Vulpes Zerda.: Ammalian Pecies

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Vulpes zerda.

No. 714, pp. 15, 3 gs.

By Serge Lariviere `

Published 26 December 2002 by the American Society of Mammalogists

Vulpes zerda (Zimmerman, 1780) Fennec
Vulpes minimus Skjoldebrand, 1777:267. Type locality Saara . . . Alger (Algerian Sahara). Canis zerda Zimmerman, 1780:247. Type locality Es bewohnt die Soara und andere Theile von Nordafrika hinter den Atlas, der Ritter Bruce behauptet, man fande es auch in tripolitanisch en. (inhabits the Sahara and other parts of North Africa behind the Atlas, Ritter Bruce alleges that it can also be found within Tripolitani). Canis cerdo Gmelin, 1788:75. Type locality Africae . . . Saara (Sahara, Africa). Viverra aurita Meyer, 1793:91. Type locality Biskra, Beni Mezzab and Weryleh, Algeria vide Kowalski and Rzebik-Kowalska 1991 (see remarks). Fennecus arabicus Desmarest, 1804:18. No locality specied. Megalotis cerda Illiger, 1811:131. Based on Canis cerdo Gmelin. Fennecus brucei Desmarest, 1820:235. Type locality Libya, Tunis, Algeria, Sennaar. Canis fennecus Lesson, 1827:168. Based on Canis zerda Zimmerman. Vulpes denhamii Boitard, 1842:213. Type locality interior of Africa. Vulpes zaarensis J. E. Gray, 1843:62. Type locality Egypt. Canis saharensis Leuck. via Gray, 1843:62. Listed by Gray without comment. Canis pygmeus Leuck. via Gray, 1843:62. Listed by Gray without comment. Vulpes zerda Corbet, 1978:164. First use of current name combination. CONTEXT AND CONTENT. Order Carnivora, family Canidae, genus Vulpes. The fennec has been classied under the genus Canis (van Gelder 1978) or in its own genus Fennecus (Ellerman and Morrison-Scott 1966; Nowak 1991; Tedford et al. 1995). First use of the name F. zerda is not clear. Molecular data suggest the fennec is within Vulpes (Wayne et al. 1997). Its closest relative is the Blanford fox, Vulpes cana, and both species probably diverged ca. 44.5 million years ago (Geffen et al. 1992b; cf. Clutton-Brock et al. 1976). V. zerda is monotypic. DIAGNOSIS. The fennec (Fig. 1) is a small member of the Canidae (Kingdon 1990; Sheldon 1992). It differs from the sympatric Rueppells sand fox (V. rueppelli) by its smaller size (body mass 1.5 kg versus ca. 2 kg in Rueppells sand fox); paler, shorter, and ner fur; shorter and black-tipped tail (50% of head and body length versus 70% with white tip in V. rueppelli); shorter legs; and larger ears (Gasperetti et al. 1985; Harrison 1968). Skull of V. zerda differs from that of V. rueppelli by its smaller size, smoother surface, inated braincase, and larger tympanic bullae (Harrison 1968). The fennec, V. zerda, can be differentiated from the Blanfords fox, V. cana, because the latter has a tail 20% longer and a hind foot ca. 3% shorter than those of the fennec (Geffen et al. 1992a). GENERAL CHARACTERS. The fennec is a small (ca. 1.0 kg) fox with large ears (ca. 10 cm in length) and a small muzzle. Height at the shoulder is 20 cm, and total length rarely exceeds 60 cm (Gauthier-Pilters 1967). Pelage is long, woolly, soft, and pale. Underfur is ca. 28 mm in length (Harrison 1968). Head is whitish with an indistinct brown patch in front of eyes. Eyes are black and large. Ears are white inside and cinnamon rufous outside; central part of ear is nearly naked internally and covered with short, very ne hairs elsewhere (Harrison 1968). Flanks, underparts, and limbs are almost white. Rufous tail is short (ca. 215 mm), bushy, thick, and often has a black patch near the dorsal base as well as a black

tip (Dorst and Dandelot 1970). Hair on tail is ca. 35 mm. Limbs of individuals from North Africa are reddish-sand in color, whereas those from individuals farther south are nearly white (Sheldon 1992). Pads are completely covered with hairs up to 13 mm in length (Harrison 1968). Measurements (in mm) of 1 male from Kuwait are: total length, 583; length of tail, 215; length of hind foot, 96; length of ear, 97 (Harrison 1968). Measurements (in mm) of 1 female from Libya are: total length, 578; length of tail, 210; length of hind foot, 103; length of ear, 100 (Hufnagl 1972). Measurements (in mm) of 1 male and 3 females (range of females in parentheses) born in captivity from North African parents (Mendelssohn and Yom-Tov 1987) are: length of body, 402, 390 (not recorded); length of tail, 214, 202 (178215); length of ear, 110, 92 (8995); length of hind foot, 110, 98 (88105). Body mass of male was 1,175 g. Female mass averaged 969 g (SD, 16 g; range, 7831,075 g). Body mass of 8 captive fennecs (sex unknown) averaged 1,106 g (SD, 24 gNoll-Banholzer 1979a), whereas 7 animals (4 males, 3 females) hand-reared at the Tel Aviv University weighed 1.20 kg (range, 1.151.25 kgMaloiy et al. 1982). Skull (Fig. 2) is small and delicate with enlarged auditory bullae (Harrison 1968). Rostrum is very delicate, and its width is 50% that of braincase. Zygomatic arches are widely ared anteriorly, so that their midparts are nearly parallel. Postorbital region is wide, and postorbital process is small. Sagittal crest is only detectable as a low elevation in front of lambda, and temporal ridges are small. Mandible is very delicate with a marked convexity to lower border (Harrison 1968). Canines are slender, and their greatest width is equal to onethird of their height. Anterior upper premolars are widely spaced from each other and from canines. Skull measurements (in mm) of 1 female from Libya are: zygomatic breadth, 45; length of auditory bullae, 22 (Hufnagl 1972). Zygomatic breadth of 1 male from Kuwait is 44 mm (Harrison 1968). Greatest length of skull varies between 80 and 87 mm (Harrison 1968). Skull measurements (in mm) and parenthetical range from 1 male and 3 females born in captivity from North African parents (Mendelssohn and Yom-Tov 1987) are: greatest length of skull, 88.7, 86.1 (83.588.1); condylobasal length, 85.9, 83.1 (81.384.3); zygomatic breadth, 48.2, 46.8 (46.047.5); breadth of braincase, 37.7, 36.7 (36.237.2); in-

FIG. 1. Adult Vulpes zerda. Photograph from the Mammal Slide Library, American Society of Mammalogists.


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FIG. 3. Distribution of Vulpes zerda, modied from Gasperetti et al. (1985), Kingdon (1997), and Kowalski and Rzebik-Kowalska (1991).

FOSSIL RECORD. Canids occur in the Miocene of Africa (Kowalski and Rzebik-Kowalska 1991), and a Vulpes-like animal occurred in late Pliocene deposits in Ahl al Oughlam (Morocco Geraads 1997). V. zerda rst appeared in the late Pleistocene (Savage 1978). Time of divergence between V. zerda and V. cana suggests that a foxlike progenitor entered the Middle East and northern Africa, coinciding with appearance of desert regions, and then diversied into 2 lineages (Geffen et al. 1992b). Desert adaptations evolved independently at least twice in the Canidae, once in the form of V. zerda and V. cana, and more recently in the form of V. velox and V. rueppelli (Geffen et al. 1992b). FORM AND FUNCTION. Vulpes zerda has numerous adaptations to life in the desert. Soles of the feet are covered by long, soft hairs that conceal the pads completely, an adaptation to extreme temperatures (Sheldon 1992) and to facilitate locomotion in loose sand (Bekoff 1975). Sandy color of pelage camouages the fennec in desert environments (Gauthier-Pilters 1967). Thick coat provides thermoregulatory advantages during cold desert nights (Sheldon 1992). Large ears and a hypertrophy of bullae give fennecs excellent hearing, enabling detection of burrowing insects and small mammals (Gauthier-Pilters 1967). In captivity, fennecs exhibit a circadian cycle of body temperature and heart rate. Both values decrease in midday and increase at night as animals become active. Body temperature of resting animals is ca. 37.5 C, whereas heart rate is ca. 100115 beats/ min (Maloiy et al. 1982; Noll-Banholzer 1979a). Thermoneutral zone of fennecs ranges from 23 to 37 C (Maloiy et al. 1982; NollBanholzer 1979a). Panting occurs when temperatures exceed 37 C (Maloiy et al. 1982). Thermoregulatory mechanisms include vasodilation under heat stress and vasoconstriction under cold conditions. Resting postures vary with ambient temperature: under cold stress (1020 C), piloerection and shivering were observed (Maloiy et al. 1982). Basal metabolic rate is 0.358 ml/g h and is 39% lower than that predicted by body mass (Noll-Banholzer 1979a). Newborn fennecs are sensitive to cold but are incapable of thermoregulation. Vulpes zerda drinks freely when water is available but may subsist without water for an indenite period (Noll-Banholzer 1979b). Instead, fennecs depend on their nocturnal activity patterns, use of burrows during the day, and moisture content of their prey. Most water loss in fennecs is due to urine, and reduction in water intake leads to reduction to urinary water. Kidneys of the fennec lter extremely high concentrations of urea with little water loss (Noll-Banholzer 1979b). Evapotranspiration varies little with water intake. Under heat stress, fennecs deprived of water decrease their activity and food intake and consequently lose weight. Thus,

FIG. 2. Dorsal, ventral, and lateral views of cranium and lateral view of mandible of Vulpes zerda (female, Royal Ontario Museum, #91467). Greatest length of cranium is 85.1 mm. terorbital constriction, 16.7, 16.4 (16.016.6); length of maxillary toothrow, 37.7, 36.5 (36.037.2); length of mandibular toothrow, 41.6, 41.0 (40.841.0); length of mandible, 64.7, 62.2 (61.862.7). Males have a well-developed baculum that is triangular in cross section. Distal two-thirds is straight, whereas proximal third is angled upward. A well-dened groove is present on entire ventral side (Chane 1925). Length and width of 1 baculum were 31 and 3 mm, respectively (Didier 1946). DISTRIBUTION. The fennec lives in the northernmost tier of African countries, from Morocco through Algeria, Tunisia, Niger, Libya, Egypt, and Sudan (Fig. 3). Only 2 occurrences outside the African continent have been conrmed: 1 in the Sinai and 1 in Kuwait (Nowak 1991). It is rare or occasional in Arabia (Al-Robaae 1982; Harrison 1968; Kingdon 1990), where it is often confused with V. rueppelli (Kowalski and Rzebik-Kowalska 1991; Sheldon 1992). Important populations occur in Morocco (Cuzin 1996) and Lybia (Hufnagl 1972). In Algeria, the fennec inhabits sandy regions of the entire Sahara, but it is absent in areas without sand dunes (Kowalski and Rzebik-Kowalska 1991).

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high ambient temperatures are more critical to the subsistence of fennecs than the lack of water (Noll-Banholzer 1979b). Skeleton of V. zerda comprises slender bones (Hildebrand 1954). Praesacral spine contains 27 vertebrae (7 C, 13 T, 7 L). Lumbar peak of praesacral spine is higher than that of cervical spine (Heran 1996). Ratio of cervical : thoracal : lumbal weight of spine segments is 1.14:1:1.18 (Heran 1996). Dentition is weak (Harrison 1968). Canines are small, slender, and sharp (Dayan et al. 1989; Harrison 1968). Dental formula is i 3/3, c 1/1, p 4/4, m 2/3, total 42. Adrenal gland of the fennec is rostral to anterior pole of kidney. Adrenal glands are encapsulated within brous connective tissue that contains nerve bers, ganglion cells, and large veins. Numerous arterioles are also located within capsules (El-Desouki 1996). Carbohydrates, acid mucopolysaccharides, and proteins are present in large amounts in adrenal cortex of V. zerda (El-Desouki 1996). Cortical cells are characterized by a prominent nucleolus, elongated mitochondria, and a concave Golgi apparatus (El-Desouki 1996). ONTOGENY AND REPRODUCTION. Fennecs usually have 1 litter per year, but if the 1st one is lost, a 2nd, and sometimes a 3rd litter may be produced (Koenig 1962). Thus, females are not truly monestrous as no anestrous period occurs between end of pseudopregnancy and subsequent proestrus, or between end of lactation and next proestrus (Asa and Valdespino 1998). Testicular recrudescense in males is synchronized with the cycle of females. Testis volume and sperm output vary during the year. Both are elevated when females are in estrus (Asa and Valdespino 1998). In addition, testis activity declines following mating. Estrus lasts 12 days (Gauthier-Pilters 1967), and proestrus, based on vulval swelling, is brief. In captivity, breeding occurs mostly FebruaryApril (Gangloff 1972; Saint Girons 1962) but may occur in summer or autumn (Dulaney 1981; Weiher 1976). Parturition occurs FebruaryJune (Dulaney 1981; Gauthier-Pilters 1967; Petter 1957; Rensch 1950; Volf 1957) after a gestation of 5051 days (Petter 1957; Saint Girons 1962; Sowards 1981; Volf 1957). Litter size is usually 25 but varies from 1 to 6 (Dorst and Dandelot 1970; Gangloff 1972; Koenig 1962; Saint Girons 1962). Young are born blind and fully furred (Petter 1952; Saint Girons 1962). Measurements (in mm) of three 1-day-old pups are: length of head and body, 108, 109, 115; length of tail, 45, 46, 46; length of ear, 10, 10, 11 (Petter 1952; Weiher 1976); body masses of two 1-day-old cubs are: 40.0 and 44.5 g (Weiher 1976). Cubs double their body mass after 1112 days (Weiher 1976). Body mass (g) of 5 cubs at 51 days of age are: 200, 430 for 2 males, and 330, 330, 405 for 3 females (Gangloff 1972). Eye opening occurs after 811 days (Gangloff 1972; Weiher 1976), and cubs become mobile after 14 days (Gangloff 1972). Upper canines erupt after 13 days, and lower canines and incisors erupt after 15 days (Weiher 1976). Young rst eat meat at 3 weeks of age, but weaning occurs at 6170 days (Koenig 1962). Young fennecs are easily tamed if captured before 3 weeks of age (Gauthier-Pilters 1967; Vogel 1962). Primitive hunting behavior appears during the 7th week (Gauthier-Pilters 1962). Offspring reach adult size and sexual maturity at 911 months of age (Koenig 1962). ECOLOGY. Fennecs require a soft substrate for burrowing and thus are found mainly in sand dunes (Dorst and Dandelot 1970; Sheldon 1992). Fennecs mostly feed on grasshoppers and locusts but also eat other insects (including those that secrete noxious uids), rodents, birds, lizards, and roots (Dorst and Dandelot 1970; Kingdon 1990). Parasites include trematodes (Alaria alata, Joyeuxiella echinorhyncoides, Tania crassiceps) and nematodes (Ancylostoma brazilense, A. caninum, A. duodenale, Cyathospirura seurati, Oxynema crassispiculum, Physaloptera cesticillata, Rictularia cahirensis, Spirocerca lupi, Spirura rytipleurites, Streptopharagus numidicus, Toxascaris, Toxocara masculior, Uncinaria stenocephalaRound 1968; Sood and Toong 1973). Because of its specialized form and highly restricted habitat, V. zerda is not a potential competitor of the red fox and probably not an important competitor of the Rueppells sand fox (Dayan et al. 1989). Domestic cats may compete with fennecs in some areas (Kingdon 1990). The fennec is not sympatric with Blanfords fox (Vulpes canaDayan et al. 1989). Fennecs may be killed by domestic dogs, jackals, and hyenas. Intraspecic strife may also result in death of old males during the

breeding season (Koenig 1962). However, dogs and humans are probably the most serious threat to fennecs today (Kingdon 1990). Fennecs are hunted intensively by humans in the Sahara region, with resultant population declines in some parts of northwestern Africa. Longevity of captive animals may reach almost 13 years (Dobroruka 1967; Flower 1931; Saint Girons 1971). BEHAVIOR. The basic social unit of V. zerda is a monogamous pair and their offspring. Offspring from the previous year may remain with the family group (Gauthier-Pilters 1967), and groups of up to 10 individuals may occur (Dorst and Dandelot 1970). Afliative behaviors include tail-wagging, greeting displays, other facial expressions, squeaking, ducked posture, and rolling over. Displays can be directed toward conspecics or familiar human keepers (Gauthier-Pilters 1962, 1966, 1967). Quarrels may occur over food or following intense play (Gauthier-Pilters 1967). The fennec has a wide variety of calls including soft barks used as warning calls, high-pitched barks, catlike purring when pleased, yapping as threats, or squeaking as greeting (GauthierPilters 1967; Harrison 1968). In the wild, a rutting cry may be emitted when a pair is separated (Gauthier-Pilters 1967). In captivity, typical courting behavior includes romping and playing (Sowards 1981). Courtship lasts for 2436 h (Koenig 1962). Copulation lasts 75 min and may occur several times at 23 h intervals (Gauthier-Pilters 1967). Fennecs do not always adopt the coital lock (Dulaney 1981; Petter 1952; Sowards 1981). In captivity, both males and females may accept offspring as sexual partners (Koenig 1962). During the breeding season, males become more aggressive and frequently mark objects with urine (Gauthier-Pilters 1962). In captivity, males defend females before and during parturition. After parturition, the male defends the nest box but never enters it (Koenig 1962). Males provide food and defend the den and den area until pups are 4 weeks old (Gauthier-Pilters 1962, 1966, 1967; Koenig 1962; Sowards 1981). In captivity, active defense of the young decreases with age of pups and disappears after 4 weeks (Koenig 1962). For successful breeding in captivity, females must be allowed uninterrupted visual, auditory, and olfactory contact with conspecics, possibly indicating the social nature of fennecs (Gangloff 1972). Females are most sensitive to disturbance immediately after parturition. Security of the nest box is very important (Koenig 1962). Suckling occurs initially inside the nest box, then after day 19, young are suckled outside (Koenig 1962). Carrying of prey to young occurs between weeks 1 and 13 and is most intensive when young are between 4 and 10 weeks of age (Koenig 1962). Grooming of young and suckling activity follow similar intensity (Koenig 1962). From day 20 onward, cubs may sunbath (Koenig 1962). Females transport young by grasping them by the neck (GauthierPilters 1967), and transport of young may serve as a stress-release mechanism when the female is restless. Young offspring wriggle in the mothers mouth, whereas older juveniles exhibit carriage lethargy (Koenig 1962). The fennec is mainly nocturnal (Gauthier-Pilters 1967), but some crepuscular activity may occur (Dorst and Dandelot 1970). During the day, fennecs shelter in burrows excavated in the sand (Gauthier-Pilters 1967). Burrows can also be used to escape predators (Kingdon 1990). The fennec digs its own burrows, which may reach up to 10 m in length and 1 m in depth. Burrows are dug in low areas where moisture concentrates, and several dens may be interconnected or located close together (Gauthier-Pilters 1967). Fennecs are rapid diggers, and pups can dig a 40-cm burrow in 10 min (GauthierPilters 1967). While digging, fennecs throw sand between their back legs. To enlarge burrows, fennecs lie on their side, prop their back legs against the sidewalls, and dig with their front paws (Gauthier-Pilters 1967). Fennecs hunt alone. Prey are located primarily by sound, and prey hidden in the sand are excavated by digging with all 4 feet (Kingdon 1990). Most prey are killed by a bite to the neck. Fennecs are capable of killing prey larger than themselves, including fullgrown rabbits (Gautheir-Pilters 1962). Heads of mammalian prey are eaten rst, and birds are eaten with the feathers. Extra food may be cached for later use (Gauthier-Pilters 1967). Food caching occurs in a way similar to that of V. vulpes: a hole is dug, food is deposited, and sand is pushed over the food with the nose (Gau-


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thier-Pilters 1967). Females cache more frequently than males (Gauthier-Pilters 1962). Play is common in pups, juveniles, and adults and involves either object-oriented or conspecic-oriented play. Males are less playful during the breeding season and show high levels of aggression. Play with food is common in juveniles (Gauthier-Pilters 1962, 1966, 1967). Males may urine-mark objects and do so more during the breeding season (Gauthier-Pilters 1962). Captive fennecs also exhibit site-specic defecation. Feces are deposited in a shallow depression scraped with their feet and subsequently covered by pushing dirt over the depression with the nose or by rapidly scraping with the hind feet (Gauthier-Pilters 1962). GENETICS. The fennec has 2n 64 chromosomes. The X chromosome is a large submetacentric, and the Y chromosome is very small. The autosomal complement consists of 29 pairs of acrocentrics and 2 pairs of metacentric and submetacentric chromosomes (Matthey 1954; Wurster and Benirschke 1968). A receptor gene of V. zerda has been used in comparative analyses of olfaction (Issel-Tarver and Rine 1997). CONSERVATION STATUS. Vulpes zerda is listed on the Appendix II of the Convention for the International Trade of Endangered Species and is listed as insufciently known by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (Nowak 1991; Wozencraft 1993). REMARKS. Meyer 1793:91 as cited by Kowalski and Rzebik-Kowalska (1991) does not mention the fennec. References to the fennec in Arabia often confuse V. rueppelli and V. zerda (Harrison 1968). The generic name Vulpes is Latin for fox, whereas the specic epithet zerda is from the Greek meaning cunning (Borror 1960). D. Dyck and M. Mierau helped with the map. S. Woodward kindly provided photographs of the skull. L. R. Walton reviewed an earlier draft of the manuscript. LITERATURE CITED AL-ROBAAE, K. 1982. Northeast extension of the geographic distribution of fennec fox Fennecus zerda Zimmerman in the Arabian peninsula. Bulletin of the Basrah Natural History Museum 5:6164. ASA, C. S., AND C. VALDESPINO. 1998. Canid reproductive biology: an integration of proximate mechanisms and ultimate causes. American Zoologist 38:251259. BEKOFF, M. 1975. Social behavior and ecology of the African Canidae: a review. Pp. 120142 in The wild canids: their systematics, behavioral ecology and evolution (M. W. Fox, ed.). Robert E. Krieger Publishing Company, Malabar, Florida. BOITARD, M. 1842. Le jardin des plantes: description et moeurs des mammiferes de la menagerie et du museum dhistoire na` turelle. J.-J. Dubochet, Paris, France. BORROR, D. J. 1960. Dictionary of word roots and combining forms. National Press Books, Palo Alto, California. CHANE, J. 1925. Los penien: etude descriptive et comparative. Actes de la Societe Linneenne de Bordeaux 78:5195. CLUTTON-BROCK, J., G. B. CORBET, AND M. HILLS. 1976. A review of the family Canidae, with a classication by numerical methods. British Museum of Natural History 29:117199. CORBET, G. B. 1978. The mammals of the Palaearctic region, a taxonomic review. British Museum of Natural History and Cornell University Press, London, United Kingdom. CUZIN, F. 1996. Repartition actuelle et statut des grands mam miferes sauvages du Maroc (Primates, Carnivores, Artiodac` tyles). Mammalia 60:101124. DAYAN, T., E. TCHERNOV, Y. YOM-TOV, AND D. SIMBERLOFF. 1989. Ecological character displacement in Saharo-Arabian Vulpes: outfoxing Bergmanns rule. Oikos 55:263272. DESMAREST, A. G. 1804. Nouveau dictionnaire dhistoire naturelle, appliquee aux arts, principalement a lagriculture et a ` ` leconomie rurale et domestique: par une societe de natural istes et dagriculteurs: avec des gures tirees des trois regnes ` de la nature. Deterville, Paris, France 24:1238. DESMAREST, A. G. 1820. Mammalogie ou description des especes ` de mammiferes. Encyclopedie methodique. Veuve Agasse, ` Paris, France.

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