Radio Astronomy Use of Space Research (Deep-Space) Bands in The Shielded Zone of The Moon

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TDA Progress Report 42-129

May 15, 1997

Radio Astronomy Use of Space Research (Deep-Space) Bands in the Shielded Zone of the Moon
B. O. Gutierrez-Luaces
TMO Plans and Commitments Ofce

The eects of deep-space probes on future radio-astronomy observations from the shielded zone of the Moon (SZM) are quantied by means of the radio-frequency power densities produced at the lunar surface in those deep-space exploration frequency bands with primary status in the International Telecommunications Union Table of Frequency Allocations. A worst-case approximation is used to determine the maximum number of deep-space probes that would be needed to produce harmful interference to the radio-astronomy observations in those bands.

I. Introduction
The shielded zone of the Moon (SZM) has been dened in the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Radio Regulations (RR29-Section VI) [1], and this denition is related to the protection of future radio-astronomy observations from that portion of the Moon never facing the Earth and, therefore, naturally shielded from most of the electromagnetic radiation articially generated at the Earth and its surrounding space. In summary, the SZM comprises the area of the Moons surface and adjacent volume of space which are shielded from emissions originating within a distance of 100,000 km from the center of the Earth.1 In this zone, emissions causing harmful interference to radio astronomy observations and to other users of passive services shall be prohibited in the entire frequency spectrum.2 Exceptions to this are the frequency bands allocated to the space research service using active sensors, to the space operations service, and to other space research transmissions. The Space Frequency Coordination Group (SFCG) [4] decided in Resolution A12-2R3 to study the technical and operational questions relative to the radio links of scientic information transmission from probes exploring planets and the Moon; to study Agencies future space exploration program spectrum and communications requirements and to make recommendations to member agencies on the actions to be taken to provide the additional spectrum allocations.3
1 International

Telecommunication Union Radio Regulations, International Telecommunication Union, ISBN 92-61-04141-8, RR no. 2632.1, Geneva, Switzerland, p. RR-29-5, 1990. RR no. 2632.

2 Ibid.,

3 Handbook

of the Space Frequency Coordination Group (SFCG), European Space Agency, Executive Secretariat, Paris, France, Resolution A12-2R3, p. 2, December 15, 1995.

This article will quantify the expected levels of radio-frequency power densities in the SZM produced by deep-space probes exploring the solar system and utilizing the ITUs primary allocations for space research (deep-space) bands: 22902300 MHz (S-band), 84008450 MHz (X-band), and 31,80032,300 MHz (Kaband). Table 1 provides some of the characteristics of the major solar system bodies that are applicable to this subject.
Table 1. Solar system parameters applicable to deep-space explorationSZM interaction.

Parameter Equatorial diameter, km Rotation period, Earth days Year length, Earth days or years Mean distance from the Sun, 106 km Mean orbital velocity, km/s Inclination of axis, deg Inclination of orbit to ecliptic, deg
a Retrograde.















12,756 23 h 56 m 4s


















88 days

224.7 days

365.26 days

687 days

11.86 yr

29.46 yr

84.01 yr

164.8 yr

247.7 yr











47.9 0.0

35.0 177.3

29.8 23.45


24.1 25.19

13.1 3.12

9.6 26.73

6.8 97.86

5.4 29.56

4.7 122










II. The Scenario

This article considers deep-space probes exploring the solar system at a distance from the Earth as far as, or farther than, Venus. Also, the probes considered will be mainly in the ecliptic plane or at a maximum of 20 deg from the ecliptic plane; therefore, Plutos exploration will be covered. It is convenient, as a way of simplifying the analysis, to consider rst a hypothetical single deepspace probe transmitting and fully occupying the allocated deep-space bandwidths of 10 MHz at S-band, 50 MHz at X-band, and 500 MHz at Ka-band. This situation is a worst case, probably only to be approached in an aggressive manned exploration of Mars. In this way, the spectral power ux densities (SPFDs) produced at the Moons surface by the deep-space probe will be readily comparable with the radio-astronomy SPFD harmful interference levels given in Table 4 of [2]. The more realistic case of a limited number of deep-space probes, each with a reduced eective transmitting bandwidth, will also be considered. The Moon orbits the Earth in approximately 4 weeks at a mean distance of 3.84 105 km. From Table 1, it may be deduced that deep-space probes at the nearest planet to the Earth (Venus) will produce

very similar electromagnetic power densities at the Earth and Moon surfaces, since the associated space transmission losses dier by a very small amount. This dierence of a few hundredths of a dB increases to almost 2 dB when the deep-space probe is at the near edge of the deep-space region. The deep-space region, as dened by the ITU, starts at a distance of 2 106 km from the Earth. Space research probes at shorter distances (near-Earth) are not addressed in this article. Figure 1 is a representation (not to scale) of the Moon orbiting the Earth, with approximate parameters as given in Table 1. The Sun is assumed to be at the left side of the gure. A given point on the surface of the shielded zone of the Moon will have approximately 14 days of sun illumination followed by another 14 days of total darkness. A deep-space probe exploring the space between the Sun and the Earths orbit is customarily referred to as an inner deep-space probe. All the other space probes are usually known as outer deep-space probes. In Fig. 1, the wave fronts of these two types of deep-space probes have been represented. As the EarthMoon system orbits around the Sun, it may be deduced that the inner deep-space probe wave front will reach the SZM when it is illuminated by the Sun, or approximately 26 weeks out of an Earth year. The remaining 26 weeks of the Earth year, the SZM will eectively be shielded from the line-of-sight propagation of the Suns emissions. Also note that an outer deep-space probe wave front will reach the SZM half of the time when it is illuminated by the Sun and the other half when it is in shade.









SHIELDED ZONE ( t + 21 days)



Fig. 1. Deep-space probe SunEarthMoon interference scenario (not to scale).

III. Spectral Power Flux Densities Due to Deep-Space Exploration Probes

Deep-space exploration telecommunication transmissions are achieved at the Earths surface by higheciency antennas with low-noise ampliers. In the Appendix, it is shown that, given a data symbol signal-to-noise ratio (SSNR) at the deep-space Earth stations demodulation process, the SPFD, W/(m2 Hz), at the Earths surface may be considered to be approximately independent of the symbol rate and only dependent on the frequency band and the antenna gain-to-system noise temperature ratio of the Earth station in use. The deep-space telecommunication link may be used, apart from its telemetry function, for several scientic purposes, such as the performance of Doppler measurements on the carrier; ranging measurements with a ranging modulation; radio science, usually on the carrier frequency without modulation; dierential one-way ranging (DOR) with tones further apart from the carrier, etc. From the point of view of radio-astronomy continuum observations, the telemetry function is considered to be the most common emission source and will be the one to be analyzed in this article. Deep-space missions usually are operated near the coded telemetry threshold of SSN R = 4 dB or lower (see the Appendix). Because of variations as large as 3 dB in the antenna gain-to-system operating noise temperature ratio, G/Top , with antenna elevation and the potential noise contribution from the planet being explored, as well as the fact that as the mission progresses the symbol rate usually is changed by factors of 2, an SSNR of 9 dB will be considered to be the maximum to be maintained at the Earth antennas telemetry decoding process. The minimum SSNR to be considered will be 4 dB. Receiver system losses are assumed to be negligible. The use of these baseline limits allows us to consider the SPFD at the Earths surface as a function of the deep-space antenna in use for each particular mission or phase of the mission. Therefore, and as shown in the Appendix, the maximum SPFD at the Earths surface will change with the frequency band, the SSNR, and the Earth station G/Top considered. Approximate maximum and minimum results for the SPFDs are shown in Table 2 for typical 70-m- and 34-m-diameter antennas. These values were obtained from Eq. (A-5) of the Appendix as the performance of the most signicant Earth station parameters were changed from the minimum to the maximum values considered in Table 2. The equivalent power spectral densities (PSDs), W/Hz, at the output of an isotropic antenna (0-dBi gain) have been included for consistency with the present Earth-based radio-astronomy harmful levels provided in [2].

Table 2. Approximate power densities at the Earths surface for a minimum/maximum SSNRs of 4/9 dB. PSDb min/max, dB(W/Hz) 268.6/257.6 278.6/269.6 285.6/270.6 275.6/267.6 284.6/275.6

Antenna diameter, m 34

Frequency banda

ap max/min

G max/min, dBi 56.1/55.7 68.2/67.8 78.0/74.0 63.3/63.0 74.2/74.0

Top min/max, K 16/59 26/60 50/199 17/31 26/63

G/Top max/min, dB/K 44/38 54/50 61/51 51/48 60/56

Aiso 2 /4, dBm2 28.7 40.1 51.5 28.7 40.1

SPFD min/max, dB(W/(m2 Hz)) 239.9/228.9 238.5/229.5 234.1/219.1 246.9/238.9 244.5/235.5

S X Ka

0.60/0.55 0.71/0.65 0.49/0.19 0.75/0.70 0.67/0.64



a S-band

is 22902300 MHz; X-band is 84008450 MHz; and Ka-band is 31,80032,300 MHz. antenna.

b Isotropic

IV. Effects of Deep-Space Probes on the SZM

Harmful interference levels for the SZM have not yet been dened. Therefore, those levels shown in [2] for protection of radio-astronomy observatories at the Earths surface will be considered rst. Figure 2 shows the present harmful interference levels for radio-astronomy observations (continuum and spectral line) at the Earths surface [2]. Only frequencies above 1 GHz have been considered. The most probable maximum and minimum SPFDs produced by deep-space probes also have been plotted. The maximum SPFD plotted in Table 2 corresponds to probes tracked by 34-m-diameter deep-space Earth stations with worst-case parameters (maximum Top , minimum gain, and a maximum SSNR of 9 dB). The minimum SPFD plotted corresponds to probes tracked by 70-m-diameter deep-space Earth stations with best-case parameters (minimum Top , maximum gain, and a minimum SSNR of 4 dB). From Fig. 2, it may be deduced that a single hypothetical deep-space probe fully occupying the ITU-allocated deep-space bands will most likely exceed the radio astronomy-desired maximum levels for Earth-based radio-astronomy continuum observations. The conclusions drawn above from Fig. 2 apply to the case when the deep-space research-allocated bands are fully occupied. It will now be assumed that typical deep-space missions producing the SPFDs represented by the large dots in Fig. 2 will most likely be transmitting in a maximum eective bandwidth that is 1 percent of the radio-astronomy observing bandwidth (0.1 MHz for S-band, 1 MHz for Xband, and 5 MHz for Ka-band). This situation will reduce the eective interference power level [see Eq. (A-8) of the Appendix] from the deep-space probe into the radio-astronomy observing bandwidth by approximately 20 dB (10 log(B/(0.01B))). As a gross approximation, one deep-space probe at S-band with the limited bandwidth considered would not produce harmful interference, allowing for another probe to be simultaneously in view above the lunar horizon. At X-band, the margin would be approximately 9 dB, allowing, therefore, at least 8 probes in view, and nally, at Ka-band the margin would be around 12 dB, allowing 16 probes to be simultaneously in view above the lunar horizon.
170 180 DISTURBED SUN 190 200 210 220 230 240 MIN S-BAND 250 260 103 104 FREQUENCY, MHz Fig. 2. Deep-space probes' SPFDs and radio astronomy (RA) harmful interference thresholds. 105 106 MAX S-BAND DEEP-SPACE PROBES MAX X-BAND MIN X-BAND MIN Ka-BAND DEEP-SPACE PROBES QUIET SUN RA LIMITS, SPECTRAL LINE

SPFD, dB(W/(m2 Hz))




V. Radio-Astronomy Observations in the SZM: Further Considerations

As mentioned, harmful interference levels for radio-astronomy observations in the SZM have yet to be dened. The following subsections consider some of the possible modications to the radio-astronomy Earth-based observations harmful limits. A. Observing Bandwidth Considerations A possible modication to the Earth-based observations radio-astronomy harmful limits may be derived from the probable increase of existing observing bandwidths, f1 . Observations in the SZM of the Moon should take advantage of improved technology. Therefore, it may very well be assumed that the total power observations will be eected in bandwidths, f2 , of at least 10 percent of the observing center frequency. These new harmful levels, deduced from Eq. (10) of [2], have been represented by the dashed line in Fig. 2 and are even weaker, 10 log(f1 /f2 )1/2 , than those previously considered. If the same deep-space probe bandwidths (0.1 MHz in S-band, 1 MHz in X-Band, and 5 MHz in Ka-band) are assumed as those in Section IV, the eective unwanted power level from the deep-space probe into the larger radio-astronomy observing bandwidth will decrease by 10 log(f2 /f1 )1/2 . B. Sun Effects The approximate SPFD produced by the Sun on the Earths (or Moons) surface [3] has been plotted in Fig. 2. Inner deep-space probes, in some instances, will have to be designed taking into consideration the eects of the Sun on the system noise temperature, Top . Therefore, the deep-space probes SPFD limits represented in Fig. 2 should be considered applicable only to outer deep-space probes. SPFD limits for inner deep-space probes in general will be larger than those corresponding to outer deep-space probes and have to be determined. The same considerations also should apply to the sensitivity of the radioastronomy observations in the illuminated SZM. Results of an error analysis for the radio-astronomy sensitivity of a highly directive antenna with the Sun as a limiting factor should be made available to correctly assess the implications of the Suns radiation.

VI. Improving Radio-Astronomy Observations in the SZM

Control of the number of deep-space probes or, in general, imposing limitations on the operation of deep-space probes for space research in the deep-space allocated bands should be avoided by all means. Eorts should be directed to the implementation in any future SZM radio-astronomy observatory of observation, data-processing, and instrumentation techniques designed to reduce the eects of the deepspace probes radio-frequency levels, improving, therefore, the prospects of radio astronomys successful use of these relatively narrow bands allocated on a primary basis to the space research service. The constant power levels delivered by the deep-space probes, as well as the precise knowledge of their frequency, timing, and position (most probably orbiting a natural radiating body such as a planet), will also contribute to the success of the radio-astronomy observations in the allocated deep-space bands.

VI. Conclusions
It should be made clear that, due to the primary allocation status of the space research bands, there should not be any need of coordination with radio-astronomy observations eected in these deep-space allocations. Successful radio astronomy observations from the shielded zone of the Moon (SZM) in the S-, X-, and Ka-bands allocated to space research (deep space) seem possible when a limited number of deep-space probes are considered. It has been shown that at least 2 (S-band), 8 (X-band), and 16 (Ka-band) probes, each occupying 0.1 MHz at S-band, 1 MHz at X-band, and 5 MHz at Ka-band, can be active simultaneously and above the SZM radio-astronomy observatory horizon without surpassing the present-day harmful limits specied for Earth-based radio-astronomy observations.

Since future observation bandwidths will most probably be at least 10 percent of the center observing frequency, it is suggested that there be new harmful interference levels for radio-astronomy continuum observations in the SZM. These new limits, although more stringent than the present harmful levels for Earth-based observations, would improve the radio-astronomy observational tolerance to the radio emissions from deep-space probes. This is the case if the number of deep-space probes and the limited transmitting bandwidths previously considered remain unchanged. Imposing more constraints on deep-space research exploration than those already naturally encountered should be avoided by all means. Therefore, interference-reduction techniques should be considered and implemented for radio-astronomy observatories wishing to eect observations including the space research (deep-space) allocated bands. Finally, it is suggested that further studies be completed for the inner deep-space probes since this type of probe will radiate into the SZM when it is illuminated by the Sun. Also, it is intended that the potential impact of unwanted emissions (out-of-band and spurious) will be the subject of a future study.

The author thanks Dr. R. Thompson of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory and Dr. P. Richter, D. Bathker, D. Bishop, and F. Borncamp of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory for the reviews, comments, and suggestions provided.

[1] International Telecommunication Union Radio Regulations, International Telecommunication Union, ISBN 92-61- 04141-8, vol. 1, Geneva, Switzerland, 1990. [2] Handbook on Radio Astronomy, International Telecommunication Union, Radiocommunication Bureau, Geneva, Switzerland, 1995. [3] J. D. Kraus, Radio Astronomy, New York: McGraw Hill, 1966. [4] Handbook of the Space Frequency Coordination Group (SFCG), European Space Agency, Executive Secretariat, Paris, France, December 15, 1995.

Appendix The Relationship Between SPFD and SSNR

Binary phase shift keying (BPSK) modulation generally is utilized for spaceEarth data transmissions. For systems using BPSK, a convenient performance measurement is the symbol signal-to-noise ratio (SSNR): STs STs STs = = N0 kTop k(TA + TR )



with S = received signal (data) power, W Ts = period of the received binary symbol, s N0 = receiver system noise spectral density, W/Hz k = Boltzmanns constant, 1.38 1023 J/K Top = total system operating noise temperature, K TA = antenna noise temperature, K TR = receiver noise temperature, K where S and N0 are determined at the same reference point in the receive system. The above ratio determines the probability of a detected symbol being in error. For BPSK systems, a convenient reference is a probability of 105 for a symbol being in error; that corresponds to an approximate SSNR of 9 dB for uncoded transmissions. The introduction of coding in the symbols transmitted increases the transmission bandwidth but lowers the required SSNR to approximately 4 dB for a typical (7,1/2) convolutional code with the same error rate of 105 . To relate the spectral power ux density (SPFD), W/(m2 Hz), to the SSNR, it should be noted that D2 ap B 4

S = SP F D Ap ap B = SP F D where Ap = physical aperture, m2 ap = aperture eciency B = transmission bandwidth, Hz D = aperture diameter, m The antenna gain may be written as 4 Ap ap 2




with = c/f = propagation wavelength, m c = speed of light, 3 1010 m/s f = propagation frequency, Hz Therefore, from Eqs. (A-2) and (A-3), 2 SP F D G B 4

S= and from Eqs. (A-1) and (A-4),


SP F D =

Top 4 k SSN R 2 BTs G


For BPSK signals, B Ts constant. The approximation B Ts 1 will be assumed in the results shown in Table 2. Therefore, for a given SSNR, the SPFD will be approximately independent of the symbol transmission rate and will be dependent in the frequency band in use and the G/Top considered. It is convenient to relate the SPFD to the power spectral density (PSD), W/Hz, and the power (Ptot ), W, produced at the output of an isotropic antenna (0-dBi gain). In this way, comparisons may be made directly to the interference levels harmful to radio astronomy that are given in [2]. The eective area of an isotropic antenna, Aiso (m2 ), is c2 2 = 2 4f 4

Aiso = Therefore,


P SD = SP F D Aiso = SP F D

2 4


Sometimes it is more convenient to relate the total power, ptot , produced by the deep-space probe at the radio astronomy antenna to the harmful interference input power, PH [2]. This total power is related to the PSD by Ptot = P SD B (A-8)

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