Ship Flow
Ship Flow
Ship Flow
SHIPFLOW stems from long term research at SSPA and the Naval Architecture Department at Chalmers University of Technology. The number of licenses has grown steadily since the first version was released by FLOWTECH in 1992. Technical details for XPAN:
Potential flow panel method Linear or non-linear free surface boundary conditions First or higher order panels and singularity distributions Non-lifting or lifting flows Computes waves, wave resistance, lift, induced resistance, sinkage & trim and pressure distribution Input: offset table
Thin boundary layer method Momentum integral equations Small cross-flow approximation Laminar and turbulent flow Transition computed or fixed Computes the thin boundary layer
RANS method Fully coupled k- SST and explicit algebraic stress model (EASM) Finite volume formulation Body representation in background grid by submerged boundary technique Typical execution time: 5-15 hours
Forebody optimisation by wave pattern analysis Bulb shape optimisation by wave pattern analysis Aftbody optimisation by wake quality assessment Trim optimisation Prediction of resistance components including form factor Multi hull configurations - catamarans, trimarans... Numerical paint tests - potential and limiting streamline tracing Optimum positioning of sonar dome from transition prediction
Optimum positioning of bow thrusters, shaft brackets and appendages Prediction of wake wash from from high speed ships Prediction of model and full scale wakes - wake scale effect
Forebody shape optimisation using SHIPFLOW. Significant improvement in wave pattern at Fn=0.16 for an optimised forebody design (top) as compared to the original one (bottom).
features in SHIPFLOW 4.5 improve efficiency and quality of the pre- and postprocessing as well as increase speed capabilities of the solver. The main features include:
STL geometry handling to replace offset file generation for standard hull forms. Just create your hull using SHIPFLOW Design or import an IGES file, select surfaces and run computations! Automatic reporting which creates a ready to print document containing a summary of the results and the most common pictures including wave pattern, wave cuts, pressure distributions, wake field, wake distribution and axial velocity contours MPI parallelization for computer clusters for RANS computations which enables advanced users to distribute the processes among several computer nodes.
Direct IGES import. SHIPFLOW can now use IGES-files by fully automatic conversion to Offset-file for standard hulls. New version of SHIPFLOW Design SHIPFLOW Design is now based on the FRIENDSHIP/Framework 2.3.7. The automatic Report Generator now handles overlapping grids.It is now possible to calculate a full self-propulsion calculation (resistance calculation, POW and selfpropulsion) with a single command file. Modified XGRID In order to improve speed and quality of the volume grid generation the XGRID module has been upgraded.
The performance of XCHAP is twice as fast on Windows. XCHAP toolbox has been extended with a cylinder grid. XCHAP can create the union of two sets of grid component. This can be used to model for example bow thrusters. Improvements to the hole cutting algorithm for overlapping grids. SHIPFLOW Design is now based on the FRIENDSHIP/Framework 2.4.0.rc7