1 C-D Problem: 1.1 Unknown
1 C-D Problem: 1.1 Unknown
1 C-D Problem: 1.1 Unknown
C-D problem
max E() = E(P yi rki ) = E(P AKi e i rki )
1 FOC:P Aki E(e ) r = 0
1 r ] 1 P AE(e )
Firms know
max = P yi rki = P AKi e i rki
1 FOC:P Aki e r = 0
ki = [
1 r ] 1 P Ae
Estimation of
b = = = = = (xi x)(yi y ) 2 (xi x) (xi yi xi y xy + xy ) i 2 (xi 2xi x + x2 ) (xi yi ) ny ny + ny x x x 2 2 + n2 (xi ) 2n x x 2 n (xi yi ) n xy 2 2 x2 n (xi ) n n (xi yi ) xi yi n (x2 ) ( xi )2 i (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
N (0, 2 ), and
LF =
Taking the log of last equation wont change the value of which the likelihood function achieves maximum due to the increasing of log transformation, max, LLF =
(yi xi )2 ) (log( 2) 2 2
Since (log( 2) includes no information on and , so the previous maximizition problem is identical to the following, max
(yi xi )2
(yi xi )2
To show this mathematically, you need to know law of iterated expectation, which is, E(E(x|y)) = E(x) 2 (18)
proof: E(E(x|y)) = = = fY (y) fY (y) xf (x|y)dxdy x f (x, y) dxdy f (y) (19) (20) (21) (22)
xf (x, y)dxdy
Now remind the logic I used to show that is show I: E(|x) = 0 is implying 0 covariance, II: 0 covariance is identical to E(x) = 0, III: 0 covariance can not imply E(|x) = 0. Proof of I: rst we knew that E(|x) = 0 implies E(|x) = E() = 0 E(|x) = = = f (|x)d f (x, ) d f (x) f (x, )d (23) (24) (25) (26)
1 f (x) = 0 so we have
f (x, )d = 0, which will imply that E(|x) = E() = 0. E(|x) = E( = x |x) x (27) (28)
1 E(x|x) x
which implies, xE(|x) = E(x|x) Taking expectaion on both side, E(E(x|x)) = E(x) = E(xE(|x)) = E(xE()) = E(x)E() (30) (31) (32) (33) (29)
By the denition of cov(x, ) = E(x) E(x)E(), from last equation we know that assuming E(|x) = 0, we have 0 covariance, so we have showed I. 3
Since we know that we could assume E() = 0, and cov(x, ) = E(x) E(x)E() = 0, then E(x) = 0. So we have shown II. The only last thing is III. We show this by nd a counter example. Assuming E(|x) = x2 , and x N (0, 1). So we know that E(x) = 0, E() = E(E(|x)) = E(x2 ) = 1, since x2 2 (1). E(x) = E(xE(|x)) = E(x3 ) = 0, since skewness of normal distribution is 0. So, cov(x, ) = E(x) E(x)E() = 0 0 = 0. However, E(|x) = x2 = 0. We show all 3 parts.