Newsletter 339

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The Citizen Newsletter

The Conservative Voice of Henry County

Issue # 339

April 15, 2012

Over 39,000 reads at

In This Issue:
Page Feature 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 9 10 Elitism by Erick Erickson Lost a Facebook Friend Southern Crescent Republicans Stanley for Henry BoE T-SPLOST: Special Interest Trap TIA: About Mobility or Money? Rep. Steve Davis Cook Out Chris Vaughn Campaign Breakfast NAIFA Golf Tournament Rutledge seeks to oust Davis The Chamber s New Puppet

If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom - Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen! ~ Samuel Adams
Samuel Adams led the protest against the Stamp Act, founded the Sons of Liberty, and was the principal organizer of the Boston Tea Party. He was also a member of the Continental Congress and a signer of the Declaration of Independence.

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Hilary Rosen s specific point was that Ann Romney, not having been in the workforce outside the home, cannot really relate to women in the workforce. I disagree. Here s why. In my experience, with both a stay at home mom raising me, my wife a stay at home mom, and many of my friends married to stay at home moms, the stay at home mother typically raises the kids, cooks the meals, cleans the house, oversees homework, and on top of that the stay at home mom pays the bills, buys the groceries, handles the insurance hassles, knows the co-pay, haggles with the bank, etc. etc. etc. The stay at home mom deals with many of the same issues the working woman deals with in addition to a host of other matters. It is not that the working woman has it more or less difficult. It is that working women and stay at home moms have it differently difficult in different areas with some days better and some days worse. And single parents, mothers and fathers, have it most difficult. But none are homogenous automatons of one singular thought or view on all topics. Move past Hilary Rosen s remarks if you can. The amazing speed at which Democrats sought to distance themselves from her remarks suggests they know that in all the talk about Romney s problem with women, they have their own. After Hilary Rosen s remarks, a number of leftwing pundits came out seemingly upset that Hilary did not go as far as they would have wanted her to. In so doing, these pundits, activists, and politicos have raised up the raw stench of elitism. Luckily, few smelled it because it was drifting in from MSNBC. Nonetheless, there were people like Joan Walsh of the far left rag Salon. She thought it perfectly okay to pronounce on Hardball yesterday that of course working women have it harder than stay at home moms. Of course they do you women battling breast cancer and suffering from MS while raising five boys without nannies and cooks and maids contrary to what the left has been claiming is, was, and forever more shall be the case with Ann Romney. Never mind that Mitt and Ann Romney gave away their inherited fortune to build their own lives and fortune. There is Chris Hayes, also of MSNBC and the even further left than Salon The Nation. He said if Republicans really think that stay at home moms are workers, then they should be paid a wage. Seriously. It went downhill from there. The most striking thing is the overwhelming presumption from so many on the left who waded into the waters who think only the wealthy can be stay at home moms. As a matter of fact, I know scores of stay at home moms and not a single one s husband gets them into the 1%, let alone the top 10% for most. The myopic view of not just stay at home mothers as rich socialites with nannies, but of women in general too, highlights the problem for the Democrats. They talk about the GOP as the party of the rich when they are increasingly a party of the elite. Many of them look on stay at home moms as inferior or second class. Consider Christy Hayes of MSNBC and the Nation who openly wonders if it can really be considered work if they are not getting a salary.


The Democrats seem to believe that all women believe what they believe and are the same. Instead of unique individuals, they are a stereotyped class of women who care only about birth control, abortion, and government benefits. Stay at home moms who fall outside this view are viewed as second class citizens who really can t be related to and who cannot relate to women in the workforce. Liberal women who prided themselves on feminist advance into society and think of themselves as unique individuals go on twitter and television and radio to proclaim all women same thinking, same liking, same knowing, and . . . well . . . same. Like black Republicans such as Condelezza Rice, Michael Steel, and Herman Cain who are ridiculed by the left as Oreos, Uncle Toms, or worse, women who think differently are treated as second class citizens, inferior, or somehow other. As former Bush Press Secretary Ari Fleischer noted, in the 2008 exit polls only 30% of women classified themselves as working women, a category of woman the left seems to think is all that matters or counts as legitimate through their rhetoric. This is precisely why the Democrats have their own problems with women. In thinking women only care about X, Y, or Z, they forget that in 2004 women were mostly concerned with who would keep them save and this year will be mostly concerned with who will get them, their husbands, their children, their relatives, and their neighbors back into jobs that make ends meet. This is the one area Barack Obama prefers not to talk about.

Lost a Facebook Friend

Political activism is a meaningful endeavor. It is the public discourse that makes our country great. In our county it helps create thriving and viable communities. The Other Side too often withdraws from the conversations, wall themselves away from other people and somehow think they are taking the high ground. In truth they are admitting they have nothing meaningful to say. Today a local preacher un-friended the Citizen s editor and opted out of receiving the email newsletter. His comment was, The "spin" and the vitriolic comments towards those you oppose are tiresome. My only response is to say goodbye.

Several years ago a county commissioner launched an agenda that included using eminent domain to take property, hiring outside consultants to validate false claims of local history, and appointed a friend and supporter to a county position to give credibility to the agenda. Of course there was backlash. A document was produced disproving the false historical claims. Uproar was raised over use of eminent domain. A louder voice rang out over spending in excess of $8 million from the county s general fund. That outcry and factual presentation was (and is) called an attack. It was (and is) called vitriolic, mean and personally demeaning. That commissioner has a following including the local preacher mentioned above. Now a virtual nobody, backed by liberal and elitist political wanna-be pundits, announced candidacy against our conservative 4-term state representative. The press release was chocked full of false statements and negative innuendo, which was ably refuted and the truth was published.


Refuting lies, telling the truth, and calling a spade a spade

that is called "spin" and vitriolic comments.

Please be aware of Henry County s political environment. Do not heed the advice of know-nothing wannabe elitists. Go to the source of campaign announcements and ask questions. When the candidate, or his supporters, cannot provide clear and factual answers that is when the false and accusatory rhetoric comes out.

Southern Crescent Senior Republican Network

Friday, April 20th at the Henry County Moose Lodge, Hwy 155 in McDonough.
Join at 7:00pm in the ballroom.

Bring your family and friends for an End of the Year Legislative Update from Representative Steve Davis.

Also hear Candidate for District 1 Board of Commissioners, William Bo Moss speak about his platform and plans for District 1.

Stanley Taxidermy


Stanley Taxidermy is owned and operated by Jeremy Stanley. As a member of the Georgia Taxidermist Association, Jeremy keeps up to date on the most recent changes and techniques within the art of Taxidermy. Specializing in Deer Shoulder Mounts, Jeremy is licensed through the state of Georgia. Born and raised in Georgia and being a deer hunter himself since the age of 7, Jeremy displays his deer with a high quality, natural appearance. If you are looking for a great taxidermist that really displays the deer in the most realistic manner, you have come to the right place!



Campaign Committee: Stanley for Henry Board of Education 260 Oak Leaf Drive, Stockbridge GA 30281 Larry Stanley, Chairman

Dear Friends, Thanks to each of you for your words of support. My running for the open District 2 post on the Henry School Board is truly an effort to serve Henry County in a positive and meaningful way. It will be an honor to serve with the other members as an advocate for Henry s students, parents and school system staff. I need your help. This campaign will operate on a minimal budget using email, social media and The Citizen Newsletter. But some costs must be covered and your donation will allow me to run an effective campaign. Please consider a contribution to Stanley for Henry Board of Education. The campaign committee is formally established with the Georgia Government Transparency and Campaign Finance Commission at 260 Oak Leaf Drive, Stockbridge, GA 30281. It is my desire to provide

Hands-On Accountability

I will not join any effort to increase the Henry County school millage rate AND will always stand to protect Henry County taxpayers. I will not join any effort to create bonded debt that is not absolutely, 100% necessary

Continued Pursuit of Excellence

The Georgia Constitution requires that an elected school board oversee each school system. Members of a local school board are to manage and control and to make decisions on almost every aspect of public school operations.

Your help is appreciated.

Larry Stanley
Candidate, Henry County BoE


Special interests have turned TSPLOST into a future tax trap

By Ron Sifen Cobb legislators are calling the TSPLOST projects list a bait-and-switch. (In a previous column I described it by saying that the TSPLOST had been hijacked by special interests.) Last week, the Cobb Legislative Delegation had a series of meetings with local officials in Cobb. As the MDJ reported Nov. 16 ( Lawmakers befuddled by Lee s list for TSPLOST ), several of our legislators expressed their dissatisfaction over the TSPLOST bait-and-switch. Rep. Ed Setzler (R-Acworth) said, We have a $6 billion bait-andswitch. It was sold as traffic relief. It s being delivered as economic development and transit transformation for Atlanta. Rep. Rich Golick (R-Smyrna) had this to say: Cobb County in late March produced an unconstrained list full of projects that would help get people from Point A to Point B. Between late March and Oct. 13, something changed. The priorities of some local officials went from relieving traffic congestion to something very different. Rep. Earl Ehrhart (R-Powder Springs) expressed similar concerns. Over the last few weeks, several other Cobb legislators have also strongly criticized the TSPLOST projects list. Some TSPLOST opponents are trying to blame the legislators for passing such an imperfect bill in the first place. While I agree that the legislation has imperfections, and I hope the legislators will amend the legislation in the upcoming session, I really do not agree that the legislators are to blame for the misguided projects list. Local elected officials plus the chambers of commerce around the region plus the influential CIDs were all pushing the legislature to provide some sort of new funding source to alleviate traffic congestion in metro Atlanta. The legislature had no reason to expect bad faith. The legislation allowed economic development projects, because that was relevant and appropriate for the other 11 regions in Georgia. In metro Atlanta, the outcry was for funding to alleviate traffic congestion. Legislators did not anticipate that the TSPLOST would be hijacked by special interests and that billions of dollars would be diverted away from projects that would alleviate traffic congestion. The legislator who may have the best and most workable answer is Sen. Chip Rogers (R-north Cobb). Rogers has pointed out a different problem with the TSPLOST, and it is a problem that is perhaps the most devastating problem of all. He says that the biggest mistake the legislature made in the TSPLOST legislation was not prohibiting new projects that would have large future operating costs. So, even if some of the TSPLOST money is being set aside for 10 years of transit operations, there is still absolutely no realistic, identifiable source of funds to continue operations once the TSPLOST funds run out, without huge tax increases for taxpayers in the region. The TSPLOST projects list has morphed into something that is not really just a 10-year tax to pay for special projects. More than half of the projects list will require huge ongoing operating costs forever, and absolutely no identifiable source of funding, other than imposing huge new permanent taxes on the region s taxpayers. The TSPLOST has turned into a future tax trap. Article Printed in the MARIETTA DAILY JOURNAL ON NOVEMBER 23, 2011


Transportation Tax: About Mobility or About Money?

By Benita M. Dodd The "Untie Atlanta" commercials on radio and TV are nothing if not clever. Frustrated commuters can relate to the visual onslaught on TV of roads tangled in a giant knot and the radio announcement, accompanied by blaring horns, that says "Traffic in metro Atlanta is tied up in knots Let s untie the knot. Vote yes for the July 31 Regional Transportation Referendum. Without a doubt, inadequate transportation spending has led to congestion and reduced mobility in this state. If voters in each of the 12 regions support the referendum, a penny transportation special local option sales tax (T-SPLOST) will fund its tailored list of projects. Some of them most notably, Savannah s port-area improvements are good transportation policy and long-overdue, cost-effective measures. Unfortunately, others won't move the needle toward mobility while still others are massive boondoggles that will put this state at a disadvantage for decades to come. The prime folly, of course, is metro Atlanta s list. The TV commercial is at least honest in admitting the list will be unclogging a few roads: 52 percent of the $6.14 billion funding goes to transit in a region with 5 percent transit use. It includes a push for fixed-guideway transit instead of more flexible bus rapid transit options that could move with population demographics, plus it would commit the region to wasteful spending on questionable projects for long past the 10-year sales tax. In Denver, Colo., where voters approved a 0.4 percent sales tax for their 12-year regional transit plan in 2004, officials are back this year seeking a doubling of the tax and delaying the project completion date. The project lists, especially Atlanta s, have been discussed and debated ad infinitum. But the problems run deeper, first being the voter education effort. The Foundation has long held that Georgia s transportation policy must be geared toward increasing mobility and limiting congestion, not livability, sustainability or other liabilities to congestion relief. Proponents, however, are focusing their education effort on economic development, jobs and public safety, not on promising that Georgians and freight will be able to travel from Point A to Point B as quickly, efficiently and cost-effectively as possible. Second is the decision to use a sales tax funding mechanism. With a sales tax, unlike the motor fuel tax paid by road users and dedicated to roads and bridges, the burden is borne by all Georgians instead of allocating more of the costs to users of the various modes of transportation. It s essentially a subsidy to users and a bad model that dilutes efforts to price roads and transportation appropriately. Sales tax revenue also fluctuates with the economy, a painful lesson learned in Denver during the recession and one of two major reasons for its proposed new tax. And adding the special sales tax for transportation diminishes the chances of persuading jaded Georgians to vote for a consumption-based tax


in order to implement personal income tax rate cuts (eventually eliminating it) that enhance Georgia s competitiveness and hold far greater promise of economic development and jobs. Third is T-SPLOST advocates insistence that there is no Plan B. Planners and policy-makers who maintain that the T-SPLOST is the end-all are exhibiting a serious lack of leadership. What happens if, despite the millions of dollars spent on advocacy, voters reject the tax increase? True leaders would be examining the alternatives, including: Is a penny tax necessary, or would a portion of a penny be more realistic and give regions more flexibility with other tax changes? What projects would truly improve mobility, relieve congestion and save taxpayers from a headache? Who should make project decisions and how should they be prioritized to avoid the horse-trading that taints the current list? Would a user fee, such as more tolls on roads and an inflation-tied increase in the motor fuel tax be a more consistent, reliable and responsible funding mechanism?

Focusing more on the needs of transportation users commuters, freight or casual users would have produced a far different mix of projects than the current list of wants. Georgians need less congestion and improved mobility. Do you want it now or do you want it right? Is this a prudent use of tax dollars over the next 10 years or relegating Georgia to gridlock again? This is what voters must answer on July 31. Benita M. Dodd is vice president of the Georgia Public Policy Foundation (WWW.GEORGIAPOLICY.ORG)

Rep. Steve Davis Cook Out

with Speaker Ralston and Ag Commissioner Black
I would like to invite everyone to join the Speaker of the House David Ralston, Agriculture Commissioner Gary Black, and myself for a nice family friendly steak dinner with live entertainment.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012 -- 5:00pm until 8:00pm 1042 Millers Mill Rd Stockbridge, GA 30281
$10 Steak and Potato dinner (Kids eat free and we will have some choices for them) Salad, corn, bread and dessert and tea Live Music Family Friendly Lots of playground area for the kids


Re-Elect Rep. Steve Davis (R-109) Georgia House of Representatives


Campaign Breakfast Fundraiser on May 1st in Conyers, GA

You are invited to attend A full Country Breakfast with Chris Vaughn: Fundraiser & Rally for Georgia's 4th Congressional Seat. On Tuesday, May 1st, 2012, at Glenn's Barbeque 1377 Old McDonough Highway, Conyers, GA 30094 (Phone 678.964.2475) from 7 am to 9 am!

Where: Heron Bay Golf and Country Club When: Thursday, May 10, 2012 Time: 10:30 am Registration, 11:30 Lunch, 1:00 Shotgun Start For Benefit of: People First of Henry County Please come out and support our Special Needs Community. If you can't play, maybe you can sponsor a hole. Contact Eleanor Toppins:

Rutledge seeks to oust Davis from state legislature


The Henry Daily Herald used the campaign announcement as an article. They did not seek comment from Rep. Steve Davis. They did not seek to verify whether candidate Rutledge opened his campaign with lies and innuendo. He did just that.


The Henry Citizen has this comment: When a candidate opens his campaign with lies and

innuendo, he shows he has nothing to offer but puppetry arts.

Please note The Chamber s New Puppet below. Re-Elect Rep. Steve Davis - a real Conservative with no strings attached!

The Chamber s New Puppet

The Henry Chamber of Commerce has a new Puppet who announced
candidacy for State House District 109. His announcement told us nothing about his qualifications or what he will do for the citizens of Henry, Newton and Rockdale counties. Instead the announcement was yet another attack piece on our 4-term Conservative Republican incumbent Rep. Steve Davis. If you want to run against an incumbent conservative it seems there would be truthful grievances against him. Instead The Chamber's Puppet pursued the personal vendetta launched by the Chamber of Commerce and their other puppets over the last couple of years.

FALSE: Davis made $25,000 off of the Obama bailout money. The money a company that Rep Davis
works for as a Broker earned commissions paid by private banks over a 5-month period at the end of 2009, not with government funds. Those commissions were honestly and legitimately made for standard real estate transactions and the money earned was distributed appropriately to licensed real estate agents within the firm and not to Rep Davis personally. The Puppet did not say anything about the wife of a Henry Commissioner who continues to work in the NSP real estate program in Clayton County, or the wife of a different and current Henry County State Representative who continues to work in the NSP real estate program in both Henry and Clayton counties. Additionally, by the Puppet s standards many elected officials from Henry County would have to cease their personal law practices, civil engineering, environmental services, real estate and car sales businesses due to the standard of not doing any business with government entities. Does the Puppet not understand that the General

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Assembly is a citizens legislature and that it is not illegal to do business with a government entity so long as you are not in a personal decision making capacity for the government entity providing with the project? So why is this old issue coming up again? The Chamber of Commerce and a handful of elected officials launched Political Opposition to Rep. Davis because he continues to oppose commuter rail and the expansion of MARTA into Henry County, he protected a small business and private property owner from government seizure of their property for non-governmental purposes (eminent domain), and he protected taxpayers against the fiber optic fiasco by refusing to pass a flawed Technology Authority. And Rep. Davis opposed Tax Allocation District s which was placed to a referendum in 2010 and lost voter approval just as Rep Davis predicted it would.

FALSE: The Puppet says after years of virtually no real accomplishments from Steve Davis, our community
is demanding change. The only thing Georgians and citizens in District 109 want is strong conservative leadership in the State House AND WE HAVE IT with Rep. Davis. Apparently the Puppet believes personal property rights, education, and transportation improvements are NOT important. Apparently the Puppet doesn t believe representation of individuals is important. Apparently the Puppet doesn t believe that tough criminal justice reform and tough sexual predator laws are important. Apparently the Puppet doesn t believe protecting the life of the unborn or traditional family values are important.

Apparently the Puppet doesn t know what he is talking about or he is simply just doing what he is told. I can t wait to see a debate of real issues with the Puppet and Rep Davis.
Since Rep. Steve Davis took office he has refused to simply do as he is told by the high-and-mighty. He has consistently served and protected taxpaying citizens regardless of the attacks he has received because of these stances. The Double Standard from Chamber and their puppets is appalling. Rep. Davis s conservative voting record and his tireless efforts on behalf of taxpayers are simply not accepted by the Gimme-Your-Tax-Dollars for our agendas leadership at the Henry Chamber. Ironically, Rep Davis has 100% rating with the Georgia Chamber of Commerce that has praised him for his work to reduce taxes and regulations on the businesses of this state. He has also had the support of National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) for his positions to protect small business. The Puppet says we need a Representative who will put taxpayers first. He says he is active in the Chamber of Commerce, but has served on no committees, and has shown no community leadership through any of their programs. He says he is a Conservative Republican, but he is a stranger at the Henry County GOP or RWHC events and meetings. As a newcomer to the political arena the Puppet should be cautioned in taking the approach he has just started as those that live in a glass house shouldn t throw stones. I am now hearing all kinds of rumors on the type of person the Puppet is and I will undoubtedly get more information and be able to share with all of you over the coming months.

FALSE: In other press releases written by a local pundit Rep. Davis is lambasted saying he has not filed
campaign disclosure reports and owes money to the state. For technical issues with the filing system at the Georgia Ethics Commission Rep. Davis s son appeared on a list produced by that office and has been promptly

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corrected by the younger Davis as all of his reports have been filed accurately and on time. Rep Davis himself has paid fees for some minor technical filing errors over the years that many campaigns fall prey too. However, Rep Davis was never charged or censured and he has been completely exonerated of any wrongdoing from the multiple attacks from the Chamber and his opponents over the last couple of years. These nonstop failed complaints were filed not only with the State Ethics Commission but also the House Ethics Committee and the Georgia Real Estate Commission and all of them have been dismissed.

The Citizen Newsletter is provided by

Henry Citizens for Responsible Government Larry Stanley, Editor

Please report broken links or other problems Email: HC.CITIZEN@HCCITIZEN.ORG To Unsubscribe: send email to HC Citizen Write UNSUBSCRIBE in Subject: line

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