Privacy-Preserving Public Auditing For Secure Cloud Storage About The Project
Privacy-Preserving Public Auditing For Secure Cloud Storage About The Project
Privacy-Preserving Public Auditing For Secure Cloud Storage About The Project
To address these problems, our work utilizes the technique of public key based homomorphic linear authenticator (or HLA for short), which enables TPA to perform the auditing without demanding the local copy of data and thus drastically reduces the communication and computation overhead as compared to the straightforward data auditing approaches
The System
A cloud data storage service involving three different entities: the cloud user, who has large amount of data files to be stored in the cloud; the cloud server (CS), which is managed by the cloud service provider (CSP) to provide data storage service and has significant storage space and computation resources; the third party auditor (TPA), who has expertise and capabilities that cloud users do not have and is trusted to assess the cloud storage service reliability on behalf of the user upon request.
As users no longer possess their data locally, it is of critical importance for users to ensure that their data are being correctly stored and maintained. To save the computation resource as well as the online burden potentially brought by the periodic storage correctness verification, cloud users may resort to TPA for ensuring the storage integrity of their outsourced data, while hoping to keep their data private from TPA.
Design Goals Public auditability: to allow TPA to verify the correctness of the cloud data on demand without retrieving a copy of the whole data or introducing additional online burden to the cloud users. Storage correctness: to ensure that there exists no cheating cloud server that can pass the TPAs audit without indeed storing users data intact. Privacy-preserving: to ensure that the TPA cannot derive users data content from the information collected during the auditing process. Batch auditing: to enable TPA with secure and efficient auditing capability to cope with multiple auditing delegations from possibly large number of different users simultaneously. Lightweight: to allow TPA to perform communication and computation overhead. auditing with minimum
Audit: The TPA issues an audit message or challenge to the cloud server to make sure that the cloud server has retained the data file F properly at the time of the audit. The cloud server will derive a response message by executing GenProof using F and its verification metadata as inputs. The TPA then verifies the response via VerifyProof.
may potentially reveal user data information to TPA, and violates the privacypreserving guarantee. Specifically, by challenging the same set of c block m1,m2, . . . , mc using c different sets of random coefficients {i}, TPA can
accumulate c different linear combinations 1, . . . , c. With {i} and {i}, TPA can derive the users data m1, m2. . . mc by simply solving a system of linear equations.
Scheme Let G1, G2 and GT be multiplicative cyclic groups of prime order p, and e: G1, G2 GT be a bilinear map. Let g be a generator of G2. H (.) is a secure map-topoint hash function: {0, 1}* G1, which maps strings uniformly to G1. Another hash function h (.): GT Zp maps group element of GT uniformly to Zp. Setup Phase: The cloud user runs KeyGen to generate the public and secret parameters. Specifically, the user chooses a random signing key pair (spk, ssk), a random x Zp, a random element u G1, and computes v gx. The secret parameter is sk = (x, ssk) and the public parameters are pk = (spk, v, g, u, e(u,v)). Given a data file F = {mi}, the user runs SigGen to compute authenticator for each i. Here Wi = name||i and name is chosen by the user uniformly at random from Zp as the identifier of file F. Denote the set of authenticators by = {i} 1in. The last part of SigGen is for ensuring
the integrity of the unique file identifier name. One simple way to do this is to compute t = name||SSigssk(name) as the file tag for F, where SSigssk(name) is the signature on name under the private key ssk. For simplicity, we assume the TPA knows the number of blocks n. The user then sends F along with the verification metadata (, t) to the server and deletes them from local storage. Audit Phase: The TPA first retrieves the file tag t. With respect to the mechanism we describe in the Setup phase, the TPA verifies the signature SSigssk(name) via spk, and quits by emitting FALSE if the verification fails. Otherwise, the TPA recovers name. Now it comes to the core part of the auditing process. To generate the challenge message for the audit chal, the TPA picks a random c-element subset I = {s1. . . sc} of set [1, n]. For each element , the TPA also chooses a random value i (of bit length that can be
shorter than |p|. The message chal specifies the positions of the blocks required to be checked. The TPA sends to the server.
generate a response proof of data storage correctness. Specifically, the server chooses a random element r Zp, and calculates .
then sends {, ,R} as the response proof of storage correctness to the TPA. With the response, the TPA runs VerifyProof to validate it by first computing
Modules 1) Data User Management 2) Key Generation 3) Signature Generation 4) Challenge Message Management(Creation Sending message to server) 5) Proof Generation 6) Proof Verification &
Reference id=kpAyaAb8U90C&pg=PA321&lpg=PA321&dq=homomorphic+linear+authentic ator&source=bl&ots=szPsc2laR&sig=buNoyqC_Atjl_fCVeJoIw7sXBMM&hl=en&sa=X&ei=ufFOT5igFYPtrQfb6rj YDQ&ved=0CEYQ6AEwBA#v=onepage&q=homomorphic%20linear %20authenticator&f=false
System requirements
Hardware Requirements Processor : RAM : Hard Disk : Pentium III or higher 256 MB. 1 GB free space.
Software Requirements
Front End Back End Technologies Integrated Development Environment Application Architecture Web Browser MYSQL Java/J2EE, Struts. Eclipse/Net Beans MVC Architecture.
We are using javax.crypto package (in built java package) for cryptographic techniques used in this project.