Reading Lists For PHD Qualifying Exam 1
Reading Lists For PHD Qualifying Exam 1
Reading Lists For PHD Qualifying Exam 1
Polk and Seifert (2002). Cognitive Modeling, Parts I and III. Russell and Norvig (2002). AI: A Modern Approach. Pereira and Shieber (1987). Prolog and Natural Language Analysis, Chapters 14. Partee, ter Meulen and Wall (1993). Mathematical Methods in Linguistics, Parts B and E. Marr (1982). Vision. Sejnowski and Churchland (1992). The Computational Brain, Chapter 4: Representing the World pp. 141-238.
Linguistics & Philosophy Internalist Explorations. In: Chomsky (2000). New Horizons in the Study of Mind and Language. Fodor, J. (1975). The Language of Thought. New York: Crowell. Language & Logic Gamut (1991). Logic, Language, and Meaning vol. I. Language & Psychology Fodor, J. (1983) The Modularity of Mind: An Essay on Faculty Psychology. Cambridge, M.A.: MIT Press. Chomsky (1968). Language & Mind Rosch, E. (1973). Natural categories. Cognitive Psychology 7, 573-605. Rosch, E., (1978). Principles of categorization. In: E. Rosch and B. B. Lloyd (eds.) Cognition and Categorization. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. Johnson-Laird, P. M. (1983) Mental Models: Towards a Cognitive Science of Language, Inference, and Consciousness. Cambridge, M.A.: Harvard University Press. Gleitman & Liberman (eds.), (1995) An Invitation to Cognitive Science, vol I Language (2nd ed.). MIT Press. Jackendoff, R. S. 1996. The Architecture of the Language Faculty. MIT Press. Jannsen Theo and Gisela Redeker (eds.) Cognitive Linguistics: Foundations, Scope and Methodology.
Language & Computation Dowty, Karttunen, and Zwicky (eds.) (1985). Natural Language Parsing: Psychological, Computational, and Theoretical Perspectives. Cambridge University Press.
Philosphy of Science Earman, J., Salmon, W., et al. (eds.) (1999). Introduction to the Philosophy of Science. Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice Hall . Chapters 1, 3, 4, 5. Philosophical Foundations of Cognitive Science Chomsky, N. (2000). New Horizons in the Study of Language and Mind.
Chapter 3: Language and interpretation: Philosophical reflections and empirical enquiry. Chapter 4: Naturalism and dualism in the study of language and mind.
Fodor, J. (1998). Concepts: Where Cognitive Science Went Wrong. Oxford University Press.
Chapter 1: Philosophical Introduction: The Background Theory. pp.1-22.
Laurence, S. & Margolis, E. (1999). Concepts and Cognitive Science. In: E. Margolis & S. Laurence (eds.) Concepts: Core Readings. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, pp. 3-81. Putnam, H. (1975). Mind, Language and Reality: Philosophical Papers vol 2. Cambridge University Press.
Chapter 12: The meaning of 'meaning' Chapter 18: Minds and machines. Chapter 21: The nature of mental states.
Putnam, H. (1997). Functionalism: Cognitive Science or Science Fiction? In: David Martel Johnson and Christina E. Erneling (eds.) The Future of the Cognitive Revolution, Oxford: Oxford University Press. 32-44. Searle, J. R. (2004). Mind: A Brief Introduction. New York: Oxford University Press. Philosophy of Mind Churchland, Paul. (1988). Matter and Consciousness, Second Edition. MIT Press.
Clark, A. & Chalmers, D. J. (1998). The extended mind. Analysis 58: 10-23. (Reprinted in: P. Grim (ed.) (1998) The Philosopher's Annual, vol XXI. Nagel, T. (1974). What is it like to be a bat? The Philosophical Review, 83(4), 435-450. Philosophy of Language and Philosophical Logic Davidson, D. (1967). Truth and Meaning. Synthese, 17. Gamut L. T. F. (1990) Logic, Language, and Meaning, vol 1: Introduction to Logic. University of Chicago Press. Lycan, William G. (2008). Philosophy of Language: A Contemporary Introduction (Second Edition). Routledge. Searle, John R. (1980). Minds, Brains and Programs. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 3: 417-424. Strawson, P. F., (1950). On Referring, Mind, 59, 320-334. Wittgenstein, L. (2006) Meaning and understanding. In: Kenny, A: (2006) (ed.) The Wittgenstein Reader. Blackwell Publishing. pp. 70-83. [Text compiled from: Philosophical Investigations. G.E.M. Anscombe and R. Rhees (eds.), G.E.M. Anscombe (trans.). Oxford: Blackwell.]
Memory: Baddeley, Alan D. (1999)3. Essentials of Human Memory. Hove: Psychology Press, Taylor & Francis. Chapter 3. Baddeley, Alan D. (2003). Looking back and looking forward. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 4, 829-839. Gathercole, S.E. (1999). Cognitive approaches to the development of shortterm memory. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 11, 410-419. Tulving, Endel (2002). Episodic memory: from mind to brain. Annual Review of Psychology,53:1-25. Connectionism: McLeod, Peter, Plunkett, Kim, and Rolls, Edmund T. (2005). Introduction to Connectionist Modelling of Cognitive Processes. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Chapter 1. Abrahamsen, Adele, & Bechtel, William (2006). Phenomena and mechanisms: Putting the symbolic, connectionist, and dynamical systems debate in broader perspective. In R. Stainton (Ed.), Contemporary Debates in Cognitive Science, 159185. Oxford: Basil Blackwell. Elman, Jeffrey L. (2005). Connectionist models of cognitive development: where next? Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 9, 111-117.
Thinking, reasoning and problem solving: Garnham, A. and Oakhill, J. (1994). Thinking and Reasoning. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers. Holyoak, J.K. (19952). Problem solving. In D.N. Osherson (Ed.), An Invitation to CognitiveScience.Thinking. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Object recognition: Farah, Martha J. (19952). Dissociable systems for recognition: A cognitive neuropsychology approach. In S.M. Kosslyn & D.N. Osherson (Eds.), An Invitation to Cognitive Science: Visual Cognition, 101-119. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Biederman, Irving (19952). Visual object recognition. In S.M. Kosslyn & D.N. Osherson (eds.), An Invitation to Cognitive Science: Visual Cognition, 121-165. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Methods and Statistics: Field, Andy (20052). Discovering Statistics Using SPSS. London, etc.: Sage. Chapter 1. Psycholinguistics: Cutler, Anne & Clifton, Charles jr. (1999). Comprehending spoken language: a blueprint of the listener. In: Colin Brown & Peter Hagoort (Eds.), The Neurocognition of Language, 123-165. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Levelt, Willem J.M. (1999). Producing spoken language: A blueprint of the speaker. In: Colin M. Brown & Peter Hagoort (Eds.). The Neurocognition of Language, 83-122.Oxford: Oxford University Press. Gleitman, L.R. and Elissa L. Newport (19952). The invention of language by children. In D.N. Osherson and M. Liberman (Eds.), An Invitation to Cognitive Science, vol. 1. MIT Press. Altmann, Garry & Steedman, Mark (1988). Interaction with context during human sentence processing. Cognition, 30, 191-238. Friederici, Angela D. (2002). Towards a neural basis of auditory sentence processing. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 6, 78-84.