The SELECT Statement
The SELECT Statement
The SELECT Statement
Using Quotes
Note that we have used single quotes around the conditional values in the examples. SQL uses single quotes around text values (most database systems will also accept double quotes). Numeric values should not be enclosed in quotes. For text values:
This is correct: SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE FirstName='Tove' This is wrong: SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE FirstName=Tove
For numeric values:
This is correct: SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE Year>1965 This is wrong: SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE Year>'1965'
Using LIKE
The following SQL statement will return persons with first names that start with an 'O':
This "Persons" table: LastName Pettersen Hetland FirstName Kari Camilla Address Storgt 20 Hagabakka 24 City Stavanger Sandnes
Person: LastName Nilsen Rasmussen FirstName Fred Address Kirkegt 56 Storgt 67 City Stavanger
Result: LastName Nilsen Rasmussen FirstName Fred Nina Address Kirkegt 56 Storgt 67 City Stavanger
UPDATE Person SET Address = 'Stien 12', City = 'Stavanger' WHERE LastName = 'Rasmussen'
Result: LastName Nilsen Rasmussen FirstName Fred Nina Address Kirkegt 56 Stien 12 City Stavanger Stavanger
Person: LastName Nilsen Rasmussen FirstName Fred Nina Address Kirkegt 56 Stien 12 City Stavanger Stavanger
Delete a Row
"Nina Rasmussen" is going to be deleted:
To display the companies in alphabetical order:
To display the companies in alphabetical order AND the ordernumbers in numerical order:
To display the companies in reverse alphabetical order:
To display the companies in reverse alphabetical order AND the ordernumbers in numerical order:
SELECT Company, OrderNumber FROM Orders ORDER BY Company DESC, OrderNumber ASC
Result: Company W3Schools W3Schools Sega ABC Shop OrderNumber 2312 6798 3412 5678
AND and OR join two or more conditions in a WHERE clause. The AND operator displays a row if ALL conditions listed are true. The OR operator displays a row if ANY of the conditions listed are true.
Use AND to display each person with the first name equal to "Tove", and the last name equal to "Svendson":
Use OR to display each person with the first name equal to "Tove", or the last name equal to "Svendson":
You can also combine AND and OR (use parentheses to form complex expressions):
The IN operator may be used if you know the exact value you want to return for at least one of the columns.
Example 1
To display the persons with LastName equal to "Hansen" or "Pettersen", use the following SQL:
SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name BETWEEN value1 AND value2
Example 1
To display the persons alphabetically between (and including) "Hansen" and exclusive "Pettersen", use the following SQL:
IMPORTANT! The BETWEEN...AND operator is treated differently in different databases. With some databases a person with the LastName of "Hansen" or "Pettersen" will not be listed (BETWEEN..AND only selects fields that are between and excluding the test values). With some databases a person with the last name of "Hansen" or "Pettersen" will be listed (BETWEEN..AND selects fields that are between and including the test values). With other databases a person with the last name of "Hansen" will be listed, but "Pettersen" will not be listed (BETWEEN..AND selects fields between the test values, including the first test value and excluding the last test value). Therefore: Check how your database treats the BETWEEN....AND operator!
Example 2
To display the persons outside the range used in the previous example, use the NOT operator:
SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE LastName NOT BETWEEN 'Hansen' AND 'Pettersen'
Result: LastName Pettersen Svendson FirstName Kari Tove Address Storgt 20 Borgvn 23 City Stavanger Sandnes
SQL Aliases
With SQL, aliases can be used for column names and table names.
The "Employee_ID" column is the primary key of the "Employees" table The "Prod_ID" column is the primary key of the "Orders" table The "Employee_ID" column in the "Orders" table is used to refer to the persons in the "Employees" table without using their names
Employees: Employee_ID 01 02 03 04 Orders: Prod_ID 234 657 865 Product Printer Table Chair Employee_ID 01 03 03 Name Hansen, Ola Svendson, Tove Svendson, Stephen Pettersen, Kari
Who has ordered a product, and what did they order?
Who ordered a printer?
Hansen, Ola
Using Joins
OR we can select data from two tables with the JOIN keyword, like this:
SELECT field1, field2, field3 FROM first_table INNER JOIN second_table ON first_table.keyfield = second_table.foreign_keyfield
Who has ordered a product, and what did they order?
SELECT field1, field2, field3 FROM first_table LEFT JOIN second_table ON first_table.keyfield = second_table.foreign_keyfield
List all employees, and their orders - if any.
The LEFT JOIN returns all the rows from the first table (Employees), even if there are no matches in the second table (Orders). If there are rows in Employees that do not have matches in Orders, those rows also will be listed. Result Name Hansen, Ola Svendson, Tove Svendson, Stephen Svendson, Stephen Pettersen, Kari Table Chair Product Printer
SELECT field1, field2, field3 FROM first_table RIGHT JOIN second_table ON first_table.keyfield = second_table.foreign_keyfield
List all orders, and who has ordered - if any.
Who ordered a printer?
SELECT Employees.Name FROM Employees INNER JOIN Orders ON Employees.Employee_ID=Orders.Employee_ID WHERE Orders.Product = 'Printer'
The UNION command is used to select related information from two tables, much like the JOIN command. However, when using the UNION command all selected columns need to be of the same data type. Note: With UNION, only distinct values are selected.
Employees_Norway: Employee_ID 01 02 03 04 Employees_USA: Employee_ID 01 02 03 04 E_Name Turner, Sally Kent, Clark Svendson, Stephen Scott, Stephen E_Name Hansen, Ola Svendson, Tove Svendson, Stephen Pettersen, Kari
Result Name Hansen, Ola Svendson, Tove Svendson, Stephen Pettersen, Kari Turner, Sally Kent, Clark Scott, Stephen Note: This command cannot be used to list all employees in Norway and USA. In the example above we have two employees with equal names, and only one of them is listed. The UNION command only selects distinct values.
The UNION ALL command is equal to the UNION command, except that UNION ALL selects all values.
SELECT E_Name FROM Employees_Norway UNION ALL SELECT E_Name FROM Employees_USA
Result Name Hansen, Ola Svendson, Tove Svendson, Stephen Pettersen, Kari Turner, Sally Kent, Clark Svendson, Stephen Scott, Stephen
Create a Database
To create a database:
Create a Table
To create a table in a database:
CREATE TABLE Person ( LastName varchar, FirstName varchar, Address varchar, Age int )
This example demonstrates how you can specify a maximum length for some columns:
CREATE TABLE Person ( LastName varchar(30), FirstName varchar, Address varchar, Age int(3) )
The data type specifies what type of data the column can hold. The table below contains the most common data types in SQL: Data Type integer(size) int(size) smallint(size) Description Hold integers only. The maximum number of digits are specified in parenthesis.
tinyint(size) decimal(size,d) numeric(size,d) Char(size) varchar(size) date(yyyymmdd) Hold numbers with fractions. The maximum number of digits are specified in "size". The maximum number of digits to the right of the decimal is specified in "d". Holds a fixed length string (can contain letters, numbers, and special characters). The fixed size is specified in parenthesis. Holds a variable length string (can contain letters, numbers, and special characters). The maximum size is specified in parenthesis. Holds a date
Create Index
Indices are created in an existing table to locate rows more quickly and efficiently. It is possible to create an index on one or more columns of a table, and each index is given a name. The users cannot see the indexes, they are just used to speed up queries. Note: Updating a table containing indexes takes more time than updating a table without, this is because the indexes also need an update. So, it is a good idea to create indexes only on columns that are often used for a search. A Unique Index Creates a unique index on a table. A unique index means that two rows cannot have the same index value.
This example creates a simple index, named "PersonIndex", on the LastName field of the Person table:
Drop Index
You can delete an existing index in a table with the DROP statement.
Truncate a Table
What if we only want to get rid of the data inside a table, and not the table itself? Use the TRUNCATE TABLE command (deletes only the data inside the table):
The ALTER TABLE statement is used to add or drop columns in an existing table.
ALTER TABLE table_name ADD column_name datatype ALTER TABLE table_name DROP COLUMN column_name
Note: Some database systems don't allow the dropping of a column in a database table (DROP COLUMN column_name).
To add a column named "City" in the "Person" table:
To drop the "Address" column in the "Person" table:
SQL Functions
Function Syntax
The syntax for built-in SQL functions is:
Types of Functions
There are several basic types and categories of functions in SQL. The basic types of functions are:
Aggregate functions
Aggregate functions operate against a collection of values, but return a single value. Note: If used among many other expressions in the item list of a SELECT statement, the SELECT must have a GROUP BY clause!!
GROUP BY... was added to SQL because aggregate functions (like SUM) return the aggregate of all column values every time they are called, and without the GROUP BY function it was impossible to find the sum for each individual group of column values.
GROUP BY Example
This "Sales" Table: Company W3Schools IBM W3Schools And This SQL: Amount 5500 4500 7100
The above code is invalid because the column returned is not part of an aggregate. A GROUP BY clause will solve this problem:
HAVING... was added to SQL because the WHERE keyword could not be used against aggregate functions (like SUM), and without HAVING... it would be impossible to test for result conditions. The syntax for the HAVING function is:
SELECT column,SUM(column) FROM table GROUP BY column HAVING SUM(column) condition value
This "Sales" Table: Company W3Schools IBM W3Schools This SQL: Amount 5500 4500 7100
SELECT Employees.Name,Orders.Product INTO Empl_Ord_backup FROM Employees INNER JOIN Orders ON Employees.Employee_ID=Orders.Employee_ID
Returns the highest value of a column Returns the lowest value of a column
VAR(column) VARP(column)
Scalar functions
Scalar functions operate against a single value, and return a single value based on the input value.