Raj Kumar Goel Institute of Technology For Women
Raj Kumar Goel Institute of Technology For Women
Raj Kumar Goel Institute of Technology For Women
This is to certify that seminar report entitled BLUETOOTH BASED SMART SENSOR NETWORKS which is submitted by MITALI RASTOGI under the guidance of Mr.SATYA PRAKASH in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of degree B.Tech. in ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING to Raj Kumar Goel Institute of Technology for women, Ghaziabad , G.B.T.U is the record of the candidate own work carried out by him/her under the supervision . The matter embodied in this is original and has not be submitted for the award of any other degree.
This seminar report has been made in a lucid and simple style for better understanding of the BLUETOOTH BASED SMART SENSOR NETWORKS.It has been compiled systematically to enable one to evaluate detail of the report.Needless to say i am deeply indebted to Mr.Satya Prakash for the guidance,help and blessing during the course of this investigatory work. No words can crystallize in expressing my respect and deep sense of gratitude to our HOD of electronics and communication branch Mrs. Reshu Gupta. I would also like to thank my colleagues and friends for their cooperation and help in the preparation of this seminar report.
The communications capability of devices and continuous transparent information routes are indispensable components of future oriented automation concepts. Communication is increasing rapidly in industrial environment even at field level. In any industry the process can be realized through sensors and can be controlled through actuators. The process is monitored on the central control room by getting signals through a pair of wires from each field device in Distributed Control Systems (DCS). With advent in networking concept, the cost of wiring is saved by networking the field devices. But the latest trend is elimination of wires i.e., wireless networks. Wireless sensor networks - networks of small devices equipped with sensors, microprocessor and wireless communication interfaces. In 1994, Ericsson Mobile communications, the global telecommunication company based in Sweden, initiated a study to investigate, the feasibility of a low power, low cost ratio interface, and to find a way to eliminate cables between devices. Finally, the engineers at the Ericsson named the new wireless technology as Blue tooth to honour the 10th century king if Denmark, Harald Blue tooth (940 to 985 A.D). The goals of blue tooth are unification and harmony as well, specifically enabling different devices to communicate through a commonly accepted standard for wire less connectivity.
Blue tooth
Blue tooth operates in the unlicensed ISM band at 2.4 GHZ frequency band and use frequency hopping spread spectrum technique. A typical Blue tooth device has a range of about 10 meters and can be extended to 100meters. Communication channels supports total
bandwidth of 1 Mb / sec. A single connection supports a maximum asymmetric data transfer rate of 721 KBPS maximum of three channels.
Why Bluetooth?
In most of the communication systems wires are involved in transmission and receiving of data. For example, the wires are used to connect computer peripherals to pc, and the pc to the net. In this blue tooth technique wireless communication for transmitting and receiving of data is performed. The Blue tooth radio chip functions at 2.4 GHZ, which is in the unlicensed ISM (Industrial Scientific Medical) band. It can be transmitted over a range of 10m to 100m.
The basic function is to provide a standard wireless technology to replace the multitude of propriety cables currently linking computer devices. Better than the image of the spaghetti-free computer system is the ability of the radio technology to the network when away from traditional networking structures such as business intranet.for, example imagine being on a business trip with a laptop and a phone. The Bluetooth technology allows interfacing the two. Then picture meeting a client and transferring files without cabling or worrying about protocols. That is what the Bluetooth will do.
Network arrangement:
Bluetooth network arrangements can be either point-to-point or point-to-multipoint. The various network arrangements regarding Bluetooth are: a) Single-slave b) Multi-slave(up to 7 Slaves on one master) c) Scatternet
A Piconet
When a device wants to establish a Piconet it has to perform inquiry to discover other Blue tooth devices in the range. Inquiry procedure is defined in such a way to ensure that two devices will after some time, visit the same frequency same time when that happens, required information is exchanged and devices can use paging procedure to establish connection. When more than 7 devices needs to communicate, there are two options. The first one is to put one or more devices into the park state. Blue tooth defines three low power modes sniff, hold and park. When a device is in the park mode then it disassociates from and Piconet, but still maintains timing synchronization with it. The master of the Piconet periodically broadcasts beacons (Warning) to invite the slave to rejoin the Piconet or to allow the slave to request to rejoin. The slave can rejoin the Piconet only if there are less than seven slaves already in the Piconet. If not so, the master has to park one of the active slaves first. All these actions cause delay and for some applications it can be unacceptable for eg: process control applications, that requires immediate response from the command centre (central control room).
Scatternet consists of several Piconets connected by devices participating in multiple Piconet. These devices can be slaves in all Piconets or master in one Piconet and slave in other Piconet. Using scatternets higher throughput is available and multi-hop connections between devices in different Piconet are possible. i.e., The unit can communicate in one Piconet at time so they jump from pioneer to another depending upon the channel parameter.
A Scatternet
Frequency Hopping in
Bluetooth has been designed to operate in a noisy radio frequency environment, and uses a fast acknowledgement and frequency-hopping scheme to make link robust, communication wise. Bluetooth radio modules avoid interference from other signals by hopping to a frequency after transmitting or receiving a packet. Thus, Bluetooth modules use Frequency-Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS) techniques for voice and data transmission. Compared with other systems operating in the same frequency band, Bluetooth radio typically hops faster and uses shorter packets.
FHSS uses packet-switching to send data from the transmitter of one Bluetooth module to the receiver of another. Unlike circuit-switching which establishes a communication link on a certain frequency (channel), FHSS breaks the data down into small packets and transfers it on a wide range of frequencies across the available frequency band. Bluetooth transceivers switch or hop among 79 hop frequencies in the 2.4 GHz band at a rate of 1,600 frequency hops per second.
sensor network
Users The main functions of a gateway are Communication with sensor Networks shortage wireless communication is used. 1.It provides functions like discovery of smart sensor nodes, generic methods of sending and receiving data to and from sensors, routing. Gateway logic
It controls gateway interfaces and data flow to and from sensor network.
2.It provides an abstraction level that describes the existing sensors and their characteristics. 3.It provides functions for uniform access to sensors regardless of their type, location or N/W topology, inject queries and tasks and collect replies. Communication With Users Gateway communications with users or other sensor networks over the Internet, WAN,
Implemented sensor network consists of several smart sensor nodes and a gateway. Each smart node can have several sensors and is equipped with a micro-controller and a bluetooth radio module.
Gate way and smart nodes are members of the Piconet and hence maximum seven smart nodes can exist simultaneously in the network. For example, a pressure sensor is implemented, as bluetooth node in a following way.
The sensor is connected to the bluetooth node and consists of the pressuresensing element, smart signal-conditioning circuitry including calibration and temperature compensation, and the Transducer Electronic Data Sheet (TEDS). These features are built directly into the sensor microcontroller used for node communication control plus memory for TEDS configuration information.
Future work is aimed to develop and design a blue tooth-enabled data concentrator for data acquisition and analysis.
Blue tooth represents a great chance for sensor-networked architecture. This architecture heralds wireless future for home and also for industrial implementation. With a blue tooth RF link, users only need to bring the devices with in range, and the devices will automatically link up and exchange information. Thus implementation of blue tooth technology for sensor networks not only cuts wiring cost but also integrates the industrial environment to smarter environment. Today, with a broader specifications and a renewed concentration on interoperability, manufacturers are ready to forge ahead and take blue tooth products to the market place. Embedded design can incorporate the blue tooth wireless technology into a range of new products to meet the growing demand for connected information appliances.
G.I.POTTIE, W.J.KAISER Wireless Integrated network sensors, Communications of the ACM, May 2002. C.Shen, C.Srisathapomphat sensor networking architecture and application, IEEC personal communication. Aug,2001. C.Chellappan, RTCBPA, June 2003. Pappa,Transducer networks, RTCBPA, June 2003. www.seminarsonly.com