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CONTENTS 1. Vision & Corporate Mission Statements 04 2. Corporate Information 05 3. Company Profile .06 4.

. Notice of Annual General Meeting .. 07 5. Directors Report .09 6. Six Years at a Glance 15 7. Pattern of Shareholding .16 8. Statement of Ethics & Business Practices ..17 9. Statement of Compliance with CCG ....19 10. Review Report .22 11. Auditors Report to the Members 24 12. Balance Sheet .26 13. Profit & Loss Account .27 14. Cash Flow Statement .28 15. Statement of Changes in Equity 29 16. Notes to the Financial Statements ..30 17. Proxy Form 4 VISION STATEMENT

The Companys vision is to be the Market Leader and serve the needs of customers with total dedication, supply them the current and anticipate their future needs,

create value for customers, shareholders, employees and the community CORPORATE MISSION To meet the current needs of its customers and anticipate their Future needs. To maintain close and direct contacts with the customers to ensure their complete satisfaction. Constantly improve the quality of all our activities through operational excellence. To give fullest regard to the safety and health of employees and customers. To promote professionalism at all levels through constant education, training and development of human resources. To safeguard the environment and the community from pollution. To create a conducive work environment and inspire people to perform to their fullest potential and to reward talent. 5 CORPORATE INFORMATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS Lt. Gen. Shujaat Zamir Dar, : Chairman HI (M), S.Bt. Mr. Torbjorn Saxmo : Vice Chairman Mr. Mr. Feroze Khan Malik : Director Mr. Muhammad Nawaz Tishna : Director (N.I.T. Nominee) Mr. Riaz Ahmad : Director Mr. Muhammad Asif : Director

Mr. Khalid Pervaiz : Director CHIEF EXECUTIVE : Mr. Shabbir Ahmed AUDIT COMMITTEE Mr. Riaz Ahmad : Chairman Mr. Feroze Khan Malik : Member Mr. Khalid Pervaiz : Member COMPANY SECRETARY AND CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER : Mr. Tanveer Elahi AUDITORS : Anjum Asim Shahid Rehman Chartered Accountants LEGAL ADVISORS : The Law Firm of Basit Musheer SHARES REGISTRAR : Ilyas Saeed Associates (Pvt.) Ltd., Management Consultants, Office # 26, 2 nd Floor, Rose Plaza, I-8 Markaz, Islamabad. Tel: 051-4102626-7, Fax: 051-4102628 Email: BANKERS : MCB Bank Limited Allied Bank of Pakistan Limited Bank Al-Habib Limited

REGISTERED OFFICE : G.T. Road, Wah Cantt. PHONES : (051) 5568760, 4545243-6 (4 Lines) (051) 9314101-21 (21 Lines) Ext. 22236 FAX : (051) 4545241, (051) 4535862 E.MAIL : WEBSITE : FACTORY : Wah Cantt. 6 COMPANY PROFILE Wah Nobel Chemicals Limited is a Pakistans leading manufacturer of Formaldehyde, UF and PF Resins. Since its inception Wah Nobel Chemicals Limited has stood as a symbol of quality, safety, reliability, unparallel after sale service and commitment. Its products enjoy the highest reputation throughout Pakistan. This has been achieved through innovation, expertise, state of the art technology and a vision for the future. PRODUCTION PREMISES Total Area Process Area 45,100 Sqr. M 11,250 Sqr. M 1,000 Sqr. M 11,730 Sqr. M

Auxiliary Building Green Area Open Plot For Future Expansion

21,120 Sqr. M

PRODUCT RANGE Formaldehyde 37 TO 55% Concentration Urea Formaldehyde Glue Various Grades Phenol Formaldehyde Glue Various Grades Special Resins Various Grades UFC 85 INSTALLED CAPACITY Formaldehyde 30,000 M. Tons per annum. Urea/Phenol Formaldehyde 19,000 M. Tons per annum. QUALITY LEADERSHIP Quality is an integral part of our business environment and culture. The certification of ISO 9001:2000 affirms our commitment to the adherence of international quality standards. Further, our company have ISO 14000:2004 and ISO 18000:2007 certifications which pertains to environment & health and safety. These certifications add to the confidence of our customers in our ability to provide them with the best products and services at most competitive prices. ______________ 7 NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING NOTICE is hereby given that the 28th Annual General Meeting of the shareholders of WAH NOBEL CHEMICALS LIMITED will be held at the Registered Office of the

Company, G.T. Road, Wah Cantt on Thursday, October 27, 2011 at 11.00 hours to transact the following business: 1. To confirm the minutes of the 27 th Annual General Meeting held on October 28, 2010. 2. To receive, consider and adopt the Audited Accounts of the Company for the year ended June 30, 2011 together with the Directors and the Auditors Reports thereon. 3. To approve the payment of cash dividend @ Rs. 5.00 per share i.e. 50% as recommended by the Directors. 4. To appoint Auditors for the ensuing year and to fix their remuneration. (Anjum, Asim, Shahid, Rehman & Co Chartered Accountants, retire, and being eligible, have offered themselves for re-appointment). The Audit Committee and the Board of Directors recommends their appointment as auditors of the company with rotation of the engagement partner in terms of paragraph xli(b) of the Code of Corporate Governance as the said firm has completed five years as auditors of the Company. 5. To transact any other business with the permission of the Chair. By Order of the Board (TANVEER ELAHI) COMPANY SECRETARY WAH CANTT.

October 03, 20118 NOTES: 1. The share transfer books of the Company will remain closed from October 21, 2011 to October 27, 2011 (both days inclusive). Transfers received in order by the Shares Registrar of the Company by the close of business on October 20, 2011 will be treated in time for the entitlement of payment of dividend. 2. A member of the Company entitled to attend and vote at the meeting may appoint another member as his/her proxy to attend the meeting and vote for him/her. Proxies in order to be effective, must be received at the Companys Registered Office not later than 48 hours before the time appointed for the meeting and must be duly stamped, signed and witnessed. 3. CDC Account Holders are advised to bring their original National Identity Cards to authenticate their identity along with CDC account numbers at the meeting. However, if any proxies are granted by such shareholders, the same shall also have to be accompanied with attested copies of the National Identity Card of the grantor, and the signature on the proxy form has to be the same as appearing on the National Identity Card. 4. Shareholders are requested to notify to the Shares registrar the change of address, if any, immediately. 5. Members who have not yet submitted photocopy of their computerized National identity Card (CNIC) to the Companys Shares Registrar are requested to send the same at the earliest. ______________ 9

DIRECTORS REPORT The Directors of the Company are pleased to present Annual Report of your Company together with the audited financial statements and the auditors report for the year ended June 30, 2011. OPERATING PERFORMANCE Despite adverse economic factors and the non-conducive business environment prevailing in the country, your company has performed fairly well .During the year company achieved net sales revenue of Rs. 698.678 million as against Rs.712.677 million during the previous year and earned After Tax Profit of Rs.64.294 million against last year's s After Tax Profit of Rs. 75.991 million. Profit declined due to significant increase in the cost of inputs, energy and transportation as well as practical constraints in passing on all the increases in the sales price due to extremely fierce competition in the market. The summarized results are as under: 2011 2010 Rupees (in thousands) Net Sales Gross Profit Profit before taxation 698,678 151,912 97,844 712,677 185,476 117,003

Provision for taxation Profit after taxation Un-appropriated profit brought forward Profit available for appropriation Appropriations

41,011 64,294 108,173 172,467

41,011 75,991 127,182 203,173

Dividend Paid (9,000,000 shares @ Rs. 5/- per share) 45,000 Transfer to reserve Un-appropriated profit carried forward 108,17310 DIVIDEND 50,000 77,467

45,000 50,000

Your Directors have recommended for the year 2010-11, a payment of cash dividend @ Rs. 5.00 per share (i.e. 50%). NET EARNING PER SHARE The net earning per share was Rs. 7.14 (2010: Rs. 8.44) OUTLOOK FOR 2011-12 The increasing trend in basic raw material costs, coupled with energy crises, rupee devaluation , fierce competition and double-digit inflation, are affecting the profitability of your Company. The Management of your Company is fully aware of the challenges that lie ahead and is taking all possible measures to faces those challenges by adopting an aggressive marketing strategy, prudently utilizing funds and adopting better controls

to reduce costs and increase production efficiencies to ensure continued profitability of the Company. CORPORATE AND FINANCIAL REPORTING FRAME WORK As required by the Code of Corporate Governance, the Directors are pleased to report the following: The financial statements, prepared by the management of the Company, present fairly its state of affairs, the result of its operations, cash flows and changes in equity. The Company has maintained proper books of account. Appropriate accounting policies have been consistently applied in the preparation of financial statements and accounting estimates are based on reasonable and prudent judgement. International Accounting Standards, as applicable in Pakistan, have been followed in the preparation of financial statements and any departure there from has been adequately disclosed. 11 The system of internal control is sound in design and has been effectively implemented and monitored. There are no significant doubts upon the Companys ability to continue as a going concern. There has been no material departure from the best practices of Corporate Governance, as detailed in the listing regulations.

Summary of key operating and financial data for the last six financial years is annexed with the report. The un-audited value of investments , including bank deposits, of retirement benefits funds as of June 30, 2011 were as follows: Rupees Provident Fund Gratuity Fund Pension Fund BOARD OF DIRECTORS During the year NITs nominee director, Mr. Muhammad Nawaz Tishna appointed as Director in place of Mr. Shahid Aziz effective July 19, 2010, consequent to Mr. Shahid Aziz resignation. On January 07, 2011 Mr. Muhammad Asif has been appointed as Director on the Board of the Company to represent Wah Nobel (Private) Ltd consequent to retirement of Syed Naseem Raza from service. The Board would like to thank the outgoing Directors for their contribution to the Company and welcome the new Directors on the Board of the company. 12 During the year 2011, five Board Meetings were held and were attended by each Director as follows: 32,255,158 8,318,864 10,727,317


Number of meetings Attended .

1. Lt. Gen. Shujaat Zamir Dar, HI (M), S.Bt. Chairman 2 2. Mr. Torbjorn Saxmo 3. Mr. Feroz Khan Malik 4. Mr. Riaz Ahmed 5. Mr. Shahid Aziz Director Director Director Director (Retired w.e.f. 19.07.2010) 6. Mr. Muhammad Nawaz Tishna Director (Appointed w.e.f. 19.07.2010) 7. Syed Naseem Raza Director (Retired w.e.f. 07.01.2011) 8. Mr. Muhammad Asif Director (Appointed w.e.f. 07.01.2011) 9. Mr. Khalid Pervaiz 10. Mr. Shabbir Ahmed Director Chief Executive 5 5 2 1 4 3 3 4 1

Leave of absence was granted to the members of Board who were unable to attend the meeting.

CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (CSR) Being socially responsible corporate entity we are committed to our communities as we are to our customers, shareholders and employees. Company is committed to act ethically and contribute to economic development while improving the quality of life of the workforce and their families as well as of the local communities and society at large. 13 The Company practices active corporate citizenship through energy conservation, industrial relations, employment of special persons, occupational safety & health, business ethics, contributing to national exchequer Our country is facing its worse ever energy crisis these days. The Company has taken various steps to conserve energy like restricted use of all air conditioners and heaters and replacement of electric bulbs with energy savers. The Company is committed to provide quality products at competitive price to our customers. We also provide free advisory services to them. The Company enjoys a good relationship between its management and employees. The Company also has a good relationship with vendors and suppliers The Company has a Hajj scheme for its employees. The employees who have completed ten years of service with the Company are eligible for the Scheme. The Company sends every year 01 employee for performing Hajj at the Company's expense. So far 12 employees have performed Hajj under this scheme

Occupational health & safety continues to be among the Companys top priorities. The Company is committed to health and safety practices and work environments that enable our employees to work free of injury and illness. To achieve this, we ensure that operations comply with applicable occupational health and safety regulations. The Company is committed to conduct all of its business activities according to the highest principles of business ethics and in full compliance with the laws and regulations of the state. The company is contributing significant amount towards the national exchequer on account of corporate tax, general sales tax, excise duty, custom duty and vend / permit fee. During the year 2010-11, company has contributed over Rs.190 million to the national exchequer. 14 VEND FEE AND PERMIT FEE As regards vend fee and permit fee case, Sindh High Court has already pronounced favourable judgement. Presently the case is pending with the learned Supreme Court of Pakistan. In view of the merits of the case and favourable decision of the Sindh High Court, the management is expecting a favourable decision from the apex court and is making necessary efforts to continue as a going concern.

AUDITORS The present Auditors Anjum, Asim, Shahid, Rehman & Company, Chartered Accountants, Islamabad retire and being eligible, offer themselves for reappointment with their new partner in charge of audit Mr. Shahzada Saleem. The Audit Committee and the Board of Directors have recommended their reappointment as auditors of the company for the year ending June 30, 2012. with rotation of the engagement partner in terms of paragraph xli(b) of the Code of Corporate Governance as the said firm has completed five years as auditors of the Company. PATTERN OF SHAREHOLDING The pattern of shareholding as at June 30 , 2011 is included in this report. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The Directors wish to place on record that the financial and operating results achieved by the Company have been due to the efficient management, constant hard work and the dedication of Company's employees to their professional obligations. The Directors also express their deep appreciation to all our valued customers for their continued patronage and support. On behalf of the Board

WAH CANTT Date: October 03, 2011 2008 2009 2010 2011 (Rupees in Thousands) (A) Operating Results: i) Net Sales Revenue 559,959 712,677 698,678 ii) Gross Profit 78,107 185,476 151,912 iii) Operating Profit 51,787 132,848 106,851 iv) Profit Before Tax 34,747 117,003 97,844 v) Profit After Tax 23,503 75,991 64,294 (B) Financial Position i) Paid-up Capital 90,000 ii) Shareholders Equity 213,050 382,117 401,411 iii) General Reserve 98,000 183,000 233,000 215,128 98,000 495,908 81,135 49,905 29,503 18,895

(SHABBIR AHMED) Chief Executive2006 2007

697,510 221,722 172,586 152,514 101,992

715,258 225,166 175,808 146,058 97,006

299,120 103,000 117,470 428,841

351,126 133,000 109,852 399,767

iv) Property, Plants and Equipment 122,532 110,111 105,209 100,181 v) Current Assets 265,177 358,411 385,464 vi) Long Term Liabilities 18,750 283,163 -

(C) Key Performance Indicators i) Gross Profit % 13.94% 16.36% 31.78% 31.48% 26.03% 21.74% ii) Profit Before Tax % 6.20% 5.95% 21.86% 20.42% 16.42% 14.00% iii) Earning Per Share Rs. 2.61 2.10 11.33 10.78 8.44 7.14 iv) Cash Dividend % 20% 20% 50% 50% 50% 50% v) Debt: Equity Ratio 11.36:1 vi) Break-up Value Per Share Rs. 23.67 23.90 33.23 39.01 42.46 44.60 vii) Current Ratio 1.70:1 1.51:1 1.69:1 2.26:1 3.46:1 3.51:1 SIX YEARS AT A GLANCE 15WAH NOBEL CHEMICALS PATTERN OF SHAREHOLDING AS AT 3 0 0 6 2 0 1 1 Shareholding Shareholders 100 500 1,000 5,000 10,000 20,000 30,000 50,000 100,000 1,000,000

5,000,000 No. of Shareholders Mr. Feroze Khan Malik, Director 1 Mrs. Anwar Sultana Malik 1 1 1 1 1 NIT 3 ICP 1 5 Insurance Companies 2 Modarabas and Mutual Funds 1 Shareholders holding 10% General Public a. Local 971 b. Foreign 2

1 2 9 1 Total: 1004 10,001 20,001 112,897 Joint Stock Coys. Others: Trust. Investment Companies. 208,207 101 501 1001 30,100 625 30,001 50,001 100,001 1,000,001 Shares held

4,970,400 7.05 0.06 1,038,042 Stock Exchange. 874,080 634,448 No of 143 To Categories of shareholders 2,060,321 4,970,395 Associated Companies, undertakings and related parties. 9,000,000 5,660 1,120 12,000 87,000 12,304 100 1 7,139

From 311,997 Percentage 350,714 203,478 5 207,603 5,001 100.00 13.99 0.13 9.71 0.00 0.13 0.14 0.01 12 Directors, Chief Executive Officer, and their spouse and minor children. 30,000 1 1004 Total 426

182 41 15 170 6 3 Banks Development Financial Institutions, Non Banking Financial Institutions. 0.01 Wah Nobel (Pvt) Ltd WNPL Employees Provident Fund WNCL Employees Provident Fund WNPL Employees Provident Fund (WNDL) 0.33 0.00 55.23 0.97 Total shares held 30 9,000,000 12,000

0.33 133,200 434,049 33,102 0.37 1,258,989 11.53 1617 STATEMENT OF ETHICS & BUSINESS PRACTICES

The Company's Ethics and Business Practices conform to the WNL Group Vision and the Company's Mission Statement. THE PURPOSE AND VALUES OF BUSINESS Manufacturing of Formaldehyde and Formaldehyde Resins that conform to the Specified Standards in order to achieve the qualitative edge over the competitors and save foreign exchange, develop and utilize technical capabilities in the resin industry. EMPLOYEES Recruitment of personnel on merit offering training and career development, equal opportunities of growth, no discrimination or harassment and reward for achievements. Improved working conditions, ensuring safety, security and health. Terminal benefits as

per policy on retirement or redundancy. Employees shall not use Company information and assets for their personal advantage. Conflict of interest shall be avoided and disclosed where it exists and guidance sought, if required. CUSTOMER RELATION Ensure customer satisfaction and delight by providing quality products at competitive prices and ensuring after sale service/advice. SHAREHOLDERS, FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS & CREDITORS Protection of investment made in the Company and proper return on money lent/invested. A commitment to accurate and timely communica-tion on achievements and prospects. SUPPLIERS Prompt settling of bills. Co-operation to achieve quality and efficiency. No bribery or excess hospitality accepted or given. 18 SOCIETY/COMMUNITY Compliance with the spirit of laws. Timely payment of all Government taxes and dues. Eliminate the release of substance that may cause environmental damage. Financial assistance for promoting education and social activities including games and donations/charity to deserving.

GENERAL The Company shall neither support any political party nor contribute funds to groups or associations whose activities promote political interest. The Company shall promote its legitimate business interest and look after the betterment of its employees. IMPLEMENTATION Company Board to ensure implementation of these codes, regular monitoring, review for modification/ amendment where necessary. ______________ 19 Statement of Compliance with Best Practices of CODE OF CORPORATE GOVERNANCE for the year ended June 30, 2011 This statement is being presented to comply with the Code of Corporate Governance as contained in the Listing Regulations of the Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad stock exchanges for the purpose of establishing a framework of good governance, whereby a listed company is managed in compliance with the best practices of corporate governance. The Company has applied the principles contained in the Code in the following manner: 1. The Company encourages representation of independent non-executive directors

and directors representing minority interests on its Board of Directors. At present the Board includes one independent non-executive director, five non independent non-executive directors and one independent non-executive director representing minority shareholders. 2. The directors have confirmed that none of them is serving as director in more than ten listed companies, including this Company. 3. All the resident directors of the Company are registered as taxpayers and none of them has defaulted in payment of any loan to a banking company, a DFI or NBFI or being a member of stock exchange, has been declared as a defaulter by that stock exchange. 4. During the year casual vacancies occurred in the Board were filled in by the directors in accordance with the law. 5. The Company has adopted a Statement of Ethics and Business Practices, which has been signed by all the directors and employees of the Company. 6. The Board has developed a vision and mission statement, overall corporate strategy and significant policies. A complete record of particulars of significant policies along with the date on which they were approved or amended has been maintained. 20 7. All the powers of the Board have been duly exercised and decisions on material transactions, including appointment and determination of terms and conditions of employment of the Chief Executive have been taken by the Board. No director or Chief Executive is being remunerated by the Company. 8. The meetings of the Board were presided over by the Chairman and, in his

absence, by a director elected by the Board for this purpose and the Board met at least once in every quarter. Written notices of the Board meetings, along with agenda and working papers, were circulated at least seven days before the meetings. The minutes of the meetings were appropriately recorded and circulated. 9. The Directors on Board have adequate exposure of corporate matters & they are well conversant with their duties and responsibilities. 10. There was no new appointment of CFO and Company Secretary during the year. 11. The Directors Report for this year has been prepared in compliance with the requirements of the Code and fully describes the salient matters required to be disclosed. 12. The quarterly, six monthly and annual financial statements of the Company were duly endorsed by the CEO and CFO before approval of the Board. 13. The Directors, CEO and executives do not hold any interest in the shares of the Company other than that disclosed in the pattern of shareholding. 14. The Company has complied with all the corporate and financial reporting requirements of the Code. 15. The Board has formed an audit committee. It comprises three members, of whom all are non-executive directors including the chairman of the committee. 16. The meetings of the audit committee were held at least once in every quarter

prior to approval of interim and final results of the Company as required by the 21 Code. The terms of reference of the committee have been formed and advised to the committee for compliance. 17. The Company has an effective internal audit function. 18. The statutory Auditors of the Company have confirmed that they have been given a satisfactory rating under the quality control review programme of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan, that they or any partners of the firm, their spouses and minor children do not hold shares of the Company and that the firm and all its partners are in compliance with International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) guidelines on Code of ethics as adopted by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan. 19. The statutory auditors or the persons associated with them have not been appointed to provide other services except in accordance with the listing regulations and the auditors have confirmed that they have observed IFAC guidelines in this regard. 20. All related party transactions entered during the year were at arms length basis and these have been placed before the Audit Committee and Board of Directors. These transactions were duly reviewed and approved by Audit Committee and Board of Directors. 21. We confirm that all other material principles contained in the Code have been complied with.

On behalf of the Board WAH CANTT Date: October 03, 2011. (SHABBIR AHMED) Chief Executive 22

REVIEW REPORT TO THE MEMBERS ON STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE WITH BEST PRACTICE OF CODE OF CORPORATE GOVERNANCE We have reviewed the Statement of Compliance with the best practices contained in the Code of Corporate Governance (the Code) for the year ended June 30, 2011 prepared by the Board of Directors of Wah Nobel Chemicals Limited (the Company) to comply with the Listing Regulation of the Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad Stock Exchanges where the Company is listed. The responsibility for compliance with the Code is that of the Board of Directors of the Company. Our responsibility is to review, to the extent where such compliance can be objectively verified, whether the Statement of Compliance reflects the status of the Companys Compliance with the provisions of the Code and report if it does not. A review is limited primarily to inquiries of the Company personnel and review of various documents prepared by the Company to comply with the Code.

As part of our audit of financial statements we are required to obtain an understanding of the accounting and internal control systems sufficient to plan the audit and develop an effective audit approach. We are not required to consider whether the Boards statement on internal control covers all risks and controls, or to form an opinion on the effectiveness of such internal controls, the Companys corporate governance procedures and risks. Further, Sub-Regulation (xiiia) of Listing Regulations 35 notified by the Karachi Stock Exchange (Guarantee) Limited vide circular KSE/N-269 dated January 19, 2009 requires the company to place before the Board of Directors for their consideration and approval related party transactions distinguishing between transactions carried out on terms equivalent to those that prevail in arms length transactions and transactions which are not executed at arms length price recording proper justification for using such alternate pricing mechanism. Further, all such transactions are also required to be separately placed before the Audit Committee. We are only required and have ensured compliance of requirement to the extent of approval of related party 23 transactions by the Board of Directors and placement of such transactions before the Audit

Committee. We have not carried out any procedures to determine whether the related party transactions were undertaken at arms length price or not. Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention which causes us to believe that the Statement of Compliance does not appropriately reflect the Companys compliance, in all material respects, with the best practices contained in the Code, effective for the year ended June 30, 2011. Anjum Asim Shahid Rahman Chartered Accountants Audit Engagement Partner Nadeem Tirmizi Islamabad Date: October 03, 201124 AUDITORS' REPORT TO THE MEMBERS We have audited the annexed balance sheet of Wah Nobel Chemicals Limited as at June 30, 2011 and the related profit and loss account, cash flow statement and statement of changes in equity together with the notes forming part thereof, for the year then ended and we state that we have obtained all the information and explanations which, to the best of our knowledge and belief, were necessary for the purposes of our

audit. It is the responsibility of the Companys management to establish and maintain a system of internal control and prepare and present the above said statements in conformity with the approved accounting standards and the requirements of the Companies Ordinance, 1984. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with the auditing standards as applicable in Pakistan. These standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the above said statements are free of any material misstatement. An audit includes examining on test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the above said statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting policies and significant estimates made by the management, as well as, evaluating the overall presentation of the above said statements. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion and, after due verification, we report that:a. in our opinion, proper books of accounts have been kept by the Company as required by the Companies Ordinance, 1984; b. in our opinion:i. the balance sheet and profit and loss account together with the notes thereon have been drawn up in conformity with the Companies Ordinance,

1984, and are in agreement with the books of accounts and are further in accordance with accounting policies consistently applied; ii. the expenditure incurred during the year was for the purpose of the Companys business; and 25 iii. the business conducted, investments made and the expenditure incurred during the year were in accordance with the objects of the Company. c. in our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given to us, the balance sheet, profit and loss account, cash flow statement and statement of changes in equity together with the notes forming part thereof conform with approved accounting standards as applicable in Pakistan, and, give the information required by the Companies Ordinance, 1984, in the manner so required and respectively give a true and fair view of the state of the Companys affairs as at June 30, 2011 and of the profit, its cash flows and changes in equity for the year then ended; and d. in our opinion, Zakat deductible at source under the Zakat and Ushr Ordinance, 1980 (XVIII of 1980), was deducted by the Company and deposited in the Central Zakat Fund established under section 7 of that Ordinance. Without qualifying our opinion, we draw attention to note 34.1.2 to the financial statements. The Company is defendant in a lawsuit alleging non-payment of vend and permit fee of Rs. 690 million on methanol to the excise and taxation department, Government of Sindh. The ultimate outcome of matter cannot be determined presently

and therefore no provision for any liability that may result has been made in these financial statements. In the event of unsuccessful outcome, there is a substantial doubt that the Company will be able to continue as a going concern. ANJUM ASIM SHAHID RAHMAN Chartered Accountants Audit Engagement Partner Nadeem Tirmizi Islamabad Date: October 03, 20112011 2010 Note Rupees Rupees ASSETS NON CURRENT ASSETS Property, plant and equipment 4 100,181,035 105,208,665 Long term investment 5 35,885,579 33,106,266 136,066,614 138,314,931 CURRENT ASSETS Stores, spares and loose tools 6 33,775,221 30,524,556 Stock in trade 7 37,283,832 51,422,677 Trade Debts 8 230,110,597 241,500,249 Advances 9 6,865,212 Trade deposits 10 40,070 Other receivables 11 2,805,252 6,272,118 40,070 1,607,102

Short-term-investment 12 2,679,618


Cash and bank balances 13 71,904,392 24,373,129 385,464,194 358,410,680 TOTAL ASSETS 521,530,808 496,725,611 SHARE CAPITAL AND RESERVES Authorized share capital 14 200,000,000 200,000,000 Issued, subscribed and paid up capital 9,000,000 (2009: 9,000,000) ordinary shares of Rs.10 each 14 90,000,000 90,000,000 Capital reserve 15 944,404 944,404

Reserves 16 310,466,771 291,172,619 401,411,175 382,117,023 LIABILITIES NON CURRENT LIABILITIES Deferred taxation 17 6,884,346 7,983,415 3,041,532

Accumulated compensated absence 18 3,420,822 11,024,947 10,305,168 CURRENT LIABILITIES

Trade and other payables 19 89,149,689 78,783,228 Due to associated companies 20 Accrued mark-up 21 59,614 615,560 661,942 56,812

Short term borrowings - secured 22 Taxation 23 20,605,162 23,466,099

109,814,465 103,583,641 TOTAL LIABILITIES 120,119,633 114,608,588 CONTINGENCIES AND COMMITEMENTS 34 TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 521,530,808 496,725,611 The annexed notes from 1 to 44 form an integral part of these financial statements. DIRECTOR CHIEF EXECUTIVE BALANCE SHEET AS AT JUNE 30, 2011 262011 2010 Note Rupees Rupees MANUFACTURED GOODS Turnover 24 827,231,704 833,835,845 Sales tax 24 (117,791,736) (113,642,191) Special excise duty 24 (10,761,968) (7,516,450) Net turnover 712,677,204 698,678,000 Cost of sales 25 (546,765,874) (527,201,175) GROSS PROFIT 151,912,126 185,476,029 OPERATING EXPENSES Administrative and general expenses 26 (11,040,063) Selling and distribution expenses 27 (34,632,754) Other operating income 28 611,449 (20,269,626)



OPERATING PROFIT 106,850,758 132,847,930 Finance cost 29 (4,370,951) (7,198,199)

Other expenses 30 (7,415,576)


Share in profit/(loss) of associated Company-net of tax 5 2,779,313 598,870 PROFIT BEFORE TAXATION 97,843,544 117,002,505 Provision for taxation 31 (33,549,392) (41,011,434)

PROFIT AFTER TAXATION 64,294,152 75,991,071 Other comprehensive income for the year -

TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR 64,294,152 75,991,071 Earnings per share - basic and diluted 32 8.44 7.14

Appropriations have been reflected in the statement of changes in equity. The annexed notes from 1 to 44 form an integral part of these financial statements. DIRECTOR CHIEF EXECUTIVE PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2011 272011 2010 Note Rupees Rupees CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Profit before taxation 97,843,544 117,002,505 Adjustment 33 15,277,382 33,315,498 Changes in working capital (Increase) / decrease in current assets: Stores, spares and loose tools (3,250,665) 1,518,939

Stock in trade 14,138,845 (1,083,308) Trade debts 11,507,509 33,828,347 Advances (593,094) 1,307,715 6,250

Trade deposits and prepayments Other receivables (2,206,496) 2,138,229

(Decrease) / increase in current liabilities: Trade and other payables 9,528,057 44,103,235 29,124,156 Cash generated from operations 142,245,082 194,421,238 Payments for: Financial charges (4,721,263) WPPF (6,469,621) (9,539,987) 6,387,063

(7,989,926) (568,641)

Accumulated compensated absences (873,965) Taxation (37,509,397) (62,836,779) (80,935,333) (49,574,246)

Net cash generated from operating activities 113,485,905 92,670,836 CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Payments for capital expenditure (19,200) Interest on Term Deposit Receipts 164,668 Bank interest 376,901 Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment Net cash used in investing activities (2,890,626) 522,369 193,200 (3,187,353) 103,527


Short term borrowings (661,942)


Dividends paid (45,000,000) (45,000,000) Net cash used in financing activities (45,661,942) (104,874,727) Net increase in cash and cash equivalents 47,531,263 5,720,552 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the year 18,652,577 24,373,129 Cash and cash equivalents at end of the year 13 24,373,129 71,904,392 The annexed notes from 1 to 44 form an integral part of these financial statements. DIRECTOR CHIEF EXECUTIVE CASH FLOW STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2011 28Balance as at July 1, 2009 944,404 90,000,000 127,181,548 351,125,952 Total Comprehensive income for the year Net profit for the year ended June 30, 2010 75,991,071 75,991,071 Other comprehensive income 75,991,071 75,991,071 50,000,000 (50,000,000) 133,000,000

Transfer to general reserve 90,000,000

944,404 183,000,000 427,117,023 153,172,619

Transaction with owners Final dividend for the year ended June 30, 2009 (Rs. 5 per share) (45,000,000) (45,000,000) Total transactions with owner (45,000,000) -(45,000,000)

Balance as at June 30, 2010 90,000,000 944,404 382,117,023 Comprehensive income for the year Net profit for the year ended June 30, 2011 64,294,152 64,294,152 Other comprehensive income 64,294,152 64,294,152 (50,000,000) -

183,000,000 108,172,619

Transfer to General reserve 50,000,000 90,000,000

944,404 233,000,000 446,411,175 122,466,771

Transaction with owners Final dividend for the year ended June 30, 2010 (Rs. 5 per share) (45,000,000) (45,000,000) Total transactions with owner (45,000,000) -(45,000,000) 233,000,000 77,466,771

Balance as at June 30, 2011 90,000,000 944,404 401,411,175

The annexed notes from 1 to 44 form an integral part of these financial statements. DIRECTOR STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2011 CHIEF EXECUTIVE Total Revenue reserves Issued

Subscribed and paid-up share capital Capital reserve share premium General reserve Unappropriate d profit 291 LEGAL STATUS AND OPERATIONS 2 BASIS OF PREPARATION 2.1 Basis of Measurement 2.2 Functional and presentation currency 2.3 Statement of Compliance 2.4 CRITICAL JUDGMENTS IN APPLYING THE ACCOUNTING POLICIES NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2011 These financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Companies Ordinance,

1984 (the Ordinance) and the approved accounting standards as applicable in Pakistan. Approved accounting standards comprise of such International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) issued by the International Accounting Standards Board as are notified under the Ordinance and the requirements of and directives issued under that Ordinance. However, the requirements of and the directives issued under that Ordinance have been followed where those requirements are not consistent with the requirements of the IFRSs, as notified under the Ordinance. The preparation of financial statements in conformity with approved accounting standards requires the use of certain critical accounting estimates. In the process of applying the Company's accounting policies, which are described below, the management has made the following judgment that has the most significant effect on the amounts recognized in the financial statements. The estimates and associated assumptions are base based on historical expenses and various other factors that are believed to be reasonable under the circumstances, the result of which form basis of making judgment about carrying value of assets and liabilities that are not readily apparent from other sources. Actual results may differ from these estimates. The estimates and assumptions are reviewed on an ongoing basis. Revisions to accounting estimated are recognized in the period in which estimates are revised if the revision

affects only that period or in the period of the revision and future periods if the revision affects both current and future periods. The areas where various assumptions and estimates are significant to the financial statements and where jud Wah Nobel Chemicals Limited (the Company) was incorporated in Pakistan on May 31, 1983 as a public limited Company under the Companies Act, 1913, (now the Companies Ordinance, 1984) and its shares are quoted on the Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad stock exchanges of Pakistan. The holding Company of the Company is Wah Nobel (Private) Limited and the ultimate holding Company is Wah Industries Limited. The registered office and manufacturing facilities of the Company are situated in Wah Cantt, Pakistan. The principal activity of the Company is to manufacture Formaldehyde and Formaldehyde based liquid resins for use as bonding agent in the chip board, plywood and flush door manufacturing industries. It is also engaged in erection of plants and trading activities. These financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention except obligations under certain employee benefits which are measured at present value as referred to in note 11.1 and 18.1 and investment held to maturity which are measured at amortized cost. The financial statements are presented in Pakistani Rupees which is the Company's functional and presentation currency. 30NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2011 2.4.1 2.4.2 Provision for doubtful debts 2.4.3 Employee benefit costs 2.4.4 Property, plant and equipment 2.4.5 Taxation 2.5 IFRS 1 (effective 1 July 2011) IFRS 1 (effective 1 July 2011) IFRS 7 (effective 1 July 2011) IFRS 9 Financial Instrument - Classification and measurement (effective 1 January 2013) IFRS 10 Consolidated financial statements (effective 1 January 2013) IFRS 11 Joint arrangements (effective 1 January 2013) IFRS 12 Disclosure of interests in other entities (effective 1 January 2013) IFRS 13 Fair value measurement (effective 1 January 2013) First time adoption of IFRSs - Additional exemption for entities ceasing to suffer from severe hyperinflation The Company has disclosed significant contingent liabilities for the pending litigations and claims against the

Company based on its judgment and the advice of the legal advisors for the estimated financial outcome. The actual outcome of these litigations and claims can have an effect on the carrying amount of the liabilities recognized at the balance sheet date. However, based on the judgment of the Company and its legal advisors, the likely outcomes of these litigations and claims is remote and there is no need to recognize any liability at the balance sheet date. The Company estimates the recoverability of the trade debts and provides for doubtful debts based on its experience. The carrying amount of the trade debts and provision for doubtful debts are disclosed in the note 8.1 to these financial statements. Certain actuarial assumptions have been adopted as disclosed in note 11.1 and 18.1 to the financial statement for the actuarial valuation of staff retirement benefit plans. Actuarial assumptions are the best estimates of the variables that will determine the ultimate cost of providing the post retirement employment benefits. Changes in these assumptions in future years may effect the liability/asset under these plans in those years. Financial Instrument: Disclosures - Amendments enhancing disclosures about transfer of financial assets The Company reviews the useful lives of property, plant and equipment on regular basis. Any change in the estimates in future years might affect the carrying amounts of the respective items of property, plant and equipment

with corresponding effect on the depreciation charge and impairment. In making the estimates for income taxes currently payable by the Company, management considers the current income tax laws and decisions of appellate authorities on certain issues in the past. Instances where the Company's view differs from the view taken of the income tax department at the assessment stage and where the Company considers that its view on items of material nature is in accordance with law, the accounts are shown as contingent liability. Contingencies NEW ACCOUNTING STANDARDS, AMENDMENTS AND IFRIC INTERPRETATIONS THAT ARE NOT YET EFFECTIVE The following standards, amendments and interpretations of approved accounting standards, effective for accounting periods beginning as mentioned there against are either not relevant to the Companys current operations or are not expected to have significant impact on the Companys financial statements other than certain additional disclosures: First time adoption of IFRSs - Replacement of "fixed dates" for certain exceptions with the "date of transition to IFRSs" 31NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2011 IAS 1

(effective 1 July 2012) IAS 12 Income taxes - Limited scope amendment (recovery of underlying assets) (effective 1 January 2012) IAS 19 (effective 1 January 2013) IAS 27 (effective 1 January 2013) IAS 28 (effective 1 January 2013) 2.6 Amendment to IFRS 5 ( 1 January 2010 ) Amendment to IFRS 8 Operating segments ( 1 January 2010 ) Amendment to IFRS 2 ( 1 January 2010 ) IFRIC 19 Extinguishing financial liabilities with equity instruments ( 1 July 2010 ) 3 SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES 3.1 Staff retirement benefits a) The Company has the following plans for its employees: Defined benefit gratuity scheme Defined contributory pension scheme Defined contributory provident fund

The Company also operates an approved defined contributory provident fund for all eligible employees for which contributions are charged to the profit and loss account. The Company operates an approved pension scheme for its permanent employees eligible under Employees Pension Fund Rules. The Company's liability is fixed to 17% of basic salary per annum which is charged to the profit and loss account of related year. Non - current assets held for sale and discontinued operations. Employees benefits - Amended standard resulting from the post employment benefits and termination benefits project Consolidated and separate financial statements - Reissued as IAS 27 "Separate financial Statements" (as amended in 2011) Presentation of financial statements - Amendments to revise the way other comprehensive income is presented Investment in associates - Reissued as IAS 28 "Investment in associates and joint ventures" (as amended in 2011) New accounting standards, amendments and IFRIC interpretations that effective but not relevant to Company's operations The Company operates an approved gratuity fund established under an irrevocable trust to provide gratuity to all its eligible employees on retirement or cessation of their services. Annual contributions to the gratuity fund

are based on actuarial valuation using Projected Unit Credit Method, related details of which are given in note 11.1 to the financial statements. All contributions are charged to profit and loss account for the year. Actuarial gains / losses in excess of 10% of the higher of fair value of fund's assets and present value of defined benefit obligation are recognized over the average remaining service life of the employees. Share based payment - Group cash - Settled share based payment transactions. The accounting policies set out below have been applied consistently to all the periods presented in these financial statements unless otherwise stated. 32NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2011 b) Accumulated compensated absences 3.2 Taxation Current taxation Deferred taxation 3.3 Trade and other payables 3.4 Provisions 3.5 Dividend and appropriation to reserves Dividends and appropriations to the reserves are recognized in the period in which these are approved. 3.6 Property, plant and equipment

Owned assets Deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured at the tax rates that are expected to apply to the period when the assets is realized or the liability is settled, based on the tax rates (and tax laws) that have been enacted or substantively enacted at the balance sheet date. The Company provides a facility to its employees for accumulating their annual earned leaves. Accumulated compensated absences are encashable on cessation of service. Provision is made for the additional amount that the Company expects to pay as a result of unused entitlement that has accumulated at the balance sheet date and related expense thereof is charged to the profit and loss account. The results of current valuation are summarized in note 18.1. Provision for current taxation is based on taxable income at the current rates of taxation after taking into account available tax credits, rebates and exemptions available, if any. Deferred tax liability is accounted for using the balance sheet liability method on all taxable temporary differences, while deferred tax assets are recognized for all deductible temporary differences, carry forward of unused tax losses, if any, to the extent that it is probable that taxable profit will be available against which the deductible temporary differences, carry forward of unused tax losses and tax credits can be utilized. Liabilities for trade and other amounts payable are carried at cost which is the fair value of the consideration to be

paid in the future for goods and services received, whether or not billed to the Company. Provisions are recognized when the Company has a present legal or constructive obligation as a result of past events and it is probable that an out flow of resources embodying economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation and a reliable estimate can be made of the amount of obligation. However, provisions are reviewed at each balance sheet date and adjusted to reflect current best estimate. The carrying amount of deferred tax assets is reviewed at each balance sheet date and reduced to the extent that it is no longer probable that sufficient taxable profit will be available to allow all or part of the deferred tax assets to be utilized. Taxation for the year comprises current and deferred tax. Taxation is recognized in profit and loss account except to the extent that it relates to items recognized directly in equity or in other comprehensive income. Property, plant and equipment are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation and impairment losses, if any except capital work in progress which is stated at cost. 33NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2011 Applicable depreciation rates of the items are as under: Office building 5% Factory building 10%

Tube well 10% Plant and machinery-old 10% Plant and machinery-New 10% of utilized capacity Furniture and fittings 10% Office equipment 10% Tools and workshop equipment 10% Computer installations 20% Motor vehicles 20% Leasehold land 30 Years Leased assets 3.7 Impairment The Company assesses at each balance sheet date whether there is any indication that assets may be impaired. If such indication exists, the carrying amount of such assets are reviewed to assess whether they are recorded in excess of their recoverable amount which is the higher of an asset's fair value less cost to less and its value in use. Assets held under finance leases are initially recorded at the lower of the present value of the minimum lease payments under the lease agreements and the fair value of the leased assets. The related obligation under the lease less financial charges allocated to future periods are shown as liability and classified as current and long term depending upon the timing of payment.

The financial charges are allocated to accounting periods in a manner so as to provide a constant periodic rate of interest on the outstanding liability. Amortization on the lease assets is charged to the profit and loss account applying the rate and method used for similar owned assets so as to write off the assets over their estimated useful lives in view of certainty of ownership of the assets at the end of the lease. The carrying amounts of the Company's assets are reviewed at each balance sheet date to determine whether there is any indication of impairment loss. If any such indication exists, the asset's recoverable amount is estimated in order to determine the extent of the impairment loss, if any. Impairment losses are recognized as expense in the profit and loss account. Depreciation is charged to income at rates given below applying the reducing balance method . The Company has a policy to depreciate the expansion in plant and machinery on written down value in proportion to utilized capacity till such time the expanded production capacity is fully utilized. Leasehold land is amortized over the period of the lease. Depreciation on additions during the year is calculated from the month of acquisition to the end of the financial year and depreciation on deletions is calculated up to the date of disposal. Maintenance and normal repairs are charged to income as and when incurred. Major renewals and improvements are capitalized and assets so replaced, if any, are retired.

Gain/loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment is taken to profit and loss account in the year of disposal. 34NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2011 3.8 Investments 3.8.1 Investment in associates: 3.8.2 Investment held to maturity 3.9 Stores, spares and loose tools 3.10 Stock in trade 3.11 Trade and other receivables 3.12 Cash and cash equivalents The gain or loss on disposal on retirement of an asset represent the difference between the sale proceeds and the carrying amount of the asset is recognized as an income or expense. Where carrying amount exceeds the respective recoverable amount, assets are written down to their recoverable and the resulting impairment loss is recognized in profit and loss account. When impairment loss subsequently reversed the carrying amount of the asset is increased to the revised recoverable amount but limited to the extent of the carrying amount of that would have been determined, had no impairment loss been recognized for the asset in prior years, reversal is recognized in profit and loss.

These are valued at lower of cost and net realizable value less allowance for obsolete and slow moving items. Cost is determined using the weighted average method. The Company reviews the carrying amount of stores, spares and loose tools on regular basis and provision is made for obsolescence if there is any change in usage pattern and physical form of related stores, spares and loose tools. Stock of raw materials, except for that in transit, work in process and finished goods are valued principally at the lower of average cost and net realisable value. The cost includes expenditure incurred in bringing them to their present location and condition. Cost of work in progress comprises of direct materials, labor and appropriate manufacturing overheads. Trade and other receivables are recognized and carried at original invoice amount / cost less an allowance for any uncollectible amounts based on review of outstanding amounts at the year end. Balances considered bad and irrecoverable are written off against the provision. Cash and cash equivalents are carried in the balance sheet at cost. For the purpose of cash flow statement, cash and cash equivalents comprise cash in hand, cash with banks on current, saving and deposit accounts and other short term highly liquid investments that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and which are subject to insignificant risk of change in value. Running finance facilities showing debit balances are presented in cash and

bank balances. Investment with fixed or determinable payments and fixed maturity which the Company has the positive intent and ability to hold to maturity, are carried at amortized cost using the effective yield method less impairment losses if so determined. Stock of packing materials is valued principally at moving average cost. Material in transit are stated at cost comprising invoice value plus other charges paid thereon. NRV signifies selling price in the ordinary course of business less costs necessary to be incurred in order to make a sale. Long tern investment in an associated Company is accounted for using the equity method. Under the equity method, the investment in an associate is initially recognized at cost and the carrying amount is increased or decreased to recognize the Company's share of the profit and loss of the investee after the date of acquisition. The Company's share of the profit and loss is recognized in profit and loss account. Distribution received from the investee reduces the carrying amount of the investment. 35NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2011 3.13 Revenue recognition 3.14 Borrowing costs 3.15 Operating leases

3.16 Transactions with related parties 3.17 Financial instruments 3.18 Offsetting Lease payments under operating leases are recognized as an expense in the profit and loss account on a straight line basis over the respective lease term. All transactions with related parties are booked on the principles of normal commercial practice between independent businesses. All the financial assets and financial liabilities are recognized when the Company becomes a party to the contractual provisions of the instrument and derecognized when the contractual rights that comprise the financial assets are realized, expired or surrendered. Financial liabilities are derecognized when they are extinguished - that is, when the obligation specified in the contract is discharged, cancelled, or expired. Any gain or loss on derecognizing of the financial assets and financial liabilities is taken to the profit and loss account currently. All financial assets and liabilities are initially measured at cost which is the fair value of the consideration given and received, respectively, and subsequently carried at fair value, amortized cost or cost, as the case may be. Financial instruments carried in the balance sheet include loans, trade and other payables, investments, trade debts, deposits, receivables and cash and bank balances. The particular recognition methods adopted are disclosed in the

individual policy statement associated with each financial instrument. The Company enters into transaction with related parties on an arms length basis. Price for transactions with related parties are determined using admissible valuation methods, except in extremely rare circumstances, where subject to approved of the Board of Directors, it is in the interest of the Company to do so. Leases where a significant portion of the risks and rewards of ownership are retained by the lessor are classified as operating lease. Revenue is measured at the fair value of consideration received or receivable and represents the amount or receivable for goods provided in the normal course of business. Revenue is recognized in the accounting period in which goods are delivered to the customer and it is probable that economic benefit associated with the transaction will flow to the Company and the amount of revenue can be measured reliably. Interest income is accounted for on time apportioned basis using the effective interest rate and dividend income is recognized when right to receive is established. Borrowing costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition, construction and production of qualifying asset are capitalized as part of cost of that asset. All other borrowing costs are charged to the profit and loss account in the year when incurred. Financial assets and financial liabilities are offset and the net amount is reported in the financial statements only

when there is legally enforceable right to set-off the recognized amount and the Company intends either to settle on a net basis, or to realize the assets and to settle the liabilities simultaneously. 36NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2011 3.19 Operating Segments 3.20 Earning per share The Company presents basic and diluted earnings per share (EPS) data for its ordinary shares. Basic EPS is calculated by dividing the profit or loss attributable to ordinary shareholders of the Company by the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the period. A geographical segment is a distinguishable component of the Company that is engaged in providing services within a different geographical area, which is subject to risk and rewards that are different from those of other segments. The Company is currently operating in only one geographical segment of Pakistan. 374 PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT Office Factory Tube well Office Tools and Workshop Leasehold land Carrying amount June 30, 2009 1,374,125 100,096,128 644,613 355,635 697,845 109,879,103 231,640 5,757,510 48,559 337,871 566,817 110,110,743

Gross Carrying Amount 2,406,019 16,432,437 547,920 198,296,763 1,159,636 870,008 2,395,038 1,837,085 4,111,463 228,056,369 1,701,971 229,758,340 Accumulated depreciation (1,100,603) (11,250,679) (504,217) (102,574,321) (579,484) (549,937) (2,090,954) (1,383,631) (2,988,735) (123,022,561) (1,527,114) (124,549,675) Carrying amount June 30, 2010 1,305,416 95,722,442 580,152 320,071 1,122,728 105,033,808 174,857 5,181,758 43,703 304,084 453,454 105,208,665 1,837,085

Gross Carrying Amount 2,406,019 16,432,437 547,920 198,296,763 1,178,836 870,008 2,395,038 4,111,463 228,075,569 1,701,971 229,777,540

Accumulated depreciation (1,165,873) (11,768,854) (508,587) (106,540,500) (638,107) (581,780) (2,121,364) (1,474,321) (3,213,273) (128,012,659) (1,583,846) (129,596,505) Carrying amount June 30, 2011 91,756,263 540,729 898,190 100,062,910 Office Factory Tube well Office Tools and Workshop Leasehold land Carrying amount June 30, 2009 1,374,125 5,757,510 48,559 100,096,128 644,613 355,635 337,871 566,817 697,845 109,879,103 110,110,743 231,640 Additions 3,187,353 2,512,139 3,187,353 675,214 4,663,583 1,240,146 39,333 288,228 273,674 362,764 118,125 100,181,035

Adjustment Disposals (20,064) (20,064)


Depreciation (68,709) (575,752) (4,856) (6,885,825) (64,461) (35,564) (33,787) (113,363) (230,267) (8,012,584) (8,069,367) (56,783) Carrying amount June 30, 2010 1,305,416 95,722,442 580,152 320,071 1,122,728 105,033,808 174,857 Additions 19,200 Adjustment Disposals Depreciation (58,623) (224,538) (518,175) (65,270) (31,843) (30,410) (4,990,098) (56,732) (4,370) (3,966,179) (90,690) (5,046,830) 19,200 5,181,758 43,703 304,084 453,454 105,208,665 19,200 -

Carrying amount June 30, 2011 91,756,263 540,729 898,190 100,062,910

4,663,583 1,240,146 39,333 288,228 273,674 362,764 118,125 100,181,035

4.1 Production capacity achieved by the newly capitalized Formaldehyde and U.F Glue plants is 26% and 34%, respectively. 4.2 Leasehold land measuring 10 acres was acquired on August 01, 1983 from the Cantonment Board, Wah, for an initial period of 30 years and is being amortized over the lease term. The lease is renewable for a period of another 60 years. Plant and Machinery Motor Vehicles

Buildings on leasehold land Particulars Buildings on leasehold land Equipment NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2011 Furniture and Fixture Leased assets Computer Installations Total Owned assets TOTAL Leased assets TOTAL Furniture and Fixture The carrying amount of property, plant and equipment for the period presented in these financial statements as at June 30, 2011 are: Total Owned assets Motor Vehicles

Plant and Machinery Computer Installations Particulars Equipment 382011 2010 Note Rupees Rupees 4.3 Depreciation charge for the year has been allocated as under: Cost of sales 25.1 4,800,404 Administrative expenses 26 8,069,367 5,046,830 7,787,270 246,426 282,097

5 LONG TERM INVESTMENT Investments in related party: Wah Nobel Acetate Limited 2,500,000 shares of Rs. 10/- each. (equity held: 8.33%) 25,000,000 Share of profit of prior periods 8,106,266 7,507,396 598,870 25,000,000

Share of profit / (loss) of current period-net of tax 2,779,313 8,106,266 10,885,579 33,106,266 35,885,579 Assets 631,872,867 705,974,602 Liabilities 269,759,331 377,226,173

Revenues 628,680,122 532,215,972 33,365,107 7,189,331 6 STORE, SPARES AND LOOSE TOOLS Stores Spares 11,232,211 13,105,362 19,067,989 20,457,787 224,356 212,072

Loose tools

30,524,556 33,775,221 7 STOCK IN TRADE Raw and packing material 14,499,144 Work in process Finished goods Goods in transit 555,504 557,943 9,656,525 13,292,486 14,180,304 8,934,259 27,030,344

51,422,677 37,283,832 8 TRADE DEBTS Considered good 230,110,597 241,500,249 Considered doubtful 43,496,901 285,115,007 273,607,498 Provision for doubtful debts 8.1 (43,496,901) (43,614,758) 241,500,249 230,110,597 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2011 Profit 43,614,758

The Company is associated with Wah Nobel Acetates Limited (WNAL) due to common directorship. WNAL is engaged in manufacture, compound, import and export, acquire, sell and otherwise deal in any and all types and kinds of chemicals including acetaldehyde, acetic acid, butyl acetate, ethyl acetate or any other acetate etc. 392011 2010 Note Rupees Rupees NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2011 8.1 Reconciliation of provision for doubtful debts Opening provision Charge for the year 43,614,759 45,372,485 (117,858) 43,496,901 (1,757,726) 43,614,759 43,614,759 35,138,390 10,234,095

Provision write back Debts written off

Balance at the end of the year 9 ADVANCES

Advances - unsecured, considered good to suppliers 5,826,951 6,338,509 445,167

to employees for expenses 526,703 6,272,118 6,865,212 9.1 10 TRADE DEPOSITS


40,070 40,070

40,070 40,070 11 OTHER RECEIVABLES Sales tax refundable 1,974,006 7,331

Receivable from / (payable to) employees gratuity fund 11.1 33,103 1,054,471 Letter of credit / guarantee margin 180,900 Due from associated Companies 14,906 Others 364,400 602,337 180,900

1,607,102 2,805,252 11.1 Receivables from/(payable to) employees gratuity fund a) Movement in the asset / (liability) recognized in the balance sheet: Balance at beginning of the year 1,054,471 Charge for the year (1,021,368) (907,783) 1,054,471 1,962,254

Payments to the fund during the year Balance at end of the year 33,103

b) Reconciliation of the asset / (liability) recognized in the balance sheet: Present value of defined benefit obligation (11,767,603) (11,034,231) Fair value of plan assets 10,906,496 Surplus / (deficit) 10,457,736

(576,495) (861,107) 1,630,966

Unrecognized actuarial losses 894,210 Net asset / (liability)

1,054,471 33,103

The maximum aggregate amount of advances due from Chief Executive, Directors, Executives and from associated undertakings at the end of any month during the year was Rs. Nil (2010 : Rs Nil ). 402011 2010 Note Rupees Rupees NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2011 c) Current service cost Interest cost 908,226 864,753

1,324,108 1,172,408 (1,254,928) (1,194,560) 43,962 65,182

Expected return on plan assets Actuarial (gain) / losses charge 1,021,368 907,783

2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 (11,767,603) (11,034,231) (9,770,064) (6,923,574) (6,362,141) (55,130)

Unrecognized actuarial losses / (gains) (1,748,760) (938,466) d) Discount rate 14% 12%

894,210 1,630,966

Expected rate of eligible salary increase in future years 13% 11% Expected rate of return on plan assets per annum 12% 12% Average expected remaining working life time of employees 12 years 12 years 12 SHORT-TERM-INVESTMENT

Held in Local currency TDR cost 2,582,666 2,582,666 88,113 96,952

Accrued interest

2,670,779 2,679,618 13 CASH AND BANK BALANCES Cash in hand Cash with banks: in current accounts 33,578,967 24,344,479 28,650 67,947

in deposit accounts 13.1 38,257,478 24,373,129 71,904,392 13.1 This carries profit at the rate of 12.6% per annum. Actuarial valuation of these plans was carried out as at June 30, 2011 using Projected Unit Credit Method. Significant actuarial assumptions used were as follows: Held-to-maturity financial assets comprise Term Deposit Receipts (TDR) having maturity up to 1 year and average profit rate above 6.7 % and under lien with bank. The carrying amount, measured at amortized cost, of these financial asset is as follows: Present value of defined benefit obligation Amounts charged to profit and loss account during the current year: 412011 2010 Note Rupees Rupees NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2011

14 SHARE CAPITAL 2011 2010 Authorized 20,000,000 20,000,000 Ordinary shares of Rs. 10 each 200,000,000 200,000,000 Issued, subscribed and paid up 6,750,000 6,750,000 67,500,000 2,250,000 2,250,000 22,500,000 9,000,000 9,000,000 90,000,000 67,500,000 22,500,000 90,000,000

14.1 The Company has no reserved or potential ordinary shares for issuance under options and sales contract. 15 CAPITAL RESERVE Represents exchange gain arising on the translation of foreign currency accounts held by the Company and interest thereon, up to the date of allotment of shares to the overseas Pakistani shareholders who, under an agreement, had subscribed in foreign currency at the rate of Rs. 13 /- per US Dollar. Ordinary shares of Rs. 10 each fully paid in cash Ordinary shares of Rs. 10 each issued as fully paid bonus shares Wah Nobel (Private) Limited (the holding Company) held 4,970,400 (2010 : 4,970,400) ordinary shares of Rs. 10 /- each at balance sheet date.

Numbers 422011 2010 Note Rupees Rupees 16 RESERVES General reserve 16.1 233,000,000 Unappropriated profit 77,466,771 291,172,619 310,466,771 16.1 General reserve Balance at the beginning of the year 183,000,000 Transfer during the year 50,000,000 183,000,000 233,000,000 17 DEFERRED TAXATION Net deferred tax liability 17.1 6,884,346 7,983,415 6,884,346 Liabilities Assets Liabilities Assets 17.1 This is comprised of following temporary differences: Non current assets Property, plant and equipment 26,163,013 Current Assets Trade debtors (15,223,915) Deferred liabilities Accumulated compensated absence (1,197,288) Share in Profit of Associate Company (2,857,464) (1,064,536) (2,127,895) (15,265,166) 26,441,012 7,983,415 133,000,000 183,000,000 108,172,619


26,163,013 2011 2010 Rupees Rupees




18 ACCUMULATED COMPENSATED ABSENCES Provision for accumulated compensated absences 18.1 3,041,532 18.1 Opening present value of defined benefit obligations 3,041,532 Current service cost 376,587 Interest cost 364,985 319,788 2,923,408 3,420,822

350,809 (568,641)

Benefits paid during the year (873,965)

Actuarial ( gain )/loss on present value of defined benefit obligation 511,683 16,168 3,041,532 3,420,822 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2011 2011 The amounts recognized in the balance sheet are determined as follows: 2010 432011 2010 Note Rupees Rupees NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2011

18.2 The amounts recognized in the profit and loss account are as follows: Current service cost 376,587 Interest cost 364,985 319,788

350,809 16,168

Actuarial (gains)/losses charge 511,683 686,765 1,253,255 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 3,041,532 3,420,822 2,923,408



18.3 The principal actuarial assumptions used were as follows: Discount rate 14% 12% Expected rate of increase in salary 13% 11% Average number of leaves accumulated per annum by the officers 9 days 9 days Average number of leaves accumulated per annum by the staff 5 days 5 days Average number of leaves accumulated per annum by the workers 3 days 3 days 19 TRADE AND OTHER PAYABLES Trade creditors 49,245,027 37,969,462 3,854,244

Advances from customers 2,906,478 Accrued expenses 3,008,836

471,707 290,312

Payable to employees' provident fund 333,640 Bonus payable 6,549,886 Sales tax payable 15,149 Unclaimed dividends 2,095,143 6,300,000 3,086,905 2,123,912

Workers' profit participation fund 19.1 5,109,910 Workers' welfare fund 19.2 17,120,273 15,180,187


Other liabilities 2,765,347 78,783,228 89,149,689


19.1 Workers' Profit Participation Fund Balance at the beginning of the year 6,268,407 7,791,248 203,098

Interest for the period on Fund utilized by the Company 205,634 Payments during the year (6,469,621) Allocation for the year 5,105,490 (7,989,926) 6,263,987 6,268,407

Balance at the end of the year 5,109,910 19.2 Workers' Welfare Fund

Balance at the beginning of the year 15,180,187 Payments during the year Allocation for the year 1,940,086 2,612,109


Balance at the end of the year 17,120,273 Present value of defined benefit obligations 442011 2010 Note Rupees Rupees


NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2011 19.2.1 20 DUE TO ASSOCIATED Companies Wah Nobel (Private) Limited - Holding Company 21 ACCRUED MARK UP 56,812

On short term borrowings 59,614 615,560 59,614


22 SHORT TERM BORROWINGS - SECURED Bank Al-Habib 22.1 Allied Bank Limited 22.1 MCB Bank Limited 22.1 Short term running finance - secured 22.1 FACILITIES 2011 2010 Bank Al-Habib 100 Million 150 Million Allied Bank Limited 100 Million 100 Million MCB Bank Limited 50 Million 50 Million The markup on the facilities are with out a floor or cap, payable quarterly. 22.2 FACILITIES SECURED AGAINST: Bank Al Habib Limited 1st Pari Passu charge on present & future, current and fixed assets of the Company for Rs. 210 Million and Rs. 150 Million respectively. Security description Limits On the basis of Appellate decision on appeal of Parent Company, no payment has been made, however provision has been made to cover up any unfavorable decision on the appeal of department against the decision of Appellate Tribunal. 661,942 661,942

1 month average KIBOR plus 0.5% 1 month average KIBOR plus 0.5% 1 month average KIBOR plus 0.5% Markup 452011 2010 Note Rupees Rupees NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2011 Allied Bank limited MCB Bank Limited 1st Pari Passu Hypothecation charge over entire assets of the Company. 22.3 FACILITIES OF LETTER OF GUARANTEE AND LETTER OF CREDIT 2011 2010 2011 2010 Bank Al Habib Limited 22.3.1 20,000,000 20,000,000 180,000,000 160,000,000 Allied Bank limited 22.3.2 100,000,000 100,000,000

MCB Bank Limited 22.3.3 10,000,000 10,000,000 100,000,000 100,000,000 22.3.1 22.3.2 22.3.3 This is secured by 1st Pari Passu Hypothecation charge over entire assets of the Company. 23 TAXATION Opening balance 23,466,099 41,505,207 (62,836,778)

Income tax paid / withheld during the year (37,509,398)

Provision for the year 34,648,461 23,466,099 20,605,162


This is secured by 1st Pari Passu charge on present & future, current and fixed assets of the Company for Rs. 210 Million and Rs. 150 Million respectively. Further letter of guarantee and letter of credit is secured against counter guarantee from the Company and Lien on shipping documents respectively. This is secured by 1st Pari Passu charge on all present and future current & fixed Assets of the Company, with 25% margin and lien on valid import documents/Accepted Draft. Following banks have extended facilities of Letter of Guarantee and Letter of Credit 1st Pari Passu charge on all present and future current & fixed Assets of the Company, with 25% margin. Letter of guarantee Letter of Credit Security description 462011 2010 Note Rupees Rupees 24 TURNOVER Gross revenue from turnover of manufactured products 827,231,704 833,835,845 Sales tax (117,791,736) (113,642,191) (7,516,450)

Special excise duty (10,761,968) 712,677,204 698,678,000

25 COST OF SALE Cost of goods manufactured 25.1 549,441,942 Packing material consumed 959,891 533,847,670 550,401,833 Opening stock of finished goods 9,656,527 Closing stock of finished goods (13,292,486) 527,201,175 546,765,874 25.1 Cost of goods manufactured Raw material consumed 25.1.1 478,190,197 Stores and spares consumed 12,430,181 Salaries, wages and other benefits 27.1 26,849,619 Fuel and power 23,046,662 Rent, rates and taxes 529,661 Insurance 1,337,002 1,338,352 611,554 1,422,530 7,787,270 532,848,314 1,045,520 (555,504) 29,262,809 159,260 455,320,668 12,067,959 24,877,912 3,010,030 (9,656,525) 533,338,330 509,340

Repairs and maintenance of vehicles 476,136 Miscellaneous expenses 1,784,519 Depreciation 4.3 4,800,404 Manufacturing cost 549,444,381

Opening stock of work in process 555,504 Closing stock of work in process (557,943) 533,338,330 549,441,942 25.1.1 Raw material consumed Opening stock 27,030,344 20,705,116

Purchases during the year 465,658,997 482,351,012 492,689,341 Closing stock (14,499,144) 455,320,668 478,190,197



NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2011 472011 2010 Note Rupees Rupees NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2011 26 ADMINISTRATIVE AND GENERAL EXPENSES Salaries, wages and other benefits 27.1 Management fee Office rent 900,000 68,180 4,964,902 900,000 60,665 278,130 227,733 659,255 1,394,826 75,584 989,850 159,248 206,230 134,265 111,816 842,274 497,184 245,774 510,865 735,165 4,523,594

Electricity and water charges Postage, telephone and telex Printing and stationery Traveling and conveyance Entertainment 89,427

Legal and professional charges Fees and subscription Advertisement and publicity 180,404


Vehicles running and maintenance expenses

Car lease rentals Provision for doubtful debts Miscellaneous expenses Depreciation 4.3 11,040,063

112,341 10,234,095 817,247 246,426 20,269,626 772,694 282,097

27 SELLING AND DISTRIBUTION EXPENSES Salaries, wages and other benefits 27.1 5,300,455 Postage, telephone and telex 77,439 Printing and stationery 20,750 Traveling and conveyance 287,735 Carriage 26,663,304 29,828,220 744,986 89,028 35,685 241,903 5,468,923

Vehicle running expenses 1,542,659 Transit insurance 640,709 Entertainment 5,782 Car lease rental 33,942 Miscellaneous expenses 59,979 37,363,743 34,632,754 27.1 673,360 9,992 217,578


Related amounts include contribution towards pension fund of Rs, 1,006,723 (2010: Rs. 963,492), provident fund of Rs. 1,114,840 (2010: Rs. 999,517), expense for accumulating absences of Rs. 1,253,254 (2010: Rs. 686,765), gratuity of Rs. 1,021,368 (2010: Rs. 907,783) and provision for bonus to employees of Rs. 6,549,886 (2010: Rs. 6,300,000).

482011 2010 Note Rupees Rupees NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2011 28 OTHER OPERATING INCOME Income from financial assets / liabilities Income from non-financial assets 611,449 5,005,270 563,427 48,022 4,095,032 910,238

28.1 Income from financial assets / liabilities Interest on term deposit 173,507 Bank interest 389,920 2,210,232 127,074

Liabilities no longer payable written back Provision write back 4,095,032 563,427 28.2 Income from non-financial assets Profit / (Loss) on sale of property, plant and equipment Misc Income 48,022 Sale of Scrap 910,238 48,022 29 FINANCE COST Interest on Workers' Profit Participation Fund 205,634 Mark up on short term finances 3,710,829 Bank charges 454,488 389,418 737,102 1,757,726




7,198,199 4,370,951 30 OTHER EXPENSES Workers' Profit Participation Fund 5,105,490 Workers' Welfare Fund 1,940,086 Auditor's remuneration 30.1 370,000 9,246,096 7,415,576 30.1 Auditors' remuneration Audit fee 280,000 280,000 90,000 370,000 90,000 2,612,109 370,000 6,263,987

Half yearly review 370,000

31 PROVISION FOR TAXATION Current - for the year 34,648,461 Deferred (1,099,069) 44,797,671


41,011,434 33,549,392 492011 2010 Note Rupees Rupees NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2011 31.1 Tax charge reconciliation Accounting profit 97,843,544 Tax rate 35 % 35 % Tax on accounting profit at applicable rate 34,245,240 40,950,877 117,002,505

Tax effect of amounts/expenses that are inadmissible for tax purposes 4,670,981 9,962,817 Tax effect of amounts/expenses that are admissible for tax purposes (5,720,091) (6,116,023) Surcharge 15 % 1,452,331 (3,786,237)

Tax effect of timing differences (1,099,069) 41,011,434 33,549,392

32 EARNINGS PER SHARE - BASIC AND DILUTED Net profit after tax 64,294,152 75,991,071 9,000,000

Number of ordinary shares outstanding during the year 9,000,000 Earnings per share-basic and diluted 7.14 8.44 502011 2010 Note Rupees Rupees 33 CASH FLOW STATEMENT Adjustment: Depreciation 5,046,830 8,069,367

(Profit)/loss on sale of property, plant and equipment Interest on Term Deposit Receipts (173,507) Bank interest (389,920) Financial charges on bank borrowings 4,165,317 Other accrued charges 205,634 203,098 6,995,101 (127,074)


Charge based on actuarial valuation of employees' gratuity fund 1,021,368 907,783 Share in profit of associated Company (2,779,313) (598,870)

Workers' Profit Participation Fund (WPPF) 5,105,490 Workers' Welfare Fund (WWF) 1,940,086 2,612,109


Provision for accumulated compensated absences 1,253,255 Provision write back (1,757,726) 10,234,095


Provision for doubtful debts net (117,858) 33,315,498 15,277,382 34 CONTINGENCIES AND COMMITMENTS 34.1 Contingencies 34.1.1 34.1.2

In 1990, the Government of Sindh levied excise duty @ Rs. 4 per bulk gallon on transport of imported Methanol outside the province of Sindh under the Sindh Abkari Act, 1878. The Company filed a Constitutional Petition No. D - 123/91 in the High Court of Sindh that the duty was ultra vires of article 151 of the Constitution. The Court granted interim relief by permitting the Company to remove Methanol by submitting bank guarantees in lieu of payment of excise duty. Accordingly, the Company has submitted bank guarantees of Rs. 8,707,220 (2010 : Rs. 8,707,220) for transport of 7200 tons of Methanol outside Sindh. The following non-cash flow adjustments have been made to the pre-tax result for the year to arrive at operating cash flow: NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2011 On August 12, 2004 the High Court Sindh decided the case in favor of the Company. Excise Department Sindh has filed a leave to appeal in the Supreme Court on September 07, 2004 against the said judgment which is pending adjudication by the Supreme Court. In 1996, the Government of Sindh raised a demand of Rs. 67,294,724 in respect of vend fee and permit fee for the years 1990-91 to 1995-96, under the Sindh Abkari Act, 1878. The Company filed Constitutional Petition No. D-1412 of 1996 dated August 20, 1996 in the High Court of Sindh challenging the legality of the levy on the grounds that provincial taxation, under the Sindh Abkari Act, 1878 on imported Methanol temporarily stored in Karachi but meant for consumption outside the province of Sindh, was unlawful and ultravires of the Constitution, relying on the judgment of the High Court of Sindh in the case of Crescent Board Limited. The case was decided in the favor of the Company on June 12, 2001 by the High Court , but Sindh Government moved an appeal in the Supreme Court against the decision of the High Court. 51NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2011 34.1.3 2011 2010 Rupees Rupees

34.2 Letters of credit for purchase of stocks 72,516,459 34.2.1 7,644,482 15,605,289 35 FINANCIAL RISK MANAGEMENT The Company has exposure to the following risks from its use of financial instruments: - Market risk - Credit risk - Liquidity risk The Board of Directors have the overall responsibility for to establishment and oversight of Companys risk management framework and policies. Audit committee oversees how management monitors compliance with the Companys risk management policies and procedures and reviews the adequacy of the risk management framework in relation to risks faced by the Company with the assistance of internal audit function. This note presents information about the Company's exposure to each of the above risks, the Company's objectives, policies & processes for measuring and managing risks and the Companys management of capital. Further quantitative disclosure are presented through out these financial statements. Post dated cheques issued in favor of Collector of Customs against custom duties and other levies on Methanol kept in 43,614,800

bonded ware house. Commitments in respect of: Currently all imports of Methanol are being released on payment of Rs. 3/- per bulk gallon in cash and submission of guarantee @ Rs. 14/- per bulk gallon in the form of indemnity bonds. Accordingly, in case of an unfavorable decision of the Supreme Court, the Company is exposed to an aggregate obligation of Rs. 690 million (2010 : Rs. 642 million) on account of vend fee and permit fee based on the guarantees issued against methanol imported and released up to the balance sheet date. However, keeping in view the facts and previous decisions, the management is confident that no such exposure will arise to the Company, therefor, no provision for this has been made in these finacial statements.Furtermore, management is making necessary efforts to resolve this matter amicabely and is confident that company will be able to continue as a going concern. Under the Punjab Excise Act, 1914, Excise Commissioner / Director General , Excise and Taxation Department, Punjab has issued a notification dated June 30, 2003 by which the department has levied fees on the import, possession, industrial use and sale of Methanol. The Company and other manufacturers, importers and vendors of Methanol have filed writ petitions in the High Court, Lahore and obtained stay order against these levies. The case is pending adjudication by the High Court, Lahore.

After hearing the appeal of Excise Department Sindh against the Company and other Formaldehyde manufacturers, the Supreme Court remanded the case of levy of vend fee and permit fee to the High Court Sindh for adjudication on all points of law and fact. Vide its judgment dated March 26, 2003, High Court Sindh again decided the matter in favor of the Company and other manufacturers. Excise Department filed a leave to appeal in the Supreme Court on June 12, 2003. The Court has admitted the appeal for regular hearing. The case is now awaiting adjudication by the Supreme Court. 52NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2011 a) Market risks - Markup rate risks Profile: At the reporting date the markup rate profile of the Company's markup bearing financial instruments are: 2011 2010 Rupees Rupees Financial Assets Bank balances 38,257,478 2,670,779

Short-term-investment 2,679,618 2,670,779 40,937,096 Financial Liabilities

Short term borrowings - secured 661,942 Net financial assets / (liabilities) 40,937,096 b) Credit risk



The maximum exposure to credit risk as at June 30, 2011, along with comparative is tabulated below: Financial Assets Trade debts 230,110,597 241,500,249 40,070

Trade deposits and prepayments 40,070 Other receivables 338,225 310,300

Profit receivable from banks 96,952 Short-term-investment 2,582,666 Cash and bank balances 71,836,445 268,865,877 305,004,955

88,113 2,582,666 24,344,479

Market risk is a risk that changes in market prices, such as foreign exchange rates, markup rates and equity prices which will effect the Company's income or the value of its holding of financial instrument. The objective of market risk management is to manage and control market risks' exposure within acceptable parameters, while optimizing the return on risk. The Company is only exposed to mark up rate risk. If markup rates had been 50 basis points higher / lower and all other variables were held constant, the Company's profit for the year ended June 30, 2011 would decrease/increase by Rs. 179,900 (2010: decrease/increase by Rs.

14,654). This is mainly attributable to the Company's exposure to markup rates on its variable rates deposits. Markup rate risk is the risk that the value of financial instrument will fluctuate due to changes in market interest rates. Sensitivity to markup rate risk arises from mismatches of financial assets and financial liabilities that mature in a given period. Credit risk arises from cash and cash equivalents, deposits with banks and financial institutions, as well as credit exposures to customers, including trade receivables and committed transaction. Out of the total financial assets of Rs. 305,072,902 (2010: Rs. 268,894,527), the financial assets that are subject to credit risk amounted to Rs. 305,004,955 (2010: Rs. 268,865,877). Credit risk represents the accounting loss that would be recognized at the reporting date if counter parties fail completely to perform as contracted. 53NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2011 The bank balances along with credit ratings are tabulated below: 2011 Rating agency Short term Long term Rupees National Bank of Pakistan JCR-VIS A-1+ AAA Askari Bank Limited PACRA A1+ AA Bank-Al Falah Limited PACRA A1+ AA 1,756,739 5,256 14,831,730

MCB Bank Limited PACRA A1+ AA+ Bank-Al Habib Limited PACRA A1+ AA+ Habib Bank Limited JCR-VIS A-1+ AA+ Allied Bank Limited PACRA A1+ AA 74,419,111

19,121,215 38,257,478 3,570 443,123

The ageing of trade debts at June 30, 2011 is as follows: 2011 2010 Rupees Rupees Neither past due nor provided for 128,362,189 Past due but not provided for: - within 90 days 19,616,093 22,183,543 21,920,404 119,884,579

- within 91 to 180 days 15,248,848 - over 180 days 66,883,467 Considered Good 230,110,597 Past dues provided for 43,496,901 Total 273,607,498 c) Liquidity risk Rating 285,115,009

77,511,724 241,500,250 43,614,759

Due to the Company's long standing business relationships with these counterparties and after giving due consideration to their strong financial standing, management does not expect nonperformance by these counter parties on their obligation to the Company.

For trade receivables, internal risk assessments process determines the credit quality of the customer, taking into account its financial position, past experience and other factors. Individual risk limits are fixed based on internal or external ratings in accordance with limits set by the management. The utilization of credit limits is regularly monitored. Accordingly the credit risk is minimal and the Company also believes that it is not exposed to major concentration of credit risk. The Company manages its liquidity needs by monitoring cash-outflows due in dayto-day business. Liquidity needs are monitored in various time bands, on a day-to-day and on the basis of a rolling 90days projection. Long-term liquidity needs for a 180-day and a 360-day lookout period are identified in 90 days projection. Liquidity risk is the risk that the Company will not be able to meet its financial obligations as they fall due. The Company's approach to managing liquidity is to ensure, as far as possible, that it will always have sufficient liquidity to meet its liabilities when due, under both normal and stressed conditions, without incurring unacceptable losses or risking damage to the Company's reputation. 54NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2011 June 30, 2011 Trade and other payables 89,149,689 -

Accrued mark up 89,209,303 June 30, 2010 Trade and other payables

59,614 -

78,783,228 56,812 661,942 661,942

Due to associated Companies Accrued mark up Short term borrowing 79,455,600 d) Fair value estimation 615,560

The carrying value of financial assets and liabilities approximates their fair value. 35.2 Summary of financial assets and liabilities by category 2011 2010 Rupees Rupees Financial Assets Loans and receivables at amortized cost: Current assets: Trade debts 230,110,597 241,500,249 40,070

Trade deposits and prepayments 40,070 Other receivables 338,225 310,300

Profit receivable from banks 96,952 Cash and cash at bank 71,904,392 Investments held to maturity Current Assets:

88,113 24,373,129

Short Term Investments 2,582,666 268,894,527 305,072,902


As at 30 June 2011, The Company's liabilities have contractual/probable maturities which are summarized below: Within 6 months Current Current Within 6 months The carrying amounts of financial assets and liabilities as recognized at the balance sheet date of the reporting periods under review may also be categorized as follows. These liabilities are compared to the maturity of the Company's financial liabilities in the previous year as follow: 6 to 12 months 6 to 12 months The Company maintains cash to meet its liquidity requirements for up to 20-days periods. Funding for long-term liquidity needs is additionally secured by an adequate amount of committed credit facilities, dividend payout policy and additional equity injection by the sponsor Company. 55NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2011 2011 2010

Rupees Rupees Financial Liabilities Financial liabilities at amortized cost: Current liabilities: Trade and other payables 62,533,570 Accrued mark-up 59,614 Short term borrowings - secured 50,938,465 62,593,184 36 CAPITAL RISK MANAGEMENT Company is not subject to any externally imposed capital requirements. Total equity 401,411,175 Cash and bank (71,904,392) Capital 329,506,783 382,117,023 (24,373,129) 49,660,963

615,560 661,942

357,743,894 382,117,023 382,117,023

Total equity 401,411,175 Borrowing -

Overall financing 401,411,175

Capital-to-overall financing ratio 1:1.22 1:1.07 Company's capital management objectives are to ensure the Company's ability to continue as a going concern and to provide an adequate return to shareholders by pricing products and services commensurately with the level of risk. The Company monitors capital on the basis of the carrying amount of equity plus reserve and debts less cash and cash

equivalents as presented on the face of the balance sheet. Capital for the reporting periods under review is summarized as follows: 5637 REMUNERATION OF CHIEF EXECUTIVE, DIRECTORS AND EXECUTIVES 37.1 37.2 38 CAPACITY AND PRODUCTION 2011 2010 2011 2010 Formaldehyde and Formalin solvent 30,000 18,934 24,781 Urea / Phenol Formaldehyde 19,000 24,288 19,000 30,000 17,828

39 TRANSACTION WITH RELATED PARTIES Wah Nobel (Private) Limited - holding Company Wah Nobel Acetates Limited - fellow subsidiary 2011 2010 Rupees Rupees Expenses incurred (on behalf of) / by the group Companies net (1,005,661) (1,750,376) Vehicles lease rentals paid by the holding Company 33,942 Management services by holding Company 900,000 Sales to Associate Company 201,701 Purchases from Associate Company 72,060 900,000 883,854

Dividend paid to the holding Company 24,852,000 Other related parties Payment to: Employees' Gratuity Fund Trust Employees' Pension Fund Trust 1,006,723 Employees' Provident Fund Trust 1,114,840 Worker Profit Participation Fund 6,469,621 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2011 -


963,492 999,517 7,989,926

No fee or remuneration was paid by the Company to Chief Executive and Directors except for the lump sum amount of Rs. 900,000/- (2010: Rs. 900,000/-) charged by Wah Nobel (Private) Limited, as management fee as disclosed in note 26. None of the employees other than Chief Executive and Directors, fall under the definition of "Executive" as given in Fourth Schedule to the Companies Ordinance, 1984. Metric Tones Designed annual capacity Actual production Details of transactions with these related parties, other than those which have been specifically disclosed elsewhere in these financial statements are as follows: The related parties comprise holding Company, ultimate holding Company, related group Companies, directors of

the Company, other Companies with common directorship, staff retirement benefit funds and key management personnel. The Company's significant related party transactions consist of transactions with holding Company and related group Companies. Following are the related group Companies with whom transactions were undertaken during the year: 57NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2011 40 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Total number of permanent employees as at June 30, 2011 is 109 (2010 : 111) 41 NON-ADJUSTING EVENT AFTER BALANCE SHEET DATE 42 DATE OF AUTHORIZATION 43 CORRESPONDING FIGURES 44 GENERAL Figures have been rounded off to the nearest rupee. Corresponding figures, wherever necessary have been rearranged and reclassified for the purpose of comparison. However, no reclassification is considered material enough to be separately disclosed. DIRECTOR CHIEF EXECUTIVE These financial statements were authorized for issue on October 03, 2011 by the Board of Directors of the Company.

The Board of directors at the meeting held on October 3, 2011 have proposed for the year ended June 30, 2011 cash dividend of Rs. 5.00 per share (2010: Rs. 5.00 per share), amounting to Rs. million subject to approval of members at the annual general meeting. 58WAH NOBEL CHEMICALS LIMITED PROXY FORM

Please quote Folio No. I/We______________________________________________________________ _____ of __________________________________________________________________ ___ being a Member/Members of The Wah Nobel Chemicals Limited hereby appoint ___________________________________________________________ of_________________________________________________________________ _____ who is also a Member of the Company as my/our proxy to vote for me/us and on my/our behalf at 28 th

Annual General Meeting of the Company to be held at the Registered Office of the Company, G.T. Road, Wah Cantt on Thursday, October 27, 2011 at 1100 hrs and at any adjournment thereof. Signed by the said ________________________________________________________ this ________________ day of_______________ 2011 in my presence. _________________ Signature of Witness __________________ Signature of Member

NOTES: 1) This form of proxy to be effective must be received by the Company duly completed at the Companys Registered Office at G.T. Road, Wah Cantt not less than 48 hours before the time for holding the meeting. 2) A proxy must be a Member of the Company. 3) Signature should agree with the specimen registered with the Company. Signature on Revenue Stamp of Rs. 5/-

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