Lithology Abbreviations
Lithology Abbreviations
Lithology Abbreviations
about above absent abundant acicular agglomerate aggregate algae, algai allochem altered alternating ammonite amorphous amount and angular anhedral anhydrite (-ic) anthracite aphanitic appears approximate aragonite arenaceous argillaceous arkose (-ic) as above asphalt (ic) assemblage associated at authigenic average band (-ed) basalt (-ic) basement become (-ing) bed (-ed) bedding bentonite (-ic) bitumen (-inoue) bioclastic bioherm (-al) biomicrite biosparite biostrom (-al)
abt ab abs abd acic Aglm Agg Alg, alg Allo alt altg
biotite birdseye black (-ish) blade (-ed) blocky blue (-ish) bored (-ing) bottom botryoid (-al) boulder boundstone brachiopod brackish branching break breccia (-ted) bright brittle brown bryozoa bubble buff burrow (-ed) calcarenite calcilutite calcirudite calcisiltite calcisphere calcite (-ic) calcareous caliche carbonaceous carbonized cavern (-ous) caving cement (-ed, -ing) cephalopod chalcedony (-ic) chalk (-y) charophyte chert (-y) chitin (-ous) chlorite (-ic) chocolate circulate (-ion) clastic
ang ahd Anhy, anhy Anthr aph ap apprx Arag aren arg Ark, ark a.a. Asph, asph Assem assoc
ABBREVIATIQN Biot Bdeye blk, blksh Bld, bld blky bl, blsh Bor, bor Btm Bot, bot Bld Bdst Brach brak brhg Brk, brk Brec, brec brt brit brn Bry Bubl bu Bur, bur Clcar Clclt Clcrd Clslt Clcsp Calc, calctc calc cche carb cb Cav, cav Cvg Cmt, cmt Ceph Chal, chal Chk, chky Char Cht, cht Chit, chit Chlor, chlor choc circ, Circ clas
bcm Bd, bd Bdg Bent, bent Bit, bit biocl Bioh, bioh Biomi Biosp Biost, biost
clay (-ey) claystone clean clear cleavage cluster coal coarse coated (-ing) coated grains cobble color (-ed) common compact compare concentric conchoidal concretion (-ary) conglomerate (-ic) conodont considerable consolidated conspicuous contact contamination (-ed) content contorted coquina (-oid) coral, coralline core covered cream crenulated crinkled crinoid (- al) cross cross-bedded cross-laminated cross-stratified crumpled crystocrystalline crystal (-line) cube, cubic cuttings dark (-er) dead debris decrease (-ing) dense depauperate description
Cl, cl Clst cln clr Clvg Clus C crs cotd,cotg cotd gn Cbl Col, col
detrital devitrified diabase diagenesis (-etic) diameter disseminated distillate ditto dolomite (-ic) dominant (-ly) drilling drill stem test drusy earthy east echinoid elevation elongate embedded equant equivalent euhedral euxinic evaporite (-itic) excellent exposed extraclast (-ic) extremely extrusive rock, extrusive facet (-ed) faint fair fault (-ed) fauna feet feldspar (-athic) fenestra (-al) ferruginous fibrous fine (-ly) fissile flaggy flake, flaky flat floating flora fluorescence (-ent) foliated foot foraminifer, foraminiferal
detr devit Db Diagn, diagn Dia dissem Dist " or do Dol, dol dom drlg DST dru ea E Ech Elev elong embd eqnt Equiv euhd eux Evap, evap ex exp Exclas, exclas extr Exv, exv Fac, fac fnt fr FIt, flt Fau Ft Fspr, fspr Fen, fen ferr fibr f, fnly fis flg Flk, flk fl fltg Flo Fluor, fluor fol Ft Foram, foram
cpct cp cncn conch Conc, conc Cgl, cgl Cono cons consol conspic Ctc Contam,contam Cont cntrt Coq, coqid Cor, corln c cov crm cren crnk Crin, crinal x x-bd x-lam x-strat crpld crpxln Xl, xln Cub, cub Ctgs dk, dkr dd Deb Deer, deer dns depau Descr
formation fossil (-iferous) fracture (-al) fragment (-al) frequent fresh friable fringe (-ing) frosted frosted quartz grains fucoid (-al) fusulinid gabbro gastropod gas generally geopetal gilsonite glass (-y) glauconite (-itic) Globigerina (-inal) gloss (-y) gneiss (-ic) good grading grain (-s, -ed) grainstone granite granite wash granule (-ar) grapestone graptolite gravel gray, grey (-ish) graywacke greasy green (-ish) grit (-ty) gypsum (-iferous) hackly halite (-iferous) hard heavy hematite (-ic) Heterostegina heterogeneous high (-ly) homogeneous horizontal hydrocarbon
Fm Foss, foss Frac, frac Frag, frag freq frs fri Frg, frg fros F.Q.G. Fuc, fuc Fus Gab Gast G gen gept Gil Glas, glas Glauc, glauc Glob, glob Glos, glos Gns, gns gd grad Gr, gr Grst Grt G.W. Gran, Iran grapst Grap Grv gry, grysh Gwke gsy gn, gnsh Gt, gt Gyp, gyp hkl Hal, hal hd hvy Hem, hem Het hetr hi hom hor Hyde
igneous rock (igneous) impression inch inclusion (-ded) increasing indistinct indurated Inoceramus in part insoluble interbedded intercalated intercrystalline inter granular inter grown interlaminated interparticle intersticies (-itial) interval intraclast (-ic) intraparticle intrusive rock, intrusive invertebrate iridescent ironstone irregular (-ly) bopachous jasper joint (-ed, kaolin
Ig, ig Imp In Incl, incl incr indst i nd Inoc I.P. insl intbd intercal intxln intgran intgn intrlam intpar Intst, intst Intvl Intclas, intclas intrapar Intr. intr Invtb irid Fe-st irr bo Jasp Jt, jt Kao, kao lac Lam, lam lge Lat, lat lav Lyr lchd Len, lent It Lig, lig Ls Lim, lim lmy lit lithgr Lith, lith Ltl litt
lacustrine lamina (-tions, large laterite (-itic) lavender layer leached lens, lenticular light lignite (-itic) limestone limonite (itic) limy lithic lithographic lithology (-ic) little littoral
local long loose lower lustre lutite macrofossil magnetite, magnetic manganese marble marl (-y) marls tone marine maroon massive material matrix maximum medium member meniscus metamorphic rock, metamorphic (- osed) mica (-ceou s) micrite (-ic) microcrystalline microfossil (-iferous) micrograined micro-oolite micropore (-osity) microspar microstylolite middle miliolid milky mineral (-ized) minor moderate mold (-ic) mollusc mosaic mottled mud (-dy) mudstone muscovite nacreous nodules (-ar) north no sample no show
loc lg lse I Lstr Lut Macrofos Mag, mag Mn,mn Mbl Mrl, mrl mrlst marn mar mass Mat Mtrx max m or med. Mbr men Meta meta, metaph Mic,mic Micr,micr microxln Microfos,microfos micgr Microol Micropor,micropor Microspr Microstyl Mid Milid mky Min, min mnr mod Mol, mol Moll mos mott md, mdy Mdst Musc nac Nod, nod N n.s. n/s
Novac n.v.p. num occ och o OSR olv Oo ,oo Ooc, ooc Ool, ool Oomol, oomol Onc, onc op or, orsh Orbit org Orth O-Qtz Ostr ovgth ox Oyst Pkst Pap, pap Pt, pt Par, par Ptg PPM Pch, pch Pbl, pbl Pelec Pel, pel Peld, peld Perm, k, perm Pend, pend Pet, pet Phlog Phos, phos Phyl, phyl phr pk pkish p.p. Piso, piso Pisol,pisol pit Plag PIt plas
novaculite no visible porosity numerous occasional ochre oil oil source rock olive ooid (-al) oolicast (-ic) oolite (-ide) oomold (-ic) oncolite (-oidal) opaque orange (-ish)
Orbitolina orlanic orthoclase orthoquartzite Ostracod overgrowth oxidized oyster packstone paper (-y) part (-ly) particle parting part s per million patch (-y) pebble (-ly) pelecypod pellet (-al) pelletoid (-al) permeability (-able) pendular (-ous) petroleum, petroliferous phloaopite phosphate (-atic) phyllite, phyllitic phreatic pink pinkish pin-point (porosity) pisoid (-al) pisolite,piso litic pitted plagioclase plant plastic
platy polish. polished pollen polygonal porcelaneous porosity. porous possible (-ly) predominant (-ly) preseryed primary probable (-ly) production prominent pseudopseudo oolite (-ic) pumice-stone purple pyrite (-itized. -itic) pyrobitumen pyroclastic quartz (-ose) quartzite (-ic) radial (-ating) radiaxial range rare recemented recovery (-ered) recrystallized red (-ish) reef (-oid) remains replaced (-ment) residue (-ual) resinous rhomb (-ic) ripple rock round (-ed) rounded. frosted. rubble (-bly) rudist saccharoidal salt (-y) salt and pepper salt water same as above sample
plty Pol. pol Poln poly porcel Port por posa pred pres prim prob Prod prom ps Psool. psool Pst purp Pyr. pyr Pybit pyrcl Qtz. qtz Qtzt. qtzt Rad, rad Radax rng r recem Rec, rec rexlzd rd. rdsh Rf. rf Rem rep. Repl Res. res rsns Rhb. rhb Rpl Rk rnd. rndd r.f.p Rbl. rbl Rud sacc Sa,sa s & p S.W. a.a. Spl
sand (-y) sandstone saturation (-ated) scarce scattered schist (-ose) scolecodont secondary sediment (-ary) selenite shale (-ly) shell shelter porosity show siderite (-itic) sidewall core silica (-iceou) silky silt (-y) siltstone similar skeletal slabby slate (-y) slickenside (-d) slight (-ly) small smooth soft So lution, soluble somewhat Sorted (-ing) south spar (-ry) sparse (-ly) speck (-led) sphalerite spherule (-itic) spicule (-ar) splintery sponge spore spotted (-y) stain (-ed. -ing) stalactitic strata (-ified) streak (-ed) striae (-ted) stringer stromatolite (-itic) stromatoporoid structure
Sd. sdy Sst Sat. sat
Scs scat Sch. sch Scol sec Sed. sed Sel Sh. sh Shl Shlt por Shw Sid. sid S.W.C. Sil sil slky SIt, slty Sltst sim skel slb Sl. sl Slick, slick sli, slily sml sm sft Sol. sol Smwt srt,srtg S Spr. spr sps. spsly Spk. spkld Sphal Spher, spher Spic. spic Splin Spg Spo sptd. spty Stn. stn stal Strat, strat Strk. strk Stri, stri strgr Stromlt. stromlt Strom Str
stylolite (-itic) subangular sublithic sub rounded sucrosic sulphur, sulphurous superficial olite surface syntaxial tabular (-ate) tan terriginous texture (-d) thick thin thin-bedded thin section throughout tight top tough trace translucent transparent trilobite tripoli (-itic) tube (-ular) tuff (-aceous) type (-ical) unconformity unconsolidated underclay underlying uniform upper vadose variation (able) variegated varicolored varved vein (-ing, -ed) veinlet vermillon vertebrate vertical very very poor sample vesicular violet
Styl, styl sbang sblit sbrndd suc Su, su Spfool, spfool Surf syn tab tn ter Tex, tex thk thn t.b. t.s. thru ti Tp tgh Tr trnsl trnsp Tril Trip, trip Tub, tub Tf, tf Typ, typ Unconf uncons. Uc undly uni u Vad, vad Var, var vgt varic vrvd Vn, vn Vnlet venn vrtb vert v V.P.S. ves vi
visible vitreous (-ified) volatile volcanic vug (-gy) wackestone washed residue water wavy waxy weak weathered well west white with without wood yellow zircon zone (ish)
vis vit volat Volc, volc Vug, wg Wkst W.R. Wtr wvy wxy wk wthd Wl, wl W wh wi w/o Wd yel, yelsh
Zr Zn