess or masturbation, and, moreover, the effects of the venereal orgasm being expended upon the nervous system, it is rational to infer that the disease when fully developed essentially is a neurosis. Bartholow expresses a similar view, which is in direct opposition to Lallemand. According to Bartholow, spermatorrhea is always a neurosis, and any structural alterations that may be found are coincidental, not



causative. He asserts, moreover, that Ivallemand's cases in w^hich organic changes in the sexual organs were claimed as the essence of the disease, were selected for the purpose of justifying his theory and practice.

Sir Henry Thompson claims that sexual indulgence cannot have the effect of producing prostatitis considered to be so important unless gonorrhea

in the etiology of spermatorrhea by Lallemand

already exists. This dictum, however, the author cannot accept.

Peyer says :

Spermatorrhea in itself is not a disease, as little as is fluor albus in the female sex, but is onlj^ a symptom of various pathologico-anatomic conditions, affecting either locally the seminal vesicles, their ducts, their muscles, and surrounding mucous membrane, or else resulting from general disturbances of the body, especially in the nervous system. The several nervous disorders that accompany spermatorrhea are mostl}' not its consequences, but co-ordinate symptoms of a pathologico-anatomic condition : the original cause of this loss of semen.

Granted that spermatorrhea is symptomatic in many cases, it is not necessarily symptomatic of the existing perceptible organic local conditions of the sexual organs. These conditions may exist coincidentally, often secondarily, and sometimes are produced by the same causes as are responsible for the spermatorrhea, the essential condition underlying the spermatorrhea being in the nervous system. It is a striking fact that spermatorrhea is very rare among the host of patients who consult the surgeon for prostatic and deep-urethral disease.

The most important local condition associated with spermatorrhea and pseudospermatorrhea is dilation and relaxation of the orifices of the ejaculatory ducts as a consequence of frequent overdistension. The vesiculcc seminales in the first instance become so hyperesthetic that they are intolerant of their contents. This intolerance, in combination with hyperesthesia and irritability of the veru .nonianmn, results in frequent reflex expulsion of the semen. The orifices of the ejaculatory ducts finally become so dilated that the semen dribbles away at will. Such cases, however, are extremely rare. It is not the loss of fluid that produces debility at first, but the frequency of the discharge of nervous force of sex hormone production with perturbation

which, as already indicated in con-

nection with the subject of masturbation, is quite similar to that



produced by an epileptic attack. As a consequence of frequentl)recurring orgasm produced in sexual intercourse or by masturbation, the organs become so weak that the jolting produced by horsebackriding, or the strain incidental to gymnastic exercise, causes an emission. The author had under his observation a case of a young man who could not ride a trotting horse because of emissions occurring in rapid succession. So hyperesthetic are the sexual centers in many instances that the mere thought of sexual indulgence produces an emission, often without erection or sensation.

Prolonged sexual excitement without gratification is one of the frequent causes of the simj)ler forms of spermatorrhea. Undue familiarity with women, in combination with the fostering influences of immoral literature and associations, keeps up a constant irritation of the sexual organs that increases their sensibility and stimulates the secretion of semen. If the patient is not vicious or ignorant and does not masturbate. Nature is quite likely to relieve the condition of turgescence of the sexual organs by an emission during sleep. If the cause be not removed, the seat of sexual sensibility

becomes very irritable, the organs meanwhile growing weaker until finally involuntary losses become extremely frequent. It will be observed that pseudospermatorrhea may merge into the true variety.

Lallemand divided seminal losses into nocturnal and diurnal, the nocturnal losses being frequent, physiologic, and due to sexual excitement, but becoming pathologic after a time in some instances because of their abnormal frequency. Some patients, he claimed, were subject to both diurnal and nocturnal escape of semen. Diurnal emissions, according to this authority, are much less frequent than those occurring at night, althotigh they are more serious and more rebellious to treatment. They occur mostly without erection or ejaculation, during or just following the acts of defecation and micturition. The results, after the disease is well established, were described by Lallemand, as follows :

The penis becomes relaxed, the erection feeble. The corpora cavernosa either atrophy or their vessels lose tonicity ; the corpus spongiosum and the glans penis also shrink. The testes undergo a certain degree of atrophy; the superficial veins of the penis become dilated and tortuous. The nervous system very often manifests sympathetic disturbances in the form of vertigo, pains along the course of the principal nerves, etc. The subjective symptoms, after a variable longer or shorter period, become very marked ; there are pains in the lumbar region, aching in the arms and testes ; capricious appetite



and feeble digestion ; the bowels become deranged, constipation alternating with diarrhea.

The evil habit of masturbation, if continued, produces great irritation of the procreative organs especially of the seat of

sexual sensibility in the prostatic urethra. Sensations originating in the seat of sexual sensibility are transferred to the psycho-sexual brain centers, producing erotic thoughts. Conversely, erotic thoughts are reflected to the seat of sexual sensibility in the form of voluptuous sensation. Under such conditions neither physical-sexual nor mental-sexual rest is possible, day or night. Erotic dreams result, with losses of seminal secretion. This may merge into true spermatorrhea, the morbid condition finally becoming so pronounced that with little or no provocation, losses occur in the day-time. In severe cases the seminal secretion sometimes escapes with the urine.

In the milder cases of erotic dreams and nocturnal losses the condition is absolutely physiologic. Such losses constitute Nature's method of disposing of excessive secretion. In subjects who previ-

ously have lived a regular sexual life in the matrimonial state, sexual deprivation produces the same result.

The specious advertisements of the charlatan concerning nocturnal losses are cunningly devised to impress the layman with the belief that all cases are alarming and lead to "lost manhood." The credulity and ignorance of the public in such matters have fattened generation after generation of those human wolves, the advertising quacks.

Etiology: The causes of erotic dreams and nocturnal losses are of two classes, viz. :

1. Those which produce erotic thoughts.

2. Those which produce irritability of the sexual organs, especially of the deep urethra and inflammation of the colliculus seminalis.

The first class comprises all environmental influences, both psychic and physical, which tend to produce hyperemia and hyperesthesia of (a) the seat of sexual sensibility in the prostatic urethra, (b) hyperactivity of the genito-spinal and cerebro-sexual centers.

The second class comprises masturbation, sexual excesses and

infections ; in brief, all conditions which directly produce hyperemia or inflammation of the generative organs or of the lower urinary tract. Obviously, gonorrhea is an important factor.



It is obvious that the psychic and physical causes overlap or intermingle, in varying degree in all cases ; c. g., psycho-sexual stimulation gives rise to stimulation of the sexual organ centers, and vice versa.

Spermatorrhea sometimes is a symptom of nervous disease, particularly of the spinal cord. Thus, it is occasionally seen in locomotor ataxia. In conditions of this kind spermatorrhea is a secondary consideration and should be regarded as such with respect to treatment. In the majority of instances the disease is associated with complete or partial impotence. The milder types of pseudospermatorrhea are quite likely to be associated with pseudo-impotence because of the effect of the nocturnal emissions upon the mind, rather than upon the virility of the patient per se.

Numerous local diseases of the urino-sexual organs have been mistaken for si)ernmtorrhea, affording abundant material upon which the patient's mental distemper is fed by the quacks.

Besides nocturnal emissions, the organic affections and functional perturbations that are most often erroneously termed spermatorrhea are : chronic urethral catarrh, stricture with accompanying gleet, prostatorrhea, premature ejaculation of semen, vesical catarrh, and phosphaturia. Phosphaturia and prostatorrhea have been a veritable gold mine for the charlatan.

Varieties of True Spermatorrhea.

1. Diurnal emissions

without erections or sexual stimulation of any kind.

2. Frequent nocturnal emissions without sensation or power: /. c, escape of semen with neither pleasurable sensations, dreams, nor erections.

3. Escape of semen on slight provocation without erection, or, at most, with imperfect erection,

These varieties, in a measure, may be associated. Usually where there are diurnal losses there also are unconscious losses at night. All varieties usually are associated with complete or partial impotence. Prostatorrhea may co-exist.

Varieties oe Pseudospermatorrhea.

1. Occasional noctur-

nal emissions, with orgasm, usually with dreams, and almost always accompanied by erections. There usually are no injurious effects except, perhaps, those of a mental character. In some cases, however, the various disturbances outlined in the symptomatology of true and false spermatorrhea result.



2. Premature ejaculation in coitus, associated with pseudoimpotence ( "spermatospasmos" ) .

Microscopic appearance of normal human semen, a, Spermatozoids. b, Columnar epithelium, c, Bodies inclosing lecithingranules, d. Squamous epithelium from the urethra, d. Testicle-cells, e, Amyloid corpuscles. /, Spermatic crystals, g, Hyaline globules.

r (a) From prostatic hyperemia and hyper-

3. Prostatorrhea J secretion.

\ (b) From follicular prostatitis.

4. Hypersecretion of the urethral and prostatic glands during erection.

5. The appearance of spermatozoids in the lu-ine after erections, coitus, etc.

6. Discharge of semen during a very difficult stool.

7. Discharsfc from chronic lu'ethral catarrh.



Predisposing causes


f (a) Defective will-power and unstable nervous equilibrium.

(b) Effeminate and defective physique.

(c) Hereditary inordinate sexual desire. General .; (d) Mental influences exciting sexual desire ; c.i?.,

erotic novels, pictures, and stories. (c) Evil associations and example. (/) Freedom from restraint in associating with

the opposite sex. (17) Excesses in eating and drinking.

f (a) Precocious development of the sexual organs and function. (6) Maldevelopment of sexual organs, such as hypospadias and phimosis. Imperfectly developed and weak testes.

(c) Acquired conditions of disease, such as phiLocal i mosis, stricture, urethritis, prostatic congestion and inflammation, cystitis, stone in the bladder, coUiculitis, seminal vesiculitis, balanitis, herpes, and constipation.

(d) Refle.x irritation from hemorrhoids, ascarides, fistula, etc.

(^ [(e) Varicocele.

(c) Cerebro-spinal disease and injuries.

f (a) Masturbation.

j (b) Sexual excesses, hxcitmg causes -< / ,

Lff/) Infection (gonorrhea, etc.).

Symptoms of Spermatorrhea axd Pskudospermatorriiea. The line of demarkation between true and false spermatorrhea is determined by the occurrence or absence of erection and orgasm at the time the emissions of semen occur. Aside from this difiference the symptoms of the true and false varieties are the same, differing in degree only. It of course is understood that an exception is made of those rare cases in which seminal losses are the result of cerebro-spinal disease as sometimes seen in locomotor ataxia.

Local Symptoius.

A sense of weight and dragging in the

testes and spermatic cords ; sensitiveness and perhaps neuralgia of the testes, urethra, and cords ; relative smallness and softness of the testes, pendulous scrotum, congestion of the pampiniform plexus,



often amounting to varicocele,

dilation of the superficial veins

of the penis and relative diminution in size of the organ, the veins of which are distinctly enlarged, coldness and loss of sensibility of the penis, and, most important of all, the escape of semen at stool or with the urine, or as a result of erotic dreams or sexual excitement. On examination the entire urethra, prostate, and especially the prostatic urethra, almost uniformly are very sensitive. Partial or complete impotence is usual. It is to be remembered that none of the foregoing symptoms are characteristic ; neither are they of importance, so far as spermatorrhea is concerned, unless involuntary seminal discharges without orgasm co-exist. The semen is abnormally constituted, being thin, and more or less watery. It often is scanty in amount. The spermatozoa are relatively few in number, inactive, and poorly developed (oligospermia). In extreme cases spermatozoa may be absent azoospermia.

General Symptoms.

There is more or less disturbance of the

sympathetic nervous system, as evidenced by capricious appetite, impaired digestion, constipation, or diarrhea. Pain in the back, headache, and neuralgias in various situations, gastralgia, and abdominal pain are not unusual. The headache usually is occipito-

frontal, and sometimes associated with more or less marked vertigo or a sense of cerebral fullness. The skin usually is sallow and pale, or muddy. Acne is plentiful in young subjects. The facial expression is one of care and anxiety, or of deep melancholy. The subject is morbidly self-conscious and inclined to shun companionship. Profound mental depression with failure of memory and loss of the power of concentration usually are prominent symptoms. The patient acquires the habit of introspection and becomes extremely hypochondriac. His genius for the invention of symptoms, fostered as it usually is by reading quack literature, becomes phenomenal. Insanity perhaps is rare, but suicidal mania occasionally is seen. Thoughts of suicide are a choice intellectual morsel with a large proportion of these patients, but the real suicidal intent is generally lacking. Many such patients come to regard thoughts of suicide as a mild sort of dissipation which, perhaps, makes their melancholy more tolerable. The knowledge that there is a final way out of their troubles advantage of it although they are not in the least inclined to take is in the highest degree comforting to some

spermatorrheic or spermatophobiac patients.

180 si'j-:rmat()rrhea

The circulation ^enerall}' is feel)le in spermatorrhea. Coldness of the feet and hands often is coni])lained of. and. the ptilse is likely

to he irritahle and either ((uick and feehle or irregular. Lithemia is a fretitient concomitant of the disease. Phosphatnria and oxalnria verv freciuently are met with in spermatorrhea, oxaltiria heing especiallv frecjttent. 'J'he lumlxir ])ain so often met with is not uncommonly due to oxahu'ia, rather than to the sexttal derangement per sc.

Many spermatorrheics complain of disturhed or failing vision. Blurring or spots hefore the eyes iiiitsciv z'oUfa)itcs are the

most fre({uent sotirces of complaint.

The most important varieties of i)setidospermatorrhea. so far as their liahilit}' to he mistaken for trtie spermatorrhea is concerned, are characterized hy the escape of semen-like fltiid from the urethra (a) at stool (b) with the last straining eti'ort of micturition, or (c) during or after sexual excitement, either with or without erection. ]^>artholow remarks tipon this |)oint as follows:

After every erection without ejaculation there is a mucous flow from the urethra. A mixture of this with the semen produces the so-called water\semen. The same discharge is often ohserved after urination and defecation. It alarms the patient because he l)elieves that it is seminal. These are the cases to which AI. kallemand applies the term "diurnal pollution." If a proper examination of this fluid he made, it will be found not to contain si)ermatozoa. It is a thick, transparent albuminous fluid, alkaline in reaction. The presence of spermatozoa is essential to prove the existence of semen. Xo other test

is applicable than the micrf)scopic. It cannot be denied that spermatozoa may be found in the lU'ine or mucous secretion from the urethra, if a nocturnal emission, or an emission produced by natural or utmatural means, has recently occurred ; l)ut these fluids should be examined, when this source of error may be eliminated.

'Jliis accords with the views of Flint, who long ago said:

In most of these cases the fluid is either the liquor prostaticus or a secretion from the vesiculse seminales. The microscope affords the only mode of determining that the fluid is seminal. Were this mode of examination generally adopted, cases of spermatorrhea would be extremely rare.

Ihassell. in one of the early editions of his work on the ttrine. says :

Care must be taken not to confound the discharge of urethral gleet with seminal fluirl ; the distinction is easy, since the former is distinguished by the presence of infusoria. i)y the presence of scaly epithelium, and by the escape's being, in general, continuous. Sometimes the gleety discharge occurs only after sexual excitement and lasts but for a short time, when, of course,



its character is more likely to be mistaken. The prostatic fluid also might be mistaken for semen ; in this the spermatozoa also would be absent, and, in addition, the microscope would reveal in it the presence of the prostatic cylinders, and perhaps, also, of the peculiar lamellated concretions of phosphate of lime, which are found in the prostate in such numbers. Like the mucus from ordinary gleet, that from the prostate may also be continuous, but more frequently it appears only after violent efforts of defecation, when

Spermuria. Last drop of urine exi)elled in a case of spermatorrhea.

a small quantity of matter may be expressed, forming only a drop or two, of a thick, stringy, and transparent fluid, which api)ears at the oriiice of the urethra.

It is easy to mistake the discharge of chronic urethral cartarrh for semen. 'I'his mistake does not often occtn', however, for the

experienced man with past gonorrhea! trotihles ttstially does not attribnte his discliarge to any l)ut the real cattse. :V moment's reflection is sufficient to show that there is al)tindant room for nn'stakes in the microsco])ic diagnosis of urethral discharges. 'I'he prostatic, nrethral, and Co\v])er's glands are prodigal in secretion, and slight stinnili or meclianic ])ressure often are snfficient to catise the secre-



tioii to appear at the meatus. Bladder-mucus or muco-pus, and phosphatic deposit in the urine, also are sources of error. It must be remembered, however, that in genuine spermatorrhea sexual excitement and mechanic pressure may cause true seminal discharge, which may at once appear at the meatus, or pass backward to appear later in the urine. W^henever true semen appears at the meatus without orgasm, the author believes that the function of the muscular urethra temporarily is inhibited, or overcome by prostatic pressure, or else orgasm occurs, but is too feeble to be perceptible to the patient's weakened sensorium.

Symptomatic spermatorrhea in central nervous disease requires

brief special consideration. As might be inferred from the fact that sexual excesses and masturbation bear an important etiologic relation to locomotor ataxia, spermatorrhea is associated with that form of nervous disease more often than with any other. In passing, the author desires to express the opinion that, notwithstanding the fact that sexual abuses often are a very important factor in tabetic etiology, it is very doubtful if such influences alone ever cause tabes. Primary predisposition, often involving heredity, syphilis, alco-

holism, and nervous overstrain, one or all, are likely to co-operate with faulty sexual hygiene, which becomes, therefore, merely a contributory cause, albeit an important one. The author believes, with most syphilographers. that tabes primarily always is due to syphilis hereditary or acquired, usually the latter.

Sexual phenomena in tabes usually develop in the early stage of the disease. Meryon, Trousseau, Duchenne, Topinard. and, later, Bartholow are a few of the prominent writers who have called attention to these symptoms. Topinard speaks as follows :

Four symptoms present themselves : spermatorrhea, satyriasis, anaphrodisia, and impotence. The first occurs among the most remote antecedents of the first period of tabes, throughout which it continues. The nocturnal pollutions, at first accompanied by erections and a sensation of pleasure, at last become passive. After the spermatorrhea, or without having been preceded by it, there occur, after some months or years, progressive diminu-

tion of desire, difficulty in procuring satisfaction, and at last absolute impotence.

Topinard mentions a case of ataxia in which the patient for thirty years was tortured by priapism so obstinate as to yield only to large and increasing doses of opium. This is rare ; sexual atony is the rule.



Among other neuropathic disorders in which spermatorrhea often occurs as a symptom may be mentioned neurasthenia from various causes ; tumors and other diseases of the pons, medulla, and especially of the cerebellum ; inflammation, tumors, and syphilis of the spinal cord ; epilepsy, certain phases of insanity, and diabetes mellitus.

With reference to the diagnosis and relative importance of symptomatic spermatorrhea, Bartholow says :

In all cases in which the involuntary loss is a symptom it is of little

consequence from the therapeutic point of view : the centric lesion, of which it is a sign, is the point of importance to which our attention should be directed.

That the spermatorrhea is a symptom merely should be easily determined by reference to the accompanying lesions. There will be present evidences of degenerative changes in the great vessels, in the fundus oculi, in the organs of special sense, and in cerebro-spinal centers. As a rule, spermatorrhea as a substantive affection occurs in the youtig, in men at the most vigorous period of life, and is a result of the abuse of the sexual organs. On the other hand, spermatorrhea as a symptom appears after the middle period of life, during the decline of sexual activity, and coincidently with symptoms indicating lesions of the cerebro-spinal apparatus. When spermatorrhea is a symptom, the important centric lesions on which it depends soon manifest themselves by other and more characteristic signs, whereas when spermatorrhea is a disease the case remains in very much the same state for months or even years. Attention to these points hardly can fail to conduct the examination to a correct conclusion.

Because of its relative frequency, pseudospermatorrhea, while really of slight pathologic importance, is of greater clinical moment than the genuine form. The psychic effects of spermatophobia are so numerous and varied, and so magnified by the imagination of its victims, that the ingenuity and breadth of mind of the physician often are sorely taxed in the management of such cases. While

inexcusable, it is, in a way, hardly remarkable that most physicians are content with a laissec faire policy in dealing with spermatophobiacs. Conscious that the patient is suffering with ailments which, from an organic standpoint, are maladies imaginaires, the medical man feels justified in "pooh-poohing" his patient's tale of woe which, baseless though it is, is yet sufficiently unutterable to the suiTcrer. The lack of an organic foundation renders the symptoms none the less prominent. Pseudo-impotency is often regarded as a fitting subject for jest on the ])hysician's ])art, but, to the patient,

184 -


the absence of erection, or the presence of other conditions that render successful copulation impossible, is terribly real. Each and every symptom, therefore, merits consideration suggestive therapy, if nothing more. - as a beginning of

The spermatophobiac invariably becomes extremely hypochondriac and practices introspection with a zeal that is worthy of a better cause. The slightest sensation of a subjective character, which, by persons of a normal psychic condition, would either be

ignored or attributed to some rational cause, is attributed by the sufferer from pseudospermatorrhea to seminal losses. Should he perchance discover in addition to an occasional emission a little cloudiness of the urine, or a slight discharge at the meatus, during sexual excitement, after micturition or during a difficult stool, his worst fears are confirmed and he believes himself a victim of the worst imaginable type of spermatorrhea. Should he have any remaining doubts as to the diagnosis they are dispelled by the first chance bit of quack literature that he peruses. And peruse quack literature he will, as the only possible source of enlightenment upon sexual matters. Reliable information logic truth indeed, the simplest physio-

often is denied him because of the hide-bound condi-

tion of an ultra-ethical and, if the truth were known, often essentially hypocritic profession. The author is aware that the foregoing statement has a decidedly radical flavor, but he has. nevertheless, no hesitancy in expressing the view that some phases of so-called medical ethics are positively sickening.

The symptomatology constructed by spermatophobiacs is best appreciated by perusal of their correspondence. It is as historians of their own cases that these patients especially distinguish themselves. All experienced neurologists and urologists will at once recognize the type shown in the following letter received by the author :

My Dear Doctor:

You will doubtless be surprised to receive a letter from me so soon after the consultation of yesterday; but, on reflection, I fear that I gave you a very meager account of a case which seems to me much more serious than you realize, judging from the advice j'ou gave me to "stop studying my symptoms and cultivate a spirit of indifference toward my numerous sensations." I therefore take the liberty of writing my symptoms more in detail :

The state of my mind is, perhaps, more important than anything else. As I told you, I dread getting among people, no matter how congenial they



may be ; but I did not tell you the chief reason for my aversion to society. I am sure that my appearance betrays my condition, and many times I know from the queer way in which people look at me while talking with each other that they are discussing my ailment. Imagine my feelings, if you can. Of course, my confusion settles all possible doubt in their minds as to the correctness of their conclusions. I am positive, also, that the horrible odor of which I spoke to you really does come from the affected parts, and is so

plain that he who runs may read. At the times when I detect the odor, the parts seem bathed in a cold, clammy sweat, though the skin does not feel wet. I have frequent spells of ringing in the ears, and sometimes snapping sounds with some pain that must be in my ear-drums. Just before meals I am dizzy, and this cames on just from hearing dinner announced. I notice that the spots before my eyes come only in daylight and are plainer on cloudy days. I am sure my hair is getting very thin and it seems very oily at times, and at such times the scalp is hot and tingling. Almost always, after meals, there is a full feeling in my stomach and bowels, and my breath seems like the odor of tobacco, though I do not use it. I get very much depressed at times and feel like suicide. I did not tell you this, but it is a fact. If I did not hope that medical science has some cure for my terrible disease I doubtless would make away with myself ere long. I wish that at my next visit to you you would examine mj' rectum. I am. sure there is something wrong there, for just before and after my bowels move I feel a peculiar crawling sensation that starts just at the opening of the bowel and passes along the stride into the testicles. I notice, too, that these organs the testicles are sometimes drawn

up tightly and at other times hang quite low, the left one actually dragging at times. I have frequent palpitations, as I told you, but perhaps I did not tell you that at such times there is a strange tickling and fluttering feeling at my heart which has a tendency to cause a sense of suffocation. I think that I have given you the most important symptoms that have occurred to me as being necessary to give you besides those I told you of yesterday, but, if you do not mind, I will bring a full written list of all of them the next time I come, which will assist you a great deal in the treatment of the case.

Very truly yours.

This patient did indeed present a complete list of his symptoms. It covered eight pages of foolscap.


General Considerations.

In considering the

therapeutics of spermatorrhea a knowledge of the relations of the involuntary seminal discharges to various organic and functional disturbances of the sexual organs or nervous system or both is of

paramount importance. A knowledge of the pathologic conditions underlying seminal losses is especially valuable in assigning to spermatorrhea its proper role that of a symptom. Understanding the

symptomatic character of involuntary seminal losses, the physician



is not likely to overrate the importance of certain very common cases in which the involuntary discharges constitute but little, if any, de-

parture from the strictly physiologic. If, however, he labors under the erroneous impression that the disease-entity consists merely in involuntary discharges of semen, he is likely to be unnecessarily alarmed, and, what is worse, he is likely to seriously alarm his patient. In true spermatorrhea it is to be remembered that, while the disease essentially is a neurosis - according to the author's view

there often are associated with the neurosis pathologic conditions of the genito-urinary system that demand attention. These pathologic changes may have arisen coincidently wnth the neurosis produced by the same causes the neurosis being

- or they may either precede or follow

being due to causes absolutely independent of those

producing the latter. No matter what relation pathologic changes in the genito-urinary system may bear to spermatorrhea, no form of treatment is likely to be successful that does not aim not only at the correction of the essential neuropathic condition, but also at the removal of co-existing local derangements. Thus, while, in the author's opinion, deep-seated gonorrheal infection does not often cause true spermatorrhea, it may co-exist with, and constitute a very important and obstinate factor in the perpetuation of that disease. An intelligent therapy of spermatorrhea necessarily must comprehend proper treatment for the conditions produced by the deep infection, w^hatever such conditions may be.

The majority of cases of pseudospermatorrhea are due to conditions that essentially, if not absolutely, are physiologic. This has

come to be generally accepted by reputable physicians. Unfortunately, however, it too often has been taken for granted that the patient is quite as well balanced mentally, or should be quite as well balanced mentally, and should be quite as well versed in the principles of physiology, as his medical adviser. When a youth, perhaps barely past puberty, immature of mental development, and unstable of nervous system to say nothing of the melancholy and hypo-

chondriasis produced by ungratified sexual desire and brooding over an imaginary spermatorrhea presents himself to the average repu-

table practioner, he is either laughed at for his ignorance or informed that his case is not worthy of serious consideration. He rarely is convinced, however, that his case is deserving of ridicule, still less



that his symptoms are "trifles Hght as air." On the contrary, he becomes convinced that his case is either more serious or offensive than his physician cares to undertake, or else that the derision aroused by his tale of woe is merely a subterfuge to conceal medical ignorance. Should he chance to consult with a lay friend, more experienced than himself, he is informed that, from esthetic motives,

ordinary physicians object to treating, or even studying, such important and serious cases as his own. The quack, that court of last resort for the ignorant and incurable, is suggested and finally appealed to.

The author has no hesitancy in asserting that the reputable profession itself is largely responsible for the opulence and indisputable power of the quack. Would it not be better to employ the same psychic instability that is utilized by the quack for the purpose of alarming the patient and preying upon his fears, in an honest endeavor to correct his psychopathic state? Therapeutic suggestion, honestly which means scientifically used will relieve most cases

of pseudospermatorrhea, both psychically and physically, and keep them out of the hands of the vultures that find in such patients their most lucrative victims. The patient should be given to understand primarily that, while his case demands attention, it is by no means so serious as he supposes and readily will yield to treatment. He should be instructed in sexual physiology, but not expected to become an adept in one lesson. Such organic or functional disturbances as may have a bearing upon his symptoms demand careful attention. Oftentimes regulation of the diet, attention to the bowels, and the passage of the cold sound a few times will lessen the frequency of emissions which the practitioner pronounces off-hand, physiologic. If, in the meantime, the patient's confidence has been gained and proper psychic control attained, the result is likely to be all that

could be desired. There are very few spermatophobiacs who do not demand careful attention, for, no matter how trivial the sexual derangement per se, the patient's psychic state is such as to make his ailments terribly real to him. The author takes this opportunity of saying that in his opinion the neglect of the profession to do its full duty in such cases is responsible for much suffering both

mental and physical. It is, of course, understood that there are occasional cases in which a perfectly healthy subject consults the



physician regarding infrequent emissions the significance of which the patient does not understand and whom it is perfectly safe to dismiss with a few words of instruction in sexual physiolog>'. It is to be remembered, however, that the practitioner is not often consulted until the patient has developed a psychopathic state that demands the most judicious management.

Prophylaxis. ^- Subservience to the rules of sexual hygiene is preventive of both pseudospermatorrhea and real spermatorrhea, save in exceptional instances where the seminal losses are symptom-

atic of, or secondary to, debilitating general diseases or lesions of the nervous system. Even in the case of locomotor ataxia, however, it is to be remarked that proper sexual habits may be prophylactic, for it is probable that sexual excesses bear a very important etiologic relation to that disease. The various features of genito-urinary and sexual hygiene have received special attention in the chapters upon impotence, sterility, and masturbation. The cure of local organic disturbances of the sexual organs obviously is prophylactic of spermatorrhea.

Special Treatment.

In considering the treatment of pseudo-

spermatorrhea it is well to remember that in the form characterized by more or less frequent involuntary emissions the frequency of their occurrence is not the sole criterion of their importance. The important point is the degree of tolerance of the emissions. Just as some individuals may copulate very frequently without apparent harm, certain plethoric subjects may apparently tolerate involuntary emissions that would produce most disastrous results in feebler subjects. It is to be remarked, however, that frequent emissions in themselves are usually a sign of disturbed innervation both of the sexual organs and general nervous system, or of some local source of reflex irritation. Before deciding the question of the necessity of treatment, even in apparently slight cases, it is wise to ascertain the condition of the sexual organs. The emissions may be a symptom of local disturbance of a congestive or inflammatory character

that later on may cause serious trouble, but which may be readily relieved by proper early attention.

By far the most important measure of general treatment in the class of subjects seeking advice in pseudospermatorrhea is physical training. With careful development of the muscular system will



come improvement in nervous tone, both general and local. Exercise should, so far as possible, be taken in the open air, although fieldsports should be aided by proper gymnastic training to secure general and symmetric muscular development. Exercises involving pressure or strain upon the perineum should be avoided, as a rule. Climbing, bicycling, and horseback-riding are especially pernicious. The cold bath or cold shower very cautiously used at first constitutes an

auxiliary measure of great value. The baths should not be prolonged stimulation, not sedation or refrigeration, is desired and

should be followed by brisk toweling, or rubbing, either with the hands of an attendant or by means of a flesh-brush wielded by the patient himself. The functions of the kidney and bowel, and

especially of the stomach, demand attention in all cases of sexual disturbance. Constipation and excesses or indiscretions in eating and drinking are particularly to be avoided. Sexual rest psychic and physical both

is indispensable, save in certain cases where

matrimony is advisable, either primarily, or after a suitable course of treatment.

It is not, as a rule, difficult to elicit a history of the usual cause of spermatorrhea masturbation in most cases. The patient's

frankness, however, often has a limit. He alludes to the habit of masturbation in the past tense, and forgets to inform the physician that he has not yet discontinued the practice. If the inquiry be pressed closely, he usually lies outright. It has been the author's experience, however, that a large proportion of such patients eventually can be induced to betray themselves. A popular method of deceiving the physician is to inform him that masturbation is performed unconsciously during sleep. This is a possible, but unquestionably rare, occurrence.

A very valuable method of diminishing the frequency of seminal emissions is sleeping upon a hard and uncomfortable bed. Patients occasionally discover this for themselves. Several patients of the author's have derived excellent results from sleeping upon the floor. A hard mattress is often efifective. Physical discomfort and erotism are somewhat incompatible, and the patient whose bones and muscles

are aching from a vain efi^ort to find comfortable and luxurious repose is not very likely to be disturbed by lascivious dreams. A few weeks of this practice will often break up the emission-habit. Light



and relatively cool covering is advantageous. In a general way, the tendency to nocturnal emissions is directly proportionate to the luxuriousness and warmth of the bed.

Certain mechanic appliances have been used to break up the eiuission-habit. The most effective of these is the so-called "spermatorrhea-ring." Although originally a quack device, this appliance often is successful. It consists of a double ring adapted to the circumference of the penis when flaccid. The inner or elastic ring holds the appliance /';/ silu after it has been slipped upon the penis, while the outer ring, which is provided with moderately sharp metallic serrations, inflicts punishment u|)on the member whenever it chances to become erect. The ring is to be applied at night and, as a rule, if an erection occvu's the patient is immediately awakened before an emission can take place. In some cases erection and emis-

sion occur despite the appliance. In true spermatorrhea such devices are ineffective. A very ingenious device is a similar appliance connected with a small battery placed beneath the patient's pillow. An erection completes the circuit and causes a small alarm bell to ring, awakening the patient and thus forestalling emission.

Any plan that will serve to interrupt the emission-habit is likely to be successful. It has been noted that the dorsal decubitus favors emissions, theoretically because in this position there is a determination of blood to the genito-spinal center relative hyperemia with

consequent heightening of reflex sensibility.

In many cases the patient rarely, if ever, has an emission while lying upon his side. Under such circumstances a towel tied about the body in such a manner that the knot rests in the middle of the back, often serves to awaken the jmtient or make him so vmcomfortable that he instinctively and unconsciously avoids the dorsal decubitus. In some cases the patient has emissions only while lying upon one or the other side. Changing to the opposite side is often effectual under such circumstances.

In cases in which the patient fosters emissions by handling the genitals during sleep, the author has advised the patient to wear a pair of ordinary boxing-gloves at night. This simple device renders manual manipulation of the genitalia quite difficult.

In all forms of spermatorrhea complicated by chronic congestion or inflammation of the prostate or as is frequently the case

by chronic inflammation of the vesicidae scuiinalcs, the most impor-



tant measure of treatment is massage, performed by the finger of the surgeon via the rectum. Instruments have been devised for the performance of prostatic and vesicular massage, but digital massage is the only safe, intelligent and reliable method. Considerable experience is, moreover, necessary to the proper performance of the massage. The surgeon with short stubby fingers often merely wastes his time in attempting to perform this manipulation, which is in itself sufficiently simple.

Aphrodisiac remedies, like those of an opposite character, are used far too recklessly in the impotence accompanying spermatorrhea. This is natural enough, considering (1) that the profession in general overrates the potency of this class of remedies, and (2) the imperative demand of the patient to be relieved of the

sexual incapacity that often exists in pseudospermatorrhea and almost always in true spermatorrhea.

In the author's opinion there is no class of remedies so fallacious as the aphrodisiacs. Erections produced to meet emergencies by large doses of aphrodisiac drugs are pathologic, and inevitably followed by a reactionary depression which makes the patient's sexual powers more unreliable than ever, to say nothing of the local irritation produced by the action of such drugs upon the genito-urinary mucosa. In moderate doses, however, with a clear understanding of their tonic rather than their aphrodisiac properties, there are a number of drugs that have a markedly beneficial eflfect in all forms of sexual debility, whether characterized by spermatorrhea or not. Of these drugs, phosphorus is the most reliable, where tolerated by the stomach. It is best given in the pure state in pill form, but the dilute phosphoric acid, the phosphid of zinc, and the hypophosphites are quite serviceable. Nux vomica or strychnia and its preparations come next in order, and may be advantageously combined with phosphorus. Ergot also is useful as tending to restore muscular and vascular tone to the genital apparatus. It also tends to the correction of nervous hyperactivity of all kinds, and is too seldom employed with this object in view.

The most overrated remedy for diseases uf the sexual apparatus is damiana. That this drug has a tonic effect in spermatorrhea and

sexual debility in general is true, but as an aphrodisiac it is an arrant fraud. In general, it is inferior to strychnia. The drug should be



given in liberal doses

2 to 5 grains of its solid or 1 to 2 drams of

the fluid extract three or four times daily.

Cantharides is the most popular of all remedies of the aphrodisiac class. It has been the basis of "love-philters" from time immemorial. Its true worth, however, can be summicd up in very few words. As an aphrodisiac it is not only unreliable, but such results as may be obtained by large doses are pathologic, and therefore dangerous. Given in rational doses as a tonic, it is serviceable to a moderate degree. It seemingly has a general tonic effect, and in addition a somewhat stimulating action upon the nerves of sexual sensibility and the genito-spinal center. A marked degree of sexual stimulation never is to be obtained save by dangerously large doses. Nor is the drug always reliable in producing in rational doses even a mild degree of stimulation of the sexual apparatus. It has been claimed and it must be confessed wnth some reason that can-

tharide acts locally only by virtue of its directly irritant action upon the genito-urinary mucosa z'ia the urine. If this be true, any stimulating effect upon the genito-spinal center must be produced reflexly. The possibility of the drug's acting by virtue of an irritant effect upon the mucous surfaces of the genito-urinary tract should impose additional caution in its administration where inflammatory or congestive conditions of the sexual organs exist. A dose of more than 20 minims of the tincture rarely should be exceeded, although by increasing one minim daily, as suggested in the preceding chapter, this dose sometimes may be exceeded.

When malformations of the sexual organs exist they should be corrected by surgical measures so far as possible. Phimosis and meatal stenosis demand attention with especial frequency. The various other conditions already enumerated under the head of predisposing causes should be sought for, and if found should receive appropriate surgical treatment. Disturbances located in the rectum and anus quite frequently are overlooked. These conditions are important sources of exaggeration of the genital reflexes, and require most careful consideration.

\^aricocele, if large, always demands operation. Even in the milder forms the patient's psychopathic state is such that an operation often is not only justifiable, but positively indicated.

Such conditions as prostatorrhea from prostatic hyperemia or follicular prostatitis have received attention elsewhere in this vol-



ume. Seminal discharges during a difficult stool should be explained to the patient, and his constipation relieved. In many such cases the prostate is the seat of hyperemia or inflammation demanding especial attention. Hypersecretion during erection and the appearance of spermatozoids in the urine after sexual intercourse or excitement should be explained to the patient upon a physiologic basis.

Anaphrodisiac measures constitute the most popular routine treatment for spermatorrhea. In the author's opinion, however, remedies of this class are much abused. In cases of what may be termed the sthenic type, characterized by a greater or less degree of constitutional vigor associated with marked sexual irritability, anaphrodisiac measures are a distinct advantage. The bromids in free doses, gelsemium, camphor and lupulin are types of this class of remedies. In many cases remedies directed to the alleviation

of irritation of the mucous membrane are distinctly anaphrodisiac. Alkalies the salts of lithia especially, if the subject be gouty,

and such remedies as pichi, buchu, ustilago maidis, triticum repens, and the balsams are of service under such circumstances.

In a large proportion of cases of pseudospermatorrhea, and in a majority of, if not all, cases of true spermatorrhea, a tonic rather than a sedative line of therapy is demanded. The use of remedies of the aphrodisiac class as tonics already has been dwelt upon. Proper exercise and bathing for improving nervous tone have also received attention. Quinin, arsenic, manganese, and iron two especially if anemia exists the latter

often are of distinct service. The

fluid extract of salix nigra has seemed serviceable as a sexual tonic. It is well to remember that in the class of affections under consideration tonics should generally be combined with suitable mild laxatives. Constipation is nowhere more pernicious in its effects than in diseases involving the sexual function. One of the best ferruginous preparations is ferratin in tablet form. Pyrophosphate of iron, perhaps, is best of all. One of the most valuable tonics at our command is static electricity. The general tonic effect of the static current is not so generally appreciated by the profession as it deserves. That the moral effect of the spark is valuable in pseudosi)(jrmatorrhea is obvious. The high frequency current is very useful.



A simple yet of ten effective tonic treatment is the free ingestion of raw eggs. The popular notion of the efficacy of eggs as an aphrodisiac is, of course, a fallacy, yet their effects as a tonic must be admitted and, moreover, they seem to have a special tonic effect upon the sexual apparatus. In several cases of very frequent nocturnal emissions in sickly, delicate lads, the author has obtained excellent results from the free use of raw eggs. \\'hether the beneficial ettcct of egg is to a certain extent due to the small amount of contained phosphorus is open to question ; its efficacy may well be attributed simj:ly to its highly nutritive properties.

I*sychotherapy has a wide and im])ortant field of usefulness in the various forms of spermatorrhea. Suggestion necessarily enters into all methods of treatment to a certain degree. Cases occur, however, in which positive efforts in this special direction are warrantable. The services of the specialist in })sychotherapy gestion-therapy or sug-

sometimes may be enlisted to good advantage.

Vibratory massage of the spine and genitalia sometimes appears

to be of service in disorders of the sexual function. It acts both psychically and as a circulatory stimulant.

The treatment of spermatorrhea secondary to organic cerebrospinal disease necessarily resolves itself into the treatment of the primary nervous disorder. In many cases, however, appropriate local treatment is of distinct service in diminishing what is obviously not only a serious drain upon the patient's vitality, but also a source of most profound psychic depression.

Cold sitz-baths and the prolonged local application of cold water to the genitalia especially the testes are of great value as a

sexual sedative primarily, and more remotely in improving the tone of the sexual organs. Galvanism applied to the external surface of the genitals or, in selected cases, directly to the prostate via the rectal or deep urethral electrode, often is very serviceable. The faradic current, however, often acts better when the condition is largely psychopathic, because of the moral effect of the sound of the rheotome. Cold-water enemata often are of service, especially where congestive or inflammatory conditions of the seminal vesicles exist. The psychrophor of Winternitz double-current metallic catheter which consists essentially of a is a valuable adjunct to the treat-

ment of cases characterized by urethro-prostatic hyperesthesia. The psychrophor is introduced into the bladder and a current of cold



water minutes

ice-water if necessary

made to pass through it for some

the time varying with the degree of tolerance. This is to

be repeated daily or every second day.

In general, the urethral sound is the most useful instrument for the local treatment of all forms of spermatorrhea. If introduced cold and allowed to remain in the urethra for from five to ten minutes it combines the effects of mild refrigeration with the blunting of nervous sensibility by its mechanic action. There is also an improvement in the circulation of the prostate produced by the pressure of the instrument and the reactionary hyperemia incidental to its withdrawal. The milder forms of pseudospermatorrhea usually yield readily to the occasional use of the sound. In some cases the sound is painful, though the psychrophor is well tolerated. Sounding usually should be performed twice or thrice weekly.

Direct medication of the prostatic urethra the mouths of the ejaculatory ducts

and incidentally of

is a very popular method of

treatment of spermatorrhea. When judiciously and aseptically ap-

plied, various astringents act well in these cases. The most useful astringents are silver nitrate, copper sulphate, tannin, thallin, protargol and ichthyol. These may be used in the form of suppository, ointment or solution. The most useful astringent is silver-nitrate solution in a strength of 2^ to 30 grains to the ounce. In the author's experience a relatively mild solution in considerable quantity is usually best. Where strong solutions are used, only a few drops should be injected. If the instillations are followed by prostatic massage, their beneficial effects are enhanced. Applications of strong solutions of silver nitrate to the colliculus sometimes give wonderful results. Vasostomy and the injection of silver salts into the seminal vesicles is sometimes of great service in spermatorrhea.

The introduction of animal extracts into medicine was seized upon with avidity as a possible solution of all problems in the therapy of diseases involving the sexual function. The experiments of Brown-Sequard were used as a justification of all sorts of quackery, "regular" and otherwise. The "fake" solutions of spermin and its congeners, fathered by a noted neurologic specialist of this country, will be remembered in this connection. In view of the nitroglycerin upon w^iich such action as these preparations possessed depended, it is not surprising that their false pretensions were exposed. Legitimate solutions of spermin have been indorsed as of limited value.



The dessicated substance of the sex glands

testicle and ovary

of late have been very popular in the treatment of disorders of the sexual system, notably impotence in the male. The author's experience with these preparations has not harmonized with that reported by a number of other surgeons who have extolled their action. The usefulness of the orchic preparation appears to be limited. Indeed, so far as the author is able to judge, its action in impotence is not noticeable unless the patient knows what he is taking. The knowledge that he is taking testicle substance sometimes appeals very strongly to the patient's imagination. Its action in this regard is like that of the lamb's fries and Spanish fries diet of the man about town, who implicitly believes in their efficacy as a sexual stimulant. Inasmuch, however, as there is a more or less marked psychic element in all cases of impotence, the preparation under consideration has a prominent place in the therapy of that disease.

Corpus luteiim substance, on the other hand, apparently is useful per se in the treatment of certain conditions in the female, and apparently is a much more potent preparation than any thus far

made from the testicle substance. Pituitary substance and adrenal cortex substance both have been suggested for impotence. The author has employed these preparations in a limited number of cases, but, thus far, has had no reason to be enthusiastic about them. More reliable preparations of organic products eventually may greatly increase their usefulness. Fresh, vital hormone-carrying secretion can be successfully employed only through the author's method of sex gland implantation, which will be discussed in the next chapter.

The author has experimented extensively with emulsions of various human organs, notably of the brain, testicle, spleen, pancreas, liver and kidney, has shown that their use is practicable, and is encouraged to believe that future observations may show that they arc of distinct value in various conditions. Emulsions of the brain and testicle may prove of special value in certain conditions, such as sexual neurasthenia and impotence."'

One of the most popular methods of treatment of spermator-

*Vlde author's paper, "Experiments with Emulsions of Organs from the Dead Human Body, and Sex-glands of the Lower Animals." cine. 1914. American Medi-



rhea among surgeons of a past generation was cauterization of the prostatic urethra with pure silver nitrate via the porte-caustique of Lallemand, an instrument which the great Ricord said was "responsible for more eunuchs than all the harems of the East." Cauterization of the prostatic urethra is occasionally justifiable, but only in the hands of the expert, and never by any method other than z'ici the endoscope under illumination and ocular control. The caustic application should generally be limited to the colliculus seininalis, being- made with a view of lessening hyperesthesia and curing chronic inflammation of that structure. As formerly used, complete obliteration of the mouths of the ejaculatory and prostatic ducts was a frequent result of the method. Sterility is a necessary consequence of such rough treatment.

It is noteworthy that, while he carried his theory and practice to extremes, Lallemand builded wiser than he knew, as is shown by the stress laid by the modern urologist upon morbid conditions of the colliculus in the consideration of the pathology and treatment

of sexual ailments.

Marriage often is advised in spermatorrhea and its congeners. This "prescription" involves very serious responsibility. In some cases of pseudospermatorrhea the physician may safely advise matrimony, but he should use great care in determiining the patient's potency. Even psychic impotence may be a bar to marriage. In true spermatorrhea marriage never is justifiable. The author has commented elsewhere on the heinous practice of prescribing healthy and presumably innocent women in the treatment of masculine degenerates who cannot be other than wrecks of humanity. Oftentimes the game is not worth the candle, even though an apparent success be obtained. There is rarely an instance in which the woman ])rescribed does not get the worst of it. Such offerings upon the altar of Hymen fection to say nothing of the still broader question of in-

are responsible for quite a proportion of the sum-total of

human misery, lioth physic and j^sychic. Both the profession and the public may one day awake to a sense of their duties in this matter, and the time may come when proposals of marriage, or, at least, n])plications for a licen'^e to marry, will be miorthodox unless accompanied by a clean bill of health from a reputable physician. Half the misery of the human race comes from a lack of supervision at the marriage-license window. ^Tarriage is too easy, divorce too diffi-



cult, for the physical and moral welfare of mankind. Marriage should at least be as difficult to enter as it is to esca]De from.

There are certain cases of spermatorrhea, pseudospermatorrhea, prostatorrhea and nocturnal pollutions in which the resulting physical, moral and psychic degeneracy demands the most radical measures. The author herewith records the opinion that in such cases vasectomy is justifiable. We have performed it in many instances, with the best results, and shall continue to perform it with perfect confidence in its harmony with the highest altruism in the relief of hvmian stiiTering. The technique of the operation of vasectomy already has been discussed.

The author would suggest that, before performing it, its results, so far as sterility is concerned, should be explained by the surgeon in the presence of witnesses.



Sexual Neurasthenia.

Sexual neurasthenia requires special consideration, even at the cost of repetition of much that already has been said. It implies ordinary neurasthenia with a sexual element, either psychic or physical in character. Organic sexual disturbances hardly can exist without a strong incidental psychic element. A purely psychic sexual element in sexual neurasthenia is rare. There almost always is some functional derangement of the sexual apparatus, behind which lies a varying degree of organic disorder.

The author's experience leads him to the conclusion that neurasthenia in the male is associated with prostatic hyperemia and hyperesthesia, and with inflammation of the prostatic urethra, more often than with any other condition.

Considering the abundant sensory and sympathetic nerve supply of the prostate and its intimate relation to the sympathetic system in general, the frequency with which nervous symptoms develop in patients suffering from prostatic disease is not remarkable. Add

to the purely organic factors the profound psychic impression made upon the patient by the knowledge of sexual disability, and we have a very satisfactory explanation of the frequency of "sexual neurasthenia."

It is the author's belief that the prostate secretes a hormone the perversion of which, conjoined with the absorption of infection toxins, often has much to do with the etiology of sexual neurasthenia.

Disturbed digestion, irregular bowel action, headache, depression, lassitude, melancholy and brooding, hypochondriasis and introspection, unstable emotions and "hysteria" for there is a condition

in the male analogous to hysteria which we logically might call




are among the results of a sensitive, congested pros-

tate and deep urethra.*

It is the custom of the reputable profession to regard the sexual

neurasthenics who are the prey of the quacks, as sufiEerers from purely imaginative ailments. As practically all of these subjects have been masturbators, many of them have indulged in sexual excesses, and not a few have had gonorrhea, the verdict of the profession is not sound as regards the quack's victim, however just it may be as to the quack himself.

Reputable medical men are wont to wave the sexual neurasthenic away with a bluff and hearty, "My good friend, forget it. There is nothing the matter with you." The patient seeks for some one who will sympathize with him, and goes to the quack. The quack doesn't diagnose the real condition, but, to the patient's cost, he does find a lot of things that do not exist, and all because the reputable physician flouted as imaginary, conditions which, to the patient's sensitive and morbid mood, always are terribly real. The layman who feels, however mistakenly, that the regular profession is both ignorant and unsympathetic, is fine material for the charlatan.

It hardly is possible for one to indulge in either masturbation or sexual excess for any great length of time without producing disturbance of prostatic circulation and innervation. The physician is likely to advise such patients to stop their evil habits, but he ignores the sensitive prostate and hyperesthetic veru ynontaninn, which continually are sending sexual stimuli to the psycho-sexual centers, where they are at once transformed into erotic ideas. These erotic

pictures of the imagination reverse the nerve current, so to speak, and increase the prostatic irritation. The patient's sexual emotions are used as a shuttlecock by the seat of sexual sensibility in the prostate on the one hand, and the psycho-sexual centers on the other. More important still is the attendant sex-hormone perversion with its disastrous effects upon all the organic functions and upon cell metabolism. The result essentially is a toxemia, the effects of which, especially upon the nervous system, are most profound.

Advising the patient to "keep his mind off the sexual organs," is a pseudo-Christian science prescription which usually works satisfactorily only when conjoined with the instillation of a little nitrate

The author dealt In extenso with the subject of Sexual Neurasthenia and the Prostate in the X. Y. Medical Record, Feb. 3, 1912.


of silver solution into the prostatic urethra, supplemented by prostatic massage and the cold sound.

Practically every masturbator who has practiced the habit for

any length of time may be considered a neurasthenic with a more or less tender and swollen prostate. Experience shows that this condition underlies many of the cases of nocturnal emissions with which we meet.

The analogy between the prostate and seminal vesicles and the uterus and tubes is nowhere better shown than by pathologic conditions of these organs. The infected subinvoluted uterus and tubes, with the surrounding pelvic infiltration, producing pressure symptoms and neurasthenia, have their counterpart in the enlarged infected prostate, infected seminal vesicles, and periprostatic infiltration, producing the same local disturbances and general nervous symptoms. The two conditions are alike also in the matter of the stubbornness and lasting quality of the infection.

The management of sexual neurasthenia, while largely directed to the relief of local conditions, requires even more care and judgment than that of cases of neurasthenia in which there is no sexual element. Regulation of sleep, diet and work always is in order. Hydrotherapy, tonics, general massage, and static electricity, or the high frequency current, all have their uses, in conjunction with prostatic massage, instillation of silver and, in infected cases, irrigations. Urethral dilations and endoscopic applications of silver should supplement the other local treatment.

We occasionally meet with cases in which, while the local conditions improve and the neurasthenia is more or less benefited, the patient remains unfit for the active duties of life and becomes a confirmed hypochondriac. For cases such as these, complete change of scene and climate is required. A sea voyage sometimes accomplishes wonders. In a series of cases of the author's in which a sea voyage was practicable, the results were all that could be desired. In one case the patient's will was so unstable that it was necessary to keep someone with him constantly until the steamer started, lest he should fail in his determination to take the voyage. He was so emotional that, when his frequent fits of self-pity came over him, he would cry like a child. This meant much in a man like him, for he was an exsoldier of tried mettle and courage. He first went to the Philippines, then to Japan. He returned perfectly well in five or six months and,



as he expressed it, "snapping his fingers at the doctors." This case is typic of a number in the author's experience.

vSexual neurasthenia associated with real or imaginary sper-

matorrhea, obstinate jjrostatorrhea, or seminal emissions occurring frequently and resistant to treatment, sometimes is very difficult of management. In such cases benefit sometimes is obtained from temporary resection of the z'asa defcrentia. Aside from the moral effect which is profound the relative rest secured for the sexual

apparatus, and the lessened activity of the circulation of the prostate are extremely beneficial. As the attthor has shown in this work and elsewhere (Journal .V. M. A., July 21, 1906), and has demonstrated in liis own practice, subsequent anastomosis is perfectly practicable, b}- his method of "cotipling" the vas.

Cases of sexual neurasthenia rangement

with or without prostatic de-

associated with impotence are the most trying of all.

If unrelieved, these cases go from one doctor to another, and finally land in the arms of the quacks. ]\Iany of them are purely psychic at the beginning, but a few recurrences of their inability to copulate puts a large proportion of them into the permanent class. In such cases the nomenclature "psychic" is not at all comforting to the patient, which is not astonishing, inasmuch as potency really consists of ability to secure and sustain an erection. Our nomenclature has driven a host of patients to the quacks. The cause of impotence may be psychic, but the lack of erectile power per se is a purely mechanic and obvious proposition.

In many cases of impotence the failure of erectile power ob-

viously is not due to general or local organic conditions. Once the accident of failure of erection has occurred, however, the patient's memory of the first time is sufficient to cause another and another, until failure is the rule of his sexual life. Even the removal of determinable organic etiologic conditions is likely to fail to cure sexual neurasthenia, once the habit of sexual failure has been established.

Morbid prostatic conditions, involving especially the floor of the [jrostatic urethra, often underlie neurasthenia. In such cases prostatic massage, silver instillations, or endoscopic applications of silver to the colliciilns seiuhialis, often do excellent work.

Xot infrequently all measures of treatment fail completely. If imjiotencc exists and th.e sexual disability is unrelieved, cure of the



neurasthenia is impossible, hence any measure that holds out even a faint hope of relief should be adopted. As already noted, it has been the author's experience that a very respectable proportion of

cases of sexual neurasthenia associated with impotence are remediable by resection of the vena dorsalis penis. As to how far the psychic effect of the operation explains its benefits one need not argue in the face of mechanic effects, which constitute the only means of physically impressing the patient. If the patient notices an increase in the functional activity of the penis, he certainly is justified in having some psychic impressions from the operation, and, as these impressions run counter to those which have been a prominent feature of his sexual disability, the operation would seem logical enough. Even a small proportion of cures would justify the operation, and as the proportion really is encouraging, the procedure should be generally employed in suitable cases.

In otherwise irremediable cases of sexual neurasthenia the author believes that treatment with sex-hormone via gland implantation is a rational indication, where the method is practicable. The relation of the sex-hormone to sexual aberrations of the organs and functions, and to neurasthenia, already has been touched upon. The subject of gland implantation will be fully presented in the next chapter.


CHAPTER XI. Sex Gland Implantation.

Successful Auto-implantation of a Testis from a Subject Dead Twenty-four Hours Other Successful ImplantaEx-

tions OF Testes and Ovaries from Dead Subjects

perimental Implantations in Various Conditions, and Cross Implantations of Testes and Ovaries Taken from Dead Subjects.

Since long before the days of the oophorectomy craze


darkest blot upon the history of the surgery of the last quarter of the nineteenth century the attention of the profession has been more

or less insistently directed to the possible relation of various derangements of the sex glands to certain morbid phenomena of a general or special character, notably affecting the nervous system. The interest aroused finally led to the widespread adoption of the Battey operation, which once was so disastrously fashionable as a remedy for "neuroses" in women.

The period at which the author himself first began to suspect that in many cases we were on the wrong track, is fairly well fixed in his mind by two personal cases that occurred during the then

prevalent epidemic of ovarian mutilation into which the masters of surgery had led us. These cases were respectively one that now probably would be termed dementia prascox, in a girl of twenty years, and another of "hystero-epilepsy" in a girl of eighteen. In the former the author set about removal of the ovaries to relieve the "reflex irritation" which, according to the then fallacious popular theory, presumptively underlay the nerve and brain symptoms, and was astonished to find "atrophied" developed or more probably, un-

ovaries and uterus. In the other case, operation was

refused and, several years later, the author had the opportunity of making an autopsy, the young woman having died peacefully without



surgical interference. "Atrophied"


ovaries and

an undersized uterus again were found. Both subjects had menstruated, although tardily and irregularly from the beginning, but finally menstruation had entirely ceased.

Even at that early period of the author's professional career, these cases suggested to his mind the possibility that an aberration

of function of the ovary, rather than reflex irritation from diseased ovarian structure, bore an etiologic relation to some of the manifold nervous phenomena in women, for which bushels of ovaries were being sacrificed. In the light of recent researches in the field of internal secretions, it would seem that possibly the profession builded wiser than it knew in attributing to ovarian disease a host of nervous disorders in women.

It was a great misfortune that we then had no knowledge of the internal secretions, and no blood researches to show us that the trouble often lay, so to speak, not in too much ovary, but in what was, in efi^ect, too little, the internal sex gland secretion being either insufficient in quantity or perverted in quality, from disease or congenital structural defect.

It is remarkable that the nervous and other phenomena following castration in females who previously were normal in respect to the nervous system, did not make matters clearer to the profession, but possibly our attention was distracted and our reasoning powers were inhibited by the grave discussions with which we were regaled on the wisdom of "leaving the ovarian nerves intact" when we removed the ovaries. Even this point in technic was regarded as important chiefly because of the consideration of the influence of the ovarian tissue and the ovarian nerve upon menstruation, this function being regarded as the main factor in the preservation of a

normal nervous system after extensive pelvic mutilations.

Since the inception of the pelvic mutilation fad, the profession has had the opportunity of observing the nervous efifects of the Ramm-White operation of castration for enlarged prostate now

reposing so peacefully in the surgical dead lumber room by the side of the long defunct epidemic oi'jphorcctom\' mania, the ghost of which, unhappily, still perverts the minds of a few of the surgically obscure anrl, what is worse, inspires the malpractice of certain commercially depraved members of the j^irofession.

~- 206 --


It is noteworthy that Brown-Sequard's self experimentation with the extract of the testes of lambs really signified more than either he himself or the profession comprehended. Had we grasped the great principle involved, the much ridiculed "elixir of life" probably would have been more of an epoch maker than a joke. Believing that a most important principle was involved in BrownSequard's self experimentation, the author for many years has been especially interested in the problem of the normal equilibrium be-

tween sexual activity and age, and that between general bodily vigor and sex gland structural and functional integrity. The most fascinating, although, perhaps, the least practical j)hase of the problem, has been the ([uestion of the interrelation of senility and sex gland activity.

The association of remarkable sex vigor with notable longevity is a matter of common observation, even among laymen, btit which is the propter and which the post? Do we age because the sex glands deteriorate or do they deteriorate because we age? As shown by his report of his experiments upon himself with the juices of sex glands of the lower animals, Brown-Sequard evidently had certain ideas of his own upon the subject. Is there merely a normal, very delicate equilibrium between age and sex gland activity, the maintenance of which determines whether or not the individual wnll live and preserve the vital functions, notably the sex powers, in active condition to the normal extreme age average ? Finally, while assuming as skeptical an attitude as we i)lease toward the possibility of the discovery of the "elixir of life," may we not granting the acceptlogically search

ance of the "ecpiilibrium" theory just suggested

for a method of restoring or preserving that eqtiilibrium, thus prolonging life to its rare, normal conclusion of extreme old age? 2^Iay we not even hope to go beyond the limit of what we now regard as "extreme"? Obviotisly, the collateral problems suggested are very numerous.

At first sight the logical answer seems to be that sex gland activity is entirely dependent upon age and general nutrition, becoming impaired pari passu with advancing age, to be finally extinguished by the degenerescence of senility. In the light of our present knowledge of the internal secretions, however, are we not justified in suspecting that rejuvenation of the supply of internal sex gland secretion may have a marked effect in retarding age, the disttirbance



of equilibrium being in favor of the individual supplied with the gland elements necessary to the formation of young internal secretion ? Admitting the cogency of this theory, who could foretell how far longevity might be prolonged by successive supplies of young internal secretion? We, of course, must admit that anatomic and physiologic machinery is predestined to wear out, and whatever one may think of the future prospects of spiritual man, we must recognize his mortal limitations.

Following the widely heralded alleged discovery of the "elixir

of life" by Brown-Sequard, came a host of imitators. These were of two classes : First, ethical workers in therapeutic fields ; second, quacks who pretended to employ animal extracts. Among the latter was a distinguished American neurologist, since dead, who prostituted to commercialism a once enviable reputation. His testine and cerebrine will be recalled by many of the older members of the profession. Samples submitted to the author direct by the neurologist aforesaid proved to be merely solutions of glonoin.

Since the publication of Brown-Sequard's experiments, and more particularly since the discovery of the internal secretions, the profession has been deluged with animal extracts of many kinds, manifold pretensions, and varying degrees of harmfulness and therapeutic efficiency. Naturally, much attention has been paid to sex gland extracts. These we will give scant courtesy. In the author's opinion, most of them, up to date, have been wrong in principle, toxic in action and, aside from their psychic effects, absolutely valueless, save as sordidly commercial propositions. Recently, however, some really scientific preparations have appeared and in some instances apparently have given brilliant results.

One of the unfortunate features of organotherapy is the toxicity of animal extracts in general ; this with due deference to the brilliant results achieved by some of them. It is logical to assume, also, that the therapeutic potency of the best of them is not to be com-

pared to that of the hormones produced in vivo and normally discharged into the circulation. Some of the various extracts of internal secretory glands probably bear the same relation to the internal secretions that old-fashioned beef tea does to wholesome beef. The nutritive properties of the beef do not appear in the beef tea, but the toxic elements do. As to whether emulsions of fresh



material will prove more satisfactory than "extracts" have done remains to be shown. The author is optimistic in this regard.

Since the attention of the profession has been so pertinently directed to the internal secretions, the author has given considerable thought to the probable relation of sex gland secretory aberrations, first, to nutrition in general ; second, to brain and nerve integrity ; third, to sex power and activity ; fourth, to senile pathology and physiology. The impression that the well being of all animals hinged upon the integrity of the sex organs, and especially of the testis and ovary, prevailed in very ancient times. The mechanism by which the sexual apparatus operates was enveloped in mystery until we

began to comprehend that the procreative function of the sex glands was not their only biologic mission. The phenomena which for centuries were known to take place after suppression of the secretion of the sexual glands by castration, and by the physiologic change incidental to the climacteric, were formerly supposed to be due to "reflex nervous action." It was noted that the sexes were much alike in this respect, and it has long been suspected that the male has a climacteric, analogous to that of the opposite sex, which occurs later in life than in the female, and is attended by varying peculiarities of nerve action. As this is likely to occur in the male long before fertility ceases if, indeed, we accept such a climacteric at all, as the only rational explanation in the

the author is inclined to do

light of modern research seems to be a diminution or change, or both, in the internal secretion of the sexual glands, with, of course, due appreciation of arterial changes, which themselves may be merely secondary. Still more logically will this theory explain the nervous phenomena of the menopause.

In the latter part of the eighteenth century, Bordieu asserted that the nervous and other morbid phenomena which followed removal of the sex organs, and in diseased conditions affecting them, were due to either a deficiency or superfluity of the procreative glandular secretions. Bordieu, however, had no conception of internal secretions. Johannes Aliiller recognized certain "ductless" glands. He even designated the placenta as a ductless

gland. These glands, he believed, modified the blood which circulated through them, and thereby gave what he called a "plastic influence" to the generative circulation.



The testicle long has been known to have a double function, but until recently none knew that both functions were secretory. That it acts as a duct gland has been accepted as long as its physiology has been known. In 1849, Berthold, of Gottingen, transplanted the testes of cocks to their abdominal cavities and showed that the masculine sex qualities were preserved, through, he averred, an effect upon the blood. Thus, without precise scientific knowledge, and with no accuracy of nomenclature, Berthold first proved the existence and significance of what we now recognize as an internal secretion. Many years later, Forel asserted that "the implantation of a sex gland in any part of the body is sufficient to arrest the production of the special peculiarities of the eunuch," and he might nervous phenomena of the menopause.

Since Berthold's day, and especially of recent years, consider-

able experimental work has been done in sex gland implantation, some of which had in view merely transplantation per se and some the matter of internal secretion in mind. A number of the contributions are worthy of special mention. Herlitzka, in 1899, reported successful experimental transplantations of testes of frogs into the peritoneal cavity of the same individual. Later, Meyns successfully transplanted portions of frog's testes into the dorsal lymph vessels. Hammond and Sutton reported a case of testicle transplantation. A testicle was removed from a subject who had just died of traumatic hemorrhage, due to a rupture of the liver, and placed in sterile salt solution in cold storage. A sarcomatous testicle was removed from a patient, twenty-nine and a half hours later, and the testis from the dead body systematically anastomosed upon the cord stump. Healing was perfect. One month later, only a small nodule remained on the end of the cord. Some time later this was observed to have enlarged a little, whether or not from return of the sarcoma has not yet appeared. The object of the transplantation was a purely psychic effect, and no observations regarding sex hormone therapy were made. This case obviously was a severe test of implantation on account of the possible, or even probable, malignant involvement of the cord and the anastomosis.

Foa, after extensive experiments on animals, concluded that testicle grafts fail, merely because of the impracticability of reestablishing, by any technic then known, blood and nerve supply.



Guthrie, however, found that a testicle removed from a fowl and planted in the shoulder of the same bird, was growing, had considerably enlarged, and had acquired a liberal blood supply after four months. He also concludes from his experiments that "ovarian tissue" from fowls engrafted into fowls may develop and preserve its functional powers to a high degree." Cevolotto found that, after forty-five days, small pieces of testicle tissue implanted under the skin of rabbits showed changes which proved that the highly dilTerentiated cells of such tissues tend to retrograde to ordinary connective tissue cells. He notes an increase of Sertoli cells as an evidence of degenerescence of the gland tissue proper. In this far, Cevolotto is pessimistic regarding the success of sex gland transplantation.

Lode, follov/ing Berthold, believed he had proved by experiment that testes of fowls transplanted beneath the skin retain their vitality and functional activity, continuing to secrete semen. He also concludes that, in fowls at least, a special secretory nerve

supply for the testes does not exist. Foges, from his experiments on fowls, concluded that, while the semen producing power of transplanted testes was preserved, their influence on the secondary sex characteristics was not. This latter observation does not accord with the results of certain recent experiments on fowls by the author, although, as to the end results, it is too early to arrive at definite conclusions. In human beings the author has proved the reverse to be true.

The gross results of caponizing fowls are familiar, even to the laity. In a series of recent experiments on fowls, the author made some interesting observations of the effects of glands from nonrelated birds, implanted in the capon. The nutritive stimulant effect was remarkable.

Ribbert holds that he has shown by animal experimentation tlie feasibility of transplantation of various living tissues, the terminal results not being vmiform for different tissues, and resorption finally taking place in all tissues save the epithelial structures of the skin and conjunctiva.

Guthrie reports an experiment in which removal of the ovaries resulted in the developnient of secondary male characteristics, the subject when grown being spurred, plumaged like the male, ])Ugnacious to cocks, and treading hens as would a cock. The author



has observed a number of supposedly normal hens mented upon

never experi-

which were spurred, given to crowing, pugnacious

to strange cocks, and who would assume charge of the flock of hens and tread them systematically, as soon as the cock was removed from the run. Despite their "inversion" symptoms, these hens were good layers and their progeny was normal. Such hens are familiar to most breeders of domestic fowl.*

Claude Bernard, in 1855, called attention to the glycosuric function of the liver as dependent on a special internal secretory action under control of the nervous system. Brown- Sequard, in 1869, first expressed the idea that all glands, whether with or without ducts, supplied to the blood a substance a deficiency of which produced pathologic disturbances. It was not, however, till the publication of his celebrated experiments on himself that attention was given to the question of internal secretions. In 1889, at the age of seventy-two years, he injected himself with testicular extract from the lower animals. According to his reports, he experienced

a marked improvement in mental activity, physical strength, and bowel action, and an increased appetite.

Poehl states that "injections of spermine have been given to enfeebled old men who had lost appetite and sleep, and produced improvement lasting for months. From the instances given, I have selected that of an old lady of ninety-five years, afflicted with severe sclerosis of the arteries, with no appetite, a bad digestion, and constipation. This patient had complained for several years of sacral pains, and, moreover, was nearly quite deaf and suffered from

* Apropos of plumage as a criterion of secondary sex characteristics in fowls, thie author takes the opportunity of observing that it is not so important as might be supposed. The hencock, or "hennie," is familiar to all game fowl fanciers. The plumage of the male practically is the same as that of the female. These fowls are vicious fighters, some strains are heavy weights, and all are excellent layers and breeders. The hencock often crops out either as a sport or a throwback (atavism). An observation of my own may be of interest. For ten years the author had bred a certain strain of brilliant colored, rich plumaged, black red game bantams. The originator of the strain had bred them for twenty-five years. Neither of us ever had made an outcross, but carefully preserved the type by inbreeding and lino breeding. Desiring to increase the vigor of the stock by a change of environment, the

author placed some of these bantams

a full brother and several sisters

in the hands of a very careful country breeder. In the second year thereafter, four fine specimens of hencock appeared in the progeny. These the author succeeded in perpetuating fairly well by careful selection a difficult task

because the female hennie could not be distinguished from her "regulation" .'sisters.



periodical attacks of malarial fever. The injections of spermine, given for a period of fifteen months, restored the old lady to such an extent that she recovered her power of hearing and felt the sacral pains only slightly and after a long walk. Her general condition was highly satisfactory."

Brown-Sequard's self experimentation is generally recognized as the pioneer work in organotherapy. The suggestion of the old humoral pathology, fathered by Bichat, and of the once derided alleged vagaries of Hahnemann, which lingers about the physiology and pathology of the internal secretions and vaccinoserotherapy, is striking, and should appeal to the modesty of modern science. It

shows how close the great thinkers of past generations came to the solution of problems which a better knowledge of chemistry, biolog>', and bacteriology would have made clear.

Bayliss and Starling proposed the name hormone, meaning to awake or excite, for the substances contained in those internal secretions that affect the functions of other organs. It appears that continuous doses of some hormones are necessary to maintain physiologic activity at par. Presumptive evidence of this is shown by the physiologic hypertrophy of the remaining gland when one of a pair is removed or destroyed. In the case of duct glands, this, of course, bears upon the ordinary secretory function, as well as upon that of internal secretion.

That the internal secretions are therapeutically powerful is shown by the brilliant results obtained from the administration of thyroid extract and implanted thyroid fragments in cretinism and allied conditions due to pathologic disturbances or removal of the thyroid, and by the more recent observations on pituitrin and other extracts. That the preservation of a very small portion of thyroid tissue in thyroidectomy will prevent serious after-results has been abundantly proved. This latter observation is also true, although perhaps in less measure, of the ovary and testis. Paschoud also has published some remarkable results from thyroid grafting. That even the smallest possible fragment of even approximately

normal ovary should be preserved in pelvic operations, ought to be regarded as axiomatic. That the same conservatism should be exhibited toward the male has not yet dawned upon the majority of surgeons. When a testis is condemned to removal in testicular tuberculosis, and it is possible to save a small fragment of gland



substance, this should l)e done. Rarely, however, when the testis is extensively involved and there is suppuration, is it wise to leave fragments of the organ in the scrotal sac on account of the almost inevitable secondary tissue infection. If, however, the fragment be implanted in another and easily accessible situation, suppuration may be avoided and the gland tissue is likely to be preserved. If tubercular infection should occur, it is easily accessible to treatment.*

According to Bicdl, the hormones do not provoke the formation of antibodies. It would appear, then, that any increased resistance to infections that may result from them when used therapeutically would, of necessity, be indirectly produced through such stimulating or tonic effect as they might have upon the organism in general. The

question of whether resistance to infection can be dissociated from the formation of antibodies is, of course, not under consideration here.

Schiefterdecker's hypothesis of the physiologic action of the specific internal secretions is very interesting, in that he advances a direct nervous intervention as a substitute for the old theory of reflex action. He says : "Internal secretion determines the effect which the products of metabolism, excreted by the nerve cells during the simple processes of nutrition, will exercise upon other nerve cells or upon the cells of the end organs, such activity being called 'trophic' It also determines the effect which the jjroducts of metabolism excreted in the course of specific activity will produce, and this effect is known as 'irritation' or 'stimulus.' " We will not argue the point of whether "irritation" and physiologic "stimulus" are the same. The distinction seems too obvious clinically, if not biologically.

The wonders of even the generative sex gland function are almost incomprehensible to all but the scientist, who has come to accept them as a matter of course. At birth the ovaries contain something like seventy thousand ovules, only 360 of which mature and discharge during a normal menstrual life of about thirty years. The real meaning of this is staggering. The intrinsic capacity of development into a new being under favorable conditions may be assumed to be theoretically possessed by each and every one of

* Dr. John F. Golden, of Chicago, in a recent conversation informed the author that, having in mind the author's work, and the conservation of the patient's nutrition, he had auto-implanted in the abdominal wall a fragment of testis from a case of testicular tuberculosis with apparently the best of results.

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these ovules, and we surely must grant creative potentialities to the 360 ovules which mature and are discharged from the ovary. Every one of these mature ovules, fertilized and transplanted to a favorable soil, would develop into a new being. And the fertilized ovum seems indifferent to its feeding ground, whether peritoneum, Fallopian tube, or endometrium. The embryo could come to maturity on each of them, were the i)urely mechanic conditions favorable. Living blood if it is not alien with the complex biochemical

products that it contains, alone is necessary. The local source of the blood matters but little.

The kinetic energy of the spermatozoon is remarkable, and the movements thereby rendered possible are very active. It can traverse its own length in one second, an inch in seven and a half minutes, and the distance from the ostium vagiucC to the cervix in about three and a half hours. The zoosperm is indifferent to somatic death until long after its occurrence. Living sperm cells are found in the vagina eight days after coitus, and have been found in the Fallopian tubes three and a half weeks afterward. Three days after the execution of a murderer, living spermatozoa were found in the testes. In the female bat they live for months, and in the queen bee for three years. They have been kept alive for three days in a culture oven.

The marvelous nutritional and formative potentialities of the generative secretional products of the sex glands are proved by the results of the combination of the spcrmatozoid and the ovule. The combination of a cell measuring only \'-,, inch in length with another cell measuring V12.-, of an inch in diameter [produces a germ which requires only a proper environment for its development into a new being. Comprehension of this wonderful biologic fact alone should be sufficient to enable us to a])preciate the possibilities of sex gland secretion in therapeutics.

Both the spermatozoid and the ovule seemingly must depend

inevitably upon the internal secretor}- function of the glands which jjroduced them for the remarkable results following their combination. The internal secretory function of the testis and ovary possibly may in no wise be dependent upon the generative glandular mechanism but it is hardly conceivable that either spermatozoa or ovules of normal constitution can be formed independently of the local and general nutritional stimulus produced by the hormone.



What is it that imparts the formative energy to spermatozoid and ovule if it is not the internal secretion acting through the medium of the blood, or directly upon the procreative glandular tissue both? The vmion of sperm cell and ovule merely serves to make dynamic the potential cell energy of each. The combination surely develops a powerful nutritional stimulus. It is by no means improbable that the quality of progeny depends on the quantity and quality of the internal secretion, both before conception in both sexes and after conception in the female. Why may we not hope to improve heredity, or even determine sex, by the employment of internal secretion through the medium of sex gland implantation or other or

methods of administration? What may we not accomplish therapeutically with the vital energy of glandular organs which produce such powerful biologic elements as the ovule and spermatozoon and in such large quantity throughout life, if only we can make that energy do our bidding, as seemingly we can?

Wliile the double secretory function of the generative glands has for some years been conceded, the existence of specially differentiated histologic secretory elements in these important glands has not been so generally accepted. Certain investigators, notably Nussbaum, have held that the generative elements of the glands produce the hormone. Others, again, have contended that there is a double set of secretory elements, one of which elaborates the internal secretion and the other the generative secretion proper. The problem appears much simpler in the case of the ovary than in that of the testis.

Prenant, Born, and Fraenkel showed that the corpus luteum is epithelial in structure and possesses an internal secretory function that is independent of the generative function of the gland. Bouin held that he had demonstrated that the testis contained, not only the obviously important seminiferous tubules, but also other morphologically differentiated elements of great biological importance from a secretory view-point. Nussbaum, after a series of experiments on frogs, concludes that the influence of the testes on sexual desire and

function is biochemical and acts, not only with the glands normally attached, but also when the testes are isolated by cutting off their nerve attachments.

Lespinasse, before the genito-urinary section of the American Medical Association in June, 1913, reported a case of impotence



cured by "slices" of testis, one mm. in thickness, taken from a living subject and immediately transferred to the scrotum and rectus muscle of a subject who had been castrated. On the fourth day desire and power of erection returned, and had persisted for two years when the patient was last seen. The same author reports a second case of impotence treated by implantation in the scrotal sac of a portion of testis from a living body. Lespinasse's interesting experiments in the already familiar field of transplantation of fragments of sex glands from the living to the living, bore no reference to the broad general subject of hormone therapy virility save as regards

or of transplantation of sex glands from dead subjects.

He notes, however, the probable preservation of the interstitial in-

ternal secreting tissue as the explanation of his results.*

Loisel showed by experiment that the testes and ovaries of both warm and cold blooded animals contained toxic substances which produced serious symptoms and even death, when injected into frogs and rabbits. This, however, merely proves the existence of toxic materials in extracts made from the generative glands, and, so far as it goes, in general explains the frequent disappointments and occasional harm of therapeutically using extracts from these tissues. In the author's opinion, Loisel's observations have no bearing on the action of the physiologic internal secretions of a successfully implanted sex gland.

That the mere passage of the spermatozoa is not necessary to secondary sex characteristics has been amply proved by experimental, accidental and pathologic-mechanic sterilization, i. e., sterilization which does not destroy the spermatozoa-producing function of the testis, but merely prevents their exit from the gland. Obviously, however, and without questioning the fact that there is a double secretory function of the testis, this alone does not prove that the spermatic secretory tissue proper is not wholly or partially responsible for secondary sex characteristics, for spermatic secretion and resorption still continue after mechanic sterilization. Still less does it prove, when taken alone, that the internal secretion is not elaborated and eliminated with the semen by the tubiili seminifcri,

* The implantation of slices of testis practically is a repetition of Leo Loeb's culture of tissues within the living body, reported In Johns Hopkins Hospital Bulletin, 1898, and Proceedings of the Society of Experimental Biology and Medicine, viii, 1911, and Anatomical Record, viii, 1912.



or that the tubuh are not necessary to perfect sex development. Neither does absence or nonformation of spermatozoids mean that the remaininj^ elements of the semen are physiologically worthless. It has been shown that a very small amount of testicular or ovarian tissue is sufficient to preserve the secondary sex characteristics. This also does not prove the relative unimportance in this regard of the true generative tissue.*

In brief, histologic secretory differentiation having positively been demonstrated and disregarding the spermatozoids we still

cannot by it alone exclude the secretory function of the true genera-

tive gland tissue from what we will term the sex cycle. The histologic structure on which internal testicular secretion depends was termed by Leydig, "between cells." Four years later, Kolliker described them. In 1903 they were termed by Bouin and Ancel, in an exhaustive treatise, glande interstiticlle du testicide. These cells are situated in the interstitial tissue between the tubuli seminiferi and are of mesodermic origin. Hanes says that the Sertoli and spermatogenic cells play no part in the internal secretion, the Sertoli cells supplying fat to the sperm cells, the internal secretion, in all probability being supplied by the cells of Leydig.

The physiologic characteristics of these cells, and experimental work on animals by various investigators, suggest the possibility that, even where the spermatic tubules are "strangled out" of implanted testicular structure by subsequent destruction and replacement of generative glandular tissue by true connective tissue, the internal secretory function of the implanted gland tissue therapeutic efficacy as it may possess definitely. and hence such

possibly may continue in-

The author's experiments show that the cells of Leydig actually proliferate, so that the remnants of successfully implanted glands contain relatively more interstitial cells than does the normal gland.

The facts that, first, the semen is not perfectly elaborated and

the spermatozoa consequently are not perfectly formed imtil the seminal elements are acted upon by the epididymis ; second, that destruction or removal of the epididymis does not affect the secon-

* The relative unimportance of the spermatogenic cella in the formation of secondary ."^cx character.'? is suggested by the author's experiments. The seminiferous elements atrophy after implantation, yet there is a marked action of tlie remaining elements of the gland upon the secondary sex characters. (Note Cases 1 and 6, Chapter XIII.

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(lary sex characlcristics, and. ihird. that secondary sex characteristics manifest themselves before either spermatozoa are formed or ovules matured, in a measure j^rove that the latter are not dependent upon the generative elements, but upon some special property of the glandular tissue of the sex glands. ]\Ioll says: "If it be assumed that the testicles can secrete substances upon the influence of which the development of the secondary sexual characters depends, it is

obvious that these substances have nothing to do with the spermatozoa, inasmuch as the testicles exert the influence under consideration at an age at which the formation of spermatozoa has not yet begun. The substances that act in this way must be of a dififerent kind."

]vlarshall and Hammond, in experiments on sheep, conclude that castration checks horn growth (a secondary sex characteristic). Unilateral castration inhibits, but does not check horn growth. Removal of the testes without removal of the epididymes checks horn growth. The authors accept the hormone theory of development of secondary sex characteristics. They believe, however, that the role of the epididymis in hormone production is of little or no importance. This is not in harmony with the observations of veterinarians, who have held that preservation of the secondary sex characteristics and of potency after castration is due to failure to include the epididymes in the exsection. Cryptorchidism is, of course, another and a satisfactory explanation in some cases of inexpert castration. The author has seen a supposed gelding repeatedly cover mares. This animal was said to have retained his sexual power because he was "castrated late."

The author's observations tend to show that the epididymis plays at least a minor role in hormone production.

It has been shown that the X ray destroys the spermatozoa producing function of the testis without afifecting the secondary sex characteristics. The further observation that the X ray primarily destroys the spermatic glandular tissue, but does not affect the interstitial tissue, is held to show conclusively that the latter is the source of the all important internal secretion. A few tubuli escape the action of the ray, and regeneration of the testis has been shown to occur. The question arises, however, as to whether inhibition of the ])roduction of the delicate spermatic cells spermatozoids



necessarily means that the generative gland tissue proper really is destroyed. Does not the so-called "regeneration" mean a restoration of function? The author does not believe that a regeneration of killed tubuli seminiferi is possible. We may profitably note what occurs in the orchitis of parotiditis, and reflect on how easily the gland is destroyed. It also should be noted, however, that when one testis is atrophied by parotiditic infection and the remaining organ subsequently is lost, the secondary sex characteristics are preserved. This the author has observed in one case. It is quite as pertinent to

the subject in hand as are the results of X ray experiments and accidents. Prolonged and repeated exposure to the ray will, of course, destroy the entire structure of the gland and produce effects similar to complete castration.

Summarizing all that is known regarding the internal secretory tissue of the testis, Biedl says : "We are led to the inevitable conclusion that the hormone which gives to the organism its male characteristics is elaborated in the cells of Leydig, in the interstitial tissue. Despite their mesodermal origin, these cells are able actively to produce certain specific substances and to transfer these substances to the blood stream. Such being the case, we are justified in describing them as an 'interstitial gland.' "

As already hinted, the author is not quite sure that Biedl's conclusion is "inevitable." It is by no means impossible that the procreative elements of the testis themselves have a double secreting action, the internal secretion being elaborated by the true secretory glandular tissue, and mainly taken up and distributed by the blood vessels of the organ, the excess escaping with the spermatozoa.* Consistently with this hypothesis, the internal secretion probably is constant, while the spermatozoa producing function is easily in-

* In reference to this point, Waldstein and Ekler's experiments (Der Nachweis resorbirten Spermas im weiblichen Organismus; abstract in Deutsche medizinische W^ochenschrift, October 9, 1913) are very interesting. They found that within two and one half to sixteen hours after coitus, the blood of the human female contained a ferment which peptonized the albumin of testicular extract. Comparing this with Fauser's observations in dementia praecox, we are justified in suspecting that the internal secretion of the testis is in part eliminated by the semen. The marlted improvement so often noted in the nutrition of sterilized not castrated males, and resulting from con-

tinence, thus may be scientlflcally explained. It is possible, however, that there is a change in the ovarian hormone itself, under the stimulus of coitus. The author believes that the sense of well being experienced after normal coitus by both sexes probably is due to a large dose of hormone entering the circulation on the one hand from the testis and on the other from the ovary.


hibited or destroyed, and the spermatozoa doubtless are more or less intermittently produced, varying with sex stimuli and demand. In brief, the author is not inclined to the belief that the destruction of the spermatozcja producing function necessarily means complete destruction of the true generative gland tissue.

Biedl further says : "It is highly probable that, by the agency

of its secretory products, this gland is responsible for the development of the male sexual gland from the differential genital tract. That it has a determining influence on the normal development and maturity of the generative portion of the sexual gland, the formation of the secondary genital organs, and the existence and persistence of those morphological and biological characteristics which are the ])roperty of the male sex, is undoubted."

The immediately foregoing positive assertion of Biedl's being accepted as in the main true, how can we reject as improbable the view that a successful testicular implantation should, other things being eqvial, increase virility either by the direct action of its

internal secretion upon the generative gland tissue, or (a) by entering the blood, im]:)roving general nutrition, and (b) returning to and acting as a stimulant, tonic, and nutrient reconstructive upon the generative gland cells? If the internal secretory tissue is the self elaborated "meat" upon which the generative tissue jiroper of the testis '"feeds," aged and weakened glands should profit even by an increased supply alone; this, granting that an oversupply is impracticable as probably it is. In connection herewith, it is note-

worthy that advancing age and castration alike tend to the production of obesity. It should be noted also that obesity, even in relatively young subjects, is likely to be attended by comparative inactivity of sexuality.*

From the viewpoint of its internal secretory function, the ovary is very similar to the testicle. The correlation of the physiologic function of the Graafian follicles and of the corpus luteum has long been well known. The function of the stromal gland cells, however,

* Apropos of the nutritive .stimulant action of tlie hormone, one of the authoi-'s own experiments is interesting. Implantation of testes from a year old cock upon a nonrelated capon of the same age resulted in an improvement in carriag'e, increased glossiness of plumage, a better apjiearance of the face, comb, and wattles, increased liveliness, and a disposition to combativeness, with a sliglit development of sex activity, wliich last phenomenon was of short duration.



has attracted attention only in recent years, Regaud and Policard being the first to suggest that these glandular cells might be secretory. Bouin, in 1902, described these cells as glandes inter stitielles de I'ovaire.

Biedl says, "that the secondary female sex characteristics, especially those of the genital tract, are dependent upon the interstitial cells of the ovary is at present not proved." He further directs attention to the fact that the X ray destroys the Graafian follicles alone. The interstitial tissue is not only preserved, but it hypertrophies.

While the observations thus far made upon the ovary and its secretions are not as conclusive as in the case of the male gland, Biedl states, "that the tissue which performs the function of external secretion is also the site of production of the ovarian nonsexual hormone, which exercises an alterative influence upon a large number of tissues and functions, is suggested by analogy with the male sexual gland."

This is distinctly contradictory to Biedl's attitude regarding the testis, and his reasoning by analogy seems obscure. In any event, differences of opinion as to the precise histophysiologic source of the internal secretion of either the ovary or the testis have little bearing upon the experimental or therapeutic value of implantation of the sex gland tissues in their totality.

The real, probable, or possible results of implantation of the ovary depend so far as the properties of the gland per se are


upon, first, the existence, effects, and continued pro-

duction of an internal secretion ; second, the existence, effects and continued production of the ordinary generative sexual secretion ; third, successful implantation of a normal gland, in whole or in part, with its structure entire; fourth, the duration of the life of the implanted gland.*

Granting that the Graafian follicle, the corpus luteum, and the ovarian interstitial tissue are equally important, or that only one of these tissues really is important from the internal secretory stand-

Stich, Deutsche medizinische Wochensclirift, September 25, 1913, in a r6sum6 of the present status of organ transplanting, sums up the subject of ovarian transplantation by stating that it occasionally succeeds in animals which are blood kin. Stich altogether ignores testicular transplantation, apparently as a subject on which no data are available.



point, llie procedures and results should be the same, unless it is held that a complexity of origin impairs the effects of the gland secretion, which obviously it cannot. The first work of any importance in ovarian transplantation from the living was done by Robert T. Morris, of Xew York.

From Leo Loeb's pioneer experiments in cultivating tissues in vivo and /;; vitro, some years prior to Carrel's recent remarkable experiments, the author had suspected that niore or less successful grafting of the human testis from one living subject to another was possible. Aside from the recorded experiments on animals, this was suggested by observation of the effects of division of the spermatic cord, exclusive of the vas deferens, in a large number of varicocele operations, and experimental severance of the cord, including the vas, in numerous hernia operations on old men in a certain public institution. In these cases the author closed the hernial opening over the "tucked up" proximal end of the cord, and sutured the distal end of the cord across the ring. In respect to division of the cord, the procedure w^as similar to the operation for hernia later suggested by Bloodgood. Early in his surgical experience the author found in operating for varicocele that, unless infection occurred, complete division of the cord was not followed by atrophy of the testis, even when the operation involved complete extrusion of the gland via the operation incision. Apparently the circulation of the cord could not be restored at the point of junction of the ends of

the divided portion before the testis died of innutrition, if the salvation of the gland depended upon the spermatic artery and the artery of the vas.

The vascular supply of the t\inica vaginalis alone apparently being of no magnitude, the notion obtruded itself upon the author that possibly comparatively little blood was really necessary to the life of the testis, and, further, that the juices of the surrounding tissues might be sufficient to preserve the life of the organ or at least a portion of it. Reasoning by analogy, the implantations of ovarian tissue subsequently performed by various operators, in which gland tissue from the living was replanted in the living, seemed quite conclusive evidence of the possibility of successful testicle grafts under similar conditions.

With the publication of Carrel's remarkable experiments, and ha\ing in mind not only nimierous experiments with tissue from the

223 --


living published in the literature and recent developments in the

study of internal secretions, but certain preconceived ideas of his own, the author became convinced that implantation upon living- subjects of sex glands from the dead body was both practicable and likely to be therapeutically successful. He felt, also, that if successful, the procedure possibly might open up avenues of medical and surgical therapy which would be somewhat staggering, even to those of us who are not easy to astonish.*

As long ago as 1913, the author from time to time endeavored to secure opportunities for experimentation with material from the dead body in sex gland implantation in both sexes. That the difficulty of obtaining proper material was great, should be obvious to any one who knows the prevailing sentiment in America against using the dead for scientific purposes especially the recently dead.

These difficulties were greatly enhanced by the fact that it seemed desirable to secure glands from special subjects, of a certain age, dead of violence, in fresh condition, and as certainly free from syphilis as it was practicable to determine. The Wassermann test might, or might not be practicable. Having secured the proper cadaveric material for experimentation, it still remained to secure a living subject who would permit the experiment.

With the triple object of experimental sex gland implantation, to determine whether it was practicable, for the purpose of studying the action of the sex hormone and of testing the pro-

cedure in the treatment of dementia prjecox, the author attempted to secure a favorable subject afflicted with this disease, and endeavored to enlist the cooperation of several medical friends whose opportunities for securing material were better than his, but without success. The double problem of securing human sex glands under proper conditions and of having a complaisant subject ready and waiting for the experiment seemed insoluble, until the l)lan of combining surgeon and subject suggested itself and the author resolved to perform the experiment upon his own person.

January 16, 1914, there were placed at the author's disposal two supposedly appropriate male subjects from which to select the material necessary for gland implantation. One of these was re-

* Carrel liimself concluded from his observations that gland.s could not be successfully transplanted .save where donor and recipient were kin.



jected. The other, a suicide by gunshot, and a relatively inferior but apparently healthy subject, eighteen years of age, was selected. The subject had been dead seventeen hours, having lain at the undertaker's under the ordinary conditions and temperature since shortly after death. The weather at the time was very mild. In the author's haste to secure the necessary material, the appliances necessary to secure blood for the Wassermann test were forgotten, hence it was necessary to rely upon such history of the subject as was obtainable and a careful examination of the body, especially of the genitals, including incision and macroscopic examination of the lymphatics. The danger of syphilis obviously could not be entirely eliminated, but was not sufficient to weigh heavily in the balance of opportunity to secure the long sought material.

Both testes were removed as aseptically as practicable, the instruments and gloves being sterile, and iodine being freely employed in lieu of the customary scrubbing. The testes immediately were placed in a jar of sterile normal salt solution.

Casi; 1. .iutoi)!iplatitatipii of the testis: subject fifty-six years nf age. Seven hours after securing the necessary material, and twenty-four hours after the death of the subject from which it was removed, the author implanted in his own scrotal sac one of the experimental testes. The operation was performed in his office, with the assistance of his former associate. Dr. Carl Aliche!, whose hjyaUy and intelligent co-operation throughout our

experiments cannot be too highly commended. The conditions, so far as asepsis was concerned, obviouslj- were not those of an up-to-date operating room, with the usual corps of nurses, but were as satisfactory as was possible under the circumstances.

Technic : Local anesthesia was employed

a ten per cent, solution of

novocaine in one per cent, urea and quinine hydrochloride. Of this about a dram and a half was injected. The anesthesia was satisfactory so far as the skin was concerned, but by no means so as regards the deeper tissues, merely because especial care was taken not to puncture the veins of the cord and also to avoid infiltration of the tissues about the cord at the site selected for the implantation.

The author made an incision two inches in length, in the mid-scrotal region, about an inch external to the right of the scrotal rhaphe, and dissected down to the cord. The awkward position nccc--sary to the work and the distance of the field from the operator's eye were such that the tunica vaginalis inadvertently was cut. The escape of vaginal fluid and the appearance of the testicle at the bottom of the wound gave the first intimation of the accident. The opening in the tnnical vaginalis was closed with fine catgut and the operation ])rocccde(l with.


The author next made beneath the deep fascia a pocket about two inches in depth, at the bottom of which was the cord. Into this pocket, directly upon the cord, was implanted the testis, already prepared by removal of the epididymis and decortication to the extent of about half its surface. The fascia was closed with a pursestring suture of fine catgut, following which, bismuth subiodide and the usual gauze dressing were applied and a suspensory was adjusted.

Postoperative course : Probably because of undue movement, the exigencies of practice at the time making it impracticable to rest physically, there was a little superficial hemorrhage, forming a small clot immediately beneath the skin incision. Saprophytic infection occurred, with considerable edema of the penis and scrotum, extending well up toward the inguinal ring. On the fourth day the author opened the superficial portion of the wound, drained, and aseptized it. There was not then nor subsequently any pus infection during the progress of healing. There was a little over 1 F. rise in temperature, lasting four or five days.

There was considerable pain, following undue motion, on the eighth day after the operation, and a small quantity of seminiferous tubules protruded from the wound, the pursestring fascial suture evidently having given way. Although there was no rise in temperature and, as already stated, no pus infection, the author now concluded that the experiment was a failure, and decided to remove what apparently was a somewhat dangerous foreign

body. He therefore requested Dr. Michel to remove the implanted gland, and as there was a little resistance when traction was made on the protruding gland tissue at the bottom of the skin (i. e., the extrafascial wound), the attempt was made to remove it entire by forcible traction. The resistance to traction and the pain attending this procedure demonstrated pretty conclusively that it would have been wiser to let the gland remain.

The gland splitting longitudinally, onlj' half of it, and, strange to say. the more solid portion, covered by the tunica albuginea, came away. This, on examination, showed well formed and abundant vascular adhesions, which apparently conclusively showed that the implantation was a success. We therefore decided to leave the decorticated remaining half of the gland /;( situ. At the time of the implantation the semi-decorticated gland was so soft and so readily became extruded, that it was with difficulty retained in the implantation cavity while the pursestring suture was being inserted and tied. Had this circumstance been remembered, the mere fact that a moderate amount of traction, or even slight pressure, was not sufficient to dislodge the implanted tissue from its bed and extrude it, would have suggested the wisdom of allowing the gland to remain.

After the removal of the portion of gland there was some increase in the local inflammatory symptoms, due to simple trauma. This, however, subsided within forty-eight hours. Immediately following the removal of the gland tissue, there was a moderate discharge of a mucosanious looking secretion, which continued in gradually diminishing quantity for five weeks,

at which time the sinus was completely healed. The tardiness of healing in



a noninfected wound is worthy of note, suggesting the characteristic of fistulae of glands in other regions, notably the parotid.

Numerous microscopic examinations by Dr. Michel of the fluid from ihe fistula showed blood corpuscles, leucocytes, and immature spermatozoids, such as normally are found in the testis prior to their complete elaboration in the epididymis. There was no evidence of pus infection, the fluid being free from pus cocci.

After the extraction of the portion of the gland, there was no further appearance of seminiferous tubuli in the w'ound, neither was there any debris nor broken down gland tissue in the secretion from the "fistula." After the inflammation in the surrounding tissues had completely subsided, a distinctly circumscribed, ovoid, insensitive body adherent to the spermatic cord could be distinctly felt. This mass measured approximately 4.5 by 3 cm. by 2 cm., and was evidently composed of the remaining portion of the testicular gland structure, with a certain amount of new connective tissue investment.

The size of the mass gradually decreased. June 1, 1914, it was a smooth, fairly movable, ovoid, insensitive, circumscribed, typically glandular body, about the size of a small almond, still loosely attached to the spermatic cord. August 1, 1914, the mass was nearly round, about the size of a hazel nut and, strange to say, slightly sensitive. It had not diminished much, if any, in size for several weeks, although still further shrinkage was expected. It was noted that the tumor varied considerably in size at different times. This was very suggestive of actual function. The "nodule" gradually decreased in size until, at the end of eighteen months, it could barely be felt. That during this time the mass was composed largely of proliferated active hormone-producing cells the author is firmly convinced.

Apparent Local Results of the Experimental AutoImplantation.

That the imi)lanted mass was for many months composed of living, functioning testicular tissue is, to the author's mind, not an open question. Dead tissue of such loose structure and soft consistence as are the tubuli seminiferl, devoid of the normal fibrous envelopment the tunica albuginca and connected by an open wound

with the surface of the skin, could not los^ically be expected to remain i)i situ, much less to become encysted by connective tissue, but would have broken down and come away, either in mass or as debris. Nor would the sinus have healed so long as necrotic tissue was

present at its tissue terminus. If the mass was purely inflammatory, it should not have become circumscribed, freely movable on its cord attachment, and relatively lasting, but should have disappeared pari passu with the absorption of exudate in the surrounding inflammatory area. The persistence of the tissue mass at the site of im-



plantation, together with the continuance of the apparent physiologic results, appear to be conclusive, an opinion which was held by all who noted the progress of the case.

As to whether the implanted tissue eventually would be entirely destroyed and replaced by connective tissue, the author ventured the opinion that it would not, holding that, if the implanted tissue finally disappeared, the temporary nature of the implantation result logicall)- might be explained by faulty technic, embracing too free decortication, which, as elsewhere stated, in future can be avoided. He further believed that the testis and ovary, if not completely decorticated, would be more likely to endure permanently after implantation, even though considerable atrophy occurred, in this respect

probably difTering from the thyroid and other glandular tissues.

Since the original experiment it has become evident that, in most cases, complete atrophy of the implanted tissue eventually occurs, the time at which it occurs being variable, but in all cases being delayed sufficiently to secure the benefits of the sex hormone for a prolonged period. Experience has shown, also, that decortication really does hasten atrophy.

If trophic nerve supply is essential to structural integrity, then more or less atrophy of implanted gland tissue should be expected, whatever technic is employed, unless it is conceded that regeneration of such nerve supply may occur.

The author believes that he has proved that apparently complete destruction of the generative portion of gland tissue does not nullify the physiologic efifects of the implantation. With hardly perceptible tumor, the Leydig cells apparently still remain and function, producing the all important hormone. They seemingly proliferate and may increase, in amount and activity, the production of internal secretion. On the other hand, they might eventually be so changed by blood, tissue, and trophic influences as to become inert, as regards their internal secretory activity, some time before the mass entirely disappears.

In brief, whether or not there is eventually apparent disappearance of the gland tissue after a successful implantation, the method theoretically should be therapeutically useful and its benefits permanent : First, because the interstitial gland tissue may remain and function, producing hormone ; second, because the hormone may



have (lone its work of regeneration, the conditions for which we operated having- been so profoundly modified by nutritional changes that they do not recur, with consequently no indication for continuing the remedy.

Although complete atrophy should be the fate of implanted alien testes and ovaries, irrespective of whether the entire gland or pieces are used, and suf^cient benefit has not resulted, we still may have recourse to successive imi)lantations of fragments of glands, repeating the "treatment" as often as may seem necessary.*

vSu(;r.KSTioNs for Improvivmknts in Tixiinic.

The difticulties under wdiich the author labored in his autoexj)eriment require no fvu^ther comment. That not only the sex gland implantation, but also the technic of the process necessarily was experimental is self-evident. In his subsequent work the procedure was modified by either leaving intact all the tunica propria of the testis, or decorticating from two to four narrow, longitudinal surfaces, about two or three mm. in breadth, running the entire length of the gland. These narrow bands of decortication are an extra, but probably unnecessary, provision for nutrition by the tissue juices of the implantation bed during the formation of vascular adhesions and new blood supply. Vascular adhesions naturally may be expected to form at the points of decortication. The limited area of decortication will not subsequently permit of an invasion of connective tissue from the surrounding structures sufBcient to endanger the delicate glandular elements of the implanted organ. The portion of the tunica albuginea still remaining affords ample protection for the gland tissues beneath it,

* triturations of gland tissue even may be u.sed in tlie form of an emulsion, injecting tlie fluid almost anywhere beneath the skin. Excepting implantation, this would seem to be the most rational method of administering liormone.

The danger of tlie phenomena eliaracteristic of anaphylaxis naturally suggests itself in connection with successive implantations and testicular emulsion treatment. Tlie author has implanted the testes of cocks repeatedly in the same subject, and even in female fowls without evil results. Implantation in fowls is a .severe test of protein dosing. If the testis of the human being were as large in proportion to the body as that of a lusty cock, the gland would weigh several pounds; this aside from the relatively greater activity of the glands of the fowl. The author also has experimented upon guinea pigs, upon himself and upon a number of otlier human subjects with large doses of Iiuman brain emulsion, given beneath the skin and intramusru!arl.\', witliout injui'\'.

. 229


and probably soon regenerates and covers such portions of the decorticated area as are not occupied by new blood vessels.

Under favorable conditions, local anesthesia is sufficient for implantation operations. In the insane, general anesthesia is likely to be required, and the author thus far has employed it. Asepsis should be most rigid both in securing the glands and their implanta-

tion. The author now removes them from the dead body without permitting his hands to come in contact with them. The glands should be removed from the body as soon as possible after death. The slightest degree of decomposition will insure failure. Obviously, haste in removing the glands is not so urgently necessary in cold as in warm weather, nor is it so necessary immediately to implant the glands.

The glands should be placed in sterile normal salt solution, or, preferably, in Ringer's solution, immediately on removal from the body, and under favorable conditions implanted within twenty-four hours. As Carrel has shown, tissues may be kept frozen for several weeks and still retain their vitality. This fact perhaps in future can be taken advantage of in preserving sex glands for implantation. In one of the author's cases the ovary was kept in a refrigerator for a week. In a series of cases which followed it, refrigeration was employed for from two to five days, but the results were not encouraging.

An aseptically prepared gland, when frozen, can undergo no change save a certain degree of "autolysis" which will prevent its functioning. Even complete autolysis would not make dangerous the implantation of an aseptic gland. The autolyzed tissue would be likely to be merely appropriated as nutriment by the living tissues of the implantation bed. It is worthy of note in connection here-

with that the author's former associate, Dr. Carl Michel, has experimentally demonstrated that gland tissue kept at a temperature of C)7 C. for about twelve hours, loses its functional activities "functional autolysis." This, he states, is due to relative overfunctioning in the absence of nutriment. Other forms of autolysis he terms: (a) ]'j]iysical ; (b) putrefactive.

The loss of activity of the gland in "functional" autolysis is ])robably due, Tiot so nmch to a lack of nutriment as to biochemic products of the gland tissue itself, these products (both internal



and external secretion) being inhibitory to the vitaHty of the tissues which produce them. This involves a familiar principle in biolog}% particularly in pathogenic germ biology.

Excreted into and modified by the blood after implantation, before autolysis has occurred, the gland products (secretion) returning to the gland, are stimulant to its function and nutritive to its cells.

Dr. Alichel suggested that tissues designed for implantation should be kept in Ringer's solution at a temperature not below o"^ C, and not longer than two weeks, the object being merely to inhibit the biochemic function of the cell enzymes without destroying either them or the cells that produce the ferment.

Dr. IMichel probably is correct in his conclusions, although he has overlooked a most important point in his reasoning, viz., freezing possibly may destroy the delicate cells of Leydig and the ovarian interstitial cells of Bouin, without necessarily destroying the rest of the gland. Thus it is not improbable that glands which have been frozen may sometimes apparently survive implantation and yet not function, especially from the internal secretory standpoint. The aim of implantation is not to insert what inevitably must become a functionless mass of connective tissue and useless generative gland cells into the body of the recipient.

The author originally was inclined to believe that the epididymis should be removed, where the object is merely gland implantation for experimental or for therapeutic purposes to secure the benefits of internal secretion. He said, in his first paper : "\\'hile the epididymis probably produces hormone, it is here of no particular service, and by its mere bulk and the mechanic irritation it produces, greatly enhances the danger of failure of the implantation. Again,

the removal of the epididymis afifords a surface favorable to adhesion and nutrition, without extensive decortication and exposure of the delicate tubiili seminiferi." Subsequent experience showed that in many instances it is better to preserve the epididymis.

The results of anastomosis of the implanted testicle thus far have not been very encouraging. Very little work, however, has been done in this direction on the human stibject, and it seems to be a legitimate field for experimentation. Anastomosis of testes



from closely related subjects ing

especially from the living to the liv-

at least is hopeful, despite the great difficulties attending anas-

tomosis of the spermatic vessels.

When, for any reason, it is desirable to attempt to preserve the generative sex function of the implanted gland, the epididymis and a portion of the vas should be preserved for anastomosis, a procedure which, mechanically at least, is perfectly feasible and sucby

cessful in simple anastomosis of the duct in the living subject

the method devised by the author, described in a previous chapter. 'I'his method of anastomosis can be applied without disturbing the cord or testis of the recipient of the implanted gland, further than to expose and divide the vas deferens for anastomosis, as shown by several experimental cases of the author's.

The obstacles to anastomosis of the small vessels of the cord appear at present to be insuperable. That more or less successful anastomosis of a testicle immediately after its removal from the living body is practicable in a certain proportion of cases, is probable. The importance of this is easy of comprehension. There are countries where there are no legal obstacles to persons disposing of portions of their bodies as they see fit. Possibly our own laws may one day be amended so as to enable us safely to use gland material from the living that is voluntarily submitted to us by its possessor. Meanwhile, if, as is possible, anastomosis of testes taken from dead bodies ever should prove to be even moderately successful, some wonderful work is likely to be accomplished.*

That the chances of failure of implantation are greater where anastomosis is performed goes without the saying, as experiments have not been encouraging and relatively free incision and exposure of the site of operation is necessary, and more tissue of a lesser degree of vitality is implanted than where our object is merely to secure the benefits of internal secretion. If, however, the gland it-

self should survive, the anastomosis is not likely to fail. Here again arises the question whether Carrel's results in kidney transplantation in the lower animals are equally important as bearing upon sex

* It should be remembered that "considerable atrophy" of the testis may occur, without either the generative or the hormone producing function of the gland remnant being necessarily destroyed.



gland transplantation in human beings.* Obviously, rest in bed for some days should be enjoined in implantations, and for a more prolonged ])eriod when anastomosis is performed.

The site selected for implantation is an important consideration, and should be decided on the merits of the individual case. It may be that the sex glands will finally be shown to be quite as successfully implanted in one part of the body as another, but at present writing the author ventures to suggest that there are ])oints of elec-

tion. In the male, the site should preferably be the neighborhood of the testis and spermatic cord. The tunica vaginalis will invest the implanted gland on one side, and thereby give it in part a natural covering. The gland tissue probably will adhere to the tunica vaginalis more readily than to the other tissues, and there will be very little connective tissue at the point of adhesion, svibsequently by its contraction to menace the integrity of the implanted gland. Future experience may show the advisability of folding and stitching the tunica over the gland. This possibl}^ would be wise where only a portion of testis is implanted. The author would suggest, also, that where only a portion of the gland this also applies to the ovary

is implanted, the cut edges of the tunica albuginca should be sutured together to protect the delicate gland tissue from connective tissue invasion. Whether or not there is a special "selective" trophic or blood nutritive element in the environment afforded the implanted tissue by the proximity of its bed to the testicle, is an open c[uestion.

Future experience may change our view, but at present it seems doubtful if it would be wise to implant the gland into the cavity of the tunica vaginalis. The resulting mechanic irritation, conjoined

* The author feels that he cannot too often insist that failure in transplantation of an excretory organ has little Vjearing on that of a double secre-

tory organ like the testicle or ovary. Carrel seems to believe that the results of his experiments should estop organ transplantation altogether, judging by his recent paper before the American Surgical Association. He apparently loses sight of the hormone therapy angle of organ transplantation. It is to be regretted that he did not discuss this, more especially as lie knew of the author's own experiments, several weeks before. To have mentioned these experiments perhaps would have been only fair to the general scientific bearings of organ transplantation. The author further insists that, while the preservation of the generative function of tlie transplanted ovary is not to be expected conditions save possibly in testicle anastomosis under the most favorable and that of the testis possibly not at all, sex gland Implantation

still offers great therapeutic possibilities. As to the local possibilities, note in this connection the remarkable results obtained in several of the author's cases.



with trauma of the sac, might produce so much exudation and swelHng as to cause severe pain and even endanger the recipient's own testicle. Hydrocele probably would result, although this possibly might be avoided by cutting "windows" in the sac, for drain-

age. Aseptic extravaginal implantation in no way endangers the subject's testicle.

The second best implantation site doubtless is the pelvic properitoneal space, as later will be suggested for the ovary.

As third choice of location the author would suggest the mons veneris, the pubis being shaved and the incision made transversely just below the upper margin of the pubic hair. The length of incision, of course, will vary with the amount of fat, an incision one inch in length being ample in spare subjects. By the downward insertion and opening of a pair of forceps or blunt scissors, a pocket may by dry dissection easily be made for the gland. This pocket should extend dowaiward to just above the pubic symphysis. In this location, after the hair again has covered the part, neither the scar nor the small tumor which will result is successful if the implantation

will cause comment by others. The cavity of Retzius

also is safe and accessible. The gland should be implanted high up, or well over to one side to insure peritoneal contact. The axilla appears to be another eligible location, the incision being made well away from the centre of the axilla and the bottom of the pocket made to correspond with about the centre.

One important difference between male and female here must be noted. The former normally is dominated by the psychic in-

fluence of a testis that can be seen and felt. He always is conscious of its presence. The reverse is true of the female and the ovary. The psychic benefit of the consciousness of a demonstrable testis, especially in the scrotum, must not be forgotten in the case of the male. It will be by no means a negligible quantity in external ovarian implantations in the female. As to what extent exposure to traumatism may militate against the success of implantations in exposed sites is a matter for future determination. It is, however, worthy of consideration.

In ovarian implantation of glands from the dead subject, which is quite as practicable as similar testicular implantation, and for which the necessary glands of proper quality are much easier to



secure, the order of choice of sites for operation at present writing appears to be as follows :

1. The properitoneal space.

2. The cul-de-sac of Douglas (extraperitoneally).

3. The labiiim majiis, the incision being made high up and the part "pocketed" downward, as in the case of the scrotum.

4. Beneath the mammary gland.

3. The pubic region, as in testicular implantation in the male, better, perhaps, the cavity of Retzius, where observation of the implanted tissue is not desired.

6. The rectus muscle.

The peritoneum forms the normal environment for the ovary, and if half or n:!ore of the surface of the iniplanted organ is made to rest iK-rmaneritly on the peritoneum which by adhesion in suc-

cessful cases will form a protective and nutritive investment for the gland the chances for success will be greatly increased.

An eligible point is the ilioinguinal region, well out toward the anterior superior spine of the ilium. After exposure of the peritoneum, a pocket should be made anteriorly to it, downward into the pelvis.

The cul-de-sac of Douglas is an available and logical site for

implantation. A small vaginal incision should be made posterior to the uterus, the peritoneum being carefully pushed up with the finger, thus making a pocket for the reception of the implantation gland.

The labium majus is a particularly eligible site, because of the proximity of the canal of Nuck, which is a peritoneal derivative and the analogue of the tunica vaginalis in the male.

The author will reiterate that a point in favor of "exposed" sites of implantation in some cases is the psychic efifect of objective evidences of success on the mind of the patient, which sometimes is so desirable. Incidentally, the surgeon can more easily determine whether or not the implantation is successful.

The methods of Tuffier an.d of Martin of implantation within the pelvis and rectus muscle of ovarian tissue from living donors, is a procedure entirely different from that under discussion. Heterointraperitoneal implantation within the pelvis is unnecessary and has an clement of danger. For experimental jnn-poses especially, it



is usually best to implant the gland in a part accessible to observation, and from which, if desired, it can be subsequently removed. To imitate the natural environment as closely as possible, the author would suggest the experiment of partially wrapping the testis in a graft from the tunica vaginalis or peritoneum, and the ovary in "appendage" peritoneum, whenever the implantation site is more or less remote from the normal ovarian or testicular environment ; in brief, where the environment would otherwise be alien, or possibly even hostile, it possibly can be made temporarily akin, or at least friendly. Should the membranous lining of the implantation pocket ])e absorbed, as is probable, it will have served its purpose of a matrix for the growth of a thin protective layer of connective tissue. A similar technic might be advisable in thyroid implantations. It is probable that implantation in the normal habitat of the thyroid is more logical than elsewhere. Where the tissue has no capsule, or the capsule is insufficient, fascia may be used as a protective "capsule." Theoretically, a piece of peritoneum should be ideal.

Ordinary connective tissue is a deadly foe of glandular, brain, and nerve tissue, as shown by its effects in cirrhosis of the liver, interstitial nephritis, and various diseases of the cerebrospinal axis. So far as possible, therefore, we should protect the implanted gland from invasion by it. It is well to remember that the environment of the ovary is such that it should be removed from the dead body

relatively earlier than the testicle. The close proximity of the bowel is favorable to early decomposition of pelvic fluids.

In implantation in either sex, care should be taken : First, to make as limited an incision as is compatible with the insertion of the gland. As the gland is soft, and the skin and fascia elastic, a very small incision will suffice. Second, to insure that the dissection of the pocket shall be as dry as practicable and to traumatize the tissues as little as possible. Third, to avoid injuring the delicate gland tissue during its preparation and implantation. It should not be regarded as dead insensitive tissue that may be recklessly mauled, but as living tissue to be carefully handled. Fourth, to use the finest chromic gut or better, perhaps, iodinized gut and insert no more

sutures than are actually necessary to a perfect closure. The pursestring suture for the fascia is ideal. Fifth, at all times to avoid rough mani]nilation of the implanted gland during healing, and

-- 236 -


especially to manipulate it as infrequently and as gently as possible, while adhesions and vascular supply are forming.

The problem of the quantity of gland necessary for implantation is a most important one. If the major premises herein outlined or suggested are correct, this problem practically involves

the question of the proper dose of internal sex gland secretion in various conditions and in individual cases. In his first paper the author said: "If a fair average of successes should prove to be practicable, an entire testicle body is preferable. In general, however, probably one-half of a testis is sufficient to give definite physiologic results, and is surer to be preserved than a whole gland. In the case of the ovary, however, the author is inclined to believe it better to implant an entire ovary, even though a small portion of the gland is seemingly sufficient to preserve the secondar)- sex characteristics and often even to prevent the nervous wreckage incidental to oophorectomy." Further experience has led to the conclusion that, in the case of the testis the quantity of gland implanted may be varied according to the material used, small glands being implanted entire.

If the implantation is successful, the dose of internal secretion, however large or small it mav be, ])robably is continuous as long as any of the implanted tissue remains. It is for this reason that a relativel}- small portion of implanted sex gland tissue is likely to be efficacious. Even though implantation should prove successful, definite results probably should not be hoped for before six or eight weeks after the implantation, at which time complete estab-

lishment of circulation in the gland

if it survives

may reasonably

be expected.* In general, it is probable that such results as may occur will be noted earlier in testis than in ovary implantation, and in the case of the testis, earlier where the gland has been decorticated, although complete decortication possibly endangers permanent success. The establishment of a sufficient vascular supply is essential, not only to the life of the gland, but to the necessary supply of materials from the blood for the elaboration of internal secretion, and to the entrance of the latter into the blood.

* In the author's experimental and therapeutic work, marked results have occurred much earlier. The initial dose of hormone shows effects for the first twenty-four to thirty-six hours. The secondary or systematic constitutional effects beg-in within ten days to tlirce weeks. Xew blood vessels are found by the eighth day.


IMPOTENCE AND STERILITY Rationale oi^ Skx Gland Implantation.

The story of sex gland internal secretion therapy can be simply told. Tlie hormone is a cell stimulant, nutrient, and regenerator. The application of the principle is, of physiologic necessity, far reaching. It may in a measure serve to reconcile Bichat's humoral pathology and the cellular pathology of Virchow and prove them to be equally logical, but only half truths. .V more highly developed neuropathology probably will be the connecting link between them. The germ, however, will not grow less important in etiology, but, as time goes on, undoubtedly will be aggrandized as a causal factor of disease. In brief, the micro-organism will be more clearly understood as merely the agency through which most ])athologic machinery is set in motion.

Should implantation ever become an established therapeutic procedure, as it seems logical to predict that it will be, it doubtless will be found that the required dose of internal sex gland secretion will be p;overned by: 1. The age and general bodily vigor of the recipient of the gland. 2. The age and presumed general and sexual vigor of the dead subject from which the gland was taken. 3. The disease and the stage of disease for the cure of which implantation is (lone. The quantity of tissue implanted.

The cause of death of the donor is of vital importance. The safest subject is one dead of violence. Subsequent experience may show the safety of using glands removed from subjects dead of

various diseases, notably nephritis and disease of the heart. Let us hope for this, as selection restricted to subjects dead of violence greatly limits the possible supply of eligible material. Subjects dead of infectious diseases, or affected by malignant disease, whether or not it is the cause of death, and those of a known cancerous heredity especially, are to be avoided. Aside from their dangerous character, testes removed from subjects dead of general infection undergo softening and decomposition with astonishing rapidity. In general, subjects dead of either acute or chronic infectious disease are not promising sources of sex gland supply, for two reasons: 1. The possible danger to the recipient ; 2. the lack of vitality of and the rapidity with which at;tolysis occurs in the glands from the donor.

It should be borne in mind, however, that the conditions in which gland im])]antation is indicated oftcii arc such that even con-


siderable risk might be justified. On the average, the dangers of infection cannot equal in gravity those of the formidable surgical operations that we daily perform, and implantation per se is not dangerous to life. Perfectly normal and entire testes and ovaries are not absolutely essential. Fragments of normal portions of gland tissue taken from sex organs may be utilized, where neither the

subject nor the gland is affected by malignant disease, tuberculosis, acute or chronic infection purulent or other. When the recipient

of the gland is known to be syphilitic, syphilis in the donor may be disregarded. It possibly may even add to the value of the gland. The uninfected glands of patients dead of tuberculosis are likely to be especially valuable, if the applicability of the method to the treatment of tuberculosis should be proved. Theoretically, tuberculosis should be found to be an inviting field for sex gland therapy. The only theory of treatment of the disease that has stood the test of time is that of nutrition, first, last, and all the time. The inference regarding the indications for sex gland implantation is obvious.

In any general bacterial infection of chronic type there is systemic reaction of ordinary glandular, internal, and lymphatic secretion. The lymphatics, in the attempt to filter the toxic substances and the internal secretory glands, stimulated to hyperactivity, act in combination with the other defensive factors to overcome the infection. vSex glands taken from an individual who has developed a relative immunity to the infection by means of his natural physiologic resistance, and thereby decreased the relative virulence of the infecting organism, theoretically should possess, ccrteris paribus, special therapeutic potency. Transplanted to an individual suffering from the same disease, the hormone of such glands should increase cell resistance and stimulate to greater activity the physiologic nutri-

tive-defensive cycle, thereby aiding in overcoming the infection.

In treating experimentally tuberculosis by sex gland implantation, we therefore may use glands taken from subjects dead of that disease. There probably is little or no danger of local infection if the glands are macroscopically sound. The ovary, especially, should be safe, for it rarely is affected by tuberculosis, and even in the testis primary tuberculosis is rare. The hormone from the internal secretion of the implanted gland might be less in quantity and in-



ferior in quality to one from a normal subject, yet potent enough to restore the balance of nutritive defense against the tubercle bacillus.

The excessive sexual activity noted in many victims of tuberculosis is here worthy of consideration. Is there a relative excess of gland activity with excess hormone thrown out as a defense, with coincidental sexual excitation, or is the tubercle toxin itself a psychosexual stimulant ? The author would suggest that the FauserAbderhalden test might show some interesting results in this field.

In cases of complete castration in either sex, a double implantation is likely to secure the best results. Obviously, even admitting that a single gland is therapeutically sufficient, double implantation gives one hundred per cent, better chances of success. In impotence and sterility in the male, it would seem rational to implant an entire gland, not only from the viewpoint of the dose of internal secretion, but also becavise of the more profound psychic effect thereby attained. A successful anastomosis possibly might restore the procreative glandular secretory function. In certain cases of sterility in the female, where the secondary sex characteristics are not marked, or the general vitality is low and there are no mechanic pelvic impediments from malformation or disease, a large dose of ovarian internal secretion possibly may stimulate the recipient's ovaries and induce fertility. This also applies to certain males in whom spermatozoa are formed, but in whom they are small in number and feeble in vitality.

The age of the subject from which the sex glands are taken for implantation is of great importance. Subjects from about the age of puberty to twenty-five, or perhaps even thirty years of age, are best, as at this time sex gland function is very active. The younger the subject below eighteen or twenty year.s the less the

danger of encountering syphilis, and the more active the propensity for growth after implantation. Obviously, the danger of syphilis is

relatively less at a given age in the female than in the male. Glands from subjects much younger than pubescents eventually may be found to be of especial value in meeting particular indications, more especially as pubescence is not really necessary for the production of hormone. The author's best results have been from glands of subjects at about the age of puberty.

Again, we possibly may secure good results from the implan-

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tation of glands taken from subjects of relatively advanced age. Testes from donors of even the recipient's own age at least may prove effective. Advanced age is associated, not only with a senile quality of internal secretion, but also with a relatively deficient quantity. The successful implantation of a single generative gland logically would increase the supply of internal secretion by onethird, with proportionate benefit to the recipient. The foregoing remarks apply especially to the male, in whom the procreative period and probably also the internal sex gland secretory period

lasts much longer than in the female. In dementia praecox and allied

conditions, a healthy gland taken from a subject at any age below middle life possibly may be effective, if, indeed, sex gland implantation should hereafter prove to be effective at all in such cases.

Racial distinctions possibly need not be drawn in procuring implantation material, unless anastomosis is proposed. Theoretically, sex gland activity is likely to be greater in certain donors than in others, merely because of racial qualities. There is even a serious question, also, as to whether the tissue and blood elements of the recipient of the anastomosed gland would not eventually overcome any racial potentialities that might exist in the implanted gland. This the author found experimentally to be true of skin epithelium in cross grafting skin in negro and white, in 1880, a result verified by other experimenters.

Tuffier asserts that transplantation of the ovary from white to black and vice versa fails of success. The author's experience in this regard is limited to a single case. On March 18, 1914, he implanted in the axilla of a white woman aged sixty-seven years, afflicted with senile dementia, an ovary from a mulatto woman of forty years, dead eight hours of disease of the heart. Although greatly shrunken, the implanted gland apparently was still living three months later. Presumably, while the local results might be of briefer duration than in homotransplantation, we still would obtain adequate hormone results.

That the W'assermann test should be employed where practicable goes without the saying. It must be remembered, however, that no more than a single test can be made on a dead body, and the test alone cannot be relied upon to eliminate the danger of infection. If it is shown later that freezing of the sex glands does not seriously



impair the chances of success in implantation, there will be no necessity for urgent haste in implanting the gland, the work can be done with deliberation and a Wassermann test always will be practicable.

The danger of syphilis is minirnized by the probability that Treponema pallidum lives but a few hours after the death of the host. Freezing probably kills the protozoon within an hour or two. If, therefore, frozen, or even refrigerated, glands should be shown to be satisfactory for implantation, the danger of syphilis would be practically nil. That refrigerated glands are available the author's work has conclusively demonstrated.

In passing, the author would suggest that, from the hormone therapy standpoint, it would be interesting to study the results of cross implantation of the sex glands of male and female. The experiment, at least, is practicable. The author reports herewith (Case VI), a case in which he implanted a testicle in a senile female dement.*

As to any essential difference between the male and female sex gland hormones in their influence on sex development, the author has this to say : The primary sex characteristics are probably laid down in the initial combination of the male and female generative gland secretions i. c, ovule and spermatozoon and are

inevitable phenomena in embryologic development. The hormone, apparently, merely determines by its activities the secondary sex characteristics. Once these have developed, it may be a matter of indifference whether the body cells, even those of the sex glands themselves, are fed with male or female hormone. Accepting this hypothesis, the ovarian hormone should be therapeutically effective in the advilt male, and vice versa. Possibly the male hormone is more powerful and likely to be more effective than even the ovarian, in the sex gland therapy of the adult female.

The persistence of typic sex characteristics, sexual power and desire in animals castrated late, after the internal secretion has done

its work

e. g., geldings

is here again worthy of note.

* Since this foregoing experiment was made the author's attention has been called to Steinach's unsuccessful experiments of ovarian implantation in castrated male animals. Steinach makes no comments on the hormone therapy usages of such experiments. (Jahrbuch 6 flir sexuelle Zwlschenstufen, January, 1914.)



Apparent Physiologic Effects of Testicular Gland Implantation.

With due regard to the difficulty .of excluding the psychic element in therapeutic experiments, particularly as regards subjective phenomena, whether the experiments are of the auto variety or the hetero variety, the author will present the apparent results of his own auto-experimentation. Apropos of the possible "psychic" element in his observations, several facts should be remembered : First, the

experiment primarily w'as designed merely to decide the question of the feasibility of successful implantation of sex glands from a dead subject ; second, the local discomfort, a certain degree of apprehension, and the inconvenience resulting from the operation were such as tended, during the early postoperative period, to offset undue optimism based upon subjective sensations ; third, the apparent results were such as are logically compatible with our knowledge of internal secretions, particularly of the sex glands ; fourth, the implantation per se practically was a success, even though the gland proper from biologic handicaps did not pern:anently endure; fifth, subsequent observations of numerous cases have verified the conclusions to which the auto-experiment led, so far as the effects of the sex hormone on nutrition are concerned.

The phenomena here recorded were, so to speak, "by results." Originally presented for what they were worth, more comprehensive observations of subsequent work have more than confirmed them. The transient exhilaration usually experienced from cocaine did not follow the use of the mixture of novocaine, quinine, and urea hydrochloride. Despite considerable pain and some natural apprehension as to local results, there began at the end of twentyfour hours a marked exhilaration and buoyancy of spirits, lasting for about twenty-four hours, at which time considerable swelling of the operation field and adjacent parts had developed. Possibly the stimulation experienced was merely delayed action of the local

anesthesia. Later experience, however, apparently has shown that it was due to the absorption of secretions from the semidecorticated gland, which absorption temporarily ceased synchronously with the development of inflammatory exudate about the implanted tissue, or because of temporary exhaustion of the supply, the gland not having

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as yet begun to function. This is termed by the author the "initial dose" of hormone.

On the seventh day after the operation the author again became conscious of stimulation and buoyancy so marked that he took an undue amount of exercise, also attending the theatre in the evening. It was on the day following that increase of local discomfort led to an attempt to remove the implanted gland. Following the traumatism incidental to removing half the gland, the sense of stimulation disappeared, to return on or about the tenth day, suggesting that the second period of stimulation was synchronous with the beginning of the establishment of vascular adhesions and consecjucnt functioning of the gland, with absor])tion of internal

secretion, i. c., what may be termed the "secondary or physiologic dose" of hormone. This was checked by the traumatic reaction induced in the implantation bed, but recurred as soon as this began to subside, and was marked for several weeks, being gradually replaced by what might be termed a normal consciousness of unusual physical and mental vigor.

While the sense of stimulation was at its height, ability to endure physical and mental labor with much less than the usual amount of rest and sleep was noted. This gradually lessened, pari passu with shrinkage of the implanted tissue, but both physical and mental efficiency still remained far greater than before the implantation.

Blood pressure seems to have been greatly modified. As recorded by different observers on two varieties of instrument it gradually fell from 140 systolic to an average of 125, at

which it persisted for some months. At present writing it is 125.

The foregoing record is presented without comment, save to remark that the reduced blood pressure has been associated with con tinuation of increased mental and physical vigor, and was taken irj each instance when the author was working under "a full head of steam."

There was a distinctly perceptible change in the bloodvessels.

A moderately varicosed condition of the veins of the legs and arms markedly improved. The temporal arteries, which had been decidedly and disquietingly prominent, became indubitably smaller, and their walls softer. Pari passu with shrinkage of the implanted tissue and diminution of hormone dose, the vessels have become more



]}rumincnt. but by no means so prominent as before tbe experiment. There has been no change for some months past.

.\. decided change in the heart action has been noted in a certain direction. For some years frequent attacks of cardiac irritabihty probably due to overindulgence in smoking, combined with

mental overwork and the worry incidental to the exigencies of practice had been experienced. Often palpitation on retiring

prevented sleep for several hours. This symptom entirely disappeared and has not recurred, save as rarely induced by digestive disturbance or colds.

While the dose of internal secretion was at its height, a very

])eculiar symptom was noted: Glasses which had been comfortably worn for some years seemed to be a "misfit." Little attention was paid to this, however, there being no suspicion that the ocular disturbance bore any relation to the results of the experiment. As the sanie interesting phenomenon occurred in the case of ovarian transplantation shortly to be presented, the author concluded to record it here. The explanation of the symptom would seem to be a stimulatifjn of the muscles of accommodation. The condition is still slightl}- noticeable. A test of accommodation by Dr. J. E. Colburn, ]\Iay 14, 1914, showed it to be practically the same as at his last examination, nearly four years before. There had been, if anything, a slight increase in the range of accommodation.

There was an increase of ten poitnds in weight within about eight weeks. This may or may not have l)een significant.

There was an improvement in the circulation of the skin, so marked as to excite comment by persons who had no knowledge of the experiment. Incidentally, resistance to cold appeared to be increased. The hemoglobin record which had ranged from ninety to ninety-five for some years, since the implantation has been 100 plus. As no test had been made for some time prior to the experiment, this deserves no special em]:)hasis, yet it might not be amiss to call attention to Case \'ir.

The efi'ect of the implantation on the sexual function was merely what might have been expected from local irritation of the genitalia in any normal individual at the same period of life. As to what might result in cases of impaired sex function, no deductions could be drawn from this particular experiment, save that

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the psychic effect of reflex stimulation and the increase of tone should be markedly beneficial. Case III is more to the point.

As to what might result from a dose of internal secretion larger than that afforded by the portion of gland finally remaining in situ, in a person whose mental faculties are not under stress and preoccupation, a definite opinion would be premature, but a decidedly stimulating or perhaps permanently tonic effect should logically be expected, judging by the report of other cases of testicular implantation shortly to be recorded, and judging by our knowledge of the relation of general well-being to sex vigor, and the marked improvement in physical and mental efficiency resulting from a moderate dose in my own experimental case.

Supplemented ditions

where indicated by the mechanic vascular con-

by resection of the vena dorsalis penis, as modified by

the author, successful sex gland transplantation should not often fail to relieve impotence where the sexual organs are properly developed and serious brain or cord disease does not exist.

Brown-Sequard noted a pronounced stimulation of the function of the bowel following the self-administration of his animal extract. As a victim of a rather constipated habit the author regrets that his own experiment was not attended by a similar result.

The author had been annoyed for fifteen years or more by marked keratosis of the soles of the feet, which, combined with an eczementous condition of the flexures of the toes, gave much discomfort. Nothing seemed to benefit the condition. The idea of curing it eventually was abandoned, the occasional application of palliative ointments being the final recourse. About four weeks after the implantation experiment, the skin of the feet had become normal, with an unusually healthy color. By February 27, 1914, the skin was as soft and flexible as that of a young person. No remedial applications of any kind had been made for several months. Possibly it may be contended that the improvement in the condition described was nothing but a coincidence, but it certainly must be admitted that it is not incompatible with the probable

effects on nutrition of internal sex gland secretion. (Note also Case VII.) Cranting for the sake of argument that the change in the skin really was due to the internal secretion of the implanted gland and this the author believes to have been the true explana-




what may we not expect from the action of internal secre-

tion on the blood vessels?

At present writing, Aug. 1st, 1917, the keratosis has not returned, and the skin is still normal, save at the borders of the soles, W'here in certain limited areas it is dry and slightly eczematous.

From the author's experience in his own case he is inclined to believe that psoriasis and kindred diseases are due to perversion of internal secretion. The results of sex gland implantation in Case VII have led to the firm conviction that this theory of their etiology is well grounded. As to the possibility of the cure of certain chronic diseases of the skin, the general principle is selfevident and no comment is necessary.

Carrel and Guthrie assert that transplanted exogenous glands can function only temporarily. The kidneys of the cat, transplanted in the same individual, survived. When transplanted from one living individual to another, they excreted urine for three weeks, at the end of which time they ceased secreting and the animal died. This has little bearing on the exogenous transplantation at least for therapeutic purposes of the sex glands in the

human being. (See author's Case VI.) The sex gland, by virtue of its internal and external secretory structures, is a more highly specialized organ than the kidney. It is also a doubly functioned organ. The kidney is distinctly an excretory organ, while the testis and the ovary are not, in the true sense of the word. The true generative secretion in either sex is not thrown out for elimination as useless or toxic matter, but, on the contrary, its physiologic function does not begin until after the discharge and organic union of the secretions of the two sexes. The organs which produce the generative secretion are more active, more highly organized, and more energetic than the kidney. So highly specialized are their functions that no other organ can act vicariously for them, as can the skin and bowel for the kidney. When the generative secretion ceases or is prevented from escaping from the sex glands, the organs still function importantly producing hormone.*

Again, as already stated, even though the implanted gland

finally should perish, its work of general cell regeneration has

E. Illlmann, Annal.s of Surgery, August, 1914, reports a case of functionally successful anastomotic transplantation of the kidney from one dog to another.



been to a greater or less extent accomplished, with beneficial results which may be permanent. Then, too, apparent atrophy does not necessarily mean that the interstitial cells (Leydig) are destroyed. Considerable diminution in bulk even may occur from various causes without the generative function itself being destroyed.

That the conditions are different in the two varieties of gland is shown by comparing the results of Carrel's and Guthrie's lower animal kidney transplantation experiments with the author's own autolmman and heterohuman sex gland implantations. Theory aside, the experiments related in this volume have conclusively

proved that, as regards formation of new blood supply and survival of the hormone producing cells and internal secretion therapy, transplantation of sex glands, even from the dead body, is both practicable and successful.

As to Carrel's belief that practically the only hope of success in gland transplantation in general is in a close blood relationship of donor and recipient, the author believes that, while such relationship is highly desirable, he has proved that it is not essential to either sex gland hormone therapy via implantation, or to prolonged survival of the essential elements of the gland. The author has further confirmed this view by experiments on fowls. It is noteworthy that Carrel and Guthrie's conclusions from their experiments on the kidney of the cat, if accepted as final in their bearing upon gland implantation in general, would reduce to a minimum the practicalit}^ of Carrel's own discovery of the persistence of tissue vitality after somatic death, so far as its application to the hormone treatment of disease is concerned. Apropos of implantation of testis from distinctly alien sources Guthrie* reports a case of transplantation of a testis of a guinea fowl to the shoulder of an ordinary domestic cock. The implanted tissue disappeared. In passing, it might be interesting to Dr. Guthrie, if he has not already made the observation, that it is possible to crossbreed the guinea fowl and the .-Vmerican game fowl, hence they are not as alien to each other as might be supposed. The author saw, a little over a

year ago, a bird

apparently a male

so bred on the farm of

Mr. H. B. Gleezen, the well-known game fowl breeder, of Georgetown, Mass.

Journal of lOxpciiniciital McHlicinc, xii, 1!H0.

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The exogenous transplantations of ovaries from the Hving to the living in sheep and guinea-pigs, reported by Voronoff and Castle, support Carrel and Guthrie's conclusions, but there still remain the questions: 1. Whether diiterent results may not occur in human beings ; 2. the possible therapeutic value of implantations of human sex glands, with or without permanent life and function of the cells of Leydig, even though generative gland tissue atrophy inevitably should occur.

Case II. Successful implantation of ovary from a subject twenty-three hours after death. Mrs. J., aged fifty-nine years, suffered from the nerve

wreckage incidental to a pelvic operation performed fifteen years ago, and also from hepatic and gouty disturbances. The uterus and appendages were removed. A "piece of the ovary" was said to have been preserved. The author explained to this woman the objects and e.xperimental nature of ovarian implantation, and she was brave enough to submit to the operation. Too much praise cannot be bestowed on her for co-operating in the experiment.

The implantation was performed Alarch 3, 1914. Ovaries, were taken from an apparently healthy girl of sixteen years, a virgo intacta, dead twelve hours of skull fracture. The operation was performed eleven hours after the removal of the ovaries from the subject, and twenty-three hours after death, Dr. Michel assisting. One ovary, the left, was implanted in the left labium majus, this location being selected because of the obesity of the patient, and our desire to study the local results of the implantation. There was no marked tissue reaction, only slight tenderness, very little pain, and no rise of temperature, the wound healing by primary union. The patient was up and about on the fifth day, reporting at the office on the ninth day. She might have been up sooner but for a persisting vaginal prolapse and vesicocele since the operation of many years ago, which required self-inserted tampons to permit locomotion. May 14, 1914, the implantation appeared to have been successful, the ovary was still in situ, and of course, "living." The case was examined by several physicians, who found that the ovary still was plainly' perceptible.

It is obvious that Mrs. J.'s case was a severe test of implantation. After fifteen years of neuro]:athy and loss of sex function, with other disturbances alien to the latter, a great deal was not to be expected of the method. A com])lete failure of therapeutic results would not have disproved the efficacy of implantation in general. (The same may justly be said of Experiments IV and V.)

Apparent results in Case II. Making due allowance for psychic effects, the author will present the report of the patient and her family. Briefly, this is as follows : There was a marked exhilaration for the first few days, interrupted one morning by what the patient termed a "slight nervous chill."



Oil the seventh da^' she complained that her glasses seemed to be no longer effective, and that she could not see with them to read or crochet. She then asserted, and appeared to demonstrate, an unwonted flexibility and comfort of action of her knees which, she said, had been "stiff and lame for several years." Her "hot flashes" disappeared. She no longer experienced an almost constant sense of exhaustion, and arose refreshed in the morning, whereas she stated, she formerly arose as tired as when she went to bed. She stated

that she apparently needed less sleep. She was formerly annoyed by somnolence on inappropriate occasions. This disappeared. Having in mind the "initial dose" of hormone, the author is inclined to credit the patient's statements as to early effects. Blood pressure was not changed ten days after the operation.

After the first ten days, the patient gradually lost the primary effects. March 24th, however, she reported great increase in physical endurance, stating that she could climb three flights of stairs without discomfort or cardiac disturbance. Formerly she was compelled to aid herself by holding on to the baluster. She reported again, great increase in endurance, with improvement in the digestive functions and complete disappearance of the joint stiffness and of a feeling of numbness and coldness in the limbs associated with uncertainty of locomotion which had troubled her for some years. Blood pressure still was unchanged, registering 150, the same as before the implantation. Complete relief of constipation of many years' standing was also reported. Four weeks after the implantation, there was a marked change in blood pressure, which Dr. Michel reported to have afterward ranged from 125 to 130 (systolic). On April 27th, it was 125. May 14th, it was 125. Two different instruments were used in making the record. Dr. Harry S. Gradle, who had been making a study of Mrs. J.'s accommodation, reported that it had improved remarkably while the patient was under his observation a period of four weeks.

The patient made a severe test of her physical condition during her

spring housecleaning, and experienced only the normal degree of fatigue. She stated also that an obstinate, frequently recurring bilateral sciatica of over thirty years' standing had entirely disappeared. About July 1st, she had a moderate transient, unilateral recurrence, following mental disquiet. August 1, 1914, the improvement in the subject's condition still endured. The implanted ovary, although diminished in size, still could be distinctly felt. Blood pressure, vSeptember 10th, was 128. The condition of the 1)owe]s was not so good as at previous report, although still better than before the implantation. I'ollowing a severe nervous shock, the patient recently was in a very unsatisfactory condition. Later she improved, but now is said to be in bad health, although much better than before the implantation. Both she and her family were so gratified by the results of the implantation that they are anxious to have another performed.

Case III. A man, aged fifty-eight years, commercial traveler, who, for a period of five years had been under the author's care from time to time for partial atonic impotence, consented to submit to testicular implantation.

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There was no local disease or abnormality. Somewhat less than half of a

testis was implanted, the material used being obtained from the body of a man, aged thirty years, ten hours after death produced by contact with a live wire. The implantation was performed thirty-six hours after the death of the donor. The recipient was somewhat neurasthenic, as naturally was to have been expected, but was apparenth' in excellent health and well preserved for a man of his years.

The implantation was performed, March 14, 1914, Dr. Michel assisting. The portion of gland was partially decorticated and implanted in the left side of the scrotum, in contact with the cord, immediately posterior to the testis of the recipient, the technic being essentially the same as that employed in my autoexperiment. There was only moderate reaction after the implantation. This had subsided by the twelfth day, at which time a moderately firm, circumscribed, movable mass of glandular outline could be felt at the site of the implantation. During the process of healing the patient expressed himself as conscious of a remarkable stimulation of sexual activity. According to his account of the subjective symptoms, this began almost immediately four or five days after the implantation and continued during the progress

of healing. Obviously the psychic element must be considered in connection herewith, as there was very little inflammatory reaction and the patient was not at all apprehensive of accidents. Nocturnal erections began on the second night after the operation and recurred regularly while he was under my observation. On the fourteenth day the patient left the city. A letter received from him, June 15th, was worthy of note merely as bearing upon his condition at that time. Quoting this letter, the points of interest are :

". . . The erections at night have continued regularly. They have rarely occurred before during the past four or five years. The erections are not quite as strong as in my younger days, nor so long continued, but the sexual act is natural again and is not followed by great exhaustion as was formerly the case. . . . The lump where the piece of gland was planted has shrunk somewhat, but 1 feel sure that the gland is alive and hearty. ... I am still feeling fine and much more vigorous than I have felt for years." The evident improvement in this patient's sexual function cannot reasonably be entirely explained by the psychic effect of the implantation. Nocturnal erections dissociated from erotic dreams do not occur from purely psychic impressions. As to the influence of local irritation, this might explain the sexual stimulation occurring immediately after the operation, but naturally it would have subsided later.

On July 20th, this patient presented himself for examination. The implanted mass of gland tissue was still perceptible and about the size and shape of a good sized almond. He asserted that the improvement in sexual vigor still persisted. No observations were made of the physiologic effects of the implantation in this case, save to note the blood pressure 165 (systolic), and has thus far had undergone no change the semen microscopically, which was normal, July 20th. which was

and to examine

January 15, 1915, the patient again reported. The implanted nodule


iaipoti<:nce and steiiility

had almost disappeared, but was still perceptible on careful palpation. Improvement had been maintained and the patient was very enthusiastic.

December 29, 1916, the patient reported himself as still doing well, and very much pleased with the results of the implantation.

In a recent letter he claims to be still satisfied with results.

Febrtiary 21, 1914, the aitthor's attention was called to a masterly paper by Dr. Bayard Holmes, of Chicago, "The Nonmental Character of Dementia Praecox." It was interesting to note that Fauser's experiments in the diagnosis of dementia prsecox and allied conditions, which experiments had not previously been brought to the author's attention, were complementary to the theory on which he had been working, in endeavoring practically to administer internal sex secretion in various conditions. Following Abderlialden's theory of "dysfunction," Fauser found that the Abzvelirfenneut or defensive ferment in the blood of patients with dementia prsecox reduced the antigenlike material made respectively from the testicle or ovary, according to the sex of the patient. He

finally established his test as a reliable diagnostic procedure. Summing up his studies of the Abderhalden test and its application to the insanities, Holmes says :

1. The evidence accumulated taken with many other factors indicates that dementia prsecox is a condition or disease in which the secretions of the genital glands are greatly perverted.

2. As a part of this disturbance of the balance of the internal secretions, many other glands are coincidentally disturbed.

3. This "dysfunction" of the genital glands may be and is likely to be due to various peripheral infections, such as are found to produce dysfunction of the thyroid.

4. The Abderhalden reaction promises a method of diagnosis which can be applied early, in pedagogic and penal, if not judicial laboratories.

5. The psychogenetic theory of dementia ought to stand aside and give way to research into physical conditions and etiological factors and methods of prevention and cure.

6. Every institution that makes any pretense to psychiatry, even every reformatory for juvenile offenders, male or female, should have a laboratory fitted out for the defensive ferments reaction.

Adding to the list of causes of dysfunction imperfect or aberrant sex gland development, leading to dementia prcecox and allied conditions, the etiologic picture is complete.

I>i the light of Fauser's observations, the conclusion is obvious that the logical indication in dementia prcccox is the administration



of mtcnial sccrctiuii. or a comhiinitioii of secretions, hi iiitf'hnitalioii of sc.v (jhmds -wc iuvvc llic iitosi Uxjical mclhod for the odniiiiistralioii of probably the iiiosi iniporlaiit of all the iiilenial seereti(>)is ill llie field of psychiatry.

If the essence of the etioloi^y of denientia ])r;ecox reaUy is a (l_\'sfiniction of the sex ,<^'!an(ls. then tlie in(hcations are esiieciahy clear and lo<4icaL It must l)e remenihered. however, tliat. ahhou.yh. it is c(jnceded that the indications for sex gland implantation seem to l)e especially clear in dementia prjecox. h\' the time the diagnosis is made, considerable organic netn^on change mav have occttrred.

with a restilting permanent aberration of function. Cnlike other lirgans. compen>ator\- actifjn of ])rain cells ])robal)l\' will not (jccur and conserve its mental functions. A moderate im])airment of the structure of the hepatic or of the renal cells mav not be manifested by any ap])arent change in the health of the subject. In the case of the kidney, vicarioits acti(jn of other eliminative areas may indefinitely keep tlie subject in apparently good health. The slightest impairment of the delicate, highly specialized brain netiron strticture almost inevitabl}- will l)e followed by a greater or less degree of luental deterioration.

The hebe])hrenic tyjje of dementia pr^ecox jjrobably is the mrjst ])romising one for honuone thera])}'. While diseases of the nervous system in general seeiu to be a ])romising field for sex gland secretion theraj)}", early administration is tirgentlv necessarx' to give b(jth the ])atient and the remed\' a fair chance. Kegeneration of strtictttrall}' damaged, delicate neuron, nerve hl)re, and ganglion cell is rather more tlian can fairh' be ex])ected of an}' remedv.

fn the earl\- stages of kjcomotor ataxia and ])arcsis, im])lantation seems to be worthy of trial. The disastrotis effects of the spirochete are largely due to the cell toxemia it produces, and to the pressure of vasctilar cell intiltraticjn. The resttlting damage is of a ntttritional ty])e. and the indications seem to be clear enough.

Chronic inel)riet_\' offers considerable inducement for sex gland therapy. The innutrition and nerve instabilit)' which cause the cell to "cr}'" for alcohol. (|uite likeh' can ])e met Ijv the hormone of the sex gland secretion, administered in one form or another, preferably, l)erha])S, b\- im])lantation.

C.iven a reiuedy which really stinnilates the nutriticni of nerve

-~ 2??> I.Ml'OTKNCI-: AND STl-RfUTY

tissue, and the ])()ssibilitic's of scr\icc in tlicra])}- arc boundless. There are few chronic ch'seases in \\hicli the nervous s\'steni is not more or less involved, with resultant trophic, sensorw or motor pertttrbation.

Apropos of the ])ossible benefit of internal sex gland secretion in arterial conditions in which sy])hilis is the primary etiologic factor, the analogy between senile and sy])hilitic vascular changes is suggestive.

In enlarged prostate, benetit possibly might occur from sex gland implantation through. 1, relief of the senile etiologic element through improved nutrition ; 2, antagonism to the bacterial infection element gonococcic or colon which is such an important etio-

logic factor in ])rostatism ; 3. resolution of the adventitious (inflammatory) tissue, more or less of which is found in the enlarged prostate.

In dementia priecox the etiologic possibility of syphilis should be seriously considered before resorting to implantation. Here the Wassermann test is of great service. Syphilis unquestionably is res])onsible for some cases of dementia ])r;ecox, or at least of a certain ])roportion of cases which fall symptomatically under that nomenclature. The author ((ualifies merely becaitse the FauserAbderhalden test mav force the adoption of a new nomenclature.

In a case of alleged dementia praecox in a boy of twenty years, seen about five years ago, in consultation with a most competent alienist, the aitthor diagnosed syj^hilis. The Wassermann test proved negative. No history of .sy])hilis had been recorded. During a fairly lucid interval, the patient finally related an escapade of intoxication and ex])osure to infection, a ])romptlv and mistakenly cauterized ])enile sore of brief duration ap])earing later. Careful ins])ection showed a fairly ty])ic adeno])ath}' and a s])arse, fading maculo])a])ular sy])hilide. The ])atient recovered under s])eciiic medication and now is a])parently ])erfcctly well. As a ])resumptive verification of the diagnosis, a retinal or choroidal hemorrhage occurred, undoubtedly because of neglect of treatment, some nK)nths ago. destroying the vision of tlie affected e\e.

It ma\' be remarked that s\'])hilis in the reci])ient ought not to be regarded as a contraindication for inii)lantation. The disease may act as other infective diseases ap])arentl\' do, by a toxic influ-



cnce on the internal secretory function of the sex glands. Antisyi)hilitic treatment is indicated, but the impression made by the infection upon the sex glands luay be such that treatment is ineffective. Here gland implantation is worthy of trial.

v^enile cataract and its associated conditions in their incipiency are an attractive tield for experimental work with sex gland hormone via implantation.

v^hould sex gland implantation prove even moderately effective in checking or im])ro\-ing the conditions incidental to at least a moderate proportion of cases of senility, arteriosclerosis undoubtedly will be considered amenable to treatment. As to incipient senile dementia, the inference is obvious, and the author believes this to

be a very ])romising held. Possibly certain types of ])rostatovesical disease and chronic rheumatoid affections of the joints also may ])rove amenable to treatment.

The thought occurs to the atithor that the sex gland hormone possibl}' nu'ght increase the resistance of the brain cells to toxins and improve their nutrition sufhcientl}' to correct the ttnderlying neuropath}' of epilepsy.

X^eurasthenia. in the author's opinion, more often is a pttrely sexual phenomenon than generallv is sttspected. It seeminglv is due to causes which, directly or indirectly, affect the production or composition of sex gland hormone. Long continued emotions of all kinds, especially sex emotion, ]:)rodtice it. \\'orry, cerebral overstrain, sexual desire without gratification life withotit desire sometimes even sexual or no

sexual excess, frecjuent child bearing

children at all, after the proper age

irritation of the sexual appa-

rattis, innutrition from any cause, all are disastrotts. ])robably through vitiating the quality or lessening the quantity of the hornu.ine wliich. in the sex gland nutriti\'e cycle, is necessary to the structure and functioning of both the internal secretory and generati\-e secretory gland cells themselves. Chronic infectious diseases, such as s_\])hilis. may be assumed to act upon hormone ])roduction in tw(j ways, \\/..: 1. Worry, ])r()(lucing nutritive depression and ])erverte(l chemism ; 2. intoxication inhibition :ui(l ]ierversion of

t unction f)f the internal secretor\- ai)])aratus. The result is ]m-oloiuul neurasthenia. Tlie exhaustion ])roduced b\- anv disease is merely neurasthenia. ])robabl}' ])ro(luced 1)\ internal secretorx' dis-


turbancc affecting the production of hormone, the natural rejuvcnator of nerve energy. Possibly so called ])hysical exhaustion is due to the same cause, and not altogether to "fatigue" toxins.

]\Iay we not believe that all the vital functions really are manifestations of hormone activity, acting upon neuron, ganglion, and nerve fibre? Other hormones are essential, but is it too much to say that the sex hormone is most important of all ; in brief, the most potent link of the endocrine cvcle ?

It is probable that a hormone complementary to the testicular hormone is produced by the prostate. The markedly beneficial results of prostatic massage in sexual neurasthenia might be ex])lained by. first, reflex stimulation of sex gland activity; second, liberation and aljsori)tion of sex hormone by mechanical pressure ; lliird, the stimulant and tonic eff'ect of the hormone on the nervous s\'stem.

The administration of sex gland hormone via implantation possibly may prove serviceable in malignant disease. It certainly is worth trial. The germ theory of the etiology of carcinoma has not seemed to the author well grounded, indeed, he is of o])inion that the nearer we come U) a ])erfect knowledge of the internal secretions, the nearer we shall be to the true etiology and rational therapeutics of carcinoma. In an}' event, wh;itever the aljuormal impulse may be, the result is ])erverted cell growth, and we may at least regard hopefully any remedial measure that ])roniises improvement in cell nutrition.

To ])ut tlie author's view of the etiology of malignant disease concretely, he believes that there is more than a chronologic coincidence in the association of sarcoma with childhood and youth, and of carcinoma with later life. A disturbance of cell nutritive equilibrium from perverted cpiantity or ([ualitv secretion or ])()th of internal

probably of the sex gland, the thyroid ])erhaps ])laying in mv o])inion underlies both varieties of

an im])ortant ])art

malignant disease. The sex gland hormone theoretically should restore this ecpiilibrium, making in effect the cells of the sarcoma older and stronger and those of the true carcinomata younger and stronger. In the light of the foregoing view of malignant disease, the theory of C'olmheim is csi)eciallv a])t in its ai)])lication to malignant disease of earlv life, and to sarcoma and the other varieties

of carcinoma at any age.

- 2.i6 -


'Jlic association of cancer witli the ai)])roach or occurrence cjf the nieno])ause. and witli advancin.i^" age in the male, is sui^gestivc of change in the sex ghuid hormone as the cliief underlying factor, I^pithelioma of the skin, especially, may be compared to psoriasis, in that a defect of nutrition due to ])erversi(jn of internal secretion and localized by special factors of irritation is a reasonable underlying cause.

'i'he role of micro-organisms in carcinoma ma\- eventually I)rove to be merelv that of a special determining factor of perverted cell growth through the irritation ])roduced. and ncj more "specific" than traumatism, which so often a])pears to be the ])oint of de-])artttre for malignant disease.

'rh_\-roid extract has been stated to have cured psoriasis. This is not stir])rising. The thvroid and sex gland hormones seemingly are complementar}-. Thxroid defect ])ossibly may be the more im-

portant factor in malignant diseases of early life.

Diseases dtie to defective (jtiantity and (juality of either, or of both hormones. ])erhaps ma}' be cured by either, bttt possibly may reqtiire a c()m1)ination of both. The one thing needful in thyroid implantation may be a simultaneous sex gland implantation. It is the author's firm conviction that the administration of sex gland hormone l)y implantatinn ma\- ])ro\"e with or without thyroid hormone, as events

is well wortln- of trial in malignant disease. As to

whether beneficial results will follow organotherai)y. this naturally will be determined bv factors independent of the etiology of the disease.

Cask 1\'. Dementia praccox, catatonic type. Woman atied twenty-six \'ears. family histdry unknown. dvn"ation of disease ])robably more than six years ; \\'a>sermann negative. Operation. March 8, 1914. Site of implantation, deep within tlie ])elvis in the properitoneal space on the right side. Incision about 1.2.T inch long, just internal to and slightly below the anterior superior spine of the ilium. Alaterial used, portion of an ovar\- removed from woman of twenty- four years during a tumor operation, and refrigerated for thirty liours. It should be noted that a gland removed from a living sul)ject and refrigerated is e(iuivalent to one removed from a dead stibject at a corresijonding ])eriod after death prior to beginning decomposition

save where the donor died oi an infectious or an exhausting disease.

The wound healed Ity pirimary imion. Xo rise of temperature. The case was examinetl on ]\[arch 22. 1914, The implantation appeared to be success lul. The mental status was unchanged. At the second examination. May 11. l'U4, the im])lanted gland appareiuly was still /); .'situ. There had


been no iniprovenieiit in the menial or i)hysical status. The author examined the case. July 26, 1914. The implantation /ry- sc probably was a success, although on account of its position the gland could not be palpated. The mental status still was absolutely unchanged. ]\ven granting the potency of the method, under favorable conditions, a negative result should not be surprising in such unpromising cases as 1 \' and \', or in such as subseciuently were experimented upon.

C.\SK v. Poiiciitia praccox. (jirl, aged seventeen years. Duration of disease, about three years Pro])ably a masturbatory habit. No family history. Wassermann negative. Operation, March 8, 1914. Site of implantation, right labium majus. Alaterial used, the com])anion to the ovary implanted in Case II. This had been merely refrigerated, but not frozen, for a week in normal salt solution. A Graafian follicle had just ruptured at the time of death of donor, and the corjjus luteum was beginning to form. Examination, Alarch 22, 1914, showed that this implantation probably was

a success. There had been a slight rise of temperature, owing probably to coincidental incision of redundant labia and slight resultant infection. The wound healed by ])rimary iniion, but a small, apparently superficial al)scess formed near the implantation site bed. This was opened and drained. The o\'ary still was ;';; situ. .May 11. 1914, the oxary still was in situ. There seemed to be a slight im])ro\ement in both the physical and mental status.

. \t the last examination, July 26, 1914, the im])lanted gland tissue was barely discernible on ])alpation. The mental condition was found to he remarkabl\' improved. There a])peared also to be considerable improvement in the patient's jjhysical condition. ySo marked was the improvement in this case, that a reasonable number of such apparent results justly could be regarded as ])ro]):d)ly confirmatory of the theory upon wliich the implantation was based.

Front what is known today of the internal testicular secretion and of the influence of the ovarian internal secretions it])on secondary sex characteristics and the functions of the nervous system, especial!}- in the light of Fattser's hlood dia<>iiostic ohservations, the internal secretion of the ovary seems to he logically indicated, not onlv in earlv cases of dementia pra'cox and allied conditions in the female, htit es])ecially in certain severe cases of hysteria, the nerve wreckage that often follows com])lete sttrgical removal of the o\aries, in severe and ohstinate cases of neurasthenia, and the netiro])athy of the nieno])atise.

Will such henelicial efTects as nia\- he secttred hy a more or less continuous dose of internal secretion incidental to sttccesstul sex gland implantation I)e ])ennanent, /'. <'., will the result he mcrel\temporary stimulation rather than what ma_\- he termed "regeneration ?'"

^- 258


()l)viousl\", niaU'rial from the li\iii.L:' sul)ic'Cl with iniiiie(hatc' transference from donor to reci])ient is tlie mo>t (lesiral)le method when availal)le better. as it rarel_\- is, the effects, liowever, will be no

C'asi- \'I. This, in a sense, is tlie most reniarkahle ui all oui" inii)laniation cases. Woman, ni^vd sixty years, senile dement. At tlie time of the im-

I'ii^. 1.

Slio\\'ing jjostei'ior l)or(ler of imphmted testis, with site

of removal of epididymis, (A) and extensive vascular areas. (Case VI.)

j)lantation she apparently was in good healtli, save as to her mental condition. Wassermann ne.gative. With thi' douhle ohiect of the p(^ssi1)le l)eneticial etTecl of the male se.x hormone in senile dementia in the female, and determiniiiL;' whether sex tilands coiiUl ])e successfully transplanted for therapeutic purposes from the one sex to the other in the human hein.ii'. we made a cross implantation in this case, Alarch 18, 1914. in this case the possihle effects in tieneral of the te>ticidar hormone on the secondary female sex characteristics coidd he ahsolutely iiiiiored. The gland emi)loyed was the right testis of an apparently health) man, .aged thirty years, dead from contact with a live wire The donor had ])een dead ten hours when tlie testis was removed. The gland had hcen refrigerated for four days.


lAll'OTl'.NCI': AX I) STl'.RIT/ITY

Till' gland wa:- carefully prciiarcd l)y rcniuxing the epididymis and slightly denuding the tuhuli hy excising four longitudinal strips of tunica albiii^inca

about three mm. in width, extending lor the whole length of the gland. The entire gland was used. A transverse incision about 1.25 inch in length was made, about four inches above the symphysis pubis, down to the aponeurosis of the recti. The wound was pocketed downward for approximately two inches, and the testis implanted at the bottom of the pocket. The fascial opening was closed with a ])ursestring suture of tine catgut, the skin wound with a catgut continuous suture, and the line of closure settled with collodion and gauze.

Healing was prompt, aseptic, and afebrile. Considerable swelling

Fig. 2.

Anterior border of im]>l;inted testis, showing multiple

vascular areas. (Case VI.)

develoi)ed at the site of the implantation and the patient complained of slight tenderness on light pressure. The skin was somewhat reddened after a few days, and the implantation seemed likely to be a failure as had

been exi)ectcd. ]\luch to the author's gratification, however, su])puration did not occur, and the case did far better, so far as the size of the mass which survived was concerned, than any other of our early testicle im-

])lantations. Alarch 28, 1914, the im])lanted gland could be distinctly outlined on ])alpation and was fairly movable. There was no longer any tenderness at the site of im])lantati()n. May 11, 1914, the surrounding exudate seemed to have disapj)eared and the gland was circumscribed, freeh- movable, and appi'ared to be as large as when imi)lanted. July 2(>, 1914, the mass seemed considerably,' smaller on ])alpation ; it was moderate]}' consistent to the feel,



I'i'k'. ,1.

l.arcral view en' implant cd testis with minicrdus \-ascular

areas. ( (."asc W.)

still I'rcely iiKA'ahle, and inscnsilix e. 'i'licrc had liccn no change in the physical or mental status.

]'*or ])urposcs of stnd.w tlie in.iplanted testis in the foregoing cross

implantation was removed inider novocaine. July 17. 1914. The measurements of the excised mass were 4 cm. in length, 3 cm. in lireadth. and iimm. in thickness at its thickest ])art. The gland proper was surrounded hy a pseudocapsule of connective tissue and fat. The tunica alhuf/iiica clcarl}' showed, liere and there, and contained numerous small blood vessels. A'ascular attachments to the surrounding tissues were distinct, evidentlj' at the points of denudation of the fitiiica albiKjinca. The ])oint of severance of the epidicK^mis was flattened and showed a broad area of vascular adhesion.

4. Lateral \ iew of im]}!anted te.-^tis with mimcrous va-cular areas. (Case \'l. )

^ 261


Fig. 5.

Longitudinal section of implanted testis. (Case VI.)

The mass weighed 9.5 grams. The proper capsule of the gland, the tunica albui/iiica, and the connective tissue of the mediastinum showed beautifully. The substance of the mass, within the tunica albuijinca, was of a yellowish color, and to the naked eye, distinctly fatty. Tlie macroscopic and microscopic findings are shown in the drawings ( I'igs. 1 to 12). Needless to saj^ the author was astonished to find living tnlnili scminifcri and ducts in addition to a more than normally rich vascular sui)ply and a surprising abundance of interstitial cells.

I'Vom the results in this case the author concluded that im])lanted human sex glands from either sex may survive in the tissues of the opposite sex, there being no greater tendenc\- to necrosis, and perhaps less rapidity of degeneration than in homosexual transplantations. It is a striking fact that, before removal, the bulk and outline of the timior and the conditions later shown in the s])ecimen were more strongly indicative of a successful implantation than were the conditions in our early homosexual experiments in

I'ig. 0. -Transverse sectidu of im])]an(e(l testis. (Case YI.) 262


'\ii. 7.

151(>()(1 vessels, connective tissne, and fat in peripheryof iini)lante(l testis. (Case VI.)

tunica alhntiinea

b'i>^. 8.

X'unierous new blood vessels, fat, and connective tissue

in and l)eneath the tunica alhu.uinca of implanted testis. (Case VI.)



citlicr tlie male or the female.* Xo phj-.siologic observations were made in this

case. As already noted, no mental nor phj'sical improvement followed the imi)lantation of the testis, but as the subject suffered a fracture of the neck of the femur about ninety days after the imi)lantation, it would be difficult to determine whether or not the testicle hormone was of any value.

C.\SK VII. Man, aged fifty-three j'cars, musician, consulted the author Tune 10, 1914. Always a hard drinker and a gourmand; no history of syphilis; Wassermann negative; history of two tappings for ascites, six

I'ig. 9.

Showing area of proI)al)l\- dead, and another of distinctly

vitalized tubuli seminiferi with an abundance of living interstitial cells in implanted testis. The vitality (jf the glandular tissue and the ([uantity of interstitial cells increases from the center toward the periphery' of the implanted gland. (Case VI.)

years before. A diagnosis of cirrhosis of the liver was made at that time. When the ]iatient was first seen, his alxlomen was enormously distended with fluid. Jaundice had appeared a few da\-s previously and had become (|uite ])ronounced. No pain was complained of, nor was there any historj' of ])re\'ious ])ain. On the scalp, backs of the arms and forearms, the elbow^s.

the front of the right leg, the buttocks, and the lumbar region, were large ])atclH's of severe, typic jjsoriasi^. from which the patient h;id suft'ereel for many years. 'I'he p:itclu's on the arms were (piite symmetric, each measuring about 15 cm. long and 9 cm. wide. Those on the leg, six in number, averaged

* Tn exiKM-inu'nts on fowl.';, the most dofmitc* ro.'jult tlie author thus far lias olitaiiH'd was from an imi)Uintat ion of a testis of a yoimj? cockerel upon a jinllct foui' months f)l<l.

-^ 264


7 cm. h_\- 4 cm. The areas on the >calii and hiittock^ were of \-ariuus and moderate .-^ixes. A patch oi" psoria^i.^ nu-asurinu 7 cm. hy 9 cm. existed on the abflumen. in\'ulvin,u a small portion oi the skin co\ering an umbilical hernia. 'JA\m ])atches on the lumliar re.s^ion mea-nrerl re-pecti\el_\' ahont 6 and 8 cm. The subject was \-ery weak and markedly- incommoded b\' the enormous bulk of his abdomen. His appetite had been excellent imtil a few days before, since when it had rapidly failed.

June 14th. the author remo\ ed nearly ~ix gallons of dark bile-stained transudate fr(jm the abdi,)mina] ca\ity. affording tlie patient great relief.

I'ig. Id.- Section near peripberw al-o showing gradual increase of vitality- of gland tissue from the center toward the perijiliery iif implanted tt'-ti-. (Large am^'unt > ( interstitial ti-sue. ) ( Ca-e \' 1. )

The liver was now found to be greatl\' enlarged and indurated, showing plainly through the collapsed abdominal wall. The gall bladder was greatly distendefl and its walls thickened and hard. In the left iliohypochondriac region was a hard, oblong mass extending downward from the under surface of the li\'er for alxnit four inches. I'rom its location this ttuiior might have been either renal or (jmental. It couUl not be defmitely determined that it was attached to the liver. Several hard, irregular masses were noted at the left (jf the median line in the umbilical region. There was a good sized umbilical hernia, e\'iflently now containing oidy fluid, which freely flowed back and forth under pressure. This had been unsuccessfulh' operated upon some }'ears ago. The indue contained bile in large amount and a small (piantity of all)iuuin. but no casts. The patient's heart was very weak

265 ~-

iMPoTicxci-: AX I) sti-:kility

following the operation and strvclmine was i;iven hypodermically for several days.

l{nconraged by the observations wliieh already had been made oi the ai)parent effects of the sex hormone ni)on nutrition, and especially upon that of the skin, and with a clear understanding on the ])art of the patient of the experimental nature of the i)rocedurc, the author resolved to make a testicle implantation in this case. On June 19th, we planted in the patient's right scrotal sac a testicle, with the epididymis excised, removed from an ajjparently healthy sul)ject about twent^'-one years of age, dead about thirty hours before from contact witli a live wire. Ice had been packed around

Fig. 11.

Free and attached interstitial cells with contiguous

tul)uli seminiferi in inii)lanted lesti:-. (Case A'l.)

the testes for jierliaps four hours. The operation was done ten hours after the renio\al of the testis from the dead subject, /. ('., forty hours after death of the donor. The local postoperative course was vmeventful for two weeks. The wound apparently healed by ])rimar3' union and there was very little swelling about the site of the imjjlantation. Until the fourteenth da\- the implantation jwr sc seemed to have been successful.

On the third day after the implantation improvement was noted in the skin erui)tion. l!y the eighth day after operation, the lesions were so im])roved that they scarceh' could be recognized as i)soriasis. The skin of the leit arm was nearly normal. The i)atches upon the back and scalp had entirely disappeared. The jaundice had improved, the blood i)ressure, which was low on account of the patient's debilitated condition, had increased, the pulse was ])erce])til)ly stronger. ai)i)etite greatly increased, the hemoglobin, Avhich was a])proximately sixty per cent., was now seventy ])er cent., and



there was a distinct iniprovemeiit in color of llie skin, aside from the lessening of the jaundice. A considerahle reaccumuhition of fluid already had occurred.

The white cor])U-<clc count sliowed over 13.01)1) at the time of operation. On the sec(jiul day the wliite count wa> over 21. ()()(). falling rapidly after the third day to about what it was originally. The ol)vious explanation of the ra]>id rise and fall in the white cell count was an ephemeral reaction to a foreign body. There wa- at no time any noticeable effect on the sexual function, which had been in abcwancc for several \'ears.

]''i,g. 12.

Section from area of peri])hery of implanted testis, cor-

responding with site of the epididymis, showing vein containing blood and vasa effereiitia. (Case \'l.) There were no areas of softening or of fatty degeneration in the interior of the gland. The Sertoli cells could not be distinguished.

The blood and skin conditions continued to improve and the patient grew stronger cavit\de.-])ite an cxten.^ive reaccumulation of fluid in the peritoneal

until the fourteenth day. The ])ercentage of hemoglobin had rapidly

increased to 90. anrl llie red corpuscles, which showed 2.27?S)i)i) at the time of the im])lantation. liad increased liy the tenth day to .^6()().l)()(). varying from day to day. but at no time falling ])elow 4. 001). 000 before the close of

the ca-~e.

The --ill.- of ibe p:-oria>i- on ihc left ai'ui and buttock> now had become jiracticallv normal, and that on the right arm and leg nearly >o. The patient a^-ertei[ that hi^ teetli. whicli bad liei-n so tender :'.n<l I'^ov tliat he could not chew solirl f(.iod. had ])ecome so improved that he could chew with comfort.



The scrotal wound, wliich a])])arciitly liad united. reo])ened superficially for about half an inch on the ninth day after operation. This was apparently due to mechanic disturbance, tlie enormously pendulous abdomen giving rise to great inconvenience. The slight skin lesion, while indolent, as was to have been expected, presented no evidence of anything but the most superficial and simple pus infection. The fascial wound had not reopened and appeared to be soundly healed. The temperature was normal until the fifth day, when it rose to 100 F. It fell to normal within twenty-four hours. On the thirteentiT day it again rose to 101 F., but by evening fell to normal and remained practically normal until the close of the case.

June 30th. the author again tap])ed the abdomen, removing fulK' six

gallons of fluid. The testis still was /;; situ and a])])arently "doing well." The fluid, which at the previous tapping had been clear and about the color of moderately strong coffee, ikjw approximated the color of normal urine and was distinctly turbid. The liver was perceptibly smaller and the abdominal tumors ])reviously described had markedh* decreased in size since the first ta])ping. Dr. M. M. I'ortis saw the case and agreed that it ])robably was carcinoma. Dr. Portis subsequently examined the fluid and stated that while tlie findings were atypic, he still thought the case prolialdy was malignant. The report of tlie examination of the fluid withdrawn at the tapping was as follows :

Specific gravity. 1010; large number of lymphocytes, endothelial cells and embryonal cells : bile in moderate (juantit}'.

The shock of the second ta])ping was very severe and the patient rapidly failed. On the following day he began to have involuntarj' bowel and bladder evacuations. The slight granulating scrotal wound became infected about the fifteenth day after the operation and on the seventeenth day pus was distinctly perceptible around the site of the implantation. This was evacuated and the implanted testis was found to have been dissected out cleanly by the ])us, which was distinctlj- saproi)hytic. The gland was of normal consistence and form, anrl on section the tubuli ajjparenth' were not softened or in the least broken down. Xo evidences of adhesions were perceptible on the surface of the gland. The ])atient liccame delirious and refused alimentation ; marked albuminuria develo])ed. and death from exiiaustion

occurred July 12, 1914.

The autopsy showed a greatl\' enlarged, but otherwise typically cirrhotic liver. The omentum throughout was cirrhosed and enormously thickened. The fatty ca])sules of the kidneys were greatly thickened and indurated. So great was the induration and thickening or the fatt\' environments of tlie alxlominal organs tliat they were \vilh difficulty removed for insijcction. The masses which had sinnilated malignant omental metastases had become so reduced in size that they wei"e scarci'ly |!ercei)tible before opening the abdomen. ( )n ex]>osiu"e to ins|ieclion tbex' pro\ed to ])v merely thickened and liarden.'d |)ortions of omentum. The spleen and i>anci'eas were i.'irrliosed. The kidnt'vs slinwed niarl<t'd inter>titia1 nephritis. 'I'he author does not recall i'\HT having met with a case with such e\tensi\e alcoholic pathology. There

--- 2()H ~-


\sri> 111) c\i<kiuc of inali,mi;inc\'. Hi>iiil()t^ic cxaminatinn oi the li\er sliowcd tyi)ic cirrho-ii-;. The iniplaiiled testis was carelessl_\- j)reser\'e(I. and wlien >uhniitted for hi>tul(),L;ic >tiid\- \va> fmiiid ti:i l)e so decmnposed as to l)e wortldess for stud_\'.

'Idle lore.yoiny case was a se\ere test of sex .yland implantation and tlie apparent results upon the hlood and >kin were correspondint;ly noteworthy. A- a i)rohal)le index to the i)hysiolo,L;ic effei'ts (.)f the sex hormone, the ehaiiKes iii the ])soriatic skin were phenomenal. That the subject received the heiietit of hoth the initial and the >econdary ])!iy<iolofi-ic ctYects of the hormone is prohalile. The author l)e!ieve-> that tlu' testicle elaborated hormone until the >crotal infection occurred. ;> period of two weeks. That any remedy what-oe\er could ett'ect such niarkefl changes in the C(.indition ot the blood and >kin in so unpromising a ca>e as the fore.uoin.e. is remarkable. Xo treatment (jlher than ini]dantation, ^a\ e attention to the bowels, was i>'iven. The changes hardly could have been ^jjontaneous in a ca>e in which there existed no natural tendency to improvement. The survival of the im])lanted testis for so loiiK a periocl in a subject in which the nutrition of the tissues of the donor was so impaired is in itself ])henomenal. The a])parent improvement in the biliar\' obstruction, aiul the diminution in size of the li\'er and omental masses arc merely ncjted as clinical phenomena, with no suggestion of any pirobable relation to them of the sex hormone. 'Jdiey obviously are susceptible of other explanations, which harflly can be true of the skin and blood phenomena.

'J'lie action and interaction of the ini])]antc'(l \-oun,2; "-land and its senile, or even niiddle-a_n'ed environnient, are worthy of seriotts cemsidcration. 'I'o what extent an a^q'ed environnient of nerve infltience and tissue juices eventually will alter the l)iochcniisiu of the iiu])lanted ,^-land intist remain an o])en f[ttesti(Mi. Stihse(|ttent experi-

ence has seemed tfj show that, while the inland atro])hies perha])s a little faster than in }-oun.y"er soil, its life is iirolont^ed sttfficientlv to >ecure marked action of the hormone-

That the imjjjanted inland wi'! henetit more or less 1)\- the im])roved fjualit}' of the hlood ])rodttced h}' its own internal secretion seem> lo.q-ical eiuni.^'h. To what extent anrl for how lon,^^ a time is ])rol)leniatic.

The inte,<4rit\- of tlie ^'land ti>~~tie and the qualitv and ([tiantity (.f its ])ro(hict ol)\-i()U>]\' are laro'eK' dominated 1)\' the elements on which it fecfls. Imidanted \oun,i^- ^land tisstie ])ossil)ly may not lon^' remain \'otm,<^' when fed on]\- 1)\" the l)]ood of more mattire, and c-^ijecialh' of -^cnile life. l'"ac]i ^ex inland is a lahoratory : the ^'land cells are the worker>. These workers select from the hlood ihe materials for the elahoraiion of hoth the iniernal and procreative



secretions. C])()n the (|uality and quantity of these materials depend the quahty and (juantity of the finished product.

'^I'he end result of implantation, therefore, possibly may be merely the elaboration and absor]:)tion into the blood of a larger quantity of internal testicular or ovarian secretion than the reci])ient's own glands are capable of ])roducing, this secretion eventually becoming of the same ([uality as the subject's own secretion, in this event the benehts derived from iiuplantation w'ould be only such as would result from a constant dose of a larger quantity of internal secretion, of a ])otency identical with that produced by the reci])ient's own glands. If it should i)rove to be true that a gland im])lanted in an elderly subject becomes greatly moditied by its new environment which modification should not be astonishthen the same consideration

ing, for "the cell is what it eats"

would even more forcibly a])ply to a gland taken from an elderly donor and implanted in a younger recipient. The nutrition of an old, but still functioning gland probably is more likely to be improved by young blood than a young gland is to be deteriorated by old blood. This suggests more leeway in procuring material. It eventtially may be shown that there are s]:)ecial indications for the selection of a gland from a donor of relatively advanced age as best ada])ted to the condition in hand.

Mow far the trophic influence of the relatively aged nerve

supply of the implantation site may affect the permanence of implantation results would Ije difficult of conjecture. It is hardl}' ])nssible that a comnuinitv of nerve supply, sensory or tro])hic. or both, could l)e estaljlished l)etween the im])lanted gland and the investing" tissues.'" If. however, we ever succeed in greatly impeding the wheel of time in its remorseless grind upon human life and the author is willing to confess optimism it is most

likel}- to be through the agenc\- of internal secretion thera])y, via gland implantation. As to what glands, or combinations of glands, will ])rove most efficacious, the futtux alone can show. The sex

* The ri-siilts nf ini pbi lUa t ii jii in several of oui- cases ai'e iiiteresUns- and iin]iorlaiit in their relaliims (ci the elTin-ts of fatal eleclrieal shock on cell vitalits' in general, and possihlN nia\ lia\e a lu'arinL; upon the ]>ossiliilit>- of resuscitation aflei- siiiipesed death Ironi the electric current. The author belie\-es tliat ctdl \'italit\- \aries with the dosai^e ol' and duration of e.\|iosure to the current. l)(iul>tless in snnie eases the seX .ulands would not l),' suitable inateiial for iniphuit.'i lion.



gland secretion seems to l)e the most important of all the internal secretions so lar as its ]ossihle ettects in increasing etViciencN' and lon<4"e\-it_\- are concerned. Indeed, it may be a ])o\\erftil stinnilant to the activit\' of all the (jther hormone ])r()dticing orgatis. In any event, senilit_\- and its control are merely a matter of ntitrition.

If a complementar}- hormone shotild he fotmd to be necessary to the ftill ])h}siologic action ot the sex gland hormone, it mav ])rove to be the thyroid, ])itttitar_\'. pineal gland, or the sitprarenal or several of these in combination. 'Jdie thyroid swelling incidental to menstrtiation and sexttal excitation so freqtienth' manifested in cases of hyjjerthyroidism certainly is ([tiite sttggestive. 'J'he profotmd nntriti\-e ettects of thyroid internal secretion are familiar enongh. Possibly the ettects oi the sex hormone (tn the thyroid i-^ in a --ense "inhibitory."' rather than com])lementary. the th\-roid running riot, so to speak, with restilting hyperth\'roidism when the intittence of the sex hormone is removed. Granting this hypothesis, (iraves' disease wottld be an indication for sex gland implantation. \\". Blair Hell says, in reference to correlation of the internal secretions in regard t(j their genital fttnctions :

^^'hen the reproductive functions cease and the ovaries atrophy at the menopause, tlie harmony between general and genital metabolism is tem-

porarily deranged, and various disturbances may ensue. The basis of treatment is the administration of the necessar}- secretions. Some patients react to tluToid extract. S(jme t(j pituitary, others, again. Xo coml)inations. so great are the indi\'idual \ariatiiins.

Strictl\" speaking, the o\'ary is concerned onh' in the temporary function of reproduction, and. by its hormones, of bending the metabolism of the body t(; its purpose. As accessory to these functions the ovar\- has been supposed to be responsible for the beauty of the vessel by means of which its ends are io be attained. I)Ut toda>" one is beginning to w(.)nder how far the ovary does influence secondary sex characteristics, and whether full secondarycharacteristics can be ol)tained by the influence of the ovary alone. There is evidence that hyi)erplasia of the suprarenal cortex can upset an\' influence that the female genital glanrl ma\" possess, and can i)roduce in a female some of the secondary characteristics of the male.

Any influence the ovar}- has over general metabolism is, then, related to and dependent on its primary reproductive function. It probably does not influence metabolism except in so far as this special function is concerned. Removal of the ovaries may produce temporary disturbance, but this does not in\'alidate the view mentioned.

The rest of the ductless gland system is related to the genital functions in various ways. The thyroid, pituitary, and suprarenals influence the



development and subsequently preserve the integrity and activity of the genitalia. Others the thymus and possibly the pineal appear to prevent

sexual precocity. All the ductless glands control metabolism in response to the necessities of the genital functions. In addition they adapt the whole organism to the possibility of the situation, and regulate the secondary characteristics, both ])hysical and psjxhical, to suit the needs of the individual. Once, however, the reproductive organs are removed or undergo atrophy, the l)rimary genital functions of the rest of the ductless glands cease, and the rearrangement of the metabolism that follows produces what are known as s3'mptoms of the menopause. Contrariwise, insufficiency of the thyroid or suprarenals causes the cessation of the genital fimctions with atrophy of the uterus.

The ])()ssil)ility of sex ^'land ini])lant;iti()n increasing lons^'evitv reqitlres special consideration: A sticcessftil implantation niay not api)reciably alter the strtictnre of the recii)ient's tissues and organs, although the effect on the skin and blood ])resstire of the expei"iment outlined in this volume naturally is suggestive. The viscera in general, and es])ecially the heart, l)lood vessels, and the nerve

and brain tissttes, may remain essentially the same, yet, even granting this, further senile changes should be retarded if, as seems ])robable. the internal secretions of the generative organs eventually are })roved ])rofoundly to affect nutrition. In l)rief, we may hope to retard senility even if we cannot "citrc" it.

The ((uestion at once sttggests itself, .Might not the stimttlating effect of the secretion defeat its own ends by exposing to overstrain organs notabl}- the heart alreadx' senile? Possibly, even prob-

ably, it wotild do so, unless the increased efiiciency was conservatively em])loyed. I^ven if an increased capacity for long stistained and considerable nntscttlar effort and increase in res]:>iratory ca]!acity should result, no one who is otit of training shotild expect great tolerance of severe stress on heart, wind, and limb.

It has occttrred to the attthor that sex gland implantation is likely to give the most satisfactorx' resttlts when employed at or abotit middle life, with the view of retarding senility and preserving efiiciency, or increasing it. if it is below ])ar. The normal man of forty xears. possibl}'. might at least retaitt the vigor of forty years until more adxanced age. The man i)ast middle age with impaired efficienc)' would be likel\- to hax'e liis (.'fficiencN- restored. Sttccessive im])lantations, ot cotu'se, might ])r()ve to be necessarw We have shown that ini])lantation of the re])r()dtictive glands is especially



effective in yonny' sul)jects with (lefecti\e i)h\sical sextial and psychosexnal de\el()])nient. and in stil)iects who have l)een trauniatically deprived ot the i;enerati\e glands recentlv in voung

subjects, or at any time in sul)jects ])ast the age of pnbertv. In connection lierewith it is well W remember that the eti'ect shoitld be more marked in young subjects in whom the chief secondary sex characteristics never have been normally develojjed, than in older subjects.

('.ranting that the method ])roves valuable in mental conditions, stich as dementia ])r;ecox. the degree of benefit and ])ermanence of results of sex gland imi)lantation will de])en(l tt])on:

1. 'J'he age of the ])atient.

2. The s])ecihcitv and acti\-itv of sitch infective cause as mav be determined.

3. The ditration of the disease and the amount of secondary

degenerative changes.

4. 'J'he degree to which perversions and defects of other internal secretory glands enter into the etiology.

5. 'Jdie dose and activity of hormone.

'J'he ])robable efficiency of sex gland trans])lantation in sextial perverts and inverts, in whom the normal ])sychic or physical, or both, sex characteristics are poorl}- developed, at once suggests itself. Paresis seems to be a suitable lield for exi)erimentation with sex gland im])lantation. and the author already has operated in tw(j cases, in which, however, local failure ])revented aity possible therapeutic results. The third case is tcjo recent to permit tis to draw conclusions. S\philis in the donor ma}' here be disregarded. It is an interesting qtiestion whether many of the mental vagaries and moral perversions that so often develo]) after middle age are not due to a lessening or ])erversion, or both, of internal sex gland secretion. \\'e are wont to attrilntte these conditions to strtictural arterial changes, but the justice of this is doubtful. Future ex])erience with sex gland im])lantati()n seems to me likely to change our \iews in this regard. Indeed, even where arterial changes are proved, a defective sttpplv or vitiated (|ualit\- of hormone sometimes mav be the \-er\- essence of the etiologw The mental al)errations which so fre([tientlv follow castration in either sex are sug-

gestive in this connection.



Tlic possible detrimental action of the secretions of the implanted gland n]X)n the functions of the recipient's own glands has in a way been decided by Aletchnikoff's experiments. In 1898, he produced "serums" from both human and lower animal semen. He killed the spermatozoa in the serums l)y heat. When injected intravenously, these serums destroyed the s])ermatozoa through the medium of a cytotoxemia. 'J'his toxemia was temporary, the spermatozoa finally acquiring immunity. Since the ex])eriments herein reported, examination of the seminal secretion in several cases showed the secretion to l)e normal in each instance. In one experimental case the wife of the subject conceived a few months after the implantation.

Obviously, if destruction of S])ermatozoa resulted from im])lantation because of toxicity of a large dose of alien secretions, the evil could be only temporary, unless the anatomic and physiologic machinery of their elaboration was destroyed, and this would

involve, first, impairment of testicular structure in the recipient ; second, aberration of nervous su])ply ; third, i)erverted blood constitution or, fourth, a combination of two or more of these conditions.

In the author's first paper in 1914 he said :

"Should sex gland implantation prove to be as great an advantage in therai)eutics as the author is inclined to believe, we soon will relegate certain gland extracts to the dead lumber room and use only the physiologic living extracts, administering them continually via implanted gland tissue. And who shall say how far the ])rinciple may be ap])]ied if tissues from dead l)odies can often be successfully used? vSex glands, thyroid, liver, pancreas, brain, s|)leen, kidney it is impossible to say where vito-organotherapy

will end, for it is by no means certain that all tissues have not a selective action on the blood, or a s])ecial biochemic action, the fresh ])roducts of which are of therapeutic value. In brief, each tissue l)OSsibly manufactures its own sj^ecial amnnmition antibodies

with which to combat disease, and even if growth of the implanted tissues should not occur, it is ])ossible that a sufficient dose could l)e given and a stifficiently prolonged action secured, to accomplish valuable results.*

* In pas.sing-, it is worthy of comment as a medical curiosity tliat tlie muc'li derided ('al)anis, in tlie latter part of the eighteenth century, asserted that tlie brain was a seci'etory organ, "secreting thoughts just as tlie stomacli secretes bile."



"In the li.Li'lit of AlxIcrlialdenV wonderful work, it mav evciituallv be shown that. 1)_\- a special, selective, trophic action, every hiyiih" s])ecialize(l tissue and ort^an of the body, whether glandular or not. elaljorates an internal nutritive metabolic prodtict tion" "secre-

of its own. The atuhor wotild suggest especially the ad-

visabilit}- of ex])eriniental subcutaneous administration of emulsions of fresh human brain tissue in certain derangements of the brain and nervous system. s])lenic tissue in certain anemias, heart tisstte in cardiac disease, thyroid in h}'poth}'roidism. kidney tissue in renal diseases, hmg in pulmonary disease, liver and pancreas in diabetes and of sex glands in various conditions."

The author since has experimented in this manner (in 1914) with emulsions of renal tissue from a recently dead human body, on

the guinea-pig. and en one human suljject. Xo harm resulted, save a transitory orchitis in the gtiinea-])ig. As already stated, he also has experimented extensivelv with htiman brain emulsion.

Possibly the hormone of the internal secretion of glands, or certain metabolic ])ro(hicts. elaborated by certain other tissties. is taken up by the blood, returns to the tisstte. and stimulates its ordinary vital functions. This "secretion-ntttrition-c\'cle" be so bold as to coin a term normal life of the tisstte itself. if we may

perha|)S ma\' be necessary to the

How far one internal secretion may su])plement another, is a fascinating tield for s])eculation that already has received attention in this volume. The author is especially inclined to believe that, in certain cases, the sex gland secretion may be a powerful adjtivant to thyroid or other hormone therapy, especially where simultaneotis implantation of sex glands is ])erformed. As for extracts of glands (jf the lower animals, their field oi usefulness probably always will l)e liiuited. while as for implantation of such alien tissues, failure naturallv should be expected. A priori it would seem as illogical as was the old method of transfusion of blood from the lower animals }et such implantations ])ossibl}' ma_\' have a certain

range of thera])eutic usefulness.

Since his fir>t series of experiments were made and the greater

])an ()\ this clia])ter was written, the author's attention has been called to some \'ery interesting ol)ser\-ations which, so far as the\' ,l:o, sc-r\e to strengthen the ])osition herein recorded regarding the \alue of sex gland trans])lantation hormone therapy.


Leopold-Lcvi reports a case of rheumatism and ])Soriasis, associated witli liv])o thyroidism. siiccessfullv treated with tlivroid extract. Ill another case of ])soriasis excellent results followed the administration of "testicular ])()wders."

(larre. of IJonn, has expressed himself enthusiasticallv rei;ardinj^- the pros])ects of thyroid im])lantation. He savs :

Traiis])laiitati<)n of the thyroid will rc\'olutioni/.c the work of the social worker within a few years. Crime, idiocy, the lack of develoi)ment in children, det^eneracy will he lessened through the knowledge of this reniarkahle organ which is jirst dawning upon ns.

To the tln'roid ha\e heen traced thousands u])on thousands of cases of stunted growth, o\ mental imdevelopment. of idiocy, and sucii defects. An tmdeveloped thjToid means an undevelo])ed child.

Let us take the case of father and son. The father has a normal thyroid, and the son's is undeveloped, hence he is making no progress, mentalh' or phj-sically. We can remove one-third or even two-thirds of tlie father's gland without injuring him in the least, and hy transplanting this to the son can soon hring him to ])ositive normal development.

'rransi)lantation of thyroid from the dead to the livinj;- tmder ])r()per conditions ])rol)ahly is qtiite as i)racticable as transplantation from tlie livint^" to the liviui^, unless, as Carrel has stated and Garre seems to believe, and in a measiu'e contrary to the aitthor's experience with the testicle, donor and recipient al)solutelv must he closelv related.

Handler states that he has used ovarian extract with success in dysmenorrhea, the disturbances of the climacteric, atrophy of the tttertis, and amenorrhea. As he tisitally combines iron with the ovarian extract, comment is unnecessaiw.

Dubois and Roulet assert that intravenous injections of prostatic extract produce a fall of blood ])ressttre. with an associated increase of brain vohtme and a lessening;' of renal tisstie volume.

Iscovesco notes the eti'ects of a "li])oid" extracted from the testis and ovarv. Clinical trial of this li])oid in the daily dose ot 0.02 ,<;'ram (one-third of a grain) for thirtv da\s in eleven jjatients

stilTcrini^- from hypochondria, or neurasthenia with sexual weakness, and in ei^ht a^ed men. restilted in increased _i;cneral \i,^'()r. a better mental attitude, and im])roved ca])acit\- for work. In foiu' of the eis^L; old men the blood ])rc'ssure was lowered. \ esical tenesmus, due to ])roslatic h\])ertro])b\-, in three of the cases,



disai)i)eared c()ni])letc'ly and |)cniiancntly after an injection of 0.1() i^Tani (two and a half grains) of the li(|uid. Xo toxic eftccts were noted from tlie larj^e doses, either in these ])atients or in the animals. The author la\s stress on the er}-throcytic ])ro])erties of the lipoid and extols it in the treatment of severe anemia, notahly chlorosis, and in severe c(jn(litions of inntitrition.

In additicjn to the implantations alread}' recorded herein, the author. ])rior to the c()m])letion of his hrst ])ai)er ( Aut^itst 1, \^)]4). had |)erf(jrmed o])erations in hoth sexes, itsing material that had heen refrigerated from three to seven days. The cases com])rised two females and ei_^ht luales. suffering" from various conditions, three senile dements, two cases of dementia ])r;ec()x. two of

epilepsy, and three of genera! paresis. In two suhjects a douhle im])]antation was made. In one an anastomosis of the vas was ])erformed. In one case, a male, a cross im])lantation was made. None of the suhjects was promising, and as all were institutional cases, a discriminating selection was not ])racticahle. Full}' ai)])reciating this, as well as otlier unfavorahle environmental conditions which inse])aral)le from ex])erimental work in large ])ul)lic institutions, and while hoping for l)enehcial thera])entic results, the attthor feared that in all the cases the ])rincii)al result would likely he the ac([uirement of a hetter knowledge of the limitations of sex gland implantations per se. and he was onlv too glad to avail himself of such material and conditions as were ohtainahle. The resttlt in the majority of the o]jerati(jns can be \'er\- l)riet]\- recorded :

'Jdie im])lantations failed in all of the males and in one of the teiriales, with var_\ing degrees of local infection and temperatin-e. The environmental conditions, the had condition of the subjects. and the ditiiculty of ])re\enting mentalK' deranged suhjects from handling the im])lantation sites, probal)]}- had much to do with the failures, hut the autlior is (lis])osed to charge them cliiellv to the material used. Different restilts ])Ossihl_\- might have been obtained it the implanted glands had been ])reserve(l b\- com])lete freezing. This, however, remains for sttbsec[uent solution. The results ])robabl_\- could not fairly be ascribed to the heterologous source of the glands. In ])art of this series of cases the local conditions were

favorable for some davs.*

Xoto h-lter in X. Y. Medical .Tournal, >[ar. 2:;, 3 914.



The case of anastomosis in an old man of seventy-five years, a senile dement, was rather interesting. The implantation womid healed, the case was afebrile and looked very promising for about ten days, when the gland and the surrounding inflammatory area began to break down and slowly soften. On the fourteenth day we opened up the ])urulent collection and removed the tunica olbiigiiiea, which was all that remained of the implanted testis.'''' The gland had been refrigerated only four days, and as the companion organ was still m situ, July 26, 1914, in a female dement subject (Case VI) in whom it was implanted on the same day the anastomosis was performed, the material probably was not at fault. Anastomosis necessarily is a severe test of implantation, even under the most favorable conditions. The donor of the testis was a man of

thirty years, dead ten hours from contact with a live wire.

In one of the males a double scrotal implantation was performed, using on one side an ovary taken from a nuilatto woman dead eight hours of disease of the heart. 'I'he testis was from a subject dead twelve hours of a skull fracture received two days previously. The material had been refrigerated three days. The infection evidently was due to the implanted testicle, spreading to the opposite side for when the organs were removed from the infected area on the fifth day, the ovary still was normal and adhesions already were noticeable on its surface.

The other ovary taken from the mulatto was cystic. '^^Phe pathologic tissue was excised and a small ovary reconstructed from the apparently normal glandular remnant, enveloped in an adherent fragment of broad ligament, and im])lanted, March 18, 1914, in the axilla of a female senile dement, sixty-seven years of age. The wound healed aseptically without any rise in temperature. !May 11, 1914, the gland a])parentl_v still was in situ. On July 26, 1914, a small movable body, a little larger than a good sized pea, still could l)e felt at the site of the implantation. As there was very little gland tissue from which to reconstruct an ovary, and the donor was of a race alien to the reci])ient, the a])i)arent local result of the foregoing experiment is at least noteworthy. There has been no change in the ])atient's ])hysical or mental condition.

* .Xnlc hdW tliis (lilTcrcd t'l-oni the condition of llic iniplaiited testis on removal in C^ase VI I.


SJ-:x cr.Axi) lmpi.axtatiox

Xo studies oi the i)li\ sioloi^ic eti'ects of the implantations were made in any of the im])lantati()n institutional cases, for reasons which should be obvious to those familiar with the unfavorable environments aflorded by lari^e hospitals for the insane, where even the most intelli,i(ent, progressive, and enthusiastic staff physicians are handicapped by (j\-er\vork and scanty resources in the matter of laboratory and instrumental ecpiipment.

All of the implantations performed were understood bv the relatives (jf the subjects to be experimental, and were done with their full knowledge and consent.



Further Experimental and Therapeutic Work in Sex Gland Implantation.

Wiv now will consider more in detail certain features of the researches recorded in the ])receding- chapter and record additional observations which will serve to make the work more comprehensive and com])lete, and it is hoped, even more convincing. The illustrations speak for themselves. The photomicrographs are confirmatory of the evidence afforded by the illustrative drawings already presented.

Certain experiments upon fowls already have been mentioned, without presentation in detail. A number of experiments were made. Fully comprehending the improbability of securing marked results from testicular im])lantations upon adult subjects castrated prior to the full develo])ment of secondary sex characteristics, and

having in mind merely the possible effects of the sex hormone upon nutrition, the author made the following experiment :

I. Subject, a Buff \V\-audotte capon, eighteen months old, caponized at the age of four months. Weight, nine pounds. Male plumage distinct.* The almost complete absence of comb and wattles, the pallor of the face, spiritless air, massive development, clumsiness, lack of gloss of plumage, relatively inferior length and bulk of cock feathers, limited appetite, sluggish movements, lack of spurs, and asexuality of the subject were very characteristic.

April 28, 1914, the left testicle of a normal cock of the "butcher shop" mongrel variety, was implanted in the left side of the pelvis of the cai)(>n. The wound healed prompth'. extraperitoneally

P>egiiniing about one week after the imi)lantation, the subject "braced up" considerabh'. The plumage ])ecame more glossy, the carriage of the fowl was more like that of the normal male, and the appetite and color were

* It i.s neccHSATY io defer caiioiiizinK \in1il the male plumage is fairly wf'll shown and the testes ar(; siiniciontl.\- lai\i;o to be coiripai-atix-ely easily foinid. 'riiis accounts foi- the iircscnci' iil' the |iluinaK(; I'ai-tor of the seeoiidai-\si'.v cli.'iract crs hi llu' i,-a]ioii.

280 -


greatly iiiiprdvod. I'.y the end (jf tlic second week the iinprovenient in condition \va,-> marked in e\ ery way. and nianiiudatidn of the \ent showed a (Hstinct sexnal rellex Nvith characteristic respond? on the pari of the subject, le~- iinl_\- in deuree tiian in the nnrnial fnwl.

The iinjir' i\ en;ent nut mdy did ma continue, Imt deterioratii ^:i occurred ahhouyli at the enfl of three weeks after the implantation the conchtion still was better than prior to the experiment. The sexual reflex had almost entirely disappeared. Afeanwhile several hcteroiniplantations of inlands from noiirelated donors were done upon normal fowls, with recovery of the subjects, but. as sh(_>wn b\' sul)se(iuent dissection. withoiU success of an\' of the imi)lantations per sc.

IT. The left testicle of a small mon.yrel cock, one year old, was remo\ed and replaced b_\- the left testicle of a recently killed Black Minorca cock, one year old. There was considerable hemorrhas4e. but the bird apparently reco\"ered from the inuuerliate cttects of the operation.* Death occurred on the second day. apparently from enteritis with profuse diarrhea.

Wound normal. X^o autojjsy.

III. A testis from a Ihiti' Rock, tifteen months old testicle. l)y the wa\'. that we e\er ha\e -een in a fnwlt

the largest wa^ implanted ex-

traperiiiineally in tlie left side of the abdi)men, ju-t abo\e the groin, of a female Ijiitt Wyandotte, fi\e >ears old. Deatli occurred, probably from enteritis, on the third day. Wound normal. Xo autops\".

In the carl}- ])eri()d of Iti.s work the author did a dotthle heteroiin])laiitati(jii ti])on a _\ear-ol(l iiKjni^-rel cock, which wa.'^ reported to have (hed six da_\s later from exhattstioii and diarrhea. -\.s this Ijird had Ijceii ke])t ttnder ver_\' tiiisaiiitar\- conchtions and had heen half starved and otherwise al)ttse(h and the operation had heen severe, no signiticaiice had l)een ascril)ed to its death. Xow. however, after the restths obtained in Kx])erinients II and III. we began to consider the toxic ])Ossibilities of ini])lantation. and were pertinently reminded of the ])henomena of anaph\laxis. said to result occasional!}- from various serttms. and which, frankly, the author had not believed to be dtte to ])rotein. btit to some other sertim content ])r()dticing toxemia. Acute se])sis. dotibtless. practicallv

* Till' aullif)!- has nut \'<'t siu-cetM'u-d in iK-n'tM-t iiiK a satisfacl(>r\' tcH-liiiic !'nr i-a.strat iii.u' adnlt hirils. The ribs ar'> tli-ni. the testes too .soft to endure ima-h iiianiiMilaliiin. and tlie \-oss<ds (|nitc hir,t;<', the arteries roniiiii;- almost flirectl.\' from tlie aorta and tlie ^ eins eniiit .vint;' directl\' into tlie ^"ena eava.

'rile Vessels also aio \-ei'\' t'l-a^ile. \\-itli the exeeiition of the suh.ieet used in lOxjierirneiii II. all ha\'e died of hennuaiiaue on tlie oiieratins- table. 'J"he ojiefation is sUK,i;est i\'e (jf what reinoxa! id' the linniaii kidney would be without eas\- aeec-ss or means for eont rol lins" hieinori-has;"e.

t(ffliand. tile authei' wajtild :;a,\- that a luiman testis of the same relative size would weiyli lietweeii two and lliree ihiuikIs. 'fhis is to sa.v muhintr of tlie telat i\el.\- greater aeti\it>- of tlie inland in fowls.

2S1 --


could be disregarded in our experiments, as fowls tolerate operations well, where severe hemorrhage can be avoided. When properly performed, caponizing in young fowls does not show over one per cent, of deaths, and this from shock and hemorrhage, or hemorrhage alone.

To determine the following i)oints : 1, The effect of successive implantations on the same subject ; 2, the effect of implantation of the male sex gland upon the female ; 3, the effect of large doses of gland tissue upon the female ; 4, the effect of alien protein from

the fowl's testicle U]K)n a higher animal ; the following experiments next were made :

IV. Alay 21, 1914, the companion testis of tiie one used in Experiment 111, was implanted in the right side of the pelvis extraperitoneally of the

came capon used in Ivxperiment I. The Ijird seemed indisposed for fortyeight hours after the implantation. He then rapidly recovered. May 29th, the color, general carriage, lustre and carriage of plumage, spirit, activity and ai)petite all were more than ever like the normal characteristics, although hy no means up to standard. The sexual reflex reappeared in slight degree.

August 24th, a slight further improvement was noticeahle in the various ])oints mentioned, save as to the sexual refle.x, which had disappeared. The hird was much more active than ever and showed signs of combativeness, fighting a little with strange males who ver\' ])romptly attacked him. This

latter point is imjjortant, inasmuch as normal males at once recognize the capon as in no sense a rival and rarely annoy hiiu. The subject, as before, showed no disjjosition to approach the female sexually.

About the middle of November, 1914, the capon was found fighting quite savagely with another bird through the lattice of his coop, and several times was heard to crow distinctly. The subject still showed no disi)osition to approach the female sexually. Shortly after this the bird was accidentally killed.

That a marked degree of physiokjgic regeneration occurred in this case is evident. So far as it goes, the experiment also tends to show the safety of successive implantations. Obviously the dose was much larger than in httman implantations. Reimplantation in the human subject, if done at all. would be performed only after a considerable interval, and considering this ])()int and the resttlts of the experiment on the capon may be regarded as safe. A noteworthy ])oint is the continuance and slowness of the ])rocess of regeneration. That there should have been in the ca])on any awakening whatever of dormant sex characteristics is remarkable.

'^I'here is a vast difference between implantation upon (a) a

. 282


\()un,L;' male lliat has recently ]k\-\] castraled or one that has heen castrated after full maturity, and ( h ) a male that has heen castrated earlv and has arrived at full maturity. The difference lies in the fact that in the one instance the secondary sex characteristics may continue to s^row or are already develo])ed, while in the other the secondary sex characteristics never have develo])e(l and regenera-

tion is very difficult of accomplishment. ( )nce ])S}chosexuality has developed mid impressed the animal durins^' the ])eriod of growth.

Imr. 1.

Capon used in e\]K'rimc'nts T and T\'.

the results of its intiucnce remain, oven though sex power and desire completely disap])ear. IJoth sex power and desire may, however, remain for a variahle ])eriod after complete castration in adults. \Micre they remain in young animals, the explanation usuall}' is an incom])lete operation. 'I'he author recalls an instan.ce of a gelding that was castrated late, who served mares as normally as could any stallion, llere. the o])eration ma\- or ma\- not havi: heen com])lete. A])ro])os of this point, the high valuation set in the ( )rient upon eunuchs who have suffered complete ahlation of the genitalia is readily understood.



Fis^'. 2.

Normal full brother of cai)on shown in I'ig. 1.

It is ])i-()bal)le ihal. in the experiment: on the ca])on, verv little of the implanted tissue surx'ixed, }-el: it nnist have been snlhcient at least to set the regenerative ])rocess in motion. The a])])lication



Fi-r. ; !.- Section of iit.iinil |,Mi~ ..t c, l,i,l iuui iiionlli- (.1,1, >li.i\viri^- cli.-inicli'i-isl ii'ally ^rcat iil>iiii(hiiic(' .,f i,MHMlixc yl.iiMl h-Mii- llihiih ^. iiniiif. n'l. A, l.'iillcil up cylinder-like- -

scjmcnl iif (li Ik il( pi i ,i 1 inM-lni(nl, (..iic^i ilin^;- li. the \ iscci\il laxcr of the

III,,;,;, ,-,i,i!,ii,h.< :uhI the l,i,ii,;, iill.ii ,,i in ,i ot tcMi- ot lii-hci- aniinaN. H. M.-nle-^lis, /. r.. pen'toiMMJ folil lit i-piili<hnial holder of j;-!:!^!. This is almost as ilclicate as a coliwch. C, Tn\,nli s, ,, ,],, ,.



of this to human hornioiu- tht-rapx i-- cxiik-iit. 'IMu- test in tlii-^ caseol)viotts!\- was tlic scvcrot i)o>>il)k;.

h'i.^s. 1 and 2 show the more imiiortant (hlTerences in the aj)l)earance of the- head of the caponizecl and of the nncapcjnized fowl Tile hirds are ftill hrotliers of {hv >ame a,^e.

\'. An exceptionally lar.iic te-tis iri>ni a nicin.urel cock, one year old. and a small te.-ti> I'roni a White l,e,L;liorn cockerel, fotn" months old, were implanted in the ri,L;ht >ide of the pclvi> -extraperitoneally of a lhor(.)UL;h-

hrcd ki.iilu i'.rahma pullet. I'oiir nioiithi old. At the same time the companion testis of the younii ke.Lihorn was implanted in the pullet"s left hreast. That the dose (.)f .yland ti^^ne was :,'normons is ohvioiis.

Healin.y was ])ronipt and the -uliject was continuously normal. Sevem\-tive day.- after im])lantation. the jiullet wa> killed. Autop-y : liody exceptionally ]dunip and well iiouri.-lied. Or.uans normal. Xo vestiiic of the uland implanted in the hreast. Tho-e imi)lantcd in tlie pelvis were livinti". and plainly reco.nnizalde as teste-. \'a>cular supply macroscopically abundant. \ essels oi attachment between the two int])lanted .ylands macroscopicall\' \isible. The lar.yer .uland was a lirm Ijuticular body about 2 cm. lont^'. 15 mm. wide and 1 cm. thick. W'ei.Liht, ,1.05 .yram. The smaller testis was especially \ascular in it> en\ironmem- and its "testicular" conformation especially plain. It nic.'i-iu'ed a])pr' iximatel} 1 cm. in leui^th. f) nnn. in width, and 5 mm. in thickne--. beinLi abont two-thirds its normal size. \\\-i,L;ht. 0.6 gram. The niicr^-copic characters of the iniplaiUed organ- are shown in Figs. 1()_ H, 12. 1.1 and 14.



Kij?- ">. .S<ch'oii of iioniKil (cslis of Ixiy of foiirleeii ycnrs. A, TiDiira alhin/ifira. 15, Tiihiili


VI. All exceptionally lart^e rii^lit testis from a mongrel cock, one year old, was implanted extraperitoneally in the abdomen of a lUiff Wyandotte laying hen, one year old. Healing was prompt and that there were no evil results is evident from the fact tliat the subject went on laying as if nothing had happened. This is important, as the slightest abnormal condition of health, and even slight nervous disturbance, such as changing to a strange coop, usually checks egg laying.

i^mmm^mf mW^^9 ^""" fc .WF-' 4B.

l-'ifT- <'< - .Sciiiiiiifrn,ii> lulMilc (.

iiil;' IMlil. -hnwiii;

iiuiiili<r cf iiiini;i(iir(



A fiiul imrpi H-lin;^ tn lie the same as the Milijeel of l-'xperinient \'] was killed three inonths later. .\iitc)j)s\' showed nonnality throutiliout. l)ut no traee of the iiii])laiit . <! ^laiid. .As there was not even a \estit4e of scar or eoiiiiecti\'e ti-sue at the recorded >ite of implantation, the autiior is in doubt as to whether or not some nii>take in tlie identity of the snhject was made.

.\s far a.s ])()iiits 1, 2. and o are concerned, the results of the fore.i,''! lin.L;' e.\i;eriinents seem (jtiile conchtsive. In the case of the hen tised in h'xperiinetu 111, old a,^"e prohahl)' had intich to do with the result. The ])ossil)iHt_\- that a lari^'e do>e of hornione from a relati\-elv \-ounn' ,^"land ma_\' have heen the disastrous factor is frcelv

admitted, hut. I'-rantint'' this, no such result cottld occin- from the

7. 'I'l ;ii]~vcr>i- Mctinii <.f ('ijiiliilviiiis nf a vdhh^- r .\l:i--;(- nf ci.aLi-iilatrd -ciiicii are seen within llic ti.lnili "Ui. !ia\-iiii;- ihc Imiaii '.f the tulmli clrar.

sli.iwiiii;- tralK-cul;c ami tubuli. line lit tlie<e Inass(.^i liavu fallen

relati\-e]y >mall dose restiltin,!^- from im])]antation in the htiiuan suhject. The other fatalities ])rohal)l\- were due to coincidental cattses. with due re_qarfl to the possibility of individual predisposition and the remote effects of shock.

Iv\])eriment \'. as shown h}- the luicroscopic appearances of the removed .glands nearly three months after implantation, and by sul)se(|uent histolo,^ic sttidw demonstrated also the success of the implantation per sc. confirming- the results obtained in otir ])revious

experiments on the human subject ( I'i.^'s. 15. 16. 17. and 18). That .^uch remarkable results should accrue from implantations of male


Fiy. 8.

Iiiterslitii\l (iii(citiil)iilar) connective ti^isiie of ein'didyniis of a \'Oung ram.

Compare willi l'"it;>. '.), M, 17 anil JS.

glands upon the female is not so astonishin,^- as it may seem at first sight. The l)lood of the female is excellent ])abuluni for every tissue in the body, as witness the development of the fetus ui utero.

* ^r^ ^

ri^f. fi. Seclion of (lie body of tl^tl^ of .1 \onni; V. Tnteistitial (inlei'tuliidar) eoiniectivo tis-<uc. H-C, 'riihiili, xriii i/ii I' 1 1 . ^liowinf; s((iifoi^ I [jitlic Innn. Compare witliFigs. S, 1:2, 17 and 18.

__ 2SS -^


Wl. As to point 4: A very larLje left testis

companion to that used

in IC.\i)erinient \'J--\\as iniplanicd in the left ,nr<iin (jf an Airedale terrier, three months old. J.ocal anesthesia was employed, with more attention to asepsis than in the case of ihe fowl^. althnu.uh the technic wa> hy no means all that could he desired. I'rimary union occurred, hut on the fourth day sl(.)usj:hin,y; of the su])erricial tissues of the ahdomen het^an, and hy the seventh da\- nearh' the entire ahflominal wall was denuded down to the muscular aixMieurosis, nccessitatinti' the killinj^ of the animal.

I{\-en after niakin,*.^' elite allowance for greater facilitv of in-

fection, the fore^t^oini^- result was in striking" contrast to that obtained in fowls. In a large miniher of fowl implantations we have seen

I'il.^-. tiK -Section of (csti^ of n fnc-l<ci-('l four iiioiitli< old. iiii|)laiii(><l in nii iinrchitcd pullet, four nioiiili-^ old. mid roiiiovcd .it llic cud of so\('iity-li\c d;i\s. (KNiicriiiicut \. ) A. Ordiunry tiliroi-oi.ucclivc tissue ;il Ihe pei-ipheiy of the ^ hmd, eiiir<.spoudiiit;- lo ils peritoneal tunic. B. Aliuiidaully ijrolifc rated ititei-st it ial eouneetive tissue, with a luoderale aiuouiit of oi-dii!ar\- eouneetive tissue. ( '. Itcniains of the hihiili sriiiiii if: ri . not yet Hi-ud.\- ofsani/.ed via eoiuieetix'e tissue jU'oliferat ion. .\ I i|s inferior liorder is seen a new ea|iillai'\. showiiii;' that the d( ii'eiierated mass of triu> seeretini;' tissue is li\iny. Compare with Ki^'s. 11. \-l. I I and 1(1.

but two cases of infection. These were i)itrel}- local and chronic, consisting of a had smelling fnngtts-like growth with slight snp])ttration, and no deterioration of general health.

It is \\-orthy of conimeiit that the relative degree of traitmatism in im])lanting adult testes in fowls es])ecially voting ones is

immensely greater than that involved in im])lantations in the higher animals. In lowls the im])lanted gland is so large that it presses

considerably on the tissues of the implantation bed, and even on the



viscera. Fowls, moreover, are relatively insensitive to injuries. As to the "alien species ])rotein" factor in the foregoing experiment, \vc confess that we were somewhat in douht. Since, however, his recent extensive experiments wuth organic emulsions,* the author has felt reassured on this point.

In a numher of ex])eriments in "exchange" transplantations in both unrelated and related young cockerels, we apparently have met with hut one success in ])reserving the secondary sex characteristics, although, in every instance, thev developed much better than they

Fiy. n.

-Section of testis of cock one year old, implanted in an unrelated pullet four months

old, and removed at the end of seventy-five days. (Kxperiment y .) A-15, Subcortical area showini;;' completely organized connective tissue, mainly of the interstitial variety, but coiitaininf>- ordinary fil)roeoimect ive tissue in small amount. An abundance of new vessels tilled with normal lilood nia\- \n- seen. ]? shows the actively regenerating, but not yet l)ermaiiently organized interstitial tis-<ue at the border of the medullary portion of the gland. (,', negenr'rated tubuli. I'eiijiliei'x' of gland not shown.

did in control capons. It is ])ossible that different results may be ol)taine(l from implantation of unrelated adult testes on young fowls. Tbe details of all our various ex])eriments would here be su])erHuous. Two of these ex])eriments, however, are of especial interest.

\'Iir. The testes of a Li^lit r)raliina coekerel. four months old, were removed and replaced l)y those of a White Leghorn of the same age. The

IOx])Orinifiits with lOmul.sion.s of Organs Taken frdiii the Dead lliimaii l!i)(l\- ;iiiii Sex- Clauds ol' the Lower .\iiiinals. .\nierieaii .Medicine, l)eceinl)er, lltl 1.



I'ii;. \2.

Aic;i .if xcli'iii (l(]ii(ti il in l-"in'. 11 iiiidi r liiulii i' linwcr, showing ubmulaiit pi'n

lifci-ati.iii ...r ilic iliai.ieu ii>lic inldsUtial tclN in testis ..t imi.1; imij year old, iuiplaiitrd ni".n a ,\..iin:;- iini-clatcil li-inalc ami imioxcil at tlic end uf s(\ i-nty-five days (I-^xpiTiinciit \'.) Tile iiornial h]'n \ c^inli-iit ..f the niiincr.iiis \i--i'Is is jdaiidy socii. Tlicff ap]iaiTml\- is \i\y litllo fil.ix;c"iiiii It i\c' ii~s!;(^ -iiid tliis i~ --iiiuitid cliicMy ill the viciiiily of llic vessels. ( Minj.are with I'ii;-. s. !i, lo_ 17 -md Is.

Im\'. l::.--.Sei'li'.ii ,,f testis ,,f ewcl; one ,\-ear "Id, iniplaiiteil ^n an uiifelated pullet f.Mif uiomli: "Id. and iciii"\cd at the end "f se\iiitydi\ e da.\ s ( l-'.xpiaanient \'.) A. Oi'iliiiaf.\' e"n neeti\-e tissue. (-"iTesp. .ndi nn' t" the hK-alicm nf the pefiteiieal tesiieulai- investiueiu . ]5 SuheMi'tieal la.vff nl aliiualant ].\- iii-e.lifei-at int;- iiil ei'-t i I ial ( intef-tiiliular) C(.iiiieel i ve tissue with a -iiiali aninunt "f the erdiiiary vaiiet.x-. ( '. I'i'niianenil.\- iiru'anized iiitei'stil ial lis

sue, with a moderate aiiiounl e^f onlinaiy hlu'oeeniie't i\e tissue, riehly supplied with new Mood \essels eontainint,' lainnal hhiod.



i^-. II. Scctidii of K-ti- til. Ill (o(l^. (iiic \(,ir iiM, iiiiiiliiihd tni v, m nl y I'nc ilnys in :iii

iiiircl.'iti'ii piillcl. tiMii iiiDiillis old ( i:\|i( I iim 111 \ ). s|i,,\\iiii; |m i iii.iiu iil ly ori^iiiiizcd intcrsliliiil ( loniKiliM li^viii. ,111 .iliiiiid.iiil supiih ,,t luw Mc.od \csscls coiitniiiiii.i;' iioMiial lilond, .iiid nil, iK i oils l.ii^c. (hiph -.Iniiid, loimd .md o\oid bodies const it lit iiiK dcyciicnitol. hut. -nil Iniiit;, lilmli -(iimiiliii

Fiy. i:i. Sri-lioii of tcslis iviiiovcd fvoni iiiiili of lliii'l.\- yc;ii-s, .lend icii liouis fmiii iM)iit:ict " illi .1 li\c wire. Chiiiil M'fi-iyvviilcil foul' diiys in .111 ordiiiiiry ice liox iiiid iiiiphinled ill tile :il)doiiiiii;il \\;ill ii|Miii llie a 1 loiicii losi s of llii> riulil recliis in llic liypof^asl rie rciiioii of an iinrclalcd female senile dcliielil. a^'cl sixly yiar-. Claiel rciiioxcd afler four iiionllis

and nine days. A, Tiinird iil Inn.i 11, a . -li. iw iiii;' clia raeterisl ic lilivoeoniiect i vc tissue and Idood \-cs-cls (1m, 111 (,1,1 and 11, \v). I!. Sol ,c, ,rl i< .1 1 siraliiiii of pr, ,li fciatcil iiitcrst il ial ( intiTliiliulai-) li"iie. c, ,nl a in inn' an aiiiinilancc ,,f new l.lo, l \cssels. Here and tlierc in tlie nia>s ,,f inter-liiial I i-siie nr,. seen llie ,larK. ili-l,,ii(d ,,iilliiii's .,f liiliiili sr 1,1 iiil I'lri . which have l <n "si 1 an-led" out and ivplacl l.y the inl.ast it ial cells, lor tile dcvidolinient ,,f which llii. iiil,iili siMinin-K- f,.riii an e\cell,iii iiia!|-i\. The line ,jf ilcinarcal i,n lielwicn llie Iw,, kiii,l> ,,f lissiu- is ' pl^i iiil.\ disccrniMe.



reci])icnt nialurcd with s^reat rai)idity same strain

compared with uthcr males of the

as to color, weight, comb and wattles, plumage, carriage and

what is termed \)y fanciers the "talking \'oice." which within two weeks was transformed from the "peep" of the _\-onng fowl into the lK)arse notes of the adult. 'J'he l.)ird became more si)irited and combative. The testes of the Brahma were imi)lanted in the normal position in the Leghorn, who siihseqnentl\' showed all the usual characteristics of the capon.

The etfecls of the implantation on the Brahma graduall\' disap])eared. and lie now seven months after the removal of the testes resembles a

capon ca-traled rather late. ni;irkedly conforming witli uncastrated males in

Hi,', ic,. -S((ii.iii t 1(^11- til 111 111 111 IT tliiu\ \tii^ ill 1 1 liii li HI- innii ciiiitact willi ;i li\e wire, inipl.iiiii I 11)1 II III iiniiluiil ti in ili ( 1 mil niiuii iti 1 t iiv iUi\-s. Itciiioveil finir iii'iiilli- ami mill iln- ithi iiii| I iiit it i ii \ Iikhh nlhin/ ii a -hnwiim- uriliiiary tilirnC'liiiiul i\i' ti--iu iml I 1 I il \i 1 N I) siiiiiiiiiit ( ii 11 II ti I i-t ( interstitial (iiitcrtiil)iilar )

tissue. iil)Maifi]\ -li w iiu ili-tmli il aitlim- t l.-iliti / Ijiil v in inlfrri . with abmiiluiit siip|il\- lit l)Ii 1 \i aiipeai'iil I- ( Siiiiiiiil luliiili till - lilt i\ ( iHllii liiiiii lit which has ilis-

plaiiih ii iiliil iml iiiiiiiivt ik ihli In ihi- ]iiiiiiiilii ilea tlii> tiihuli look the

stain in vrvy n iliiiti ili_iii Imi i|I1i|i i- will it will K li-ti\eil, as iliil the iitiiiiie>ti'jiialily livini;- liii,u;i <,lhii,in,.<i.

everything save crowing and sex activity. The diti'erence in results in the two birds ])robably was due to the relatively early develo])menl and great activity of the sex glands taken from the Leghorn breeds one of oiu" best laying

comparerl with,^ taken from the Brahma, a breed which develops

sex characters \ c-r\ -li ,\\ K.

* It is iiiti'ta-st iiij4 til imti' till- iiiliiiKiir rclaliuii uT railx' . mil luarki'il sex .Ubiliil ili-\i'luiiiiii-'iit In till' ^I'cMl 111 \-iii,L;- i-;ip;icil .\- iil' vai-imis fnwls. What is inic i\\' llii' li-slis. also is triU' nl' tin- n\ar.\-. Tin- pnssil lil i 1 >- ul' impfiu' iti.t;- tin"

Ia\ iliK i|uali!ics ami li-iiilitx i I' xaiiuus sliaiiis li.\- scX ,t;laii(l implaiita tiniis 11 pull nn rill a I hii-ijs a I diici' svt,t;i;i.>st s il self and max' jirox-e of i lit crest to IjrtM.Hleps.



IX. May 15, 1914, we removed the testes of two White Orpington cockerels half brothers three months old, and implanted the testes of one

subject upon the other, in the normal site of the testes, leaving one bird caponized for a control. December 11, 1914, the implantation subject was examined and found to be a splendidly developed, normal male, with all the secondary sex characteristics perfect. He is active, very pugnacious and performs his sexual function just as would any normal male fowl. The caponized subject showed fairly well developed secondary sex characters and while more active than is usual with capons, presented a marked contrast with the implanted subject.

The histologic study of sections of the implanted fowls' testes removed


Section of another aii'a of same testis from which Fig. IC was tal<en, showing still

more clearly the living hut obsolete tubiili seminiferi, which gradually arc being disl)laced and replaced by the interstitial (intertubular) connective tissue. The outlines of the tul)uli which already have been completely engulfed in the abimdant cells of the interstitial tissue still are discernible, whilst some of those at the borders of the area of the tubuli which are not yet completely enmeshed in the cell network, are more plainly visible than those which are not yet greatly encroached upon.

from experimental subject V ])ro\ed very interesting and instructive. To facilitate the study of these and of other implanted glands reported in this chapter, and for tlic purpose of comiJarison will be first ])resented several sections of normal testes.

\'\'^. 4 represents ;i \ery iiitereslin^- si)eeinien as .showing- the perfect (le\x'l(])inenl of tlu' e])i(]i(l\ mis and of the testicttlar strticttire l)roper in an extreineh sniall .gland from a \-er_\' yotmg" stibject. 1 he epi(li(l}niis was not niaeroseopieallv recognizal)le. Coni])ai"ison of J'"igs. 3 and 4 witli V\g. 5 demonstrates the relative great richness of



the generative ^-land tissue of the fowl contrasted with that of the human suhject.

Jn his iirst contrihution'^' the author stated that, despite the statements of ]\Iarsliall and 1 lanunond, he Ijeheved that the epidich'uiis pr()l)ahly plaxed at least a minor role in hormone ])roduction. 'J'he photomicroi;ra])h (Fi,^". 8) seemini^iy confirms this helief.

]t is interestini^" to note the distinct lines of demarcation between the strata of the various kinds of tissue (A, B, C) in the foregoing section and in certain of those which will follow, 'i'he interior of the gland probably was not necrotic in the true sense of the term, but was not yet organized and was so soft that it fell out of the section. This often hai)pens in making sections of ])erfectly normal glands. It \\\\\ be ol)served that the characteristic a])])earance of the interstitial connective tissue in stratum P) is ])lainest just beneath the cortical layer of libroconnective tissue and just at and above the line of demarcation se])arating l-> and C. It will Ije seen that this histologic feature is ])r()minent in all similar sections both fowl and human being from

exhibited herewith. This ])articular

phenomenon is ex])lical)le by the greater circulatory activity and consequent better nutrition at the points mentioned. .\t the

])eriphery, notably adjacent to the pia viaicr testis, or tunica vascitlosa, conditions especially favor tissue regeneration. A certain amount of ordinary connective tissue is found in the im])lanted glands, a])parently derived 15 as shown in Figs. 8, 10. 11, 12, 14, and

not from the tunica propria of the gland, but from the septa of

the gland, of which the corpus lii(jlinioriaiiuin is the most iin])ortant, and ])robably also from the walls of the blood A'cssels ( b'igs. 9 and ]2j. Hy far the greater ])art of the new tissue is com])()sed of ])roliferated characteristic interstitial ( intertubular j cells.

What is going on in the mass of degenerated tubuli in the interior of the gland, and its hnal result, is well shown in Figs. 14, 15, and 16.

The richness oi the new blood sup])ly of the implanted gland is well shown in l^'g. 11, and in the next folkjwing of the series (12). Fig. 12 also demonstrates conclusivel)' that the regenerated tissue is not composed of (ordinary libroconnective tissue save in small

* N. Y. :M('(]. Jour., Mar. lil, April 4, .July n, 1911.




but of what ma}' l)c inferred to be tbe cbaracteristic inter-

stitial cells. This tissue ])]ain]y is present in the implanted glands in far greater amount than in the normal gland. This perha])s is the most im])ortant ])oint. The character of the regenerated tissue is witnessed by Figs. 12 and 17.

The ([uestion of whether or not the degenerated tubuli of the testis may retain their vitality after they are functionally dead from destruction of their gland epithelium, would seem to be answered, not only by their retaining their form sufficiently to be recognizable after a long period of time, but also by the manner in

Fig. ]S.- Section of testis iiuiilniited in the sii]>r;iinil)ic i-e^-ion of a wonuin sixty years of age, and renio\e(l at tli(> < nd of four iiioiitlis and nine days. A-l!. ()l)Solete but still living tiihiili sciiiiiiiffri. (', Interstitial (inteiluliular) cell i)ioliferation.

which they stain. (See especialK'. Fig. 17.) Fig. 14 is a ])ertinent illustration. The remnants of the tubuli took the stain so well that

they had the appearance of small ])lums. The surface of these dark bodies showed the characteristic granular ai)])earance that we have observed in the degenerated, though distincth' recognizable tubuli found in im])lanted human testes. It is hardly probable that tissues so delicate as are the liihiili sciiiiiiifcri, woidd endure, if dead, and show as ])lainl\- as thev do in b'ig. 17 (see also Figs. 14 and 16) at the end of seventx -live days after implantation in an alien bed. To believe this, one must underrate the "digestive" or "assimilative"

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SI'.X (;i,.\.\l) IM I'LAXTATIOX

cap.'icit}- of the iioniial tissues ot' the ini])l;intati()ii 1)C(1, and overrate tlie resistance of those tissues to <lea(l matter.

The forei^oin^' resuUs of experimental testicular im])lantations n])on fowls are systematically corrohorative of those ohserved in our imi)lantations tii)on human suhjects. i'o eni])hasi/.L' the histolo,H'ic restilts ohtained in the latter, as shown in the author's \arious articles, and to sii])])lement the illustrative drawings ])resented therein, there are shown herewith a series of ])hotomicroL;ra])h> which show even more satistactoriK' the chanj^es occurring in im])lanted luunan


The im])lanted and removed gland herein submitted to histologic study, is the one alreadv recorded of a testicle im])lante(l up(jn a woman of sixt_\' _\ears and removed over fom- months later.*

The illustration ( iMg. 16), comprising an area of the same section of the im])lanted testis Fig. 1 .^ a little larger than that shown in

heautifull)- shows the various strata from the ])eri])hery to

the centre of the gland. It shows with es])ecial distinctness the otttlines of the obsolete liihiili sciitiiilfcri, which have been replaced by the interstitial coimective tissue.

The foregoing illustration wc)uld seem to show ])retty conclusix'el}- that, while the tiihiili sciiiiiiifcri of im])lante(l glands undoubtedl}- Icjse their ftinction, coincidentallv with the death of their secretor_\- ei)ithelium which ])robablv inevitably occurs in imi)lanthe mass ])ro])er of the Itibular struc-

tations such as the attthor"s ture

/. ('., the basement membrane and its i)r()toi)lasmic content

may survive for a prolonged ])eriod. Whether or not anastomosis prfn-iding a successful technic ever is elaborated will ])reserve, or,

if it be not \\holl_\- destroyed, regenerate the generative gland epithelium, is ver_\- doubtful, although, ])erha])s, not imiiossible.

The resemblance of the structtu'c shown in b'ig. 18 to that

shown in Fig. 8 is interesting, more especialK' as the latter shows a section trom the e])idi<l\inis of the ram. It demonstrates clearly the com])osition of the dark strata of connecti\-e tissue shown in the variotis sections.

It was the aitthor's good fortune receiuK' to studv a specimen ot a testis removed \-erv earl\' after an im])lantation. v^ections prepared from this s])ecimen show some interesting featttres, as also

New Vnrk .Medical .Iijui'iial, Octoln-r :! I , IHM. Case Vt of my .scrii


I A 1 1.'( )TKXCJ<: AX I ) STJvR 1 ] JT Y

does the history of the experiment, which later will be presented in detail in this volume.

Both testes were secured from a powerful and apparently healthy man twenty-three years old, a professional athlete, dead ten hours of narcotic poisoning". The cause of death is worthy of note,

inasumch as the results of the subsecjuent implantation of the glands conclusively jiroves that death from narcotic ])oisoning does not impair the vitality of im])lantati()n material. ( )bviously, this greatly enlarges the field of available material, and consequently the usefulness of sex gland implantation as a therapeutic resource. Kx]:)eri-

l'"ig. ]0.

Scfliiiii (.f iiiipliiiilrcl Ic.-lis fniiii :i dininr dead leu liours of imreolic poisoniiis ] ( -

moved on tlic iiinlh d,,\-. A-li-C, dcu'cncridod rciiuiiiis of j-pcrnuitic tubidi. 1), interstitial (iiitei-Udj'.dar) coniiei-liNe tissue eell iiiolifcralic^n and leucocytic infilti'ation.

mentation at some future time with material from bodies dead of carbolic acid, bichloride of mercury, and illuminating gas poisoning might be interesting.

bUeven liours later, both testes were im])lanted on a voung man of twenty-two }ears. suffering from dementia ])r;ecox. The full details of this case will be ]U"esented later. Nutrition of the subject was oiiI\- fair. ( )ne gland, the right, was im])lanted in the su[)rapubic- region, l)eneath the deep laxer of the sui)erlicial fascia U])on the liiiea alba. Tlie other, and the smaller, gland, was im])lanted in the scrotal sac, just above the recipient's left testicle.

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SI'.X r.r,ANl) l.\IIM,AXTAT[ON

licaliit^t;' ai)])ar(Mill\- was ])tTlfcl in bolh iinplanlations, 1)iit on l!u' niiuh (la\- pus a])pcarc'(l in the lu'po^aslric wound, with a distincllx' putrescent odor. Pjclicxini;' tlic gland to 1)0 necrotic and the iin])lantation conse(pientl\- a failure, we reniox'ed it. To our astonishment we found the tunica of the f^land adherent to the tissues of the ini])lantation l)ed, and covered with numerous areas of new hlood \'esse]s. The centre of the gland was necro>ed. l)ut a good ])ortion of the i)eripher\- a])])arentl\' still was lix'ing. The fate of tlu' gland implanted in the scrotum will l)e ])resented later, it I)eing


9'-W^ m # '

I t... %> ^NP

# -C^ ^


Ki-. :.'(!.- ,S(cih.ii of imiicu ;ill)U.i;iiira of iin| ihiiilni tcsIN fioin lUmnv dead of narcotic ]ioisoiiiiif;, rciiKjvcd oil Ihc iiiiitli (la,\ after iiiiphiiilaUon. 'J'lic section shown is frt)ni the inferior surface of (he iiiiiiea, /, ,.. in Ihe zone of I'oniael with llie hiiiicii r<ixi-iihis,i. 'l'hi> si'clion shows an alanidanee of proliahly reucnei'al int;' or reiieiierateil connective tissue ci'lls of a iiceuliar type anil a inoderale niniiher of leucoc\tc>-. The nuclei in tlic specimen scenie<l in some iii-i|ance< lo iiidicale a rcucncral ion of ilie peculiar connective tis-iuc cells, .some of which rescnilde the ( hara( i eri^l ic interstilial cells of llie intertnbular areas shown in till' preccdinu- i lln-l rat ions. In the centre of the section is a ])lootl \cssel of apiiarcnUv new formation, containini;' normal Mood.

sutlicient at this ])oiiit to ])resent the liistologic features of the re-

inoN'ed companion testis ( I'ig. I'M.

.\lthough not so i)lainl\- marked as in the section shown in h'ig. 21, the earl\- ])roIi feration of the inlertiihnlar tissue seemingly is tpiite evident in JMg. 1''. The interior of the testis being necrotic and infected, it is, of course, doubtful whether in this particular instance permanent organization of this particular area would have



occurred, althoii<^"h the author believes that it quite Hkely would have done so.

A most interestint;' feature of the various sections of the implanted testicle examined was the presence of a considerable proportion of normal blood still remaining in the old vessels, in connection with cor])uscles which were undergoing dissolution. There also were many extravasations or infiltrations of normal blood in the tissues, inters])ersed with both new and old ca])illaries. This suggests that the vitality of the im])]ante(l gland is (|uite enduring. sufficientl\- so to gi\'e i)lent\- ot time for its nourishment from its

Fi^-. 2}. ScctiDii of interior surf.icc of tunica alliimiiu'a of iiiii)laiit(Ml testis from donor dead of iiareovie poisoiiiiin', reinoxed on the ninth ila.\-. \, a|>iiarently new blood vessels eontainina- normal blood. 15. area ot )ieeuli.ii- eelj^. iinbaldy derived from the interstitial Cintertiibnlar) tissue. 'Phis seetion shows ilie ordinarx^ eiiaraeteristics of the connective tissue of tlie liitiirii iiiiiprl ii of file teslis. with numerous leueocytes.

new environment to begin. Reflecting on Leo J^oeb's ex])eriments in cultivating tissue cells, both /;; 7'n'o and /';; I'iiro, and the endurance of life in frozen cells, it should not be surprising that a healtln-. sterile gland, bathed in nourishing blood and tissue juices at the normal tem])erature of the bo(l\-, should survive and eveiUually lorm a new \-ascular supjtlw

The somewhat e.\traordinar\- a])pearance of the immediately lorcgoing section ( I'ig. 21 ) growth which strongly resembles a neoplasiuic

ptjssibl}' ma\- be explained as follows; In the author's




tcclmic of implantation small areas of the liiiiica alhi((/inca arc expected. At the ])oint shown in the illustration, the area of the exscction did not in\-olve (pn'tc the entire thicl-;ness of the tunica throughout, hut at one point was left an extrcmcK' small aperttu"e throus.j"h which the rapidl}' ])roli ferating- interstitial cells extruded. The area ma_\", of course, re])resent a se\ered 1)li)od vessel, througli which the cells are extruding- from heneath. We have noted in other sections an invasion of the cortex hy interstitial cells at jjoints of denudation.

In presenting tlie various st'ctions illustrative of the histology f im|)lanted testes, the author is not unmindful of ])()ssil)le sources of error, which suhse(pientl\- ma\- he corrected either h\' himself or other investigators. At ])resent writing, however, the results seem to he conclusive. The ])eculiar t}'pe of connective tissue shown in the \-arious sections nmst either he the interstitial cell of r.ex'dig or a derixative of it or there exists in the testis a

delinite t_\])e of tissue hitherto undescrihed. It is hardly i)ossil)le that the tissue demonstrated herewith could have been overlooked ])\- the man\- com])etent histologists who have studied the normal tissue regeneration in the testis are four: 1. The true secretor_\The leucocxte theorv of connective tissue generation of Cohnheim and MetchnikolT ha\ing heen abandoned, the i)()ssil)le sources of tissue regeneration in the testis are four: 1. The true secretory e])ithelium: 2, the Sertoli cells; 3, the ordinary lihroconnective tissue of the gland se])ta and the tunica alhuginea : 4, the interstitial connective tissue or "between cells"" of Leydig'. The e])ithelial cells max he ruled out, ofThand. The v'^ertoli cells are, in our oi)inion, of even less importance. The_\' lie within the tubuli and have a purely lutritixe function, concerning the true secretory epitheliimi, and die when the latter dies. The ordinary flbroconnective tissue ])lays but a minor part. The microsco])ic sections ])resente(l in this volume ])lainl}- show the strata of the histologic elements and emphasize the dilTt'rence in the structure of the various strata.

The interstitial cells ff)un(l in the normal ram's testicle and those shown in the section from an implante(l lowTs testis are (|uite >imilar throughout. It is not to be expected that the cells in regenerated implanted glands alwa_\s will apjjcar the same. That icctions of implanted glands or, for that matter, of normal glands,



will show the "idealized" classic confoniiatioii and arrangement shown in certain works on histology also is not to he expected. The cells are thicker than normal and more or less altered in form and grouping", hy contraction of the mass and resulting pressure, l)oth hy their own organization and a certain amount of ordinary iihroconnective tissue.

Like all other connective tissue, the interstitial tissue of the testis "consolidates and contracts," hut it holds its own in respect of vitality, and a very small nodule of the im])lanted-tissue-endresult. prol)a1)ly contains as many, jjossihly more, of the Le_\dig cells than does the entire organ at the time of implantation. That these cells arc as active, or their hormone i)roduct as ahundant and physiologically as ])otential, as are the internal secretory cells under normal gland conditions, is open to question. I'ossihly the relative increase in the quantity of the highly s])ecialized cells in the im])lanted gland, with a consequent relatively greater amotuit of hormone produced, mav comj^ensate for a dilTercnce in the quality of hormone production. That the implanted cells are therapeutically effective is no longer an open {[uestion in the author's mind. The chief ])rol)lem now is: Will the imjilanted gland in elderly subjects eventually functionally succumh to the recipient's tissue influence

and ])ro(luce a (piantitv and (|uality of hormone normal to his or her age? Possihl)-; we have, however, two factors to consider:

1. The rejuvenation of the entire hod}- hy the alien hormone, a rejuvenation in the beneht of which the implanted tissue itself participates.

2. h'ven granting that the ([uality and ((uantity of the honuone l)roduce(l hy the implanted tissue eventualh' is not comparahle to that produced hy a similar number of cells under normal conditions, the sum total of hormone ])ro(luction of the implanted tissue and the subject's own glands necessaril\- is grep.ter than normal to the subject's ;ige.

It is prol)a])le that a gland from an older donor, implanted on a \oung subject, ma\- be rejuxeiiated b\- the im])lantation. In general, such im])laiUati()ns ai'c more logical than the imi)l;mtation ot' \ei'y maluix- glands upon older I'ei-ipients.

In all ol Iii.x implantation woi'k the author has been in)])ressed with the tact that the liiiiiai (ilhiKjinea and the gland tissues just



l)enc';illi il sliduld l)c tlu' iiio>l \alu;il)lc of the U'--ticii!;n" tissues wIutc ])artial iiii])lantati()iis arc (loiu'. iikt(.'1\ l)t.'c-au>c l)ftti,'r iKiurished and llicrcforf inostK' lil<cl\' to sur\i\a', w itli resulting' i"ai)id and cxtcnsiN'c rci^eneration ot' the interstitial tissue l)eneath llie ttuiica.

Ca-i;.* The case in wliicli wa- implanted tlic lesti- fmni which the sections sliown in J'i.tis. 19. 20 and 21 were taken w as as f(.)ll(jws : Yonns^' man, at^ed tw'ent\--two ^x-ars. no occupation. lieredit\' harl, paternal t^randI'atlier and one paternal annt committed snicide. Another paternal aunt had scwen cliildren. l'i\'e of whom developed dementia between tlie a,i;es of sixteen and twenty years. This aunt was insane for twenty years after the hirth of her last child and died insane. I'atient was very hrit^ht at school. He suffered with a head injiu'y of some kind foiu" years a.t^o. whicli his parents are inclined to helie\e had something to do with liis condition, as their attention was tirst attracted to liis mental state not long afterward. I'or some time he com])Iained of headache. Tliis injin'\'. in our o])inion. bore only a coincidental relation to the mental state that subse(|uentl\' de\'eloi)ed. Taking into consideration the family histor_\' inid the typic nature of tiic c;i-e. and tlie absence of hi--t'iry of really se\ere trauma and of jire-ent e\ ideiice- ui pre\ ious trauma. m_\- positinn reg.arding the possible etiologic relation of the h.ead injury to the mental state would seem to be justiiied. About three Acars before I saw tlie case, a Xeisserian infection was con-

tracted. Reco\ cry a])ijarenil>' was satisfactory. 'J'he contraction of this infection. acc(jrding to his mother, "preyed upon his mind a good deal and may ha\e had something to d(j with his mental condition."

Something over three years before the author first saw the patient, mental s\'m])toms began to l)e noticeable. Dr. Archibald Church was consulted. September 13. 1914. His report in brief was as follows:

"The case impresses me as Ijeing the initial phase of a dementia pr;eco.\. I anticipate that he will develop a phase of activity, perhaps with a good fleal of excitement and boisterous conduct, or he may become more and more stupid and catatonic. At any rate it will be some time before he is better and Ids ultimate ])r(.>si)ects are extremely bad."

Soon after the case was brought t(j <jur attention, we referred it to Dr. llay.'ird Holmes for an Alxlerlialden test, ilis repori was as follow> :

"The hemogb^bin was 80 per cent, the whites 12,400. the reds 4.800,000. the polymorphonuclear neiUrophiles 57 ])er cent, small lymplKxwtes 30 per cent, large lymphocytes 8 per cent, transitionals 1 per cetit. and eosinophiles 4 per cent. Th.e form and character of the red corpuscles were normal and no ])arasites were to be observed.

Tlie serum of this blood was centrifugated for two and a half hours and 1..T c. c. of the strum was placed in each of six dialyzers, in whicli was

also ])laced one gram of the following: Hmnan organ albinnins prepared according to the method of .Miderlialden ;uid each tested iree from ninhydrin

* 'i'lii.s \v:(.-; r.-jKirOMl in tli... X. Y. Medical ,1(H1|-iim1. :;. T.O ."i.

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]:\I1'()T1',.\C1<: AND STJ'.RIIJTY

rcduciii.^ i.-k-nR'iit> lirl'ore hciiig used, nanicK- against cci"c'1)ral cortex, pancreas, tlijroicl, ovary, testicle, and one control. The\- were incnbated in Hrlennieyer flasks each containing- 20 c. c. of sterile water for a period of sixteen hours at a temperature of 90 to 100 V. At the end of that time they were each tested against the ninhydrin solution and boiled for one minute. Every tube proved negative, being perfectly clear at the end of a half hour.

The blood serum in this case does not give any of the reactions of dementia ])r;ec()x. Neither does the blood picture of the microscopical examination correspond with the blood ])icture in cases of deiuentia prsecox. Although 1 made no considerable examination, the ocular reflexes and the mental picture did not suggest to me even the possibility of an embryonic case of that disease. I do not hesitate to state that this is not a case of dementia prjecox."

Dr. lloliiK's' re])ort, taken in cointection with Dr. Clnnxli's diagnosis and the anthor's own. which corroborates that of Dr. Chtirch. is wortliy of seriotts reflection. That the subject was insane is l)e_\()n(l the ])ossil)ility of doubt. With (hie deference to Dr. lioliues" ()])ini()n, that the case must be classed as dementia pr;ecox is olniotts. The prevailins^' nomenclature of psychoses is faulty, it is true, and, in the case of dementia pnecox, absurd, in a \\a_\', the term havino- only a syiuiJtomatic-chronoloL^ic basis, with no definite pathologic foundation, btit at jjresent it is the best noiuenclature available. it is ])()ssible that the Abderlialden test and heiuologic observations eventually may enable us to resolve dementia prjecox into several distinct pathologic t\])es. one of which responds ])ositively to the .Vbderhalden test, while the others do not. This would facilitate a more scientific nomenclature and classification. It of course is ])ossil)le that our conchision regarditig the head injury in the case is incorrect, if so, this nattirall}- luight ex])lain the negative Abderlialden. Even granting, h()\ve\-er. that the head injury was an exciting etiologic factor, the same nomenclatttre wottld confront tis.

The evidences of mental deterioration in the case in ])oint are distinct, and of a character which lead me to classify the psychosis as hebephrenia of the ])aranoid ty])e. J lallucinations have been a doiuinant feat tire. X'oices whis])ering adverse comments and in-

sidts were (lail\- com])lained of. Lack of energy, and the com])laint that he was too weak to work, were salient ])()ints. 'J'he most prominent feature of tlie c.ase was the ])alienl's notion that he was a great architect and btiilder. I lis ])articular obsession was that

-- 3(14 --


he was ill the eniplox' of tlie city (it Cliicai^o, his s])ecial l)usiness Ix-ini^' tlie rein()(lelhii,<4- of e\-er_\- lar^e l)iiil(h'n,!4" witliin tlie loo]). lie S])ent nianv lioiirs eacli (hi\- in writiiii,^ "s])ecitications" for such rcniodeliiiL;'. 'I'lie following; are ^ani])Ies of liis hicuhration> :

Fiir. 2'2.

Ti-sii^ fi'ciin a lin(l\- diiid icii liom'- ivoiw cncaiiic [ ni^niiini;', iiiii>lant(.'<l in a ea<o of

(li'iiii'ijlia pr:i'C'j\. liiijilaiilali'iii cli \fii limii-s lain- lw,-mv-i.iic laMirs atlt-r death. Drawiiiir made six wi iks alter llie iiii|ilaiilatioii. l-'our iiionlli< after tlie iuiplaiitati^iii. tlie iiii|damed testi- was a tinii. eliaraeti ri-tieall\' -liaped ImhIv almut l\vethinl< i>i n< 'iri.u'iiial

1. Tlie Afallcrs Buildinji- was built as large in City as neither Building contribute to Herbert at all. l-'ino stones un Mailers Building has stones representing the ends of eartb. (Jne on each side of door as two poles or ends of earth. Have building largest in world and fme stones as Equator higher up as students dont know. Have lights sbowing these stones.



2. The Hub stuie built before Alar shall Field & Company Building. Both sell men's suits. Buildings has no opposition on Account of neither seeing each other. Mostly for two hotels or Theatres. Blackstone and LaSalle Hotel, leaving both tops off both hotels and they will be eighteen or Blackstone Theatre and Majestic Theatre, Blackstone takes one off of Majestic leaving Eighteen. 4 Building and 4 stories make same as largest Printer Building. Both see Monadnock Bldg.

3. The LaSalle Hotel built after ]\IcCormick Bldg only a Hotel. Built same distance from Railroad and McCormick Bldg. and not hurting T. C. R. R. Have large smoke stack running up side of Hotel for no interruption of I. C. smoke stacks. Built also on account of Taft. Same height as Mc-

Cormick. Top of Seats are higher in LaSalle Hotel on accounts of foreign countries and Washington and also Quaker City Church. People must not think they are Queen and Kings Seats here on that account. Little like Blackstone on Top of Build, onlj' larger and different altogether.

4. The Franklin I'ldg. is the building supposed to be finest printers building in city to honor Bctijaiiiiii I'ranL'lin the same man discovered telephony. Same can be used as business building as close to Heisen Bldg. as Heisen Bldg. built for high telegraphy today, bringing telephony and telegraph together on account of printing paper being very precious, and two fastest ways of protecting same. Offices to be used as same making Franklin Bldg. lunest in city.

()cto1:)er 3, 1914, by reqttest of the ])titient's mother and with complete nnderstancHng on her part of the experimental nattire of the procedtire, the atithor implanted two testes upon the patient, one in the suprapubic region and the other in the left side of the scrotum. The resuk of the suprapuljic implantation ah-eady has been rehited. In passing, it may be stated that faitUy technic i)robably was responsible for the loss of this testicle. The gland was very large and firm and the implantation bed was hardly ample enottgh, the resulting pressure being disastrous, liven as matters were, a considerable portion of the gland was living, adherent, and, had it not been removed, possibly would have survived for some months.

The scrotal implantation was ])erfectly successful. Fig. 22 shows the condition at the end of the sixth week ( .\ ). December 16, 1914, there had been no diminution in the size of the im])lantation mass that could not ])e ex])1aincd ])y resolution of the defensive exudate sttrrotinding it.

Begimiing abotit one week after the implantation, considerable im])rovement in the i)atient's mental condition was noticeable. His "architectural" writing became a little more coherent, and he would not write luiless urged to do so. He was encotu'aged to correspond

306 ^


with liis friends. C'omparison of a letter written 1)\- liini soon after the implantation Avith another written later, showed a marked improvement. 'J'his latter missive is herewith snhmitted :

^liss ,

G HldR.,

Dear Miss ,

I received your flowers and was ,ulad to know sonic kind friend rcnicnd)crcd mc. Tlie tlowcrs were bcautilul and my mother was down t(j set: you as she said. Xow _\-ou know I am licrc. Will want to sec you next time I get a chance mysel f .

Your friend.

ObviotisK'. the improvement mav ha\'e been of no si)eeial signiticance, althoui^h it was stiftieient to aronse i^'reat enthusiasm on the part of his relatives and friends.

'['he improvement eontintied for several weeks, during wdiieh time the patient did not do an\- writing, lie began reading assichiously, cxjM'essed a desire to "g(j to work." and showed interest in many matters to whieh he hitherto was indifferent. This state of affairs lasted for several weeks, during whieh time his response to various tests showed a marked ehange for the better. Tlic as])eet of the ease now again ehanged and the mental eondition was as bad as ever. 1 le now sho\ved some irascil)ilit\- and resumed his writing. Several weeks later, he again improved and after a few weeks was distinetl)" l)etter. 1 le had eeased writing, seldom heard voices, and

was working in a drug store for a jiortion of the da}'. ( )n questioning he admitted the " fiiolishness'" of his literary effusions and hallucinations. l)tU if these matter> were discussed at length his ex]iressions still were unsoimd. althoitgh not so markedly as former!}-. There was a change in the as])ect of the case in that there now was a tendenc}' to melancholv and. as a s])ecial source of worr\-. an imaginar} detect of eyesight, which had been careful!}- tested and ])ronounced normal ])\- Dr. I larr\- (".radle. There also was a new delusion, lie attributed the "luni])"" in his ^crotum to a large marble which he had swallowed when a bii\.

November 3. ]*'14. Dr. I\ali)h Webster re])orte<l a blood examination as follo\\-s :



Red cells 5,050,000 per c. mm.

White cells 16,400 per c. mm.

Polymorphonuclear neutrophiles 85%

Polymorphonuclear eosinophiles 2%

Polymorphonuclear hasophiles 1%

Large mononuclears 1%

Small mononuclears lll%

Myeocytes 0%

Transitional 0%

Hemoglobin . 88%

Color index 8

Coagulation time

Nucleated red cells Negative

Polychromatophilia Negative

Degenerations Negative

Blood pressure (systolic ) 120 mm.

Comparison of Dr. Webster's reports with that of Dr. Holmes is sttggestive, altliottgh l)y no means conckisive. The improvement in hemoglobin and the ntimber of reds is, however, consistent with what we have observed in previotis implantation experiments.

Febrtiary 8, l'U5, the patient was snrprisingly improved both as to mentality and general condition. The "melancholy" had disappeared and his mother reported that he was qttite industriotts and ambitions.

About December 15. 1^)16, the ])atient re]:)orted and was found to 1)e still more improved mentally. His general health, however, seemed to be failing, without any especial reason therefor. Quite recently the author was informed that the patient had developed tuberculosis. There has been no opportunity of verifying this.

It will be evident from the foregoing account of this case that the author by no means is claiming indisputable therapeutic results from the implantation, 'i'herc nevertheless is al)undant encouragement for further ex]:)erimental work in dementia pra^cox. The case may still further improve, and in any event it may later be shown that there is a form of dementia ])nccox which, if taken early, is susce])tible of im])rovement. or jiossibly even ctux\ bv implantation.

If there is such a form, it ])robab]y will be fottnd to be that which shows a ])()sitivc Abderhalden reaction.

In an article entitled "I letero])lastic (irafting of Testicle,"''' Dr. Robert T. Morris relates a case as follows:

* X. Y. .Mvcl. ,J.)ur., .Now 7, I'.H 1.


(.\\SK. \\ . A. S., ai^ccl I'orly-niiK- vears. Tfii years iii"cviousl\-. as a rcMilt of l)eini;' tlirciwn li_\- a huckin.y li(.)rsv- npdn the iMnnnicl of a Alcxioan saddle, liotli of ihe patient's testicles had heen crushed and had t)een sul)se(iiientl\' reino\ ed 1)\" operation. SliortI}' afterward, all ciiaracteri'stic masculine cenesthesia was lost and the patieiU. a lar!.;e strong man, hecaiue extremely nei'Nous with periods of .yi'eal depression, sheddint; tears at sli.nht pr(i\ I icatiiin. .\s a man uf educaliim and int(.'lli,nence he C(imi>rehe:ided the entire shiiation and knew the reason for his ])s\chic condition, althou.nh he said that it was at limes unhearahle.

On Consultation with the patient I recalled to him (nir experience with

oxarian .uraftin.n. After I had jjuhlished the desci'i])tion of o\arian .uraftin.u" in 189.T and had introduced the idea, a lar.ue mimhjr of authors soon furnished data of their own hearing ui)on the suhject. There was a tiX't"-'''''' conclusion alons^ lines which hiolo.uists mi.iiht ha\e anticipated, lo the effect that the tissues of (.)ne indix idual are amaL;oiiistic to the tissues of another mdixidual. Therefore, helernpla^tic t>rafts of aii\ >'irt are comnioiil}- alisorhed pronii)tly hy the ho>t. The de.uree oi antau-onism hetween individuals varies greatly, and occasionally we ma\' lind two people (or other aniiuals ) which receive each other's tissues with good grace, if a l:)it of levity luay he pardoned.

The ])atient was willing to take the chances of ohlaining benefit from a grafted testicle, and entered the Post-Graduate Hospital, l'"el)ruary 4. 1914. The first ]>atienl who otTered opportunity for furnishing the graft had undescended testicle and hernia: he agreed to allow me to use a pari of his testicle for grafting" purposes. This i)atienl. a \oung man Iweiily-six years of age. responded so strongly. ho\ve\er. to the \'on Pircjuet test for tuherculosis thai 1 preferred nol to luakc use of his tissues. The next case was one of a man fifty-six \ears of age with a \er_\' large hernia, who made no re-pi)n~e to the \ on ['ir(|uet te-t fur luherculi i -i> nor to the \\':i.-serniann test for sxphilis and who ga\c a record of good general health.

.\ wedge of tissue was taken from the testicle of this patient and placed in nonual saline solution uiuil W. -\. S. could he anesthetized and ])repare(l. The segment oi testicle was cut intu four slices with a sharp razor, these

slices a\eraging ahout three nun. in thickness, and in length approximately that of the testicle from which ihcy had heen removed. One of these segluents was engrafted in the right scrotum, another one was placed beneath the fascial sheath of the right rectus abdominis, and the third segment i)laced beneatli the sheath of the left rectus alxlominis. .A W'ier's celluloid testicle was placed in the left side of the scrotum for the purpose of g"i\ing to the sympathetic lu^rves the impression of a natural mass in that \icinil_\-. The wounds healed b_\- primary- union, and in fort\-eight hours from the tim.c when the grafting was done, the ])atient slated that he was distincll\' conscious of the effect en" the internal secretion which he was absorl)ing" from the grafts. In fact, at thai time occurred the lirsl distention of the corpora ca\erno-a and corpus sixHigiosuiu thai had not occurred in ten \ears.

- - 309 --


Tlic su1)se(|iicnl liislorx- of this case showed considerable temporary ini])rovenient. v^iich l)enelil as was derived disapi)eared after a few months, as nn'i^ht have been expected from the fact that the "wedge" of testicle mnst have been small and the testicle from which it was tal<en necessarily (le,i:;enerated advanced age of the donor. to say nothing of the

It has been the anthor's aim to ])resent the results of his experiments as fnlly and im];artially as ])ossible. That the resttlts of the in]plantation per sc are remarkal)le, ])robal)ly will be admitted. The patient for a ])eri(xl of some months indubitably has a third testicle, which of necessity is living, and. inferentially at least, producing hormone. iM'om his studies in im])lantation the author has no doubt whatever that during this time hormone production is going on. The (juantitv of gland tissue still ])resent and the length of time since the im])lantation in all cases thus far, warrant the assumption that sttch an implantation is certain to secure the [)hysiologic and therapeutic effects of the sex hormone. Whether or not these effects are what we desire in a given case de])ends u])on its character. The same may be said of the i)ermanency of the result. We wish to state that, although it may be ])r()ved that glands from unrelated subjects do not show such residts as seen in Ivxperiment I.K of this series, we still may obtain from unrelated glands results which wdll ])rove of immense value. The author's various contribtitions ap])arentl\- ])rove this point. Then, loo, even though the physiologic results obtained in fowls were very discouraging not which they are

such results b}' no means would settle the various questions

involved in human im])lantati()ns. \Miile achnitting possible sources of error, the anatonn"c and histologic results of the author's experiments in towls and human beings ap])ear to be quite conclusive. The letters of the experimental alphabet seem to l)e fairlv complete.



Additional Clinical Cases of Sex Gland Implantation.

Till-: author ])re>eins liercwitli l)i-i'ef rc'])orls of six additional cases of successful im])]antations. lie will at this time say hut little ftu'ther than he alreadv has said re,<4"ardin,<4' the physioloy-ic and therapetttic effect of sex i^iand ini])lantation. wStifticc it to state that not onlv have ])reviotis ohservations heen veritled. httt there also have been noted certain a])parent results which still further contirni the aiuhor's belief that in the sex ^iand JKjrmone we have the most ]io\verftd cell stinudant. nutrient and re.^'enerattjr at ])resent available to medical science. At ])resent writin<^ the additional evidence is stich that the facts seemin,i^i_\- are estaiilisliecl on a reasonabl)' firm

basis, free from sus])ici()n of coincidence or intercurrent factors. -Vote in this connection the cases of double te-^ticttlar imi)lantations herein reported. These case> a])])arentl_\- are conclusi\-e. I'nder pro]jer conditi(jns failure shotdd Ijc rare and the resttlts are nnt likely to be disappointing.

Case 1.

This is by far the most re-

iiiarkai)ie of the author's series of implantations, and to his mind is as conchisive eviflence of the value of the work as a single case possibly eould be. It is especially" weighty evidence when considered in connection with the apjjarent results of our other implantation work.

A man. a.yed 29. sustained an injury td his testes while ])layini;- football, twelve years before he consulted the author, in July. 1915. His ri.yht testicle was enormously swollen ( projjahly hematocele) an.d very painful. When the swelling subsided, the gland had entirely disa])])eared. The remaining testicle atrophied to a model ate de-

gree. \'irility was unimpaired, and the liatient married three year- later. < )iie

Kiii-. 1.

I)i.ul,l(. iiiiiilaiitati'Mn of ti'-tcs from .1 ill a <::>-( of .loiil>lc oiiiiii.leto


eliild was horr. of the union.

] A 1 POTENXE AND STJ'.R 1 1 <1T Y

About two months prior to our examination the patient, without precc<ling trauma or known infection, suddenh' developed pain in the left iliolnmhar reginn. left spermatic cord, and the remaining testicle. The testicle did not swell, but, the patient stated, the veins above it were swollen, The temperature record was not available. There were no urinary symptoms. At the end of three weeks the testicle had coiu])letely atrophied, and some weeks later the case was referred to me.

On examination, we found a healthy-looking subject, over-fat, with moderately feminine secondary sex characteristics. The beard was almost negligible: the mammae moderately large, and the pelvis distinctly broader than the normal luasculine type. The patient stated that his physique had shown these peculiarities increasingly since his injury, twelve years before, but that bis sexual power had been "satisfactory" until after the loss of the second testicle. During all these \'ears he had not been i)hysically as fit as before, and I'or about a year be had with ditbcully met the physical and mental exigencies ot' bis business, this lack of elliciency having rapidljincre.'i'-ed since the hiss ol" the remaining testicle. v^ince tb.e lo-s of the second testicle there bad been com])lete im])()teiice.

I'alpation showed scarcely a \estige (if tissue at the end of the spermatic cords nothing, indeed, that could be accepted as even a remnant of gland

tissue. Th(.' |)enis was of only moderate de\'elopment, with a long prepuce, but otherwise normal.

.August 1. 1*>15. the author iiuplanted on this ])atient both testes taken from a boy of 14, dead of a crushing injury. The subject was just approachnig puberty, and not well developed. The testes were removed si.x hours after death, and kei)t on ice in sterile salt solution until the operation, thirty-nine liours after the death of the donor. The implantation was made in the scrotal sac on each side, at the normal site of the testes. The glands were im])laiUed eiUire. the epididymes not being removed. Healing was ])rompt ; there was only 1 degree of transient febrile reaction, and very slight inflanuuatory swelling about the im])lanted glands, h'ive days after the imi)lantation circumcision was ]ierformed. The i)atient returned home in two weeks. X'igorous and painful erections occurred after the eighth day. and recpiired an ice l)ag. Successful coitus was ])racticed three weeks after dismissal froiu the hospital. Seven months after o])eration, the patient reijorted that he was i)erfectly normal, was taking active gymnastic exercise, and bad lost nearly 20 ixiunds of his tlabby fat. l'',rections vigorous and more fre(|uent than in the average normal subject of similar age. The p;itii'nl laid t'special stress on his mental ;uid physical fitness for business, 'idle imiilanted testes had atrophied only moderatel.w and were of relatively fair size and fairly normal consistency. The epididymes were i)lainly distinguishable. .As Dr. William T. lU'lfield, who courteousl\' exaiuined the case and (pu'>tioned the patient, remarked. "The testes, while small, are as well (lcvc1o|)ed and ai)i)arently as normal as in many iierfectly virile men who come nndci' our obser\ation."

-^ - 312 -


III i)assint; I \vi>h t" state tint, fur a while after the ini]>lantatii)n. the liatieiit experienced iKirmal oruasni witliDttt eniissidii. He stated t<i Dr. r.elt'ield and myself that after a few weeks he he.yan ti) ha\'e emissions of a I'onsidjrahle anioinU of fluid, and that these enii^sicuis were almost constant. The emitted lliiid. while it has iicit heen e\;iinined. of course is not testicular accretion no anastomosis ha\'in,L; heen clone Imt come^ from the urethra.

C'owper's .lilands. tlu' i>rostate. and the seminal vesicles. In hrief. it prohal)ly is Composed of all the n-nal normal elements of the normal semen, save the H'-ticular secretion, of wliit'h tlie spermatozoa are the important element. I-'or some \\eel<< after tlie implantation the jiatient complained of "fritihtfid nervoii>nes>." .\s h? descrihed. them, his s_\'m]>toms were not unlike tlm-e iimduced 1)_\- sirychnine and similar spinal excitants. 'Idie "nerv(jus" symptom^ I'mally disappeared.. 'Idie author attrihuted them to the unwdnted do-e of hormone <u;iplied hy the iiiiplanted testes, to which the ner\ous system .uraduall}' liecame accustomed.

.\u.i.;"usi 1.^. ]')Ui, iust one year and two weeks after the implantation, the patient reported as "tit as a fiddlj." Ide stated that he sustained intercourse often as freipiently as thrice weeklw and tliat his licalth was perfect. The testes still were in exidence and. althou.uh smaller than when last

examined, were well detlned and of hrm consistency'.

77//.S- case uist reported to the author J itlx Joth. njiy. Prs. //'. 7\ HeU'iehl and J. J . Moiiahaii e.vaniiiied tJie patient. The implanted testes :eere found not to ha:e atrophied appreeiiihly sinee the last e.vaininatioji a yeiir lu-jore. '/'he henefieial el'/'eets of the implantation still endured, ft :eonld appear that this ease prohahly proz'es that pennaneney of result is possible, not oid\ as to phxsiidoyie results, hnt iilso as to the endnni/u'e of the eiiiplanted (/lands.

.\ featiu'e of the foreuoin.L; ca-e that is worthy of especial comment is the preser\ation of virilit_\' until tlie loss ,,i the remainin,!.i" gland after

the accident <>i uKjre than twehe \ears a,L;<). despite the suhsequcnt im])airment of develo])ment of masculine secondary characteristics. It would seem that: 1. A relati\ely dose of hormone is necessar_\- to perfect de\'elopment of secondary sex characteristics. 2. A \ery small dosaiic is .suflicicnt to preser\e \irility. ,i. Onct.' \-irilit\' is estahlished. an extremeK" small of sex hormone will i)reser\e the psycho-sexual and ])h_\"siosextial sex characteristics that are so essential to potency. it has heen ohstT\ed that indi\iduals possessed of exceedin.ylx' rudimentar\- testes often are \irile. Ind.-ed. it has heen oiu" ex])erience that such ])ersons sometimes are jjuvscssed of more than the de.L;ree of virility. We recall several cases oi cr_\|>tochidism comiiiL; under our ohser\ation in which there was a normal de.uree of virility with complete sterility.

It will he interesiin.Li- to note the further pro.^ress of the case relative t" alriipjiy of the imjilanted .ulands.

-- 3)3


As already noted, the glands after two years still are in fair eondition and hai'e not appreeiahl\ atrophied during the past year.

Possil)ly the preserx ation of the epididymis lias something lo do with this. As to how h)ng the therapeutic results will endure, one cannot predict. Prohahly permanently, or at least long after the last vestige of implanted gland tissue has disappeared. The author is confident that, as long as even a small portion of the implanted tissue remains, its favorahle effects will endure. I^ven though an occasional repetition of the implantation should prove necessary to maintain the ])atient's normal sex standard, the result still would he remarkable and the scientific status of the method sustained.

Case 2,

This case was purely ex-

perimental, and no exhaustive report will be made at this time. The subject was a healthy professional man, aged 58, who submitted himself to the experiment from purely scientific motives. The companion testis of that used in Case ,3 was employed. The implantation was made in the left scrotal sac. The local result of the implantation was what we now feel justified in calling "typic," save that the subject got about on his feet after twenty-fotirhotu's, which resulted in considerable swelling and tenderness of the operated region. Wdien the patient keeps to liis l)ed, the reaction is very slight, compared to the tissue "insult."


K.\])cvinic'iit;il iniplantation of a

single testis from a dead body.

In this case there was a rise of temperature of 1 degree, which subsided in twenty- four hours. Seven months after the implantation a nodule about the size of a good-sized grape was still perceptible. Fourteen months later, the nodule was the size of a large pea.

Certain oddities of apparent physiologic effects were noted in this case, which, if sustained by future observation, will be reported. 3.

A man, aged sixty, ai)parently normal in every respect, sub-

mitted to imi)lantation, with a view of increasing ])hysical vigor and endurance in general, and sexual vigor in particular. The necessary material was secured from an apparently healthy lad of seventeen years of age, dead twelve hours of crushing injury to the head. Death had occurred about four hours after the injm-y. The operation was performed shortly after that in Case 2.



The lc>R-> were icirii^cratcd tor about forty-cis^ht iiours. A single gland. ! the right, was eniplovL-d. The epididymis was reniuved, and numerous areas of the Cortex denuded. The implantation was made in the right scrotal sac. The implantation was perfectly- successful. Tliere was practically no febrile reaction, and very little swelling at the site of th.e imi)lantation. Xo opportunity has ])resented itself for a review of this case, but a little over seven months after the implantation the patient wrote that lij was satisfied with results, and that there still was "([uite a lump" at the site of the im])lantation. Twenty-two months after the implantation, the patient wrote that his "physical, sexual and mental vigor" still were greatly improved, and


K m * 'dm. M


i|,I:int;lt .lia.l 1.



that his blood pressure

which was

1.^0 at the time of the implantatioii

was Li5.

Cask 4. Double testicular implantation. Subject aged sixty-nine. Xo organic disease. Complained of shortness of breath on comi)arativcl\' slight exertion and of "im-teadiness" of lower limbs. Sexual power still fair, but "failing" as usually might be expected in a man of his age. lirielly. as the patient and his friends expressed it. he had begun to show his age. His n,irmall\- ruddy complexion had ])aled considerably, lilood pressure. K"^0 -ystolic. I)ige-li\e function normal, despite a ten;lency to o\er-cating. W'islies to submit to implantation for its prolsable effect of increased elticiency juid ini]>ro\ cment of -exual jiower. Double :~crotal implantation ( )ctober 27. 1''16. Alaterial taken from healthy lad. fourteen years of age. dead about ten hours from crushing injury of the head. Material refrigerated twelve hours, l-.pididymes not remo\'ed and testes im])Ianted intact without decortication. \'erv slight local reaction and no temperature. Patient up and about on the eighth day. Improvement in color was noticeable on the third day. and \\as connnented on by the author's assistants and the i)atient's friends. Six months after the implantation, well detfned nodules, insensitive and ireely movable, marked the sites of implantation. Atrophy had been rather more rapid than in the average case. Init both the epididymes and the bodies of the testes were plainly to be felt, the entire mass on each side being about the size of a small almond. The patient's appearance was that of a man ten

year- younger than his ,-ige. his face -liowing .a healthfid rucMiness. b'.fticiency had markedly increased, and the "insecurity" of the lower liml)s had entire!) disaijpearefl. The su])erticial \eins of the lower extremities, which were Considerably enlarged and varico-e. had improved to ;i marked degree. The sexual pcjwer had markedly increased. The patient expressed himself as


lAipoTi^xci-: AND sti<:rii<ity

hciiiK so well satisfied with results that he had resolved to have the implantation repeated, after a time, if neeessar^' to sustain the admirable results.

Cask 5. Double testieular implantation. This ease was purely experimental. vSubject sixty years of a^e. Until an attaek of grippe a few weeks before, was as healthy as the average man of his years. Material obtained from a ])owerful, athletic young man, twenly jcars of age, dead about three or four hours from contact with a live wire. Double scrotal implantation. Epididymes left intact, but almost the entire bodies of the testes decorticated. Considerable local reaction with marked edema. ISecanse of faulty technique, ihe implantation on the right side was a failure, the disintegrated gland

being removed at the end of a week, the wound healing promptly. The

Kit;-. I. -ni.!iljlc Ini|.l:int;itinii of testes tnUeii froii a (lead ImmIv. .^ix weeks after operation.

implantation on the left side was snccessfid, l)nt slight infection of the upper angle of the wound occurred: thf fa-cial purseslring ga\ e way a few days later and seminal tubuli api)eare(l at the aperture. Subse(iuently, a distinct mass of testicular tissue the size of a small ])ea protruded from the wound. This became vascularized and for ])ur])oses of study was removed, showing the characteristic cut smM'ace of living testicle substance. Several weeks later, tlie surfaci' again became \ascnlarized, api)earing like a small segment i)f cherry. Two months later, the implanted testicle was firm and hard and tile size of an luiglish walnut; the small mass of li\ing testicular tissue still was in evidence. .V small amount of iJiu'idoid st'cretion issued from the small -iirface of exjiosed testis and the ti-^snes of the wound. This showed an abundance of leucocytes but no organisms were found. The ])atient show I'll increase in inentil and |)hysical eflicienc^- and his \ igor grt-at1.\- iinpi"o\ed. There was a distinct improvement in vascular tone and in the heart's action. lUood pressure had been ct)nsiderabl\- lowered and

316 -


the heart's action became weak following the grippe toxemia, being only about 115 (systolic) at the time of the implantation. Two months later the blood pressure was 130. The patient's color markedly improved, the improvement being noticeable within ten days after the implantation.

Case 6. Double testicular implantation. Subject, a boj' nineteen years of age, with the following history: At the age of thirteen he suffered severely from a vaccination, probably with a mixed infection. Shortly after the vaccination, which, he stated, made him very ill, he developed orchitis in one testicle, probably from an infected embolus. Following the orchitis the testicle atrophied. Several weeks later the opposite testicle became similarly involved and speedily atrophied. Coincidentally the penis became distinctly smaller. Some months later the case was examined by several surgeons who diagnosed retained testis on the left side and suggested operation. The case subsequently was referred to the author. Patient now was seventeen years of age. Examination showed a tall, healthy looking subject with distinct feminine secondary sex characteristics. Pelvis, mons veneris and mammary glands suggestive of a female just entering upon puberty.

No beard was in evidence and the complexion was distinctly of the "milk and blood" feminine type. There was a bare suggestion of hair upon the pubis. The left testicle was represented b}' a small, hardly perceptible nodule about as large as a small pea just below the external inguinal ring. The right testis was soft and about the size and shape of a small lima bean. The penis was- no longer than that of a well developed child of five or six years of age. The voice was that of the usual boy of seventeen. Psychically, the boy fortunately was a normal, manly fellow, although there were no signs of virility.

After some six months' treatment with faradism with some slight improvement, the author suggested an implantation. Other advice was sought and several surgeons one supposedly an authority suggested opera-

tion for retained testis, despite the feminine sex characteristics and local conditions which plainly showed the absurdity of such an operation. The case passed from under observation and did not return to the author until two years later, when he found that an operation had been performed on the left side, with the inevitable result that the remnant of testicle on that side had completely disappeared.

At the second examination the condition in general was the same as it was two years before, save that the secondary feminine sex characteristics were more pronounced. There still had been no manifestations of virility. The pelvis was distinctly feminine and the mons veneris covered with a well pronounced cushion of fat and sparsely supplied with hair, the arrangement

of which was distinctly that of a young girl approaching pubert3^ The beard still was lacking. Implantation of testes again was suggested and consented to.

Operation performed October 27, 1916. Material used was taken from a healthy boy fifteen years of age, dead twenty-four hours of carbon monoxide poisoning. Glands refrigerated 32 hours. Scrotal implantation.



Epididymes were not removed and testes were not decorticated. There was very little reaction and practically no temperature following the operation, but the patient was kept in bed for ten days.

Six months after the implantation, the implanted testes still are well defined, the right gland being much larger than the left and as large as that of the average lad of twelve. The consistency of both glands is softer and more nearly approximates the normal than have any others thus far implanted. The patient has gained weight and strength and is virile, as demonstrated by moderately frequent erections and the fact that he has cohabited thrice in succession on four occasions, with orgasm, but no emission. Penile develop-

men has greatly increased and the pubic and scrotal hair also has increased and assumed a more masculine type. The lines of the patient's body have changed appreciably and become more masculine in conformation, the cushion of fat upon the moiis veneris especially, being reduced in size. The patient's own atrophied right testicle has increased in size and firmness and the epididymis which could not be discerned at the time of the implantation

now can be plainly outlined. The voice is distinctly more masculine ; the beard is heavier and a growth of hair has appeared on the forearms.

The foregoing case alone appears to the author as conclusive a proof as could be desired of the remarkable effects of sex gland implantation.

The author had the honor of exhibiting this case to a number of the members of the American Urological Association during the recent Chicago meeting.*

At present writing the author not only feels that his heretofore published impressions of the value of the sex gland implantation notably in the matter of increasing physical efficiency, and especially physio-sexual efficiency have been confirmed by further experience,

but also is convinced that, when technic and material are right and the recipient properly selected, continuity of hormone production by the implanted gland for at least a prolonged period is certain. That permanently beneficial physiologic and therapeutic results are equally certain seems probable. Thus far we have observed no case in which

the implanted tissue had completely disappeared, or even practically so, prior to from twelve to eighteen months. In brief, the author is convinced that his method of sex gland implantation long since has been taken from the purely experimental field and that it now stands on firm ground as a valuable therapeutic resoinxe.

The endeavor has been made fairly to present the work of others whose labors have touched, even remotely, upon the field

* While this work was soin^? through the press the author performed four ndditional (beins two double) implantations. These were perfectly successful. but it is too eai-ly to arri\e at definite conclusions as to therapeutic results.



covered by the author's researches, hence it may not be deemed improj)er to call attention to the main features of originality in the imj)lantation work herein presented, viz. :

The first implantation of an entire human testis for thera-

])eutic or ex])erimental purposes.

The first successfid implantation of human sex glands taken from the dead body.

ovary or testis


The first study of the general physiologic effects of the hor-

mone from implanted testes and ovaries.


The first demonstration of microscopic sections from im-

planted human or lower animal testes proving their survival.

The first demonstration of the acquirement of new circulaeither human or lower animal.

tion by implanted sex glands

The first cross implantation of human sex glands.

The first experimental implantation of sex glands in de-

mentia prsecox, senility, and feniinism due to aberrations of testicular structure and function.

The first studies of the eft'ects of sex gland im})lantation

upon senility, the skin, blood vessels, blood and nervous system.

Formulation of a practical technique for sex gland im-



I'robable refutation of the belief that glands from alien at least for a considerable period after

sources cannot survive implantation.



or even probable

permanency of duration of

glands from alien sources in some cases.


1. At least temporarily, possibly permanentlytherajieutically

and indubitably

successful total or partial implantation of human

sex glands in both male and female is practicable.

2. Glands taken from the living subject are most desirable, though rarely obtainable. They are. however, not more viable than those taken from somatically dead subjects. The closer the blood relationship of donor and recipient the better, but such relationship is not necessary for purely therapeutic purposes.



3. Judging- by his own early autoexperiment and heteroexperiments, and with due respect to Carrel's observations, the author at first concluded that, while glands frozen before decomposition may be available, they should, if possible, be used without freezing and very promptly after removal from the body, to obtain a fair average of successes. He now believes that nothing is lost by ordinary refrigeration for twenty-four to forty-eight hours. Glands taken from the healthy dead body at any time prior to the beginning of decomposition are of therapeutic value equal to that of those taken in vivo. Portions of glands are to a certain degree therapeutically serviceable, according to conditions and dose.

4. While in certain cases we might be warranted in incurring some risk, the subject from which the glands are taken should be selected with extreme care.

5. The ovary and the testis probably are alike in their susceptibility to implantation, both from the living to the living and from the dead to the living. If any difference exists, it possibly is in favor of the ovary. In human beings, the gland of one sex is transplantable upon the other, and it is possible that the hormone of the one is useful to the other. The author's experiments apparently show that the tissues of the female are quite as hospitable to the

implanted male sex glands as are the tissues of the male. New l)lood vessels are formed as early as the eighth day.

6. The benefits of implantation probably accrue irrespective of the site of the implantation, but the vicinity of the peritoneum (extra abdominal) in the female, and of the tunica vaginalis in the male, are the sites of selection.

7. The internal sex gland secretion is stimulant, nutrient, tonic, and reconstructive, and should increase resistance to disease. Certain chronic infections, notably tuberculosis, serious anemia, neurasthenia, and conditions of profound debility should be benefited by implantation. In brief, any chronic disease in which improvement of nutrition is a desideratum should be benefited by sex gland implantation. Blood regeneration is here a powerful factor. notably increase in hemoglobin

8. The development of senility apparently can be retarded to a greater or less degree, and longevity possibly increased by internal sex secretion derived from implantation. The climacteric probably



can be postponed by it, or the disagreeable features of the chmacteric reheved.

9. Used at a very early period in the disease, internal sex secretion theoretically should be the logical remedy for dementia precox and allied conditions.

10. The internal sex gland secretion via implantation, has a very useful field in the treatment of impotence in the male.

11. Implantation, with or without anastomosis in the male, possibly may have a certain range of usefulness in sterility in both sexes.

12. Defective and aberrant psychical or physical sex development and differentiation inversions and perversions are definite

indications for sex gland implantation. Certain cases of cryptorchidism and imperfect testicular development, or atrophy from disease, are an especially promising field for it.

13. Intractable neurasthenia probably is relievable by it in a large proportion of cases.

14. Chronic diseases of the skin due to, or modified by nutritional disturbances iasis, and ichthyosis notably certain types of chronic eczema, psorin a certain proportion of cases apparently

are likely to be benefited, and possibly cured by sex gland implantation.

15. That arteriosclerosis will in its early stages be benefited by sex gland implantation is probable. Inferentially, if taken early, senile dementia possibly may show beneficial results. It has a positive action in restoring blood pressure equilibrium and improving cardiac tone and efficiency.

16. All conditions incidental to sex gland mutilations in either sex afiFord a positive indication for sex gland implantation, the ])robability of benefit being inversely as the length of time that has elapsed since the mutilation, and dependent on the age at which it occurred.

17. Such diseases as chronic nephritis and diabetes would seem to be indications for implantation.

18. What is true of sex gland implantations in a general way, probably applies to implantation of other organs taken from dead human bodies in various diseases.



19. The most important point of all is that, in properly selected cases, successful implantation ought inevitably to increase physiologic efficiency, with all the benefits accruing therefrom. With increased physiologic efficiency come individual and social efficiency.

20. Opportunities should be sought in the human subject for histologic study of implanted glands at varying periods after implantation, to determine in what degree both generative and internal secretion gland tissues endure.

21. Every efifort should be made to so amend our laws that viable tissues of all kinds, notably internal secretory glands, shall become available to science. To this end the public especially should be made to understand that the sacrifice of a portion of thyroid or of a single ovary or testis by a living subject is not disastrous. The author believes that there are times when tissues obtained by such a sacrifice will restore reason, perhaps even life. Legislation and public sentiment should favor scientific research. Between the antivivisectionists, on the one hand, and popular reverence for the dead

human body, on the other, we are in sore straits. Why should there be a waste of material which, if properly used, possibly might add so much to the health, happiness, efficiency, and even to the longevity of the human race? Let us strive for the conservation of biologic energy.

As matters now stand, only persons in affluent circumstances, and very few even of these, and a limited nimiber of the poor in our institutions can avail themselves of sex gland or other organ implantations.*

* Those interested in tlie dates of publication of the author's various papers on sex gland implantation are referred to the Bulletin of The Chicago Medical Society for March 7, 1914, and the N. Y. Medical Journal for March 21, April 4, July 11, October 17, 24, 31, and November 7, 1914. In the latter number of the Journal will be found a fairly complete bibliography.

The author desires to express liis thanks to Dr. C. E. M. Fisher, Dr. Thomas L. Dagg, Agnes Howard, and Dr. Mabel M. Mathies for their intelligent co-operation in preparing his microscopic sections, and Mr. F. T. Harmon for his splendid worlc in reproducing them by photomicrography. Magnifications from 40 to GO T\^inkle 40 m.m. objective with No. 4 or No. 6 eye piece. From 60 to 90 Winkle 25 m.m. objective with No. 4 or No. 6 eye

piece. 32.5 to 400 Zeiss 8 m.m. with No. 6 eye piece. Drawings by Dr. Zan O. Klopper.



Abderhalden test, in dementia pnecox 252 Aberrant differentiation of sex 7 classification of 12

etiology of 14-16

relation of, to impotencj'- and sterility 16

treatment of, by sex hormone 17

Abuse of sexual apparatus, relation of, to sterility 111 Acton

continence in youth 86

definition of spermatorrhea 171

sexual desire in women 162

symptoms of masturbation 70

views of sexual sensibility 69 Acquired sex deformities 22 Affinity, relation of, to sexuality 125 Alcohol, as a cause of impotence 137 Amputation of penis by jealous wife 22, 23 Anaphrodisiacs, use of, in spermatorrhea 194 Anastomosis of vasa deferentia 94

case of, in gland implantation 278

technique of 94, 95

Animal extracts, use of. in sexual disturbances 196, 208 Aphrodisiacs, use of, in spermatorrhea 194 Asexualization 92

of the female 96 Aspermia

case of 153, 154

treatment of 156

Autolysis, functional, of gland tissue 230 Auto-implantation of testis 225 Azoospermia 180

Bandler, ovarian extract in dysmenorrhea 276 Bartholow definition of spermatorrhea 171

potassium bromide in impotence 145

remarks on pseudo-spermatorrhea 181. 184 Bayliss S: Starling, definition of hormone 213 Bell, correlation of internal secretions 271



Belot, popular presentation of sexual perversion 51 ]>ernard, glycosuria function of the liver 212 Berthold, transplantation of testes 210 Biedl

effect of X-ray on Graafian follicles 222

formation of antibodies by hormones 214

interstitial cells of ovary 222

relation of hormone to secondary sex characters 219-220 Blood pressure, effect of sex gland implantation upon 244 Boarding schools, dangers of 51 Bordieu, views of glandular secretion 209 Bouin, interstitial cells of ovary 222 Bouin & Ancel, interstitial cells of testicle 218 Brown-Sequard, self-experimentation of 207-212

Cantharides, aphrodisiac action of 193

Capon, implantation of testis in 280-282

Caput gallinaginis, irritability of, in spermatorrhea 173

Carrel & Guthrie, observations on transplanted glands 247

Cavernositis, as a cause of impotency 136

Celebrities, dangerous examples of 28

Cell changes in implanted testes 301

Cevelotto, implantation of testicle tissue in rabbits 211

Circulation, effect of sex gland implantation upon 245

Circumcision 88

as a remedy for genital irritation 89

for nervous diseases 89 proper method of 89

Cirrhosis of liver, case of sex gland implantation in 264 Clevenger, sexual perversion, theory of 38 Climacteric, in the male 209 Clitoris, hypertrophy of 13


interrupted, evils of 84

necessitj' of, pernicious ideas regarding 85

proper frequency of 80

unphysiologic forms of 84 ColUculus seminalis

cauterization of 198

relation of, to impotence 145 Compatibility in marriage 124 Complementary hormone 271

Conception, fear of, as a cause of sterility 170 Congenital deformities of urethra 19 Connective tissue, protection of implanted tissue from 236 Conservation of testicle tissue 214




as a cause of impotence 118

in the young, beneficial effect of 79

practibility of 86

Corpus luteum, structure of 216 Cross breeding, effect of, on fertility 161 Cross implantation of sex glands 242, 259, 278 Cryptorchidism, sterility in 106

Dallinger, essay on cannibalism in copulation 38 Dam i ana

as an aphrodisiac 157

properties of 192

Deformities of sexual organs, acquired 22

Dementia precox, sex gland implantation in 257, 303

Determination of sex 18

Diet, relation of, to sexual instinct 87

Diseases of the sexual function and instinct 25

general considerations of 25 Drugs

production of impotency by 137

treatment of impotency by 142, 143, 144 Dubois & Boulet, effect of prostate extract 276 Duration of procreative power 157 D_vsmenorrhea, ovarian extract in 276

Early sexual indulgence, effects of 29 Electricity, treatment of impotency by 145 Emotions, effects of, on sex glands 130 Emulsions of organs, as a therapeutic resource 197 Environment, relation of, to sexuality 27 Epididymis, role of, in hormone production 295 Epididymitis, relation of, to sterility 107

Epididymostomy, treatment of sterility by 114 Epididymotomy, as a prophylactic of sterility 113 Epileptic attack, resemblance of orgasm to 67 Epilepsy, relation of, to masturbation 76 Epispadias 19 Erection

physiology of 97

reflex apparatus of 98 Erotomania 56

Exercise, beneficial effects of on the sexual system ^ Exhausting diseases, production of impotence by 121 Exhibitionists 48 Experimental implantation of human sex glands 225, 277



Familiarity, undue, as a cause of marital infelicity 126 Fauser, observations of dementia prsecox 252

Female children, masturbation in 64

relative frequency of masturbation in 64 Fertilization, process of 159

Flint, vicvv-s of spermatorrhea 181 Foa, observation on testicle grafts 210 Foreign bodies, use of, by masturbators 47

case of 48

Formative energy of spermotozoa and ovule 216

Fowls, experiments in implantation of sex glands in 280

Fraenkel, structure of corpus luteum 216

Freezing, effect of, on gland tissue 230

Frigidity 161

relation of, to sterility 162 furor iitcrinns 56

Garre, thyroid implantation 276

General health, relation of, to vitality of spermatozoa 111

Genital irritation, relation of, to masturbation 62

Genital malformations 12

Germinal selection 18

Goethe, elective affinities, theory of 129

Gonorrhea, relation of, to sterility 107

Guthrie, experiments in ovarian grafting 211

GuJ^ classification of genital malformations 13

Gymnastics, special forms of, relation of to masturbation 66


psychic impotency, case of 129

remarks on the treatment of impotency 141 Hammond and Sutton, case of unsuccessful testicle implanta-

tion 210

Hassel. views of spermatorrhea 181 Heredity, relation of, to sexual perversion 47 Hermaphroditism 7

case illustrating difficulty of diagnosis 10

definition of 8

forms of 13

ignorance regarding 12

occasional difficulty of diagnosis 8 Hcteroijlastic grafting of testicle 308 Hippocrates, description of spermatorrhea 171 Holmes, observations on dementia prsecox 252 Hormone, complementary to sex gland 271 IIorsc-l)ack riding, effect of in spermatorrhea 175



Howe, impotence clue to continence, case of 119 lluniicr, relation of to sexual affinity 39 Hypospadias 19, 21

impotence, produced by 148

Idleness, relation of, to sexual vice 86

Ignorance of sexual physiology, relation of to sexuality 29

Implantation of testis, technique of 231


general considerations of 97

in the female 159

in the male 115

etiology of 116

symptomatic, from fevers 135

treatment of 138

true form, etiology of 133

varieties of 117 Infertility

biochemic explanation of 100

hormone incompatability in 100 Injuries of the prostatic urethra

relation of. to sterility 108

relation of. to impotence 108 Insanit_v, as a result of masturbation IZ, 76 Intimacies among children, dangers of 63 Iscovesco. lipoid extracted from ovary and testis 276

"Jack the Clipper psychopaths 46

Kehrer. causes of childless marriages 105 Krafft-Ebing

remarks on sadism 39

inverted sexuality, case of, in the female 43

inverted sexualitj', case of, in the male 43

Lallemand. description of masturbators 71

seminal losses 175

Leopold-Levi. treatment of psoriasis by thyroid extract 276

Leydig, "between cells" of testicle 218

Libidinousness. excessive 55

Lipoid, extracted from ovary and testis 276

Literature, pernicious, effect of, on sexuality 29

Local results of sex gland implantation 236

Lode, observations of testicle transplantation 211

Loisel, toxic extracts from sex glands 217




eflfect of sex hormone upon 272

relation of sex vigor to 207

Male climacteric 209

Marital infelicity, responsibility of husband in 126 Marital relation, mismanagement of, by husband 163 Marriage

as a remedy for masturbation 91

as a remedy for sexual disturbances 198

Marshall and Hammond, experiments in controlling sex characteristics of sheep 219

Masochism 48

Massage, prostatic, treatment of impotence by 48 Masturbation 61

among animals 61

as a cause of insanitj' IZ

ethology of 62

frequency of 62

in 3^oung children 62 prognosis in 90

relation of genital irritation to 62

results of 71

Material eligible for sex gland implantation 138 Mental disquiet, production of pseudo-impotency by 121 Metchnikoff

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