Capture/Compare/Pwm (CCP) Modules in PIC 16F877
Capture/Compare/Pwm (CCP) Modules in PIC 16F877
Capture/Compare/Pwm (CCP) Modules in PIC 16F877
Capture-Compare-Pulse-Width-Module (CCP) is a special module designs for modulation and waveform generation applications. This module basically works on three different modes (capture/compare and PWM odes). The PIC 16F877 chip contains two CCP ports (CCP1 and CCP2). Each of this CCP module contains 16 bit registers which works as 16-bit Capture register 16-bit Compare register PWM Master/Slave Duty Cycle registers The CCP1 and CCP2 modules are identical in its operation except in its special event trigger operation. In each CCP modules, the capture, compare and PWM modes using different timer resources. The table below shows the different CCP modes and its timer resources. The detailed explanations and functions of CCP module is given below.
CCP1 Module
Capture/Compare/PWM Register 1 (CCPR1) is a 16 bit register comprised of two 8-bit registers: CCPR1L (low byte) and CCPR1H (high byte). The CCP1CON register controls the operation of CCP1. The special event trigger is generated by a compare match and will reset Timer1.
CCP2 Module
Capture/Compare/PWM Register 2 (CCPR2) is comprised of two 8-bit registers: CCPR2L (low byte) and CCPR2H (high byte). The CCP2CON register controls the operation of CCP2. The special event trigger is generated by a compare match and will reset Timer1 and start an A/D conversion (if the A/D module is enabled).
Capture Mode
In Capture mode, CCPR1H:CCPR1L captures the 16-bit value of the TMR1 register when an event occurs on pin RC2/CCP1. An event is defined as one of the following: Every falling edge Every rising edge Every 4th rising edge Every 16th rising edge The type of event is configured by control bits, CCP1M3:CCP1M0 (CCPxCON<3:0>). When a capture is made, the interrupt request flag bit, CCP1IF (PIR1<2>), is set. The interrupt flag must be cleared in software. If another capture occurs before the value in register CCPR1 is read, the old captured value is overwritten by the new value. The block diagram of capture mode is shown below.
Compare Mode
In Compare mode, the 16-bit CCPR1 register value is constantly compared against the TMR1 register pair value. When a match occurs, the RC2/CCP1 pin is: Driven high Driven low Remains unchanged The action on the pin is based on the value of control bits, CCP1M3:CCP1M0 (CCP1CON<3:0>). At the same time, interrupt flag bit CCP1IF is set. The compare mode block diagram is shown below.
The table below shows PWM FREQUENCIES and RESOLUTIONS AT 20 MHz and registers associated with CCP timer1/2 modules.
Register Organization-1
CCPR1L=speed; }
} else if (temperature>35) { //if(speed>0)speed-=1; CCPR1L=speed; // DECREMENT THE SPEED OF MOTOR delay(5000); } 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333
// initialise PWM using Capture Compare PWM Module 2 void PWMinitialise(void) { // assume Fosc uses oscillator 8MHz - call systemInitialise() first TRISD2=0; // set RD2/CCP2 is output TRISD7=0; // set RD7 is output PR2=0x3f; // set PR2 to 31.2 kHz PWM (PWM value will be 8 bits) // Configure Capture Compare PWM Module 2 CCPR2L=0; // set PWM duty cycle to 0 CCP2CON=0xC; // set PWM mode TMR2ON=1; // Turn on Timer 2 PWM } // set PWM duty cycle - value between 0 and 100 void PWMcontrol(int dutyCycle) { // get 8 bit value for PWM control at 31.2 kHz PWM dutyCycle = (int) (dutyCycle * 255L / 100L); // get 8 bit value RD7=1; // switch on motor // load most significant 6 bits in CCPR2l and least significant two bits in CCP2CON CCPR2L=dutyCycle >> 2; CCP2CON = (CCP2CON & 0xF) + ((dutyCycle << 4) & 0x30); // set bits 4 and 5 }
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