Lrit 1
Lrit 1
Lrit 1
to request and receive position reports from vessels operating undertheir flag, vessels indicating intentions to enter a port under their jurisdiction, or vessels operatingwithin 1000 nautical miles of their coast. In addition to enhancing maritime security, the regulationsallow LRIT for search and rescue. LRIT information will be automatically transmitted from ship borne equipment to Liberias LRIT Data Center where it will be stored until it is requested.The LRIT equipment on board ships must interface directly to the ship borne Global NavigationSatellite System (GNSS) equipment, or have an internal positioning capability.LRIT requires that the frequency of transmission can be controlled remotely, without intervention onboard; allowing for an increase in LRIT transmission frequency as security levels change, in order toperhaps observe a particular vessel or vessels more closely.At security Level 1 (the lowest level), every vessel* must transmit the required LRIT data every six (6)hours. If security levels change to 2 or 3, or if a particular vessel or vessels is/are of more interest,LRIT transmissions and monitoring may be increased remotely as required, up one LRIT report every15 minutes.The Inmarsat technology to make this work efficiently already exists. Indeed, LRIT data can beprovided now, using Inmarsat C, mini-C or D+. The Inmarsat terminal on the vessel has a built-inglobal positioning system (GPS) receiver, which provides the vessel's position. The Inmarsat terminalalso has a built-in unique identity, or ID.Remote control is already possible today with Inmarsat C, miniC and D+The equipment must be capable of being configured to transmit the following minimum informationautomatically, at reporting intervals from 15 minutes to 6 hours, to the LRIT Data Center designated bythe Flag Administration:
The identity of the ship; The position of the ship; The date and time of the position.The new regulation on LRIT is included in SOLAS chapter V on Safety of Navigation, through whichLRIT has been introduced as a mandatory requirement for the following ships on internationalvoyages: passenger ships, including high-speed craft; cargo ships, including high-speed craft, of 300gross tonnage and upwards; and mobile offshore drilling units.The SOLAS regulation on LRIT establishes a multilateral agreement for sharing LRIT information forsecurity and search and rescue purposes, amongst SOLAS Contracting Governments, in order to meetthe maritime security needs and other concerns of such Governments.It maintains the right of flag States to protect information about the ships entitled to fly their flag,where appropriate, while allowing coastal States access to information about ships navigating off theircoasts.The SOLAS regulation on LRIT does not create or affirm any new rights of States over ships beyondthose existing in international law, particularly, the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea(UNCLOS), nor does it alter or affect the rights, jurisdiction, duties and obligations of States inconnection with UNCLOS.The regulation has entered into force on 1 January 2008 and applies to ships constructed on or after 31December 2008 with a phased-in implementation schedule for ships constructed before 31 December2008. LRIT has become operational with respect to the transmission of LRIT information by ships asfrom 31 December 2008.There is an exemption for ships operating exclusively in sea area A1 from the requirement to transmitLRIT information, since such ships are already fitted with AIS. It also identifies which authorities mayhave access to LRIT information.LRIT and AIS:The LRIT information ships will be required to transmit include the ship's identity, location and dateand time of the position. There will be no interface between LRIT and AIS. One of the more importantdistinctions between LRIT and AIS,
apart from the obvious one of range, is that, whereas AIS is abroadcast system, data derived through LRIT will be available only to the recipients who are entitled toreceive such information and safeguards concerning the confidentiality of those data have been builtinto the regulatory provisions. SOLAS Contracting Governments will be entitled to receive informationabout ships navigating within a distance not exceeding 1000 nautical miles off their coast. LRIT SYSTEM:The LRIT system consists of: The ship borne LRIT information transmitting equipment The Communication Service Provider(s) The Application Service Provider(s) The LRIT Data Centre(s), including any related Vessel Monitoring System(s) The LRIT Data Distribution Plan And the International LRIT Data Exchange. Certain aspects of the performance of the LRIT system are reviewed or audited by an LRIT Co-coordinator acting on behalf of all Contracting Governments.LRIT information is provided to Contracting Governments and Search and rescue services entitled toreceive the information, upon request, through a system of National, Regional, Co operative andInternational LRIT Data Centers, using where necessary, the LRIT International Data Exchange.Each Administration should provide to the LRIT Data Centre it has selected, a list of the ships entitledto fly its flag, which are required to transmit LRIT information, together with other salient details andshould update, without undue delay, such lists as and when changes occur. Ships should only transmitthe LRIT information to the LRIT Data Centre selected by their Administration.The obligations of ships to transmit LRIT information and the rights and obligations of ContractingGovernments and of Search and rescue services to receive LRIT information are established inregulation V/19-1 of the 1974 SOLAS Convention.LRIT CERTIFICATE:A LRIT Certificate is a document issued by the flag state to evidence LRIT ship borne equipment is of a type approved by the Administration and passed a
Conformance Test conducted by an authorizedtesting Application Service Provider (ASP).On satisfactory completion of a conformance test, the Authorized Testing ASP conducting the test willissue a report to the Administration to support and serve as the basis for the Certificate that will beissued by the Administration to the ship owner for placing on board their vessel. No additional action isrequired from the ship owner once the test has been successfully completed and passed since the testreport data is automatically forwarded to the Administration by the authorized testing ASP. IMO PERFORMANCE STANDARDS FOR SPEED AND DISTANCEMEASURING EQUIPMENT (SDME) IMO PERFORMANCE STANDARDS FOR DEVICES TO INDICATE SPEED