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walks on two legs, and of them is (a kind) that walks on four. Allah creates what He wills.

Indeed, Allah on everything is AllPowerful.

Verily, We have 46. sent down clear Verses. And Allah guides whom He wills to a straight path.

47. And they say, `We believe in Allah and in the Messenger and we obey.` Then a party of them turns away after that. And those are not believers. And when they are 48. called to Allah and His Messenger to judge between them, behold, a party of them is averse. But if the truth is 49. with them, they come to him in prompt obedience.

Is there a disease 50. in their hearts or do they doubt or do they fear that Allah will be unjust to them or His Messenger? Nay, it is they who are the wrongdoers. 51. The only statement of the believers when they are called to Allah and His Messenger to judge between them is that they say, `We hear and we obey.` And those are the successful. 52. And whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger and fears Allah and is conscious of Him, then those are the successful ones.

Allah creates four. on walks (is a kind) who and of them two legs, on 45 (is) All-Powerful. thing every on Allah Indeed, He wills whom guides And Allah clear. Verses in Allah `We believe And they say, 46 straight. a path after of them a party turns away Then to they are called And when 47 (are) believers. those And not of them a party behold, between them, to judge and His Messenger, they come the truth, with them is But if 48 or a disease their hearts Is (there) in 49 and His Messenger? to them Allah will be unjust that they fear or (the) statement is Only 50 (are) the wrongdoers. [they] those to judge and His Messenger Allah to they are called when [they] And those and we obey.` `We hear they say, (is) that and fears and His Messenger Allah obeys And whoever 51 52 (are) the successful ones. [they] then those and (is) conscious of Him,





He wills. what

We have sent down Verily,


and we obey.` and in the Messenger



(is) averse.

(as) promptly obedient. to him

do they doubt


(of) the believers

between them

(are) the successful.


Surah 24: The Light (v. 46-52)

Part - 18

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53. And they swear by Allah their strongest oaths that if you order them, they would go forth. Say, `Do not swear. (Such) obedience is known. Indeed, Allah is AllAware of what you do.` Say, `Obey Allah 54. and obey the Messenger, but if you turn away - then only upon him is what is placed on him and upon you is what is placed on you. And if you obey him, you will be guided. And not is on the Messenger except to convey the clear Message. Allah has 55. promised those who believe among you and do righteous deeds that He will surely grant them succession in the earth, just as He granted it to those before them and that He will surely establish for them their religion which He has approved for them, and surely He will substitute for them, after their fear, security (for) they worship not Me, associating anything with Me. But whoever disbelieves after that, then those are the defiantly disobedient. 56. And establish prayer and give zakah and obey the Messenger, so that you may receive mercy. Do not think that 57. those who disbelieve can escape in the earth.


that if




by Allah


and obey Allah (is) what you obey him, [the] clear. and do as

you ordered them,

Indeed, (is) known. Obedience



upon him

And if

the conveyance

among you


then only

(is) placed on you.

except the Messenger (is) on And not you will be guided.


the earth,



and that He will surely establish

for them,

(for) they worship Me,



the prayer


after And establish in

He has approved


disbelieved But whoever anything. with Me they associate

53 you do.` of what (is) All-Aware you turn away but if (is) what and on you those who Allah (has) promised (were) before them, to those who which their religion their fear, after 55

their oaths

And they swear

`(Do) not Say, surely they (would) go forth.


the Messenger,

(is) placed on him,


surely He will grant them succession righteous deeds,

He gave succession

for them

and surely He will change for them


(are) the defiantly disobedient. [they] then those

receive mercy. so that you may the Messenger,

the earth.

(can) escape

and obey


and give


those who


(Do) not

Surah 24: The Light (v. 53-57)

Part - 18

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Their abode will be the Fire and wretched is the destination.

O you who 58. believe! Let those whom your right hands possess and those who have not reached puberty among you ask your permission (before entering) at three times: before the dawn prayer, and when you put aside your garments (for rest) at noon and after the night prayer. (These are) three times of privacy for you. And there is no blame on you and on them at other times, when some of you move about (attending) to others. Thus Allah makes clear for you the Verses, and Allah is All-Knower, AllWise.




the destination.




and wretched is



(will be) the Fire

And their abode

And when the 59. children among you reach puberty, let them ask permission (at all times) as those before them used to ask. Thus Allah makes clear for you His Verses. And Allah is All-Knower, All-Wise. And the women 60. of postmenopausal age who have no desire for marriage - there is no blame on them for putting aside their outer garments (but) not displaying their adornment. But to modestly refrain is better for them. And Allah is All-Hearer,

your garments you put aside and when (of) dawn, (the) prayer before (are) times of privacy (These) three (of) night. (the) prayer and after (as) moving about after that any blame on them and not on you Not for you Allah makes clear Thus others. among some of you reach And when 58 All-Wise. (is) All-Knower, and Allah as then let them ask permission the puberty among you Allah makes clear Thus (were) before them. those who 59 All-Wise. (is) All-Knower And Allah His Verses. have desire (do) not who the women among they put aside that any blame on them then not is

(at) three

those whom

Let ask your permission

among you




O you who believe!

(have) not

and those who your right hands



for you.

among you,

the Verses,

the children

asked permission

for you

And post menopausal

(for) marriage,

And that

their adornment.

(is) All-Hearer,

And Allah



their (outer) garments,

for them.

(is) better

they modestly refrain

Surah 24: The Light (v. 58-60)

Part - 18

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There is no 61. blame on the blind nor on the lame nor on the sick nor on yourselves, if you eat in your houses or the houses of your fathers, or the houses of your mothers, or the houses of your brothers, or the houses of your sisters, or the houses of your paternal uncles, or the houses of your paternal aunts, or the houses of your maternal uncles, or the houses of your maternal aunts, or (from houses) whose keys you possess, or (from the house) of a friend. There is no blame on you whether you eat together or separately. But when you enter houses, greet each other - a greeting from Allah, blessed and good. Thus Allah makes clear for you the Verses so that you may understand.




and not


(of) your brothers




62. The believers are only those who believe in Allah and His Messenger and, when they are with him for a matter of collective action, do not depart until they have asked his permission. Indeed, those who ask your permission, those are the ones who believe in Allah and His Messenger. So when



a greeting

Allah makes clear

the believers

they are



and not any blame


the blind



Not is



any blame

the sick


and not

any blame

the lame


your houses


you eat






(of) your mothers



(of) your fathers


(of) your paternal uncles



(of) your sisters




(of) your maternal uncles



(of) your paternal aunts

its keys

you posses



(of) your maternal aunts

you eat


any blame

on you

Not is

your friend.

yourselves [on] then greet houses you enter But when separately.



(and) good.







so that you may the Verses

for you

and when

and His Messenger,

in Allah


(are) those who

they go


(of) collective action,

a matter


with him

ask your permission,

those who Indeed, they (have) asked his permission.

So when

and His Messenger.

in Allah


[those who]

Surah 24: The Light (v. 61-62)

Part - 18

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they ask your permission for something of their affairs, then give permission to whom you will among them and ask for them Allah` s forgiveness. Indeed, Allah is OftForgiving, Most Merciful.  63. Do not make the calling of the Messenger among yourselves as the call of one of you to another. Verily, Allah knows those of you who slip away under shelter (of some excuse). So let those beware who oppose his order lest befalls them a trial or befalls them a painful punishment. 64. No doubt! Indeed, to Allah belongs whatever is in the heavens and the earth. Verily, He knows your (condition). And the Day when they will be returned to Him, He will inform them of what they did. And Allah is All-Knower of everything.

to whom then give permission




affair of theirs,

for some

they ask your permission



(of) Allah. for them

and ask forgiveness

among them,

you will

(the) calling


(Do) not


Most Merciful.

(is) Oft-Forgiving,


(to) others.

(of) some of you

as (the) call

among you

(of) the Messenger

So let beware

under shelter.

among you

slip away

those who

Allah knows

befalls them


a trial

befalls them lest

his orders [from]


those who

(is) in whatever to Allah (belongs)


No doubt!


painful. a punishment

(are) on [it],



He knows

Verily, and the earth.

the heavens

of what

then He will inform them

to Him

they will be returned


(is) All-Knower.

thing of every

And Allah

And (the) Day

they did.

Surah Al-Furqan

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. 1. Blessed is He Who sent down the Criterion upon His slave that he may be a warner to the worlds.


the Most Merciful.

that he may be

(the) dominion

2. He to Him belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth and He has not taken a son

His slave upon to Him (belongs) and not a son, He has taken

the Most Gracious,

the Criterion


of Allah,

sent down

The One Who -

Who 1 a warner.

In the name

Blessed is He

to the worlds

He has

and not

and the earth, (of) the heavens

Surah 25: The Criterion (v. 1-2)

Part - 18

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and He does not have a partner in the dominion and He has created everything and determined it with (precise) determination. 3. Yet they have taken gods besides Him, which create nothing, while they are created, and they do not possess for themselves (the power to cause) any harm or any benefit nor can they control death nor life nor resurrection.




besides Him





the dominion in (with) determination.



and He (has) created

Yet they have taken


a partner

for Him

and determined it

are created,

while they



they create

any benefit,

and not

any harm

and not

for themselves




they possess

and not



And those who disbelieve say, `This (i.e., Quran) is not but a lie, which he has invented, and other people helped him at it.` But verily, they have committed an injustice and a lie.

a lie,


But verily,

5. And they say, `Tales of the former people which he has had written down, and they are dictated to him morning and evening.` 6. Say, ` He has revealed it (the Quran), the One Who knows the secret in the heavens and the earth. Indeed, He is OftForgiving, Most Merciful.`


to him





And they say, `Why does this Messenger eat food and walk in the markets? Why is not an Angel sent down to him, to be a warner with him? Or (why has not) a treasure been delivered to him, or

the markets?

with him



(is) but this `Not disbelieve, those who And say other.` people at it and helped him And they say, 4 and a lie. an injustice are dictated and they which he has had written the One Who `Has sent it do wn Say, 5 and evening.` Indeed, He and the earth. the heavens in `Why does And they say, 6 Most Merciful.` in and walk [the] food eat then he be an Angel to him is sent down a treasure to him is delivered Or 7

and not


they control

and not

he invented it

they (have) produced

(of) the former people


the secret



Why not

a warner?

Surah 25: The Criterion (v. 3-8)

Part - 18

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why has he (not) a garden from which he can eat? And the wrongdoers say, `You follow not but a bewitched man.` 9. See how they set forth similitudes for you, but they have gone astray, so they are not able to find a way. Blessed is He 10. Who, if He willed, could have made for you better than that gardens underneath which rivers flow and He could make for you palaces. 11. Nay, they deny the Hour, and We have prepared for those who deny the Hour a Blazing Fire. When it sees 12. them from a distant place, they will hear its raging and roaring. And when they 13. are thrown into a narrow place therein bound in chains, they will call for destruction thereupon.



the wrongdoers,


And say



so not


but they have gone astray,

from it? he may eat a garden, for him bewitched.` a man but you follow the similitudes, for you





they set forth



14. (They will be told) `Do not call this day for one destruction, but call for many destructions.` 15. Say, `Is that better or Garden of Eternity, which is promised to the righteous? It will be for them a reward and destination.

and He (could) make the rivers underneath it from the Hour they deny Nay, 10 a Blazing Fire. the Hour, deny for (those) who its they will hear far, a place from it sees them thereof they are thrown And when 12 there they will call bound in chains, narrow (for) destruction this day call `(Do) not 13 Say, 14 many.` (for) destructions is promised which (of) Eternity, Garden or 15 and destination. a reward for them It will be

that -


Blessed is He


for you

(could have) made


a way.

they are able (to find)

He willed




gardens -

for you

and We have prepared


and roaring.

but call





(in) a place

(for) destruction.


`Is that

(to) the righteous?

Surah 25: The Criterion (v. 9-15)

Part - 18

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16. For them therein is whatever they wish, they will abide forever. It is a promise (binding) on your Lord (worthy to be) requested.`


17. And the Day He will gather them and what they worship besides Allah and He will say, `Did you mislead these slaves of Mine or they themselves went astray from the way?` They will say, 18. `Glory be toYou! It was not proper for us to take besides You any protectors. But You gave them and their forefathers comforts until they forgot the Message and became a people ruined.` (Allah will say), 19. `So verily, they will deny you in what you say, so you cannot avert (punishment) or (find) help.` And whoever does wrong among you, We will make him taste a great punishment. And We did not 20. send before you any Messengers but they surely ate food and walked in the markets. And We have made some of you as a trial for others, will you have patience? And your Lord is All-Seer.


It is

they will abide forever.

And (the) Day


and He will say,



`Glory be toYou!




besides You

16 besides Allah these They say,


they wish,


(is) whatever



For them

a promise

your Lord


they worship

and what

He will gather them

My slaves


[you] mislead

and their forefathers





so not

you say,

And whoever


a punishment





and walked

a trial,

for others



we take for us You gave them comforts But a people and became the Message in what they deny you (to) help.` and not (to) avert We will make him taste among you, any before you We sent And not food [surely] ate some of you And We have made your Lord And is


(from) the way?`

it was proper


`Did you

went astray



they forgot

`So verily,

you are able

does wrong


indeed, they

the markets.

will you have patience?

Surah 25: The Criterion (v. 16-20)

Part - 18

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