Time-Average Equation Revisited

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GEOPHYSICS, VOL. 63, NO.2 (MARCH-APRIL 1998); P.460-464,5 FIGS.

Short Note Time-average equation revisited

Jack Dvorkin* and Amos Nur*


Expressions that relate velocity to porosity and to pore-fluid compressibility are among the most important deliverables of rock physics. Such relations are used often as additional controls for inferring porosity from well logs, as well as in-situ indicators of pore fluid type. The oldest and most popular is the Wyllie et al. (1956) equation:
tP = tS + TF,

Is it necessary to abandon the nonphysical time average equation, or equally simple traditional empirical relations, in favor of rigorous physics-oriented models? In this short note, we address this question by applying traditional velocity-porosity transformations to three sandstone data sets. In addition to the Wyllie et al. (1956) equation, we consider another popular porosity-to-velocity transformation of Raymer et al. (1980):
Vp = (1 O) 2 Vn s +


0<0.37, (3)

where rp is the measured traveltime of a P-wave, r s is the traveltime expected in the solid-phase material, and TF is the traveltime expected in the pore fluid. It follows from equation (1) that 1 _1 -0 +
Vp Vns Vn F '

as well as the relation between rock density (p) and velocity of Gardner et al. (1974): (4) p = 0.23 V25


where 0 is porosity, Vn is the measured P-wave velocity, and V,,,s and VPH are the P-wave velocities in the solid and in the pore-fluid phases, cA)ps + OPF P = (1 respectively. (5) Formulas (1) and (2) present a simple and convenient, but By combining equations (4) and (5), we arrive at the following deceptive form of summarizing extensive experimental data. velocity-to-porosity transformation (Gardner et al., 1974) Indeed, there is no physical reason for the total traveltime of a wave in a two-component composite to be the sum of the travelOPF ] (6) VP = [(1 times in the individual components (unless the two components 0.23 are arranged in layers normal to the direction of propagation, and the wavelength is small as compared to the thickness of an EXAMPLES individual layer). To assess the accuracy of equations (2), (3), and (6), we apAt the same time, a host of first-principle-based effective ply them indirectly to three sandstone data sets. The velocity medium models exists that provide relations among velocmeasurements have been conducted in the laboratory on small ity, porosity, and pore-fluid compressibility. Such relations exdry plugs at ultrasonic frequencies. The first data set (Han, plicitly take into account the internal structure of rock. Ex1986) includes about 70 consolidated sandstone samples with amples of effective medium models are Hudson (1990), for porosity between 0.05 and 0.3, and volumetric clay content becracked rocks; Kuster and Toksoz (1974), for low-porosity tween zero and 0.5. The second data set includes high-porosity rocks; Berryman (1980), for low- to medium-porosity rocks; slightly cemented rocks from the Oseberg Field in the North Digby (1981), Walton (1987), and Dvorkin et al. (1994) for Sea (Strandenes, 1991). In these rocks, cement is either quartz high-porosity granular rocks. Reviews of such theories are or clay. The third data set is from the Troll field in the North Sea given by Zimmerman (1991) and Wang and Nur (1992). Manuscript received by the Editor April 11, 1996; revised manuscript received July 7, 1997. *Department of Geophysics, Mitchell Building, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305-2215. E-mail: jack@pangea.stanford.edu. 1998 Society of Exploration Geophysicists. All rights reserved.

In equation (4), velocity is in feet/second, and density is in grams/cubic centimeter. Rock density can be related to the density of the solid phase (Ps) and to the density of the fluid (P F ) as

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Time-average Equation Revisited


(Blangy, 1992). It includes high-porosity unconsolidated and uncemented samples where the dominant minerals are quartz, feldspar, and mica. Equations (2), (3), and (6) are intended to be applied to water-saturated rocks at high effective stresses. Accordingly, the effective stress for the first two data sets is 40 MPa; it is 30 MPa for the third data set. Ultrasonic measurements of P-wave velocities in saturated rocks often overestimate the seismic- and sonic-frequency velocities expected in situ (e.g., Han, 1986). This is why to obtain Vp in a saturated rock, we use the corresponding high-frequency P- and S-wave velocities measured in dry rock and then apply Gassmann's (1951) transformation. Among other parameters, Gassmann's equation requires the dry-frame bulk modulus K 1,,.y . This modulus is calculated from the dry-rock V V and Vs , and rock density as
KDr y = p (Up 3 ^,^) (7)

apply Gassmann's (1951) equation to calculating the true velocity. Next, equations (2), (3), and (6) are used to predict the true velocity. Some of the Troll samples have large amounts of feldspar and mica. Nonetheless, we find that the theoretical velocity calculated using such mineral mixtures are very close to those calculated using only quartz. Therefore, in our calculations we assume that for the selected samples (including all the Troll samples) the solid phase is pure quartz. The results are given in Figure 1. The Raymer et al. (1980) equation (3) accurately predicts low-frequency saturated-rock velocity in consolidated sandstones and in cemented highporosity rocks. The accuracy of the Wyllie et al. (1956) equation (1) is not as good. The Gardner et al. (1974) predictions differ significantly from the true values. Neither of the three equations can adequately predict velocity in the high-porosity uncemented Troll sands. Shaley and clean consolidated sandstones Next, we consider the whole group of sandstones from Han's (1986) data set. Clay content in these samples may be as high as 50%. We plot the velocity calculated from equations (2) and (3) versus the true velocity for all consolidated sandstone samples. The Raymer et al. (1980) predictions (Figure 2a) appear to be very accurate. The relative error, which is calculated as

By so doing, we assume that velocities in dry homogeneous rock samples are frequency-independent (e.g., Bourbid et al., 1987). The pore fluid is water with VVH = 1.5 km/s and PF = 1 g/cm3 . These saturated-rock velocities are referred to as "true" velocities. In cases where the solid phase contains more than one (n) mineral components, we calculate the effective elastic moduli of the solid phase using Hill's (1952) average:
Ms = 0.5(M v + MR),




My = >I XiMj, MR = > -

where M is either bulk or shear modulus, M is the modulus of the ith component, and X i is its volumetric concentration in the solid phase. In this case, the density of the solid phase (Ps) is calculated from the densities of the components (p i ) as

rarely exceeds 5%. The Wyllie et al. (1956) transformation is less accurate and tends to underestimate the true values (Figure 2b). The Gardner et al. (1974) predictions (not shown) strongly overestimate velocity in the samples with clay. They result in large relative errors that may exceed 25 %.

ps = 1 Xipi-


Finally, the P-wave velocity in the solid phase is

Vn s = ^(KS + 3Gs)/ps,

The Oseberg data set under consideration includes both clean and shaley sandstones with clay content reaching 25%. The Raymer et al. and Wyllie et al. model predictions are plotted versus the true velocity in Figure 3. Again, the Raymer et al. predictions are very accurate; the relative error is rarely


where K s and G s are the bulk and shear moduli of the solid phase, respectively. The bulk modulus, shear modulus, and density of quartz are chosen as 38 GPa, 44 GPa, and 2.65 g/cm 3 , respectively (Carmichael, 1990). The resulting velocity is 6.038 km/s. The value recommended in Wyllie et al. (1958) is 5.948 km/s. The bulk modulus, shear modulus, and density of clay are chosen as 21 GPa, 7 GPa, and 2.58 g/em 3 , respectively. The resulting velocity is 3.41 km/s. These clay moduli are calculated from the velocity values derived by extrapolating the experimental linear velocity-porosity-clay relations obtained by Tosaya (1982) for clay-bearing Gulf sandstones. The density was calculated from the measured density of samples with high clay content and known porosity and mineralogy. Clean sandstones First, we select relatively clay-free samples from all three data sets (volumetric clay content not exceeding 0.03), and

Consolidated SS Troll

0 Oseberg







FIG. 1. True velocity versus porosity in clay-free watersaturated sandstones. The symbols represent the three data sets. The solid lines are theoretical predictions.

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Dvorkin and Nur

larger than 5%. The Wyllie et al. predictions are less accurate and tend to underestimate the true velocity (Figure 3b). HIGH-POROSITY UNCEMENTED SANDSTONES Velocity-porosity data points for the Troll samples at 30 MPa effective pressure are shown in Figure 1. Clearly, none of the traditional velocity-porosity transformations provides an adequate approximation for the true velocity. DISCUSSION The above examples show that the Raymer et al. (1980) velocity-porosity transform, with a reasonably chosen solidphase velocity, can be reliably used for cemented sandstones in the porosity interval from zero to 0.35. The Wyllie et al. (1956) time-average equation is less accurate, but still can be used to evaluate porosity from sonic logs in such sandstones,
a) 6

This result is in line with the original conclusion of Wyllie et al. (1958) and Gardner et al. (1974). However, none of the traditional transforms should be used for uncemented (slow) rocks. An accurate deterministic model is needed in the latter case. An example is the model of Dvorkin and Nur (1996). It allows one to accurately estimate velocity in uncemented rocks and relate it not only to porosity, but also to the effective pressure (Figure 4). Are rigorous models needed for cemented sandstones? Yes, if the goal is not merely to relate porosity to velocity, but to diagnose the rock. For example, if velocity and porosity are known (which is often the case in modern well logging), it may be possible to estimate crack aspect ratios by using the aforementioned effective medium models for lowand medium-porosity sandstones. Such estimates may in turn lead to evaluating stress-sensitivity and permeability of sandstones.

E 5


? 4

3 4 5 6

3 4 5 6

Vp True (km/s)

Vp True (km/s)

FIG. 2. Calculated velocity versus true velocity in water-saturated consolidated sandstones. On the solid line, the predicted velocity equals the true velocity. (a) The Raymer et al. equation. (b) The Wyllie et al. equation
a) b)

Oseberg Sandstones RHG Equation

4 ---- ------ ---+'---- --^ 4


--- --


. ..----...------


> 3


Vp True (km/s)

Vp True (km/s)

FIG. 3. Calculated velocity versus true velocity in the water-saturated Oseberg sandstones. On the solid line, the predicted velocity equals the true velocity. (a) The Raymer et al. equation. (b) The Wyllie et al. equation.

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Time-average Equation Revisited


Troll 15 MPa

Troll 30 MPa

M_ :^


0.2 0.3 0.4





FIG. 4. True velocity versus porosity in the water-saturated Troll samples. Solid lines are the Dvorkin and Nur (1996) model predictions. (a) 15 MPa effective pressure. (b) 30 MPa effective pressure.
a) Cement-Quartz Trajectory


Cf ment-Clay Ti ajectory





n 3

" 3
Uncemented Trajectory 0 Troll

Oseberg Quartz Oseberg Clay

0.1 0.2 Porosity 0.3 0.4 0.1 0.2 Porosity 0.3 0.4

FIG_ 5. Diagnosing high-porosity sandstones in the (V 1 0) plane. All sandstones are water saturated. (a) Mixed Troll and Oseberg data points mapped together with the theoretical trajectories for uncemented rocks, cemented rocks with quartz cement, and cemented rocks with clay cement. We speculate that the internal structure of the rock is that predicted by the effective-medium model near whose trajectory the data point falls. (b) Confirmation of the diagnostic. High-porosity sandstones can be diagnosed, for example, by

using the effective medium cementation and Hertz-Mindlin theories (Dvorkin and Nur, 1996). By mapping the available velocity and porosity data points onto the velocity-porosity plane (Figure 5a) and assessing their proximity to a modelpredicted (VP , 0) trajectory, one can determine whether the rock is uncemented or cemented. In the latter case, it may be even possible to predict the cement type (Figure 5b). CONCLUSION The Raymer et al. (1980) equation, which is an improved version of the Wyllie et al. (1956) time-average equation, can be reliably used to relate P-wave velocity to porosity in cemented saturated (fast) sandstones in a wide porosity range.

These empirical equations are inadequate if applied to highporosity unconsolidated uncemented (slow) rocks, such as those present in the North Sea and Gulf of Mexico. Rigorous effective medium relations between porosity and velocity are indispensable when the goal is to diagnose the rock, i.e., to derive its internal grain-scale structure from velocity and porosity data.

This work was supported by the Stanford Rock Physics and Borehole Geophysics Consortium (SRB).
Berryman, J. G., 1980, Long-wavelength propagation in composite elastic media: J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 68, 1809-1831.

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Dvorkin and Nur

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