Booth Multiplication
Booth Multiplication
Booth Multiplication
By Tom S. Lee
In this tutorial, I will discuss how to multiply two numbers using Booth s algorit hm. We will use the following problem as our example:
Calculate 5 x -3 using four bit numbers and Booth's algorithm. Show all steps ne atly in a table.
5 = 0101 -3 = 1101
We see that if we add 0 to the right of both binary conversions, there are four 0 to 1 or 1 to 0 switches in 0101, and only three switches in 1101. Since three is the smaller of the two, we use 1101 as our x value and use 0101 as out y value. The next step is to find the tw o's compliment of our y value so that we can do subtraction of y from x. We do this by keeping all 0's up until, and including, the first 1 the same. We then flip all the remaining bits. So two's c ompliment of 0101 becomes 1011.
The next step is to set two registers, which we name u and v, to be zero. These are going to be the registers where we store our product throughout the working of the problem. We t hen place these registers into a table along with two additional registers x and x-1. Register x is initially set to be the predetermined value of x, and x-1 is initially set to be zero.
u v x x-1
The next step is to look at the LSB of x and the number in the x-1 register. If the LSB of x is one, and x-1 is zero, we subtract y from u. If LSB of x is zero, and x-1 is 1, then we ad d y to u. If both LSB of x and x-1 are equal, you do nothing and skip to the shifting stage. In our case, the LSB of x is one, and x-1 is zero, so we subtract y from u. We then do an arithmetic right shift o n u and v, and a circular right shift on x, also copying the LSB of x into x-1. This gives the ta ble:
u v x x-1
We then go through the process again using the same rules. This time we see that the LSB of x is 0 and x-1 is 1. We must now add y to u. Once added, we then do an arithmetic rig ht shift on u and v, with the last bit of v dropping off, and a circular right shift on x, also co pying the LSB of x into x-1. This gives the table:
u v x x-1
Again, we repeat the process again. This time LSB of x is 1 and x-1 is zero. So like we did on the first pass, we subtract y from u. We then do an arithmetic right shift on u and v, and a circular right shift on x, also copying the LSB of x into x-1. This gives the table:
u v x x-1
Now on the fourth and final pass, we see that the LSB of x is 1 and so is x-1. T his makes it easier for us because now we don't have to add the numbers. We only have to do an arith metic right shift on u and v, and a circular right shift on x, also copying the LSB of x into x-1.
u v x x-1
And we are finished. The result is u followed by v, and we get 11110001. Now to easily check our calculations, we take the original question, 5 x -3. This becomes -15. -15 is th e two's compliment of 15. 15 in eight bit binary is 00001111. Taking the two's compliment by the metho d previously described, we get the result 11110001, which is exactly the same as our Booths a lgorithm answer.