Emerging Technologies

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Emerging Technologies

forWastewaterTreatmentandIn-Plant WetWeatherManagement

EPA 832-R-06-006


Emerging Technologies

February 2008

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Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

Emerging Technologies

Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

Prepared for:

Office of Wastewater Management U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Washington, D.C. EPA 832-R-06-006
Under Contract

Prepared by:

Parsons Corporation Fairfax, Virginia

February 2008

Emerging Technologies

February 2008

Emerging Technologies for Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management EPA 832-R-06-006 February 2008 Produced under U.S. EPA Contract No. 68-C-02-111 Prepared by the Parsons Corporation Fairfax, Virginia Technical review was provided by professionals with experience in wastewater treatment. Technical reviewers of this document were: Dr. Charles Bott, Assistant Professor, Virginia Military Institute (VMI) Dr. Sudhir Murthy, Manager, Process Development, Washington, D.C. Water and Sewer Authority (WASA) Dr. Krishna Pagilla, Professor, Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT) Tyler Richards, Deputy Director of Operations and Environmental Services, Gwinnett County, GA Tom Sadick, CH2M HILL Terry Krause, CH2M HILL Mark Bishop, Hazen and Sawyer Recycled/Recyclable Printed with vegetable-based ink on paper that contains a minimum of 50 percent postconsumer fiber content, chlorine free. Electronic copies of this handbook can be downloaded from the U.S. EPA Office of Wastewater Management web site at: www.epa.gov/owm

Cover photo credit: Veolia Water North America Photo inserts credit: Parsons Corporation


Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

February 2008

Emerging Technologies

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) is charged by Congress with protecting the nations land, air, and water resources. Under a mandate of environmental laws, the Agency strives to formulate and implement actions leading to a balance between human activities and the ability of natural systems to support and sustain life. To meet this mandate, the Office of Wastewater Management (OWM) provides information and technical support to solve environmental problems today and to build a knowledge base necessary to protect public health and the environment well into the future. This publication has been produced, under contract to the U.S. EPA, by the Parsons Corporation, and it provides current state of development as of the publication date. It is expected that this document will be revised periodically to reflect advances in this rapidly evolving area. Except as noted, information, interviews, and data development were conducted by the contractor. Some of the information, especially related to embryonic technologies, was provided by the manufacturer or vendor of the equipment or technology, and could not be verified or supported by full-scale case study. In some cases, cost data were based on estimated savings without actual field data. When evaluating technologies, estimated costs, and stated performance, efforts should be made to collect current and more up-to-date information. The mention of trade names, specific vendors, or products does not represent an actual or presumed endorsement, preference, or acceptance by the U.S. EPA or Federal Government. Stated results, conclusions, usage, or practices do not necessarily represent the views or policies of the U.S. EPA.

Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management


Emerging Technologies

February 2008

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Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

February 2008

Emerging Technologies

Page Preface .................................................................................................................................. iii List of Acronyms and Abbreviations..................................................................................... viii List of Technologies ............................................................................................................... xi Overview.............................................................................................................................O-1 1. Introduction and Approach .......................................................................................... 1-1
1.1 Introduction .....................................................................................................................1-1 1.2 Approach .........................................................................................................................1-2 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.2.3 1.2.4 Information Collection and New Process Identification .....................................1-3 Initial Screened Technologies ...........................................................................1-3 Development of Technology Summary Sheets .................................................1-5 Evaluation of Technologies .............................................................................1-15

1.3 Guidance Document Format and Use...........................................................................1-17 1.4 Chapter References ......................................................................................................1-17


Physical/Chemical Treatment Processes .................................................................... 2-1

2.1 Introduction .....................................................................................................................2-1 2.2 Technology Assessment..................................................................................................2-1


Biological Treatment Processes .................................................................................. 3-1

3.1 Introduction .....................................................................................................................3-1 3.2 Technology Assessment..................................................................................................3-1


In-Plant Wet Weather Management Processes .......................................................... 4-1

4.1 Introduction .....................................................................................................................4-1 4.2 Technology Assessment..................................................................................................4-1


Process Monitoring Technologies ............................................................................... 5-1

5.1 Introduction .....................................................................................................................5-1

Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

Emerging Technologies

February 2008

5.2 Technology Assessment..................................................................................................5-1



Research Needs.......................................................................................................... 6-1

6.1 Introduction .....................................................................................................................6-1 6.2 Research Needs .............................................................................................................6-1 6.2.1 6.2.2 6.2.3 6.2.4 6.2.5 6.2.6 Upgrading Old WWTPs .....................................................................................6-1 Removal of Nutrients and Other Contaminants ................................................6-2 Use of Smart Technologies ...............................................................................6-3 Security of Water Systems ................................................................................6-3 Other Research Focus and Developments .......................................................6-4 Research Needs and Prioritization per Water Environment Research Foundation (WERF) ..........................................6-4

6.3 Chapter References ........................................................................................................6-4

Appendix A Trade Associations ........................................................................................ A-1

A.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... A-1 A.2 Trade Associations ......................................................................................................... A-1


Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

February 2008

Emerging Technologies

List of Tables
Page Table 1.1 Table 1.2 Table 1.3 Table 1.4 Table 1.5 Table 2.1 Table 3.1 Table 4.1 Table 5.1 Summary of Treatment Technologies Chapter 2 Physical/Chemical Treatment Processes .................................. 1-6 Summary of Treatment Technologies Chapter 3 Biological Treatment Processes ................................................ 1-9 Summary of Treatment Technologies Chapter 4 In-Plant Wet Weather Management Processes ...................... 1-13 Summary of Treatment Technologies Chapter 5 Process Monitoring Technologies ........................................... 1-14 Descriptive Evaluation Criteria .................................................................... 1-16 Physical/Chemical Treatment Processes State of Development ............... 2-2 Biological Treatment Processes State of Development ............................. 3-2 In-Plant Wet Weather Management Processes State of Development ..... 4-2 Process Monitoring Technologies State of Development........................... 5-2

List of Figures
Page Figure 1.1 Figure 2.1 Figure 3.1 Figure 4.1 Figure 5.1 Flow Schematic for Guide Development....................................................... 1-2 Evaluation of Innovative Physical/Chemical Treatment Technologies .......... 2-3 Evaluation of Innovative Biological Treatment Technologies ........................ 3-4 Evaluation of Innovative In-Plant Wet Weather Management Technologies ................................................................................................. 4-2 Evaluation of Innovative Process Monitoring Technologies .......................... 5-3

List of Exhibit
Page Exhibit 6.1 Paper from WERF Workshop on Nutrient Removal...................................... 6-5

Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

Emerging Technologies

February 2008

List of Acronyms and Abbreviations

Acronym/ Abbreviation

Anaerobic/Oxic (Phoredox) Anaerobic/Anoxic/Oxic American Association of Cost Engineers International Automatic Backwash Filters Anaerobic Expanded Bed Reactor Attached Growth Airlift Reactor Advanced Grit Removal System Aerobic Granular Sludge Process Air Intercept Zone Anaerobic Migrating Blanket Reactor Anaerobic Fluidized Bed Reactor Anaerobic Membrane BioReactor Advanced Oxidation Process Anaerobic Sequencing Batch Reactor American Society of Civil Engineers Atmosphere Aeration Tank 3 Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant American Water Works Association Bio-Augmentation Batch Enhanced Biological Aerated Filters Bio Augmentation Regeneration and/or Reaeration Biological-Chemical Phosphorus and Nitrogen Removal 1-Bromo-3 Chloro-5,5 DiMethylHydantoin Ballasted High Rate Clarification Biological Micro-Electro Machine System Biological Nutrient Removal Biological/Biochemical Oxygen Demand Biochemical Oxygen Demand Ratio to Nitrogen Biochemical Oxygen Demand Ratio to Phosphorus Cyclic Activated Sludge System CounterCurrent Aeration System Continuous Deflection Separator Colony forming unit Complete Mix-Activated Sludge Compressed Media Filter (WWETCO CMF) Capacity, Management, Operations, and Maintenance Chemical Oxygen Demand Combined Sewer Overflow Combined Sewer System Clean Water Act Dissolved Air Flotation DEamMONification DE-nitrification and PHosphate accumulation in ANOXic Disc Filter Dissolved Oxygen Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal Endocrine Disrupting Compound Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

February 2008

Emerging Technologies

List of Acronyms and Abbreviations (Contd)

Acronym/ Abbreviation

Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbent Assay Environmental Management Systems Fluidized Bed BioReactor Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization Granular-Activated Carbon Gallons per day Gallons per minute per square foot Handheld Advanced Nucleic Acid Analyzer Hydrogen-based hollow-Fiber Membrane Biofilm Reactor Hydrous Ferric Oxide High-Purity Oxygen High-Rate Clarification Hydraulic Retention Time Immobilized Cell-Augmented Activated Sludge Intermittent Cycle Extended Aeration System Integrated Fixed-film Activated Sludge Illinois Institute of Technology Ion Selective Electrode Limit Of Technology International Water Association Multi-stage Activated Biological Membrane-Activated BioReactor Main-stream AUtotrophic Recycle Enabling Enhanced N-removal Membrane BioReactor Mobile-Bed Reactor Technology Microbial Fuel Cell Million Gallons per Day Milligram per Liter Moderate Isotope Separation System Modified Ludzack-Ettinger Mixed Liquor Suspended Solids Miles per hour Multi-Stage Activated Biological Process Modified University of Cape Town National Association of Clean Water Agencies Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide NanoFiltration Nitrite Oxidizing Bacteria Nephelometric turbidity unit Operation and Maintenance Oxidation Reduction Potential Office of Wastewater Management (U.S. EPA) Powdered Activated Carbon Phosphorus Accumulating Organisms PolyBrominated Diphenyl Ether Polymerase Chain Reaction Photo-electro Chemical Oxygen Demand Pharmaceutically Active Compounds

Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

Emerging Technologies

February 2008

List of Acronyms and Abbreviations (Contd)

Acronym/ Abbreviation

Publicly Owned Treatment Works Pharmaceutical and Personal Care Products Parts per million Poly Vinyl Chloride Pounds per square inch (gauge) Returned Activated Sludge Rotating Biological Contactor Regeneration DeNitrification Refractory Dissolved Organic Nitrogen Sequencing Batch Reactor Standard Cubic Feet per Minute Single reactor High-activity Ammonia Removal Over Nitrite Single reactor High-activity Ammonia Removal Over Nitrite ANaerobic AMMonia OXidation Simultaneous Nitrification deNitrification Submerged Rotating Biological Contactor Sludge Retention Time; Solids Retention Time Sanitary Sewer Overflow Similar to SHARON named after Strass, Austria Sludge Volume Index Total Dynamic Head Total Dissolved Solids Trickling Filter Trickling Filter and Pushed Activated Sludge Trickling Filter and Solid Contactor Trans Membrane Pressure Total Organic Carbon Total Suspended Solids United States Environmental Protection Agency Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket University of Cape Town UltraViolet Virginia Initiative Plant Visibility Virginia Military Institute Vacuum Rotation Membrane Waste Activated Sludge Water and Sewer Authority Water Environment Federation Water Environment Federations Annual Technical Exhibition and Conference Water Environment Research Foundation Water Pollution Abatement Program Water Pollution Control Facility Water Reuse Facility Water and Wastewater Equipment Manufacturers Association WasteWater Production Flow WasteWater Treatment Facility WasteWater Treatment Plant Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

February 2008

Emerging Technologies

List of Technologies
PROCESS Physical/Chemical Treatment Processes
Compressible Media Filtration ............................................. Innovative.............................................................. 2-5 Nanofiltration ....................................................................... Innovative.............................................................. 2-7 Actiflo Process ................................................................... Innovative Use of Established Technology ........... 2-9 DensaDeg Process ............................................................ Innovative Use of Established Technology ......... 2-11 Microwave UV Disinfection .................................................. Innovative Use of Established Technology ......... 2-13 Blue CAT .......................................................................... Embryonic ........................................................... 2-15 Blue PRO ......................................................................... Embryonic ........................................................... 2-17 CoMag ............................................................................. Embryonic ........................................................... 2-19 Solar Disinfection................................................................. Embryonic ........................................................... 2-21



Biological Treatment Processes

Bioaugmentation.................................................................. Innovative.............................................................. 3-5
EXTERNAL BIOAUGMENTATION ..........................................Innovative .......................................................................3-5 Seeding from Commercial Sources of Nitrifiers .......................Innovative .......................................................................3-5 Tricking Filter and Pushed Activated Sludge (TF/PAS) Process ....................................................................................Innovative .......................................................................3-5 Seeding from External Dispersed Growth Reactors Treating Reject Waters (Chemostat Type) ...............................Innovative .......................................................................3-6 In-Nitri Process.......................................................................Innovative .......................................................................3-6 Immobilized Cell-Augmented Activated Sludge (ICASS) Process ....................................................................................Innovative .......................................................................3-7 Seeding from Parallel Processes.............................................Innovative .......................................................................3-8 Seeding from Downstream Process ........................................Innovative .......................................................................3-9 IN SITU BIOAUGMENTATION ................................................Innovative .......................................................................3-9 DE-nitrification and PHosphate accumulation in ANOXic (DEPHANOX) Process ............................................................Innovative .......................................................................3-9 Bio-Augmentation Regeneration/Reaeration (BAR) Process ..Innovative .....................................................................3-10 Bio-Augmentation Batch Enhanced (BABE) Process ..............Innovative ..................................................................... 3-11 Aeration Tank 3 (AT3) Process ................................................Innovative ..................................................................... 3-11 Main stream AUtotrophic Recycle Enabling Enhanced N-removal (MAUREEN) Process............................Innovative ..................................................................... 3-11 Regeneration-DeNitrification (R-DN) .......................................Innovative .....................................................................3-12

Cannibal ............................................................................. Innovative............................................................ 3-15 CATABOL ......................................................................... Innovative............................................................ 3-17 Deep Shaft Activated Sludge/VERTREAT ...................... Innovative............................................................ 3-19 Integrated fixed-Film Activated Sludge (IFAS) Systems ............................................................................... Innovative............................................................ 3-21
SUBMERGED MOBILE MEDIA IFAS ......................................Innovative .....................................................................3-21 AGAR (Attached Growth Airlift Reactor) ................................Innovative .....................................................................3-21 Captor ...................................................................................Innovative .....................................................................3-21

Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management


Emerging Technologies

February 2008

List of Technologies (Contd)

PROCESS Biological Treatment Processes (Contd) TYPE PAGE

LINPOR .................................................................................Innovative .....................................................................3-21 SUBMERGED FIXED MEDIA IFAS .........................................Innovative .....................................................................3-21 CLEARTEC ...........................................................................Innovative .....................................................................3-21 AccuWeb ...............................................................................Innovative .....................................................................3-22 BioMatrix .............................................................................Innovative .....................................................................3-22 HYBAS .................................................................................Innovative .....................................................................3-22 BioWeb.................................................................................Innovative .....................................................................3-22 RINGLACE ............................................................................Innovative .....................................................................3-22

Membrane BioReactor (MBR) ............................................. Innovative............................................................ 3-25 Mobile-Bed Reactor Technology (MBRT) Process .............. Innovative............................................................ 3-31 Bardenpho (Three Stage) with Returned Activated Sludge (RAS) Denitrification ................................ Innovative Use of Established Technology ......... 3-33 Biological-Chemical Phosphorus and Nitrogen Removal (BCFS) Process................................................................... Innovative Use of Established Technology ......... 3-35 Modified University of Cape Town (MUCT) Process ........... Innovative Use of Established Technology ......... 3-37 Modified Anaerobic/Oxic (A/O) Process .............................. Innovative Use of Established Technology ......... 3-39 Trickling Filter/Solids Contactor (TF/SC) ............................. Innovative Use of Established Technology ......... 3-41 Aerobic Granular Sludge Process (AGSP) ......................... Embryonic .......................................................... 3-43 ANaerobic Membrane BioReactor (AN-MBR) .................... Embryonic ........................................................... 3-45 Anaerobic Migrating Blanket Reactor (AMBR) .................. Embryonic ........................................................... 3-47 DEamMONification (DEMON) ............................................. Embryonic .......................................................... 3-49 Hydrogen-based hollow-Fiber Membrane Biofilm .............. Embryonic ........................................................... 3-51 Reactor (HFMBfR) Membrane-Aerated BioReactor (MABR) ............................. Embryonic ........................................................... 3-53 Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC) Based Treatment System .......... Embryonic ........................................................... 3-55 Multi-Stage Activated Biological Process (MSABP) ......... Embryonic ........................................................... 3-57 Nerada ............................................................................. Embryonic ........................................................... 3-59 SHARON (Single reactor High-activity Ammonia Removal Over Nitrate) ......................................................... Embryonic ........................................................... 3-61 SHARON ANAMMOX (ANaerobic AMMonia Oxidation) ............................................................ Embryonic ........................................................... 3-63 STRASS Process (Nitritation and Denitritation in SBR) ............................................................................... Embryonic ........................................................... 3-65


Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

February 2008

Emerging Technologies

List of Technologies (Contd)

Vacuum Rotation Membrane (VRM) .................................. Embryonic ........................................................... 3-67

In-Plant Wet Weather Management Processes

Continuous Deflection Separator (CDS).............................. Innovative.............................................................. 4-3 HYDROSELF Flushing Gate.............................................. Innovative.............................................................. 4-5 Tipping Flusher ................................................................. Innovative.............................................................. 4-7 TRASHMASTER Net Capture System ............................ Innovative.............................................................. 4-9 WWETCO Compressed Media Filtration or WWETCO CMF System .................................................... Innovative............................................................ 4-11 Alternative Wet Weather Disinfection .................................. Embryonic ........................................................... 4-15

Process Monitoring Technologies

Ammonia and Nitrate Probes .............................................. Innovative.............................................................. 5-5
ChemScan N-4000 ..................................................................Innovative .......................................................................5-5 Hach Evita In Situ 5100 ...........................................................Innovative .......................................................................5-5 Myratek Sentry C-2 ..................................................................Innovative .......................................................................5-5 Hach NITRATAX ......................................................................Innovative .......................................................................5-5 NitraVis System ......................................................................Innovative .......................................................................5-5 Royce 8500 Series Multi-Parameter ........................................Innovative .......................................................................5-5

Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH) for Filamentous and Nitrifying Bacteria ............................... Innovative.............................................................. 5-9 Microwave Density Analyzer................................................ Innovative............................................................ 5-11 Microtox/Online Microtox ................................................. Innovative............................................................ 5-13 SymBio Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NADH) Probes.................................................................... Innovative............................................................ 5-15 Online Respirometry ............................................................ Innovative............................................................ 5-17 NITROX Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP) Probe ................................................................................... Innovative............................................................ 5-19 Biological Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (BioMEMS) .......................................................................... Embryonic ........................................................... 5-21 Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH) for Phosphorus Accumulating Organisms (PAOs) .................... Embryonic ........................................................... 5-23 Handheld Advanced Nucleic Acid Analyzer (HANNA).............................................................................. Embryonic ........................................................... 5-25 Immunosensors and Immunoassays .................................. Embryonic ........................................................... 5-27 Photo-electro Chemical Oxygen Demand (PeCOD) .......................................................................... Embryonic ........................................................... 5-29

Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management


Emerging Technologies

February 2008

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Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

February 2008

Emerging Technologies

In 2004, there were 16,583 municipal wastewater treatment plants operating in the United States. These plants ranged in size from a few hundred gallons per day (GPD) to more than 800 million gallons per day (MGD). Early efforts in water pollution control began in the late 1800s with construction of facilities to prevent human waste from reaching drinking water supplies. Since the passage of the 1972 Amendments to the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (Clean Water Act [CWA]), municipal wastewater treatment facilities have been designed and built or upgraded to abate an ever-increasing volume and diversity of pollutants. The CWA requires that municipal wastewater treatment plant discharges meet a minimum of secondary treatment. However, in 2004, nearly 30 percent of the municipal facilities produced and discharged effluent at higher levels of treatment than the minimum federal standards for secondary treatment. This document provides information regarding emerging wastewater treatment and inplant wet weather management technologies organized into four categories of development: 1. Embryonic Technologies in the development stage and/or have been tested at a laboratory or bench scale only. 2. Innovative Technologies that have been tested at a demonstration scale, have been available and implemented in the United States for less than five years, or have some degree of initial use (i.e., implemented in less than 1 percent of treatment facilities). 3. Established Technologies that have been used at more than 1 percent of treatment facilities throughout the United States or have been available and implemented in the United States for more than five years. 4. Innovative Uses of Established Some wastewater treatment processes have been established for years, but they are not static. In some cases, an established technology may have been modified or adapted resulting in an emerging technology. In other cases, a process that was developed to achieve one treatment objective is now being applied in different ways or to achieve additional treatment objectives. During the operation of treatment systems using these established technologies, engineers, and operators have altered and improved their efficiency and performance. This document includes established technologies that have undergone recent modifications or are used in new applications.

Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management


Emerging Technologies

February 2008

This document also provides information on each technology, its objective, its description, its state of development, available cost information, associated contact names, and related data sources. For each innovative technology, this document further evaluates technologies against various criteria, although it does not rank or recommend any one technology over another. Research needs are also identified to guide development of innovative and embryonic technologies and improve established ones.


Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management


Introduction and Approach

1.1 Introduction In 2004, there were 16,583 municipal wastewater treatment plants operating in the United States. These plants ranged in size from a few hundred gallons per day (GPD) to more than 800 million gallons per day (MGD). Early efforts in water pollution control began in the late 1800s with construction of facilities to prevent human waste from reaching drinking water supplies. Since the passage of the 1972 Amendments to the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (Clean Water Act [CWA]), municipal wastewater treatment facilities have been designed and built or upgraded to abate an ever-increasing volume and diversity of pollutants. The CWA requires that municipal wastewater treatment plant discharges meet a minimum of secondary treatment. However, in 2004, nearly 30 percent of the municipal facilities produced and discharged effluent at higher levels of treatment than the minimum federal standards for secondary treatment. To meet the challenge of keeping progress in wastewater pollution abatement ahead of population growth, changes in industrial processes, and technological developments, EPA is providing this document to make information available on recent advances and innovative techniques. The goal of this document is straight forwardto provide a guide for persons seeking information on innovative and emerging wastewater treatment technologies. The guide lists new technologies, assesses their merits and costs, and provides sources for further technological investigation. This document is intended to serve as a tool for wastewater facility owners and operators. Emerging technologies typically follow a development process that leads from laboratory and bench-scale investigations to pilot studies and to initiate use or full-scale demonstrations before the technology is considered established. Not all technologies survive the entire development process. Some fail in the laboratory or at pilot stages; others see limited application in the field, but poor performance, complications, or unexpected costs may cause them to lose favor. Even technologies that become established may lose favor in time, as technological advances lead to obsolescence. In short, technologies are subject to the same evolutionary forces present in nature; those that cannot meet the demands of their environment fail, while those that adapt to changing technological, economic and regulatory climates can achieve long-standing success and survival in the market.

Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management


Emerging Technologies

February 2008

Some wastewater treatment processes have been established for many years, but that does not mean that they are static. During the operation of treatment systems using these established technologies, engineers and operators have altered and improved efficiency and performance. In other cases, established technologies applied to one aspect of treatment have been modified so that they can perform different objectives. Often, better performance can be achieved by linking established processes in innovative ways. This document includes established technologies that have undergone recent modifications or are used in new applications. These technologies are evaluated in the chapters alongside the innovative and embryonic technologies. 1.2 Approach To develop this guide, the investigators sought information from a variety of sources, identified new technologies, prepared cost summaries, where information was available, for all technologies, and evaluated technologies deemed to be innovative. This method is described below and in Figure 1-1.

Collect Information

Identify Process

No Further Action Screen Established Has Innovative Modi cations Embryonic or Innovative Prepare Process Summary Sheets



No Further Action

Innovative Prepare Process Evaluation Matrix


Figure 1.1Flow Schematic for Guide Development


Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

February 2008

Emerging Technologies


Information Collection and New Process Identification

The collection of information and identification of new technology provided the foundation for subsequent work. To identify new treatment process technologies, investigators gathered information and focused on relevant Water Environment Federation (WEF) and American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) conference proceedings, as well as monthly publications from these and other organizations such as International Water Association (IWA). Gray Literature Vendor-supplied information, Internet research, and consultants technical reports comprise the information collected in this category. Technical Associations Investigators contacted a variety of professional and technical associations in the United States to identify emerging wastewater treatment technologies. Interviews and Correspondence Individuals known to the project investigation team, including consultants, academics, and municipal wastewater treatment plant owners and operators, were consulted. Technologies identified through search of the above sources were screened to determine their classification as described below. 1.2.2 Initial Screened Technologies

This project focuses on emerging technologies that appear to be viable, but have not yet been accepted as established processes in the United States. Specific screening criteria used to define the state of development for processes are described in the following paragraphs. This screening resulted in:

23 embryonic technologies 52 innovative technologies 8 established technologies with innovative modifications

Embryonic These technologies are in the development stage and/or have been tested at laboratory or bench scale. New technologies that have reached the demonstration stage overseas, but cannot yet be considered to be established there, are also considered to be embryonic with respect to North American applications. Innovative Technologies that meet one of the following criteria were classified as innovative:

They have been tested as a full-scale demonstration. They have been available and implemented in the United States for less than five

They have some degree of initial use (i.e., implemented in less than 1 percent of
municipalities throughout the United States).
Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

Emerging Technologies

February 2008

They are established technologies from overseas.

Established In most cases, these processes are used at more than 1 percent of fullscale facilities in North America; but there are some exceptions based upon specific considerations. The established category may include technologies that are widely used although introduced more recently in North America. Due to the extensive number of established technologies and variations in each technology, only established technologies are listed. None are described in depth in this document and Technology Summary sheets are not provided for established technologies. Innovative Uses of Established In some cases, an established technology such as the UCT (University of Cape Town) process may have been modified or adapted, resulting in an emerging technology such as the Modified UCT. In other cases, a process like Actiflo was developed to remove solids from wet weather flows but is now also being used to polish final effluent. The focus of this document is on Innovative Technologies along with preliminary information of Embryonic Technologies. Early in the development process (the laboratory stage), data was usually insufficient to prove or disprove technology viability at full scale. Available information on these embryonic technologies is presented in this document. Technologies on the other end of the developmental scale, those defined as established in North America, are excluded from the detailed assessments on the assumption that they are proven, although still relatively new. The differentiation between technologies established in Europe or Asia and those that have reached similar status in the United States can be critical since technologies that have been applied successfully in other countries have not always flourished here in the United States. Because the viability of imported technologies is not guaranteed, established processes from overseas are classified as innovative technologies for this project, unless they are proven in North American applications. Some technologies fall into a gray area between the embryonic and innovative categories. Technologies that fall into this category are incorporated into the innovative category. The screening assessment is summarized by chapter in Tables 1.1 through 1.4.

Table 1.1 summarizes the treatment technologies for Chapter 2 Physical/Chemical

Treatment Processes. Treatment Processes.

Table 1.2 summarizes the treatment technologies for Chapter 3 Biological Table 1.3 summarizes the treatment technologies for Chapter 4 In-Plant Wet
Weather Management Processes. Technologies.

Table 1.4 summarizes the treatment technologies for Chapter 5 Process Monitoring


Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

February 2008

Emerging Technologies

All the cost estimates provided in this document contain a certain degree of expert judgment or educated guesswork concerning the various cost elements that comprise the estimates. This is true when cost estimates are based on limited or no information where in some cases little more than process type, location, and plant capacity are known. Therefore, cost estimates are at best order-of-magnitude level per American Association of Cost Engineers (AACE) International classification. However, numerous peripheral factors that could also interfere with the accuracy of the order-of-magnitude level cost estimates. Considering these facts, the reader should keep in mind that site-specific applications and local requirements should be considered to increase the accuracy of cost estimates provided in this document. 1.2.3 Development of Technology Summary Sheets

Technologies defined as embryonic or innovative are each summarized on an individual Technology Summary sheet. Each process includes the following information:

Objective Description of the goal of the technology. State of Development Where and how the technology has been applied (i.e.,
laboratory study, demonstration scale, full scale, etc.).

Description A brief overview of the technology. Comparison to Established Technologies Advantages and disadvantages
of innovative and embryonic technologies are compared to more commonly used technologies. maintenance costs, and assumptions made in developing them (when reliable information was available). contact information for equipment manufacturers and suppliers.

Available Cost Information Approximate range of capital and operations and Vendors Name(s) Name, address, telephone numbers, web address, and other Installation(s) Name, address, telephone numbers, and other contact
information for utilities and facilities where the technology has been used (full or pilot scale).

Key Words for Internet Search Because this document is not intended to

provide a comprehensive list of vendors for these technologies, key words have been added to aid the reader in finding additional vendors and current product information on the Internet.

Data Sources References used to compile the technology summary.

Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management


Emerging Technologies Table 1.1Summary of Treatment Technologies Chapter 2 Physical/Chemical Treatment Processes

February 2008

Solids Liquid Separation (TDS and TSS) Denitrification Nitrogen Removal Biochemical Monitoring Targeted Contaminants Removal Nitrification-Ammonia Removal Phosphorus Removal

Technology and Advancements

(Listed in process flow sequence)
Established Technologies Air Stripping Screening Fine Screening Micro Screening Rotary Screening Step Screening Microsieves Grit Removal Travelling Bridge Fine/Advanced Grit Removal System (AGRS) HEADCELLTM GRITKING

l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l

PISTAGRITTM HYDROGRITTM Flocculation Chemical Precipitation* Alum Addition Iron Salts Addition Zeolite High Rate Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) Treatment/Settling Chemically Enhanced Primary Treatment Solids Contact Clarifier for P Removal Ion-Exchange Chemical Oxidation* Hydroxyl Radical Oxygen (Atomic and Molecular) Ozone Hydrogen Peroxide Hypochlorite/Chlorine/Chlorine Dioxide Note:

l l l l l l l l l l l

* Chemical phosphorus removal is limited by kinetic factors as well as stoichiometric factors and excessive inorganic precipitant requirements need to be reduced.


Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

Physical/Chemical Monitoring

C-BOD Removal


February 2008

Emerging Technologies Table 1.1Summary of Treatment Technologies (Contd) Chapter 2 Physical/Chemical Treatment Processes

Solids Liquid Separation (TDS and TSS) Denitrification Nitrogen Removal Biochemical Monitoring 1-7 Targeted Contaminants Removal Nitrification-Ammonia Removal Phosphorus Removal

Technology and Advancements

(Listed in process flow sequence)
Established Technologies (Contd) Advanced Oxidation Processes Supercritical Water Oxidation Catalytic Oxidation Photo Catalysis (UV + TiO2) Fentons Reagent (H2O2 + Ferrous Ion) Electodialysis Filtration through Membranes Reverse Osmosis Microfiltration Ultrafiltration Filtration through Media Cloth Media Disc Filter (DF) Drum Filter Diamond-Shaped Filters Silica Media (One- and Two-Stage) Conventional Downflow Deep-Bed Downflow Filters Deep-Bed Upflow Continuous Backwash Filters Activated Alumina Media Powdered Activated Carbon (PAC) Granular-Activated Carbon (GAC) Denitrification Filters Automatic Backwash Filters (ABW) Pulsed Bed Filter Disinfection Ozone Chlorine/Chlorine Dioxide/Liquid Chlorine/Dechlorination Halogens (Bromine) UltraViolet (UV) Disinfection

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Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

Physical/Chemical Monitoring

C-BOD Removal


Emerging Technologies Table 1.1Summary of Treatment Technologies (Contd) Chapter 2 Physical/Chemical Treatment Processes

February 2008

Solids Liquid Separation (TDS and TSS) Denitrification Nitrogen Removal Biochemical Monitoring Targeted Contaminants Removal Nitrification-Ammonia Removal Phosphorus Removal

Technology and Advancements

(Listed in process flow sequence)
Innovative Technologies Compressible Media Filtration Nanofiltration Innovative Use of Established Technologies Ballasted High Rate Clarification (BHRC) Processes* Actiflo Process Densadeg Process

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Microwave UV Disinfection Embryonic Technologies Blue CATTM Blue PROTM CoMagTM Solar Disinfection Note:

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* Chemical phosphorus removal is limited by kinetic factors as well as stoichiometric factors and excessive inorganic precipitant requirements need to be reduced.


Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

Physical/Chemical Monitoring

C-BOD Removal


February 2008

Emerging Technologies Table 1.2Summary of Treatment Technologies Chapter 3 Biological Treatment Processes

Solids Liquid Separation (TDS and TSS) Denitrification Nitrogen Removal Biochemical Monitoring 1-9 Targeted Contaminants Removal Nitrification-Ammonia Removal Phosphorus Removal

Technology and Advancements

(Listed in process flow sequence)
Established Technologies BOD Removal and Nitrification Biolac-Aerated Lagoon Complete Mix-Activated Sludge (CMAS) Process Contact Stabilization Conventional Extended Aeration Countercurrent Aeration System (CCAS) Cyclic Activated Sludge System (CASS) High-Purity Oxygen (HPO) Intermittent Cycle Extended Aeration System (ICEASTM) Kraus Process Oxidation Ditch/Aerated Lagoons Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) Staged Activated-Sludge Process Step Feed Step Feed (Alternating Anoxic and Aerobic) Biological Nutrient Removal (BNR) Bardenpho (Four Stage) Biodenitro

l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l

l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l

l l l

l l l l l l l l l l l l l

Ludzack-Ettinger Modified Ludzack-Ettinger (MLE) OrbalTM Process SchreiberTM Process Simultaneous Nitrification denitrificatioN (SNdN) Process Step Feed BNR Process Wuhrman Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal (EBPR) Anaerobic/Anoxic/Oxic (A2/O) Bardenpho (Five Stage)

Johannesburg Process Phoredox (Anaerobic/Oxic [A/O]) Phostrip University of Cape Town (UCT) Virginia Initiative Plant (VIP)

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l l

Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

Physical/Chemical Monitoring

C-BOD Removal


Emerging Technologies Table 1.2Summary of Treatment Technologies (Contd) Chapter 3 Biological Treatment Processes

February 2008

Solids Liquid Separation (TDS and TSS) Denitrification Nitrogen Removal Biochemical Monitoring Targeted Contaminants Removal Nitrification-Ammonia Removal Phosphorus Removal

Technology and Advancements

(Listed in process flow sequence)
Established Technologies (Contd) Other Biological Processes Fluidized Bed Bioreactor (FBBR) Rotating Biological Contractor (RBC) Submerged Rotating Biological Contactor (SRBC) Trickling Filter (TF) Anaerobic Processes Anaerobic Attached Growth System Upflow Packed-Bed Attached Growth Reactor Upflow Attached Growth Anaerobic Expanded-Bed Reactor (Anaerobic Expanded Bed Reactor [AEBR]) Downflow Attached Growth Process Anaerobic Contact Process Anaerobic Sequencing Batch Reactor (ASBR) Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB) ANFLOW (ANaerobic FLuidized Bed Reactor) Biological Aerated Filters (BAF) Biofor Biostyr Innovative Technologies Bioaugmentation External Bioaugmentation Seeding from Commercial Sources of Nitrifiers Trickling Filter and Pushed Activated Sludge (TF/PAS) Process Seeding from External Dispensed Growth Reactors Treating Reject Waters (Chemostat) In-Nitri Process Immobilized Cell-Augmented Activated Sludge (ICASS) Process Seeding from Parallel Processes Seeding from Downstream Process

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Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

Physical/Chemical Monitoring

C-BOD Removal


February 2008

Emerging Technologies Table 1.2Summary of Treatment Technologies (Contd) Chapter 3 Biological Treatment Processes

Solids Liquid Separation (TDS and TSS) Denitrification Nitrogen Removal Biochemical Monitoring 1-11 Targeted Contaminants Removal Nitrification-Ammonia Removal Phosphorus Removal

Technology and Advancements

(Listed in process flow sequence)
Innovative Technologies (Contd) In Situ Bioaugmentation DE-nitrification and PHosphate accumulation in ANOXic (DEPHANOX) Process Bio-Augmentation Regeneration/Reaeration (BAR) Process Bio-Augmentation Batch Enhanced (BABE) Process Aeration Tank 3 (AT3) Process Main stream AUtotrophic Recycle Enabling Enhanced N-removal (MAUREEN) Process Regeneration DeNitrification (R-DN) Process Cannibal

l l l l l l l l l l

l l l l l l l l

l l l l

l l

CATABOL Deep-Shaft Activated Sludge/VERTREAT Integrated fixed-Film Activated Sludge (IFAS) IFAS Submerged Mobile Media Attached Growth Airlift Reactor (AGAR) Captor LINPOR IFAS Submerged Fixed Media CLEARTEC AccuWeb HYBASTM BioWeb RINGLACE Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) Tubular Hollow-Fiber Spiral Wound Plate and Frame Pleated Cartridge Filters Mobile-Bed Reactor Technology (MBRT) Process Kaldnes HYBAS/ Active Cell Hydroxyl-F3R GeoReactor

l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l

l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l


Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

Physical/Chemical Monitoring

C-BOD Removal


Emerging Technologies Table 1.2Summary of Treatment Technologies (Contd) Chapter 3 Biological Treatment Processes

February 2008

Solids Liquid Separation (TDS and TSS) Denitrification Nitrogen Removal Biochemical Monitoring Targeted Contaminants Removal Nitrification-Ammonia Removal Phosphorus Removal

Technology and Advancements

(Listed in process flow sequence)
Innovative Use of Established Technologies Bardenpho (Three Stage) with Returned Activated Sludge (RAS) Denitrification Biological-Chemical Phosphorus and Nitrogen Removal (BCFS)* Modified University of Cape Town (MUCT) Process Modified Anaerobic/Oxic (A/O) Process Trickling Filter/Solids Contactor (TF/SC) Embryonic Technologies Aerobic Granular Sludge Process (AGSP) ANaerobic Membrane BioReactor (AN-MBR) Anaerobic Migrating Blanket Reactor (AMBR )

l l l l l l l l l

l l l l

l l l l l

l l l l

l l

DEamMONification (DEMON) Process Hydrogen-based hollow-Fiber Membrane Biofilm Reactor (HFMBfR) Membrane-Aerated BioReactor (MABR) Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC) Based Treatment System Multi-Stage Activated Biological Process (MSABP) Nereda Single reactor High-activity Ammonia Removal Over Nitrite (SHARON) SHARON ANAMMOX (ANaerobic AMMonia OXidation) STRASS Process Vacuum Rotation Membrane (VRM) System Note

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* Chemical phosphorus removal is limited by kinetic factors as well as stoichiometric factors and excessive inorganic precipitant requirements need to be reduced.


Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

Physical/Chemical Monitoring

C-BOD Removal


February 2008

Emerging Technologies Table 1.3Summary of Treatment Technologies Chapter 4 In-Plant Wet Weather Management Processes

Solids Liquid Separation (TDS and TSS) Denitrification Nitrogen Removal Biochemical Monitoring 1-13 Targeted Contaminants Removal Nitrification-Ammonia Removal Phosphorus Removal

Technology and Advancements

(Listed in process flow sequence)
Established Technologies Dispersed Air Flotation Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) Enhanced Clarification/High Rate Clarification (HRC) Ballasted Flocculation (Actiflo and Microsep) Lamella Plate Settlers Screening Vortex Separation Innovative Technologies Continuous Deflection Separator (CDS) HYDROSELF Flushing Gate

l l l l

l l l l l l l l l l

Tipping Flusher


TRASHMASTER Net Capture System WWETCO Compressed Media Filtration or WWETCO CMP System

Innovative Use of Established Technologies None at this time Embryonic Technologies Alternative Wet Weather Disinfection

Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

Physical/Chemical Monitoring

C-BOD Removal


Emerging Technologies Table 1.4Summary of Treatment Technologies Chapter 5 Process Monitoring Technologies

February 2008

Solids Liquid Separation (TDS and TSS) Denitrification Nitrogen Removal Biochemical Monitoring Targeted Contaminants Removal Nitrification-Ammonia Removal Phosphorus Removal

Technology and Advancements

(Listed in process flow sequence)
Established Technologies Ammonia and Nitrate Probes ChemScan Myratek Hach Evita Hach NITRATAX NitraVis System Dissolved Oxygen Analyzer Online Cl2 Residual pH Probes Sludge Blanket Level Detector Solids Retention Time (SRT) Controller Total Suspended Solids Analyzer Innovative Technologies Ammonia and Nitrate Probes ChemScan N-4000 Hach Evita In Situ 5100 Hach NITRATAX Myratek Sentry C-2 NitraVis System Royce 8500 Series Multi-Parameter Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH) for Filamentous and Nitrifiying Bacteria Microwave Density Analyzer Microtox/Online Microtox SymBioTM Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NADH) Probes Online Respirometry NITROX Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP) Probe

Physical/Chemical Monitoring

C-BOD Removal


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Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

February 2008

Emerging Technologies Table 1.4Summary of Treatment Technologies (Contd) Chapter 5 Process Monitoring Technologies

Solids Liquid Separation (TDS and TSS) Denitrification Nitrogen Removal Biochemical Monitoring Targeted Contaminants Removal Nitrification-Ammonia Removal Phosphorus Removal

Technology and Advancements

(Listed in process flow sequence)
Innovative Use of Established Technologies None At This Time Embryonic Technologies Biological Micro-Electro Machine System (BioMEMS) FISH for Phosphorus Accumulating Organisms (PAOs) Handheld Advanced Nucleic Acid Analyzer (HANNA) Immunosensors and Immunoassays Photo-electro Chemical Oxygen Demand (PeCODTM)

Physical/Chemical Monitoring

C-BOD Removal


l l l l l


Evaluation of Technologies

Technologies defined as innovative in the initial screening were subjected to a detailed evaluation. Each technology was evaluated with respect to the descriptive and comparative criteria described below. Descriptive criteria include:

State of Development Describes the stage of development for each technology,

ranging from development to full-scale operations.

Applicability Qualitatively assesses in which market the technology is designed

to be used.

Effluent Reuse Discusses the reuse of treated effluent. Benefits Considers the benefits gained (e.g., capital or operational savings) from
implementation of the technology. Designations for each descriptive criterion are presented in Table 1.5.

Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management


Emerging Technologies Table 1.5Descriptive Evaluation Criteria

February 2008

Criterion State of Development


Effluent Reuse

Potential Benefits

Designation B P I M O N I F S L Dp Dn Ip In C O

Description Bench scale Pilot scale Full-scale industrial applications Full-scale municipal applications Full-scale operations overseas Full-scale operations in North America Industrywide Few plants Primarily small plants Primarily large plants Direct potable Direct nonpotable Indirect potable Indirect nonpotable Capital savings Operational/maintenance

Comparative criteria include:

Impact on Existing Facilities or Other Processes Describes whether or

not the technology requires the involvement of extensive design changes, and the degree to which the existing facilities will be disturbed. technology.

Complexity Considers the installation, startup, and shutdown methods for the Air/Odor Emissions Considers if the process has impacts on air and odor
emissions for the facility.

Energy Considers the amount of energy required to adequately maintain the

process and if any energy saving is possible. a facility for increased capacity.

Footprint Considers how the footprint helps to identify the land needed to expand Retrofitting Considers if the process can be used to modify old treatment plants
without extensive reconstruction. The above criteria compared individual technologies with other technologies in the same category, and were scored positive, neutral/mixed, or negative. The criteria and ratings were applied to each innovative technology and the results are presented in matrix format. Where available information was insufficient to rate a technology for a criterion, no rating is given. The project team and reviewers assessed each technology based on the limited information gathered and their collective judgment, experience, and opinions. Results of the evaluation are presented in subsequent chapters.

Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

February 2008

Emerging Technologies

1.3 Guidance Document Format and Use The remainder of the document is divided into chapters based upon general technologies, one chapter is dedicated to each of the following categories:

Chapter 2 Physical/Chemical Treatment Processes Chapter 3 Biological Treatment Processes Chapter 4 In-Plant Wet Weather Management Processes Chapter 5 Process Monitoring Technologies

Each chapter provides an overview of the appropriate technologies, discusses the state of development for each, presents an evaluation matrix for innovative technologies, and concludes with a Technology Summary Sheet for each embryonic and innovative technology. The technology summaries and evaluation matrices are the cornerstones of each chapter, broadly overviewing the innovative technologies. Neither the summaries nor the matrices should be considered definitive technology assessments. Rather, they should be considered stepping stones to more detailed investigations. Chapter 6 discusses research needs and Appendix A contains applicable trade associations. This document will be updated from time to time. Technologies were reviewed in mid2006 to early 2007. 1.4 Chapter References U.S. EPA, 2004 Report to Congress: Impacts and Control of CSO and SSOs, EPA 833R-04-001, Office of Water. U.S. EPA, Clean Watershed Needs Survey 2004 Report to Congress, EPA 832-R-07001, Office of Water, 2007.

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Emerging Technologies

February 2008

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Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management


Physical/Chemical Treatment Processes

2.1 Introduction For the purpose of this report, physical and chemical treatment processes are defined as treatment technologies that do not include any biomass in the process to achieve the treatment objective. Physical processes remove solids from wastewater by flowing through screens or filter media, or solids are removed by gravity settling. Particles entrapped with air float to the surface and can be removed. Chemicals are used in wastewater treatment to create changes in the pollutants that increase the ability to remove them. Changes may include forming floc or a heavier particle mass to improve removal by physical processes. As a result, chemical addition and physical processes are usually employed together to provide treatment. This chapter focuses on advances in basic physical and chemical treatment processes. 2.2 Technology Assessment A summary of innovative, embryonic, and established technologies for physical and/or chemical treatment processes is provided in Table 2.1. A comparative evaluation among innovative technologies is provided in Figure 2.1. Most of the physical chemical processes are established, and they are still very essential unit processes that are widely used in various applications in wastewater treatment. Innovative development in physical and chemical technologies includes membrane filtration and compressible media filters. These technologies focus on the separation of liquids and solids. Advanced solids separation is critical as a preliminary process step and as an advanced treatment step to reduce suspended solids, plus nutrients and other compounds, in the effluent. The application of these technologies has promoted the reuse of wastewater by providing a very high-quality effluent. This chapter also discusses some of the innovative uses or unique applications of already established technologies. For example, the Ballasted High Rate Clarification (BHRC) process is a high-rate chemical/physical clarification process that involves the formation of suspended solids onto a ballast particle with the aid of a coagulant and polymer. The BHRC process includes the patented DensaDeg and Actiflo processes. Embryonic technologies currently under development include solar disinfection and Blue PROTM for phosphorus removal. These technologies are discussed in the technology summaries in this chapter. Chemical phosphorus removal is limited by kinetic factors as well as stoichiometric factors and excessive inorganic precipitant requirements need to be reduced.
Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

Emerging Technologies

February 2008

Table 2.1Physical/Chemical Treatment Processes State of Development

Established Technologies Air Stripping Screening Fine Screening Micro Screening Rotary Screening Step Screening Microsieves Grit Removal Traveling Bridge Fine/Advanced Grit Removal System (AGRS) HEADCELLTM GRITKING

Established Technologies (Contd) Filtration through Media Cloth Media Disc Filter (DF) Drum Filter Diamond-Shaped Filters Silica Media (One- and Two-Stage) Conventional Downflow Deep-Bed Downflow Filters Deep-Bed Upflow Continuous Backwash Filters Activated Alumina Media Powdered Activated Carbon (PAC) Granular-Activated Carbon (GAC) Denitrification Filters Automatic Backwash Filters (ABW) Pulsed Bed Filter Disinfection Ozone Chlorine/Chlorine Dioxide/Liquid Chlorine/Dechlorination Halogens (Bromine) UltraViolet (UV) Disinfection Innovative Technologies Compressible Media Filtration Nanofiltration Innovative Use of Established Technologies Ballasted High Rate Clarification (BHRC) Processes* Actiflo Process Densadeg Process Microwave UV Disinfection Embryonic Technologies Blue CATTM Blue PROTM CoMagTM Solar Disinfection Note: * Chemical phosphorus removal is limited by kinetic factors as well as stoichiometric factors and excessive inorganic precipitant requirements need to be reduced.

PISTAGRIT Flocculation

HYDROGRITTM Chemical Precipitation* Alum Addition Iron Salts Addition Zeolite High Rate Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) Treatment/Settling Chemically Enhanced Primary Treatment Solids Contact Clarifier for P Removal Ion-Exchange Chemical Oxidation* Hydroxyl Radical Oxygen (Atomic and Molecular) Ozone Hydrogen Peroxide Hypochlorite/Chlorine/Chlorine Dioxide Advanced Oxidation Processes Supercritical Water Oxidation Catalytic Oxidation Photo Catalysis (UV + TiO2) Fentons Reagent (H2O2 + Ferrous Ion) Electodialysis Filtration through Membranes Reverse Osmosis Microfiltration Ultrafiltration


Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

February 2008

Emerging Technologies Figure 2.1Evaluation of Innovative Physical/Chemical Treatment Technologies

Evaluation Criteria

Impact on Processes

Air/Odor Emissions




Compressible Media Filters Nanofiltration

I, M, N I, M, N



y p

y y

y y

Dn Ip, Dp

y q

p p

Statement of Development
B= I = M= O= P= N= Bench scale Full-scale industrial applications Full-scale municipal applications Full-scale operations overseas Pilot Full-scale operations in North America F I L S = = = =

Few plants Industrywide Primarily large plants Primarily small plants C= I = O= S= W=

Potential Benefits
Capital savings Intense operational demand Operational/maintenance savings Shock load capacity Wet weather load capacity Dp Dn Ip In

Effluent Reuse
= Direct potable = Direct nonpotable = Indirect potable = Indirect nonpotable

Comparative Criteria
p Positive feature y Neutral or mixed q Negative feature

Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

p p






Emerging Technologies

February 2008

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Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

February 2008

Emerging Technologies

Technology Summary
Compressible Media Filtration


Enhanced filtration where the porosity of the media can Innovative. This technology has gained widespread use and may be adjusted. be approaching an established process.

State of Development:


This synthetic medium was developed in Japan. The porosity of the filter bed can be adjusted by compressing the filter medium and the size of the filter bed can be increased mechanically to backwash the filter. It is an enhanced filtration process where the filtration media is more effective in capturing more solids per filter volume than other media. The filtration unit is designed such that the porosity of the media can be adjusted and the solids can be removed by air scouring.

Comparison to Established Technologies:

Effluent to be filtered flows through the media as opposed to flowing around the media as in sand and anthracite filters. This feature permits higher hydraulic loadings of 30 gpm/ft2 of media and higher as opposed to other filtration systems with 2 to 6 gpm/ft2.

Available Cost Information:

Approximate Capital Cost: Approximate O&M Costs:

$80,000 to $90,000 for a 3-ft by 3-ft filter operating at 0.25 to 0.55 MGD. Not disclosed.

Vendor Name(s):

Fuzzy Filters Schreiber Corporation 100 Schreiber Drive Trussville, AL 35173 Telephone: 205-655-7466 or 800-535-0944 Email: larryw@schreiberwater.com


University of California, Davis, CA Columbus CSO Facility, Columbus, GA Clayton County Northeast WPCF, GA Yountville Sanitary District, Yountville, CA Rogersville, MO Golden Poultry/Gold Kist, Sanford, NC Orange County Sanitary District, Fountain Valley, CA King County, Seattle, WA

Key Words for Internet Search: Data Sources:

Compressible media filter, wastewater treatment, fuzzy Metcalf and Eddy, Wastewater Engineering Treatment and Reuse, 4th Edition, 2003. http://www.schreiberwater.com/

Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management


Emerging Technologies

February 2008

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Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

February 2008

Emerging Technologies

Technology Summary


Nanofiltration is used as an advanced treatment system Innovative. to remove priority organic pollutants and biodegradable organics, Total Suspended Solids (TSS) and Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), bacteria, and viruses.

State of Development:


The nanofiltration process uses membranes with an operating pore size range of 0.01 to 0.2 micron in a pressure-driven separation. Operating pressures are 75 to 150 psig. Nanofiltration is used for the removal of priority organic pollutants, biodegradable organics, TSS, bacteria, some viruses, and proteins from wastewater. It is used in certain municipal treatment plants for disinfection purposes and softening of wastewater or it is used in process where the reuse of water is the treatment goal. Typically, microfiltration or ultrafiltration is used as a pretreatment process for water that is required to be treated through nanofiltration or reverse osmosis. The membranes are typically made of cellulose acetate or aromatic polyamides and are spiral wound and hollow fiber.

Comparison to Established Technologies: Available Cost Information:

Approximate Capital Cost: Approximate O&M Costs: Not available. Not available.

The nanofiltration process helps eliminate TSS, TDS, and other pathogens better than the ultrafiltration process.

Vendor Name(s):

GE Infrastructure Water and Process Technologies 4636 Somerton Road Trevose, PA 19053 Telephone: 215-355-3300 www.gewater.com Koch Membrane Systems, Inc. 850 Main Street Wilmington, MA 01887 Telephone: 888-677-5624 Email: info@kochmembrane.com


Clifton Water District, CO

Key Words for Internet Search:

Nanofiltration, wastewater treatment, NF

Data Sources:

Metcalf and Eddy, Wastewater Engineering Treatment and Reuse, 4th Edition, 2003. www.eurodia.com/html/index.html

Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management


Emerging Technologies

February 2008

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Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

February 2008

Emerging Technologies

Technology Summary
Actiflo Process


Treatment of primary and tertiary effluents.

Innovative Use of Established Technology.

State of Development:

The Actiflo process is a high-rate chemical and physical clarification process that involves the formation of suspended solids onto a ballast particle (microsand) followed by lamellar settling. It is considered an established process for the treatment of wet weather flows, but is also being applied to primary and tertiary effluents. The process starts with the addition of a coagulant to destabilize suspended solids. The flow enters the coagulation tank for flash mixing to allow the coagulant to take effect then overflows into the injection tank where microsand is added. The microsand serves as a seed for floc formation, providing a large surface area for suspended solids to bond to and is the key to Actiflo. It allows solids to settle out more quickly, thereby requiring a smaller footprint than conventional clarification. Polymers may either be added in the injection tank or at the next step, the maturation tank. Mixing is slower in the maturation tank, allowing the polymer to help bond the microsand to the destabilized suspended solids. Finally, the settling tank effectively removes the floc with help from plate settlers allowing the tank size to be further reduced. Clarified water exits the process by overflowing weirs above the plate settlers. The sand and sludge mixture is collected at the bottom of the settling tank with a conventional scraper system and pumped to a hydrocyclone, located above the injection tank. The hydrocyclone converts the pumping energy into centrifugal forces to separate the higher density sand from the lower density sludge. The sludge is discharged out of the top of the hydrocyclone while the sand is recycled back into the Actiflo process for further use. Screening is required upstream of Actiflo so that particles larger than 3 to 6 mm do not clog the hydrocyclone. Several startup modes may be used for a full scale Actiflo system. If a wet weather event is expected within 7 days of a previous wet weather event, the units should be shut down, but not put on standby. Wastewater would remain in the tanks and a wet startup would ensue at the time of the next wet weather event. In summer months, when freezing is not possible, the intermittent flush standby mode could be used; and when freezing is possible, the continuous flush standby mode should be used. These standby modes should results in a successful wet method, dry startup. Fundamentally, this process is very similar to conventional coagulation, flocculation, and sedimentation water treatment technology. Both processes use coagulant for the destabilization and flocculent aid (polymer) for the aggregation of suspended materials. These materials are then subsequently removed by settling for disposal. The primary technical advance made in the Actiflo process is the addition of microsand as a seed and ballast for the formation of high-density flocs that have a relatively high-density microsand nucleus and are easily removed by settling. Chemical phosphorus removal is limited by kinetic factors as well as stoichiometric factors and excessive inorganic precipitant requirements need to be reduced.


Comparison to Established Technologies:

Available Cost Information:

Approximate Capital Cost: Approximate O&M Costs:

Not disclosed by vendor. Not disclosed by vendor.

Vendor Name(s):

Kruger USA 401 Harrison Oaks Blvd. Suite 100 Cary, NC 27513 Telephone: 919-677-8310 Fax: 919-677-0082 Email: krugerincmarketing@veoliawater.com Web site: http://www.krugerusa.com

City of Greenfield, IN Lincolnton, NC Lawrence WWTP, IN Williamette WTP, OR Fort Worth, TX

Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management


Emerging Technologies

February 2008

Technology Summary
Actiflo Process (Contd)

Key Words for Internet Search:

Actiflo, Ballasted High Rate Clarification, BHRC

Web site owned by Kruger USA. Keller, John, et al., Actiflo: A Years Worth of Operating Experience from the Largest SSO System in the U.S., Water Environment Federations Annual Technical Exhibition and Conference (WEFTEC), 2005. Ponist, Jeffrey B., David Scheiter, Ballasted High Rate Clarification Process Removes City of Greenfield, Indiana as a CSO Community. Sigmund, Thomas, et al., Operating Chemically Enhanced Clarification for Optimum Disinfection Performance, WEFTEC, 2006.
Sludge Microsand and Sludge to Hyrdocyclone

Data Sources:

Hyrdocyclone Polymer Microsand

Claried Water

Coagulant Raw Water Coagulation Injection Maturation Tube Settler with Scraper

Actiflo Process Diagram


Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

February 2008

Emerging Technologies

Technology Summary
DensaDeg Process


Treatment of primary and tertiary effluents and wet Innovative Use of Established Technology. weather flows. The DensaDeg process is a high-rate chemical and physical clarification process that combines sludge ballasted clarification and lamellar filtration, both established processes. The DensaDeg process starts with the addition of a coagulant to destabilize suspended solids. The flow enters the rapid-mix tank for flash mixing to allow the coagulant to take effect then overflows into the reactor tank where sludge and polymer are added. A draft tube and mixer in the reactor allow for thorough mixing of the wastewater with the recirculated sludge and added chemicals. The sludge serves as a seed for floc formation providing a large surface area for suspended solids to bond to and is the key to DensaDeg, allowing solids to settle out more quickly, thereby requiring a smaller footprint than conventional clarification. Wastewater flows over a weir from the reactor tank through a transition zone before entering the clarifier. The clarifier effectively removes the flow with help from settling tubes, allowing the tank size to be further reduced. Clarified water exits the process by overflowing weirs above the settling tubes. Sludge is collected at the bottom of the clarifier with a conventional scraper system and recirculated back to the reactor tank. Periodically, a separate sludge pump energizes and wastes a small portion of the sludge from the system. Scum is removed from the process at the top of the transition zone by a cylindrical collector that automatically rotates periodically. Several startup modes may be used for a full-scale DensaDeg. If a wet weather event is expected within 6 hours of a previous wet weather event, the units should be shut down, but not drained. After 6 hours, the units may be drained except for three feet of depth in the clarifier. Both of these scenarios, which would include keeping the sludge collector running while the system is idle, would maintain a sludge inventory and a wet startup would ensue at the time of the next wet weather event. After 12 hours the tanks should be completely drained to prepare for a dry startup.

State of Development:


Comparison to Established Technologies:

Fundamentally, this process is very similar to conventional coagulation, flocculation, and sedimentation treatment technology. Both processes use coagulant for the destabilization and flocculent aid (polymer) for the aggregation of suspended materials. These materials are then subsequently removed by settling for disposal. The primary technical advance made in the DensaDeg process is the recirculated sludge as a seed for the formation of high-density flocs for easy removal by settling. Chemical phosphorus removal is limited by kinetic factors as well as stoichiometric factors, and excessive inorganic precipitant requirements need to be reduced.

Available Cost Information:

Approximate Capital Cost: Approximate O&M Costs:

Cost estimates are dependent upon local requirements and specific applications. Cost savings are linked to the relative ease of installation, operational flexibility, and lowenergy consumption.

Vendor Name(s):

Infilco Degremont Inc. P.O. Box 71390 Richmond, VA 23255-1930 Telephone: 804-756-7600 Web site: http://www.infilcodegremont.com

Turlock, CA Gainsville, GA Toledo, OH Halifax, Nova Scotia Shreveport, LA

Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management


Emerging Technologies

February 2008

Technology Summary
DensaDeg Process (Contd)

Key Words for Internet Search:

DensaDeg, High Rate Clarification, HRC

Data Sources:

Web site owned by Infilco Degremont. http://www.infilcodegremont.com/separations_4.html Sigmund, Thomas, et al., Operating Chemically enhanced Clarification for Optimum Disinfection Performance, WEFTEC, 2006.



Clari cation
Floated Matter

Raw Water

Treated Water

Sludge Recirculation

Thickened Sludge Extraction


Process Diagram of the DensaDeg High-Rate Clarifier and Thickener


Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

February 2008

Emerging Technologies

Technology Summary
Microwave UV Disinfection


Tertiary Disinfection of Wastewater Effluent.

Innovative Use of Established Technology.

State of Development:


Ultraviolet (UV) disinfection transfers electromagnetic energy from a mercury arc lamp to wastewater. Electromagnetic radiation, between the ranges of 100 to 400 nm (UV range), penetrates bacterial cells, and works as a bactericide. Lamps containing mercury vapor, which are charged by striking an electric arcs emits UV radiation. Currently, the disinfection lamp has three main categories: (1) low-pressure, low-intensity; (2) low-pressure, high-intensity, and (3) medium-pressure, highintensity. All of these lamps contain electrodes that facilitate the generation of UV radiation. These electrodes are of delicate construction and their deterioration is the primary source of failure in UV disinfection systems. Microwave UV disinfection technology eliminates the need for electrodes by using the microwave-powered electrodeless mercury UV lamp. In this technology, microwave energy is generated by magnetrons and directed through wave guides into the quartz lamp sleeves containing argon gas. The directed microwave energy excites the argon atoms, which in turn excite the mercury atoms to produce radiation as they return from excited states to lower energy states, as is the case with other mercury UV lamps. Electrodless lamps operate at higher pressures than medium-pressure lamps, in the range of 5 to 20 atm, compared to 1 to 2 atm for medium-pressure lamps. Microwave UV lamps allow greater flexibility for variations in parameters such as lamp diameter, operating pressures, and fill materials due to the absence of electrodes. This allows for greater optimization of radiation at specific wavelength regions. The intensity of the radiation increases when the applied microwave power is increased.

Comparison to Established Technologies:

The lamps warm up quickly and are capable of disinfection within 12 seconds compared to startup times of 20 seconds to three minutes for electrode lamps. Eliminating the electrode using from the lamp eliminates the primary deterioration process associated with UV lamps, resulting in a lamp life approximately three times that of electrode-using lamps. Furthermore, elimination of the electrodes allows for narrower lamps, which reduces the amount of reabsorption, as well as the heat capacity and infrared radiation generated. The lamp has very low residual radiation of energy, thus almost instant shut-off capability, which prevents overheating heat-sensitive materials near the lamps. Radiation is produced through the entire length of the lamp and there is no energy loss associated with electrodes. Nevertheless, the electrodeless lamp system has more components than the conventional electrode-using system, including the magnetron, wave guides, and cooling fans. Magnetron life is limited and requires replacement. Magnetrons usually are warranted for up to 10,000 hours of operation.

Available Cost Information:

Approximate Capital Cost: Approximate O&M Costs:

Not disclosed by vendor as cost estimates are dependent upon local requirements and vary with specific applications. Not disclosed by vendor.

Vendor Name(s):

Severn Trent Services 3000 Advance Lane Colmar, PA 18915 Telephone: 215-997-4000 Fax: 215-997-4062 Email: info@severntrentservices.com Web site: www.severntrentservices.com

Scotland WWTP, UK

Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management


Emerging Technologies

February 2008

Technology Summary
Microwave UV Disinfection (Contd)

Key Words for Internet Search: Data Sources:

Microwave UV disinfection of wastewater, electrodeless UV lamps

Gutierrez, Richard L., et al., Microwave UV A New Wave of Tertiary Disinfection, WEFTEC Proceedings, 2006. Microwave UV Technology, a Presentation by MicroDynamicsTM, Severn Trent Services. Vendor-supplied information.


Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

February 2008

Emerging Technologies

Technology Summary


Remove emerging contaminants, such as endocrine disruptors, pharmaceuticals, and other complex organics from wastewater; simultaneously accomplish removal of contaminants such as phosphorus and disinfection.

Embryonic. Pilot studies of the Blue CATTM system have been conducted at 10 gpm. Results include Total Organic Compound (TOC) reduction from 4 to 1.5 mg/L, disinfection to <2 cfu/100 mL, turbidity reduction to 0.1 to 0.3 ntu, and 95% total phosphorus removal.

State of Development:

The Blue CATTM process is a combination of the Blue PROTM process with an Advanced Oxidation Process (AOP) for advanced treatment of effluent. The Blue PROTM process optimizes adsorption of contaminants such as phosphorus in an up-flow sand filter with hydrous ferric oxide-coated media and a proprietary pre-reactor. The occurrence of chlorination byproducts, such as trihalomethanes, in environmental waters has led to enhanced concern and regulatory interest about chlorine disinfection of wastewater. This concern has lead to significant research into alternative AOPs in water treatment. AOPs can provide a mechanism for destructive removal of micropollutants and pathogens. AOPs are applied to water treatment UV, ozone, hydrogen peroxide, Fentons reagent (Fe2 + H2O2), acoustic or hydrodynamic cavitation, photocatalytic oxidation (UV + TiO2), and super critical water oxidation among the other processes. In recent years some of these technologies, such as ozonation, have seen wider implementation in municipal wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). There are two ways to increase the rate of AOPs. These are by combining multiple AOPs or by adding catalysis. Manufacturer of the Blue CatTM has not disclosed the type of AOP used. Current pilot test results are promising that significant reductions of turbidity, fecal coliforms, phosphorus, and endocrine disrupters or TOC can be achieved. The residual Blue CATTM waste stream may be recycled to the head of the plant to accomplish additional contaminant removals and other secondary process enhancements. For increased contaminant-removal rates, destruction of organics, or disinfection, two passes through Blue CATTM may be combined in series. Based on recent investigations, there is some evidence that Blue CATTM requires less power than other AOPs due to the catalytic configuration of the system to maximize oxidative capability. The only metal salt chemical used is a small amount of iron reagent (410 mg/L Fe) for the Blue PROTM process. No polymer is used. The process appears to require lower chemical dosing than typical chemical wastewater treatment processes and consequently produces fewer solids. The iron-based reactive agent also provides odor control. The Blue CATTM system is suitable for smaller plants (less than 10 MGD) since it would be difficult to operate and maintain due to sheer number of modules required for treatment.


Comparison to Established Technologies:

Available Cost Information:

The following estimates are for a 1.0 MGD system. Economies of scale are expected for larger systems. Systems may be designed with a minimum flow of 5 gpm; intermittent flow systems are also possible at small installations. Approximate Capital Cost: $463,800 This price includes pre-reactor and filter assemblies, chemical pumps, air compressor, controls and electronics, sand, and freight to the site. Approximate O&M Costs: $66,330 per year This annual O&M expense includes $8,700 for energy (108,834 kWh), $48,500 for chemicals (ferric sulfate and liquid oxygen), and $9,130 for labor (1 manhour per day).

Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management


Emerging Technologies

February 2008

Technology Summary
Blue CATTM (Contd)

Vendor Name(s):

Blue Water Technologies, Inc. 10450 North Airport Drive Hayden, ID 83835 Telephone: 888-710-BLUE (2583) Web site: www.blueh2o.net


Hayden Area Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant, Hayden, ID

Key Words for Internet Search: Data Sources:

Blue CATTM, catalytic oxidation, advanced phosphorus removal, endocrine disruptors

Blue PROTM, Hydrous Ferric Oxide (HFO) Coated Sand, Adsorptive Media Technical Summary, 2006. CH2M Hill, Technical Memorandum, Evaluation of Blue PRO Process at the Hayden Wastewater Research Facility Final Summary Report, 2006. Newcombe, R.L., B.K. Hart, and G. Mller, Arsenic Removal from Drinking Water by Moving Bed Active Filtration, Journal Environmental Engineering, 132(1): 512, 2006. Newcombe, R.L., R.A. Rule, B.K. Hart, and G. Mller, Phosphorus Removal from Municipal Wastewater by Hydrous Ferric Oxide Reactive Filtration and Coupled Chemically Enhanced Secondary Treatment: Part I. Performance, In review, 2007. Newcombe, R.L., D.G. Strawn, T.M. Grant, S.E. Childers, and G. Mller, Phosphorus Removal from Municipal Wastewater by Hydrous Ferric Oxide Reactive Filtration and Coupled Chemically Enhanced Secondary Treatment: Part II. Mechanism, In review, 2007.

Pilot-scale Blue CATTM equipment, including pre-reactor assembly on the left and reactive filter in the middle


Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

February 2008

Emerging Technologies

Technology Summary
Blue PRO


Remove phosphorus from tertiary wastewater.

Embryonic. Pilot studies of the Blue PRO system have been conducted at a 1.2 MGD wastewater treatment plant in Hayden, ID.

State of Development:


The Blue PRO filtration system includes moving-bed filtration technology preceded by chemical addition and the proprietary pre-reactor zone. This is used to remove phosphorus from tertiary wastewater and it combines co-precipitation and adsorption in an up-flow sand filter with reactive filter media and a proprietary pre-reactor. Hydrous ferric oxide-coated sand media accomplish phosphorus removal by adsorption rather than coagulation and filtration. This process does not require the media to be changed, as it has continuous regeneration via a patent-pending process and is continuous flow without the need to backwash. After adsorption, the iron and phosphorus are abraded from the sand grains. The iron and phosphorus passes out in a waste stream while the sand is retained in the system. The Blue PRO system is considered under the continuous backwash filter category, which is suitable for smaller plants (less than 10 MGD), and relatively by small modules are usually available. For a larger plant, it would be difficult to operate and maintain due to sheer number of modules required for treatment. The Blue PRO process may be run in series to achieve lower phosphorus removal. The residual waste stream may be recycled to the head of the plant to accomplish chemically enhanced primary treatment. It has been demonstrated that chemical sand can achieve monthly average effluent total phosphorus levels varying between 0.06 g/L and 0.009 g/L.

Comparison to Established Technologies:

A testing program conducted by an independent party for evaluation of the Blue PRO system against direct filtration systems using the same chemicals for phosphorus removal indicated that the short-term and long-term testing by Blue Water Technologies, Inc., produced promising results for phosphorus removal from tertiary wastewater. The long-term steady-state test of 0.25 MGD through the system produced effluent phosphorus levels equivalent to the best technologies currently available for phosphorus removal in the wastewater industry.

Available Cost Information:

Approximate Capital Cost: Approximate O&M Costs:

1 MGD $178,300. 3 MGD $494,000 uninstalled. 1 MGD $29,380. 3 MGD $84,000 annually.

Vendor Name(s):

Blue Water Technologies, Inc. 10450 North Airport Drive Hayden, ID 83835 Telephone: 208-209-0391 Web site: http://www.blueH2O.net


Hayden Area Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant, Hayden, ID

Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management


Emerging Technologies

February 2008

Technology Summary
Blue PRO (Contd)

Key Words for Internet Search: Data Sources:

Blue PROTM, advanced phosphorus removal, phosphorus adsorption Blue PRO, Hydrous Ferric Oxide (HFO) Coated Sand. Adsorptive Media Technical Summary, 2006. Blue Water Technologies, Cleaning the Worlds Waterways One Treatment Plant at a Time, Brochure, 2006. CH2M Hill, Technical Memorandum, Evaluation of Blue PROTM Process at the Hayden Wastewater Research Facility Final Summary Report, 2006. Newcombe, R.L., B.K. Hart, and G. Mller, Arsenic Removal from Drinking Water by Moving Bed Active Filtration, Journal Environmental Engineering, 132(1): 512, 2006. http://www.blueh2o.net

Blue Water Blue PROTM Phosphorus Removal System


Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

February 2008

Emerging Technologies

Technology Summary


Enhanced phosphorus and suspended-solids removal.


State of Development:


The process uses magnetite for ballasted flocculation, solids contact, and high-gradient magnetic separation to meet treatment objectives. Metal salts are added to the wastewater and pH is adjusted. The wastewater is mixed with fine magnetic ballast to increase floc density and permit floc removal using magnetic separator. The ballasted floc settles rapidly in a small clarifier.

Comparison to Established Technologies:

High-gradient magnetic separation has not been applied to treat wastewater prior to this technology development. Magnetite is denser than sand, so it creates a heavy floc that settles rapidly in a small clarifier. Its magnetic properties allow the effluent to be further polished using a magnetic filter, and the magnetite seed is recovered from sludge using a magnet instead of gravity. Chemical phosphorus removal is limited by kinetic factors as well as stoichiometric factors and excessive inorganic precipitant requirements need to be reduced.

Available Cost Information:

Approximate Capital Cost: Approximate O&M Costs:

Not disclosed by vendor. Not disclosed by vendor.

Vendor Name(s):

Cambridge Water Technology Ray Pepin, PE 41 Hutchins Drive Portland, ME 04102 Telephone: 207-774-2112, x3349 Fax: 207-774-6635

City of Concord, MA

Key Words for Internet Search: Data Sources:

CoMagTM, Cambridge Water Technology, Concord WWTP

Cambridge Water Technology Woodard and Curran

Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management


Emerging Technologies

February 2008

Technology Summary
CoMagTM (Contd)
Polymer pH Control Metal Salt Clari er Secondary E uent Magnetic Separator Clean Water

Chemical Treatment

Recovered Ballast

Magnetic Ballast

Sludge Recycle Magnetic Ballast Recovery Sludge

Sludge Processing



CoMag Process Flow Diagram


Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

February 2008

Emerging Technologies

Technology Summary
Solar Disinfection


Use of solar energy for low-cost, low-maintenance, and Embryonic. effective disinfection system for the improvement of wastewater before discharge.

State of Development:

Several portable, low-cost, and low-maintenance solar units to disinfect treated wastewater have been designed and tested by researchers at the Department of Chemical Engineering in Lafayette College, PA. The solar disinfection unit was tested with both river water and partially processed water from two wastewater treatment plants. In less than 30 minutes in mid-day sunlight, the unit eradicated more than 4 log10 U (99.99%) of bacteria contained in highly contaminated water samples. This is similar to chlorination with a standard 20-minute contact time, but it is cheaper to operate and uses no hazardous chemicals. May only be applicable in the Sun Belt region of the United States.


Comparison to Established Technologies:

The process uses the cheapest source of energy (solar); and it is, therefore, favorable in regions of the nation were there is ample sunshine.

Available Cost Information:

Approximate Capital Cost: Approximate O&M Costs:

Cost range not known at this time for commercial purposes. Cost range not known at this time for commercial purposes.

Vendor Name(s):

Lafayette College Department of Chemical Engineering Easton, PA 18042 Telephone: 610-330-18042 Email: tavakoli@lafayette.edu


There are no installations at this time.

Key Words for Internet Search: Data Sources:

Solar disinfection, wastewater treatment, portable solar units

Archer, A., Fischer, E., Turnheim, R., Manor, Y., Ecologically Friendly Wastewater Disinfection Techniques, Water Research (WATER RES), Vol. 31, No. 6, pp. 1,3981,404, June 1977. Caslake, Laurie F., Daniel J. Connolly, Vilas Menar, Catriona M. Duncanson, Ricardo Rojas and Joavad Tavakoli, Disinfection of Contaminated Water by Using Solar Irradiation, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, February 2004. Journal of Environmental Systems, Issue, Volume 26, No. 2, 19971998.

Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management


Emerging Technologies

February 2008

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Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management


Biological Treatment Processes

3.1 Introduction Biological treatment processes are systems that use microorganisms to degrade organic contaminants from wastewater. In wastewater treatment, natural biodegradation processes have been contained and accelerated in systems to remove organic material and nutrients. The microorganisms metabolize nutrients, colloids, and dissolved organic matter, resulting in treated wastewater. Excess microbial growth is removed from the treated wastewater by physical processes. In the last decade, there have been major advancements in the area of biological treatment processes. Biological processes are now the preferred way of treatment as they have become cost effective in terms of energy consumption and chemical usage. For example, biological nutrient removal (BNR) has emerged as the preferred approach for nutrient removal. BNR processes involve modifications of biological treatment systems so that the microorganisms in these systems can more effectively convert nitrate nitrogen into inert nitrogen gas and trap phosphorus in solids that are removed from the effluent. 3.2 Technology Assessment Table 3.1 presents a categorized list of emerging and established biological treatment technologies. The list includes most established biological treatment processes and recent developments in cost-effective methods to retrofit older systems or result in systems with smaller footprints. Experience in operation of biological systems and the ongoing effort to maximize process performance has resulted in established biological treatment processes undergoing modifications that warrant discussion in this chapter on emerging technologies. Generally, the improvements in established biological treatment processes provide treatment of recycle streams, optimize recycle, and maximize nutrientremoval capabilities. An evaluation of the innovative technologies identified for biological treatment processes relative to their state of development, applicability, potential for effluent reuse and the potential benefits of the technology is presented in Figure 3.1. Summary sheets for each innovative and embryonic technology are provided at the end of the chapter. The innovative technologies are as follows: Bioaugmentation, Cannibal, CATABOL, DeepShaft Activated Sludge/VERTREAT, Integrated fixed-Film Activated Sludge (IFAS), Membrane BioReactor (MBR), and Mobile-Bed Reactor Technology (MBRT) processes. The innovative use of established technologies are as follows: Bardenpho (Three Stage)
Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

Emerging Technologies

February 2008

with Returned Activated Sludge (RAS) Denitrification, Biological-Chemical Phosphorus and Nitrogen Removal (BCFS) Process, Modified University of Cape Town (MUCT) Process, Modified Anaerobic/Oxic (A/O) Process, and Trickling Filter/Solids Contactor (TF/SC). These processes have various configurations and modules to fit the specific needs of any individual treatment plant. Most of these technologies can be easily retrofitted into existing treatment systems that enable treatment processes to achieve better nutrient removal. This chapter also lists a number of biological processes that are in embryonic stages of development. Processes like Single Reactor High-activity Ammonia Over Nitrite (SHARON), Single Reactor High-activity Ammonia Over Nitrite ANaerobic AMMonia OXidation (SHARON ANAMMOX), and Vacuum Rotation Membrane (VRM) are now being used in full-scale application in the United States after being selected as a preferred technology in Europe and other parts of the world. These processes provide energyefficient biological nutrient removal with reduced external carbon requirements. Another advantage of these processes is a reduced footprint, although footprint reduction has not been a priority in the United States as much as in the rest of the world, where availability of land is often more restricted. Other embryonic technologies included at the end of this chapter are as follows: Aerobic Granular Sludge Process (AGSP), ANaerobic Membrane BioReactor (AN-MBR), Anaerobic Migrating Blanket Reactor (AMBR), DEamMONification (DEMON) Process, Hydrogen-based hollow-Fiber Membrane Biofilm Reactor (HFMBfR), Membrane-Aerated BioReactor (MABR), Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC) Based Treatment System, Multi-Stage Activated Biological Process (MSABP), Nerada, and STRASS Process (Nitrification and Denitrificaiton in SBR).
Table 3.1Biological Treatment Processes State of Development
Established Technologies BOD Removal and Nitrification Biolac-Aerated Lagoon Complete Mix-Activated Sludge (CMAS) Process Contact Stabilization Conventional Extended Aeration Countercurrent Aeration System (CCAS) Cyclic Activated Sludge System (CASS) High-Purity Oxygen (HPO) Intermittent Cycle Extended Aeration System (ICEAS )

Established Technologies (Contd) Staged Activated-Sludge Process Step Feed Step Feed (Alternating Anoxic and Aerobic) Biological Nutrient Removal (BNR) Bardenpho (Four Stage) BiodenitroTM Ludzack-Ettinger Modified Ludzack-Ettinger (MLE) OrbalTM Process SchreiberTM Process Simultaneous Nitrification denitrificatioN (SNdN) Process Step Feed BNR Process Wuhrman

Kraus Process Oxidation Ditch/Aerated Lagoons Sequencing Batch Reactor


Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

February 2008

Emerging Technologies

Table 3.1Biological Treatment Processes State of Development (Contd)

Established Technologies (Contd) Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal (EBPR) Anaerobic/Anoxic/Oxic (A2/O) Bardenpho (Five Stage) Johannesburg Process Phoredox (Anaerobic/Oxic [A/O]) Phostrip University of Cape Town (UCT) Virginia Initiative Plant (VIP) Other Biological Processes Fluidized Bed Bioreactor (FBBR) Rotating Biological Contractor (RBC) Submerged Rotating Biological Contactor (SRBC) Trickling Filter (TF) Anaerobic Processes Anaerobic Attached Growth System Upflow Packed-Bed Attached Growth Reactor Upflow Attached Growth Anaerobic Expanded-Bed Reactor (Anaerobic Expanded Bed Reactor [AEBR]) Downflow Attached Growth Process Anaerobic Contact Process Anaerobic Sequencing Batch Reactor (ASBR) Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB) ANFLOW (ANaerobic FLuidized Bed Reactor) Biological Aerated Filters (BAF) Biofor Biostyr Innovative Technologies Bioaugmentation External Bioautmentation Seeding from Commercial Sources of Nitrifiers Trickling Filter and Pushed Activated Sludge (TF/PAS) Process Seeding from External Dispensed Growth Reactors Treatment Reject Waters (Chemostat) In-Nitri Process Immobilized Cell-Augmented Activated Sludge (ICASS) Process Seeding from Parallel Processes Seeding from Downstream Process In Situ Bioaugmentation DE-nitrification and PHosphate accumulation in ANOXic (DEPHANOX) Process Innovative Technologies (Contd) Bio-Augmentation Regeneration/Reaeration (BAR) Process Bio-Augmentation Batch Enhanced (BABE) Process Aeration Tank 3 (AT3) Process Main stream AUtotrophic Recycle Enabling Enhanced Nremoval (MAUREEN) Process Regeneration DeNitrification (R-DN) Process Cannibal CATABOL Deep-Shaft Activated Sludge/VERTREAT Integrated fixed-Film Activated Sludge (IFAS) IFAS Submerged Mobile Media Attached Growth Airlift Reactor (AGAR) Captor LINPOR IFAS Submerged Fixed Media CLEARTEC AccuWeb BioMatrixTM HYBASTM BioWeb RINGLACE Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) Tubular Hollow-Fiber Spiral Wound Plate and Frame Pleated Cartridge Filters Mobile-Bed Reactor Technology (MBRT) Process Kaldnes HYBAS/ Active Cell Hydroxyl-F3R GeoReactor Innovative Use of Established Technologies Bardenpho (Three Stage) with Returned Activated Sludge (RAS) Denitrification Biological-Chemical Phosphorus and Nitrogen Removal (BCFS)* Process Modified University of Cape Town (MUCT) Process Modified Anaerobic/Oxic (A/O) Process Trickling Filter/Solids Contactor (TF/SC) Note: * Chemical phosphorus removal is limited by kinetic factors as well as stoichiometric factors and excessive inorganic precipitant requirements need to be reduced. 3-3

Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

Emerging Technologies

February 2008

Table 3.1Biological Treatment Processes State of Development (Contd)

Embryonic Technologies Aerobic Granular Sludge Process (AGSP) ANaerobic Membrane BioReactor (AN-MBR) Anaerobic Migrating Blanket Reactor (AMBR) DEamMONification (DEMON) Process Hydrogen-based hollow-Fiber Membrane Biofilm Reactor (HFMBfR) Membrane-Aerated BioReactor (MABR) Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC) Based Treatment System Multi-Stage Activated Biological Process (MSABP) Nereda Embryonic Technologies (Contd) Single reactor High-activity Ammonia Removal Over Nitrite (SHARON) SHARON ANAMMOX (ANaerobic AMMonia OXidation) STRASS Process Vacuum Rotation Membrane (VRM) System

Figure 3.1Evaluation of Innovative Biological Treatment Technologies

Evaluation Criteria

Impact on Processes

Air/Odor Emissions




Bioaugmentation Cannibal CATABOLTM Deep-Shaft Activated Sludge/VERTREATTM Integrated Fixed-Film Activated Sludge (IFAS) Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) Mobile-Bed Reactor Technology (MBRT) Process

I, M, N, O M, N M, N M, N, O I, M, N I, M, N, O I, N, O

F F F F I I, F F

C, O C, O C, O C, O C, O C, O C, O

y p y p p p p

y y y y y y y

y y p y y y y

In In In In In In In

y p y p p p p

y p y p p p p

Statement of Development
B= I = M= O= P= N= Bench scale Full-scale industrial applications Full-scale municipal applications Full-scale operations overseas Pilot Full-scale operations in North America F I L S = = = =

Few plants Industrywide Primarily large plants Primarily small plants C= I = O= S= W=

Potential Benefits
Capital savings Intense operational demand Operational/maintenance savings Shock load capacity Wet weather load capacity Dp Dn Ip In

Effluent Reuse
= Direct potable = Direct nonpotable = Indirect potable = Indirect nonpotable

Comparative Criteria
p Positive feature y Neutral or mixed q Negative feature


Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

p p p y p p p





February 2008

Emerging Technologies

Technology Summary


Achieve higher kinetic rates by addition of bacteria and Innovative. enhance nitrification and denitrification

State of Development:


In Biological Nutrient Removal (BNR) plants designed for nitrogen and phosphorus removal, reactor volumes dedicated to nitrification constitute majority of reactor volume. Bioaugmentation aims to reduce the volume dedicated to nitrification by decreasing the required aerobic Sludge Retention Time (SRT) by increasing the rate of nitrification. There are two types of bioaugmentation schemes; these are (1) external bioaugmentation and (2) in situ bioaugmentation. External bioaugmentation includes addition of external-source nitrifiers, whereas in situ bioaugmentation provides internal process enhancements that increase activity or enrich nitrifier population. The advantage of external bioaugmentation schemes is that the promotion of nitrification within the main stream process can be decoupled from its aerobic SRT. The advantage of in situ schemes is that there is less concern about the loss of activity of the seed nitrifiers when transferred to the mainstream process because their conditions of growth are similar to those prevalent in the mainstream process. EXTERNAL BIOAUGMENTATION Examples of external bioaugmentation includes seeding from commercial sources of nitrifiers, Trickling Filter and Pushed Activated Sludge (TF/PAS) process, seeding from external dispersed growth reactors treating reject waters, seeding from external activated sludge reactors treating reject waters, seeding from parallel processes, and seeding from downstream processes. Some facilities having both air-activated sludge systems and high-purity oxygen systems have proven that nitrification in the high-purity oxygen can be significantly enhanced by seeding with nitrification solids from the parallel aerated BNR system. This procedure is not patented. External bioaugmentation is performed in Hagerstown, MD, Henrico County, VA, and Hopewell, VA. Note, nitrification in high-purity oxygen plants is typically limited due to pH inhibition. Seeding from Commercial Sources of Nitrifiers: Although early attempts at bioaugmentation with commercial seed sources within wastewater treatment plants have produced controversial results, bioaugmentation for nitrification has readily measurable success. Adding external nitrifiers sources has shown some success at both laboratory and field scale and allows operation at colder temperatures where nitrifiers would normally washout but required dosages of the nitrifiers were very high. Therefore, most investigators diverted to onsite production of seed organisms within the treatment plant. TF/PAS Process: The earliest example of external bioaugmentation with nitrifiers generated within the plant from a wastewater source is likely that of the TF/PAS process, whereby the total organic loading on the trickling filter is adjusted to achieve about 50 percent nitrification, thereby seeding nitrifiers to a down-stream activated sludge step with a low SRT of 2 to 4 days. It appears that the enhanced nitrification rates achieved may be due to both the effect of seeding as well as removing toxicants in the wastewater by pretreatment of the trickling filter.
Trickling Filter TF Partly Nitries, Seeding Nitriers to Activated Sludge Step Second Clarier Aeration Tank


Process Flow Diagram for Trickling Filter/Pushed Activated Sludge

Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management


Emerging Technologies

February 2008

Technology Summary
Bioaugmentation (Contd) Seeding from External Dispersed Growth Reactors Treating Reject Waters (Chemostat Type): There has been some success reported with chemostats seeding batch reactors simulating mainstream processes. Nitrifiers grown in batch-fed sidestream chemostats were more effective in stimulating the process efficiency in the simulated main-stream reactors than were those grown in continuously fed chemostats. It has been shown that the specific nitrifier types grown in the sidestream chemostats were able to replace the microbial population in the mainstream reactors, suggesting that population diversity leads to more robust mainstream reactors.
Clarier Primary Euent

Return Activated Sludge

Waste Sludge

Equalized Ammonia Laden Filtrate From Dewatering

Dispersed Growth Reactor (e.g., SHARON Process)


Process Flow Diagram for Seeding from External Dispersed Growth

In-Nitri Process: Growing the nitrifiers in an external activated sludge plant using ammonia-laden digester filtrate has proven to be successful as it appears that the nitrifiers are protected within activated-sludge flocs. A process known as the Short SRT or In-Nitri process used this principle and several bench or pilot-scale studies have proven its effectiveness. In-Nitri consists of supplemental nitrifying bacteria constantly added to the main-stream activated-sludge process to replenish nitrifiers removed with the waste activated sludge. The nitrifiers are grown in a separate sidestream aeration tank using ammonia available either in the digested sludge dewatering liquid and in the digester supernatant or from commercial ammonia addition. The process has the advantage of achieving year-round nitrification by reducing the SRT by adding only a small aeration tank and clarifiers for growing nitrifiers.


Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

February 2008

Emerging Technologies

Technology Summary
Bioaugmentation (Contd)
Raw Wastewater Treated Euent

Primary Sedimentation Tank

Aeration Tank

Secondary Sedimentation Tank

Primary Sludge Thickening Thickened Primary Sludge

Excess Nitrication Sludge

WAS Thickening

Supernatant Nitried Dewatering Liquid Dewatering Return Stream


Side-Stream Nitrication

Sludge Dewatering


Sludge for Disposal


Process Flow Diagram for Inexpensive Nitrification

Immobilized Cell-Augmented Activated Sludge (ICAAS) Process: Immobilized cells are maintained for a specific treatment activity and are enriched in a reactor for bioaugmentation. The ICAAS process employs the immobilized cells that are activated and maintained for their specific treatment activity in an off-line enricher reactor for bioaugmentation. The process has been effectively used in bench-scale reactors for treating hazardous-compound shock loads, to achieve enhanced nitrate removal and to increase general performance of the treatment process.

Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management


Emerging Technologies

February 2008

Technology Summary
Bioaugmentation (Contd) Seeding from Parallel Processes: Two schemes have been proposed to grow nitrifiers in a MBR and seed a high-rate BNR process. However, results on pilot or full-scale trials have not yet been reported. Another approach included two parallel activated-sludge processes, tertiary nitrifying MBR seeding parallelling a high-rate activated sludge process. Some process issues in this scheme are as follows: membranes select for filtering, not settling biomass; seeding effectiveness is likely impacted by predation; and the process only fits some nutrient-removal flow diagrams.
Digested Sludge Centrate Supernatant AmmoniaRich Stream

Low SRT (23 Days) Complete Nitrication Primary Sludge

Raw Inuent

WAS Nitrier Enriched Membrane Bioreactor WAS Low SRT (23 Days) Complete Nitrication

Membrane Bioreactor (High SRT)

Donor Plant Euent

Receiver Plant Euent

Primary Sludge



Process Flow Diagram for Tertiary Nitrifying MBR Seeding Parallel High-Rate BNR Process

Base-Loaded MBR WAS High-Rate BNR (also treats peak ows)


Process Flow Diagram for High Rate BNR Seeded by Parallel MBR Reactor


Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

February 2008

Emerging Technologies

Technology Summary
Bioaugmentation (Contd) Seeding from Downstream Process: There are two seeding processes developed for the main treatment plant in Vienna, Austria. The plant is a two-stage plant, whereby carbon is removed in the first stage and nitrification occurs in the second stage. In this scheme, nitrifying mixed liquor is wasted to the first stage resulting in some nitrification in that stage. Effluent from the second stage is also recycled during dry weather for denitrification in the first stage while 10 to 40 percent of the influent is bypassed to the second stage to obtain additional denitrification. An alternative to the bypass mode is termed the hybrid mode, which includes exchange of mixed liquors between the stages. IN SITU BIOAUGMENTATION Separate-stage nitrification processes, where carbon is removed in an initial biological stage and then followed by a separatestage nitrification process, are the first examples of in situ bioaugmentation. A three-sludge system incorporating separatestage nitrification, was promoted as a preferred technology in 1970s. Main reason for this was that the separate steps of carbon removal, nitrification and denitrification could each be optimized. There have also been fixed-film systems employed for separate stage nitrification. Purpose of these systems was three-fold and as follows: (1) use of media with high-masstransfer rates; (2) use of recirculation to improve media-wetting and gain maximum nitrifying biofilm coverage and minimization of influent solids to avoid competition for oxygen from heterotrophs; and (3) the control of predators with flooding and alkaline treatment. DE-nitrification and PHosphate accumulation in ANOXic (DEPHANOX) Process: This process includes a combination of suspended growth and fixed-film systems in separate stages. DEPHANOX is based on the phenomenon of phosphate accumulation in the anoxic zone while undergoing simultaneous denitrification.
Primary Settling Tank Final Settling Tank


Anaerobic Zone



Post Aeration



Process Flow Diagram for DEPHANOX Process

Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management


Emerging Technologies

February 2008

Technology Summary
Bioaugmentation (Contd) BAR Process: In the Bio-Augmentation R Process, the R stands for regeneration zone in the Czech Republic and in the United States the R stands for reaeration. The BAR Process simply recycles the ammonia-laden filtrate or centrate from dewatering of aerobically digested sludge to a reaeration (regeneration) tank and receives return activated sludge. The stream is fully nitrified and the nitrifiers within activated-sludge flows are then carried forward to charge the main aeration tank, thereby reducing the SRT required for complete nitrification. The BAR process was independently developed in the United States and Czech Republic.
Primary E uent Iron Addition Clari er

Return Activated Sludge

Waste Sludge

Equalized Ammonia Laden Filtrate From Dewatering


Process Flow Diagram for BAR Process


Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

February 2008

Emerging Technologies

Technology Summary
Bioaugmentation (Contd) Bio-Augmentation Batch Enhanced (BABE) Process: Comprised of a Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) which is fed with the reject water from the sludge dewatering process and the Returned Activated Sludge (RAS) from the treatment system. The RAS augments the batch reactor with the nitrifying bacteria from the activated sludge floc. The SBR follows the phases of the treatment cycle, i.e, fill and aerate, react, settling, and wasting. Longer sludge age can be achieved in the SBR tank, which helps the nitrifying bacteria to adapt and grow in the BABE reactor.


Activated Sludge Tank


Secondary Euent



Nitriers (NO3N)

Nitrication Reactor ~25C

Centrate (NH3N)

Process Flow Diagram for BABE Process

Aeration Tank 3 (AT3) Process: The AT3 Process is similar to BAR Process but it differs in sending a smaller fraction of the RAS to the reaeration tank. The process goal is to stop the nitrification process at nitrite stage by use of dissolved oxygen (DO) and pH control to reduce the consumption of carbon and oxygen for denitrification. Addition of an external carbon source may be needed to the reaeration tank to accomplish denitrification. Main stream AUtotropic Recycle Enabling Enhanced N-removal (MAUREEN) Process: The MAUREEN process includes a sidestream bioreactor to allow for nitrification and denitrification of the centrate stream. This process was developed for the Blue Plains Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plan (AWTP) and provides significant flexibility when applied to the two-sludge system at the plant. Configuration includes preferential bioaugmentation of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria from the second to the first stage via the sidestream reactor and oxidation of ammonia in reject centrate to nitrite in the enrichment reactor resulting in reduced power and chemical consumption. This process has the ability to fortify the second-stage system with a combination of primarily ammonia oxidizers and anoxic methanol-degrading bacteria produced in the sidestream reactor under conditions that would limit the presence of nitrite-oxidizing bacteria and heterotrophic bacteria. Supernatant from the sidestream process can be used for odor and corrosion control in the headworks or within process streams at the plant. Key to the success of the process is the physical configuration and selection of operating conditions of the sidestream reactor.

Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management


Emerging Technologies

February 2008

Technology Summary
Bioaugmentation (Contd)
West Plant
PC Bioreactor SC

RAS Raw Wastewater WAS Nitri cation/ Denitri cation Bioreactors RAS PC Bioreactor SC SC

East Plant

RAS WAS WAS Nitri ers and Methanol Using Dentri ers Return Liquor (Centrate)

Nitri cation/ Denitri cation Bioreactors Alkalinity Methanol


Process Flow Diagram for MAUREEN Process

Regeneration-DeNitrification (R-DN) Process: The R-DN process is identical to BAR process and also involves filtrate or centrate bioaugmentation. It was independently developed in the Czech Republic and the United States.


Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

February 2008

Emerging Technologies

Technology Summary
Bioaugmentation (Contd)

Comparison to Established Technologies:

The bioaugmentation process helps to achieve higher performance standards because the microorganisms added to the reactive phase in the treatment processes boosts microbial activity. These microorganisms are more adapted to the conditions in the reactive phase of the treatment process than the microorganisms in the influent. Based on simulation results for a highly loaded activated-sludge process as the main treatment stage, use of the BABE technology lowers the ammonium concentration in the effluent by 20 to 100 percent, dependent on the temperature in the aeration tank and the nitrogen load of the BABE reactor. When the process temperature in the BABE reactor is lower than 20 degrees C, the volume of the BABE reactor is determined by the process temperature. The necessary reactor volume increases significantly with decreasing temperatures. Above a process temperature of 24 degrees C, the temperature has only a minor influence on the necessary reactor volume. About 50 percent of the ammonium reduction in the effluent is caused by the nitrification of the reject water in the BABE reactor. The remaining 50 percent is removed in the aeration tank by nitrifying bacteria washed out from the BABE reactor. This inoculation effect is a main feature of the BABE process design.

Available Cost Information:

Approximate Capital Cost: Approximate O&M Costs:

Costs information not available from vendors. However, bioaugmentation processes save capital costs in the main treatment systems due to reduced reactor volumes via the augmentation of nitrifying bacteria. The operating costs are mainly related to mixing and aeration requirements and depend upon local conditions and the available equipment. Bioaugmentation processes also save operating costs in the main treatment through the augmentation of nitrifying bacteria. Actual costs were not disclosed.

Vendor Name(s):

DHV Water BV P.O. Box 484 3800 AL Amersfoort, The Netherlands Telephone: 0031-33-468-2200 Email: info@wa.dhv.nl Web site: http://www.dhv.com/water/ Mixing and Mass Transfer Technologies P.O. Box 315 State College, PA 16804 Telephone: 814-466-6994 or 888-715-9600 Email: rjohansen@m2ttech.com or tgilligan@m2ttech.com Web site: http://m2ttech.com/index.asp Eakalak Khan Associate Professor Dept. of Civil Engineering North Dakota State University Fargo, ND 58105 Telephone: 701-231-7717 Fax: 701-231-6185 Email: eakalak.khan@ndsu.edu


BAR Process: Appleton WWTP, Wisconsin; Theresa Street WWTP, Lincoln, Nebraska; Woodward Ave. WWTP, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada; and 20 plants in Czech Republic AT3 Process: 26th Ward WWTP, New York City, NY BABE Process: sHertozenbosch WWTP, The Netherlands MAUREEN Process: Blue Plains AWTP, Washington, D.C.

Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management


Emerging Technologies

February 2008

Technology Summary
Bioaugmentation (Contd)

Key Words for Internet Search: Data Sources:

Bioaugmentation, nitrification, wastewater treatment, bacteria

Constantine, T.A., et al., New Nitrifier Bioaugmentation Process Configure to Achieve Year Round Nitrification at Low SRTs, Proceedings of WEFTEC, 2001. Daigger, G.T., et al., Incorporation of Biological Nutrient Removal (BNR) into Membrane Bioreactors (MRBs), Proceedings of the International Water Association (IWA) Specialized Conference on Nutrient Management in Wastewater Treatment Processes and Recycle Streams, Krakow, Poland. Katehis, D., B. Stinson, J. Anderson, Enhancement of Nitrogen Removal three Innovative Integration of Centrate Treatment, WEFTEC, 2002. Parker, Denny S. and Jiri Wanner, Improving Nitrification through Bioaugmentation, WEF, Nutrient Removal Conference, 2007. Parker, Denny, Brown, and Caldwell, Nutrient Removal, How low can we go and what is stopping us from going lower? Improving Nitrification through Bioaugmentation, WERF Presentation, 2007. Stensel, H. David, Sidestream Treatment for Nitrogen Removal, 11th Annual Education Seminar Central States Water Environmental Association, 2006. http://m2ttech.com/index.asp http://www.dhv.com/water/ Telephone conversation and email communication with Mixing and Mass Transfer Technologies. Email communication with Tim Constantine of CH2M HILL.


Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

February 2008

Emerging Technologies

Technology Summary
Cannibal Process


Biosolids volume reduction without digestion, thickening, Innovative. A 1 MGD sequential batch reactor wastewater dewatering, or polymer addition. treatment plant in Georgia began using the Cannibal solids reduction process in October 1998. The plant has purged solids once in 5 years to relieve the plant of extremely fine, inert material buildup. The plant removed 8,000 pounds of waste biosolids by using this process between January 2000 and September 2003. Favorable results also have been realized at other full-scale operations within the United States. This process also has been successful at the Alpine Cheese Factory in Holmes County, Ohio, and it has been the subject of bench-scale research at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Virginia.

State of Development:


A portion of sludge from the main treatment process is pumped to a sidestream bioreactor where the mixed liquor is converted from an aerobic-dominant bacterial population to a facultative-dominant bacterial population. Aerobic bacteria are selectively destroyed in this sidestream reactor, while enabling the facultative bacteria to break down and use the remains of the aerobes and their byproducts. Mixed liquor from the bioreactor is recycled back to the main treatment process. There, the facultative bacteria, in turn, are out-competed by the aerobic bacteria and subsequently broken down in the alternating environments of the aerobic treatment process and the sidestream bioreactor. Trash, grit, and other inorganic materials are removed from the process by a patented solid-separation module on the return sludge line. All of the return sludge is pumped through this module and recycled back to the main treatment process. Only a portion of this flow is diverted to the sidestream bioreactor for the selection and destruction process.

Comparison to Established Technologies:

Not similar to any established technology.

Available Cost Information:

Approximate Capital Cost: Not disclosed by vendor. Approximate O&M Costs: Not disclosed by vendor. According to the vendor, a 1.5 MGD WWTP could recognize an approximate net annual operating cost savings of $245,600 using the Cannibal process.

Vendor Name(s):

Envirex Products 1901 S. Prairie Ave. Waukesha, WI 53189 Telephone: 262-521-8570 Fax : 262-547-4120 Email: roehlm@usfilter.com Web site: www.usfilter.com


Alpine Cheese Factory, Inc. 1504 U.S. 62 Wilmont, OH 44689 Telephone: 330-359-5454 Fax: 330-359-5049 Bryon WWTP, Bryon, IL

Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management


Emerging Technologies

February 2008

Technology Summary
Cannibal Process (Contd)

Key Words for Internet Search:

Cannibal process, biosolids, sludge

Data Sources:

Novak, J.T., D.H. Chon, B-A. Curtis, and M. Doyle, Reduction of Sludge Generation using the Cannibal Process: Mechanisms and Performance, Proceedings of WEF Residuals and Biosolids Management Conference, 2006 and Bridging to the Future Conference, Cincinnati, OH, March 12 to 14, 2005. Sheridan, J. and B. Curtis, Casebook: Revolutionary Technology Cuts Biosolids Production and Costs, Pollution Engineering, 36:5, 2004. Vendor-supplied information.


Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

February 2008

Emerging Technologies

Technology Summary


Combined anaerobic and aerobic treatment to achieve Innovative. reduced nitrogen and phosphorus levels in the treated wastewater.

State of Development:

In the CATABOLTM process, anaerobic microorganisms for phosphorus removal are combined with aerobic and facultative microorganisms for nitrogen removal. A schematic of the process for treatment of municipal wastewater is shown in the figure on the next page. The principal elements of the process include an anaerobic reactor, and aerobic reactor, sludge separation, inert solids removal, alkalinity and pH control, and a sludge conditioner. Additional equalization tanks, multi-stage reactors and tertiary treatment processes, as well as other CATABOLTM configurations may be used in particular applications. The inert solids are used as an anaerobic sludge conditioner. Solids from the aerobic zone of the CATABOLTM process are separated in a clarifier and sent to the anaerobic sludge conditioner for conversion to predominately anaerobic microorganisms with some facultative microorganisms prior to being reintroduced into the anaerobic zone of the CATABOLTM process. The anaerobic zone followed by the aerobic zone are the key processes for decomposing the wastewater and removing phosphorus. Passage through the sludge conditioner also stores the conditioned microorganisms for use as and when needed. Excess solids produced by the CATABOLTM process are wasted from the anaerobic sludge conditioner. To avoid process upset by acidification of the wastewater, alkalinity and pH must be controlled.


Comparison to Established Technologies:

This combined anaerobic-aerobic biological process has been developed to lower operating cost. The process also helps to eliminate odor problems and reduce sludge disposal costs.

Available Cost Information:

Approximate Capital Cost: Approximate O&M Costs:

$6.7 M for the upgrade of a 15-MGD plant, increasing capacity to 20 MGD. $600,000/year in operational saving and electricity consumption after the upgrade of the 20 MGD plant.

Vendor Name(s):

Khudenko Engineering, Inc. 744 Moores Mill Road Atlanta, GA 30327 Telephone: 404-261-4452 Fax: 404-816-1611 Email: bkhudenko@comcast.net

City of Cartersville, GA

Key Words for Internet Search:

Khudenko Engineering, CATABOLTM

Data Sources:

Vendor pamphlet and phone conversation with Khudenko Engineering staff.

Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management


Emerging Technologies

February 2008

Technology Summary

Aerobic Mixed Liquor


Anaerobic Zone

Aerobic Zone

Solids Separation


Air Return Sludge

Air + CO2 Conditioned Sludge


Anaerobic Sludge Conditioner


Waste Sludge


CatabolTM Combined Treatment Process Schematic


Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

February 2008

Emerging Technologies

Technology Summary
Deep Shaft Activated Sludge/VERTREAT


Increased oxygen transfer in the activated sludge Innovative. This technology has a well-established track record in process to decrease power requirements, saving both Europe and Asia with over 30 years operation in municipal and capital and operating costs. industrial applications. There are a few operating facilities in North America in both Canada and the United States.

State of Development:


The Deep-Shaft Activated Sludge/VERTREAT process is a modification of the activated-sludge process. VERTREAT essentially uses a vertical tank or shaft in place of the surface aeration basins used in a conventional system. The result of this vertical configuration is a ten-fold increase in the dissolved oxygen content of the mixed liquor, which increases the level of biological activity in the bioreactor. The process can accommodate high-organic loading with lower aeration supply due to the enhanced oxygen transfer (a function of both increased pressure at depth and longer bubble-contact time).

Comparison to Established Technologies:

Reduced footprint requirements. Lower power consumption and simple controls resulting in reduced O&M. Much higher-rate system due to increased oxygen transfer in process. $3 to $5 per installed design gallon of flow. Dependent on power costs. Roughly half the aeration power requirement due to increased oxygen-transfer efficiency. Lower maintenance costs as a result of having no pumps or diffusers in the core system.

Available Cost Information:

Approximate Capital Cost: Approximate O&M Costs:

Vendor Name(s):

NORAM Engineering and Constructors Ltd. Suite 1800, 200 Granville Street Vancouver, BC, Canada V6C 1S4 Telephone: 604-681-2030 Fax: 604-683-9164 Web site: www.noram-eng.com


City of Homer Public Works Department 3575 Heath Street Homer, AK, USA 99603 Telephone: 907-235-3174 Fax: 907-235-3178 Email: jhobbs@ci.homer.ak.us

Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management


Emerging Technologies

February 2008

Technology Summary
Deep Shaft Activated Sludge/VERTREAT (Contd)

Key Words for Internet Search: Data Sources:

Deep shaft process, activated sludge, wastewater treatment, oxygen transfer, high rate, BOD, aerobic

www.noram-eng.com www.vertreat.com Email communication with the vendor.

Inuent Vent Air Compressor Air Head Tank

Hold Tank

Flotation Clarier Claried Euent Return Sludge Waste Sludge

Oxidation Zone

Extraction Line

Mixing Zone
Reactor Casing Air Lines Inuent Lines Downcomer Extraction Line

Saturation Zone

Aerated Shaft (95 m/300 ft)

Flow Diagram of VERTREATTM provided by NORAM Engineering and Constructors Ltd.


Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

February 2008

Emerging Technologies

Technology Summary
Integrated fixed-Film Activated Sludge (IFAS) Systems


This treatment process aims at increasing the biomass Innovative. in the system without increasing the footprint of the tank to achieve higher rates of degradation.

State of Development:


The IFAS hybrid processes include any activated sludge system that has some type of fixed/film media in a suspended growth reactor to increase the amount of biomass available for treatment. The type of media varies in the different IFAS systems, which are usually rope, sponge, or plastic carrier. The IFAS systems can be retrofitted into existing activated sludge systems. There are two major types of IFAS: (1) Submerged Mobile Media IFAS and (2) Submerged Fixed Media IFAS. The AGAR (Attached Growth Airlift Reactor) process from Siemens is a fixed-film moving-bed process using thousands of special suspended biomass carriers designed to create an enormous total surface area for biofilm growth. The process uses the following features: (1) airlift-driven risers and down-comers for a unique mixing pattern; (2) non-clogging wedge-wire screens to retain the biomass carriers in the reactor; (3) biomass carriers suspended in the aerobic zones of the reactor; (4) partitions to create staged cascading reactors; (5) a mechanically mixed denitrification reactor; and (6) an aerobic reactor filled with biomass carriers. The carriers are small perforated media typically 2-cm diameter or less and made of rigid material designed to be resistant to stress or damage. The Captor process was tested at full-scale operation for three years at the Moundsville/Glen Dale WWTP at 2.3 MGD. The results of that test are published in the Water Science and Technology (see Data Sources). Captor uses polyurethane foam media added to the activated-sludge process, raising the equivalent MLSS concentration. It was designed as a separate front portion of the activated-sludge process, with one third of the total HRT of the activated-sludge process. LINPOR is an activated sludge process and it was developed by Linde AG in the mid-1970s. It was commercially introduced in Europe during the early 1980s. LINPOR uses a suspended porous plastic foam media, in combination with a freely suspended biomass portion, which allows substantially higher total biomass concentrations to be effectively maintained in the biological reactor. Equipment specific to the LINPOR system typically includes the carrier media, the screens, screen-air system, media airlift pump hoods and piping, air blowers and fine bubble diffusers, internal mixed-liquor recycle pumps, and anoxic zone mixers. Based on extensive full-scale operations, LINPOR systems have demonstrated the capability to substantially increase the treatment capacity of existing wastewater treatment facilities while solving biomass settleability and effluent quality problems. The CLEARTEC system uses textile material arranged as sheets within a rigid frame as the fixed media. The fixed bed is made of polyethylene and presents itself as a mass of hollow tubes, each with a diameter of about 5 cm. Depending on the dissolved charge in the wastewater (chemical oxygen demand and/or biological oxygen demand [COD/BOD]) the openings of the fixed bed can vary and are expressed in square meters of solid support per cubic meter of fixed bed. This factor can range from 150 to 200 m2/m3 and, if necessary, 300 m2/m3 of fixed bed. The wastewater flows in cascades through the individual modules of the bioreactor and the contaminants are mineralized by the immobilized biomass.



Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management


Emerging Technologies

February 2008

Technology Summary
Integrated fixed-Film Activated Sludge (IFAS) Systems (Contd) AccuWeb uses fixed media modules. The standard modules include AccuWeb fabric media assembled on structural frames with media supports and tensioning rods. The media is fabric mesh with small hexagonal openings of less than 2-cm diameter. The modules can be assembled in various dimensions to meet aeration basin size and joined for various capacities. AccuWeb was tested in a full-scale demonstration at the City of Greensboro, NC, in 1997. See the WERF 2000 publication entitled Collection and Treatment Processes Investigation of Hybrid Systems for Enhanced Nutrient Control. BioMatrix is similar to RINGLACE (see below) in that it is a looped cord media product in multisided shapes (RINGLACE uses rings and loops in lace-like shapes). The concept is to hang this rope-like medium attached to metal brackets mounted into an overall metal frame. The frames are modular and are immersed in the aerobic zone of a bioreactor. The media is fabricated from polyvinyl chloridine (PVC) filaments woven into rope-like strands with protruding (5-mm) loops. This provides surfaces on which microorganisms can grow and effectively increase the SRT of an activated-sludge system. Trade names include RINGLACE and BioMatrix. Initially used in Japan and Germany, the technology was first applied in the United States in Annapolis, MD, in the early 1990s. It has since seen considerable research and development in the northeastern United States and southern Ontario, Canada. HYBAS hybrid process is ideal in upgrading municipal treatment plants for nutrient removal. The HYBAS process needs less space because smaller tank volumes can be used because the biocarriers augment the overall amount of biomass in the activated sludge tank. The HYBAS process has in fact two separate biomasses: one with low sludge age (activated-sludge flocs), and one with high-sludge age (suspended biofilm). The HYBAS process can maintain a high overall biomass concentration with low loadings to the sedimentation basins. Even if the activated sludge is inhibited due to an influent toxicity event, nitrification will recover more quickly. BioWeb was designed to optimize process considerations and remove integrity concerns. The BioWeb structure is extremely strong due to its interlocking honeycomb design with a break strength in excess of 1,000 pounds per square foot. It uses a proprietary knitting process that is self-tensioning during installation and prevents fraying and unraveling even if cut. It comes in manufactured-to-order continuous rolls that allow for simple frame designs and installation. It provides for excellent substrate and oxygen distribution and diffusion. RINGLACE is a flexible-strand medium formed as a linear laced material to support attached biomass. The medium can be attached to various frames to fit within specific aeration basin dimensions. RINGLACE biomedium was developed in Japan in the 1970s and became available in the United States in 1990. Ringlace Products, Inc., has been the exclusive distributor for the Americas since 1992. They claim over 400 RINGLACE installations worldwide.


Comparison to Established Technologies:

The advantage of IFAS over a conventional activated-sludge plant is that IFAS allows significant expansion without additional aeration basins, which is effective for Biological Nutrient Removal (BNR). The IFAS system also has increased resilience to shock loads and significantly increases capacity of existing clarifiers. The higher total biomass concentration of IFAS processes allows higher reactor volumetric organic loadings at biomass loadings, which is similar to the conventional air-activatedsludge process, and produces a treated effluent quality equal to or better than the conventional activated-sludge process.

Available Cost Information:

Approximate Capital Cost: Approximate O&M Costs:

$0.10 to $0.60 per gallon/day of plant capacity (Hydroxyl). $0.30 to $0.50 per gallon treated (AGAR). $300,000/MBD (LINPOR). Cost range depends on wastewater treatment process required, but it is similar to activated sludge process.


Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

February 2008

Emerging Technologies

Technology Summary
Integrated fixed-Film Activated Sludge Systems (IFAS) (Contd)

Vendor Name(s):

AGAR US Filter, Zimpro Products 301 W. Military Rd. Rothschild, WI Telephone: 715-355-3206 Email: carrolj@usfilter.com CLEARTEC EIMCO Water Technologies 2850 S. Decker Lake Drive Salt Lake City, UT 84119-2300 Telephone: 801-526-2111 Email: info.ewt@glv.com or jeff.mcbride@eimcowater.com LINPOR and AccuWeb Mixing and Mass Transfer Technologies 583 Greenhaven Road Pawcatuck, CT 06379 Telephone: 860-599-5381 Web site: http://m2ttech.com/index.asp AccuWeb Brentwood Industries 610 Morgantown Road, Reading, PA 19611 Telephone: 610-374-5109 Fax: 610-376-6022 Web site: www.brentw.com HYBASTM AnoxKaldnes Inc. 260 West Exchange Street Suite 301 Providence, RI, 02903 Telephone: 401-270-3898 Email: usa@anoxkaldnes.com BioWebTM Entex Technologies, Inc. 1829 E. Franklin Street, Suite 600 Chapel Hill, NC Telephone: 919-619-8862 E-mail: wayne.flournoy@entexinc.com RINGLACE Ringlace Products, Inc. P.O. Box 301157 Portland, OR 97294 Telephone: 503-618-0313 Fax: 503-771-9649 General Information: info@ringlace.com


Lakeview Wastewater Treatment Facility Region of Peel Ontario, Canada 3.7 MGD HYDROXYL-iFAS North Buffalo Wastewater Treatment Plant P.O. Box 3136 Greensboro, NC 27402 Telephone: 336-373-2055 Fax: 336-412-6305 Westerly, RI City of Broomfield, CO

Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management


Emerging Technologies

February 2008

Technology Summary
Integrated fixed-Film Activated Sludge Systems (IFAS) (Contd)

Vendor Name(s) (Contd):

HYDROXYL-PAC Media Hydroxyl Systems, Inc. 1100th Main Road Westport, MA 02747 Telephone: 508-636-9289 Email: dturner@hydroxyl.com

Key Words for Internet Search: Data Sources:

IFAS, activated sludge, wastewater treatment, fixed film, Cleartec , LINPOR, Hydroxyl-PAC, BioWeb, AGAR Captor process, Water Science and Technology, Vol. 29, 1011, pp 175181, IWA publishing, 1994. WERF Report, Collection and Treatment Processes Investigation of Hybrid Systems for Enhanced Nutrient Control, Final Report, 2000. Communications with vendor contacts, including emails, web site, and telephone conversations.

Porous plastic foam cubes used as biomass carriers in LINPOR process.


Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

February 2008

Emerging Technologies

Technology Summary
Membrane BioReactor (MBR)


Treatment by filtration of biomass for high-quality effluent Innovative. Various modules are being developed and improved. in a smaller footprint. Some of the membrane modules are innovative while some modules are in established markets.

State of Development:


An MBR is a biological reactor that uses membranes for solid-liquid separation instead of conventional clarifiers. In an MBR the fine pores of membranes are used to filter water from the Mixed Liquor Suspended Solids (MLSS) process. This filtered water (permeate) leaves as secondary effluent while solids remain in the reactor as MLSS with some solids periodically withdrawn as waste solids. Using membranes instead of clarifiers enables an activated sludge system with high MLSS concentrations, thereby reducing the required bioreactor volume for a desired Solids Retention Time (SRT). MBR systems can operate with MLSS concentrations at 20,000 mg/L or higher. High SRTs allow the development of slow-growing microorganisms such as nitrifiers. Membranes used in MBRs are comprised of two basic materials: (1) organic polymers and (2) inorganic materials such as ceramics. Organic polymer-based membranes are most widely used for municipal wastewater treatment and are formed from either modified natural cellulose acetate materials or synthetic materials. The membranes are modular units. The modules are of the following types: tubular, hollow-fiber, spiral-wound, plate-and-frame, and pleated cartridge filters, depending on the desired application. Some MBR systems are designed for membranes, immersed in the reactors. Other applications locate the membranes in a separate stage or compartment. Any of the previously listed types of membranes can be used in either application. Membrane fouling is the systematic accumulation of suspended solids, colloids, precipitates, and macromolecules on the membrane surface or inside the pores, causing a reduction in membrane permeability. Commonly used strategies to control fouling includes chemical washing and cleaning as well as air-scour and permeate back-pulsing to prevent cake-layer formation.

Comparison to Established Technologies:

The advantages of MBR systems over conventional biological systems include better effluent quality, smaller space requirements, and less sludge generation. Since the MBR acts as a filter and it separates water from the MLSS, it can achieve TSS less than 1.0 mg/L and BOD less than 1.5 mg/L. MBRs offer a small footprint; therefore, it is an excellent option for expanding existing plants with very limited space. MBR systems provide operational flexibility with respect to flow rates and the ability to readily add or subtract modular units as necessary. However, immersed membranes typically require that water be maintained a a reasonably constant level so that they remain wet. Throughput limits are required by the physical properties of the membrane resulting in the fact that peak design flows should be no more than 1.5 to 2 times the average design flow. MBRs have been used with Biological Nutrient Removal (BNR) systems and can achieve total nitrogen levels below 4.0 mg/L and total phosphorus levels less than 0.5 mg/L.

Available Cost Information:

Approximate Capital Cost: Approximate O&M Costs:

Capital costs vary with the size of plant as the economy of scale applies ($6 million/MGD for 4 MGD and $3.2 million/MGD for 12 MGD plant). Operating costs are mainly attributed to power due to high mixed liquor concentration in the reactor and membrane cleaning costs ($1.23/1,000 gal).

Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management


Emerging Technologies

February 2008

Technology Summary
Membrane BioReactor (MBR) (Contd)

Vendor Name(s):

Enviroquip, Inc. 2404 Rutland Drive, Suite 200 Austin, TX Telephone: 512-834-6019 Email: dennis.livingston@enviroquip.com Web site: http://www.enviroquip.com/ US Filter/MEMCOR 4116 Sorrento Valley Blvd. San Diego, CA 92121 Zenon Environmental Services, Inc. 3239 Dundas Street West Oakville, Ontario, Canada Telephone: 905-465-3030 Fax: 905-465-3050 Email: rsccott@zenon.com Web site: http://www.zenon.com/ Mitsubishi International Corporation 333 South Hope Street West, Suite 2500 Los Angeles, CA 90071 Telephone: 213-687-2853 Fax: 213-626-3739 Email: lei.ge@mitsubishicorp.com Infilco Degremont Inc., P.O. Box 71390 Richmond, VA 23255-1390 8007 Discovery Drive Richmond, VA 23229-8605 Telephone: 804-756-7600 Fax: 804-756-7643 Web site: http://www.infilcodegremont.com/index.html eppel Seghers Engineering Singapore Pte Ltd./ Toray 31 Shipyard Road Singapore 628130 Telephone: 32-0-3-880-7704 Fax: 32-0-3-880-7749 Web site: www.keppelsegners.com Huber Technoogy Inc. 9805 North Cross Center Court, Suite H Huntersville, NC 28078 Telephone: 704-949-1010 Fax: 704-949-1020 Web site: www.hubertechnology.com


Chino Valley, AZ Pumpkinvine, GA Hamptons, GA Hyrum City, UT Traverse City WWTP 17 MGD, Grand Traverse County, MI Hampton Creek WWTP 1.0 MGD, 5235 Hampton Golf Club Drive, Hampton, GA Stevens Pass WWTP 0.21 MGD Cauley Creek 5.0 MGD, 7225 Bell Road, Duluth, GA 30097 Broad Run Water Reclamation Facility, Loudoun County Sanitation District, Ashburn,VA Telephone:571-223-3855 Fax: 571-223-3866


Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

February 2008

Emerging Technologies

Technology Summary
Membrane BioReactor (MBR) (Contd)

Key Words for Internet Search: Data Sources:

Membrane bioreactor, wastewater, tubular, hollow-fiber, spiral wounds, plate and frame, pleated cartridge filters

Metcalf and Eddy, Wastewater Engineering Treatment and Reuse, 4th Edition, 2003. Web site data sources are as follows: http://www.werf.org/products/MembraneTool/home/ http://www.zenon.com/ http://www.enviroquip.com/ http://www.infilcodegremont.com/index.html

Picture of MBR Installations

Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management


Emerging Technologies

February 2008

Technology Summary
Membrane BioReactor (MBR) (Contd)

MBR Plate and Frame Modules Pictures courtesy of Enviroquip, Inc. and Zenon Environmental Services, Inc.

5-mgd Hollow Fiber Plant


Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

February 2008

Emerging Technologies

Technology Summary
Membrane BioReactor (MBR) (Contd) Immersed Membrane Suppliers Zenon Environmental Services, Inc. Kubota (Enviroquip, Inc.) Mitsubishi International Corporation (GE Water) US Filter/MEMCOR Seghers Keppel/Toray Huber Technology

Hollow Fiber MBR

Flat Sheet Plant

Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management


Emerging Technologies

February 2008

Technology Summary
Membrane BioReactor (MBR) (Contd) Common MBR Characteristics Modular assemblies: Multiple parallel units Scouring air: Prevent solids deposition Fine screen pretreatment: 2 mm max solids Filterable sludge: DO > 0 and SRT > 12 days High recirculation Rates: Return > 4 x Influent flow Periodic relaxation: 1 min no flow every 10 Periodic backflush: Weekly/monthly with NaOCl Periodic chemical clean: Semiannual/annual MBR Design Considerations Membrane design flux: Avg, max, and peak Flow equalization: Inline or offline Target MLSS range: SRT > 12 days Hydraulic retention time (HRT): Adequate to avoid short circuit Air scour requirement: Low O2 transfer Supplemental aeration: DO > 1 mg/L MBR Dentrification: Supplemental air reduction Hollow Fiber versus Flat Sheet Hollow Fiber Design flux: 8 to 12 gal/ft2 x d avg, 20 to 28 gal/ft2 x d max, <36 gal/ft2 x d peak Target MLSS: 10,000 to 15,000 mg/L Scouring air: 0.013 to 0.016 cfm/ft2 Piping: Above liquid, top access Trans Membrane Pressure (TMP) differential: 5 to 16 ft forward, 100 ft back Flat Sheet Design flux: 12 to 16 gal/ft2 x d avg, 24 to 32 gal/ft2 x d max, <40 gal/ft2 x d peak Target MLSS: 15,000 to 20,000 mg/L Scouring air: 0.028 to 0.030 cfm/ft2 Piping: Submerged, piping gallery


Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

February 2008

Emerging Technologies

Technology Summary
Mobile-Bed Reactor Technology (MBRT) Process


BOD removal, nitrification and denitrification


State of Development:


The MBRT process consists of small cylindrical polyethylene carrier elements in aerated or nonaerated basins for biofilm growth. The mixers in the system continuously keep the elements circulated. A final clarifier is used to settle out the sloughed solids. The process is defined as a hybrid system as it can be easily retrofitted into existing activated-sludge basins. While similar to IFAS systems, this technology is different because the process does not include an activated-sludge return. KaldnesHYBASTM/ActiveCellTM, Hyrdoxyl-F3R, GeoReactor systems are examples of the MBRT process. The moving-bed biofilm process combines the technologies of activated-sludge processes and biofilm processes. The moving-bed biofilm process is frequently used for upgrading an existing plant, especially when space is an issue, because of the retrofit aspects of this technology. High-rate biofilm systems, such as the ones listed, are highly efficient in removing the soluble organic and nitrogen loads.

Comparison to Established Technologies:

MBRTs do not recycle activated sludge in the reactor. The media in a reactor are constantly moving to provide better aeration.

Available Cost Information:

Approximate Capital Cost: Approximate O&M Costs:

Not disclosed by vendor. Not disclosed by vendor. AnoxKaldnes-HYBASTM Broomfield Wastewater Reclamation 2985 West 124th Avenue Broomfield, CO 80020 HYDROXYL-iMBRTM City of Moorehead, MN

Vendor Name(s):

Kaldnes MBBR Kaldnes North America Inc. 58 Weybosset Street, 4th Floor Providence, RI 02903 Telephone: 401-270-3898 Fax: 401-270-3908 Email: chj@anoxkaldnes.com Web site: http://www.kaldness.com Parkson Corporation 2727 NW 62nd Street P.O. Box 408399 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309-8399 Telephone: 800-553-5419 or 954-974-6610 Fax: 954-974-6182 Web site: http://www.parkson.com Hydroxyl Systems Inc. 1100 S. Main Road Westport, MA 02790 Telephone: 508-636-9289 Fax: 508-636-7823 Web site: http://www.hydroxyl.com/index.php


Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management


Emerging Technologies

February 2008

Technology Summary
Mobile-Bed Reactor Technology (MBRT) Process (Contd)

Key Words for Internet Search: Data Sources:

Mobile-bed reactor, MBR, MBRT, wastewater, biofilm, activated sludge Metcalf and Eddy, Wastewater Engineering Treatment and Reuse, 4th Edition, 2003. http://www.hydroxyl.com/ WERF Report, Collection and Treatment Processes Investigation of Hybrid Systems for Enhanced Nutrient Control, Final Report, 2000. http://www.kaldnes.com/process.html


Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

February 2008

Emerging Technologies

Technology Summary
Bardenpho (Three Stage) with Returned Activated Sludge (RAS) Denitrification


Enhanced removal of phosphorus and nitrogen from Innovative Use of Established Technology. wastewater.

State of Development:


The Three-Stage Bardenpho with Returned Activated Sludge (RAS) denitrification provides phosphate and nitrogen removal efficiently. First, RAS is subjected to an anoxic stage to remove nitrates. While a fraction of the influent wastewater is sent to the anoxic reactor, the remaining portion is fed to the anaerobic reactor directly. There is also an internal recycle from the oxic reactor to the second-stage anoxic reactor.

Comparison to Established Technologies:

In the basic Three-Stage Bardenpho process, the oxic reactor is in tandem with the anaerobic and anoxic reactors. RAS is returned to the anaerobic reactor and there is an internal recirculation from the oxic reactor to the anoxic reactor. The ThreeStage Bardenpho with RAS denitrification process includes the anaerobic reactor sandwiched between the two anoxic reactors, with the oxic reactor downstream of the three stages.

Available Cost Information:

Approximate Capital and O&M Costs: Cost estimates are dependent upon local requirements and specific application and economy of scale applies. For example, uniform annual cost of a 100,000 GPD plant is estimated about $272,075 based on an interest rate of 6% for a 20-year period.

Vendor Name(s):


Used in Kelowna WWTP, British Columbia, Canada

Key Words for Internet Search: Data Sources:

Modified Bardenpho, three-stage RAS denitrification Design and Retrofit of Wastewater Treatment Plants for Biological Nutrient Removal, Water Quality Management Library, Volume 5, Second Edition, 1998. Principles and Practice of Nutrient Removal from Municipal Wastewater, Lewis Publishers, Second Edition, 1991.
Inuent Internal Recycle Clarier Anaerobic Anoxic Anoxic Euent Oxic

Returned Activated Sludge Waste Sludge


Process Flow Diagram for Three-Stage Bardenpho with RAS Denitrification Process

Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management


Emerging Technologies

February 2008

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Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

February 2008

Emerging Technologies

Technology Summary
Biological-Chemical Phosphorus and Nitrogen Removal (BCFS) Process


Enhanced nutrient removal (nitrogen and phosphorus).

Innovative Use of Established Technology.

State of Development:


The BCFS process has been developed to achieve low-nutrient effluent concentrations at relatively low Biochemical Oxygen Demand Ratio to Nitrogen (BOD/N) and Biochemical Oxygen Demand Ratio to Phosphorus (BOD/P) ratios in the influent. The process design is based on the University of Cape Town (UCT) process. In the process, the return sludge is introduced at the start of the anoxic zone to prevent the presence of nitrate in the anaerobic zone. Mixed liquor is recirculated from the end of the anoxic zone to the anaerobic zone. At the end of the anoxic zone, most of the nitrate is removed. In the anoxic zone, the phosphorus is taken up by phosphate-accumulating bacteria in the activated sludge. The anoxic phosphorus uptake results in a lower energy and BOD demand as well as lower sludge production. Because of the different microorganisms involved in phosphorus and nitrogen removal, the retention times for both removal processes are different. For maximum nitrification and availability of COD for denitrification a long sludge-retention time is necessary. For biological phosphorus removal, usually shorter retention times are advantageous. In the BCFS process, long sludge-retention times that are favorable for the removal of nitrogen are preferred.

Comparison to Established Technologies:

The BCFS process achieves removal rates for BOD, nutrients, and suspended solids similar to other process designs based on the activated-sludge concept. With the BCFS process configuration, a stable and reliable operation is possible. It has been demonstrated that the biological phosphorus removal capacity is usually sufficient to comply with effluent standards. The settling characteristics of the activated sludge can be enhanced by implementing the BCFS process design. The compartmentalization of the process allows low and stable sludge volume index (SVI) to be achieved. At the Holten WWTP, SVI is reduced from 150 to 80 mL/mg. Chemical phosphorus removal is limited by kinetic factors as well as stoichiometric factors, and excessive inorganic precipitant requirements need to be reduced.

Available Cost Information:

Approximate Capital Cost: Approximate O&M Costs:

The capital costs for the implementation of a BCFS process in case of upgrading depend on the availability of existing tanks and equipment as well as local requirements and specific application. Actual costs are not disclosed. Not disclosed.

Vendor Name(s):


Holten WWTP, The Netherlands

Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management


Emerging Technologies

February 2008

Technology Summary
Biological-Chemical Phosphorus and Nitrogen Removal (BCFS) Process (Contd)

Key Words for Internet Search:

BCFS, nitrogen phosphorus nutrient removal

Data Sources:

Technical University of Delft,The Netherlands. Waterboard Groot Salland, The Netherlands.

Internal Recycle Clarier Anaerobic Anoxic Anoxic Inuent Anoxic/ Anaerobic Euent Oxic

Returned Activated Sludge Waste Sludge


Process Flow Diagram for BCFS Process


Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

February 2008

Emerging Technologies

Technology Summary
Modified University of Cape Town (MUCT) Process


Enhanced removal of phosphorus and nitrogen Innovative Use of Established Technology. from wastewater.

State of Development:


The Modified University of Cape Town (MUCT) process provides efficient nitrogen removal by sending the RAS to the anoxic zone. The anaerobic reactor, is located upstream of two anoxic reactors. RAS is subjected to the first anoxic reactor stage. There is an internal recycle from the first anoxic reactor to the anaerobic reactor, and another internal recycle from the oxic reactor to the second anoxic reactor.

Comparison to Established Technologies:

The MUCT process is different from the UCT process. MUCT includes two anoxic stages in series. Influent wastewater is fed to the anaerobic reactor, which is located upstream of the anoxic reactors. RAS is returned to the first anoxic reactor. There is an internal recirculation from the first anoxic reactor to the anaerobic reactor. Removal of nitrogen in the aeration basin may vary from 40 to 100 percent and the effluent nitrate should be sufficiently low so as not to interfere with the anaerobic contact zone. Plug flow configuration of the aeration basin allows the anoxic zones in the first section of the plant to be low, while the endogenous oxygen demand at the end of the aeration basin and the DO level will increase to allow for the required nitrification and phosphate uptake. Nitrates not removed in the aeration basin will be recycled to the anoxic zone. Therefore, efficient overall nitrogen removal is achieved more economically.

Available Cost Information:

Approximate Capital and O&M Costs: Cost estimates are dependent upon local requirements and specific application and economy of scale applies. For example, uniform annual cost of a 100,000 GPD plant is estimated to be about $272,075 based on an interest rate of 6 percent for a 20-year period.

Vendor Name(s):


King County South AWTP, WA

Key Words for Internet Search:

Modified UCT process, RAS anaerobic reactor

Data Sources:

Design and Retrofit of Wastewater Treatment Plants for Biological Nutrient Removal, Water Quality Management Library, Volume 5, Second Edition, 1998. Principles and Practice of Nutrient Removal from Municipal Wastewater, Lewis Publishers, Second Edition, 1991.

Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management


Emerging Technologies

February 2008

Technology Summary
Modified University of Cape Town (MUCT) Process (Contd)
Internal Recycle Internal Recycle Clarier Anoxic Anoxic Inuent Anaerobic Euent Oxic

Returned Activated Sludge Waste Sludge


Process Flow Diagram for Modified UCT Process


Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

February 2008

Emerging Technologies

Technology Summary
Modified Anaerobic/Oxic (A/O) Process


Enhanced removal of phosphorus and nitrogen Innovative Use of Established Technology. from wastewater.

State of Development:


The modified A/O process provides phosphate and nitrogen removal. If nitrification is not required and the temperatures are not high, the simple two-stage, high-rate A/O process may be sufficient. However, with higher temperatures some nitrate formation can not be avoided. Therefore, RAS should be subjected to an anoxic stage to remove nitrates before mixing it with the influent wastewater.

Comparison to Established Technologies:

The simple high-rate A/O process uses an anaerobic reactor upstream of the oxic reactor. RAS is returned to the anaerobic reactor. The modified A/O process, however, includes an anoxic reactor downstream of the anaerobic reactor where only RAS is recycled. Influent wastewater is directly sent to the anaerobic reactor for phosphorus removal. There is an internal recirculation from the anoxic reactor to the anaerobic reactor.

Available Cost Information:

Approximate Capital Cost: Approximate O&M Costs:

Cost estimates are dependent upon local requirements and specific application and economy of scale applies. For example, uniform annual cost of a 100,000 GPD plant is estimated about $244,000 based on an interest rate of 6 percent for a 20-year period. Unknown.

Vendor Name(s):

Fayetteville AWTP, AR

Key Words for Internet Search:

High-rate A/O with RAS dentrification

Data Sources:

Design and Retrofit of Wastewater Treatment Plants for Biological Nutrient Removal, Water Quality Management Library, Volume 5, Second Edition, 1998. Principles and Practice of Nutrient Removal from Municipal Wastewater, Lewis Publishers, Second Edition, 1991.

Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management


Emerging Technologies

February 2008

Technology Summary
Modified Anaerobic/Oxic (A/O) Process (Contd)
In uent Internal Recycle Clari er Anaerobic Anoxic E uent Oxic

Returned Activated Sludge Waste Sludge


Process Flow Diagram for Modified Anaerobic/Oxic (A/O) Process


Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

February 2008

Emerging Technologies

Technology Summary
Trickling Filter/Solids Contactor (TF/SC)


Organics and nitrogen removal.

Innovative Use of Established Technology.

State of Development:


The TF/SC is comprised of a trickling filter, aerated-solids contact tanks, and a flocculation clarifier with RAS recycled back to the solids contact tanks. Final clarification of TF effluent is required. A portion of this treated effluent is recirculated for media wetting. This is a hybrid system that combines the low-energy consumption and simple operation of a trickling filter with the excellent settling characteristics of a suspended growth system. The benefits include organic removal and nitrification through the TF and superior solids flocculation and settling in the aeration component. The aeration component is referred to as solids contact tank since its retention time is relatively short (30 minutes or less). There are many important design considerations for the TF/SC process, including periodic media flushing, solids contact operation, flocculating clarifier design, and reduced hydraulic gradeline and floc disruption to the solids contactor.

Comparison to Established Technologies:

A number of advances have occurred since the introduction of the trickling filter that makes it a potential candidate for a secondary facility with the increasingly stringent effluent requirements. These advances include the development of better media and the discovery of new combined processes. The development of new media including vertical filter media, horizontal filter media, random media, and cross-flow media has increased the void area available compared to rock media. These new types of media provide increased air circulation, higher specific surface area for biological growth, and the ability to slough off growth without plugging.

Available Cost Information:

Approximate Capital Cost: Approximate O&M Costs: N/A

Dependent upon local requirements and specific application. Not available.

Vendor Name(s): Key Words for Internet Search:

Trickling Filter/Solids Contactor


Annacis Island WWTP, Vancouver, Canada

Data Sources:

Brookville Water Pollution Control Centre Upgrade, Class Environmental Assessment Report, Simcoe Engineering Group Limited, December 2004. Metcalf and Eddy, Wastewater Engineering Treatment and Reuse, 4th Edition, 2003.

Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management


Emerging Technologies

February 2008

Technology Summary
Trickling Filter/Solids Contactor (TF/SC) (Contd)
Primary Euent

Trickling Filter

Euent Recycle

TF Euent Sludge Aeration Clarier Euent


Air Blower

Returned Activated Sludge Waste Sludge


Process Flow Diagram for TF/SC Process


Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

February 2008

Emerging Technologies

Technology Summary
Aerobic Granular Sludge Process (AGSP)


The AGSP has the ability to provide comparable Embryonic. treatment efficiency to conventional activated sludge at lower costs with the compact aerobic granular sludge technology.

State of Development:


It has been demonstrated that granular sludge has improved settling characteristics facilitating efficient solid-liquid separation. With high biomass retention and biological activity, a granular sludge reactor can be operated at high-volume loading rates. The AGSP reactor is operated as a sequenced batch reactor (SBR), which is necessary to achieve process conditions for the formation of aerobic granular sludge. Similar to conventional applications of the SBR concept, one treatment cycle in the AGSP reactor has four well-defined phases. These are filling, mixing/aerating, settling, and decanting. Batch feeding of the reactor induces a high-substrate concentration at the beginning of a treatment cycle. Due to a high concentration gradient, substrate can diffuse deeply into the granules preventing starvation of bacteria within the granules. With insufficient feeding (diffusion gradient), the bacteria at the center of the granules will be starved and weakened which eventually leads to the disintegration of the granules. In general, the size of the granules will increase until the formation of stable granules is limited by substrate diffusion. Less stable granules are susceptible to shear forces and will be reduced in size or disintegrate. Weakened biomass in the granule center will also decrease the granule density and inhibit settling processes, causing washout. Thus, a dynamic equilibrium will eventually be reached between substrate concentration and the average diameter of granules. It has been observed that high-shear forces under turbulent flow conditions give selective advantage to the formation of stable granules. Research has shown that nitrogen removal rates of more than 80 percent seem feasible. While nitrification takes place in the outer, aerobic layer of the granules, denitrification will occur in the anoxic core of the granules with the necessary carbon source being supplied by substrate diffused into the granules.

Comparison to Established Technologies:

In the past, granular sludge was used as part of anaerobic treatment process design concepts. However, recent research has shown that granular sludge can also be obtained under aerobic process conditions. Unlike bacteria found in anaerobic granular sludge, aerobic bacteria, in general, do not naturally form granules. In order to achieve granulation under aerobic process conditions, short-settling times are used to introduce a strong selective advantage for well-settling sludge granules. Poor-settling biomass will be washed out under these conditions. Accordingly, appropriate settling and decanting times in each treatment cycle are chosen. In pilot trials, the AGSP reactor is operated at settling times that correspond to average settling velocities of about 10 to 15 mph. These relatively high settling velocities allow high-volume loadings of the reactor resulting in a compact reactor design. Further development of the aerobic granular-sludge technology may result in the design of compact secondary and tertiary treatment units with small footprints, thereby providing cost savings because of reduced space requirements.

Available Cost Information:

Approximate Capital Cost: Approximate O&M Costs: Not available. Not available.

Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management


Emerging Technologies

February 2008

Technology Summary
Aerobic Granular Sludge Process (AGSP) (Contd)

Vendor Name(s):

Delft University of Technology Department of Biotechnology Environmental Biotechnology Group Delft, The Netherlands Telephone: 31-15-278-1551 Email: m.dekreuk@tnw.tudelft.nl Web site: www.bt.tudelft.nl


There are no installations in the United States.

Key Words for Internet Search: Data Sources:

Aerobic granular sludge, aerobic granular reactor technology

De Kreuk, M. K. and M. C. M. Van Loosdrecht, Selection of Slow Growing Organisms as a Means for Improving Aerobic Granular Sludge Stability, Water Science Technology, 49, pp. 1112 and 919, 2004. Etterer, T. and P. A. Wilderer, Generation and Properties of Aerobic Granular Sludge, Water Science Technology, pp. 343, 2001. Morgenroth, E., T. Sherden, M. C. M. Van Loosdrecht, J. J. Heijnen, and P. A. Wilderer, Aerobic Granular Sludge in a Sequencing Batch Reactor, Water Resources, Vol. 31, No. 12, 1997.


Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

February 2008

Emerging Technologies

Technology Summary
ANaerobic Membrane BioReactor (AN-MBR)


Anaerobic treatment by filtration of biomass for high- Embryonic. quality effluent in a smaller footprint.

State of Development:


An AN-MBR is similar to an MBR facility except that the biological processes are done in anaerobic reactions. In the AN-MBR process, the mixed liquor of the anaerobic reactor passes through membranes for liquid-solids separation. The membranes can be internal, submerged modules or located in an external tank. Different types of membrane material can foul at different rates due to struvite formation and other factors. Review of recent information indicates that AN-MBR systems may be able to achieve treatment levels comparable to conventional activated sludge processes under moderate temperature conditions. Economics may favor an AN-MBR system located upstream of an existing wastewater treatment plant. The idea is to withdraw and pre-treat some of the incoming wastewater and reduce the organic loadings into the existing plant.

Comparison to Established Technologies:

Conditions in an AN-MBR are ideal for the formation of struvite, which is reported to contribute significantly to the fouling of membranes. Membrane materials, used for anaerobic applications, have hydrophobic characteristics that cause lower permeate flux than in aerobic applications. The production of biogas with a high content of methane provides an additional benefit with about 22 to 26 megajoules (MJ) of energy per cubic meters depending on the carbon dioxide content. Gas in the headspace of an AN-MBR reactor can be used for continuously sparging an internal membrane system.

Available Cost Information:

Approximate Capital Cost: Approximate O&M Costs: Not available. Not available.

Vendor Name(s):

Enviroquip, Inc. 2404 Rutland Drive, Suite 200 Austin, TX 78758 Telephone: 512-834-6019 Web site: http://www.enviroquip.com/ US Filter/MEMCOR 4116 Sorrento Valley Blvd. San Diego, CA 92121 Zenon Environmental Services, Inc. 3239 Dundas Street West Oakville, Ontario, Canada Telephone: 905-465-3030 Fax: 905-465-3050 Email: rsccott@zenon.com Web site: http://www.zenon.com/


There are no known large, full-scale AN-MBR systems in operation that treat municipal wastewater.

Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management


Emerging Technologies

February 2008

Technology Summary
ANaerobic Membrane BioReactor (AN-MBR) (Contd)

Vendor Name(s) (Contd):

Infilco Degremont Inc. P.O. Box 71390 Richmond, VA 23255-1390 8007 Discovery Drive Richmond, VA 23229-8605 Telephone: 804-756-7600 Fax: 804-756-7643 Web site: http://www.infilcodegremont.com/index.html

Key Words for Internet Search: Data Sources:

ANaerobic Membrane BioReactor, AN-MBR, anaerobic treatment of lower strength wastewaters

Membrane Bioreactors for Anaerobic Treatment of Wastewaters, WERF Project 02-CTS-4 Phase 1 Report, 2004. Membrane Bioreactors for Anaerobic Treatment of Wastewaters, WERF, Phase 2 Report, 2004. Preliminary Investigation of an Anaerobic Membrane Separation Process for Treatment of Low Strength Wastewaters, WERF, 2004.


Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

February 2008

Emerging Technologies

Technology Summary
Anaerobic Migrating Blanket Reactor (AMBR)


Improve wastewater treatment efficiency.

Embryonic. Pilot-scale studies have been performed.

State of Development:


AMBR is an anaerobic system like the AEBR with mixing to maintain sludge in the system. The AMBR is a compartmentalized system where the flow of wastewater is reversed on a regular basis. In this process, the influent feed and the effluent withdrawal point is changed such that the sludge blanket remains uniform in the anaerobic reactor. This helps maintain the sludge in the system without the use of packing or settlers for solids capture. AMBR is an anaerobic system with mixing to maintain sludge in the system without packing and settlers for solids capture. This technology improves process efficiency over conventional activated sludge. It has been applied overseas to treat highstrength food-processing wastewater to demonstrate this efficiency.

Comparison to Established Technologies:

Available Cost Information:

Approximate Capital Cost: Approximate O&M Costs:

Not disclosed by vendor. Not disclosed by vendor.

Vendor Name(s):

Washington University Hilltop Campus Campus Box 1198, One Brooking Drive St. Louis, MO 63130 Telephone: 314-935-5663 Fax: 314-935-5464 Email: angenent@seas.wustl.edu


No installation in the United States at this time.

Key Words for Internet Search: Data Sources:

AMBR, migrating blanket reactors, wastewater treatment

Angenent, Largus T. and Shihwu Sung, Development of Anaerobic Migrating Blanket Reactor (AMBR), A Novel Anaerobic Treatment System, Water Research, Vol. 35, No. 7, pp. 1,7391,747, 2001. Telephone conversation with Lars Angenent, Washington University, St. Louis, MO, August 2004.

Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management


Emerging Technologies

February 2008

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Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

February 2008

Emerging Technologies

Technology Summary
DEamMONification (DEMON)


Biological ammonia removal from high-strength streams Embryonic. Full-scale system was operated in Austria and (e.g., sludge liquors, landfill leachate). Switzerland for 3 years. A full-scale system was also operated in Swizerland for one year (article referenced below). Extensive research pilot-scale studies were performed in the United States (New York and Alexandria) and Europe. Technology is available commercially.

State of Development:


DEamMONication comprises two autotrophic reaction steps: (1) partial nitritation (aerobic oxidation of about 50 percent of ammonia to nitrite); and (2) anaerobic oxidation of residual ammonia by generated nitrite. The DEMON process is operated in a single-sludge SBR system where intermittent aeration is provided. Aeration control is based on the pH-signal that corresponds with the production of intermediate nitrite, and allows an optimum interaction of both process steps.

Comparison to Established Technologies:

DEMON, as an exclusively autotrophic process, requires no organic carbon and substantially less aeration energy as compared to conventional nitrification/denitrification systems. The patented control system provides stable process performance (90 percent ammonia removal) at varying influent loads. Suspended growth biomass of slowly growing anaerobic ammonia oxidizers can be easily transferred from one plant to the other to accelerate startup procedure.

Available Cost Information:

Approximate Capital Cost: Approximate O&M Costs:

Not disclosed by vendor. Not disclosed by vendor.

Vendor Name(s):

Grontmij Nederland BV Infrastructure and Milieu Afdeling Water and Reststoffen Postbus 203, 3730 AE De Bilt Handelsregister 30029428 The Netherlands Telephone: 31-30-220-79-11 Fax: 31-30-220-01-74 Web site: http://www.grontmij.nl/site/nl-ni/ Cyklar-Stulz CH-8737 Gommiswald Rietwiesstrasse 39 Switzerland Email: info@cyklar.ch Web site: http://www/cyklar.ch


Full-scale DEMON systems in Strass, Austria and Glarnerland, Switzerland. Pilot systems are operated by Alexandria Sanitation Authority, Virginia, and by New York City Department of Environmental Protection, New York. There are no full-scale installations in the United States at this time.

Key Words for Internet Search: Data Sources:

Deammonification, DEMON process, sidestream treatment, ammonia Wett, B., Development and Implementation of a Robust Deammonification Process, presentation at the Leading Edge Technologies Conference, Singapore, 2007. Wett, B., S. Murthy, et al., Key Parameters for Control of DEMON Deammonification Process, presentation at the Nutrient Removal Conference in Baltimore, MD, 2007. Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

Emerging Technologies

February 2008

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Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

February 2008

Emerging Technologies

Technology Summary
Hydrogen-based hollow-Fiber Membrane Biofilm Reactor (HFMBfR)


Treatment to remove oxidized contaminants.


State of Development:


The process reactor consists of a hollow-fiber membrane bundle with an inner and outer microporous layer and a nonporous layer sandwiched in between. Hydrogen is introduced inside the fibers, which are sealed on one end to prevent escape and allowed to diffuse through the nonporous layer. The water in contact with the biofilm layer reacts to reduce the contaminant while hydrogen is oxidized. (U.S. Patent 6,387,262) The technology can be used for treating wastewater, groundwater, or drinking water. The process is effective in treating water with contaminants such as perchlorate, nitrates, chlorinated solvents, selenate, bromate, chromate, and radionuclides.

Comparison to Established Technologies:

Not comparable to any established technology.

Available Cost Information:

Approximate Capital Cost: Approximate O&M Costs:

Not disclosed by vendor. Not disclosed by vendor.

Vendor Name(s):

Biodesign Institute Arizona State University 1001 South McAllister Avenue P.O. Box 875701 Tempe, AZ 85287-5701 Telephone: 480-727-0434 Email: rittmann@asu.edu Applied Process Technology, Inc. 3333 Vincent Road, Suite 222 Pleasant Hill, CA 94523 Telephone: 925-977-1811 or 1-888-307-2749 Fax: 925-977-1818 Email: info@aptwater.com Web site: http://www.aptwater.com/


There are no installations in the United States at this time.

Key Words for Internet Search:

HFMBfR, reducing oxidized contaminants

Data Sources:

http://www.aptwater.com http://www.uspto.gov/

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Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

February 2008

Emerging Technologies

Technology Summary
Membrane-Aerated BioReactor (MABR)


Aeration of membranes to enable the treatment of wastewater.

Embryonic. Commercially not available; extensive research is currently being performed in the United States and Europe.

State of Development:


A Membrane-Aerated BioReactor (MABR) uses a gas-permeable membrane for oxygen transfer to wastewater and does not use bubble aeration as used in conventional systems for aeration. The ability to control the contact time between air and wastewater enables high-oxygen transfer efficiencies. The oxygen transfer at the membrane enables microbial colonization at the membrane surface. Oxygen transfer across the membrane increases due to microbial respiration. The biofilm formed on the membrane surface; therefore, the aerobic and anaerobic processes go on at the same time. The MABR can simultaneously remove BOD and nitrogen from the wastewater.

Comparison to Established Technologies:

The MABR, when compared to trickling filter and Membrane BioReactor (MBR), can have lower energy requirements and be a single-reactor treatment process.

Available Cost Information:

Approximate Capital Cost: Approximate O&M Costs:

Not disclosed by vendor. Not disclosed by vendor.

Vendor Name(s):

University of Minnesota Department of Civil Engineering 500 Pillsbury Drive, SE Minneapolis, MN 55455 Telephone: 612-625-9857 Email: semme001@amn.edu


There are no installations in the United States at this time.

Key Words for Internet Search: Data Sources:

Membrane-Aerated BioReactor, MABR, wastewater, gas-permeable membrane

WERF Report, Treatment Processes Membrane Technology: Pilot Studies of Membrane-Aerated Bioreactors, Final Report, 2005.

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Emerging Technologies

Technology Summary
Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC) Based Treatment System


Generate electricity from wastewater treatment.

Embryonic. Not available commercially; however, extensive research underway.

State of Development:


The concept of the system is based on using bacteria in a conductive material in which the bacteria can grow. The microorganisms present in the wastewater oxidize compounds in the wastewater away from oxygen during the process. The electrons gained through oxidation are transferred towards an electrode (anode). The electrons depart through an electrical circuit towards a second electrode (cathode). At the cathode, the electrons are transferred towards a high-potential electron acceptor, preferably oxygen. As current flows over a potential difference, power is generated as a result of bacterial activity. The generation of electricity is based on the respiratory enzymes of the bacteria that span the outer membrane and transfer electrons to materials on the surface of the cell.

Comparison to Established Technologies:

Not comparable to any established technology.

Available Cost Information:

Approximate Capital Cost: Approximate O&M Costs:

Not disclosed by vendor. Not disclosed by vendor.

Vendor Name(s):

Research Projects at various universities including: Pennsylvania State University Hydrogen Energy Center University Park, PA 16802 Telephone: 814-863-7908 Email: blogan@psu.edu Washington University Hilltop Campus Campus Box 1198, One Brooking Drive St. Louis, MO 63130 Telephone: 314-935-5663 Fax: 314-935-5464 Email: angenent@seas.wustl.edu


There are no installations in the United States at this time.

Key Words for Internet Search: Data Sources:

Microbial fuel cell, MFC, wastewater treatment, energy conversion

Logan, B.E., Extracting Hydrogen and Electricity from Renewable Resources, Environmental Science Technology, 38, 160A167A, 2004. Logan, B.F., et al., Microbial Fuel Cells: Methodology and Technology, Environmental Science Technology, 40 (7); 5,181 5,192, 2006. http://www.engr.psu.edu/ce/enve/mfc-logan_files/mfc-logan.htm

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Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

February 2008

Emerging Technologies

Technology Summary
Multi-Stage Activated Biological Process (MSABPTM)


Carbon oxidation, nitrification, and denitrification


State of Development:

The Multi-Stage Activated Biological Process (MSABPTM) is an embryonic method of domestic and industrial wastewater treatment based upon the spatial microorganisms succession and the trophic hydrobiont chains. These spatially segregated trophic microorganism chains provide proper conditions at which bacteria are used as food source sequentially by first primary and then higher level microorganisms in the food chain. Apparently, the spatial microorganism succession provided treatment by aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms maintained at different stages of the biological reactor. There are eight compartments in the biological reactor. The influent wastewater enters the first compartment and travels through the each compartment circulating via the flow pattern created by air diffusers located at the bottom of the tank. Wastewater flow is in a looping pattern so that short circuiting is reduced. Removal of organics and nitrification take place in the first four compartments. Fifth and sixth compartments are anoxic and denitrification occurs in these compartments. Usually 80 percent of the BOD is reduced in these compartments leaving about 20 percent available for nitrification and denitrification processes. The seventh and eighth compartments operate in endogenous phase and digest remaining volatile solids.


Comparison to Established Technologies:

The vendor claims that no waste-activated sludge is generated in this system. Total number of compartments and size are based on the influent wastewater characteristics and treatment goals.

Available Cost Information:

Approximate Capital Cost: Approximate O&M Costs:

Dependent upon local requirements and specific application. Not disclosed by vendor.

Vendor Name(s):

Aquarius Technologies, Inc. 1103 Mineral Springs Drive, Suite 300 Port Washington, WI 53074 Telephone: 262-268-1500 Fax: 262-268-1515 Email: info@aquariustechnologies.com BioScape Technologies, Inc. Tim Bossard, Jack Akin 816 Bennett Avenue Medford, OR 97504 Telephone: 541-858-5774 Fax: 541-858-2771 Email: info@bioscapetechnologies.com


Beijing Eizen Lubao Oil Co., China Johnson and Johnson Ltd., China Salatey Shamir Foods, Israel Pigs grow farm, Spain Marugan WWTP, Spain Delta Textile Factory, Israel Shtrauss Dairy Foods, Israel

Key Words for Internet Search: Data Sources:

Multi-Stage Activated Biological Process, MAB, MSABP, trophic hydrobiont chains

http://www.aquariustechnologies.com/ http://www.bioscapetechnologies.com/index.html

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Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

February 2008

Emerging Technologies

Technology Summary


Treating domestic or industrial wastewater by means of Embryonic. aerobic pellets.

State of Development:


The NeredaTM process is based upon cultivating aerobic bacteria in conditions that cause the bacteria to form an adhesive material that bonds the bacteria into concentrated pellets. The adhesive material and the conditions that produce it are not disclosed by the vendor. Neredas claim is that forming pellets allow large concentrations of bacteria to be contained in less space than conventional activated-sludge bacteria that are more dispersed and less concentrated. The pellets are also easier to settle in clarifiers because of their higher density. Bacteria in the pellets are as capable of decomposing the wastewater as dispersed bacteria in conventional activated sludge; however, the advantages of higher concentrations and better settling may be able to reduce the costs of aeration basins and clarifiers. The pellets may also be less prone to bulking and poor solids settling episodes.

Comparison to Established Technologies:

The NeredaTM process offers important advantages when compared to conventional water purification processes. All the processes can occur in one reactor; therefore, this process eliminates the need for a clarifier. This process needs only a quarter of the space required by conventional installations.

Available Cost Information:

Approximate Capital Cost: Approximate O&M Costs:

Not disclosed by vendor. Not disclosed by vendor.

Vendor Name(s):

Andreas Giesen DHV Water BV P.O. Box 1132 3800 AL Amersfoort The Netherlands Telephone: 0031-33-468-22 00 Fax : 0031-33-468-28 01 Email: andreas.giesen@dhv.nl Web site: http://www.dhv.com


There are no installations in the United States at this time.

Key Words for Internet Search:

NeredaTM, DHV Water BV

Data Sources:
http://www.nereda.net http://www.dhv.com

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Emerging Technologies

February 2008

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Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

February 2008

Emerging Technologies

Technology Summary
SHARON (Single reactor High-activity Ammonia Removal Over Nitrite)


Nitrogen removals from digested-sludge-processing Embryonic. One full-scale application is under construction in recycle flows. Wards Island, New York City, New York. Six facilities are in operation worldwide.

State of Development:


SHARON is a sidestream process that has been developed to remove nitrogen biologically from recycle flows of anaerobically digested solids. The SHARON process takes place in a simple, completely mixed reactor without biomass retention. Compared to the conventional conversion of ammonium via the nitrification/denitrification route, the SHARON process converts ammonia nitrogen to nitrite nitrogen, which is then converted to nitrogen gas. The oxidation of ammonia is stopped at nitrite by creating favorable process conditions for nitrifying bacteria. Further oxidation of the nitrite can be prevented since at higher temperatures the ammonia oxidizers, such as nitrosomonas, grow significantly faster than the nitrite oxidizing bacteria, such as nitrobacter. This is used in the SHARON process design, which is characterized by the absence of sludge retention. By choosing a sufficiently short hydraulic retention time, the slow-growing nitrite oxidizers are washed out of the system and ammonia oxidation is stopped at nitrite. The microbiological activity in the SHARON reactor results in significant heat production, which causes a temperature rise of about 5 to 8 degrees C. Due to high process temperature of between 30 to 40 degrees C, relatively short retention times can be realized. Since the inflowing reject water from dewatering can be expected to be relatively warm, additional heating is only required in winter time. The removal efficiency is strongly dependent on the ammonium influent concentration and the Hydraulic Retention Times (HRTs). Generally the removal efficiency increases with higher influent concentrations and longer HRT. Considerable savings in carbon source and aeration capacity are reported when the SHARON process is compared to the conventional nitrogen conversion within the context of overall nitrogen removal. Based on European data, average nitrogen removal efficiency is in the range of 80 to 90 percent. On average, 70 percent of the nitrogen load is converted via nitrite. The presence of suspended solids is not reported to have influence on the removal efficiencies and operation of the process as it operates without sludge retention. The pH has to be controlled carefully due to high concentrations and the high-reaction rates involved in the process. The bicarbonate in the sludge liquor and the denitrification process compensate the acidifying effect of the nitrification. In the process, the CO2 stripping needs to be sufficient to allow for full use of the bicarbonate. The process is highly dynamic and has to be designed for rapid response.

Comparison to Established Technologies:

Available Cost Information:

Approximate Capital Cost: Approximate O&M Costs:

Not disclosed by vendor. Not disclosed by vendor.

Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management


Emerging Technologies

February 2008

Technology Summary
SHARON (Single Reactor High-activity Ammonia Removal Over Nitrite) (Contd)

Vendor Name(s):

Mixing and Mass Transfer Technologies Southeastern Region 8833 North Congress Ave., Suite 818 Kansas City, MO 64153 Telephone: 816-854-1969 Email: arawakomski@m2ttech.com or tgilligan@m2ttech.com Website: http://www.m2ttech.com Delft University of Technology Prof. Dr. Ir. Mark van Loosdrecht Department of Biotechnology Julianalaan 67, 2628 BC Delft, The Netherlands Telephone :31-15-278 1618 Email: mark.vanLoosdrecht@tnw.tudelft.nl


There are no installations in the United States at this time.

Key Words for Internet Search: Data Sources:

SHARON process, wastewater treatment, sidestream process, biological treatment

Metcalf and Eddy, Wastewater Engineering Treatment and Reuse, 4th Edition, 2003. Communication with Mixing and Mass Transfer Technologies, 23 May 2005.


Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

February 2008

Emerging Technologies

Technology Summary
SHARON ANAMMOX (ANaerobic AMMonia OXidation)


Nitrification, denitrification, and ammonia removal.

Embryonic. Bench-scale and pilot-scale studies have been performed throughout the world. The United States and Europe are performing extensive research. The technology is not yet available commercially.

State of Development:

This process is a modification of the SHARON process. The process removes ammonia from the wastewater. The principle of these combined processes is that the NH4-N in the sludge digester effluent is oxidized in the SHARON reactor to NO2-N for only 50 percent of NH4-N. The mixture of nitrite and ammonia is ideally suited as influent for the ANAMMOX process, and ammonium and nitrite are anaerobically converted to nitrogen gas and water.


Comparison to Established Technologies:

SHARON ANAMMOX process allows a reduction of up to 60 percent of the oxygen and energy demand as compared to the traditional nitrification/denitrification route via nitrate. The process combination does not require the presence of organic COD for denitrification. It is considered to be more sustainable than conventional treatment because of the reduced CO2 emissions associated with energy savings. An overall nitrogen removal efficiency of 90 to 95 percent can be achieved depending on process conditions and influent characteristics.

Available Cost Information:

Approximate Capital Cost: Approximate O&M Costs:

Not disclosed by vendor. Not disclosed by vendor.

Vendor Name(s):

Mixing and Mass Transfer Technologies Southwestern Region 8833 North Congress Ave., Suite 818 Kansas City, MO 64153 Telephone: 816-854-1969 Email: arawakomski@m2ttech.com Web site: http://www.m2ttech.com Mixing and Mass Transfer Technologies Northeast Region 583 Greenhaven Road Pawcatuck, CT 06379 Telephone: 860-599-5381 Email: tgilligan@m2ttech.com Web site: http://www.m2ttech.com


There are no installations in the United States at this time.

Key Words for Internet Search: Data Sources:

ANAMMOX, SHARON process, wastewater treatment, ammonia

Communication with Mixing and Mass Transfer Technologies. http://www.bt.tudelft.nl/r_proj/mic/P_Dongen.htm

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Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

February 2008

Emerging Technologies

Technology Summary
STRASS Process (Nitritation and Denitritation in SBR)


Biological ammonia removal from high-strength streams Embryonic. Two full-scale systems in Strass and Salzburg, Austria, (e.g., sludge liquors, landfill leachate). have been successfully implemented in 1997 and 1999 respectively. In 2004 it was transformed to the superior DEMON technology. In Salzburg, Austria, 1,000 kg N/d sidestream treatment is still in operation. Extensive pilot-scale studies performed in the United States at Alexandria Sanitation Authority, Virginia.

State of Development:


The STRASS process uses a high-sludge sequencing bench reactor to oxidize ammonia to nitrite (nitritation) followed by reduction of the produced nitrite to nitrogen gas (denitritation). A supplemental carbon source, such as primary sludge is used to drive the denitritation process. The key feature of the STRASS process is that the pH based control mechanism is highly effective to control the intermittent aeration system. During an aeration, interval acidification occurs because of nitritation. When the lower pH setpoint is reached, the aeration stops and alkalinity/pH recovers. At the upper pH setpoint, aeration is switched on again resulting in a characteristic sawtooth profile of the pH course. Following this control strategy, frequency and length of aeration intervals is self adjusting to the feed rate and concentration of sidestreams. Proper selection of pH setpoints helps to control Nitrite Oxidizing Bacteria (NOB) inhibition and inorganic carbon limitation.

Comparison to Established Technologies:

The STRASS process is an equivalent technology compared to the SHARON process, and it was developed in the same year. The main difference is that SHARON process is operated as a chemostat without sludge retention (to keep a short SRT to maintain inhibition of NOBs), while STRASS process is operated in an SBR with sludge retention. NOB inhibition is reliably maintained by pH-controlled intermittent aeration (aeration stops immediately after available ammonia has been transformed to nitrite and H+), low Dissolved Oxygen (DO), and elevated temperature.

Available Cost Information:

Approximate Capital Cost: Approximate O&M Costs:

Not disclosed by vendor. Not disclosed by vendor.

Vendor Name(s):

Cyklar-Stulz CH-8737 Gommiswald Rietwiesstrasse 39 Switzerland Telephone: 41-55-290-11-41 Fax: 41-55-290-11-43 Email: info@cyklar.ch Web site: http://www.cykar.ch


Full-scale STRASS systems are in Strass and Salzburg, Austria. Pilot systems are operated by Alexandria Sanitation Authority, Virginia, United States. There are no full-scale installations in the United States at this time.

Key Words for Internet Search: Data Sources:

STRASS, sidestream treatment, ammonia, pH-control, Air Intercept Zone (AIZ)

Wett, B., et al., pH Controlled Reject Water Treatment, Water Science Technology, 1998.

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Emerging Technologies

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Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

February 2008

Emerging Technologies

Technology Summary
Vacuum Rotation Membrane (VRM) System


Filtration of biomass for high-quality effluent with smaller Embryonic. Systems are in operation in Europe. footprint, lower energy demand, and more effective scouring of the membrane surface.

State of Development:


The new membrane system employs flat-sheet ultra-filtration membranes rotating around a horizontal shaft. Scouring air is introduced next to the shaft at about half the water depth, providing high-intensity scouring of a small section in the 12 oclock position. The membranes rotate through this scouring section several times per minute. Operating results showed that neither back-pulsing nor regular cleaning is required to maintain an average flux of at least 10 gal/ft2 with a suction head of less than 10 feet.

Comparison to Established Technologies: Available Cost Information:

Approximate Capital Cost: Approximate O&M Costs:

The vendor claims that the VRM system reduces aeration tank volume by 70 percent and energy consumption. $1/gallon (based on overseas operations). $100,000/year/1 MGD (based on overseas operations).

Vendor Name(s):

Huber Technology, Inc. 9805 North Cross Center Court, Suite H Huntersville, NC 28078 Telephone: 704-949-1010 Email: christian@hhusa.net Web site: http://www.huber.technology.com or http://www.huber.de


There are no installations in the United States at this time.

Key Words for Internet Search: Data Sources:


VRM, membrane bioreactor, wastewater, vacuum, rotation

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Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management


In-Plant Wet Weather Management Processes

4.1 Introduction Chapter 4 in-plant wet weather management processes include the storage and treatment of wastewater with infiltration/inflow entering a WWTP or storm-related flows in combined sewer systems entering a WWTP. This chapter focuses on storage and treatment technologies that can be used to manage the volume of wastewater during wet weather events. 4.2 Technology Assessment Table 4.1 includes a categorized list of emerging and established technologies for wet weather management. The innovative wet weather management technologies are as follows: Continuous Deflection Separator (CDS), HYDROSELF Flushing Gate, Tripping Flusher, TRASHMASTER Net Capture System, and WWETCO Compressed Media Filtration or WWETCO CMP System. Alternative wet weather disinfection is the embryonic in-plant wet weather management embryonic technology, which is highlighted at the end of this chapter. Wet weather flows can be better managed if the conveyance systems to a facility are well maintained. However, new technologies are needed to overcome the wet weather issues more efficiently. Emerging technologies used to rehabilitate conveyance systems to reduce wet weather flows are described in the U.S. EPA document Emerging Technologies for Conveyance Systems New Installations and Rehabilitation Methods (EPA 832-R06-004, July 2006). An evaluation of the innovative technologies identified for in-plant wet weather management processes is presented in Figure 4.1.

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Emerging Technologies

February 2008

Table 4.1 In-Plant Wet Weather Management Processes State of Development

Established Technologies Dispersed Air Flotation Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) Enhanced Clarification/High Rate Clarification (HRC) Ballasted Flocculation (Actiflo and Microsep) Lamella Plate Settlers Screening Vortex Separation Innovative Technologies Continuous Deflection Separator (CDS) HYDROSELF Flushing Gate Tipping Flusher TRASHMASTERTM Net Capture System WWETCO Compressed Media Filtration or WWETCO CMF System Innovative Use of Established Technologies None at this time Embryonic Technologies Alternative Wet Weather Disinfection

Figure 4.1Evaluation of Innovative In-Plant Wet Weather Management Technologies

Evaluation Criteria

Impact on Processes

Air/Odor Emissions




Continuous Deflection Separator (CDS) HYDROSELF Flushing Gate Tipping Flusher TRASHMASTERTM Net Capture System WWETCO Compressed Media Filtration or WWETCO CMF System

P, N M, N M, N M, N P, N

S, F S, F S, F S, F S, F


p p p p p

p y y y p

y y y y y

Dn Dn Dn Dn Dn

p p p p p

y y y y y

Statement of Development
B= I = M= O= P= N= Bench scale Full-scale industrial applications Full-scale municipal applications Full-scale operations overseas Pilot Full-scale operations in North America F I L S = = = =

Few plants Industrywide Primarily large plants Primarily small plants C= I = O= S= W=

Potential Benefits
Capital savings Intense operational demand Operational/maintenance savings Shock load capacity Wet weather load capacity Dp Dn Ip In

Effluent Reuse
= Direct potable = Direct nonpotable = Indirect potable = Indirect nonpotable

Comparative Criteria
p Positive feature y Neutral or mixed q Negative feature


Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

p p p p p





February 2008

Emerging Technologies

Technology Summary
Continuous Deflection Separator (CDS)


Separates debris, sediments, oil, and grease from Innovative. stormwater runoff.

State of Development:


CDS works by continuous deflection of the stormwater runoff. The CDS unit has a diversion chamber where the flow of water is diverted to the separation chamber. The flow and screening controls prevents the re-suspension and release of separated solids. During flow events, the diversion weir bypasses the separation chamber to avoid already trapped solids to be washed into the flow. The CDS units are available either precast or cast- in-place, and offline units can treat flows from 1 to 300 cubic feet per minute (cfm). The inline units treat up to 6 cfm, and internally bypass flows in excess of 50 cfm.

Comparison to Established Technologies: Available Cost Information:

Approximate Capital Cost: Approximate O&M Costs:

Operation of CDS is independent of flow for a wide treatment ranges. Not disclosed by vendor. Not disclosed by vendor.

Vendor Name(s):

CONTECH Construction Products Inc. 9025 Centre Pointe Drive, Suite 400 West Chester, OH 45069 Telephone: 800-338-1122 or 513-645-7000 Web site: http://www.contech-cpi.com/contract

Cincinnati, OH

Key Words for Internet Search: Data Sources:

CONTECH, Continuous Deflection Separation, CDS

Vendor web site: http://www.contech-cpi.com/

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Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

February 2008

Emerging Technologies

Technology Summary
HYDROSELF Flushing Gate


Wet weather management, cleaning of Combined Sewer Innovative. Overflows (CSOs) and storage tanks.

State of Development:

The Hydroself flushing gate system is a method of removal of accumulated sediments and debris in the combined sewer retention systems, stormwater runoff, and balancing tank. The operating principle for the Hydroself flushing system is that the flush water is held in reserve and as released there is a high-energy wave. The wave removes the accumulated debris from the retention chamber and interceptors along the flushway lengths.


Comparison to Established Technologies:

The Hydroself flushing gate system is not similar to established wastewater technology, but is similar to other innovative technologies that restore the capacity of collection systems. Removing accumulated sediment may be accomplished manually. The system lessens manpower needs and improves employee safety over manual cleaning.

Available Cost Information:

Approximate Capital Cost: Approximately $350,000. Approximate O&M Costs: Approximately $250/event. Cost information taken from the WERF Manual, Best Practices for Wet Weather Wastewater Flows, 2002.

Vendor Name(s):

Steinhardt GmbH Wassertechnik Roderweb 8-10-D-65232 Taunusstein, Germany Telephone: 49-6128-9165-0 Email: info@steinhardt.de Web site: http://www.steinhardt.de/htm_en/fset_e.html


Gabriel Novac and Associates, Inc. 3532 Ashby Montreal, Quebec H4R 2C1, Canada Telephone: 514-336-5454 Email: gnacso@gnacso.com Clough Creek CSO Treatment Facility Cincinnati, OH

Key Words for Internet Search: Data Sources:

Flushing gate system, wastewater, high-energy wave, Hydroself

WERF Manual, Best Practices for Wet Weather Wastewater Flows, 2002. http://www.copa.co.uk http://www.epa.gov/ednnrmrl/repository http://www.steinhardt.de/htm_en/fset_e.html

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Emerging Technologies

February 2008

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Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

February 2008

Emerging Technologies

Technology Summary
Tipping Flusher


Wet weather management, cleaning of CSOs, and Innovative. storage tanks.

State of Development:


The system generally includes filling pipes and valves, a pumping system, and wet well (where restricted by the site conditions), and the tipping flusher vessels. The tipping flusher is a cylindrical stainless steel vessel suspended above the maximum water level on the back wall of the storage tank. Just before overtopping the vessel with water, the center of gravity shifts and causes the unit to rotate and discharge its contents down the back wall of the tank. A curved fillet at the intersection of the wall and tank floor redirects the flushwater (with minimum energy loss) horizontally across the floor of the tank. The fillet size depends on the size of the flusher. The flushing force removes the sediment debris from the tank floor and transports it to a collection sump located at the opposite end of the tank. The Tipping Flusher is not similar to established wastewater technology, but it is similar to other innovative technologies that restores the capacity of collection systems. Removing accumulated sediment may be accomplished manually. The system lessens manpower needs and it improves employee safety over manual cleaning.

Comparison to Established Technologies:

Available Cost Information:

Approximate Capital Cost: Approximately $525,000 Approximate O&M Costs: Not disclosed by vendor. Costs information taken from the WERF Manual, Best Practices for Wet Weather Wastewater Flows, 2002.

Vendor Name(s):

Steinhardt GmbH Wassertechnik Roderweb 8-10-D-65232 Taunusstein, Germany Telephone: 49-6128-9165-0 Email: info@steinhardt.de Website: http://www.steinhardt.de/htm_en/fset_e.html


Gabriel Novac and Associates, Inc. 3532 Ashby Montreal, Quebec H4R 2C1, Canada Telephone: 514-336-5454 Saginaw, MI

Key Words for Internet Search: Data Sources:

Sewer, tank, flushing tipping flusher, wet weather management, wet well

WERF Manual, Best Practices for Wet Weather Wastewater Flows, 2002. http://www.copa.co.uk http://www.epa.gov/ednnrmrl/repository http://www.steinhardt.de/htm_en/fset_e.html

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Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

February 2008

Emerging Technologies

Technology Summary
TRASHMASTERTM Net Capture System


Wet weather management of trash and debris removal Innovative. from CSOs and stormwater systems.

State of Development:

The TRASHMASTERTM Net Capture System is a process that removes accumulated trash, sediments, and debris in a combined sewer system (CSS) or stormwater collection system. The operating principle of the TRASHMASTERTM Net Capture System is to capture trash, debris, and sediment in special removable nets as the water flows through the unit. No electrical connections are required. It is used in low-flow applications (5 cubic feet per second [cfs] or less) and inserts in-line on the outflow piping. It is a light weight, roto-molded, fiberglass unit that is very easy to install on pipes that are 24 inches or less in size by using onsite equipment. No special construction is necessary. The unit can be installed in two days or less to depths of ten feet. The unit can also accommodate special chemical feed systems to treat waterborne impurities.


Comparison to Established Technologies:

The TRASHMASTERTM Net Capture System is a unique solution to remove trash and debris in low flowing water. The vendor, Fresh Creek Technologies, produces similar, established technologies (e.g., Netting Trash TrapTM system). Other established technologies require extensive engineering, special installation equipment, a more expensive product, and a week or longer to install.

Available Cost Information:

Approximate Capital Cost: Approximate O&M Costs:

Approximately $40,000. Approximately $110 per event.

Vendor Name(s):

Fresh Creek Technologies, Inc. 1425 Pompton Avenue Suite 12 Cedar Grove, NJ 07009 Telephone: 973-237-9099 Fax: 973-237-0744 Web site: www.freshcreek.com


Kingston, Ontario, Canada Harrington, WA

Key Words for Internet Search: Data Sources:

TRASHMASTERTM Net Capture System, netting systems, Fresh Creek Technologies, freshcreek

Email and telephone conversations with vendor. http://www.freshcreek.com

Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management


Emerging Technologies

February 2008

Technology Summary
TRASHMASTERTM Net Capture System (Contd)

TRASHMASTERTM Net Capture System from Fresh Creek Technologies

Cross Section of a TRASHMASTERTM Net Capture System


Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

February 2008

Emerging Technologies

Technology Summary
WWETCO Compressed Media Filtration or WWETCO CMF System


Wet weather management.


State of Development:

The patent pending WWETCO Compressed Media Filtration, also known as WWETCO CMF System, consists of detached fibrous lump media that is hydraulically compressed by a flexible housing with the fluid filtered in a lateral direction, which provides a porosity gradient from uncompressed highly permeable media zone to an adjustable lesser porous media zone in the direction of flow. The result allows the removal of larger particles in the upper zone and the penetration and removal of smaller particles in the lower zones. This flexibility allows the application of the WWETCO CMF at publicly owned treatment works (POTW) in a dual-use mode as a dry weather tertiary filter, then as a wet weather filter to treat either excess primary clarifier flows or excess screened and degritted flows. Filter TSS removals are adjustable with compression provided. Up to 95 percent TSS removal can be achieved as a tertiary filter with effluent TSS consistently less than 1 mg/L and turbidities consistently under 1 ntu. Filter performance when treating screened and degritted wet weather flow can be 75 to 90 percent TSS removal. Hydraulic loadings in this application are typically 8 to 10 gpm/ft2 with backwash quantities in the range of 5 to 10 percent of the filtered water volume. Filter performance when treating primary effluent flows during wet weather can generally be 65 to 75 percent. Pilot plant test results indicate that WWETCO CMF proved to be effective in removing solids at various ranges of primary effluent flow. Typically, as hydraulic and solids loading rates increased, filter run times decreased requiring a balance of run time and loading rates for optimum performance. One pilot study indicated that 64 percent removal of solids at loading rates of 12 to 15 gpm per ft2 is achievable for a primary effluent flow of 182 MGD with 100 mg/L solids concentration. The WWETCO CMF System incorporates a patent pending backwash method that uses low head air (10 standard cubic feet per minute [SCFM] per ft2 at 7 ft Total Dynamic Head [TDH]) to circulate and scrub the filter media and lift the backwash water and solids to be wasted. The backwash method maximizes the use of the air and minimizes the amount of water to clean the filter. Backwashing is accomplished within a 20-minute period cleaning a filter cell was used to treat raw sewage or secondary clarifier effluent. Backwash solids are typically sent to biological treatment or directly to solids processing facilities. No mechanical equipment is required to provide the filter compression, and this makes the system ideal for passive operation, which is often needed in wet weather treatment systems. The filter is left dry and can sit idle for extended periods with no odor or operational issues. When excess wet weather flows occur, the filter is immediately brought online and has no ramp-up requirements. Chemicals are not required. The filter can tolerate moderate screenings and grit loadings without impacting performance or cleaning operations. The WWETCO CMF technology is comparable in performance with the ballasted flocculation systems being marketed for use at POTW to treat excess wet weather flows. Ballasted flocculation systems can typically achieve 85 percent TSS removals, but they require flocculation chemicals and ramp-up time (15 to 30 minutes) to achieve performance objectives. The WWETCO CMF can meet similar or better removals, it requires no chemicals, and it immediately achieves performance objectives. The WWETCO CMF starts dry and ends dry without odor issues, without special startup protocols, and without special attention to mechanical Equipment. The ballasted flocculation systems generally require a footprint of approximately 40 to 80 ft per MGD of capacity and are generally 23- to 29-ft deep. This footprint does not include chemicals and sludge handling and processing requirements. The WWETCO CMF requires a total footprint of approximately 150 ft2 per MGD for treating primary clarifier effluent. The WWETCO CMF for POTW application is 12-ft deep.


Comparison to Established Technologies:

Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management


Emerging Technologies

February 2008

Technology Summary
WWETCO Compressed Media Filtration or WWETCO CMF System (Contd)

Available Cost Information:

Approximate Capital Cost:

The capital cost is a function of hydraulic and solids loading rate. Higher solids wastewaters require lower hydraulic loading rates, shorter run times, thus more filters. General capital costs are as follows for complete systems including filter, appurtenant equipment, and concrete structures: Application
Tertiary Filter Primary Effluent Filtration Wastewater and CSO Filtration

Capital Cost Estimate ($ per gallon capacity)

$0.05 to $0.06 $0.06 to $0.08 $0.10 to $0.15

Approximate O&M Costs:

O&M costs include power for low-head blower air for backwashing. As the filter requires no other equipment other than valving, no chemicals and no additional solids handling, and it comes online passively, with little personnel attention required. Power costs are as follows: Application
Tertiary Filter Primary Effluent Filtration Wastewater and CSO Filtration

Power Cost (per million gallons treated)

$0.30 $2.93 $12.80

Vendor Name(s):

WWETCO, LLC 800 Lambert Drive, Suite F Atlanta, GA 30324 Telephone: 404-307-5731 Email: mark@wwetco.com Website: http:/www.wetco.com

Atlanta, GA Columbus, GA

Key Words for Internet Search:

Compressed media filtration, WWETCO, Advanced Demonstration Facility at Columbus, Georgia, CSO filter, tertiary filter, wet weather filter

Data Sources:

ARCADIS, Water Pollution Control Station Secondary By Pass Treatability Study Phase III, City of Akron, OH, February 2006. Arnett, C.A., M. Boner and J. Bowman, Bacteria TMDL Solution To Protect Public Health And Delisting Process In Columbus, GA, WEFTEC, 2006. Boner, M. et al., Atlanta CSO Pilot Plant Performance Results, WEFTEC, 2004. Frank, D. A. and T. F. Smith III, Side by Side by Side, The Evaluation of Three High Rate Process Technologies for Wet Weather Treatment, WEFTEC, 2006. WERF, Peer Review: Wet Weather Demonstration Project in Columbus, Georgia, Co-published: Water Environment Research Foundation, Alexandria, VA, and IWA Publishing, London, UK, 2003.


Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

February 2008

Emerging Technologies

Technology Summary
WWETCO Compressed Media Filtration or WWETCO CMF System (Contd)

WWETCO CMF Patents Pending

Synthetic Filter Media with Air Supply (Center) and Flexible Membrane

Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management


Emerging Technologies

February 2008

Technology Summary
WWETCO Compressed Media Filtration or WWETCO CMF System (Contd)
Patent Pending Backwash Troughs Air Supply for Backwashing Perforated Plates

Filter Basin Compressible Media

Filter Housing

Filter Membrane

Filtered Water Underdrain


WWETCO CMF Drained of Liquid at Ready Position (Patent Pending)

Filter in Backwash Mode


Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

February 2008

Emerging Technologies

Technology Summary
Alternative Wet Weather Disinfection


High-rate alternative to wet weather disinfection flows by Embryonic. A pilot-scale test was performed in Akron, Ohio, on using disinfection products such as peracetic acid, three wet weather test events. BCDMH was found to be an ferrite, or Bromo Chloro Dimethylhydantoin (1-Bromo-3- effective disinfectant at doses of 3 mg/L, 6 mg/L, and 12 mg/L. Chloro-5,5 Dimethylhydantoin [BCDMH]).

State of Development:


Alternative disinfectants are being applied to wet weather flows because of their ability to act as high-rate disinfectant. Although not yet approved by the U.S. EPA specifically as a wastewater disinfectant, peroxyacetic acid (peracetic acid [CH3CO3H]) is an oxidizing agent that can be used as a disinfectant. Peracetic acid is produced 5, 15, and 35 percent solutions and is widely used in the food industry. BCDMH is a chemical disinfectant used in treating drinking water. It is a crystalline substance, insoluble in water, but soluble in acetone. It reacts slowly with water releasing hypochlorous acid and hypobromous acid. EBARA has devised a system to liquefy the BCDMH powder in a mixer with an injection device. The solution is injected directly into the wastewater and it relies on the turbulence of the process to mix into the disinfection process.

Comparison to Established Technologies:

As compared to disinfection with chlorine compounds, peracetic acid does not form harmful byproducts after reacting with wastewater. However, a residual of acetic acid will be present and will exert an oxygen demand. The concentration used for disinfection of secondary effluent depends on the target organism, the water quality, and the level of inactivation required. For example, a concentration of 5 mg/L peracetic acid, with contact time of 20 minutes, was able to reduce fecal and total coliform by 4 to 5 logs in secondary effluent (Morris, 1993). BCDMH has a small footprint and is easier to store than chlorine disinfection products. BCDMH is comparable to sodium hypochlorite, but it acts in contact a shorter amount of time. The shorter contact time is typically 3 minutes instead of 5 minutes for sodium hypochlorite, and it reduces the size of the contact chamber and may result in capital cost savings of about 54 percent.

Available Cost Information:

Approximate Capital Cost: Approximate O&M Costs:

Unknown. The cost of peracetic acid is about 3 to 5 times the cost of sodium hypochlorite.

Vendor Name(s):

Peracetic Acid Microbial Control FMC Corporation 1735 Market Street Philadelphia, PA 19103 Telephone: 609-951-3180 Web site: http://www.microbialcontrol.fmc.com BCDMH EBARA Engineering Service Corporation Shinagawa, NSS-11 Building 2-13-34 Konan, Minato-Ku, Tokyo, Japan Telephone: 81-3-5461-6111 (switchboard) Web site: http://www.ebara.co.jp/en/


Columbus Water Works, Columbus, GA Water Pollution Control Station, City of Akron, OH

Key Words for Internet Search:

Alternative disinfectant, wet weather, peracetic acid, PAA, BCDMH Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

Emerging Technologies

February 2008

Alternative Wet Weather Disinfection (Contd)

Data Sources:

Columbus Georgia Water Works, CSO Technology Testing web site: http://www.cwwga.org/NationalPrograms/Index.htm Combined Sewer Overflow Technology Fact Sheet Alternative Disinfection Methods web site: www.epa.gov/owmitnet/mtb/altdis.pdf Gehr, R., Wagner, M., P. Veerasubramanian, and Payment, P. Disinfection Efficiency of Peracetic Acid, UV and Ozone After Enhanced Primary Treatment of Municipal Wastewater, Water Research, 37, 19, pp.4,5734586, 2003. Moffa, Peter E., Daniel P. Davis, Chris Somerlot, Dan Sharek, Brian Gresser and Tom Smith. Alternative Disinfection Technology Demonstrates Advantages for Wet Weather Applications, Water Environment and Technology, January 2007. Morris, R., Reduction of Microbial Levels in Sewage Effluents using Chlorine and Peracetic Acid Disinfectants, Water Science and Technology, Vol. 27, 1993. WERF, Wet Weather Demonstration Project in Columbus, Georgia, 98-WWR1P. Rossi, S., et al., Peracetic Acid Disinfection: A Feasible Alternative to Wastewater Chlorination, Water Environment Research, 79 (4): 341350, 2007. Kitis, M., Disinfection of Wastewater with Peracetic Acid: A Review, Environment International, 30:4755, 2004.


Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management


Process Monitoring Technologies

5.1 Introduction Process monitoring technologies are now a critical component in the improvement of wastewater treatment. Those included in this report as process monitoring technologies, not only help prevent upsets in treatment systems and help facilities stay within the compliance limits during upset conditions, but also could potentially save energy and chemicals used by maximizing process efficiency. 5.2 Technology Assessment Table 5.1 includes a categorized listing of emerging and established technologies for process monitoring. An evaluation of the innovative technologies identified for process monitoring is presented in Figure 5.1. Summary sheets for each innovative technology are provided at the end of this chapter. The innovative monitoring technologies listed in this chapter are focused on online monitoring in wastewater treatment systems, which help to prevent any upset to the system. These monitoring systems usually are probes or sensors that can detect change in physical, chemical and biological activity, and they can be installed at the influent, effluent, or in the main basin or the process tank. These monitoring devices are also helpful in saving energy and reducing operation and maintenance cost. These monitoring devices are also helpful in saving energy and reducing operation and maintenance cost. The innovative process monitoring technologies are as follows: Ammonia and Nitrate Probes (ChemScan N-4000, Hach Evita In Situ 5100, Myratek Sentry C-2, Hach NITRATAX, NitraVis System, and Royce 8500 Series Multi-Parameter), Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH) for Filamentous and Nitrifying Bacteria, Microwave Density Analyzer, Microtox/Online Microtox, SymBio Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NADH) Probes, Online Respirometry, and NITROX Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP) Probe. The embryonic process monitoring technologies are as follows: Biological Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (BioMEMS), FISH for Phosphorus Accumulating Organisms (PAOs), Handheld Advanced Nucleic Acid Analyzer (HANNA), Immunosensors and Immunoassays, and Photo-electro Chemical Oxygen Demand (PeCOD). The innovative and embryonic process monitoring technologies follow at the end of summarized in the technology summary sheets.

Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management


Emerging Technologies Table 5.1Process Monitoring Technologies State of Development

Established Technologies Ammonia and Nitrate Process ChemScan Myratek Hach Evita Hach NITRATAX NitraVis System Dissolved Oxygen Analyzer Online Cl2 Residual pH Probes Sludge Blanket Level Detector Solids Retention Time (SRT) Controller Total Suspended Solids Analyzer Innovative Technologies Ammonia-Nitrate Probes ChemScan N-4000 Hach Evita In Situ 5100 Myratek Sentry C-2 Innovative Technologies (Contd) Hach NITRATAX NitraVis System Royce 8500 Series Multi-Parameter

February 2008

Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH) for Filamentous and Nitrifiying Bacteria Microwave Density Analyzer Microtox/Online Microtox SymBioTM Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NADH) Probes Online Respirometry NITROXTM Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP) Probe Innovative Use of Established Technologies None At This Time Embryonic Technologies Biological Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (BioMEMS) FISH for Phosphorus Accumulating Organisms (PAOs) Handheld Advanced Nucleic Acid Analyzer (HANNA) Immunosensors and Immunoassays Photo-electro Chemical Oxygen Demand (PeCODTM)


Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

February 2008

Emerging Technologies Figure 5.1Evaluation of Innovative Process Monitoring Technologies

Evaluation Criteria
Impact on Processes Air/Odor Emissions




Ammonia and Nitrate Probes Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH) for Filamentous and Nitrifying Bacteria Microwave Density Analyzer Microtox/Online Microtox SymBioTM Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NADH) Probes Online Respirometry NITROXTM Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP) Probe

I, M, N I, M, N I, M, N I, M, N I, M, N I, M, N M, N

I, F I, F F I, F I, F F I, F

C, O, S C, O, S C, O, S C, O, S C, O C, O, S C, O, S

p p p p p p p

p p p y p p p

y y y y y y y

y y y y y y y

p y y y p p p

y y y y y y y

Statement of Development
B= I = M= O= P= N= Bench scale Full-scale industrial applications Full-scale municipal applications Full-scale operations overseas Pilot Full-scale operations in North America F I L S

= = = = Few plants Industrywide Primarily large plants Primarily small plants C= I = O= S= W=

Potential Benefits
Capital savings Intense operational demand Operational/maintenance savings Shock load capacity Wet weather load capacity Dp Dn Ip In

Effluent Reuse
= Direct potable = Direct nonpotable = Indirect potable = Indirect nonpotable

Comparative Criteria
p Positive feature y Neutral or mixed q Negative feature

Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

p p p y p p






Emerging Technologies

February 2008

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Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

February 2008

Emerging Technologies

Technology Summary
Ammonia and Nitrate Probes


Automatic online analysis of dissolved nutrients and Innovative. halogens for water and wastewater process monitoring and control, including nitrification, denitrification, phosphorus removal, disinfection, dechlorination, and choramination. In situ, real-time measurement of ammonia and/or nitrate concentration.

State of Development:

ChemScan N-4000: Online multiple parameter analyzer using full-spectrum UV-visible detection with chemometric analysis of spectral data. The analyzer is script driven and has the capability of performing rapid sequential analysis with or without the assistance of chemical reagents. Nitrate analysis and/or a separate analysis of nitrite are performed based on the direct analysis of spectra from the sample. Ammonia analysis is reagent-assisted using bleach and hydroxide reagents. The analyzer contains an internal manifold to provide automatic zeroing, cleaning, and managing multiple sample lines. A variety of accessories are available, including sample pumps, filters, and external controllers. Hach Evita In Situ 5100: Nitrate analyzer using UV absorption to measure nitrate concentration. Probe is immersed in wastewater and the ion specific membrane allows the appropriate ions to be transferred to the carrier solution so no sample preparation is necessary and interference from bacteria and particles is virtually eliminated. Uses deionized water that needs to be refilled every 10 weeks. Measuring range is 2 to 50 mg/L NO3-N with accuracy of 10 percent. Readings approximately every 13 minutes are possible. Myratek Sentry C-2: Based on Ion Selective Electrode (ISE) technology. A sample is isolated in the measuring chamber and ammonia and nitrate values established. Calibration using the standard addition method is performed automatically at userset intervals. Installation takes less than 1 hour; maintenance less than 15 minutes per week. Hach NITRATAX: Probe-style analyzer based on UV light absorption. Photometer measures primary UV 210 beam while a second beam at 350 nm provides a reference standard. Measuring range is 0.1 to 50 mg/L NO3-N. NitraVis System: In situ, real-time spectral measurement (UV and Visibility [VIS] range of 200 to 750 nm) of nitrate concentration without filtering. Interferences, such as those caused by turbidity, are detected and compensated for. Operates in media at temperatures of at least 32F, with a pH between 4 and 9, and contains less then 5,000 mg/L chloride. Automatic cleaning with compressed air prior to each measurement. Measuring range is 0.1 to 100 mg/L NO3-N with accuracy of 3 percent. Royce 8500 Series Multi-Parameter: Patented, in situ xenon-based optical sensor allows virtually continuous monitoring. Automatic cleaning system available. Individual models address varying combinations of the following parameters: turbidity, total suspended solids, COD, TOC, BOD, nitrate, nitrite, color, phenols, and hydrocarbons.


Comparison to Established Technologies:

Traditionally monitoring was performed by taking samples and analyzing them for various parameters in laboratories. Performing lab analyses are time-consuming steps that do not resolve a problem until the results are gathered. These monitoring technologies provide real-time or near real-time conditions in the treatment system through continuous monitoring. Immediate feedback helps operators take corrective action in the event of a shock or toxic load immediately.

Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management


Emerging Technologies

February 2008

Technology Summary
Ammonia and Nitrate Probes (Contd)

Technology Summary

Available Cost Information:

Approximate Capital Cost:

$25,000 to $45,000 (ChemScan and Myratek); $11,000 for Hach Evita In situ 5100 (probe only; USC Controller and Communications add $3,100). $2,800 to $4,000 annually; Costs vary with frequency of calibration. Includes O&M time. Replace electrodes every 6 months. WTW claims no O&M cost for NitraVis as there are no chemicals or other consumables use.

Approximate O&M Costs:

Vendor Name(s):

ASA/ChemScan 2325 Parklawn Drive Waukesha, WI 53186 Telephone: 262-717-9500 Email: info@chemscan.com Web site: http://www.chemscan.com Myratek, Inc. BioChem Technology, Inc. 100 Ross Road, Suite 201 King of Prussia, PA 19406-2110 Telephone: 610-265-8620 Email: rick@myratek.com Web site: http://www.biochemtech.com WTW Inc. 6E Gill Street Woburn, MA 08801 Telephone: 800-645-5999 Email: info@wtw-inc.com Web site: http://www.wtw.com Royce Technologies 14125 South Bridge Circle Charlotte, NC 28273 Telephone: 800-347-3505 Email: royce@itt.com Web site: www.roycetechnologies.com Hach Company P.O. Box 389 Loveland, CO 80539-0389 Telephone: 800-227-4224 Web site: www.hach.com


South Cross Bayou WRF St. Petersburg, FL Telephone: 727-582-7015 Wastewater Treatment Plant Enfield, CT Telephone: 860-253-6450 Wastewater Treatment Plant Abington, PA Telephone: 215-884-8329

Key Words for Internet Search:

Water monitoring, wastewater, ammonia, nitrates, probe, online analysis


Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

February 2008

Emerging Technologies

Technology Summary
Ammonia and Nitrate Probes (Contd)

Data Sources:

Misiti, John Hach, UV Spectrum Based NOx Monitors, paper. Web site sources are as follows: http://www.chemscan.com http://www.myratek.com http://biochemtech.com http://www.hach.com http://www.wtw.com http://www.roycetechnologies.com Vendor-supplied information.

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Emerging Technologies

February 2008

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Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

February 2008

Emerging Technologies

Technology Summary
Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH) for Filamentous and Nitrifying Bacteria


Identify and quantify specific microorganisms in Innovative. wastewater.

State of Development:


Bacteria in activated sludge contains DNA as unique genetic material. DNA sequences unique to individual groups of microorganisms can be used to identify specific microorganisms in a sample containing a mixture of many different types of microorganisms. The process of identifying specific microorganisms is part of the full-cycle 16S Ribosomal Ribonucleic Acid (rRNA) approach by using FISH. Fluorescently labeled 16S rRNA probes are hybridized, stained, and observed under an epifluorescent microscope.

Comparison to Established Technologies:

The microbial detection process is able to positively identify specific microorganisms in a mixed culture. Previously, microbiological tests performed in a laboratory were necessary to identify and enumerate bacteria. This process provides real-time feedback, over laboratory tests that take hours or even days for results.

Available Cost Information:

Approximate Capital Cost: Approximate O&M Costs: Unknown. Unknown.

Vendor Name(s):

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the following universities: University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign University of Cincinnati North Carolina State University


There are no known installations.

Key Words for Internet Search: Data Sources:

Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization, FISH, 16S rRNA, full-cycle 16S rRNA approach, phylogeny

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, University of Cincinnati, and North Carolina State University.

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Emerging Technologies

February 2008

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Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

February 2008

Emerging Technologies

Technology Summary
Microwave Density Analyzer


Solids measurement.


State of Development:


The microwave sludge density transmitter uses microwave-phase difference measurements to determine the density of solids flowing through pipes. This method exploits the way that fluid density affects the propagation of microwaves when they pass through it. The Microwave Density Analyzer allows reliable measurement of the sludge density and monitors the difference in microwave phase between the original wave and one wave that passed through the measured fluid. Unlike the method of monitoring the attenuation of a transmitted wave, measuring flow density by observing a waves phase difference is not affected by flow velocity and is resistant to the effects of contamination, scaling, fouling, and gas bubbles. It uses no moving mechanical parts or mechanism that is often used in other measuring methods for cleaning, sampling, or defoaming. It permits continuous measurement. The density meter measures density in electric current, which is suitable for an application in a process for monitoring and controlling.

Comparison to Established Technologies:

This density meter has adapted a new measuring method called phase difference method by microwaves. When microwaves go through a substance and come out of it, This density measures the phase lag of the waves and obtains a certain physical property of the substance that is proportional to the density.

Available Cost Information:

Approximate Capital Cost: Approximate O&M Costs:

8-inch density meter is about $75,000 to $100,000 depending upon the specific application. Not disclosed.

Vendor Name(s):

Toshiba Instrumentation Marketing Logistics Services 9740 Irvine Blvd. Irvine, CA 92618-1697 Telephone: 800-231-1412, x3693 or 949-461-4400 Fax: 949-859-1298 E-mail: instrument@tic.toshiba.com Web site: http://www.toshiba/com/ind/product_display


Blue Plains AWTP, Washington, D.C.

Key Words for Internet Search: Data Sources:

Microwave Density Analyzer, LQ500, LQ300, LQ510

Engineering Program Management Consultancy Services, CH2M HILL, Parsons, Evaluation of the Test Results for the Microwave Sludge Density Meter at the Gravity Sludge Thickener (GST) No. 7, Blue Plains AWTP, Interoffice Memorandum, 2006. Toshiba web site: http://www.toshiba.com/ind/product_display

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Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

February 2008

Emerging Technologies

Technology Summary
Microtox/Online Microtox


Acute toxicity analysis for wastewater, water, soil, and Innovative. other hazardous waste applications.

State of Development:

The toxicity test is based on indigenous bioluminescence of a marine bacterium (Photobacterium phosphoreum to Vibrio fischeri strain, NRRL B-11177). The aqueous samples are incubated for controlled time and luminators are used to compare the reduction in light of the sample with a control culture of the bacterium. The proportional reduction in bioluminescence is indicative of toxicity of the sample. The Microtox instrumentation systems are available for online and offline toxicity analysis.


Comparison to Established Technologies:

Microtox monitoring is a biosensor based on a toxicity measurement system. The Microtox process can provide near realtime monitoring of water and wastewater and is much faster than other laboratory based analysis.

Available Cost Information:

Approximate Capital Cost: Approximate O&M Costs:

$17,895. $2.50 to $7 per test. Cost information includes the cost for the software for the unit. The O&M cost varies depending on the dilution range of toxicity tests.

Vendor Name(s):

Strategic Diagnostics, Inc. 111 Pencader Drive Newark, DE 19702 Telephone: 302-456-6789 or 800-544-8881 Email: sales@sdix.com Web site: http://www.sdix.com

Petersburg, VA

Key Words for Internet Search:

Microtox, toxicity test, wastewater, online

Data Sources:

WERF Report, Collection and Treatment A Review and Needs Survey of Upset Early Warning Devices, Final Report, 2000. Web site sources are as follows: http://www.sdix.com/ http://www.azurenv.com/

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Emerging Technologies

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Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

February 2008

Emerging Technologies

Technology Summary
SymBioTM Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NADH) Probes SymBio process probe is used for simultaneous Innovative. nitrification and denitrification in the same basin. The nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide and dissolved oxygen (NADH/DO) monitoring probe provides an effective tool for strict aeration control to maintain simultaneous nitrification and denitrification conditions.


State of Development:


The SymBioTM process monitors the NADH level in the biomass along with the dissolved oxygen level in the wastewater to precisely predict the changes in the biological oxygen demand. Based on the results of the NADH levels, the aeration is controlled to maintain low dissolved oxygen (<1.0 parts per million [ppm]) for Simultaneous Nitrification and deNitrification (SNdN) in the same basin. The SymBioTM Process monitors are newly available sensors that can measure NADH in wastewater in real-time. Based on the reading, aeration in the tank can be adjusted to enhance nitrification or denitrification processes. This maximizes aeration efficiency and reduces energy for aeration. Approximate Capital Cost: About $100,000 for one sensor with monitoring and process control setup. Approximate O&M Costs: No additional cost for O&M incurred (energy consumption reduced 20 to 25 percent). The cost for the SymBioTM system is based on the setup of the NADH sensor and the monitoring system. (The cost reflects the estimate for the year 2005.)

Comparison to Established Technologies:

Available Cost Information:

Vendor Name(s):

Enviroquip, Inc. 2404 Rutland Drive, Suite 200 Austin, TX 78758 Telephone: 512-834-6015 Email: hiren.trivedi@enviroquip.com Web site: http://www.enviroquip.com

Big Bear, CA Rochelle, IL Lake Elsinore, CA Pflugerville, TX Stonington, CT Perris, CA Bend, OR New Philadelphia, OH

Key Words for Internet Search:

Aeration, NADH, fluorescence, nitrification, BOD

Data Sources:

Metcalf and Eddy, Wastewater Engineering Treatment and Reuse, 4th Edition, 2003. Enviroquip, Inc., Email, brochures, and telephone conversation, July 8, 2005. Enviroquip, Inc. web site is as follows: http://www.enviroquip.com

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Emerging Technologies

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Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

February 2008

Emerging Technologies

Technology Summary
Online Respirometry


Measures cellular respiration or oxygen uptake rate.


State of Development:


Respirometry devices are used for biotreatment process control. The device can be set up and operated in different modes. For oxygen uptake-based respirometers, oxygen is measured either in closed headspace gas or liquid phases. The respirometry rate measurement can also determine the shock-load measurement and toxicity in a system when the baseline respirometry rate has been set for a system. Respirometers sensors can also be calibrated to measure other gases of concern like carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide, and methane.

Comparison to Established Technologies:

Traditionally, respirometric studies or kinetic parameters for wastewater treatment have been performed in laboratories with use of dissolved oxygen probes. During the stabilization of probes in the laboratory, sensitive information was lost, which was critical for measuring oxygen uptake rates and dissolved oxygen rates. The real-time feedback using the probes provides more reliable information on oxygen uptake.

Available Cost Information:

Approximate Capital Cost: 1 unit of the respirometer Respicond V for about $60,000 U.S. Approximate O&M Costs: Unknown. Cost based on the published cost for the Respicond V on the web site of A. Nordgren Innovations AB, Sweden.

Vendor Name(s):

A. Nordgren Innovations AB Djakneboda 99 SE915 97 Bygdea, Sweden Telephone: 46-934-31260 Email: a.nordgren@respicond.com Web site: http://www.respicond.com Columbus Instruments 950 N. Hague Avenue Columbus, OH 43204 Telephone: 614-276-0861 or 800-669-5011 Email: sales@colinst.com Web site: http://www.colinst.com Respirometry Plus, LLC P.O. Box 1236, Fond du Lac, WI 54935-1236 Telephone: 800-328-7518 Email: operations@respirometryplus.com Web site: http://www.respirometryplus.com


There are no known installations.

Key Words for Internet Search: Data Sources:

Cellular respiration, online respirometry, biotreatment process control, oxygen respirometer

WERF web site and publications. Research journals and publications. Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management


Emerging Technologies

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Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

February 2008

Emerging Technologies

Technology Summary
NITROX Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP) Probe


NITROX process is used to achieve denitrification of Innovative. wastewater in an oxidation ditch by continuously monitoring the Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP) of the wastewater.

State of Development:


This monitoring technology uses an ORP probe that constantly monitors and controls aeration to achieve anoxic and anaerobic conditions for Simultaneous Nitrification-deNitrification (SNdN). Nitrogen removal levels, from this unique process, are equivalent to systems that use anoxic tanks in front of the aeration basins. Effluent total inorganic nitrogen concentrations of less than 10 mg/L are common, and do not require preanoxic tanks and internal recycle pumps. Denitrification process involves the cycling of a single oxidation ditch through anoxic and aerobic periods. At selected intervals, the aeration system is turned off and the mixer(s) are turned on. Denitrification system consists of an ORP converter and a NITROX controller.

Comparison to Established Technologies:

ORP probes have not been traditionally used in the wastewater to regulate the nitrification and denitrification processes. The use of the ORP probe provides better process control over previous options. This maximizes aeration efficiency and reduces energy for aeration.

Available Cost Information:

Approximate Capital Cost: Approximate O&M Costs:

Approximately $100,000/MGD. 20 percent reduction in O&M.

Vendor Name(s):

United Industries 2380 ONeal Lane, Suite 1 Baton Rouge, LA 70816 Telephone: 225-755-0724 Email: info@ui-inc.com Web sites: http://www.ui-inc.com/ or http://www.ui-inc.com/nitrox.htm

Grand Coulee, WA Diamondhead, MS

Key Words for Internet Search: Data Sources:

NITROXTM, nitrification, wastewater, Oxidation Reduction Potential, ORP, monitoring

Metcalf and Eddy, Wastewater Engineering Treatment and Reuse, 4th Edition, 2003. Telephone conversation with United Industries.

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Emerging Technologies

Technology Summary
Biological Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (BioMEMS)


Biological Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems Embryonic. (BioMEMS) are aimed at rapid testing of biomolecules that are indicative of an upset process.

State of Development:


BioMEMS are being developed for the faster detection of upset signs in a bioprocess by using microchips or integrated circuits that can detect and quantify the biomolecules that cause process upsets. The systems aim at detecting the changes in the microbial activities that are caused by a shock load or toxicity. BioMEMS can be a very useful in predicting operational problems before they occur, such as bulking, foaming, and detecting, which cause operational problems because of changes to microbial population.

Comparison to Established Technologies:

Not similar to any established technology. Approximate Capital Cost: Approximate O&M Costs: Unknown. Unknown.

Available Cost Information:

Vendor Name(s):

University of Cincinnati Water Quality Biotechnology Program Room 765, Baldwin Hall, Box 210071 Cincinnati, OH 45221-0071 Telephone: 513-556-3670 Email: daniel.oerther@uc.edu or chong.ahn@uc.edu Web sites: www.wqb.uc.edu or www.biomems.uc.edu


There are no installations in the United States at this time.

Key Words for Internet Search: Data Sources:

BioMEMS, wastewater, biomechanics, biological micro-electro-mechanical systems

Web site sources are as follows: www.biomems.uc.edu www.memsnet.org

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Emerging Technologies

Technology Summary
Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH) for Phosphorus Accumulating Organisms (PAOs)


Identify specific microorganisms in wastewater.


State of Development:


Bacteria in activated sludge contain DNA as unique genetic material. DNA sequences unique to individual groups of microorganisms can be used to identify specific microorganisms in samples that contain a mixture of many different types of microorganisms. The process of identifying specific PAOs is part of the full-cycle 16S rRNA approach using FISH. Fluorescently labeled 16S rRNA probes are hybridized, stained, and observed under an epifluorescent microscope.

Comparison to Established Technologies:

The FISH for PAOs microbial detection process is able to positively identify specific microorganisms in a mixed culture. Previously, microbiological tests performed in a laboratory were necessary to identify and enumerate bacteria. This process provides real-time feedback, over laboratory tests that take hours or even days for results.

Available Cost Information:

Approximate Capital Cost: Approximate O&M Costs: Unknown. Unknown.

Vendor Name(s):

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the following universities: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign University of Cincinnati North Carolina State University


There are no known installations.

Key Words for Internet Search: Data Sources:

Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH), 16S rRNA, full-cycle 16S rRNA approach, phylogeny

Amann, R. I., L. Krumholz, and D. A. Stahl, Fluorescent-Oligonucleotide Probing of Whole Cells for Determinative, Phylogenetic, and Environmental Studies in Microbiology, Department of Veterinary Pathobiology, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL 61801, Journal of Bacteriology, 172(2), pp. 762770, February 1990. Amann, Rudolf, Monitoring the Community Structure of Wastewater Treatment Plants: A Comparison of Old and New Techniques, Max-Planck Institut fr Marine Mikrobiologie, Arbeitsgruppe Molekulare kologie, Celsiusstr. 1, D-28359 Bremen, Germany, FEMS Microbiology Ecology, Volume 25, Issue 3, p. 205, March 1998. Daims, Holger, Niels B. Ramsing, Karl-Heinz Schleifer, and Michael Wagner, Cultivation-Independent, Semiautomatic Determination of Absolute Bacterial Cell Numbers in Environmental Samples by Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization, Lehrstuhl fr Mikrobiologie, Technische Universitt Mnchen, 85350 Freising, Germany, and Department of Microbial Ecology, Institute of Biological Sciences, University of Aarhus, 8000 Aarhus, Denmark, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, pp. 5,810 5,818, Vol. 67, No. 12, December 2001.

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Emerging Technologies

Technology Summary
Handheld Advanced Nucleic Acid Analyzer (HANAA)


Real-time detection of pathogens in water and Embryonic. wastewater.

State of Development:

HANAA uses the genetic material of microorganisms in wastewater by performing a Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) to detect pathogens. PCR is a technique for enzymatically replicating DNA without using a living organism, such as E. coli or yeast. Like amplification using living organisms, this technique allows for a small amount of DNA to be amplified exponentially. The HANAA is miniature thermal cycler, which can perform PCR in real time. Commercially these products are available as Bio-SeeqTM and RAZOR, although they are mostly being used for bioterrorism monitoring purposes.


Comparison to Established Technologies:

HANAA can be compared to a thermal cycler that is used in laboratories performing extensive molecular biology work. HANAA is a portable version of the thermal cycler and therefore, has the benefit of being used in field where monitoring needs to be performed, without extensive sampling and laboratory analysis time.

Available Cost Information:

Approximate Capital Cost: Approximate O&M Costs: Unknown. Unknown.

Vendor Name(s):

Smiths Detection Telephone: 1-908-222-9100 Web site: www.smithsdetection.com/ Idaho Technology Inc. 390 Wakara Way Salt Lake City, UT 84108 Telephone: 801-736-6354 or 800-735-6544 Fax: 801-588-0507 Email: it@idahotech.com Web site: www.idahotech.com/


Information not available about the installations.

Key Words for Internet Search: Data Sources:

Bio-SeeqTM, Smiths Detection, Handheld Advanced Nuclei Acid Analyzer, HANNA

Higgins, James, Handheld Advanced Nucleic Acid Analyzer (HANAA) for Waterborne Pathogen Detection, WERF publication, USDA, 2001. www.smithsdetection.com Telephone conversation with the vendor.

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Emerging Technologies

Technology Summary
Immunosensors and Immunoassays


Use antigen- antibody interaction to identify the presence Embryonic. of toxins in wastewater.

State of Development:


Immunosensors and immunoassays involve antibodies that bind to a specific antigen noncovalently. Sensors and assays are designed to detect these interactions through a range of transducer options. The most popular immunoassay system in use is the Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbent Assay (ELISA). Environmental application includes analyzing selected contaminants such as pesticides and polyaromatic hydrocarbons. ELISAs include an antibody or antigen bound on a titer plate and an unbound reagent labeled with an enzyme that produces a signal in the presence of a specified substrate.

Comparison to Established Technologies:

This is not similar to any established technology.

Available Cost Information:

Approximate Capital Cost: Approximate O&M Costs: Unknown. Unknown.

Vendor Name(s):

Not available commercially for wastewater applications.


There are no known installations.

Key Words for Internet Search: Data Sources:

ELISA, antibody-antigen, immunosensors, and immunoassays

Love, Nancy and Charles Bott, A Review and Needs Survey of Upset Early Warning Devices, WERF publication, 2000.

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Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

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Emerging Technologies

Technology Summary
Photo-electro Chemical Oxygen Demand (PeCODTM)


Determine Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) of Embryonic. wastewater without extensive laboratory process.

State of Development:


Photo-electro Chemical Oxygen Demand (PeCOD) technology can measure photo-current charge originating from the oxidization of organic species contained in a sample. The PeCOD technology is able to photo-electrochemically generate an electrical signal that directly correlates, via mass balance, with the oxidizable organic species contained in wastewater samples. The core of the technology is the ability of the UV-activated nano-particulate photocatalyst semi-conductive electrode to create a high-oxidation potential that ensures complete oxidation of all oxidizable organic species. This technology has the ability to capture and measure the resultant photo-current. The PeCODTM online analyzer has been used to monitor COD in municipal wastewater treatment plants. Real-time COD event-monitoring enables efficient secondary treatment and reduces operational and discharge costs in regional plants vulnerable to COD surges from industrial sources.

Comparison to Established Technologies:

The photoelectric COD sensor has short analysis time, is simple to use, has low impact to the environment, and has a long sensor life. It provides real-time results in as low as 30 seconds to overcome the problems of time delay encountered by chemical oxidation methods. High sensitivity and wide linear range is obtained by direct signal acquisition.

Available Cost Information:

Approximate Capital Cost: Approximate O&M Costs: Not available. Not available.

Vendor Name(s):

Aqua Diagnostic Pty Ltd. Level 1, 159 Dorcas Street South Melbourne, Victoria 3205 Australia Telephone: 61 3 8606 3424 Fax: 61 3 9686 9866 Email: info@aquadiagnostic.com Web site: http://www.aquadiagnostic.com East China Normal University Litong Jin Department of Chemistry Shanghai 200062 Peoples Republic of China


There are no installations.

Key Words for Internet Search: Data Sources:

Photo-electro Chemical Oxygen Demand, PeCODTM, Aqua Diagnostic

Aqua Diagnostic, PeCODTM COD Analyzer Delivers Rapid, Reliable and Accurate On-Line COD Monitoring, Technology. Journal Abstract, Ti/TiO2 Electrode Preparation Using Laser Anneal and its Application to Determination of Chemical Oxygen Demand, Electroanalysis, Volume 18, Issue 10, pp. 1,0141,018.

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Research Needs
6.1 Introduction In order to develop new technologies or process improvements for any technology that is considered to be innovative or embryonic, additional research and field demonstration projects are necessary. This chapter focuses on specific technologies that may have a significant impact on wastewater treatment and wet weather management, and the relevant research needs in these areas. 6.2 Research Needs Wastewater treatment technologies have shown tremendous growth in the past decade and continue to grow. The focus of treatment technologies is to achieve higher levels of pollutant removal while minimizing the operation and maintenance costs of the treatment system. Emerging technologies can provide more cost-efficient solutions to the problems associated with deteriorating wastewater treatment and collection systems, growing population and urbanization, conservation of non-renewable resources and approaches toward cheap and green technology. Emerging technologies may also improve the performance of processes and systems. Research and technical issues can be grouped into the following areas: (1) upgrading older WWTPs; (2) nutrient removal and recovery; (3) use of smart technologies; (4) research and development to solve emerging problems in treatment facilities; and (5) security and emergency preparedness of WWTPs in United States. 6.2.1 Upgrading Old WWTPs Most of the treatment plants in the United States were constructed more than two decades ago. Many of these treatment facilities need to be upgraded to improve capacity and treatment efficiency. The upgraded treatment processes that can best fit the existing technologies at Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTWs) are chosen based upon permit requirements and their cost-effectiveness techniques used to achieve water quality and protect public health. Such upgrades are often opportunities to employ emerging technologies or established technologies in newer and better ways.

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Some of the areas of current and future interest are as follows:

Determine of the long-term performance and life-cycle cost effectiveness of system

rehabilitation techniques, including new and existing materials.

Identify emerging and innovative asset inspection technologies and demonstrate of

these technologies in field settings to improve understanding of cost-effectiveness, performance, and reliability. wastewater utilities.

Use technologies that are energy-efficient and conserve energy expenditures by Use physical adaptation for emerging and innovative technologies within the existing
constraints of wastewater facilities. 6.2.2 Removal of Nutrients and Other Contaminants Nutrients in wastewater effluent can stimulate excessive algae growth and ammonia is toxic to aquatic life. Increasingly more stringent nutrient discharge limits are promoting research into technologies that are capable of improved nutrient removal. Compounds that can alter the endocrine system of animals are known as Endocrine Disrupting Compounds (EDCs) and have been linked to a variety of adverse effects in both humans and wildlife. Pharmaceutical compounds and their metabolites have been detected as Pharmaceutically Active Compounds (PhACs). Some PhACs are highly persistent and can function as EDCs. Some of the areas of current and future interest are as follows:

Processes to achieve low total nitrogen and total phosphorus levels. Recycle streams for bioaugmentation and enhanced nutrient removal. Use MBR technology for anaerobic wastewater treatment. Use Aerobic Granular Sludge Process (AGSP) for aerobic wastewater treatment. Evaluate availability and effectiveness of new carbon sources for denitrification. Identify refractory Dissolved Organic Nitrogen (rDON) and determine rDON bioavailability. rDON.

Evaluate new processes and process modifications that can effectively remove Improve online nutrient and toxic monitoring techniques. Improve analytical methods for measuring very low levels of nitrogen and

Improve disinfection technologies for control of emerging pathogens of concern

(Cryptosporidium, Giardia, e-Coli-0157, etc.) without disinfection byproduct issues.


Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

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Emerging Technologies

Recover P, N, and ammonia from wastewater streams (e.g., Struvite precipitation

and calcium phosphate formation) and study the feasibility of these processes in the United States. Prions, PPCPs, etc.

Evaluate new technologies for cost-effective removal of EDCs, PhACs, PBDEs,

6.2.3 Use of Smart Technologies Real-time information through monitors and automated process controls provide improved process performance and treatment response. These recent advances can be further developed to yield even greater advances. Some of the smart-technologies are as follows:

Biological process modeling and control by using process-modeling tools to control

plant operations and optimize treatment. reduced energy usage.

Process automation, improved efficiency, space needs, reduced O&M costs, and Sensors and early warning devices to predict system upset. Microbiology and molecular tools to better understand and resolve biological
wastewater treatment issues. time monitoring. systems.

Monitoring technologies development using the molecular approach to achieve real Microbial ecology study of reactors, metabolic pathways, and bioengineered Energy recovery improvement.
6.2.4 Security of Water Systems With treatment and collection systems valued at more than $2 trillion, the wastewater infrastructure of the United States is one of the nations most valuable resources. Largescale damage to this national asset would require extensive rebuilding under very challenging conditions. While loss of life resulting from this damage might not be significant, the discharge of millions of gallons of untreated or partially treated sewage into the nations rivers and lakes could cause catastrophic damage to aquatic ecosystems and the economy. While much attention has been given to the security of the nations drinking water systems, there has been less emphasis on wastewater security. Research for security of wastewater systems includes the following:

Emergency preparedness of WWTPs to deal with pandemics, new strains of viruses

and bacteria, or spill incidents.

Mitigation strategies for treatment plants after natural calamities (i.e., Katrina). Prevention and preparedness for bioterrorism.
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6.2.5 Other Research Focus and Developments There are many additional areas for further research in the wastewater treatment arena, specifically concerning the development of new technologies or in approaches to extend the life of wastewater infrastructure and investments in treatment technologies, including the following.

Contact-stabilization and/or quick stabilization of storm water. Compounds of emerging concern such as EDCs, PPCPs, PBDEs, Prions, etc. Pathogens and antibiotic-resistant pathogens in water reclamation processes. Fate of specific organic pollutants. Sustainable wastewater conveyance and treatment. Novel advanced treatment processes that enable water reuse. Odor control and aerosol emission from the wastewater treatment facility. Disinfection alternatives to chlorination. Prevention of membrane fouling through changes in membrane system design, materials, and operation.

Kinetic and stoichiometric parameter estimation of biological processes. Degradation of xenobiotics and destruction-resistant strains of microorganisms. Biohydrogen (as fuel-cells for electricity production) and bioethanol production
through wastewater processes. Some technologies can be used in certain regions depending on the climatic conditions. These technologies need to be made available to the WWTPs in those regions. One such example is the solar disinfection system that can be used in sunnier parts of the United States. 6.2.6 Research Needs and Prioritization per Water Environment Research Foundation (WERF) The Water Environment Research Foundation (WERF) held a workshop in March of 2006 for an informed discussion on nitrogen and phosphorus removal at wastewater treatment plants. They have since produced the report entitled WERF Workshop of Nutrient Removal: How Low Can We Go and What is Stopping Us from Going Lower?, 05-CTS1W. The report identifies research needs and prioritizes the results from that workshop; see Exhibit 6-1 (report is included with the permission from the WERF). 6.3 Chapter References Institute of Environment and Resources Wastewater Technology University of Denmark; web site: http://www.er.dtu.dk/English/ Water Environment Research Foundation (WERF), 2002; web site: www.werf.org/funding/ researchplan.cfm


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Emerging Technologies Exhibit 6.1Paper from WERF Workshop on Nutrient Removal


by: Charles B. Bott, Ph.D., P.E. Virginia Military Institute Sudhir N. Murthy, Ph.D., P.E. District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority, D.C. Tanya T. Spano, P.E. Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments, D.C. Clifford W. Randall, Ph.D. Virginia Tech


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Emerging Technologies Exhibit 6.1Paper from WERF Workshop on Nutrient Removal (Contd)

February 2008

Abstract: Based on an expert stakeholder workshop convened in March 2006, this report provides a summary of discussions on the state of knowledge on the removal of nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) from wastewater and their limits of technology (LOT), and to help address the questions how low can we go and what is stopping us from going lower. The panelists and participants included many of the key water quality professionals from consulting, academia, government, and utilities that have been working in this arena for several years and/or decades. The report includes an accompanying CD-ROM with the speaker presentations, documents distributed at the workshop, research needs and prioritization, as well as the list of participants and results from the workshop survey. Benefits: Provides a summary of the state of knowledge through presentations and discussions by key experts and practitioners on limits of technology, removal strategies, etc., for nitrogen and phosphorus in wastewater Identifies key questions and research needs Informs WERF current nutrient removal challenge (06-NUTR-1) Keywords: Nitrification, denitrification, boundary conditions, nitrogen, phosphorus, EBPR, BNR PRIORITY RESEARCH NEEDS IDENTIFIED AT WORKSHOP The following three categories of program-based research needs were identified: A. Policy and Information Based Research B. Experimental Research Targeting LOT Permitting Policy (short-term research) C. Experimental Research Targeting LOT Design and Operation Within these three categories, there are four priorities established (Highest, High, Moderate, and Long-Range). See Appendix A for the detailed research needs and prioritization.
Table 1: Priority Research Needs Identified at Workshop.

1 2

Program-Based Research Needs Identified Policy and Information Based Research This focuses on a forum for LOT policy development and disseminating information among WERF industry, utility, consulting and regulatory subscriber groups Information Exchange and Technology Transfer methods to improve sharing of operational and design experience at or near the LOT LOT Permitting Policy need to develop consensus on achievable, realistic, and sustainable nutrient limits


Highest Highest


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Long Range Sustainability for Water Reuse and Nutrient Recovery need to understand and measure sustainable approaches to LOT nutrient removal Research Targeting LOT Permitting Policy Several topics of experimental research that should be considered to support the LOT permitting approach Refractory Dissolved Organic Nitrogen (rDON) need to better understand the production and sources of rDON, removal of rDON in various treatment schemes, and the significance of rDON in the environment Standard Methods for Low Level P Analysis develop standard methods for LOT phosphorus measurement and understand / characterize residual and refractory phosphorus fractions Update Nitrification Inhibition EPA List list of chemicals that represent threshold nitrification inhibition dosages was developed about 20 years ago; it has not been updated since and is incorrect / incomplete. Updated list is needed as part of local municipality pre-treatment program. Modeling Tools and Procedures develop forum for modeling LOT nutrient removal Research Targeting LOT Design and Operation Focus research targeted at improving the technology and design procedures for LOT nutrient removal processes based on differing plant size and discharge limits. Better understand the impact of LOT nutrient removal on sludge treatment and reuse, and the related implications for volume and mass of solids created. Better Instrumentation and Application / Implementation / Use of Online Instruments develop online instrumentation and control for LOT nutrient removal including nitrogen control, phosphorus control and supplemental carbon addition and control Substrates for Denitrification and Biological Phosphorus Removal a majority of plants building LOT nitrogen and phosphorus removal processes will consider supplemental carbon for treatment; much work is needed to understand the appropriate use of supplemental carbon Methods to achieve Low P Levels develop novel technologies for LOT phosphorus control, while simultaneously understand capabilities of current simultaneous precipitation, tertiary clarification and/or


Short-Term Research Highest



4 C

Highest Long-Term Research




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Emerging Technologies filtration technologies

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High Nitrification Process Control, Inhibition and Bioaugmentation - develop and refine understanding Exhibit 6.1Paper from WERF Workshop on Nutrient Removal (Contd) of nitrification impacts on LOT treatment, including impacts of chemical and substrate inhibition, cold filtration technologies temperature Process Control, high temperature High 4 Nitrification and cold shock, Inhibition and inhibition, BOD/TKN ratios, process understanding Bioaugmentation - develop and refine anaerobic/anoxic/aerobic cycling, etc. of nitrification impacts on LOT treatment, including High 5 P Limitations of Post-Secondary Denitrification impacts of chemical and substrate inhibition, cold Processes as utilities consider simultaneous low TN temperature and cold shock, high temperature and TP, phosphorus deficiency becomes an important inhibition, BOD/TKN ratios, process issue for plants. Research cycling, etc. understand anaerobic/anoxic/aerobic is needed to phosphorus bioavailability in chemically removed High 5 P Limitations of Post-Secondary Denitrification material versus suspended solidssimultaneous low TN Processes as utilities consider from Bio-P processes and TP, phosphorus deficiency becomes an important High 6 Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal issue for plants. Research is needed to understand continued research neededin chemically removed phosphorus bioavailability in several areas for costeffective application of EBPR, e.g.,from Bio-Pand material versus suspended solids P uptake release kinetics, pre-fermenters, VFA, PAO, GAO, processes etc. High 6 Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal High 7 Simultaneous Nitrification-Denitrification (SND) costcontinued research needed in several areas for better design and implementation information and effective application of EBPR, e.g., P uptake and methodologies to pre-fermenters, VFA, of nutrient release kinetics, evaluate the amount PAO, GAO, removal credit that can be expected with a SND etc. process for small to medium sized plants (SND) High 7 Simultaneous Nitrification-Denitrification 8 Side Stream Treatment researchinformation and High better design and implementation on reduction in influent loading,to evaluate the amount of nutrient methodologies bioaugmentation, etc. Highest 9 Activatedcredit that can be expectedBulkingSND removal Sludge Settling, Selectors, with a clarifiers aresmall to hydraulicsized plants for LOT usually medium bottlenecks process for nutrient removal; develop protocols for reduction in 8 Side Stream Treatment research on process and High clarifier operations for LOT treatment influent loading, bioaugmentation, etc. Highest 9 Activated Sludge Settling, Selectors, Bulking clarifiers are usually hydraulic bottlenecks for LOT nutrient removal; develop protocols for process and clarifier operations for LOT treatment 4

RESEARCH NEEDS AND PRIORITIZATION Overall Goals A research program that will provide utility, industrial, consultant and regulator subscribers a battery of tools to help insure that water quality-based nutrient limits are RESEARCH NEEDS AND PRIORITIZATION achievable, sustainable and cost effective. These tools will address design, operational Overall Goals control, measurement and regulatory compliance issues for limit of technology (LOT) nutrient A research program that will provide utility, industrial, identify LOT effluent removal. A well-defined and standardized approach to consultant and regulator subscribers a battery of tools to help and receiving water characteristics, operating quality based on site-specific influentinsure that water quality-based nutrient limits are achievable, treatability of various nutrient components, and other parameters, is a most realities and sustainable and cost effective. These tools will address design, operational control, measurement and regulatory compliance issues for limit of technology (LOT) critical need. nutrient removal. A well-defined and standardized approach to identify LOT effluent quality based on site-specific influent and receiving water characteristics, operating realities and treatability of various nutrient components, and other parameters, is a most critical need.

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Emerging Technologies Exhibit 6.1Paper from WERF Workshop on Nutrient Removal (Contd)

Overview Several categories of program-based research needs were identified at the 2005 Nutrient Removal Workshop. These include: A. Policy and Information Based Research B. Experimental Research Targeting LOT Permitting Policy (short-term research) C. Experimental Research Targeting LOT Design and Operation Within these three categories, there are four priorities established. These are Highest, High, Moderate, and Long-Range. It is expected that funding would be established for the Highest priority research. WERF should first evaluate existing projects in these categories. Successful, existing WERF or Subscriber projects should be leveraged when possible to minimize WERF costs by providing program oversight, peer review or simply by disseminating results through information exchange on a case-bycase basis. A. POLICY AND INFORMATION-BASED RESEARCH This sub-program area focuses on a forum for LOT policy development and disseminating information among WERF industry, utility, consulting and regulatory subscriber groups. 1. Information Exchange and Technology Transfer Priority Highest Methods are needed to improve the sharing of operational and design experiences at or near the LOT. This could be in the form of design methodologies, regulatory toolkits, standards for influent wastewater characterization, and web-based information sharing tools. A significant amount of institutional knowledge is available within process simulation models that are currently available. There is a need for educational enhancement within our field on the understanding, use and application of these models. These models represent a platform for sharing design and operational experiences. (also see modeling belowPart B-4) There is a need to translate the real world experience of LOT facilities, such as effluent variability, operation challenges, back into the design tools and operating strategies to test the ability of the toolkits to predict performance. There is a need to better understand what skills are required to operate LOT nutrient removal facilities and whether current training/certification programs are adequate. Also, to determine specific services and training needs for start-up and debugging of a new facility or a renovated facility. There is a need to better understand the costs and benefits of designing and operating plants to achieve LOT nutrient removal. This information-based research could be a reasonable forum to follow the development and application of membrane bioreactor processes and membrane treatment for very low levels of phosphorus removal and possibly the removal of refractory nitrogen.
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February 2008

Although other forums could be used, there is a need to update and expand the wellknown EPA Nitrogen Control Manual (EPA/625/R-93/010, 1993) to include current information and to include both LOT nitrogen and phosphorus removal and the improvements in instrumentation, controls and real time analytical measurement. 2. LOT Permitting Policy Priority Highest There is an important need to develop consensus among municipalities, industry, regulators and consultants on what are achievable, realistic and sustainable limits for nutrients. Under what conditions can we achieve near perfection? How close to ideal can we permit? This suggests a need for permits that include Boundary Conditions or Terms and Conditions under which discharge limits can and should be reliably met. There is a need for policies and regulatory framework to develop these permitting strategies. Examples such as excluding refractory dissolved organic nitrogen from massbased limits, accounting for higher influent levels due to industrial sources, water saving or conservation measures, statistically-based limits rather than absolute values (such as 90% of the time), and variances for wet weather flows and inhibition from unusual occurrences. WERF should pursue an understanding of environmental benefit and cost from different regulatory approaches and the costs and benefits associated with the risk mitigation of noncompliance. Assuming that effluent limits are being set based on the LOT, can we develop a methodology that will allow designers, operators and regulators to agree to site specific LOTs effluent limits? Do we need to develop a CMOM (capacity, management, operations and maintenance, similar to EPAs program for collection systems) or EMS (environmental management systems, similar to the EPA/WEF/NACWA program for biosolids) approach to our NPDES limits that incorporate LOT limits? If the system were designed to standards that all agree should be able to achieve LOT, the plant continuously monitors, operates and maintains the system but LOT limit is not achieved, can this provide a defense against monetary violations? Would an exceedance cause an action plan similar to a toxicity reduction evaluation, without onerous fines and penalties? Can an approach be developed that would define the range in effluent quality produced from various treatment technologies, i.e., denitrification filters (0 to 0.x mg/l Nitrate)? Evaluate why certain plants may sometimes not be able to meet specific limits There is a need to explore alternate permit limits such as a 12-month rolling average for a mass based limit over a strict LOT concentration limit. Trading programs will allow flexibility with a LOT limit. This may serve to bridge the operational performance deficiencies during process upset or wet weather conditions. There are wet and cold weather conditions that are not practical for wastewater treatment plant design that may occur infrequently and would need boundary conditions. Consider permitting with Boundary Condition Interpretation of blending regulations

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Emerging Technologies Exhibit 6.1Paper from WERF Workshop on Nutrient Removal (Contd)

3. Long Range SustainabilityWater Reuse and Nutrient Recovery PriorityLong Range There is a need to understand and measure sustainable approaches to LOT nutrient removal. This includes developing a sustainability index and understanding the additional energy and chemicals requirements to attain LOT treatment. Metrics for value produced from treatment for reuse and reclamation is needed. Other approaches for sustainability include decentralized treatment, nutrient recovery, integrated water treatment and reclamation, and solids volume reduction. B. EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH TARGETING LOT PERMITTING POLICY (SHORT-TERM RESEARCH) There are several topics of experimental research that should be considered to support the LOT permitting approach. These projects should receive highest priority for WERF funding. 1. Refractory Dissolved Organic Nitrogen (rDON) Priority Highest For a plant achieving LOT nitrogen removal, 30-50% of the effluent N is in the form of rDON. There is a need to better understand the production and sources of rDON, removal of rDON in various treatment schemes, and the significance of rDON in the environment. Do non-biodegradable forms of nitrogen exist in wastewater and if so how can they be measured? Should they be excluded from nitrogen discharge mass limits? Occurrence Removal Significance? Source? Influent or biological process? Humics? EPS? SMP? Effect of treatment process design/operation on production/removal? Methods to remove maybe a survey of different treatment systems in place now? Novel methods for removal? Production in suspended growth versus fixed film systems Production in separate stage nitrification/denitrification systems vs. combined systems. Differences in production between plug flow combined systems (e.g. Bardenpho) vs. those that approach complete mix (e.g. Carrousel systems) vs. mixed flow processes like Step Feed BNR Borrow from the field of drinking water NOM removal? Fate bioavailability in the environment (including an assessment of the time scale of availability)? 2. Standard Methods for Low Level P Analysis Priority Highest Develop standard methods for LOT phosphorus measurement and understand/characterize residual and refractory phosphorus fractions. 3. Update Nitrification Inhibition EPA List
Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

2. Standard Methods for Low Level P Analysis Priority Highest Emerging Technologies Develop standard methods for LOT phosphorus measurement and understand/characterize residual and refractory phosphorus fractions. 3. Update Nitrification Inhibition EPA List

February 2008

Exhibit 6.1Paper from WERF Workshop on Nutrient Removal (Contd)

Priority Highest U.S. EPA developed a list of chemicals that represent threshold nitrification inhibition dosages about 20 years ago and it has not been updated since. This list has proven to be incorrect and incomplete. Localities need an updated list that can be used as part of their pre-treatment program. 4. Modeling Tools and Procedures Priority Highest Develop a forum for modeling LOT nutrient removal as well-developed models essentially represent current collective knowledge. This forum would evaluate reactor staging, wet weather, cold weather, inhibition, sidestream treatment, partial nitrification, denitrification and deammonification reaction, biological-P and chemical P removal to understand capabilities of plants to achieve LOT. Available data would be reviewed that show complete mix systems develop nitrifying bacteria with significantly lower growth rates than in plug flow systems; similar data are available comparing mixed flow systems (Step BNR) and plug flow systems. Also, given the importance of rDON, models need to updated to reflect current research results on bioflocculation of colloidal materials and to account for rDON removal/transformation and rDON production/end product formation during biological treatment. Models will be a primary tool in demonstrating LOT limits to regulators and, thus, these models must be fine-tuned when it comes to LOT limits. Small anomalies, such as reaction time to turn on additional aeration or turn off aeration, during the day could, in the case of nitrogen, add 0.1 to 0.5 mg/l TN to the effluent. C. EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH TARGETING LOT DESIGN AND OPERATION (LONG-TERM RESEARCH) There is a need to focus research targeted at improving the technology and design procedures for LOT nutrient removal processes based on differing plant size and discharge limits. Plants that have very low TP limits without TN limits require different strategies as compared to plants that have combined low TN (3-4 mg/L) and moderately low TP (0.1-1 mg/L) limits. Research priorities in this category generally depend on the size of the plant being considered. Small plants typically have high SRT and HRT and large clarifiers, and thus there is a need to understand how to extract additional nutrient removal from available volume. This suggests better information transfer and experimental research targeting these design modifications (do more nutrient removal with the tank volume available). Large plants already have low available safety factor in terms of SRT and HRT. New cost-effective technologies should be considered to further extract additional nutrient removal (e.g. breakpoint chlorination, bioaugmentation, side stream treatment, etc.) without large capital expenditures. There is also a need to better understand the impact of LOT nutrient removal on sludge treatment and reuse, and the related implications for volume and mass of solids created. (Note: to be coordinated with the concurrent ET challenge on solids volume reduction).


Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

February 2008

Emerging Technologies Exhibit 6.1Paper from WERF Workshop on Nutrient Removal (Contd)

1. Better Instrumentation and Application/Implementation/Use of Online Instrument Priority Highest Develop online instrumentation and control for LOT nutrient removal including nitrogen control, phosphorus control and supplemental carbon addition and control. Leverage existing WERF projects including 03-CTS-8 and expand it to phosphorus removal and carbon control technologies. This will also improve efficiency and energy management at treatment facilities. This one area as with all instrumentation and controls has changed dramatically since the 1993 EPA manual was published and needs updating to current technology. 2. Substrates for Denitrification and Biological Phosphorus Removal Priority Highest A majority of plants that will build LOT nitrogen and phosphorus removal processes will be considering supplemental carbon for treatment. Much work needs to be done to understand the appropriate use of supplemental carbon: Improve understanding of methanol utilization kinetics, microbiology, and stoichiometry both in suspended and attached growth systems and temperature dependency Glycerol (unrefined byproduct of biodiesel production coupled with possible increase in methanol cost with consumption to produce biodiesel) Better understanding of benefit of acetate, ethanol, sugar solutions and other viable carbon sources compared to methanol better understand kinetics, microbiology (ability of native organisms to use these substrates), and stoichiometry Evaluate the potential for insitu methanol production using methane derived from anaerobic digestion. Improve understanding and application of fermentation processes (using various sludge sources) for VFA production and Bio-P versus fermentation for high COD/TKN ratio for denitrification Better understanding of capability of denitrification in single-sludge second anoxic zone with and without carbon addition 3. Methods to Achieve Low P Levels Priority High Develop novel technologies for LOT phosphorus control, while simultaneously understand capabilities of current simultaneous precipitation, tertiary clarification and/or filtration technologies (how well are we doing?). Two areas of research should be considered: Chemistry at low P concentrations (high Me/P dose ratio) Improvement of solids removal (membranes, filtration, or other) 4. Nitrification Process Control, Inhibition and Bioaugmentation Priority High There is an important need to develop and refine our understanding of nitrification impacts on LOT treatment, including impacts of chemical and substrate inhibition, cold temperature and cold shock, high temperature inhibition, BOD/TKN ratios, process
Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

Emerging Technologies Exhibit 6.1Paper from WERF Workshop on Nutrient Removal (Contd)

February 2008

anaerobic/anoxic/aerobic cycling. Develop molecular techniques to monitor and diagnose inhibition. Develop and refine novel techniques to enhance nitrification including bioaugmentation and heterotrophic wasting. Leverage existing WERF projects. Develop a user friendly system of analysis and evaluation for the end users for trouble shooting guide to nitrification inhibition. 5. P Limitations of Post-Secondary Denitrification Processes Priority High As utilities consider simultaneous low TN and TP, phosphorus deficiency becomes an important issue for plants. Therefore, research is needed to understand phosphorus bioavailability in chemically removed material versus suspended solids from Bio-P processes. 6. Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal Continued Research Priority High Several areas of research remain for the cost-effective application of the enhanced biological phosphorus removal process at the LOT: P uptake and release kinetics staging, P concentration and P storage, relationship between release and uptake specifically under dynamic loading conditions? Operation and control of pre-fermenters for VFA production? How much does fermenter operation affect the production of the different VFA forms, particularly acetic and propionic? PAO starvation with diurnal feeding? Need improved understanding of COD uptake and stabilization under anaerobic conditions - biochemical mechanisms involved. Improved understanding of secondary P release in anoxic zones and clarifiers? Better understanding of competition between PAOs and GAOs, particularly as related to influent wastewater characteristics such as the acetic/propionic acid ratio. Also, temperature effects on the competition over the range from 5-40oC and the biochemical mechanisms involved. Better understanding of the interactions of EBPR and chemicals, which can develop a tool that will help identify when EBPR versus chemicals should be used to achieve LOT. 7. Simultaneous Nitrification-Denitrification (SND) Priority High SND represents a good opportunity for small to medium size plants with available safety factor to maximize nutrient removal (both denitrification and potentially bio-P), likely as a component of more conventional nutrient removal processes. It seems likely that SND alone would not be used to meet LOT permit limits, but it could be part of a cost-effective solution for nutrient removal. There is a need for better design and implementation information and methodologies for evaluating the amount of nutrient removal credit that can be expected with a SND process. Several research areas should be addressed including nitrification to NO2, improved online instrumentation for process control, potential bio-P considerations, nitrification kinetics, and modeling. 8. Sidestream Treatment Reduction in Influent Loading and Bioaugmentation

Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

likely as a component of more conventional nutrient removal processes. It seems likely that SND alone would not be used to meet LOT permit limits, but it could be part of a cost-effective solution for nutrient removal. There is a need for better design and February implementation information and methodologies for evaluating the amount of Emerging Technologies 2008 nutrient removal credit that can be expected with a SND process. Several research areas should be addressed including nitrification to NO2, improved online instrumentation for process Exhibit 6.1Paper from WERF Workshop on Nutrient Removal (Contd) control, potential bio-P considerations, nitrification kinetics, and modeling. 8. Sidestream Treatment Reduction in Influent Loading and Bioaugmentation Priority High Sidestream treatment is a cost effective method to reduce the use of supplemental carbon and aeration energy. An added benefit is the bioaugmentation of nitrifying bacteria to the main-stream treatment process. Research areas include: Further develop the Anammox and related processes for autotrophic denitrification. Use molecular methods to evaluate mainstream bioaugmentation efficiency of nitrifiers produced in side-stream treatment. Need thorough documentation of fullscale demonstrations. 9. Activated Sludge Settling, Selectors, Bulking Priority Highest (but should be addressed outside the WERF LOT Nutrient Removal Program) Clarifiers are usually hydraulic bottlenecks for LOT nutrient removal. Develop protocols for process and clarifier operations for LOT treatment, including understanding benefits/ drawbacks of anoxic zones, IFAS and phosphorus deficiency from low TP coprecipitation. Given the sporadic performance of anoxic and anaerobic selectors, conduct research to understand and improve performance. Through additional surveys and experimentation, assess whether some BNR processes, influent compositions, and environmental conditions produce mixed liquor qualities that have superior settling and compaction characteristics. Building on previous WERF research, there is a need to develop a fundamental understanding of the factors leading to or favoring improved settling and compaction.

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Emerging Technologies

February 2008

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Trade Associations
A.1 Introduction This chapter lists professional and trade associations that may have significant information. These professional and trade associations may provide relevant research assistance on wastewater treatment and in-plant wet weather management technologies within their respective areas of expertise. A.2 Trade Associations American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) 1801 Alexander Bell Drive Reston, VA 20191-4400 Telephone: 800-548-2723 Web site: http://www.asce.org National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA) 1816 Jefferson Place, NW, Washington D.C. 20036 Telephone: 202-833-2672 Web site: http://www.nacwa.org/ Water and Wastewater Equipment Manufacturers Association (WWEMA) P.O. Box 17402, Washington, D.C. 20041 Telephone: 703-444-1777 Web site: http://www.wwema.org Water Environment Federation (WEF) 601 Wythe Street, Alexandria, VA 22314-1994 Telephone: 703-684-2452 Web site: http://www.wef.org Water Environment Research Foundation (WERF) 635 Slaters Lane, Suite 300, Alexandria, VA 22314 Telephone: 703-684-2470 Web site: http://www.werf.org

Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management


Emerging Technologies

February 2008

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Wastewater Treatment and In-Plant Wet Weather Management

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