ID-DPDP Scheme For Storing Authorized Distributed Data in Cloud
ID-DPDP Scheme For Storing Authorized Distributed Data in Cloud
ID-DPDP Scheme For Storing Authorized Distributed Data in Cloud
Storing authorized
Distributed data in
Provable data possession (PDP) is a technique for ensuring the
integrity of data in storage outsourcing. In this paper, they address the
construction of an efficient PDP scheme for distributed cloud storage
to support the scalability of service and data migration, in which they
consider the existence of multiple cloud service providers to
cooperatively store and maintain the clients’ data. They present a
cooperative PDP (CPDP) scheme based on homomorphic verifiable
response and hash index hierarchy and prove the security of proposed
scheme based on multiprover zero-knowledge proof system.
The CPDP approach allows parallel computing and provides support
for large file storage on cloud.
In CPDP the data integrity verification can be done in parallel and
data storages can be on multiple clouds.
The Existing PDP schemes mainly focus on single cloud storage.
The numbers of updates and challenges are limited.
In this paper, they presented the construction of an
efficient PDP scheme for distributed cloud storage. Based on
homomorphic verifiable response and hash index hierarchy,
they have proposed a cooperative PDP scheme to support
dynamic scalability on multiple storage servers.
Reference paper - 2
Title - scalable and efficient provable data possession
In storage outsourcing the main issue is how to frequently,
efficiently and securely verify that a storage server is faithfully
storing its client’s (potentially very large) outsourced data. The
problem is exacerbated by the client being a small computing
device with limited resources. In this paper they construct a
highly efficient and provably secure PDP technique based
entirely on symmetric key cryptography, while not requiring any
bulk encryption.
The SPDP scheme, as relies only on efficient symmetric key
operations in both setup and verification phases.
It does not support fully dynamic data operations.
They developed and presented a step-by-step design of a very
light-weight and provably secure PDP scheme. However, since it
is based upon symmetric key cryptography, it is unsuitable for
public (third-party) verification.
Reference paper - 3
Title - Remote Data Checking Using Provable Data
A client that has stored data at an untrusted server can verify that
the server possesses the original data without retrieving it. The
client maintains a constant amount of metadata to verify the proof.
Thus, the PDP model for remote data checking is lightweight and
supports large data sets in distributed storage systems. They
propose a generic transformation that adds robustness to any
remote data checking scheme based on spot checking.
Spot checking allows clients to randomly check data
PDP model for remote data checking is lightweight and
Using cloud storage service, data owners can access their data
anywhere at any time and enjoy the on demand high quality
applications and services, without the burden of local data
storage and maintenance. To verify the integrity of data stored in
cloud and relieve the security concerns of customers, a privacy
preserving possession checking (DPC) scheme is presented. This
scheme uses Merkle Hash Tree to support fully dynamic data
The proposed scheme , privacy preserving data possession
checking (DPC) preserves the privacy of the data in cloud
Based on bilinear map and Merkle Hash Tree, support fully
dynamic data operations.
In Existing System there is a the risk of losing data stored in
cloud storage.
In this paper, the proposed dynamic data possession
checking scheme has several advantages over existing
techniques. It uses BLS signature technique to enable public
checking, which also preserves the privacy from checkers. It
fully supports the dynamic data operation.
Reference paper - 5
Title - Public Auditing of Big Data with Fine Grained Updates
on Cloud
Now a days various data will be generated by the organization,
government or business industry are managed by a external
storage provider called CSS (Cloud Storage Service). As the TPA
is an external agent, it can also be malicious or it can misuse the
user’s data stored in Cloud storage. So this paper focuses on
checking the authenticity of the TPA and the proposed scheme will
support fine grained data updates with less communication
Proposed system implemented some methodology (SLA
signing) to verify TPA’s integrity.
It support fine-grained data update with less communication
overhead .
TPA is an external agent, it can also be malicious or it can
Problem 4: The verification for proper data tends to be very simple, so that
unauthorized person sends auditing service message to server. This creates
many issue like distributed denial of service.
Problem Solution
Solution for problem 4: To achieve scalability and efficiency of
a cloud storage server, our proposed schemes utilizes a flexible
data segmentation strategy by ID-DPDP (Identity-Based
Distributed Provable Data Possession).
Response Phase
Cs1 7.Aggregates the result
Cs2 COMBINER Stores the
. in Cloud
. Storage
. 8.Sending the
result to the 9.If the result
verifier & is valid means
then verifier it allow the
verifies the client to store
result the data
Step 1: In the phase Extract, PKG creates the private key for the client.
Based on the symmetric key algorithm, the secret key will be generated.
Step 2: The client creates the block-tag pair using bilinear pairing and
uploads it to combiner.
Step 4: The verifier sends the challenge to combiner and the combiner
distributes the challenge query to the corresponding cloud servers
according to the storage meta data.
Step 5: The cloud servers respond the challenge, and send it to the
Key Generation
Tag Generation (Split the whole file F into n blocks, i.e., F = (F1,
F2, · · ·, Fn).)
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Paper publication
Published a paper title “Secure and trusty storage services in cloud
computing” in International Journal of Advanced Technology in
Engineering and Technology.