Sentinel Tech Manual V0

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2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3/

1.0 1.1 2.0 2.1 2.2

General Description Versions Mechanical Description Coin Mechanism Assembly Coin Entry and Exit options 2 . 2..1 Option One-Front Entry 2.2 ..2 Option Two-Top Entry 2.3 1 Coin Sorter Module I Assembly and &assembly 0 Applications Power Supplies ! Using the Parallel Interface i Using the Serial interface 3.1 Normal Use 3 3.2 Programming 4 Coin Sorting 0 Maintenance and Fault Finding 0 Specifications Sentinel Options

1.0 General Description

Th e SENTINEL Coin Mechanism is the first of a new family of products based on Corn Controls new cash-handling concept of Flexible Cash Modules. It uses the latest in coin-handling technology off era product with an unparalled combination of performance, features and value-for-money The key feature of SENTINEL is flexibility. By selection from the carefully designed system of mechanical sub-modules, SENTINEL can be configured to suit almost any 5 sized coin mechanism application. SENTINEL offers:-Standard 5 size -up to 8-coin validation -Field/User programmability of -Coin parameters --coin sorter routing -both Parallel and Serial interfaces Flexible and fully programmable corn sorting (4 ways plus toggle within the height of the 5 body.)

1.1 Versions
the time of going to press, the folIowIng versions and options were available. Please contact Coin Controls for the latest list. Mechanical options:-Front Entry -Top Entry -Direct Reject -Indirect Reject -Single Accept Channel -4-way Plug-in Sorter Electronic Versions:-UK AWP Standard with -I/ 15~ dc -Universal Parallel Interface Compatable with all AWPS -4 and 8 corn capability - IIC Serial Interface






The Sentinel Coin Mechanism is shown in exploded form at the bark of this manual A rundown is provided between the reject gate (no. 42) and the body (no. 7) along which are placed ree coils of different shapes and srzes. The first coil (no 18) is a large diameter round coil which is placed th a t the front of the rundown. Coil number two IS a smaller round coil (no 14). which is situated in the gate \ no. 42) and the final coil is a wrapround (no. 20). If a coin having passed the three sensors is deemed true the accept gate (no. 40) 1s opened by energising a solenoid (no. 23A) and the coin passes through the accept c o i l (no. 28). Having cleared the accept coil, the accept gate is closed and a credit signal is generated If the mechanism is fitted with a sorter, this is energised at the same time as the accept flap nd is reset once the photo-cells (no 47) have been obscured and cleared again. 22

2.2.1 I

Coin Entry and Exit Options Option One-Front Entry

The front entry option is achieved by fixing to the basic assembly, parts numbered (6,8,9,12,13,15,16,). In nost cases this assembly will then be used in conjunction with the frontplate parts numbered l,2.3,4,5,44). This option can be either direct or indirect reject and can also be fitted with either a single e it port or a four coin sorter. x

2 2..2

Option Two-Top Entry

T h i s is achieved by adding to the basic assembly parts numbered (51, 52, 53. 54, 55). This unit can be fitted with either a single exit port or a four coin sorter.


Coin Sorter Module

When fitted to the assembly the sorter allows four-way sorting. This is achieved by two Incorporated flaps (no. 27, 36) which are actively driven by solenoids (nos. 23 B & 23 C) The first flap (no. 36) 1s a metal construction, which diverts the coin to one of ports A or B at the back of the assembly when the solenoid (no 23C) is not energised and to one of ports C or D near the centre of the mechanism when the solenoid (no 23C) is energised The long plastic divertor flap (no. 27) which runs the length of the sorter, is used to select between ports A and B or between ports C and D under the control of the solenoid (no. 23B). Two sets of photo~cells (no. 47) are located at the bottom of the sorter which reset the solenoids and allow the assembly to accept further corns immediately after the coin has cleared the cells .This eliminates any timing complications. The sorter is a plug in module and can be fitted and programmed on site with the ald of the Sentinel Tool Kit"or" Master Programmer

Assembly and Disassembly 2.4

To remove the body from frontplate, first unplug connectors (parallel or serial Interface). Pull back catch (no. 6) and lift body upwards. When stop position is reached the body can be withdrawn . When reassembling, line up keyhole slots in body with retainers on frontplate. Push body forward and downwards. When in position , catch (no. 6) will click into appropriate slot.


To remove Sorter
Undo screw (no. 19c) and remove cover (no. 39). The sorter can be unplugged and withdrawn. When reassembling ensure snubber (no. 25) is in correct positron.

Servicing the Sorter

When the three retaining screws (no. 30) are removed the sorter splits into two parts allowing the solenoids and flaps to be serviced. To remove flap (no. 27) the spring retaining screw (no. 35) must be removed first, followed by the spring (no. 32). When reassembling the unit great care must be taken that neither springs (nos. 32, 37) are damaged.

Accept Gate
To detach accept gate first slide spring (no. 41) towards rear of mech and remove. Pull gate forward and downward. Care must be taken not to damage spring

To replace the bulb it is necessary to remove bulb-holder, Place the blade of a screwdriver between bulb holder (16) and the parallel face affront entry (13). A slight twist will dislodge the small round pin on bulb holder from the slot in the front entry. The holder can now be removed. When the new bulb is in position the holder should first be located at the back of the entry and the round pin pressed to locate in the appropriate slot.

Reject Button
To replace reject button it is necessary to remove button assembly. This is achieved by removing screws (no. 45). When reassembling ensure cone spring is in correct position.

Direct Reject
By removing screws (no. 58) the reject cup and flap can be detached. If the Reject Gate (no. 42) coils (nos. 14. 18, 20, 28) or circuit board need to be removed please contact Coin Controls



This section is intended to help the user to get the most out of the SENTINEL coin mechanism. It discusses power supplies, interfacing and coin sorting. No applications section can ever be complete, h owever, and customers are always very welcome to contact Coin Controls direct to discuss the requirements of their particular coin handling applications and any other coin handling matters


Voltage: Current:

II to 15 Volts DC. 220 mA continuous (nominal) 0.7 Amps max. (no sorter fitted) 2.0 Amps max. (sorter fitted) 200 msec max.

Rise Time:

IMPORTANT NOTE: Operation of the coin mech outside of specification may cause malfunction or damage It is Important to ensure sufficient power-supply current capacity. 32

Using the Parallel Interface

The parallel interface provides open-collector output signals which will automatically pull up or pull-down o any voltage in the range +5V to +24v and OV to -20V respectively. Figure 3 2 is a circuit diagram of the Accept output buffer in each of its three states. Two types of output coding are avaliable dependent upon the state of the SELECT input on the parallel interface. The output coding types are: l-Of-4 Coins and 8 Coin These are described in detail later on. Full electrical specifications for the interface are given in Section 5 0 All parallel interface signals are routed via Connector I, the parallel interface connector. The signals are available on this connector: Pin No. Signal Name COMA Signal Description Supply input for output pull-up/pull-down Allowing this line to float disables all the accept outputs. Accept Output I The Accept outputs are all normally open-circuit, pulling to within I Volt of the voltage on the COM A pin when true (logic I) Polarising Position Accept Output 2 Accept Output 3 4-coln/8-coln Interface selection. This line is a passive pull-up, active pull-down signal.1 Open circuit: 4~coin Interface. Tied to Ov 7 8 A4 I4 Accept Output 4 Inhibit Coin Channel 4. The inhiblt inputs are all passive pull-up, active pull-down. A coin channel is enabled when the inhibit input is pulled to Ov and disabled when it is left floating. Power supply input II 15Vdc. 220mA nominal. 2.0 A peak : 8-coin interface.



n.c. A2 A3 SELECT

9 IO II 12 13 14 15

V (board)

I3 I2 II 156 17,8

Inhibit input for Coin Channel 3 Inhiblt input for Coin Channel 2. Inhibit Input for Coin Channel I, Inhibit Input for Coin Channels 5 and 6. Inhibit Input for Coin Channels 7 and 8

FIGURE 3 2 Sentinel Accept output Buffer circuit diagram Actual Circuit Equivalent circuits


COM A connected t o o t 0 -2ov

COM A connected to +5 to +24V COM A not connected or 0v < C O M A<5v

Operation -of-4 Coins

With the SELECT line left open-circuit, the parallel Interface will operate as a 1-of-4 coins Interface SENTINEL will provide validation of up to 4 different corn types. nhibits I5,6 and I7,8 MUST be left open circuit for correct operation of the valrdator. When tied low, inhibit lines I1-I4 have the following meanrng. I 2 3 4 enable acceptance of enable acceptance of enable acceptance of enable acceptance of coin coin coin coin type I type 2 type 3 type 4

signals AI-A4 then have the following meaning: A1 42 A3 A4 valid coin valid coin valid coin valid coin type I accepted type 2 accepted type 3 accepted type 4 accepted

The accept signal will remain true (I.e. pulling to within I volt of the COM A line) for 80ms +/-20% Since it operates in an identical manner to the "coin-switch" outputs of many mechanical coin mechanisms, the l-of-4 Interface can easily be connected to a wide range of existing coin operated equipment Note, however, that it is ESSENTIAL for signals to conform to the electrical avoid damage or malfunction of the mechanism. specification of Section 5 to

Below are some typical circuit configurations which are given as examples for guidance:ACCEPTOUTPUT INTERFACING

~Yff$+-yJ kv cop*5~ TL

!! -5.


With the SELECT input tied low to Ov, Sentinel becomes an 8-coin validator. When tied low, the inhibit lines have the following meanrng: II I2 13 I4 15.6 17,8 enable acceptance of coin type I enable acceptance of coin type 2 enable acceptance of coin type 3 enable acceptance of coin type 4 enable acceptance of coin type 5 and coin type 6 enable accpetance of coin type 7 and corn type 8

Upon detection of a valid corn, the accept outputs, Al~A4, form a binary pattern defining the valid coin type which has been detected. The outputs have the following meaning: A4 0 0 I I I I I I I I A3 0 I 0 0 0 0 I I I I A2 0 I 0 0 I I 0 0 I I Al 0 I 0 I 0 1 0 I 0 I MEANING coin validator inactive coin present in valrdator valrd corn type I accepted valid corn type 2 accepted valrd coin type 3 accepted valid corn type 4 accepted valid corn type 5 accepted valrd corn type 6 accepted valid corn type 7 accepted valid corn type 8 accepted

(0=output open circuit. l=output short circuit to within I Volt of COM A .) Normally, when idling, the outputs will display coin valrdator inactive' with all outputs open circuit. 4

When a coin


detected as having entered the valrdator, the outputs WIII show "coin present in valrdator

When a coin has been accepted, the corresponding 'coin accepted signal is presented to the outputs T his signal remains present for 80ms +/-20%. The 'coin accepted signal IS then removed, and the Validator will continue to generate the "coin present in validator" output until the coin has successfully P assed out of the mechanism. IrI this manner it is possible to externally detect two possible fault conditions The first is that a coin has b een rejected. The is determined by the valrdator outputs changing from coin validator inactive' to coin Present in validator and back to 'inactive' without generatlng any coin accepted signal. The second is that a coin IS being held within the validator. This IS determlned by the the outputs sticking in the "coin P resent state.


Using the Serial Interface

he SENTINEL serial interface allows the serial communication of both operating and programming formation between SENTINEL and an external device. It is automatically selected in operating mode (hen the COM A input on the parallel Interface is left unconnected. he serial Interface IS designed to meet the standards for IIC serial Interfaces. A full description of this .andard is avaliable from Coin Controls. Ithough IIC performs its own synchronisation on a bit-by-bit basis, the bits of data are Inherently rouped into byte-sized units, i.e. groups of 8 bits of data, and a complete message packet is therefore made up of an Integral number of bytes. Messages are divided into two groups-those associated with normal operation via the IIC link and t hose associated with the programming mode. As Implemented in SENTINEL, the maximum recommended receive data rate (to SENTINEL) is 1500 aud. The transmit data rate (from SENTINEL) may be programmed to be either 'high' (1000 baud) or ow (500 baud) he following signals are provided on the serial Interface connector, CONNECTOR 2: O V V(board) SDATA SCLK (Pins 3 and 6) (Pin 2) (Pin 5) (pin 4) Power supply and data OV Power supply +ve rail IIC serial data line IIC serial clock line

Circuit Diagram of SCLK/SDATA l/O Pin


I 1

0 ov


I Normal Use The IIC data transactions listed below are avaliable when the serial interface is selected I IC IS a multi-master communications protocol. Communications during normal operation may therefore be split into two types, SENTINEL as slave, and SENTINEL as master. a) b) With SENTINEL as a slave, the following messages are avaliable: a.i) Set coin inhibits a.ii) Status request With SENTINEL as master the following data byte transmissions are possible,
coin rejected

I .1. ) 3 I I

coin 1 accepted coin 2 accepted coin 3 accepted coin 4 accepted coin 5 accepted coin 6 accepted coin 7 accepted coin 8 accepted b.x ) b.xi ) b.xii ) ERROR coin timed out in validation area ERROR coin timed out between validation area and accept sensor ERROR second closely following coin..

The different bytes within the messages take the following format HEADER

The data within the data word has the following meaning: b.i) b.ii) b.iii) b.iv) b.v) b.vii) b.viii) b.ix) bx .) b.xi) b.xii) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 I I I 0 0 0 coin rejected coin I accepted coin 2 accepted coin 3 accepted coin 4 accepted coin 5 accepted coin 6 accepted coin 7 accepted coin 8 accepted ERROR--coin tImed out in validation area. ERROR-corn timed out between validation area and accept sensor. ERROR second closely following coin.

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 IO 0 IO0 IO00 I I I I I I I I I I I I

0 0 1 0 I O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I IO 0 I IO I I

MPORTANT NOTE: SENTINEL MUST successfully complete an IIC transaction in which it IS master before it can revert to coin acceptance. SENTINEL will otherwise keep trying to transmit the credit/error message indefinitely Thus, unlike the parallel Interface, unless the integrity of the Sentinel interface to the host machine is good, Sentinel will not accept coins. 3.3.2

An external device can configure the Serial Interface for programming operations. Coin Controls supply two units for programming SENTINEL -the master programmer for all programmlng -the Tool Kit field service aid functions

Further details may be obtained from Coin Controls Ltd. 3.4



Coin Sorting is performed by the optional plug-in 4-way active sorter. Coin Sorting fully flexible (any coin any way) and

programmed by values stored in SENTINEL

There are six coin sorting functlons which may each be programmed to any of the eight coin channels: -coin always diverted down sorter path A (default path) -coin always diverted down sorter path B -corn always diverted down sorter path C -coin always diverted down sorter path D -coin toggles alternately between sorter paths A and B -coin toggles alternately between sorter paths C and D The last two sorter functions are intended for club machines or any application where two payout devices for a given corn are required to be fed from a single coin mechanism. Corn Sorting may be programmed by the user with either a Master Programmer or a Toolkit: Additionally, some machines may have the ability to program coin sorting to the machines requirement facilitating SENTINEL'S universal application. 6



Cleaning r undown is gained by folding back the reject flap

The plastic coin rundown should be cleaned periodically using a slightly moist cloth Access to the Cleaning of the sorter module may also be necessary from time to time on some sites.

Faulty Operation I F Both Master Programmer and Toolkit enable functional testing of the coin mechanism and are of
partlcular use in determining if a fault resides in the coin mech or the host machine. It is generally i recommended that mechs with electronic faults be returned to Coin Controls Ltd for repair. The following information is presented for customer guidance not cover all possible causes. Symptom Mech does not work all coins reject) Investigate I Connector in determining a suspected fault and does

Possible Cause Poor contact Bent Pins Not switched On Incorrect Voltage Inadequate Power. Power supply RiseTime is too slow Mech inhibited. Gate not free or drslocated Obstruction in channel

Power Supply

inhibit Inputs Accept Gate Accept channel Mech takes first coin and then stops working (See Section 3.3 I) Parallel Interface (If connected)

Parallel I/Face COM A pin not connected. Host Machine not responding Voltage less than llv (NB. voltage droop when solenoid activated). Flap not free or drslocated Loose. Dirty Dirt or Mechanical damage/obstruction

Serial Interface (If connected) True coins reject too often Power Supply

Accept Gate Connector Rundown Coins stick or jam in mech Rundown, accept channel. reject channel, accept gate, sorter (if fitted) Mounting of mech Body and/or Sorter. One of the True Corns always rejects Parallel Interface (If connected)



Bent or broken Connection Pin, Wrong inhibit input voltage Flap spring loose or flap drslocated Dirty, Mechanical damage or obstruction, Solenoid failure or wire broken Connector Loose or broken Dirty or obstructed (mech timeout)

false Coins in Cashbox

Accept Flap

Coins in wrong Cashbox


No Accept Signal

Connector Accept Channel



Power Supply
11 to 15 volts dc. 220mA nominal 0.7 Amps Peak, 2.0 Amps Peak, Rise Time=200 standby consumption 200 msec max. (no sorter) 600 msec max. (with sorter) msec(max.)

Parallel Interface
COM A : +5 to +24 volts dc, 0 to -20 volts dc; 200mA max. A1-A4 : 50mA sink or source, credit pulse 80msec (+/-20%) duration. (See Section 3.2) II-I7,8 3K3 pull~up to on-board 5vdc. Open Circuit or greater than 3.6v-Coin Inhibited Short to Ov or less than 1.2v ~ Coin enabled Inhibit input signal range : Ov (abs. minimum < Vin < 5v (abs. maximum)

Serial Interface
IIC Serial Interface Standard Recieved Data Rate: 1500 baud (max.) 250 baud (mtn.) Transmit Data Rate: programmable 1000 baud or 500 baud (+/-20%) Sdata, Sclk: 47K pull-up to on-board 5v dc. 0 - Ov (abs. min) < Vin < 1.2v (abs. max.) I ~ 3.6v (abs.min) < 'Vin < 24v (abs.max.)

IMPORTANT NOTE: Application of signals or voltages outside of those specified above may cause
damage to, or malfunction of the mechanism.



Temperature range:- 0 C to 50 C ambient Relative Humidity:- 5% to 95% non-condensing The SENTINEL Coin Mechanism

Parts List

1 Coin entry and button housing 2 Button 3 Button lid 4 Button cone spring 5 Button label 6 Quick release latch 7 Main body 8 M4.0 x 16.0 pozi pan HD screw 9 Front entry gate piece 10 Gate snubber 11 4.20 x 3/8" pozi CSK screw 12 Quick release latch spring 13 Front entry 14 2nd sense coil assembly. 15 Bulb 16 Lamp holder 17 M4.0 full nut 18 1 st sense coil assembly 19 4.20 x 5/l 6 pozi pan H D 20 3rd sense coil 21 Main body pole piece 22 P.C.B. cover plate 23 Solenoid assembly 24 Hinge pin spring 25 Main body snubber 26 Hinge pin 27 Sorter coin divertor flap 28 Final accept coil assembly 29 Printed circuit board assembly

30 4.20 x 5/8" pozi pan HD screw 31 Sorter centre plate 32 Coin divertor flap spring 33 Sorter solenoid 'flap' 34 Solenoid flap pole piece 35 6.20 x 1/4" pozi pan HD screw 36 Solenoid coin flap assembly 37 Sorter solenoid cone spring 38 Sorter solenoid cover 39 Coin rundown and reject cover 40 Accept gate 41 Accept gate spring 42 Reject gate 43 Mech. mounting studs 44 Front plate 45 M3.0 x 6.0 pozi pan HD screw 46 Cotton catch 47 Photo Cells 51 Top entry chute 52 Top entry gate piece 53 Top entry reject lever 54 Top entry reject lever pivot screw 55 Top entry reject lever spring 56 Reject clip 57 Reject clip flap 58 M3.0 x pozi pan HD 59 Single coin outlet



Top Entry Reject \L \ I Single

Accept Outlet

Top Entry with Four Way Sorter

Top Entry with Standard Outlet

km !---ir Accept Outlet


Front Entry with Front Plate and Standard Outlet

Front Entry with Front Plate. Direct Reject

and Four Way Sorter


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