Bluetooth Based Smart Sensor Networks
Bluetooth Based Smart Sensor Networks
Bluetooth Based Smart Sensor Networks
enhanced development of small, low power and low cost devices. Such
field level.
In any industry the process can be realized through sensors and can be
controlled through actuators. The process is monitored on the central control room
by getting signals through a pair of wires from each field device in Distributed
Control Systems (DCS). With advent in networking concept, the cost of wiring is
saved by networking the field devices. But the latest trend is elimination of wires
power, low cost ratio interface, and to find a way to eliminate cables between
devices. Finally, the engineers at the Ericsson named the new wireless technology
as “Blue tooth” to honour the 10th century king if Denmark, Harald Blue tooth
The goals of blue tooth are unification and harmony as well, specifically
Blue Tooth
Blue tooth operates in the unlicensed ISM band at 2.4 GHZ frequency band
and use frequency hopping spread spectrum technique. A typical Blue tooth device
maximum asymmetric data transfer rate of 721 KBPS maximum of three channels.
together. Each Piconet has one master usually a device that initiated establishment
of the Piconet, and up to 7 slave devices. Master’s Blue tooth address is used for
definition of the frequency hopping sequence. Slave devices use the master’s clock
A Piconet
discover other Blue tooth devices in the range. Inquiry procedure is defined in such
a way to ensure that two devices will after some time, visit the same frequency
same time when that happens, required information is exchanged and devices can
When more than 7 devices needs to communicate, there are two options.
The first one is to put one or more devices into the park state. Blue tooth defines
three low power modes sniff, hold and park. When a device is in the park mode
then it disassociates from and Piconet, but still maintains timing synchronization
with it. The master of the Piconet periodically broadcasts beacons (Warning) to
invite the slave to rejoin the Piconet or to allow the slave to request to rejoin. The
slave can rejoin the Piconet only if there are less than seven slaves already in the
Piconet. If not so, the master has to ‘park’ one of the active slaves first. All these
actions cause delay and for some applications it can be unacceptable for eg:
process control applications, that requires immediate response from the command
multiple Piconet. These devices can be slaves in all Piconets or master in one
possible. i.e., The unit can communicate in one Piconet at time so they jump from
A Scatternet
sensor network
Short Public
range Gate way network
wireless logic interface
The main functions of a gateway are
Communication with sensor Networks
Shortage wireless communication is used.
It provides functions like discovery of smart sensor nodes, generic
methods of sending and receiving data to and from sensors, routing .
Gateway logic
It controls gateway interfaces and data flow to and from sensor
It provides an abstraction level that describes the existing sensors
and their characteristics.
It provides functions for uniform access to sensors regardless of
their type, location or N/W topology, inject queries and tasks and
collect replies.
From the user point of view, quering and tasking are two main services
provided by wireless sensor networks. Queries are used when user requires only
the current value of the observed phenomenon. Tasking is a more complex
operation and is used when a phenomenon has to be observed over a large period
of time.Both queries and tasks of time to the network by the gateway which also
collects replies and forwards them to users.
Gate way and smart nodes are members of the Piconet and hence maximum
seven smart nodes can exist simultaneously in the network.
For example, a pressure sensor is implemented, as bluetooth node in a
following way.
The sensor is connected to the bluetooth node and consists of the pressure
sensing element, smart signal-conditioning circuitry including calibration and
temperature compensation, and the Transducer Electronic Data Sheet (TEDS).
These features are built directly into the sensor microcontroller used for node
communication control plus memory for TEDS configuration information.
Conditioned along sensor signal is digitized and digital data is then processed
using stored TEDS data. The pressure sensor node collects data from multiple
sensors and transmits the data via bluetooth wireless communications in the
2.4 GHZ base band to a network hub or other internet appliance such as a
The node can supply excitation to each sensor, or external sensor power can
be supplied. Up to eight channels are available on each node for analog inputs as
well as digital output. The sensor signal is digitized with 16-bit A/D resolution for
transmission along with the TEDS for each sensor. This allows each channel to
identify itself to the host system. The node can operate from either an external
power supply or an attached battery. The maximum transmission distance is 10
meters with an optional capability to 100 meters.
The IEEE 1451 family of standards are used for definition of functional
boundaries and interfaces that are necessary to enable smart transducer to be easily
connected to a variety of networks. The standards define the protocol and functions
that give the transducer interchangeability in networked system, with this
information a host microcomputer recognized a pressure sensor, a temperature
sensor, or another sensor type along with the measurement range and scaling
information based on the information contained in the TEDS data.
With blue tooth technology, small transceiver modules can be built into a
wide range of products including sensor systems, allowing fast and secure
transmission of data within a given radius (Usually up to 10m).
A blue tooth module consists primarily of three functional blocks – an
analog 2.4 GHz., Blue tooth RF transceiver unit, and a support unit for link
management and host controller interface functions.
The host controller has a hardware digital signal processing part- the Link
Controller (LC), a CPU core, and it interfaces to the host environment. The link
controller consists of hardware and software parts that perform blue tooth based
band processing, and physical layer protocols. The link controller performs low-
level digital-signal processing to establish connections, assemble or disassemble,
packets, control frequency hopping, correct errors and encrypt data.
implementation, the link controller and link manager functions may not reside in
the same processor.
Another function component is of course, the antenna, which may be
integrated on the PCB or come as a standalone item. A fully implemented blue
tooth module also incorporates higher-level software protocols, which govern the
functionality and interoperability with other modules.
Gate way plays the role of the Piconet’s master in the sensor network. It
controls establishments of the network, gathers information about the existing
smart sensor nodes and sensor attached to them and provides access to them.
Discovery Of The Smart Sensor Nodes
Smart sensor node discovery is the first procedure that is executed upon the
gateway installation. It goals to discover all sensor nodes in the area and to build a
list of sensor’s characteristics and network topology. Afterwards, it is executed
periodically to facilitate addition of new or removal of the existing sensors. The
following algorithm is proposed.
When the gateway is initialized, it performs bluetooth inquiry procedure.
When the blue tooth device is discovered, the major and minor device classes are
checked. These parameters are set by each smart node to define type of the device
and type of the attached sensors. Service class field can be used to give some
additional description of offered services. if discovered device is not smart node it
is discarded. Otherwise service database of the discovered smart node is searched
for sensor services. As currently there is no specific sensor profile, then database is
searched for the serial port profile connection parameters. Once connection strings
is obtained from the device. Blue tooth link is established and data exchange with
smart mode can start.