TQM Notes On CH 2

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Contribution of Deming:

Deming Philosophy W. Edwards Deming is best known for his management philosophy establishing quality, productivity, and competitive position. The philosophy of W. Edwards Deming has been summarized as follows: "Dr. W. Edwards Deming taught that by adopting appropriate principles of management, organizations can increase quality and simultaneously reduce costs In the 1970s, Dr. Deming's philosophy was summarized by some of his Japanese proponents with the following 'a'-versus-'b' comparison: (a) When people and organizations focus primarily on Quality, quality tends to increase and costs fall over time. (b) However, when people and organizations focus primarily on Costs, costs tend to rise and quality declines over time. The most important Deming works are: Deming cycle, The Fourteen Principles, The Seven Deadly Diseases. A. Deming Cycle William Edwards Deming was born on October 14, 1900. He is most famous for Deming PDAC Cycle, otherwise known as the Shewhart cycle, or the Deming Wheels Plan-DoCheck-Act (modified to Plan-Do-Study-Act). Deming is widely credited with improving production in the United States in the 1940s and then later in Japan in the 1950s. Before the Deming Cycle was implemented in Japan, consumer products with the label Made in Japan was considered a joke: cheap, flimsy and just plain garbage. PLAN: Establish the objectives and processes necessary to deliver results in accordance with the specifications. DO: Implement the processes. CHECK: Monitor and evaluate the processes and results against objectives and Specifications and report the outcome ACT: Apply actions to the outcome for necessary improvement. This means reviewing all steps (Plan, Do, Check, Act) and modifying the process to improve it before its next implementation.

B. 14 Key Principles Deming offered fourteen key principles to managers for transforming business effectiveness. The points were first presented in his book Out of the Crisis. (pg 53)

C. Seven Deadly Diseases The "Seven Deadly Diseases" include: (pg 52) "A Lesser Category of Obstacles" includes:-1. Neglecting long-range planning 2. Relying on technology to solve problems 3. Seeking examples to follow rather than developing solutions 4. Reliance on quality control departments rather than management, supervisors, managers of purchasing, and production workers 5. Placing blame on workforces who are only responsible for 15% of mistakes where the system designed by management is responsible for 85% of the unintended consequences 6. Relying on quality inspection rather than improving product quality Deming's advocacy of all of the above have had tremendous influence outside of manufacturing and have been applied in other arenas, such as in the relatively new field of sales process engineering.


JOSEPH MOSSES JURAN Died : February 28, 2008

Born : December 24, 1904

Occupation: Management Consultant, quality guru He defines quality as fitness for use in terms of design, conformance, availability, safety and field use. He is prepared to measure everything and relies on systems and problem solving techniques. He focuses on top-down management and technical methods rather than worker pride and satisfaction.

A. Pareto principle In 1941 Juran stumbled across the work of Vilfredo Pareto and began to apply the Pareto principle to quality issues (for example, 80% of a problem is caused by 20% of the causes). This is also known as "the vital few and the trivial many". In later years Juran preferred "the vital few and the useful many" to signal that the remaining 80% of the causes should not be totally ignored.

B. Management theory: The principal focus in quality management was on the quality of the end, or finished, product. The tools used were from the Bell system of acceptancs sampling, inspection plans, and control charts. C. The Juran Trilogy: I. Quality Planning Create a process that will be able to meet established goals and do so under operating conditions

Establish quality goals Identify the customers Determine the customers' needs Develop product features that respond to the customers' needs Develop processes that are able to produce the product features Establish quality controls Transfer the plans to the operating forces

II. Quality Control

Keep the waste from getting worse; meet quality goals during operations Evaluate actual performance Compare actual performance to quality goals Act on the difference

III. Quality Improvement

Breaking through to unprecedented levels of performance Prove the need Establish the infrastructure Identify the improvement projects Establish project teams Provide the teams with resources, training, - Diagnose the causes and - Stimulate remedies Establish controls to hold the gains




To support this triology juran has formulated a list of responsibilities of top managers. Create awareness of the need & opportunity for improvement. Create the infrastructure, establish a quality council, select project for improvement, appoint team, provide faciliators.

Provide training in how to improve quality. Review progress regularly. Give recognition to the winning teams. Revise the reward system to enforce the rate of improvement. Maintain the momentum by enlarging the business plan to include the goals for quality improvement. Jurans views The product development cycle should be shorthened through use of participative planning. Suppliers relations should be such that a minimal number of suppliers are used; teamwork between a company & its suppliers would based on mutual trust & contaracts should be greater generation. Training should be result- oriented rather than tool-oriented;what is desired is related more toward behavior change than toward education. Ten points: (JQIP) 1. Build awareness of need and opportunity for improvement:Realize that all processes are improvable. Taking an example of mistakes published a newspaper they made the previous day, Juran say that they should:

Survey the staff, asking them why the mistakes were made; After a week, select the top ten reasons; Decide how to make sure those mistake-causing steps aren't repeated; Keep track of the number of mistakes being made, to make sure they are decreasing. Now we have just created a quality improvement program! 2. Set goals for improvement :- Jurans formula for results is Establish specific goals to be reached. Establish plans for reaching the goals. Assign clear responsibility for meeting the goals. Base the rewards on results achieved. 3. Organize to reach your goals. Establish quality council Identify problems Select projects Appoint teams Designate facilitators 4. Provide training. Any company, which has been actively engaged in moving towards TQM in the past few years, knows how important education and training are. The concepts, methods and tools for

modern quality management are new for most members of the company -- managers, professionals and workforce. The investment in education and training is high, but the rewards are great. 5. Carry out projects to solve problems. Large improvements are usually the result of interdepartmental or even cross-functional quality improvement teams. These teams tackle the chronic problems that have been in the way of company progress for a long time. These are the vital few problems that create the breakthroughs in quality by reducing waste and improving customer satisfaction dramatically. 6. Report progress Importance here is on the progress expected and the actual progress achieved. Necessary actions to improve the status can be initiated to reduce the variance. Information on the progress also provides the management the confidence on the Improvement activity and further support if required. 7. Give recognition Recognition is a means of providing morale to both those involved in the improvement activity and all others in an organization. This is an important activity to be done by the management as improvements provide a change for betterment resulting in savings to the company and at times, the improvements are made possible against lot of criticisms. Recognition rejuvenates the spirits and makes it possible for improvement areas in other spheres. 8. Communicate result. Lesson learnt during the improvement process requires to be shared to create an awareness of the approach taken and the possibility to learn and improve further. It also provides an outlook for people in other areas to the basis for triggering similar improvements in their areas. 9. Keep score. A Companys goals are achieved step-by-step. Each step taking it nearer to the targeted goals. Further steps to be taken shall involve an action based on the lesson in the previous steps. Tracking the progress and measuring it provides the management the leverage to control the process. 10. Maintain momentum by making annual improvement part of the regular process of the company. Actions taken in the above steps shall involve the people and sustaining their involvement in improvement activity is a must to achieve the long-term organizational goals and to remain competitive. Juran approach is very many people oriented and it places a strong emphasis upon teamwork and a project based approach. Expanding the Quality Planning Roadmap discussed earlier, it can be seen that Juran concepts are applied to design of Quality Systems in Software Industry.


In short other gurus

1. Feigenbaum He used a total quality control approach that may very well be the forerunner of todays TQM. He promoted a system for integrating efforts to develop, maintain and improve quality by the various groups in an organization. Feigenbaums philosophy is summarized in his three steps to quality: 1. Quality leadership 2. Modern quality technology 3. Organizational commitment 2. Philip Crosby(1926-2001) Philosophy Crosby is best known for the concepts Do It Right First Time and Zero Defects. He does not believe workers are responsible for poor quality - you have to get the management straight.

The essence of Crosby's quality philosophy is embodied in what he calls (l) the "Absolutes of Quality Management" and (2) the "14 Basic Elements of Improvement." His absolutes of quality: 1. 2. 3. 4. Quality is defined as conformance to requirements, not as 'goodness' or 'elegance'. The system for causing quality is prevention, not appraisal. The performance standard must be Zero Defects, not 'that's close enough'. The measurement of quality is the Price of Non-conformance, not indices.

Fourteen points: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Make it clear that management is committed to quality. Form quality improvement teams with senior representatives from each department. Measure processes to determine where current and potential quality problems lie. Evaluate the cost of quality and explain its use as a management tool. Raise the quality awareness and personal concern of all employees. Take actions to correct problems identified through previous steps. Establish process monitoring for the improvement process. Train supervisors to actively carry out their part of the quality improvement program. Hold a Zero Defect Day to let everyone realize that there has been a change and reaffirm management commitment. 10. Encourage individuals to establish improvement goals for themselves and their groups.

11. Encourage employees to communicate to management the obstacles they face in attaining their improvement goals. 12. Recognize and appreciate those who participate. 13. Establish quality councils to communicate on a regular basis. 14. Do it all over again to emphasize that the quality improvement program never ends. 4. Genichi Taguchi (LAST PG) 5. Shigeo Shingo He is associated with Just-in-Time (JIT) system. He also introduced single (digit) minute exchange of die (SMED) system, in which set up times are reduced from hours to single digit minutes. Towards achieving the zero defects, he invented poka-yoke (mistake proofing) system. By using the devices or systems using poka-yoke principle, even a single mistake is not allowed at all, even inadvertently. Poka-yoke device identifies the problem and even before the item is processed, the production process is stopped and corrections incorporated in the system after root cause analysis. Thus, not a single defect is produced, nor it gets sent to the customer. 6.Walter Shewhart (1891-1967) Western Electric & Bell Telephone Engineer Father of Statistical Quality Control (SQC) Founder of the Control Chart (e.g. X-bar R chart) Originator of PDCA cycle ASQC (American Society for Quality) 1st Honorary Member 1947

The Shewhart Philosophy Shewhart was the pioneer and visionary of modern quality control. Shewhart is most widely recognized for his control chart development and statistical contributions through Bell Laboratories. Indeed, the Shewhart charts (e.g., X-bar and R charts) have become fundamental tools of quality control; but, of wider impact, Shewhart published, in 1931, Economic Control of Quality of Manufactured Product, a landmark book in modern quality control. His book was used by the Japanese after World War II, with the aid of visiting consultants, to help shape modern quality practice in Japan. Shewhart, using a literal definition of quality (Latin qualitas, from qualis, meaning "how constituted"), defined two common aspects of quality: (1) "objective quality," which deals with the quality of a thing as an "objective reality" (of the thing) independent of the existence of man and (2) "subjective quality," which deals with the quality of a thing relative to what man thinks, feels, or senses as a result of the "objective reality." Shewhart linked the subjective quality property with value and concluded "it is impossible to think of a thing as having goodness independent of some human want." This definition has been expanded by Ishikawa to include "true" (customer-language based) and "substitute" (technical-language-based) quality characteristics which form the basis for modem quality planning and quality function deployment.

It is of great historical interest to point out that the Shewhart postulates (lines of reasoning) and general conclusions published in 1931 laid the foundation for modern quality theory and practice throughout the industrial world.

His general conclusions are stated below: It seems reasonable to believe that there is an objective state of control, making possible the prediction of quality within limits even though the causes of variability are unknown....It has been pointed out that by securing this state of control, we can secure the following advantages: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Reduction in the cost of inspection. Reduction in the cost of rejection. Attainment of maximum benefits from quantity production. Attainment of uniform quality even though the inspection test is destructive. Reduction in tolerance limits where quality measurement is indirect.

CH 3 I.Ishikawa diagram

Ishikawa diagram, in fishbone shape, showing factors of Equipment, Process, People, Materials, Environment and Management, all affecting the overall problem. Smaller arrows connect the sub-causes to major causes. Ishikawa diagrams were proposed by Kaoru Ishikawa[2] in the 1960s, who pioneered quality management processes in the Kawasaki shipyards, and in the process became one of the founding fathers of modern management. It was first used in the 1940s, and is considered one of the seven basic tools of quality control.[3] It is known as a fishbone diagram because of its shape, similar to the side view of a fish skeleton. Mazda Motors famously used an Ishikawa diagram in the development of the Miata sports car, where the required result was "Jinba Ittai" The main causes included such aspects as "touch" and "braking" with the lesser causes including highly granular factors such as "50/50

weight distribution" and "able to rest elbow on top of driver's door". Every factor identified in the diagram was included in the final design. Causes Causes in the diagram are often categorized, such as to the 8 M's, described below. Causeand-effect diagrams can reveal key relationships among various variables, and the possible causes provide additional insight into process behavior. Causes can be derived from brainstorming sessions. These groups can then be labeled as categories of the fishbone. They will typically be one of the traditional categories mentioned above but may be something unique to the application in a specific case. Causes can be traced back to root causes with the 5 Whys technique. Typical categories are: The 6 Ms (used in manufacturing)

Machine (technology) Method (process) Material (Includes Raw Material, Consumables and Information.) Man Power (physical work)/Mind Power (brain work): Kaizens, Suggestions Measurement (Inspection) Milieu/Mother Nature (Environment)

The original 6Ms used by the Toyota Production System have been expanded by some to included the following and are referred to as the 8Ms. However, this is not Globally recognized. It has been suggested to return to the roots of the tools and to keep the teaching simple while recognizing the original intent, most programs do not address the 8Ms.

Management/Money Power Maintenance

The 8 Ps (used in service industry) Product=Service, Price, Place, Promotion/Entertainment, People(key person), Process, Physical Evidence, Productivity & Quality The 5 Ss (used in service industry) Surroundings, Suppliers, Systems, Skills, Safety Questions to be asked while building a Fishbone Diagram Man/Operator Was the document properly interpreted? Was the information properly circulated to all the functions? Did the recipient understand the information? Was the proper training to perform the task administered to the person? Was too much judgment required to perform the task? Were guidelines for judgment available? Did the environment influence the actions of the individual? Are there distractions in the workplace? Is fatigue a mitigating factor? - Is his work efficiency acceptable? - Is he

responsible/accountable? - Is he qualified? - Is he experienced? - Is he medically fit and healthy? How much experience does the individual have in performing this task? - can he carry out the operation without error? Machines Was the correct tool/tooling used? - Does it meet production requirements? Does it meet process capabilities? Are files saved with the correct extension to the correct location? Is the equipment affected by the environment? Is the equipment being properly maintained (i.e., daily/weekly/monthly preventative maintenance schedule) Does the software or hardware need to be updated? Does the equipment or software have the features to support our needs/usage? - Was the machine properly maintained? Was the machine properly programmed? Is the tooling/fixturing adequate for the job? Does the machine have an adequate guard? Was the equipment used within its capabilities and limitations? Are all controls including emergency stop button clearly labeled and/or color coded or size differentiated? Is the equipment the right application for the given job? Measurement Does the gauge have a valid calibration date? Was the proper gauge used to measure the part, process, chemical, compound, etc.? Was a gauge capability study ever performed? - Do measurements vary significantly from operator to operator? - Do operators have a tough time using the prescribed gauge? - Is the gauge fixturing adequate? Does the gauge have proper measurement resolution? Did the environment influence the measurements taken? Material (Includes Raw Material, Consumables and Information ) Is all needed information available and accurate? Can information be verified or cross-checked? Has any information changed recently / do we have a way of keeping the information up to date? What happens if we don't have all of the information we need? Is a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) readily available? Was the material properly tested? Was the material substituted? Is the suppliers process defined and controlled? - Was the raw material defective? - was the raw material the wrong type for the job? Were quality requirements adequate for the part's function? Was the material contaminated? Was the material handled properly (stored, dispensed, used & disposed)? Method Was the canister, barrel, etc. labeled properly? Were the workers trained properly in the procedure? Was the testing performed statistically significant? Was data tested for true root cause? How many if necessary and approximately phrases are found in this process? Was this a process generated by an Integrated Product Development (IPD) Team? Did the IPD Team employ Design for Environmental (DFE) principles? Has a capability study ever been performed for this process? Is the process under Statistical Process Control (SPC)? Are the work instructions clearly written? Are mistake-proofing devices/techniques employed? Are the work instructions complete? - Is the work standard upgraded and to current revision? Is the tooling adequately designed and controlled? Is handling/packaging adequately specified? Was the process changed? Was the design changed? - Are the lighting and ventilation adequate? Was a process Failure Modes Effects Analysis (FMEA) ever performed? Was adequate sampling done? Are features of the process critical to safety clearly spelled out to the Operator?


Environment Is the process affected by temperature changes over the course of a day? Is the process affected by humidity, vibration, noise, lighting, etc.? Does the process run in a controlled environment? Are associates distracted by noise, uncomfortable temperatures, fluorescent lighting, etc.? Management - Is management involvement seen? Inattention to task Task hazards not guarded properly Other (horseplay, inattention....) Stress demands Lack of Process Training or education lacking Poor employee involvement Poor recognition of hazard Previously identified hazards were not eliminated Criticism In a discussion of the nature of a cause it is customary to distinguish between necessary and sufficient conditions for the occurrence of an event. A necessary condition for the occurrence of a specified event is a circumstance in whose absence the event cannot occur. A sufficient condition is a circumstance in whose presence the event must occur.[4] Ishikawa diagrams are meant to use the necessary conditions and split the "sufficient" ones into the "necessary" parts. Some critics failing this simple logic have asked which conditions (necessary or sufficient) are addressed by the diagram in cas II. TAGUCHI METHOD

Every experimenter has to plan and conduct experiments to obtain enough and relevant data so that he can infer the science behind the observed phenomenon. He can do so by, (1) trial-and-error approach : performing a series of experiments each of which gives some understanding. This requires making measurements after every experiment so that analysis of observed data will allow him to decide what to do next - "Which parameters should be varied and by how much". Many a times such series does not progress much as negative results may discourage or will not allow a selection of parameters which ought to be changed in the next experiment. Therefore, such experimentation usually ends well before the number of experiments reach a double digit! The data is insufficient to draw any significant conclusions and the main problem (of understanding the science) still remains unsolved. (2) Design of experiments : A well planned set of experiments, in which all parameters of interest are varied over a specified range, is a much better approach to obtain systematic data. Mathematically speaking, such a complete set of experiments ought to give desired results. Usually the number of experiments and resources (materials and time) required are prohibitively large. Often the experimenter decides to perform a subset of the complete set of experiments to save on time and money! However, it does not easily lend itself to understanding of science behind the phenomenon. The analysis is not very easy (though it may be easy for the mathematician/statistician) and thus effects of various parameters on the observed data are

not readily apparent. In many cases, particularly those in which some optimization is required, the method does not point to the BEST settings of parameters. A classic example illustrating the drawback of design of experiments is found in the planning of a world cup event, say football. While all matches are well arranged with respect to the different teams and different venues on different dates and yet the planning does not care about the result of any match (win or lose)!!!! Obviously, such a strategy is not desirable for conducting scientific experiments (except for co-ordinating various institutions, committees, people, equipment, materials etc.). (3) TAGUCHI Method : Dr. Taguchi of Nippon Telephones and Telegraph Company, Japan has developed a method based on " ORTHOGONAL ARRAY " experiments which gives much reduced " variance " for the experiment with " optimum settings " of control parameters. Thus the marriage of Design of Experiments with optimization of control parameters to obtain BEST results is achieved in the Taguchi Method. "Orthogonal Arrays" (OA) provide a set of well balanced (minimum) experiments and Dr. Taguchi's Signal-to-Noise ratios (S/N), which are log functions of desired output, serve as objective functions for optimization, help in data analysis and prediction of optimum results. Taguchi Method treats [A] STATIC PROBLEMS : optimization problems in two categories,

Generally, a process to be optimized has several control factors which directly decide the target or desired value of the output. The optimization then involves determining the best control factor levels so that the output is at the the target value. Such a problem is called as a "STATIC PROBLEM" [B] DYNAMIC PROBLEMS : If the product to be optimized has a signal input that directly decides the output, the optimization involves determining the best control factor levels so that the "input signal / output" ratio is closest to the desired relationship. Such a problem is called as a "DYNAMIC PROBLEM". 8-STEPS IN TAGUCHI METHODOLOGY : Taguchi method is a scientifically disciplined mechanism for evaluating and implementing improvements in products, processes, materials, equipment, and facilities. These improvements are aimed at improving the desired characteristics and simultaneously reducing the number of defects by studying the key variables controlling the process and optimizing the procedures or design to yield the best results. The method is applicable over a wide range of engineering fields that include processes that manufacture raw materials, sub systems, products for professional and consumer markets. In

fact, the method can be applied to any process be it engineering fabrication, computer-aideddesign, banking and service sectors etc. Taguchi method is useful for 'tuning' a given process for 'best' results. Taguchi proposed a standard 8-step procedure for applying his method for optimizing any process, 8-STEPS IN TAGUCHI METHODOLOGY: Step-1: IDENTIFY THE MAIN FUNCTION, SIDE EFFECTS, AND FAILURE MODE Step-2: IDENTIFY THE NOISE QUALITY CHARACTERISTICS FACTORS, TESTING CONDITIONS, AND




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