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50 Activities for Diversity Training

Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers

Human Resource Development Press, Inc. Amherst, Massachusetts

1994 by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. The materials that appear in this book, other than those quoted from prior sources, may be reproduced for educational/training activities. There is no requirement to obtain special permission for such uses. We do, however, ask that the following statement appear on all reproductions. Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training, by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994.

This permission statement is limited to reproduction of materials for educational or training events. Systematic or large-scale reproduction or distribution or inclusion of items in publications for sale may be carried out only with prior written permission from the publisher.

Published by HRD Press 22 Amherst Road Amherst, MA 01002 1-800-822-2801

ISBN 0-87425-980-0 Production services by Clark Riley Cover design by Old Mill Graphics Editorial work by Lisa Wood

About the Authors .................................................................................................... v Preface ......................................................................................................................vii Introduction ............................................................................................................... 3 Part 1 DIVERSITY ICEBREAKERS 1. Name That Feeling ......................................................................................... 13 2. Diversity Letter Game ................................................................................... 15 3. Who Do You Know? ...................................................................................... 17 4. Time Marches On ........................................................................................... 19 5. Back to the Future .......................................................................................... 21 6. Into the Future ................................................................................................ 23 7. Cultural Hat Dance ........................................................................................ 25 8. Take Your Pick Learning Styles .............................................................. 27 9. Political Savvy ................................................................................................ 29 10. Head in the Clouds, Nose to the Grindstone ............................................. 31 Part 2 CULTURE AND DIVERSITY 11. Introductions ................................................................................................... 35 12. Understanding the Impact of Culture on Work ........................................ 37 13. Ups and Downs .............................................................................................. 43 14. Personal Influences ........................................................................................ 45 15. The Way It Is: The Real Issues ..................................................................... 51 16. What Is Culture? The Iceberg Theory ........................................................ 53 17. Cultural Baggage ............................................................................................ 57 18. First Thoughts ................................................................................................. 59 19. Points of View ................................................................................................. 65 20. Seeing Is Believing, or Is It? .......................................................................... 69 21. Communicating Our Way ............................................................................. 75 22. DESO Model of Intercultural Communication .......................................... 79 23. Qualities That Make a Difference ................................................................ 89 24. Addressing Language Barriers ..................................................................... 93 25. Action Plan .................................................................................................... 103 26. The Impact of Change ................................................................................. 107 Part 3 CHANGE, COMMUNICATION AND CONFLICT RESOLUTION 27. Dealing with Change: Barriers and Strategies ........................................ 115 28. Self-Assessment Regarding Change .......................................................... 121 29. Introduction to Listening: A Self-Inventory ............................................ 125 30. Name Your Partner ...................................................................................... 131 31. Non-Verbal Communication ...................................................................... 133 iii

32. 33. 34. 35. 36.

Self-Talk ......................................................................................................... 143 Coaching Across Cultures .......................................................................... 157 Multicultural Team Building ...................................................................... 171 Addressing Conflict Resolution ................................................................. 183 Resolving Disputes: Skills for Third-Party Intervention ....................... 203

Part 4 GENDER AT WORK 37. Historical Overview ..................................................................................... 221 38. Gender Issues at Work ................................................................................ 229 39. Written and Unwritten Rules ..................................................................... 237 40. InclusionExclusion ................................................................................... 245 41. Gender Tapes: Decades on Parade ........................................................... 247 42. Myths and Stereotypes: Old Wives Tales ............................................... 255 43. First and Lasting Thoughts ......................................................................... 259 44. Strategies for Success ................................................................................... 263 45. Communicating Across Gender ................................................................. 269 46. Worlds Apart or Is It Words Apart? ...................................................... 277 47. Communication Style .................................................................................. 285 Part 5 CULTURE AND CAREER TRANSITIONS 48. Identifying Your Values: An Exploration ................................................ 297 49. Reviewing Your Itinerary ........................................................................... 303 50. Finding the Right Boss: Getting Back on the Right Track ..................... 311


About the Authors

Jonamay Lambert Lambert & Associates 2814 Craig Drive Des Plaines, IL 60018 (708) 298-0143 Jonamay Lambert, M. A., is President of Lambert & Associates, a Chicago-based consulting firm specializing in research, training and development for minority and targeted populations. She designs customized training programs for a wide variety of public and private institutions. She also provides English language programs. Her diverse clients include Peat, Marwick, Main & Company; Illinois Bell; Illinois State Board of Education; Illinois State University; Department of Commerce and Community Affairs; Cook Country Adult Probation; Selstrom Manufacturing, and Orval Kent Foods, Inc. An experienced presenter, her training programs bridge the gap between theory and practice. They are tailored for the needs of the organization, designed for maximum participant involvement and skill development, and presented for practical application on the job. Selma Myers Intercultural Development Inc. 755 San Mario Drive Solana Beach, CA 92075 (619) 755-3160 Selma Myers, M. A., co-author, is President of Intercultural Development Inc., a California-based company that specializes in intercultural training for industry, government and education. She consults with industrial clients such as Hewlett-Packard, Northern Telecom, TRW, Fujitsu Systems and Levi Strauss; private universities, such as the universities of San Francisco and San Diego; state universities, such as California, Michigan and Wisconsin; financial institutions, utilities, health care organizations, government departments, trade associations, etc. She also brought intercultural training to the L. A. Olympics 84 Host Training Program. Ms. Myers helped found, and was a Director of, the American Language institute at San Diego State University, administering programs for foreign businessmen and students. She was also consultant for the Managing Diversity training video, produced by CRM Films. She taught American Culture to professors at the Beijing Institute of Technology, Peoples Republic of China, was a senior lecturer and consultant on a five-month Fulbright grant in South America and a summer teaching fellow at Harvard University. v

Publisher and/or author make no warranties, express or implied, with respect to this book and neither assumes any responsibility for any legal complaint or action occasioned by any following of its guidelines. The user assumes all risk and liability whatsoever in connection with the use of or reliance upon the materials contained herein and there are no oral agreements or understandings or warranties collateral to or affecting the understanding implicit in the purchase of this book. The book is intended only as a general guide to diversity training, is not to be construed as written in accordance with Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) laws, and is not intended to serve as a substitute for legal advice. The practices of the user organization should be tailored to accommodate to the particular need. In case of any uncertainty with respect to specific organization policy, competent legal counsel should be sought. The individuals portrayed in this book are completely fictional. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.


By now, most organizations are aware that changes in the general population will profoundly affect the make-up of their work force in the next century. This book is therefore designed to meet the needs of professionals who are expected to address the implications of cultural diversity through training, facilitating and other developmental programs. The underlying philosophy in 50 Activities for Diversity Training is to train workshop participants to deal constructively with the changing workforce, and to do so in a non-threatening environment. A new awareness, coupled with matching skills, can build bridges of understanding and cooperation which will influence daily performance. Individuals participating in the activities offered in this guide will first examine their own cultural backgrounds. They will then recognize how cultural differences may impact behavior. They will also learn skills to help them work effectively in a multicultural environment. Ultimately, their organizations will benefit through improved communication, reduced conflict and more productive relationships. The activities contained in this guide are equally useful in industrial, service, government and not-for-profit organizations, as well as health care, educational, financial and other institutions. Certain assumptions form the basis for the activities in this book: Culture is not good or bad. It just is. Often what may be considered just the way it is is culturally influenced. Ones view of the world is shaped by values, perceptions, assumptions, and expectations. The more people know about their own culture, and the more they know about other cultures, the better the communication will be. The way one does or sees things, when coupled with the way others do and see things, can lead to new improved ways of doing and seeing things. Being different is OK and differences can be recognized, acknowledged and cherished. The responsibility for intellectual communication is not solely that of any one of the parties, but shared by all.

Furthermore, the authors assume that those who are conducting this training have conducted training before. Therefore, this book does not include basic information on how to design needs assessments, lesson plans or the steps necessary for handling logistics.


50 Activities for Diversity Training This book provides a series of activities which are carefully constructed to: Introduce the topic of diversity Increase awareness of the impact of culture in the workplace Demonstrate skills for managing a culturally diverse workplace Address the matter of gender in the workplace

Each activity is presented in the following format: NAME, to identify the exercise Brief description of the PURPOSE of the exercise Normal TIME allotment EQUIPMENT required Consumable MATERIALS needed PROCEDURES suggesting how the exercise should be conducted Short CONCLUSION section Helpful TRAINER'S NOTES

Our approach is to use participative exercises, lecturettes, mini-case studies and roleplays in which participants will become actively involved in situations that help them deal with diversity and gender-related issues in the workplace. Also included are many exercises in master form, available for use either as handouts or as material for transparencies. The guide is separated into five sections. DIVERSITY ICEBREAKERS Our experience has shown that training sessions which open with so-called "fun" activities, simple and to the point, lead to greater participation by the attendees and encourage a willingness on their part to be open-minded. Therefore, this guide begins with a series of "icebreaker" activities which we have found helpful in introducing the diversity topic, warming up a group, setting a positive climate and leading to more in-depth discussions. There activities are short, simple, effective and ready-to-use. For the most part, they require very little preparation by the leader. In addition, many of the Diversity Icebreaker activities can also be used in training programs which are not exclusively dedicated to diversity training. MANAGING CULTURAL DIVERSITY Trainers will face many challenges because diversity training requires more than simply following a trainer's guide. A trainer needs to be able to bring out each participants knowledge about his or her own organization, its culture and how it views diversity issues. It is also helpful if the participants are aware of the organization's demographics and realize that there may be specific issues that arise due to these factors. viii

Preface The activities in this guide were designed so that trainers could aid participants to gain knowledge about themselves and others, while increasing their grasp of the entire concept of culture. Towards this end, we believe that, in the development of diversity training, awareness is always the first step. One cannot deal effectively across cultures without understanding cultural values and beliefs. Many of the activities in this section help participants become aware of their own stereotypes, values, and beliefs. Other activities explore the concept of culture and some of the most fundamental (but often unperceived) cultural differences, such as: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Language and Communication Appearance and Dress Food and Eating Habits Time and Time-Consciousness Rewards and Recognition Roles and Responsibilities Values and Norms Sense of Self and of Space Mental Processes and Learning Styles Beliefs, Values, and Attitudes

The more that people become more aware of the components of culture and learn about their own beliefs, attitudes, and styles, the more competent they can eventually become in dealing with, and working alongside, people from other cultures. CHANGE, COMMUNICATION, AND CONFLICT RESOLUTION After awareness has been raised and knowledge acquired, the next step is to develop the appropriate skills to manage diversity. The activities in this section are designed so that participants will develop competency in these skills. The participants are made aware of how important it is to be sensitive to situations that occur as a result of culture and learn how to deal with them. As part of the approach, this section provides activities designed to help build communication skills that will prove useful in a variety of situations. In general, getting the participants involved in identifying cultural incidents is a good start. The more participants see the value of this type of training, the more effective the training will be. The skill-building activities offer a variety of opportunities and situations in which cultural factors, sometimes overlooked, can be brought to the forefront. For example, how one coaches or provides feedback to various employees may differ, depending on those individuals' cultural communication styles, expectations and values. Additionally, managers, supervisors, and employees as well, may need to be trained to deal with culture clashes; in this guide there are helpful activities based on conflict and dispute resolution. ix

50 Activities for Diversity Training GENDER AT WORK The issue of gender at work is indeed a diversity issue. Women already account for 44% of the workforce, and the percentage of women as new entrants into the workforce is projected to be 64% by the year 2000. The workplace is no longer simply divided into occupational groups based on gender, but rather men and women are working alongside each other, sharing responsibility and decision-making. Unquestionably, women are beginning to have greater influence. Even so, stereotypes and assumptions about female employees create a climate in which women's resources are often underutilized. Many employers still have doubts about a woman's commitment and loyalty to an organization and are concerned about issues related to attendance, punctuality, and priorities involving family concerns. Behavior style is still another area where there is confusion and misunderstanding. The same behavior that is acceptable for men is often interpreted differently when exhibited by women. For example, if a man exhibits enthusiasm and drive in a management meeting, he appears ambitious. If a woman demonstrates similar behavior, she may be perceived as overly aggressive. These perceptions stem from outdated sex roles and socialization. We feel that addressing gender issues is a joint responsibility on the part of men as well as women. Each has specific concerns and questions about what is appropriate in the business world, and each must learn how to articulate concerns when they arise. The activities in this section deal with the above issues. CULTURE AND CAREER TRANSITIONS In this section, there are several career transition activities which can be used with individuals or with groups in a workshop setting. These activities assist trainers and career counselors to help individuals who are exploring new career positions. The purpose of these activities is to help participants understand the influence of culture on career choices, recognize some of the obstacles they face and begin to develop strategies to overcome them. ******************* This book is based on methods and techniques developed through numerous seminars and workshops which the authors have presented throughout North America. Participants as well as trainers have expressed appreciation for this x

Preface type of material because they gained additional familiarity with the subject of culture, experienced an exchange of ideas about culturally-related problems and learned to understand and deal with them more effectively. Although the activities in this guide are designed to explore many different diversity issues, the emphasis throughout is understanding more about oneself and becoming more comfortable with the differences that we all bring to the workplace. The guide is comprehensive in that it includes enough material to design a workshop that could be as short as three hours or as long as three days. It is user-friendly with complete trainer instructions and materials that can be modified or used as the trainer sees fit. Selma Myers July 1, 1994


Symbols ?

Exercises Overhead transparencies Handouts

Multicultural Issues in the Workplace The illustration on the first overhead transparency lends itself to introducing the topics shown. Examples of each are given below: 1. Language problems leading to miscommunication and misinterpretation One of the most obvious issues is the language problem, which leads to miscommunication and misinterpretation. Standard English speakers have a tendency to equate accents or dialects with ignorance, and become frustrated when they come across unusual word usage, garbled telephone messages, unexpected responses of silence, or the word Yes when it does not mean affirmative. Further exacerbating the situation, standard English speakers often assume that conversations overheard in a foreign language are personally derogatory. Why should language differences trigger such negative responses? 2. Incorrect assumptions about diverse cultures A second issue is incorrect assumptions about diverse cultures. Mainstream Americans are often quick to assume that certain groups are either hard working, or lazy and easily satisfied with entry level jobs. Speaking of assumptions, a telephone operator in one office assumed that every one of the many Vietnamese employees named Nguyen was related. Would she also assume that everyone named Smith was related? 3. Expectations that others will conform Still another issue is the expectation that employees from other cultures will conform. They are expected to dress according to the norm, speak up in groups, accept public praise, or show initiative no matter what their own cultures dictate. Why is it that everyone is expected to be just like us?

50 Activities for Diversity Training 4. Biases against the unfamiliar In general, people are uncomfortable with the unfamiliar, and their biases show. From mainstream Americans, one can hear phrases such as: How can they live with so many in the same household? They smile at everything and even giggle at serious matters. They wont look you in the eye. Their food smells up the place. Again, why is it that everyone is expected to behave in exactly the same way? 5. Traditional American values in conflict with values of others The final issue is a conflict of values. People from other cultures often have values that differ from traditional American values. Mainstream Americans believe in individualism, egalitarianism, privacy, mobility and materialism, some or all of which are not common to all cultures, and lead to cultural clashes. Mainstream Americans also value direct communication. Many are conditioned by cowboy movies and are comfortable with phrases such as Speak your piece, Dont beat around the bush, Get to the point, and Tell it like it is. However, many other cultures prefer different communication styles. Who is to say that one set of values is better than another? Trainers Notes Since the issues here are quite general, a discussion may follow with participants presenting some of the specific situations they face. The questions at the end of each paragraph can form the basis of the discussion. Another question could be, Whose responsibility is it to raise the level of awareness of the impact of culture on the job? These comments can be noted on a flipchart and referred to as the workshop progresses. A broader perspective on diversity in the U.S. work force is shown by the Department of Labors outline of seven demographic trends, in the second overhead transparency.

Introduction - 1

Multicultural Issues in the Workplace

Incorrect assumptions about diverse cultures

Expectations that others will conform

Language problems leading to miscommunication and misinterpretation

Biases against the unfamiliar

Traditional American values in conflict with values of other cultures

Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

Introduction - 2

Seven Trends Revolutionizing the American Work Force

Worker numbers falling Average age of workers is rising More women visible on the job Minorities make up 1/3 of new workers More immigrants in the work force Service and information jobs increase Higher skill levels required
U.S. Department of Labor

Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994


Part 1 Diversity Icebreakers

1 Name That Feeling

Objective The purpose of this activity is to help participants begin to focus on what its like to feel different. Time 15 minutes Materials Flipchart and marker Procedure 1. Ask participants to think of a time when they felt different from everyone else. For example, walking into a meeting and being the only person of one race, or the only female or the only person who spoke English. 2. Ask the participants to think of the ONE WORD that best describes how they felt at that time. 3. Instruct participants to walk around the room, introducing themselves to other participants by using, instead of their names, the ONE word they thought of that best expressed their feelings. (Give personal examples: I once was the only hearing person in a roomful of people using sign language. I felt ISOLATED. As the person shakes hands, his/her introduction is: Hello, Im ISOLATED.) 4. After most participants have met each other, ask them to return to their seats and discuss their experiences. As the participants describe the words they used for their introduction, write the words on the flipchart. Use the following questions as guides to the discussion:


50 Activities for Diversity Training How did you feel? What were some of the words that were used during the introductions? Were there more positive or negative words used to describe feelings? In the workplace, what are the implications of the positive words? Of the negative words? Does anyone want to share an experience he/she had in feeling different?

Conclusion Close by saying that even though we all have felt different at one time or another its easy to forget the feelings that are associated with it. We may unintentionally exclude others or behave in ways that send mixed messages. If we can remember our own feelings about being different, it may help us be more sensitive to others.


2 Diversity Letter Game

Objective The purpose of this activity is to have participants define for themselves the meaning of diversity. Time 10 minutes Materials Flipchart and marker Paper

Procedure 1. Show the participants the previously-prepared flipchart and explain that the groups task will be to come up with what they feel makes up diversity. 2. Group participants in pairs and ask them to think of as many words as possible for each letter, helping clarify the term Diversity, and write them down. Tell them they have 3 minutes to complete this assignment. 3. After 3 minutes call Stop, and ask each pair to orally report the words they chose for each letter. 4. Reconvene the group and have the participants call out their words. Record the responses on the flipchart and compare. Conclusion Summarize by pointing out the variety of words that the participants used to define diversity. Explain that diversity is much broader than race and gender and that the challenge is to learn how diversity impacts everyone, everywhere. 15

50 Activities for Diversity Training Trainers Notes In preparation, print the letters spelling D I V E R S I T Y vertically on the flipchart, down the left side. G A M E

Most of the letters lead easily to words describing diversity. Let the participants proceed on their own, but if they need help, you may jog their thinking by using some of the following examples: D I V E R S I T Y G A M E = = = = = = = = = = = = = Disability; different styles Individuals; intelligence Varying; various; variety Education; economic status Race; religion Sexual orientation; social class; similarities Individuals; intelligence Thought processes; team efforts; traits Youth; years Gender; geographical origins Age difference Multicultural Education; economic status


3 Who Do You Know?

Objective The purpose of this activity is to begin exploring what participants know about people from differing groups. Time 15 minutes Materials Papers and pencils Flipchart and marker

Procedure 1. On the flipchart list these four categories: Author, Artist, Musician, Politician. Prepare the flipchart in advance of the session. 2. Ask participants to quickly write down on their own paper five persons (living or dead) that they are familiar with for each category. Allow 5 to 10 minutes. 3. Then ask the participants to place an asterisk next to those names of the five in each category who represent someone from their own ethnic and racial group, or country they were born in. 4. Place the participants into small groups and ask them to compare their lists, the names they wrote and the number of people they starred. Ask them to discuss whether race, ethnicity or country of origin played a role in their choices. If so, why? If not, why not? 5. Reconvene and ask them to orally report the results of their discussions.


50 Activities for Diversity Training 6. Discuss what conclusions can be drawn from this exercise. Were women or people of color listed? If so, by whom? Did the categories themselves make a difference? Conclusion Close by saying that often were more comfortable with similarities and know more about people we have been exposed to. Much of our comfort level is based on when and where we grew up, as well as other personal influences such as parents, schools, churches, the media, etc.


4 Time Marches On
Objective The purpose of this activity is to help participants understand how ones values change over time. Time 15-20 minutes Materials Paper and pencils Procedure 1. Explain to the group that this is a written reflective exercise. Ask the participants to think about themselves at the present time and have them answer the question, What are my present beliefs, attitudes and values about people of other races or ethnic groups? Then have them take a few minutes to write what comes to mind. 2. Next, have them think about themselves 10 years ago. Have them answer the question, What were my beliefs, attitudes and values about people of other races or ethnic groups? Then have them take a few minutes to write what comes to mind. 3. Ask them to think about and compare their answers about the present time with their past attitudes, and discuss what similarities they sensed and what changes occurred. 4. Place the participants into small groups and have them discuss among themselves the responses to the first two questions.


50 Activities for Diversity Training 5. Ask them to discuss how they would like their beliefs, attitudes and values about people of other races or ethnic groups to be in the future, perhaps in 7 years. Reconvene and have the groups report aloud. Conclusion Sum up the various comments of the group and point out that beliefs and attitudes may change over time.


5 Back to the Future

Objective The purpose of this activity is to give the participants the opportunity to look at diversity issues in their past and share them with other participants Time 15-20 minutes Materials Crayons or colored pencils Paper Flipchart

Procedure 1. Ask the participants to draw a picture of themselves from their past, at a time when they had their first experience with diversity. 2. Divide participants into groups of four or five and ask them to discuss their drawings, and the similarities and differences in their early experiences. 3. Reconvene and have them orally report on what kinds of experiences were similar and what kinds were different. Record the responses on a flipchart.


50 Activities for Diversity Training Conclusion Early experiences have a major influence on the way people interact with one another; many of their reactions, when facing diversity issues, come from early experiences. They have to decide whether they have changed, and whether they have the capacity to change even more. Trainers Notes Its a good idea for trainers to begin by drawing their own picture as an example.


6 Into the Future

Objective The purpose of this activity is to give the participants the opportunity to think about themselves as being old and share their thoughts with other participants. Time 15-20 minutes Materials Crayons or colored pencils Paper Flipchart and marker

Procedure 1. Ask the participants to draw a future picture of themselves as they think of what they will be like and what they may be doing when they are over the age of 70. 2. Divide participants into groups of four or five and ask them to share their drawings. Ask them to discuss what their expectations of the future were based on. They can then discuss the similarities and differences of the sources of their expectations, with particular attention to how they think they will be treated by younger people. 3. Reconvene and have them orally report on their discussions. Ask them to call out the various ways that older people are often treated, and record the responses on the flipchart. Conclusion Today, people live longer than ever before. Indeed, this generation is the first one able to look ahead, picture themselves as they might be, and perhaps make a difference. 23

50 Activities for Diversity Training This activity may also lead to a discussion of how older people are treated in society today, and realize that ageism is as offensive as any of the other isms. Trainers Notes Its a good idea for trainers to begin by drawing their own picture as an example.


7 Cultural Hat Dance

Objective The purpose of this activity is to have participants understand perception and to get them thinking creatively. Time 10-15 minutes Materials A variety of different hats, enough to assign one to each discussion group Paper and pencils

Procedure 1. Divide the participants into discussion groups of four or five and give a hat to each group. (See Trainers Notes for hat suggestions.) 2. Ask participants to write a description of the person who would wear the hat. You can use the stem statement, The hat belongs to... and then have them thoroughly describe that person. 3. Have the participants in each group compare their written comments, and note similarities and differences. 4. Reconvene and have each group orally report on the similarities and differences of opinion within their groups. Conclusion Close by stating there are many ways to view the same object. experiences influence how we view things. Our


50 Activities for Diversity Training Trainers Notes Before the session, assemble a collection of hats of various types, such as hard hats, straw hats, baseball caps, ladies dress hats, turbans, bicycle helmets, etc., with at least one hat for each discussion group.


8 Take Your Pick Learning Styles

Objective The purpose of this activity is to help participants understand that there are differences in learning styles and to identify their own learning style. Time 10 minutes Materials Pen Book Audio cassette and video cassette

Procedure 1. Place the following four objects on the desk: pen, book, audio cassette and video cassette. 2. Ask participants to choose for themselves the object that is most interesting to them. 3. Group participants in pairs and ask them to share their responses and discuss why they made that choice. 4. Reconvene and ask the following questions. Why did you choose the object you did? Did you realize (or discuss) that each object represented a different learning style? In your discussion with your partner, what did you find out about that person? How did you feel sharing this type of personal information? Did you discover more about your own learning style? What are the benefits of knowing more about the learning styles of people you are dealing with? 27

50 Activities for Diversity Training Conclusion Diversity also may incorporate learning style differences. The more you know about the people you are working with, the better the communication and interaction will be.


9 Political Savvy
Objective The purpose of this acitivity is to enable participants to determine the most effective qualities for leadership for multicultural groups Time 15-20 minutes Materials Flipchart and markers Procedure 1. Group participants in pairs and explain that one of the two will be running for the President of a county-wide Council for Equality, a position that requires effective leadership of diverse groups and an understanding of a multicultural community. The other person will be the campaign manager. Ask each pair to decide who will take on which role. 2. It will be the task of the campaign manager to introduce the candidate, promote that individual for President of the Council for Equality, and try to get the candidate elected. 3. Ask each pair to discuss the characteristics or qualities they believe are needed to win the election. Together, they can plan the introduction, and a strategy that would be most helpful in winning the election. 4. Reconvene and ask each of the campaign managers to make a pitch for his or her candidate. 5. Record the important characteristics and qualities on the flipchart.


6. Lead a discussion with questions such as: What were the qualities most often included by the campaign managers? Which qualities do you think are most important to be an effective leader of a multicultural group? Discuss the top three or four. How are these qualities different from the norms of accepted leadership in general? How did the campaign managers present their candidates? Did you notice different styles? If so, what were they?

Conclusion Point out that there is a core group of leadership qualities that any effective leader needs. However, when dealing across cultures there are additional factors that need to be considered, as noted in the discussion. Trainers Notes Here is a chance to explore some assumptions that may have been made by the campaign managers in planning their presentations: All of the voters speak and understand English. There are no hearing impaired citizens in attendance. Learning styles are the same.


Head in the Clouds, Nose to the Grindstone
Objective The purpose of this activity is to help participants become aware of the tremendous amount of slang used regularly in English conversation and to realize that communicating with non-native speakers of English may take extra effort. Time 15-20 minutes Materials Paper and pencils Flipchart and marker

Procedure 1. Introduce the topic of slang by explaining its always present in normal conversation. Ask participants to jot down all the socially acceptable slang terms they use or have heard others use in the following categories, as shown on the flipchart (which the trainer prepares in advance). Sports Western or cowboy talk Clothing Parts of the body

2. If the group needs help getting started, you might give examples such as: Sports - ballpark figure, a knockout Western or cowboy talk - shoot from the hip, ride herd on Parts of the body - elbow grease, shake a leg Clothing - given the boot, shirt off his back


50 Activities for Diversity Training 3. Divide participants into small groups and have them compare the phrases they wrote. Ask them to think about and discuss the amount of slang they use in everyday conversation and where some of these expressions came from. They can also share any experiences they have had either not understanding slang or not being understood when they used it. 4. Reconvene and ask participants to orally report on the category that had the most slang phrases. Record the number on the prepared flipchart that lists the categories. 5. Ask the group to call out some of the most commonly used expressions as well as those they felt were the most difficult for someone who did not grow up speaking English. (You may want to add these to the flipchart.) 6. Open the discussion to the possible problems using too much slang and gather some ideas about what people can do to help a non-native speaker. Conclusion Summarize with the fact that it is difficult to realize how much slang Americans use. Point out that the use of slang can be a serious barrier to good communication in general. In fact, often any listener may not have the same slang vocabulary that the speaker has and consequently will not fully understand. It is important to be sensitive to the fact people who grew up speaking another language may not understand a conversation when there is a lot of slang. Often they are too embarrassed to ask and so go along as if they understand. (As for what people can do, perhaps monitoring their own use of slang and checking for understanding is the best solution.) Slang also differs in various parts of the United States, and during different time periods. Trainers Notes In the case of non-native English speaking participants, they can contribute by citing English slang expressions where the meanings were difficult to understand, or were misinterpreted. In this activity, we have used the word slang to refer both to slang (which changes over time) and to idioms (which become embedded in the language).


Part 2 Culture and Diversity

11 Introductions
Objective The purpose of this activity is to help participants recognize that each person has an identity and that it often begins with a name. In the United States, identity is also associated with a persons occupation. Time 20-30 minutes Materials Flipchart listing the four questions under step 1 in Procedure. Procedure 1. Pair up and ask each participant to interview the other person using these questions as a guide: What is your name? What do you do? How long have you been doing this? What do you hope to learn from this workshop?

2. Ask each participant to spend a few minutes discussing his/her own name, using the following questions: Where did your name originate? What has your name meant to you over the years? How have others reacted to it? Are there interesting incidents that occurred because of it?

3. Ask participants to introduce the person they interviewed.


50 Activities for Diversity Training Conclusion This exercise leads into personal identity and often brings about a discussion of preconceived notions and expectations. For discussion, the following questions may be asked: 1. What happens when you hear a name prior to meeting the person? 2. Do you feel differently interviewing someone named Smith, or Nguyen, or Martinez? 3. What happens in your mind when you hear names like Fitzgerald, McGillicuddy or Chang? Summarize discussion of preconceived ideas and expectations concerning names. Close by reminding participants that names are important; however, names cannot be the only criteria used to form an opinion about people.


Understanding the Impact of Culture on Work
Objective The purpose of this activity is to define culture and to look at what aspects of culture affect people at work. Time 20 minutes Materials Flipchart and marker Sample Lecture, What Culture Means Overhead transparency (OHT) 12.1 and overhead projector

Procedure 1. Ask participants to suggest words that describe Culture. Some examples are physical features, dress, language, food, attitudes and values. 2. Record the responses in the flipchart and offer a definition of culture as used in the Sample Lecture (or use any source you prefer). 3. Present the Sample Lecture (or make up one of your own) and follow it by displaying OHT 12.1. (The transparency may also be distributed as a handout.) 4. Divide participants into small groups and ask them to discuss their own cultural background. Have the group talk about any situations that they have either experienced personally or know of, resulting from cultural differences. (See Trainers Notes.) 5. Reconvene and have the groups summarize and report on their discussions.


50 Activities for Diversity Training Conclusion Often organizations impose rules and regulations that call for people to change some of the behaviors they value. In some cases people are willing to conform to cultural norms and in other cases either they cannot or do not desire to do so. It is important to be aware of what you are willing to change. This may have a tremendous impact on the type of work and the culture of the organization you choose. Trainers Notes If groups need prompting in their discussions, you might suggest that they talk about negative references to their culture, or other cultures, heard in the workplace. They may also want to talk about any issues that conflict with their values and beliefs. Provide several examples such as People call me names because of old stereotypes. Im penalized for holidays that arent recognized by the mainstream but are important to me. I cant get what I like to eat from the vending machines. Im expected to work excessive overtime and feel resentful because it takes me away from my family.


Sample Lecture

What Culture Means

In the Concise Columbia Encyclopedia, the word Culture is defined as A way of life of a given society, passed down from one generation to the next through learning and experience. If we consider this definition, along with the other words selected by the group, it becomes apparent that culture goes deeper than the definition that normally comes to mind. It is a complex subject, but it is sometimes broadly described as The way we do things around here. Culture impacts every aspect of life from the way people behave with one another to their relationship to the natural environment. It includes beliefs and values as well as assumptions and perceptions. With this in mind it is easy to see how cultural clashes often occur in the workplace. There is also another dimension involved, in that not only do people have a culture, but organizations do as well. Peoples behaviors, without their realizing it, stem from culture and cultural values. The more people know about their own culture, the better they can address the issues that arise. (At the end of the Lecture, display the transparency [OHT 12.1]).

Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

OHT 12.1

Culture Values Beliefs Behaviors

The more a person understands the influence of culture the more effective communication can be
Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

13 Ups And Downs

Objective The purpose of this exercise is to enable participants to acknowledge that people belong to many groups simultaneously. Time 10-15 minutes Materials None Procedure 1. Call out the name of a group (see examples below) and ask those participants who identify with that group to stand. The rest of the participants will remain seated and applaud and the people standing will then sit. 2. Repeat the process, using the names of different groups. You may use group identities such as women, African-Americans over 30, white men, women under 5 feet 2 inches, snorers, nail biters, smokers, parents, people who like to fish, and people who work with computers, etc. Conclusion This activity, which is fun to do and high spirited, points out that differences come in many forms, that one group is not better than another, and that its OK to be a part of many different groups. It also illustrates the positive aspects of acknowledging and appreciating diversity. It is interesting to note that this exercise came from the Irish Quakers working on identity and conflict resolution in Ireland and illustrates that there are differences everywhere. 43

14 Personal Influences
Objective The purpose of this activity is to provide participants an opportunity to explore the variety of cultures in the U.S. today and the different perceptions of values, depending on environment, education, socialization, physical handicaps, socioeconomics, etc. The participants will understand those factors that influenced participants in developing their own identities. They will also realize that there are similar factors that influence everyone regardless of their origin. Time 20-30 minutes Materials Exercise 14.1 for each participant Overhead transparency (OHT) 14.1 and overhead projector Flipchart and marker

Procedure 1. Distribute Exercise 14.1 to each participant. 2. Allow 10 minutes for each person to complete the questionnaire. 3. Form small groups and have the groups discuss those factors that have the greatest influence on individuals. Conclusion 1. Have groups present their results.


50 Activities for Diversity Training 2. On the flipchart draw a circle labeled Personal Influences and place responses around the circle. After responses have been recorded display OHT 14.1 as an example of the finished product. Regardless of ones race or ethnicity, everyone shares the same external influences. For example, what other people think has more influence in group-oriented cultures than in those cultures that place a high value on individualism.


Exercise 14.1

Exercise 14.1: Personal Influences

Take a minute to reflect on some of the factors that influenced you when you were growing up, and then answer the questions below. 1. Where did you live while you were growing up and how did that influence who you are now?

2. As a child, what adult had a major influence in your life?

3. What do you remember most about your favorite holiday and tradition as you were growing up?

4. How would you describe the factors that influenced the educational decisions in your life?

5. What was your first memory of an encounter with someone from another culture?

Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

OHT 14.1

Influences on the Individual

Family Peers Teachers


The Individual


Religion Physical Environment


Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

15 The Way It Is: The Real Issues

Objective The purpose of this activity is to offer an opportunity to express concerns about the impact of culture on personal interactions. Time 20-30 minutes Materials None Procedure 1. Divide into small work groups. 2. Ask participants to discuss their concerns and/or suggestions regarding the following discussion topics: a. A specific aspect of their culture which they most appreciate and would not like to give up b. A quality they think most difficult to understand in another culture c. A quality they think most enjoyable in working with someone from another culture d. The greatest difficulty in working with someone from another culture 3. Ask participants to comment on their finest hour their most effective handling of a conflict situation or critical incident that stemmed from cultural misunderstanding. They should describe briefly the situation, their role, the action taken, the results, and the main reason why the action taken was effective.


50 Activities for Diversity Training 4. Ask participants to describe their biggest blunder, something which was inappropriate (perhaps explosive, confusing, resented, laughed at, etc.). They should relate the situation, their part, the action taken, the results, and why it did not work. Conclusion 1. Have the groups report their findings orally. 2. Discuss the elements that make up successful intercultural interactions and those that lead to problems.


16 What Is Culture? The Iceberg Theory

Objective The purpose of this activity is to help participants understand what culture is and to review the components that make up culture and recognize that each person has his/her own culture. The activity will also help participants identify the stages of intercultural learning and determine the participants current stages. Time 15-20 minutes Materials Overhead projector Flipchart paper and markers Flipchart page prepared with an outline drawing of an iceberg Overhead transparency (OHT) 16.1

Procedure 1. Put participants in pairs and ask them to think of three or four words that illustrate evidence of culture. 2. Ask participants to list their responses on a flipchart that has an outline drawing of an iceberg, placing the words in order of the most visible characteristics of culture at the top, and the least visible at the bottom. (See Trainers Notes.) Conclusion 1. Explain that all people begin with Ethnocentricity (believing that their way is the only way) and move through the various stages on the way to Multiculturation.


50 Activities for Diversity Training 2. Display OHT 16.1 that explains the stages. On a flipchart, the following can be listed to help explain the various stages. a. Our way is the only right way. (Ethnocentrism) b. Wait a minute, there may be another way. (Awareness) c. Oh, you mean there are reasons why people respond differently? (Understanding) d. Its OK to be different. Differences are to be recognized and acknowledged. (Acceptance/Respect) e. Diversity can enhance our lives and even be fun. (Appreciation/Valuing) f. People can pick and choose what they like best from each culture. (Selective Adoption) g. Were no longer the melting pot; lets go for the stir-fry. (Multiculturation) 3. Summarize what you have covered. Acknowledge the fact that everyone is at a different stage and that the more that is known about culture the better interpersonal relations will be. Ask participants to identify their current stage and where they would like to be. Trainers Notes Below is an example of how the iceberg may look when it is completed.

Food Clothing Language Physical Features

Values Beliefs Attitudes Perceptions Assumptions Communication Styles Note: There are many definitions of culture. One of the best is: Culture is the way of life of a given society, passed down from one generation to the next through learning and experience. - (based on the Concise Columbia Encyclopedia definition) 54

OHT 16.1

Path of Intercultural Learning


Selective Adoption

Appreciation/ Valuing

Acceptance/ Respect




Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

17 Cultural Baggage
Objective The purpose of this activity is to help participants understand that the term cultural baggage refers to those concepts, ideas, and attitudes carried from childhood that still have great influence on us. Exploring baggage through proverbs, sayings, symbols, etc. will lead to recognizing its limiting effect when dealing with people with different values. Time 10-20 minutes Materials Cards with familiar proverbs or sayings, or physical symbols representing mainstream American values Flipchart

Procedure 1. Present a brief lecture and demonstration of mainstream American values, and contrasting values. (Use symbols, sayings or whatever your imagination dictates.) A few examples are listed below: a. Privacy - A mans home is his castle vs. Mi Casa, Su Casa representing certain other cultures. b. Self-determination - God helps those who help themselves vs. God willing; that is, fatalism is a strong value in many other cultures c. Assertiveness - The squeaky wheel gets the grease vs. The duck that quacks the loudest...gets shot, a saying used in several Asian countries. 57

50 Activities for Diversity Training d. Individualism - Take Care of Number 1 vs. The group always comes first. e. Exclusivity - Members only vs. Open membership (unwritten rules for power sharing within a group). f. Reward/Competition - Winning is everything vs. Harmony is most important.

Conclusion It is important to recognize that everyone carries his/her own baggage, no matter what the culture. Culture in and of itself is not good or bad, it just is. The more people know about their own and others baggage, the easier it is to become open and to work together. Trainers Notes An excellent way to illustrate these points is by showing newspaper and magazine ads that demonstrate mainstream American values. For example, there were Hertz ads claiming to be Number 1, BMW ads saying theirs is the car that tempts fate, American Express ads saying Membership has its privileges and others. This exercise may also include sayings from participants own lives and exploring individual values as well as mainstream American values.


18 First Thoughts
Objective The purpose of this activity is to have participants examine the stereotypes of the groups of people with whom they interact. They should recognize that stereotyping is unfair, and becomes a barrier to good communication and accepting people as individuals. Time 40-60 minutes Materials Overhead projector Overhead transparencies (OHTs) 18.1 and 18.2

Procedure 1. Display OHT 18.1 and ask participants to write the first two or three adjectives that come to their minds for each of the groups listed on the transparency. 2. Put the participants into groups of three and give them a few minutes to discuss their reactions to the exercise and to stereotyping in general. (Here they can discuss the words used in each category, the categories that were easy and difficult and the reasons why). Example: Many participants have, in the past, said white or disabled were hardest to comment on. Some have difficulty with other words. 3. Discuss other stereotyped groups to which participants may belong: blondes, farmboys, intelligent, athletic, etc. 4. Review the definitions on OHT 18.2.


50 Activities for Diversity Training Conclusion Discuss the importance of overcoming labels and stereotypes and ask the group for specific ways to counteract stereotypes. For example: Recognize stereotypes for what they are and where they come from. Look at each person as an individual. Give examples of individuals who do not fit the stereotype. Remain open minded and not influenced by opinions of others.

Trainers Notes Activity 19, Points of View, will reinforce the concept that peoples perceptions of the world and those around them are based on their background, experience and preconceived notions as well.


OHT 18.1

First Thoughts
Look at each of the words below and write down the first two or three adjectives that come to mind (your thoughts or traditional stereotypes). Just write down your first thoughts, positive or negative.



How about other categories such as smokers, elderly, fat, poor, or any others who you may think of? Into which groups have you been stereotyped and how has that affected your life?

Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

OHT 18.2

Definition: An exaggerated belief or fixed idea about a person or group that is held by people and sustained by selective perception and selective forgetting. Stereotypes come from: Incomplete, distorted information and limited personal experience. Outside sources such as others interpretations of cultural behavior. Stereotypes are: Natural, but often destructive because they are unfair, do not allow for individuality and interfere with communication.

Defininition: A preconceived idea or negative attitude, formed before the facts are known, and sustained by over generalizations. A bias without reason, resisting all evidence. Prejudice implies inferiority, leads to suspicion and is detrimental to communication and interpersonal relations. A belief is a fact thought to be true, without any knowledge or proof. We just believe that something is true! The tendency is that people who reject one out-group will also reject other out-groups. Investigation has shown that people who are aware of, and concerned about their prejudices, are on the way to eliminating them.
Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

19 Points of View
Objective The purpose of this activity is to demonstrate that one sees others in his/her own frame of reference. The way others are perceived depends upon each individuals own point of view. Time 10 minutes Materials Overhead projector Overhead transparency (OHT) 19.1

Procedure 1. Design a cover sheet for OHT 19.1 with a cutout to reveal the man in the center, but masking the remainder of the drawing. Also cut the cover sheet out from the center in such a way that, by peeling back each cut area, you reveal each of the figures on the periphery, one at a time. 2. Display the covered picture (transparency) with only the man in the center showing, and ask the group for their impression. 3. Peel back the sheet covering the bottom center short figure, and read the comment below it. Add any remarks you feel are appropriate. 4. Proceed peeling back each sheet in a clockwise fashion, again reading the comments and adding remarks. 5. After uncovering the last figure of the grotesque animal, make your own comments, with a final statement to the effect that, It all depends on your point of view and who wants what from whom.


50 Activities for Diversity Training Conclusion It is important to recognize that everyone carries his/her own baggage, no matter what the culture. Culture in and of itself is not good or bad, it just is. The more people know about their own and others baggage, the easier it is to become open and to work together. Trainers Notes An excellent way to illustrate these points is by showing newspaper and magazine ads that demonstrate mainstream American values. For example, there were Hertz ads claiming to be Number 1, BMW ads saying theirs is the car that tempts fate, American Express ads saying Membership has its privileges and others. This exercise may also include sayings from participants own lives and exploring individual values as well as mainstream American values.


20 Seeing Is Believing, or Is It?

Objective The purpose of this activity is to help participants recognize that the way a person sees things is a selective process and is often culturally determined. Time 10 minutes Materials Handouts 20.1 and 20.2 for each participant Procedure 1. Ask each participant to look at Handout 20.1 carefully and think about whether it looks like it is going clockwise or counter-clockwise. 2. As participants respond, suggest that they check the direction by putting a finger on one of the lines and tracing it all the way around one full turn (360). If they are still uncertain, have them follow another line around. 3. Discuss what they have found. (They will have discovered its not a spiral at all.) 4. Ask the group to look at Handout 20.2 and explain that not only can you be fooled by circles but by straight lines as well. Ask for any comments from the group. (The bottom line is actually longer.) Conclusion Because of past experiences and external influences, it is rare that individuals perceive things exactly the same. This exercise demonstrates that often things are not what they appear to be and each person has to be careful in making judgments based on perception. 69

Handout 20.2

Which Line Is Shorter?

Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

21 Communicating Our Way

Objective The purpose of this activity is to help participants appreciate the fact that their own communication styles, though individual, are also influenced by culture. They will then recognize the difficulty of having to communicate in a setting in which the rules are unfamiliar. Time 45-60 minutes Materials Exercise 21.1 (instructions should be cut into strips) for each participant Flipchart and marker

Procedure 1. Make enough copies of Exercise 21.1 and cut so each participant receives one instruction, A, B, C or D. 2. After giving each participant one strip, instruct participants not to share their rules with anyone. 3. Ask participants to pair up, preferably As talking to Bs and Cs talking to Ds. (If possible have them pair up with someone they dont know.) 4. Ask the pairs to talk to each other for two minutes, carefully following the instructions they received. Their task is to find out two new things about their partner.


50 Activities for Diversity Training Conclusion 1. Ask participants if they found the exercise easy and solicit their first reactions to the assignment. 2. List their responses on the flipchart. 3. Have one participant from each group (A,B,C,D) read his/her rules aloud to the group. As the rules are read, list the following communication issues on the flipchart: a. Eye contact and the showing of emotion b. Distance and gestures c. Loudness and interruptions; initiating conversation and personal questions d. Softness and no interruptions; not initiating conversation or asking questions 4. Ask how the participants interpreted the behavior of their partners during the exercise. (For example, the person whose partner looked away felt that his/her partner couldnt be trusted, wasnt interested, or perhaps was bored.) It is important to recognize that there is a mainstream American communication style and that many different cultures bring with them their own rules and communication styles which are different. Trainers Notes The more a person understands differences in communication styles, the better communication can become. You may also suggest that matching styles can further positive communication across cultures.


Exercise 21.1

Exercise 21.1: Communicating Our Way

The following instructions should be photocopied and cut into strips. Enough copies should be made so that each participant can be given one strip. Group A Instructions Avoid eye-contact when speaking to your partner. Do not show any emotion or react to your partner when he/she is speaking.

Group B Instructions Stand about six inches closer to your partner than you normally would. Use gestures often when you are speaking.

Group C Instructions Speak louder than you normally would and interrupt your partner fairly frequently. Initiate conversation by asking a lot of questions (including personal ones).

Group D Instructions Speak softer than you normally would and dont interrupt your partner. Dont initiate conversation or ask questions. 77
Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

22 DESO Model of Intercultural Communication

Objective The purpose of this activity is to tie in intercultural concepts with a practical approach in the workplace. Time 45-60 minutes Materials Exercise 22.1 for each participant Handouts 22.1 and 22.2 for each particpant

Procedure 1. Divide participants into groups of four or five. Give each group one case study from Exercise 22.1. 2. Allow a few minutes for everyone to read the cases. 3. Each group will discuss what was happening in its case, how culture played a part, how the situation could have been handled and whether or not the conflict could have been avoided in the first place. 4. Ask each group to report and discuss the different responses. 5. Distribute the Handouts to each participant.


50 Activities for Diversity Training Conclusion This activity offers a good opportunity to discuss culture clashes and to analyze several situations in light of good intercultural communication practices. Summarize by discussing the importance of developing communication skills to manage diversity. Point out how each case study could have been handled in terms of DESO. If time permits, each group should role-play its case study using the DESO model. Trainers Notes There is an example in Handout 22.2 illustrating how DESO may be used. Using this example as a guide, new case studies may be developed that are more appropriate or applicable to your participants.


Exercise 22.1

Exercise 22.1: Case Studies

Case 1. Ethnic Joke You are in a meeting and before the Boss comes in, theres a general feeling of camaraderie, with many jokes. You suddenly realize that an ethnic joke has been told and, as you look up and see the face of the person whose group has been slandered, you realize hes been hurt. There is an awkward silence for a moment and then general sports banter takes over and the subject is changed. Questions What should you do? How do you feel and how should you handle the situation? ========== Case 2. Anticipation of a New Colleague One of your white male co-workers was told he would be getting a new black colleague as his office-mate. Before the white man ever met his new office mate, he was heard grumbling and groaning about all the trouble he would have and how he didnt have time to offer the new man all the help he knew he would need. You were standing nearby when he described his feelings. Questions Why was the white employee so concerned? What was going on here? What could you do to help the situation? ========== Case 3. Foreign Language Cliques You, a native English speaker, are on break in the employee lunchroom and talking to a co-worker when a small group walks in, speaking a language you do not understand. You look around and sure enough, within earshot, there is another group already seated and speaking yet a different language. Questions How do you feel? How should you handle the situation? Would your action be different if you had overheard your name in the middle of one of the conversations? 81
Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

Exercise 22.1 - continued

Case 4. Performance Evaluation Giggles The mainstream supervisor calls in the Laotian employee for a semiannual evaluation. After the supervisor offers some positive aspects of the evaluation, she begins to discuss areas for improvement. Since the Laotian employee looks down at the floor during the entire feedback session, the supervisor concludes that the employee is hiding something. When the supervisor tries to draw it out of him, the employee begins to giggle. Questions How might this behavior be explained? What do you think is taking place? How should you address this situation? What procedure should you set up? ========== Case 5. Moving Boxes An American-born manager is extremely pleased with the work done by one of her employees, who has repeatedly shown her desire to get things done and willingness to do them well. The employee is a Filipino who has been in the United States about seven years. Since there is some physical labor involved (moving boxes), the manager decides late one day to help out the employee. Together they work to get the boxes moved and finish the job. The manager feels good about the situation, yet when the employee goes home that night she feels bad about how things went with her manager. Question What happened here? What should be done?

Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

Exercise 22.1 - concluded Case 6. Overhearing Indirect Remarks or Comments

You have just overheard one of your co-workers say to another, Im sick and tired of dealing with those people; with some of them, you cant understand a word they say, and Im not even sure you can trust them. Why dont they go back where they came from? Im ready to transfer out of this department. Questions Is there any significance to comments such as those? What is going on here and is there anything you should do? How will you handle the situation? Case 7. The Invisible Woman Ben is a successful Purchasing Manager with a reputation for being hard working and fair. In his regular Monday morning Buyers meeting, the participants are Harry, Charlie, Jim and Sally; Ben gets along with them all. After the latest meeting, Ben is surprised when Sally approaches him almost in tears, and complains, Ben, first thing in todays meeting, I suggested we consolidate the commodity purchasing into one section. Before I was halfway through, you cut in to let Jim speak. By the end of the meeting, you agreed with my idea, but gave Jim all the credit. Sally thought to herself, Nobody listens to me, is there something wrong with me? Ben doesnt know what to think, and besides, he cant even remember Sally bringing up the idea in the first place. Is something wrong with Sally today?, he wonders, Why is she making a federal case out of this? So he makes a joke to minimize the situation. Questions Whats happening here? If you were Ben, would you have been able to understand what was going on and avoid it? If you put yourself in Sallys shoes, how would you handle the situation?

Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

Handout 22.1


Describe Express Specify Outcome

(Behavior) (Feelings) (New Behavior) (Positive)

Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

Handout 22.2

DESO - Detailed Description

The DESO Model of Intercultural Communication may help to resolve communication problems across cultures. It may be used as a guide to develop the skills for dealing with people from other cultures when discussing needs, conflict, motivation, perception, assumptions, etc. D Describe the exact behavior that is under discussion and your interpretation of it. Determine the important facts; be objective; use concrete terms. Express your feelings about the situation. If you are upset, confused, frustrated, just say so calmly, directing yourself to the behavior and not the person. Evaluate all perspectives, showing respect for the others point of view. Examine the intent as well as the content. Specify the new behavior you would prefer. Speak about alternate approaches. Outline the outcome, the positive results expected from the new behavior. Observe how everyone needs to know the consequences when suggested changes are put into effect. Offer feedback and positive verbal support.


One example of how DESO may be followed when talking to people from other cultures is: Today, when I made my presentation, you had your head down and your eyes closed. I thought you were asleep and that bothered me. Here, we show full attention with our eyes and our posture, but I understand it may be different in your culture. It would be helpful in the future if you could try to pay attention the way we mainstream Americans do, and I know people would appreciate it. If you continue the same as you did today, people will consider you to be rude. Aside from that, I really enjoy our working together. Choose a situation that you face on the job that you must deal with and practice using the DESO model. Good luck!

Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

23 Qualities That Make a Difference

Objective The purpose of this activity is to help participants understand that there are a number of qualities that facilitate intercultural communication and to give participants the opportunity to assess their own qualities. Time 10-20 minutes Materials Exercise 23.1 for each participant Procedure 1. Ask participants to look at the qualities in Exercise 23.1. These are qualities that experts have stated are the most important in communicating across cultural lines. 2. Have participants take the self-ranking quiz. Have them circle the quality that they feel is most important and underline the one that they feel is most difficult. Conclusion Ask participants to describe the most important quality and why they chose it and then to describe the most difficult and why. Discuss how using these qualities makes a difference.


Exercise 23.1

Exercise 23.1: Qualities That Make a Difference

Rate yourself on a scale of 1 (low) to 5 (high) in each of these skills: ____ To be persistent ____ To learn from interacting ____ To relate to people ____ To be able to communicate well ____ To be non-judgmental ____ To practice empathy ____ To be flexible

____ To respect the other cultures ____ To be aware of stereotypes ____ To be aware of ones own limitations ____ To be aware of ones own culture ____ To tolerate ambiguity

____ To listen and observe ____ To adjust based on others reactions

Thanks to Robert Kohls Survival Kit for Overseas Living 91

Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

24 Addressing Language Barriers

Objective The purpose of this activity is to help participants better understand the difficulties of learning a second language and to provide them with tips for improving communication with people speaking limited English. Time 45-60 minutes Materials Sample Lecture, Learning a Second Language Overhead projector Overhead transparencies (OHTs) 24.1-24.3 A copy for each participant of OHT 24.3 distributed as a handout

Procedure 1. Use the accompanying lecture, or develop your own, to explain some of the problems people encounter when attempting to learn English. 2. Display OHT 24.1 to illustrate the time sensitivity to the skill acquisition. 3. Display OHT 24.2 to illustrate the large number of factors that affect how non-native speakers learn English.


50 Activities for Diversity Training 4. Ask participants to form small groups to discuss how language barriers impact the organization and develop a list of possible ways of reducing these barriers. 5. Ask each small group to report their list of barriers and suggestions to the larger group. Display OHT 24.1. Conclusion Participants discuss the impact on their organizations of following the tips outlined in their handout.


Sample Lecture

Learning a Second Language

The acquisition of a first language is a natural part of the growth process during which the learner has about two years to listen without the pressure of having to reproduce the language orally, then about three more years to listen and speak without being pressured to read and write. Learning a second language, however, is more often accompanied by the urgency of acquiring all four skills at once. Language skills are divided into four categories: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Each skill is made up of four elements: sounds, words, meaning, and grammar. These components are structured differently from one language to another. The Germanic and Romance language have many more similarities to English than do the Chinese and Malay Polynesian languages, for example. Similarities between languages usually assist in the learning process, while the differences often confuse the learner and delay or discourage the acquisition of a second language. False cognateswords that appear similar in written form but bear different meaningshave created countless numbers of international faux pas. For example, embarazar may look like to be embarrassed in English but means to become pregnant in Spanish. And if the Chevy manufacturers had known that Nova is translated as does not run, they would have understood why that automobile did not sell too well in Latin-American countries. In many Southeast Asian languages, verbs have only one conjugational form, regardless of tense, agreement with the subject, or use of the infinitive; also, there may be no plural forms, articles, or prepositions. Therefore, it is common to hear Asian speakers say, I go work yesterday, or, I have two brother and sister. The order of words in a sentence may differ greatly as well. The little white house, when translated into Spanish, becomes the house white little. The sentence I would like about a problem speak to you is easily recognized as having a German word order. The question Where is your house? is rearranged in Thai as House your where is? In addition, certain English sounds create a great barrier to communication because no equivalent sounds exist in the speakers native tongue. There is a common joke told by a colleague about a person who said, I went to Kinney Juice and couldnt juice between the juice. The speaker obviously had difficulty producing the sound of sh in shoes and also confused it with the ch in choose. Many Asians cannot distinguish between rs and ls in words such as pirate and pilot. The sounds ch does not exist in many Asian languages, and the sounds of p, t, and k at the ends of words are generally not pronounced. 95

50 Activities for Diversity Training These language differences are only a few examples of the complications that interfere with the process of learning English as a second language. Experts consider English one of the most difficult languages to master because of its nonphonetic nature and because there are so many exceptions to the rules. The chart on English-language acquisition (OHT 25.1) illustrates the rate of progress in the four language skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) of someone learning English in a natural setting. In other words, the English learner has not studied English extensively in his/her home country but has picked it up informally in the United States while attending a few English as a Second Language (ESL) courses. As the chart shows, the rate of progress varies for each language skill. It is important to note that just because an individual cannot speak English, we must not assume that he/she does not understand it. For someone who had taken intensive courses in English in his/her own country prior to arriving in the United States, the chart would show a reversed picture. In other words, that person would be able to read and write better than speak. In that case, a supervisor might rely on written instructions to get the meaning across. There are many factors that affect the acquisition of a second language (OHT 25.2). The learners success depends on and is influenced by age, cultural background, level of education, first-language characteristics, socioeconomic level, and other variables. Individuals who are well educated and fluent in their own language can be expected to have fewer difficulties in learning a second language. On the other hand, uneducated or poorly educated persons with few skills in the first language will naturally encounter many problems. Generally speaking, older persons have a greater problem with an accent. It seems that after reaching a certain age, they are unable physically to pronounce certain sounds that do not exist in their native language. Home environment also plays a role in language progress. In a selfcontained ethnic community where survival needs can be met without using English, the urgency for acquiring it diminishes. Finally, the mere fact of speaking a language that is not ones own and that is not familiar, increases ones anxiety and lowers the comfort level to a point where in some cases it is much simpler not even to try.

1984 Northwest Educational Cooperative (NEC) Arlington Heights, Illinois 96

OHT 24.1


(Generalized) advanced Listening

English-Language Proficiency Level

Speaking intermediate Reading Writing

1 yr. / 2

1 yr.

/ 1 1 2 yrs.

2 yrs.

Time in English-Speaking Country

1984 Northwest Educational Cooperative (NEC) Arlington Heights, Illinois 97

Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

OHT 24.2

Factors Affecting Second-Language Acquisition

1. Language attitudes 2. Self-concept 3. First-language similarities 4. Need for second language 5. First-language competence 6. Motivation 7. Personality 8. Social contact with others 9. Capacity for analogy, intellectualization 10. Cultural knowledge 11. Age

1984 Northwest Educational Cooperative (NEC) Arlington Heights, Illinois 99

Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

OHT 24.3

Tips for Communicating Effectively with Employees Speaking Limited English

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Decide on the main point to communicate. Determine the proper sequence of an explanation. Demonstrate through visuals, charts, or perhaps brief, written explanations. Simplify the explanation: English. use simple words, but not broken

Be aware of information overload. Pay attention to employees nonverbal cues signaling a lack of understanding. Use consistent terminology. Speak clearly. Emphasize the key words.

10. Avoid slang. 11. Limit the use of yes/no questions or Do you undertand? 12. Be patient. 13. Dont get frustrated; stay cool. 14. Other: ___________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

1984 Northwest Educational Cooperative (NEC) Arlington Heights, Illinois 101

Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

25 Action Plan
Objectives The purpose of this activity is to give participants an opportunity to review what has been learned and to have each individual develop an action plan to use. Time 30-40 minutes Materials Flipchart paper and markers Exercise 25.1 for each participant

Procedure 1. Ask participants to form small groups to discuss steps that can be taken to create a positive environment in dealing with diversity. Ask them to list these on flipchart paper. 2. Ask the group to report aloud the ideas listed. 3. Distribute Exercise 25.1 to each participant and ask them to take a few minutes to complete it. 4. Ask for volunteers to share with the groups what they will do differently because of this workshop.


50 Activities for Diversity Training Conclusion Ask participants to discuss the difference that their action plans will make in their organizations. Review the importance of not only appreciating and valuing diversity, but of taking a proactive stance to manage intercultural situations. Close by reminding participants that each individual can have some impact on creating a favorable intercultural environment.


Exercise 25.1

Exercise 25.1: Action Plan

Based on the intercultural skills covered in this workshop, what can I now do differently? Issue/Concern: To address this issue/concern, what objective will I set? Objective To achieve this objective, what action steps and time frame will I take? Action Steps Time Frame What measure(s) will I use to monitor my progress? Measure(S)

Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

26 The Impact of Change

Introduction The one constant in todays business world is change. Change is often an overwhelming process because there are many stages people must go through to adjust. Everyone responds to change in different ways. Some responses lead to stress, while others bring about opportunity, challenge and growth. People who learn to handle change well have the advantage. Because of the rapidly occurring changes in the workplace, it is important for each person to understand how he/she responds when changes do occur. This self-awareness can often help people prepare themselves to understand and deal with the impact of these changes. Purpose The purpose of this activity is to help participants understand the differing responses to change. By using a case study, they will have the opportunity to explore the issues involved and potential responses. Time 40-60 minutes Materials Flipchart and marker Handout 26.1 for each participant Exercise 26.1 for each participant Procedure 1. Introduce the topic by asking participants to define change. Record responses on the flipchart. Compare with the dictionary definition that you have previously recorded on the flipchart. Websters New World Dictionary offers, among others, these definitions: To cause to become different; alter; modify Substitute for; replace with To pass from one phase to another 107

50 Activities for Diversity Training 2. Note that this definition seems simple, uncomplicated, straightforward. Point out to the participants that this description neglects an important part of change; i.e., the great number of factors that cause change and the impact of these factors on the organization and its personnel. 3. Lead participants in a discussion about how people respond to change by eliciting their personal experiences in dealing with the impact of change on their job. Ask what changes they have noticed in their workplace. Do they work with more people from different cultural backgrounds? If so, what changes may have occurred as a result? If participants have not been exposed to changes in the demographics of their work environment, ask them to describe how they would handle it if such changes did occur. Suggest that changes in demographics may have brought about changes in personnel, procedures, communication styles, and leadership styles. Ask if these changes were simple, uncomplicated and straightforward. Was there any change in the overall performance of the department? What about the frustration levels of the employees? 4. Distribute Handout 26.1 and give the participants a few minutes to read it. Then distribute Exercise 26.1 and give them 5 to 10 minutes to complete the exercise, using the case study as a reference. 5. Divide participants into small groups of four to six. Allow 15-20 minutes for them to discuss the case study itself and their responses. Ask them to be prepared to report back. Conclusion Have each group report back on how individual responses varied. Were there any mutual responses? Though everyone had the same case study, the degree of impact was probably very different. What does this mean about how people perceive change and its impact? Point out how change affects each of us in a different way and note how peoples perception about the various factors differed depending on their point of view. Trainers Notes This activity helps participants understand different ways people respond to organizational change. Following this is an activity that gives participants an opportunity to address change related to diversity issues in the workplace by developing strategies.


Handout 26.1

Case Study: The XYZ Corporation

(You receive the following letter:) To: All Employees of the XYZ Corporation

From: B. Curtis, President It is my pleasure to announce that effective the first of the year, the XYZ Corporation will be a division of MT. FUJI, INTERNATIONAL. Mt. Fuji is a multinational corporation that is actively involved in our industry as well as in packaging and handling equipment. Corporate headquarters are located in Tokyo, Japan and worldwide employees total 40,000. The corporation is alive, vital, and greatly concerned with expanding its product and profit base. On February 1, a new management team will be in place at XYZ. The team will be led by the Director, Mr. Yoshizaki Saito, who will be assisted by Mr. William Johnson, Quality Manager; Mr. Masahiko Ogawa; Financial Manager and Mr. Dieter Romback, Production Manager. They have advised me that after an evaluation of the plant, the product and personnel at XYZ, they will be implementing some changes to more closely align the existing operation with the corporate philosophy. Just as you have supported my family during these last 87 years of family ownership of the business, I know that you will aid these capable gentlemen as they begin their activities at XYZ. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, B. Curtis, President

(Further Information:) You have been with the company for 15 years and are the supervisor of an accounting group that includes a white female clerk (age 18, 2 years service); an African-American senior accountant (age 42, 20 years service); a white female analyst (age 68, 40 years service), and a Hispanic male junior accountant (age 25, 3 years service). 109
Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

Exercise 26.1

Exercise 26.1: The Impact of Change on the XYZ Corporation

As the supervisor, keeping in mind the composition of your staff and what you have heard about Japanese ownership, use the facts presented in the case study to examine the change factors below. Evaluate the degree of impact you think these changes will have on your department, and on you personally. (Place a checkmark in the column that applies and, if Some or Major impact, tell why.) Change Factors None Foreign ownership Culture questions New technologies Changing attitudes/ loyalties Changing work force Changing markets Downsizing Increasing number of limited-English speakers Other factos Degree of Impact Some Major Why?

Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

Part 3
Change, Communication, and Conflict Resolution

27 Dealing With Change: Barriers and Strategies

Introduction (This introduction is the same as the one in Activity 26, The Impact of Change. It has been repeated for those trainers who prefer to use this exercise alone.) The one constant in todays business world is change. Change is often an overwhelming process because there are many stages people must go through to adjust. Everyone responds to change in different ways. Some responses lead to stress, while others bring about opportunity, challenge and growth. People who learn to handle change effectively will have the advantage. Because of the rapidly occurring changes in the workplace, it is important for each person to understand how he/she responds when changes do occur. This self-awareness can often help people prepare themselves to understand and deal with the impact of these changes. Objective The purpose of this activity is to help participants examine their own response to change. By using a role play, they will have the opportunity to explore some personnel issues that may create barriers in the workplace and to develop strategies to overcome them. Time 40 minutes Materials Exercises 27.1 and 27.2 for each participant Procedure 1. Use the introduction to open the session and prepare for the role play. 115

50 Activities for Diversity Training 2. Divide group into pairs for a role play. Distribute Exercise 27.1 and assign a role of supervisor and employee to each pair. Allow participants 5-10 minutes to role-play the situation. 3. Distribute Exercise 27.2 to each pair and, using the instructions provided, have the participants continue the role play. 4. Reconvene into a large group to report on each pairs discussion. Discuss the top three barriers, how they were affected personally and what strategies were developed. 5. Have each group report back on how individual responses varied. Were there some that they agreed on? Conclusion Though everyone had the same issues, the top three barriers were probably very different. What does this mean about how people perceive personnel changes and their impact? Point out how change affects each of us in a different way and note how peoples perception about the various issues differed depending on their point of view. Trainers Notes Feel free to bring up your personnel issues for this activity and remember that this activity either stands alone or follows Activity 26, The Impact of Change.


Exercise 27.1

Exercise 27.1: Personnel Barriers

Your company has just hired a large number of employees of diverse backgrounds and someone comes into your office and says, I cant deal with so many people who have different values and ways of doing things. Some of them cant even speak English. Now its time to explore with your employee what he/she perceives some of the barriers to be. Using this sheet as a guide, discuss the factors that seem to be creating problems in the workplace. After reviewing the issues and degree of frequency, then the two of you together list the three most critical issues that impact the workplace.

Barriers: Dealing with Personnel Issues

As the manager, say the following: Since we have hired so many new employees from diverse backgrounds, Ive had a lot of supervisors complaining about various issues affecting the workplace. To help me get a handle on the real issues Ive put together a checklist. Based on your observations, I would like to discuss this checklist with you. Do these diversity issues affect you on the job? Never Age Race or National Origin Gender Attitudes/Personality Inexperience Inability to perform skills Unwillingness to perform Disability Others Based on your discussion, circle the three most serious barriers. Sometimes Often

Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

Exercise 27.2

Exercise 27.2: Strategies

As supervisor, continue the discussion with your employee. Having selected the three most serious barriers on Exercise 27.1, list them below and discuss: Their impact on the workplace Their affect on the employee personally Strategies to overcome each

Barrier 1: Barrier 2: Barrier 3: NOTES:

_____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________

_______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________

Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

28 Self-Assessment Regarding Change

Objective The purpose of this activity is to provide an opportunity for participants to informally assess the way they respond to change. Time 5-10 minutes Materials Exercise 28.1 for each participant Procedure 1. Distribute Exercise 28.1 and give participants a few minutes to complete it. 2. Ask participants for their predominant responses. Discuss their interpretations of the responses and the responses that are most likely to help in dealing with change. Conclusion Discuss the fact that people respond to change in various ways, pointing out that extremes hinder rather than help. Review the importance of balance when looking at change. Emphasize that being aware of how one responds can be useful when encountering the problems of a changing work environment. Responses to change are most successful when people begin with an open mind and willingness to work with others, rather than taking hardened positions at either extreme.


50 Activities for Diversity Training Trainers Notes If you are using this activity as a stand-alone, you may want to use the introduction provided in Activity 26. Otherwise, the self-assessment exercise may be used as a continuation of the other exercises dealing with cultural changes.


Exercise 28.1

Exercise 28.1: Self-Assessment: Responses to Change

In a change situation, how do you respond? Place a dot () on each continuum line to show how you rate yourself. Draw a line connecting the dots, and note the trend. Absolutely Partially Open-minded Partially Absolutely

Shut down ________________________________ Swallow whole Blame self _________________________________ Minimize consequences Blame others

Exaggerate _____________________________ consequences

Refuse to accept ____________________________________________ Accept

Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

29 Introduction to Listening: A SelfInventory

Introduction Listening is one of the most important communication skills. Without careful listening, messages often are misinterpreted and people do not feel valued or understood. Too often people take listening for granted and do not pay enough attention to the speaker. In the case of communicating across cultures, the act of listening becomes even more critical because there are additional factors such as accents, idioms, slang, etc. Objective The purpose of this activity is to ensure that participants are aware of the importance of listening, and have an opportunity to assess their present listening skills. Time 15-20 minutes Materials Flipchart and marker Exercise 29.1 for each participant Handout 29.1 for each participant

Procedure 1. Discuss the importance of good listening by asking: In your jobs, why is it important to be a good listener? Record the answers on the flipchart. Then additionally ask, Does it make a difference when you are communicating with someone from another race or culture? If the answer is yes, discuss how, and continue to add their comments to the flipchart. 125

50 Activities for Diversity Training 2. Pair up the group and ask participants to describe a situation where miscommunication occurred due to lack of listening. (The trainer gives an example of a listener thinking ahead about a response and not giving full attention to the speaker.) 3. Distribute Exercise 29.1. Ask participants to answer each question, and using the instructions provided, score their inventory. 4. Ask participants for a show of hands if they are considered good listeners based on the self-inventory scores. Ask how many were surprised with their scores. 5. Tell the participants that if most of their answers to the self-inventory were either a or b or c, they probably possess, to some degree, the characteristics of good listeners. If most answers fell into the c or d or e categories, the participants probably need to develop good listening habits a little more fully. 6. Explain that listening is difficult in communicating with all people; however, it is much more complicated when cultural factors come into play. Distribute and review Handout 29.1. Ask participants for any additional suggestions. Conclusion Stress that no matter how they answered the questionnaire, good listening requires constant practice in concentrating. Tell them that they now know what to work on becoming a better listener.


Exercise 29.1

Exercise 29.1: Listening Self-Inventory

This exercise was developed to help you review and describe your typical listening style. Read each question carefully and check one of the five answers listed. 1. Research suggests that you think four times faster than a person usually talks to you. Do you use this excess time to turn your thoughts elsewhere while you are keeping track of a conversation? a. No b. Sometimes c. Usually d. Yes e. Dont know/unaware

2. Do you listen for the feelings behind facts when someone is speaking? a. Almost always b. Most of the time c. Not as much as I should d. Almost never e. Dont know/unaware

3. Do you generally talk more than listen in an interchange with someone else? a. No b. Sometimes c. Usually d. Yes e. Dont know/unaware

4. When you are puzzled or annoyed by what someone says, do you try to get the question straightened out immediately, either in your own mind or by interrupting the speaker? a. No b. Sometimes c. Usually d. Yes e. Dont know/unaware

5. If you feel that it would take a lot of time and effort to understand something, do you go out of your way to avoid hearing about it? a. Seldom b. Sometimes c. Often e. Dont know/unaware d. Very frequently

6. Do emotions interfere with your listening? a. No b. Sometimes c. Usually d. Yes 127

Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

e. Dont know/unaware


Exercise 29.1 - concluded Do you deliberately turn your thoughts to other subjects when you believe a speaker will have nothing particularly interesting to say?

a. Seldom b. Sometimes 8.

c. Often e. Dont know/unaware d. Very frequently

When someone is talking to you, do you try to make him/her think youre paying attention when you are not? a. Seldom b. Sometimes c. Often e. Dont know/unaware d. Very frequently


When you are listening to someone, are you easily sidetracked by outside distractions (people and events)? a. Seldom b. Sometimes c. Often e. Dont know/unaware d. Very frequently

10. Do you listen carefully to the opinions of others, though you may intend to take exception to something later on? a. Almost always b. Most of the time c. Not as much as I should d. Almost never e. Dont know/unaware

11. When listening to someone who speaks with an accent, do you make a greater effort to concentrate on what the person is saying? a. Almost always b. Most of the time c. Not as much as I should d. Almost never e. Dont know/unaware

12. When you are listening to someone speak, do you make a conscious effort to make and keep eye contact with the speaker? a. Almost always b. Most of the time c. Not as much as I should Scoring: If most of your answers were a, b, or c, you probably possess the ability to concentrate and to recognize the speakers emotions. If most answers were c, d, or e, you need to develop these characteristics more fully. 128
Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

d. Almost never e. Dont know/unaware

Handout 29.1

Tips for Improved Listening with Employees Speaking Limited English Give the speaker your full attention. Be comfortable with silence and long pauses. Be patient. Be aware of nonverbal cues that may signal a lack of understanding. Recognize that the employee may be having difficulty saying exactly what he/she means. Concentrate on what is being said; this will help overcome the barriers of accents. Be aware of your own biases and how they may interfere with your ability to listen. Remember that communication styles differ. When waiting for a response, pause longer to allow the other person to answer. Allow employees with limited English to finish sentences and thoughts for themselves.
Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

30 Name Your Partner

Introduction Everyone knows the importance of good listening practices in general, but it is even more important when communicating across cultures. Names, places and information exchanges may be unfamiliar. This unfamiliarity often begins with basic introductions. Frequently, when people are asked to publicly introduce someone, they take notes and appear nervous if they have to remember more than a few facts. Attentive listening and concentration are necessary. Objective The purpose of this activity is to offer participants a chance to practice listening and demonstrate the importance of concentration. Time 10-15 minutes Materials None Procedure 1. Ask participants to stand up and form pairs, preferably with people they dont know, or dont know very well. 2. Tell the pairs that one person begins as the Listener the other will be the Speaker. Then, at your given signal, they will exchange roles and repeat the exercise.


50 Activities for Diversity Training 3. Go over the following instructions: The Listener has 2 minutes to learn enough about the partner to be able to introduce him/her to someone else in another group. The Listener asks the partner to talk about how he/she would like to be introduced, points such as the partners name, place of birth, length of present employment, and what people remember most about that person. The listener should not ask questions, interrupt or take notes, but lets the speaker talk. The listener decides how to introduce the partner. 4. Time the exercise, allowing 2 minutes, and then ask participants to exchange roles and repeat. 5. Ask each pair to join another pair to make a group of four. Each person then takes turns introducing his/her partner, using only the information gathered. 6. Reconvene into a large group and ask the following questions: How did you feel about introducing your partner? How much did you remember? How accurate was the information in the introduction? Did you listen differently knowing that you had to remember information without taking notes?

Conclusion Summarize the act of listening by sharing the following observations: Often one of the greatest obstacles to good listening is the inability to concentrate. Unfortunately, the brain sometimes works against a persons ability to listen. When people speak, they talk at about 125 words per minute, yet the listener is capable of hearing and understanding 300 words per minute. To complicate matters even more, people think at the rate of 600 words per minute. What does this mean? It means that there is a surplus of thinking time over listening time and so its easy to fill this surplus by daydreaming or thinking about what will be said next. Many times people only half-listen to what the speaker is saying and lose important facts.


31 Non-Verbal Communication
Introduction Communication is a two-way street. It takes both a sender and a receiver, and is the joint responsibility of both parties. Communication is probably the most important skill a person needs because everyone understands that communication is necessary in order to get things done. Poor communication is a problem faced by all types of organizations. In todays diverse work force, when cultural factors enter the picture, communication becomes even more difficult. There are two components of communication: verbal and non-verbal. Research indicates that non-verbal communication is more powerful in giving messages and communicating feelings than verbal communication. Non-verbal is also more ambiguous and difficult to interpret accurately. Objective The purpose of this activity is to understand more about communication, particularly non-verbal exchanges. This exercise will also help participants gain insight into the messages the senders may be giving. It will also help them become aware of how these non-verbal messages may be received and interpreted differently, sometimes due to cultural differences. Time 45-60 minutes Materials Overhead projector Flipchart and marker Overhead transparencies (OHTs) 31.1 and 31.2 and Handouts for each participant made from these Exercise 31.1 for each participant 133

50 Activities for Diversity Training Procedure 1. Present a brief lecture on communication using the introduction as a guide and displaying OHT 31.1. Explain that this portion on the workshop will deal only with non-verbal communication. 2. Illustrate non-verbal communication by using the following demonstration. Ask a volunteer to stand. Without speaking, use the gesture of a curled finger pointing inward (typically used to call students to the front of a classroom). Let the volunteer come toward you until you want him/her to stop. Still not speaking, use a raised hand, palm outward as the non-verbal signal for stop. 3. Thank the volunteer and have him/her sit down. Discuss with the group the two common non-verbal gestures that were demonstrated. It is obvious that most mainstream Americans interpret these gestures to mean, come here and stop. Point out that these gestures can also be used in different ways, depending on a persons cultural background. For example, in some cultures the curled finger is only used for calling animals and prostitutes. The raised palm gesture may also have different meanings and could indicate greetings, innocence or peace. For example, a drawing of a man with a raised hand appeared on the plaque aboard the Pioneer 10 Space Probe, representing the concept that We have come in peace. 4. Group participants in pairs who do not know each other well. Using Exercise 31.1, give one person in each pair a sender slip and the other, the matching receiver slip. (Sender A is paired with Receiver A, Sender B is paired with Receiver B, etc.). (See Trainers Notes.) MAKE SURE SENDERS AND RECEIVERS DO NOT SHARE INSTRUCTIONS. 5. Ask participants to read and then follow the instructions provided on their individual slips of paper. Allow 2-3 minutes. 6. Reconvene in a large group and ask the A, B and C Receivers, and the D Senders, to describe what non-verbal communication messages they received in this exercise. Record, on the flipchart, the participants responses. Ask them which was more significant, what was being said verbally, or what was being said non-verbally. 7. End this session by displaying OHT 31.2, distributing Handouts 31.1 and 31.2, and briefly review the handout and its impact on communication.


Non-Verbal Communication Conclusion Explain that there were four different sets of instructions: The non-verbal message in Instruction A demonstrated eye contact, and the use of body language. The non-verbal message in Instruction B demonstrated the use of space. The non-verbal message in Instruction C demonstrated tone. The non-verbal message in Instruction D demonstrated mixed messages.

Also explain that interpretation of non-verbal messages may vary depending on the cultural background of the individual, and point out that when communicating with the diverse work force, it is important to be able to recognize and correctly interpret non-verbal cues. Trainers Notes Prior to the training, you will need some advance preparation of the instruction slips. Make copies of Exercise 31.1 and cut them into strips, as stated on the exercise. (Do not include these strips in any handout packet; instead hand them out when the exercise begins.) There are four sets of instructions, enough for eight participants, but the same sets of instructions can be used for any additional pair of participants.


OHT 31.1

Model of Communication
(Information that has been coded) Verbal (7%) Non-Verbal (93%) ENCODE DECODE

Attitudes Knowledge Perceptions Experiences Skills Style Culture Feedback

Attitudes Knowledge Perceptions Experiences Skills Style Culture

Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

OHT 31.2

Body Language
In addition to the spoken word, people communicate using their bodies, though they are often unaware of it. Elements of non-verbal communication are important in communicating across cultures.

Non-Verbal Communication, Such As

Facial expressions ...... smiles, frowns, nods Gestures ..................... pointing, beckoning, shrugging Body position ..............arms crossed, legs crossed, head tilted Posture ....................... leaning forware, leaning backward Contact ...................... eye contact, hand-shaking, kissing, touching, back slapping

Gives Rise To Messages, Such As

Affection Appreciation Boredom Embarrassment

Impatience Warning Anger Power

You may not be sending the message you intend when dealing across cultures. You may be misinterpreting the senders message because of cultural differences. It is important to be aware of mixed messages and not make assumptions about the meaning of non-verbal communication.


Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

OHT 31.2 - concluded


Mainstream American Use of Space

People are curious about differences in the use of space in conversation. Researchers have identified four categories:

Intimate.............. From actual contact to about 18 inches

Used generally by family and close friends

Personal ............. From 18 inches to about 4 feet

Normal conversation, friends and acquaintances, as in receptions, cocktail parties

Social ................. From 4 feet to about 7 feet

Impersonal conversation and business transactions

From 7 feet to about 12 feet

Seating arrangements in formal social or business relationships

Public ................. From 12 feet or more

Training, teaching and presentations in front of large groups

Other Cultures May Be Very Different

In other cultures, closer distances or contact is more prevalent: Casual male friends hold hands Males greet each other with kisses instead of handshakes Males are likely to put their arms around one another Businessmen stand much closer

In some cultures, power and hierarchal respect are shown by greater distances: Bowing is used as a greeting High-ranking business and political figures dominate 140
Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

Exercise 31.1

Exercise 31.1: Instructions for Non-Verbal Exchanges Pair A Sender

Sender, in an open and receptive way, will lead off the conversation by asking a question that calls for an explanation, such as, Whats your favorite TV show or movie, and why? Now, cross your arms and legs and look away when the receiver answers you. In that same position make a positive response, while continuing to look away, being sure not to look at the receiver.

Pair A Receiver
Simply answer the question you are asked.

Pair B Sender
Stand up. Find out two new things about your partner, while simultaneously moving closer and closer, breaking into the comfort zone of the person you are talking to.

Pair B Receiver
Stand up and answer questions.

Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

Exercise 31.1 - concluded

Pair C Sender
Stand up. Say to the receiver in a normal tone with a smile Come into my office. Begin to walk away and then turn back around and repeat the same words, without smiling, and in an extremely harsh and demanding tone.

Pair C Receiver
Stand up. Listen to what your partner says.

Pair D Sender
Say to your partner the following statement. I really think we should get to work on this project.

Pair D Receiver
Respond to your partners comment with the following reply, Yes, I do too, but keep shaking your head in a manner that indicates no, while youre saying yes.

Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

32 Self-Talk
Introduction An individuals belief system has a definite affect on behavior in the workplace. Often, early negative programming determines responses. Self-talk is a way to override past negative thinking by replacing it with positive thoughts, which can lead to new and more constructive behavior. It is important to understand how early negative programming occurs. It is equally important to be aware that early negative programming can be likened to mental and emotional tapes that may be replayed years later. This awareness is helpful in dealing with diversity issues where prior programming may have conditioned a person to think negatively about those who are different. Reprogramming often increases self-esteem and, as a result, improves relationships with others. Objective The purpose of this activity is to help participants understand the negative programming that may have occurred in their lives and to give the participants tools for changing negative thoughts into positive ones. Time 45-60 minutes Materials Sample Lecture Exercises 32.1 and 32.2 Handout 32.1 Overhead projector Overhead transparencies (OHTs) 32.1 and 32.2


50 Activities for Diversity Training Procedures 1. Use the introduction as an opener to this session. Distribute Exercise 32.1 and ask participants to complete it on their own. Allow about 5 minutes. 2. When all have completed the exercise, discuss in the large group how the participants felt about their influences and outcomes. 3. Then ask the following questions: What negative messages did you receive? How do they affect you to this day? 4. Using the accompanying Sample Lecture and OHT 32.1, explain the Self-Programming sequence. 5. Distribute Exercise 32.2 and give participants 5-10 minutes to complete it. In groups of 2-3, have participants share their statements and discuss the ease or difficulty of the exercise. 6. Display OHT 32.2 and summarize the self-talk exercise. 7. Close by distributing Handout 32.1 and discuss. Trainers Notes In introducing this topic, mention that another advantage of self-talk is in dealing with diversity. Positive self-talk can help people overcome negative thoughts that may be furthering prejudices or stereotypical thinking. When explaining Step 3 in the Procedures, it is helpful if the trainer provides an example of a negative message. For example, Growing up I was told that I would never make it through school and that I was sloppy in doing my chores. I know that impression has sometimes made me feel inadequate in the workplace when assignments are difficult.


Sample Lecture

Research indicates that everyone uses self-talk. Psychologists have found that most self-talk works against people and that the brain believes simply what you tell it most often. It has also been proven that repetition of positive statements is a helpful technique in overcoming negative messages. The following proverbs illustrate the importance of our self-talk: You are what you think. As a man thinketh, so is he. Thoughts are father to the deed. If you act bad, you are bad.

The word, Programming, refers to early childhood conditioning that was influenced by people and events. Often parents unintentionally send negative messages to their children that create feelings of self-doubt and low self-esteem. How many of you have heard statements such as the following?: Youre just like your father or your mother (especially when it refers to something negative) Youre always late You never do anything right Why cant you be more like....?

Basically, this session suggests that our brain is like a sponge. It simply accepts what you program in. People believe what they are programmed to believe. BELIEFS What is a belief? A belief is a fact thought to be true, without knowledge or proof. Beliefs are powerful and originate from early programming. Belief does not require that something be the way we see it; it only requires us to presume that it is. How we believe will influence how we see ourselves and how we behave.

Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

Sample Lecture - concluded FEELINGS Feelings result from beliefs. If a person feels positive about something, he/she will act more positively. For example, as the workday begins, think how different it might be if you presuppose its going to be a great day instead of thinking its going to be a dreadful one. If you are feeling negative, how do you think that will affect your day? How might your day be if you are thinking positive? BEHAVIOR Success or failure depends on how a person behaves. Since behavior stems from beliefs and feelings, it can actually be controlled by selfprogramming. Negative thoughts lead to negative outcomes, but positive thoughts can turn them around.

Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

Exercise 32.1

Exercise 32.1: Influences and Outcomes

Consider the significant people and events that have influenced your way of thinking. List them below and describe the negative messages that you may have received from each. SIGNIFICANT PEOPLE INVOLVED



Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

Exercise 32.2

Exercise 32.2: Self-Talk: Negative to the Positive

Complete the following statements, using the example provided as a guide:

NEGATIVE: Im not going to get this assignment. Im not qualified. POSITIVE: Ill give it my best shot. I really have a lot to offer. NEGATIVE: I feel trapped. I dont have the power I need. POSITIVE: NEGATIVE: Shes difficult to work with. POSITIVE: NEGATIVE: I dont want to appear nervous in my presentations. POSITIVE: NOW, ADD TWO OF YOUR OWN BELOW: 1. NEGATIVE: POSITIVE: 2. NEGATIVE: POSITIVE:

Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

OHT 32.1






The more a person becomes aware of negative beliefs and feelings, the more change can be brought about by positive self-talk

Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

OHT 32.2

PUTTING SELF-TALK TO WORK Know and understand your negative thoughts Change them to positive as you did in the exercise Repeat positive affirmations See yourself in the desired positive outcome Imagine the feelings that go along with that positive picture

Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

Handout 32.1

Statements for Success

The following statements are examples of positive statements that people have used to program positive thoughts. You may try these or come up with your own. Remember you are what you think!

Nothing succeeds like success Belief is magic Persistence pays off This is going to be a great day If at first you dont succeed, try, try again Im unique and deserve the best I can do anything I set my mind to Yes, I can MAKE YOUR OWN!

Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

33 Coaching Across Cultures

Introduction Coaching is a way to offer encouragement, promote growth and development of employees, and help them make a greater contribution to the organization. It can assist employees who may be encountering difficulty, yet still have strong potential to be more valuable to the organization. It can also help a good employee become more productive in his or her current position. Furthermore, coaching is a way to empower an employee and show the organizations commitment to that persons success. While coaching is a highly effective tool for employees in general, it is especially useful when dealing with employees who have not been part of the mainstream American work force. It is therefore important that organizations establish a climate in which personal and career growth of minorities, immigrants and women can take place. Because every person brings different experiences and cultural background to the workplace, the coach must take time with each targeted employee to build a strong relationship. The coach also needs to model appropriate business behavior and keep the employee informed about opportunities where his/her skills dovetail with the companys goals and strategies. Objective The purpose of this activity is to help participants understand the concept of coaching and provide an opportunity to learn and practice the necessary skills. The role plays are culturally-based and offer insight into coaching employees with diverse cultural backgrounds. Time 60-90 minutes


50 Activities for Diversity Training Materials Flipchart and marker Exercises 33.1-33.4 for each participant Handout 33.1 for each participant

Procedure 1. Use the introduction on the previous page to open this topic. 2. Distribute Exercise 33.1 and ask participants to write words that define coaching, and words that define teaching. Ask for the responses and write them on a flipchart. Leave this sheet in view and use it during the session as a reminder that only coaching is being emphasized, and not teaching. 3. Discuss participants responses and the differences between coaching and teaching. 4. Divide the group into pairs and have them discuss their past experiences of having been coached or having coached others; i.e., in school, sports or previous jobs. Ask which was more difficult, coaching or being coached and why. In todays culturally-diverse workplace, how will culture impact the role of being coached or coaching? 5. Point out to the group that many people feel coaching is often more difficult when cultural factors need to be taken into consideration. Distribute Exercise 33.2 to all participants and ask each person to complete it. Suggest that, as they work on this, they think about additional reasons why supervisors and managers might avoid coaching because of cultural factors and add them at the bottom of the page. 6. Discuss Exercise 33.2 and then have participants express their feelings about coaching. What additional cultural reasons did they think of? 7. Distribute Handout 33.1 to each participant. involved in coaching. Discuss the steps

8. Divide participants into groups of three and have members of each group select the roles of coach, employee and observer. Assign a single case to each group as follows: a. The coach and the employee each receive private copies of the assigned case from Exercise 33.3. b. The observer receives a private copy of Exercise 33.4. 158

Coaching Across Cultures 9. Give participants an opportunity to read the descriptions of their respective roles, then begin the role play, allowing about 15-20 minutes. The players should keep in mind the words that described coaching in Exercise 33.1, and the steps to coaching in Handout 33.1.

10. Then, still in the small groups, have the observer lead the discussion, using the guidelines from Exercise 33.4. Each person in turn will talk about how he/she felt during the role play. 11. Reconvene the large group for a report on the results of the role plays. Conclusion Explain that the skills of each coach have a strong influence on employee responses and that when actually coaching an employee, it is important to plan ahead to best achieve the desired result. Trainers Notes Use the role plays provided or develop your own that are specific to your organization. (You may also ask the participants to provide examples.) The cases provided help point out how cultural differences might affect the coaching role. Be sure to discuss the impact of these differences in the conclusion. If time permits, have participants exchange roles so that each person has an opportunity to play every part.


Exercise 33.1

Exercise 33.1: Coaching vs. Teaching DEFINITIONS

Coaching Teaching

Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

Exercise 33.2

Exercise 33.2: Why Supervisors and Managers Often Avoid Coaching

Do you find yourself avoiding coaching? Below are some typical reasons why people avoid it. Check those that describe why you might want to avoid coaching. ______ 1. I dont have time; it takes too long and I have too many people to deal with ______ 2. I dont want to overwhelm the employee ______ 3. Nobody spent much time with me and I did OK ______ 4. 1 am uncomfortable in discussions about employee abilities ______ 5. Employees dont ask for or really want my help ______ 6. They arent really going to listen to me ______ 7. Employees get defensive and argumentative ______ 8. My standards are obvious; employees know what I expect ______ 9. They should be able to learn by doing...l did ____ 10. Im not sure coaching will help an employee ADDITIONAL REASONS BECAUSE OF CULTURAL FACTORS:

Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

Exercise 33.3

Exercise 33.3: Role Plays

Instructions: The person playing Coach uses Handout 34.1 as a guide for this coaching session role play. An employee from another culture, who is otherwise conscientious and does quality work, pays too little attention to deadlines. Lately, it has gotten worse and, because of one recent delay, the department missed out on a special project that would have brought in a great deal of additional revenue. As the manager, you feel that your employee is worth some time and effort and sincerely want the employee to advance. Its up to you to do the coaching. How do you handle it?

Instructions: The person playing Coach uses Handout 33.1 as a guide for this coaching session role play. Joyce, a minority female, came into the organization as an entry level employee and did well in her various assignments. After a period of time, she was offered a position as an assistant to the head of the department, a job she really wanted. She was overjoyed at first, but then became terrified. She panicked and began saying she was afraid she could not accept, because she was concerned that she couldnt do well enough. She was truly afraid of failing. Your are Joyces supervisor and sincerely want her to advance. Its up to you to convince her. How do you handle it?

Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

Exercise 33.3 - concluded


Instructions: The person playing Coach uses Handout 33.1 as a guide for this coaching session role play. An employee from another culture feels that he has been doing everything he has been asked to do and so feels really good about his job. On the other hand, though you like him and feel hes trying, you dont think he has shown any initiative. How can you let the employee know how you feel and help him learn how to be more of a self-starter and develop in ways that will contribute to your department?


Instructions: The person playing Coach uses Handout 33.1 as a guide for this coaching session role play. You are the manager of a special project employing two engineers, one American and one from Asia, both doing essentially the same task. They often stay over and work extra hours, each putting in the same amount of time. The American comes in and talks about how long and how hard he has been working. You realize the Chinese engineer has also been doing the same, but he never mentions it. What is happening here? handle the situation? Would you do anything? How would you

Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

Exercise 33.4

Exercise 33.4: Observer Guidelines

Your assignment is to observe what goes on in the role play and to look for the coaching skills that seem to be most effective. Jot down some of your observations about the steps that the participants went through during this role play. Specifically note how the employee responded, and comment on the managers ability to take on the role of coach in this situation.


Your assignment is to lead a discussion in your small group based on the role play. Begin by giving feedback about what you observed. After sharing your comments, ask the person who played the employee to discuss how he/she felt during the role play and to describe what was helpful and what wasnt. Have the employee comment on how he/she would have handled the situation if the roles had been reversed. Ask the person playing the coach what seemed to work best and what was most frustrating. Have the coach comment on what he/she would do differently if given another chance. Continue the discussion about how this role play relates to real work situations.

Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

Handout 33.1

Coaching Plan for Role Play

Mutually commit to the concept of coaching Acknowledge employee potential and show appreciation Elicit cooperation and encourage employee ideas Together, establish mutual goals and choose a course of action Provide positive reinforcement for improvement Hold periodic review meetings

Steps to Follow
1. Begin by explaining the process; describe your purpose in establishing a coaching relationship and ask the employee to discuss what that person would like his/her future to be with the organization. 2. Tell the employee all the positive aspects of performance you have observed and express your satisfaction. 3. Explain how this is a joint effort and that cooperation is vital. 4. Discuss employees ideas and your own, and together select a course of action. 5. Offer constructive feedback as an ongoing process. 6. Hold periodic meetings to check progress, evaluate and adjust future action as applicable.

Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

34 Multicultural Team Building

Introduction Gaining cooperation among people is critical to all team effectiveness, and dealing with a diverse work force requires special knowledge and sensitivity. It is important to remember that each culture has values and communication styles that may make a significant difference. Teams are distinguished from groups by their very nature. While groups are only bodies of people, teams are created to accomplish certain objectives, utilizing available resources in a methodical manner. Objective The purpose of this team-building activity is to offer participants an opportunity to understand the elements of a successful team, as well as appreciate the impact that cultural diversity has on team effectiveness. The exercise demonstrates certain types of culturally-related approaches to a team effort, and how the different approaches affect the success of the team assignment. Such approaches may be based on values, perceptions, motivation and communication styles. It is important not only to recognize that there are cultural dimensions, but also utilize them as strengths. Time 60-90 minutes Materials Flipchart and marker Paper and markers for participants Handout 34.1 for each participant Exercises 34.1 and 34.2 for each participant


50 Activities for Diversity Training Procedure 1. Ask the participants to call out words to describe a team. List them on the flipchart and then ask for words that describe a group. List them and discuss how a team differs from a group. Give participants a chance to offer definitions of each and discuss ways to distinguish one from the other. Write their answers on the flipchart. 2. Ask the group to list the advantages of a team over an individual on a given assignment. Record the responses on another page. Ask participants to keep this in mind as they do the role play. 3. Set up the role play by dividing into groups of five to seven, depending on the number of participants. Distribute Handout 34.1 (instructions) to each individual and ask the participants to take a moment to read it. 4. On a random basis, using Exercise 34.1, hand out as many different role assignments as there are people in a group, beginning with Assignment A, that is, a group of 7 will use all Assignments A through G. MAKE SURE THAT NO MEMBER OF A GROUP KNOWS THE ROLE ASSIGNMENT OF ANY OTHER MEMBER. 5. Distribute large sheets of paper and markers to each group. 6. Ask each group to complete the assignment within 10 minutes. Time them. 7. After time is called, distribute Exercise 34.2. If there is an observer, have him/her lead the group in a discussion as to what went on. (If there is no observer, have each group name a discussion leader at the completion of the exercise, and ask him/her to lead the discussion.) Conclusion Have the observer or discussion leader in each group report out loud to the full group what happened. Ask questions such as, Would your group have proceeded differently with a leader? What skills could have helped the group progress more effectively? What could be done to plan ahead for the next meeting to have things run more smoothly? Since many of the assigned behaviors were culturally oriented, ask how the group members could have seen to it that individual needs were met and that all contributions were respected and accepted in a positive way.


Multicultural Team Building Trainers Notes Prior to the training, you will need some advance preparation. Make copies of Exercise 34.1 and cut them into strips. Do not include these strips or Exercise 34.2 in any handout packet; instead hand them out at the appropriate times during the exercise. (This exercise is based on research by G. Hofstede and a presentation by Joyce Francis.) In step 1 of the Procedure, you might conclude with the following definitions: Group: A unit formed by a body of people gathered together Team: A unit created to accomplish certain objectives in an efficient way and utilize available resources in a methodical manner


Handout 34.1

Instructions: Task Assignment For Multicultural Group

You are a planning committee whose task is to plan a company picnic. Youve just been notified that if your plan can be in the hands of the caterer by tomorrow at 8:00 AM, they will handle the order and take care of all the necessary details at no additional charge. However, your plan must be so clear that they will be able to proceed immediately without any phone calls or questions. What is needed are specific instructions on who will be invited, the kind of food and how it will be arranged and served. You must also decide how the party will be paid for and where and when it should be held. In addition, you must set up the games and activities as well as choosing the prizes. You have no instructions other than the above, and the group must proceed entirely on its own. Your description, either in words, charts or diagrams has to be perfectly clear and easy to understand. You will be provided with: Large sheet of paper Markers

You each have a role to play and to adhere to at all times. There is no assigned leader. You have 10 minutes to accomplish the assignment. If you finish the task before the allotted time, use the remaining time to design a special poster for the party.

Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

Exercise 34.1

Exercise 34.1: Role Plays

Role A The Individualist You personally enjoy challenging projects and especially the feeling of freedom when working alone. You appreciate the ability to achieve independent success and enjoy receiving immediate reward for your accomplishments. Personal time is as important as working time. You respect initiative and individual decision-making and dont hesitate to show it. A feeling of belonging to a group is not as important as the positive feeling which comes from personal achievement.

Do not be too obvious, but try to influence the group to work independently as the task begins, there is no assigned group leader. Role B The Group Oriented Member You like shared work and group consensus decision making, and believe strongly that the group has precedence over the individual. You honor your elders even in committee meetings, and think in terms of long term goals that would benefit the company. You are concerned about the public image of the company and are aware that decisions made in this task group may hurt that image.

You would like the group to work together on the project and end up with a product that represents a consensus of the group and not simply a sum of the individual ideas. Role C The Uncertainty Avoider Your desire for advancement is not as great as that of those around you and you do not necessarily appreciate the way others push. You go out of your way to avoid conflict. You are intolerant of ambiguity and like to have every detail spelled out. You prefer consensus decision-making and constantly request it.

You live with high levels of anxiety. You feel that personal success is not as important as personal security. You are resistant to change and unwilling to take risks. 177
Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

Exercise 34.1 - continued

Role D The Leader Needer You need strong leadership, someone to tell you what to do, and are willing for leaders to enjoy special privileges. You are uncomfortable with a consultative management style, and feel that laws and rules are different for superiors and subordinates. You want a leader to emerge and continually bring this up, repeatedly asking the others how they could possibly work without a leader.

Do not be too obvious, but keep trying to influence others to take over leadership of the group. Role E The Achiever You want to be successful, believe that competition leads to results, even if it means conflict within the group because the relationships in the group are not important to you. You dont mind pushing the group to work harder. Try to have the men dominate the decision making process, while discouraging the women. Look for any impracticalities you see in the plan and be critical of them.

Do not be too obvious, but try to influence the group to arrange the best picnic within the time limit. As the task begins, there is no assigned group leader. Role F The Nurturing Member You need to have good relationships with your group above all else. You place less emphasis on individual performance than on group activity, avoiding competition within the group. You need a great deal of attention, always seeking smiles and approval from the group members. You want them to like you and complement you and your contribution to the group.

Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

Exercise 34.1 - concluded

Role G The Observer (the observer will be a discussion leader after task is finished.) During the first half of the task, there is no assigned group leader. You are to observe the leaderless group activity and note what is going on. Tell the group that you are an observer and will not say or do anything during this task. Observe and make notes on what type of leadership and skills the group needs. This information will be used in the conclusion.

Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

Exercise 34.2

Exercise 34.2: Summary Discussion Guide

At the conclusion of the exercise, the observer leads the group dicussion, going over the various roles, and how the participants felt about their own roles and those of the others in the group. The discussion should address what actually happened, helping the participants identify problem areas. The observer then raises this question, Knowing now what you didnt know before, if you were the facilitator or leader, how could you have prepared the participants to overcome any problems which might arise? (Each group should then use the observer to report for the concluding discussion.)

Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

35 Addressing Conflict Resolution

Introduction Because people are unique, they differ in their values, perceptions and how they solve problems and manage conflict. The process is further complicated by cultural differences. There are some cultures in which verbal conflict is avoided at all costs. Other groups encourage arguing, and the more heated the conflict becomes, the better everyone feels. The way people describe conflict says a lot about their style. For example, many mainstream American males often use sports language when discussing a dispute: You threw me a curve, or I was blindsided, or Time out! (hands forming a T). Even General Norman Schwarzkopf, in describing his tactics during the Persian Gulf war, called his outflanking maneuver a Hail Mary (a football expression describing a play when everyone goes out and around an opponent). Compare this approach with others who believe in saving face and achieving harmony. Again, cultural considerations are important when managing conflict. Objective The purpose of this activity is to help participants understand that conflict is a natural occurrence in interpersonal relationships and that everyone has different styles in dealing with conflict situations. Participants will have an opportunity to learn more about conflict resolution styles in general, as well as their own particular style. Time 60-90 minutes Materials Flipchart and marker Overhead projector Exercise 35.1 for each participant Overhead transparencies (OHTs) 35.1 and 35.2 Handouts 35.1-35.4 for each participant 183

50 Activities for Diversity Training Procedures 1. Open a discussion on the nature of conflict by grouping participants in pairs and asking them to talk about work-related conflict situations they have seen or been a part of. Have them discuss (1) the reasons that conflict occurs, (2) the sources of conflict in general and (3) behaviors that contribute to, or result from, the conflict. Record their responses on the flipchart to the third part of the discussion above. 2. 3. 4. Display OHT 35.1 and summarize the reasons, sources and behaviors. Distribute Handout 35.1 to each participant. Set up groups of three. One person will be the Observer. Give each Observer Handout 35.2. Distribute to the two remaining participants in each group a single situation from Exercise 35.1 by giving Participants A and B the instruction slips for their respective roles. MAKE SURE NONE OF THE THREE SHARE INSTRUCTIONS. Allow 5-10 minutes for the paired participants to role play the situation, during which their goal is to resolve the conflict. At the same time, the Observer follows the Observer guidelines. Reconvene in a large group. Ask the Observer(s) to read their situations and report on what happened in the role play. Display OHT 35.2 and present a short lecture using the sample lecture included. Distribute Handout 35.3 and ask participants to read it and select their styles. Ask several participants to share their identified styles and whether or not they used those styles in the small group activity. Also ask if they observed the use of other styles in their small groups. Have them review previous conflict situations they were involved in and the impact of style differences.


6. 7. 8. 9.

10. Have participants state the skills they feel are necessary to resolve conflict and record the responses on the flipchart. Summarize by distributing Handout 35.4 to each participant and discussing conflict resolution.


Addressing Conflict Resolution Conclusion Point out that there are many styles of conflict resolution. Often the most useful is the Cooperation Style, I Win-You Win, but note that there are times when other styles are more appropriate. Explain that what is important is being aware of your own style and recognizing others, so that you will be able to anticipate how they might react. By doing so, you can adjust your style accordingly. It is important to remember that, just as communication styles differ because of cultural influences, conflict resolution styles may also differ because of culture. Being aware of this fact will help you when conflict occurs across cultures. Trainers Notes Prior to the training, you will need some advance preparation of the instruction slips. Make copies of Exercise 35.1 and cut them into strips. Distribute them when the exercise begins. There are three situation role plays provided. You may add your own or use the same ones for several groups.


OHT 35.1

Overview of Conflict
Reasons Behind Conflict
Differing Perceptions Incorrect Assumptions Dissimilar Values

Sources of Conflict
Lack of Resources Divergent Goals

Behavioral Characteristics
Miscommunication (Sometimes due to language differences) Interrupting Controlling the Discussion Blocking Ideas Not Listening

Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

OHT 35.2

CONFLICT RESOLUTION STYLES Avoidance (I Lose - You Lose) Competition (I Win - You Lose) Adaptation (I Lose - You Win) Cooperation (I Win - You Win)

Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

Handout 35.1

Overview of Conflict
Reasons Behind Conflict
Differing Perceptions Incorrect Assumptions Dissimilar Values

Sources of Conflict
Lack of Resources Divergent Goals

Behavioral Characteristics
Miscommunication (Sometimes due to language differences) Interrupting Controlling the Discussion Blocking Ideas Not Listening

Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

Handout 35.2

Observer Guidelines
Your task is to observe what goes on in the role play and to note the conflict that occurs between participants in this activity. Jot down some of your observations about how the participants went about resolving this conflict. Specifically note whether either member withdrew or gave in. Was there competition or cooperation?


Your task is to report on the conflict that occurred and the way the pair resolved it.

Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

Handout 35.4


Respect each person Encourage opponents to openly discuss the situation Listen to all sides of the story Determine specific issues Identify the styles of conflict Appreciate differing opinions Engage employees in exploring alternatives and positive outcomes Look for common ground

Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

Exercise 35.1

Exercise 35.1: Situations For Role Plays

Your company has moved to a new facility. There is one corner office with a window, which has new and modern furniture. You feel you should be given this office; unfortunately so does your co-worker. In the organization, you are both at the same level. Your goal is to get that office.

Your company has moved to a new facility. There is one corner office with a window, which has new and modern furniture. You feel you should be given this office; unfortunately, so does your co-worker. In the organization, you are both at the same level. Your goal is to get that office.

Your organization is participating in a conference in Hawaii and there is one prepaid invitation for your department. There are two people who are equally qualified, of which you are one. You feel you should be given the opportunity to attend this conference. Unfortunately, so does your co-worker. In the organization, you are both at the same level. Your goal is to go on that trip.

Your organization is participating in a conference in Hawaii and there is one prepaid invitation for your department. There are two people who are equally qualified, of which you are one. You feel you should be given the opportunity to attend this conference. Unfortunately, so does your co-worker. In the organization, you are both at the same level. Your goal is to go on that trip.

Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

Exercise 35.1 - concluded

Your department has been budgeted money to hire one new staff member. You feel that this new employee should be assigned to you. Unfortunately, there is another person in your department who also feels that the new person should be assigned to him. You are both at the same level and have equal power. Your goal is to get this new employee.

Your department has been budgeted money to hire one new staff member. You feel that this new employee should be assigned to you. Unfortunately, there is another person in your department who also feels that the new person should be assigned to him. You are both at the same level and have equal power. Your goal is to get this new employee.

Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

Sample Lecture

Conflict Resolution Styles

Avoidance Style (I Lose - You Lose)
Avoidance is a Lose-Lose style, based on the saying, It is better to leave well enough alone. A person using this style may sidestep the issues, delay the issue or repress his/her own feelings and needs.

Competition Style (I Win - You Lose)

Competition is a style where one person wins and one loses (Win-Lose). It is based on the belief that might makes right. People who use this style like to control situations and people. Often, this involves competition, and winning becomes an important goal.

Adaptation Style (I Lose - You Win)

Adaptation is a Lose-Win style that is based on the saying, You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. Adapting may mean giving in to the others wants, sacrificing your own goals, backing away from issues and being too cooperative.

Cooperation Style (I Win - You Win)

Cooperation is a Win-Win style that is based on the belief that two heads are better than one. This approach tries to find a way that meets each persons needs. Cooperation addresses the issues, explores the conflict situation and finds creative alternatives to satisfy each person.

Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

36 Resolving Disputes: Skills for Third-Party Intervention

Introduction When disputes arise in the workplace, there is an alternative course of action worth considering. It is mediation or third-party intervention, a process in which the disputants meet with a skilled neutral third party and jointly explore the disagreement. The role of the third party mediator (often a manager) is to listen carefully to both sides, help identify the underlying problem or problems, and lead the disputants in exploring possible resolutions. The significance of mediation is that it is a win-win situation. Under mediation, the outcome is entirely in the hands of the people who are in dispute. It is truly remarkable how people can cooperate when they realize that they have the power to resolve their problem. Objective The purpose of this activity is to study third-party intervention as a means of resolving conflict between people in the workplace. It is particularly helpful in dealing with conflict that results from cultural clashes. This exercise teaches a process that uses communication skills to gain agreement on dealing with disputed issues in the workplace. It focuses on shared responsibility for the outcome. The participants will use a model to practice their specific mediation skills. Time 2-3 hours Materials Flipchart and marker Exercise 36.1 Handouts 36.1-36.3 Article: Mediation: A Management Tool for Multicultural Situations 203

50 Activities for Diversity Training Procedure 1. Prior to the workshop, write on the flipchart (and cover) the five Steps to Follow found on Handout 37.1. 2. Ask participants to explain what they think conflict is, and record their responses on another page on the flipchart. 3. Divide the group into pairs and have them describe to one another a dispute they had with someone else, one which was unresolved and left them feeling frustrated. Ask them to think about what could have helped. Ask what possible effect a third-party intervention may have had. 4. Discuss with the entire group the results of the pairs discussion. Additionally, ask participants for examples of other disputes that occur at work. (See Trainers Notes for suggestions.) 5. Using the introduction to this topic, present a lecture explaining the concept of third-party intervention. 6. Distribute Handout 36.1, uncover the flipchart page from step 1 in the Procedure and review the five steps with the participants. 7. Have the participants practice step 1 by grouping in pairs, with each participant taking turns practicing the role of mediator using Handout 36.2. 8. When people are comfortable with step 1, set up new groups of three. One person will be the mediator, the other two will be the disputants. Distribute to each group a single case from Exercise 36.1 by giving each individual the instruction slip for his or her role. MAKE SURE NONE OF THE THREE SHARE INSTRUCTIONS. Explain that the mediator will conduct the session along the lines of Handout 36.1. Allow 10-15 minutes. 9. Continue in small groups having participants discuss how they felt about this exercise and their roles. Was it easy or difficult? What is the value of this approach in the workplace? Conclusion As closure to this exercise, ask participants to review, in the large group, how they felt about this exercise and what they see as the benefits of mediation, both to the individual and to the organization.


Resolving Disputes: Skills for Third-Party Intervention Remind participants that not all situations are mediatable. For example, if the disputants lack the power to carry out their solutions, it defeats the purpose. Another example is that either or both of the participants are so emotionally involved that they cant follow the ground rules. Throughout this session, participants should be reminded that there are potential intercultural factors that mediators must take into consideration. Cite examples of values, assumptions and perceptions that affect the dispute resolution process, such as: Some people come from cultures that are confrontative, others avoid confrontation at all costs. For some, winning is most important, while for others saving face is the key. Fatalism is very important in some cultures. Another factor is the degree of directness of communication. These are just a few of the many examples of cultural factors that can be given. Trainers Notes Prior to the training, you will need some advance preparation of the instruction slips. Make copies of Exercise 36.1 and cut them into strips, as stated on the exercise. Hand these out at the beginning of the exercise. The types of disputes often found in the workplace revolve around: Responsibility issues Territory Rewards Work assignments

The following are principles of mediation that make excellent ground rules. You may want to review these rules with the participants before they begin to role-play the case studies. Mediators need to: Treat disputants with respect and assume the dispute is important Assume the disputants are in a position to follow through Recognize that the main theme is participation: when people participate in the process, they have a stake in the outcome.


Exercise 36.1

Exercise 36.1: Cases

(Make copies and cut into strips to distribute one to each participant.)

Beneath His Dignity

(MEDIATORS COPY) There has been a serious argument in your department between two employees, a man named Rogelio from a Latin culture and an Anglo woman named Alice. The argument was over who was supposed to deliver an important document. Right now, the department is at a standstill because of the feud between the two. (ALICES COPY) The original instructions were that Alice was to complete an important document and Rogelio was to locate the proper recipient and deliver it. Alice did as directed, and believing that Rogelio had made the delivery, didnt give it a second thought. When Alices supervisor reprimanded her because the recipient never received the document, she replied that she had counted on Rogelio making the delivery and complained that Rogelio was uncooperative and did not follow directions. She sought out Rogelio and blamed him for getting her bawled out when it was really his fault. He put the blame on her, told her to deliver the document herself, and now they are not speaking to each other. (ROGELIOS COPY) The original instructions were that Alice was to complete an important document and Rogelio was to locate the proper recipient and deliver it. When Alice finished filling out the document, she told Rogelio to deliver it, but used a bossy tone. In Rogelios culture, women do not speak to men that way and his dignity was offended. He told her to deliver it herself, and assumed she had done so. When he found out she hadnt made the delivery, he became very angry and thereafter avoided any contact with her. 207
Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

Exercise 36.1 - continued


(MEDIATORS COPY) There are two female Filipino employees in your department, Adelaida and Segunda, who are bilingual in English as well as their native Filipino language, Tagalog. An argument had broken out at the copy machine between them on the one side, and Sally, who only spoke English, on the other. For the next few days, there were problems as Sally would not even talk to the other two, and now there is little cooperation. Aside from everyone around them feeling uncomfortable, the department is paralyzed. (COPY FOR ADELAIDA/SEGUNDA) Adelaida was using the copy machine when her friend, Segunda, stopped by. They were minding their own business and carrying on a personal conversation in Tagalog. Sally walked in, and for no good reason, became furious. She accused them of being rude and criticized them for not speaking English. An argument followed during which Sally got in extra verbal jabs wherever possible. (SALLYS COPY) Sally went to use the copy machine, but Adelaida was already using it. Adelaidas Filipino friend, Segunda, was also there and the two were speaking a foreign language. They ignored Sally and continued their private conversation. Sally knew that Adelaida and Segunda were capable of speaking perfectly good English and did not have to speak a foreign language. As a matter of fact, for all she knew, they could have been talking about her. She reminded them that this is America and everyone should speak English. They became angry, words flew, and Adelaida told Sally to mind her own business.

Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

Exercise 36.1 - concluded


(MEDIATORS COPY) You are a Department Manager. The Chief of Security calls and asks you to handle a dispute involving a parking ticket between one of your foreign-born engineers (nicknamed Ned) and one of the Security Departments officers. (NEDS COPY) There is limited parking in the companys most convenient lot where spaces normally fill early. Ned is entitled to park in that lot, but one day, although he arrived on time, all the legitimate spaces were filled. He ended up parking in a Visitors space, where there was a One Hour Parking sign. When he left work, he found a parking ticket on his windshield. Ned complained to the Security Officer who wrote the ticket, arguing that he did not deserve it. He felt it was not his fault because he had to get to work and the only other available employee parking was so far away he would have been late. He became very angry and argued that visitors are treated better than employees. In his country, engineers are treated with more respect. (SECURITY OFFICERS COPY) There is limited parking in the companys most convenient lot and spaces normally fill early. Employees who might be entitled to park in that lot but arrive late, must find alternative parking in one of the less convenient lots. The officers instructions were to ticket anyone parked more than an hour in a Visitors space. When Ned complained, the officer tried to explain but Ned became very agitated and abusive. The officer referred him to the Chief of Security.

Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

Handout 36.1

Dispute Resolution Model

Resolving Disputes Through Third-Party Intervention
Introduce concept of third-party intervention to disputants Establish mutually agreeable meeting time and place Introduce process, set ground rules and explain the five stages One: Two: Three: Four: Five: Introduction/opening statement Uninterrupted time Exchange developing understanding Brainstorming coming to the agreement Closing

Arrange follow-up meeting(s)

Steps to Follow
1. Explain the process: ask for cooperation of participants 2. Ask each person to speak openly to you, to explain the situation from his/her perspective. Summarize what has been said to be sure you understand each persons position. 3. Instruct each person to speak directly to the other party, guiding them to talk about some common goal or shared positive experience; then lead into the actual issues and true feelings about the dispute. 4. Have disputants brainstorm all possible suggestions that might resolve the dispute. Both participants should state what they are willing to do. (No idea is bad. List the ideas and check on what is agreeable to both parties.) 5. Summarize what has happened and remind the disputants about the good-faith aspect of the agreement. Arrange a follow-up meeting to check on progress and acknowledge successes.

Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

Handout 36.2

Introduction Of Topic
(PRACTICE PRESENTATION FOR MEDIATORS ONLY) (Small talk sentence) Thanks for being willing to participate in this type of meeting. Id like to tell you something about the idea of having a third party help resolve a dispute. Its a way of settling disputes by involving the parties and having a neutral person help out in the process. Its very important for you to be sure you want to work with me on a solution to your differences. Im here to help, but not in the role of a judge, deciding who is right or wrong. I also want you to know that I will not be making any decisions for you. As I mentioned, Im here to guide you through the process. Your job will be to make suggestions and bring up possible actions that each of you can take in resolving your dispute. So, its important that both of you feel comfortable with the process. The ground rules are that you do not call each other names, nor interrupt one another, and that you hold questions and comments until its your turn. Can you agree to that? Lets talk about a time limit. (For this role play, discuss and come up with an agreement on time. In a real situation, it is a good idea to set a time limit...not to exceed two hours, for example. This encourages the process to move along and allows for another meeting if all is not completed. It helps avoid very long sessions, which may not get anywhere.)

Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

Handout 36.3

What are the benefits of mediation? Following are some reasons that help explain the growth of mediation as an option for dispute resolution:

Affordable Timely Convenient Comfortable Understandable Private Educational Healing Effective

Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994


Cultural Diversity at Work

A Newsletter Preparing You for Managing, Training & Conducting Business in the Global Age (formerly Training & Culture Newsletter) Vol. 4, No. 1 September, 1991

INTERVIEW WITH SELMA MYERS Mediation: A Management Tool for Multicultural Situations
Mediation is just one of the many new skills that managers of a multicultural staff need to have at their disposable, claims Selma Myers, President of Intercultural Development, Inc., Solana Beach, California, a consulting firm specializing in managing diversity issues. Myers is also a trained mediator. She defines mediation as a model for solving disputes between two or more parties who agree to use a mediator as a third party facilitator. The mediators role is to provide the climate and the setting for disputing parties to express their concerns and feelings, and to work together in resolving the conflict. This process challenges people to accept responsibility and to brainstorm possible solutions that can result in a satisfactory agreement. As managers become familiar with this process, Myers states, they will find many appropriate ways to ease conflict situations in the work place. Myers follows four stages in here mediation process (stages and their names vary across mediators). Stage One requires introducing the parties involved in the dispute to the mediation process. As the mediator, Myers makes an opening statement and sets the tone. During Stage Two each party talks to the mediator (its done in the presence of the other party but without interruptions) and tells his/her perspective about the dispute. Stage Three each party then has the opportunity to talk to the other party. Myers says some mediators do not use this stage, but she finds that in many disputes, people havent really talked to one another. The mediation setting provides a safe place for people to speak to each other. Stage Four parties work together to explore a variety of options, often ones not previously thought of. The participants then work out the best possible solutions and the mediator writes them down. Agreements made in mediation are honorbound. Now the important question. What if the parties involved in a dispute come from different cultural backgrounds? Myers claims it is essential to apply sound intercultural communication principles and skills to each stage of the mediation process. Her recommendations include: First, remember that both mediator and disputing parties come to the mediation with their own cultural assumptions. If the mediator assumes that everyone shares the same values, beliefs, and communication styles, then the mediators assumptions may get in the way of resolving the dispute, warns Myers. She says American mediators often begin Stage One by calling people by their first names, but this may be inappropriate in an intercultural situation. Terms of address, which include first names, may be connected to how a person shows respect and the degree of formality or informality required by the situation. Myers suggests beginning the mediation process by asking people how they want to be addressed. This recognizes that more formal address terms may be preferred by some cultures. If mediators are unaware of cultural differences, they may inappropriately attribute meaning to the behavior of the participants. Simple things like head nodding and use of the word yes, can get a mediator into trouble. Myers tells of one mediation where one of the parties, born in Asia, continually nodded his head affirmatively and said yes. At the end, it was discovered that this party not only misunderstood the process but the agreements as well. The mediator had misinterpreted the head nodding and the use of the word yes. Yes may mean, Yes, I want to keep the harmony of the moment, not Yes, I understand. Myers stresses an important intercultural communication principle: behavior can mean many things. Mediators, in a multicultural context, must continually question their own interpretive process and that of the other participants. Disputing parties also come to the process with cultural assumptions. Some may assume that a person who is leading a meeting commands a position of authority. Myers explains that authority figures in many cultures do not ask people what they want to do, but instead tell them what to do. She says that even when the mediators role as a third party facilitator is explained to people from this cultural perspective, their expectation about authority figures may override the explanation. In contrast, most Americans readily understand what a participative process is all about. A mediator who is skilled in listening for cultural expectations is better prepared to handle them, if necessary, during a mediation process. Intertwined with the issues of assumptions and expectations is the issue of language differences. Myers recommends that mediators talk more slowly and check to see if the parties understand not only the mediator but also the other participants. She also cautions mediators to monitor their use of jargon, slang, and other regional variations of words. It is not unusual for crosscultural differences to be the cause of a conflict. But this information is usually outside the awareness of the parties involved, notes Myers. She believes mediation is an opportunity for participants to discover whether cultural differences may be a factor in their dispute. No mediator, of course, knows everything about every single culture, Myers states. But she believes mediators must be alert and open to the culture issue and mindful that, what people state as the issues, may not be the real issues at all. When mediating in a multicultural context, Myers says it is imperative that the mediator explain the process carefully and the methods to be used. For example, if the mediator plans to use brainstorming as a way of generating possible solutions, that method has to be carefully explained. She says the mediator needs to ask if the parties are comfortable with this method. If not, then the mediator has the opportunity to discover methods that would be more culturally appropriate for the participants. The advantage of the mediation process is its flexibility, says Myers, you can work with the uniqueness of each individual in pursuing satisfactory resolutions to disputes. Selma Myers may be reached at Intercultural Development, Inc. 755 San Mario Dr., Solana Beach, CA 92075, Phone 619/755-3160.


Part 4 Gender at Work

37 Historical Overview
Objective The purpose of this activity is to provide historical overview of womens roles in the American workplace and to prompt the group to start thinking about gender issues that their organization may need to address. Time 15-20 minutes Materials Flipchart and marker Sample lecture Overhead transparencies OHTs 37.1 and 37.2

Procedure 1. Present an overview of Why Now?, using OHT 38.1, and follow with a lecture offering a historical overview of U.S. women in the workplace, using either the Sample Lecture provided or one of your own. 2. For additional background information, display OHT 38.2. 3. Divide participants into small groups and ask them to discuss some of the gender issues that exist in their own organizations. Ask the group to appoint a recorder who will list the major issues. 4. Reconvene in a large group and have each group report on the issues that surfaced in their small group discussions. Record these issues on a flipchart. Conclusion Summarize by explaining that the intent of the activity is to explore the issues that were presented and begin to develop strategies that will be useful. 221

Sample Lecture

Historical Perspective of U.S. Working Women

Since arriving in Jamestown, Virginia in 1607, women in the U.S. have worked in conventional, and in some cases, unusual occupations. For example, the first printing press in the Colonies was owned by a woman. Women also caned chairs, ran saw mills, and operated slaughterhouses. Some were physicians and lawyers. Colonial America was primarily agrarian and naturally, the womens greatest contribution was in working alongside their men, farming and taking care of domestic animals. The factory system, which was just beginning, was already showing signs of a gender-based division of labor. For example, in the shoe industry men made the soles of shoes and women stitched and designed the uppers. During the American Revolution, as occurred in most American wars, women were allowed to perform all types of labor. However, after the Revolution, women began to be excluded from two of the professions which they formerly had access to, such as medicine and law. With the invention of the cotton gin in 1793, women really became wage earners in significant numbers. It was estimated that before long, cotton factories employed 3,500 women and children, as compared to only 500 men. In the middle 1800s, the factory system became a way of life in the U.S., and 24 percent of manufacturing workers were women; the classic division of labor had become a reality. Later in the century, women found work outside factories, taking jobs in domestic service, teaching and nursing, yet only about 5 percent became secretaries, clerks and salespersons. By 1900, 20 percent of Americas 25 million women were in the work force, and at least 50 percent of all workers in textile mills and tobacco factories were women. In fact, in the garment industries they outnumbered men. In every case they held womens jobs, for the most part unskilled and offering little chance for advancement. The women earned from one-third to one-half of what the men earned. Women were employed in the automobile and electrical industries from the start of those industries. Both industries practiced sex segregation before the Depression and hired women only to perform certain tasks. When the unions began in the 1930s they reinforced the sex differential in wages and separate seniority systems. 223
Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

Sample Lecture - concluded In the early 20th Century, more middle-class women joined the labor force, and with the introduction of the typewriter, woman filled more than 75 percent of typing jobs. They were mostly young and single and were paid less than male workers. This job situation has persisted throughout the 20th Century. World War II expanded job opportunities for women. Jobs formerly closed to women opened up as men left to join the service. In addition, jobs with new work processes, having no traditional gender assignment, became available. Even so, many people viewed women in nontraditional jobs as a bit odd, exemplified in the well known song of the times, Rosie the Riveter. After the war and the return of the servicemen, the role of women at work, to some degree, went back to the traditional pre-war status. In 1964, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act prohibited employment discrimination based on sex. While this legislation mandates equal opportunity for all, there is still, on other levels, an ongoing struggle for total equality. In many cases, the wages of women lag behind those of men, and the womens campaign to reach full parity in the workplace remains an issue. With new publicity, there has been a growing interest in womens roles in business. Organizations and employees are becoming concerned about communication and relationships between men and women at work. Now is a good time in history to explore this topic.

Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

OHT 37.1

Number of women entering work force is projected to increase A number of issues will need to be addressed Confusion over appropriate/inappropriate behavior Conflicting expectations

Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

OHT 37.2

FACTS ABOUT U.S. WORKING WOMEN 54 million women are working Women are 45 percent of the labor force 7 of 10 women in the age group 25-54 are in the labor force 65 percent of mothers with children under age 18 work Most employed women work full time, all year long Women are 60 percent of new job holders Women earn 70 percent of mens average weekly earnings Women are concentrated in few occupational groups Women work for economic reasons
Source: U.S. Department of Labor, 1991

Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

38 Gender Issues at Work

Objective The purpose of this activity is to acquaint participants with a variety of gender issues that arise in the workplace and give them an opportunity to discuss gender-related issues they are facing in their own organizations. Included would be emotion in the workplace, power and control, support, stereotypes, sexuality, prior experiences and familiar roles (early tape recordings) and inclusion-exclusion issues. Time 30 minutes Materials Sample Lecture Overhead transparency (OHT) 38.1 Handout 38.1 for each participant Flipchart

Procedure 1. Introduce topic by displaying OHT 38.1 and distributing Handout 38.1. Go over the various points and provide examples or a brief description of each issue. (See Sample Lecture and Trainers Notes.) 2. Divide participants into small groups of three to four and have each group select a reporter. Ask participants to discuss the following questions that you have already written on the flipchart. (Allow 15 to 20 minutes.) a. What have you noticed in your own workplace about work relationships between men and women? b. Think about a situation that you had in dealing with the opposite sex, one that you feel you handled extremely well. Describe what happened. What about a situation that turned out negatively, or in a way you did not expect? Describe that. 229

50 Activities for Diversity Training c. In dealing with the opposite sex in the workplace, what are the issues that concern you the most? 3. Reconvene in a large group. Ask each group reporter to summarize the issues and situations discussed. Record the issues they were most concerned about on the flipchart. Conclusion Explain that many of the issues recorded on the flipchart will be addressed throughout the workshop. The issues in this handout represent those most discussed in previous workshops. Trainers Notes Handout 38.1 and the Sample Lecture introduce gender-related issues and also offer points for discussion. It seems that women with very different work experiences and backgrounds still tend to agree on many of these points. Men are often unaware of how strongly women feel.


Sample Lecture

Gender Issues in the Workplace

Early Tapes Recordings It has only been in recent times that women have taken their place in positions of authority in the workplace. Because there has been no meaningful history of successful women in positions of power, very few female role models exist. Consequently, both men and women fall back on early social norms, and these, along with traditional family roles, often influence behavior in the workplace; in other words, early tape recordings are played. Both men and women often fall into the traps of their earlier experiences and, in the workplace, their behavior reflects the familiar roles of parents, children, siblings, or peers. Relationships based on old patterns of behavior are usually inappropriate in the workplace and often create problems because of differences in expectations by each group. Sexuality Sexuality is something that we cant just leave at home. When there is strong attraction between two people of the opposite sex, sexuality becomes an issue of great concern. The concept of neutrality and fairness may suddenly disappear. People behave differently and their goals may change, often making others around them uncomfortable. People normally spend the largest part of their waking hours at work and consequently there is less time to socialize in other settings. More people are looking at the workplace as a means to an increased social life. Thus, the workplace has taken on a changed role in the relationship between some men and women. Emotion in the Workplace Men and women have been socialized to express emotion in different ways. For example, it is acceptable for men to show anger and frustration, but when women express the same emotions, the behavior is perceived differently. Another example is that women are more accustomed to expressing certain emotions by crying, while men have generally been taught to hide such emotional expressions. Men often say they are uncomfortable in dealing with a situation that involves a crying woman. This kind of discomfort may become an issue if a male supervisor has to give negative feedback to a female employee. The supervisor, in some instances, would prefer not to deal with the situation if it results in tears. 233
Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

Sample Lecture - continued Power, Control and Competition Organizations are political in nature and often extremely competitive. Women have traditionally not been trained to succeed in that type of environment. Studies from adolescent play patterns show that girls and boys respond differently when conflict arises. If conflict occurs during play, girls usually stop the game until the relationship has been mended. The game is less important than the relationships among the girls. On the other hand, when boys play, their major concern is winning or losing the game. They use rules to manage conflict and, if a rule is broken, the game pauses until a decision has been reached regarding the rule. By using rules, the boys relationships with each other do not interfere with the game. Organizations operate in much the same fashion that men have been operating in since childhood. Women have to explore ways to deal with the issues of power, control and competition. Stereotypes Men often make assumptions about women in the workplace, sometimes feeling that women are not fully committed to their jobs or careers, and for them, family comes first. Male managers often say they are reluctant to hire women, especially for higher level jobs, because the managers are concerned about their attendance, commitment and child-care responsibilities. Research indicates that gender doesnt affect job commitment. It is the situation that causes the behavior not the behavior that causes the situation. Therefore, men and women in similar jobs are likely to behave the same way when it comes to job mobility, leaving a job, absenteeism or job involvement. Because more women hold lower-level jobs, and the turnover and absenteeism is greater in lower-level jobs, it appears that turnover and absenteeism is greater among women. In higher level jobs, however, women are just as stable as men.

Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

Sample Lecture - concluded Inclusion-Exclusion Men and women frequently exclude one another at work, often without even realizing it. In sitting together, going out to lunch or carrying on exclusionary conversations, they tend to isolate themselves from the other sex. Men, still in the majority, are not always accustomed to including women, and their behavior (often unintentional) makes women feel that they are not welcome. The result is that many women feel that they are discounted and that their input is not valued. Often when people feel excluded, they withdraw.

Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

39 Written and Unwritten Rules

Objective The purpose of this activity is to help participants understand that organizations have rules reflecting their culture. These rules may be written or unwritten, formal or informal. The rules help to establish the culture. Ideally, a person will accept a position with an organization whose culture is consistent with the persons values and priorities. Time 30 minutes Materials Flipchart and marker Sample Lecture Exercise 37.1 for each participant

Procedure (See Trainers Notes) 1. Present the accompanying Sample Lecture, and discuss the key points, such as what constitutes an organization and what governs it, and what are the written and unwritten rules. 2. Distribute Exercise 39.1. Ask participants to complete the exercise, allowing 10 minutes. Conclusion 1. Ask participants to share their issues agenda with the group. 2. Discuss the priorities the participants place on their Issues. Trainers Notes In this activity, the Procedures are included in the Sample Lecture. 237

Sample Lecture

Learning About the Organization

What is an organization? Ask for answers from participants, and record responses on the flipchart. Answers should include: 1. A group of individuals joined together, and contributing, for a common goal or purpose 2. A group that has been structured to accomplish its purpose 3. A group that combines skills, motivation and communication (If participants have had little experience in a work organization, have them think about other organizations they belong to and indicate that the above statements apply to them as well.) What governs an organization? Structured organizations are governed by their own rules, which evolve either consciously or unconsciously, and which may be written or unwritten. Knowing that a company has its own rules, how can a job applicant learn how the organization does things? Expressed another way, What is the corporate culture around here? Lets say you are interviewing for a job in an industrial company. The job is in the Management Information Systems Department. The corporate staff and the manufacturing people occupy the same facility. There are about 100 people in the corporate area and approximately 300 in the manufacturing facility. As a prospective employee, how do you go about learning the culture of the company? Lets think first about the formal written rules. Where do you think you might find out about these rules? (Lead a discussion on the formal rules, recording responses on a separate flipchart page.) Answers should include: 1. Human Resources department might issue an employee handbook including information about: Mission statement Work hours, breaks and lunch Dress code 239
Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

Discipline Smoking policies

Sample Lecture - continued 2. The supervisor might provide written information applicable to his or her department, covering: Organizational charts Scheduling Reporting requirements Work assignments

3. For job applicants who are specifically interested in gender and/or ethnic issues, the organizations written rules regarding these topics may be found in its: EEO policies and procedures AA goals Managing diversity training programs Focus groups

We have begun by talking about the formal and written rules, but what about those informal or unwritten rules that also govern an organization? What might some of these rules be? (Lead a discussion on the informal rules, recording responses on the flipchart.) 1. What are some examples of unwritten rules? Even though the corporate staff and the manufacturing people share the same facility, their business cultures are quite different. Lunchroom behavior: for example, John the supervisor sits in the same chair every day. A new employee may need to know where to sit, even though there are no assigned seats. The boss wants a certain report first thing every morning. An informal dress code may exist in certain departments or on certain days of the week. Some promotions are based on ethnic or gender factors. There may be limits on use of offensive language. There may not be flexibility in ethnic dress and office decor.

1. As a potential employee, what are your sources of information about unwritten rules? (Record answers on separate flipchart page.) Answers could include: Hiring authority or supervisor Co-workers Personal observations looking and listening Outside sources such as community organizations or educational institutions References to the company in newspaper articles and on TV Your intuition about hidden messages 240
Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

Sample Lecture - concluded These sources of information can help you deal with those ethnic and gender factors that may be very important to you. They can give you insight into whether the organization may want to encourage ethnic diversity and might welcome the opportunity to encourage others to celebrate their diversity. For example, if it is important to you to wear clothing that heralds your ethnicity, use whatever sources are available to learn ahead of time. Alternatively, learn whatever you can during the interview. Start thinking about the organizations record of promotions of females and minorities in the organization, formal support groups or activities addressed to diversity issues and any other issues which strongly interest you. Though it is not easy to gain such information while applying for a job, especially when you are anxious for work, its worth the time and effort. What is it thats so important about learning the culture of an organization? Ask for answers from participants, record responses on a separate flipchart page. Answers should include: Organizational values should be consistent with your personal values and culture. Your comfort level will increase if you feel that you can fit in to the work environment. You can concentrate on your work as opposed to spending time and energy trying to become a part of a culture that is at odds with your personal culture.

Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

Exercise 39.1

Exercise 39.1: Issues Agenda

I am vitally interested in organizations that address the following ethnic and gender issues.

Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

40 Inclusion - Exclusion
Objective The purpose of this activity is to provide an experience that demonstrates how it feels to exclude others as well as the experience of being excluded by others. Time 5-15 minutes Materials None Procedure 1. Ask for volunteer(s), one for each five or six members of the group, and then instruct the volunteer(s) to leave the room. 2. Depending on the size of the group, instruct participants to form one or more circles. (Circles of five or six are most effective.) 3. Explain to the group that the goal of each circle is to keep the volunteer(s) from becoming part of their group. Instruct them to pick a subject and talk in a jovial, fun-loving manner. (Planning a party or special event works well.) Tell them they can use any means possible, verbal or non-verbal, to accomplish this goal. 4. Go out to the volunteer(s) and explain that, when they return, the goal of each is to become part of a particular circle assigned by the trainer. Bring the volunteer(s) into the room, assign each to a different circle, and allow two to three minutes for the interaction. 5. Instruct participants to return to their seats for the closure process.


50 Activities for Diversity Training Conclusion Conclude the activity by asking the following questions or your own equally appropriate ones: Questions for the volunteer(s): 1. 2. 3. 4. How did you feel about being excluded by the group? How hard did you try to become part of the group? What techniques did you use to try to get in? What did your behavior tell you about yourself? Are you aggressive, assertive, or primarily passive? 5. What verbal and non-verbal messages did the group use to keep you out? Questions for the group participants: 1. How did you feel about excluding the volunteer? 2. Would you have let the volunteer in if your group had been smaller? 3. How far were you willing to go in keeping the volunteer out? 4. What did your behavior tell you about yourself? Were you surprised by the way you acted? Tell the group that although they acted this way because they were instructed to, exclusionary behavior often occurs naturally due to group pressure. In other workshops, women have reported, more often than men, that they have felt excluded from joining male groups at work. Note that most people at some point in their lives have either excluded others (intentionally or unintentionally) or have felt excluded themselves. Trainers Notes This activity works well regardless of the groups composition. Because men often forget how it feels to be excluded in a workplace setting, the exercise is particularly helpful when you can arrange for some of the small circles to be composed of all or mostly all women, and use a male as a volunteer. This group arrangement allows men to feel the impact of exclusion, which, in a workplace setting, they may not feel as often as women.


41 Gender Tapes: Decades on Parade

Objective The purpose of this activity is to help participants understand what factors and early experiences (tapes) influenced the perception they have of themselves and their own sex, as well as those of the opposite sex. Time 30-45 minutes Materials Overhead projector Exercises 41.1 and 41.2 for each participant Overhead transparency (OHT) 41.1

Procedure 1. Distribute Exercise 41.1 and ask participants to complete it. 2. Group participants into pairs and use the completed exercise as a discussion guide. Allow about 15 minutes for each pair to discuss their responses with each other. 3. Reconvene in the large group and ask the participants to report on the similarities and differences in their experiences. Ask them the effect of early influences on their current feelings about the opposite sex, and how these feelings might affect their relationships in the workplace. 4. Distribute Exercise 41.2. Have participants complete Part I. Return the participants to pairs and have them select one or two of the decades and discuss specific ways women were represented by the institutions listed in Part II of the exercise. 5. Reconvene in the large group and ask the participants to report on their discussion. 247

50 Activities for Diversity Training 6. Show OHT 41.1. Summarize by discussing how we are all affected by the time in history in which we grew up, as well as personal influences such as family, school and friends. Conclusion The term gender tapes is used to describe early words, phrases, concepts and philosophies concerning the opposite sex which, during childhood, had either been expressed by others or discovered personally. Its helpful to share your own influences and explain how you arrived at some of your current beliefs. Point out that these old tapes are hard to erase and many of the problems that occur between men and women in the workplace relate back to early experiences.


Exercise 41.1

Exercise 41.1: Gender Tapes

Instructions: Complete the following questions. Using this exercise as a discussion guide, hold a conversation with your partner. Compare and contrast the similarities or differences in your answers. 1. In which decade did you grow up and what was your family like? For example, did your mother work outside of the home or was it a more traditional family?

2. What messages did you receive that contributed to the way you view the role of being a man or woman? For example, were you told: Dont cry, only sissies cry or There, there, thats OK?

3. How were you influenced in your vocational choice (by either parent or outside social influences)? How has this affected the way you see yourself in your current role at work?

4. Who was your role model or hero when you were a child?

5. How do you think the messages you received while growing up impact you today when it comes to dealing with someone of the opposite sex?

Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

Exercise 41.2

Exercise 41.2: Changing Decades, Changing Sentiments

Part I
Instructions: Identify ways that women were depicted in each of the decades listed below. Give examples of your mental pictures. 1950s 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________

Which decade (except for the 1990s) is clearest in your mind, and why?

Part II
Select one or two of the decades and discuss specific ways women were depicted by the institutions listed below: Media Politics Military Church Schools Clubs, etc.

Discuss with your partner the decade in which you were an adolescent and how this affected the way you look at women in the workplace today.

Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

OHT 41.1








Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

Myths and Stereotypes: Old Wives Tales
Objective The purpose of this activity is to make participants aware of written and spoken messages that surround us in everyday life and influence our thinking about gender differences. Exploring proverbs, sayings and symbols can lead to recognizing the limiting effect these messages have when dealing with the opposite sex. Time 10-15 minutes Materials Flipchart and marker Handout 42.1 for each participant

Procedure 1. Ask participants for examples of songs, sayings or proverbs that refer to men or women. Use the title as an example by asking if everyone has heard of the saying, Old Wives Tales and what it means. 2. Record the responses on the flipchart and ask how they are generally interpreted. Discuss the negative and positive implications. 3. Discuss whether or not there are more myths about men than women, or vice versa. What stereotypical messages do these phrases bring out, and how do they impact relationships at work? 4. Distribute Handout 42.1 and compare with those generated by the group. Pay particular attention to the fact that different cultures may have different proverbs, sayings and symbols, which may complicate the limiting effects of these messages even more.


50 Activities for Diversity Training Conclusion Almost everyone has been exposed to, and conditioned by, these types of sayings. The issues that are now being raised in the workplace include the need for people to recognize that many negative ideas stem from such stereotypes. It is important to understand how prevalent these stereotypes are and to recognize the tape recordings for what they are. It is also important to erase them or get beyond them.


Handout 42.1

Examples of Proverbs and Sayings

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. May the best man win! Dog is mans best friend. A mans home is his castle. Terrible night for man or beast. Its a mans world. Take your medicine like a man. Act like a man. Why cant a woman be more like a man? Boys will be boys. Isnt that just like a man? A mans gotta do what a mans gotta do. A man works from sun to sun but a womans work is never done. ==================== A womans place is in the home. Woman, thy name is vanity. Why cant a woman be more like a man? Women are to be put on a pedestal. Ladies Day Out Act like a lady. A man works from sun to sun but a womans work is never done. 257
Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

43 First and Lasting Thoughts

Objective The purpose of this activity is to have participants examine stereotypes about men and women, what these stereotypes are and where they come from. It will also offer an opportunity to explore how such stereotypes may get in the way when dealing with the opposite sex in the workplace. Time 10-15 minutes Materials Flipchart; colored markers Exercise 43.1 for each participant

Procedure 1. Distribute Exercise 43.1. Review the instructions, emphasizing that this exercise should be done quickly and without a great deal of thought. Ask participants to begin. 2. Prepare a flipchart page with two columns headed: Men Are, Women Are. 3. In the large group, ask the men to call out the words they use to describe men. Record the responses under the column Men Are. Next ask the women to call out the words they use to describe men, and using a different colored marker, record their responses in the same column. Circle any matches. 4. Repeat step 3, except this time ask women to call out the words they use to describe women. Then have the men call out the words they use to describe women. Record all the responses, again using different colored markers for the mens and womens responses, circling any matches. 259

50 Activities for Diversity Training 5. Compare the words that were used by men and women to describe men and women. Note any differences. Ask what the implications are in the workplace today, and if these are the stereotypes each group has about the other. 6. Refer to the title of this exercise and close with a discussion of how deep-seated are the impressions men and women have of one another, and how difficult they are to change. Discuss whether or not changes in these stereotypes really can occur, and what it would take to make a difference at work. Conclusion Summarize the activity by pointing out that the words on the flipchart and occasional thoughts people have about each other are stereotypes. Discuss the need to be aware of the stereotypes about each sex that exist and how they show up in the workplace. Trainers Notes A similar activity may be conducted that deals with labels that are attached to the word man and woman. For example, you may state the name of a group (such as football fans, TV watchers, etc.) and make the point that the words man or woman simply cannot describe an individual fully, since both genders overlap these groups used as examples. This is a good lead-in or follow-up to Activity 41, Gender Tapes: Decades on Parade.


Exercise 43.1

Exercise 43.1: First Thoughts

As quickly as possible, and without a great deal of thought, jot down the first words that come to mind, under both columns: Men Are __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ 261
Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

Women Are _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________

44 Strategies for Success

Objective The purpose of this activity is to use situations to explore potentially sensitive issues that have actually occurred in the workplace and to develop strategies that will help deal with these issues. Time 30-45 minutes Materials Flipchart and marker Handout 44.1 for each participant Exercise 44.1 for each participant

Procedures 1. Divide the participants into groups of three to four and distribute Handout 44.1. Depending on the number of participants in the session, assign one situation to each group, or the same situation to more than one group, or write situations of your own. Allow about 10 minutes for each group to look at its assigned situation and discuss how it should be handled. 2. Reconvene in the large group and have each of the small groups report orally by reading its situation and explaining the results of its discussion. 3. For the next step in this exercise, ask each individual to select a specific situation or issue, either one of those already used in the group discussion, or an actual situation the participant wishes to address. 4. Distribute Exercise 44.1 and have each person write a strategy he/she would use on the issue selected. It can be from either the male or female perspective. 263

50 Activities for Diversity Training 5. Reconvene in the large group, asking the various participants to state their situation and share the strategy. Record the strategies on the flipchart. 6. Discuss similarities and differences between the suggested strategies and whether or not those of men and women were different. Close by summarizing the strategies that came up in the large group. Add any of your own. Conclusion In general, men and women today express confusion and concern about appropriate and inappropriate behavior in the workplace, but it is important to keep in mind that everyone is unique. Each of us reacts differently, and we have individual feelings regarding how we want to be treated by others, and how we should treat others. In other words, whats appropriate for one person may not be for another. As a general rule, the most helpful way to deal with these serious questions is to discuss the issues with the other person involved. Trainers Notes Questions about sexual harassment will sometimes arise, but this manual of activities does not include material dealing with the legal aspects of sexual harassment. It would be helpful for trainers to be aware of government regulations concerning sexual harassment. However, it is useful to point out that good communication strategies may be helpful in dealing with issues early, before major problems, or actual legal issues, arise.


Handout 44.1

Situations for Discussion

Setting: Situation: A supervisors meeting has been called. supervisors, only three of whom are women. There are 27

One man uses a series of four-letter words, then laughingly apologizes to the women. The meeting continues. =========

Setting: Situation:

A small group is holding a meeting. There is only one female employee present. A sheet of paper with jokes is being passed around. However, the paper is being deliberately kept away from the female employee. =========


At a coffee break, a female employee is getting a cup of coffee. A man who is known for his womanizing behavior walks over to her. The man says, Gee, thats a nice top you have The woman responds, Thank you. The man then says, I also like your blouse. =========



In one company, all engineers, whether male or female, are identified by their first initial only. For a new written proposal, it becomes necessary to identify certain engineers and the manager uses he and she as appropriate. One female engineer complains about being identified as she because it singles her out.


Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

Exercise 44.1

Exercise 44.1: Strategies

Write a one sentence summary of the issue you selected. Then write your suggested strategy to deal with it. Be prepared to report back to the large group when it reconvenes.

Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

45 Communicating Across Gender

Objective The purpose of this activity is to offer participants the opportunity to discuss cases based on actual workplace situations and practice dealing with such situations using a communication model as a guideline. Time 45-60 minutes Materials Overhead projector Exercise 45.1 for each participant Handout 45.1 for each participant Overhead transparency (OHT) 45.1

Procedure 1. Divide the participants into groups of three to four and distribute Exercise 45.1, assigning one case to each group. Allow about 10 minutes for them to study the assigned case and to answer the questions. 2. Reconvene in the large group and have each of the small groups report out loud by reading their assigned case and explaining their responses to the questions. Have them discuss what they felt the best approaches were. 3. Discuss the kinds of communication skills participants felt would have been most helpful in dealing with the cases. 4. Display OHT 45.1. Review the steps of this model and then ask the participants to select one specific issue, either one of the cases discussed by their group or an actual situation they want to address.


50 Activities for Diversity Training 5. Distribute a copy of Handout 45.1 and ask participants to get into new groups of two or three to role play the situations they have chosen, using The STAND Model as a guideline. 6. Reconvene and ask for reports from small groups as to what happened and what their suggestions were to address such problems when they get back to their jobs. Conclusion This activity offers an opportunity to have people practice dealing with issues between men and women at work. It is important to remind them of the value of good communication in dealing with gender issues. It is also important that men as well as women learn to discuss their concerns. Trainers Notes This activity may be done in pairs or in groups of three with one person being an observer. If time permits, participants may change roles and play each others parts.


Exercise 45.1

Exercise 45.1: Mini-Cases for Discussion

THE BIG LITTLE WOMAN SYNDROME You are a woman working for a male manager who treats you very well, but you notice that he does not give you the same assignments as he gives the men, but instead, offers you less challenging ones. In fact he seems to feel protective. The other day you overheard him on the phone talking to a female manager who apparently was looking to have you transferred to her department. He was saying how good looking you were and how sweet, but never how intelligent and capable, both of which you are. Should you be concerned? If so, about what? Would you address your concerns? If not, why not? If so, what is the best approach to take? ============== THE INVISIBLE WOMAN Ben is a successful Purchasing Manager with a reputation for being hard working and fair. In his regular Monday morning Buyers meeting, the participants are Harry, Charlie, Jim and Sally; Ben gets along with them all. After the latest meeting, Ben is surprised when Sally approaches him almost in tears, and complains, Ben, first thing in todays meeting, I suggested we consolidate the commodity purchasing into one section. Before I was halfway through, you interrupted to let Jim speak. By the end of the meeting, you agreed with my idea, but gave Jim all the credit. Sally thought to herself, Nobody listens to me. Is there something wrong with me? Ben doesnt know what to think, and besides, he cant even remember Sally bringing up the idea in the first place. Is something wrong with Sally today?, he wonders. Why is she making a federal case out of this? So, he makes a joke to minimize the situation. Whats happening here? If you were Ben, would you have been able to understand what was going on and avoid it? If you put yourself in Sallys shoes, how would you handle the situation? 271
Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

Exercise 45.1 - concluded

ANTICIPATION OF OFFICE MATE One of your male co-workers, told he would be getting a new female employee as his office-mate, was heard grumbling and groaning about how that would change the office and bring many problems. He also was afraid there would be lots of chit-chat and the new situation would take a lot more time away from his projects. This was before he had even met his new colleague. You were standing nearby one day when he described his feelings. Should you be concerned? If so, about what? Would you address your concerns? If not, why not? If so, what is the best approach to take? ============== SELECTING THE BEST TEAM MEMBERS A group of male managers are getting together to set up a new project team. One of the people being considered is a woman and one of the men says that he heard that the woman being considered was pregnant. He stated that because the project was very time-sensitive, he saw no reason to have a pregnant woman on the team. Others, who had worked with the woman, all spoke about how effective she was and how important her contribution would be, even though she might have to miss some time. Nevertheless, the man who was objecting was adamant. You are one of the members of the group who believes the woman should be assigned to the team. What do you think is going on here? Should you be concerned? If so, about what? Would you address your concerns? If not, why not? If so, what is the best approach to take?

Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

OHT 45.1


Instructions: Review this model and apply it to your specific issue (either the assigned case or an actual situation you want to address).

S State the situation you want to discuss (as objectively as possible). T Talk about your reactions to it (how it affects you personally). A Acknowledge the other persons point of view. N Negotiate with the other person, discussing what youre interested in having happen in working toward change. D Discuss the possible options (behaviors or changes that each party can do to improve the situation) and agree to the steps each will take to work toward the desired result.
Note: You may use the space below to outline your strategy in preparation for the role play.

Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

Handout 45.1


Instructions: Review this model and apply it to your specific issue (either the assigned case or an actual situation you want to address).

S State the situation you want to discuss (as objectively as possible). T Talk about your reactions to it (how it affects you personally). A Acknowledge the other persons point of view. N Negotiate with the other person, discussing what youre interested in having happen in working toward change. D Discuss the possible options (behaviors or changes that each party can do to improve the situation) and agree to the steps each will take to work toward the desired result.
Note: You may use the space below to outline your strategy in preparation for the role play.

Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

46 Worlds Apart or Is It Words Apart?

Objective The purpose of this activity is to help participants understand how language influences the way in which the sexes perceive one another. The male and female versions of many words and phrases have a strong influence on the way society looks at men and women. Such words and phrases can often become a wedge between sexes; hence worlds apart flowing from words apart. Time 15 minutes Materials Sample Lecture Overhead projector Overhead transparency (OHT) 46.1 Exercise 46.1 for each participant

Procedure 1. Use the Sample Lecture to introduce this session. Distribute Exercise 46.1 and ask participants to complete it on their own. Allow about 5 minutes. 2. Have participants form groups of three or four and ask them to use their responses as a guide to talk about whether the words they selected were the same or different. Ask them to discuss the differences in meaning, as well as their attitudes about the various words and then also discuss what happens when the words are used interchangeably. 3. Reconvene in the large group and ask how the participants felt about the exercise on words and phrases. Discuss the implications in the workplace. 277

50 Activities for Diversity Training 4. Summarize this exercise, displaying OHT 46.1 and ask participants to discuss additional ways to help minimize language biases and enable men and women in the workplace to feel positive about the use of words, both written and spoken. Trainers Notes When training in the area of male-female language, it is important to remember that issues around this subject may affect men and women differently. Here individual differences often come into play, both in the use of language as well as how words may be interpreted by others. The comments of the trainers need to remain neutral and not be biased in any direction.


Sample Lecture

Language Differences Across Gender

This activity explores whether or not the English language furthers biases and prejudices. Just as an individuals belief system has a definite affect on behavior in the workplace, so does language affect the way both men and women look at their own sex as well as the other. Stereotypical thoughts expressed in language can affect attitudes, feelings and behavior. It is important for both groups to be aware of how important this fact is, and that such awareness is helpful in dealing with language affecting the opposite sex. It is the responsibility of both sexes to understand the consequences of sexist language and work toward changing or omitting language that encourages stereotypical thinking.

Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

Exercise 46.1

Exercise 46.1: A Look at Language Influence

Heres an opportunity to consider the words and phrases that may have influenced the way people look at male-female differences, in terms of positive vs. negative, or strength vs. weakness. For example, the words on the left of the blank spaces are conventionally used in normal conversation and have a masculine orientation. Jot down in the blank spaces counterpart words that might be applied with a feminine orientation. WORDS AND PHRASES Master becomes ____________ Governor becomes __________ Tailor becomes _____________ Bachelor becomes __________

What implications can you draw from the above? ============ Now, for discussion purposes, consider the following: WORDS THAT DONT CHANGE FOR MALE/FEMALE manager, writer, artist, teacher, president, athlete Name some others and discuss your thoughts about why actor, waiter, steward, might take on different endings for women? DIFFERENCES IN MEANINGS Using the sentences below as a discussion guide, talk about the differences in meanings of the phrases such as: Hes a professionalShes a professional Hes aggressiveShes aggressive Women have girl friendsMen have boy friends Mary hopes to meet a bachelorJohn hopes to meet a spinster Man and WifeHusband and Wife

Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

Exercise 46.1 - concluded PROVERBS

Dog is mans best friendwhat about womans? He who hesitates is lostwhat about she? Everything come to He who waitswhat about she? MANLY LANGUAGE Words used over and over again can influence our thinking more than people realize. Seeing the same words repeatedly creates lasting impressions. What do the phrases and sentences below express? These are the times that try mens souls. We asked the Girl Scouts to man the exhibit. The working team put in 40 man-hours. (Half the team were women.) THINK ABOUT WHAT EACH INDIVIDUAL CAN DO, SO AS NOT TO ENCOURAGE STEREOTYPES THROUGH LANGUAGE.

Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

OHT 46.1


1. Recognize the fact that language influences how people feel about one another. 2. Check outgoing messages, whether oral or written, to make sure youre not furthering stereotypes. 3. Commit to checking your communication in light of possible sexist language. 4. As you discover stereotypical language, work toward changing by substituting or omitting that type of language. 5. Think of the positive example you will be setting.

Points for individuals to ask themselves:

Can I really make a difference? If so, what can I specifically do? Am I guilty in encouraging sex stereotypes? Am I aware of what I say? Is my language or humor appropriate for mixed company? Am I willing to address gender issues face-to-face?

Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

47 Communication Style
Objective Communication style is a speakers approach to conveying thoughts and messages using specific linguistic techniques. The purpose of this activity is to help participants understand some of the gender-related communication styles that have been identified by linguists, and to look at the general effects these differences in style may have on the opposite sex. Time 20 to 30 minutes Materials Handouts 47.1 and 47.2 for each participant Exercise 47.1 for each participant

Procedures 1. Distribute Handout 47.1 and allow several minutes for participants to read the article as background for this activity. 2. Ask participants if they are aware of other differences in communication (such as style) between men and women. One example is the manner in which men and women sometimes differ in giving orders, say, direct orders vs. apologetic requests. Ask if, in communication between men and women, the participants hear either sex using phrases such as, Excuse me, but... or Im sorry to interrupt, but... Use their answers to lead into the sample lecture. 3. Use the sample lecture to introduce Exercise 47.1. 4. Distribute Exercise 47.1 and ask each participant to look it over and think about how he/she might respond to the situations.


50 Activities for Diversity Training 5. Have participants form groups of four or five, discuss the various responses and explore whether or not there were differences in communication styles. 6. Reconvene in the large group and have small groups report on their conclusions. Ask whether gender influenced different types of responses. If so, how? Would these differences impact working relationships between men and women? 7. Distribute Handout 47.2 and ask for further comments. Close by stressing the importance of understanding different styles for what they are, and not misinterpreting them. Conclusion By acknowledging some of the differences purely as style, people at work are less likely to misinterpret communication. It is important that all participants start evaluating their own style as well as the styles of others with whom they work. The major point to stress here is that, in the workplace, differences in style strongly affect how someone is perceived. Trainers Notes This activity may bring forth various types of responses because sometimes people are not aware of differences in communication styles. Often these style differences also come about because of socialization issues, such as competition, expectations of success, need for approval, etc. It might be interesting to explore those issues with your participants as well.


Handout 47.1

Bridging the Gender Communication Gap

by Dianne Gardner, Ph.D. People interested in communication are always striving toward a goal of better understanding and connecting with one another. Id like to offer some insights and recommendations about gender differences that will help us empathize with, relate to and communicate with one another. =========== Insight #1: Talking serves different functions for men and women. According to Deborah Tannen, author of You Just Dont Understand, women use language to create connections and achieve consensus with others. Men use language to preserve independence and negotiate status. Their different conversational styles arise from differences in socialization. As children, boys and girls develop different rules both for play and negotiating disagreements. As adults, we tend to keep these divergent attitudes and behaviors. In large mixed audiences in which the speaker wants active participations, women are going to be more comfortable and more willing to do so when divided into smaller subgroups. Men may, in fact, feel the opposite. Because men tend to use talk to display their knowledge and jockey for position, they are naturally more comfortable calling attention to themselves in group settings. The size of the group is not necessarily a factor for them. Insight #2: Men control most conversations. Research in mixed settings (outside the home) documented that men talk more, for longer periods of time, and do virtually all the interrupting (96 percent). Consequently, women report greater difficulty presenting their ideas in mixed groups. Women often withdraw from group discussions, favoring one-on-one interactions in which they feel less on display. Men often interpret such withdrawal as women having less to contribute. In light of these differences, men may need to draw out womens opinions and ask for elaboration. Especially when facilitating group activities, the facilitator may want to discourage mens verbosity and encourage womens contributions, supporting them in making their points in the face of inappropriate interruptions. 287
Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

Handout 47.1 - concluded

Insight #3: Women and men read and use non-verbal cues differently. In any communication, words account for only 7 percent of the meaning conveyed in our message. An overwhelming 93 percent is determined by our tone of voice and non-verbal behavior. Womens non-verbal responses serve to promote connections whereas men express agreement or disagreement with actual content of the message. Studies have shown that women are more apt to look, nod and smile at the speaker. Additionally, nodding has different meanings for men and women. Women nod to acknowledge theyre listening to the speaker whereas men are more likely to nod only when agreeing with the speaker. Consequently, men often incorrectly presume agreement when women nod at them. Also, because women nod and look more at the speaker, men may perceive them as being uncritical listeners or even flirtatious. Conversely, since men are less apt to look and nod at the speaker, women speakers may experience the men in their audiences as aloof or uninterested. As communicators, we all need to be sensitive to the fact that the differing sociocultural and personal backgrounds of women and men often lead to differing perceptions and behaviors. Words and gestures may serve very different functions in men an women. We greatly enhance our communication effectiveness by understanding and addressing these significant differences. ===========
Dr. Dianne Gardner, from Del Mar, CA, is a speaker, consultant and trainer specializing in gender communications and interpersonal relationships. (Article reprinted from National Speakers Association Newsletter, San Diego Chapter, with authors permission.)

Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

Handout 47.2

Putting Communication Styles to Work

Since communication often leads to success or failure on the job, it is important to understand the impact of communication styles and recognize that they may: 1. Sometimes change the intention of the message 2. Be gender-related, as well as derived from individual differences 3. Cause men and women to view each other in ways that are not indicated by language itself Therefore, you should: 1. Become aware of differences in male/female communication styles 2. Check for meaning without assuming that the style is the meaning 3. Understand the significance of clear communication, without biases getting in the way 4. Be sure both the sender and receiver understand the message and do not let different communication styles interfere

Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

Exercise 47.1

Exercise 47.1: Communication Styles at Work

This exercise explores whether men and women communicate in different styles and, if so, how. In your group, you will discuss how you personally would respond to various situations. 1. A crowded meeting room is beginning to get too warm and someone near the wall thermostat should probably turn it down. 2. During a busy departmental review meeting, the boss makes a serious misstatement and continues on. No one corrects him but you feel it is too important to ignore. 3. On a Monday morning before the work day begins, you join a group of men and women who stop off in the coffee lounge where usually no one talks business. 4. A supervisor is giving you complicated instructions. You dont want to interrupt, but you want to indicate that you understand. 5. In reporting the results of a very difficult assignment, you believe that you have carried it out exceptionally well and want to be sure the boss recognizes the achievement. 6. In a time-restricted meeting, you want to raise an issue you feel is very important, though it is not on the agenda. Think about some of the differences in communication styles you may have noticed and give examples from your own work situation.

Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

Sample Lecture

Language Style Differences

In communication between men and women, differences in style can lead to many disturbing interpretations, often with no one giving it a second thought. Male/female styles affect communication beyond the basic use of words, and strongly influence behavior in the workplace. The importance of different communication styles between men and women cannot be ignored. Once people recognize some of the differences purely as style, they are less likely to misinterpret the communication. There are no certainties in this field. It is up to the individual to start looking at both his/her style and the other persons style. Research indicates that in the workplace, differences in style make major differences in how someone is perceived. Linguists have studied male/female styles and concluded that the differences are very real. For example, studies of language styles have found that women, and not men, conventionally use phrases such as Excuse me, but, or interrupt others with phrases like, Do you mind if I ask a question, or I may be wrong, but . Women also frequently turn to linguistic hedges such as sorta or kinda, or sentences beginning with I guess or I wonder, a practice usually considered a sign of weakness. There is another convention women use more than men; that is, the tagquestion. One makes a statement, but then adds a tag-question at the end. For example, someone could say The meetings at 2:00 oclock, isnt it? as opposed to, The meetings at 2:00 oclock. This type of statement often makes women sound more tentative and hoping for an affirming Yes answer. However, it is also important to note that successful women in business and professional circles are less apt to use these female conventions. The reason given is that perhaps such women are in the company of men more frequently. The basic message is that many women, throughout their earlier years, have been conditioned by society, parents, teachers and friends to use certain conventions, which forcefully imprinted the patterns.

Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

Part 5 Culture and Career Transitions

Identifying Your Values: An Exploration
Objective The purpose of this activity is to help participants identify their own values and how these values affect the career decisions they will make. Time 20 minutes Materials Flipchart and marker Exercises 48.1 and 48.2 for each participant

Procedure 1. Introduce the activity by discussing the fact that personal values are important when thinking of any career choice. Remind participants that they need to spend time exploring their values so that they can determine what factors are important in matching themselves with an organization. Explain that the following exercises will lead to realizing what values are important for them in a work situation. 2. Distribute Exercise 48.1 and allow 5 minutes for participants to complete the value checklist using the instructions given. 3. Divide participants into small groups; ask each group to assign a recorder and have participants compare their values with the others. Ask them to think about and discuss how these values will influence the job search and which value headings they think are most important. 4. Reconvene, have recorders report on the discussions and record the responses on the flipchart. 5. Ask participants to complete Exercise 48.1. 297

50 Activities for Diversity Training Conclusion There are no right or wrong answers to this activity. Research indicates that by the age of ten, 90 percent of values are formed, so it is extremely important to understand that ones own embedded values are a critical part of any job search. Values often reflect the culture in which a person grew up, and are not easy to change. Often in a job search situation, people who overlook their own values and make decisions without considering what is most important to them, risk dissatisfaction.


Exercise 48.1

Exercise 48.1: Checking Your Values

Instructions: Under each value heading (affiliation, power, etc.), there are two statements. Place a checkmark beside the one that is most like you. Affiliation ___ I prefer to work alone, OR ___ I prefer to work with others. Power ___ I like to be in charge or be in position of authority, OR ___ I prefer to be told what to do. Security ___ I need guarantees in salary and position, OR ___ I am open to new challenges, which may fail. Risk taking ___ I am willing to take risks to obtain a better position, OR ___ I am not a risk-taker, I need security in my position. Time scheduling ___ I need a set schedule, OR ___ I need to set my own time. Competition ___ I get a charge out of competing with others in a job setting, OR ___ I prefer to work in a team where no one stands out. Materialism ___ Money is my primary motivator, OR ___ My primary motivator is enjoying what I do. Self-determination ___ I am in control of your future, OR ___ I believe that my future is pre-determined. Environment ___ I prefer large organizations, OR ___ I prefer smaller, more family-like organizations

Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

Exercise 48.1 - concluded

Self-growth ___ Is it important for me to be in a job that offers further training and educational opportunities, OR ___ Furthering my education is not important to me. Helping others ___ I prefer to be in a helping profession, OR ___ I prefer being in a job that is related to work with data or machines rather than people.

Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

Exercise 48.2

Exercise 48.2: Value Statements

Part A: Based on your small group discussion, underline the five most important value headings in the list below. Rank those five as to their importance to you (1 being the most important and 5 being the least). Rank ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Affiliation Power Security Risk taking Time scheduling Competition Rank ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Materialism Self-determination Environment Self-growth Helping others

Part B: Using the top five value headings you selected, create a specific value statement for each one. For example, I value consistent work hours; I want to work Monday through Friday from 9:00 until 5:00. Write them below, in the same order as your rankings of the value headings. Value statement 1: ___________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Value statement 2: ___________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Value statement 3: ___________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Value statement 4: ___________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Value statement 5: ___________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ These statements should give you an idea of values that you feel strongly enough about to affect your career choices. 301
Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

49 Reviewing Your Itinerary

Objective The purpose of this activity is to allow participants an opportunity to review their previous work histories and identify what they enjoy doing. They will also review their competencies, as well as the kind of reinforcement that comes from their family and community. Additionally, participants will begin to identify possible job matches that they may use in their job search. Time 45-60 minutes Materials Sample Lecture Exercises 49.1 and 49.2 Flipchart and marker

Procedure 1. Present the Sample Lecture, following the instructions to record the participants definitions on the flipchart. 2. Explain to the participants that prior work experience, volunteer work, training and hobbies are helpful in identifying the tasks that people enjoy and the skills they have attained. Also point out that in many cultures there are both positive reinforcements and negative attitudes about the work one does and the place one works. The participants should think about how their cultures view various types of work. 3. Distribute Exercise 49.1. Ask participants to follow the instructions provided. 4. Divide into small groups to discuss the completed form, especially cultural significance and its importance. 303

50 Activities for Diversity Training 5. Reconvene and ask for each group to report on the results of its discussion. 6. Divide participants into new groups and distribute Exercise 49.2. In the small groups, brainstorm the various jobs that may use the skills listed and write down any possible job matches. Conclusion Discuss the fact that skills can be transferred and Exercise 49.2 can be an important part of their job search.


Sample Lecture

Defining Skills
The word skill is confusing to many people. Ask participants how they define skills and record the responses on the flipchart. Note that people often confuse their own job titles with their skills. The point to remember is that job titles dont offer any clues to skills. We possess many more skills than we realize. A skill is simply something we know how to do, yet the degree of mastery may vary. Lets look at a data entry clerk, for example. What are the general skills a data entry clerk needs? These can be the ability to concentrate, to follow instructions, type, the ability to spot problems in both the data being processed and the equipment involved, etc. Now as we look at a particular task we might be involved with, we can further identify specific skills. For example, lets look at the task of writing a letter. The general skills would be communication, language usage and typing. For specific skills, one needs manual dexterity, typing speed, spelling and accuracy. The general skill of concentration takes specific skills of blocking out distractions and focusing attention on the work. These skills are all transferable, which means we can use the same set of skills in other jobs. Now that you have a better understanding of skills, I would like for you to complete Exercise 49.1

Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

Exercise 49.1

Exercise 49.1: What Have I Done and What Did it Take?

Instructions: Think about your past work history, volunteer work and hobbies that you have enjoyed. List the activities as well as the skills used, and how competent you felt using them. Finally, note what significance, if any, that activity may have had in relation to your cultural upbringing; that is, approval, disapproval or irrelevant. Using the headings below, complete this worksheet. Activity __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ Skills __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ Level of Competency ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ Cultural Significance ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________

Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

Exercise 49.2

Exercise 49.2: Job Matching

Instructions: Copy the skills you listed on the previous exercise, 49.1 under the left column below. Then list all of the suggested job matches in the right column. Identified Skills Possible Job Matches

Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

50 Finding the Right Boss: Getting on the Right Track

Objective The purpose of this activity is to aid participants in identifying characteristics of bosses and the types of environment that would be compatible with the participants work style, values, etc. Time 30 minutes Materials Flipchart and marker Exercise 50.1 for each participant

Procedure 1. Introduce the topic by explaining that the type of person you work for is extremely important and when you are in transition you may be in a position to choose a person who is a good match for you. 2. Distribute Exercise 50.1. Ask the participants to complete Part A following the instructions provided. 3. Ask participants to share their responses and, as you facilitate, ask them to help you turn the behaviors into ideal characteristics. Record the characteristics on the flipchart. Note common characteristics that will emerge (listened to me, kept me informed, made me stretch, gave me self-confidence, let me know what was expected of me, etc.).


50 Activities for Diversity Training 4. Ask participants to develop a profile of an ideal boss (based on what is listed on the flipchart and from the discussion) by completing Part B of the exercise, selecting the six or seven top characteristics that they most value in a boss. Conclusion Tell participants that increased success in a job may depend on: Recognizing the characteristics they prefer in a boss Determining in an interview if a potential boss has the characteristics you are looking for.

Trainers Notes If the target audience is new to the job market and has had little interaction with a boss, ask them to think about a person in authority (teacher, clergy, parent, group leader, etc.) with whom they have had contact.


Exercise 50.1

Exercise 50.1: Best Boss I Ever Had

Part A Instructions: Think about the best boss you ever had and several reasons why you considered that person best. Fill in the blanks below: The best boss I ever had was (name) .

That person was best because he/she did the following:

Part B Ideal Characteristics of a Boss

Reproduced from 50 Activities for Diversity Training by Jonamay Lambert and Selma Myers. HRD Press, 1994

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