Semantic & Aesthetic Functions in Desig: Susann Vihma (Ed.)

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WORKING PAPERS 28 University of Art and Design Helsinki

Semantic & Aesthetic Functions in Design

Report of the workshop and three papers from the 2nd Nordcode Seminar Helsinki/Espoo, October 13 2003 University of Art and Design Helsinki & Helsinki University of Technology

Susann Vihma (ed.)

Torben Lenau & Per Boelskifte Bosse Westerlund Marianne Stokholm

SEMANTIC & AESTHETIC FUNCTIONS IN DESIGN Report of the workshop and three papers from the 2nd Nordcode Seminar WORKING PAPERS TYPAPERIT PUBLICATION SERIES, F 28 University of Art and Design Helsinki Helsinki 2004 EDITORIAL BOARD Yrjn Levanto (editor-in-chief), Pia Sivenius, Susann Vihma GRAPHIC DESIGN Jarkko Hyppnen LAY-OUT Pia Sivenius FURTHER INFORMATION University of Art and Design Hmeentie 135 C 00560 Helsinki Tel.+358-9-75631, fax +358-9-756 30433 Publications / Annu Ahonen, tel. +358-09-756 30213, e-mail: Research Institute / Pia Sivenius, tel. +358-09-756 30528, e-mail: ISBN 951-558-143-5 ISSN 1455-8955 Painettu julkaisu: ISBN 951-558-133-8


SUSANN VIHMA: WORKSHOP .............................................................................................................................................................................. 3 TORBEN LENAU & PER BOELSKIFTE: SOFT AND HARD PRODUCT ATTRIBUTES IN DESIGN ........................................................................................................................ 6 BOSSE WESTERLUND: CO - DESIGNING WITH AND FOR FAMILIES SEMANTIC ASPECTS ....................................................................................................... 14 MARIANNE STOKHOLM: THE FUNCTION OF DESIGN PRODUCTS IN THE CONTEXT OF INTEGRATED DESIGN ............................................................................... 20

Susann Vihma

This number of the F-series of the University of Art and Design Helsinki reports the outcome of a nd workshop linked to the 2 Nordcode seminar and includes three articles from the seminar. nd The 2 Nordcode seminar was held in Helsinki The aim was to gather together researchers interested in design semantics, especially emphasizing communicative aspects of design.

Nordcode, a research network started in 2000, tries to improve cooperation between scholars and doctoral students and further design studies, see In the beginning of networking, researchers introduce and discuss their approaches and preliminary results, compare fruitful methods and share ideas on how to proceed. As the work progresses, research can also be carried out in cooperation, i.e. in Nordic research projects.

THE WORKSHOP In connection with the program of the 2nd Nordcode seminar in Helsinki a workshop was arranged at the Usability Laboratory of the Helsinki University of Technology (see program in appendix and The intend was to look closer at a few chosen methodological approaches and discuss their possible benefits for design semantics research. Design semantics has, during its history of more than 40 years, included both theoretical and practical activities. For example, already at the HfG Ulm in the beginning of the 1960s, both ways were regarded1. In recent years, information about user experiences for design purposes has been collected in various ways, in field studies, laboratories, etc. Methods in user-centered design hardly involve semantics at all, which can easily be seen in the

descriptions of methods and in the illustrative material of the reports. Instead of semantics, usercentered design research has turned towards the analyses of emotional experience (the most visible manifestation are the conferences organized by the Design & Emotion society since 1999). The intriguing question remains, however. How can a useful, ergonomically tested product, when it all comes around, escape semantics? On the other hand, design semantics has used empirical data from user experience surveys rather seldom. Li Wickstrms study is a valuable exception in this sense2. Semantic aspects have been considered more often in educational contexts since the mid 1980s3 and in various analyses of design products. As a result of these, methods of applying semantic analyses have been developed4. Often such procedures rely on verbal descriptions and the use of visual material is limited. The Nordcode workshop intended, therefore, to examine methodological approaches of design semantics in usability context, the emphasis being on the scrutiny of meaning production during the interpretative act and on the use of visual material in the work. The participants got together in the usability laboratorys test room, where Lauri Repokari introduced the facilities. He went on by surveying common approaches used earlier in the usability laboratory tests and, thus, familiarizing the participants to the possibilities of the facilities.



Toni-Matti Karjalainen presented the first task that had been prepared for the workshop. The group was going to analyze semantics of concrete design products by looking and handling the item. Models of actual mobile phones from Nokia were examined one at the time by the participants, all educated

4 design experts. A smaller group of the participants gathered in the control room of the usability laboratory in order to follow the overall course of actions around the table, to survey the discussion and treatment of the objects (especially touch, grip, gestures), and to adjust the recordings (video and tape). With the help of this hands-on approach, it was demonstrated how a test situation (discussion, handling a test item, a persons relation to the item and to other persons, etc.) can be documented for further analyses. The combination of visual and audio documentation, the possible limits, shortcomings and benefits, were commented upon after the session. A general conclusion was that designers could benefit from using a laboratory setting in analyses of semantic qualities. Cooperation with industry should be encouraged to use the facilities and expertise of design researchers even at early stages of the product development process. It is more difficult to identify characteristics, which can be seen across the whole product portfolio of Nokia. The design approach emphasizes segmentation of customers, i.e. phones are designed for specific target customers. This does not support the use of standard elements. In addition, fast-changing markets seem to require a high degree of renewal of models. However, a clear consistency is not necessarily contradictory to customization. By using consistent signs for all the products, brand recognition would remain stronger. If the variety of design becomes too wide and lasts for too long, the core message of the brand may become mute for a target audience. The third group, prepared by Outi Turpeinen, focused deliberately on visual analysis in order to produce alternatives for the design. The participants (all design professionals well accustomed to analyzing design products) were asked to consider semiotic and aesthetic aspects of mobile phones and to make visual notes of them. The idea was to brainstorm new ideas for the design of phones freely and openly, not tied to any specific practical or functional problems. The aim was to play around with visual metaphors of the phones. Colored paper and various photos from magazines were used for making collages during the group discussion. The outcome was, first of all, a stimulating discussion of ideas and themes. Feminine and masculine features of a mobile phone were conceived as intriguing themes, and the visual appearances were discussed from these points of view. The forms of the phones were compared to stereotypical forms in other contexts, for example, flowers in cover design for women, do-it-yourself type of products for men, etc. Phone models that seemed to express various professions were debated. Individuality was considered an important quality for a mobile phone. However, also a universal design would be a challenging design task. The phones used for the test were not especially interesting according to the groups point of view, because they all seemed to belong to the same context. With the help of the collages, one participant started to develop her design of a phone in a more feminine direction and connected its appearance to the context of sewing. The fourth group concentrated on visual metaphors and metonymies. Susann Vihma introduced the use of metaphors in a design context. Four mobile phones from Nokia were examined in detail. Their visual form and feel of touch evoke various



The Nordcode workshop continued in a different manner in the afternoon. Participants were divided into 4 groups and they were given specific tasks. One group continued discussion on applying usability laboratory equipment for design semantics and use analyses, and was guided by Lauri Repokari. The second group, headed by Toni-Matti Karjalainen5, used a variety of mobile phone images and product examples from Nokia as material to support discussion. The main questions illustrate the theme: Is there something in the design of the phones that makes them specific for Nokia? Are there any design elements that clearly appear in every product? It was agreed that the design of Nokia had been recognizable and consistent for some time. Most of the models (mainly before 2001) were characterized by a specific way to frame the display. The buttons also had their particular form and structure, and the same could be said about the overall treatment of form elements and some other details. These applications made the Nokia products quite different from, e.g., the phones of Ericsson that also had a recognizable and consistent design of their own. Since 2001, the picture has become more complex.

5 metaphorical ideas, which were compared and reflected upon. Next, the members of the group searched for pictures in magazines to illustrate these metaphorical ideas for each of the four phones. The selected images were discussed during the procedure and agreed upon; all members worked on the collages together simultaneously, which led to spontaneous reactions furthering the production of imagery. The pictures also seemed to deepen the metaphorical ideas. Some of pictures were chosen to illustrate the overall form of the phone, others focused on some detail. One of the collages started to highlight only one specific semantic characteristic of a phone, the surface structure and its play with light reflections. The intension of the group was, actually, to communicate as clearly as possible the interpretation of visual qualities to others, not only to build visual scenarios of the metaphors. As a result of the work, four collages were prepared. Especially the detailing, colors and surface structure stimulated interpretation, production of visual metaphors, and seemed to characterize the overall conception of the concrete product. The workshop session part 2 ended with presentations by the four groups and a discussion. REFERENCES
1 2

See e.g. uppercase 5. Whitefriars, London, 1961.

Wikstrm, Li.: Produktens budskap: Metoder fr vrdering av produkters semantiska funktioner ur ett anvndarperspektiv. Chalmers tekniska hgskola, Gteborg, 2002.

Workshops in educational institutions and business enterprises. E.g., Butter, Reinhart: Putting Theory into Practice: An Application of Product semantics to Transportation Design. In: Design Issues, Vol V, No 2, 1989. This report about the activities of the groups is based on a summary and documents turned over to me by the leaders of the respective groups Toni-Matti Karjalainen and Outi Turpeinen, and on my own notes and documents.

Appendix: The structure of the workshop day and list of participants Nordcode workshop 1.10.2003 Semantic & Aesthetic Functions in Usability Context Place: Usability laboratory / HUT, Otaniemi Campus, Espoo Host: Lauri Repokari 10:00 Registration & coffee 10:30 Welcome 11:00 Introduction to the workshop Toni-Matti Karjalainen & Lauri Repokari 11:30 Workshop, part 1 13:00 University walk & Lunch 14:30 Workshop, part 2 16:00 Summing up and discussion 17:00 Closing (transfer to Helsinki city centre) 18:00 Presentation by James Putnam: Museum as art art as museum (at the Finnish National Gallery ) Dinner For a list of participants see

Torben Lenau Per Boelskifte

Soft and hard product attributes in design

This working paper describes an experiment with students, where lists of words describing soft product attributes were tested. The purpose was triple: 1) To make the students aware of the importance and the possibilities in putting words on their aesthetic experiences 2) to develop the testing method and 3) to develop and test the list of words. Two lists describe sensory (44 words) and symbolic (48 words) product attributes. 51 students of Products Design Engineering organized in groups of two persons filled out the 2 questionnaires on their laptop computers. In the first questionnaire, they named products which they associated with each of the sensory and symbolic attributes. In the second questionnaire, they indicated which of the attributes matched four products they were presented with: A digital camera, a bicycle lamp, a shaving brush and working gloves. The results indicate a general agreement about the meaning for most of the attributes and indicate areas for refinement of the test.

BACKGROUND Products are to a growing extension being sold based on their soft values such as aesthetic design, styling and the image they give the owner. This makes it more important that people, who are involved in product design and development, can communicate these softer or more intangible values. Studies within this area are pursued in a number of places (Lopez 2003, Govers 2000, Govers et al. 2003, Warell 2001). The authors have experienced the need when searching for materials that can give the product a certain expression ( When physical products are designed, the selection of

materials and manufacturing methods play important roles for the function, the appearance and expression of the product. These properties are not solely associated with the material itself, but with the specific interplay between material, manufacturing, form and other properties of the specific product. The selection of, say, materials is, therefore, often done by searching for similar products. The product and the materials it is made of possess a number of technical (hard) attributes like strength, stiffness and hardness. Furthermore, the product possesses a number of semantic properties associated with the meanings we can deduce from the form, colour, texture, and the sound of the product. Working with semantic properties helps the designer to make the product more self-evident to form the cultural meanings of the product to give the product a distinct character Technical properties are dealt with a well developed and commonly accepted terminology that can be utilized for product search and material selection (Ashby 1999). This is not the case for semantic properties, despite their importance for the communication within the product design processes. In a previous study, an interdisciplinary group of 14 students (from industrial design, business and engineering programs) showed consensus on assigning certain words to specific products in order to express their sensory and perceived experiences (Johnson et al. 2003). An initial vocabulary was formulated with the help of design literature. The study showed that a significant amount of the test group agreed on assigning the same words to 6 specific products (see below). Based on the input from the study, the initial vocabulary was revised (shown below in Table 1).

Figure 1. The six products used in the previous experiment (Johnson et. al 2003).
Aesthetic (sensory) attributes (bold face = significantly selected in previous experiment) Feel: Soft, hard, warm cold, light, heavy, flexible, stiff Texture: Smooth, rough, rubbery, slippery Form: Organic, angular, aerodynamic, flat, squared, rounded Smell: Fresh, stale, natural, artificial Optics: Transparent, translucent, opaque, reflective Colour: Clear, white, muted colours, bright colours, grey/black, metallic, natural Taste: Sweet, sour, salty, bitter Sound: Muffled, ringing Perceived (symbolic) attributes (bold face = significantly selected in previous experiment, parenthesis = close to being significant) Aggressive Passive Formal Informal Fragile Robust Cheap - Expensive Classic - Trendy Friendly - Frightening Clinical- Cosy Functional - ornamental (Futuristic) - historic (clever) - (silly) Handmade - Mass(Common) Exclusive Decorated Minimal produced Delicate Rugged High-tech Simple Anonymous Inviting Humorous - Serious Elegant - Clumsy Mature - Youthful Restrained Extravagant Masculine feminine Temporary Permanent Words deleted from the initial list: Clean, (Dull), Strong

Words deleted from the initial list: Industrial

Table 1. The revised vocabulary from the previous experiment (Johnson et. al 2003). Words used by a significant number of the participants to describe the 6 products in Figure 1 are shown in boldface. THE EXPERIMENT In the present experiment we wanted to test the vocabulary generated in (Johnson et al. 2003) with a larger group of students in design engineering (51 students) in order to make the students aware of the importance and the possibilities of putting their aesthetic experiences in words, develop the testing method develop and test the contents in the lists of words. As preparation the authors first critically revised the lists of words. One of the authors has a background in industrial design and a comprehensive experience in both practical design work and in teaching industrial design. The logic consistency was checked and compared with the terminology used in industrial design teaching. The sequence of the sensory attributes was changed. It now starts with visual attributes followed by attributes of feeling, smell, taste, and hearing. Furthermore, the consistency of the translation between Danish and English was examined. Based on the revised lists, the internet questionnaires shown in Figures 2 and 3 were made. The questionnaires themselves were made using standard html-programming. By combining this with a simple cgi-script the answers from the questionnaire were added as new lines in a text file each time the send button was pressed. After pressing the send button a confirmation message was displayed. The text file was easily imported into an excel spreadsheet for further data treatment and statistical calculations. The size of the questionnaires was discussed. With altogether 92 sensory and symbolic attributes they became rather large. By testing the questionnaire with colleagues, we found that the questionnaires can be filled out in 45+45 minutes. However, this requires that the participants are highly motivated and concentrated, and that they are given very precise instructions. We used second year students from the Design & Innovation Engineering education at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), who were well known to us.

8 The experiment was performed in 2 steps: First, the students should tell which products they thought were described by each word in the questionnaire. The instruction was that they should write the first thing that came to their mind, and not be speculative. Knowing that they had only 45 minutes to describe the 92 attributes gave the students about 30 seconds for each attribute. The purpose was to find out if the words were meaningful to the students and if they associated the words to types of products that are similar. Furthermore, being forced to consider each of the 92 attributes gave the students an overview of the lists. In this way it became realistic to fill out the second questionnaire. Second, they filled out questionnaire 2, which presented 4 products: A digital camera, a bicycle lamp, a shaving brush and working gloves. We had 2 samples of each product (except the shaving brush) which were passed around. Furthermore, the pictures in Figure 4 were projected on a screen. The selection of products was a compromise: Considering the number of attributes in the questionnaire it was realistic to have only 4 products. Therefore, we chose products which represented the widest range of options possible for the sensory attributes. Figure 2. Questionnaire 1 (only the top part is shown).

Figure 3. Questionnaire 2 (only the top part is shown).

Figure 4. The 4 products used in questionnaire 2: A digital camera, a bicycle lamp, a shaving brush and working gloves. THE RESULTS, DATA TREATMENT AND DISCUSSION Our plan to use in total 90 minutes for the experiment seemed to work nicely. As mentioned earlier, the students were well motivated and interested in the experiment, which contributed to its success. The students used their own portable computers connected to a wireless network, which made it possible to carry out the experiment in one large room. It seemed to work well to let the students work together in groups of two, especially for questionnaire 1. It stimulated thoughts about the products. During the experiment, we encountered minor misunderstandings, which we had not foreseen: When discussing colours some of the groups described specific colours rather than products, e.g. red as a warm colour instead of an orange or a sports car. Only a few words were unknown to some of the students (e.g., stale smell), but since the vast majority of the students answered the question in a meaningful way, we do not consider this a significant problem.
Category Form (form) Organisk /fri form (organic) Afrundet (rounded) Strmlinet (aerodynamic) Kantet (angular) Flad (flat) Aflang (Long) Farve (colour) Varm (warm) Kold (cold) Klar (clear) Lys (light) Mrk (dark) Sponge 2 Chair 3 Ball 13 Aero plane 12 Car 9 Table 5 Plate 3 LP/CD 4 Paper 6 Stick/rod 9 Orange 4 Glowing metal (oven, stove) 7 Highly red products 7 Computer 4 Ice 3 White goods 6 Glass 13 Glass, window, bottle 24 Lamp 10 Chocolate 3 Black bard 2 Brown or Word

We received in total 30 answers for questionnaire 1. However, 4 of them were completely identical with other answers and were, therefore, deleted. This complies with the fact that one of the groups (told us) had sent an answer twice by mistake. The answers from questionnaire 1 was evaluated by counting how many identical or similar products matched each attribute and by judging if the attribute was interpreted in an unclear, clear or very clear manner. Answers to the attribute organic form varied from clay (probably meaning any undefined shape), a sponge (probably meaning an amorphous shape), a ball (a well defined geometric shape), a part of the body (something smoothly curved). We concluded that the interpretations were too far apart from each other. Hence, the attribute was classified as unclear. On the other hand, answers to the attribute rounded form seemed much more focused (13 answered ball, the majority of the rest answered VW beetle, handle and Apple computer). Hence, it was classified as very clear. The results can be seen in Tables 2 and 3.
Interpretation Unclear, amorphous or smoothed curved? Very clear Very clear Very clear Very clear Very clear Very clear Unclear, physical cold or looks cold? Unclear, same as transparent Unclear, giving light or opposite to dark? Clear

Most chosen products or group of products and the frequency

black products 19 Dark room 5 Kraftig (strong) Afdmpet (Muted) Glans (glossiness) Mat (matte) Halvblank (semi glossy) Blank (glossy) Blank transparent (glossy transparent) Mat transparent (matte transparent) Metallisk (metallic) Overfladetekstur (texture) Glat (smooth) Ru (rough) Gummiagtig (rubbery) Fedtet (slippery) Flelse (feel) Bld (soft) Hrd (hard) Varm (warm) Kold (cold) Let (light) Tung (heavy) Fleksibel (flexible) Stiv (stiff) Lugt (smell) Frisk (fresh) Hengemt (stale) Naturlig (natural) Kunstig (artificial) Smag (taste) Sd (sweet) Sur (sour) Salt (salt) Bitter (bitter) Lyd (sound) Dmpet / dump (muffled) Hul (hollow) Klingende (ringing) Harmonisk (harmonic) Skinger (shrill) Panton product 3 sports equipment 4 Neon light 3 Neon and other light 5 Unclear, strong or neon? Cosmetics 2 Muted colour products 21 Other meaning 6 Clear Computer 3 Matte products 22+ Lacquered products 4 car 3 Billiard ball 5 Chrome plated handle 3 Glass 8 Matte glass products 12 Car 8 Soap 2 Billiard ball 3 Sandpaper 13 Tire 7 Rubber-like products 27 greasy/oily products 18 Pillow 12 Table + chair 9 Blanket 6 Oven or radiator or stove 6 Refrigerator 6 Ice cube 7 Metal products 6 Feather 7 Paper 3 Weight 4 Rubber band 7 Rod/tube/table leg 5 Lemon/fruit 7 mint 4 Toothpaste 4 Old cloth 7 Unclean refrigerator 2 Wood 5 Grass 2 Shampoo/deodorant/perfume 5 Cheap lemonade 3 Perfume 2 Air freshener 3 Candy 7 Sugar 9 Candy 9 Cake 2 Lemon 13 Vinegar 2 Liquorices 5 Salty candy 11 Chips 7 Bitter snaps 9 Bitter lemon 4 Car door 3 Pillow 5 Well 3 Empty box 4 Bell 8 Triangle 7 Piano 4 Harp 4 Musical instrument 16 purling water 2 Chalk or nail on a blackboard 6 Alarm 3 Very clear Unclear, mixture of matte and neon Very clear Very clear Very clear Unclear, looking like metal or metallic paint? Unclear, mix with soft and slippery Very clear Very clear Unclear, greasy, sticky of fast grip? Very clear Very clear Clear Clear Very clear Very clear Very clear Very clear Very clear Very clear Clear Clear Very clear Very clear Very clear Very clear Very clear Very clear Very clear Very clear Very clear

Table 2. Answers in Danish and English from questionnaire 1: Products associated with sensory attributes and the interpretation of how clearly they were understood
Symbolic attribute Agressiv (Aggressive) Passiv (Passive) Billig (Cheap) Dyr (Expensive) Klassisk (Classic) Trendy (Trendy) Most chosen products or group of products and the frequency Ferrari 6 Sports/racing car 10 Motorcycle 5 Sponge 1 mailbox 1 cigarette 1 pencil 1 Ikea furniture 2 Plastic, disposable cutlery 1 Nails 1 milk 1 lighter 1 Rolex/gold watch 5 Piano 5 Musical instruments 9 Branded products (coca cola, Rolls Royce, Hugo Boss) 3 Mobile phone 4 "designed" products (Panton, Ph. Stark, Gucci) 3 Branded products (Coca cola, Nike) 2 Interpretation Very clear Unclear, Anonymous, not active or not aggressive? Unclear, price or bad quality? Very clear Clear Unclear, special or latest new?

Klinisk (Clinical) Hyggelig (Cozy) Kvik (Clever) Dum (Silly) Almindelig (Common) Eksklusiv (Exclusive) Dekoreret (Decorated) Minimalistisk (Minimal) Sart (Delicate) Grov (Rugged) Slv/Kedelig (Dull) Sexet (Sexy) Anonym (Anonymous) Markant (Inviting) Elegant (Elegant) Kluntet (Clumsy) Feminint (Feminine) Maskulint (Masculine) Formel (Formal) Uformel (Informal) Skrbelig (Fragile) Robust (Robust) Venlig/Imdekommende (Friendly) Skrmmende (Frightening) Funktionel (Functional) Ornamenteret (Ornamental) Futuristisk (Futuristic) Historisk (Historic) Hndlavet (Handmade) Masseproduceret (Mass-produced) Teknisk komplekst (High-tech) Enkelt (Simple) Morsom (Humorous) Alvorlig (Serious) Voksen (Mature) Ung/Ungdommelig (Youthful) Begrnset (Restrained) Ekstravagant (Extravagant) Midlertidig/Flygtig (Temporary) Permanent/Varig (Permanent) Scalpel 7 Dentist equipment 6 Sofa 6 Fireplace 7 Pillow 2 Calculator 5 Computer 4 Mobile phone 2 Palm pilot 3 Plastic flower 1 Silly hat 1 Bone lock glue 1 Electric kettle 1 Chair 3 Toilet paper 2 Dinner knife 1 Fur coat 3 Perfume 2 Christmas tree 5 B&O 2 Arne Jacobsen products 4 Mobile phones 3 Crystal or thin glass 7 China products 4 Silk 3 Saw 2 File 3 Rye bread 3 Knife / spoon 5 Blotting-pad 2 Low status car 3 Underwear/lingerie 13 Sports car 3 Something white 3 Famous buildings 2 Jaguar car 3 Certain cars 3 Moon boots 2 Makeup 5 High heels 4 Bra + lingerie 4 Tools 9 Dumb bells 3 Suit /tie 16 Jogging clothes 7 Jeans 4 Very Clear Very clear Very clear Unclear, easy to use or annoying? Clear Very clear Very clear Very clear Very clear Very clear Clear Very clear Unclear, common or without contours? Very clear Very clear Very clear Very clear Very clear Very clear Very clear

Crystal / glass / china 16 Very clear Something heavy and solid (rail, brick, hammer) 10 Safe 2 Baby toys Very clear 1 Teddy bear 3 Knife / sword / chainsaw 11 Swiss knife 7 Can opener 5 toilet 1 Gold frames 2 Stucco 3 Church furniture 4 Science fiction & space 7 Bible / church 3 Stone axe 2 Book 2 Ceramics/ jar 13 Oriental carpet 2 Sweater 2 Electronics 4 Computer and -equipment 9 Space shuttle 2 Airplane 2 Cutlery 10 New years eve products 6 Toys 5 Cartoons 3 Kinder egg 1 Coffin 3 Newspaper 3 Living house 5 Pipe / cigar 4 erotic toy 1 Skateboard / roller-skates 5 Electronic games 2 Beer and booze 3 Prison / hospital 6 Gold bar / money /special offer 3 Luxury products (caviar, Porche, champagne, fur coat) 8 diamantes 3 Disposable products 5 Candy floss 2 Money 2 Ice cube Solid lasting things (mountain, brick, toilet, house, stone axe) 8 Tattoo 5 Easy breakable products (crackers, thread, membrane) 12 Not powerful products (moped, infrared signal) 2 Rope / wire 5 Powerful products (truck, car, f-16, acid) 4 Strong food 3 Very clear Very clear Very clear Clear Very clear Very clear Very clear Very clear Very clear Very clear Clear Clear Very clear Very clear Unclear, limited, rare or constrained? Very clear Very clear Clear Unclear, easy breakable or not powerful? Unclear, lasting, powerful or taste?

Svag (Weak) Strk (Strong)

Table 3. Answers in Danish and English from questionnaire 1: Products associated with symbolic attributes and the interpretation of how clearly they were understood

12 The answers from questionnaire 2 are quantitative and it was, therefore, possible to make a statistical evaluation. We wanted to know if there is a common understanding among a larger group of people on the meaning of the words we have selected. To answer this question we used standard statistical methods. If we make the assumption that there is no correlation between the attributes of the products and the words in the lists, we should expect the results to be distributed randomly. The statistical methods can be used to show if the results differ
Organisk /fri form (organic) 1 Afrundet (rounded) 7 Strmlinet (aerodynamic) 8

significantly from a random distribution. The results from the sensory attribute section in questionnaire 2 are grouped into 8 groups (form, colour, glossiness, etc). Within each group one or more words can be selected. If the selection was restricted to one word for each group the results would follow a polynomial distribution. Since more words can be selected, we use an approximation, where the results are weighted depending on how many there are. For the digital camera the calculations are shown in Table 4.
Kantet (angular) 25 Flad (flat) Aflang (Long) 0

Ave. no. of answers u

Number of answers Weighted number of answers x Deviation 2 (x-u) /u













Table 4. Statistical calculations for answers on form for the digital camera. The 2 distribution for 5 degrees of freedom (6 possible answers) and 5 % significance level has the value 11,1. For 0,05% significance level the value is 22,1. The square sum of the deviations is 37,5 , which is much larger than 22,1. It is, therefore, very unlikely that the distribution is random. The word angular contribute with 28,8. It is, therefore, considered significant. Hence, we concluded that there seems to be a general agreement on the use of the word. Similarly, the 8 groups are evaluated according to the 4 products, and the results are shown in Table 5. Of the 32 groups of results, 20 are significant, and differ from a random distribution. The words shown in Table 5 seem to be commonly accepted. For the last 12 groups the results do not significantly differ from a random distribution, and we cannot tell if there are generally accepted words or not.

Form (form)

Farve (colour)

Glans (glossiness)

Overfladeteksur (texture) Flelse (feel) Lugt (smell) Smag (taste) Lyd (sound)

Significant words (and words that are not significant but chosen many times) Grey fields are not significant but most chosen words are shown Digital camera Bicycle lamps Shaving Working gloves brush Organic, (rounded), flat (Organic), Angular (Organic), rounded, rounded, (aerodynamic), angular (long) Cold, (Muted) (cold), dark, Warm, cold, (Warm), light, (strong), (muted) (light), (strong) (muted) Matte Matte, Semi glossy, metallic Semi glossy, glossy, (glossy transmetallic parent) Smooth Smooth, rubSmooth, Rubbery bery Hard, cold, (heavy), Hard, (cold), Soft, hard, Soft, (warm), (light), (flexible), stiff (heavy), stiff cold, (heavy) (stiff) (Artificial) Artificial (Natural) (stale), (natural), (artificial) (salt), (bitter) (Muffled) (Muffled) Muffled (muffled)

Table 5. Answers in Danish and English from questionnaire 2: Significant (and close to significant) sensory words for the 4 products.

13 The symbolic attributes in questionnaire 2 are organized into opposite pairs (e.g., aggressive passive), which means that one, another or none is selected. The results are expected to follow a binomial distribution. We know that we have 27 answers, and we assume that the probability of selecting one of the two words is 0,5. With 1% signifiDigital camera Expensive Trendy Clinical Clever Exclusive Minimal Elegant Functional Futuristic Mass-produced High-tech Mature Bicycle lamps Common Minimal Functional Massproduced Simple Shaving brush Expensive Classic Exclusive Inviting Elegant Masculine Functional Historic Handmade Simple Mature

cance level, the critical number of answers is 20. If 20 or more select one of the two words, e.g., aggressive, it is very unlikely that it is chosen at random. Hence, we may conclude that there seems to be a general agreement on the use of the word. The significant words can be seen in Table 6.

Working gloves Common Rugged Anonymous Clumsy Masculine Informal Robust Functional Mass-produced Simple Mature Strong

Table 6. Significant symbolic words for the 4 products. Significant here means 20 or more of the 27 answers. CONCLUSION An experiment with students was carried out to test their interpretation of words, which described soft product attributes. Feed back from the students attending the test showed that the students became more aware of the importance and the possibilities to put their aesthetic experiences in words. The experiment stimulated them to discuss the meanings of 92 words and to sharpen the students conceptions of the words. The experimental method was developed, and we know now more about how to set up this type of experiment, how to use internet and other computer tools for questionnaires. We have also improved our insight in applying the data treatment including statistical methods. We have improved the two lists of words, which described sensory and symbolic attributes. The words have now been tested with a larger group of students. 51 students, divided into 26 groups, participated. All of them completed answering the questionnaires satisfactory. The answers imply that most of the proposed words were clearly understood in the same way, while a minor part of the words were more or less unclear. Future research could include investigating the understanding of the words by a still larger group (students) and by groups with other backgrounds and/or in another cultural and linguistic context (maybe in other Nordic or European countries). It could also be interesting to determine if the words represent a more long lasting meaning. Acknowledgement We would like to thank Professor Henrik Spliid from the department of Informatics and Mathematical Modelling at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) for his help with the statistical treatment of the data. REFERENCES
Ashby, Mike F.: Materials Selection in Mechanical Design. Butterworth Heinemann, 1999. Govers, Pascalle C.M. and Schoormans, Jan P.L.: Intangible Product Attributes and Watches. EMAC 2000, Rotterdam, 2000. Govers, Pascalle; Hekkert, J.Paul L. and Schoormans, Jan P.L.: Happy, Cute and Tough: Can designers create a product personality that consumers understand, Delft University of Technology 2003. Johnson, Kara W.; Lenau, Torben and Ashby Mike F.: The Aesthetic and Perceived Attributes of Products. ICED03, Stockholm, 2003. Lpez, Joan Martn and Gunard, Anne: Study on subjective evaluation of perceived quality of flap mobile phones and prediction of sensorial profile. ICED03, Stockholm, 2003. Warell, Anders: Design Syntactics: A Functional Approach to Visual Product Form - Theory, Models and Methods. Doctoral Thesis, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, 2001.

Bosse Westerlund

Co-designing with and for families semantic aspects

This working paper will briefly discuss some of the semantic aspects of a cooperative design project interLiving. The focus is on the design of a technology probe, which was installed in some families households in Sweden. The paper deals more with ideas and thoughts than real results. The results will be discussed when the project reaches its final stages and the prototypes are more developed. The research project aims at discussing different layers of meaning; of how the artefact is used for communication (socially) between people and how individual persons responded and understood the artefact.

This approach enables the project to work in situations with actual needs and desires by using conceptual categories that the family members themselves conceive as meaningful. Accordingly, the project will get insight into how meanings are constructed by the different individuals, i.e. what really matters to the individual person, the household and the family (see Westerlund et al. 2003a and 2003b). In Sweden the research is carried out closely with 3 families living in eight households, a total of 24 people between 2 and 74 years of age. The aim is to consider the whole context of use for these different people. INQUIRY INTO THE CONTEXT OF USE

INTERLIVING The research in interLiving is currently carried out in Stockholm and Paris. The project is financed for three years by the EUs Dissappearing Computer initiative. The goal of interLiving is to study and develop technologies and artefacts for communication between generations within a family. The research is done together with the families. The work also involves investigating existing methods and developing new design methods. The main research question is, how we can work with families in the cooperative design tradition in order to develop new and meaningful technology for communication within a family. The design approach includes: - working closely with families during the whole project - the use of a mixture of methods: interviews, workshops, and probes - multidisciplinary research. Researchers from at least two different fields participate in all work done together with the families. - technologies not defined in advance. The project conceives design as aiming at artefacts, which fit into peoples lives in such a way that the families will accept to have them in their homes and other locations. Therefore, the research tries to learn about and understand the whole context, where the artefacts will be present. This involves the material context in which the people live and pass through. Also the social context, communication of needs and desires, which people might have at different times, is included. The aim is to enable the design of artefacts in such a way that the families will accept to have them in their homes. Of course, all kinds of aspects, like status, exclusiveness, etc. have an impact on the process. The results can even involve invisible design, in which technology is hidden. While interLiving is a research project, no aspects of marketing, branding, manufacturing, distribution, disposal, recycling or price is considered. The research looks at the situation, when the artefact is in the home (or in the pocket of a person). The main task is to try to understand the needs and desires that the individuals express through different means, verbally and during action. It seems

15 important to use the family members own language and categorisation. If researchers would look through a grid of their own, it would easily shadow the families view. The approach is not easy, it increases working time and requires careful reflection. ... we can no longer insist that others respond to how we see things. We have to respect their own understanding. Thus, asserting what something means for others constitutes a relationship between constructions on different logical levels: our understanding and our understanding of someone elses understanding. (Krippendorff 1992:36) designed to provoke inspirational responses. The family members were given diaries and disposable cameras with the assignment to take photos of: - places where you leave messages to the others. - things that remind you of the others in your family. - things that you think are nice in your home (and ugly). Things cannot be objectively nice or ugly. However, these are categories, which are familiar to many people. There are obviously trade offs between being specific in asking questions and thereby obtaining answers to those questions, and asking vague and unspecific questions. In the latter, there is a possibility of getting surprised and receiving information about things that was not considered important. Discussion with the family members was conceived as a good start.

CULTURAL PROBES One of the many approaches was to use cultural probes, a technique, which Bill Gaver developed some years ago (Gaver et al. 1999). The probes are

Fig.1 and 2. Two nice kitchens (probe photos).

Figures 1 and 2 are probe photos of two kitchens. The different owners have expressed that they have a nice kitchen. The photos show that the style and character differ between the kitchens. The artefacts in the kitchens are presumably chosen with great care in both families. The collection of artefacts is also arranged with care. One can see that the composition of the kitchen in figure 2 has evolved over a long period of time.

Planning and rearranging furniture at home is a design activity that almost everybody has been involved with sometimes (Heskett 2002). Considering these two kitchens the owners would probably not agree to exchange any single artefact between them. All this seems to indicate that it is important to study what artefacts signify in the domestic environment. This is due to several factors. One is the notion of dirt, i.e. things in the wrong place.

16 Mud is accepted in the ditch, but not on the kitchen table (Douglas 1966). Cords and computers are accepted in the workplace, but not in all homes. The home is historically seen as a place separated from work, as a place for rest (Forty 1986; NippertEng 1996). Many people may still agree. Electronic artefacts, computers and computer applications, may often signify work to people. After having received the probe photos, several visits and interviews in the households were made. These activities improved understanding aspects of needs, desires, tastes and preferences. One question arose. Could a new device be designed to fit into both of these kitchens? this is not the case. In order for the probes to work as probes, the users cannot be involved in their design. Users would get too much involved with the wrong aspects of the probe as an artefact. They would probably have more opinions about improving the product design than the use of the probe. Therefore, it is important to understand that the probes are not prototypes. Intentions The aim of using technology probes in the design research was that they should feel more like appliances, for example a toaster, than a computer. The aim was to investigate different aspects of use. The artefact itself, hardware and software, should cause as little resistance as possible to the family members. There are several models available to support the design work, and three of them will be mentioned here. Janlert and Stolterman (1997) describe the importance an expected character has on making an artefact easy to use. If the artefact does not function according to our expectations, we will hesitate in using it. Gaver (1991) and Norman (1988) have applied Gibsons (1982) concept of affordance in relation to the use of everyday artefacts. And finally but not least importantly, Klaus Krippendorff and Reinhardt Butter have coined and taught a great deal regarding the concept of Product Semantics (1984, 1992, 1995). The ideal would be, when the users feel that the probes qualities fit into the context of the household, visual and other contexts. A strategy had to be worked out, because the households in which the probes were going to be installed, had different characters, as discussed above. Individually designed probes could be designed for the different households or only one, which would go into all households. Two approaches included different advantages and drawbacks. Choices Designing individual probes for each household would probably function better, if they could be made of a high quality. That would take a lot of effort, because of several probes are made and also, because it requires a lot of work to fit in artefacts to environments that are not familiar to the researchers. Therefore, while one design (probe) would require less work and also give some feedback about a more generic design approach, this was the choice.

DESIGN OF A TECHNOLOGY PROBE A method called technology probes was developed to be able to better understand the family members use of technology (Hutchinson et al. 2003). A probe functions as a simple-to-use technology, which is open to diverse interpretations by users. It is by no means a prototype. It is a tool that combines three aspects at the same time. Technology probes are simple, flexible, adaptable technologies introduced into families' homes with three interdisciplinary goals: the social science goal of collecting data about the use of the technology in a real-world setting, the engineering goal of field-testing the technology, and the design goal of inspiring users and designers to think about new technologies. (Hutchinson et al. 2003:17) One of the technology probes developed in the interLiving project is the messageBoard, which is basically a shared drawing surface. It is a visible tool and it is possible to draw on it in several locations at the same time. It has a flat display, which one can write on with a special pen, an interactive pen display, the Wacom Cintiq. Accordingly, drawing and writing would be very similar to real drawing on paper. The drawing is done on virtual notes, which are mirrored at all the households by remote family members.

DESIGN ASPECTS Since interLiving is a cooperative design project, one would imagine that the probes also should be designed in close cooperation with the users. But

17 Besides, if the user would construct an appropriate character, the technology may be easier to use, because the expectations of the user would be fulfilled (Janlert 1977). Therefore, many of the common computer elements, like keyboard, mouse, and on the display title bars, borders, bad typography, menus, symbols to click on, etc. were minimized. Not only were the visual elements considered. Also a computer without a fan (fan is a typical computer element), the Apple Macintosh Cube, to minimise the noise, was chosen. The noise (of the machine) is a property that users probably do not want anyway. ... the concept [of affordance] is a powerful one for thinking about technologies because it focuses on the interaction between technologies and the people who will use them. Affordances exist whether or not they are perceived, but it is because they are inherently about important properties that they need to be perceived ... (Gaver 1991:80) The design should help the users perceive the affordances and the signs that the users construct are the means to achieve suitable affordances. The aim of the design was to simplify and minimize the interaction with the machine; instead the human to human interaction was emphasized. It became obvious that two different views or states were needed. First, one view, where all notes (written or drawn) were visible in order to provide an overview and allow the user to look at any note, was needed. Second, the note, which is written for the moment, should be large enough. The reason for that is to make writing and drawing easier. One solution could be to use a menu and two different symbols/buttons with magnifying glass icons on them. It would resemble the controlling of a machine. Therefore, the interaction was rather made similar to handling of physical tools, for example, a pen. When the user moves a pen around on the shared surface, (s)he has one available possibility of action only. In addition, by pressing the pen on a note on the board makes marks. Pressing the pen outside a note show all notes.

Fig. 3 and 4. Sketches illustrate the two different views, which the message board affords. On the left, all notes that have been made are visible. Tapping on the pad in the lower right corner creates a new note. The picture on the right shows a view, where a note is shown bigger in order to afford drawing and writing. The blank note interface affords the user to act in any meaningful way. There is no predefined path of activity that must be followed. Since no possibility to erase or delete was provided, nothing would get deleted by mistake. Even though the intention was that the probe always was on, a power failure may occur, or a family member would want to move the probe to another location. Therefore, the start and other overall handling were designed in the same appliance spirit. After connecting the power cord into an outlet, the probe was ready to use. There was no need to manually start any application, log in, or perform similar operations that would have signified a normal computer.



So far the messageProbe has been used in two different families in Sweden, in one, where three households were connected. In the other family only two households could be connected because of trouble getting a broadband connection to one of the households. One family preferred to use the mobile

18 phone and only made two handfuls of messages. The other family used the messageProbe intensely. They claimed that the messageProbe actually had added a new dimension to their communication. interaction, just doing. Some of them reflected on aspects of the probe.

LOCATION/PLACEMENT OF THE MESSAGEBOARD Analyzing where the family members decided to locate the messageBoard we identified two rather different strategies or choices. The first approach was to have the messageProbe in a central place where it was easily visible most of the day when people were at home. This is a rather utilitarian approach and most often involved either moving something else away or squeezing the probe between other stuff. The other households decided to put the messageProbe in a more remote location, like a bedroom. This way it would not interfere with the way that they wanted their household to be perceived. Most of the households placed the probes centrally. One example of this is seen on figure 6. The discussion around this involves similarities with other technical artefact that you choose to have in your house, like television sets, stoves, refrigerators, etc. As a designer you may not think that they fit into the environment. They have different character and all that. The family members also think that the stuff is ugly when specifically asked, but regarding the whole context it is naturally meaningful for the family members to have these artefacts. kua

Fig. 5. Some examples of what was drawn during a couple of months. The people that intensely used the messageProbe did not seem to have given much thought to the appearance or any other aspect of it, except the social aspects. They seem to have focused on just writing and interacting with the person(s) on the other side. As an example of the ease of use, a four year old girl had no problems using and understanding the probe. She found the probe meaningful and made drawings intended for her aunt at a remote probe. Klaus Krippendorf writes: ...makes the very difference between affordances and meanings of prime interest to a semantics for designers. It also shifts the aim of design from creating aesthetic forms of products to providing those affordances that enable ordinary users to understand their artifacts in their own way and to engage with them in socially desirable practices. (1992: 41) However, some people reflected on the appearance. Thomas, who works all day in a computer related area, first thought that the messageProbe looked like a Beta-release due to the lack of technological features, like sound alert, date and time stamps, indication of sender, etc. But after using it for some time, he changed his mind and said: I start to think it is brilliant. Its so simple but you get so much anyway. Jonas commented that he is so used to the appearance of Microsoft products that you more or less expect that of all things you see on a screen. People tend to regard the probe both as a whole and in relation to the meaning it had to them. When they could fulfil their intentions, they focused on the

Fig.6. One of the contexts where technology has been installed.

CONCLUSION We have learned a great deal about the different individuals lives from all the different activities we have done together. Because of this understanding,

19 the result from the families use of the messageProbe did not surprise us. The different peoples reactions made sense according to our preconceptions. Users acquire different meanings from the same artefact. This seems to be emphasized more in domestic environments and family settings than in work places: But one can argue that the home contains the most special objects: those that were selected by the person to attend to regularly or to have close at hand, that create permanence in the intimate life of a person, and therefore that are most involved in making up his or her identity. (Csikszentmihalyi and Rochberg-Halton 1981:17) In this research, we are now beginning to do prototyping together with the family members. We need to figure out ways of understanding what design decisions have to be made in order for the artefacts to be thought of as meaningful by the different persons. We are also discussing how and how much people should be able to adapt the technology for their own purposes. It seems that less constraint means more room for personal strategies to evolve.
Gaver, W. (1991) Technology Affordances. In: Proceedings of Conference on Human Factors and Computing Systems, ACM CHI 1991. Gaver, B. and Pacenti, E. (1999) Cultural Probes Interactions, January & February, ACM Press, New York, 21-29. Gibson, J. J. (1982) Reasons for Realism. Lawrence Erlbaum Ass. Hillsdale, New Jersey. Heskett, J. (2002) Toothpicks and Logos: Design in Everyday Life. Oxford University Press, Oxford. Hutchinson, Mackay, Westerlund, Bederson, Druin, Plaisant, Beaudouin-Lafon, Conversy, Evans, Hansen, Roussel, Eiderbck, Lindquist, Sundblad. (2003) Technology Probes: Inspiring Design for and with Families. In: Proceedings of Conference on Human Factors and Computing Systems, ACM CHI 2003. Janlert, L-E. and Stolterman, E. (1997) The character of things. Design Studies Vol 18, No 3, Elsevier, Cambridge, 297-314. Krippendorff, K. and Butter, R. (1984) Product Semantics: Exploring the Symbolic Qualities of Form, innovation, The Journal of the Industrial Designers Society of America, 4-9. Kripppendorff, K. (1992) Transcending Semiotics. In: Objects and images. Vihma, S. (Ed.) University of Art and Design Helsinki, 24-47. Krippendorff, K. (1995) Redesigning design. In: Design Pleasure or Responsibility? Tahkokallio, P. and Vihma, S. (Eds.), University of Art and Design Helsinki. Also available at: REDESGN.htm Mackay, W.E. and Fayard, A-L. (1997) HCI, Natural Science and Design: A Framework for Triangulation across Disciplines Proceedings of ACM DIS 97, Designing Interactive Systems, Amsterdam, 223-234. Nippert-Eng, C. (1996) Home and Work: Negotiating Boundaries, University of Chicago Press, Chicago. Norman, D. (1988) The psychology of everyday things, Basic Books, New York. Westerlund, B. (2002) Form is Function. In: Proceedings of ACM DIS 2002, Designing Interactive Systems, London, 117-124. Westerlund, B., Lindqvist, S., Mackay, W., Sundblad, Y. (2003) Co-designing methods for designing with and for families. In: Proceedings for 5th European Academy of Design Conference, Barcelona. Westerlund, B., Lindqvist, S., Sundblad.Y. (2003) Codesigning with and for families. In: Proceedings for the conference Good | Bad | Irrelevant , COST269: User aspects of ICTs, Helsinki.

Acknowledgements Our thanks are due to the families, our design partners, for their contributions, as well as all the other researchers involved in the interLiving project in Sweden, France and in the USA. The project is supported by EU IST FET, through the Disappearing Computer 1 Initiative. IST 2000-26068. Note The names of the family members are not their real ones, and we are glad to have everybodys permission to publish the research.


See also Csikszentmihalyi, M. and Rochberg-Halton, E. (1981) The meaning of things, Cambridge University Press. Douglas, M. (1966) Purity and danger. Routledge and Kegan Paul, London. Forty, A. (1986) Objects of Desire. Thames and Hudson, London.

Marianne Stokholm

The function of design products in the context of integrated design

The article aims at presenting a Model of Integrated Design as a tool for understanding and communicating design in general and the aesthetic function of a product in specific. The background of the model and the related concept of design will be described. The model is evaluated with respect to its ability to improve understanding and communicating the aesthetic function of a product.

There are several reasons for the situation described above. One is the overall lack of common understanding concerning the concept of design. Another is the lack of a practical tool or model to trace and relate the different contexts and aspects of design and their interactions. A common ground, in form of a general concept of design and a multipurpose game board to expose the field of design and as a communication aid it, could possibly help to improve the cooperation about design.

PARADIGMS AND DISCIPLINARY DISTINCTIONS Product aesthetic is not only an integrated part of a product represented in form, but acts as the carrier of immaterial values. As such it is related to the use experience, cultural context and the function of meaning making. Design as a means to improve business and meet the market has become more evident to the companies. In order to succeed, industrial design must be rooted in both meaning making and business making. The aesthetic function is suggested to play a major role as an integrating factor in these activities as well as in the activities related to designing and using. Companies often claim that designers do not understand the business aspects of design. Few companies work professionally on describing values in relation to business strategies and product design. Few aesthetic oriented designers work with business strategies or describe the product form in terms of values in a way their business partner understand. When a product becomes a market success, it is not a common procedure to analyze why it happened in terms of business strategy, product aesthetics and value communication, which means that this valuable experience is not picked up for a continuous development and improvement of design. INTEGRATED DESIGN Design is moreover understood as a competition parameter and a powerful tool to increase product values. The practical use and understanding of design has moved from an added to an integrated function and is now tending to be an overall concept for the use and integration of information (Burnett, 1997). The interactive nature of design is becoming more evident as are the active concept of design designing. Not as a one man show but as a cooperation and team work. This situation requires a common understanding of design, its elements, structure and the principles of their interaction. In order to create a common ground for understanding and organizing design more models have been created though out time representing the move of design from an added to an integrating factor (Stokholm, 2003). In line with this a model has been developed by the author, as a universal tool for a new and more holistic understanding of design. It aims at improving the communication in designing and to support practical work with design.


The model describes design as a contextual cross field, and uses the concept of system as a metaphor for and approach to design, in which transformation take place as a simultaneous process of integration of aspects and optimization of values. The model was originally created to support the planning of new design education, especially an interdisciplinary education program in which the progression in complexity of the design process is the central issue. Furthermore it has been used to describe different professional profiles within the field of design In this project the model is further developed and used as a tool to analyze product design cases in order to research and explain the aesthetic functions of products related to industrial design as a business making and meaning making activity.

A model of Integrated Design








Marianne Stokholm, Architecture & Design, Aalborg University, 2000

Fig.1A. Model of Integrated Design

Design as contextual cross field System as metaphor and approach to design Design ad transformation processes Design through integration and optimization Focus on contexts and value mission

A MODEL OF INTEGRATED DESIGN Integrated design is understood as a contextual cross field of dualistic areas including at first level aesthetic-technology and philosophy-strategy and on second level man-environment and culture-business (Fig. 1A). First level can bee seen as representing Aristoteles definition of things including the formmaterial and the cause-purpose relation. Second level represents the position of things (during production and use) in the field between man and the physical environment. All industrial design objects and the activity of designing are suggested to be routed in both a cultural and a business context. The axis of form-material or aesthetic-technology represent the level of design based products and the axis of cause-purpose or philosophy-strategy represent the level of design based business. In industrial design both levels are present, but with variable professional attention. The center of the cross field represents the interference in which design as product exists and designing takes place in form of a process of interaction and transformation, in which integration and optimization takes place. Further more the model suggests the concept of system as a metaphor and approach to design. The model presents a platform, a game board and a general tool to support the improvement of design in theory and practice, not a statement or the truth about design.

Fig.1B. Concept of integrated design Two main axes are evident in the companys work with design. One deals with design at product level and the other with design at business level. Companies that understand the full potential of design will work at both levels and manage to integrate them. Less experienced companies work separately with product design. Several companies work with product design mainly in the technological context and are inexperienced in the integration of this with the aesthetic context.

Design based products and business


Design based




Design based







Marianne Stokholm, Architecture & Design, Aalborg University, 2000

Fig.2. Interacting levels of design




DESIGN BASED PRODUCT Using the model of Integrated Design product aesthetics is related to the horizontal axis of Product based design as the interaction of aesthetic based activities and technology based activities, and representing the interaction of design and engineering. The aesthetic context is in focus, not the technological. A link to the product-man axis is suggested in order to include the capacity of the product as experienced by the buyer and user of the product. The illustration Fig.4 shows the mapping and suggests an interaction with the products use.

Aesthetic form acts a medium for messages about values. Sources of values are drawn upon before and during the design process, where they are transformed and communicated using the language of form. These sources are most often not described nor are their roots clear. Their instinctive present and use act as an important element for the designer when designing. They are often not made clear to the company and the rest of the design team, who might possibly draw upon other value sources in their judgment of the proposed form. This means that the aesthetic aspect of a design proposal is not discussed in a professional manner before, during or after designing. Nor can the values be related to the overall business strategy or the market and advertising strategies. The relation between, on the one hand, strategic activities concerning business, product and communication and, on the other hand, the value mission, interaction, vision, and product concept expressed through the aesthetic functions are the basis of the analysis of the practical examples. Further the relation between the product aesthetic, the communication of the immaterial and the use capacity are investigated in order to research their interactions and optimizations.






Fig.4. Elements related to Design based product

THE CAPACITY OF THE PRODUCT John Heskett (1998) defines three use capacities, which a product must posses to compete in the new economy. He calls them Utensil capacity, Symbolic capacity, and Systemic capacity.

PROCEDURE The planning and communication of the values as represented in the aesthetic function of the product is investigated using the model of Integrated Design. The elements suggested to be involved are mapped on the model of Integrated Design and a structure of their interaction is suggested. On this basis the cases can be analyzed using the mapping of elements and structures, concerning the specific presence and representations of the elements, their integration and optimization and the resulting business success. Finally the model of Integrated Design can be evaluated due to its capacity to unravel, explain and communicate the aesthetic function of a product in the context of integrated design.





Fig.5. Model of the use capacity of a product


Use capacities are experienced and tested by using the product, not only through the users interaction with the real product, but also with his/her imagination of use based on the communication of the product, its values represented in by the product as sign, and its visual and verbal context. The decision of buying the product is based on a positive relation between capacities and price (value for money), which is related to desires, needs and resources. If the first relation is judged very positive, the second relation will often be adjusted to meet the decision of buy. In a consumer and information society the symbolic capacities of a product are conceived important by the user. The market may already offer several products with the same utensil capacity, and social needs play a major role for the user. In the model of Integrated Design symbolic parameter is represented by the relation man-product-culture worked out in the aesthetic function of the product and expressed through the form. It is founded in the axis of philosophy-strategy and closely linked to the communication strategy. The systemic capacity is playing an increasing role in new products and is foreseen to play a major role in the Knowledge and Dream Society.

istic for several products in a rapidly changing society. The ability to adjust the product design to be in line with the situation is vital to a company. In the design process, the use capacities is primary worked out in the stage of Interaction vision (Fig. 8 and 9), which ought to include utensil as well as symbolic and systemic capacities and use scenarios, and acting simulation as a prime method. However, many designs are not rooted in a systematic work on the symbolic function of a product design. Nor is this issue discussed by designer and his client or professionally linked to the strategy of the product line or the companys strategy in general.

DESIGN BASED BUSINESS Using the model of Integrated Design product aesthetic is related to the vertical axis of Design based business like the interaction of strategic based business activities and philosophy based design activities (Fig. 7). A link to the business-culture axis is suggested in order to include the concept of design as a meaning making and a business making activity.

UTENSIL Capacity

Tool values

Physical qualities

Physical needs

Craft society Industrial society Consumer society Informaction society Knowledge society Dream society



Sign values

Socio-cultural qualities

Social needs






Symbiotic values

Interactive and transformative qualities

Mental needs

Fig.7. Elements related to Design based business The illustration shows a mapping of the product related to Design based business and suggests an interaction with the axis of business-culture contexts. BUSINESS MAKING THROUGH MEANING MAKING In Aristotles definition of things, it is the causepurpose axis, which differentiates man-made objects from natural objects and, therefore, most interesting

Fig.6. Product use capacity (Heskett, 1998) Related to needs and society (Stokholm, 2003) The capacities are all wanted and can not replace one another. Quite the opposite, their present can create synergy and raise the total value of the product. Depending on several parameters like user needs, development of society, market competition and the specific product type, the focus may be different. A shift in capacity requirements is character-


to the concept of industrial design. In the model of Integrated Design, the concepts are translated to philosophy-strategy in order to place it in a modern industrial design context, where focus on the value aspect of the causes and the business aspect of the purpose are evident and refer to the slogan value for money. A subdivision of the subjects and activities, which are related to the implementation of both philosophy and strategy outlined towards the integration with the product, is suggested. Philosophy in terms of causes of values in industrial design includes three stages towards integration in the product: Value mission, Interaction vision and Product concept (Lerdahl 2001). Strategy in terms of purposes transformed to an operational plan for reaching business goals is, in the context of product design, suggested to include three stages towards the integration with the product: Business strategy, Product strategy and Communication strategy. Rooted in our time of a highly developed consumer society, where products not only serve basic needs, but also socio-cultural needs, the first can bee seen as the activities leading to The big idea, and the second as the activities leading to Storytelling. In practice, this is demonstrated by the product and its advertising. Both are evaluated by the consumer through perception and other forms of interaction. At first, often based on pictures of the product, the user evaluates the products capacity of meaning making. The company evaluates the money making capacity. Industrial design is finally evaluated by its capacity to create meaning and business success; through the integration of philosophy and strategy as the two are depending on one another. In design of consumer products the idea and its communication plays an important role, due to the competition on the market. To succeed, the business strategy and the cultural values on the market, one to two years ahead, must be in line. Meaning making must meet business making. The business aspect has got much attention for years. Tools and methods to deal with business are widely spread and taught. The cultural aspect has only recently become subject of research and practical use within the design field. The integration of the two is still managed very poorly. One reason for that could be a missing common ground, which would support a combination in practice.

Based on the model of Integrated Design a map is suggested to illustrate how the two contexts meet on the product level (Fig.8). This link is considered by the author to become increasingly important as we enter the Knowledge and Dream Society.
The product in business- and meaning making

Business strategy


Product strategy Communication strategy




Product concept Interaction vision Value mission

The Big Idea


Marianne Stokholm, Architecture & Design, Aalborg University, 2000

Fig.8. Design based business activities. The elements represent stages towards product design (Fig. 9). The product in this matrix includes product development and production. The content describes the factors considered and proposed. The aim and method describes the main activities and its result. Elements Content Aim and method
Business making Design brief Storytelling

Business strategy Product strategy Communication strategy
Business profile and goal Product Type Price Quality Media Time Space Rhythm Idea as system Use capacity Cultural profile and goal

Product concept Interaction vision Value mission
The big idea Scenarios and simulations Meaning making

Fig. 9. Description of the business and design activities. The qualities of the different elements and their links, interaction and optimization play important roles in the synergetic totality. In a broader perspective, meaning making and business making reflect one another and reflect


again a wider understanding of design, described as A meaning making and business making activity through transformation including transformation as the learning organization, the market trends and the change of the concept of design itself. The analysis is based on the model of Integrated design, using the description of business and design activities related to the level of Design based Business and the elements of product use capacities related to the level of Design based product. Describing and analyzing case studies (Stokholm 2003) by using the model of Integrated Design and its extension with models from Heskett (1998) and Lerdahl (2001) has resulted in a deeper understanding of the successes and failures in the cooperation between designer and company, and also in the potential of design as a means for business making. It has also supported and professionalized the reflection of means and methods during the design and communication processes. In specific the following findings have been important during applications of the model: A close relation between the product concept and the communication strategy is vital to a power full presentation of the use capacity of the product. The design brief could benefit from methods used in the interaction vision. A design that meets the cultural profile up front and, at the same time, carries familiar signs has great sales potential. The company has lacked methods to work with value missions related to cultural profiles at the time when the projects were realized. The designer was able to explain the design proposals to the company by describing the interaction visions and by suggesting a product strategy in a way, which was understood by the company. The aesthetic function of the product has acted as the physical representation of the values mission and a documentation of the product strategy, because it was not conceived as pure form only, but as a system based principle of value interaction between designer, company and user.

different contextual areas. The aesthetic function of a product can be mapped and important relations become clearer. Inclusions of other models, e.g., the model of product use capacity, enlarge the potential of the model of Integrated Design. The model as a tool for communication between designer and company requires a test in practice to reveal its capacity and ad new perspectives. So far, the model has served design analysis in two case studies (Stokholm 2003).

PRELIMINARY CONCLUSIONS A common platform in form of a model is seen as a help to clarify the sources, tracks and interactions of values that leads to the decision and description of a specific set or profile of values, which in combination with a strategy concerning business, market and communication will professionalize the cooperation between designer and company on the aesthetic aspects of product design. In addition, such a tool, representing a systematic approach, is expected to supplement the intuitive approach of the designer and support reflection in designing. Furthermore, it is supposed to help the designers argumentation for the chosen aesthetic and enhance the companys understanding of it. A systematic approach to design is complex by nature, but so far the only one, which is in line with the interactive characteristics of design activities.

Burnett, Charles (1999) Design: A universal discipline in the information age, Design DK 6:1997, Copenhagen: Danish Design Center. Heskett, John (1998) The Role of Product Design in PostIndustrial Society, Ankara: Faculty of Architecture Press. Lerdahl, Erik (2001) Staging for creative collaboration in design team: Models, tools and methods, PhD Thesis, Technical University of Norway, NTNU. Mollerup, Per (1998) Design er ikke noget i sig selv, Kbenhavn: Gyldendal. Stokholm, Marianne (2003) En model for Integreret design, Aalborg: Architecture & Design Publications. Case studies used in the present article by Marianne Stokholm (2003).

EVALUATING THE MODEL OF INTEGRATED DESIGN The aim of the model of Integrated Design is primarily to give an overview of relations and interaction. A deeper understanding requires studies of the

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