Bindu: Sri Krishna Kathamrita
Bindu: Sri Krishna Kathamrita
Bindu: Sri Krishna Kathamrita
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Yogis are not interested in material enjoyment because material enjoyment is temporary. ramante yogino nante Everyone is seeking happiness, blissful life, but those who are less intelligent, mha, they are satisfied with the temporary so-called happiness of material existence. But yogis are not like that. Yogis are interested in permanent happiness. Therefore, the verse ends with anante, not ante. Antavanta ime deh. Deha means this body. antavanta ime deh nityasyokt arria: [Bg. 2.18] But within the body, the proprietor of the body is eternal, nitya. So, nityo nitynm if I am nitya, eternal, then I should be interested in eternal happiness. But eternal happiness is not possible in this body. Therefore it is said, ramante yogino nante. So rma means ananta-nanda, unlimited happiness. Lord Rama is para brahma, and Krishna is also para brahma. Krishna is recognized by Arjuna after understanding Bhagavad-gt: para brahma
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para dhma pavitra parama bhavn You are the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the ultimate abode, the purest, and the absolute truth. [Bg. 10.12] So there is no difference between Rama and Krishna. Krishna is also para brahma and Rama is also para brahma. We vaiavas have equal faith and respect for all viu-mrtis. rmdi-mrtiu Rama, Nrsimha, Varaha, Narayan, Mahavishnu are advaitam acyutam andim ananta-rpam, unlimited forms that are without a second, without decay, and without a beginning. [Brahma-Sahit 5.33] We Gauya or Madhva-Gauya Vaiavas are worshipers of Lord Krishnas mrti. There is no difference between Lord Ramachandras mrti and
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Srivas said, I have complete faith in your words yoga kema vahmy aham. [Bg. 9.22] You have taken up the responsibility to maintain a surrendered soul, and whatever such a person lacks you personally carry. I and all my family members are engaged day and night in your service. We have no other business. Hari-sev is our only business. Srivas had firm faith that Krishna will maintain, that supplies would definitely come. If you become fully dependent on Krishna, engaged day and night, twenty-four hours, in Krishnas service, then the supplies will definitely come. Then he explained the meaning of his clapping three times. If supplies will not come on one day, we will fast. We will think that it is Krishnas will and we will fast for the day. If supplies do not come on the second and third day, still we will fast. And if on the fourth day no supplies come, then all of our family will go and drown ourselves in the Ganges and be finished. If Krishna becomes a liar, then how is he Bhagavan? And why will people do his bhajana? Hearing this, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu became very happy. Mahaprabhu said, Srivas! The supplies will definitely come! Why should you think of anything else? Such a devotee is Srivas Pandit. He is nikma, completely desireless.
Lecture in Bali, Indonesia, 6 October 1995.
I always take shelter of Sri Srivas, leader of all the pandits. Wearing a brilliant white cloth, he has a golden complexion and bestows devotion unto Lord Chaitanya. He is the shelter of Lord Gaurangas mercy; he has a golden form; he bestows mellows of devotional service; he wears a brilliant white cloth; he is divine and is dear to the devotees of the Lord.
Intoxicated by mellows of sakrtana, he is decorated with all good fortune. I meditate on that king of devotees, Srivas Pandit, who is dear to Sri Hari. Let there be meditation on the most excellent Sri Srivas the container of Lord Gaurangas mercy; the eternally pure personality renowned as a pandit. He wears a brilliant white cloth, has a golden complexion, bestows devotion unto Lord Chaitanya, and is always intoxicated in krtana. rvsa Paita-prama-mantra
praammi r-rvsa tam-dya paita mud r-gaurga kp-ptra krtannanda mnasam rivsa paita naumi gaurga-priya pradam yasya kplavenpi gaurge jyate rati rvsa krtannanda bhakta gohyeka-vallabha tv nammi mahyogin bhakta-rpo si nrada
I joyously offer my obeisances to you, O Sri Srivas, leader of all the pandits. You are the container of Lord Gaurangas mercy and your mind takes great pleasure in krtana. I offer my obeisances to Srivas Pandit, the dear associate of Lord Gauranga. By an infinitesimal fraction of his mercy one develops attachment in everything related to Lord Gauranga. O Srivas! O you who get ecstatic joy from krtana! O exclusive leader of the assembly of devotees! I offer my obeisances unto you, the greatest of the bhakti-yogs! In the form of an associate of Lord Gauranga, you are none other than Narada Muni. r rvsdi Bhakta-vndn Dhynam
ye caitanya-padravinda-madhup satprema-bhojval uddha-svararuco dgambu-pulaka svedai sadaga riy sevopyana-paya smitamukh uklmbar sadvar rivsdi-mahayn sukhamayn dhyyema tn pradn
[The devotees headed by Srivas Thakur] are bumblebees at the lotus feet of Lord Chaitanya. They are decorated with the brilliant ornaments of true love. They are endowed with pristine golden complexions. Their divine bodily limbs are decorated with ecstatic bodily symptoms such as crying, goose bumps, ecstatic perspiration, etc. Carrying a wide variety of paraphernalia for the service of the Lord in their hands and beaming with joyous smiles, these most auspicious
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personalities are dressed in brilliant white clothes. Let us meditate on Srivas Pandit and other great associates of the Lord, who are full of transcendental joy. r rvsdi Bhakta-vndn Prama
ye trthabhramit punanti jagata sadvaidyakalp pratikurvantndnibh kpmta-ruco py pyayanti svayam susnigdh haricandanni kalayantybhayanty-adbhut ratnnva hi tn nammi satata rvsa-mukhyn muhu
nectarean mercy even unto the most expert and capable personalities while simultaneously experiencing it themselves. They decorate themselves with the finest and topmost ornaments of Lord Haris gop-candana, thereby appearing like wonderful jewels. At every moment, I constantly offer my obeisances to all those great devotees headed by Srivas Pandit. r rvsdi Bhakta-vndn Carae Vijapti
he rvsdaya iha kp-mrtayo gauracandrapremmbudhe sura-viapina nta-saumya-svabhv dinoddhre prabala-niyam premad yyam eva tasmd aja prapada-rajas ppina m punta
Since they verily are personifications of holy places of pilgrimage, the devotees headed by Srivas Thakur purify everyone by roaming around the earth. Moreover, they diffuse the moonlike rays of the Lords
O Srivas Prabhu and associates! O personifications of Lord Gaurachandras mercy in this world! O distributors of the ocean of love of Godhead to the devotees! O gentle and affectionate ones! You are fixed in the great vow of delivering the fallen souls. Certainly you are the exclusive bestowers of ka-prema. Therefore, please give me, a foolish sinner, the dust of your lotus feet, and purify me.
Translated by Hari Parshad Das from Dina Narottam Das (chota)s r Manohara Bhajana Dpik. Published by Sri Sudhasindhu Das. Govardhan. Gaurabda 519. Bengali.