Martinsburg Squadron - Jun 2009
Martinsburg Squadron - Jun 2009
Martinsburg Squadron - Jun 2009
The Martinsburg Composite Squadron of the Civil Air Patrol Lt Col Robert V. Mills, Commander Capt Russell G. Voelker, Publisher & Editor Vol. 4 No. 2 ~~~~~~~~~ Mar - June 2009
L-R: Roberta Dana, Cadet C/SSgt Caleb Sullivan and Ed Dana Air Force Sergeants Association Award
L-R: Lt Col Dennis Barron, Cadet 2d Lt Jonah Rock and Lt Col Robert Mills
L-R: Lt Col Dennis Barron, C/Lt Col Mark Guiney and Lt Col Robert Mills Special CAP Activity Scholarship
L-R: Lt Col Robert Mills, Cadet SSgt Brandon Might CAP Achievement Award
L-R: SM Jeannine Korte, Lt Col Robert Mills and 2d Lt Kim Leaton Level I Certificates of Achievement
L-R: Lt Col Robert Mills and 1st Lt Adam Sanders Gen. Benjamin O. Davis Award
Cadet Promotions
L-R: 1st Lt Adam Sanders, C/SSgt Caleb Sullivan and Capt Steve Petty
He retired in December 1990. After showing a video on the restoration process of the former member of the 167th fleet, Chief Roberts talked about his personal experiences with the Connie. He then took questions and also reminded the members of the importance of preserving memorabilia.
C-121 Super Constellation on the 167th Ramp in 1968
Photo courtesy of Ret CMSgt James Roberts
L-R: 1st Lt Adam Sanders, Cadet CMSgt Ryan Miller and Capt Steve Petty
Chief Master Sgt. James Roberts retired after 34 years in the Air National Guard and 4 years in the USAF. Chief Roberts was a flight engineer during the C-121 and C-130 era. He was transferred to Field Maintenance as Field Maintenance Branch Chief and was removed from flying status in 1978.
L-R: 1st Lt Adam Sanders, C/A1C Samantha Pate and Capt Steve Petty
Restored 167th C-121 on display at the CNational Air & Space Museum
Other Promotions
L-R: 1st Lt Adam Sanders, C/SrA Ty Stansbury and Capt Steve Petty C/1st Lt Adam Goswick
Adopt-A-Highway Program
I want to thank the 7 cadets, 4 senior members, and one parent/non-member who helped with the Highway Clean-Up Detail on Saturday, May 2nd. These volunteers picked up 23 bags of trash along Paynes Ford Road, expending 30 man-hours on the project. Everyone who participated in this Spring Clean-Up Project received an insulated beverage cup from the Adopt-A-Highway office. In addition, some members received a "cash bonus" for helping pick up litter because we found a total of $70.10 along the highway! One very lucky cadet found a $50 bill for his efforts. It sometimes pays to volunteer for these projects! In any case, I want to thank everyone for their assistance. The clean-up on Saturday marked the beginning of the squadron's 11th year working on the Adopt-A-Highway project and brought our totals, since March 1998,up to 991 bags of litter picked up over the years; which translates to 34,685 pounds of trash, or 17.34 tons of garbage! GREAT JOB!
2d Lt
Simon Buckman John Dyson Walter Johnson Kim Leaton
L-R: 1st Lt Adam Sanders, C/Amn Morgan Beebe and Capt Steve Petty
Thanks to the 167th AW Range Instructors: L-R: SSgt Twigg, Sgt Davis, TSgt Baldwin and TSgt Phillips
Going over the anatomy of an AR-15 rifle during the classroom portion of the course.
Clear on the left, clear on the right, clear on the firing line...commence fire!!
Cadet Nick Keefe (on left) assists Joel Lyons as he describes a 24 hr pack
Cadets John and Joe Dye practice land navigation with Maj Bart Rogers (center)
Character Development
Dress Blues
Aerospace Education
Physical Fitness
Civilian PT Clothes
Scholarship Winner
Congratulations to this years CAP scholarship winner Lt Col Mark Guiney ($1,000.00). CAP National Headquarters evaluated and then ranked over 150 applications. The Scholarship Committee members based their decisions based on academic achievement, CAP accomplishments and participation and community service participation.
L-R: Wing Commander, Col Rodney Moore, C/Lt Col Mark Guiney, Wing Chief of Staff, Lt Col Dennis Barron and Capt Russ Voelker
WV Wing SAREX Petersburg, WV
April 17-19, 2009
Upcoming Events
Those participating: Maj Bart Rogers, Maj Jim Cramer, Capt Larry Dean, Capt Russ Voelker, 1Lt Adam Sanders, 2Lt Doug Hanson, C/Capt Chris Frey, C/1Lt Adam Goswick and C/SSgt DavidMichael Buckman.
July 11-18 WV Wing Cadet Summer Encampment - Camp Dawson, WV July 14 NO MEETING July 24-26 WV Wing SAREX, Petersburg, WV August 14-16 WV Wing SAREX, Petersburg, WV September 4-6 WV Wing SAREX, Petersburg, WV
Capt Larry Dean and Capt Russ Voelker attended a (counter drug) Eradication Class held at the Fort Indiantown Gap National Guard Base, PA..
Participants: Lt Col Barron, Maj. Bart Rogers, Capt Russ Voelker, Capt Larry Dean, Capt Doug Hanson and 1st Lt Adam Sanders.
FYI: Always check the squadron activities calendar, on the members page of our website, for updates.
I wanted to let everyone know that the squadron's award winning Color Guard made an outstanding presentation, on April 18th, at the State Convention of the WV State Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution. The ceremony was held at the Holiday Inn, in Martinsburg, and attended by approximately 100 ladies. Following the Posting of the Colors, the DAR read a lengthy description of the Civil Air Patrol and made some very nice comments about our Color Guard. That was followed by a presentation of a framed Certificate of Appreciation to the squadron and a cash donation of $50.00 Be sure to congratulate the Color Guard members: C/2Lt Joel Lyons, C/2Lt Jonah Rock, C/TSgt John Dye, and C/SrA Caleb Sullivan on a job well done! (Lt Col Dennis Barron)
Following the Posting of the Colors, a lengthy description about the Civil Air Patrol was read, including the names of color guards members: C/2Lt Jonah Rock, C/TSgt John Dye,C/2Lt Joel Lyons and C/SrA Caleb Sullivan. Color Guard members were also treated to a buffet lunch. Following the Retiring of the Colors, the Color Guard received a Certificate of Appreciation and a $50.00 donation Congratulations to our color guard members on another job well done! Also, Thanks to Maj. Dan Duckwall and the NARFE members for all their assistance and hospitality.
Hangar Update
from Page 1
VFW Outstanding Cadet NCO Award - C/MSgt DavidMichael Buckman. Air Force Sergeants Association Award - C/SSgt Caleb Sullivan. Air Force Association Outstanding Squadron Cadet Award - C/2d Lt Jonah Rock. Special Activity Scholarship C/Lt Col Mark R. Guiney. After the presentations were complete Lt Col Mills expressed his sincere appreciation to the cadets parents for all their support. Their efforts have helped our squadron maintain a high level of excellence. Afterwards, a reception was held in the 167th AW Dining Facility. Special thanks to SM Jeanine Korte for her assistance.
On Monday, May 11th, Kubic Construction started construction of the hangars office, ready room and bathrooms.
Cadet Caleb Sullivan was presented the Wright Brothers Award, for completing all requirements of the "Learning Phase", which is phase one of the five phase cadet training program, and promoted to C/SSgt. C/MSgt Brandon Might received the honor of being the first member in the state to receive the new CAP Achievement Award for his valuable assistance in improving the functionality of the squadrons website. Other awards included: VFW Outstanding Cadet Officer Award - C/2d Lt Joel Lyons.
05/27/09 06/18/09
07/03/09 Almost ready for priming and painting!