Onthophagus Acuminatus
Onthophagus Acuminatus
Onthophagus Acuminatus
Douglas J. Emlen
Abstract Adult dung beetles (Onthophagus acuminatus) Key words Alternative reproductive behavior á
exhibit continuous variation in body size resulting from Male dimorphism á Male competition á
dierential nutritional conditions experienced during Horned beetles á Onthophagus
larval development. Males of this species have a pair of
horns that protrude from the base of the head, and the
lengths of these horns are bimodally distributed in nat- Introduction
ural populations. Males growing larger than a threshold
body size develop long horns, and males that do not Males in many animal species show variation in mor-
achieve this size grow only rudimentary horns or no phology which is associated with dierences in behavior
horns at all. Previous studies of other horned beetle (e.g., Austad 1984; Dominey 1984; Travis 1994). For
species have shown that horned and hornless males often example, large and small males frequently utilize strik-
have dierent types of reproductive behavior. Here I ingly dierent behaviors to encounter and mate with
describe the mating behaviors of the two male morphs of females (Dominey 1980; Rubenstein 1980, 1987; How-
O. acuminatus during encounters with females. Females ard 1984; Gross 1985; Kodric-Brown 1986; Arak 1988;
excavate tunnels beneath dung, where they feed, mate Reynolds et al. 1993). Occasionally, variation in male
and provision eggs. Large, horned males were found to morphology is dimorphic, and two or more distinct male
guard entrances to tunnels containing females. These forms co-occur in populations with intermediate forms
males fought with all other males that attempted to enter scarce or lacking (Shuster 1987; Ryan and Causey 1989;
these tunnels. In contrast, small, hornless males en- Zimmerer and Kallman 1989; Danforth 1991). Species
countered females by sneaking into tunnels guarded by exhibiting dimorphic variation can be especially reveal-
other males. In many instances, this was accomplished ing to the investigator because they generally implicate
by digging new tunnels that intercepted the guarded morphological specializations for alternative behavioral
tunnels below ground. Side-tunneling behavior allowed or ecological situations (e.g., ®ghting and dispersing in
sneaking males to enter tunnels beneath the guarding thrips, Crespi 1988; and beetles, Eberhard 1982; Siva-
male, and mate with females undetected. Both overall Jothy 1987; soft and hard seed diets in ®nches, Smith
body size and relative horn length signi®cantly aected 1993; and high and low levels of predation in barnacles,
the outcome of ®ghts over tunnel ownership. These re- Lively 1986a,b; rotifers, Gilbert and Stemberger 1984;
sults suggest that alternative reproductive tactics may and Daphnia, Grant and Bayly 1981; Black and Dodson
favor divergence in male horn morphology, with long 1990; Spitze 1992).
horns favored in males large enough to guard tunnels, A classic example of morphological dimorphism in-
and hornlessness favored in smaller males that adopt the volves the horns of some male beetles (Bates 1863;
``sneaking'' behavioral alternative. Darwin 1871; Wallace 1878; Fabre 1899; Inukai 1924;
Huxley 1931; Beebe 1944; Arrow 1951; Clark 1977;
Eberhard 1982; Cook 1987; Siva-Jothy 1987). Not only
are horned beetles sexually dimorphic (females in most
D.J. Emlen1 species do not have horns), but many species exhibit
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology,
Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544-1003, USA dimorphic variation within males (Goldsmith 1987;
Cook 1987, 1990; Eberhard and Gutierrez 1991; Emlen
Present address:
Division of Biological Sciences, The University of Montana,
1994a; Rasmussen 1994; Kawano 1995). In these species
Missoula, MT 59812-1002, USA large males possess fully developed horns, while small
Fax: +406 243-4184; e-mail: demlen@selway.umt.edu males have only rudimentary horns, or no horns.
Beetle horns have been shown to function in intra- constructed glass observation chambers. These chambers were
sexual combat over access to females (Palmer 1978; similar to ``ant farms'' (see Klemperer 1981; Hunter et al. 1991;
Emlen 1993 for examples) in that they consisted of two parallel
Eberhard 1979, 1987; Brown and Bartalon 1986; Gold- panes of glass separated by 5 mm and ®lled with soil. Wide boxes
smith 1987; Siva-Jothy 1987; Conner 1988), and the made from clear plexiglass ®t over the tops of these farms, allowing
existence of a ``hornless'' class of smaller males suggests beetles to walk freely on the ``soil'' surface. Pieces of howler
that these individuals may employ an alternative, less monkey dung were placed over the soil, and beetles of known sizes
and sexes introduced. In all cases, beetles tunneled readily into the
aggressive behavioral tactic. In the species examined soil between the panes of glass, and all behavior occurring both
thus far, hornless males do employ reproductive be- above and below the surface could be viewed clearly. Because
haviors that dier from that of horned males. Hornless tunneling behavior naturally occurs in darkness, all observations
males dispense with courtship and transfer spermato- were conducted using red-®ltered light (beetles cannot detect red
pores more rapidly (Cook 1990), search for females in light; Crowson 1981).
Behavioral observations included ad libitum, focal-animal, and
sub-optimal locations (``satellite'' tactics; Eberhard scan samples (Altmann 1974) until beetles either became dormant
1982; Goldsmith 1987; Siva-Jothy 1987), and sneak or tried to leave the arena (often 2±4 days later). At this time
around ®ghting males (Rasmussen 1994). However, why tunnels were traced onto clear acetate overlays. All beetles were
these behaviors are associated with hornlessness remains wild-collected from the Barro Colorado Island Nature Monument,
Panama (where this study was conducted), and no individuals were
unclear, and the behavioral repertoires of the vast ma- used more than once. Beetle behavior was observed under ap-
jority of horned beetle species have yet to be explored. proximately natural conditions, as well as in four sets of experi-
Onthophagus acuminatus Har. (Coleoptera: Scarab- mental situations.
aeidae) is a horned beetle common in lowland tropical
forests of Central America, where it feeds on dung from
General observations
howler monkeys. Large males of this species possess a
pair of frontal horns, while horns are greatly reduced in To approximate natural conditions, I constructed boxes consisting
small males (Emlen 1994a, 1997). Variation in adult of several adjacent glass chambers (methods described in Emlen
body size in O. acuminatus was found to be predomi- 1993). These boxes were buried in the forest so that the tops of the
chambers were ¯ush with the forest ¯oor. When ®lled with soil,
nantly determined by environmental factors related to boxes provided a smooth, dirt surface which could later be disas-
larval nutrition (Emlen 1994a, 1996). Male horns are sembled into separate glass-walled ``slices''. Boxes were buried
facultatively expressed, and depend on the body size beneath trees where the howler monkeys slept. In the mornings,
attained by an individual: larvae growing larger than a when dung fell to the forest ¯oor, pieces were re-located on to the
genetically-determined threshold size metamorphose surfaces of the boxes. Beetles were allowed to colonize dung and
tunnel undisturbed. Boxes were then returned to the laboratory,
into adults with long horns, and larvae not reaching this and all below ground behaviors were observed under red light.
size metamorphose into adults lacking or with very short Twenty-two of these boxes were monitored to characterize the
horns (Emlen 1994a,1996). natural repertoire of tunneling, feeding and mating behavior. From
The facultative adoption of either a horned or a these observations, two male reproductive tactics were identi®ed,
labeled ``guarding'' and ``sneaking'' (Fig. 1).
hornless morphology by males strongly suggests that
these males may be morphologically specialized for
alternative behaviors or ecological situations. Here I Experiments 1 and 2: reproductive behavior of horned
determine whether horned and hornless male O. acumi- and hornless males
natus dier in reproductive behavior. I present results To compare the reproductive behavior of horned and hornless
from a series of experiments comparing the tactics em- males, I observed their methods of mate-acquisition both without,
ployed by these two classes of males to encounter and and with competition from a rival male. In the ®rst experiment, one
mate with females. In addition, as a ®rst step towards male and one female were placed in each of 12 observation
identifying the functional signi®cance (if any) of horned chambers. Seven of these males were hornless, ®ve were horned,
and females were selected at random. Beetles were observed for a
and hornless male morphologies, I measure whether minimum of three half-hour intervals (maximum of six intervals),
these males dier in their ability to perform one of these during which time all behaviors were recorded.
behaviors. Taken together, these results identify an In the second experiment, two males (one horned and one
``alternative'' male mating behavior that may be func- hornless) were placed together in each observation chamber with a
single female, and behaviors of all individuals were monitored as
tionally associated with a hornless beetle morphology, above. This second experiment tested for behavioral dierences
and suggest that alternative male reproductive tactics arising as a result of direct competition for access to females. Be-
may contribute to the maintenance of dimorphic varia- cause dung always had large numbers of O. acuminatus (Emlen
tion in male horns. 1994b), and because horned and hornless males occurred in ap-
proximately equal frequencies on Barro Colorado Island (Emlen
1994a,b, 1997), this experiment accurately re¯ected natural condi-
tions experienced by males.
Experiments 3 and 4: tunnel-guarding performance
Observing underground behavior and male morphology
Females of O. acuminatus excavate vertical tunnels directly beneath To examine whether males in this species dier in their ability to
dung that are used for feeding, mating, and provisioning eggs perform the ``guarding'' tactic, I measured whether natural varia-
(Emlen 1994b). In order to clearly observe beetles in tunnels I tion in two aspects of male morphology (body size and horn length)
tunnel with the female when the other male exited the arena. Fight
outcomes were compared for larger and smaller males using a chi-
square test.
In a fourth experiment, I measured the eects of natural vari-
ation in horn length on male guarding performance. To control for
possible confounding eects of variation in body size, I chose 26
pairs of males diering in horn length but not in body size, and
compared the number of ®ghts won by the longer- and shorter-
horned contestants. As in experiment 3, the predicted loser (i.e. the
male with the shorter horn length) was placed into tunnels ®rst, and
the second male added less than one minute later. Staged contests
encompassed an extensive range of horn length dierences: the
dierence in horn length between competitors ranged from
0.05 mm (less than 5%) to 0.45 mm (over 50%). I therefore mea-
sured the eect of horns on male guarding performance by re-
gressing the proportion of ®ghts won by the longer-horned male
against the dierence in horn length between contestants (propor-
tions were arc-sine transformed prior to analysis; Zar 1984). A
signi®cant regression would indicate that the eect of horns on
male guarding performance increases with increasing dierence in
horn length between opponents. Dierences in horn length were
measured in both absolute units and as proportions of total length.
The two methods yielded similar results, so only the absolute
measures are presented.
Fig. 1 Biology of Onthophagus acuminatus illustrating the two
reproductive tactics used by males. Horned males ®ght to guard Males of O. acuminatus employed two very dierent
possession of tunnels containing females (``guarding''), and males able
to successfully guard tunnels mate repeatedly with occupant females. tactics to encounter and mate with females (Fig. 1): they
Hornless males sneak into tunnels by digging horizontal side-tunnels either attempted to monopolize access to a female by
that intercept primary tunnels underground (``sneaking''). In this way guarding the entrance to her tunnel (guarding), or they
hornless males sometimes enter main tunnels beneath the guarding attempted to bypass guarding males (sneaking).
male and mate with the female undetected
Guarding behavior entailed remaining inside a tunnel
with a female, and ®ghting intruding males over pos-
aected male guarding ability. To identify an appropriate measure session of the tunnel. Guarding males blocked tunnel
for body size, I used a principal components analysis including ®ve entrances and periodically ``patrolled'' the length of the
measured traits (elytra width, elytra length, prothorax width, head tunnel. Rival males could gain possession of a tunnel
width, body weight) and 368 male beetles. All of these measures only by forcibly evicting the resident male, and both
were found to be strongly positively correlated (Emlen 1994b), and
the ®rst principal component (considered by some authors to be a ®ghts and turnovers were frequent. Fights over tunnel
measure of overall body size; Bookstein 1989; Klingenberg 1996) occupancy entailed repeated butting, wrestling and
explained 90% of the overall variance. The width of the prothorax pushing of opponents, and ®ghts continued until one of
was the trait most strongly correlated with the ®rst principal the contestants left the tunnel.
component (r = 0.981; Emlen 1994b), and was used subsequently
as a linear approximation of overall body size. Horn length was Sneaking involved bypassing the guarding male. The
measured as the linear distance between the base and the tip of the primary method of sneaking into tunnels was to dig side-
horn. Both prothorax width and horn length could be measured to tunnels that intercepted guarded tunnels below ground
the nearest 0.05 mm. (Fig. 1). New tunnels were dug immediately adjacent
In the third experiment, I measured the consequences of vari-
ation in body size on the ability of males to guard tunnels by
(<2 cm) to a guarded tunnel. These tunnels then turned
staging contests between individuals with dierent body sizes horizontally 1±2 cm below ground, and often inter-
(n = 10 contests). However, body size and horn length are posi- cepted primary tunnels beneath the guarding male (16/
tively correlated in natural populations (Emlen 1994a, 1997). To 24 side-tunnels). In this fashion, sneaking males some-
control for possible confounding eects of horn length, I compared times bypassed the guarding male and mated with fe-
guarding abilities only between pairs of males with the same horn
length but dierent body sizes (i.e., by pairing those males with the males undetected (observed in four instances). Side
largest and smallest body sizes for a given horn length). tunnels were not artifacts from observing beetles in two-
The general observations indicated that ®ghts only occur inside dimensional observation chambers: side-tunnels were
tunnels, and that intruding males needed to maneuver past the always present in tunnel castes formed by injecting sili-
resident beetle before they could push the resident beetle out of the
tunnel from below (62 observed ®ghts). Therefore, all staged con- cone latex into natural tunnels in the forest ¯oor (Emlen
tests were performed in natural tunnels made by females, and to 1994b). In addition, latex castes revealed that individual
provide a conservative estimate of the eects of male morphology, side-tunnels often intercepted several dierent primary
the predicted loser was always placed in the tunnel ®rst. In each tunnels, suggesting that sneaking males may visit mul-
contest, the male with the smaller size was placed in the tunnel ®rst,
and the second contestant added immediately (<1 min) after. All
tiple guarded burrows (Emlen 1994b).
males were wild-caught, and no male was ever used in more than A second method of sneaking into tunnels involved
one contest. Winners were de®ned as the male remaining in the entering guarded tunnels directly. Occasionally, if the
guarding male was away from the tunnel (e.g., in the table with Yates' correction for continuity: v2 = 14.22,
dung) or o to the side of the tunnel, a hornless male P = 0.000; Fig. 2b).
managed to enter tunnels unchallenged (8/27 hornless Results from experiment 2 were consistent with the
male entrance attempts). Once inside, these males gen- general observations described above. Horned males
erally went directly to the female and mated (observed always guarded tunnels. When horned males were
for 5 of the 8 entrances). evicted from a tunnel, they abandoned the vicinity of
Sneaking behavior was characterized by brief that tunnel, and generally attempted to gain possession
(<10 min) tenure of males inside tunnels. Even when of another tunnel (30/31 evictions). In contrast, when
sneaking males succeeded in entering a tunnel unde- hornless males were evicted from a tunnel, they generally
tected, they exited tunnels immediately after mating. remained nearby before attempting to sneak back into
Most of the time, however, sneaking males were caught guarded tunnels (27/34 evictions). This tendency to leave
by the guarding male and evicted before encountering a tunnel after a ®ght was one of the most characteristic
the female (19/27 entrance attempts at the top of the dierences in behavior between horned and hornless
burrow; 30/43 total observed entries, also including use males (2 ´ 2 contingency table with Yates' correction for
of side-tunnels). Sneaking males then returned to their continuity: v2 = 35.339, P = 0.001).
original side-tunnels, or made new side-tunnels, and re- With one exception, all males using side-tunneling
mained inactive until several hours later when they tried behavior were hornless (23/24 total observations [in-
to enter the primary tunnel again. cluding general observations and experiments], binomial
probability: P < 0.001), and all nine hornless males
from experiment 2 (males competing for access to fe-
Experiments 1 and 2: reproductive behavior males) used this tactic.
of horned and hornless males Matings generally occurred inside tunnels (55/56
observed matings). Females never rejected a mating at-
When males were placed alone with females (experiment tempt from any male, suggesting that active, precopu-
1), both horned and hornless males remained inside latory mate choice may not be important in this species.
tunnels with females and mated repeatedly (Fig. 2a). Courtship consisted of the male ``drumming'' his fore-
There were no ®ghts in this experiment because there legs over the back and sides of the female, and copula-
were no rival males. However, remaining inside tunnels tion durations were brief (x SD = 123 35 s,
was still considered ``guarding'' because sneaking males n = 21). There was no dierence in copulation duration
exit tunnels immediately after mating, even when they between horned and hornless males (Mann-Whitney
do not encounter a guarding male. test, U14,7 = 44, P = 0.71), suggesting that females do
When males competed for access to females (experi- not discriminate among horned and hornless males by
ment 2), only the horned males successfully defended the preferentially terminating copulations. Female mating
tunnels. In all nine trials where both a horned and a behavior, and this conspicuous absence of direct female
hornless male competed for a single female, the horned choice, will be discussed more fully in a later paper.
male guarded the tunnel entrance and evicted the In experiment 2, which had equal frequencies of
smaller, hornless male in the process (2 ´ 2 contingency horned and hornless males (one of each per observation
chamber), 75% of the observed matings were by the
horned male (9/12). However, this need not re¯ect the
relative reproductive success of horned and hornless
males under natural conditions, because morph fre-
quencies may vary, and because sneaking males may
sometimes intercept several dierent primary tunnels
(which was not possible in this experiment).
Moczek 1996). Sneaking males depend on rapidly en- M.J. West-Eberhard, and several anonymous reviewers.
tering and exiting tunnels for their reproductive success, H.W. Ambrose III and D. Peoples aided with the design and
construction of the observation chambers, and W. Eberhard,
and horns may hinder their sneaking performance. Al- B. Gill, H. Howden and K. Milton patiently taught a novice (me)
though this remains to be tested for O. acuminatus, ex- about the biology of beetles and monkeys. This project bene®ted by
periments conducted on the related species Onthophagus insightful conversations and ideas from H.W. Ambrose III,
taurus demonstrated that for same-sized males, males K.L. Bright, W. Eberhard, K. Harms, E. Leigh, Jr., E. Perry,
A.S. Rand and M.J. West-Eberhard. I thank the Smithsonian
with short horns moved signi®cantly faster inside tun- Tropical Research Institute, and in particular, the sta and biolo-
nels than males with longer horns (Moczek 1996; A.P. gists of Barro Colorado Island, for generously providing facilities,
Moczek and D.J. Emlen, unpublished work). laboratory space and housing. Funding was provided by a Smith-
A second possibility is that horns are costly to pro- sonian Institution Predoctoral Fellowship, a National Science
duce. Relatively small males were not successful at Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant (DEB-
9224088) and a Princeton University Graduate Fellowship.
guarding tunnels, and presumably derive little bene®t
from possessing horns. If horns are expensive to pro-
duce, then this might favor males able to facultatively
omit horn growth whenever developmental conditions
preclude the attainment of large body sizes. At least two
costs of beetle horns have already been established.
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Acknowledgements For their help with versions of this manuscript, Eberhard WG (1979) The function of horns in Podischnus agenor
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