Artículos de John Crosby (Personalismo)
Artículos de John Crosby (Personalismo)
Artículos de John Crosby (Personalismo)
"Evolutionism and the Ontology of the Human Person: Critique of the Marxist Theory of the Emergence of Man," in Review of Politics, vol. 38, no. 2, April, 1976, 208-243 "Reflections on the Foundations of Karol Wojtyla's Philosophy of the Person," inKarol Wojtyla: Filosofo Teologo, Poeta, Proceedings of the First International Colloquium on Christian Thought (Rome, 1984), 25-37 "Are Some Human Beings Not Persons?" in Anthropos, II/2 (Winter, 1986), 215232. "Karol Wojtyla on the Objectivity and the Subjectivity of Moral Obligation," Servo Veritatis (Jagellonian University, Cracow, Poland), Varia CCXXIX (1988), 155-164. Also in Christian Humanism, ed. Francis (New York, 1995), 27-36. "The Creaturehood of the Human Person and the Critique of Proportionalism," inPersona, Verita e Morale: Atti del Congresso Internazionale di Teologia Morale (Roma, 7-12 aprile, 1986) (Rome, 1987), 195-200. Also published inAnthropotes (1987/2), 195-199. "Dialektyka podmiotowosci i transcendencji w osobie ludzkiej" ("The Dialectic of Subjectivity and Transcendence in the Human Person"), Ethos (University of Lublin, Poland), nr. 2/3, 1988, 57-65 "Autonomy and Theonomy in Moral Obligation: Reply to Tollefsen," (Tollefsen, "Crosby on the Origin of Prescriptive Force," The New Scholasticism LXI/4 (1987), 262-276), in The New Scholasticism LXIII/3 (1989), 358-370. "The Personalism of John Paul II as the Basis of His Approach to the Teaching ofHumanae Vitae," Anthropotes 5, 1 (May, 1989), 47-69. Reprinted in Russell Smith (ed.), Trust the Truth (Braintree, Mass., 1991), 37-64. Also reprinted in Janet Smith (ed), Why Humanae Vitae Was Right (San Francisco, 1993), 195-227 "The Dialectic of Autonomy and Theonomy in the Human Person," in American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly LXIV (1990), Annual Supplement, 250-
259. Polish: Dialektyka autonomii i teonomiii w osobie ludzkiej," Ethos (Catholic University of Lublin), 15/16, 1991, 49-58. German: Das dialektische Verhaeltnis zwischen Autonomie und Theonomie in der menschlichen Person," Ethos, Sonderausgabe 1993, 63-74. "The Personhood of the Human Embryo," Journal of Medicine and Philosophy, 18 (1993), 399-417. "The Dialectic of Selfhood and Relationality in the Human Person," American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly (1993), Annual Supplement, 180-189. "The Incommunicability of Human Persons," The Thomist, 57, 3, (July, 1993), 403-442. Italian by Carlo Caffarra: L'incommunicabilita della persona umana,"Anthropotes (1993), 159-187. "Superego and Conscience: Phenomenological Analysis of Their Difference and Their Relation," The Nature and Tasks of a Personalist Psychology, ed. James DuBois (Lanham, MD., 1995), 47-58. Expanded version in Logos (1997), I/2, 125139. Entries on "the human person," "theology of the body," "immortality," "the natural end of man," and "body and soul," "phenomenology," in Encyclopedia of Catholic Doctrine (Huntington, Indiana: Our Sunday Visitor Publishing Division, 1997), ed. Russell Shaw. "The Estrangement of Persons from Their Bodies," Life and Learning VI: Proceedings of the Sixth University Faculty for Life Conference (Washington, D.C., 1997), 117-127; slightly revised in Logos (1997), I/2, 125-139. "Zum Personalismus Max Schelers," in Crespo (ed.), Menschenwuerde: Metaphysik und Ethik (Heidelberg: Universitaetsverlag C. Winter, 1998), 225247. "The Individuality of Human Persons: A Study in the Ethical Personalism of Max Scheler," Review of Metaphysics (Sept. 1998), LII/1, 21-50. The Human Person Exists in Freedom Under the Truth, Life and Learning VII: Proceedings of the Seventh University Faculty for Life Conference (Washington, D.C., 1998), 54-64.
Why Persons Have Dignity, Life and Learning IX: Proceedings of the Ninth University Faculty for Life Conference (Washington, DC, 2000), 79-92. Person and Consciousness, Christian Bioethics, 6/1 (April, 2000), 37-48 Inference and Intuition in the Understanding of Other Persons, American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, vol. 73 (1999), 137-146. The Twofold Source of the Dignity of Persons, Faith and Philosophy, 18/3 (2001), 292-306. Karol Wojtyla on Treating Patients as Persons, in John Paul IIs Contributions to Catholic Bioethics (Springer, 2004), 151-168. Person and Obligation: Critical Reflections on the Anti-authoritarian Strain in Schelers Personalism, American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly (2005), vol. 79, no. 1, 91-119. The Equality of Human Beings and the Unity of the Human Family, in Nikolaus von Liechtenstein (ed.), Peace and Intercultural Dialogue (Heidelberg: Universitaetsverlag Winter, 2005), 49-56. On Proposing the Truth and Not Imposing It: John Paul IIs Personalism and the Teaching of Dignitatis Humanae, forthcoming in collection on Dignitatis Humanae to be published by Sheed and Ward, 2006, ed. by Ken Grasso. A somewhat shortened version of this paper has appeared in Polish in Ethos Articles on John Henry Newman: "The Personalism of John Henry Newman," in The Newman Rambler, V/1 (2001), 1-10.
Inference and Intuition in the Understanding of Other Persons: A Critical Discussion of Max Scheler. 1989.