Ap Assign
Ap Assign
Ap Assign
1.Find the field strength at 30 km away from a transmitting station of 25 kW pow er. 5M 2.Find the velocity of the plane wave in a lossless medium having a relative per mittivity of 5 & relative permeability of unity. 3M 3.If the effective height of an aerial is 1/100th of the length of the wave mitted, Determine its radiation resistance. 3M 4.Calculate the effective length of a /2 of antenna's=73, (Ae) max=0.132 and Intrinsic impedence=120. 5M 5.Calculate the maximum effective a erture of an antenna which is o erating at a Wavelength of 2 meter and has a directivity of 100. 5M 6. What is the band width of a resonant circuit whose Q=100 and resonant Frequency=5MHz. 3M ASSIGNMENT II 7.Calculate the length of the half wave di ole antenna meant to have correct ha lf wave lengt h at 60 MHz. 3M 8. Find out the radiation resistance of a /16 wire dipo e in free space. 3M 9. The radiation resistance of antenna is 72 and oss resistance is 8.What is its directivity, if the gain is 16. 5M e
11. Find out the Q of an antenna if it has bandwidth of 600 Hz and it is cut to a frequency of 30 Mhz. 5M 12. An antenna has a radiation resistance of 72,a oss resistanse of 8 and a powe r gain of 12 db,determine the antenna efficiency and its directivity. 5M
10. A thin dipo e antenna is /15 ong.If its d radiation resitance and its efficiency. 5M
REG NO:1NT 09EC022 TO 1NT 09EC043 ASSIGNMENT I 13. A 6ft.(1.83m) parabo oid ref ector is to be used at 6Ghz.Ca cu ate the beam width between the first nu s. A so ca cu ate the gain of the antenna and expre ss it in db. 5M 14. An antenna having a effective temperature of 15K is fed into a microwave am p ifier that has an effective noise temperature of 20K.Ca cu ate the avai ab e n oise power per unit bandwidth, at the input for this particu ar antenna temperat ure. 5M 15. The noise figure of an amp ifier at room temperature (T=290K) is 0.2db.Find the equiva ent temperature. 3M 16. In a microwave communication ink, 2 identica antenna is operating at 10GHz are used with power gain of 40db.If the transistor power is 1W, find the receiv ed power if the range of the ink is 30km. 5M 17. A short dipo e antenna has got a radiation resistance of 73ohm & effective a perture of 0.5sqm. Find the effective height of the antenna. 5M 18. A radio ink has a 15W transmitter connected to an antenna of 2.5sqm effecti ve aperture at 5GHz. The receiving antenna has an effective aperture of 0.5sqm & is ocated at a 15Km ine of sight distance from the transmitting antenna. Assu ming oss ess matched antennas find the ower delivered to receiver. 8M ASSIGNMENT II 19.Calculate the maximum effective a erture of an antenna which is o erating at a wavelength of 2 meter & has a directivity of 100. 3M 20. In a microwave communication link, two identical antennas are o erating at 1 0GHz & are used with a ower gain of 40dB. If the transmitter ower is 1W. Find the received ower if the range of link is 30km. 8M 21.An antenna has a radiation resistance of 72ohm & a loss resistance of 8ohm & a ower gain of 12dB. Determine the antenna efficiency & directivity. 7M 22.Calculate the radiation resistance of a lamda/10 wire di ole in free s ace. 7M 23.A hy othetical isoto ic antenna is radiating in free s ace. At a distance of 100m from the antenna the total electric field E(theta) is measured to be 3.535V /m. Find the ower density and ower radiated. 5M 24. The radiation resistance of an antenna is 72ohm & the loss resistance is 8oh m. Find the directivity if the ower gain is 16. 5M 25.For an X-band (8.2-12.4GHz) rectangular horn with a erture dimesions of 5.5cm & 7.4cm. Find the maximum effective a erture when its gain over isotro ic sourc e is a) 14.2dB at 8.2GHz
REG NO :1NT 09EC044 TO 1NT 09EC070 ASSIGNMENT I 26. Find the beam area of an antenna system that has electric field intensity a ttern given by the ex ression En=sin() 0<=<=. 5M
27. Discuss the following terms as applied to antennas 2*4= 8M I. Beam Area II. Beam efficiency III. Effective aperture IV. Directivity of gain 28. An antenna has a field pattern given by E()=cos2 for 0< <90. Find HPBW. 5M 29. What is an antenna aperture? Briefly explain the entire antenna aperture nam ely loss aperture, collecting aperture, scattering aperture & effective aperture with a neat figure & relevant e uations. 7M 30. What is the difference between effective height and physical height of anten na? 5M Explain effective height along with a neat figure and relevant e uations . 31. Derive an expression for the relationship between effective aperture and dir ectivity of a short dipole antenna. 5M ASSIGNMENT II 32.Derive an expression for the relationship between effective aperture & direct ivity of a linear lamda/2 dipole. 5M 33. Derive an expression for the power received over radio communication link. 7M 34. Derive an expression for the relationship between effective aperture and dir ectivity along with a neat figure. 5M 35. With a neat diagram explain the radiation pattern of an antenna. Write an ex pression for the normalized field and power pattern. 5M 36. Explain the following terms, 2*2=4M I. Antenna temperature II. Antenna field zones 37. Compute the power received by receiving antenna kept at a distance of 100km by a transmitter radiating 3MHz. Assume Gt=40 & Gr=15 & Pt=1000kw. 5M 38.Define Radiation Intensity. A source has a radiation pattern given by U=UmCOS where 0<=<=/2 & 0<=<=2*.Find the total power radiated and the Directivity. 7M
REG NO:1NT09EC071 TO 1NT0EC090 ASSIGNMENT I 39.A source has a radiation pattern given by U=Umcos2 where 0<=<=/2 & 0<=<=2*.Find the total power radiated and the Directivity. 5M 40.State the Hansen wood yard condition for increased Directivity. Plot the radi ation pattern for n=2 and d=/4. 3M 41.Derive an expression for the tota fie d in case of 2 Isotropic point sources of equa amp itude and opposite phase. A so p ot the resu tant radiation patter n for the case of d=/2. 12M
42.Derive an expression for the tota fie d for the case of 2 Isotropic point so urces of equa amp itude and in phase Quadrature. A so p ot the resu tant radiat ion pattern for the case of d=/2. 12M 43.Derive an expression for the Array Factor for the case of n Isotropic point s ources of equa amp itude and same phase. How do you obtain the conditions for b roadside and end fire array. A so p ot the resu tant radiation pattern for the c ase of d=/2 and n=4 for both the cases. 07M
46.Obtain the radiation pattern of a broadside array for n=8 and d=/2. 05M 47.Derive an expression for the tota fie d for the case of non Isotropic and di ssimi ar point sources. 05M 48.Compare Broadside Array and End Fire Array. 05M 49.State power Theorem and exp ain as to how do you ca cu ate the Directivity fr om the know edge of power pattern a ong with an examp e. 05M
44.-Exp ain the princip e of pattern mu tip ication a ong with a re evant examp e. 05M & Derive an expression for the Nu Directions for an array of n Isotropic point sources considering a broadside array and end fire array & hence p ot the resu tant pattern for d=/2 and n=4 07M
50.Exp ain the short E ectric Dipo e a ong with a neat Figure.Deive an expressio n for the far fie ds for starting from the Fundamenta s. 20M 51.Derive an expression for the Radiation Resistance of a short E ectric Dipo e. 8M
53.Derive an ex ression for the far fields for the case of thin linear Antenna. 15M 54.Derive an ex ression for the radiation Resitance of a /2 Antenna a ong with a neat figure. 8M 55.Exp ain the different types of Horn Antennaa along with a neat figure. 8M
57.What is a Rectangular Horn Antenna? Plot the radiation attern for different values of R and hence obtain an ex ression for Directivity. 7M ASSIGNMENT II 58.Determine the length L, H- lane a erture & Flare angles E & H of a pyramidal H orn Antenna for which E plane aperture is aE=10.The Horn is fed by a Rectangu ar wave guide under TE10 mode. Let =0.2 in E p ane an 0.375 in H p ane .What are th e beam wi ths an Directivity. 8M 59.Exp ain the construction an working of a He ica beam Antenna a ong with a n eat figure. Write the expression for HPBW, BWFN an Directivity.
56.Derive an ex ression for O timum horn dimensions in the case of a Horn Antenna. 7M
52.What is a thin Linear Antenna .Draw the natura case of thin inear Antennas of various lengths. 8M
8M 60.Exp ain the construction & working princip e of a Yagi U a Antenna. What are the esign constraints on the Dipo es? 7M
1NT 09EC114 TO 09EC418 ASSIGNMENT I 65.State Babinets princip e an exp ain its app ication to s ot Antennas. 5M 66.Derive an expression for the impe ance of s ot Antennas. 6M 67.Write short notes on 2*3=6M Embe e Antennas. Fo e Dipo e Antennas. P asma Antennas. 68.Exp ain the construction & working of parabo ic ref ector Antenna. 8M 69.Derive an expression for the fie intensity ratio of a cy in rica parabo oi consi ering A Line source at the Focus 4M A point source at the Focus 4M 70.Design a Log perio ic Dipo e Array with 7 Bi gain an a 4:1 Ban wi th. Speci fy apex ang e, sca e constant k an the number of e ements. 7M ASSIGNMENT II
72.Write short notes on LEO Sate ite Antennas (II)Mobi e Antennas (III) GPR Antennas 6M
working of a s ot Antenna.
=sqrt [1-(Ne2/m2ko)] 8M 74.What is the critical frequency for reflection at vertical incidence if the ma ximum value of the electron density is 1.24 x 106 cm-3? 7M 75.Explain the Maximum Usable Frequency and give any method of calculating. A hi gh frequency radio link has to be established bet een t o point at a distance of 2500 km on earth surface.considering the ionospheric height of 200 km and its c ritical frequency is 5MHz,calculate the MUF for given path. 8M 76.A high frequency radio link has to be established bet een 2 point on the eart h 2000km a ay. If the reflection region of the ionosphere is at a height of 200k m and has a critical frequency of 6MHz, calculate the MUF for given path. 7M 77.Communication is to be established bet een 2 stations 1500 km apart. Derive t he necessary formula and calculate the maximum frequency you may choose for comm unication using the ionosphere as a reflector if the height and plasma frequency 0f the ionosphere at the point of reflection are respectively 250 km and 12 MHz . Assume the ionosphere to be thin and earth to be flat. 8M
YB and Readmission students & VTU to Autonomous students ASSIGNMENT I 78. What do u meant by critical frequency? Calculate the critical frequency for the F1, F2 &E layers for hich the maximum ionic densities are 2.3 x 106, 3.5 x 106 & 1.7 x 106 electron per cubic meters respectively. 7M 79.A VHF communication is to be established ith 35 W transmitters at a 90 MHz. Find the distance upto hich line of the sight communication may be possible if the height of transmitting and receiving antenna are 40m and 25m respectively. A lso determine the field strength at the receiving end. 12M 80.T o points on earth are 1500 km apart and are communicated by means of HF.For a single hop transmission, the critical frequency at that time is 7 MHz and con dition is idealized. Calculate the MUF for those 2 points if the height of the i onospheric layer is 300km. 7M 81.Define the radio horizon and calculate its value. What is the radio horizon o f a television antenna placed at a height of 166 meter? If the signal is to be r eceived at a distance of 66km hat should be the height of the receiving antenna ? 8M
82.Define a Radio Wave .Obtain the fundamental equation governing the free space propogation. 7M 83.Explain the Ground ave propogation and obtain the Somerfield equation for th e Ground ave propagation. 5M
84.Explain the sky ave or Ionosphere ave propagation along ith a neat figure. 8M
86.Explain the characteristics of different ionized regions present in the Ionos phere.5M 87.Derive an expression for the Refractive Index of the Ionosphere. 7M 88.Explain the mechanism of Radio ave bending by the Ionosphere. 7M 89.Define the follo ing terms. Critical Frequency, Maximum Usable Frequency and Virtual Height. =6M
90.Derive an expression for the maximum usable Frequency considering a Flat Ear th 8M